'ello all!! This is a *NEW* graphic sieries from El Rico based on the story "Scenes from The Morning After A Night In Babs' Room Written by Dennis M. "Quozl" Falk. I think this sieries is a great example of TTLS. "Tiny Toons Liquid Soap, All the spooge and half the plot of your regular TTBS!!!" And on that note.... There are 6 files, all are formated to 800x600 256 color File name Size (in bytes) ----------- -------- ANBR2-1.GIF 133,691 ANBR2-2.GIF 89,782 ANBR2-3.GIF 115,426 ANBR2-4.GIF 121,562 ANBR2-5.GIF 121,176 ANBR2-6.GIF 161,134 I've been getting very little response to my posts of El Rico's work, not like I asked for any response mind you, but now I'm asking.... If you liked the above sieries email me a carrot, you know a ^ in a simple one line email (I'm collecting carrots you see) and Yes I am serious (about wanting you to email me). If you have any other comments about the ANBR2-* sieries El Rico and I would like to hear them. ICFCB Thanks, --==Foxglove==-- just hanging out @indirect.com foxglove@indirect.com 4/15/95