Ok. All characters, cept Samantha, and the settings are property of the Walt Disney Company. You have my permission to copy this as long as you don't alter it in any way, etc.... :) A New Addition Part 1 of 2 "BALOOOO!! Come here NOW!" Rebecca Cunningham yelled at the top of her lungs. 'That lazy bear is never around when you need him,' she thought. She then added, 'He's a good pilot, although a bit of a show-off.' She sighed. 'Guess you gotta take the good with the bad.' "Hold ya britches, Beckers. I'm coming." Baloo walks down from the stairs. Kit bounded down after him, Molly in hot pursuit. Molly is donning her "Danger Woman" costume. She is playing a game with Kit as the bad guy. "Danger Woman freezes you with her icy stare!" She yells happily. Kit starts faking a cold, icy death. "Heeelllpppp meeee..... I'm beeeiingg frooooozen!!" Molly & Kit both burst into laughter. Baloo grins. He's grateful for the fact Kit gets along so well with Molly and keeps her company. Baloo didn't thind he could have Molly around him all day. "Alright, guys. Pipe down. Now, you all know I'm meeting with a possible customer." The trio of bears nod. "So that's explains the dress. What you DON'T know is that Baloo is to accompany me." She paused, waiting for Baloo's outburst. "NO WAY am *I* going to dress up all fancy-schmancy and parade myself around like a snob in one of those classy sassy restaurants!!" This denial surprised no one. They all waited for Rebecca's retort. "Baloo, this customer is paying SERIOUS money to deliver his..... Whatever. He specifically said he intended on meeting the pilot." Baloo opens his mouth, but the lady continues. "I promise if you come, you'll have an extra bonus on pay-day." She smirks. Becky KNOWS she has him now. "More money?" Baloo asks cautiously. Becky nods, satisfied. "Well, you should have mentioned that before! I shall return." Kit snickers as Baloo goes upstairs to shower & properly attire himself. "Alright. Molly, Kit, I've hired a babysitter for you two." "Aw, Ms. Cunningham. We don't need a babysitter. I can watch Molly and myself." Kit complained, hating the idea. "Oh Kit. I trust you, but you're only 12." Becky replied. "Mommy! Danger Woman needs no baby-sitter! And I'm not a baby!!" Molly was insulted by the term "baby". "Honey," Becky replied, picking up an angry Molly. "She's very nice, I'm sure you'll like her. And when Danger Woman was 6, I'm sure she needed a sitter," Becky says with a smile. Molly's face lit up. "I bet she even had adventures then!" Molly looked very happy. Rebecca laughed. "I'm sure she did.... Right in her own home." Four quiet knocks sounded on the door. "That's probably her," she tells them, opening the door. "Hello, Saman.... Sammy. We were expecting you." Becky says, smiling as she steps aside to let the girl in. Kit looked surprised. He expected his sitter to be a gheezer at age 202. Instead, he got an attractive young lady of 24, with silky black hair slightly past her shoulder, and sky-blue eyes. "Umm... Hi," Kit greets her with a nervous grin. She replies with a small smile. Sammy then sets something on the desk. "Hey Beckers! Let's go!" Baloo walks downstairs in a suit & smelling heavily of cologne. He stops when he notices Sammy. "Beckers? Who's this?" He asks, averting his eyes to his boss. "Baloo, Kit, Molly, this is Samantha. She'll be your babysitter." Becky addresses them all. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, my dear." Baloo saunters up, takes her hand and kisses it. Samantha smiles politly. "Nice to meet you, too," she replies. "Well, now that the introductions are over, Baloo, let's go." Rebecca kisses Molly's cheeks, gives her a quick hug, and the two bears leave. Samantha looks at the two younger kids. "Guys, just call me Sammy. Samantha is too long for my taste." She then scans the room with her crystal blue eyes. "Hey Molly. Guess what?" Molly is sulking and doesn't seem to like her. "What?" "Look at this," she replies, oblivious to Molly's tone. She picks up the thing she set on the desk. "Here." Sammy hands it to Molly. Molly's eyes light up as she recognized her idol. "Danger Woman! THANK YOU!!" She quickly hugs Sammy as far as her arms can reach, finds a place to sit, and begins setting up the game. "Kit!!! You'll play, right?" Kit grins as he sits down across from the young girl. "Of course. Sammy?" "Sure. I'm positive Danger Woman can handle 2 bad guys. Right, Molly?" Kit smiles at the obvious attempt to get Molly's approval. "Sure she can! Kit, you can be the mean Dr. Evil. Sammy can be Mr. Sinister." Molly finishes setting up the game and they begin to play. * * * "Captain! We did it!!" Mad Dog joyously tells his captain in his usual whiny voice. "Yah. Ve did it," Dumptruck adds, wanting a piece of the glory. They were referring to sucessfully shooting down the all guards at Cape Suzette cliff. "Good. Very good," their captain, Don Karnage states. He gazes at his reflection in his large sword. "I have the most panache a pirate will EVER have, yes-no?" His gaze reverts from Gibber, Mad Dog, Dumptruck, then back to Gibber. "Of course, Captain," Mad Dog & Dumptruck shout in unison, while Gibber nods. "That's exactly what my beautiful self was thinking. Now, gather 9 men. We shall attack this caitiff city in 3 menuettes. Now, go on, my noble pirates." The 3 pirates, overjoyed at being called "noble", rush off. "Those idiotic imbeciles," Don mutters to himself. 