wilsrlrf.jpg 271346 640x480xJPEG Feb 11 23:02 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Color. // An RL, modified with paint program, looks like a raccoon. Artist: wilssha3.gif 96811 600x400x256 Apr 21 09:03 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Color. // Shassha (white tigress) gives Willysilver a big hug. Artist: wilsshas.jpg 331121 600x400xJPEG Feb 11 23:02 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Color. // Willysilver and Shassha (white tigress). Artist: wilsxmas.gif 55011 400x400x256 Feb 11 23:02 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Color. // Christmas card 1996, Willy all dressed up w/candy cane. Artist: wilsxms2.gif 78831 600x400x256 Feb 11 23:02 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Color. // Christmas card 1996, #2, Willy at home by tree, w/gifts. Artist: wilsber1.gif 32668 417x455x16 May 24 19:31 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Grayscale. // Willysilver and Bertram (white fox). Snappy capture of drawing. Artist: wilsber2.gif 32232 538x407x16 May 24 19:31 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Grayscale. // Willysilver and Bertram (white fox). Snappy capture of drawing. Anthro and 'normal' poses. Artist: wilsindy.jpg 146109 401x421xJPEG Feb 11 23:02 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Grayscale. // Willysilver in his 'IndyCoon' outfit - Tapestries MUCK. Artist: wilssinb.gif 10248 261x410x16 May 24 19:31 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Grayscale. // Sinonmen, a cute lynx morph mix. Snappy capture of drawing. Artist: wilssinc.gif 20839 328x337x16 May 24 19:31 1997 "Willysilver" Walter W. Morey. Grayscale. // Willysilver and Sinonmen sitting on the bed hugging. Artist: kyph-jr.gif 220622 609x772x256 Dec 21 07:50 1993 'Tis I, the infamous Mytu! ;)= // This is a painting of Kyph th'fox, looking toward the viewer. Artist: DPtrlCol.ash.jpg 315877 525x782xJPEG Jul 25 22:09 1995 (c)1995 Ashtoreth (William Haas) // What if Mnemora and Arial were in a Doom level? This is the color version of DoomPtrl.ash.gif, done in PhotoShop 2.5. Artist: MnAMall.ash.gif 333478 750x966x256 Jul 25 22:02 1995 (c)1995 Ashtoreth (William Haas) // Mnemora and Arial causing trouble at the mall. I know it's an overused theme, but hey, lots of nice detail, hmmm? Artist: MoreLess.ash.gif 118943 375x544x256 Jul 25 22:05 1995 (c)1995 Ashtoreth (William Haas) // A random vixen I sketched while cooling my heels in the C/net lobby. Ask me about my experience with them, sometime. Artist: RayaAris.ash.gif 109928 420x603x256 Jul 25 22:06 1995 (c)1995 Ashtoreth (William Haas) // Portrait of Raya Lea and Aris. Characters (c) D. Larsen. Artist: Roxanne1.ash.gif 68874 432x750x256 Jul 25 22:06 1995 (c)1995 Ashtoreth (William Haas) // Roxanne Fox coming this way. :) Artist: thalen1RL.jpg 236726 451x799xJPEG Sep 27 09:36 1993 (It's a photograph: I had a friend take it.) // These four are just pics of me, RL. I.e. Thalen/GreyCat/KittenKai-sung/etc Artist: thalen2RL.jpg 261314 480x772xJPEG Sep 27 09:36 1993 (It's a photograph: I had a friend take it.) // These four are just pics of me, RL. I.e. Thalen/GreyCat/KittenKai-sung/etc Artist: thalen3RL.jpg 190968 417x670xJPEG Sep 27 09:36 1993 (It's a photograph: I had a friend take it.) // These four are just pics of me, RL. I.e. Thalen/GreyCat/KittenKai-sung/etc Artist: thalen4RL.jpg 46960 608x463xJPEG Sep 27 09:36 1993 (It's a photograph: I had a friend take it.) // These four are just pics of me, RL. I.e. Thalen/GreyCat/KittenKai-sung/etc Artist: loquax.gif 9712 320x200x16 Sep 9 09:49 1995 A self-horsetrait/Drawn by Loqu(acious) // Loqu(acious), the Centaur Sophist on FurryMuck, makes his arrival at Riss's Run. Artist: TinySex_Evaluation_Card.eps 340567 ??x??x?? Jan 18 00:15 1995 A.J.Wolf & Lycan // (unknown image format) With the 'Buzzword' of customer service in the 90's, why not have a customer support department for the TinySex Pets running about? Artist: TinySex_Evaluation_Card.gif 36543 464x600x16 Jan 23 09:20 1995 A.J.Wolf & Lycan // With the 'Buzzword' of customer service in the 90's, why not have a customer support department for the TinySex Pets running about? Artist: aa3.jpg 38727 444x706xJPEG Jan 19 09:14 1997 Abe Groter // Me, sitting in the seat of a car with my eyes like saucers, wearing an oasis shirt. Pencils. Artist: aa5.jpg 25485 346x673xJPEG Jan 19 09:19 1997 Abe Groter // Gene Catlow, standing there with his trusty sketch book. Artist: abap.jpg 33562 502x556xJPEG Jan 19 09:08 1997 Abe Groter // Fox, well, me actually, with a squirt gun being fired in one ear and out the other. Artist: abfreez.jpg 30827 381x433xJPEG Jan 19 09:25 1997 Abe Groter // Me again, with really big glasses on, saying, "Boy its cold." Pencils. Artist: abe12.gif 21483 834x1024x2 Dec 11 11:05 1996 Abe Groter. Black and white. // A really strong looking fox. Artist: foxy1.gif 12609 433x1024x2 Dec 11 11:06 1996 Abe Groter. Black and white. // A silly vixen. (sticking her tongue out at you) Artist: capalwt.jpg 195393 791x621xJPEG Mar 4 12:15 1997 Adam Curran // Cappy after falling into a pond. Artist: cappy.jpg 511728 598x774xJPEG Mar 4 12:17 1997 Adam Curran // Cappy Leduc waving. Being the cutie coon that she is. Artist: capydrem.jpg 200121 619x811xJPEG Mar 4 12:18 1997 Adam Curran // Cappy dreaming of Sparky's return. The knife, a symbol of her love for him. Artist: reechae.jpg 210983 542x784xJPEG Mar 11 12:34 1997 Adam Curran // Reechae having a smoke. Artist: roxy.jpg 82285 563x781xJPEG Mar 4 12:31 1997 Adam Curran // Roxy Brigs in a standard pose. Artist: roxysomb.jpg 108583 584x760xJPEG Mar 11 12:35 1997 Adam Curran // Roxy in a sad pose. Artist: spakyden.jpg 105581 640x564xJPEG Mar 11 12:37 1997 Adam Curran // Sparky not able to think of what to draw. Artist: sparky.jpg 190523 638x813xJPEG Mar 4 12:30 1997 Adam Curran // Sparky (aka GoldenSilver) geared up for battle. Artist: sprkdrem.jpg 128818 529x670xJPEG Mar 4 12:29 1997 Adam Curran // The mysterious figure inhabiting Sparky's dreams(nightmares). Artist: agieese.jpg 327934 1049x1287xJPEG Apr 8 05:46 1997 Adam Curran. Color. // Pose of Gal Agieese. Artist: beldandy.jpg 303019 1035x1531xJPEG Apr 8 05:45 1997 Adam Curran. Color. // The ancient goddess of Algol, Belldandy. Artist: capkis.jpg 137984 604x738xJPEG May 13 00:41 1997 Adam Curran. Color. // Cappy in the arms of Sparky. Artist: cappy2.jpg 198012 597x786xJPEG May 13 00:41 1997 Adam Curran. Color. // Same as cappy.jpg but done in colour. Artist: kixle.jpg 264606 948x1388xJPEG Apr 8 05:47 1997 Adam Curran. Color. // Kixle the crazy rabbit. Artist: TanaisAndBadger-ADM.gif 87215 840x768x16 Oct 25 11:22 1995 Adam Moss, AKA Aspirin The Fox. Grayscale. // Tanais Fox and Innkeeper Badger playing chess one hot summer's afternoon. Artist: Tygger-AVW.jpg 62632 683x640xJPEG Aug 3 14:28 1995 Adrian VanWormer // An ink-and-pencil sketch of the popular artist Tygger, done with her permission. A little "wilder" than people usually draw her. Artist: aetobatus1.gif 81455 1090x900x2 Mar 22 00:23 1995 Aetbatus // Alt.fan.dragons' Aetobatus stands protectively coiled around his companion before a hungry Blackburn. Artist: miss-you.gif 449354 1024x768x256 Feb 24 15:26 1996 AfterFox. Color. // A sad vixen visits a mysterious grave in a sparsely wooded area on a gloomy day. Artist: thought.jpg 92877 640x480xJPEG Dec 29 04:03 1996 AfterFox. Color. // A lupine lass is lost in deep thought... Artist: WATRWOLF.GIF 413359 1024x768x256 Jan 19 23:52 1996 AFTERFOX@AOL.COM // A scantly-clad sexy lupine stands amidst broken columns in an ocean-like setting. Artist: atm-Contrast-2.gif 30341 720x1325x8 Oct 27 08:39 1995 Alan Mackey (al@iam.com). Color. // Contrast, the cat. Odd shading effects galore. Artist: ATM-Halloween.gif 346696 2928x1200x256 Oct 31 22:45 1995 Alan Mackey (al@iam.com). Color. // A Halloween comic featuring a werewolf! Artist: ATM-WindyMP.gif 18590 800x600x8 Nov 3 22:58 1995 Alan Mackey (al@iam.com). Color. // A skunk, with her hair blowing in the wind. Artist: atm-Pen1.gif 49012 1872x930x2 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Black and white. // A rather neat 7-part vixen rotation sequence, inked without pencilling first (for shame!) while waiting at CF7's alley. Artist: AlMackey.gif 34585 800x600x32 Oct 18 14:11 1995 Alan Mackey. Color. // Alan Mackey's IRC persona in winter and summer clothes. Artist: atm-ColorPencil1.gif 96104 608x540x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Color. // My magic kitty, in watercolor-pencil. Artist: atm-ColorPencil2.gif 80291 656x461x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Color. // Moufette, in watercolor-pencil and wet brush effects. Artist: ATM-Cute.gif 33175 800x600x8 Oct 18 14:12 1995 Alan Mackey. Color. // My response to comments about my drawing style. Artist: atm-Kaltaur.gif 37757 1408x722x32 Mar 4 03:38 1996 Alan Mackey. Color. // Kalindra nal Kan, as a Foxtaur, with a surprise celebrity appearance! Commissioned by Brian Antoine. Artist: atm-KatiCast.jpg 70781 800x600xJPEG Apr 29 01:59 1996 Alan Mackey. Color. // Kati casts a fireball.. A combination of 2d and 3d graphics. Artist: atm-SarahB.gif 50963 608x1200x32 Mar 4 03:38 1996 Alan Mackey. Color. // Sarah Blackmane, the original (and still the best) hermaphrodite wolf. Now with an extra head! Commissioned by Robert Torres. Artist: atm-BrushPen1.gif 169658 496x540x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // Drawn at CF7 with Guppy's brushpen.. now I gotta get one for myself! Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle1.gif 163106 320x540x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // Drawn in a 3-hour night class.. Got some strange looks from the poor guy sitting next to me. Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle10.gif 114525 368x408x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // My Magical Catti again, casting some sort of spell. Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle11.gif 34901 272x267x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // My skunky persona, at the computer, getting into drawing a bit too much. Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle2.gif 117899 288x488x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // "Attack of the 200DPI vixen!" I had to draw the YiffNet vixen REAL big for the T-shirt design, not an easy task. So... Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle3.gif 134820 288x622x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // Some old foxes of mine. Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle4.gif 95666 304x442x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // Moufette, showing off her stripes. Drawn in Ethics class (how ironic!). Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle5.gif 80932 256x406x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // Another, erm, ethical pose. Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle6.gif 126503 400x396x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // Another Mouf drawing.. pretty good shading in this one. Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle7.gif 83111 256x356x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // A variation of #4's concept. Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle8.gif 148912 384x495x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // An experiment with sharp contrast and thick shadowing. Artist: atm-NotebookDoodle9.gif 51967 304x212x256 Mar 26 20:07 1996 Alan Mackey. Grayscale. // KABOOM! Artist: grafeeti.jpg 55921 783x800xJPEG May 27 19:59 1997 Alice Stuart // Grafeeti, the toon butterfly. Artist: fha-cat1.gif 27531 262x389x256 Apr 2 20:22 1996 Allan "Fhaolan" Kemp // Catherine, a female feline-morph on the rooftops. Artist: fha-gaw1.gif 61921 611x769x256 Apr 2 20:27 1996 Allan "Fhaolan" Kemp // Gawain, a character I created for the Star Trek universe in rebellion against Humans-with-funny-forehead aliens. Artist: fha-haw1.gif 31805 457x559x256 Apr 2 20:30 1996 Allan "Fhaolan" Kemp // A non-morphic hawk sitting on a branch. Artist: fha-lpd1.gif 71078 607x558x256 Apr 2 20:34 1996 Allan "Fhaolan" Kemp // A non-morphic leopard resting on a fallen tree over a pond, at night. Artist: fha-nat1.gif 49617 791x583x256 Apr 2 20:35 1996 Allan "Fhaolan" Kemp // Nathair Sith, Fhaolan's dragonette familiar. Artist: fha-ssa1.gif 52931 608x634x256 Apr 2 20:37 1996 Allan "Fhaolan" Kemp // Ssachkka, a saurian morph, spending the day fishing. Artist: fha-tig1.gif 34132 298x517x256 Apr 2 20:39 1996 Allan "Fhaolan" Kemp // A non-morphic Tiger. Artist: fha-wol1.gif 131264 459x638x256 Dec 29 03:51 1996 Allan 'Fhaolan' Kemp. Grayscale. // Timber wolf in a forest. Artist: fhaolan1.gif 71873 480x622x256 Feb 24 15:37 1996 Allan Reid Kemp. Grayscale. // Fhaolan, a character on FurryMUCK, relaxing with his harp. Artist: breetie.jpg 43511 800x600xJPEG Mar 11 20:11 1995 Allen Brand // The Demon Knight Breetie in living color... Artist: Cloaked.gif 136163 612x704x256 Dec 18 11:30 1996 Altaica. Color. // A Wolf-morph wearing a cloak fastened with a green pendent! A little naughty, and not too good! Artist: Wolf_worksheet1.gif 47440 778x612x256 Dec 15 02:47 1996 Altaica. Color. // A worksheet for a wolf-morph using a style tought to me by a dear friend! Artist: wolph96.jpg 68337 355x619xJPEG Aug 11 19:38 1996 Alwin Valentijn Waterlander. Color. // Wolph in a leather jacket and jeans. Artist: alegana.gif 94238 286x565x256 Mar 24 22:19 1995 Amanda Garrard // A lovely spotted serval - alegana copyright Angela Hamilton Artist: chi-n-lynx.gif 278843 814x447x256 Apr 10 00:54 1995 Amanda Garrard // Chiaroscuro scritching Lynx in the park. Chiaroscuro copyright Robert Armstrong. Lynx copyright Conrad Wong. Artist: K&Fwedding.gif 204317 487x511x256 Mar 29 00:47 1995 Amanda Garrard // The newlyweds Kantra and Freta; Freta copyright Steven Lang and Kantra copyright Amanda Garrard. Artist: Kit.gif 178566 454x694x256 Mar 23 23:10 1995 Amanda Garrard // A sketch of Kit-Aroscuro in MMPR costume. Artist: Paloma.GIF 167490 791x480x256 Sep 22 20:33 1995 Amanda Garrard // Drawing of paloma in anthro-feline form. (copr 1995 Amanda Garrard) Artist: seacat.GIF 234624 628x480x256 Sep 22 20:35 1995 Amanda Garrard // anthro-feline mermaid (copr 1995 Amanda Garrard) Artist: skoob.jpg 288917 847x1167xJPEG Nov 4 22:00 1995 Amanda Garrard. Grayscale. // Skoob (copr. Robert Carr) getting ready for a pick-up game of basketball. (picture copr. Amanda Garrard). Artist: aft_hedgehog.jpg 39930 343x393xJPEG Aug 18 09:35 1996 Amara F. Telgemeier ('Onza'). Grayscale. // For a friend who asked me to draw a "cute" hedgehog. As If I would. :) (c)1996 Amara Telgemeier. Artist: artist_wolf.jpg 36528 432x576xJPEG Aug 18 09:28 1996 Amara Telgemeier (AKA Onza). Grayscale. // A simple greyscale portrait of the Wolf Artist with a black shirt on, (c)1996 Amara Telgemeier. Artist: ap_newt.gif 67645 452x435x256 Jan 30 01:16 1996 Amy Pronovost (Amara@FurryMUCK). Grayscale. // Really cute anthro lizard. Artist: ap_racc1.gif 114213 486x670x256 Jan 30 01:16 1996 Amy Pronovost (Amara@FurryMUCK). Grayscale. // Raccoon lady sitting in a forest near a river. Artist: ap_arma.gif 42722 418x500x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // This is a flying armadillo and is very cute. Artist: ap_fox1.gif 27400 338x413x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Fox warrior woman, very nice. Artist: ap_gdzil.gif 9947 640x442x16 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Godzilla with basketball. Very silly picture drawn on windows. Artist: ap_jerry.gif 14317 640x442x16 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Jerry the giraffe, someone spiked his water dish. (very silly picture done on windows.) Artist: ap_me2.gif 45888 399x550x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Me in full colour! What more could you want? :) Artist: ap_meme1.gif 25381 295x450x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Photographs. :) dude. Artist: ap_meme2.gif 79823 596x450x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Photographs. :) dude. Artist: ap_meme3.gif 72182 588x450x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Photographs. :) dude. Artist: ap_mskul.gif 6192 544x371x16 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Meet Mr Skull... not really furry, but incredibly silly. This was yet another windows drawn piece. Artist: ap_rude.gif 14113 640x440x16 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // Not as rude as it sounds. Silly, but reccomended, windows drawn thing. Artist: ap_woof.gif 9908 640x440x16 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Color. // It's a doggy. Sitting in a mountain range, going 'woof'. Why? I was bored. Another windows piece. Artist: ap_bar.gif 85926 348x480x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Crowded medieval bar scene, scan's a little blocky, I am going to re scan it when I get the chance. Artist: ap_beady.gif 30380 308x500x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Beady the cat, the vaguest looking cat on the street. :) Artist: ap_beast.gif 50007 524x351x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Riding beast dragon things (See ap_patch.gif for more insight) Artist: ap_dance.gif 22724 324x451x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // 'The Dance' Romantic piece :) Artist: ap_df.gif 24343 372x500x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // DarkFox, my character on Marvel 2099 MUSH. Artist: ap_dragn.gif 60509 372x512x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Neato looking dragon saying 'nice drop of red, old chap' and holding a wine glass. Artist: ap_evil.gif 128137 435x600x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Powerful evil wolfie wizard dude. Artist: ap_fight.gif 48203 510x309x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Blackpaws the fox Vs generic cat dude. Artist: ap_fle.gif 29721 308x500x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // *NON FURRY* Elfy thing. :) Artist: ap_fox2.gif 23852 345x411x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Same as ap_fox1.gif, but B&W. Artist: ap_garg.gif 124823 470x480x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // *NON FURRY* Pencil sketch of a gargoyle. Artist: ap_group.gif 154174 640x465x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Generic fantasy 'ooer a shiney thing' picture. Artist: ap_lexro.gif 55620 319x405x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Rody meets alexis. Artist: ap_lexy1.gif 99163 523x571x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Alexis the fox, nice looking pic. Artist: ap_lexy2.gif 33092 485x473x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Alexis in generic action pose #153. Artist: ap_love.gif 40620 269x454x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Foxes in luv! how sweet. :) (Alexis and Blackpaws) Artist: ap_mage.gif 34787 258x564x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Leopard mage woman. Artist: ap_me.gif 66806 640x465x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Self portrait. :) Whee! Artist: ap_me3.gif 63367 477x450x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Me in a comfy chair (Bring in.. the comfy chair!! sorry.). Artist: ap_mice1.gif 81434 439x500x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // A pack of mice! Flee in terror! Artist: ap_mice2.gif 43408 435x344x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Mice with a shiney wand thingy. Artist: ap_mine.gif 59564 640x465x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Fox with bag of cookies. People say it looks like me. :) Artist: ap_monta.gif 87309 441x736x256 Feb 24 14:14 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Montage type drawing of characters I designed.. t-b Alexis, Blackpaws, Newton, Bryce, Rody, Temik. Artist: ap_next.gif 35733 425x519x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Generic bikini clad fantasy leopard babe that can barely lift the sword, yet cuts down trianed warriors 3 times her size. Artist: ap_oryx.gif 53806 360x550x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Oryx the oryx, great drawing. Artist: ap_patch.gif 46163 460x349x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Patch the cat riding a riding beast (See ap_beast.gif) Artist: ap_punk.gif 58038 341x500x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Punkupine. Need I say more? Artist: ap_racc2.gif 31561 376x480x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Portrait of the raccon lady. :) Artist: ap_rody1.gif 22608 328x253x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Rody the mouse looking very depressed. Artist: ap_rody2.gif 33299 330x332x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Rody the mouse looking not really depressed. Artist: ap_sfl3.gif 80550 413x600x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Cover for 'South Fur Lands' #3. Artist: ap_sleep.gif 37142 640x316x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Foxything asleep in long grass. Artist: ap_thing.gif 34614 389x472x256 Feb 24 14:15 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // I drew this when I should have been studying for biochemistry. Artist: ap_ttro.gif 50934 454x550x256 Mar 16 22:27 1996 Amy Pronovost. Grayscale. // Amara and Tormani (not Amara as in me) from a series of comic strips with Totoro from anime fame. Artist: Berios_n_bat-ah.gif 19670 592x869x2 Jun 10 08:53 1994 Andre' Heinonen // Unsuspecting Berios ( Jamal Hannah) with interested bat... Artist: Fox2-ah.gif 58096 449x686x16 Mar 18 15:01 1994 Andre' Heinonen // Fox sitting, chin in hand, apparently deep in thought. Artist: Katana.gif 12888 326x512x16 Mar 18 15:02 1994 Andre' Heinonen // Fox wielding a katana. Color. Artist: Lynx-n-Fox.gif 114053 868x664x16 Mar 18 15:12 1994 Andre' Heinonen // Lynx scientist, military fox: -"Project finished, Sir!" Artist: Skunk_drink.gif 22407 619x821x4 Mar 21 03:36 1994 Andre' Heinonen // Striped skunk at bar, holding up glass to the light. Artist: Terminal_aggression.gif 93870 1064x760x16 Mar 21 03:37 1994 Andre' Heinonen // A fox, using the 'brute force' method of typing! Artist: Vic-n-Lorelei.gif 41032 507x820x8 Mar 21 03:38 1994 Andre' Heinonen // Two foxes, tenderly hugging each other... Artist: Vic-n-Lorelei2.gif 42088 724x392x16 Mar 21 03:40 1994 Andre' Heinonen // Same fox pair, close to kissing. Naked, but nothing really seen... Artist: kendall-ah.jpg 141872 977x733xJPEG Jan 30 10:47 1997 Andre' Heinonen // Kendall the cacomistle [(c) Eric Goodwin] in a crouching pose, looking sinister. Artist: Krypto-ah.gif 61748 586x822x32 May 31 08:33 1995 Andre' Heinonen // Red fox, going to war! Artist: Lyonz-ah.jpg 151680 821x1076xJPEG Feb 14 07:16 1997 Andre' Heinonen // Lyonz (C) Jason Lehman, a lion in loincloth leans against a tree. Commissioned artwork. Artist: Sign-ah.gif 128819 1141x811x16 May 31 08:33 1995 Andre' Heinonen // Cat with a mission, and two foxes. Spiritual? Maybe, maybe not :-) Artist: Sword-Coon.gif 78018 752x864x16 Apr 7 04:51 1994 Andre' Heinonen, // Rather unhappy raccoon, holding sword. Artist: Campfire-ah.gif 239355 900x631x256 Jan 6 23:16 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Color. // Two furs (fox and wolf) warming themselves by firelight. Serene scene. :) Artist: Cheetlpd.jpg 219211 1276x808xJPEG Sep 28 21:31 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Color. // Female cheetah hugs a non-morphic leopard. Artist: Surprise-ah.jpg 106281 845x717xJPEG Jan 6 23:16 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Color. // A unpleasant surprise (or, a soon-to-be hunting accident :) Foxes, of course, rule. Artist: Trawlats.jpg 178347 950x1696xJPEG Sep 28 21:34 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Color. // Trawlats, a sword-wielding fox character. Commissioned by Rob Chamberlain. Artist: Trawnude.jpg 163134 704x1696xJPEG Sep 28 21:34 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Color. // Trawlats, here in a nude pose. Commissioned by Rob Chamberlain. Artist: Umbrella-ah.gif 174770 640x750x256 Jan 6 23:16 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Color. // Fox (detective?) under..you guessed it! Artist: Yiffy-ah.jpg 189520 1016x1653xJPEG Oct 5 14:10 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Color. // A fox male, entirely too happy to see a vixen. (Relax, most of the tastelessness is in the captions! :) Artist: Zoo_roo.gif 103959 987x791x16 Sep 28 21:40 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Color. // What if the 'roo in the zoo had a camera? Roles reversed! Artist: Exec_roo.gif 100823 780x949x16 Sep 28 21:32 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Grayscale. // A kangaroo, all dressed up for life. This drawing is topical. Or perhaps it isn't. :) Artist: Fencingfox-ah.gif 118533 661x1243x16 Jan 30 01:00 1996 Andre' Heinonen, . Grayscale. // Fox with a rapier. Artist: Aspirin-ah.jpg 130910 1147x603xJPEG Nov 23 07:05 1996 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Color. // Aspirin (c) Adam Moss and Victor (c) Andre' Heinonen sharing a mug of ale. For Adam at Eurofurence 1, 1995. Artist: beach-ah.jpg 234585 1085x667xJPEG Jan 13 00:17 1997 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Color. // Two foxes on a beach. Artist: stayback.gif 85933 777x709x256 Apr 1 04:02 1997 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Color. // "Stay back!" This one was drawn real quick as I needed an illo for my webpages. Artist: tower-ah.jpg 165982 859x1241xJPEG Apr 8 05:40 1997 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Color. // Two foxes waving from a tower window. Commissioned drawing. Artist: witch-ah.jpg 175822 752x912xJPEG Jan 13 00:17 1997 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Color. // Adventurer cat male encounters a vixen witch. Artist: cat-ah.gif 66884 672x908x16 Jan 13 00:17 1997 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Grayscale. // A cat gazes out a tower window. Curious silhouetted light effect. Artist: jedicoon.gif 99847 1233x1280x16 Apr 8 05:40 1997 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Grayscale. // A jedi raccoon with lightsaber at the ready. Artist: LetterFox-ah.jpg 162581 812x842xJPEG Nov 9 17:56 1996 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Grayscale. // Fox sitting under a tree, writing a letter to someone dear. Artist: muse-ah.jpg 194800 1430x1060xJPEG Jan 13 00:17 1997 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Grayscale. // The muse Vulpomene (Melpomene) bludgeons the artist but good. Artist: stuck-ah.gif 76535 1005x793x16 Jan 13 00:17 1997 Andre' Heinonen, e92_anh@e.kth.se. Grayscale. // A hapless cat 'morph ponders the effects of too much on-line activity. Artist: Janet-ah.gif 8335 587x512x2 Apr 29 01:05 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Black and white. // ,c Just another character of mine. Head shot of raccoon female. Artist: Brushpainting-ah.jpg 40709 382x394xJPEG May 20 08:28 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // A little fox, taking the activity of brushpainting seriously. Artist: Buran-ah.jpg 134677 900x724xJPEG Jul 13 22:07 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // Snow leopard Buran (copyright Jennifer Sarantites), in blue flight suit, with model of shuttle. Commissioned artwork. Artist: cat2-ah.jpg 70044 479x700xJPEG May 24 19:12 1997 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // Cat looking moody. Artist: DikeWalk-ah.gif 164584 799x559x256 Sep 3 10:33 1995 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // Four strangers in a strange land; foxes Victor, kobus and Aspirin and raccoon Kizeh out for a walk... Artist: FencingFox-c-ah.gif 105984 702x850x256 May 20 08:28 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // Fox with rapier. Color version (though slightly smaller) of Fencingfox-ah.gif. Artist: Foxkits-ah.jpg 142218 1009x975xJPEG Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // Two young foxes discover their first butterfly. What happens next? :). Artist: Hackrcat-ah.jpg 153116 915x863xJPEG Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // A perhaps-too-curious cat in front of his computer. Artist: mailbox.jpg 60919 641x676xJPEG May 24 19:13 1997 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // A cat sticking his head in his empty mailbox, looking for the postman. Artist: Manticore-ah.jpg 148351 949x885xJPEG Jul 13 22:07 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // A manticore (human head, lion's body) of Persian mythology. Commissioned artwork. Artist: Mouspntr-ah.gif 225358 914x700x256 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // Vixen posing as model for a rodent artist's painting. Artist: Painbuni-ah.gif 149151 437x900x256 Jan 6 23:03 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // Suffering bun' rabbit male... Yep, it's another "figure-it-out-yourself" picture! Artist: Periwbdg-ah.jpg 146805 884x786xJPEG Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // A badger who's found his place in life! Artist: Ping-ah.jpg 98545 690x765xJPEG Jan 6 23:07 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // Fox physician with incomprehensible machine in insipid (according to the artist) interpretation of a Monty Python sketch. Artist: Slop-ah.gif 90216 720x480x256 Sep 3 10:34 1995 Andre' Heinonen. Color. // The artist (fox) complaining to Unci the snow leopard about the Eurofurence food! Artist: Aha-ah.gif 32390 354x485x16 Apr 29 01:05 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Simply put, fox pointing at ya. Artist: AmaraKit-ah.gif 139839 452x780x256 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Amara and KitFox, sort-of-hugging. :) Amara is (c) Amy Pronovost. Artist: Arcticfoxes-ah.gif 103701 1069x827x16 Apr 29 01:05 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Fox family on beach. Artist: Artist-ah.gif 49305 640x620x16 Jul 13 22:07 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // "They want me to draw *humans*!" Exasperated vulpine artist at the drawing board... Artist: Bandgfox-ah.gif 130893 914x900x8 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Fox male with a bandaged chest meets a stocky human. I guess there's a story behind this one? :). Artist: Bdgrhand-ah.gif 45433 697x766x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // A badger in a weird pose! Artist: EF2_food-ah.gif 26745 648x759x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // One of six door-signs I made for the EuroFurence 2 in Linkping, Sweden 1996. This one is for the kitchen... Artist: EF2_meet-ah.gif 26631 1035x886x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Another EuroFurence 2 door sign. This one is the main meeting-room. Artist: EF2_orgy-ah.gif 22204 722x615x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Another EuroFurence 2 door sign. This one is for the orgy. (WHAT?! *Was* there really an orgy? Hey, don't ask... :) Artist: EF2_shwr-ah.gif 27425 737x769x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Another EuroFurence 2 door sign. This one is for the bathroom. (Spy hard? :) Artist: EF2_tlet-ah.gif 19336 505x875x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Another EuroFurence 2 door sign. This one is for the toilet(s). (No, the arrangements *were* adequate!) Artist: EF2_vdeo-ah.gif 26889 762x653x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Another EuroFurence 2 door sign. This one is for the video room. Artist: Miammice-ah.gif 139014 1263x901x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // A mouse-and-cat pair, agents or detectives, straight out of a buddy-movie. (Miami Mice?? Eek, too silly!) Artist: Philobdg-ah.gif 104232 1274x1044x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Another badger, a toga'd philosopher, trying to make sense of the world... Artist: RadShari-ah.gif 44826 600x600x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Sven Tegethoff's character Radjah (cheetah morph) scritching his nonmorphic cat, Shari. For his sketchbook. Artist: Tabby-ah.gif 72436 604x813x16 Apr 29 01:05 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Male semi-morphed tabby cat. Artist: VicAmara-ah.gif 179984 1224x936x16 Aug 18 09:21 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Victor (c) Andre' Heinonen and Amara (c) Amy Pronovost in an art lesson gag; "Draw!" (She's a fast artist... :). Artist: Vix_cat-ah.jpg 82350 584x632xJPEG May 20 08:28 1996 Andre' Heinonen. Grayscale. // Male cat wooing a vixen... Artist: apcat.gif 56648 546x355x256 Feb 18 14:21 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Other-dimensional werecat form. Artist: apdetect.gif 13017 204x279x16 Feb 16 10:41 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Loopy detects 94 Artist: aphurts.gif 27769 408x535x16 Feb 16 10:51 1996 Andrew Pidcock // "It Hurts!" 94 Artist: aplmagic.gif 87861 504x345x256 Feb 16 11:01 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Loopy in half-wolf form, doing green magic 94 Artist: appants.gif 102567 412x888x256 Feb 16 11:08 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Loopy in the White Pantsuit outfit he wore during the War of Masks 95 Artist: aprikal1.gif 143496 390x553x256 Feb 16 11:16 1996 Andrew Pidcock // My Rikal (Cyberpunk Grey Mouse) 95 Artist: apriver.gif 570446 816x1098x256 Feb 16 11:30 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Riverdale -- blue disney-type gargoyle 96 Artist: apsnake.gif 56020 383x441x256 Feb 16 12:29 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Loopy in semi-wolf, semi-serpentine form 96 Artist: aptug2.gif 92333 545x403x256 Feb 16 12:49 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Tugrik d'Itchi with changes made by player's request 96 Artist: gargoyle.gif 72256 464x396x256 Feb 18 14:18 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Grey gargoyle creature, reaching from pedastal (G) Artist: korul.gif 96420 540x395x256 Feb 18 14:23 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Green gargoyle from _Loopy2:Who are you?_ Male (gargoyle) nudity (rear) Artist: maza.gif 47054 345x527x256 Feb 18 14:25 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Maza, Loopy's sleek, black female werewolf form (G) Artist: roof.gif 49112 347x377x256 Feb 18 15:36 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Loopy falling off a .. roof! (G) Artist: silvrmoo.gif 126772 535x407x256 Feb 18 15:02 1996 Andrew Pidcock // The Silvermoon pack and Ralbi (G) Artist: tenchi.gif 88449 385x547x256 Feb 18 14:59 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Portrait of Tenchi Muyo (umopepisdn) (G) Artist: tenchi3.gif 298886 790x1054x256 Feb 18 14:29 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Portrait of Tenchi Muyo (umopepisdn) (G) Artist: twomoons.gif 87415 407x461x256 Feb 18 14:33 1996 Andrew Pidcock // Loopy & jeremy: Two brothers, Two moons, two EYES! (G) Artist: apriver.jpg 143973 816x1098xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Riverdale -- blue disney-type gargoyle 96. Artist: korul.jpg 39614 540x395xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Korul Al-Wassar 95. Artist: lupegarg.gif 146179 405x543x256 Feb 24 15:19 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Loopy and the Gargoyle 95. Artist: lupegarg.jpg 48671 405x543xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Loopy and the Gargoyle 94. Artist: lupegrg2.gif 147558 376x528x256 Feb 29 01:00 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Loopy and the Gargoyle - "Your.. primitive pencils have been replaced with acrylics!" 96. Artist: maza.jpg 23067 345x527xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Maza, loopy's sister 95. Artist: roof.jpg 21874 347x377xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Loopy falling off a .. ROOF! Artist: silvrmoo.jpg 54103 535x407xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // The Silvermoon Pack 94. Artist: tenchi.jpg 34112 385x547xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Portrait of Tenchi Muyo 95. Artist: tenchi3.jpg 104545 790x1054xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Portrait of Tenchi Muyo 95. Artist: twomoons.jpg 33687 407x461xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Loopy and Jeremy -- "Two Moons, Two Brothers, Two Eyes" 94. Artist: uochip.jpg 61834 820x915xJPEG Mar 4 02:42 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Color. // Unofficial Chip Unicorn 95. Artist: uochip.gif 112982 820x915x256 Feb 24 15:15 1996 Andrew Pidcock. Grayscale. // Unofficial Chip Unicorn 95. Artist: anotherone.jpg 106350 412x420xJPEG Jun 5 03:22 1997 Andy Peterson. Color. // A lone foxy sitting at a bar. Artist: foxiepose.jpg 167987 429x512xJPEG Jun 3 16:08 1997 Andy Peterson. Color. // A football playing foxie? Sure got shoulders for it! :) Artist: headcol.gif 183407 858x1205x256 Jan 28 01:34 1997 Andy Peterson. Grayscale. // A collage of heads of various species, mostly foxes. Artist: sadfox.gif 192501 825x1181x256 Jan 26 23:39 1997 Andy Peterson. Grayscale. // A sad fax! Artist: toonwolf.jpg 43089 347x250xJPEG Jun 8 22:26 1997 Andy Peterson. Grayscale. // A toonish wolfie face! Artist: vixen01.jpg 33403 310x159xJPEG Jun 3 16:01 1997 Andy Peterson. Grayscale. // A face of a non-toon foxy. Artist: vixen02.jpg 50030 381x230xJPEG Jun 3 16:01 1997 Andy Peterson. Grayscale. // Another face of a non-toon foxy. Artist: Alegana.jpg 85257 324x460xJPEG Jul 19 13:17 1995 Angela Hamilton // Picture of Alegana standing, with a rose in one hand. Artist: group.jpg 79243 716x441xJPEG Feb 23 01:30 1995 anjuan@mail.utexas.edu // Some friends and I. Artist: hrafnkel.jpg 140965 900x1389xJPEG Dec 17 10:46 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser) // An illustration of Hrafnkel of FurryMUCK in a more relaxed mood. Artist: jacka.jpg 99168 882x730xJPEG Mar 4 12:25 1997 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser) // A drawing of Jacka Micawber of Sherwood MUCK, posing in a relaxed mood. Artist: phaedria.jpg 290097 1656x2178xJPEG Dec 18 07:47 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser) // Phaedria from FurryMUCK. Artist: rtalmeid.jpg 107951 600x793xJPEG Jan 30 07:13 1997 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser) // Rabbi Talmeid of Sherwood Muck Artist: ayk01.jpg 136681 796x626xJPEG Dec 15 01:54 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // Alien female feline furry poses under a tree on a warm summer day. Artist: ayk02.jpg 122045 800x1250xJPEG Dec 18 11:38 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // A nude furry Perseus displays his conquest of an enemy. Artist: ayk03.jpg 83894 600x667xJPEG Dec 15 01:54 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // A furry babe adopts a coquettish pose. Artist: ayk05.jpg 93297 600x979xJPEG Dec 18 11:38 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // Just another female feline furry, in the nude. Artist: ayk06.jpg 93169 600x1051xJPEG Dec 18 11:38 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // Yet another female feline furry posing nude. Artist: ayk07.jpg 129602 600x1115xJPEG Dec 18 11:38 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // Just relaxing in the nude on a warm spring afternoon. Artist: ayk08.jpg 64393 700x574xJPEG Dec 18 11:38 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // "Well? What are you waiting for?" Artist: ayk09.jpg 86307 598x629xJPEG Dec 15 01:54 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // Two furry sailors bring in sail during a storm. It's hot and sweltering, so they've removed their clothes. Artist: ayk10.jpg 174071 1200x1186xJPEG Dec 15 01:54 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // A '55 Chevy, and a beautiful and willing female. What more could you want? : ). Artist: kera-s.jpg 113171 500x964xJPEG Dec 15 02:06 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Color. // Kera Savalion from FurryMUCK. Artist: coquette.jpg 48573 619x548xJPEG Dec 18 11:38 1996 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Grayscale. // A nude vixen strikes a pose with a coy, 'come hither' expression on her face. Artist: flnt-ayk.jpg 166561 750x1252xJPEG May 5 00:10 1997 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Grayscale. // Flinthoof Ponypal of Furry Muck contemplates a mint chocolate truffle. Artist: loqu.jpg 143690 1100x995xJPEG Apr 27 13:34 1997 Anomaly (Avi Kaiser). Grayscale. // Loquacious (the academic centaur) of Furry MUCK, striking a heroic pose. Artist: VealouxA.gif 40469 220x338x256 Mar 16 22:03 1996 anonymous. Color. // Picture of a young Vealoux for furrymuck. Artist: nimbl.jpg 108905 640x480xJPEG Feb 10 00:06 1997 Antti Remes. Color. // A portrait of my furry alter ego. =) Artist: brushing.gif 32959 412x579x256 Mar 4 03:19 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A freckle-cheeked squirrel brushes her tail between her legs... Artist: bustyfox.gif 29820 413x581x256 Mar 4 03:19 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A comprehensive guide for drawing a vixen! This is all you have to know! Artist: comfort.gif 236486 430x600x256 May 25 02:57 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A cute tiger lady sitting on a comfy sofa.. Artist: cutcat.gif 24676 411x595x256 Mar 4 03:20 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // How does her shirt hold up anyways? This was originally called 'cliche.gif' :) Artist: eurofur2.gif 141075 640x883x256 Jul 6 23:29 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // The EuroFurence 2 t-shirt illustration. Artist: foxfolio.gif 106813 1063x765x16 Feb 10 00:04 1997 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // An ad. for my first portfolio. Artist: innocent.gif 201468 463x600x256 May 25 02:57 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // Definetly innocent fox...NOT! Artist: kyrn_kal.gif 109771 437x600x256 May 25 02:57 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // Brian Antoine's chars arguing of which one he likes better.. Artist: marilyn-ar.gif 51487 524x662x256 Mar 4 03:19 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // Dot-textured drawing of Marilyn Monroe as a vixen. Artist: nurse.gif 47812 457x630x256 Mar 4 03:19 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A sexy lynx girl. If all the nurses were like this, I would start hurting myself frequently! Artist: picnic.gif 261958 418x600x256 May 25 02:57 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // Comfy, cozy... Artist: pirate1.gif 79460 406x600x256 May 25 02:57 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A wolf pirate with an attitude. Artist: pirate2.gif 180500 414x600x256 May 25 02:57 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A pirate vixen. Why do all the pirates have torn ears and earrings anyway? Artist: redwine.gif 127696 412x579x256 Mar 4 03:20 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // Very civilized vixen! Artist: swordfox.gif 42941 344x555x256 Mar 4 03:20 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A vixen with a confuzed look on her face. This one misses a point... Artist: windy.gif 54125 637x716x256 Mar 4 03:19 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A mysterious female fox in the wind... Artist: x-mas2.gif 46583 413x581x256 Mar 4 03:26 1996 Antti Remes. Grayscale. // A huge-eyed kitty bids you merry christmas 1995! Artist: kreggan.gif 264212 771x418x256 Aug 23 09:37 1994 Ashley Kitto // A picture of Kreggan from furrymuck. Artist: ArialZap.ash.gif 30237 1188x1494x2 Feb 18 15:15 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c) 1995. Black and white. // Simple drawing of Arial in a Spandex jacket casting some sort of lightning-type spell. Artist: ArialNude.ash.gif 106824 650x933x16 May 3 01:46 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c) 1996. Grayscale. // A pencil study of Arial. Arial (c) Ashtoreth (William Haas) Artist: DolOne.ash.jpg 344552 1621x781xJPEG Feb 18 15:20 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1989. Color. // "Dollar One" from the Destructograph currency series. Artist: Finger.ash.jpg 217976 1009x1327xJPEG Feb 18 15:20 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1989. Color. // A Destructograph piece called, for lack of a better name, "The Finger." Artist: MeatMssl.ash.jpg 90939 800x535xJPEG May 3 01:47 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1989. Color. // "Meat Missile" (also known as "Crotch Rocket"), a Destructograph piece. Artist: DolTwo.ash.jpg 330941 1620x779xJPEG Feb 18 15:20 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1990. Color. // ,c "Dollar Two," from the Destructograph currency series. Artist: DGmeat.ash.jpg 154192 1312x1234xJPEG Feb 18 15:15 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1995. Color. // The Destructograph meat picture, take two. The name is supposed to be part of the marbling in the meat. Artist: Baxtrr.ash.gif 225126 800x1299x16 Feb 18 15:15 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1995. Grayscale. // A portrait of Baxtrr the Figment. Baxtrr (c) Atomic City. Artist: Birthtank.ash.gif 164761 480x1285x16 Feb 18 15:15 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1995. Grayscale. // One of the prickvixens in her tank before she was woken up. Do *not* let her catch you with this. :) Artist: DolThree.ash.jpg 225688 1600x776xJPEG May 3 01:47 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1996. Color. // "Dollar Three," a Destructograph piece. Artist: Ditzi.ash.gif 78929 476x1000x16 May 3 01:46 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1996. Grayscale. // An overendowed airhead jailbait vixen... let's see if we can get her to jump up and down! Artist: Roxanne3.ash.gif 116209 913x1276x16 May 3 01:46 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1996. Grayscale. // A revised, more accurate portrait of Roxanne Fox. Roxanne Fox (c) Ashtoreth (William Haas). Artist: Roxanne4.ash.gif 165370 1000x727x16 May 3 01:46 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1996. Grayscale. // A picture of Roxanne Fox at poolside. Roxanne Fox (c) Ashtoreth (William Haas). Artist: Roxanne5.ash.gif 147673 666x840x16 May 3 01:46 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas) (c)1996. Grayscale. // Roxanne Fox doing a little weightlifting. Roxanne Fox (c) Ashtoreth (William Haas). Artist: MnAnSSnM.kar.gif 253813 2512x1780x16 Feb 18 15:33 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c) 1995. Black and white. // Commission piece of Mnemora and Arial and Savage Squirrel and the Mink ((c) Kjartan Arnorsson). Artist: MFMNA.ash.gif 74823 1440x1440x256 Feb 18 15:33 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1995. Color. // Brute/KMFDM-style album cover with Mnemora and Arial. Artist: MFMNAimg.ash.gif 263025 2800x2551x4 Feb 18 15:33 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1995. Color. // The center image from MFMNA.ash.gif. Artist: Phaedra3.ash.gif 157770 814x1259x16 Feb 18 15:33 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1995. Grayscale. // Shaded sketch of Phaedra posing for the artist. Artist: kog.ash.jpg 126302 800x800xJPEG Feb 18 16:02 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1996. Color. // Techno album cover mock-up. Artist: OkillCol.ash.jpg 464718 900x1171xJPEG Feb 24 15:15 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1996. Color. // ,c Mnemora makes sure. :) This is the much more elaborate color version of Overkill.ash.jpg. Artist: Overkill.ash.gif 108623 1200x1359x16 Feb 18 15:33 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1996. Color. // Mnemora makes sure. :) There is also a color version of this, called OkillCol.ash.jpg. Artist: ArialTop.ash.gif 80586 671x1000x16 Nov 16 09:30 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1996. Grayscale. // A quick sketch of Arial casting something or other. Artist: PhaedLux.ash.gif 192549 1112x800x16 Nov 16 09:30 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1996. Grayscale. // Phaedra Wilson looking extra-luxurious. This isn't a permanent look for her, if you're curious. Artist: Prickvixens.ash.gif 214138 900x1135x16 Nov 16 09:30 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1996. Grayscale. // A pair of random Mnemora and Arial offspring. Artist: Roxanne6.ash.gif 101939 523x820x16 Nov 16 09:30 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1996. Grayscale. // Roxanne Fox looking intimidating, one of the things she's good at. Artist: Torpedoes.ash.gif 62049 467x800x16 Nov 16 09:30 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas), (c)1996. Grayscale. // It's like the title says... don't you think I get tired of making up these cute little descriptions? Artist: CultFire.ash.jpg 180530 800x1073xJPEG Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Color. // "Cult of Fire". Arial in a firestorm she's cast, as it slowly burns off her clothes, *period*. Copyright 1996. Artist: Kenda.ash.jpg 165779 750x1220xJPEG Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Color. // A portrait of an arctic fox with interesting body markings. Kenda (c) Kendo Wolf. Copyright 1996. Artist: MnemChro.ash.jpg 97037 800x600xJPEG Apr 8 05:14 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Color. // Mnemora somewhat dressed in a suit of reflective armor with neon surround. Art (c)1997. Artist: SDemonsCol.ash.jpg 175273 700x921xJPEG Apr 8 05:14 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Color. // Ariann and Ethere, a couple of Mnemora and Arial offspring, in their school clothes. :) Art (c)1997. Artist: Accident.ash.gif 44448 550x780x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // A picture of my personal furry having a pastry-related accident. Yeah, right. (c)1997. Artist: ArialAxe.ash.gif 118482 800x1156x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // Arial with a favorite one of her many weapons. (c)1997. Artist: Batbat.ash.gif 113107 1000x691x16 