JUNGLE1. TXT The 'Jungle Book' Ruyard Never thought of.. Or Walt, For that matter... Very Freely Translated By SwampRat (c) 1990 The Brotherhood Of Pan 1991 The Rashathran Society The child was found under a tree by Rasta. The wolf was old, so he foraged for himself. If he found nothing, he would still be fed by the pack. He was looking for remnants of a meal, that had been recently eaten here.. Water-Buffalo, by the scent. What he got was a paw grabbing his nose! *Ouch!* The man-cub thought this was funny and laughed. "Dog.." The animal shook his muzzle free, and jumped up, sniffing the log. This time the soft paws found another target.. "Doggy.." Rasta yelped. "Uh, Man Cu...." The clawless fore-paws clutched his sheath, pulling on it.. "Man-Cub.. I am not a do... *YEOWL!!*" The child wasn't weaned either... It pulled on the strange-looking teat, chewing the rubbery flesh. Sucked hungrily. It had been long since Rasta had mated Anything, and he ejaculated quickly. Panting, he tried to get the small one to let go. But, the child had other plans. It wanted more of the strange-tasting milk.. For the better part of half an hour, the wolf could do no more than hold onto the log, and moan. Finally, the man-cub slept, still clutching the hairy sheath. The wolf carefully removed the fingers, not without having a few hairs pulled in the process.. He found the handle, bit into it. Took the child to the pack. There were females who had lost a cub, and would eagerly take another.. Even if it wasn't a wolf. There the child turned into a boy, and thence to a young man. Even after his foster parents died, the pack kept him. 15 summers later, he was larger than even the biggest of them. For the last 3 or so, his cave had been visited by many an un-attached male. A few females had given him the eye, but none seriously. It didn't matter to Mogli. He had been mating with other males as long as he could remember.. Perhaps even before. Tammu came in, nursing a paw. A shallow cut where he had been careless and stepped on a stone. A chewed leaf took care of the pain, while a hand relieved the wolf of need. He hunched against the arm, grunting. His mouth was soon full of maleness, nursing on the man-cock, as his own was being skillfully stroked. His nostrils were full of hot male musk, and his brain burned with desires. Wanting to taste the sweet semen. Needing to empty his nuts.. His penis flexed, spurting cum onto the warm flesh. Then his mouth was flooded with malesap. He lapped it up, still shoving his prick through the grasping claws. When the stream stopped, he gave the maleness one last lick then cleaned off the stomach and paw of his own seed. The wolf thanked his brother, and went out. Another came in.. The lad bowed his head, pressing his face to the stone floor. A gentle paw tap lifted it. "What do I owe this pleasure to, Elder?" "Mogli.. It is time you went out into the world." The lad sat down abruptly. "There is a tiger, who hates men.. After a long absence, he has returned. And besides, It is time some of the youths found females.." The boy/man blushed.. Hung his head. The paw touched him again. "Do not be sad. You have brought much to us.. But All Wolves must leave the Pack." He whoofed in surprise as Mogli grabbed him in a hug, tears streaming down the dark face. Aka pressed his head against the heaving chest. "We are not tossing you out. You may return any time.." He gently pushed the male off him. "Baghera will take you into the wood.." He watched the lad lift himself to all 4's. "Mogli, why do you.." The male tucked his knees into his chest, and wriggled his butt. "Please, Aka.. Just Once..." The wolf snarled, uneasy. Then huffed, and jumped up on the brown back. A paw grabbed his sheath, guiding the red tip peeking out to the puckered anus. Aka grunted, feeling muscles grab his cock and pull on it. His hips thrust, stuffing more of his swelling maleness into the tight hole. The cub moaned when he felt the knobs, still sheathed, press against his butt. He reached between him and popped the buttons of hard flesh free. The wolf yelped, hunching the male under him. Paws dug into the furless thighs, as he pounded the youth savagely. With gritted fangs, he hit zenith, sheathing all his reddish doggy-cock into the boy's ass. Cum spurted in runny jets as the anus milked his nuts for still more of the hot