'The only thing they're good for is brute force', he thinks to himself with a cruel grin. 'And that's exactly what I need.' His thoughts are disturbed when nine unruly pirates pour into his chambers. "Here ve are, Cap'n." Dumptruck reports with a heavy German accent. "To your planes, men!" Don commands them, pointing with his sword. 'Now, if only I could capture this pose forever....' He grins to himself as he hops in his fighter plane and starts it up. "Open the beak, you idiot!" He angryily yells as pirates scramble to pull the lever. The Vulture's beak opens and the 10 air pirates fly out. They rush into the surrounding city of Cape Suzette. Don is the first to notice the Sea Duck. "It's that bulbous bear's plane! Gibber, Mad Dog, Dumptruck! Follow me! You others, go.... Do your piratey-type things!" He shouts into his radio, departing from the group. The planes follow him as he docks. Within five minutes, they already have a plan. "Gibber, you go cut the phone lines. We're going in," he orders. Gibber scurries off. Don rubs his hands together, donning his famous wolfish grin. "This will as easy as taking babies from mommies." He had never done that, but figures it would be easy. He makes a mental note to add that to "List Of Things For My Beautiful Self To Do." He procedes to parade up to the door, the 2 others following him. With one well-placed kick, the door falls. The captain looks proud of himself. His black eyes quickly land on the trio. "Seize them!" Samantha & Molly are in shock. Especially Sammy. She couldn't tear her eyes away from this intruder. She had read articles and seen pictures of Karnage, but didn't think he was THAT dashing. The conceited wolf notices her stare and gives her that wolfish grin. Kit isn't in shock & is the first to react. He grabs Molly & leaps on the desk. "Sammy!! COME ON!" Too late. Mad Dog grabs her wrist. "Still playing little kiddie games, are we?" That produces snickers from the other pirates. "Let go of her, you pinhead!!" Kit yells, throwing a paper weight at him. It hits Mad Dog squarely on the head. He staggers back, releasing Sammy. "Sammy! Let's go!" Kit grabs her shirt & pulls her. She snaps back & they race upstairs to hide in Baloo & Kit's bedroom. "Gee, Cap'n. Dey got away." Dumptruck obviously thinks upstairs is "away". "NO THEY DIDN'T, imbecile!" Don sharpely retorts. "That girl was staring at you." Mad Dog adds. It has no effect on the already enraged captain. Gibber walks in and whispers in Don's ear. "Ahhh. Very good." His bad attitide is gone at the news the phone lines are cut. "Upstairs!" The 4 of them run upstairs. Don then knocks on the door. "Come out. We won't hurt you...... Much." The other 3 pirates grin at the malice in the captain's voice. Inside the room, the trio is *very* nervous. "What're we gonna do, Sammy?" Molly innocently asks. She looks scared. "I----I don't know." Her deep blue eyes scan over the room. She notices the open window. "The window," she whispers. At this moment, they were backed against the door. A sword slices by Sammy's head. "Molly. Go get a chair." Molly, very quietly, drags the desk chair over. Sammy sets it under the knob to prevent opening. "You two stay here. I'll creep out the window. When I clap, Kit, grab Molly, run to the window, and jump straight down." He nods. Sammy quickly paces to the window and looks at the ground. Luckily, garbage cans are there. She jumps & lands on one. She claps loudly. Kit grabs Molly, runs, and launches himself out the window. They land in Samantha's arms. Don's ears perk up. "What was that?" He asks no one, referring to the clap. The pirates shrug & continue breaking the door. "There's GOT to be someplace we can hide." She surveys the area. NOTHING. "I know a place that'll keep us safe for a while," Kit tells her. "The Sea Duck. The window is down." "They'll never look in there! Good going, Kit!" She grins, picks up Molly, & races to the window. She sets the girl down in the plane. Kit jumps in, and Sammy next. But her shoelace catches the door handle. "Forget it!" Kit