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // I *know* there's no way in hell she can fly, but the image seemed really sensual to me... Copyright 1996. Artist: FoxSuits.ash.gif 291765 987x1300x16 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // Phaedra and some other vixen stuffed into their formal attire. Copyright 1996. Artist: Jennycide.ash.gif 51142 600x882x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // A very big, very nasty hermaph foxtaur. *grin* Jennycide (c) N. Pollogies. (c)1997. Artist: Kitsune.ash.gif 114243 597x878x16 Apr 15 07:04 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // My first attempt at a kitsune (5-tailed). (c)1997. Artist: Melonny.ash.gif 149048 700x731x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // A large-chested vixen, only with black fur! Melonny (c) her player. Art (c) 1997. Artist: Phaedra4.ash.gif 66038 600x865x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // A somewhat toony, exaggerated drawing of Phaedra Wilson. Art (c)1997. Artist: Recoil.ash.gif 40324 600x823x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // Mnemora, going wacky with those guns of hers. Art (c)1997. Artist: SelfBack.ash.gif 111684 798x1539x16 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // For fans of large vixen behinds. Copyright 1995. Artist: SelfBaz.ash.gif 52549 690x1044x16 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // My alter-ego with 'bazookas.' Copyright 1995. Artist: SelfBlouse.ash.gif 41802 500x853x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // My personal furry... one of the few where her breasts aren't trying to rip out of her shirt. Art (c)1997. Artist: SelfDress.ash.gif 67051 690x1272x16 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // My vulpine alter-ego in a nice (and slightly tight) dress. I like this picture a lot... Copyright 1995. Artist: SelfLoom.ash.gif 79663 864x1254x16 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // My alter-ego looming over the viewer. (Those expecting to see me weaving a rug, I apologize.) Copyright 1995. Artist: SelfNude.ash.gif 29972 500x771x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // My personal furry caught undressed and unaware... Art (c)1997. Artist: SelfTommy.ash.gif 95112 864x1344x16 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // Vixen self-portrait with a Thompson submachine gun. This also appeared as a colored print. Copyright 1992. Artist: SelfToon.ash.gif 24691 225x546x256 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // A cartoony portrait of my vixenish alter-ego. Copyright 1995. Artist: SelfTop.ash.gif 209938 800x1249x16 Jul 5 22:05 1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // A really disturbing/arousing picture of my vulpine alter-ego in leather stuff. Copyright 1996. Artist: SkoolDemons.ash.gif 91078 700x938x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // The black-and-white version of SDemonscol.ash.jpg. Art (c)1997. Artist: Tawnah3.ash.gif 46833 530x800x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // Tawnah Hunter ((c) 1997 William Haas), an extremely top-heavy fennec vixen, jumping rope. Art (c)1997. Artist: Vixens.ash.gif 109578 1166x800x16 Apr 15 07:04 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // A comparison between various large-chested vixens. (c)1997. Artist: WantThis.ash.gif 30473 550x789x16 Apr 8 05:13 1997 Ashtoreth (William Haas). Grayscale. // "Want this?" A picture of Larna Evans. Larna (c) Scott Norman. Art (c)1997. Artist: chad-ath.gif 23916 810x1500x2 Jun 20 02:48 1996 Athaliah . Black and white. // This is a pict of someone I met AFTER I first met them. Artist: 3friends.jpg 72736 854x671xJPEG Feb 14 23:33 1996 Autumn Dufresne. Grayscale. // Just a quick sketch of three friends as furries. Artist: VealouxC.gif 25241 190x226x256 Mar 16 22:03 1996 B. Mon/anonymous. Color. // Picture of a mature, morph form Vealoux for furrymuck. Artist: VealouxB.gif 51946 329x305x256 Mar 16 22:03 1996 B. vonHoffman/anonymous. Color. // Picture of a mature, aviform Vealoux for furrymuck. Artist: sj-acc.gif 20982 640x480x16 Nov 6 16:17 1995 barney@f316.n205.z2.fidonet.org (Samuel Jirenius) // Accipiter from FurryMUCK. Artist: sj-acc2.gif 20434 640x480x16 Nov 6 16:18 1995 barney@f316.n205.z2.fidonet.org (Samuel Jirenius) // Accipiter from FurryMUCK. Artist: sj-wind.gif 16982 640x480x16 Nov 6 20:37 1995 barney@f316.n205.z2.fidonet.org (Samuel Jirenius) // Kandra (FurryMUCK character). Artist: sj-alic1.gif 16560 640x480x16 Nov 6 16:20 1995 barney@f316.n205.z2.fidonet.org (Samuel Jirenius). Grayscale. // Alichia (Female Fox-morph). Artist: sj-alic2.gif 18476 640x512x16 Dec 1 21:28 1995 barney@f316.n205.z2.fidonet.org (Samuel Jirenius). Grayscale. // Alichia by the pool. Artist: Japhet-n-Chrysler.jpg 286684 1969x757xJPEG May 13 00:36 1997 Baron Engel. Color. // Japhet the skunk and his '57 Chrysler 300C. Artist: aragh_bn.jpg 60869 375x541xJPEG Oct 26 09:07 1995 Barry Needleman. Color. // Watercolor of Aragh, a wolf morph FurryMUCK character. Artist: Lyin-br-colour.jpg 105119 541x413xJPEG Oct 27 22:51 1996 Ben Robinson. Color. // The lionmorph, Simba, nude and looking rather intensely at the viewer. Drawn, inked and watercolour painted by his player. Artist: Simba-br-01.jpg 477998 664x1386xJPEG Oct 5 14:56 1996 Ben Robinson. Color. // A portrait of Simba of SPR, Tapestries and such. Drawn and watercolour painted by his player, Ben Robinson. Artist: Lyin-br-bw.gif 59906 539x410x256 Oct 21 09:21 1996 Ben Robinson. Grayscale. // The lionmorph, Simba, nude and looking rather intensely at the viewer. Drawn by his player, Ben Robinson. Artist: SimbaRa1.jpg 94298 571x635xJPEG Sep 22 18:48 1996 Ben Robinson. Grayscale. // A portrait of Simba-Ra of FurryMUCK, drawn by his player, Ben Robinson. It seems a bit windy today... Artist: CafeAuLaitBonkers.gif 141756 538x656x256 Apr 15 23:08 1997 Benjamin Ryder. Color. // Cafe au Lait (a guinea-pig) wonders if Bonkers' tail is good to eat. Bonkers (a calico cat) tries to ignore it. Artist: Kahei.gif 30136 1213x1681x2 Feb 14 13:56 1997 benjamin.peterson@gb.swissbank.com // Line drawing, Kahei of FurryMuck dismantling a tractor. Artist: komako.gif 33691 1225x1697x2 Feb 14 13:58 1997 benjamin.peterson@gb.swissbank.com // Line drawing, Samwise of FurryMuck playing in Kahei's dojo. Artist: Ram-Bo.gif 181542 660x955x256 Sep 21 02:55 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove // Don't call him Beauregard. You might not like the result. Artist: skunkwlf.gif 23681 437x600x256 Mar 17 09:24 1997 Bernard "Chakat" Doove // Randy the Skunkwolf. This handsome fellow is the son of a wolf father and a skunk mother. Artist: Devilish.jpg 127203 760x1085xJPEG Jun 4 00:50 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale. // A devilish-looking furry in the mood for mischief. Copyright 1994 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Artist: Beach_Bums.jpg 199621 793x1015xJPEG Sep 21 03:56 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Color. // Equine and feline morph fems, arm in arm on the beach, walking away from the viewer. Artist: cf7-costume1.gif 169952 640x765x256 Mar 16 22:07 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Color. // First of a series of pictures of costumes at CF7. Artist: cf7-costume2.gif 280653 767x791x256 Mar 16 22:07 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Color. // ,c Second of a series of pictures of costumes at CF7. Artist: cf7-costume3.gif 280864 640x713x256 Mar 16 22:07 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Color. // Third of a series of pictures of costumes at CF7. Eeon (c) Ed Kline. Artist: Dragonette.jpg 122389 687x1030xJPEG Sep 22 18:48 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Color. // A young dragon lass bathes in a desert pool. Artist: Furrottica_6.gif 444577 835x1098x256 Sep 21 02:55 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Color. // "Way Too Low Off The Shoulder", cover art for the sixth issue of the Furrottica magazine from Silverfox Publications. Artist: Sissy.jpg 151530 685x1040xJPEG Sep 28 23:28 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Color. // Sissy the slightly cross-eyed mouse, posing in her bikini. Artist: Venka.jpg 135682 806x1025xJPEG Sep 21 03:56 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Color. // Upper body drawing of a lovely topless fem. Artist: Birthday-chakat.gif 28808 640x790x256 Dec 1 06:38 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale. // Goldfur celebrates the second anniversary of the creation of the chakat race. Artist: Cabin_Fox.gif 385487 942x670x256 Sep 21 03:56 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale. // A vixen reposes in her country cabin with views of the mountains and forest. Artist: Cat-Pet-Toy.gif 91557 416x588x256 Sep 28 23:35 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale. // Feline fem with her pet^H^H^Htoy. Artist: Harem_Dancer.gif 97137 806x1180x256 Sep 22 18:48 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale. // A cat in a harem outfit starts to dance for you. Artist: Rachel_at_beach.gif 59549 1160x827x16 Sep 22 18:48 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale. // My black cat fem at the beach, furry dipping of course! Artist: Thing_of_Beauty.gif 58099 797x1170x256 Sep 21 03:18 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale. // One must decide for oneself if the thing of beauty is the bear posing in the fur, or the flower she is regarding. Artist: Useful_magic.gif 104969 1100x827x256 Sep 28 23:29 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale. // A witch kitty shows the correct way to use a broom to do household chores. Artist: Ranger_Chakat.jpg 363710 1190x848xJPEG Sep 21 05:08 1996 Bernard "Chakat" Doove. // Early concept drawing of my chakat character at the edge of a gorge, surveying the scenery. Artist: Quickpaw.gif 13312 520x480x256 Oct 10 03:54 1995 Bernard Doove e-mail: chakat@daemon.apana.org.au // This is a drawing of Quickpaw, the chakat cub (feline centaur) playing squash. Artist: LOOK-TO.GIF 119742 604x437x256 Sep 9 03:28 1995 Bernard Doove. // "Looking to a bright future". A chakat (feline taurform) stands on a htop watching the sunrise. Artist: blindate.jpg 188509 1105x827xJPEG Sep 3 22:30 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // Unusual pairings occur when furries go on blind dates. Somehow though, I think these two will hit it off. Artist: casual.gif 150016 663x471x256 Aug 14 00:46 1995 Bernard Doove. Color. // "Casual Reading". Mouse miss lying on her bed in her scanties while reading a book. Artist: fascinat.gif 75690 807x1083x16 Sep 3 22:35 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // "A Fascinating Tail": A bathing lioness is endlessly fascinated by her twitching tail poking out of the water. Artist: goldfur.gif 131719 640x480x256 Sep 3 22:27 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // A portrait of Goldfur, a chakat (feline 'taur) holding a staff. Artist: hextaur.gif 194749 640x474x256 Sep 3 22:31 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // Commissioned drawing of a six-legged taur tigress. Character copyright David Green. Artist: lionprd.gif 324957 640x943x256 Sep 3 22:28 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // "Lion's Pride". A male lion wearing jeans and a smile. He has something to be proud about. Artist: mouse-cheesecake.gif 34389 593x860x256 Sep 3 22:26 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // A mouse in a cheesecke pose, what else? Artist: quikdip.gif 31275 729x1047x16 Sep 3 22:34 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // Where else would you find an otter but at the bathing facilities. However, for furries, they can be most unusual. Artist: tasha.gif 229593 637x908x256 Sep 3 22:36 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // Tasha, a reindeer lass, enjoys a discreet sunset skinnydip. Artist: valeta.gif 262852 717x1057x256 Sep 3 22:33 1996 Bernard Doove. Color. // Cute girl bat who loves a full moon. Artist: vickyrug.gif 157056 448x588x256 Aug 14 00:46 1995 Bernard Doove. Color. // "Vicky On A Rug". Cheesecake pose of a vixen propped up on one arm while lying on a rug on the floor. Artist: Sharra.gif 55386 639x478x256 Sep 4 21:14 1996 Bernard Doove. Grayscale. // Squirrel fem reclining wearing bikini bottom but no top. Artist: Darla.gif 94208 450x640x256 Oct 10 04:03 1995 Bernard Doove. E-mail: chakat@daemon.apana.org.au // Darla the not-so-delicate doe. A buxom bust. Artist: WISHFUL.GIF 176635 491x672x256 Sep 9 03:37 1995 Bernard Doove. E-mail: chakat@daemon.apana.org.au // "Wishful Thinking". Rachel, a black cat daydreams of a lover while undressing. Artist: Bianca1.gif 6303 514x388x2 Jul 27 18:40 1994 Bianca (aka. Marc Seebass) // Face shot of Bianca. Artist: Bianca3.gif 17352 882x1024x2 Jul 27 18:39 1994 Bianca (aka. Marc Seebass) // Bianca serving a voleyball. Artist: Bianca4-mss.gif 24413 612x846x2 Sep 26 20:16 1994 Bianca (aka. Marc Seebass) // Bianca wading in the water. Artist: CFE96_01.jpg 39399 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_02.jpg 37383 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_03.jpg 37914 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_04.jpg 42310 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_05.jpg 40866 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_06.jpg 40369 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_07.jpg 44313 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_08.jpg 45511 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_09.jpg 40843 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_10.jpg 52807 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_11.jpg 41751 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_12.jpg 30770 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_13.jpg 40707 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_15.jpg 40971 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_16.jpg 56310 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_17.jpg 42823 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_18.jpg 39940 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_19.jpg 45101 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_20.jpg 41004 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_21.jpg 42478 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_22.jpg 47433 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_23.jpg 45417 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_24.jpg 43450 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_25.jpg 41619 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_26.jpg 39434 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_27.jpg 41158 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_28.jpg 36575 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_29.jpg 36368 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_30.jpg 36744 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_31.jpg 41898 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_32.jpg 37430 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_33.jpg 36099 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_34.jpg 41291 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_35.jpg 34406 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_36.jpg 34148 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_37.jpg 38064 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_38.jpg 39323 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_39.jpg 49764 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_40.jpg 38633 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_41.jpg 32485 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_42.jpg 29375 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_43.jpg 34338 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_44.jpg 27913 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_45.jpg 27040 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_46.jpg 27084 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_47.jpg 38411 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_48.jpg 37328 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_49.jpg 42272 480x640xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_50.jpg 34229 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: CFE96_51.jpg 50720 640x480xJPEG Nov 23 07:04 1996 Big Bad Wolf. Color. // ConFurence East 1996 Photo Copyright 1996 by Big Bad Wolf (bigbadwolf@sprynet.com). Artist: klaatu-bs.gif 258439 600x788x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Bladestone. Color. // Klaatu sitting on a cliff ledge. Artist: b-and-s-bh.gif 4608 325x275x2 Feb 24 15:35 1996 Bret Hewes, copyright 1996. Black and white. // Katrina is blocking the bear's assault and countering with her own. Artist: gdfur-bh.gif 7595 366x345x2 Feb 24 15:35 1996 Bret Hewes, copyright 1996. Black and white. // Kyn in "You can't keep a good fur down". Artist: me-and-f-bh.gif 13005 466x480x2 Feb 18 16:02 1996 Bret Hewes. Black and white. // Group shot of me and my Furry morph characters, Kyn'Elwynn (tiger), Katrina (lioness), and Martes (fisher/weasel). Artist: lnxmc-bh.gif 17752 512x480x256 Feb 24 15:30 1996 Bret Hewes. Color. // Color Serious lynxism!!! Nudity, but it's covered. Copyright Bret Hewes, 1996. Artist: algiers1.gif 158013 614x840x16 Dec 17 01:56 1995 Brian O'Connell // Algiers of FurryMuck. A character commission illustration. Al is standing in a tea bar and coffee house, checking things out. Artist: callista.gif 290350 800x1098x256 Apr 5 07:32 1995 Brian O'Connell // A greyscale GIF of a character on the FurryMUCK virtual world. Commissioned and permission given by artist to upload. Artist: psyche.gif 99561 533x600x256 Jan 24 23:43 1996 Brian O'Connell. // Psyche of FurryMUCK - the tigress nude, ready and waiting. Commissioned by her player, and uploaded with permission. Artist: carousel.gif 245497 715x1000x16 Sep 3 22:04 1996 Brian O'Connell. Grayscale. // Carousel of FurryMUCK poses in her favorite clothes with some of her favorite things to be around. Commissioned artwork. Artist: Draconia.gif 166644 800x600x256 Jan 26 23:24 1997 Brian O'Connell. Grayscale. // Draconia, a dragoness, steps from a teleport gate and strikes a pose for the viewer. Artist: erwyn-bo.gif 130429 534x700x16 Aug 25 11:25 1996 Brian O'Connell. Grayscale. // Erwyn of FurryMUCK takes a relaxing pause at the side of a mountain stream. Commissioned artwork. Artist: HyouNevada.jpg 140201 640x831xJPEG Feb 21 02:14 1996 Brian Tiemann [Nevada] // Hyou (maned wolf morph) gets stopped on his way out by Nevada, who won't let him go without posing for a drawing. :) Pencil. Artist: ClearwaterNevada.jpg 92665 566x768xJPEG Jan 30 01:00 1996 Brian Tiemann. Grayscale. // Clearwater (Florida panther morph) demonstrates to Nevada (fox morph) his formidable panther-hug. Ink and pencil. Artist: Lions.jpg 88958 640x512xJPEG Jan 30 01:01 1996 Brian Tiemann. Grayscale. // What happens when a sexy morphic lioness acquires a pet winged lion? Ink & pencil. Artist: NevadaBuran2.jpg 81013 512x734xJPEG Jan 30 01:16 1996 Brian Tiemann. Grayscale. // Nevada (fox morph) and Buran (snow leopard morph) enjoy a tender moment in each other's arms. Ink and pencil. Artist: WhatDoYouThink.jpg 102010 640x758xJPEG Jan 30 01:16 1996 Brian Tiemann. Grayscale. // Nevada (the artist's character) asks for Clearwater's honest opinion on the latest entry in his sketch book. Pencil. Artist: by-bridd.gif 40980 367x478x256 Jun 11 18:59 1996 Brian Yee // A Dog/Deer morph(with cool clothes) looking at a chick passing by in a mall(supposedly)! Artist: by-fox.gif 8193 640x480x16 Feb 7 19:29 1996 Brian Yee // I tried to do a good dog design but I think its kind of plain and is pretty sucky (but my scanner guy said it was pretty cool). Artist: by-wolf2.gif 33596 338x420x256 Oct 22 22:40 1995 Brian Yee (briany@nucleus.com). Grayscale. // Picture of a werewolf doing what I was doing. Please send me opinions! Artist: by-wolf6.gif 107576 640x627x256 Mar 26 20:33 1996 Brian Yee, briany@nucleus.com. Grayscale. // Grey Comic style (sorta) (if only I new how I did this). If you like it, send me mail! Artist: by-blake.jpg 213995 650x506xJPEG Sep 28 23:39 1996 Brian Yee. Color. // Its another guy morphed.. He wanted to be a bulldog, so I made him a red bull dog. This one came after by-curt.jpg. Artist: by-curt.jpg 80100 474x570xJPEG Jun 15 13:44 1996 Brian Yee. Color. // This is a dog morph of my friend. It looks exactly like him (if he was a dog)! He was there for reference so it wasn't too hard. Artist: by-red.jpg 132481 522x600xJPEG Dec 29 03:46 1996 Brian Yee. Color. // The by-char.jpg changed my thoughts about doing pictures on the computer (used to think it was too hard) and so I tried again. Artist: by-smash.jpg 52734 600x768xJPEG Mar 15 16:37 1997 Brian Yee. Color. // A picture I did when I wasn't able to think of anything to draw. I was watching kung fu movies so I came up with this idea. Artist: by-dark.jpg 70758 489x932xJPEG Mar 15 16:37 1997 Brian Yee. Grayscale. // I was trying to come up with a buddy for the trenchcoat character who popped up twice before and I came up with this guy. Artist: by-deer.gif 9294 353x500x16 Sep 28 23:39 1996 Brian Yee. Grayscale. // I don't usually do pictures like these, but it just started coming out that way right from the beginning(which was the eye).. Artist: by-morn.gif 236810 640x707x256 Sep 28 23:39 1996 Brian Yee. Grayscale. // Well.. Originally supposed to show me (well not me me, someone else) But now its just a morning scene.. Artist: by-muz.gif 97337 550x413x256 May 3 01:48 1996 Brian Yee. Grayscale. // Werewolf sneering at doctor. Artist: by-think.gif 35646 549x575x256 Dec 29 03:44 1996 Brian Yee. Grayscale. // Someone said they liked griffins alot so I drew one (on the computer) for them. Artist: by-toons.gif 42621 868x768x16 Mar 15 16:37 1997 Brian Yee. Grayscale. // Since my characters were kinda plain I decided to do some toons. Artist: by-wolf5.gif 198889 609x635x256 Jan 7 00:15 1996 Brian Yee. Grayscale. // I usually can't draw anything I want to so I drew this guy having the same problem.. Total Pencil. Artist: lostboy.gif 30422 640x801x256 Jul 5 22:02 1996 Brian Yee. Grayscale. // A picture I drew for a good friend (Lostboy) on FurryMuck.. Artist: Jimbi03.gif 34793 640x400x16 Jan 12 14:38 1995 Bryon Morisette // Jimbi, a skunk Holding a short sword with a portal behind him. Artist: ka-rysta.gif 216643 504x734x256 Nov 30 15:11 1994 C. Mark Allison // A guitar wielding morphic horse (?), standing on one foot, and pointing :) Artist: sc-horse.gif 125980 441x458x256 Nov 30 15:14 1994 C. Mark Allison // Head and shoulders view of a morphic horse, wearing a cloak, with a scar across his left eye. Artist: steel.gif 206973 462x701x256 Nov 30 15:16 1994 C. Mark Allison // A cyborg horse-morph, with a forearm blade extended, and a nasty gun on his shoulder. Artist: talcayaa.gif 243811 461x734x256 Nov 30 15:19 1994 C. Mark Allison // An alien/morphic dinosaur, wearing a leather jacket, and wielding an unpleasant looking rifle. Artist: zebra-ar.gif 262176 503x797x256 Nov 30 15:22 1994 C. Mark Allison // A morphic zebra, wearing futuristic armour, standing with her? arms behind her? back. :) Artist: cs-mark.jpg 63383 571x571xJPEG Apr 8 04:35 1997 Candice Silverstone. Color. // Quick study piece done to see how fur markings might appear on a werewolf, 3 views, turned out so good I uploaded. Artist: kes.gif 33292 331x631x256 Apr 6 13:46 1996 Chad Laubach // Kes is my best friend in RL and Yiffnet. Kes is a beautiful female tiger morph with... well, she has trouble finding the right sized bra. Artist: sabre.gif 38750 428x720x256 Apr 6 13:46 1996 Chad Laubach // Here is my best bud on Yiffnet, Sabrefox. He is totaly cool fox morph that wears a cut-off Vulpine Power T-shirt and jean shorts. Artist: wild.gif 33880 436x630x256 Apr 6 13:47 1996 Chad Laubach // My character Wildwolf. I am a 7 foot 300 pound grey wolf morph. In this picture I am showing of my musclular body, and my greatest ASSet. Artist: wolf.gif 131346 415x540x256 Apr 6 13:48 1996 Chad Laubach // I also create life sized statues. Here is a photograph of one of my works, of a werewolf ripping the guts out of Freddy Kruger. Artist: zariae.gif 110282 407x600x256 Apr 6 13:48 1996 Chad Laubach // Here is my first original furry drawing I ever did. It is a character of my own design, named Zarria. Zarria is a beautiful grey shewolf. Artist: cheetaha.gif 354287 640x513x256 Nov 29 16:24 1996 Charles Patterson (Midian) // Acrylic b&w translation of cheetaho.gif. Artist: cheetahg.gif 371094 640x517x256 Nov 29 16:28 1996 Charles Patterson (Midian) // Graphite (pencil) b&w translation of cheetaho.gif. Artist: shimmyr2_cp.gif 50053 296x400x256 Nov 29 16:32 1996 Charles Patterson (Midian) // Pencil sketch of Shimmyr on FurryMUCK. Shimmy (C) her player. Artist: shimmyr_cp.gif 40889 264x400x256 Nov 29 16:33 1996 Charles Patterson (Midian) // Pencil sketch of Shimmyr on FurryMUCK. Shimmy (C) her player. Artist: fountain_cp.gif 56560 308x400x256 Jan 4 14:35 1997 Charles Patterson (midian@azstarnet.com) // Fountain at the Tiger Villa. Artist: alegana_cp.gif 38431 872x1264x256 Dec 29 03:39 1996 Charles Patterson (midian@azstarnet.com). Color. // Alegana looking lovely in her latex 'catsuit'. Alegana is copyright her player. Artist: shiana2_cp.gif 90321 293x400x256 Dec 29 04:02 1996 Charles Patterson (midian@azstarnet.com). Grayscale. // Shiana dressed for an evening of dancing. Shiana is copyright her player. Artist: shiana_cp.gif 46326 270x400x256 Dec 29 04:02 1996 Charles Patterson (midian@azstarnet.com). Grayscale. // Shiana taking a nice swim. Shiana is copyright her player. Artist: tya_cp.gif 40523 287x400x256 Dec 29 04:01 1996 Charles Patterson (midian@azstarnet.com). Grayscale. // Tya, a marsupial lioness, posing at the beach. Tya is copyright her player. Artist: longday.gif 27300 640x400x32 Aug 3 23:06 1996 Charles Patterson. Grayscale. // Quick sketch (10 min) of a PI after a long day. Artist: midian2.gif 435608 760x823x256 Jun 7 22:19 1996 Charles Patterson. Grayscale. // Midian of Furry as drawn by his player. Artist: Cheetaface.gif 1627 145x123x2 Jul 27 18:37 1994 Cheeta (aka. Marc Seebass) // A drawing of Cheeta's face. Note: The character Cheetah is copyrighted by Fred Perry Artist: candice.jpg 186913 553x784xJPEG Apr 29 02:02 1996 Chen, Daremo-Long. Grayscale. // Female mousemorph kneeling on her bed, dressed in lingerie, working on the bra straps and cups. Upper frontal nudity. Artist: lisa_lil.jpg 72599 640x743xJPEG Apr 29 02:03 1996 Chen, Daremo-Long. Grayscale. // Female mousemorph standing twisted with her tail to the viewer, looking back and smiling. Artist: scorch.gif 20399 311x345x256 Jan 28 01:21 1997 Cherna Gast. Color. // Commander Scorch Hedgehog, of the Knothole Freedom Fighters, on FluffMUCK. Artist: kodiakk01.gif 30397 627x868x256 Oct 19 11:27 1994 Chris Jones, aka Rum-Tum-Tugger // Kodiakk as pictured by Kodiakk's player. This image is printed with permission from Kodiakk's player. Artist: BenMouse.gif 35260 432x553x16 May 24 21:48 1994 Chris Kozloski // A pencil drawing of Ben Mouse. Artist: BenTarin.gif 176024 856x1089x16 May 24 21:49 1994 Chris Kozloski // Pencil drawing of BEn Mouse and Tarin Firepelt. Artist: ButterUp.gif 67968 856x641x16 Jul 5 02:02 1994 Chris Kozloski // This is a picture of me laying it on thick after a slip of the tongue. (Generaly a backfired pun! =). Artist: CalmFox.gif 250688 1104x852x16 Nov 17 11:22 1994 Chris Kozloski // This is a picture of myself, Vala, Falfen and Twink. Falfen is commenting on how calm I am acting and I am explaining why. Artist: DeathTea.gif 153854 1088x802x16 May 24 21:50 1994 Chris Kozloski // Tarin Firepelt in The Room Temperture Banana Detective Agency, taking a mighty quaf of his heavily caffienated, sugar-laced "Death Tea"! Artist: Risseth.gif 101091 848x887x16 May 24 21:52 1994 Chris Kozloski // A pencil drawing of Risseth, picture of Falfen on wall. Artist: Sedagive.gif 119709 1088x653x16 May 25 01:33 1994 Chris Kozloski // BojoPigion triumphant after shooting a hyperactive Tarin Firepelt with a "sedagive". Cyberskunk comments. Artist: TwinkFal.gif 128640 856x996x16 Jul 5 02:02 1994 Chris Kozloski // This is a picture of Falfen proposing to Twink. Artist: Wheee.gif 241982 824x1084x16 Nov 17 11:36 1994 Chris Kozloski // This is a picture of the myself, running at high speed in a caffine fit. Kratsminsch is riding my back like a rodeo cowgirl. Artist: Aleeoop.gif 61451 808x628x16 Feb 1 18:57 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Wyn being thrown into the park pond by Vala and Myself. Artist: Aspirin.gif 104576 768x738x16 Jul 14 08:25 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Aspirin the tye dyed fox. It appears even posing makes him hungry... Artist: Backfire.gif 105832 632x811x16 Feb 1 18:58 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of me and Jarik after Jarik's wondergun randoms out an unfortunate result. Artist: Baxtrr-n-Zwolf.gif 141146 824x1113x16 Feb 20 13:54 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Baxtrr and Zwolf. Zwolf is doing the twist on a cloud, forgetting Baxtrr cant walk on it! Artist: Bedtime.gif 166656 848x1090x16 Jul 18 07:48 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Myself with my daughter asleep after a bedtime story... Artist: BigVala.gif 168064 856x1167x16 Jul 14 08:27 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Vala.Prime holding me up for a look... Artist: Caldera.gif 184448 1112x852x16 Jul 14 08:27 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Myself and Vala looking over the caldera where I live from off the balcony on the spine... Artist: Californwyn.gif 66549 624x781x16 Feb 1 18:58 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a joke about all the rain in California, The state where Wyn lives RL. Artist: Clip.gif 101504 624x848x16 Jul 14 00:00 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Clip. Artist: Cut-n-Run.gif 52524 832x616x16 Feb 1 19:00 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // Wind-dancer has an idea that I would look good in a poodle-do. I dont think so. Artist: DC_Furry.gif 178767 1088x852x16 Sep 25 15:45 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a Joke I drew concerning my trip back home when I met Falfen and Twink RL! =) Artist: Dojo.gif 202057 1008x848x16 Sep 25 15:46 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // Myself and Vala sparing at Kikimo's Dojo. Artist: Foxina.gif 141343 840x1010x16 Nov 17 11:27 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of the vixen Foxina. Artist: FuzzProb.gif 83840 784x760x16 Apr 12 02:20 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Fuzzy_Fox pondering a small problem... Artist: Fwumped.gif 175438 1176x850x16 Feb 20 13:55 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of me being scritched by Wind-Dancer. Artist: LoggingOut.gif 140385 848x1088x16 Feb 20 13:57 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // Wyn is logging off and I'm laying it on thick to get her to stay... Artist: LynxKoosh.gif 213585 856x1038x16 Jan 24 08:52 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Lynx tantalising Tarin With a Kooshball! Artist: Mishka.gif 231253 1072x848x16 Nov 17 11:30 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of the certifiably cute batbat Mishka! =) Artist: Pirates.gif 187136 1168x852x16 Jul 14 08:28 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture from my past as I tell my son and a friend a story of Pirates on the high seas.... Artist: Reflection.gif 117054 816x638x16 Feb 1 19:02 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Wyn checking her reflection after a bit of pampering by the friendly hyperfox. Artist: Riss&Fal.gif 78848 648x639x16 Apr 12 02:20 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Risseth sitting on Falfens lap in the RTBDA. Artist: ScaleOfFriendship.gif 149885 1040x814x16 Feb 20 13:58 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // All my friends just arent my size! From left to right, Ben_mouse, Wind-Dancer, Myself, Vala, and unnamed giant! Artist: SheetWar.gif 68969 824x622x16 Feb 1 19:02 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // Vala and I subconsciously fighting over the bedsheets at night. Artist: SockKill.gif 113278 960x788x16 Jul 19 21:47 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of me tearing apart one of Twinks socks... Artist: Splash.gif 256312 1096x788x16 Jul 25 20:45 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Vala about to have her sunbathing disturbed by a cannonball by me! =) Artist: TaurTease.gif 191920 800x852x16 Jan 24 08:53 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Tarin Teasing Vala about her new Foxtaur form. Artist: Vala&Tar.gif 105856 712x865x16 Apr 12 02:20 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of myself, (Tarin) and the lovely lady Vala. I'm sorta embarassed. She's so tall...=) Artist: WakeUp.gif 302810 1168x852x16 Jul 25 20:47 1994 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Tibs getting a happy wakeup call by an overexuberant friend! =) < Who me? Nah! =) > Artist: Wyn.gif 357396 636x787x256 Feb 1 19:05 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a portriat of Arwyn Starwuf. Artist: WynStorm.gif 257905 856x1104x16 Jan 24 08:55 1995 Chris Kozloski (kozloce@wkuvx1.wku.edu) // This is a picture of Arwyn Starwolf, standing in the wind of her native tundra. Artist: Friends-ck.gif 165397 1048x850x16 May 24 21:50 1994 Chris Kozloski. Grayscale. // Tibs, Tarin, Vala and Johnie Tigereye. Artist: JTigreye-ck.gif 118488 808x989x16 May 24 21:51 1994 Chris Kozloski. Grayscale. // Johnie Tigereye. Artist: raptor3.gif 114702 576x776x256 Apr 7 17:47 1994 Chris McMahon // Closeup of a gator morph with a red tshirt; the word "RAPTOR" in the background. Drawn, scanned, then colored with Aldus Superpaint. Artist: McMahon-Goodyear.gif 25107 588x649x16 Jun 24 23:25 1994 Chris McMahon (Ontario) // An anthropomorphic Blue Whale with shorts on. Drawn and scanned into a Mac. Artist: McMahon-LoneRhino.gif 29296 576x776x16 Jun 24 23:20 1994 Chris McMahon (Ontario) // A rhino morph with a bird on his head. Drawn, then scanned with a Mac. Artist: McMahon-Ontario.gif 101789 1146x1212x16 Jun 24 23:23 1994 Chris McMahon (Ontario) // And anthro cat who has just painted 'I love shadowdancer' on the wall. Drawn, then scanned using a Mac. Artist: McMahon-Pandora.gif 466534 2318x3333x16 Jun 24 23:20 1994 Chris McMahon (Ontario) // A rare winged ferret woman with a demon hanging on her wing. Artist: McMahon-Raptor.gif 121786 1134x1272x16 Jun 24 23:22 1994 Chris McMahon (Ontario) // A ripped-out Crocodile morph with a shirt and jeans and big ole boots. It was just drawn and scanned on a Mac. Artist: McMahon-Shadowdancer.gif 281789 2268x2433x16 Jun 24 23:24 1994 Chris McMahon (Ontario) // A line drawing of a cat girl in harem pants overlooking a lake. Drawn then scanned with a Mac. Artist: cp_coon.gif 173686 2524x2740x2 Aug 14 00:46 1995 Chris Peterson, inked by Nick Boos. Black and white. // Large muscled mutant raccoon rummaging through a garbage can. Artist: Cobalt4-cs.gif 106502 576x752x256 Jul 13 17:52 1994 Chris Sutor // Movie-poster style image of cobalt the delos, from furrymuck in glowing blue cloud. Artist: DigitalCat-cs.gif 16699 282x343x32 Nov 8 08:20 1993 Chris Sutor // Black female cat in harsh red light Artist: digitalf.zip 1384718 ??x??x?? Jul 1 14:53 1994 Chris Sutor // (PKZIP format) Cobalt's art archive-- uploaded at the artist's request, since he lost net access. Artist: Foozle-cs.gif 22214 352x497x32 Nov 8 08:20 1993 Chris Sutor // Layoutdesign and snippet of info for FOOZLES (race of genetically engineered slaves) Artist: KilroyMoot-cs.gif 90982 313x402x32 Nov 8 08:20 1993 Chris Sutor // Fuzzy Self-portrait of artist, somehow stuck on an empty planet Artist: Nilecat-cs.gif 30815 479x353x128 Nov 8 08:20 1993 Chris Sutor // feline female leaning on green draperies in front of framed sunset Artist: Nitebear-cs.gif 21924 498x372x64 Nov 8 08:20 1993 Chris Sutor // Scantily clad female bear, kneeling in front of darkened city Artist: Teddysane-cs.gif 146166 606x457x256 Nov 8 08:20 1993 Chris Sutor // Urban Guerilla Teddybear with big gun and stogie against cityscape. Artist: Tessan-cs.gif 486228 476x558x32 Nov 8 08:20 1993 Chris Sutor // Layout pose of Tessan Delrio,(a female fox) weapons specialist for STINGRAY. Artist: Warmwolf-cs.gif 32600 502x367x64 Nov 8 08:20 1993 Chris Sutor // female wolf leaning against a rock in a snowfield, drinking brandy. Artist: Zyrop+Marsalla-cs.gif 45345 566x596x128 Nov 8 08:21 1993 Chris Sutor // Alien Teddy Bear, and Fuzzy robot companion walking away from darkened city. Artist: sarali.jpg 84459 816x1444xJPEG Feb 25 07:49 1997 Christin Peters // Just a picture to show what others what I look like. :) Fully clothed with no naughty bits showing. :) Artist: cmklion.gif 136646 672x870x256 May 27 21:40 1996 Christina Kugler. Grayscale. // My first try at a furry. What do you think? Artist: cmkwolf.gif 63321 432x354x256 Aug 11 19:18 1996 Christina Kugler. Grayscale. // A wolf pict I drew the other day... Artist: lumi2.gif 233354 834x1252x256 Sep 7 21:19 1996 Christina Kugler. Grayscale. // A very rough sketch of my friend, Luminesc. Luminesc is copyright his player. Artist: tiger.jpg 20234 264x494xJPEG Sep 7 21:20 1996 Christina Kugler. Grayscale. // A little tiger sketch :) Artist: centaurs.gif 31612 517x415x256 Jul 9 18:39 1995 Christine Klunder // Two centaur fems, if you can all them that, descend upon a poor innocent lil butterfly... a punchy pencil doodle I did one night! ;) Artist: fflly-ck.gif 63574 613x800x256 Sep 10 07:04 1995 Christine Klunder // This is a little drawing I did for a friend, who loves equines. Artist: imcute.gif 120360 619x480x256 Jun 26 17:37 1995 Christine Klunder // Called 'too human' by some, my kat mel further endears himself to my friends.. Artist: mbat-ck.gif 38836 470x600x256 Sep 10 07:07 1995 Christine Klunder // A mouse-bat, aka a cute mousy with wings. Done for my portfolio 'Natural Beauties,' but was removed at the last minute. Artist: mstud1.gif 54922 612x761x256 Jul 9 18:39 1995 Christine Klunder // Medicine Hat Stud - check this one out and let me know if I did a good job on his bod or not! Artist: z4-ck.gif 97865 380x532x256 Sep 10 07:05 1995 Christine Klunder // While it may seem strange to find a wolverine on a tropical island, that is home for my character Zhora. Artist: horse2.jpg 23465 253x480xJPEG Jul 16 01:16 1996 Christine Klunder (Zhora on FurryMUCK). Grayscale. // A male horsemorph facing away from the viewer.. Drawn at CFE 95. Artist: toosexy.gif 11876 550x593x2 Aug 25 11:20 1996 Christine Klunder. Black and white. // Manilow answers all his critics who point out his lack of a tail! Artist: foxbride2.gif 48366 459x600x256 Oct 24 21:04 1995 Christine Klunder. Color. // Unnamed fox bride picture, commission for Beastie Boarder Buster Tiger. Artist: tres3.gif 71290 1024x1569x256 Aug 18 09:31 1996 Christine Klunder. Color. // A preview sample from my upcoming beefcake portfolio! Artwork and Character of Tres copyright 1996 by Christine Klunder. Artist: una2.gif 47581 565x800x256 Dec 11 10:10 1996 Christine Klunder. Color. // A pencil sample from my Natural Beauties II print collection. Artist: vuspis-2.gif 113075 408x1024x16 Nov 4 23:01 1996 Christopher Oswald-George Cocking. Grayscale. // "Dr. Caliaphus Vuspis", by Christopher Oswald-George Cocking, Courtesy of Vision Comics. Artist: Kinshasa1c-cd.gif 60096 372x432x256 Aug 11 19:20 1996 Chuck Davies & John Boulton. Color. // Kinshasa, the African Chimaera, looking at her tail, wearing Tshirt & jean shorts. Artist: Felicia2.gif 197703 443x552x256 Jul 20 00:31 1996 Chuck Melville, Ruben Avila. Color. // Felicia, the Sorceress of Katara, is caught by a photographer as she visits a nearby castle. Artist: Darla2.gif 94277 327x495x256 Jul 20 00:24 1996 Chuck Melville. Color. // There's a doe in the woods... Copyright 1996. Artist: Felicia1.gif 68193 409x623x256 Jul 20 00:25 1996 Chuck Melville. Color. // Felicia, the Sorceress of Katara, contemplates the workings of destiny... hers and yours. Copyright 1996. Artist: Lionuni1.gif 47248 464x362x256 Jul 20 00:37 1996 Chuck Melville. Color. // The Lion & The Unicorn, in a movie poster style montage. Copyright 1996. Artist: Lionuni2.gif 72260 368x567x256 Jul 20 00:37 1996 Chuck Melville. Color. // The Lion & The Unicorn, in an unused cover, originally intended for GALLERY. Copyright 1996. Artist: Pantxan.gif 67646 374x577x256 Jul 20 00:43 1996 Chuck Melville. Color. // Sherilla the Domestique, and the mysterious Pantheon of Xanadu, first appeared in THE EVER-CHANGING PALACE. Copyright 1996. Artist: Arlene.gif 29074 434x644x4 Jul 20 00:18 1996 Chuck Melville. Grayscale. // Female arctic fox treks through the northern lands, with only her winter fur to keep her warm. Artist: Louise.gif 53078 396x495x256 Jul 20 00:39 1996 Chuck Melville. Grayscale. // A lioness sits pensively, wearing a t-shirt, and not much else. Copyright 1996. Artist: Rima.gif 20865 349x497x128 Jul 20 00:51 1996 Chuck Melville. Grayscale. // Female raccoon in a revealing nightgown. Copyright 1996. Artist: Wilma.gif 19526 559x663x2 Jul 20 00:51 1996 Chuck Melville. Grayscale. // Female wolf sits at bedside. Copyright 1996. Artist: Zessna.gif 131616 437x645x64 Jul 20 00:51 1996 Chuck Melville. Grayscale. // Zebra at the well. Originally appeared in BEAUTY OF THE BEASTS #1. Copyright 1996. Artist: cityfoxp.gif 39566 295x414x256 Jul 10 23:38 1995 CityFox. Grayscale. // Portrait of Cityfox. Artist: fur.gif 39711 419x497x256 Jul 25 16:26 1994 Claire Benedikt (Claire@FurryMUCK) // Fur, the original TeddyDevil (Roy Riggs, 1989) Artist: SamuelToon.gif 17729 394x335x16 Jul 23 14:28 1994 Claire Benedikt (Claire@FurryMUCK) // Pencil cartoon at Samuel's expense. Poor guy. Artist: StukaToon1.gif 11371 313x426x16 Jul 23 14:40 1994 Claire Benedikt (Claire@FurryMUCK) // Cartoon teasing some of StukaFox's claims. Ahem. Artist: StukaToon2.gif 13617 288x261x64 Jul 23 14:35 1994 Claire Benedikt (Claire@FurryMUCK) // Cartoon with two anthro foxes, Tate and StukaFox. Artist: aethan-ch.jpg 148478 775x810xJPEG Dec 1 13:26 1996 Colby Hayward // Aethan the fox mage, flying before a swirling tempest of cloud, lightning behind him. Artist: caealbri.gif 94961 549x665x256 Dec 3 17:06 1994 Colby Hayward (Qeveren on FurryMuck) // A female batmorph, dressed in a simple tunic, and holding a plain wooden staff. Artist: fender-ch.jpg 88054 481x592xJPEG Nov 20 22:04 1996 Colby Hayward (Qeveren) // Fender the fennec, just waking up, walking in front of space-station windows, the world below. Artist: teia.gif 51203 372x726x16 Feb 15 00:10 1996 Colby Hayward (Qeveren). Grayscale. // An alien girl with pointy ears, dressed in ripped jeans, a halter top and jacket, and holding a GUN! Artist: miell_cw.gif 240812 779x900x256 Jan 17 09:00 1997 Conrad (Lynx) Wong // The Xyrete Miell Ambermere of FurryMuck. Artist: Aki-cw.gif 469845 785x599x256 Sep 1 15:48 1993 Conrad Wong (Lynx) B&W // Our favorite sneaux miaoux relaxes after a hard day's reading romances. Scanned by Tal Greywolf, Aki (c) 1993, Hollie Domiano Artist: icebearcubs.jpg 29172 643x446xJPEG Mar 16 22:16 1996 D. Guravich. Color. // Two cuddly polar bear cubs climbing on their mum! Artist: cf6g-dr.gif 9409 371x480x2 Jan 21 05:02 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // Number 2 in the series of the GUEST species. This one is a line drawing of the guest making a comment about CF6. Artist: fox-dr.gif 71816 973x442x256 Sep 11 03:57 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // Decent picture of a sleeping fox. Only noticed too late that I'd forgotten his tail! DOH! Artist: GAMES-DR.GIF 481298 861x768x256 Jun 8 00:24 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // Miles' player drops him into another first-person-perspective-shoot-'em-up game. Artist: guest.gif 102231 391x480x256 Dec 19 15:04 1994 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // A pencil sketch of an unknown species casually looking at the viewer. Artist: HIYAS-DR.GIF 41512 640x480x256 Feb 9 03:08 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // A fox/wolf kinda looking furry wearing a suit and waving goofily while saying "Hiya Hiya Hiya!!!" Artist: hmmmm-dr.gif 133730 640x480x256 Sep 10 03:11 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // Tolouse is about to give Miles a good sized headache only toons could know a in shameless plug for FurTooniaMUCK. Artist: JFORT-DR.GIF 171622 516x952x256 Apr 3 00:20 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // A feline humanoid standing at attention, arms crossed and wearing sun glasses. Pencil sketch. Artist: KVBAR-DR.GIF 30490 640x480x256 May 28 01:54 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // Miles, a fox/cat thingy, rests his head boredly on the bar in Furtoonia's Knothole Village Pub while insulting his player. Artist: miles-dr.gif 115967 640x480x256 May 22 05:11 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // John DeForte (humanoid feline) gives newly-christened `Miles' (short fox/cat thingy) a less than appreciated greeting. Pencil sketch. Artist: pict-dr.gif 46600 458x768x256 Mar 10 01:31 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // A fox/wolf kinda-looking thing is staring at an unknown picture with a dejected look on his face. Artist: PIXYSTIX.GIF 445409 640x788x256 May 28 01:56 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // Miles is poised menacingly at his computer MUCKing the night away. Note the stylish mousepad. :) Artist: sad-dr.gif 115079 841x768x256 Mar 10 01:31 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // A fox/wolf kinda-looking thing wearing a black jacket and looking depressed. Artist: SNOW-DR.GIF 149617 1024x768x256 Feb 9 03:08 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos // A fox/wolf kinda looking furry wearing a black jacket, standing waist deep in snow and the title "Snow Sucks!" below it. Artist: jfroo-dr.gif 397982 579x768x256 May 22 05:11 1995 Dan "Sonic" Ramos. Grayscale. // John DeForte (humanoid feline) is back, pumpin' some iron and gettin' buff. :) Pencil sketch. Artist: emily1.gif 32397 736x1045x2 May 17 20:29 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // B&W image of Emily, white mare of Flinthoof's dreams. Here she is reading up on the subject of furry relationships. Artist: emily2.gif 12379 552x910x2 May 17 19:30 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // Emily, the white mare, wanders a darkened hallway. Is she alone? Only a candle guides her way. Artist: emily3.gif 33601 647x816x16 May 17 19:30 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // Emily, the white mare, cuddles up amongst the pillows. Artist: emily4.gif 17201 760x495x16 May 17 19:30 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // Emily, the white mare, tries on shoes. Even horses have a hard time choosing! Artist: emily5.gif 22236 784x880x2 May 17 19:31 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // Take a roll in the hay with this mare! Emily 'poses' this opportunity to all! Minor spooge. Artist: emily6.gif 24759 736x975x2 May 17 19:32 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // There goes her diet! Mare Emily finds sugary treats are irresistable to equines! Artist: emily7.gif 38113 760x1060x2 May 17 19:32 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // Pose a challenge, mare Emily will respond! Even rock climbing won't deter her from enjoying herself! Artist: emily8.gif 25128 664x1165x2 May 17 19:33 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // Flinthoof can talk Emily into doing anything once. This time she's not so sure she was wise to take him up on bungee-jumping. Artist: emily9.gif 24350 728x1070x2 May 18 18:38 1994 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) // The white mare is taking out her revenge on the impish Flinthoof for making her bungee jump. Now it's her turn to laugh! :) Artist: July4th-fh.gif 107616 581x496x256 Jun 30 20:18 1995 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) Grayscale. // Fireworks and Fur don't mix. Let's have a safe Fourth of July this year! Artist: MatingFlight-fh.gif 131146 520x600x256 Jun 30 20:40 1995 Dan Canaan (aka Flinthoof) Email: Flinters@netcom.com // A pair of pegasi become wingmates in more ways than one. Artist: SWASH.GIF 5672 640x442x8 Apr 5 10:48 1994 Dan Mackison // Image of the character Swashbuckler relaxing Artist: quetzl.jpg 130979 521x597xJPEG Feb 12 09:38 1997 Dan Maloy // A feathered serpent looking at you, one of my earlier efforts. Artist: nrefao01.jpg 14875 247x431xJPEG May 3 01:48 1996 Dan Maloy. Color. // Nre'fa-o, the mad felinzi dancer from FurryMUCK, playing the "berimbau", a Brazilian instrument used in the martial art Capoeira. Artist: ShunaSas.jpg 104443 373x705xJPEG Dec 1 13:02 1995 Dan Maloy. Color. // A picture of ShunaSassi from FurryMUCK dancing. Nudity but not explicit. Artist: Phaedra.dl.gif 56168 1194x1563x2 Feb 18 15:33 1996 Daphne Lage. Black and white. // A commission of Phaedra Wilson ((c) William Haas) in uncharacteristic tight leather outfit. Artist: daphnie-rh.gif 44246 800x1099x16 May 10 23:26 1996 Daphnie the Djinn Bunny (c) Steve Gattuso. Color. // A sick joke (in some folks minds) about jellybeans! Daphnie the Djinn Bunny (c) Steve Gattuso. Artist: weirdc.gif 40114 1728x2023x2 Apr 27 14:10 1997 Darkcure. Black and white. // Just something I drew after an interesting dream, I enjoyed drawing the furry on the moon. Artist: Jen.gif 178163 597x749x256 Nov 6 01:04 1995 Dave Bryant, Lance Rund // A portrait of Jen, the cutest (well, maybe the only) mouse lemur on FurryMUCK. Character