liquid. With a groan, Aka flopped on top of the male, gasping as fingers jiggled his balls. He gave the upturned cheek a sloppy kiss. "Thank You, Aka." Neither moved for a few minutes. Neither wanted to.. Then the wolf grunted and pulled free of his 'son'. "The panther will come for you at the dawn. Be ready.." He looked into the eyes. "The Tiger wishes you dead. There is no reasoning with him.." He grunted.. "I will miss you.." Again he was hugged. He returned it, standing in hind paws, and holding the male tightly against him. Then he jumped down, and left the cave. Mogli cried softly, until he was cried out. Then he cleaned the cave and ate. Sleep came hard but came none-the-less. * * * A pair of eyes looked at him. "Good morning, Mogli.." The lad found he had an erection.. A Wet Erection. The panther took another lap on the bobbing cock. "You don't mind.." He dumbly shook his head. Baghera opened his muzzle and swallowed the cock to the roots. Sucked on it, purring. The youth watched, amazed, as he was brought to climax by the rough tongue. His fingers dug into the hard floor, and he arched his hips up. Claws pricked his butt gently. He fell back onto the velvet paw. The mouth didn't let go of him until every last drop was drained out. "Mmmm.. Nothing like sweet cum first thing in the morning.." The lad ate and with one last look around, left the cave that had been home for so many seasons. As they walked, he talked to the big cat about many things. "You know, there is a Man-Pack living on the edge of the jungle." Mogli nodded.. "I have been warned about the Males-Who-Hunt. Why?" They came to a large tree. "Perhaps you should join them.. After all You are a Man as well." The lad thought about it, then shuddered. "All my life I have lived here.. I would not Like that..." The big cat rumbled.. " I am hungry.. Perhaps you should stay up there or now.. I don't want you hurt and it's tall enough so even a Tiger to have trouble climbing. But not a monkey.." His tail twitched with humor as it slapped the boy's rump. Mogli made a face , but with help, got himself up to the first big branch. Then laughed and chittered and jumped around. Baghera growled softly at the sight of a nude male, Especially one who didn't have fur to hide his genitals! But his belly was empty and it would take more than a muzzle of sweet semen to fill It. But there was Plenty of time to get better acquainted with the man.. He panted, watching the brown butt wriggle as the human made his way higher.. Yes, Indeed.. Plenty of Time! Other eyes also watched the lad. They too noticed how much swung between his legs. And another mouth watered for a taste.. * * * Mogli lay back, having found some fruit that satisfied both his hunger and his thirst. His bladder needed emptying, however. Sighing, he stood and let go, spraying the lower brush. And below him a sinuous creature felt something warm splatter over it. It sniffed.. Then, split tongue flicking with pleasure, 'danced' under the shower of golden liquid. Again, Mogli lay back, stroking himself, and wishing he knew what to do next. The warm sun and a full belly made him sleepy. Creeping out to a bough where a couple of branches crossed over each other, he lay down and snoozed, being rocked by the wind. "Sooo.. He Sleeps. Not for long! Kaa wishes a taste of him.." A scaly head poked itself up over the branch, a long slightly wet body following. Kaa slid across the space, nose twitching. His forked tongue slid out, touching a tan thigh.. The youth slapped at it. The python drew back a moment, then grinning, moved closer. "Manling.." He whispered, tapping the human on the shoulder. Mogli opened an eye. "Yeah?" The snake touched noses. "Look me in the eye..." He did so, seeing nothing but black in green.." Now, Look me in Both eyesssss.." Mogli opened his other eye, staring at the reptile. The world spun around... Dry lips pressed against his, as Kaa kissed him. "Stay.. You Will Stay.. Not move no matter What I do.." Mogli nodded. With a grin the horny reptile slid his body around the lad. But he wasn't interested in Eating the whole human.. Just a part of him. Carefully uncoiling so the male was just resting against him, Kaa worked his way down to the erect nipples. "Well.. Two bumps." He tasted them, then pressed one into his mouth so he could bite at it. Mogli squirmed as a ticklish