exclaims, pulling her in. The shoe hangs on the handle. The pirates bust in the room. "Dey're not here!" Dumptruck is very surprised. "They just..... Disappeared!" Mad Dog whines. Gibber whispers something in Don's ear. Don smacks the 3 of them. "IDIOTS! They escaped out the window!" The 4 pirates race downstairs and out the door. Gibber whispers something in Don's ear. "I KNOW THEY'RE GONE!!" He angrily replies. He looks FURIOUS. "Back to the Vulture!" He snaps, walking over to his plane. Taking one last look, he sits in the fighter. He sharply turns back around as he notices the shoe. His wolf-grin returns. "Men, we just got 3 birdies with one very large stone." They climb out their planes and shoot the Sea Duck's door down. "Come out, come out, where ever you are," Don says, looking over the inside. "Check everywhere. There aren't many places to hide." They split up. Three minutes later, Gibber has Molly & Dumptruck has tied Kit's hands together. Karnage eyes them. "Where is the sitter of the babies?" He growls out. Sammy frowns as she looks at the scene before her. She couldn't leave the kids. She sighs and walks out from her hiding place. The pirates' backs are turned to her. "I'm right here." She has a totally defeated look to her. But the kids' safety wasn't the only thing that drew her out. She wanted to find out more about this interesting pirate captain. And she didn't want him mad at her. Don whirls around. When his eyes settle on Sammy, he grins. 'I'm melting her heart,' he conceitedly thinks. But it had the opposite effect. 'Men', Sammy thinks, 'are SO conceited. ESPECIALLY this one.' Don takes her completely off-guard by asking, "Got a pen and paper?" Everyone's mouth drops. 'WHY WOULD HE ASK THAT!?' is flying through everyone's mind. The Captain notices their blank looks & looks frustrated. "To write a ransom NOTE!" He is on the verge of complete fury. "Uhh... Yeah. But it's inside." She steps back at his outburst. "Well," the pirate says, donning the wolf-grin, "could you go get some for me? He asks, dripping fake sweetness. Sammy looks happy to oblige, but then remembers the importance of the situation. "You can get it yourself, Mister." Don's grin quickly fades. "I want my paper & pen.... NOW!!" He angrily yells at her. She jumps & exits the plane. "But boss. How do you know she'll come back?" Mad Dog asks "I, my wonderous self, has those 2 brats." His evil grin returns as he anticipates her return. 'Maybe I should leave,' she thinks to herself while searching for paper. 'NO!!' She reprimands herself. The kids need her. 'And at least Don seems to like me,' she guiltily adds. She locates the paper & pen and brings the objects to the wolf. He takes them from her. "Great." He smiles warmly at her & begins writing a note. Kit notices the smile. 'This is TROUBLE,' he thinks. 'If Sammy falls for him, we're ALL in trouble.' But Sammy is not that dumb. Behind those clear, penetrating eyes, there are some brains. (Note: I said *some* ) 'It's a trap,' her mind says. 'Sucking up to me to get me to do his deeds...... And it's working.' She feels ever more guilty. "Clownkicker. What's your friend's name?" Karnage points at Sammy. Kit spits out his answer. "Ask her yourself, Karnie." Karnage quivers, looks *VERY* angry, and is ready to fulfill Kit's deathwish. But the cold fury leaves his mind. He faces Sammy. "Come over this way." She tentatively walks over to him. "WRITE SOMETHING." Don hands her pen & paper. Sammy reads the letter first. It states "Bonjour, Baloo type-person and Mommy lady. I have custody of little boy Clownkicker, Danger Woman wannabee, and the lovely young lady, whom I do not know the name of yet. If I don't get 20 million by the day after tomorrow, they will perish a gruesome death." "Umm.... What to write?" Don is quickly losing patience. They have been here over two hours. "Tell them you're all scared," he offhandly suggests. Sammy shrugs and writes, "Help! We're soooo scared! Rescue us!" After signing her name, she hands the note to the air pirate. He snatches it away and read over it. Satisfied, he scribbles in his name. "Dumptruck, you take the boy. Mad Dog, you take the little girl. I shall take Samantha." They leave the Sea Duck. Don stuffs the note in Sammy's shoe. It is dark outside, but not pitch black. Gibber falls back to Don's side. He whispers something in his ear. The captain is outraged. He grabs Gibber's shirt and is nose to nose. "OF COURSE SHE'S A PRISONER." No one seems to have noticed them. Either that or wisely choosed to ignore it. The furious pirate lets his minion's shirt go and jumps in his plane. (How they fitted 2 people in, I do not know. ) Don starts the small plane up and leads the other pirates into the skies. Samantha notices the