
Disney's Talespin


By Monica Conway

All Disney characters are (c) Disney such as Don Karnage, Dumptruck, The Pirates, Baloo, Kit Cloudkicker except for Amber Fox which is my own creation, and is (c) Monica Conway. They are used without permission, and with the Highest Respect! Can be read and Downloaded as long as nothing is changed in anyway! Enjoy!


As everyone knows, people have dreams, and ambitions. All of us do, something that drives us to do our very best. No matter what we decide to do with our lives. This was the case with a young woman named Amber Fox, who had blue eyes, and long dark hair.

Every since she could remember Amber dreamed of being an Air Pirate, to soar through the clouds, and to have amazing Adventures. Because of this, she had done everything to prepare herself to become a pirate, such as learning to use a sword, to defend herself in a fight, and of course how to fly a plane.

But the most important thing that was needed, to enable her to become an honest-to-good pirate, was to join to The Famous Air Pirates. Also she would have to prove her worth to their Captain, Don Karnage. "How?" she thought. These thoughts, and many others ran through her head as she silently flew deeper, and deeper into the pirate's domain.


Amber quietly lands her plane on top of the Iron Vulture, and sneaks inside. Unfortunately, some of the pirates ambush her. Amber of course fights extremely well, and almost gets away. If not for Dumptruck, who had taken her by surprise.

"LET ME GO!" screams Amber, while she fights to free herself from the big pirate's grasp. Just then the Captain approaches them.

"Well, what do we have here? A spy, perhaps, yes-no?" Don Karnage exclaims.

"No, No, No, I am not a spy!" Amber answers quickly.

"Then why are you here?" questions the Captain. He thinks to himself: ~Am I not handsome, and dashing, yes-no!~ while he smiles his famous grin.

She hesitantly answers him. "I had heard so much about you and your pirates that I decided I would love to join your band."

Don Karnage looks amused, as a wide smile spread across his face. She thinks to herself: ~He is even more handsome in person than I thought.~

Then the Captain Spoke. "So you want to become an pirate!" he smiles at her thoughtfully.

"Yes, I do!" Amber replies quite sure of herself.

"Well, I suppose you would make a wonderful pirate!" Karnage says, then adds, "You do seem to be very brave, skilled, and clever." Don Karnage smiles, as he looks into her beautiful blue eyes.

They look at each other in silence. Then he breaks the quietness that fills the room. "You, one of my noble pirates!" The Captain says loudly "Of course, to be a pirate, you will have to pass a test, Yes-no?"

"What kind of test?" she asks Karnage.

"Oh, a simple test, one of loyalty!" he answers her. Then Don flashes a smile at her once again.

"Anything, I can do it!" she says very bravely, not exactly sure of what the Captain has instore for her.

"To befriend a certain Baloo type-person & a child-like Kit Cloudkicker, and bring them to me. It is quite a simple task, is it not?" he tells her very simply with ease.

"No problem, piece of cake." Amber replies.

"Of course, If you fail......You will be on the other side of this sword, so to speak!" He laughs heartly at these words. The other pirates join in with laughter at the comment made by their Captain.

She takes a deep breath, and gulps. The Captain then states, "Is it a deal?" He extends his hand out to her.

"Of course, It's a deal!" Amber says, as she shakes the pirate's hand, at the same time thinks to herself, ~As if I have a choice.~

The pirates let Amber go. As she is flying away, thoughts run through her head once again. "Am I really sure I want to do this?" She answers her own question by saying out loud "I want to be a pirate, and if this is the only way then so be it!"


The first rays of sunlight shine on Amber's plane as she is entering Cape Suzette. She spots Higher-For-Hire, and an idea occurs to Amber, of how to fool Baloo and Kit in order to bring them to the Captain.

Amber's Plan is simple. She would pretend to be a Pilot, looking for odd jobs at Higher-For-Hire. Then befriend Baloo and Kit. But: How? She hasn't figured out that yet, but Amber thinks to herself, "I will worry about that later!"

She lands her plane, and knocks on the door. Rebecca walks over to the door, and answers. " Hello, I am Rebecca Cunningham, owner of Higher-For-Hire. How may I help you?"

Amber smiles politely at her, and answers "Well, hi! My name is Amber Fox, and I am a pilot looking for a job."

"Really?" Rebecca says. There is a grin on her face. "Another pilot! Twice the pilots, twice the profits! Now we handle more clients!" Rebecca is impressed with Amber. She tells her "You have the job! Welcome, to Higher-For-Hire! I'll introduce you to Baloo, and Kit."

Amber follows her outside. Rebecca is looking for Baloo and Kit as usual. "BALOOO!! KIT!! Where are those TWO!" she screams at the top of her lungs. Rebecca finds them under the wing of the Seaduck, with Baloo showing Kit the different parts of the engine. Their boss screams again.

"BALOO! " at the sound of Rebecca's voice Baloo, hits his head on the plane.

"OUCH!" he exclaims.

"Are you ok, Papa bear?" Kit asks.

"Yeah, but that HURT!"

"Baloo! Kit! There you are!" Rebecca smiles, and mutters under her breath. "Baloo, I'll deal with you, later." Then she loudly introduces Amber to Kit and Baloo. "Baloo, Kit, this is Amber Fox!"