pain/pleasure came from his chest. Something stirred down below. Kaa stopped his chewing and looked down. "My, My.. You Are a Male. Good.." A pair of coils moved to trap the stiffening penis, so it could be rubbed. "Ah.. Soo Nice.." The lad smiled dopily as the python continued with the other breast. Kaa chuckled, moving his snout down to caress the hard erection. The snake's cone-like penis slid between the split cheeks, seeking the puckered anus. It pressed against the ring of muscle for a moment, then made it's way in, as the youth sat back. The tail quivered, Kaa gasping at the tightness of the human's ass. It draped itself over a thigh, scales stroking the man's erection. The python shuddered, and tossed a few coils around the boy, holding him in place on the branch. Then he slithered down, to shove his head between the splayed legs. Kaa snapped his mouth shut on the thick nut-sack, lapping on them.. When they were wet, and swollen, he spat them out, sliding his tongue into the foreskin, rolling it back.. To reveal the purplish flared tip. Kaa's mouth watered. He clamped his lips tightly on the cock-head, then slowly, sucked it in to the hilt. Mmmm.. Mogli grunted, his hips jiggled by a muscular rope. The cock in his anus vibrated, and the python shuddered. Did so again, as the boy's sweet cum was vacuumed out. "Is this a private or can anyone join?" Kaa swallowed on e last time then jerked his head out to see who dared interrupt him.. And got a pair of black- furred nuts shoved in his face! "Baghera?" "Who Else?" The panther chuckled, lifting a coil up so he could lap at the trickle of cum that ran down the man- cock. This made the anus in which Kaa's dick was still buried twitch and spasm, making the reptile moan. "Well.. If you are going to shove them in my face.." He clamped his snout down hard on the swelling balls, masticating them well. All the cat did was purr and swallow the lad's erection, while sticking a claw into the vent in Kaa's tail. The reptile shuddered, being worked from all sides at once. He spat out the wet scrotum so he could pay attention to the conical penis that was slapping his nose. First his tongue slid around it, pressing and clinging, until the maleness was dripping pre-cum. "Dammit Kaa! Quit Teasing.." And chuckled, then gasped as a second claw shoved itself up his pliable passage. The snake growled, engulfing the hot flesh down to it's furry sheath. * * * [ The elephants come by and Mogli goes with them ] [ Baghera awakens in time to do a threesome with the boy and an elephant ] Mogli groaned, and waded into the water. It was almost too much, being mated from Both ends.. And now, his new lover was snoring. Of course, Baghera was sawing some hefty logs himself.. So the lad kissed each gently and went in search of someone awake.. And horny. What he found was a walking bush.. * * * The thing went along the path, wriggling it's hairy rump, then slapping them with wide paws. And each time claw met flesh, the animal would groan softly. The lad had never seen so strange a dance, and tried a few steps of it.. But his butt hurt after a few slaps. "How is it you can do That?" The creature stopped. "Wha? Oh.. Well, if it isn't a man-cub." The bruin dropped to all fours and nuzzled the youth. "A Male at that.. Know how to use that stick?" Mogli growled at the insult and shoved his hips forward. "Well enough! You just open your mouth and see.." Baloo grunted, sitting down and lifting the man up to his muzzle. "You sure?" The cock rubbed along his chin, making the animal grunt.. "Shut up and suck on it, Hairy." The bear growled and inhaled the length. "You asked for it!" If it wasn't for Mogli's nuts being drained not an hour before, the lad would not have lasted a minute in that talented orifice. When a warm tongue wasn't stropping his cock-stalk, it was rubbing his tip. Or sliding the entire length.. Teeth worked over the flesh, while lips clung greedily to the maleness. Mogli yowlped, howled and gleeped, jerking around like a live wire had been stuck up his ass, instead of the claws that stuffed the anus well. "Cum already.. I want to taste your seed!" But it took a while more for the hungry bruin to get his mouthful of sweet boy-juice. Mogli melted in the shaggy arms gasping and twitching as Baloo got the balls in his paw to give just a few more drops.. "How was that?" He