captain still looks furious, so she remains quiet. But she is DIEING to know what Gibber said. She knew it was about her, hence the reply. But what could trigger such fury? She decided it was best to let the wolf tell her when he wanted. A few minutes later, they are inside they Iron Vulture. "C'mon, Sammy." Don jumps out the plane. Sammy follows. She is pleased to hear him call her 'Sammy.' The once furious pirate seems to be regaining his composure. He is already looking at his reflecton in his large sword. "Captain-sir." one of the other 9 pirates approach Don, who gives him a very unnerving look. He cringes, but continues. "We robbed......" Too late. He didn't catch himself in time. Don struggles to mainture his posture. Through gritted teeth, but loud enough for the others to hear, he replies, "WE PLUNDER. WE ARE *NOT* ROBBERS. WE ARE PIRATES!!" The lower-ranking pirated cringes again. He knows what happens now. "Throw him out!!" Don Karnage orders, pointing his sword toward the floor, which is opening. The unlucky pirate is pushed out. Sam's mouth hits the floor. "You just... He's... But..," she stutters. Kit whispers, "He's a pirate captain. He does those things." Don replies cooly. "I've been through this pirate rountine 50 times. It sickens me. Now, my minions, take these to the dungeons!" A large pirate grabs Sammy's shoulder. "Hey! Not so rough!" She tries to shake him off, but he handles her even worse. "OW! That hurt!" She slams her foot down on his. "YOOOWWW!" The pirate holds his foot for a few seconds. He then draws his sword. "You'll pay for that one." He is about to shish kebab her when Don's sword crashes down on his own. Sammy jumps back. "You heard the lady. She is very valuable merchandise, yes-no?" All pirates immediately agree with their captain. Sammy glances around for the others, but Kit & Molly aren't in sight. 'They must be in the dungeons,' she thinks. She slowly looks over the pirates. Most of them are eyeing her in a way she didn't care for. Karnage's calm gaze lands on her. 'She seems calm for this predictament. In fact, the only reason she is slightly nervous in that my minions are looking at her. Does she even know who I am?' He then remembers the look on her face when they first barged in. 'Of course she does,' he assures himself. But, just to make sure, he asks, "Do you even know who I am?" Sammy looks surprised. She thought, judging by his ego, that the handsome wolf assumed EVERYONE knew who he was. "OF COURSE I know who you are. You're Don Karnage, the---" Don cuts her off. "Scrouge of the Skies, the Plundering Wonder, the Captain of Cool." He added that last one at a split second notice. 'Ooooh. I LIKE that one.' The oh-so-famous wolf grin returns. One pirate gets too close for Sammy's taste. She elbows him HARD. The pirate backs away quickly, clutching his stomach. Don is interested even more in this brave young lady. "Not many people have the courage to stand up to us pirates." He tells her, running his finger along his sword and peering closely at her. "Well, the way these guys have been eying me, I don't want them too close..... Why? Was that bad?" She really doesn't want to upset the wolf. But she wasn't about to let that pirate lay a hand on her. Don is pleased. She's already asking him what is ok. "No no no, you are quite brave." He then points his sword at her. "This isn't some kind of TRAP, is it?" He really doesn't know why he added that in. There's was hardly a chance of a trap. 'I must look magnificant in this pose, though' he selfishly thinks. Sammy is taken aback. "Tr-tr-tr-trap?" she stutters. 'He mustn't trust me,' she sadly concludes. "I really don't think so...." "You are very brave for a member of the femine species. Make a great pirate," he hints, his evil grin returning. 'And it's true.' he admits to himself. 'She seems quite smart & spirited. I like that, unlike a certain villianous duck I particulary dislike. And she's quite the cute one.' Sammy is TOTALLY surprised. "A PIRATE? ME?" She doesn't know what to say. The thought amazes her. She loves the idea. But she then remember the kids. "The kids..." "Simple, my succulent sitter. They're insurance." Sammy knows EXACTLY what that means. "So. you think I'm a traitor." "Oh no. In case the beefy bear shows up, I want him to THINK you're my captive." He didn't want to tell her she was right. That Kit Clownkicker could be very convincing and this has a 1 in a million chance of being a trap, but he'll just trust her for now. "It's a deal, yes-no?" He holds out a furry hand. Sammy sees straight through that lie, but doesn't say anything. "Well..... Okay. You got yourself a deal..... Captain." She grins as she shakes his hand. But he lets go before she would like him to. But then adds, "You shall call me Don," making it sound more like an order instead of a request. 