"Hi!" Kit, and Baloo say at the same time.

She smiles "Pleased to meet you, two."

"Pleased, to make your aquaintance." Baloo kisses her hand, and Kit bows dramatically. Their boss clears her throat, and laughs. "Alright, enough you, two! Amber, is going to be a proud employee of Higher-For-Hire." She explains that Amber is a Pilot, and her situation.

The next couple of days go smoothly. Amber reports to Don Karnage when night falls on her radio. "Uh Don?" she says.

Yes, yes," Karnage exclaims at the sound of her voice on the radio. Then he asks "Do they suspect anything?"

" Of course not! But......."

"But? What?" The Captain questions her.

"Well, It's nothing!" I just figured that, I could pretend to be captured by you, and the pirates." She continues "Then the pirates could take them by surprise, and you will have your revenge!" Amber finishes, and waits for Don Karnage's response.

"Excellent! Plan, Yes-no?" You can hear the grin on his face that is forming. "My pirates, are at your service." Don pauses then says softly " As well as I." She blushes at the comment made by the Captain.

"Amber, out!" she says.

" Like-wise!" Karnage says, and signs off.

She stares, and sighs at the radio in her hand. Then she swings into action, to put her into effect. The next day is the same as usual, until suddenly without warning the Pirates attack Baloo, Kit, and Amber. They swoop down on her plane. She pretends that this is a surprise.

Baloo, and Kit of course follow the pirates, thinking their friend Amber is in trouble, only to be ambushed by Pirates. But Baloo breaks free and is about to free Kit from one of the Pirates when he hears a female voice behind him.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you!" Baloo spins around and is faced with Amber, dressed in pirate clothes with a sword in her hand. Pointed straight at Baloo.

"Amber, why are you doing this?" Baloo says with sadness in his voice.

"Haven't you figured it out, yet? I am a Pirate!" She laughs.

Baloo, and Kit are shocked by this comment. Kit gulps, and Baloo asks "Why?"

"Well....." Amber smiles again, and mutters the next few words "Because, it's my dream come true!"

"You don't mean that! " Baloo pleads with her.

"Yes, I do!" she replies.

"But, I thought we were friends, Amber!" Baloo says in defense. For a minute Amber looks touched by these words, and says "I'm sorry Baloo, Kit." She shakes her head. "I can't let you guys leave!" ~I have no choice!~ She thinks.

Baloo replies, "So am I, honey, and I am sorry, I have to do this!"

"Do what? a puzzled Amber asks.

"THIS!" Baloo shouts, and trips Amber, who falls to the ground, hitting into the other Pirate, allowing Kit to break free. Amber's sword flies across the room, leaving her unarmed. She is shocked for a moment, then screams "GET THEM, YOU FOOLS!" The Pirates shoot out after them. Don helps her to her feet.

They both hop into their planes, and pursue Kit and Baloo with the rest of the pirates closely following behind them. Baloo yells "HOLD ON!" to Kit, as Kit grabs onto the plane, on his airfoil for dear life.

Baloo escapes them by pulling The Seaduck into a flip that confuses the Pirates, causing some of them to hit into each other's planes. Amber and Don still pursue them, guns blazing. Karnage yells "GIVE UP, YOU, BEAR!"

"NEVER!" Baloo screams, as he pushes the red button that makes the plane go so fast that the Pirates are unable to catch them, and they fall back to return to the Iron Vulture.

"Thank, goodness! We made it!" Baloo smiles at Kit.

Kit answers "Yeah," sadly thinking of how Amber, and how she betrayed them.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Baloo says quite proud.

"Of course not, Papa bear!" laughs Kit, as they head back to Higher-For-Hire.


Meanwhile Amber, Don Karnage, and the rest of the Pirates return to the Iron Vulture. "Don't worry, my Pirates, we will get them next time, Yes-No?" Don Karnage says to his band.

They all nod in agreement at the Captain's words, and Don says "Dismissed!" He then says to Amber, "Except, you! Meet me in my Quarters, for a private chat, Yes-no?" She nods yes, and one of the Pirates lead her to the Captain's room, then runs away. Amber knocks on the door.

"Yes, yes, come-in!" Karnage says to Amber, as he is posing with the sword.

She enters, and closes the door. Thinking all the while, he is going to yell at her for failing. The Captain speaks. "You, did a fine job!" Don flashes a smile at her.

Amber, surprised, says "Thank-you, but they got away!'

Don Karnage, answers, "True, but you have proved you have what it takes to be a Pirate!" He is standing very close to her.

"Really?" she replies.

"Yes, I knew the first time, I laid my eyes on you." He pauses for a second, then continues. "I knew that you would make a perfect Pirate!" Their faces are close to each other's, as she looks intently into the Captain's eyes. He draws her close, and gently kisses Amber. They are quiet for some time. Don Karnage, breaks the stillness of the room.

"Well, you better go now!, my Pirate Princess, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow!" She smiles "Of course!" and leaves.

Amber reaches her room. She thinks to herself, " He really likes me!" and gently touches her lips with her fingers where Don had kissed her, then sighs.

She exclaims out loud "Hmm, Amber, the Pirate Princess, I like the sound of that!" as she dreamly stares out the window, looking intently at the clouds in the night sky.