copyright 1995 by Mark Ruidera. Artists: S_Cat.jpg 47613 279x368xJPEG Dec 18 11:27 1996 Dave Sammons. Color. // Portrait shot of a young female feline morph taken at Oswego NY. Artist: RabbitTowel.gif 215550 409x801x256 Aug 18 09:58 1996 David "The Rabbit" Kelton. Color. // Rabbitman from furrymuck after just taking a bath in a stream. Artist: Spirit.gif 52100 459x227x128 Aug 18 09:58 1996 David "The Rabbit" Kelton. Color. // Here's my FAVORITE! Rabbitman and the Piglet see a magic vision at the campfire. (c)1996 D.Kelton. Artist: craggen.gif 46215 640x826x2 Jul 23 21:14 1994 David Copcutt // This is a drawing of Growlf Craggen, Roleplay character/furry alter ego of David Copcutt, in his study. Artist: Algiers.jpg 166859 580x800xJPEG Mar 29 03:51 1996 David Cotelessa/Spino // Algiers Artist: CritasOpal.jpg 193066 800x577xJPEG Nov 26 14:25 1995 David Cotelessa/Spino // This is Opal and Critas sharing a moment.. Artist: Jakarta12.jpg 171569 580x800xJPEG Mar 29 03:51 1996 David Cotelessa/Spino // This is Spino-kins' latest.. jungle Jakarta. Artist: Sham.jpg 110224 800x578xJPEG Dec 19 13:09 1995 David Cotelessa/Spino // This is Shamandar in all her splendor in dragon form. Artist: WrenCarc.jpg 122218 578x800xJPEG Dec 19 13:10 1995 David Cotelessa/Spino // This is Wren and Carcharoth enjoying each other's company. Artist: AvengerFam.jpg 164021 579x800xJPEG Apr 29 00:16 1996 David Cotelessa/Spino. Color. // Avenger and Family..:) April 3, 1996. Artist: JFoxGlov.jpg 141165 578x800xJPEG Jan 6 23:29 1996 David Cotelessa/Spino. Color. // JFoxGlov, hangin around. :) Artist: Lianna.jpg 139878 800x602xJPEG Jan 7 01:53 1996 David Cotelessa/Spino. Color. // A lil experiment in Photoshop, using the computer to color this beautiful unicorn. Artist: Nightwind.jpg 164100 800x580xJPEG Dec 9 12:07 1995 David Cotelessa/Spino. Color. // A picture of Nightwind and Opal together. :) Artist: Raster.jpg 198371 825x600xJPEG Feb 10 18:40 1996 David Cotelessa/Spino. Color. // Raster in front of his home, playing with some fall leaves (Not bad for a March hare..) Artist: Stymnus.jpg 123428 580x800xJPEG Feb 18 15:37 1996 David Cotelessa/Spino. Color. // A silkie posing for the camera..only as Stymnus would! Artist: Themyst.jpg 160644 581x800xJPEG Dec 9 11:46 1995 David Cotelessa/Spino. Color. // A picture of Chiaroscuro Lyle Themyst in action pose. Artist: ZrnMlvaR.jpg 151349 578x800xJPEG Feb 10 18:40 1996 David Cotelessa/Spino. Color. // Milva, Zorin and Rieshal playing around on the FluffMUCK park :) Artist: jake_2.gif 10815 320x200x64 Apr 12 14:18 1996 David Grace // Jake Wyldwolf, Steel Wolf Interceptor #3, in his morphic form. Artist: skylos_di_2.gif 2703 224x284x8 Feb 14 04:05 1995 David Ihnen // A picture of Skylos the man-dog sitting on a bench. Artist: kit_n_sdo1.gif 269427 780x608x256 Jan 6 03:05 1995 David Newman (Junglerot@Aol.com) // FurryMUCK @image; Characters Kitana and Sdocat. Artist: dr-keith.gif 3989 416x399x2 Oct 18 07:39 1993 David Reiss // The character portrayed in the picture is copyrighted to his player, and is posted with his player's permission. Artist: dr-pete.gif 4081 363x416x2 Oct 18 07:39 1993 David Reiss // The character portrayed in this picture is copyrighted to his player, and this picture is posted with his player's approval. Artist: dr-sasta.gif 21806 1089x784x2 Oct 18 07:39 1993 David Reiss // The character portrayed is copyrighted to her player and this .gif is posted with her player's permission. Artist: dr-wf1.gif 209585 377x677x256 Jul 16 14:07 1994 David Reiss // WhiteFire as female morphic fox, standing next to some building, wearing a red blouse, a long tight leather skirt, a choker and red shoes. Artist: dr-wf2.gif 83774 266x441x256 Jul 16 14:08 1994 David Reiss // WhiteFire in male morphic fox form. Standing with his side/back to viewer, head turned to look back at them, nude. (tail provides modesty) Artist: anthonyf.gif 52052 615x764x256 Mar 26 20:08 1996 David Reiss (pencil) and Merry (ink and color). Color. // Anthony Atian in his aerospace flight suit, CCSF logo on right breast. Artist: cecCat.gif 37320 ??x??x?? Jun 3 15:28 1997 David Ryder (Cecil on FurryMUCK). Color. // (unknown image format) Just a cute Cat pic :>. Artist: cecFaith.gif 176404 486x744x256 Feb 23 01:25 1997 David Ryder (Cecil). Color. // Two characters from Todd Sutherland's Story 'Wings'. The characters are his trademark, posted with permission. Artist: cecFarinsDream.gif 78561 368x663x256 Apr 15 23:08 1997 David Ryder. Color. // This is based on an idea by Farin of FurryMUCK, so it's his copyright. Artist: WavieTF.gif 214239 468x648x256 Dec 6 00:18 1995 David Schneberger (dms134@Mail.usask.ca). Color. // Waveflyer transforming to a mistbird. Artist: kitty1-DS.jpg 10696 168x253xJPEG Oct 15 01:45 1996 David Schneberger (Terminotaur). Color. // A teeny sketch from my biochem notes that I colored. Artist: ObsidianPanther-DS.jpg 93390 732x933xJPEG Oct 15 01:45 1996 David Schneberger (Terminotaur). Grayscale. // Random idea for an obsidian panther. Artist: Termy1A-DS.jpg 228096 744x1018xJPEG Jul 27 22:50 1996 David Schneberger, dms134@mail.usask.ca. Grayscale. // Terminotaur, liquid metal entity, with description and character history. Artist: Jey1-DS.jpg 151965 563x1310xJPEG Aug 25 11:34 1996 David Schneberger, Terminotaur on FurryMuck. Color. // A commission piece for Jey of FurryMuck. Artist: Mouse2-DS.jpg 98294 532x1210xJPEG Aug 25 11:34 1996 David Schneberger, Terminotaur on FurryMuck. Grayscale. // Believing in equal representation this is her male equal (perhaps a relative?). Artist: Chaz-DS.jpg 111308 836x1119xJPEG May 5 00:15 1997 David Schneberger, terminotaur@dlcwest.com. Grayscale. // Chaz of FurryMUCK. Chaz is copyright his player. Artist: WOtter-DS.gif 171269 2528x3134x2 Mar 8 22:33 1997 David Schneberger. Black and white. // B/W version of a color picture sold at CF8. An otter elementalist calls forth water elementals from the waves. Artist: FuSoYa-DS.jpg 201414 840x1278xJPEG Mar 8 22:33 1997 David Schneberger. Color. // A picture done for someone on FurryMuck. Background was a little quick. Artist: Lobster1-DS.jpg 286326 840x1332xJPEG Mar 8 22:33 1997 David Schneberger. Color. // First in what will hopefully be a collection of odder morph species, this lobster is my representitive for Crustaceans. Artist: Mino1-DS.jpg 92482 836x785xJPEG Mar 8 22:33 1997 David Schneberger. Color. // Part of a picture also sold at CF8. An anatomy experiment that seems to have worked out pretty well. Artist: Busty_roo-DS.jpg 76760 1116x606xJPEG Sep 21 03:15 1996 David Schneberger. Grayscale. // Just a odd idea I had for a busty, but more anatomic-correct 'roo. (NO idea where this idea came from) Artist: Mouse1-DS.jpg 71690 620x1087xJPEG Aug 25 11:34 1996 David Schneberger. Grayscale. // Standard quick sketch of a female mouse, an attempt at a more toony-looking face and different inking style. Artist: Bovus.jpg 53383 350x526xJPEG Apr 1 22:39 1996 David T. Rawlings // Male minotaur warrior, doing what he does best . . . Artist: Butrcup1.jpg 49260 401x803xJPEG Jan 6 23:02 1996 David T. Rawlings, DaveIsreal@aol.com. Color. // Equine morph female, scan of original drawing. Artist: Faust.Gif 7756 320x240x64 Sep 22 22:59 1995 David W. Griffin // Headshot of Faust, the White Siberian Tiger from Furrymuck & Furtoonia. Artist: shmy2_dw.jpg 34170 302x673xJPEG Nov 30 04:40 1996 David White // Shimmyr of FurryMuck. Shimmy her player Artist: shmyr_dw.jpg 19981 302x673xJPEG Nov 30 04:41 1996 David White // Shimmyr of FurryMuck as an White Tiger. Shimmy her player Artist: mermd_dw.jpg 79688 428x681xJPEG Oct 26 23:34 1996 David White. // My version of a more plausible form of a mermaid, based on a painting I did back in 1989, based on a few drawings in Albedo. Artist: mrmad_dw.jpg 66157 367x611xJPEG Oct 26 23:35 1996 David White. // Homo Cetacea based on some drawings in Albedo for an published comic. Artist: bsfox_dw.jpg 58355 600x825xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // An entry in a logo contest for a radio station, 95.1 the Fox, in Montgomery, AL. Artist: centr_dw.jpg 71797 428x476xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // A Centauress pauses in the forest. It just won't photograph well. I doctored this up with paintshop I'm afraid. Artist: cheet_dw.jpg 140083 500x720xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // A scantily clad Cheetah resting during her search for water and food on the plains of the Serengetti. My first sculpture. Artist: cows_dw.jpg 143124 640x457xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // Cows. A commissioned painting that was never picked up. This is why my commission page says what it says. Artist: drgon_dw.jpg 70621 400x589xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // Dragon Spire. The first canvas and acrylic painting that I had done ever. A tribute to Anne McCaffery and her dragons. Artist: foxpl_dw.jpg 38905 578x406xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // The Fox Pool. I used Supersculptey with 5 min. epoxy for the water. I used dried flowers to add color and a fantasy flavor. Artist: tigrs_dw.jpg 195935 724x507xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // The Tigress. The silent moment just before a kill of a tiger archer hunting in the jungles of India. Artist: vase_dw.jpg 62688 252x376xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // An iguana curled through a broken vase. By far my most popular sculpture so far. Made from Sculpty and a flower pot. Artist: werew_dw.jpg 24274 534x741xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Color. // A female Werewolf caught by the irresistible magic of a full moon. Artist: bunny_dw.jpg 40223 764x812xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Grayscale. // A Rabbit. A very small doodle that I inked, scanned and colored on the computer. My first effort at computer airbrushing. Artist: felin_dw.jpg 77806 663x1021xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Grayscale. // This is a pen and ink drawing with a little airbrush shading for the ware. A female feline in futuristic dive gear. Artist: flyfx_dw.jpg 36896 400x550xJPEG Oct 28 01:32 1996 David White. Grayscale. // Flying Fox. A pen and ink drawing with a little airbrush shading. Artist: aran18.gif 226338 424x580xJPEG Jun 25 23:14 1995 Dean Wendell // This is an anime style drawing of Aran Silverfox of Furrymuck. Commissioned on 05/95. Artist: seethwlf.jpg 60743 501x674xJPEG Nov 23 07:13 1996 Dean Wendell. Color. // Seether D. Wolf of FurryMuck. Seether Wolf copyright Dean Wendell 1994. Image copyright Dean Wendell, 1996. Artist: Meowmix.gif 162495 606x480x256 Oct 26 21:54 1995 Deirdre McClintock. Color. // A collection of female felines ready for action! Artist: totem-and-grey.jpg 125952 480x640xJPEG Apr 21 09:00 1997 Den. Color. // The Kitsune Brothers, Totem (copyright Chris Kurs) and Greycloak (copyright his player). Artist: totem3.jpg 92470 480x480xJPEG Apr 21 08:49 1997 Den. Color. // Totem, the golden fox. Artist: CEmbrac2.jpg 31129 463x591xJPEG Nov 27 22:30 1996 Dennis "Gish" Gishwiller // The characters Gish & Phaedria. Artist: gish.jpg 37015 521x620xJPEG Nov 27 22:32 1996 Dennis "Gish" Gishwiller // A drawing of the character Gish. Artist: Phaed1.jpg 38324 578x661xJPEG Nov 27 22:32 1996 Dennis "Gish" Gishwiller // The character Phaedria. Artist: cryosanthia-01-cjt.gif 109545 680x850x16 Mar 18 09:40 1997 Deuce // An inking of Cryosanthia of FurryMUCK, perched atop the bandstand in the Park. Cryosanthia (c) her player. Artist: deuce-05-cjt.gif 32670 392x560x16 Mar 18 09:41 1997 Deuce // A test run at inking, reasonably successful. Artist: deuce-06-cjt.jpg 22494 720x460xJPEG Mar 18 09:41 1997 Deuce // A quick pencil/crayon sketch done when I was figuring out my colour scheme. Artist: dragon-04-cjt.gif 46598 600x530x16 Mar 18 09:41 1997 Deuce // A dragon, pausing in the act of moving a delicate crystal. Artist: dragon-05-cjt.gif 18758 368x319x16 Mar 18 09:41 1997 Deuce // A ky00t little dragon peering curiously at the viewer in a forest. Artist: dragon-06-cjt.gif 15908 938x768x2 May 13 01:47 1997 Deuce. Black and white. // A spotted dragon, representing a partially successful inking experiment. Artist: deuce-01-cjt.jpg 27468 199x209xJPEG May 25 02:16 1996 Deuce. Color. // Deuce, sniffing at a mysterious-looking Portable Hole... Artist: deuce-02-cjt.jpg 85705 546x204xJPEG May 25 02:16 1996 Deuce. Color. // FurryMUCK has a few interesting quirks, one of which is illustrated here... }:> Artist: deuce-04-cjt.jpg 27087 165x205xJPEG May 25 02:16 1996 Deuce. Color. // Yet another self-portrait... Artist: dragon-01-cjt.jpg 345026 331x472xJPEG Jun 7 22:18 1996 Deuce. Color. // A dragon, pausing to admire the scenery in a forest that Deuce's player used to wander. Artist: dragon-02-cjt.jpg 223662 399x323xJPEG Jun 7 22:18 1996 Deuce. Color. // An experiment in Draconian limb configuration, and the protagonist in a dream that Deuce's player once had... Artist: dragon-03-cjt.jpg 20349 163x172xJPEG May 25 02:19 1996 Deuce. Color. // A dragon head, drawn using a different shading method. Artist: deuce-03-cjt.jpg 31300 546x147xJPEG May 25 02:16 1996 Deuce. Grayscale. // Deuce doing a slow fade-out back in his Cheshire-cat days. Artist: Jaya-01-cjt.gif 320224 800x460x256 May 13 01:03 1997 Deuce. Grayscale. // The Moat Monster of Red Wizard's Castle, whose name has finally been decided :>. Artist: farthing-dv.gif 34257 563x796x32 Feb 21 08:28 1995 Diana Vick // Farthing W. Fox, character from FurryMUCK (and various others). Artwork by Diana Vick at CF6, 1995 Artist: Valdyn.jpg 29942 440x480xJPEG Oct 6 16:07 1996 Dieter Rottermund. Color. // Portrait of a tiger morph in oils. Manual illu for a German Amiga-game called "Lionheart". Artist: gozer.gif 15749 611x792x2 Aug 29 18:36 1994 Dirk Slawinski // This a quick sketch of my FurryMuck character Gozer in his male Cyborghare mode. Artist: kimmy1-df.gif 93938 440x490x256 Aug 29 11:24 1995 Don Fowler // Headshoot of the cute Kimmy! Berol marker color scanned. Artist: silvershadow-df.gif 123837 480x410x256 Aug 29 11:20 1995 Don Fowler // Headshoot of the cute SilverShadow. Berol marker color scanned. Artist: tenil1.gif 22938 213x230x256 Jun 6 16:29 1995 Don Fowler // Tenil's self portrait of his face. A FurryMuck character. In ink and felt pen, scanned. Artist: alari.jpg 67756 633x464xJPEG Dec 21 12:02 1996 Don Fowler . Grayscale. // This is my impression of Alari of Furtoonia, drawn in pencil. Artist: ryoko.gif 17992 546x530x256 Dec 22 00:43 1996 Don Fowler . Grayscale. // This is Ryoko from FluffMUCK. Drawn in pencil. Artist: kryl.jpg 20844 516x600xJPEG May 13 01:37 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Color. // This is Kryl drawn in berol markers. Artist: mililani.jpg 56501 679x600xJPEG May 13 03:24 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Color. // This is Mililani from Furtoonia drawn with no glasses. Artist: ricca.jpg 38020 539x600xJPEG May 13 01:38 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Color. // This is the punKat Ricca of FM, FT, and Fluff. Berol markers. Artist: rieshal-df.jpg 37175 516x600xJPEG May 13 01:39 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Color. // This is the image I drew for Rieshal, of said spotty kitty. Artist: shenobi-df.jpg 61067 708x600xJPEG May 13 01:57 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Color. // This is the sad Shenobi of FurReal MUCK. Artist: spit.jpg 42626 405x480xJPEG May 13 01:18 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Color. // This is the Spit from LoneportMUCK. Color pencil on 75lb paper. Artist: vampirekitty.jpg 38633 488x600xJPEG May 13 01:35 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Color. // This is VampyreKitty! Artist: zensis.jpg 42847 455x600xJPEG May 13 01:33 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Color. // This is a shy young arctic fox by the name of Zensis. Media: Berol markers one 75lb paper. Artist: knightfall.jpg 37877 767x423xJPEG May 13 01:37 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Grayscale. // This is a simple ink drawing of Knightfall of FurRealMUCK. Artist: shenobi.gif 10859 483x480x32 May 13 01:17 1997 Don Fowler aka Tenil. Grayscale. // This is the sad Shenobi of FurReal MUCK. Ink on 75lb paper. Artist: cantrip.jpg 42583 490x586xJPEG Apr 15 07:12 1997 Don Fowler. Color. // This is Cantrip of Furtoonia drawn with markers on 75lb paper then scanned. Artist: don-df.gif 122656 419x525x256 Dec 6 17:22 1995 Don Fowler. Color. // Head shot of Don, a basenji 'morph on FurryMuck. Berol markers on 70lb paper. Artist: kittkatt-df.gif 52941 474x419x256 Dec 5 12:48 1995 Don Fowler. Color. // Kitt & Katt fall asleep waiting for Santa to come, drawn by their daddy Tenil. Berol markers on 70lb paper. Artist: royce.jpg 50893 593x600xJPEG May 18 18:23 1997 Don Fowler. Color. // This is Royce of FurReal. Tria markers and color pencil on 100lb. Artist: Foxey2.gif 171731 1024x532x256 Oct 19 03:35 1995 Doug Winger. Color. // A "happy accident", that had no hardcopy involved in its creation. Artist: Low3c.gif 204320 640x768x256 Oct 19 03:38 1995 Doug Winger. Color. // Low "Low-Chan" Mason-Hartoh (copyright 1992 M. Marmel), Major Matt Mason's imcomparable companion. Artist: Roch5w1.gif 184698 686x768x256 Oct 19 03:40 1995 Doug Winger. Color. // The (almost) last Rochelle Attempt. Squirrel woman holding a cart or some such mostly off panel. Artist: TForm01.gif 225455 710x768x256 Oct 19 03:43 1995 Doug Winger. Color. // Dedicated to Damon, can be considered the final product of the Transformation Series. Artist: BigBun.gif 44946 640x768x16 Oct 19 03:33 1995 Doug Winger. Grayscale. // Anthro bunny woman. Quickie pencil scanned and cleaned-up/shaded in Photoshop. Artist: Dawgie2.gif 61950 686x768x16 Oct 19 03:34 1995 Doug Winger. Grayscale. // Pencil sketch done to show what all this furry stuff is. Scanned and finished a bit. Artist: Kitty20.gif 201246 383x768x256 Oct 19 03:36 1995 Doug Winger. Grayscale. // A more realistic than usual drawing useing a photo reference. Artist: LisaDog.gif 154988 529x720x256 Oct 19 03:37 1995 Doug Winger. Grayscale. // Heavily reworked photo, original proportions unchanged. Artist: Shear.gif 62279 640x768x16 Oct 19 03:41 1995 Doug Winger. Grayscale. // Barbarous (Yes, a pun) activity amongst the ovine, a more finished version. Artist: TFox01.gif 61822 806x768x16 Oct 19 03:44 1995 Doug Winger. Grayscale. // More blatant and obvious than usual, a 100% electronic production, dedicated to Juan Alfonso. Artist: TrnFrm2.gif 226448 736x625x256 Oct 19 03:45 1995 Doug Winger. Grayscale. // Another in the Transformation Series, a woman wakes up and notice that things are a bit different. Artist: Talinude2.gif 10831 640x768x16 Aug 1 13:39 1995 Doug Winger/Mitch Marmel // Nude image of Tali Hartoh-Mason; used as the basis for ArcticTali, SpringTali, TempTali, ThongTali and TropTali.gif Artist: TaliScreens.zip 120664 ??x??x?? Aug 1 13:43 1995 Doug Winger/Mitch Marmel // (unknown image format) ZIP file containing ArcticTali, SpringTali, Talinude2, TempTali, ThongTali and TropTali.gif, as well as accompanying textfiles. Artist: TempTali.gif 29459 640x480x16 Aug 1 13:46 1995 Doug Winger/Mitch Marmel // Desktop/wallpaper image of Tali Hartoh-Mason in TempCorps uniform. Artist: ThongTali.gif 20206 640x513x16 Aug 1 13:47 1995 Doug Winger/Mitch Marmel // Desktop/wallpaper image of Tali Hartoh-Mason in a thong bikini, tropical setting. Artist: TropTali.gif 22612 640x513x16 Aug 1 13:49 1995 Doug Winger/Mitch Marmel // Desktop/wallpaper image of Tali Hartoh-Mason in typical island attire (flower necklace and leaves). Artist: Dusty-Windswept_gs.GIF 69534 377x471x32 Jun 28 14:53 1993 Dusty // Dusty (FurryMUCK). These images were scanned and uploaded at Don's request. Artist: Dusty-Windswept_rgb.GIF 90796 379x469x256 Jun 28 14:53 1993 Dusty // Dusty (FurryMUCK). These images were scanned and uploaded at Don's request. Artist: Veronicat.gif 101335 731x490x256 Jun 26 10:44 1993 Ebony // The sexyest slut and most well known pet in all of furrymuck. Stroke her and she might purr for you. Artist: eg_bicat.gif 13580 370x590x16 Mar 10 00:47 1996 Ed Gould, copyright 1996. Grayscale. // Pin-up of female feline in bikini. Artist: eg_cj1.gif 60309 765x452x16 Mar 10 00:47 1996 Ed Gould, copyright 1996. Grayscale. // Concrete Jungle, written for Edmonton's Spare Change Newspaper. Artist: eg_cj2.gif 56300 769x453x16 Mar 10 00:47 1996 Ed Gould, copyright 1996. Grayscale. // Concrete Jungle, written for Edmonton's Spare Change Newspaper. Artist: eg_cj3.gif 75163 774x457x16 Mar 10 00:47 1996 Ed Gould, copyright 1996. Grayscale. // Concrete Jungle, written for Edmonton's Spare Change Newspaper. Artist: eg_dabun.gif 11743 396x527x16 Mar 10 00:47 1996 Ed Gould, copyright 1996. Grayscale. // A female rabbit twistin' the night away. Artist: eg_tdgut.gif 16792 515x652x16 Mar 10 00:47 1996 Ed Gould, copyright 1996. Grayscale. // A poor Teddy Bear having slight gastric trouble. Artist: eg_zappa.gif 33543 407x542x16 Mar 10 00:47 1996 Ed Gould, copyright 1996. Grayscale. // A furry caricature in memory of Frank Zappa. Artist: darcon.gif 15692 365x574x128 Nov 21 09:07 1994 Edward Fuhr // Darcon the draconian mage, alchemist, psionic, and ninja. Artist: N'Gheir.gif 12216 374x576x16 Oct 3 14:49 1994 Edward Fuhr // N'Gheir the adventuring morphic komodo dragon. Off to find adventure, wherever it may lurk! Artist: N'Gheir2.gif 13657 576x501x256 Oct 3 14:49 1994 Edward Fuhr // N'Gheir the morphic komodo dragon just hangin' around. Artist: thcr.gif 32975 373x519x32 Jan 3 07:16 1995 Edward Fuhr. Uploader: xiphosr@grex.cyberspace.org // FurryMUCK characters Thumper and Crash posing together. Artist: Kenyah-ek.gif 110581 341x394x256 Aug 29 14:36 1994 Elizabeth Kalter // Scan of a color pencil sketch of Kenyah, a character on FurToonia. Artist: totem.jpg 124903 663x876xJPEG Jan 28 01:44 1997 Enryu Kiken. Color. // Totem (copyright Chris Kurs) in a pose. Artist: ee_wild.jpg 81103 357x576xJPEG Mar 4 12:23 1997 Eric Elliot // WildWolf by Eric Elliot, done durring CF8. WildWolf likes it alot. Artist: ee-roxiana.jpg 127691 769x1288xJPEG Feb 10 00:05 1997 Eric Elliot, with permission. Color. // Roxiana the vixen, brandishing two knives. Artist: ee-6gr.gif 194899 483x701x256 Nov 26 15:54 1994 Eric Elliott // Cover for Six Gold Rings #3... A comic which never got off the ground. Artist: ee-brwn.gif 32874 412x534x256 Nov 26 15:56 1994 Eric Elliott // A nasty cat with a bastard sword. Artist: ee-coug.gif 113664 446x606x256 Nov 2 12:52 1994 eric elliott // a cougar practicing with a halberd. Artist: ee-cyte.gif 162304 499x747x256 Nov 2 12:53 1994 eric elliott // a male coyote-indian (pardon me; coyote-native american). Artist: ee-flyfx.gif 32708 363x273x256 Nov 17 21:57 1994 Eric Elliott // A flying fox. Artist: ee-fox1.gif 16007 517x743x2 Nov 17 21:56 1994 Eric Elliott // A fox in landschenect armor. Artist: ee-foxme.gif 271917 532x708x256 Jan 11 15:17 1995 eric elliott // portrait of the artist as a young fox (_right_). Artist: ee-nagel.gif 215808 517x759x256 Nov 2 22:51 1994 eric elliott // a cat face in the style of patrick nagel. Artist: ee-tigr.gif 151951 512x671x256 Nov 2 12:54 1994 eric elliott // a male tiger in blue jeans. Artist: ee-vixn1.gif 11243 609x721x2 Nov 17 21:57 1994 Eric Elliott // A vixen moonbathing... or something. Artist: ee-vixn2.gif 11715 542x644x2 Nov 17 21:58 1994 Eric Elliott // A nasty vixen with a dagger. Artist: ee-wolf2.gif 192512 572x747x256 Nov 2 12:55 1994 eric elliott // a werewolf with chains and an orb. Artist: ee-wolf3.gif 72192 430x633x256 Nov 2 12:56 1994 eric elliott // a study of werewolf anatomy. Artist: ee-wolf7.gif 235598 696x516x256 Jan 11 15:21 1995 eric elliott // model sheet for a werewolf. Artist: ee-yow.gif 149504 519x676x256 Nov 2 12:51 1994 eric elliott // a she-wolf in shorts and tank-top. Artist: ee-face.gif 85505 1026x906x256 Jul 28 00:47 1996 Eric Elliott. Color. // A Werewolf's face, in blue. Artist: ee-fox3.gif 201503 477x742x256 Oct 6 15:45 1996 Eric Elliott. Color. // A celtic fox. Artist: ee-ee.gif 67624 960x1086x256 Jul 28 00:47 1996 Eric Elliott. Grayscale. // Note from Eric! See the lower right corner. Artist: ee-fox9.gif 60393 447x474x256 Oct 6 15:45 1996 Eric Elliott. Grayscale. // A Sketch of a nude vixen. Artist: ee-ftwlf.gif 74612 988x768x256 Jul 28 00:47 1996 Eric Elliott. Grayscale. // Werewolf getting ready to fight. Artist: ee-harpfox.gif 51342 482x504x256 Jul 28 00:47 1996 Eric Elliott. Grayscale. // A werefox playing a harp. Artist: ee-werefox.gif 82652 439x509x256 Jul 28 00:47 1996 Eric Elliott. Grayscale. // A werefox, crying on a beach wall after one too many. Artist: a_Fillyjonk_eoh.gif 8808 600x473x256 Sep 17 21:54 1994 Eric Hunting (a_Fillyjonk)(9/94) // Character illustration for a_Fillyjonk rendered in classic Moominstyle. Artist: Rocky.gif 58847 360x296x256 Dec 4 00:10 1995 Eric Painter // Commissioned character sketch up-loaded with artists permission. Artist: tabithax.gif 71448 640x400x256 Dec 9 07:29 1994 Eric W. Schwartz // Eric W. Schwartz's cute skunk girl Tabitha opens her xmas present with glee! Artist: llobaca.jpg 58189 800x792xJPEG Sep 9 00:13 1996 Ernesto Ten // Horse head. Artist: llobaca2.jpg 52586 800x697xJPEG Sep 9 00:14 1996 Ernesto Ten // Just a plain horse. Artist: tigre.jpg 66664 714x600xJPEG Sep 9 00:15 1996 Ernesto Ten // If you thought this is a tiger, you're right. Artist: coneja.jpg 33509 272x768xJPEG Aug 3 22:32 1996 Ernesto Ten. Color. // A female rabbit. Trying to get shapes right. Artist: chukin.jpg 26798 436x768xJPEG Jul 27 23:41 1996 Ernesto Ten. Grayscale. // eten, my FurryMUCK character, practicing with his nunchakus. Artist: eten.jpg 25647 286x758xJPEG Jul 27 23:24 1996 Ernesto Ten. Grayscale. // eten, my FurryMUCK character, posing for the picture. Artist: vixen1-et.jpg 108323 494x768xJPEG Jul 27 23:14 1996 Ernesto Ten. Grayscale. // A female fox anthro. Everyone draws vixens, so why not me? :). Artist: gustav1.gif 242616 795x1095x256 Feb 8 09:59 1994 Farley Fox // Gustav the hedgehog in uniform. (character Gustav of FurryMUCK) Artist: FatBoy.gif 6091 640x480x16 Sep 21 03:05 1996 FatBoy's player. Color. // Fatboy's player (me) just wanted to do a quick sketch of FatBoy on FurryMuck. Well, as you can see I'm not an artist. :) Artist: Reinpony-fh.gif 19199 600x529x16 Dec 20 08:14 1994 Flinthoof // The not-so-fabled reinponies of Santa's second stringers. Surely there must be SOME sort of backup plan in case of reindeer mutinies... Artist: Aragh-fh.jpg 114103 468x600xJPEG Apr 12 02:18 1996 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Bar tales often get exaggerated and Aragh is caught in the middle of a whoppper. Character of Aragh used with permission. Artist: armrwolf-fh.gif 29843 680x785x16 Oct 5 16:37 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // My first venture into armour power suits. Wolfen soldier alone and on patrol. Artist: bikermse-fh.gif 13979 512x705x16 Oct 5 16:37 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Bikermice from Mars never looked like this lil' mousie! Mouse fem on Honda trike. Artist: bovine1-fh.gif 16932 640x480x16 Oct 5 16:37 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Hefty bovine lass done all in Neopaint. Whatta udder! Artist: chocpony-fh.gif 16447 705x844x16 Oct 5 16:37 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // White Pony (Scudder Kidwell) of the Beastie Board on GEnie. Inside joke. Artist: Clnstrt-fh.gif 45285 704x1005x16 Oct 26 01:31 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // A pegasus bursting forth from a moonlit pool. Artist: coral1-fh.gif 21182 552x765x16 Oct 5 16:38 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // A test to see if I could do a mermaid....I'll let you decide if it was successful. Artist: coyote1-fh.gif 15378 392x510x16 Oct 5 16:38 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // A study in RL animal heads for help in drawing. Makes nice clipart too. :) Artist: destiny1-fh.gif 43656 640x480x16 Oct 5 16:38 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // External view of the cargo ship Destiny captained by Jarmac of FurToonia. Artist: dexter1-fh.gif 13929 551x880x16 Oct 5 16:38 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Sorta a fox, maybe a coyote....ya got me! Artist: dexter2-fh.gif 8381 512x491x16 Oct 5 16:38 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Not sure what this fella is...fox? Coyote? Artist: dsalya1-fh.gif 7712 408x545x16 Oct 5 16:39 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // D'Salya, the Dream Keeper. Anthro unicorn filly. Artist: ferro1-fh.gif 25370 832x980x16 Oct 5 16:39 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Anthro zebra railroad engineer of FurRail of FurryMUCK. Artist: flint-rl-fh.gif 157413 464x684x256 Oct 5 16:40 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Yeppers, there IS one of them ugly pink things behind the monitor! Here's a RL photo of Flinthoof's player. Artist: flint10-fh.gif 12373 408x750x16 Oct 5 16:40 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Flinthoof dipping his head in an equine bow to the viewer. Artist: foxfox-fh.gif 10224 367x456x16 Oct 5 16:40 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // The FOX fox from the afternoon cartoon lineup. Artist: Ian.jpg 139465 600x817xJPEG Apr 12 02:18 1996 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // A zebra mercenary of the future finds himself turned from hunter to the hunted. Character of Ian used with permission. Artist: jarmac2-fh.gif 26361 640x480x16 Oct 5 16:40 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Koala captain of the Destiny has a run in with customs officials... Artist: j_vargr1-fh.gif 8848 408x590x16 Oct 5 16:40 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Concept sketch of Jason_Vargr of FurryMUCK. Artist: Kirrec-fh.gif 24327 512x1000x4 Nov 9 12:34 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Commander Kirrec, fox, of the salvage and repair band known as the Scavengers. Artist: Linear1-fh.gif 125434 600x617x256 Jun 20 20:40 1995 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Linear, the eclectic mule of a thousand trades. Anthro mule morph. Artist: mtorrn1-fh.gif 12788 720x675x16 Oct 5 16:40 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // M'Torrn Delaforge in his felinoid form on FurryMUCK. Not all warriors need be ignorant of beauty. Artist: ottrkin3-fh.gif 24663 718x766x2 Oct 5 16:40 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Blasted otters can't keep out of trouble, can they? Artist: pegasus1-fh.gif 34829 640x480x16 Oct 5 16:40 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Piercing through the cloudbanks, this pegasus fella finds the peace in silence. Artist: phesius4-fh.gif 14733 504x625x4 Oct 6 09:57 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Phesius, aka the Flying Horsie, framed by a pair of Horsepheathers. Artist: PhilPanda-fh.gif 8321 408x600x2 Feb 19 19:22 1995 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Quickie sketch of that anime/manga/furry artist PhilBolton in his panda form.....known to have a penchant for bubbles! Artist: purthy1-fh.gif 43087 640x480x256 Oct 5 16:41 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Fruit bats eat fruit. What if said fruit is larger than they are? No problem for this hungry fella. Artist: Scavengers1-fh.gif 56267 1256x905x4 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // The repair and salvage band of misfits find another repair in their own midsts. Artist: tiger1-fh.gif 44920 584x585x16 Oct 5 16:41 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // A study in RL pencils of a tiger head. Arrrgh! No more stripes for me! Artist: Uni-Horns-fh.gif 28843 1140x856x16 Dec 19 23:55 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // The newest fad to hit the MUCK! Unicorn Horn licking! Artist: unistud1-fh.gif 13603 584x810x2 Oct 6 09:57 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // A more stocky unicorn than of fable..lookit those legs! :) Artist: vargr1-fh.gif 129728 405x600x256 Oct 5 16:42 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Vargr critter finding some time to ponder life. (aka "Introspections") Artist: vargr_2-fh.gif 29153 640x800x8 Oct 6 10:08 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // A happy canine morph dancing to the beat of music only he can hear. Artist: Wildfire-fh.gif 196347 501x600x256 Jan 27 23:38 1995 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // Pretty zebracorn plays with new hardware! For more info and requests, email to: Flinters@netcom.com. Artist: wolfhead-fh.gif 1641 172x163x16 Oct 5 16:42 1994 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) // A teensy lil' wolf toon head used in a bit of clipart. Artist: Lillanthia-fh.gif 154727 419x600x128 Feb 2 09:59 1995 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan) 1995 // Lillanthia, a hyperactive unicorn is also a magic user of some note and is caught here in a dramatic pose. Artist: Moonwind.gif 68191 600x593x256 Apr 29 02:40 1996 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan). Grayscale. // The snow leopard of Brazilian Dreams and FurryMUCK herself, Moonwind! Character used by permission of S.Vail. Artist: Nightwind-fh.gif 18716 552x964x16 Dec 19 23:54 1994 Flinthoof (Dan Canaan) // A black pegasi filly on NarniaMUSH drawn at the behest of Phesius. Artist: Cuteass-fh.gif 39700 237x340x256 Oct 21 16:20 1995 Flinthoof. Color. // A cute little jennet. Here's an ass that's worth looking at! Artist: Beastieb.gif 46200 313x480x256 Jan 6 23:29 1996 Flinthoof. Color. // Beastie Board logo from GEnie. Artist: Griffin1-fh.gif 62825 461x600x256 Oct 26 17:47 1995 Flinthoof. Grayscale. // Griffin on the wing. Full color prints available soon from UniGraphix. Artist: windy-fh.gif 108808 374x480x256 Jun 7 20:42 1996 Flinthoof. Grayscale. // Windress Unicorn (from FurryMUCK) standing on a rock with sun beams shining around her. Artist: FY-Roach.jpg 77865 439x576xJPEG May 26 16:00 1997 Floyd Yancey // Anthro Roach Character. Artist: FY-NikiComic.jpg 169452 1080x849xJPEG Jun 4 00:30 1996 Floyd Yancey. Grayscale. // A Niki the Cat Comic. Characters copyright 1995 Floyd Yancey. Artist: FY-AliciaFox.jpg 151675 1099x936xJPEG Jun 8 22:28 1997 Floyd Z. Yancey. Color. // 3d pict of Alicia Fox on the beach. Character copyright 1997 Floyd Z. Yancey. Artist: FY-Lemming.jpg 89828 745x615xJPEG May 24 19:11 1997 Floyd Z. Yancey. Color. // Lenny Lemming as Captain Lemming. Character Copyright 1997 by Floyd Z. Yancey. Artist: FY-Roxie.jpg 65424 415x559xJPEG May 24 19:11 1997 Floyd Z. Yancey. Color. // Roxie Raccoon in a bikini, waving. Character Copyright 1997 by Floyd Z. Yancey. Artist: alendria-fl.gif 90521 640x624x256 Aug 3 08:06 1993 Flynn Leek // Color pencil sketch of Alendria (FurryMUCK Squirreloid) arming herself with water-balloons. Artist: barb-fl.gif 34266 456x460x256 Aug 3 08:07 1993 Flynn Leek // Color pencil profile of Barb (FurryMUCK CyberMouse) Artist: bobcat-fl.gif 34172 528x736x16 Aug 3 08:07 1993 Flynn Leek // Robin Bobcat in profile (FurryMUCK feline) Artist: glinda-fl.gif 27173 536x728x16 Aug 3 08:11 1993 Flynn Leek // Glinda the albino rabbit, with picnic basket (FurryMUCK rabbit) Artist: selira5-fl.gif 28837 632x525x16 Aug 3 08:11 1993 Flynn Leek // Selira5 in profile (FurryMUCK RoboWolf) Artist: wolf1-fp.gif 112705 470x766x256 Oct 26 01:15 1994 Frostpaw (Jeff Heller) // Howling wolf pencil sketch. Artist: baxjobgg.gif 102893 462x720x256 Mar 18 22:56 1995 G.Garnett // Baxtrr [FurryMUCK character] reads through the help-wanted section of the newspaper (Baxtrr (C) Atomic City, used with permission). Artist: baxjobgg.jpg 105010 699x1087xJPEG Mar 18 22:57 1995 G.Garnett // Baxtrr [FurryMUCK character] reads through the help-wanted section of the newspaper (Baxtrr (C) Atomic City, used with permission). Artist: Ren.gif 116151 342x548x256 Mar 10 03:38 1996 Gabe Ostley. Color. // This is Ren the werefox from FurryMUCK. Artist: Ren.html 1014 ??x??x?? Mar 10 03:38 1996 Gabe Ostley. Color. // (unknown image format) This is Ren the werefox from FurryMUCK. Artist: gb-arcad.gif 27219 345x533x8 Apr 30 11:26 1995 Gary Burke // A rodent-morph plays a video game looking intent (or bored?) Artist: gb-austn.jpg 52623 700x571xJPEG Sep 28 09:59 1995 Gary Burke // Austin, FurryMUCK character. Commissioned by Austin's player. Artist: gb-bbpnk.jpg 53186 296x500xJPEG May 8 21:37 1995 Gary Burke // A generation-X alterna-baby rave punk kinda kid (sorta). Artist: gb-bgbun.gif 47486 272x498x256 Apr 30 11:26 1995 Gary Burke // A rather large bunny looks surprised. Artist: gb-hphop.gif 61363 223x450x256 Apr 30 11:26 1995 Gary Burke // A hiphop-kid furry with baggy pants and dreads, inspired by someone on the bus one day. Artist: gb-punk.gif 15964 500x391x16 Apr 30 11:26 1995 Gary Burke // A wolfy sort of furry with a mohawk points a gun at someone. Artist: gb-skate.gif 15164 539x757x2 Apr 30 11:27 1995 Gary Burke // An armored roller-blading furry standing with a hockey stick. Artist: gb-keanu.jpg 60549 327x480xJPEG Jun 30 07:45 1995 Gary Burke, colour // Keanu, FurryMUCK character. Commissioned by Keanu's player. Artist: gb-umo.jpg 57338 329x550xJPEG Oct 19 12:28 1995 Gary Burke. Commissioned by umopepisdn's player. Color. // umopepisdn, FurryMUCK character. Artist: genecent.jpg 172435 407x600xJPEG Feb 21 07:45 1995 Gene Koeppe // The Accidental Centaur. Next time I try gene splicing I'll make it a point to check the ingredients in the glue I use... Artist: genecnt2.jpg 54916 600x407xJPEG Mar 14 10:16 1995 Gene Koeppe // The Accidental Centaur 2. Same centaur, more colorful background, smaller file. Artist: Demonvixen-GC.Gif 30297 553x720x16 Nov 11 18:10 1995 Genesis Eve Cook // A drawing of a demon vixen (of course) wearing leather and in manicles with a sultry look on her face, a fox lover's delight! Artist: morrig.gif 395553 635x828x256 Aug 14 18:23 1995 Genesis Eve Cook, genesis@cyberenet.net, 1994 // Morrig [Brazilian Dreams character] (c) Laura Holmbeck, boudicca@xmission.com Artist: wolfpack-glr.gif 115403 457x396x256 Mar 26 20:46 1996 Gerardo "Lyceus" Rubio. Color. // Anthropormorphic wolf on the slopes! Artist: mistere-glr.gif 148328 619x788x256 Mar 26 20:46 1996 Gerardo "Lyceus" Rubio. Grayscale. // ,c Edolus "Lobocursor" Lyceus on the Sasaram Laisea Cwike Festaval (Sasaram Kjoma) - In Mexico! Artist: catng-gs.gif 45193 349x536x256 Mar 28 19:52 1996 Glenn Saaiman // Yellow cat warrior thing attacking with something like a claw-thing on her arm. (Inside joke) Artist: cnbun-gs.gif 27849 718x323x256 Mar 28 20:02 1996 Glenn Saaiman // Greyscale representation of hoofed lizard transportation! Artist: wftng-gs.gif 83208 448x482x256 Mar 28 19:55 1996 Glenn Saaiman // A leaping wolf-morph. Watch out! Artist: xylo-gs.gif 70182 556x885x256 Mar 28 19:57 1996 Glenn Saaiman // Xylo, warrior werewolf from ... Phantasy Star IV I think it is? Artist: gm-clutz.gif 14633 640x512x16 Dec 4 17:21 1996 Gordon McVey // Gordy from Yiffnet Artist: gm-silverfur.gif 7719 266x512x16 Jul 8 11:39 1996 Gordon McVey (g.mcvey@zen.co.uk) // Picture of Silverfur from #furry IRC channel. Artist: gmsj-sql.gif 3831 249x369x2 Jun 8 22:22 1997 Gordon McVey, Samuel Jirenius. Black and white. // Silly image of a squirrel drawn with AmiSlate. Artist: gm-amara.gif 2801 321x210x8 Jun 8 22:22 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Test image of Amara the Psychovixen. Amara (C) Amy Pronovost. Artist: gm-artist.gif 46364 547x376x256 Sep 7 20:42 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Banner image of myself for my homepage. Hopefully, the page will be finished soon. Artist: gm-fairy.gif 9401 384x436x16 Sep 21 03:37 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a fairy vixen (Named Petra at the time of writing) Artist: gm-fairy2.gif 9466 384x436x16 Sep 29 16:59 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a fairy vixen (Named Petra at the time of writing). Artist: gm-foxhole.gif 8089 527x318x16 Apr 1 04:08 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // A picture of myself as Fenn the Fox (my furry), banner for my homepage. Artist: gm-gene.gif 3939 315x350x4 Jun 8 22:22 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Test image of Gene catlow. Gene (C) Albert Temple. Artist: gm-jaeix.gif 12710 640x512x16 Jun 8 22:22 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Pinup type picture of Jaeix the foxette. Jaeix (C) Reyna Burke. Artist: gm-kandra.gif 5721 323x312x16 Jan 13 03:08 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Kandra the fox from Yiffnet IRC. Artist: gm-kes+rf.gif 29834 640x455x256 Sep 7 20:42 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of RedFox and Kes from Yiffnet #furry IRC. Artist: gm-keskneel.gif 9229 336x473x16 Jul 3 01:37 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of Kes from #furry kneeling. Artist: gm-lbeer.gif 11325 640x512x16 Apr 1 04:08 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Sleix Mephit (Steven Blodgett) as Buzz Lightyera. Silly :) Artist: gm-mailme.gif 4049 316x124x16 Jun 8 22:22 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Small image from my homepage. Artist: gm-me.gif 5700 232x374x16 Apr 1 04:08 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // A picture of myself as Fenn the Fox (my furry). Artist: gm-rebecca0002.gif 14695 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox sitting on top of a computer. Inspired by an Eric Schwartz picture of Amy the Squirrel. Artist: gm-rebecca0003.gif 10030 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox on roller blades. Artist: gm-rebecca0004.gif 11690 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox kneeling. Artist: gm-rebecca0005.gif 15161 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox and a computer. Artist: gm-rebecca0006.gif 11964 640x650x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox running a paw through her hair. Artist: gm-rebecca0007.gif 42036 640x512x32 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox and a bike. Artist: gm-rebecca0008.gif 9484 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox - head and upper torso. Artist: gm-rebecca0009.gif 10232 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox sitting on a stool. Artist: gm-rebecca0010.gif 9382 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox - full length. Artist: gm-rebecca0011.gif 20042 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox bathing naked (not explicit). Artist: gm-rebecca0012.gif 10427 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox - head and upper torso. Artist: gm-rebecca0013.gif 10300 640x512x16 Jul 2 00:08 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Picture of a female fox laughing - head and torso. Artist: gm-rowen.gif 16911 640x512x16 Dec 11 10:06 1996 Gordon McVey. Color. // Rowen the catmorph from Yiffnet. Artist: gm-splic.gif 13156 640x512x16 Jun 8 22:22 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Gene Catlow in a silly pose. Gene (C) Albert Temple. Artist: gm-tshirt-big.gif 53746 1280x1605x16 Jun 8 22:22 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Fenn the Fox T-Shirt design. Fenn (C) Gordon McVey. Artist: gm-tshirt-small.gif 19575 640x802x16 Jun 8 22:22 1997 Gordon McVey. Color. // Fenn the Fox T-Shirt design (smaller version). Fenn (C) Gordon McVey. Artist: gf-furr.jpg 16143 276x357xJPEG Aug 14 02:49 1995 Grant Freckelton 1995 // Greyscale scan of pen rendering my furry (feathery) self, Gryph. Artist: gf-garud.jpg 27378 304x421xJPEG Aug 14 02:53 1995 Grant Freckelton 1995 // A pencil rendering of a Peregrine morph. Artist: gf-gryph.jpg 28357 316x439xJPEG Aug 14 02:55 1995 Grant Freckelton 1995 // A were-gryphon, pencil rendering. Artist: gf-lecg.jpg 34521 316x439xJPEG Aug 14 02:56 1995 Grant Freckelton 1995 // Greyscale scan of pen rendering, a gryphon concieved during a boring lecture. Artist: gf-panth.jpg 19175 312x438xJPEG Aug 14 02:58 1995 Grant Freckelton 1995 // Pen drawing- Black panther portrait. Artist: gf-road.jpg 30948 429x259xJPEG Aug 14 03:00 1995 Grant Freckelton 1995 // Feline and lupine critters at a diner/roadhouse. Artist: gf-wolf.jpg 28986 316x439xJPEG Aug 14 03:04 1995 Grant Freckelton 1995 // An utterly intelligent werewolf, staring back. Artist: tank.gif 9022 698x378x2 Apr 27 14:05 1997 Hazel. Black and white. // The Tank rumbles forth, ready for trouble! Even if the crew aren't.. Artist: wtdust.gif 20130 873x638x2 Apr 1 03:55 1997 Hazel. Black and white. // Foxes at War #1: When the dust settles. The crew of the 'war puppy' rest, stunned and shell shocked after their first combat. Artist: blast.gif 150204 558x382x256 Apr 27 14:07 1997 Hazel. Grayscale. // A small furry rediscovers some of Newton's laws of motion for himself.... Artist: vsians.gif 182488 574x364x256 Apr 27 14:06 1997 Hazel. Grayscale. // Venusians do battle in the swamps of old sci-fi venus. Artist: deerlady.jpg 205885 843x1173xJPEG Oct 22 18:33 1995 Heather M. Kendrick ("Ringo"). Grayscale. // "Ingenue": Head-and-shoulders portrait of a deer woman with large eyes. Artist: seagrin.GIF 382278 600x874x256 Feb 27 14:18 1995 Hyu Phan // Seagrin the Bison! This is Hyu's first attempt at furry art, and Seagrin look awesome. Also check Tiperia.gif out. Artist: Tiperia.GIF 334214 600x874x256 Feb 27 14:26 1995 Hyu Phan // Tiperia the bisonic, looking very much like a greek goddess. This is Hyu's second furry sketch, but he will do more. Artist: florian-arctic.gif 4137 320x256x16 Aug 11 18:17 1996 Iggy Drougge. Color. // My SPR MUCK character Florian the lynx in his natural habitat. Drawn in Personal Paint. Artist: Keevi.gif 228468 471x747x256 Jun 26 01:39 1996 Indy. Color. // A nude portriature of Keevi Mouse from FurryMuck, Rendered in marker. Artist: rastersm.gif 46887 480x683x256 Apr 5 12:44 1996 J Stickney // This is a drawing of Raster, from FurryMUCK, just kinda standing outside in the sun. Artist: Chastity.jpg 46955 311x706xJPEG Jan 28 01:19 1997 J. McDermott. Grayscale. // Chastity DeLameter of FurryMUCK, in the uniform of the CSA. Artist: doodle01-jml.gif 33194 320x480x16 May 20 08:32 1996 J.M.L. Grayscale. // Just a little doodle I thought I'd give the limelight. Drawn with a ball point pen on notebook paper. Nothing special. Artist: doodle02-jml.gif 28638 432x482x16 May 20 08:32 1996 J.M.L. Grayscale. // Yet another doodle. Done in the very same notebook, too! In fact it was drawn with the same ball point pen. Artist: merry01-jml.gif 25669 352x480x16 May 20 08:32 1996 J.M.L. Grayscale. // A pose is a pose is a pose, and this one's no exception. Drawn in about ten minutes. Artist: merry02-jml.gif 33995 400x482x16 May 20 08:32 1996 J.M.L. Grayscale. // What kind of gun is that? Er uh... I think it's some kind of laser rifle thingy. At least that's what someone said it was. Artist: merry03-jml.gif 31502 400x482x16 May 20 08:32 1996 J.M.L. Grayscale. // Yet another drawing that took uhm... about seven minutes, or maybe it was five. Anyways enjoy! Artist: mel-001.gif 126213 596x700x256 Sep 30 22:16 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Self-portrait of the artist as a skunk, looking surprised. Artist: mel-002.gif 37601 596x700x256 Sep 30 22:17 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Male cougar (nude) on all fours, facing away from the viewer and looking over his shoulder. Artist: mel-003.gif 19092 740x874x256 Sep 30 22:17 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Stylized wolf head. Artist: mel-004.gif 6269 410x700x256 Sep 30 22:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Just a random ferret. Artist: mel-005.gif 27772 788x700x256 Sep 30 22:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // A wolf caught smoking. Artist: mel-006.gif 10408 656x700x2 Sep 30 22:19 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // A frightened tiger (what the heck could a tiger be frightened of?) Artist: mel-007.gif 6541 384x700x2 Sep 30 22:20 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // A dancing badger female in a dress (Janet). Artist: mel-008.gif 10258 846x700x2 Sep 30 22:20 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // The artist's sig with a cougar trying to hide it (hey, get offa that!). Artist: mel-009.gif 12117 528x700x2 Sep 30 22:21 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Sara Sodah, vixen sneak-thief of New Orleans, swinging on a rope. Artist: mel-010.gif 35505 683x700x256 Sep 30 22:21 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Bunny in 'cuffs. Artist: mel-011.gif 8088 545x700x2 Sep 30 22:22 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Draconian female in a bikini. Artist: mel-012.gif 7884 418x700x2 Sep 30 22:22 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // "La Nouveau Hepzibah", a skunk. Artist: mel-013.gif 9852 769x700x2 Sep 30 22:22 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // A male cougar in profile. Artist: mel-014.gif 11928 670x700x2 Sep 30 22:22 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Anthropomorphized lion chasing a unicorn. Artist: mel-015.gif 7756 699x700x2 Sep 30 22:23 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Sexy vixen sitting and looking over her shoulder at the viewer. Artist: mel-016.gif 241844 705x1069x256 Sep 30 22:25 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Dana Lightfoot, lemur 'morph (colour). Artist: mel-017.gif 8604 593x700x2 Sep 30 22:26 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Patriotic Amari Cliffcat, a cougaress. Artist: mel-018.gif 14742 676x700x2 Sep 30 22:26 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Fox in chains in a slave galley. Artist: mel-019.gif 8659 496x700x2 Sep 30 22:26 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Jabet, dancing dragonette in school girl clothes. Artist: mel-020.gif 14962 681x700x2 Sep 30 22:27 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Vixen on a log with a beauty mark, looking shocked. Artist: mel-021.gif 13312 527x700x2 Sep 30 22:27 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Jabet, the sexy dragonette in her punky attire. Artist: mel-022.gif 13688 691x700x2 Sep 30 22:27 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Cat beside a broken bio-tank. Artist: mel-023.gif 12597 683x700x2 Sep 30 22:28 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Mouse at the beach, where a 450ml bottle of sunscreen is jumbo economy-size. Artist: mel-024.gif 17164 732x700x2 Sep 30 22:29 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Hernia cataract, female lynx in power armour. Artist: mel-025.gif 18281 615x700x2 Sep 30 22:29 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Sara Sodah, vixen sneak-thief, in pirate-like clothes with a sword on a ship. Artist: mel-026.gif 8972 693x700x2 Sep 30 22:30 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Self-portrait of artist as a skunk. Artist: mel-027.gif 8014 556x700x2 Sep 30 22:31 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Fuzzy female gremlin. Artist: mel-028.gif 16077 766x700x2 Sep 30 22:31 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Chixio the jaguar, threatening the viewer with brass knuckles. Artist: mel-029.gif 10153 407x700x2 Sep 30 22:31 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Cyber-cat in punkish attire. Artist: mel-030.gif 10833 588x700x2 Sep 30 22:32 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // The catch of the day. A bobcat and an otter after a day of fishing. Artist: mel-031.gif 8954 560x700x2 Sep 30 22:32 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Female cat looking at a mouse... hungrily. Artist: mel-032.gif 4777 455x700x2 Sep 30 22:33 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Stylized Melbunny. Artist: mel-033.gif 36423 609x700x256 Sep 30 22:33 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Wolf head. Artist: mel-034.gif 7176 313x700x2 Sep 30 22:33 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // "Caught on tape"; a female bunny wrapped in duct tape. Artist: mel-037.gif 58715 510x700x256 Sep 30 22:37 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Artist as a skunk on weekends . Artist: mel-038.gif 40318 520x700x256 Sep 30 22:38 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Vixen on a chain leash. Artist: mel-039.gif 59947 520x700x256 Sep 30 22:39 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Lady ermine with her fun props. Artist: mel-040.gif 61984 422x700x256 Sep 30 22:40 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // A lady lemur caught in a tangle spell. Artist: mel-042.gif 41653 808x700x256 Sep 30 22:44 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Amari Cliffcat, sexy cougaress. Artist: mel-046.jpg 40288 248x270xJPEG Sep 30 22:46 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake) // Fox with falcon on wrist, in 17th-century clothes. Artist: mel-036.gif 8854 497x700x2 Sep 30 22:36 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). A roxun (female fox-raccoon). // Artist: mel-054.jpg 41334 495x600xJPEG Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Color. // Amari Cliffcat showing her patriotism. Artist: mel-062.jpg 192613 1360x1600xJPEG Dec 11 11:02 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Color. // Vixen under construction. Artist: mel-063.jpg 290148 840x1200xJPEG Dec 11 11:02 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Color. // Melskunk goes Victorian. In full colour. Artist: mel-047.jpg 35496 396x600xJPEG Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Jabet, the sexy dragonette, a nude study. Artist: mel-048.jpg 28471 341x600xJPEG Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Sexy vixen looking over her shoulder. Artist: mel-049.jpg 21133 359x500xJPEG Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Female ottermorph enjoying a swim. Artist: mel-050.gif 62869 1082x1018x256 Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Amari Cliffcat, the cougaress, in a tame pose. Artist: mel-051.gif 25138 393x500x256 Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Yet another cute and sexy Mel-bunny. Artist: mel-052.jpg 125882 624x700xJPEG Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // The artist drawing under a tree. Wow! Details and shading and background, oh my! Artist: mel-053.jpg 36994 495x600xJPEG Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // A tiger (male) wearing a pride tee-shirt and giving a thumbs up. Artist: mel-055.jpg 72675 707x600xJPEG Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Head shot of a wolf in heavy power armour. Artist: mel-056.jpg 30297 270x600xJPEG Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Male cat in a belt and wearing a chemical vial on his leg. Artist: mel-057.gif 39173 400x600x256 Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Male cat decked out in mountain climbing gear. Artist: mel-058.gif 42385 448x600x256 Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Cougar morph having a bad day, and using a grenade to get rid of the problem. Artist: mel-059.gif 33725 548x600x256 Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Everyone needs coffee! (even a cougar). Artist: mel-060.gif 219714 1061x1200x256 Oct 15 01:18 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // A tigress in detention for consuming a classmate. Artist: mel-061.jpg 66575 555x600xJPEG Dec 11 11:02 1996 Jabet Stonespeaker (Melissa Drake). Grayscale. // Leopard in a leather jacket. Artist: balance.gif 50147 533x690x256 Jun 26 00:57 1995 Jade Hammons // A male skunk in the lotus position before a yin-yang. Artist: change4.jpg 70883 400x666xJPEG Jan 2 10:28 1997 Jade Hammons // A female darkelf probably about to work on an strapless moontan. Artist: mirbear.gif 69532 568x663x256 Jul 19 03:38 1995 Jade Hammons // A female bear leaning up against a mirrored wall. Artist: spiral.gif 101902 640x643x256 Jul 19 03:40 1995 Jade Hammons // A female gypsy jackal, old FurryMUCK character. Artist: azara.jpg 109767 345x720xJPEG Jan 13 00:55 1997 Jade Hammons (Faith@FurryMUCK). Color. // A rendition of Azara from FurryMUCK, commisioned by her player. Artist: kyrn.jpg 77269 720x281xJPEG Jan 28 01:11 1997 Jade Hammons (Faith@FurryMUCK). Color. // Ex-Assassin, Black Unicorn, lounging after/before a hot bath. Artist: tehrasha.jpg 108222 466x600xJPEG Jan 28 01:11 1997 Jade Hammons (Faith@FurryMUCK). Color. // Tehrasha Darkon, flying over Victoria Falls in Africa (inspired by the song 'Africa' by Toto). Artist: Jadine.iff 58898 ??x??x?? Apr 1 19:58 1994 Jadine, and Neil Gustavson // (unknown image format) Picture of Jadine Levasseur, everyone's favorite Furry... in Amiga IFF format. Artists: jm_brownskunk.jpg 77902 446x768xJPEG Jan 8 11:23 1997 Jake McDermott // An attempt (and a rather failed one) at drawing a skunk with a different color scheme. Artist: jm_mink.jpg 76794 446x768xJPEG Jan 8 11:23 1997 Jake McDermott // Random Athletic mink with phallitic equipment in hand. Artist: jm_rio.jpg 88573 488x768xJPEG Jan 8 11:23 1997 Jake McDermott // Rio, an old character from Furrymuck. Artist: Brisco.jpg 83979 431x791xJPEG Mar 26 20:47 1996 Jake McDermott. Color. // ,c Picture of Brisco from FurryMuck, in his casual daytime wear. Artist: jm-bonk.jpg 59755 512x591xJPEG Jan 28 01:33 1997 Jake McDermott. Color. // My policy on images like this: Don't ask, don't tell. Artist: jm-hare.jpg 87217 596x821xJPEG Jan 28 01:33 1997 Jake McDermott. Color. // Generic picture of a hare. Don't know what possesed me to do it. Artist: jm-mouse.jpg 48909 460x573xJPEG Jan 28 01:33 1997 Jake McDermott. Color. // This is actually an older picture. First mouse I ever did, too. Artist: jm-tabby.jpg 54630 534x502xJPEG Jan 28 01:33 1997 Jake McDermott. Color. // This is the product of a bit of late-night sketching. Prolly the closest I'll come to furry spooge. Artist: kydas.jpg 57461 371x560xJPEG Mar 26 20:33 1996 Jake McDermott. Color. // Picture of an old FurryMuck character, Kydas. Artist: Lynx1.jpg 76788 346x774xJPEG Mar 26 20:50 1996 Jake McDermott. Color. // Just a random male lynx. Artist: Lynx2.jpg 49966 234x650xJPEG Mar 26 20:50 1996 Jake McDermott. Color. // Another random lynx...this time, female! Artist: Skunk1.jpg 101413 456x798xJPEG Mar 26 20:53 1996 Jake McDermott. Color. // Picture of a rather tidy skunk. Inspired by a piece of TTA fan faction, blindate.txt. Artist: tikki.jpg 52928 274x432xJPEG Apr 4 00:17 1996 James "Blynx" Kattinge // Portrait of Tikki, a char. on FurryMuck Artist: tikkism.jpg 38037 274x432xJPEG Mar 26 21:06 1996 James "Blynx" Kattinge. Color. // Tikki of FurryMuck in his favorite pose :) Artist: PearlPossum.jpg 139305 609x512xJPEG Feb 16 17:46 1995 James Firmiss // Tavern style sign designed for ConFURence 6's "Pearl Possum" bar. Named after a tavern in an Alan Dean Foster Spellsinger novel. Artist: Possum-jf.gif 38778 408x311x16 May 28 00:00 1993 James Firmiss (firmiss@cae.wisc.edu) // Charcoal drawing of an opossum (personal furry). Based on the same picture 'Neikrad-RL.gif' came from. Artist: holy-grail-jg.gif 228875 763x551x128 Oct 3 09:23 1994 Jason Gaffney (jasong@paradise.edex.edu.au) // Jim Groat's Red Shetland doing a skit out of Monty Python's "Holy Grail". Art by Jason Gaffney. Artist: Aenton&Foxina.GIF 13062 608x819x2 Oct 12 15:02 1994 Jason J. Jensen // Aenton the fox/mink pining after a flirtatious Foxina. Artist: Arista-JJ.GIF 104180 576x817x256 Oct 12 15:07 1994 Jason J. Jensen // Doe in lingerie leaning in a doorway. Artist: Melody-JJ.GIF 20454 768x553x2 Oct 12 14:45 1994 Jason J. Jensen // Semi-nude fox-morph reclining on a couch. Artist: hwolf.gif 92533 1731x2374x2 Jun 15 13:45 1996 Jason Jensen. Black and white. // Wolf femme lounging about in a lovely little harem outfit, grooming herself. Sample in the "Bit O' Tail" portfolio. Artist: ringtail.gif 24658 650x892x2 Jun 18 14:28 1996 Jason Jensen. Black and white. // A femme ringtail, running from behind a tree, long tail circling behind her. Sample from the "Bit O' Tail" portfolio. Artist: bskunk1.gif 49149 532x747x256 Jul 27 22:46 1996 Jason Lewis, aka Jazzo. Color. // A self portrait of my character on FurryMUCK, Browaf, a skunkmorph with 4 arms. Drawn on a Mac LCII. Artist: worgmark.gif 17920 989x800x2 Nov 9 14:09 1993 Jason McIntosh // WORGFUNK TH' HELPWOLF 'MARKS' HIS TERRITORY, IN MAINE FASHION. Artist: goodyear3.gif 132569 576x776x256 Apr 7 17:45 1994 Jason Miller & Chris McMahon // A blue whale morph with a shell background. Created with Aldus Superpaint. Artists: j-roo2.gif 18095 509x825x256 Dec 22 13:23 1995 Jason Tracer (Jason-Roo) // A portrait of my personal character on FurryMUCK, Jason-Roo. Now, if I could just learn to use the scanner right... Artist: dogfight.gif 173140 1024x768x64 Nov 17 00:30 1995 Jason Trowbridge // Two dogs preparing to go at it over upset dog food in an apocalyptical landscape. Artist: dogfight.jpg 100236 1024x768xJPEG Nov 17 00:30 1995 Jason Trowbridge // Two dogs preparing to go at it over upset dog food in an apocalyptical landscape. Artist: lionnap.gif 120412 920x602x64 Nov 17 00:29 1995 Jason Trowbridge // A sleeping lion, done in lieu of sleeping in class. ;) Artist: lionnap.jpg 54353 920x602xJPEG Nov 17 00:29 1995 Jason Trowbridge // A sleeping lion, done in lieu of sleeping in class. ;) Artist: neko.gif 53296 396x360x256 Feb 2 11:05 1996 Jason Winkler // A furry muck character shot of neko. Artist: Hrral.gif 92111 602x600x256 Aug 8 07:26 1994 jaxom // Hrral is a Kzintosh (male Kzinti), but of the ancient Zoo-Planet colony released from stasis after 50,000 years. Artist: Morbius.gif 20904 576x720x64 Aug 8 07:26 1994 jaxom // Morbius is an avian humanoid (original concept was developed in 1982). He used to be human, but stuff happens. He is Airianna's father. Artist: banditjn.gif 42865 792x1182x2 Feb 15 00:10 1996 Jay Naylor. Black and white. // Bandit. A female skunk and renegade biotechnician, admiring a lovely piece of her handiwork - Armoured cockroaches. Artist: callist2.gif 66823 862x1283x2 May 20 08:37 1996 Jay Naylor. Black and white. // Callista the bat ((c) J. Overall) raids a cart of giant strawberries with her friend, Speed ((c) Jay Naylor). Artist: callist3.gif 42344 773x1113x2 Sep 3 22:06 1996 Jay Naylor. Black and white. // Callista the Bat and Speed the Mouse survey the street below from their perch on the roof of an apartment complex. Artist: Flechette.gif 29930 816x988x2 Mar 15 16:44 1997 Jay Naylor. Black and white. // Flechette of FurryMUCK and FurToonia. Artist: Speed.gif 152923 804x912x256 Mar 8 22:22 1997 Jay Naylor. Color. // ,c Speed of FurryMuck and FurToonia. Artist: ko-oh-ki.gif 46935 744x1175x16 Jul 8 00:20 1996 Jay Percival Mallory // An illustration of Ko-oh-ki, a furry character on AnimeMUCK. Artist: Kochan18reasons.gif 50200 656x1042x16 Jun 22 16:02 1997 Jay Percival Mallory // Eighteen reasons to like Ko-oh-ki, presented to Ko-chan when it was feeling down. Artist: Cherchez.gif 65712 640x960x32 Mar 15 15:57 1997 Jay Percival Mallory. Color. // An picture of the younger of the two LaFemme sisters, Cherchez, ready for a date. Artist: hajimemashite.gif 24154 640x400x16 Dec 21 12:04 1996 Jay Percival Mallory. Color. // An illustration of Ko-oh-ki, with information sidebar. Artist: lafemme.gif 47075 744x859x32 May 29 22:28 1996 Jay Percival Mallory. Color. // This is a poster of the LaFemme sisters, Cherchez and Pitchdark. Artist: Reyna.gif 52003 789x960x32 Jun 8 22:13 1997 Jay Percival Mallory. Color. // Portrait of the FurryMUCK character Reyna. Artist: Reynard96.gif 34134 695x769x16 May 25 02:50 1996 Jay Percival Mallory. Color. // A portrait of the FurryMUCK character Reynard as he appeared in 1996. Artist: sabishisa.gif 24889 640x498x32 Dec 21 12:05 1996 Jay Percival Mallory. Color. // Ko-oh-ki on a lonely night. Artist: Ungndcmn.gif 93059 1642x1024x2 May 13 19:32 1997 Jay R Naylor. Black and white. // A brief look at some of the regulars at the Underground Inn Common. Artist: sapphyr1.gif 55643 612x821x2 Jan 7 08:59 1995 Jayne Alexander (aka Sapphyr) // Drawing of head and shoulders view of Sapphyr, an anthropomorphic female feline. Artist: jaz-kitty.gif 15789 544x720x2 Jan 26 23:34 1997 Jazzo. Black and white. // A 'morphic female cat, removing her robe. Image created with ColorIt! on a Macintosh LC-II. Artist: rylan2.jpg 68350 800x550xJPEG Jul 9 18:07 1994 Jeanette Atwood, 1994 // A pegasus morph in flight, straining to gain altitude. [Rylan (c) Mark Atwood] Artist: wolfpilot-jt.gif 10397 627x448x2 Jun 15 19:38 1994 Jeff Tatarek // A wolf fighter pilot, ready for clearance to take off. Artist: kalnehl.gif 118011 698x900x64 Dec 16 23:33 1995 Jeffrey 'Taldin' Young. Grayscale. // Kaliffio del Varanis and Ehlana, columns portrait. Artist: wandyote.gif 89855 700x900x64 Dec 16 23:33 1995 Jeffrey 'Taldin' Young. Grayscale. // Wanderer, aka Magi Mosey, character for Genesis Muck, portrait. Artist: Dragon.jpg 25954 848x1140xJPEG Jan 28 01:23 1997 Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale. // A Dragon slightly equine in form. Artist: KitKrawl.jpg 50062 1235x1105xJPEG Jan 28 01:24 1997 Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale. // Cat/Human morph getting back to her roots. Artist: Lazyhors.jpg 37219 1033x787xJPEG Jan 28 01:25 1997 Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale. // Lazy Horse. Artist: Nai_pic1.jpg 43463 1240x1522xJPEG Jan 28 01:29 1997 Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale. // One of Nai's Many Forms. Artist: Unimorph.jpg 81049 1696x2284xJPEG Jan 28 01:30 1997 Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale. // Female Human/Unicorn Morph. Artist: Vickitty.jpg 28125 1008x977xJPEG Jan 28 01:30 1997 Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale. // A Victorian Cat Lady. Artist: Weird.jpg 31516 824x1070xJPEG Jan 28 01:30 1997 Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale. // Abstract weirdness. Artist: Wingkits.jpg 34685 1122x735xJPEG Jan 28 01:30 1997 Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale. // Two Winged cat morphs just lazing about. Artist: jc-001.gif 25239 864x1260x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid Femme in collar and teddy Artist: jc-002.gif 34468 960x1380x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid Femme in mesh and gloves Artist: jc-003.gif 37263 912x1305x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid Femme in mesh suit Artist: jc-004.gif 26112 912x1305x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in leather, smoking Artist: jc-005.gif 27365 912x1305x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in hiphigh boots and shoulder gloves Artist: jc-006.gif 23333 912x1305x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme kneeling, with large goblet. Artist: jc-007.gif 38573 1016x1320x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme with long cigarette holder Artist: jc-008.gif 31336 1016x1320x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme with teddy and collar, beckoning Artist: jc-009.gif 42217 1016x1320x2 Sep 2 13:58 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in maid's uniform and dustmop Artist: jc-010.gif 25157 1000x1335x2 Sep 2 13:59 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in collar on pillows, reclining Artist: jc-011.gif 19306 1000x1335x2 Sep 2 13:59 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme nude doing leg exercises Artist: jc-012.gif 45327 1000x1335x2 Sep 2 13:59 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in leather, spurs and whip Artist: jc-013.gif 51698 1000x1335x2 Sep 2 13:59 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in pookaboo spandex and cigarette holder Artist: jc-014.gif 43241 1000x1335x2 Sep 2 14:00 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme erotic in swinging chair Artist: jc-015.gif 33285 1000x1335x2 Sep 2 14:00 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme displaying her dairy products Artist: jc-016.gif 27325 928x1140x2 Sep 2 14:00 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme nude doing leg exercises Artist: jc-017.gif 43465 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:00 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme with wine and a smoke and a smile Artist: jc-018.gif 42320 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:01 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme with body suit and a bottle of mescal Artist: jc-019.gif 40797 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:02 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in topless teddy, riding crop and monocle Artist: jc-020.gif 38143 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:02 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in bikini, both in water, looking for a refil Artist: jc-021.gif 40936 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:03 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in topless juggling act - 5 balls, too Artist: jc-022.gif 23047 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:03 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in rubber wondering if you wanna try her gag ball Artist: jc-023.gif 29842 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:03 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme offering a trip to the dairy bar Artist: jc-024.gif 28568 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:03 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme topless and kneeling, offering an ornate pipe Artist: jc-025.gif 25082 984x1335x2 Sep 2 14:04 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in collar and mammary appreciatio phase Artist: jc-026.gif 36273 864x1380x2 Sep 2 14:04 1994 Jerry Collins // A bound Bambioid femme with a rose is a bound Bambioid femme with ... Artist: jc-027.gif 24862 1016x1365x2 Sep 2 14:04 1994 Jerry Collins // Slender Bambioid femme in topless teddy and long gloves Artist: jc-028.gif 29283 1016x1365x2 Sep 2 14:04 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in ascot and gloves and nothing else offer you to taste Artist: jc-029.gif 36510 1016x1365x2 Sep 2 14:04 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in bracelets communing with Nature Artist: jc-030.gif 32867 1016x1365x2 Sep 2 14:05 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme topless, displaying the fashion miracle of duct tape Artist: jc-031.gif 32647 1016x1365x2 Sep 2 14:05 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme topless, weilding to pretty objects to distract you Artist: jc-032.gif 24185 848x1260x2 Sep 2 14:05 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in anklets, gloves and collar displaying dairy pride Artist: jc-033.gif 37505 1016x1290x2 Sep 2 14:06 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme nude displaying her musculature for your approval Artist: jc-034.gif 52849 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:06 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme with musical instrument getting into the show Artist: jc-035.gif 40285 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:06 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in crotchless, topless Field Marshall look Artist: jc-036.gif 28189 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:07 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme pinup girl in moment of wistful contemplation Artist: jc-037.gif 51437 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:08 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme topless in a hot body suit with a tall cool one Artist: jc-038.gif 31179 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:08 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme topless with the First Riding Crop look Artist: jc-039.gif 69005 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:09 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme topless with long hair, gicing short hair a styling Artist: jc-040.gif 46885 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:10 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme nude, playing in the surf Artist: jc-041.gif 56790 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:10 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme on her balcony, with an elaborate balcony of her own Artist: jc-042.gif 51470 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:11 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme space pirate with small breasts and LARGE space gun Artist: jc-043.gif 31548 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:11 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in swatting clothes, awaiting your touch Artist: jc-044.gif 32902 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:12 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme posing for centerfold in Field & Stream Artist: jc-045.gif 24819 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:12 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme demure nude in slave bracelets, avoiding eye contact Artist: jc-046.gif 58487 984x1305x2 Sep 2 14:13 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme fresh from the whip-maker, inviting you to her dungeon Artist: jc-047.gif 40721 848x1305x2 Sep 2 14:14 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in leather, fishnets and cigarette, showing unusual support Artist: jc-048.gif 42389 1016x1290x2 Sep 2 14:15 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme with an air of the mystical about her Artist: jc-049.gif 56798 1016x1290x2 Sep 2 14:16 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in a tight body suit Artist: jc-050.gif 37421 1016x1290x2 Sep 2 14:16 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid male consort serving you a cocktail Artist: jc-051.gif 54641 1016x1290x2 Sep 2 14:17 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme with a fan and a come hither smile Artist: jc-052.gif 57551 1016x1290x2 Sep 2 14:18 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear male in a moment of meditation Artist: jc-053.gif 46610 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:19 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear trio of ladies enjoying mutual erotic pleasures Artist: jc-054.gif 21479 1016x1290x2 Sep 2 14:20 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme nude showing dairy investments Artist: jc-055.gif 40173 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:20 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear trio of nude femmes caught in the bath Artist: jc-056.gif 45839 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:20 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme in very revealing mesh nightie, reclining Artist: jc-057.gif 27561 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:21 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear hetero couple in erotic play Artist: jc-058.gif 43510 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:22 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme nude, incling and recling among the pillows Artist: jc-059.gif 22205 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:22 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme duet, performing erotic gymnastics Artist: jc-060.gif 38408 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:22 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear hetero duet in a very penetrating moment of joyous abandonment Artist: jc-061.gif 40729 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:23 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme courtesan in kimono with mandolin Artist: jc-062.gif 34223 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:24 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme in tightsuit with a very prehensile tail Artist: jc-063.gif 31954 1290x1016x2 Sep 2 14:24 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear male duet into rubber, oral, and each other Artist: jc-064.gif 26379 978x752x2 Sep 2 14:24 1994 Jerry Collins // 3 Bambioid femmes closely examine a sex-slave stag-boy Artist: jc-065.gif 24100 978x752x2 Sep 2 14:24 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid menage-a-trois with two impatient femmes and a backboard Artist: jc-066.gif 24079 978x752x2 Sep 2 14:24 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme sliding giddily up the cheat of her prone lover Artist: jc-067.gif 47470 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:25 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme precticing her swordplay Artist: jc-068.gif 53332 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:25 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid stag adding another volunteer to his herd Artist: jc-069.gif 23149 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:25 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid hetero couple, with one blowing more than just smoke Artist: jc-070.gif 34452 760x967x2 Sep 2 14:25 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme trying to make a move on her driver Artist: jc-071.gif 33258 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in bed, wearing only boots, tickling her fancy Artist: jc-072.gif 26676 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid hetero couple in leathers, braids and boots, doing it stag-style Artist: jc-073.gif 26840 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme nude with a mair of magical crystals Artist: jc-074.gif 26091 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid hetero nude couple getting a little orally fixated Artist: jc-075.gif 27308 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid menage-a-trois with one femme serving two masters Artist: jc-076.gif 34498 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid hetero nude couple in a soft embrace within the woods Artist: jc-077.gif 25700 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme yopless, inviting you to her dungeon in a blase manner Artist: jc-078.gif 19139 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in leather, cape, and attitude Artist: jc-079.gif 22799 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:26 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid hetero couple performing an act of erotic spelunking... in a cave, too Artist: jc-080.gif 22560 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid mistress with more than just her own erotic appetites under control Artist: jc-081.gif 28254 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid mother and daughter discuss the facts of plumbing Artist: jc-082.gif 17226 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme with a full body suit and a very large pipe Artist: jc-083.gif 19267 888x1155x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Topless feline with sword, going through the motions Artist: jc-084.gif 22790 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid female in a full body suit and a VERY big gon Artist: jc-085.gif 30239 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme trio getting too involved for a frustrated artist to deal with Artist: jc-086.gif 16174 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Feline nude with collar and pendant, smiling Artist: jc-087.gif 25792 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in an open body suit and a Very Big chair Artist: jc-088.gif 33049 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in an interesting body suit, in the water, and in the mood Artist: jc-089.gif 21476 752x978x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme proving a clean breast is a happy breast Artist: jc-090.gif 24875 978x752x2 Sep 2 14:27 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid hetero couple enjoying Bambioids coupling Artist: jc-091.gif 59516 1016x1320x2 Sep 2 14:28 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in teddy, silks, and a braid deserving a postal code to itself Artist: jc-092.gif 58340 1080x1597x2 Sep 2 14:28 1994 Jerry Collins // Sex kitten in leather and spurs, bending over to look you over Artist: jc-093.gif 36505 1000x1305x2 Sep 2 14:28 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in body suit with no modesty whatsoever, especially false Artist: jc-094.gif 47214 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:28 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear family reunion and marching band Artist: jc-095.gif 46803 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:29 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme astronaut, making the Universae safe Artist: jc-096.gif 38664 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:29 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid starship officer in uniform Artist: jc-097.gif 28260 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:29 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme in tight body suit and BIG Bowie knife Artist: jc-098.gif 28958 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:29 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme avaiatrix in unusual flight suit Artist: jc-099.gif 24897 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:29 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear femme nude with incense and electric guitar Artist: jc-100.gif 23208 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:30 1994 Jerry Collins // Cat-bear in leopard spots, jewelry, and a smile Artist: jc-101.gif 13467 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:30 1994 Jerry Collins // A long, lean female feline nude with a very fluffy tail Artist: jc-102.gif 15588 760x990x2 Sep 2 14:30 1994 Jerry Collins // A femme unicorn-morph with a rose and a smile Artist: jc-103.gif 24425 608x957x2 Sep 2 14:30 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme bust in an Art-Deco Frame Artist: jc-104.gif 20366 888x1155x2 Sep 2 14:31 1994 Jerry Collins // Lepre-fawn Stag in rubber suit, riding crop and cigarette Artist: jc-105.gif 34147 720x1190x2 Sep 2 14:31 1994 Jerry Collins // The artist's work seeks profession appraisal Artist: jc-106.gif 19493 689x922x2 Sep 2 14:31 1994 Jerry Collins // Lepre-fawn stag on a leash, being petted and not enjoying it at all Artist: jc-107.gif 30194 896x1290x2 Sep 2 14:31 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid femme proving even erotic cartoons need to keep up appearances Artist: jc-108.gif 62653 1016x1305x2 Sep 2 14:32 1994 Jerry Collins // Bambioid soldier mom, nursing a fawn behind the lines Artist: alexei01.gif 53384 799x561x256 Jan 22 17:03 1995 Jessica Willard // Alexei (from FurToonia) seated, in a chair, in what I hope looks like a drawing room. His name is copyrighted to his player. Artist: TSharra.jpg 65244 401x600xJPEG Jul 16 00:50 1996 Jessica Willard (Ginger). Color. // Commission of Mystarasilkember in her Forest Spirit morph. Artist: brave-jw.jpg 82540 403x600xJPEG May 3 01:48 1996 Jessica Willard (Ginger@FurToonia). Color. // Black and white pinto stallion 'taur in ostensibly Native American finery gives you a challenging stare. Artist: gingertoes.jpg 105379 647x466xJPEG Jan 7 00:18 1996 Jessica Willard. Color. // Ginger, a striped gold wolf, displays the natural intelligence of her species and bravely discovers her own appendages. Artist: jessicat-jw.jpg 41873 285x600xJPEG Apr 29 01:10 1996 Jessica Willard. Color. // Colour inked sketch of the artist as a furry -- winged golden female feline, in green crop top and shorts, strange smile. Artist: camelgal.gif 22416 1009x605x2 Feb 21 22:20 1995 Jim Groat // Attractive Camel harem girl. Artist: jimgroat.gif 15730 805x544x2 Feb 21 22:21 1995 Jim Groat // Jim Groat's own fursona carrying an oversized marker and quill pen, ready to draw for You. Artist: redfranc.gif 35817 1023x768x2 Feb 21 22:22 1995 Jim Groat // Red Shetland (with one breast exposed) leads the french into battle in a fitting parody of a popular painting. Artist: hakeber.jpg 28654 360x491xJPEG Apr 27 14:02 1997 Jim Groat. Color. // Hakeber, the dragon, prepares to discipline Triggur. Artist: Tang.GIF 119275 500x480x256 Jan 25 21:21 1995 Jim Hayden ( at ConFurrence 6 ) // Conception of Tangaloor character on FurryMUCK and Furtoonia MUCK. Artist: fugazi.jpg 37695 302x383xJPEG Oct 19 16:14 1995 Jim Pigtain. Color. // Fugazi! A male weasel morph posing in a tree. Artist: otter.jpg 38865 302x379xJPEG Oct 19 16:14 1995 Jim Pigtain. Color. // A male otter morph at night drawn on black board. Artist: bobcat-jc.gif 30468 632x896x16 Aug 3 08:07 1993 Jimmy Chin // Robin Bobcat skipping along (FurryMUCK feline) Artist: greywolf-jc.gif 17877 595x740x256 May 28 00:00 1993 Jimmy Chin // A quick drawing of Jordan Greywolf. Very quick. Artist: woodruff.gif 27641 166x373x128 Dec 14 12:57 1994 Jimmy Chin // Jimmy's second costume, a grey wolf named Woodruff. To premiere at ConFURence Six. Artist: The_Park-JC.gif 153273 614x480x256 Jan 18 00:05 1995 Jimmy Chin {Thats Mr. Bunn to you Buster!}, color // A commission of a typical day in the park with A.J.Wolf, Talisantia, Bunnell and Lycan. Artist: harlkyn1.gif 57249 308x536x256 Jul 15 21:39 1995 Jimmy Chin. Grayscale. // Quick sketch of Harlkyn Wolf. Artist: anticipation.gif 18077 848x649x2 Sep 1 01:26 1994 jmcarpenter@uccs.edu (Justin Carpenter) // Dusty and Renee Rancourt, relaxing after a long and stressful day. PG-13 (very suggestive). Artist: JML-fox1.gif 9440 368x482x16 Feb 15 00:10 1996 JML. Color. // Picture of some fox drawing a picture. Scanned in via Photoshop, and cleaned up and colered with Deluxe Paint IV. Artist: JML-Mer1.gif 18624 382x386x16 Feb 15 00:10 1996 JML. Grayscale. // Some sketches, scanned in with Photoshop and cleaned up with Deluxe Paint IV. 1 of 3. Artist: JML-Mer2.gif 15586 446x400x16 Feb 15 00:10 1996 JML. Grayscale. // Some sketches, scanned in with Photoshop and cleaned up with Deluxe Paint IV. 2 of 3. Artist: JML-Mer3.gif 25250 640x400x16 Feb 15 00:10 1996 JML. Grayscale. // Some sketches, scanned in with Photoshop and cleaned up with Deluxe Paint IV. 3 of 3. Artist: merwolf1.gif 24900 640x480x16 Feb 15 00:10 1996 JML. Grayscale. // Scan of a picture of a certain Merry wolf sitting at a computer. Scanned in with Photoshop and cleaned up with Deluxe Paint IV. Artist: merwolf2.gif 80264 331x480x256 Mar 26 20:33 1996 JML. Grayscale. // Scan of a picture of a certain Merry wolf looking rather demure, or so my sister says. Scanned in with Photoshop. Artist: meryote2-jml.gif 15571 640x480x8 Jul 16 02:51 1996 JML. Grayscale. // Frustrated coyote sitting in a chair. Pure and simple. Artist: JARacSkunk.gif 47220 684x399x16 May 28 02:11 1994 Joanie Albee // A male skunk morph lies between the legs of a female raccoon morph. Partial nudity = R rated. Artist: JASnowleo.gif 58676 708x429x16 Jun 7 17:08 1994 Joanie Albee // A female snow leopard morph lies in a love seat. A strong `R` rating for nudity and suggested sexuality. Artist: JAbublfox.gif 74440 550x646x256 Feb 4 07:34 1994 Joanie Albee, 1994 // A nude female fox morph blowing bubbles Artist: JAskunk.gif 26461 423x573x256 Feb 1 11:26 1994 Joanie Albee, 1994 // A nude female skunk morph sits at her vanity applying lipstick. Artist: vixen-JA.gif 10965 570x438x4 Aug 12 13:06 1993 Joanie Albee. Color: b&w // Description: Nicely drawn vixen anthropomorph. Artist: nightbreed_jag.jpg 49584 500x702xJPEG Mar 8 22:48 1997 Joe A. Grassel. Color. // Picture of the vampire coyote, Nightbreed. Artist: Astrdome.gif 175642 640x478x256 Nov 30 16:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis // Why giant furries aren't very fond of domed stadiums. Artist: Badpun.gif 53296 466x480x256 Nov 30 17:00 1996 Joe Ekaitis // Giant furry puns are particularly painful. Artist: Bighyena.gif 51611 602x480x256 Nov 30 17:02 1996 Joe Ekaitis // Tell a giant hyena a joke, and you've got a friend for life. Artist: Bigvegan.gif 57089 554x480x256 Nov 30 17:04 1996 Joe Ekaitis // They're a pain, regardless of their size or species. Artist: Excuse.gif 84731 593x480x256 Nov 30 17:07 1996 Joe Ekaitis // Normal-sized species always have the perfect excuse. Artist: Jhnny-je.gif 83889 640x480x256 Nov 30 17:09 1996 Joe Ekaitis // "Johnny Blanco" of FurryMuck in macrofurry style. Artist: Oldfurry.gif 97696 602x480x256 Nov 30 17:12 1996 Joe Ekaitis // Giant furries looked different in the 1920s. Artist: Rampage.gif 63222 575x480x256 Dec 3 23:55 1996 Joe Ekaitis // Most giant furries do NOT find a certain arcade game entertaining. Artist: Shed.gif 49016 640x259x256 Nov 30 17:14 1996 Joe Ekaitis // There are times when it's not prudent to stand too close to a giant furry. Artist: Windwolf.gif 74835 602x480x256 Nov 30 17:16 1996 Joe Ekaitis // BIG big bad wolves can always find work in Holland. Artist: Winnie.gif 62430 577x480x256 Nov 30 17:17 1996 Joe Ekaitis // What do giant furries never hear? Artist: Wolftag.gif 35435 640x260x256 Nov 30 17:19 1996 Joe Ekaitis // How giant furries turn "Tag" into a boring game. Artist: Workers.gif 86328 569x480x256 Nov 30 17:21 1996 Joe Ekaitis // Giant furries can only do certain jobs in certain places. Artist: aurora.gif 25965 640x480x256 Oct 15 00:46 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A drawing of the giant fox of Icelandic folklore whose tail creates the Aurora Borealis. Artist: badgrbck.gif 111375 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A big badger badgers Buckingham Palace. Artist: bgbenfox.gif 116442 640x480x256 Sep 8 22:27 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A big fox cleans a well-known clock. Artist: bghootrs.gif 74260 640x480x256 Sep 21 03:16 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A Foxy Babe with a Nice Pair of Big Hooters (THEY FILL THE WHOLE SCREEN!) Artist: bigcrane.gif 66202 640x472x256 Sep 21 03:32 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A male giant crane tries to hit it off with, well, another giant crane. Artist: bighug.gif 46402 594x480x256 Oct 15 01:47 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // There are some things a giant furry can do better than just about anyone. Artist: bigmouse.gif 54459 575x480x256 Oct 21 09:40 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Elephants are said to be afraid of mice. What are giant mice afraid of? Artist: broshare.gif 58100 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A huge hare makes it clear to Berios (copyright Jamal Hannah) the Polarwolf that he knows an HTML link when he sees one. Artist: Bunjee.gif 42394 584x480x256 Oct 28 01:49 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // There are certain things a giant furry CAN'T do. Artist: bunnship.gif 88861 560x432x256 Sep 7 21:04 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A big bunny battles a battleship. Artist: byecliff.gif 78937 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // The Big Red Dog of children's book fame disappears without a trace. . .except for his collar. Artist: cajnwolf.gif 59827 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A big banjo-plucking wolf hitches a ride on a Mississippi paddlewheeler. Artist: chiknfox.gif 87912 640x480x256 Sep 21 02:46 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A giant fox lays down the law to a coyote who has chickens on his mind. Artist: cnracoon.gif 70638 488x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // The Canadian National Tower WAS the tallest unsupported tower in the world. Then, along came a mischievous giant raccoon. Artist: coffee-je.gif 42036 640x480x256 Sep 7 21:00 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A big grizzly pours a cute little bunny a cup of coffee (You know how some people are before that first cup). Artist: cokebear.gif 79911 640x480x256 Sep 21 03:36 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A giant artic fox (obviously, a Pepsi drinker) is about to express an opinion about those Coca-Cola guzzling white bruins. Artist: cptlhare.gif 70458 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A huge hare who's had it with BOTH Houses (of Congress, that is). Artist: dancers.gif 46660 640x480x256 Sep 8 22:24 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A buck hare and a vixen dance across the snow. Artist: dingopra.gif 95127 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A giant dingo, dashingly dressed in a royal purple cape, uses the exterior of the Sydney Opera House as his stage. Artist: dragon-je.gif 93897 640x480x256 Sep 21 03:35 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // If dragons were around today, they'd be welcome at balloon festivals. Artist: eaglndle.gif 72306 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // The Seattle Space Needle provides an eagle's eye view, but if you're a giant eagle, landing there can be a pain in the, uh, tail. Artist: efltower.gif 94275 640x480x256 Sep 8 22:27 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // The Eifel Tower is toppled by a huge hare (probably as punishment upon the French for making a comic deity out of Jerry Lewis). Artist: express.gif 37691 640x480x256 Sep 21 02:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // An ad for a roller coaster designed with Disney's "COASTER" program. Artist: feeder.gif 20475 640x394x256 Sep 7 21:10 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // An advertisement for a useful addition to any backyard. Artist: flyngfox.gif 57502 640x480x256 Sep 22 18:48 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // An ad for a roller coaster designed with Disney's "COASTER" program. Artist: foxflyte.gif 66108 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // When you're a giant furry, EVERY flight is a "no-frills" flight. Artist: ggcoyote.gif 89281 640x480x256 Sep 8 22:27 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A large coyote crosses the Golden Gate Bridge. . .sort of. Artist: glasses.gif 36588 640x238x256 Jul 1 23:52 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // "Thaddeus" comic strip. Artist: gngrbred.gif 42027 640x243x256 Jul 1 23:52 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // "Thaddeus" comic strip. Artist: grateful.gif 44720 577x480x256 Oct 15 01:52 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // The world is grateful for certain things giant furries can do. Artist: griffin.gif 58980 640x447x256 Sep 4 21:24 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A giant griffin captures a winged steed. Artist: harefood.gif 81866 573x480x256 Sep 8 22:27 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Unlike his normal-sized cousin, the giant hare needs his protein in a more concentrated form. Artist: heimlich.gif 74244 581x480x256 Oct 21 09:32 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Giant furries are endowed with a unique medical skill. Artist: hyper.gif 18425 640x480x256 Sep 21 02:56 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // An ad for a roller coaster designed with Disney's "COASTER" program. Artist: jackpot.gif 35199 640x245x256 Jul 4 00:14 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // "Thaddeus" comic strip, copyright 1996. Artist: jckljggl.gif 64915 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // With a loud-mouthed lion as a barker, a giant juggling jackal demonstrates his ability to keep EIGHT in the air at once. Artist: launcher.gif 69040 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // NEWS ITEM: U.S. Navy experiments with genetically-engineered aircraft launcher. Artist: lesson.gif 44800 545x480x256 Oct 21 09:18 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // YOU, yes, YOU can DRAW a GIANT FURRY! Just follow these 4 EASY STEPS! Artist: limbo.gif 47404 640x480x256 Oct 15 00:46 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // For their incredible size, giant furries sometimes demonstrate agility far beyond that of mortal men (or normal sized furries). Artist: litehare.gif 87439 640x480x256 Sep 8 22:27 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A lighthouse might be quaint and picturesque, but this huge seaside-dwelling hare just wants his beauty sleep. Artist: looney.gif 43072 640x244x256 Jul 1 23:52 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // "Thaddeus" comic strip. Artist: lytehare.gif 71043 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Hares are nocturnal. Maybe that's why giant hares enjoy toppling lighthouses. Artist: madbunny.gif 65414 480x360x256 Sep 4 21:19 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Giant angry rabbit preparing to smash a hunting lodge. Artist: moonsong.gif 91188 640x480x256 Sep 7 20:56 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A coyote is not exactly impressed by someone else's moonsong. Artist: museum.gif 54103 640x480x256 Sep 4 22:39 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A pony and a lion ponder a picture of a pedestal sculpted by Pisano. Artist: panda.gif 26155 631x480x256 Sep 21 03:38 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A giant panda creates pandemonium at the Great Wall. Artist: paranoid.gif 39266 640x260x256 Sep 28 23:40 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Giant furries get blamed for everything. Artist: pisahare.gif 108444 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A huge hare tries to be helpful, but the police in Pisa, Italy, set him straight. Artist: reversal-je.gif 62550 640x480x256 Sep 28 19:08 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // "Role Reversal": A giant hare and a wolf reverse the roles of predator and prey. Artist: Riding.gif 56290 555x480x256 Dec 11 00:06 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Two horses, one rider. Artist: rtgdsknk.gif 56266 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Who but a giant skunk would want to buy this stuff in bulk? Artist: sandcstl.gif 103113 613x480x256 Oct 15 01:47 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Sometimes, an unfair advantage is no advantage at all. Artist: seawolf.gif 78065 640x480x256 Oct 15 01:21 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A giant sea wolf wades ashore with his version of a seafood buffet. Artist: slngshot.gif 20397 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // An ad for a roller coaster designed on Disney's "Coaster". "macro-furry" art. Artist: sportif.gif 35135 351x480x256 Jul 4 00:14 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // "Le Renard Sportif" poster. Artist: sportif2.gif 54348 480x360x256 Sep 4 21:23 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Thaddeus Fox as a bowler on a poster. Artist: sportif3.gif 81815 417x440x256 Sep 4 21:23 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Thaddeus Fox as a basketball player. Artist: srkainje.gif 138995 640x480x256 Oct 21 09:40 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Sir Kain (copyright Eric Goodwin) of FurryMUCK and FurtooniaMUCK, by request. Artist: thmepark.gif 12305 640x480x256 Sep 28 21:45 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // If you're a parent, THIS park is even more frightening than "Jurassic Park". Artist: tollbrdg.gif 85029 640x480x256 Sep 21 03:06 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // If this big lizard doesn't have exact change, he's out of luck. Artist: toonfox.gif 54480 316x236x256 Sep 7 21:09 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // Thaddeus Fox, from the comic strip "Thaddeus". License plate was NOT retouched. Artist: Trip.gif 58790 582x480x256 Oct 28 01:49 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // CAUTION: Playing certain pranks on giant furries can result in personal injury or property damage. Artist: twister.gif 30312 640x462x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // An ad for a roller coaster designed on Disney's "Coaster". "macro-furry" art. Artist: voyeur.gif 113552 630x480x256 Sep 21 03:33 