grinned, kissing the shrinking cock. Then noticed the lad was out.. "Pretty good, I would say.. Well." He looked down at his own hard-on. Then back at the lad. With a nasty grin, he draped the still form over a rock then rubbed his erection all over the tight, brown buns. Shoved his dick between the cheeks and holding them shut, humped the valley with a will. And blew his wad all over the youth's ass.. "Yesss! Ahhh.." The bear grunted, then bent over and lapped his spunk off the sweaty skin. Dipped his muzzle between the cheeks, getting it all. Then took a dip in the river, and lay on the bank, rubbing the boy's stomach, and groin. Mogli awoke with an ache between his legs and a furball nuzzling his chest. "Well. Awake at last.." He rubbed his eyes. Looked the creature over. "How come you are so hairy?" Baloo grinned at him. "I am so hairy, because I am a bear.." Mogli turned his head, puzzled. Then, curious, he leaned over and grabbed the reddish cock jutting out of the furred legs. The animal groaned, but didn't stop him. "What is this?" The bear gasped. "My banana.. You lick on it. " The youth shrugged, doing as he was instructed. It didn't taste like a banana, more like dick. Said as much.. "And what would You know about dicks?" [ They run off to the river to wash, and Mogli gets grabbed by Monkeys ] [ The monkeys teach him a lot of things about sex.. ] [ Baloo and Baghera affect a rescue.. And get entangled in an orgy ] [ They decide the safest palace for the lad is inside the encampment ] [ Mogli disagrees and runs off - to find Kaa again ] [ And Kaa finds Sher-Kahn ] * * * ... "I smell semen on your breath. " Kaa gulped. "Um.. Yes, Yes. I was.. Pleasuring myself. I sometimes do, you know.. It helps me relax... Would you like to try it?" The tiger slammed the head down. "Not at this time.." A claw scratched under the snake's chin. "If you Do run across the manling, You will inform me, Yes?" A gulp ran up the body. "At once, Kahn.. Are you sure you don't want me to.." The cat gave him a not so nice smile. "Wag that tongue at me again, and I shall be happy to stuff it down your throat." He turned and left, flicking his tail so the python could see his nuts. "Bastard.." he muttered. Then rewound himself.. To find the male staring at him. "What were you doing?" His penis was being manipulated by a foot. "Talking to Kahn.. Eeep!" His throat was grabbed. Nose to snout with the being. "What about.." the organ was pressed between calloused toes, which had a not-so gentle grip on the organ.." About... About you.." He shuddered. [ Another sex scene with the boy and snake ensues ] [ Mogli leaves his new lover to walk into the wastes ] [ Vultures find him - they make sport of the boy.. ] [ Until he shown them what he can do with his fingers and his tongue.. ] [ Sher-Kahn watched the scene with growing lust.. ] [ Then as he teases the lad, Baloo shows up ] * * * Sher-Kahn snarled at the Bear under him. "I'll teach you to.." He had barely laid claws on the fur, than the fat rump under him surged up. "Oh, Yes, Kahn- Baby! Beat me, Claw me, Fuck ME!!" Good heavens No.. Hind paws dug into his back, pulling his butt down to be rubbed briskly. A cock pressed against itself along his chest fur. The tiger growled.. Then gasped as Baloo kissed him wantonly. [ The tiger is well screwed.. and so is Balloo ] [ The cat leaves, unable to keep up ] [ Baloo is left out-cold and bleeding from the ordeal ] [ Baghera comes and gets the bear up - In more ways than one ] [ Finally they come to the village and a young girl comes out ] [ Mogli follows the girl in the gates ] [ The pair leave, chuckling.. ] [ The next morning they wake to find the lad with them again ] * * * He laughed, slapping the fat haunch. "Did you think Any female could keep me for long? I have no wish to live there.." Baloo stood, jaws agape. "I am not an elephant.. or are you trying to catch flys?" The teeth clicked together, when a pawful of claws smacked his ass. "Well, Mogli, it looks like we shall have to find ourselves a monkey to play with.." The panther grinned and winked at the man. "I suppose so.." He winked back, grasping the curled tail. "Or perhaps Kaa might be in the mood.." A chuckle.." Kaa is Always in the mood..." They walked down the path for a ways.." Monkey?!? Kaa.. Hey fella's! Wait up a minute.." The bear trotted after his friends. The End