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Beth Dorman and Milkmaid! Milkmaid logo


PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THESE IMAGES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, PERIOD. They are posted here strictly to promote the Milkmaid project, through the kindness of their creators. All images © 1998 their creators, characters © 1997, 1998 Kris Overstreet and White Lightning Productions, all rights reserved.

TO JAPANESE ARTISTS: Please send us your Milkmaid pics! Don't worry about censors- it's OK to show it all in the USA!

Production Sketches

From Josh Lesnick
B&W version
Color version

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From Marusei

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From Keith Short
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From Dutch! (David Koppen)

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From BustArtist

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From Johnny Swell
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From Iczerman (Gregg Owens)
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From Larry Mann
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From Tojin (Cesar Nicolas Gonzalez)

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From Bruce J. Eng
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From U.Nyon

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Thanks to the artists who sent art!!

If you'd like to draw your own Milkmaid pics, here are the rules:

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Maintained by WLP Email us if you'd like to send a pic too!

This page last updated February 3, 1999.