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A big, burly bathing wolf is startled by a tiny voyeur. Artist: weaslhrs.gif 72253 640x480x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // For a giant weasel, catching a horse is not much different than catching a mouse. Artist: weezlpop.gif 72235 640x480x256 Sep 21 02:46 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // The giant weasel usually enters a barn by tunneling under it, but prefers to exit in a more spectacular fashion. Artist: wthsmous.gif 91298 640x480x256 Oct 6 16:08 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Color. // A giant mouse tests Socks the Cat's ability to keep the White House rodent-free. Valid until the year 2000, I'm afraid. Artist: colabear.gif 18488 640x480x16 Jul 4 00:13 1996 Joe Ekaitis. Grayscale. // "T.H.E. Fox" comic strip. Copyright 1996. Artist: okami.gif 32591 602x700x256 Oct 31 12:15 1994 Joe Grassel // Artistic interpretation of Okami, a toony wolf on FurryMUCK. Artist: zach.gif 67788 816x1145x256 Aug 9 15:20 1994 Joe Grassel // Picture of Zach, a skunk on FurryMUCK Artist: delvic.gif 11952 640x480x256 Sep 22 18:48 1996 John A. Fleming. Color. // Delvic is a skunk lycanth. Look for and read his accompanying story soon in the stories section of this site. Artist: bell01.gif 52598 1250x1227x2 Dec 6 02:14 1995 John Barrett // Belldandy of Oh My Goddess! as a kat. =^_^= Artist: chee01.gif 383441 848x1430x256 Dec 6 02:17 1995 John Barrett // Fred Perry's Cheetah. Used as model for 'Cream Spongecake' in Gold Digger Annual #1. =^_^= Artist: jbkat01.gif 44192 999x1387x2 Dec 6 02:18 1995 John Barrett // Portrait of artist as a kat. =^_^= Artist: kyati01.gif 635266 848x1613x256 Dec 6 02:21 1995 John Barrett // Feline blonde with 3 ponytails... =^_^= Artist: lone-w01.gif 1403080 867x1571x256 Dec 4 21:04 1995 John Barrett // FurryMuck's Lone-Wolf displaying his power. Artist: lone-w01.jpg 521447 867x1571xJPEG Dec 6 02:29 1995 John Barrett // FurryMuck's Lone-Wolf displaying his power. Artist: mag1-jbw.jpg 48286 499x776xJPEG Feb 20 11:41 1996 John Barrett // Magickat with a skirt without a tailhole. Inked by Bryan Walko. Artist: magkat01.gif 165470 559x1031x256 Dec 6 02:13 1995 John Barrett // Roxikat's little sister Magickat! Colors by Bryan Walko =^_^= Artist: nekkyo01.gif 62350 1269x1664x2 Dec 6 02:21 1995 John Barrett // Model sheet of Nekkyo, one of ANIMEast's mascots. =^_^= Artist: roxi-c01.gif 329418 879x1221x256 Dec 6 02:25 1995 John Barrett // Roxikat at age six, as she appears on Furtoonia. Colors by Bryan Walko =^_^= Artist: roxi2-jb.jpg 19649 504x656xJPEG Feb 20 11:54 1996 John Barrett // Roxi wearing casual clothes. Artist: roxikat3.gif 43900 842x1256x2 Dec 6 02:22 1995 John Barrett // Quick ink of Roxi bein' cheery. =^_^= Artist: roximrph.gif 661832 1162x1579x256 Dec 6 02:32 1995 John Barrett // Roxi changes her body shape sometimes... =^_^= Artist: roxipet1.gif 24546 584x782x2 Feb 14 19:36 1996 John Barrett // Roxi as a pet?! Hoo boy... ^_^ Artist: tomykat1.gif 382311 836x1310x256 Dec 6 02:35 1995 John Barrett // Pencils of Tommykat! =^_^= Artist: Roxikat1.jpg 40604 358x480xJPEG Oct 22 23:22 1995 John Barrett / Roxikat (Inks) and Bryan Walko (colored pencils). Color. // Roxikat with mallet and boxing-glove gun. Anime-style! *^_^* Artists: Roxikat2.jpg 22720 239x295xJPEG Oct 23 00:02 1995 John Barrett, colors by Bryan Walko. Color. // Roxi and her sister, Magickat! Those troublemaking toon cats team up for mischeif and myahing mewing fun! Artist: boys1-jb.gif 12450 481x570x2 Feb 15 00:10 1996 John Barrett. Black and white. // Rabbit morph and mouse morph friends. Artist: kooky-jb.gif 13996 610x766x2 Feb 15 00:10 1996 John Barrett. Black and white. // FurryMUCK's very own Kooky! Artist: myah1-jb.gif 16844 585x769x2 Feb 15 00:10 1996 John Barrett. Black and white. // Coloring book style Roxi and Magic! Ky00te as a button, myah! Artist: rahzr-jb.gif 14405 402x766x2 Feb 15 00:10 1996 John Barrett. Black and white. // Evil Ra Terminator fur. Artist: roxi1-jb.gif 18331 613x807x2 Feb 15 00:10 1996 John Barrett. Black and white. // Roxikat has super anime bounce factor! Artist: glade-jb.jpg 228182 413x541xJPEG Mar 16 22:14 1996 John Barrett. Grayscale. // Jackal morph and a bird morph in a glade. Artist: rish1-jb.jpg 124633 516x739xJPEG Mar 16 22:14 1996 John Barrett. Grayscale. // Pencil of were-cheetah from D&D. Artist: rish2-jb.jpg 72314 526x644xJPEG Mar 16 22:14 1996 John Barrett. Grayscale. // Pencil of were-cheetah Rish, morphing into hybrid form. Artist: teal1-jb.jpg 78883 422x886xJPEG Mar 16 22:14 1996 John Barrett. Grayscale. // Pencil of human woman in a robe. Artist: HolloBike-jb.jpg 178546 826x1080xJPEG Mar 30 22:05 1996 John Boulton // Male fox leaning against mountain bike. Artist: Zazta17i-jb.gif 62592 640x464x16 Nov 22 11:25 1996 John Boulton // Zazta, a male cougar related to Sasta, sitting nude on a bed. Artist: Korshka4RL-jb.gif 43900 348x240x64 Oct 15 00:38 1996 John Boulton & Camera. Color. // A picture of Korshka, the Happy Hyundai, in her non-dreamtime form. Artist: Blackmane2i-jb.gif 26381 839x1024x2 Nov 23 07:07 1996 John Boulton. Black and white. // Blackmane, the two-headed hermaphrodite wolf from FurryMuck. Artist: Sasta8e-jb.jpg 52431 800x909xJPEG Jan 28 01:12 1997 John Boulton. Color. // Sasta as a NightScreamer (cougar variant) with long knife. Artist: CCheetah1i-jb.gif 40344 483x622x256 Oct 15 01:22 1996 John Boulton. Grayscale. // Chesty Cheetah, lounging against a low wall. Artist: Kinshasa2p-jb.gif 40497 440x640x16 Aug 11 19:05 1996 John Boulton. Grayscale. // Kinshasa, the african chimaera from FurryMuck. "A head by a nose". Artist: Rosewolf-jb.jpg 34881 220x252xJPEG Nov 23 07:18 1996 John Boulton. Grayscale. // Wolf in Rosebed holding a rose in its mouth. Artist: Raster-jb.gif 17218 446x614x8 Mar 28 13:10 1996 Johnny Blanco // Picture of Raster the bunny goth. Artist: syn-shaping.gif 102564 340x462x256 Jul 15 07:39 1994 jointly created by Synge and his player // Abstract interpretation of character Synge perched upon a mountaintop, being as enigmatic as dragonly possible. Artist: dermott1.jpg 67780 446x653xJPEG Jul 6 23:25 1996 Jonathan McDermott (akela@con2.com). Grayscale. // Dermott of FurryMUCK, commander of the starship/corvette Misery. Artist: madarua1.jpg 48419 400x445xJPEG Jun 23 19:20 1996 Jonathan McDermott. Grayscale. // Two members of the Fox People, or Madarua Tuatha, a fennid (warrior) and druid. Pencil on light paper. Artist: dj940914.gif 60592 753x548x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // 'Red and the Cross' Dope & Jazz, and all characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj940922.gif 16244 439x336x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // Mixing technologies at NAIT. Dope & Jazz, and all characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj941117.gif 44071 665x479x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // Business blunders and cafeteria health food. All characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj941124.gif 54062 508x628x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // The Incredible, Inedible DOPE! (and Jazz) All characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj950908.gif 51939 635x501x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // Dope & Jazz welcome all to the '95-'96 school year. All characters copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj950921.gif 46266 506x685x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // Change makes for a cheap joke. Dope & Jazz, and all characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj951005.gif 54476 678x505x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // Stereotypes hurt everyone, Or, Don't mess with the monkeys! All characters copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not redistribute. Artist: dj951013.gif 58677 719x496x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // 'A Vegitative State of Affairs' All characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj951020.gif 75980 619x502x256 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // 'Budget Cuts and Pastes' Dope & Jazz, and all characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj951102.gif 39431 546x409x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // 'And now for something completely pointless' All characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj951109.gif 72156 735x592x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // 'Bar None' Dope & Jazz, and all characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj951116.gif 75893 631x515x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // 'SuperZeros', retaliation to 'TP Boy' strip printed the previous week. Copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not redistribute. Artist: dj951123.gif 51330 589x458x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // It's my birthday, I can be self serving If I want to. ;) Copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: dj951130.gif 75651 617x500x16 Feb 23 01:38 1997 Jonathan Roth. Grayscale. // 'Winter Blunderland' Dope & Jazz, and all characters are copyright Jonathan Roth. Do not alter or redistribute. Artist: enroute.gif 91212 669x768x256 Dec 3 10:20 1996 jonwI' // The boredom/tension before "hitting the beach". My tank, Krrut's "platoon", Tyruia's the Corpsman. Pencil sketch colorized with photofinish. Artist: cloaking.jpg 197760 1024x768xJPEG May 17 10:41 1995 jonwI', colour // jonwI' and MarvelFox on the FDF interstellar scout Pride of Wellston Rock. Artist: buy_ice.jpg 295718 1024x719xJPEG Apr 21 09:25 1997 jonwI'. Color. // From a story out of 'Nam, 'bout trying to keep cool in the heat there. From a pencil sketch, finished with photofinish and PhotoShop. Artist: callahan.jpg 123112 1024x606xJPEG Sep 21 03:24 1996 jonwI'. Color. // Callahan's bar, one of the more popular places in furryspace, with the usual crowd of "puppets". Artist: iyd_01.jpg 165490 1024x744xJPEG Mar 15 15:58 1997 jonwI'. Color. // Precursor in the "In Your Dreams" series. Never happened but should have. From a sketch, scanned and colorized with PhotoFinish. Artist: justfur.gif 91820 1024x660x256 Nov 9 18:10 1996 jonwI'. Color. // A tasteless spoof on a serious subject; the supermodel's "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" picture. Artist: kittiara.gif 13307 587x768x256 Oct 26 09:05 1995 jonwI'. Color. // "Kittiara waits". Artist: kzinrets.gif 93834 541x724x256 Feb 10 18:40 1996 jonwI'. Color. // Kzinrrets in the Port Royale Pool; Alonnys and Kittiara surprised. From a sketch, scanned and colorized with Phototouch. Artist: prc.jpg 190852 1005x768xJPEG Dec 16 23:33 1995 jonwI'. Color. // The Original Port Royale Crew: MarvelFox, jonwI', Krrut, Kittiara, Zassa, Tyruia, Anatol, and Chrystal. Artist: skrmshln.jpg 212521 479x768xJPEG Jun 16 05:36 1997 jonwI'. Color. // I was impressed with how the natural coloration of Lions made them disappear in the brush, and this followed naturally. Artist: sunrise2.jpg 179155 1024x749xJPEG May 13 01:45 1997 jonwI'. Color. // A hand sketch pasted over a neat background, using PhotoShop. Artist: trouble.jpg 55919 305x447xJPEG Apr 8 05:43 1997 jonwI'. Color. // Trouble, from Space:The Furry Frontier (pridelands.rh.ncsu.edu 8888). Retouched photograph (I know, thats cheating), using Photoshop. Artist: z_and_k.jpg 57670 640x471xJPEG Oct 15 00:40 1996 jonwI'. Color. // Zassa and Krrut, behind the waterfall at the Port Royale Pool. Scanned and colorized from a pencil sketch. Artist: howdeep.jpg 84319 591x768xJPEG May 20 07:24 1996 jonwI'. Grayscale. // Third (and hopefully last) in the "Incredibly Boring Meeting Doodles" series. Again, something taken from RL. Artist: nostripe.jpg 145102 1024x768xJPEG Aug 3 23:12 1996 jonwI'. Grayscale. // "No Stripes" Another one of the "Incredibly Booring Meeting Doodles series. Pencil, scanned, and edited with Phototouch. Artist: notnow.jpg 101255 530x768xJPEG Sep 28 19:11 1996 jonwI'. Grayscale. // Another of the "Incredibly Boring Meeting Series"; a sketch scanned, with text added. Artist: takerisk.jpg 105381 606x768xJPEG May 10 23:26 1996 jonwI'. Grayscale. // "Taking Risks", a pencil sketch from the "incredibly boring meeting doodles" series. Artist: tracked.jpg 56599 768x606xJPEG May 10 23:26 1996 jonwI'. Grayscale. // From the "incredibly boring meeting doodles" series. Pencil sketch. Artist: Bambo-c-gw.gif 24281 600x600x256 May 31 15:51 1994 Jordan Greywolf // Color version of Bambo-gw.gif. Militant deer 'morph. Artist: Cmdr-Penn-1-gw.gif 71046 1024x1157x2 Apr 26 14:14 1994 Jordan Greywolf // Original concept for Commander Penn, a space-faring dragonoid. Artist: FuzzyFox-c-gw.gif 11329 640x442x256 May 20 00:28 1993 Jordan Greywolf // A rendition of FuzzyFox, drawn on computer in 16 colors! Artist: Karen-Larson-gw.gif 38644 392x768x16 Apr 26 13:42 1994 Jordan Greywolf // [FurryMUCK character] aviator vixen Artist: Saguaro-c-gw.gif 14881 640x442x256 May 20 00:28 1993 Jordan Greywolf // A rendition of Saguaro, drawn on computer in 16 colors! Artist: Sunny-1-gw.gif 62191 605x768x16 Apr 26 14:12 1994 Jordan Greywolf // [FurryMUCK character] little unicorn with an attitude. Artist: Sunny-2-gw.gif 63068 602x768x16 Apr 27 12:56 1994 Jordan Greywolf // [FurryMUCK character] cute little 'morphed unicorn on skates Artist: Turkenator-2-c-gw.gif 13248 481x600x256 May 31 15:51 1994 Jordan Greywolf // Touched up version of Turkenator-2-gw.gif. This guy is NOT getting stuffed with croutons ... Artist: Unicorn-c-gw.gif 12167 640x442x16 May 20 00:28 1993 Jordan Greywolf // A rendition of a morphic unicorn, drawn on computer in 16 colors! Artist: Warwick-1-c-gw.gif 136971 533x640x128 Apr 27 13:18 1994 Jordan Greywolf // [FurryMUCK character] Warwick in color Artist: Warwick-1-gw.gif 57909 1582x1756x2 Apr 27 13:18 1994 Jordan Greywolf // [FurryMUCK character] Warwick the otter Artist: Warwick-2-c-gw.gif 128028 533x640x128 Apr 27 13:18 1994 Jordan Greywolf // [FurryMUCK character] Another scene of Warwick, in color Artist: Warwick-2-gw.gif 42899 1532x1806x2 Apr 27 13:18 1994 Jordan Greywolf // [FurryMUCK character] Warwick the otter, another scene Artist: Dragons-gw.bmp 1602 ??x??x?? Jun 8 17:16 1993 Jordan Greywolf Color: 16-color VGA (red and black) // (Windows bitmap format) Description: Windows bitmap (bmp) tile pattern based on an Escher design Artist: CRTD-gw.gif 10426 446x383x16 Jun 4 22:41 1993 Jordan Greywolf Color: VGA 16-color greyscale Description: College Republican T-shirt Design // Image name: CRTD-gw.gif email: peacoct6503@iscsvax.uni.edu Artist: Maza-gw.gif 37265 593x768x16 Apr 1 04:06 1997 Jordan Greywolf. Grayscale. // [Sinai] Maza the golden vixen (BING!) (C) C. Wong. Artist: Rorshach-n-Silhouette-gw.gif 26846 665x768x16 Apr 1 04:06 1997 Jordan Greywolf. Grayscale. // [Sinai] Rorshach, the apprentice unicorn of Shadow, dances with an imaginary friend. (C) J. Greywolf. Artist: SallyCoon-gw.gif 30142 806x768x16 Apr 1 04:06 1997 Jordan Greywolf. Grayscale. // [FM] SallyCoon spins on a chair at the RTBDA. (C) Dennis Carrigan. Artist: TeresitaSkunk-gw.gif 24491 493x768x16 Apr 1 04:06 1997 Jordan Greywolf. Grayscale. // [FM] TeresitaSkunk, (C) her player. Artist: Vixen-Pirate-gw.gif 45367 522x768x16 Apr 1 04:06 1997 Jordan Greywolf. Grayscale. // A vixen space pirate, (C) J. Greywolf. Artist: Zoltan-n-Nicodemus-gw.gif 64643 557x768x16 Apr 1 04:06 1997 Jordan Greywolf. Grayscale. // [Sinai] Zoltan pays a visit to his mentor, a Cervani/Vartan crossbreed named Nicodemus. (C) Genesis Cook. Artist: Mask-JR.gif 118742 458x493x256 Jul 23 14:04 1994 Josef Ricketts (Xeria/Kottke/Tannic at FurryMUCK) // Android-like robot with flesh-mask of golden retriever tacked to it, staring at screen. Scary. Artist: Nikos-JR.gif 14272 720x702x2 Jul 23 14:31 1994 Josef Ricketts (Xeria/Kottke/Tannic at FurryMUCK) // Cartoon with two anthro foxes, light bondage. *grin* Artist: Xeria-JR.gif 40470 366x449x256 Jul 23 14:15 1994 Josef Ricketts (Xeria/Kottke/Tannic at FurryMUCK) // A nude anthropomorphic vixen. Artist: 40KCat-JR.gif 62819 366x540x256 Jul 23 14:11 1994 Josef Ricketts (Xeria/Kottke/Tannic at FurryMUCK) Colour. // A lynx in power armor, Warmhammer 40kish. Artist: mirage.gif 9322 624x464x4 Nov 22 06:52 1995 Josef Ricketts. Grayscale. // Mirage in fennec form, looking cute with a glass of water. Artist: whazzat.jpg 65942 640x480xJPEG Mar 4 03:17 1996 Joseph Hamdorf (3D) and Brian Reynolds (2D). Color. // The first of the Dimensional Freaks pictures, combining 2D and 3D characters. Artist: 3d-beach.jpg 95788 640x480xJPEG Mar 26 20:08 1996 Joseph Hamdorf http://members.aol.com/jskunk/. Color. // This raytraced pic features two furry females, Kattie and Clare relaxing at the beach. Artist: 3d_vera.jpg 62805 640x407xJPEG Jan 20 14:15 1996 Joseph Hamdorf. Color. // Raytraced picture of Vera's Layout, More of Joe Hamdorf's 3d furrys are available at http://members.aol.com/jskunk/ Artist: jfn_cfe3k.gif 45180 714x507x16 Mar 17 17:03 1997 Joseph Nebus // Coati Austin Dern warns foxcub Millie of what might become of her if she tries to shapeshift while tired. Artist: jfn_thundercoon.gif 39066 698x437x16 Mar 17 17:10 1997 Joseph Nebus // ThunderCoons are back--NOW! (CoataRa, Lotor-O, and Pan-Dor are the only ones with good names so far) Artist: jfn_felnaust.jpg 25396 301x324xJPEG Oct 21 09:38 1996 Joseph Nebus. Color. // Felorin, plushiecat, snugs Austin_Dern, coati. Artist: coatlow.gif 32969 720x536x4 May 5 00:40 1997 Joseph Nebus. Grayscale. // Austin Dern attempts to draw Gene Catlow, but can't get it quite right... Millie and Ozymandias are present as well. Artist: jfn_and_AustinDern.gif 18295 606x528x2 May 14 02:43 1996 Joseph Nebus. Grayscale. // Austin Dern, coati, and his player/artist, Joseph Nebus, human, in a rough sketch. Artist: jfn_bigears.jpg 19194 360x282xJPEG Oct 21 09:38 1996 Joseph Nebus. Grayscale. // Bigears, fennec fox of FurryMuck, wearing his bunny pajamas. Artist: jfn_booker.jpg 17808 227x432xJPEG Oct 21 09:38 1996 Joseph Nebus. Grayscale. // Booker, a FurToonian raccoon I miss very much. Artist: jfn_krazykatrus.jpg 51856 576x323xJPEG Oct 21 09:38 1996 Joseph Nebus. Grayscale. // Austin_Dern, coati, in proud posession of a brick, receives a query from Katrus, vampirickitsunesilkiebatfish. Artist: jfn_sunset.jpg 47383 432x298xJPEG Oct 21 09:38 1996 Joseph Nebus. Grayscale. // Austin_Dern, coati, takes in a fantastic Coconino County sunset. Artist: RachelOc.gif 105303 419x791x256 May 2 13:24 1994 Josh Carpman (Paracelsus) // Rachel the Ocelot looks over her shoulder at you. Artist: Joe_kangaroo.gif 5360 431x351x256 Jun 4 00:41 1996 Josh Jones. Color. // Joe Kangaroo posing for the camera. Artist: Cal.gif 52755 317x546x256 Apr 3 21:36 1994 Joshua Carpman (Paracelsus) // Calaverin the coyote practices some magic. Artist: chirik.gif 123739 565x724x256 Apr 6 19:08 1994 Joshua Carpman (Paracelsus) // Chirik the winged squirrel (FurryMUCK character) coming in for a landing. Artist: Par-fox.gif 73676 462x484x256 Mar 4 17:13 1994 Joshua Carpman (Paracelsus) // Male fox enjoying FurryMUCK Artist: Par-self.gif 71374 550x431x256 Mar 4 17:13 1994 Joshua Carpman (Paracelsus) // Paracelsus, (FurryMUCK character) making a slight miscalculation. Artist: nekojin.gif 72602 640x800x16 May 16 18:07 1995 JTS - Reiko@FurryMUCK, colour // Sketch of the artist's character 'Nekojin Tora'. A female catmorph and description of her equipment. Artist: reikodrn.gif 32385 415x499x16 Jun 1 20:27 1995 JTS - reiko@solluna.org, Reiko@FurryMUCK // A 16 color gif of the artist's character 'Reiko'; a female lemur-badger cross on FurryMUCK. Artist: scoundrel-jmc.gif 73029 814x977x16 May 1 07:27 1995 Justin Carpenter // Japhet (Copyright (C) 1995 his player) leans on a stool at the Temptation II, with a smile that more than earns the drawing's title. Artist: bedtime-jmc.gif 35853 661x1001x16 Jan 17 21:02 1995 Justin Carpenter (jmcarpenter@uccs.edu) // Dusty and Renee take a last, fond look upon their son before retiring for the night. Grayscale. Artist: brandy.gif 18598 640x633x4 Oct 30 18:08 1994 Justin Carpenter (jmcarpenter@uccs.edu) // A quick sketch of Brandy, the hyperfriendly ferret from Furtoonia. Artist: midori-jmc.gif 163101 668x808x256 Jun 27 17:43 1995 Justin Carpenter (jmcarpenter@uccs.edu) // Midori Hatamoto (Copyright (C) 1995 her player) half-sits, smiling at the viewer. Artist: karia.jpg 94812 493x789xJPEG Jan 9 16:32 1995 Justin Carpenter (jmcarpenter@uccs.edu), grayscale // Karia of the Night Wind ((C) 1994 Christin Peters) sizes up a self-proclaimed suitor. Artist: liftoff.jpg 108444 797x887xJPEG Jan 17 21:02 1995 Justin Carpenter (jmcarpenter@uccs.edu), grayscale // Tryn, the vixen cyberswashbuckler, prepares to test-fly her newest hardsuit. Artist: stashfemfox.gif 72270 419x764x256 Jul 2 16:29 1995 Justin Carpenter (jmcarpenter@uccs.edu). Color. // Stash (Copyright (c) 1995 her player) in black foxy form, casts her eyes sideward, in mid-step. Artist: baxtrr-jmc.gif 182966 453x754x256 Aug 14 00:46 1995 Justin Carpenter. Color. // Baxtrr the Figment (Copyright (C) 1995 Atomic City) stands upon the Pavillion, above her floating island's lagoon. Artist: leila_noor-jmc.jpg 37418 392x814xJPEG Jan 7 01:53 1996 Justin Carpenter. Color. // Leila Noor of FurryMUCK, smiles -- well, cattily. (Leila Noor (C) 1995 her player. Used with permission.) Artist: sianna-jmc.jpg 66637 442x801xJPEG Jan 7 01:53 1996 Justin Carpenter. Color. // Sianna of FurryMUCK, just before settling down to lunch. (Sianna (C) 1995 Lothie. Used with permission.) Artist: b_lunch-jmc.gif 61350 630x765x256 Mar 18 11:31 1995 Justin Carpenter. Grayscale. // Telzey (Copyright 1995 her player), FurryMUCK's tiger-at-law, enjoys a root beer float at the Temptation. Artist: lorikeet-jmc.gif 9875 303x371x16 Jan 7 01:53 1996 Justin Carpenter. Grayscale. // The infamous "Lori_Keet Does Betty Grable" pinup. ;) (Lori_Keet (C) 1995 her player. Used with permission.) Artist: 001_eclp.gif 88104 1963x2855x2 Sep 12 10:58 1994 K. Wood E-mail:kwood@mailer.scri.fsu.edu // Hanger deck secured. Artist: sneerwuf.gif 10688 379x480x256 Nov 4 18:54 1995 Kamen_Kyote. Black and white. // A male wolf holding a leather strap gives a sneer to the viewer. Artist: kk-aza.gif 14686 1024x768x256 Jul 13 22:16 1996 Karena Kliefoth. Color. // A silver-grey genet with blue eyes. Artist: kk-gaeli.gif 14924 328x458x256 Jul 13 22:16 1996 Karena Kliefoth. Color. // A white Saluki listens to music on her portable cassette player. Artist: kk-puf.gif 13949 1024x768x256 Jul 13 22:16 1996 Karena Kliefoth. Color. // An irritable manul stares at the viewer. Artist: kk-tam.gif 37840 299x437x256 Jul 13 22:16 1996 Karena Kliefoth. Color. // A maned wolf, Gaelif's mate, wearing a long coat. Artist: kk-tiger.gif 20692 424x530x256 Oct 22 21:11 1996 Karena Kliefoth. Color. // Tiger, a character on FurryMuck, puts on his vest. Artist: xydexx2d.gif 38216 480x669x256 Jan 14 21:59 1996 Karl Xydexx Jorgensen // Xydexx, FurryMUCK's #1 inflatable furry. Thong desc. Colored 1/14/96 (C) 1996 Karl Xydexx Jorgensen. Artist: xydexx1c.gif 13381 480x631x2 Oct 24 18:39 1995 Karl Xydexx Jorgensen (yakfnord@delphi.com). Black and white. // Xydexx at Kensico Dam. Artist: xydexx2c.gif 8354 480x669x2 Oct 24 18:39 1995 Karl Xydexx Jorgensen (yakfnord@delphi.com). Black and white. // Xydexx - Thong Desc. Artist: xydexx3c.gif 6998 250x236x256 Sep 7 21:22 1996 Karl Xydexx Jorgensen. Color. // Xydexx of FurryMUCK, on a big pink inflatable animal pool toy. (Sept. 7 1996). Artist: nutfruit-ka.gif 138049 1024x768x256 May 31 14:29 1995 Karri Aronen // Donotsue meets Raleigh Ermine. Artist: Raleigh2-ka.gif 29402 369x480x256 May 9 12:43 1995 Karri Aronen // Raleigh Ermine (4-6 inch tall male ermine from FurryMUCK) gets caught by someone who wants the ring he uses to change size. Artist: Raleigh3-ka.gif 57810 800x584x256 May 9 12:44 1995 Karri Aronen // Raleigh Ermine (4-6 inch tall male ermine from FurryMUCK) gets punished at the blackboard. Artist: khajja.jpg 3048 121x126xJPEG May 13 01:14 1997 Kathy Inman. Color. // A first-time attempt at drawing my FurryMUCK character. Artist: dlady.jpg 2289 98x122xJPEG May 13 01:14 1997 Kathy Inman. Grayscale. // Dragonlady of Crystal Palace. With a tail like that and that energy sphere, who needs whips and violet wands? Artist: phoenyx.jpg 1970 85x125xJPEG May 13 01:15 1997 Kathy Inman. Grayscale. // An early rendering of the mythical bird. I'll probably do this one in color at some point. Artist: pjloren.jpg 3405 120x125xJPEG May 13 01:16 1997 Kathy Inman. Grayscale. // P.J. Silverfox and Loren sharing a joke, at P.J.'s expense from the look of things. Artist: unicorn-small.gif 1043 120x150x2 Feb 28 07:22 1994 Keith MacKay // Simple line drawing of a unicorn (non-anthro) rearing. Artist: keith1.jpg 20363 456x380xJPEG Mar 4 02:12 1996 Keith on TigerMUCK (Pablo Romero Ordenana). Color. // RL Picture of TigerMUCK's Keith (Fionn on FM). Artist: strchta.str.gif 312 32x32x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Color. // Icon of STriker as werecheetah. Artist: 1sidefrk.str.gif 63815 586x820x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // A Klingon Weretiger shoving a heavily peirced cheetah out of the way. Artist: amongus.str.gif 29484 631x588x8 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // More weretigers Amongus. Artist: coffee.gif 23686 648x1064x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Coffee... You now know what I look like before having Javahhh... Artist: cs3eyes.str.gif 42719 556x676x32 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Now where would I put a third eye... Artist: doesithu.gif 44594 612x754x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // "Does it really hurt?" Artist: dontfit.gif 38424 574x725x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Bast can't fit into a leather suit. (Apologies to VAXwolf) Artist: faq_wolf.gif 34826 540x753x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // "Howler FAQwolf," for a campus cartoonist. Artist: katnluna.gif 26520 605x808x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Kat and Luna of my story fame. Kat's the 'taur, Luna's tall Artist: keioet01.str.gif 33175 496x864x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // STriker as a very large, four-armed werecheetah. Artist: locke.str.gif 29695 442x749x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Locke Tristan Amongus, a weretiger with "intresting" chest and forhead. Artist: news.str.jpg 87532 816x1191xJPEG Aug 25 10:14 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Great news! Caramon, Teeka, and Adm. Toad have birth-dates!!! Artist: quake2ar.str.gif 43681 576x829x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Level 2 armor, inspired by id's QUAKE. Artist: resurect.gif 38649 762x597x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Resurection - TWO STrikers (and Reemul of AHWW) Artist: scenery.gif 31661 589x734x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Sketch I did on the MARC train to keep me and a kid from being bored. Artist: str_jeff.str.gif 36630 466x449x256 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // A drawing I did for a friend's son. Jeff was taking train down with her for a sports camp. Artist: str_neck.str.gif 45416 573x828x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Trying to beat Guinness' long neck record! Artist: stsovrax.str.gif 71778 758x1187x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // STriker as a werewolf'taur and Tailor Sovrax, a 7 foot werecougar. Artist: tighter.gif 45658 575x742x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // "Tighter?" Bast finally gets into that suit... w/adverse effects. Artist: training.gif 38088 870x641x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Werecheetah STriker with Rogue Computer Extraction Tool (to disable NeXTstatons which are choking users) Artist: waistln.gif 38918 748x612x16 Jun 7 21:55 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // STriker, Nistral, Max really constricting waistlines. DON'T DO THIS! NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURIES/DEATH! Artist: wchtatar.str.gif 83694 840x1080x16 Aug 27 00:39 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Back side of a werecheetah'taur, in front of a pole. Artist: wct-b4.str.gif 50541 727x1179x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // Before being heavily pierced... Artist: wctafter.str.gif 64668 739x1178x16 Aug 25 10:13 1996 Kelly "STriker RedWolf" Price. Grayscale. // After being heavily pierced. Werecougar'taur. Artist: strkrgry.gif 15848 743x949x16 Apr 29 21:40 1995 Kelly "STriker" Pri // STriker Price. Grey on red, total white eyes. Red Star Trek Next Generation uniform under tan trenchcoat. GET THIS ONE FOR COLORS! Artist: kathygry.gif 19976 715x931x16 Apr 29 21:39 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price // Kathy Syberia Amongus. Married to Tygris, weretiger. GET THIS ONE TO SEE THE COLORS! Artist: nistrlcl.gif 49487 1680x1840x2 Apr 29 21:39 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price // Nistral Amongus. Tygris' and Kathy's son, best of both worlds. Artist: nistrlnk.gif 45938 1464x1840x2 Apr 29 21:39 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price // Nistral Amongus. Black stripes, lt orange on orange, blue eyes. Blue tanktop, tiger cammo pants, blue socks. Artist: paragncl.gif 22591 864x1104x16 Apr 29 21:40 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price // Paragan, weregriffon. STriker's and Caramon's enemy. Artist: paragnnk.gif 24477 864x1104x16 Apr 29 21:40 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price // Paragan, weregriffon. Yellow/golden/brown feathery mix, red eyes. Blue shorts, armbands; red straps. Artist: strwing1.gif 135169 1101x1308x16 Aug 22 20:29 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price // STriker - Yes, me, on FurryMUCK with a set of wings, a red Star Trek uniform, and a Indiana Jones-style hat. Artist: connect.gif 8582 378x469x2 Aug 6 18:58 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Connections - Luna and Frnkzk "connected" like on a NIN video. Artist: erotica.gif 12461 536x650x2 Dec 17 15:49 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Now that's a nice grab! Artist: frnkzk2.gif 6831 410x556x2 Aug 6 19:01 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Frnkzk side & front view. Artist: goodbait.gif 27699 724x1091x2 Dec 17 15:49 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // A tip for those who lovely female furrys out there. Artist: joeterr.gif 25712 812x1070x2 Dec 17 15:49 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Joe Terrapin! Artist: jumpsuit.gif 16994 648x940x2 Dec 17 15:49 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Jump Suit Case Study. Artist: luna2_cl.gif 14230 636x895x2 Aug 6 19:08 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Luna [on FurryMUCK], clothed in summer time. Artist: lunaover.gif 16894 584x759x2 Dec 17 15:49 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Luna going overboard on the breasts! Artist: luntaur2.gif 18691 1172x933x2 Aug 6 19:22 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Luna [on FurryMUCK], as tiger'taur, walking on the side. Artist: mkathena.gif 14882 604x756x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Athena as a Mortal Kombat character. Artist: mkstrikr.gif 15951 608x792x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // STriker as a Mortal Kombat Character. Artist: nisttaur.gif 16429 837x752x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Nistral as a TigerTaur. Artist: relaxing.gif 14160 864x543x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // STriker relaxing with a good book... Artist: revenge1.gif 22017 608x787x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // "Revenge on the Chameloid" scene: Nistral helping Bast. Artist: rwa2-str.gif 24573 864x1101x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // READY, WILLING, and ABLE scene (STriker in Warrior form). Artist: rwa_back.gif 21803 736x1123x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Back of RWA2-STR.GIF. Artist: shopping.gif 32010 836x1088x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Merry Chrismas! Luna & Nistral. Artist: sntawere.gif 17455 600x600x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Happy Howlidays! STriker sleeping after filling in for the big guy. :). Artist: strahww1.gif 10297 410x854x2 Aug 6 20:39 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // STriker modeling AHWW T-shirt. Artist: strahww2.gif 9399 352x892x2 Aug 6 22:01 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // STriker modeling another view of the AHWW t-shirt. Artist: strtaur2.gif 15220 1029x962x2 Aug 6 22:08 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Wolf'Taur STriker, side view. Artist: strtaur_.gif 12673 882x754x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // STriker as a WolfTaur, angled view. Artist: str_herm.gif 12684 660x997x2 Aug 6 19:53 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // STriker [on FurryMUCK], being a Herm. Artist: str_wing.gif 24002 820x1047x2 Aug 6 20:38 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // STriker [on FurryMUCK], winging it. Artist: tailed.gif 21435 608x697x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // "We've been..." Artist: toprun.gif 23481 1087x820x2 Aug 6 22:13 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // Now FurryMUCK characters STriker, Nistral, and Luna, "running scared". Birds eye view. Artist: wereworf.gif 25041 813x996x2 Aug 6 22:19 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // WEREWORF! Klingon Werewolf confined in a Holodeck. Artist: win95opi.gif 11612 511x603x2 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Black and white. // My opinion on Windows95 (http://www.glue.umd.edu/~tygris for more info!). Artist: nistahww.gif 15174 458x912x16 Aug 6 19:42 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Color. // Nistral [on FurryMUCK], back view modeling AHWW T-shirt. Artist: strfurry.gif 25448 743x949x256 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Color. // STriker on FurryMUCK. Artist: stricon1.gif 2895 80x243x16 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Color. // Icons of STriker & crew. Artist: stricon2.gif 3067 80x243x16 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Color. // Icons of STriker & crew. Artist: stricon3.gif 2574 81x204x16 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Color. // Icons of STriker & crew. Artist: strwingc.jpg 579321 768x940xJPEG Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Color. // STriker Winging it in Color. Artist: 50feet.gif 27299 465x498x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Fifty feet to warp. Artist: AcessAmg.gif 28853 483x749x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Access Amongus, my computer super genious. Artist: Bart-and-Troy.gif 14708 667x375x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // MultiFurry: Bart, a cycloptic lynx, petting a normal tabby named Troy. Artist: BTbbuilder.gif 58701 608x978x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // BloodTyger, beefed up. Ideal situation for body builders. Artist: Demolition.gif 36568 583x536x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // The Demolition team! Artist: Dionisos.gif 37426 838x632x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // If Dionisos was a weretiger, whould he be the origonal Party Animal? Artist: EricAfter.gif 26139 563x795x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Eric Janus after fleshcrafting. Artist: EricBefore.gif 18982 470x915x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Eric before fleshcrafting. Noone wants that large of breasts. Artist: Felix2es.gif 47615 582x857x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Back side of Felix Squared... directing traffic for school. Artist: howlown.gif 40968 588x580x16 Dec 17 15:49 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // HAPPY HOWLOWEEN! Artist: JustFAQ.gif 6013 210x254x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Me for a computer coloum. Artist: LarryFinal.gif 47400 558x991x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Larry, final form. Artist: LarryTailEars.gif 26831 433x618x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Larry, initial mods before he switched to a physics major. Extra tails, ears sharpened. Artist: LarsHades.gif 26630 587x568x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Sgt. Lars "Bull" Hades, a devilish PoliceTiger. Artist: LockeFunny.gif 13832 475x458x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Locke Amongus, with Vodalin's psychic brain. Artist: LunaJakeHair.gif 8934 218x434x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Luna's hair is styled that way now. Jake spoofs it often. Artist: Minotaur.gif 26816 472x819x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // It's a Minotaur, for my Mythology class. Artist: ModNeck.gif 27362 401x940x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Neck modifications. For a spoof page. Artist: ModNite.gif 11464 196x658x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // TailWaver Medical Services, Mod Nite graphic. "Pierced and healed in 20 minutes or your ear shapening free!" Artist: MoreMFart.gif 33159 519x785x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // I'd do more Multifurry Artwork, Prismo, but all four hands are tied up at the moment... Artist: MSEDSwolf.gif 24618 377x836x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Cheezy AstroWolf when Buzz Aldrin came to UMCP. Artist: NakeleSmas.gif 52265 881x764x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Nakele and a pup named Smash lying down. Artist: OfficeStaff.gif 16439 557x301x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Three of the TMS Office staff(L>R): Stef, Steve, Larry. Artist: Raph4leg.gif 49812 649x929x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Dr. Raphiel Healer final 8 limb version. Modded from a previous gif. Artist: RaphHealer2.gif 39966 627x881x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Dr. Healer 6 limb version. Yes, the breasts were intentional for him. Artist: RaphielHealer.gif 28965 511x655x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Dr. Healer, durring. Mainly wanted double eye concept. Artist: RedExpr.gif 6744 279x213x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Red Express Accepted Here. Artist: SlowNite.gif 51169 595x918x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Slow day on Mod Nite. Stef and Larry test out body modifications. Artist: SovraxGym.gif 34276 628x799x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Sovrax's Gym, Juice Bar, and Grill - "THICK BARS MANDITORY" Artist: StefBored.gif 23726 456x606x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Stef bored from another slow day. Artist: StefCyclopse.gif 9543 508x242x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Model sheet on drawing Stef. Cycloptic Lynx. Artist: StefsX.gif 68897 637x938x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Confronting Stef's exboyfriend. He's drunk. Artist: Steve3in1.gif 14990 638x275x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Steve before and durring mods. Artist: SteveFinal.gif 21678 440x704x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Steve after mods, w/15 ring on an ear!! Artist: SteveLarryAshy.gif 19335 252x793x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Steve, Larry, and Nurse Ashy bust shots. Artist: str-rain.gif 44692 604x765x16 Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Finally we get rain here at Univ of MD College Park. Artist: STrEveryone.gif 100521 595x904x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // It's all of me. All my different sides, seperate but together. Artist: STrFeb14th.gif 23676 504x641x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Go ahead, hug this hunk of a wolf. Artist: STrGuides.gif 15255 343x193x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Face front view of all my spiritual guides/sides. Artist: STrHermes.gif 2556 128x199x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // If hermes were a werewolf... Artist: STrLev3.gif 11220 227x364x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // You figure it out. It's a level 3 form. Artist: STrTech.gif 1788 128x98x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Me, bust form. Artist: TounguePlay.gif 8206 336x219x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Want a forked toungue, or two toungues? ModNite! Artist: VixenLegMod.gif 25965 375x934x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Leg lenthening and breast elargement on a vixen. More steriotypical, 'eh? Artist: WeirdAlWolf.gif 12939 364x398x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // If Weird Al was a werewolf... Artist: WereTaurs.gif 33015 398x660x16 Apr 8 05:34 1997 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // Werecheetah'taur and weretiger'taur, chatting it out. Artist: wereworf.jpg 163780 802x1031xJPEG Dec 17 15:50 1995 Kelly "STriker" Price. Grayscale. // WEREWORF! Artist: btiger2-str.gif 42312 581x843x16 Feb 26 12:51 1997 Kelly Price // BloodTiger again... This time in his true main form as a weretiger'taur. (The joke is he won Mr. Olympia award with that pose) MultiFurry. Artist: bloodtig-str.gif 43011 432x833x16 Mar 15 16:27 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Concept Sketch of BloodTiger. Eventually became one of his main forms. MultiFurry. Artist: cs3eyes-str.gif 37188 556x676x16 Mar 15 16:27 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Case study of putting a third eye on a feline head. Becomes MultiFurry. Artist: dblinup-str.gif 38589 832x1071x2 Mar 15 16:27 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Old pic of a four-armed werewolf and weretiger. I've fixed a few things in later drawings... MultiFurry. Artist: felix2an-str.gif 46155 562x785x16 Mar 15 16:27 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // It's Felix-Squared, MultiFurry's Mascot. Artist: felix2fr-str.gif 36518 342x819x16 Mar 15 16:27 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Felix-Squared, Front view, arms folded. Strange arangement, maybe I'll do a side view of this some day. Artist: felix2sd-str.gif 33107 282x809x16 Mar 15 16:27 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Side view, showing some back, of Felix-Squared. The 'cheetah. MultiFurry. Artist: multistr-str.gif 44102 573x849x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // The origional MultiFurry psuco-cheetah I did... forgot the spots. :P Artist: news-str.jpg 87532 816x1191xJPEG Mar 15 16:28 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // STriker, as a Werecheetah'taur, and Teeka, with a date of an old (15 Centries!) weredragon. Artist: NistVirus-str.gif 21824 402x720x16 Mar 15 16:27 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Nistral, under a strange, fast-acting virus that takes advantage of his genetic structure. From MultiFurry. Artist: riker-str.gif 20434 546x445x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // It's a second-generation, two-headed doberman named... Riker. Artist: strconst-str.gif 50122 592x842x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Old construction GIF I planned to use for my web pages. Never got out. Werecheetah'taur STriker. Artist: stsovrax-str.gif 71870 758x1187x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Comparing Tailor Sovrax, a 7' tall werecougar to STriker RedWolf, a 9'+ tall werewolf'taur. Old MultiFurry. Artist: stygrdsc-str.gif 41598 498x848x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Old pic of a MultiFurry BloodTiger... I've beefed him up since then. Artist: stygrpro-str.gif 61194 606x863x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // BloodTiger, more extreeme now... unfortunately. Thankfully the final product is less weirder than this. Artist: tailed-str.gif 21374 608x697x2 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // ACK! We've been TAILED!!! :) Artist: wchtarlg-str.gif 48301 511x837x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // And the response is, "Sorry, Felix. We wanted you in another role... not as a werecheetah'taur." Artist: wchtatar-str.gif 83718 840x1080x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Something I drew deliberately vague... we agreed on a pole, right Avatar? Artist: wct-b4-str.gif 50568 727x1179x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // WereCougarTaur... before piercing. Artist: wctafter-str.gif 64619 739x1178x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // WereCougar'Taur, after piercing. Artist: wellhelp-str.gif 33150 816x1088x2 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Once again, an old fax scan for my stories... Artist: wwlftaur-str.gif 74151 843x1195x16 Mar 15 16:21 1997 Kelly Price/STriker RedWolf. Grayscale. // Caramon Drake and a werewolf'taur named STriker. Old MultiFurry pic. Artist: cinosanap_krs.gif 22519 555x744x32 Jul 20 13:19 1994 Ken Sample (March 1994) // Color drawing of FurryMUCK character, Cinosanap, The Pumanther, traipsing around with a can of processed cheese food stuff. Artist: hervy_ham_col.gif 62951 640x825x256 Jan 17 17:29 1995 Ken Sample, Computer colored by David Walker // Colorized version of hervy_ha.gif. Artist: ppg0995.jpg 274676 638x824xJPEG Oct 6 10:10 1995 Ken Sample, cougr@netcom.com // Puma Paw Graphics B&W advertisement for the September 1995 run of twenty B&W prints. Artist: ppg_ad01.jpg 261039 640x480xJPEG Oct 6 10:05 1995 Ken Sample, cougr@netcom.com // Puma Paw Graphics advertisement featuring the Official SpokesKitten, Traci Sierra. Artist: timba01a.jpg 32346 477x760xJPEG Jul 5 11:19 1995 Ken Sample. Grayscale. // Timba, the feral wolf boy stands indignantly, frowning at the camera. FurryMuck Character. Timba is Copyright Robin Leyden. Artist: celkitty.gif 44605 402x227x256 Apr 21 07:57 1997 Kendall Clark. Color. // Color picture of my ceramic 'celestial kitty'. Artist: daydream.gif 152625 640x480x256 Apr 21 07:59 1997 Kendall Clark. Color. // Color picture of a female feline staring up at the sky. Artist: mesumi.gif 29411 341x470x256 Apr 21 08:17 1997 Kendall Clark. Color. // Color picture of an Asian female feline. Artist: axilarin.gif 39965 482x510x256 Apr 27 13:21 1997 Kendall Clark. Grayscale. // B/W portrait of Axi'larin (me!). Artist: jenisa.gif 19374 510x482x256 Apr 21 08:15 1997 Kendall Clark. Grayscale. // Portrait of a female feline. Artist: pammy1.gif 68450 467x608x256 Apr 21 08:18 1997 Kendall Clark. Grayscale. // Pammy standing shyly wearing her lacy white bra. Artist: wolf1m.jpg 49904 832x1030xJPEG Aug 11 18:57 1996 Kendel. Color. // This is my first drawing in several years. Using the Scanner that I have it cut some of the picture off. :( Artist: km-Aliens.jpg 97844 972x566xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A trio of decidedly nonhumanoid aliens standing around, conversing in an incomprehensible language. Artist: km-BeastieGirl&Ichor.jpg 121109 721x673xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Alexis Morrigan (``Beastie Girl''), shapechanger, and her sister Tara (``Ichor''), a poison-clawed monster. Artist: km-BeastShifter.jpg 158064 525x966xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A muscular female shapechanger looks anxiously to her right. Artist: km-BlackKnight.jpg 42696 417x414xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A ``small-bodied'' version of Erica Landrieux's character, a super-strong, sword-wielding female knight. Artist: km-Bowlor.jpg 183934 778x876xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Bowlor the Bowlorian (copyright 1993 Chris Herrell) makes a presence attack...and fails. Artist: km-BrendaStorm.jpg 65766 428x644xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // ``Small-Bodied'' Brenda Storm, the demented Alterant performance artist known as Winterstorm in Crime Spree 2.0. Artist: km-CrimeSpree.jpg 164401 782x906xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A few scenes from the up-and-coming science-fiction story Crime Spree 2.0. It'll be out some day, I promise... Artist: km-DragonAdmonish.jpg 190392 769x1013xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A female Gold Dragon scolds the artist for the severe under-representation of dragons in his sketchbook. Artist: km-EddieWolf.jpg 36403 307x437xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A ``small-bodied'' version of Eddie Wolf's character, a super-strong, fast-healing tough guy. Artist: km-FuzzyThing.jpg 98552 846x504xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Gratuitous Cute Fuzzy Thing: a baby Alterant sleeping curled up on a cushion. Gah! Terminally Cute. Artist: km-GetOut.jpg 151367 1052x673xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Eddie and Jake (the Wolf Bros.) get thrown out by their landlord. He looks like he's ready to pop a blood vessel. Artist: km-Jen&Iko.jpg 41033 595x352xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // ``Small-bodied'' Jen Davis and Iko, from a science-fiction background. Meet Jen Davis in my story Rescue. Artist: km-JenWindow.jpg 24057 259x245xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Jen Davis in a Motif/OSF-style (or, horror of horrors, Windoze) window. Read about Jen Davis in my story Rescue. Artist: km-LionGuy.jpg 60635 395x566xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A heavy-set, bearded male werelion looks back over his shoulder. Artist: km-MonitorLizard.jpg 20438 364x264xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A Commodore 1084S, to be exact. Artist: km-MoonFire.jpg 180693 795x1067xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // MoonFire, a gratuitously