'What's so special about this first-name thingy?' Don thinks. 'The women seem to like it, though.' Don, Karnage, Don Karnage, Captain. They don't matter to him. 'But, then again, if my men called me anything but Captain, I'd chop them into teeny pieces and sew them together with a dull needle,' he reminded himself. One pirate makes an unlucky target as he asks, "But Captain. Why can she call you Don?" The air captain faces him. "Questioning my orders, yes-no?" His man shuffles his feet. "To the dungeon!" Don strikes ANOTHER pose, pointing his sword in the direction where Kit & Molly were brought. Two other pirates hoist the unlucky one by the arms & drag him away. Don begins to walk off to attend to other pirate matters. "Umm... Don?" Sammy cautiously asks. Her crush turns only his head. "Yes, yes. Continue,"" he replies with a wave of his hand. "Do I get a sword?" A few snickers are heard amoung the pirates, but Don's glare silences them. "You'd look rather silly with a sword dressed in that, yes-no?" He asks, referring to Sammy's T-shirt & shorts a bit on the short side. :) She looks a little hurt. "So?" "Fine, fine," he replies, feeling a twinge of guilt. "Dumptruck, show her the Spare Room," he offhandly says, walking off. "Okay, Cap'n. C'mon, Sammy." He begins to walk off. Sammy isn't sure she can trust this very big pirate. 'It's better than staying here with the rest of these guys,' she tells herself, and follows Dumptruck. He leads her down a dark hall. "Your parents von't care dat you're now a pirate?" Dumptruck is trying to make conversation. "I don't even know where they are. Lost touch with them at age 21." "Oh. Well, 'ere ve are." He opens a door. Inside, every spare thing an air pirate could ever want was lying around. Swords, buckles, shoes, & clothes. Except planes, of course. "COOL!" is her exclamation as she walks in. Dumptruck patiently stands at the door waiting for her. 'Least I can trust him.' Sammy notices. 'He hasn't even tried to lay a hand on me.' "Which one do you like better?" She tries on a perfect match, then a way too big one. "The first one." He informs her. "But dat's just my opinion. Er, if you like...." Sammy cuts him off. "I like it better, too. C'mon." He leads her out the room and through the halls. "Uhh.. Where do I go now?" Sammy inquires, getting a little bored. "Well, Ve usually stay in de mess hall till ve get de orders from Cap'n," He replies with a slight grin. "But I doubt you'd wanna stay dere." He stops at a beautifully decorated door at the top of the Iron Vulture where the eyes would be. "Don's chambers," Sammy says, sure of herself. Dumptruck nods and adds, "Yah. Ask him your questions." He then leaves. Sammy sighs. She is quite nervous and doesn't want to disturb the wolf. She knocks anyway. "Yeeees? Who dares disturb the Prince of Pirates?" He sounded quite irritated. "Well... Uh... It's Sammy..... I'll just go now." Sammy turns around. His answer surprised her. "No, no. Come in, come in." She slowly opens the door and walks in. The room is huge and filled with loot. A throne-stlye chair with several levers rests close to the wide, window-eyes. But Don is neither sitting or counting the gold. The pirate is standing, his gaze belonging to the skies. * * * "Kit?" Molly sniffs, trying to hold back tears. "Will we ever get out?" Kit looks at the frightened youngster. She is terrified. "Of course we will. Danger Woman always wins!" At this statement, Molly brightens. "You're right!" she exclaims. "Yep. Now, you think of a way Danger Woman would get out of this," he tells her, hoping to keep her busy. She happily obeys, sitting on the hard bench. Kit sighs. He is worried about Sammy. She never appeared after she stomped on that pirates foot. He hoped that the lunatic wolf didn't do anything of her. He glances at Molly. She is still in deep thought. 'At least we won't be disturbed here. And no doubt Baloo would show up soon, regardless of the time. I only hope Baloo don't get captured.' ***** MORE TO COME... A New Addition Part 2 of 2 Samantha is standing by the door. She queitly shuts it and remains where she is, unsure of herself. She stands there for about 3 minutes untill Don turns around and looks at her. "Well. What is the honorary pirate waiting for?" He questions, staring directly at her. "I... Uh... Didn't want to disturb you." The pirate doesn't look disturbed at all. Under his stare, she feels she could melt. "Do not be silly. You can not disturb the disturbed." He glares at Mad Dog, who shifts uncomfortably. Sammy hadn't noticed him till now. Don averts his attentions to Sammy. 