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Beth Dorman and Milkmaid! Milkmaid logo


PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THESE IMAGES. They are posted here strictly to promote the Milkmaid project. All images © 1998 John Barrett & White Lightning Productions, all rights reserved.

Re: the comic previews- the pencils will be replaced by inks when completed. The whole story will not be posted- we have to have -something- for you to go out and buy! ^_-

Preview Pics - Milkmaid Short Story

page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4

Preview Pics - Milkmaid #1
"Surprise! Here Comes the Milkmaid!"

page 14 page 15 page 16 page 17

Preview Pics - Milkmaid #2
"Puppy Lust! You're a Bad, Bad Doggie!"

page 13 layouts page 14 layouts page 15 layouts page 16 layouts
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Maintained by WLP Email us for more information on the project!

This page last updated February 7, 1999.