huge female werewolf bodybuilder and action-movie star, like Ah-nold in the early days. Artist: km-NotEasy.jpg 137517 760x705xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Arana, a female wyvern space pirate, discovers it's not easy being huge when she goes shopping for a new outfit. Artist: km-PaintBrush.jpg 84471 561x427xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Simplified version of Riala Blackmane (Erica Landrieux's fantasy-world counterpart) with a giant paintbrush. Artist: km-ReiakiRage.jpg 98730 690x536xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A female werewolf in silver armor expands to full size after being sufficiently angered by Bowlor the Bowlorian. Artist: km-RipRoar.jpg 139205 749x787xJPEG Mar 10 01:42 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // RipRoar, a scruffy-looking werelion, beats up on two superheroes, Rev and Ace Rocket. Artist: km-RockMafia.jpg 95952 686x546xJPEG Mar 10 01:43 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // The Rock Mafia, a criminal organization of sentient stone. Visual design developed with Paul C. Trauth. Artist: km-SeaDragon.jpg 152788 743x919xJPEG Mar 10 01:43 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A sea serpent playing volleyball on the San Diego water volleyball team. Incoming! Artist: km-Shianna.jpg 81369 433x657xJPEG Mar 10 01:43 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Shianna, Siberian weretigress, in hybrid form. Artist: km-SwordFight.jpg 133695 678x606xJPEG Mar 10 01:43 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Riala Blackmane (female werewolf) dukes it out with a Water Golem at river's edge, part of her Trial of Ascension. Artist: km-TimeToClean.jpg 211876 626x926xJPEG Mar 10 01:43 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Rick discovers that the shower has gotten a bit icky. Artist: km-TryAndAbduct.jpg 178981 719x741xJPEG Mar 10 01:43 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Winter aborts the latest alien attempt to capture an earthling. Artist: km-WipeThatSmile.jpg 120954 759x609xJPEG Mar 10 01:43 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // A humorless Alterant Space Marine sergeant shouts down a smiley-faced private. Artist: km-Wyvern.jpg 123991 797x587xJPEG Mar 10 01:43 1996 Kenneth D. Miller III. Grayscale. // Erik (Ligtning Wyvern) & Thor (Thunder Wyvern), with the title to their (fictional) video game. Artist: bunbd-kb.jpg 85420 543x768xJPEG Aug 11 19:26 1996 KeV Beeley. Grayscale. // Image of a little girl bunny sleeping in bed cuddling a plush human. (First published Fur Scene issue 7) Artist: toy-kb.jpg 31602 427x768xJPEG Aug 11 19:28 1996 KeV Beeley. Grayscale. // Cheeky looking vixen wearing t-shirt and little else (From Foxes Are Neat II). Artist: vixnpray.gif 33520 748x730x16 Aug 11 19:28 1996 KeV Beeley. Grayscale. // Simple picture of a vixen praying. Took about 20 minutes in total. Artist: vulpf-kb.jpg 100232 531x768xJPEG Aug 11 19:42 1996 KeV Beeley. Grayscale. // Parody of the film poster for "Pulp Fiction". (From Foxes Are Neat II) Artist: keepiru.gif 207932 296x700x256 May 19 14:30 1995 Kevin Carpenter Grayscale. // Keepiru from the waist up. Artist: malia1.jpg 9554 148x340xJPEG Nov 23 07:08 1996 Kevin Carpenter. Grayscale. // Malia the Cetan (humanoid dolphin) from FT/SPR. Artist: spotweld.jpg 53756 555x653xJPEG Nov 26 19:23 1996 Kevin Corcoran // SpotWeld the hyena: Engineer on the USS Nighthawk, on FurryMUCK. Artist: Tak'ora-L.gif 16517 643x515x32 Apr 20 01:41 1995 Kevin Days (edited from "Amy-Squirrel.gif" by Eric Schwartz) // Description: Tak'ora in her new leather outfit. (not risque) Artist: Tak'ora-swimsuit.gif 16900 643x515x32 May 21 02:21 1995 Kevin Days (edited from "Amy-Squirrel.gif") So many furries on FM and FT get Tak'ora's bikini wrong, so I'm posting this, simply Tak in her bikini. // Artist: scout-kk.gif 9891 392x616x2 Sep 28 10:19 1993 Kevin Kelm // A morphic horse as attack scout in tech battle gear, carrying a weapon and leading his stallions to battle. Artist: Tak'ora3.GIF 19771 500x700x64 May 25 23:24 1995 Kevin M. Days // The many outfits of Lt. Tak'ora. Artist: Tak'ora-pool.GIF 10464 600x400x32 Jun 30 00:16 1995 Kevin M. Days. Color. // Tak'ora hanging out at T|D, treading water at the side of the pool. Artist: macavity.gif 33028 640x480x256 Mar 13 20:10 1995 Kevin M. Luck // Macavity, a black panther on FurryMUCK. Artist: simone.gif 9949 640x480x256 Apr 7 21:31 1995 Kevin M. Luck // GIF of Simone, a fieldmouse-morph on FurryMUCK. Artist: istanbul.gif 22227 640x480x256 Mar 17 21:09 1995 Kevin M. Luck. Istanbul, a FoxMorph on FurryMUCK. Color. // Artist: simone2.gif 27740 652x416x256 Dec 7 21:43 1995 Kevin M. Luck. Color. // Simone, a character on FurryMuck. Character copyright her player. Artist: spcewolf.gif 51560 640x480x256 Dec 7 21:44 1995 Kevin M. Luck. Color. // A wolf in outer space. Artist: wizwolf.gif 124243 640x480x256 Dec 7 21:47 1995 Kevin M. Luck. Color. // A wizard-wolf holding a glowing staff over a barren wasteland. Artist: Tak'ora-DS10.gif 12481 468x480x32 Mar 13 17:04 1995 Kevin Michael Days // Tak'ora (my FurryMUCK/FurToonia character) at work at Deep Space 10 (now called "Babylon Station") Artist: KarmaSid.JPG 103466 640x803xJPEG Dec 1 02:25 1995 Kevin Sproul // Karma the snowmeow and Sidian the black woof pose in front of a mountain lake. Scan and background by Nicodemus. Artist: water_1.gif 124043 538x619x256 Sep 19 05:07 1995 Kitsun // Otter morph in supermodel type swimsuit pose. Artist: packsis1.gif 58207 545x754x16 Oct 24 18:09 1995 Kitsun. Grayscale. // SteelFur from FurryMUCK (copyright 1995 her player). Artist: packsis2.gif 50741 467x716x16 Oct 24 18:06 1995 Kitsun. Grayscale. // Night-Dances from FurryMUCK (copyright 1995 her player). Artist: packsis3.gif 35923 388x410x16 Oct 24 18:07 1995 Kitsun. Grayscale. // Packsisters Night-Dances and SteelFur nude in a provocative position (copyright 1995 their players). Artist: Savior.gif 173579 452x754x256 Oct 24 18:11 1995 Kitsun. Grayscale. // A leopard heroine, rescuing you... ain't that sweet! Artist: Lovers2.jpg 74628 465x538xJPEG Jul 27 23:23 1996 Kitsune', copyright 1996. Color. // Chala and Shandower embrace in the evening twilight. Chala & Shandower are copyright their respective players. Artist: Alystin.jpg 34949 601x396xJPEG Jan 6 23:28 1996 Kitsune'. Color. // Alystin the three-tailed Kitsune from FurryMUCK. Artist: distract.gif 65130 680x535x256 Sep 3 22:16 1996 Kitsune'. Color. // Jazz takes a break from her studies to admire a fellow up & coming actor. Artist: kitplat-and-me.jpg 43526 409x247xJPEG Sep 3 22:18 1996 Kitsune'. Color. // Platinum, Kitsune', Dope and Jazz in a group photo. All characters are copyright 1996 Kitsune'. Please do not alter! Artist: Catre2.gif 13592 196x444x16 Jun 21 09:18 1996 Kitsune'. Grayscale. // Anytime now guys! Catre of FurryMUCK a couple weeks before giving birth. Artist: Dawn.gif 34505 301x561x16 Jun 21 09:18 1996 Kitsune'. Grayscale. // Auction commission of the lovely lupine Dawn. Artist: kepler.gif 32047 378x652x16 Feb 23 01:40 1997 Kitsune'. Grayscale. // Kepler (copyright his player) of FluffMUCK. Image copyright 1997 Kitsune'. Do not alter or redistribute without permission. Artist: lennyfox.gif 34444 475x422x16 Jun 21 09:18 1996 Kitsune'. Grayscale. // You want this? Lenny.Nero of FurryMuck, based off the character in 'Strange Days'. Artist: packbro2.gif 23569 290x616x16 Mar 10 03:00 1996 Kitsune, copyright 1996. Grayscale. // Malachite: Calico Unicorn and Packmate. Malachite is copyright 1996 his player. Artist: packsis4.jpg 104884 409x565xJPEG Feb 15 00:10 1996 Kitsune. Color. // SteelFur's custom MSA-005 power armour. Artist: Catre.gif 28034 450x469x16 Feb 15 00:10 1996 Kitsune. Grayscale. // Catre of FurryMUCK, 5 kittens, 7 months. Artist: DarsGame.gif 43728 512x453x16 Feb 15 00:10 1996 Kitsune. Grayscale. // Dar, the cuddly but dangerous Snowy owl from FurryMUCK playing with his food. Artist: Innak2.gif 198891 396x526x256 May 21 14:01 1995 Kkatman (richa902@uidaho.edu) // BW scan of color pic. Innak. Artist: XanInk.gif 9282 597x691x2 May 21 14:02 1995 Kkatman (richa902@uidaho.edu) Black and white. // Xanadu, (Rabbitmorph) EDF pilot next to her aero. Before color. Artist: Innak.gif 92647 413x542x128 May 21 14:00 1995 Kkatman, (email richa902@uidaho.edu) // BW scan of color Pic. Innak with his tarrot deck. Artist: Sterph.gif 232147 441x543x256 May 21 14:02 1995 Kkatman, (richa902@uidaho.edu) Grayscale. // BW scan of color pic. Sterph, EDF Lieutenant. Artist: klaatu_rl.jpg 132833 1034x1048xJPEG Aug 25 10:21 1996 Klaatu. Color. // A photograph of my player holding a liger (lion/tiger crossbreed) cub. Artist: inusan1.gif 66019 450x388x128 Apr 15 07:47 1995 Kraig Count // Early concept sketch of Inusan - by the Palace of Dragons T/D pools. Artist: tiger-ks.jpg 87645 564x456xJPEG Oct 30 03:52 1995 Kurt Sohns (1906 - 1990), unci's morfar :) Color. // "Denkmal fuer einen Tiger" (monument for a tiger), acrylic. Artist: Dragonfire.gif 329376 594x801x256 Aug 18 08:38 1996 L. R. Rodriguez (Ruhk@FurryMUCK). Grayscale. // No description. Artist: Mandragon.gif 383878 672x809x256 Aug 18 08:38 1996 L. R. Rodriguez (Ruhk@FurryMUCK). Grayscale. // "A rough sketch of a contempletive dragon mage. Prolly a new furry character." Artist: humming.gif 35377 640x480x16 Feb 13 08:22 1995 L. Tygger Graf // HUMMINGBIRD GRIFFIN - fantasy; A rubythroated hummingbird griffin flies up to a lily for his morning meal. Artist: sara_gua.gif 40464 640x480x16 Feb 13 08:23 1995 L. Tygger Graf // SARA : GUARDIAN KNIGHT - fantasy; bobcat femme, dark brown hair, yellow eyes; Sara simply looks at you with a smirk. Artist: bobcat-lm.gif 69535 568x639x256 Aug 3 08:07 1993 L.K.McLachlan // Color bust of Robin Bobcat (FurryMUCK feline) Artist: gauss.gif 96130 307x473x256 Oct 7 19:22 1995 Laura Pierson // Gauss from furrymuck stands alown in a arcaded hall. Artist: gauss2.gif 92787 288x377x256 Oct 7 19:25 1995 Laura Pierson // Gauss from in human form sits at the feet of a statue. Artist: jenka.gif 130978 346x501x256 Feb 2 18:23 1995 Laura Pierson // A jaguar morph leaning against a Statue. Jenka a caracter from FurryMUCK. Artist: blight.gif 87427 352x463x256 Feb 1 01:02 1995 Laure Pierson // Subject: A fem mercat morph under a bright Spotlight against a wall. Artist: duel.gif 238179 399x645x256 Feb 1 01:06 1995 Laure Pierson // Subject: a panther mage defeating a liones swoards woman in the arena. Artist: guard.gif 6863 293x438x2 Feb 1 01:08 1995 Laure Pierson // A Angle Facing away form viewer With spiear on rock. Artist: jaz.gif 93358 313x428x256 Feb 1 01:09 1995 Laure Pierson // A lion with cape in the wind. Artist: portal.gif 205928 395x662x256 Feb 1 01:17 1995 Laure Pierson // A fem mercat morph, climbing through a magickal portal to furry..this is be a furryMUCK caracter. Artist: statue.gif 196780 399x580x256 Feb 1 01:27 1995 Laure Pierson // A blind lion morphstanding next to a statue in the forast. Artist: tenil4.jpg 64996 520x600xJPEG May 13 01:43 1997 Laure Pierson. Color. // This is Tenil from FurryMuck. Artist: drachmap2.gif 357464 1024x1024x32 Jan 9 02:36 1995 Laurel Benson (Cymoryl) // Detailed topographic map of Drachenswald region of FurryMUCK, as of January 1995. Artist: drachmap.gif 308127 1024x1024x32 Oct 25 07:33 1993 Laurel Cymoryl Benson // Detailed topographical map of the Drachenswald region of FurryMUCK, including mountains, forests, and islands. Artist: CompuDrake_LD.GIF 119846 704x771x256 Apr 5 18:32 1996 Les Dietz // A Dragon deciding on what he would need to get his computer running. Artist: GreyCupRachel-ld.gif 16965 704x480x16 Jun 6 11:00 1994 Les Dietz // "Grey Cup Rachel", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon as cheerleader for the Edmonton Eskimos CFL football team. Artist: PoolRachel-ld.jpg 48825 704x480xJPEG Jun 6 11:00 1994 Les Dietz // "Pool Rachel", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon lounging in the pool. Artist: Rachel3View_LD.GIF 38269 704x771x16 Apr 5 18:33 1996 Les Dietz // A 3 view of Rachel Raccoon with a bit of background on her. Artist: RachelFootball-ld.gif 70170 720x454x256 Jun 26 22:20 1995 Les Dietz // "Rachel Football", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon 'accidentally' tackling Monty Moose too hard during a touch football game. Artist: RachelMascot-ld.jpg 73884 704x500xJPEG Jun 6 11:00 1994 Les Dietz // "Rachel Mascot", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon sitting at a computer accepting "CUE Mascot" award. Artist: RachelMonitor-ld.gif 28554 704x480x16 Feb 19 20:59 1995 Les Dietz // "Handball Anyone?", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon painting handball lines inside a junked monitor. Artist: RachelOnCheck-ld.jpg 74398 704x454xJPEG Jun 6 11:00 1994 Les Dietz // "Rachel On Check", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon with roller-blades sitting on an Amiga checkmark. Artist: RachelSunny-ld.gif 159448 704x793x256 Jun 21 23:49 1994 Les Dietz // "Rachel Raccoon: Fun in the Sun", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon preparing for a few summer games. Artist: RachelValley-ld.gif 159011 704x480x256 Jun 6 11:00 1994 Les Dietz // "Rachel Valley", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon resting on a mountain after a hike. Artist: RachelXmas93-ld.gif 33341 704x480x128 Jun 6 11:00 1994 Les Dietz // "Rachel Christmas 1993", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon trolling for kisses with mistletoe. Artist: VolleyballRachel-ld.gif 29403 720x454x16 Feb 19 20:58 1995 Les Dietz // "Volleyball Rachel, a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon smashing a poor defenseless volleyball. Artist: xmasrac94-ld.gif 61135 704x454x256 Dec 10 22:52 1994 Les Dietz // "Xmas Rachel 94", a colour picture of Rachel Raccoon as "Santa's Little Helper". Artist: AMIcueRachel_LD.gif 88823 704x454x256 Oct 15 01:51 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel changing the lights in our user group logo. Artist: Baseball-LD.gif 117486 705x519x256 Jan 30 01:00 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Mouse sliding home. This picture was created for a Mouse Pad. Artist: BikingRachel.jpg 174938 850x454xJPEG Feb 29 01:00 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel is out enjoying some mountainbiking and now is daring her partner to go down first. Artist: FishRachel_LD.gif 32507 704x480x128 Oct 15 01:51 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel catching Fred Fish disks (a PD source for Amigas) Marking 1000 disks. Artist: KarateRachel_LD.gif 28268 736x482x16 Oct 15 01:51 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel learning Karate. Artist: LD_Clara-and-Dusty.gif 58110 704x454x256 Nov 4 23:02 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Clara Beaver and Dusty Gopher having a water-fight. Artist: LD_GolfRachel.gif 235317 720x600x256 Jun 8 22:14 1997 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel Raccoon stuck in a sand trap. Artist: LD_XMasKids96.gif 82897 704x454x256 Dec 15 02:27 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Clara and Dusty sharing the Christmas season. Artist: LD_XMasRachel96.gif 95576 704x454x256 Dec 15 02:27 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel opening gifts on Christmas day. Artist: RachelTrail-LD.gif 46754 704x454x16 Jan 30 01:16 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel Snowshoeing in the woods followed by cuuute woodland critters. Artist: RaftingRachel_LD.gif 85670 400x437x256 Apr 30 23:46 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel enjoying the sun after a swim in the lake. Artist: WalkerRachel_LD.gif 79788 704x454x256 Apr 30 23:46 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel getting her gear ready for another summer. (Poking fun at the new Amiga walker) Artist: XMasRachel92_LD.gif 41929 704x480x16 Oct 15 01:51 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel waiting for Santa. 3rd Rachel pic I ever drew. Artist: XmasRachel95-LD.gif 127277 1024x768x256 Jan 30 01:16 1996 Les Dietz. Color. // Rachel having a good time in a snowball fight. Better late than never Christmas picture. Artist: anglweep.gif 100665 800x600x256 Nov 15 07:42 1993 Lia Graf // #13: "When Angels Weep" Alate female feline morph, seated or crouched, crying. Artist: Foxylady.GIF 134356 421x569x256 May 24 01:48 1993 Linda McLachlan (Ebony) A vixen lying down on a blanket // Artist: Tabby1.GIF 146992 444x562x256 May 24 00:00 1993 Linda McLachlan (Ebony) // A saucy tabby wearing a racy leather outfit. Artist: liran_janvier1.gif 9898 542x898x256 Oct 19 11:26 1994 Liran Janvier // A black and white picture of The FurryMUCK Character Liran Janvier. Artist: wyldkat.gif 75985 394x382x256 Dec 11 15:38 1994 Lisa Lai // A bust portrait of WyldKat from FurryMUCK (My first furry art). Artist: swyldkat.gif 4693 174x221x256 Oct 21 09:28 1996 Lisa Lai. Color. // WyldKa't of FurryMUCK. Artist: vgcol3.jpg 53685 683x881xJPEG Apr 11 21:05 1995 Liz Bright // Valorie the wolf and her friend Grant the kangaroo rat. Artist: giantbadger.gif 24965 343x277x256 Oct 5 13:34 1995 Liz Danforth uploader: ugsjones@ecuvax.cis.ecu.edu // This is from the Magic: the Gathering (tm) card Giant Badger. Artist: doting.gif 14890 320x200x16 Aug 3 23:11 1996 Loqu(acious) Color. // Amelia, now on Furry and Unbridled Desires, poses for her doting stallion, Loqu(acious), in her beautiful altogether. Artist: amelia.gif 10675 320x200x16 May 25 02:44 1996 Loqu(acious). Color. // Amelia on Fluff and Unbridled Desires, Laodice on Furry, the cherished centauress-in-progress of the doting artist. Artist: laodice.gif 13012 320x200x16 Jul 13 22:16 1996 Loqu(acious). Color. // Laodice on Furry, Amelia on Fluff and Unbridled Desires, finally able to stand upon her own four hooves. Artist: needed.gif 13219 320x200x16 Mar 16 22:21 1996 Loqu(acious). Color. // Bethany, a sister of Loqu(acious), the Centaur Sophist on FurryMuck, nursing her eldest foal. Artist: no_wants.gif 14871 320x200x16 Feb 18 16:02 1996 Loqu(acious). Color. // Loqu(acious), the Centaur Sophist on FurryMuck, and a lost love in a quiet, but happy moment. Artist: Nutsy1.gif 37219 800x685x256 Nov 20 03:27 1994 Louis Thomas (lthomas@cco.caltech.edu) // Nutsy the flying squirrel, of FurryMuck. Artist: an.jpg 93822 1024x768xJPEG Sep 28 20:26 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // The daemon Rel Kesth Arogem Nogem soars over his fiery domain, lunging straight towards..ahem...you. Artist: bf-morph.jpg 78313 1024x768xJPEG Sep 28 20:43 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // A female butterfly morph cradles a caterpillar which had fallen onto the lily pad. Artist: drlyso2.jpg 77141 864x1200xJPEG Sep 28 20:56 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // My alter ego, decked out in medical garb. What I hope to be someday :) Artist: grymage.jpg 193544 864x1083xJPEG Sep 28 20:58 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // A male gryphon mage, calling forth magic fire to blast an offscreen foe. Artist: gtesc.jpg 147696 1024x812xJPEG Sep 28 21:00 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // Lysozyme, Ril Kaah, and Fugue. These three flee attacking cyborgs. Artist: kaah-fug.jpg 119769 1024x768xJPEG Sep 28 21:01 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // Ril Kaah (big Rel Kesth), and Fugue (little Wollon) exploring what looks like a ruin, and expecting trouble. Artist: lemurz.jpg 87162 580x750xJPEG Sep 28 21:04 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // Cover for Lemurz, a comic that will never exist :) Artist: lysodark.jpg 77483 1024x768xJPEG Sep 28 21:06 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // My character Tor Lissosimn (Lysozyme), sitting in a darkened room making a serious attempt at composing music. Artist: lysoski.jpg 60961 1024x768xJPEG Sep 28 21:07 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // Yours truly, barreling down the slopes. Artist: rk-mech.jpg 148761 1024x768xJPEG Sep 28 21:09 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // This large Rel Kesth 'Mech scans its alien surroundings. Artist: soclemur.jpg 65668 697x768xJPEG Sep 28 21:20 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // Ringtailed lemur morph, standing in an empty stadium, holding a soccer ball. Artist: velle.jpg 70785 800x781xJPEG Sep 28 21:21 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // A slightly older pic. Velle Illanarva, a Wollon female. Wollon are a race of short, lemurlike humanoids. Artist: wet-teek.jpg 101666 1024x768xJPEG Sep 28 21:22 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // Teeka "Teek" Chakkatak soaking wet, ankle deep in a rocky beach. She is a Gron'ni, resembling a cross between a fox and squirrel. Artist: yj-morph.jpg 47521 613x768xJPEG Sep 28 21:24 1996 Lysozyme. Color. // My first hack at an insect morph, a Yellow Jacket. Artist: lbrtymmm.gif 25008 576x726x16 Feb 24 15:53 1996 M. Mitchell Marmel, (c) 1996. Color. // A furry Statue of Liberty expresses her displeasure at recent legislative occurrences. Freedly distributable. Artist: mca-sil.gif 169198 550x800x256 May 10 23:26 1996 M. Poomah de Alarcon. Grayscale. // A romantic vixen in sweeping dress and vest, hair swirling 'round her as she grasps her tail. Artist: Maratama's_ID.gif 173472 828x612x256 May 16 01:32 1995 MadMac McKeever // Started as a quick marker sketch/scanned in, colored, looked like an ID photo, so that's what it became. All work done in Photoshop Artist: Dolphin.gif 248086 484x590x256 Jul 27 18:46 1994 Marc (aka. Marc Seebass) // Marc in his heroic (Dolphin) ID Artist: Marc.gif 247316 352x672x256 Jul 27 18:47 1994 Marc (aka. Marc Seebass) // Rough scetch of Marc Seebass. Artist: Cheeta-mss.gif 23515 704x1024x2 Aug 3 15:32 1994 Marc (Kitsune) Seebass (Aka. Cheeta) // A picture of Cheeta jogging. Note: Cheeta(h) is a character from Fred Perry's Gold Digger Comic. Artist: Chun-LiBP.jpg 116544 1024x761xJPEG Aug 14 19:58 1995 Marc S. Seebass // A picture of Human Chun-Li doing her bubble punch. Full color scanned from a watercolor painting. Artist: Kismit-MSS.gif 465023 683x901x256 Mar 16 23:44 1995 Marc Stewart Seebass // This is Kismit, street urchin, thief, avatar of the trikster god. Just your average everyday fantasy kid. Artist: Kitsune.gif 6018 240x260x16 Apr 1 12:04 1995 Marc Stewart Seebass // A picture of a fox done on the computer. Artist: Delphina-MSS.gif 335615 685x1024x128 Mar 17 10:29 1995 Marc Stewart Seebass. Elf-like aquatic girl in wetsuit based on the common dolphin. For those who play Champions, she's Dolphin's DNPC. Colour. // Artist: Feliciacolor-MSS.gif 314981 579x721x256 Mar 17 10:31 1995 Marc Stewart Seebass. Felicia-MSS.gif in color. // Artist: Dolphin-MSS.gif 306494 710x1024x128 Mar 17 10:25 1995 Marc Stewart Seebass. Portrait of the artist as an anime human dolphin. Color. // Artist: Kaylen-1.gif 73325 354x419x256 May 12 14:08 1993 Mark D. Norton Color: 256 Greyscale Uploaders e-mail: mnorton@cs.umr. // Kaylen sitting on her bed. Artist: Rushlight-1.gif 68195 404x408x256 May 12 14:00 1993 Mark D. Norton // Self-portrait. Artist: Sabrina-1.gif 108545 435x445x256 May 12 14:05 1993 Mark D. Norton, greyscale // Sabrina in the South Corner of the Park stargazing, Artist: vulpes-mf.gif 235470 483x749x256 Jan 10 19:17 1996 Mark Fox, Aka FurryMUCK's Vulpes. // Vulpes, stood in his usual attire of Biker Jacket, Jeans and Cubans. Artist: fmap06b.gif 26712 1200x1000x2 Jan 7 00:16 1996 Mark Fox, Aka FurryMUCK's Vulpes. Black and white. // Map 6 of the FurryMUCK world, revision B. Artist: aaaaar!.gif 11352 540x520x2 Jun 26 00:47 1995 Mark Freid // "Slater", the anti-hero from "Justice" winces in pain. Artist: aha!.gif 9211 540x494x2 Jun 26 00:47 1995 Mark Freid // The fox from "Ready, Willing & Able" discovers the one thing no canid should go without. Artist: amymits.gif 8510 509x423x2 Jun 26 00:48 1995 Mark Freid // Amy & Mits, from "A day at the Manic Kingdom" stand enjoying a parade. Artist: badger.gif 24515 540x1365x2 Jun 26 00:49 1995 Mark Freid // Attacking badger. inspired by Brian Jaques' "Urthstripe" from "Salamandastron". Artist: chrisey.gif 10313 473x657x2 Jun 26 00:49 1995 Mark Freid // Chrisey Coyote by Mark Freid. Artist: devon.gif 22953 535x1300x2 Jun 26 00:50 1995 Mark Freid // Devon the cheetah by Mark Freid. Artist: ferret.gif 13621 530x618x2 Jun 26 00:50 1995 Mark Freid // Ferret assassin from (unnamed) by Mark Freid. Artist: hooter1.gif 13069 535x1352x2 Jun 26 00:50 1995 Mark Freid // Character study of "Hooter" from "Jobe & Hooter". Artist: hooter2.gif 16150 535x1281x2 Jun 26 00:51 1995 Mark Freid // Full-figure character study of "Hooter" from "Jobe & Hooter". Artist: janine2.gif 13124 535x949x2 Jun 26 00:51 1995 Mark Freid // A new rendition of Janine, from "Justice". Artist: locke1.gif 13877 540x657x2 Jun 26 00:52 1995 Mark Freid // "Locke" from the "Locke & Kia" serial (c)1995 Robin Lane & Mark Freid. Artist: mf-balon.gif 25662 576x691x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // Morphic-vixen is having fun filling balloons... but isn't she supposed to use helium? Artist: mf-bc.gif 12608 484x276x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // Business card of Mark Freid, with all contact information (current, 1996) Artist: mf-bnzai.gif 39681 598x791x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // Fox-Mage is getting tired of using his energies looking for his missing companion. But she is about to find HIM instead. Artist: mf-brz50.gif 91010 829x610x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // Illustration for the Rowrbrazzle issue 50 collating party flyer. Artist: mf-bwc.gif 43716 578x771x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // The cover to Mark Freid's 1996 "Blam... Whoosh... Click" (furries & guns) portfolio Artist: mf-ccvix.gif 74189 610x829x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // New! from Yiffco! By popular request, the Chocolate Covered Vixens six-pack! buy yours today! Artist: mf-cns1.gif 29524 576x719x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // An illustration of "Canuss", Mark Freid's FurryMUCK character Artist: mf-fox1.gif 127407 592x659x256 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // A generic, surprised digitigrade fox-with-gun. Artist: mf-gator.gif 37720 580x649x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // A zydeco-wailin, sax-playin' gator standing over a delicious rack-of-ribs. Illustration for a (now defunct) central-Oklahoma rib restaurant. Artist: mf-knit.gif 24580 450x499x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // Pencil sketch of a midaeval cat-knight. Artist: mf-littr.gif 24299 484x763x16 Dec 30 10:43 1996 Mark Freid // A cat-girl standing over a dead cephalopod, that someone carelessly discarded on the ground. Artist: mf-live.gif 65921 610x829x16 Dec 30 10:44 1996 Mark Freid // Canuss, live! - A T-shirt design featuring the artists personal character. Artist: mf-mf.gif 8087 216x270x16 Dec 30 10:44 1996 Mark Freid // Mark Freid's Self Portrait. Artist: mf-msu.gif 207111 594x797x256 Dec 30 10:44 1996 Mark Freid // Drawing for contest at MSU (Montana State University) for 1996 homecoming game vs the SWTS (SouthWest Texas State). Both teams are "bobcats" Artist: mf-sdny1.gif 44573 582x799x16 Dec 30 10:44 1996 Mark Freid // An illustration of ConFurence mascot Sydney Fisher in a way-too-damn-cute animeish style... Artist: mf-spiny.gif 50816 576x719x16 Dec 30 10:44 1996 Mark Freid // A porcupine-fem relaxes on a tree stump. Artist: mf-vmag.gif 37523 610x789x16 Dec 30 10:44 1996 Mark Freid // "Vulpis Magus".. a fox-mage Artist: mf-warfx.gif 23255 528x671x16 Dec 30 10:44 1996 Mark Freid // A World War ][ style fox soldier closeup. Artist: youchris.gif 6659 379x397x2 Jun 26 00:52 1995 Mark Freid // "Hooter" answers a phone call from his friend Chris. From "A Day at the Manic Kingdom". Artist: mf-canus.gif 13478 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Color. // Canuss, of FurryMUCK during a typical day at work Artist: mf-chrsy.gif 37703 360x479x256 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Color. // Young Chrisey Coyote sucking her little thumb... aaaawwww.... Artist: mf-devon.gif 83065 360x479x256 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Color. // "Devon", cheetah male converses in his bathrobe & underwear. Artist: mf-vixn2.gif 50431 360x480x256 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Color. // Arctic vixen, looking over her shoulder at the viewer. Artist: mf-baskt.gif 18364 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // A resting civet fem smiles at the viewer. Artist: mf-gdnit.gif 13583 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // This picture sums up the bravery and chivalry of the gallant knights of old. Artist: mf-j&h.gif 11748 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // "Jobe & Hooter" from the pages of FurryPhile. Originally a design for Annette Miller, made and sold at ConFurence 7. Artist: mf-mjrte.gif 17176 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // "Mephit Majorette". skunk fem. Artist: mf-ottr.gif 12016 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // Otter fem ready for a good time of surfing. Artist: mf-skier.gif 18140 360x480x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // This young cougar hits the slopes against his own good. Artist: mf-snowl.gif 14471 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // "Catherine", a goth snow leopard fem. Artist: mf-tigrs.gif 17249 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // A nomadic tigress turns to the viewer for a quick glance. Artist: mf-vixn1.gif 11332 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // Standing vixen waits out the windy chill. Artist: mf-wachr.gif 16215 360x479x16 Apr 29 02:35 1996 Mark Freid (c)1995. Grayscale. // "The Watcher" a lone shamanist werewolf stands watching... Artist: calferet.gif 61091 584x811x16 Jun 8 22:28 1997 Mark Freid. Grayscale. // The California Ferret, in its natural environment. Artist: mf-mirra.gif 33009 354x480x256 Sep 7 20:55 1996 Mark Freid. Grayscale. // Mirra of FurryMuck. Artist: Aaron1.JPG 54423 600x500xJPEG Jul 20 23:48 1995 Mark J. Philpp, idahobob@aol.com // A RL picture of a Equitaur (Horse headed Centaur). Artist: CuHCU.JPG 47479 750x281xJPEG Jul 20 23:50 1995 Mark J. Philpp, idahobob@aol.com // Closeup detail from CuHsm.JPG. Artist: CuHsm.JPG 96238 640x427xJPEG Jul 20 23:54 1995 Mark J. Philpp, idahobob@aol.com // Centaurs under Halfdome, a RL picture of a group of Centaurs in Yosemite. Artist: MRC.JPG 16688 228x300xJPEG Jul 20 23:55 1995 Mark J. Philpp, idahobob@aol.com // Melody R. Caroline a RL picture of a beautiful bikini toped Centaurette. Artist: adoodle.jpg 27768 401x420xJPEG May 20 08:16 1996 Mark Krepela. Color. // A female morph wrapped in a blue towel, and little else. Artist: freddiemachine-mak.jpg 131720 640x531xJPEG Apr 29 02:16 1996 Mark Krepela. Color. // A bad day at the snack machine for Freddie the fox. Artist: gunfox-mak.jpg 105562 457x423xJPEG Apr 29 02:16 1996 Mark Krepela. Color. // A happy-looking fox with a gun, color pencil sketch. Artist: jakebar2-mak.jpg 50789 387x439xJPEG Apr 29 02:16 1996 Mark Krepela. Color. // Jake takes 5 at a bar, looking a tad beat. Artist: willowsp.jpg 110727 527x480xJPEG May 20 08:16 1996 Mark Krepela. Color. // Colorized ink drawing of a fox fiddling with a ball o' light. ;) Artist: dogbotbw.jpg 36103 433x440xJPEG May 20 08:16 1996 Mark Krepela. Grayscale. // Robotic dog guy with a gun. This one was fun. :) Artist: foxmage.jpg 45041 297x324xJPEG May 20 08:16 1996 Mark Krepela. Grayscale. // Fox shooting some sparks from his finger. Different from my normal style. Artist: waiting.jpg 65057 540x447xJPEG May 20 08:16 1996 Mark Krepela. Grayscale. // A sentiment of mine as I waited for a ride home from work one night. Artist: Donatien.jpg 446523 795x1065xJPEG Mar 29 22:43 1995 Mark Mandolia // Donatien sitting on a rock, looking out at something. He's wearing his usual outfit. Artist: Genma.jpg 277059 603x738xJPEG Mar 29 15:41 1995 Mark Mandolia // Genma sitting in his favorite chair in the park. Artist: Larva-bw-mm.gif 47621 272x522x256 Mar 30 17:44 1994 Mark Mandolia // Portrait of the character "Larva" from FurryMUCK. Artist: Vulpis-bw-mm.gif 14160 272x516x256 Apr 12 23:09 1994 Mark Mandolia // A full portrait of the character 'Vulpis' from FurryMUCK. Artist: Friends-mm.gif 22981 608x846x2 Jul 16 17:04 1995 Mark Mandolia. Black and White. // Three characters from Furrymuck, caption "Friends". Artist: Yin-Mtn-mm.jpg 91790 494x544xJPEG Jun 29 15:39 1995 Mark Mandolia. Color. // The FurryMUCK character known as "Yin", seated at the edge of a mountain pond. Artist: pXzrdtrp.gif 129328 800x600x256 Jan 30 01:16 1996 Mark S. Saunders. Color. // Panzer and his friend Zaphyr -- both Zebramorphs on FurryMUCK -- take a road trip, and stop to voice their opinions. Artist: jadine-r.gif 33253 608x772x256 Aug 18 12:55 1994 Mask // Jadine, from FurryMUCK and Brazilian Dreams. Artist: Filly-MD.gif 242933 442x636x256 Jul 25 16:21 1994 Matina Donaldson // Pencil rendering of a anthropomorphic filly. Artist: kitsune-mh.gif 30888 802x1099x2 Nov 3 13:18 1994 Matt Harpold // Formidable Japanese fox-maiden complete with katana. Artist: victdeer-mh.gif 51288 821x1229x2 Nov 3 14:56 1994 Matt Harpold // A very Scarlett O'Hara-ish deer morph posing on period furniture. Artist: mh_kitsune2.gif 89929 276x432x256 Jul 28 16:30 1996 Matt Harpold. Color. // A kitsune (Japanese fox maiden) dancing against a rice paper wall. Painted in acrylics, full color with background. Artist: mh_rebecca.gif 66957 315x432x256 Jul 27 23:40 1996 Matt Harpold. Color. // A renaissance fox-morph poses for a portrait. Artist: mh_stairs.gif 94906 300x432x256 Jul 27 23:40 1996 Matt Harpold. Color. // Cacophony, the gothic ocelot, leaving a trail of rose petals. Rendered in soft pastel. Artist: mh_cacophony.jpg 22586 301x432xJPEG Jul 27 23:40 1996 Matt Harpold. Grayscale. // Cacophony, the gothic ocelot, stares a hole into you. Artist: mh_cleo.jpg 13279 242x432xJPEG Jul 27 23:40 1996 Matt Harpold. Grayscale. // An angular egyptian female jackal looks at you slyly. Artist: mh_kitsune.jpg 29305 318x432xJPEG Jul 27 23:40 1996 Matt Harpold. Grayscale. // An ornately dressed kitsune (japanese fox maiden) in fighting form with katana. Artist: mh_scarlett.jpg 54335 350x432xJPEG Jul 27 23:40 1996 Matt Harpold. Grayscale. // The Victorian pronghorn deer Scarlett reclines amidst period decor. Full detailed background. Artist: mh_thought.jpg 43869 327x432xJPEG Jul 28 16:30 1996 Matt Harpold. Grayscale. // An ermine lady in greek drapery, lost in thought. Full background. Artist: mh_zvali.jpg 37794 317x432xJPEG Jul 27 23:40 1996 Matt Harpold. Grayscale. // Zvali, a sleek dragon morph, descends from the skies. Artist: kayak2.gif 113354 379x600x256 Oct 28 01:37 1996 Matt Kessler. Color. // This is how Kayak would look if furs could run around IRL }:0). Character copyright by Foxfire (chrisuml@ici.net). Artist: Katrus.gif 12590 407x571x2 Jan 8 23:09 1995 May Wasserman // Picture of Katrus from FurryMuck. Artist: simone-mw.jpg 108302 640x920xJPEG Mar 31 23:42 1996 May Wasserman // Black and white figure, greyscale background FurryMUCK's own Simone, the coffee-house mouse, dancing to her own beat. Artist: a_bad_night-mw.bw.gif 27335 884x1233x2 Nov 4 00:02 1995 May Wasserman. // Black and white version of a_bad_night-mw.gif. More interesting than the color version in some respects. Artist: mathius-mw.gif 41683 990x894x2 Nov 4 00:03 1995 May Wasserman. Black and white. // Mathius (male FurryMuck cat'taur ) having an argument with Aria (not the current Aria of Furry). Artist: mooncat-mw.gif 21296 609x752x2 Nov 4 00:05 1995 May Wasserman. Black and white. // Anthropomorphic feline in bikini coming down a pathway from the moon. Yes, really, it *is* just eye-candy. Artist: a_bad_night-mw.gif 54510 632x896x256 Nov 4 00:00 1995 May Wasserman. Color. // A female feline carrying a big gun and wearing an evening dress while walking away from a burning house. There *is* a reason. Artist: cat_and_cream-mw.jpg 56518 919x459xJPEG Dec 13 09:51 1995 May Wasserman. Color. // Nude female feline lying in lots of whip cream. Commissioned by Brighttail. Artist: nicekitty-mw.gif 175053 638x997x256 Nov 4 00:06 1995 May Wasserman. Color. // A male feline with a leash. A nice kitty, really. Artist: puma-mw.gif 116970 683x937x256 Dec 1 21:29 1995 May Wasserman. Color. // Character sketch of puma of Furrymuck. Anthropomorphic puma seated on a rock with a mountainous background. Artist: sunbathing-mw.gif 123904 498x648x256 Nov 4 00:07 1995 May Wasserman. Color. // A female fox sunbathing. Scan of original, done in pastels. Artist: sunbathing_b-mw.gif 58128 582x890x256 Nov 4 00:15 1995 May Wasserman. Color. // A female fox sunbathing. Computer-done coloring of sunbathing-mw.gif. Looks significantly different. Artist: mel-064.gif 18092 446x498x8 Dec 29 04:00 1996 Melissa Drake. Grayscale. // A picture of Boulton's character, Sasta. Artist: blkvelvet.gif 163495 485x691x256 Jan 17 08:49 1997 MelodyLee // Drawing of a winged female rabbit 'morph character from FurryMuck... I think the name was "BlackVelvet", but I'm not sure. Artist: bunative.gif 186604 437x701x256 Jan 17 08:51 1997 MelodyLee // Drawing of a male rabbit 'morph who's "gone native", sorta. Artist: deceleration.gif 120509 567x768x256 Jan 17 08:55 1997 MelodyLee // Misc. feline toon discovering the joy of speed...and the horror of NO BRAKES! ;) Artist: hello.gif 41662 452x670x256 Jan 17 08:56 1997 MelodyLee // *grin* What can I say? I dig Animaniacs. ..This is better with no description, imho. ;) Artist: melodylee.gif 138961 441x657x256 Jan 17 09:00 1997 MelodyLee // Drawing of "MelodyLee", the siamese kitten 'morph from FurryMuck (my character) in her usual outfit. Artist: ML_kinkcat.jpg 44395 455x605xJPEG Feb 4 16:41 1996 MelodyLee // Female cat 'morph poses, dressed for play, against a woodland backdrop. Artist: ML_melmaid.gif 70124 495x691x256 Feb 4 16:43 1996 MelodyLee // Portrait of MelodyLee from FurryMuck, in a maid outfit. (long story. ;) Artist: ML_melody.gif 80788 459x668x256 Feb 4 16:45 1996 MelodyLee // Portrait of MelodyLee from FurryMuck in her casual attire. Artist: ML_riffraff.gif 263200 671x1033x256 Feb 4 16:51 1996 MelodyLee // Portrait of RiffRaff from FurryMuck, displaying his usual wit. ;) Artist: riffraff2.gif 304170 671x1033x256 Jan 17 09:02 1997 MelodyLee // Drawing of "RiffRaff", from FurryMuck, being the witty feline that he is. ;) Artist: sisters.gif 293650 668x768x256 Jan 17 09:03 1997 MelodyLee // "Tou-Hsin" and "MelodyLee", feline 'morph `sisters' from FurryMuck, pose together in matching outfits. Artist: sleeping.gif 119507 828x603x256 Jan 17 09:03 1997 MelodyLee // Drawing of a fox 'morph, taking a nap against a tree. Artist: tooned.gif 158916 609x768x256 Jan 17 09:05 1997 MelodyLee // "Vatram" and "MelodyLee" from FurryMuck enter the world of anime cuteness. ;) Artist: vatram.gif 161857 579x667x256 Jan 17 09:07 1997 MelodyLee // Drawing of "Vatram", the vampire lemming 'morph from FurryMuck, striking a pose. Artist: whistle.gif 184084 528x768x256 Jan 17 09:07 1997 MelodyLee // Drawing of "WhistleWind", the rune-covered white wolf 'morph from FurryMuck, standing non-chalantly. Artist: batbike.gif 31660 546x691x64 Jan 31 18:52 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A bat 'morph discovers the joys of speed on his new hover-bike. Artist: bunnie.gif 66505 612x691x256 Jan 31 18:16 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A female rabbit 'morph, dressed scantily, sits on her bed, looking at you with a come-hither expression... Artist: bunniec.gif 121625 600x691x256 Jan 31 18:20 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A female rabbit 'morph, dressed scantily, sits on her bed, looking at you with a come-hither expression... (color) Artist: cheer.gif 40497 513x691x256 Jan 31 18:22 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A female rabbit 'morph, in a cheerleading uniform, poses on a football field. Artist: cheerc.gif 125976 513x691x256 Jan 31 18:23 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A female rabbit 'morph, in a cheerleading uniform, poses on a football field. (color) Artist: doe.gif 34583 492x691x256 Jan 31 18:25 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A female deer morph, clad in shorts and heels, leans against a tree and watches you warily. (upper body nudity) Artist: doec.gif 126652 492x691x256 Jan 31 18:27 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A female deer morph, clad in shorts and heels, leans against a tree and watches you warily. (upper body nudity) (color) Artist: foxhunt.gif 41257 620x691x64 Jan 31 18:28 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A canine 'morph sounds the horn to start the "foxhunt", as a vixen looks on worriedly from her hiding-place. Artist: foxhuntc.gif 164409 620x691x256 Jan 31 18:41 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A canine 'morph sounds the horn to start the "foxhunt", as a vixen worriedly from her hiding-place. (color) Artist: gargoyle-ml.gif 99869 549x691x256 Jan 31 18:41 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A vaguely wolfish furry, with large bat-like wings, sits atop a gargoyle, and glares out at you. Artist: hulacat.gif 38072 438x691x64 Jan 31 18:42 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A feline female, in a bikini-top and grass skirt, pauses in her dancing... Artist: paint.gif 28202 515x691x32 Jan 31 18:43 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // An industrious female rabbit 'morph, mixes the paint to finish her work. Artist: pair.gif 32232 499x691x64 Jan 31 18:44 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A scantily clad femme wolf-morph poses with her human "pet" (kinky themes, upper body human nudity.) Artist: pairc.gif 85763 499x691x256 Jan 31 18:46 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A scantily clad femme wolf-morph poses with her human "pet" (kinky themes, upper body human nudity.) (color) Artist: panda-ml.gif 25177 437x691x64 Jan 31 18:47 1997 MelodyLee (melody@magenta.com) // A female panda 'morph poses in her kimono, smiling shyly. Artist: flashcat-melody.gif 133057 449x702x256 Jan 17 08:56 1997 MelodyLee a Drawing of "FlashCat", the pyrokit from FurryMuck, ha // Drawing of "FlashCat", the pyrokit from FurryMuck, hanging out and checking his data. Artist: Vulpis-col-ML.jpg 37335 355x562xJPEG Dec 13 12:00 1995 MelodyLee. Color. // Drawing of Vulpis, the winged fox morph FurryMUCK character. Artist: bunnyfly-melody.gif 100681 543x759x256 Jan 17 08:51 1997 MelodyLee. Grayscale. // Pretty much what the title says--a female rabbit 'morph with butterfly wings. Artist: dragon-melody.gif 72115 447x604x256 Jan 17 08:55 1997 MelodyLee. Grayscale. // A vaguely oriental-style dragon...more a serpent, really. Artist: coyote01-jml.gif 158161 506x685x256 Nov 9 18:35 1996 merrark@netcom.com. Grayscale. // A coyote models for the life drawing class at the local art school. Needless to say, there's quite a demand for her. Artist: foxperson-jml.gif 83661 444x623x256 Nov 9 18:35 1996 merrark@netcom.com. Grayscale. // It's a fox, ma'am. Just a fox. Nothing more than a fox. It ain't a bad fox, it's a good fox. Artist: meryote3-jml.gif 459758 596x773x256 Nov 9 18:35 1996 merrark@netcom.com. Grayscale. // Picture of Merry leaning against a tree. Pretty serene, huh? Third picture of her as a coyote. Artist: ShubNig.gif 95585 361x600x256 Nov 4 23:00 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton / Tatterdemalian). Color. // My conception of a new final boss for Quake (and incidentally, a new female player model). Artist: RipIt.jpg 111543 749x600xJPEG Nov 4 22:56 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Color. // "Rip that shirt, baby!" My first attempt at spoogecraft (and at adding backgrounds to a drawn image). Artist: Temp-Run.gif 68003 543x200x256 Apr 15 22:42 1997 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Color. // Templeton fleeing a hungry anthro-tigress. Animated GIF. Artist: Tiger-babe.jpg 31369 320x349xJPEG Sep 7 21:06 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Color. // I got bored in class one day and drew this. Artist: Ccbeanbag.jpg 57467 640x466xJPEG Nov 4 22:50 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Grayscale. // Firmly ensconced in her favorite place, C.C. (my pet miniature collie) looks up in innocent defiance. Artist: Hyperdog.jpg 104758 524x600xJPEG Nov 4 22:55 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Grayscale. // Nick (a friend of mine) trying to escape the attentions of my hyperactive little miniature collie, C.C. Artist: Otto.gif 16691 564x815x16 Nov 4 22:52 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Grayscale. // Otto, the ganja-stealing parrot, from a storyline that some friends of mine are writing. Artist: Roberto.gif 37922 684x1081x16 Nov 4 22:59 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Grayscale. // What happens when Otto the parrot steals enough ganja? He turns into Roberto, the "Love Peegion." Artist: Temp-Sneeze.gif 152717 1163x1500x256 May 20 07:23 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Grayscale. // An unnamed dragon demonstrates one way to quickly clear FurryMUCK's WCotP. Artist: TempConan.gif 88284 1024x1000x256 May 20 07:23 1996 Michael Anzulovic (aka Templeton). Grayscale. // It's "All Purpose Future Cat Conan!" Coming eventually to a comic book store near me! Artist: TempMUCK-1.gif 100170 2466x1821x2 Mar 26 20:08 1996 Michael Anzulovic. Black and white. // Templeton suffers through the usual teasing that newbies recieve on FurryMUCK. (Scanned from an ink drawing.) Artist: fmuck01.gif 26995 800x600x256 Mar 26 20:33 1996 Michael Anzulovic. Color. // A well-endowed felinoid interfacing with her favorite MUCK. Originally an ad for FurryMUCK, but they rejected it. Artist: Templeton-Combo.jpg 40694 735x280xJPEG Mar 26 20:33 1996 Michael Anzulovic. Color. // Pic of the artist's FurryMUCK character, as a Darkstalkers (TM) fighter. (6-hit Super Combo!) Artist: YFCA-Center-Map.GIF 20864 504x800x2 Apr 18 01:34 1995 Michael Armstrong // Revised map of the *NEW* YFCA Sports Center just North of 2000 Block Far Fox Terrace Road on FurryMUCK. Special Thanks to Pounce. Artist: banana3d.jpg 91998 640x400xJPEG Apr 29 00:38 1996 Michael Armstrong. Color. // 3D rendering of Cyberskunk's banana from RTBDA. Artist: bansil.gif 149479 554x584x256 Nov 10 14:14 1996 Michael Bradley. Color. // My character on DarkFurr, Bansil. I had planned on drawing him for months, and I finally got around to it. Artist: korvar-mjc.gif 37098 600x632x256 Oct 12 11:01 1994 Michael John Cugley // Picture of Korvar, the swashbuckling Vulpine, by his player. Thanks to Slate for teaching me how to colourise these things nicely. Artist: shadow.gif 54606 324x436x256 Mar 7 19:07 1995 Michael Johnson (Shadow) // Shadow from FurryMUCK. Artist: mik_pic.gif 7838 300x300x256 Dec 1 14:44 1996 Michael Leal // A picture of Mik, in dark clothing, apparently in a gothic city. Artist: lookie.gif 50240 705x896x256 Apr 1 04:24 1997 Michael Leal. Grayscale. // "Lookie My Jacket!" Artist: Avalia.jpg 216764 445x334xJPEG Jan 30 01:00 1996 Michael Marzilli. Color. // A computer generated image of a man and feline morph ready for battle placed against a desert background. Artist: MorphCorina.gif 23549 148x300x256 Jan 30 01:06 1996 Michael Marzilli. Color. // A facial view of a female cougar morph. Created using Gryphon's Morph for the Mac. Artist: MorphCougar.jpg 16567 130x200xJPEG Jan 30 01:06 1996 Michael Marzilli. Color. // A facial view of a male cougar morph. Created using Gryphon's Morph for the Mac. Artist: MorphLeonard.jpg 21893 200x300xJPEG Jan 30 01:06 1996 Michael Marzilli. Color. // A facial view of a male lion morph. Created using Gryphon's Morph for the Mac. Artist: MorphLynette.jpg 20526 147x275xJPEG Jan 30 01:06 1996 Michael Marzilli. Color. // A facial view of a female lynx morph. Created using Gryphon's Morph for the Mac. Artist: MorphNeeko.gif 18712 195x186x256 Jan 30 01:06 1996 Michael Marzilli. Color. // A facial view of a male horse morph. Created using Gryphon's Morph for the Mac. Artist: MorphRhuann1.gif 7349 66x120x256 Jan 30 01:06 1996 Michael Marzilli. Color. // A facial view of a female tiger morph. Created using Gryphon's Morph for the Mac. Artist: MorphTrianna.jpg 41954 168x278xJPEG Mar 4 03:38 1996 Michael Marzilli. Color. // A facial view of a female feline morph. Created using Gryphon's Morph for the Mac. Artist: furgoyl1.gif 34818 546x600x16 Mar 12 06:01 1995 Michael Olinyk (FurOnPaper) // A furry female gargoyle is surprised by something 'off-camera'. A shaded pencil pic. Artist: furgoyl2.gif 19291 500x387x16 Mar 12 06:04 1995 Michael Olinyk (FurOnPaper) // A furry male gargoyle comments on his clothing's limitations. A female responds. Ink & 'puter shading. Artist: furgoyl3.gif 19559 640x394x16 Mar 12 06:07 1995 Michael Olinyk (FurOnPaper) // A furry female gargoyle shows off her new footwear to a male. Inked B&W image Artist: furgoyl4.gif 65554 640x480x256 Mar 12 06:18 1995 Michael Olinyk (FurOnPaper) // A furry female gargoyle's t-shirt makes you an offer (and pun). Grayscale & pink. Sized for use as windows wallpaper. Artist: eileen.gif 27511 612x990x16 Jan 31 07:25 1995 Michael Parrott // Nice original furry gal in grey sweater and skirt. Artist: elise_sm.gif 17575 600x819x2 Apr 4 16:10 1996 Michael Parrott // Very cute catmorph donning a lace-up bustier. Artist: hyptia_0.gif 9461 384x469x16 Jan 14 15:55 1995 Michael Parrott // Scan of my first rough sketch of an original (!) character named Hypatia, eventually determined to be a