'There's something about this girl.... I can't place my finger on it. Not just yet, anyway.' he thought. He was attracted to this girl pirate, but why, he couldn't figure. 'Her looks are only half of it. Perhaps it's because she doesn't swoon over me like everyone else.' He then realized he had been staring at her the whole time. The infamous wolfish grin returns. "Care to join me?" 'Why was he staring at me?' Sammy thought. 'Do I have a huge stain on my clothes? ' She pushes those thoughts away. "Well, actually, all I wanted was......." She stopped in midsentence. The only reason she had initially came was to ask where her room was. 'This is much, MUCH better,' she decided. "Yeah. Sure." Sammy struggled to remain cool as she walk up & stood about 2 feet away. He turns to Mad Dog. "You are dismissed." The pirate was happy to leave & makes haste doing so. 'I really doesn't need privacy just because the girl's here. In fact, it will probably spread a few nasty rumors. But I would find the starter of the lies and use him as a demonstration. Besides, it seemed to please Sammy.' he thought. 'Not that it mattered,' he tried to convince himself, but failing. He stops his sky-gazing to look at Sammy. "I shall shoot down a cargo plane of clothes for you." He couldn't think anything to say for once. "And get you new shoes." He grins, looking at one shoed foot & the other bare. "I don't get my own plane?" Sammy had hoped she'd be able to fly with him. 'I CAN'T FLY A PLANE!' she reminded herself. 'But I could always learn,' she argues. Karnage was about to tell her no, because she was a girl and it could get very dangerous, but he had a hunch she wouldn't take kindly to that reason. Besides, she is a pirate. "Yes, of course." There were a few spare planes. He had lost one man & one's in the dungeon, and that's just for today. "I take it you can fly?" "Errr... No. Not really." She is certain she won't get a plane. "That is no problem. I, my personal self, will teach you." He is pleased to see her brighten at this statement. "THANKS!" She yawns, then realized it is about 10pm. "Well... I was wondering where I.... Uhh.... Where's my room?" She is suddenly quite sleepy. Afterall, it has been quite a day. Don has the slightest idea where she will be staying. Certainly not with one of the minions. He then remembered the room before his own was orginally his before he decided on an airel view. "Follow me." He leaves, takes her a door down, and opens it. Sammy looks around. The room is big, but smaller than Don's. But it has a bed. "This'll do. Thanks. Night," she tells him. He pats her shoulder and returns to his room. Sammy pratically faints after he leaves. 'He patted my shoulder!' she thought happily, climbing into the bed and falling asleep quickly. * * * "Now, wasn't that fun?" Rebecca asked her associate upon returning home. 'At least he made an honest effort to behave well,' she thought to herself. 'Even though his boredom showed.' And she was still asking herself how Baloo talked them into going to Louie's. That ape just wouldn't leave her alone. She was still happy. The deal had gone through.(sounds like a drug bust, eh? ) The man was going to pay her 25 hundred for shipping 2 Kulmaza birds to some zoo. Baloo had already spent his bonus money PLUS some of next week's pay at Louie's. "Oh yes, Beckers. I had the time of my life...... You mean Louie's, right?" He said, snickering. He looked at the Higher For Higher building. 'It seems too quiet,' Baloo thought, not worried yet. "I wonder how hard a time Sammy had getting Molly in bed," he says, hoping Becky finds it funny. She did. They both laughed a little. Then they noticed the kicked-down door. "Whoa.... Becky, stay here. I'll check it out." Baloo's arm barred her way, so Becky stood. Baloo cautiously walked in. After confirming no one was there, he beckoned for Rebecca to come in. She slowly stepped inside. "Nothing's out of place except for a few papers and....." She bent down to examine the game and its scattered pieces. "This Danger Woman game." Becky seemed to be in a daze. Baloo takes a closer look at the desk. "And this long dent. Geez, it's deep." Becky walked over and ran a hand over it. "Those crazy pirates!!" Baloo realizes from the dent. "That's a sword mark!" He then dashes upstairs and finds the broken door. But, to his horror, no one was there. "Are they up there?" Becky asked, knowing her hope wouldn't hold through but had to ask. "No." Baloo sadly walked downstairs, his head hanging low. "No note. Nothing." "They could be in the Sea Duck." 'It's my last hope,' Becky thought. Her heart knew they weren't there, but something in the back of her mind made her ask. "You're right." Baloo sounded as if he didn't believe it, either. The two of them walked to the door of the Sea Duck, both with flashlights. The first thing they noticed was Sammy's shoe. "They were here!!" Rebecca exclaimed, a small light shining in the darkness of her mind. "Yeah, but there's something else." Baloo pulls out the note and read it outloud. When he is done, his grip tightens and his face is contorted with pure rage. 'I KNEW IT!!' his mind screamed at him. 'That crazy fox did it!!!' "They've got them all. C'mon. Let's go." Baloo opens the door to the Sea Duck "Baloo, we don't have that money," she pleaded. "Or a plan. Let's wait till tomorrow." She then shut the Sea Duck's door. Baloo is outraged. "TOMORROW!? Becky, they have MOLLY." This realization strikes her. She flings open the door, but Baloo stops her. "Whoa, little lady. I'll handle this." "NO WAY. She's MY daughter. I'M GOING." 'There's no way she's staying behind,' Baloo realizes. A plan then popped into his head. "Fine. I've got a plan. But you WON'T liiiiike it," he says, grinning. Becky shrugs. 'I'll do ANYTHING to get my Molly back safe.' Baloo whispers in her ear his plan, which is "You'll be a distraction while I find the dungeon." He knows the layout of the airship, having been there numerous times. "DISTRACTION? I'm not going....." She then remembered Molly. "Alright. How?" "You'll have the honors of doing the can-can." Baloo turns away and jumps in the plane. He reaches down and helps Becky in. "You're already the dress." He snickers at the thought of all those pirates staring at Becky. He starts up the plane and they take off. "What if we can't find them or they're not on patrol?" Becky asks, already worried they won't be able to get in. "We'll find them. They're ALWAYS patrolling this area," he assures her. Four minutes later, the Vulture comes into view at a distance. "They're right over there!" Becky informs Baloo, overexcited. "Yep. Now, watch this." Baloo then picks up the transmitter. "Hey Karnie. Guess who." "What?.... Ah, it is the furry bear-pilot, Babaloo." Karnage laughs at his corny joke. "You stick like a wet FOX." Baloo (as well everyone else) KNOWS this will infuriate the lunatic. "WOLF! I AM NOT A FOX!.... Shall I bring the boy and the little blondie into this conversation?" The wolf laughs evily. Baloo gasps. The fox won THIS time. "Alright, alright. You're a wolf." "Do you have MY money?" "Of course I do. And a surprise." Baloo grins. Don is a sucker for surprises. "Ooooh. I LIKE surprises." "You'll LOVE this one." 'I'd love to see the look on Karnie's face,' he thought. He then noticed Sammy wasn't included in the threat. "What'd you do to Sammy?" "Ah. Sammy." The wolfish grin spreads across his face. "That is for me to know and you to find out." By then, the Sea Duck is in full view. Don turns to Dumptruck. "You. Go get Sammy. She's in the room right before mine." Dumptruck leaves. Don pulls a lever and the beak of the Vulture opens. Baloo flies straight in, crashing into the net. Karnage saunters out his room and spies Sammy standing by her door, now wide awake. "So glad to see my savory sitter awake." She grins slightly. "Let's go." Sammy follows him, all the while thinking 'He called me "savory"!!' She is overjoyed. "What're you gonna do with him?" She inquires. "Oh, drop him in the ocean are something horrible like that," he replies, not even turning around. She watches Baloo step out the plane with his hands in the air. Don stopps on the middle floor and leans on the railings. 'That dumb pilot,' the captain thinks. 'He probably believes I'll let him go. How do I love shattering people's lives.' Don grins and descends to the main floor and up to Baloo. He draws his sword. "Where is the money, bear?" But Baloo was prepared for this. "Wouldn't you rather see the surprise?" He then notices Sammy by Karnie's side. "SAMMY?" He turns to Karage accusingly. "So. You brought her out in case we don't have the money." Don grin widens. "No no. Guess again." Baloo is bewildered. He suddenly realizes what has happened. "Sammy? What's going on?" He asks, just to be sure. His only response from her is a grin. "We did not come here to make idle chat with beautiful young PIRATES, yes-no?" Don says with a toothy grin. Baloo chokes on air. "Well... ahem... Now for the surprise." He goes in the plane & returns with Rebecca. She immediately starts dancing. All the pirates are incaptured by her, including Don. Sammy is too busy thinking about the wolf to notice Baloo sneaking around the crowd and into a hall. * * * 'SAMMY? But she's..... She's.... She's beautiful! What would make her join the loony bin back there? Unless.... NO. She couldn't have fallen for that FOX. What would attract a seemingly sweet girl like that to HIM?' Baloo then remembered seeing her hang on Don's every word. 'No wonder she's getting the special treatment. Of course, she IS a pirate,' he thought bitterly. He pushed those thoughts away has he arrived at Kit and Molly's cell. "Kit?..... Moooolly?" He quietly whispered. Kit jumped up and raced to the bars. "Baloo!" Kit whispered a bit loudly. "Ssshh. I got the keys right here." Baloo holds up the keys and unlocks the door. "Papa Bear!" Kit shouts as he hugs Baloo. Molly runs out and hugs him, too. "Alright. Now we gotta get oughtta here." Baloo leads them down the dark hall. * * * 'WHERE IS BALOO?' The thought kept racing through Becky's mind as she danced. She was getting sick of entertaining these low-lifes. 'And why is Sammy standing by Karnage?' she wondered. 'WITH A SWORD.... That could only mean one thing.' She spots Baloo creeping along with the 2 children. This gives her more energy and dances even harder. They safely make it to the plane. Rebecca blows a kiss. "Farewell, my pirates," she tells them, and disappears into the back of the Sea Duck. The pirates are whistling and cat-calling as the plane's motor starts. 'There's something missing.....' Karnage thought, ransacking his brain. "The money! Hey! Close the beak, idiots!" Pirates scramble around, but the plane flies out. "Nevermind. To the planes! Gibber, Mad Dog, Dumptruck! Let's go!" He then remembers Sammy and tosses her a key. "Here. The fighter next to mine. Stick the key in and drive. And shot. ALOT." Don grins at those words. They take off to the planes and jump in. Sammy sticks the key in and turns it. The plane starts up and she flips every switch. It begins to roll. 'She is quick,' Don thinks as he watches her. He starts his fighter up and flies out into the skies. Sammy follows, the other 3 in close pursuit. Sammy picks up the transmitter. 'Hmmm... I bet this is a communications device,' she thinks. "Y'ello? Anyone hear me?" Baloo is the first to answer. "Sammy! Why ya doin this!? Those pirates are crazy!" Don joins in the conversation. "Because, furry Baloo, I want her to." "Hey Karnie! Leave the girl alone!" Baloo answers back. "Hah! We don't have to listen to YOU." She gets a good aim and begins shooting wildly, actually getting 5 shoots across the wing. "Very good work. Gibber, Mad Dog, Dumptruck! Take your usual positions. Sammy, follow me!" He pulls away from the group, shooting. Karnage notices the plane is very close to the Cape Suzette cliffs. "Umm... Don?" He hears Sammy's voice over the radio. "Yes yes. Continue," he impatiently says. "Well... I'm getting tired... Can.... uhh... We... I go back?" Don growls. Baloo's plane is gone already and he got only 9 shots in. "Fine, fine. Pirates, lets go back." He turns the fighter and is followed by Sammy. Two minutes later, the others join them. "But Cap'n. Er, Vy ve goin' back?" Dumptruck asks innocently. The captain is quickly losing his temper. "BECAUSE they're gone and Sammy is tired." 'Uh oh. He's mad at me,' Sammy thinks with a yawn. "Sorry.... Just one more question. How do I land this thing?" She asks as they fly into the beak. "Simple, my pretty pirate. Flip all the switches off." 'If she can't follow those intructions, she won't be a pirate very long.' Much to his relief, she lands safely. Don hops out his plane and walks up to her. "Great first flight." The captain then pats her shoulder again. "Too bad it had to be at night, yes-no?" Sammy grins slightly, then yawns. "Yeah. Well, night AGAIN..... Don." She'd MUCH rather talk to him, but she is dead tired. As she reached the stairs, much to her surprise, Don was by her side. He grinned, but it was a bit weak (for once). "I, the Prince of Pirates, am tired. Shall I escort the young pirate to her room?" 'This is TOO good to be true,' she thought. "Sure." They walk up the stairs to the middle floor. The other pirates haven't lifted a finger to do otherwise. Don sighs as he grabs a megaphone and says "BEDTIME!" Pirates start running everywhere and it is chaos. "There. C'mon." He brings her to her room's door and just stands there for a minute. "Sweet dreams," he finally says. Sammy grins. 'He sure does get nervous easily.' "Yeah. You too." One thought is racing through her head. 'Should I kiss his cheek or not? Well, it wouldn't hurt.' She inches a little closer & kisses his cheek. Her reward is a small smile. "Night," is her last words before disappearing inside her room. 'She DOES like me,' he thinks, returning to his room. 'But, then again, was there no doubt? I will have a "conversation" with this blue-eyed wonder soon. There's always tomorrow.' That was is last thought before slipping into sleep. The End Alright. If anyone has any comment or want to see a part 2 of this :), contact me at TimBordel@worldnet.att.com Or if you just want to discuss anything, preferrably Disney, give me a call... I mean E-Mail. :)