skunk. Artist: hyp_3a.gif 43604 816x1200x16 Jan 14 15:58 1995 Michael Parrott // A finalized version of Hypatia the Skunk. Fairly large (816 x 1200 x 16). Artist: hyrashio.gif 13341 640x480x16 Jan 14 16:00 1995 Michael Parrott // Rough rendition of my character, Hyrashio, on FurryMuck. Artist: poupon1.gif 15048 612x785x16 Feb 13 08:23 1995 Michael Parrott // My character on FurryMUCK in his Grey Poupon form; color Portrait. Artist: zippy3a.gif 76932 1280x960x16 Jan 14 16:08 1995 Michael Parrott // Original character, Zippy the Cat. Morphed, athletic female feline. Artist: lauracat.gif 26721 544x735x16 Jun 26 15:01 1995 Micheil T. Murray // An anthropomorphic wildcat femme in spacey purple outfit. I hope you like this - it is my first try. Artist: jingle.gif 63209 564x800x256 Dec 21 01:55 1995 Michele Light // A Christmas card for 1995 from Michele Light. Artist: SharpEars-ml.gif 161369 640x836x256 Aug 1 07:27 1995 Michele Light // SharpEars from FurryMUCK, as portrayed by Michele Light in a commission. Wearing a yellow and purple outfit while twirling playfully. Artist: carejoin.gif 62966 483x658x256 Jan 28 01:19 1997 Michele Light. Color. // "Care to Join Me?" Picture of Japhet the skunk. Artist: Randi.gif 199659 540x756x256 Mar 26 20:08 1996 Michele Light. Color. // Randi of FurryMUCK poses amidst his pile of plushies. Randi copyright 1992, 1996 Fred M. Sloniker. Artist: Higgins1.gif 19858 269x349x256 May 10 16:48 1994 Michelle Maxson "Jestie" // Anthropomorphic dragon "Higgins" sitting on a brick fireplace. Scan of a pencil drawing. Artist: Jes-Cade.gif 61146 523x667x256 May 10 16:49 1994 Michelle Maxson "Jestie" // Biped Gazelle "Jestie" holding baby Gazelle. Scanned image of a pencil drawing. Artist: Jes-Chez.gif 27603 371x531x256 May 10 16:49 1994 Michelle Maxson "Jestie" // Non-anthro Gazelles "Jestie" and "Chez-C." Scan of a pencil drawing. Artist: OcePounc.gif 61734 547x416x256 May 10 16:49 1994 Michelle Maxson "Jestie" // "Ocelot" pouncing furries in RTBDA. Also: "Ben Mouse,BojoPigeon,Skers,Tarin,Blue,Andre,Cyberskunk,Ocelot,Orome,and Jestie." Artist: RL-Horse.gif 28155 416x429x256 May 10 16:49 1994 Michelle Maxson "Jestie" // White mare nuzzling a chestnut baby colt. Scan of a pencil drawing. Artist: ZelSleep.gif 73427 838x598x256 May 10 16:50 1994 Michelle Maxson "Jestie" // Real life Gazelles sleeping next to each other. "Jestie and Chez-C" in The Little Meadow. Scan of a line drawing in ink. Artist: sunmonty.gif 73076 637x821x256 Mar 29 21:21 1996 Midori Hatamoto // 256-color GIF of Seymont Roddart, FurryMUCK and FurToonia character, peering through the curtains to enjoy a seaside sunrise. Artist: cecilia1.gif 15736 720x851x256 May 25 10:53 1995 Midori Hatamoto. // Cecilia, a kittymorph from FurryMUCK, in T-shirt and jeans. Color. Artist: midi2.gif 10799 720x293x256 May 25 10:53 1995 Midori Hatamoto. // A picture of Midori from FurryMUCK, reclining seductively in some revealing black lingerie. Color. Artist: moonglow.gif 17684 416x831x256 May 25 10:53 1995 Midori Hatamoto. // A female wolf with clothes mostly removed, standing in the moonlight. Color. Nude, light erotica. Artist: biknmong.jpg 48343 765x795xJPEG Oct 6 15:50 1996 Midori Hatamoto. Color. // A 'morphic banded mongoose in a purple-pink bikini, sitting on the beach. Artist: mal-cmon.jpg 69527 1000x600xJPEG Aug 11 18:15 1996 Midori Hatamoto. Color. // Malchus, 'morphic dragon on FurryMUCK, with modesty barely preserved by a bolt of cloth as he beckons to the viewer. Artist: wufcolar.gif 14943 416x871x256 Oct 5 14:25 1996 Midori Hatamoto. Color. // A dominant female lupine 'morph, holding a collar threateningly. Artist: side7.jpg 41598 536x614xJPEG May 30 14:42 1995 Miel (email:sgarden@enssat.fr) // A couple of proud squirrels with their baby in a side-car...a drawing I made for the birth of my futur nephew. Artist: thybert.gif 92995 314x615x256 May 18 01:50 1995 Miel (email:sgarden@enssat.fr) // A cool cat. Artist: miel_acheter.gif 62634 448x282x256 Jan 24 17:23 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // Strange... strange. Artist: miel_cpl_ren.gif 38451 546x800x256 Jan 24 17:24 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A couple of foxes Artist: miel_demande.gif 42691 398x272x256 Jan 24 17:25 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A demand is made.. Artist: miel_drink0.gif 195962 926x744x256 Jan 24 17:30 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // Miel sits at a bar.. a very blue scene done in red. Artist: miel_girl.gif 194279 344x900x256 Jan 24 17:35 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // It's the scan of a colour pastel. Artist: miel_k&l.gif 18124 307x288x256 Jan 24 17:36 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A kangaroo and rabbit sit under a full moon. Artist: miel_k2.gif 13486 286x400x256 Jan 24 17:37 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A kangaroo, with sketch marks still visible. Artist: miel_k3.gif 13325 262x345x256 Jan 24 17:38 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A kangaroo crosses the road. Artist: miel_pingouin.gif 30115 393x469x256 Jan 24 17:39 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A nice and cartoony penguin, with a bow tie. Artist: miel_re&ka.gif 22445 287x282x256 Jan 24 17:40 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A fox and a kangaroo. Artist: miel_ren.gif 19453 197x375x256 Jan 24 17:40 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A fox, more anthropomorphized than Miel's others. Artist: miel_rere.gif 8580 322x290x256 Jan 24 17:41 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // Another Miel-style fox. Artist: miel_v0.gif 17551 410x312x256 Jan 24 17:43 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A rather cool-looking spaceship. Artist: miel_wo.gif 23270 220x356x256 Jan 24 17:44 1996 Miel (sgarden@enssat.fr) // A fox, done in purple. Artist: CapHook2.GIF 275148 744x501x256 Sep 11 14:10 1995 Mike Fox // A pencil sketch of CaptainHook fencing. Artist: ShipWrecked.jpg 382703 1134x1016xJPEG Sep 21 18:08 1995 Mike Fox // A pencil crayon drawing of CaptainHook making the best of a bad situation... Artist: baseball.GIF 223019 779x607x256 Nov 5 21:45 1995 Mike Fox (CaptainHook) // Kaba from FurryMUCK gives the good captain some advice after he was 'distracted' while playing baseball. Artist: Kaba.GIF 90037 435x425x256 Nov 5 21:41 1995 Mike Fox (CaptainHook) // The always gorgeous Kaba of FurryMUCK fame. Artist: PounceLesson.GIF 143340 498x520x256 Nov 5 21:34 1995 Mike Fox (CaptainHook) // Mirna from FurryMUCK gives CaptainHook a few pointers in the fine art of pouncing. Artist: splat.jpg 85750 574x394xJPEG Nov 5 21:32 1995 Mike Fox (CaptainHook) // SpookyFox has a good laugh after the captain fails to get her out of a tree once again. Artist: dracmoon.gif 223636 442x600x256 Feb 19 12:49 1996 Mike Hammond // An draco morph bearing a translator rod holds out his hand in uncertain greeting. Desert scene with futuristic city. Artist: dracswrd.gif 246281 536x600x256 Feb 19 12:54 1996 Mike Hammond // Draco morph hefting Claymore. Stands upon a precipice, a mist-filled canyon below. Mountain and ringed planet in background. Ink & pencil. Artist: dracwing.gif 252589 536x600x256 Feb 19 12:56 1996 Mike Hammond // Winged draco morph, in pose. Pencil. Artist: ssineech.gif 122217 543x600x256 Feb 19 13:21 1996 Mike Hammond // S'sineech Godseye, a Skaven (rat morph) Fighter/Priest. Dressed in armor and cloak, he bears a enchanted sword. Ink, pencil, & zipatone. Artist: Belzarian-mdh.gif 107011 679x478x256 Jan 29 00:57 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net). B&W. // Artist's Furry Self-Portrait (Horse-Morph). Artist: Holteca-mdh.gif 72171 499x570x256 Jan 29 00:32 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net). B&W. // A holtecan warrior. Snake-morph race from an AD&D campaign. Artist: Impulse-mdh.gif 123905 499x594x256 Jan 29 01:00 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net). B&W. // A Lynx morph Superhero. Artist: MorningLynx-mdh.gif 101496 474x600x256 Jan 29 00:37 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net). B&W. // A Lynx morph enjoys his morning cup-of-coffee. Artist: OunceBard-mdh.gif 171316 454x520x256 Jan 29 00:27 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net). B&W. // Milamber, with his recorder and spellbook. Artist: RzariLiteCalvary-mdh.gif 78839 499x540x256 Jan 29 00:47 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net). B&W. // A R'zari light calvaryman. NetWorld Campaign race. Artist: RzariTraveller-mdh.gif 177805 454x661x256 Jan 29 00:44 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net). B&W. // A R'zari journeys across a city wall. NetWorld Campaign race. Artist: SsineechGodseye-mdh.gif 111998 501x546x256 Jan 29 00:49 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net). B&W. // S'sineech Godseye, Skaven adventurer. Artist: RzariArcher-mdh.gif 90193 454x546x256 Jan 29 00:40 1995 Mike Hammond (mhammond@ncw.net).B&W. // A Rzari archer. NetWorld Campaign race. Artist: wolfaxe.gif 171908 499x526x256 Aug 3 23:08 1996 Mike Hammond. Grayscale. // Cimmerian wolf morph poses with axe. Ink & pencil. Artist: mik_tsunami.gif 21733 350x400x256 Dec 11 10:12 1996 Mike Leal. Color. // Basically, a pose of Mik in 256 colors, with a cheezy "3-d" Mik. Pop out, eh?? :) Artist: mm-RbTor.gif 26469 640x400x32 Dec 5 16:01 1994 Mike Macklin // Qeveren's "Remote ball" in FG, after being thunderkicked through the floor. Torrle looks through the hole made by the impact above it. Artist: sev-laz.gif 112802 311x401x256 Aug 9 10:30 1993 Mike McMurry Colour // This is a picture of Lazuli and Sevnara, semi-well known FurryMUCKers, sharing a nice picnic together Artist: BenCF8.jpg 37296 387x409xJPEG Jun 5 03:21 1997 Mike McMurry. Color. // Ben_Mouse, from nametag of player at CF8. Character copyright his player. Artist: bluebax1-mm.gif 89572 648x849x256 Nov 3 11:36 1995 Mike Metlay. Color. // Identical to baxtrr1-mm.gif, but features 256 indexed colors as an experiment in coloring/shading. scanned pencil/Photoshop. Artist: baxtrr1-mm.gif 85298 432x566x256 Nov 3 11:33 1995 Mike Metlay. Grayscale. // Baxtrr the Figment. The smaller Hebrew word is "Baxtrr." The other is (roughly) "Hinayni!", or "Yo! Here I am!". Artist: morgan-rl.jpg 75130 258x350xJPEG Jul 16 01:24 1996 Morgan. Color. // A picture taken of Morgan's player leaning against his computer desk. Artist: MILES-RL.JPG 204467 751x768xJPEG May 28 01:55 1995 N/A (scanned photo) // Miles player sits at his desk, surely contemplating some deep universal truth; like whether or not to have another Pixy Stix. Artist: Kally.gif 81583 640x472x256 Jan 17 16:44 1996 Nakko // Kalantha Dixie Cquirrel (yes, cquirrel is spelled right, not squirrel. Cquirrel.) Just a pic of her face smiling. Used ebony pencil. Artist: Nakko.jpg 42779 367x833xJPEG Dec 4 18:30 1995 Nakko // Nakko standing there. Low quality scan with some minor touch-ups, but not enough to make it look too snazzy. Just a contour, I think. Artist: Nakkobik.jpg 56903 584x584xJPEG Dec 4 18:32 1995 Nakko // Nakko sitting on his hoverbike, sideways profile-type-thingie. Inspired by Return of the Jedi, I guess... Artist: Nakkosorry.gif 48258 595x640x256 Jan 17 16:50 1996 Nakko // Nakko with his hair pulled down (for once!) looking pitiful and sad as he can sometimes do. Authentic emotion was put into it. Artist: Nakkoski.jpg 34251 314x376xJPEG Dec 4 18:33 1995 Nakko // Nakko coming at you straight-on with his hoverbike! (See Nakkobik.jpg) One day, I might colorize it... Artist: Dixie.jpg 400986 1604x1844xJPEG Jan 18 17:44 1996 Nakko // Almost life size portrait of Kalantha Dixie Cquirrel, Kally for short (thus Kally.gif was named!) Artist: N8P.Amara.GIF 71033 632x577x32 Apr 3 16:56 1996 Nate Patrin // Amara cavorting in the park! @Whee! (Amara (c) A. Pronovost) Artist: N8P.BillandDave.GIF 21438 474x306x256 Apr 3 16:57 1996 Nate Patrin // Bill (an eagle) and Dave (a fox), the main characters in my long-running comic strip, imaginatively titled "Bill and Dave". (c) Nate Patrin Artist: N8P.Heatstroke.GIF 103189 850x1027x32 Apr 3 17:00 1996 Nate Patrin // Heatstroke, a red fox with flamethrower gloves, looking menacing. (Character (c) Nate Patrin) Artist: N8P.MDRSF1.GIF 31789 604x743x32 Apr 3 17:01 1996 Nate Patrin // Murray Del Rio, Space Ferret in (what could be construed as) action! ((c) Nate Patrin) Artist: N8P.TechgnosisColor.GIF 35570 321x503x256 Apr 3 17:02 1996 Nate Patrin // Tgnosis.GIF-- colorized! ((c) Nate Patrin) Artist: N8P.VC.GIF 21807 376x480x256 Nov 17 00:40 1995 Nate Patrin // My Furry MUCK character- Voodoo Child, the Psychepunkedelic Hip-hop Rastafox. (character (C) 1995 Nate Patrin) Artist: N8P.VC2.GIF 23304 306x434x32 Apr 3 17:03 1996 Nate Patrin // Voodoo Child- this time hand-drawn and in a Hideo Nomo jersey and Dodgers cap. ((c) Nate Patrin) Artist: N8P.VCRudeboy.GIF 112359 425x590x32 Apr 3 17:07 1996 Nate Patrin // This is what happened when I sat down and said, "What if I drew Voodoo Child... *less* toon-ish?" Check it out... ((c) Nate Patrin) Artist: N8P.slfport1.gif 40821 390x321x256 Nov 5 01:50 1995 Nate Patrin. Color. // My first contribution to this FTP site: A cartoon-style anthro coyote-morph self-portrait, done entirely on computer. Artist: N8P.LupusAlpha.gif 373619 612x868x256 Feb 24 15:47 1996 Nate Patrin. Grayscale. // Wolf with a staff, a cybernetic prosthetic eye and a kewl beret. One of my earlier furry works. (Character (c) Nate Patrin). Artist: N8P.Meerkat.gif 23163 248x336x256 Feb 24 15:47 1996 Nate Patrin. Grayscale. // S'funny what one can come up by just sketching... like this rave/skatepunk/hip-hop meerkat. (Note the nice'n'tiny size.) Artist: N8P.MichWolvDunk.gif 301423 611x793x256 Feb 24 15:47 1996 Nate Patrin. Grayscale. // A Juwan Howard-esque wolverine morph tears up a backboard with an ill reverse! (Sorry about the NCAA copyright violations). Artist: N8P.Tgnosis.gif 83209 375x511x256 Feb 24 15:47 1996 Nate Patrin. Grayscale. // Techgnosis, a raver marten with a cybernetic right arm. (Character (c) Nate Patrin). Artist: foxworthINK.gif 44074 325x406x256 Dec 16 23:33 1995 NetCoyote. Color. // Foxworth checking out his pocketwatch. Artist: netmeINK.gif 73013 432x411x256 Dec 16 23:33 1995 NetCoyote. Color. // A "self-portait" of myself as a 'morph. Artist: nb_kangaroo.gif 20261 700x824x2 Apr 29 00:33 1996 Nick Boos. Black and white. // Sketch of a joey balancing on a rod. I rescued this from my old math notebook. Artist: nb_kena.gif 129282 2608x2244x2 Aug 14 00:46 1995 Nick Boos. Black and white. // Kena with a wolf. Kena is TM and Cuauhtmoc Carreo. Artist: nb_flipcolor.gif 67299 331x356x256 Apr 29 00:33 1996 Nick Boos. Color. // Flipit, the magic bunny, jumping through the air with his bag 'o' magic again, but this time....IN FULL COLOR!!! YAAAY!!! Artist: nb_buster.gif 54005 699x597x16 Apr 29 00:33 1996 Nick Boos. Grayscale. // Buster The Amazing Bear (copyright Ursus studios) stands against a checkered background. Thanks to Tommy Yune. Artist: nb_flip.gif 22415 331x357x16 Apr 29 00:33 1996 Nick Boos. Grayscale. // Flipit, the magic bunny, jumping through the air with his bag 'o' magic. Artist: nb_smudge.gif 86788 423x730x16 Apr 29 00:33 1996 Nick Boos. Grayscale. // Smudge the fox sits by a tree along the lakeside in a tastefully nude pose. Artist: nb_tasker.gif 84186 384x931x16 Apr 29 00:33 1996 Nick Boos. Grayscale. // Pencil drawing of Tasker, a space scout (cat) in uniform. Artist: cyber-nb.gif 232914 800x600x256 Dec 12 22:11 1995 Nick Bousman // An early greyscale pencil sketch. It's a cyber dog/wolf/goat/something with a plasma rifle. I have no idea what it's shooting at... ;) Artist: loopy-nb.gif 74856 576x725x256 Mar 28 19:26 1996 Nick Bousman // It's Loopy... The loving, empathic, shapeshifting werewolf. (Character copyright (c) Andrew Pidcock) Artist: ssand-nb.gif 56529 444x932x256 Mar 28 19:24 1996 Nick Bousman // A portrait of Steven Sand, Nalle Warrior. It's in ink, so no more annoying pencil sketch uploads for me! Artist: unci-nb.gif 72760 873x712x256 Mar 28 19:23 1996 Nick Bousman // A picture for Unci! The fuzzy non-morphic snow leopard! Ink in greyscale. (Character copyright (c) Unci) Artist: wolfp-nb.gif 66648 740x1021x256 Mar 28 19:21 1996 Nick Bousman // A wolf priestess doing some magical stuff. I sure hope I can get around to coloring it someday. =) Artist: cheta-nb.gif 85518 414x537x256 Dec 13 19:13 1995 Nick Bousman. Color. // An early color sketch I did of some random female cheetah warrior with her spear. Artist: singe-nb.gif 576648 800x977x256 Feb 3 14:01 1996 Nick Bousman. Color. // It's ME! Well, it's my character SiNGE anyway. Just standing there doin' nothing in particular. Colored pencil, wow! Artist: singe-nb.jpg 67226 800x977xJPEG Feb 3 14:01 1996 Nick Bousman. Color. // It's me, SiNGE again. JPG of a GIF of the same. MUCH lesser quality, but 100% reduced in size. Artist: cbeak-nb.gif 83638 660x660x256 Feb 3 14:00 1996 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // "Corporate Beaky!" Uh, me in 20 years? Nah. Some dragony/gargoyle thing in a suit with a briefcase and a cell phone. Artist: drac1-nb.gif 57219 525x580x256 Feb 3 14:00 1996 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // Anthro-dragon with a spiky head and wings confusedly looking at something. Greyscale pencil pic. Artist: drag1-nb.gif 56225 780x600x256 Feb 3 14:00 1996 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // A winged dragon going GRRR! Pencil sketch. Artist: f&v-nb.gif 112301 600x716x256 Feb 3 14:00 1996 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // Velorum and Fenrir, werewolf partners in battle. Velorum's a mage, Fenrir's a warrior. Try and guess who's who. };D Artist: fire-nb.gif 44042 640x510x256 Feb 3 14:00 1996 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // An early pencil sketch of another anthropomorphic dragony thing with a fiery *groan* personality. Artist: lynx-nb.gif 67766 640x600x256 Feb 3 14:00 1996 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // Magical lynx femme with feathery wings. 'Nuff said. Artist: magic-nb.gif 86882 800x600x256 Dec 13 19:16 1995 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // Another early pencil sketch. A rather beaky mage wards off a generic cat warrior thing with hot flaming death! Artist: wolf1-nb.gif 142224 640x768x256 Dec 13 19:08 1995 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // This here was my first attempt at something furry. It's a werewolf with some odd kinda 3-pronged spear. Artist: xeno-nb.gif 23717 320x560x256 Feb 3 14:01 1996 Nick Bousman. Grayscale. // It's the amazing Xeno of FurryMUCK in all his glory! ( Bunny suit, minus the pink bunny nose };> ). Artist: nart3.jpg 16436 155x255xJPEG Sep 4 22:38 1996 Nick Carter (Kaizer). Color. // Female anthro unicorn...it's small, I'll up a larger one later... Artist: nart2.jpg 5336 194x125xJPEG Sep 4 22:38 1996 Nick Carter (Kaizer). Grayscale. // justa' face, profile. Artist: nart5.jpg 20800 205x445xJPEG Sep 4 22:38 1996 Nick Carter (Kaizer). Grayscale. // A goat...a badly scanned goat. Artist: nart1.jpg 33271 412x684xJPEG Sep 4 22:38 1996 Nick Carter. Grayscale. // Sketch of a Female anthro lioness topless. Artist: wolfme.jpg 8722 360x360xJPEG Jan 13 03:10 1997 NightHunter. Color. // It's me, but as a wolf! Artist: wolfme2.jpg 18085 320x438xJPEG Jan 13 03:10 1997 NightHunter. Color. // It's me, that good looking wolf :) this time a WAY more realistic morph. Artist: twohead.gif 114118 706x732x256 Sep 14 00:30 1994 Norman Burt // This is a picture of a two-headed werewolf-like creature. Artist: ff02-01c-pdc.gif 22575 435x613x128 May 31 12:09 1994 P. Damian Cugley // The cover to FURRY FURRY #2, published in May 1994. The illustration is of Prrell dancing with two ribbons. Artist: pottery-01g-pdc.gif 34186 500x400x32 Jan 24 07:21 1994 P. Damian Cugley // Riverstone & Pfritza (Slate & Prrell's biological mothers). Riverstone is giving Pfritza her first lesson in the manipulation of clay. Artist: valley-01g-pdc.gif 81427 390x550x256 May 31 12:13 1994 P. Damian Cugley // A panel from "Visitors", in Furry Furry #2. The first of a tetraptych (four splash pages panning over Slate's home valley. Artist: valley-02g-pdc.gif 64404 410x550x256 May 31 12:14 1994 P. Damian Cugley // A panel from "Visitors", in Furry Furry #2. The second of a tetraptych (four splash pages panning over Slate's home valley). Artist: valley-03g-pdc.gif 59832 408x550x32 May 31 12:15 1994 P. Damian Cugley // A panel from "Visitors", in Furry Furry #2. The third of a tetraptych (four splash pages panning over Slate's home valley). Artist: valley-04g-pdc.gif 56934 390x550x32 May 31 12:22 1994 P. Damian Cugley // "Visitors", Furry Furry #2. Fourth of a tetraptych (four splash pages of Slate's home valley). Part of the Red-Stone-Soup house. Artist: prrell-05g-pdc.gif 17262 422x613x32 May 31 12:11 1994 P. Damian Cugley // Prrell dancing, with two ribbons. Artist: slate-06g-pdc.gif 23261 407x316x256 May 31 12:12 1994 P. Damian Cugley // A panel from a comic-strip story in Furry Furry #2. Medium close-up of Slate punting (again). Artist: clydsdle.jpg 394219 591x767xJPEG Jan 5 13:56 1995 P.Stellos // Black Stallion In pose. Artist: Karwood.GIF 41679 240x240x256 May 10 23:23 1994 PadPaw Productions // A morphed GIF of the character Karwood from FurryMUCK. Artist: Karwood.jpg 21404 240x240xJPEG May 10 23:23 1994 PadPaw Productions // A morphed JPEG of the character Karwood from FurryMUCK. Artist: mice6.gif 35124 450x432x256 Sep 12 14:00 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // Portrait of a toon mouse head and face. Artist: otter3.gif 65943 688x703x256 Sep 22 16:25 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A standing nonmorphic otter cartoon. Artist: afurry7.gif 41901 619x457x256 Jun 22 10:30 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // An image of a typical anime style furry. Artist: anime-p3.gif 57599 655x458x256 Jun 22 02:54 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A short character sheet of an anime style furry. Artist: dragonb5.gif 29349 400x356x256 Jun 16 10:42 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A portrait of a dragon. Artist: katt4.gif 23181 661x400x256 May 24 03:25 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A crouching toon cat. Artist: lcat.gif 3021 400x306x8 Dec 14 07:03 1994 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A sitting toon cat. In color. Artist: mice4.gif 27384 400x581x256 May 24 03:25 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A mouse sniffing a flower. Artist: mmouse1.gif 5452 400x646x2 Dec 6 09:41 1994 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A kneeling morphic mouse female drawn by request. Artist: otterz.gif 2780 400x391x2 Dec 6 09:41 1994 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // An otter pawing happily at a fish being thrown to it. Artist: port.gif 27628 400x324x256 Jun 4 20:35 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A portrait of a smiling squirrel toon. Artist: shama5.gif 86793 599x704x256 Sep 10 19:54 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // An image of the furrymuck character Shamandar, drawn upon request.She is a toon cat in this version. Artist: tmouse.gif 3045 400x595x2 Nov 30 07:54 1994 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A little toon mouse. Artist: zmouse3.gif 6016 400x452x256 Mar 11 10:44 1995 Pamela Michel AKA Amy-Squirrel // A typical cartoon mouse. Artist: pandora3.gif 39005 755x544x256 Sep 3 13:06 1995 Pamela Michel. Color. // A toon ferret fem opening a box of regulations. Artist: aragh1.jpg 103768 455x750xJPEG Sep 22 16:49 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // Aragh (FurrMUCK character) on a nature hike, taking in the scenery. Artist: ashfox.gif 133339 556x596x256 Jul 23 21:04 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // AshFox (FurryMUCK character) talking on his cellular phone in the park. Artist: candy1.gif 271084 649x857x256 Jun 21 21:55 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // Candy (FurryMUCK character) pauses for a drink. Artist: cremtedy.jpg 49185 528x612xJPEG Sep 22 16:50 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // Two wolf femmes, one creating whipped cream lingerie for the other. Artist: drinking.gif 136155 380x524x256 May 14 17:25 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // A bunch of Par's RL friends (rendered as furries) playing a popular drinking game. Artist: fek_is.jpg 122875 780x987xJPEG Feb 13 12:48 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // fEk (FurryMUCK character) appears out of nowhere... Artist: FuzWolf1.gif 84977 340x499x256 May 14 17:25 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // FuzzWolf (FurryMUCK character) inspects her inadequate fur-grooming device. Artist: Mandy2.gif 72543 328x396x256 May 15 20:09 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // Mandy (FurryMUCK character) the prettycoonfemme poses nude. Artist: MSalis.gif 251527 651x609x256 Jan 31 08:53 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // M'Salis (FM character) entertains herself in her new (empty) apartment. Artist: poolsknk.gif 218777 808x634x256 May 14 17:26 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // skunkette by the pool lying on her stomach. Artist: pudlmous.gif 175553 479x816x256 Mar 6 09:16 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // Cute mousette splashing through puddles. Artist: sknkmajr.gif 42378 475x548x16 Jul 23 21:05 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // Cute skunk drum major, perhaps leading the Furry Pride parade :) (furry nudity) Artist: sofabun.gif 87037 348x501x256 May 14 17:26 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // female bunny leaning on sofa, with a wordless yet unmistakable invitation. Artist: WoE.gif 152919 489x596x256 Jun 26 20:13 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) // Wolf_of_Endor (FurryMUCK character) looking... attentive. Artist: Flint1.gif 291747 583x644x256 Jul 6 21:28 1995 Paracelsus (Josh Carpman) Color. // His honor, Flint_Otterhall (FurryMUCK character), retires to the semi-tranquility of his chambers. Artist: love-k.gif 72127 985x768x256 Nov 9 20:15 1995 Paul "Kooky" Mason // Hey, no matter how bad I may draw ya gotta admit the concept on this one is kinda neat. BTW: I'm the one attached to the hand. :) Artist: ouch.gif 43301 1024x709x256 Mar 16 22:21 1996 Paul "KookY" Mason. Color. // Just a visual representation of a little inside joke between AshFox and myself. Very silly really.... :) Artist: totem2.jpg 123678 900x644xJPEG Apr 21 08:49 1997 Paul "Kooky" Mason. Color. // Yerf! Artist: stomp.jpg 137352 1024x768xJPEG Jan 17 09:04 1997 Paul 'Kooky' Mason // Don't blame me for this one, it was requested! :) Artist: toy.jpg 181469 960x768xJPEG Jan 17 09:05 1997 Paul 'Kooky' Mason // Kooky playing with a new Toy that he got for X-mas. :) Artist: kooky2.jpg 129044 617x768xJPEG Jul 27 23:21 1996 Paul 'KookY' Mason. Color. // Just a slightly better drawing of my FurryMuck character and alter ego. Artist: vixen2-k.gif 90112 572x768x256 Oct 30 18:02 1995 Paul 'Kooky' Mason. Color. // My SECOND attempt at the female anatomy. (Okay, you can laugh now!) :P Artist: draconic.gif 7513 929x400x8 Jan 27 08:08 1995 Paul A. Michel // A dragon in flight. Artist: katk.gif 3624 664x400x2 Jan 12 11:14 1995 Paul A. Michel // A walking cat. Artist: rodentt.gif 5443 370x480x8 Jan 23 09:21 1995 Paul A. Michel // A standing mouse toon. Artist: zw_ally.jpg 65690 634x411xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) Clark Foxglove offers Zero Wolfe some assistance with a slight insect infestation. Artist: zw_chron.jpg 66473 638x409xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) Zero Wolfe lauds a worthy card (said with sarcasm). Artist: zw_falle.jpg 55893 638x402xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) Zero Wolfe beats Clark Foxglove once too often with his "Hymn To Tourach" deck. Artist: zw_four1.jpg 39974 638x300xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) This is for all of us saps who painfully lug our cards around in binders. What a workout! Artist: zw_four2.jpg 42286 638x300xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) My tribute to a friend's, namely Clark's, Millstone deck. Ouch!!! Artist: zw_home.jpg 81968 634x411xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) Zero Wolfe and Clark Foxglove as Baron Sengir and Chandler, respectively. Artist: zw_ice1.jpg 63751 638x320xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) A giant Alan Ramshacker wonders what he has to do to get Clark Foxglove's and Zero Wolfe's attention. Artist: zw_ice2.jpg 32413 634x290xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) Clark Foxglove shows Zero Wolfe the latest in lumberjack technology. Artist: zw_id4.gif 140518 491x383x256 Jul 13 22:09 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // Two strangely familiar FBI agents may have met their match... Artist: zw_jobs.gif 215701 613x391x256 Jul 13 22:09 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // Clark and I have had some really BAD jobs. This is me as a convenience-store clerk, and Clark as a telemarketer. Artist: zw_rev1.jpg 45289 638x300xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) Clark Foxglove & Zero Wolfe in a bad inside joke with a cameo by Alan Ramshacker. Artist: zw_rev2.jpg 43621 638x286xJPEG Jul 6 23:14 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // (MTG) Zero Wolfe shows Clark Foxglove his latest invention. Artist: zw_taas.gif 153456 486x383x256 Jul 13 22:09 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // This is a pic I drew while giving the TAAS test (must pass to graduate) to my students. Artist: zw_zero.gif 149749 395x510x256 Jul 16 02:51 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // Zero_Wolfe from FurryMUCK with clarinet and Magic cards in tow...ready for a duet or a duel!!! Artist: zw_zqi1.gif 133254 838x638x256 Aug 3 23:04 1996 Paul Blalack. Grayscale. // Zero Wolfe makes a joke about his friend Draggar, the white tiger, and my couch at Zero Quality Industries. Artist: invocations.gif 50557 640x793x4 Aug 3 08:11 1993 Paul Defenbaugh // Cover of the artist's INVOCATIONS limited edition portfolio. Color: 4 Grayscale Artist: connie.gif 58892 310x597x256 Jun 16 08:51 1993 Paul E. Chrysler (Prof Peril) Colour: yes (256) // Weasal 'morph (nomme: Consuela) in Rifts-style Light Riot Armour, with laser pistol and vibroclaws. Artist: growl.gif 13072 445x545x16 Dec 13 07:55 1994 Paul Groulx // The picture depicts the artist's character holding a book. Artist: wy-APEX1.GIF 44727 317x544x256 Nov 13 14:30 1994 Paul M. Johnson (Wysperwynde to furrydom) // A b/w scanning of an old tigercentar character. Artist: wy-DAVYD1.GIF 29632 271x368x256 Nov 13 14:34 1994 Paul M. Johnson (Wysperwynde to furrydom) // A color gif of the furry character Davyd. Artist: wy-YOU_WANT.gif 45364 441x586x256 Nov 13 14:54 1994 Paul M. Johnson (Wysperwynde to furrydom). Grayscale. // Line drawing of Davyd character. Artist: hanging.gif 19361 615x767x256 Aug 15 21:06 1995 Paul Mason // Kooky from FurryMUCK just plain hanging around! Artist: kooky-pm.gif 25076 981x768x256 Jul 22 00:12 1995 Paul Mason // Just a little picture I did of my FurryMuck character, Kooky. Artist: sorry.jpg 114857 653x768xJPEG Dec 3 22:41 1996 Paul Mason // Another attempt at the human body. Came out kinda cute I thought. :) Artist: transfor.gif 18938 1024x768x256 Sep 7 17:42 1995 Paul Mason // GIF picture of a werewolf baying at the moon. Possibly the first GIF I've done that I'm not TOTALLY ashamed of! :) Artist: fight.gif 37519 985x768x256 Sep 30 13:32 1995 Paul Mason (Biggles@crow.cybercomm.net) // Two wolf-morphs in sword-combat. Look! I'm learning shadowing! Any comments or feedback appreciated... Artist: pm-fox.gif 14550 1024x768x256 Jul 16 14:14 1995 Paul Mason (but I'd hardly call myself an artist! ;) ) Color. // A foxmorph ranger. (don't laugh it's my first gif!) Artist: k-vixen.gif 26938 593x767x256 May 22 10:48 1996 Paul Mason. Color. // Just another attempt at getting that damn body-form down. :) Artist: modest.jpg 160508 768x1024xJPEG Dec 11 00:08 1996 Paul Mason. Color. // Modest female nude with basket. More practice at this damn anatomy stuff. :) Artist: vixen1-k.gif 112512 587x768x256 Oct 30 17:56 1995 Paul Mason. Color. // My first attempt at the female anatomy so DON'T laugh! :) Artist: BoingDragon-2-po.gif 46919 640x600x16 Jun 8 17:16 1993 Paul Osze // BoingDragon (anthropomorphic dragoness of FurryMUCK) squatting down (arms and tail strategically placed to make this a PG-rated image)-Color-Artist: Cymoryl-po.gif 43678 640x600x256 Sep 27 01:14 1994 Paul Osze // Cymoryl, a young blue-gold dragoness, in flight. Artist: Khryss-po.gif 38884 640x600x256 Sep 1 02:48 1994 Paul Osze // Red male dragon sitting crosslegged, with his tail in his lap. Artist: Meme-po.gif 7271 440x480x32 Dec 21 23:44 1994 Paul Osze // Meme the black-furred mink, from FurryMUCK, in a coy pose. Artist: tachyon.gif 107711 640x480x256 Jul 13 19:02 1994 Paul Osze // Golden dragoness sitting crosslegged, wearing a smile and nothing else. Artist: fender.gif 22457 436x769x256 Jul 20 00:54 1996 Paul Seid. Color. // Fender of FurryMUCK. Artist: LadySweet1_PT.gif 38045 704x440x256 Jan 11 22:42 1996 Paul Taylor // Body originally by Tomwoof. Ray-Traced cat-morph named Lady Sweet standing in the water, holding her tail, motioning somefur forward. Artist: Locklear_SL_PT.gif 17591 775x975x2 Apr 29 02:33 1995 Paul Taylor (aka, Locklear) // A drawing of Locklear in his cursed state. Just one more FurryMUCKer! :) Artist: SouthPark_PT.gif 50321 1840x1322x2 May 11 08:44 1995 Paul Taylor (aka, Locklear) // Coral, Locklear, Patches & Stash in the South Corner of the Park on FurryMUCK! Artist: TChen_Sketch_PT.gif 79758 1628x2402x2 Apr 17 23:15 1995 Paul Taylor (aka, Locklear) // A quick sketch of T'Chen of FurryMUCK by Paul Taylor. Artist: Coral_and_Locklear_PT.gif 40234 779x1553x2 Jun 6 01:15 1995 Paul Taylor (aka: Locklear LightPaws) // Locklear giving his wife, Coral, a hug from behind before her trip. Both from FurryMUCK. Artist: Spice_PT.gif 51644 1228x1722x2 Jun 16 10:56 1995 Paul Taylor (aka: Locklear LightPaws) // Spice of FurryMUCK sitting in a loft. Artist: RayGroupNight.desc 535 ??x??x?? Apr 17 10:36 1997 Paul Taylor. Color. // (unknown image format) Furnexia body form, Bobcat upper torsle form, Monitor front, Workbench (Amiga) lady with unbrella and Flashlight. Artist: RayGroupNight.gif 50518 640x480x256 Jul 20 00:00 1996 Paul Taylor. Color. // Furnexia body form, Bobcat upper torsle form, Monitor front, Workbench (Amiga) lady with unbrella and Flashlight. Artist: RayGroupNight.jpg 114997 640x480xJPEG Jul 20 00:00 1996 Paul Taylor. Color. // Furnexia body form, Bobcat upper torsle form, Monitor front, Workbench (Amiga) lady with unbrella and Flashlight. Artist: LocklearCostume.gif 17487 195x198x256 Jul 19 23:59 1996 Paul Taylor. Grayscale. // This picture was taken of Locklear LightPaws at Ad Astra. Artist: kelvin-rl-pct.jpeg 249968 640x480xJPEG May 3 01:42 1995 Paul Trauth // I spent too much time in FD Painter working on a final project and had to unwind. This "self-portrait" was the result. Heh. Artist: rocketsci-pct.gif 111273 378x480x256 Apr 17 23:38 1995 Paul Trauth // A scan of a painting i did of my favorite raccoon who is not me. Artist: wyrmnoir-pct.gif 64676 389x480x256 Apr 13 23:46 1995 Paul Trauth // A female dragon grabs her moment in the spotlight with both hands. Artist: Coonbabe-pct.gif 5531 311x338x4 Apr 27 14:44 1997 Paul Trauth. Color. // My fellow animation students don't understand the attraction of gothchicks or raccoons. This is my failed attempt to explain. Artist: Wabbit-pct.gif 14380 400x376x64 Apr 27 14:44 1997 Paul Trauth. Color. // Look, I've been on this pseudo-Fleischer kick, see... Artist: LadyCthulhu-pct.gif 145807 408x480x256 Jan 26 23:57 1997 Paul Trauth. Grayscale. // Can a cheesecake picture of an Elder Goddess be considered furry? Artist: CyinthLedge.jpg 60825 320x440xJPEG Jun 5 21:22 1995 Paula Schricker // Scanned color picture of anime-style Cyinth on a cliff. Artist: Pounce-ps.gif 89145 571x671x256 Feb 2 21:32 1995 Paula Schricker // Portrait of character Pounce from FurryMUCK in his humanoid form. (This replaces the poorer quality Pouncebw.gif posted years ago.) Artist: Peggy.gif 42605 672x480x256 Sep 3 22:38 1996 Peganthyrus. Grayscale. // The ever-bouncy black dragon from Furrymuck in a quick ink drawing. Artist: Ravens.gif 65916 305x480x256 May 13 00:58 1997 Peganthyrus. Grayscale. // Ravenscroft, slinky wolf (copyright P. Defenbaugh) smirks over her shoulder while doing a mage thing. Quick drawing, 5/4/97. Artist: Lumpy_uhoh-tz.gif 163051 602x303x256 Jan 24 22:45 1995 Pencils by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski // A quick pencil drawing depicting Loam and Skippy preparing to fix Lumpy so that he can never pee on anybody again. Artist: Purple_Possum-tz.gif 131272 1263x2112x2 May 17 19:29 1995 Pencils by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski, Mac Adobe Photoshop 6.2.1, B&W halftone // A Murasakiiro no Possum from Animal Nation, sitting on a wall. Artist: Loam.gif 15360 148x288x256 Dec 19 10:56 1994 Pencils, Inks, and Color by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski // An old picture of Loam (FurryMUCK character) I had lying around. Artist: Starling_tea-tz.jpg 119680 320x320xJPEG Aug 3 09:43 1995 Pencils, Inks, and Color by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski // A much better picture of Starling Sable (Furtoonia character) holding a cup of tea. Artist: Vicky-tz.gif 48157 442x384x256 Jan 24 22:44 1995 Pencils, Inks, and Color by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski // A nice picture of Vicky (FurryMUCK character) lounging on the grass. Artist: Walter-col-tz.gif 208579 1130x1500x256 Jun 26 14:23 1995 Pencils, Inks, and Color by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski // A picture of Walter the kangaroo, one of my characters on Furtoonia. Artist: Starling-tz.gif 152836 733x1200x256 May 17 18:59 1995 Pencils, Inks, and Color by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski, Mac Adobe Photoshop 6.2.1, colour. // A more mature version of Starling Sable from Furtoonia. Artist: Heidi-tz.jpg 119680 335x412xJPEG Aug 14 00:46 1995 Pencils, Inks, and Color by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski. Color. // A picture of Heidi the fox (FurryMUCK character) saying hi. Artist: katnd-tz.jpg 325794 490x590xJPEG Sep 3 23:36 1995 Pencils, Inks, and Color by Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski. Color. // A cute couple - Kat the chipmunk and Donotsue the squirrel. Artist: feona.gif 42032 670x550x256 Apr 20 13:03 1995 Perri Chiason // Golden tan, shapely, nude, anthromorphic lioness laying on her side, her brown-tufted tail curving over her right thigh, across her tummy. Artist: vixy.gif 35603 550x600x256 Apr 19 07:36 1995 Perri Chiason // The picture is an image of an anthromorphic red fox vixen with green eyes and pink hair wearing a purple blouse and skirt. Artist: Holloway-ps.gif 163790 494x791x256 Feb 6 08:58 1995 Pete Stoller // Anthropomorphic fox character Holloway of FurryMUCK (Copyright Jim Brining) leaning back on a stool. Artist: kaa-pds.gif 14253 398x356x32 Jan 22 02:31 1995 Peter da Silva // Grayscale picture of a most non-humanoid otter. Artist: Ramsey-Pumped.gif 18027 640x480x16 Jul 30 15:05 1995 Peter Hajba aka Skaven // What on Earth happened to Ramsey?? A picture to those who like it big. :) Character design & art by Skaven. Artist: hopnzhji.gif 107624 695x539x32 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere // Hopper & Zhji facing off playfully before a background of "Boingy boingy". Artist: kangas.gif 64716 698x555x32 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere // Some of Peter's sketches of kangaroos. Artist: melani2.gif 11336 586x550x2 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere // Melani sitting on the ground, looking pensive. Artist: melani3.gif 69800 517x677x32 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere // Melani sitting (front), with laptop & backpack - waiting for a ride? "Have Laptop Will Travel" Artist: peteroo.gif 15878 429x750x2 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere // Peter's kangaroo persona, hiking with walking stick. Artist: rooth1.gif 50666 537x729x32 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere // Peter's first sketch of Rooth'roo @ Dave Michaels (dragon@nmt.edu). Rooth'roo leaning up against a trampoline, fence in background. Artist: rooth2.gif 20073 627x814x2 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere // Peter's second sketch of Rooth'roo @ Dave Michaels (dragon@nmt.edu). Rooth'roo standing there, Hopper_roo (to scale) near one foot. Artist: spades.gif 285466 597x754x256 Dec 13 18:58 1995 Peter Laverdiere // The beginning of a series of furry cards inked and colored with pencils. The noble and majestic lion deserves the King of spades. Artist: aveng-pl.gif 263183 472x768x256 Oct 25 02:17 1995 Peter Laverdiere (peter.laverdiere@the-spa.com). Grayscale. // What Avenger looks like on FurryMUCK. Artist: brittany.gif 66306 305x466x256 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere . // Picture of a furry .. chipmunk? Racoon? Something ... Artist: hopnchrd.gif 69030 462x693x32 Nov 9 12:35 1994 Peter LaVerdiere . // Hopper_roo & Charade about to hug cutely. Artist: fel1.gif 272758 597x754x256 Dec 13 18:10 1995 Peter LaVerdiere. Grayscale. // First pencil drawing of two of my furtoonia character, FelicityHare. Artist: fel2.gif 252171 597x754x256 Dec 13 18:42 1995 Peter LaVerdiere. Grayscale. // Second pencil drawing of two of my Furtoonia character, FelicityHare. Artist: ArcticWolf.gif 129266 638x542x256 Aug 27 00:36 1996 Peter Pau. Color. // Anthropomorphic wolf playing an electric guitar on white background. Artist: ArcticWolf.gif.desc 535 ??x??x?? Aug 27 00:36 1996 Peter Pau. Color. // (unknown image format) Anthropomorphic wolf playing an electric guitar on white background. Artist: Japhet.gif 90239 640x891x256 Feb 28 07:21 1994 Peter Stoller // A male skunk in vest and shorts standing with a dagger in his hand, looking at the viewer. Artist: telzey-ps.gif 78856 441x709x256 Nov 24 17:12 1994 Peter Stoller // Telzey, FurryMUCK's own tigress lawyer, on her way to represent a client before Judge Lupine. Scanned and uploaded with permission. Artist: telzey-ps.jpg 99044 588x945xJPEG Nov 24 17:13 1994 Peter Stoller // Telzey, FurryMUCK's own tigress lawyer, on her way to represent a client before Judge Lupine. Scanned and uploaded with permission. Artist: roxiana_otter.gif 155202 590x767x256 Oct 27 07:30 1994 Peter Stoller (Speet!) with permission. // Roxiana (the FurryMUCK character) cuddling with an otter friend. Artist: bunball.jpg 19610 321x480xJPEG Oct 26 22:12 1995 peter.laverdiere@the-spa.com. Color. // Bunnny with a ball. Artist: pwlshado.jpg 114633 624x802xJPEG Oct 26 22:37 1995 peter.laverdiere@the-spa.com. Color. // Character drawing of Shadow, original was 11 x 17 so it was quite something to scan! Artist: hareband.jpg 127657 826x612xJPEG Oct 26 22:26 1995 peter.laverdiere@the-spa.com. Grayscale. // Hare playing keyboards in a band. Artist: angeline.jpg 83842 525x791xJPEG Sep 28 23:24 1996 Phil Bolton, d.hill28@genie.com. Grayscale. // Mystarasilkember in Avariel form. Mystarasilkember (c) her player. Artist: phil.gif 280801 636x780x256 Aug 30 22:42 1995 Philip G. Bushell (user) // A picture of Phil the Carpathian (resident Vampyre on FM) Artist: flame-on.gif 66713 640x480x256 Jan 20 10:00 1995 Phillip Burgess // A triceratops/dragon/human-morphoid distributes bitter e-mail to clueless newbies. Artist: jazasaur.gif 21849 740x330x256 Jun 26 01:17 1995 Phillip Burgess // "Parasaurolophus" could use head crest to produce mating calls. Lesser-known "Jazzasaurus" carried this idea to logical extreme. Artist: ornithop.gif 116425 1024x768x16 Apr 9 11:36 1996 Phillip Burgess // A happy mechanical dragon thingie in the ANSI-Standard Dragon Pose(tm). Artist: helvetic.jpg 67191 880x720xJPEG Jul 7 19:32 1996 Phillip Burgess. Color. // Helvetica Bold is a hefty Norse dracosaur; part dragon, part allosaurus. Artist: randy.gif 102179 700x723x256 Oct 18 00:23 1995 Phillip Burgess. Color. // A chubby styracosaur with an attitude problem. Mother warned you about dinosaurs like this! Artist: obsess2.gif 52324 215x384x256 Sep 10 17:13 1995 Photo taken by Azagthoth's player. // A scan of Obsessia's player taken somewhere around Christmas Eve, 1994, visiting Azagthoth's home. Artist: ch-forest.jpg 104253 780x462xJPEG Mar 4 12:22 1997 Po Shan Cheah // A graphic I did for the gag page "Dr. Sam T Reaker's Guide to Running Wild and Free in the Forest Naked with Scissors" for a webzine. Artist: ch-limps103.gif 58409 1000x408x16 Feb 27 09:08 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #103: Bank Robbery Artist: ch-limps104.gif 51899 1000x407x16 Feb 27 09:08 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #104: Bank Robbery Artist: ch-limps105.gif 29010 1000x404x16 Mar 11 12:40 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #105: Cute Artist: ch-limps106.gif 37422 1000x404x16 Mar 11 12:40 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #106: Robin Artist: ch-limps107.gif 70724 1000x402x16 Mar 11 12:40 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #107: He's Due! Artist: ch-limps65.gif 39813 1000x406x16 Dec 1 23:32 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #65: Clip Art Artist: ch-limps66.gif 44234 1000x407x16 Dec 1 23:32 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #66: Dentist Artist: ch-limps67.gif 49106 1000x399x16 Dec 1 23:33 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #67: Dentist Artist: ch-limps68.gif 42938 1000x405x16 Dec 1 23:34 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #68: You Are What You Eat Artist: ch-limps69.gif 56173 1000x405x16 Dec 1 23:34 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #69: Diner Artist: ch-limps70.gif 48787 1000x407x16 Dec 1 23:35 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #70: Burglar Artist: ch-limps74.gif 54259 1000x457x16 Dec 17 10:41 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #74: Morty's Head Artist: ch-limps75.gif 48811 1000x407x16 Dec 17 10:41 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #75: Christmas Artist: ch-limps76.gif 57893 1000x404x16 Dec 17 10:41 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #76: Christmas Artist: ch-limps77.gif 58666 1000x399x16 Dec 17 10:41 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #77: Christmas Artist: ch-limps82.gif 38990 1000x403x16 Dec 30 10:46 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #82: New Year Artist: ch-limps83.gif 48139 1000x403x16 Dec 30 10:46 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #83: New Year Artist: ch-limps84.gif 37864 1000x404x16 Dec 30 10:46 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #84: Tickle Me Elmo Artist: ch-limps85.gif 58717 1000x405x16 Dec 30 10:46 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #85: Snowbank Artist: ch-limps86.gif 51346 1000x403x16 Dec 30 10:46 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #86: Snowbank Artist: ch-limps87.gif 51833 1000x406x16 Jan 17 08:53 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #87: Haiku Artist: ch-limps88.gif 57203 1000x405x16 Jan 17 08:53 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #88: Salt-free Artist: ch-limps89.gif 51494 1000x414x16 Jan 17 08:53 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #89: Taillight Artist: ch-limps90.gif 47865 1000x399x16 Jan 20 11:00 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #90: Talk Radio Artist: ch-limps91.gif 58737 1000x406x16 Jan 20 11:00 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #91: Insomnia Artist: ch-limps101.gif 110262 1000x806x16 Feb 17 10:29 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #101: Mirror. Artist: ch-limps102.gif 46079 1000x403x16 Feb 17 10:30 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #102: Arms. Artist: ch-limps131.gif 61958 1000x409x16 May 26 23:58 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #131: Tree. Artist: ch-limps132.gif 62929 1000x404x16 May 26 23:59 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #132: Tree. Artist: ch-limps61.gif 50570 1000x413x16 Nov 24 23:45 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #61: Home Improvement? Artist: ch-limps62.gif 53720 1000x408x16 Nov 24 23:46 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #62: Exercise. Artist: ch-limps63.gif 99706 1000x790x16 Nov 25 13:40 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #63: Bombs Artist: ch-limps64.gif 56403 1000x408x16 Nov 24 23:47 1996 Po Shan Cheah // Limpidity comic strip #64: Parallel Parking Artist: ch-nissan.jpg 90744 547x671xJPEG Jun 20 01:14 1997 Po Shan Cheah // A furry interpretation of a Nissan commercial (the one with the toys). Artist: ch-pintail.jpg 66513 687x397xJPEG Jun 20 01:18 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Never ever turn your back on someone who's playing pin the tail on the donkey. Artist: ch-valen.gif 49545 347x373x256 Feb 13 23:48 1997 Po Shan Cheah // Valentine's Day 1997 picture: Morton and his love interest. Artist: ch-draw.gif 16145 629x875x2 Sep 21 03:29 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // My personal furry, Chet Fox, drawing on a sketchpad. Artist: ch-goose.gif 31453 1000x767x2 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // A Canada goose morph feeding a regular Canada goose. Artist: ch-limps20.gif 49800 1200x984x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #20: The Limpidity Show. Artist: ch-limps21.gif 21226 1200x506x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #21: The Big Day? Artist: ch-limps22.gif 24573 1200x503x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #22: Robbery. Artist: ch-limps23.gif 25025 1200x490x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #23: Robbery. Artist: ch-limps24.gif 23972 1200x485x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #24: Mail. Artist: ch-limps25.gif 25833 1200x495x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #25: Mailbox. Artist: ch-limps26.gif 27802 1200x495x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #26: Mailbox. Artist: ch-limps27.gif 24531 1200x499x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #27: Toothache. Artist: ch-limps28.gif 44986 1200x964x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #28: Toothache. Artist: ch-limps29.gif 26963 1200x519x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #29: Doddson. Artist: ch-limps30.gif 38071 1200x945x2 Sep 21 03:30 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #30: Morning Rush. Artist: ch-limps31.gif 23507 1200x522x2 Sep 21 03:30 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #31: Moving Violation. Artist: ch-limps32.gif 43296 1200x1008x2 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #32: Glasses. Artist: ch-limps33.gif 22241 1200x524x2 Sep 28 23:44 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #33: Renewal Notices. Artist: ch-limps34.gif 24711 1200x530x2 Sep 28 23:44 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #34: Rope. Artist: ch-limps35.gif 24391 1200x516x2 Sep 28 23:44 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #35: Militiafox. Artist: ch-limps36.gif 48033 1200x973x2 Sep 28 23:44 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #36: Morty's Saturday. Artist: ch-limps37.gif 21915 1200x507x2 Oct 21 09:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #37: Paper Cut. Artist: ch-limps38.gif 20651 1200x509x2 Oct 21 09:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #38: Route 80. Artist: ch-limps39.gif 21542 1000x410x2 Oct 21 09:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #39: Secretary. Artist: ch-limps40.gif 42552 1000x786x2 Oct 21 09:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #40: The Limpidity Show II. Artist: ch-limps41.gif 22445 1000x422x2 Oct 27 22:50 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #41: Through the Window Next Time, Please. Artist: ch-limps42.gif 19162 1000x416x2 Oct 27 22:50 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #42: What is Limpidity? Artist: ch-limps43.gif 21025 1000x412x2 Oct 27 22:50 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #43: Fever. Artist: ch-limps44.gif 22554 1000x414x2 Oct 27 22:50 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #44: Morty's Invention. Artist: ch-limps45.gif 20431 1000x416x2 Oct 27 22:50 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #45: Alien Abductions. Artist: ch-limps46.gif 8697 559x500x2 Nov 4 22:48 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #46: Remove Tags Before Use. Artist: ch-limps47.gif 20009 1000x501x2 Nov 4 22:48 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #47: Brain Surgery. Artist: ch-limps48.gif 20799 1000x417x2 Nov 4 22:48 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #48: Baseball Fan. Artist: ch-limps49.gif 19560 1000x413x2 Nov 4 22:48 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #49: Daylight Savings Time. Artist: ch-limps50.gif 23957 1000x421x2 Nov 4 22:48 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #50: Halloween. Artist: ch-limps51.gif 18433 1000x414x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #51: Childhood. Artist: ch-limps52.gif 14610 1000x417x2 Nov 9 18:07 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Black and white. // Limpidity comic strip #52: More Childhood. Artist: ch-bored.gif 15600 700x543x16 Oct 21 09:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // A bored furry computer programmer. Artist: ch-catsing.jpg 77808 278x386xJPEG Feb 23 01:26 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Cat morph on a brick wall singing. Artist: ch-comp.gif 55099 800x597x16 Oct 21 09:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Chet Fox is drawing at his computer with a graphics tablet. Artist: ch-dozed.jpg 95766 433x591xJPEG Feb 23 01:26 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Falling asleep while cartooning. Artist: ch-dream.gif 70058 800x670x16 Sep 21 03:29 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // A furry dreaming. (about FurryMuck, perhaps?) Artist: ch-dx.jpg 48330 334x509xJPEG Apr 8 05:16 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Wolf-like furry holding a magazine. A colored pencil sketch. Artist: ch-friends.jpg 108855 705x446xJPEG Apr 27 13:25 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Three furry friends, a fox, a pig and a raccoon, sharing a joke and having a good time. Artist: ch-hkitn.jpg 82244 700x735xJPEG Nov 4 22:49 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Halloween picture: kitten in costume with grab bag. Artist: ch-kdrose.jpg 135282 544x787xJPEG Apr 8 05:50 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Commissioned picture of Kendall the tan-furred cacomistle. Character is (c) Eric Goodwin. Artist: ch-llogo.jpg 67385 500x550xJPEG Nov 16 09:27 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Limpidity comic strip logo. Artist: ch-lxmas96.jpg 120675 900x697xJPEG Dec 29 03:49 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Christmas 1996/New Year 1997 greetings from the cast of Limpidity. Artist: ch-mlogo.gif 45341 450x377x256 Jan 28 01:18 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Another Limpidity comic strip logo. Artist: ch-mother.jpg 87762 483x654xJPEG May 13 00:38 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Happy Mother's Day 1997! Artist: ch-toonff.gif 49897 700x851x256 Sep 16 01:58 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Grinning toon wolf holding a bomb behind his back. Artist: ch-toonwuf.jpg 79234 510x600xJPEG Jun 3 15:29 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // Toon wolf holding a pencil. This is ch-toonff.gif redone in a different style. Artist: ch-welder.jpg 61225 431x577xJPEG Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Color. // The Avenging Welder Roo is out to fuse... I mean save the world. Artist: ch-grass.gif 45191 774x453x256 Apr 27 13:25 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Morton Fox and his vixenfriend sitting on the grass. Artist: ch-grass2.gif 40122 600x463x256 May 13 00:38 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Another picture of Morton Fox and his vixenfriend sitting on the grass. Artist: ch-howto.gif 18117 742x537x256 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // How to draw Morton Fox. Artist: ch-limps100.gif 78251 1000x410x16 Feb 9 23:58 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #100: Traffic Sign. Artist: ch-limps108.gif 41361 1000x411x16 Apr 1 03:15 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #108: Comet. Artist: ch-limps109.gif 33017 1000x410x16 Apr 1 03:15 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #109: Comet. Artist: ch-limps110.gif 62648 1000x406x16 Apr 1 03:15 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #110: April Fool. Artist: ch-limps111.gif 55041 1000x408x16 Apr 8 05:50 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #111: Taxes. Artist: ch-limps112.gif 60294 1000x406x16 Apr 8 05:50 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #112: Taxes. Artist: ch-limps113.gif 64336 1000x410x16 Apr 8 05:50 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #113: Taxes. Artist: ch-limps114.gif 55210 1000x407x16 Apr 15 07:32 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #114: School Budget. Artist: ch-limps115.gif 45949 1000x402x16 Apr 15 07:32 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #115: Soda. Artist: ch-limps116.gif 52333 1000x405x16 Apr 27 13:25 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #116: Shopping. Artist: ch-limps117.gif 54942 1000x402x16 Apr 27 13:25 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #117: Shopping. Artist: ch-limps118.gif 70863 1000x404x16 Apr 27 13:25 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #118: Shopping. Artist: ch-limps119.gif 70360 1000x406x16 Apr 27 13:25 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #119: Shopping. Artist: ch-limps120.gif 62702 1000x402x16 May 5 00:09 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #120: Bees. Artist: ch-limps121.gif 52603 1000x406x16 May 5 00:09 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #121: Addicted? Artist: ch-limps122.gif 52294 1000x410x16 May 13 00:38 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #122: Merchandise. Artist: ch-limps123.gif 60209 1000x403x16 May 13 00:38 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #123: Acronym. Artist: ch-limps124.gif 44685 1000x412x16 May 24 19:17 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #124: Fan Club. Artist: ch-limps125.gif 48027 1000x406x16 May 24 19:17 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #125: Who's your influence? Artist: ch-limps126.gif 59006 1000x404x16 May 24 19:17 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #126: Water. Artist: ch-limps127.gif 55054 1000x410x16 May 24 19:17 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #127: Fire. Artist: ch-limps128.gif 64074 1000x409x16 May 24 19:17 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #128: Wood. Artist: ch-limps129.gif 58114 1000x407x16 May 24 19:17 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #129: Metal. Artist: ch-limps130.gif 60124 1000x405x16 May 24 19:17 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #130: Earth. Artist: ch-limps133.gif 74185 1000x405x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #133: Cupid. Artist: ch-limps134.gif 66614 1000x405x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #134: Gotta Go. Artist: ch-limps135.gif 49976 649x405x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #135: Buffet Restaurant. Artist: ch-limps136.gif 31845 592x405x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #136: Tightrope. Artist: ch-limps137.gif 33303 544x405x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #137: Newsgroup. Artist: ch-limps138.gif 63390 1000x415x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #138: Appliances. Artist: ch-limps139.gif 59091 1000x410x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #139: Computer. Artist: ch-limps140.gif 55984 1000x408x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #140: Golf. Artist: ch-limps141.gif 42595 1000x414x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #141: Golf. Artist: ch-limps142.gif 50753 1000x411x16 Jun 16 05:33 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #142: Golf. Artist: ch-limps53.gif 57152 1000x412x16 Nov 16 09:27 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #53: Gas Station. Artist: ch-limps54.gif 56387 1000x411x16 Nov 16 09:27 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #54: Lost. Artist: ch-limps55.gif 42288 1000x405x16 Nov 16 09:27 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #55: News. Artist: ch-limps56.gif 35124 1000x409x16 Nov 16 09:27 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #56: News. Artist: ch-limps57.gif 34486 856x410x16 Nov 23 07:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #57: Customer Service. Artist: ch-limps58.gif 26358 825x410x16 Nov 23 07:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #58: Valet Parking. Artist: ch-limps59.gif 53157 1000x403x16 Nov 23 07:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #59: The Beatles. Artist: ch-limps60.gif 53345 1000x407x16 Nov 23 07:16 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #60: Weather. Artist: ch-limps71.gif 46246 1000x403x16 Dec 11 10:14 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #71: Computer. Artist: ch-limps72.gif 48142 1000x405x16 Dec 11 10:14 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #72: Inventions. Artist: ch-limps73.gif 51070 1000x405x16 Dec 11 10:14 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #73: Snow. Artist: ch-limps78.gif 53869 1000x407x16 Dec 29 03:49 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #78: Christmas Party. Artist: ch-limps79.gif 31468 725x407x16 Dec 29 03:49 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #79: Ask Morton. Artist: ch-limps80.gif 57015 1000x405x16 Dec 29 03:49 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #80: Reverse Polish Notation. Artist: ch-limps81.gif 57051 1000x407x16 Dec 29 03:49 1996 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #81: Reverse Polish Notation. Artist: ch-limps96.gif 67276 1000x407x16 Feb 9 23:59 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #96: Television. Artist: ch-limps97.gif 58089 1000x407x16 Feb 9 23:59 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #97: Television. Artist: ch-limps98.gif 54357 1000x409x16 Feb 9 23:59 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #98: Television. Artist: ch-limps99.gif 62757 1000x406x16 Feb 9 23:59 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Grayscale. // Limpidity comic strip #99: Television. Artist: ch-limps92.gif 55328 1000x402x16 Jan 28 01:18 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Greyscale. // Limpidity comic strip #92: Fantabulous Fox. Artist: ch-limps93.gif 76798 1000x405x16 Jan 28 01:18 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Greyscale. // Limpidity comic strip #93: Fantabulous Fox. Artist: ch-limps94.gif 62241 1000x404x16 Jan 28 01:18 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Greyscale. // Limpidity comic strip #94: Fantabulous Fox. Artist: ch-limps95.gif 22546 454x405x16 Jan 28 01:18 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Greyscale. // Limpidity comic strip #95: Still Life. Artist: ch-sktch.gif 59118 543x480x256 Jan 28 01:18 1997 Po Shan Cheah. Greyscale. // A sketch of Morton holding a drawing. Artist: hrairoe.gif 5568 120x150x256 Mar 27 23:05 1996 Pristine Productions. Color. // Hrairoe, the Psychic Rabbit. Artist: th_pet-shop.jpg 56195 640x480xJPEG Jul 20 18:42 1995 Prret (T. Hartman) // A ray-traced 'photograph' of front of Seska's Pet Shop, as designed by Prret. Artist: th_prret.gif 36739 215x480x256 Jul 21 12:07 1995 Prret (T. Hartman) // Artist: Waiting-1-rk.gif 83306 577x768x256 Mar 1 10:06 1995 R'ykandar Korra'ti // Originally a much simpler drawing, I just started adding companions, arms, bigger wings, and moons and stars and mountains and... Artist: White-Dragon-1-rk.gif 11396 528x552x256 Aug 3 14:14 1994 R'ykandar Korra'ti // Character sketch for Mah Jongg tile-inspired series. White dragon character shown in humanoid form; full-body side-view, nude but PG. Artist: Ribbon-Dancer-1-rk.gif 28763 466x650x256 Aug 17 13:08 1995 R'ykandar Korra'ti. Grayscale. // Nude female ribbon dancer, originally part of a bigger commission piece. Artist: bigears.jpg 61285 612x778xJPEG Jul 20 00:55 1996 R.E. Dye. Color. // Bigears, the nonmorphic fennec kit from FurryMUCK. Artist: honey_b1.jpg 35209 561x672xJPEG Sep 16 01:59 1996 R.E. Dye. Color. // HoneyBadger, a ratel from FurryMUCK, none too pleased at having her picture taken. Artist: krin_crt.jpg 94855 612x792xJPEG Sep 4 22:42 1996 R.E. Dye. Color. // Krin, a Red Desert Lapine from FurryMUCK, with a carrot. Artist: raster03.jpg 29915 410x463xJPEG Mar 15 16:41 1997 R.E. Dye. Color. // Head portrait of Raster of FurryMUCK. Artist: mililan1.jpg 72148 612x792xJPEG Oct 15 01:56 1996 R.E.Dye. Color. // Mililani, the little girl fox kit from FurryMuck, with a super-soaker. Artist: ears_05.gif 16471 393x426x16 Apr 8 05:16 1997 R.E.Dye. Grayscale. // Bigears, the fennec kit from FurryMUCK, with his new glasses. Artist: Aki-rw.gif 25425 601x767x256 Jun 20 15:12 1994 Reed Waller Scanner: Tal Greywolf With permission. // Live and direct from her latest gig at the Fur le Dance, it's the lovely and talented Aki. Artist: kndlaris.jpg 23922 400x451xJPEG Jul 10 14:44 1995 Reggie Guzman. Grayscale. // Kendolaris, the artificial dragon from FM with a silly look on his face. Artist: Robber.gif 35059 294x536x256 Aug 3 05:35 1994 Remus Shepherd // A sketch of Robber, fuzzy Newfoundland dog and musician. The famous Steinway reproducing piano is also pictured. Artist: Rrraoul.gif 62366 575x639x256 Jul 7 09:02 1994 Remus Shepherd // A sketch of Rrraoul, wolf morph, in bipedal form with his trademark sunglasses and trenchcoat. The logo is a Rrraoul 'trump' card. Artist: kittyhendrix.gif 489856 611x798x256 Jul 3 01:39 1996 Richard de Wylfin. Grayscale. // Pencil of the immortal rock legend "Kitty Hendrix." Copyright 1996. Artist: furlogo.gif 2217 500x228x2 Jul 6 17:58 1996 Richard de Wylfin. Black and white. // All-purpose logo for use by furries. Put it on your notebook, your car, your website! B/w line ink drawing. Artist: snoozey.gif 4882 570x368x256 May 26 18:32 1996 Richard de Wylfin. Black and white. // Snoozeball, Richard de Wylfin's FurryMUCK character. (c) 1996. Artist: rdw-selfcentaur.gif 307593 483x639x256 Jul 6 17:58 1996 Richard de Wylfin. Grayscale. // Self-portrait pencil sketch of me as a centaur. I'm a tourist in a strange world, taking snapshots! Copyright 1996. Artist: jacob_rd.jpg 57917 612x745xJPEG Jul 2 00:13 1996 Richard E. Dye. Color. // Jacob, the purple mouse, from FurryMUCK. Artist: rhumaal.gif 13109 640x932x256 Nov 4 17:36 1994 Richard Keehn // Scanned and computer colorized picture of Rhumaal, a panther 'morph from FurryMUCK (G-rated) Artist: pandeir1.gif 13568 640x786x256 Nov 21 20:38 1994 Richard Keehn (belfegor@cnj.digex.net) // Scanned and computer colorized picture of Pandeiros, an anthropomorphic bear from FurryMUCK. Artist: toast-rr.gif 5453 576x720x2 Aug 8 07:27 1994 Richard Roberts // Toast (Toon Mouse from FurryMUCK) Cry Cheeble and let slip the Hamsters of War! Artist: twitch.gif 8100 576x720x2 Aug 8 07:27 1994 Richard Roberts // Twitch (a Toon Mouse) takes a nap. Nude. Artist: Daniel-RL.gif 159980 439x557x256 Aug 15 12:09 1993 RL photo Color: 249 colors // Description: Me, Daniel Briggs (Daniel on Furry) Artist: Chiaro-1.JPG 34820 411x612xJPEG Nov 28 18:05 1995 Robert Armstrong // A sketch o' Chiaroscuro Lyle Themyst, in a typical waving pose. Artist: Toast-ra.GIF 31262 588x768x16 Nov 28 18:06 1995 Robert Armstrong // A sketch o' Toast, with toast. *grin* Toast (C) J. Peterson. Artist: puffrbun.gif 20358 800x400x256 May 20 18:42 1996 Robert B. Hudson, May 1996. Color. // Puffer Bunny and his plastic fox friend. Artist: CINO36.GIF 62213 640x404x256 Jan 4 00:12 1997 Robert Kalin // Cinosanap in her 3-d 'cad' form, in her hand-drawn form, and as a Real Life Costume. Artist: CINO73.GIF 75794 800x883x256 Jun 19 07:26 1997 Robert Kalin // "Super Rump!" Cinosanap exposed! Artist: CINO74.GIF 121302 736x1025x256 Jun 19 07:29 1997 Robert Kalin // "What Carpet?" A kitty Cino shredding carpet! Artist: CINO75.GIF 119642 667x1017x256 Jun 19 07:30 1997 Robert Kalin // "Cheese Luv" A crazy pumanther eatin' Cheeze Wiz! Artist: CINO76.GIF 164874 800x1119x256 Jun 19 07:32 1997 Robert Kalin // "Cino-Mae" A silly anime pumanther! Artist: CINO77.GIF 92197 800x1071x256 Jun 19 07:34 1997 Robert Kalin // "Design of Miss-Tery" Cinosanap with mistress Tatto. Artist: CINO78.GIF 91475 777x567x256 Jun 19 07:36 1997 Robert Kalin // "Cinosanaps Lesson" Cinosanap gets bigger bazonkas! Artist: CINO79.GIF 90375 800x1103x256 Jun 19 07:37 1997 Robert Kalin // "Cinosanap: The First Countessa of Furrymuck" Cino in her most appropiate atire for royalty. Artist: CINO80.GIF 130012 800x585x256 Jun 19 07:39 1997 Robert Kalin // "Family" Cino with her story friends. Artist: CINO81.GIF 103804 800x1261x256 Jun 19 07:41 1997 Robert Kalin // "Just Hanging" Cino hanging onto a bar. Artist: CINO82.GIF 86201 781x1200x256 Jun 19 07:42 1997 Robert Kalin // "High Step" Cino more toonish. Artist: CINO83.GIF 59661 800x739x256 Jun 19 07:43 1997 Robert Kalin // "Johnny's Cheeze Puffs" Cino puffing Johnny! Artist: CINO84.GIF 98714 730x1120x256 Jun 19 07:45 1997 Robert Kalin // "Its Magic!" Cino in her tantric form! Artist: CINO85.GIF 148578 800x1112x256 Jun 19 07:46 1997 Robert Kalin // "??? Me ???" Cino asking Why? Artist: CINO86.GIF 94248 800x1230x256 Jun 19 07:48 1997 Robert Kalin // "Silent Night Lonely Night" Cino contemplating time. Artist: CINO87.GIF 108570 800x1104x256 Jun 19 07:49 1997 Robert Kalin // "A 10 Foot Pole" Cino with a distance pole. Artist: CINO88.GIF 73728 799x1134x256 Jun 19 07:51 1997 Robert Kalin // "The Ring of Truth in the Tale" Cino telling a story. Artist: CINO89.GIF 177117 800x1117x256 Jun 19 07:54 1997 Robert Kalin // "WCOT Park -ing" Cino picking on a mousie in da Park. (This happened on the muck long ago) Artist: cino46.gif 118243 1130x826x256 May 13 02:01 1997 Robert Kalin. Black and white. // Cramped conditions of a hotel room at ConFurence East, players illustrated as their characters. Artist: cino10.gif 69833 700x994x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino in a 's' pose. Artist: cino11.gif 55367 550x1131x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // a squirrel glances curiously over her shoulder at something. Artist: cino12.gif 64670 810x1056x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino smiles while looking over her shoulder. Artist: cino13.gif 46588 569x777x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino sits atop a bubble in a bubbly scene! Artist: cino14.gif 27507 621x809x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // an -old- cino sits down. Artist: cino15.gif 54223 677x837x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // an exasperate cino sways back against the grain. Artist: cino16.gif 30139 548x837x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino breathes in the air in deeply in a chest-thrusting pose. Artist: cino17.gif 47712 449x809x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino explores herself unaware of the viewer behind her. Artist: cino18.gif 24749 545x755x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino breathes in the warm summer air. Artist: cino19.gif 46145 445x850x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // a foxy gal peers back at an unexpected guest. Artist: cino20.gif 32010 531x820x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // an otter morph swims up to greet the viewer. Artist: cino21.gif 192806 1015x627x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino as a soldier in a mini skirt takes a break only to notice her inappropiate pose. Artist: cino22.gif 219922 1023x699x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino in a semi-midevil battle outfit enjoys the bueaty of butterflys in front of a waterfall. Artist: cino23.gif 220272 1024x768x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino poses on stage as a belly dancer/stripper! Artist: cino24.gif 216364 1024x768x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino poses on a confrence table in at a furry con. Artist: cino25.gif 181774 637x767x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino as a anime like toon squirts spray-cheeze from a can atop a mountain of cheeze doodles and barrels of dr peepr soda! Artist: cino26.gif 179351 687x767x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // a spoof on the famous comic book 'gold digger'. Artist: cino27.gif 179727 773x767x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cinosanap appears as a triad in her 3 forms. a black panther, a puma, and the composite of both forms in the middle. Artist: cino28.gif 205381 1021x768x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino appears as a metalic cyber version of her nutty self! Artist: cino29.gif 193934 823x800x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino appears walking down a path with a toon version of herself. Artist: cino30.gif 184912 675x768x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino holds hands with her players earlier 'muck' incarnations of 'Yo_Yo' and 'Trummess'. Artist: cino31.gif 211213 1024x768x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino sports a lovely lum-like tiger bikni while flying over tokyo. Artist: cino32.gif 209985 901x701x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cinosanap wears the costume of her favorite anime star. Sailor mooon!!! Artist: cino35.gif 177637 1024x768x256 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // Yo_Yo sits atop a neato 3-d car while soaking up rays on the beach! Artist: cino37.gif 132130 800x600x256 May 13 01:58 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Don't Push da Mouse" A 3-d mouse-lady on a computer pad! Artist: cino38.gif 98561 800x600x256 May 5 00:37 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Taxi Service" Cinosanap as a taxi driver in 3-D. Created using Caligari Truespace. Artist: cino39.gif 130273 800x600x256 May 5 00:37 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Symbols of the Past" Cinosanap with her family crest in 3-D. Created using Caligari Truespace. Artist: cino40.gif 167480 800x600x256 May 5 00:37 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Remote Control" Cinosanap in a showcase of all her images. In 3-D. Created using Caligari Truespace. Artist: cino43.gif 98945 801x601x256 May 5 00:37 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Proportions" Cinosanap laid out artistically in 3-D. Created using Caligari Truespace. Artist: cino44.gif 37827 315x489x256 May 5 00:37 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "I Push All the Right Buttons!" Cinosanap leans against a computer 'flight stick' in 3-D. Created using Caligari Truespace. Artist: cino45.gif 54499 800x600x256 May 5 00:37 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // Cinosanap watches her player in a fog in 3-D. Created using Caligari Truespace. Artist: cino47.jpg 97912 1024x768xJPEG May 18 11:40 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "BoingDragon" First version of a character other than Cinosanap. Based on GW's version of BD. Artist: cino48.jpg 84443 1024x768xJPEG May 18 11:41 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Cinosanap" New version of Cino's noggin, more expression capable, rejointed structure for a more realistic pose. Artist: cino49.jpg 74137 1024x768xJPEG May 18 11:46 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "BoingDragon and Cinosanap" The scene shows Cino surprisingly hopping onto Boing from the bench! Artist: cino50.jpg 64634 1024x768xJPEG May 24 19:38 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Go into the Light..." A 3-D Cinosanap examining herself. Artist: cino51.jpg 98070 1024x768xJPEG Jun 3 15:39 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Midnight Wanderer" My first 3-D Foxy. Nice Lighting. Artist: cino52.jpg 53886 1024x768xJPEG Jun 3 15:39 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "The Journey" A 3-D white tigress. Artist: cino54.jpg 79476 1024x768xJPEG Jun 3 15:39 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Power Lunch" A 3-D tigress taking a break. Artist: cino56.jpg 87498 1024x768xJPEG Jun 3 15:39 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Uh-oh It's..." A 3-D tantric Cinosanap. Artist: cino57.jpg 110826 1024x768xJPEG Jun 3 15:39 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Magic" A 3-D tantric Cinosanap with balls. Artist: cino59.jpg 109685 1024x768xJPEG Jun 3 15:39 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Friendly Fire" A 3-D taur in the middle of a video game. Artist: cino6.gif 39353 602x1070x16 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cinosanap sits atop something looking right at ya! Artist: cino60.jpg 87244 1024x768xJPEG Jun 3 15:39 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "More Wine" A 3-D fat but agile mousie. Artist: cino62.jpg 93057 1024x768xJPEG Jun 3 15:39 1997 Robert Kalin. Color. // "Yes, There Real" A 3-D foxy posing. Modelled after Ashtoreth ((c) William Haas). Artist: cino7.gif 58359 681x1135x16 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cinosanap while kneeling flips her hair. Artist: cino8.gif 39980 753x1077x16 Aug 3 22:31 1996 Robert Kalin. Color. // 'cinosanap pumanther' in a laid back semi standing pose. Scanned edited image. Artist: cino9.gif 57246 757x1056x16 Dec 21 11:59 1996 robert kalin. Color. // cino tilts her head curiously at the viewer while kneeling. Artist: cino41.gif 337866 951x973x256 May 5 00:37 1997 Robert Kalin. Grayscale. // "RL Costume Palette #1" Collage of Cinosanap player in a new good costume of Cino. Artist: cino42.gif 295118 969x981x256 May 5 00:37 1997 Robert Kalin. Grayscale. // "RL Costume Palette #2" Collage of Cinosanap player in a new good costume of Cino. Artist: Deerfield.gif 886482 1342x2071x256 Aug 18 08:49 1996 Robert Kirkpatrick. Grayscale. // Deerfield of FurryMUCK getting chopping wood, getting ready for the winter. Artist: rn01.gif 21315 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:41 1995 Robert Newell // Resting nude male feline. Artist: rn02.gif 13002 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:41 1995 Robert Newell // Agitated nude sitting male feline. Artist: rn03.gif 18313 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:42 1995 Robert Newell // Aroused nude male coyote. Artist: rn04.gif 21134 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:42 1995 Robert Newell // Nude bobcat male taking aim at a shooting gallery. Artist: rn05.gif 19526 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:42 1995 Robert Newell // Posing nude male feline. Artist: rn06.gif 23749 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:43 1995 Robert Newell // Aroused reclining male feline. Artist: rn07.gif 27030 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:43 1995 Robert Newell // Sitting nude male feline winking at viewer. Artist: rn08.gif 15862 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:43 1995 Robert Newell // Male feline posing with machine gun over shoulder. Artist: rn09.gif 16450 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:43 1995 Robert Newell // Aroused male goat in pool with champaign glass. Artist: rn10.gif 15772 800x585x2 Jun 20 18:44 1995 Robert Newell // Reclining male feline. Artist: rn11.gif 14561 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:44 1995 Robert Newell // Standing nude fox male. Artist: rn12.gif 13798 800x585x2 Jun 20 18:44 1995 Robert Newell // Reclining nude female feline. Artist: rn13.gif 21562 800x585x2 Jun 20 18:44 1995 Robert Newell // Posing nude female feline. Artist: rn14.gif 15266 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:45 1995 Robert Newell // Standing nude female winged feline. Artist: rn15.gif 19760 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:45 1995 Robert Newell // Sitting topless squirrel female at desk. Artist: rn16.gif 14597 585x800x2 Jun 20 18:45 1995 Robert Newell // Nude female winged feline taking flight. Artist: typpasyl.gif 56964 778x1041x256 Aug 30 14:07 1995 Robert S. Haynie Jr // Just another squirell-femme, with two blades and not a lot else. Yet another piece of pointless fantasy art by the house of Haynie. Artist: duobabs.gif 141594 784x1001x256 Aug 30 14:13 1995 Robert S. Haynie Jr. // D'Kira, the exotic dancing-mouse, and Kinliar, the vixen mage, in a dramatic pose type of thing. Artist: lastriag.gif 158190 575x800x16 Aug 30 14:02 1995 Robert S. Haynie Jr. // It's another scantily-clad sorceress, this time a mouse, in the act of casting a spell. Well, I thought it was an idea. Artist: rs-Alystin.jpg 25206 368x665xJPEG Aug 2 22:35 1995 Robert Serocki // Another go at drawing in a paint program medium, this time showing Alystin, a mostly black FurryMUCK kitsune with three tails. Artist: Chiaro-2.JPG 133298 624x886xJPEG Apr 4 22:56 1995 Robert W. Armstrong // Chiaroscuro the Mongoose, infamous park-furniture. Artist: glovy-ra.jpg 48455 637x416xJPEG Dec 15 02:30 1996 Robert W. Armstrong. Color. // J. Foxglov Lyle meets Scud: The Disposable Assasin! Pic homages a cover of Scud. Artist: Raster-ra.gif 39792 401x493x256 Mar 27 23:06 1996 Robert W. Armstrong. Color. // Picture of Raster. Artist: Roni's_cecil.JPEG 287239 1248x1753xJPEG Feb 20 15:13 1995 Roni // Cecil the skunk (my FurryMUCK character) is in a action pose, wearing millitary faitigues, holds a pair of Binoculars, wears a bemused expression. Artist: r-keevec.gif 42231 408x1050x256 Dec 13 16:52 1995 Rori. Color. // Here's the drawing of Keeve, kittyfox, scanned in and colored by DP2e. Artist: PalaceOfDragonsPre.gif 73742 397x493x256 Sep 7 11:34 1994 Roy Belanger III // This is the preliminary conceptual sketch for the new Palace of Dragons entertainment complex. Artist: custer.gif 30239 944x750x2 Jul 18 13:33 1994 Roz Gibson // Close up of Custer Winston from "Blacklight". Artist: somethin'.gif 183687 400x521x256 Oct 10 15:22 1995 Rrroofus, Mer'rark, Gizmo, Alexondra, Tygger, NitroCoon ,Echeo, Ruffin, Clip... ( and man // Started as a page in a sketchbook... got kinda out of hand.. Artists: tugger.jpg 32230 372x480xJPEG Feb 9 23:47 1997 Rum-Tum-Tugger. Grayscale. // The Rum-Tum-Tugger relaxing in his favorite "FMMS" T-shirt and cutoffs. Artist: HackNaked.gif 238835 576x660x256 Jan 30 07:13 1997 Ryan Dewalt // My first attempt at Furry art. My anthro persona in his prized "Hack Naked" t-shirt. Artist: couch.jpg 70546 800x512xJPEG Feb 17 14:46 1997 Ryan Dewalt // I hate dull saturdays. Quick 1hr. Sketch of an uncommonly dull saturday afternoon watching tv. Artist: Charcoal-rt.gif 100522 391x480x256 Nov 19 01:57 1994 Ryla Tashoda // Charcoal, a character from FurryMUCK. Artist: Dragoness-rt.gif 89431 337x480x256 Nov 19 01:58 1994 Ryla Tashoda // A dragoness warrior sitting against the scene of her world. Artist: Ryla_Tashoda-rt.gif 76377 349x480x256 Nov 19 01:58 1994 Ryla Tashoda // Anguish... Tashoda herself. Artist: Sorceress-rt.gif 168634 389x480x256 Nov 19 01:59 1994 Ryla Tashoda // Sorceress on the attack! Beware... Artist: TwoMustangs-rt.gif 169139 674x480x256 Nov 19 02:00 1994 Ryla Tashoda // One mustang stretched out atop another. (Not what one might think. :) Artist: OPAL-SM.GIF 306508 549x740x256 Nov 26 11:02 1995 Samaelle // A Halloween view of Opal on FurryMUCK. Artist: samaelle.gif 475433 543x730x256 Dec 12 19:11 1995 Samaelle // Finally a self portrait!!! She's sitting atop her lover's crypt awaiting his cold embrace. Artist: sam_opal.gif 468474 552x739x256 Dec 12 19:01 1995 Samaelle // A dangerous pair of babes outfitted for battle. Artist: midnymph.jpg 152493 640x881xJPEG Oct 6 15:53 1996 Samaelle (Donna Bond). Grayscale. // Midian and his mate Mystarasilkember. Artist: LOTUS1.JPG 71270 640x480xJPEG Nov 6 08:51 1995 Samaelle (rl Donna Bond) // Tigress morph reclining on a treebranch. Artist: wolfbus1.jpg 68621 402x600xJPEG Oct 29 16:29 1995 Samaelle (rl Donna Bond) Color. // Winged female wolf morph in gothic armor. Artist: OpalNude.jpg 141570 846x648xJPEG Jul 16 00:55 1996 Samaelle. Color. // Drawn by Samaelle for the character's player Opal. Artist: NightWind-samaelle.jpg 81339 880x640xJPEG Jul 16 00:53 1996 Samaelle. Grayscale. // Drawn by Samaelle for the character's players Nightwind and Opal. Artist: WhiteFire.jpg 66857 940x643xJPEG Jul 16 00:56 1996 Samaelle. Grayscale. // Drawn by Samaelle for the character's player Whitefire and Lapis. Artist: Mirra_Therian.jpg 438288 864x1224xJPEG May 26 18:32 1996 Samalle. Grayscale. // Picture of Mirra and Therian on FurryMUCK, Art copyright by Samalle. Artist: raspber2.gif 170344 404x601x256 Jun 1 12:41 1995 Samantha Davison // A squirrel with flowers, sitting down Artist: Ramsey-n-Raleigh.gif 28765 640x480x16 Jul 30 15:05 1995 Sami Maisala // Ramsey the Skunk and Raleigh the Ermine from FurryMUCK. We are not cute! :) Artist: miz-foxx.gif 26871 633x498x256 May 14 15:50 1994 Sandi Wilkinson // Tough-looking and _slightly_ abstract vixen wielding a whip. Suitable for foxaholics everywhere! (You know who you are!) Artist: rednurse.gif 18256 410x580x256 Oct 22 17:14 1993 Sandi Wilkinson // Description: A 'quickie' picture of Silent Red in her nurse costume. For Vadmanthas. Artist: tni-buni02-sr.gif 21890 206x381x256 Sep 25 17:39 1994 Sandi Wilkinson // Simple picture of a standing bunny fem. Nude, but not detailed. Again, was drawn very small and enlarged and colored by computer. Artist: fox-addict-sr.gif 28453 896x974x2 Aug 22 23:44 1994 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent Red // A graphic warning about the dangers of fox addiction portrayed by our very own Lycan! Artist: alice.gif 28077 730x948x256 Nov 29 09:34 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Raccoon as rock-star. Bad pun. :> Artist: bat-sr.gif 19077 597x849x2 Oct 19 07:36 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Bat mistress wielding a riding crop. Wearing an outfit straight from Furdericks of Hollywood. Artist: ctaur-sr.gif 13971 883x612x2 Oct 19 07:37 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Side view of centaur warrior standing proudly with spear decorated with coup feathers. Artist: harembun.gif 37895 527x1008x256 Oct 22 17:14 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Dark-furred blonde haired bunny wearing a harem costume and dancing with zils (finger cymbals). An experiment with color Artist: redjck2.gif 10106 513x636x16 Nov 29 09:35 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Silent Red with a Jack-o-lantern Artist: rednude.gif 6051 410x556x2 Nov 29 09:35 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Silent Red nude. Cartoon-y full frontal nudity. Artist: redwickd.gif 14694 961x477x2 Oct 19 07:38 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Description: Silent Red and Wicked Lester each doing what she does best. Artist: sred-sr.gif 9151 640x442x16 Oct 19 07:38 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // One of the first pictures ever drawn of Silent Red. Initially it was an 'advertisment' for the Beastie Board on GEnie. Artist: timcat.gif 21206 536x882x256 Nov 29 09:35 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Kitty-morph of a well-known director. Artist: wild-one.gif 42283 339x476x256 Feb 8 09:59 1994 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Description: Zebra warrior fem Artist: wild1-c.gif 133632 506x341x256 Feb 8 09:59 1994 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red // Description: Same zebra as in wild-one.gif but colored and set in a jungle background. Artist: marilyn.gif 9703 410x692x2 Nov 1 07:45 1993 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red Color: B&W // Marilyn Mun-doe. Heck, what more can I say? Artist: SR-Faun02.gif 47516 550x1034x16 Jul 30 18:36 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // A female faun posing against a pillar. Artist: SR-Marta.gif 27591 528x699x16 Mar 22 20:49 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // A vixen in fencing gear. Artist: SR-Otter_dude.gif 5109 352x368x16 Mar 22 20:49 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // An older work. Looks more like a wolverine to me, but I guess he is an otter. :> Artist: SR-Poe.gif 9776 410x525x2 Mar 22 20:49 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // A raven-fem based on my old RealmsMUCK character and a couple 'just-for-fun' short stories I did. Artist: SR-Pregnant_Vixen.gif 13773 422x610x16 Mar 22 20:50 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // Could this be Lycan in her unfortunate predicament a few months back? Ouch! Artist: SR-Silent_Red.gif 50728 480x515x256 Mar 22 20:50 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // Silent Red looking a bit remorseful about something! (long story.... :>) Artist: SR-Wavedancer01.gif 96509 418x801x256 Mar 22 20:51 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // A anime-ish mermaid loosely based on the ElfQuest WAVEDANCERS series. Nude. Artist: SR-Wolf_fem.gif 18174 418x644x16 Mar 22 20:51 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // A pretty wolf fem whose upper torso gives new meaning to the word 'pert'. Full nude. Artist: SR-Young_Dragon.gif 18819 446x501x16 Mar 22 20:52 1995 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on Furry // A young dragon looking a bit apprehensive about something. Artist: bobct-sr.gif 15580 640x721x256 Feb 14 11:56 1994 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on FurryMUCK // Bobcat, the squirrel-tailed feline from FurryMUCK. Looks as if he has just been awakened from a catnap. Artist: tni-buni01-sr.gif 12014 236x204x256 Sep 25 17:39 1994 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on FurryMUCK // White Rabbit reclining. This was a teeny tiny picture when I drew it. Enlarged and colored by computer. Artist: gunfox-sr.gif 34142 489x480x256 Oct 3 09:22 1994 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on FurryMUCK; Seryph on FurToonia // Kneeling fox fem just has loaded clip into her pistol. Artist: Seryph01-sr.gif 8068 428x529x2 Sep 10 17:41 1994 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on FurryMUCK; Seryph on FurToonia // Seryph, my shapeshifter character on FurToonia, in her vixen form. Artist: Seryph02-sr.gif 18602 644x428x16 Sep 10 17:42 1994 Sandi Wilkinson aka Silent_Red on FurryMUCK; Seryph on FurToonia // Another picture of Seryph, my FurToonia character, in her vixen form. Artist: dragon-sw.jpg 257510 576x538xJPEG Apr 1 03:40 1997 Sandi Wilkinson. Color. // "Skate Dragon" A sexy blue-black dragon on rollerskates. Artist: Joey.jpg 106197 608x484xJPEG Apr 1 03:41 1997 Sandi Wilkinson. Color. // Joe Coyote standing around looking cool. This was a con badge I made for someone for CF7. Artist: Lemur.jpg 84669 654x448xJPEG Apr 1 03:46 1997 Sandi Wilkinson. Color. // Vanilla, the lemur, swinging on a branch in the forests of Madagascar. Artist: rednude0.jpg 269203 614x457xJPEG Apr 1 03:48 1997 Sandi Wilkinson. Color. // Silent Red showing off in a brief exhibitionist mood. Silent Red (c) 1990-1997 Sandi Wilkinson. Artist: redspino.jpg 317248 713x530xJPEG Apr 1 03:52 1997 Sandi Wilkinson. Color. // Silent Red (C) 1990-97 Sandi Wilkinson and Spino (c) 1996-97 David Cotelessa greeting each other after an absence. Artist: butter.jpg 37421 450x598xJPEG May 26 22:53 1997 Sara Palmer // Buttercup, an anthropomorphic mare, gazes at you shyly. Artist: catlady.jpg 289199 1260x1775xJPEG Sep 28 20:21 1996 Sarah Gates (Janya on FurryMuck). Color. // Mirra of FurryMuck. Artist: azag_obsess.gif 35659 204x262x256 Sep 10 17:12 1995 Scanned by player (Adriana Scarth) // A scan of Azagthoth's and Obsessia's rl players taken at a beachside photo booth, somewhere in New Hampshire. Artist: breakout.jpg 28421 325x250xJPEG Oct 1 12:04 1996 Scott Malcomson. Color. // Mess not with equestaurs, for you are crunchy and mash nicely under large hooves... Artist: bubblina.jpg 27718 375x476xJPEG Oct 1 12:08 1996 Scott Malcomson. Color. // Bubblina, character on FurryMuck. Artist: seandrac.gif 101924 450x500x256 Oct 1 12:10 1996 Scott Malcomson. Color. // Sean Connery is DragonBond!...er, JamesHeart! Oh, well... Artist: unifloat.jpg 22760 279x335xJPEG Oct 1 12:11 1996 Scott Malcomson. Color. // A unicorn indulging in a bit of the, ah, bubbly... Artist: yakcolor.gif 66165 450x424x256 Oct 1 12:12 1996 Scott Malcomson/Lonnie Combs. Color. // Fictional Russian Air Force patch concept. Artists: wowlydatura.gif 79497 800x600x256 Aug 12 13:06 1993 Scott Redd Color: black and white // Three photos of wowly and datura. Artist: Kama.jpg 74459 330x480xJPEG Feb 5 00:33 1996 Scott Taulbee // Kama the female cougar morph from FurryMUCK & Virtual Surreality. Nudity. Artist: Kama3.jpg 172323 361x600xJPEG Apr 29 01:34 1996 Scott Taulbee. Color. // A shirtless Kama coversherself and growls at onlookers. Artist: jayve.gif 126774 362x636x256 Aug 17 19:31 1995 Scott Taulbee. Created 8/1/95. Grayscale. // JayVe the raccoon from FurryMUCK, wearing denim shorts and a small hoop through his belly-button. Artist: aric.gif 26714 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:14 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Aric, hero of destiny and of the magical land of Furtasia Artist: aric2.gif 112147 640x480x256 Dec 30 10:14 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Aric ready for actio, with his sepcial Hero's sword. Artist: aric3.gif 152650 640x480x256 Jan 30 07:13 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Aric doing some exploring. Artist: casey-31.gif 8174 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:15 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Casey the handymouse Artist: cyger1.gif 22648 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:16 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Cyger, the mysterious Cyber Tiger. Artist: eric-l1.gif 52649 640x480x256 Dec 30 10:17 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Eric Lovejoy, Sneakers' double Artist: flamekik.gif 16616 320x200x256 Jul 11 09:59 1995 Sean E. Andersen // Stripes Calihan doing her devistating flame kick. Artist: foxyroxy.gif 17481 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:17 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Foxy Roxy from the GameTek furry fighter, Brutal Artist: goodkain.gif 33463 743x486x256 Dec 30 10:18 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Sir Kain meets my beloved Vixen Swordedge. Artist: hammered.gif 26985 320x200x256 Jul 11 10:00 1995 Sean E. Andersen // Sneakers swinging a mallet. Artist: johnvspf.gif 121298 640x480x256 Dec 30 10:18 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Johnny Blanco from FurryMuck facing against my PsychoFox Artist: kineta2.gif 51198 400x480x256 Mar 4 12:26 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Kineta Firestorm Artist: lovejoy.gif 18471 640x480x16 Jul 11 10:02 1995 Sean E. Andersen // Felicia Lovejoy, Sneakers' sister. Artist: m-o'dour.gif 12502 320x200x256 Jul 11 13:21 1995 Sean E. Andersen // Major Darien O'Dour of the Star Brigade. Artist: majesta.gif 21209 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:19 1996 Sean E. Andersen // The ancient, yet beautiful Wiccan Enchantress, Majesta from FurToonia Artist: mfox1.gif 7779 320x350x256 Dec 30 10:20 1996 Sean E. Andersen // The new and improved MechaFox Artist: mfox2.gif 10754 566x396x256 Dec 30 10:20 1996 Sean E. Andersen // The new MechaFox Artist: o-dour4.gif 45880 640x480x256 Dec 30 10:22 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Major Darien O'Dour from Furtoonia charging up Artist: o-dour5.gif 50282 640x480x256 Jan 2 10:29 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Major Darien O'Dour of the StarBrigade Artist: ocean.gif 14397 320x200x256 Jul 11 10:00 1995 Sean E. Andersen // Ocean Whitewater at the beach. Artist: psi-fox.gif 31239 320x200x256 Jul 11 09:57 1995 Sean E. Andersen // The demented PsychoSneakers. Artist: psi-fox2.gif 16415 320x200x256 Jul 11 09:56 1995 Sean E. Andersen // Sneakers on the verge of transformation as his alter ego starts to take over. Artist: psi-fox3.gif 15909 320x200x256 Jul 11 09:54 1995 Sean E. Andersen // After losing Sneakers' body PsychoSneakers becomes the even more demented PsychoFox. Artist: psi-fox4.gif 22766 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:23 1996 Sean E. Andersen // He's Baaack! The demented PsychoFox returns! Artist: psycho1.gif 112852 525x660x256 Dec 30 10:23 1996 Sean E. Andersen // A sketch of PsychoFox in his non glowing form. Artist: quantum.gif 21849 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:25 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Quantum.....wolf of the future. Artist: sa-sally.gif 29035 320x200x256 Jul 11 09:54 1995 Sean E. Andersen // Princess Sally from Sonic the Hedgehog. Artist: sbdarien.gif 21412 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:25 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Full body pose of Major Darien O'Dour from FurToonia Artist: sdken1.gif 22552 640x480x256 Dec 30 10:25 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Super Deformed image of Kendall from FurToonia Artist: stf-mech.jpg 50732 320x200xJPEG Dec 30 10:47 1996 Sean E. Andersen // MechTail from Furtoonia with a nice background Artist: stf21.gif 35432 320x200x256 Jul 11 09:55 1995 Sean E. Andersen // Sneakers the Fox started at the sight of a strange light. Artist: stf25.gif 8635 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:47 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Sneakers getting some payback for all he's gone through Artist: stfbreak.jpg 99745 320x200xJPEG Dec 30 10:49 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Sneakers on his mondo coffee break :) Artist: stfsword.gif 36912 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:49 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Sneakers retrieving the magick sword...and meeting the owner. :) Artist: stfwater.gif 24070 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:50 1996 Sean E. Andersen // Wish you were here! A postcard from Sneakers' vacation. Artist: tank-s.gif 80828 640x480x256 Dec 30 10:26 1996 Sean E. Andersen // The dangeriously beautiful Tank Squirrel Artist: vulpus.gif 29875 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:26 1996 Sean E. Andersen // The Street Fighter Fox Vulpus Artist: xenos.gif 22765 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:26 1996 Sean E. Andersen // The silent Xenos of the StarBrigade. Artist: bbounty.gif 17852 320x200x256 Jan 25 11:17 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The wild west rabbit bountyhunter Buck Bounty Artist: biggun.gif 479036 1218x1437x256 Jul 8 13:38 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // A squirrel femme and her `little' gun. Artist: catnip.gif 34235 320x200x256 Sep 23 10:38 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Catnip O'Riley, the rough & tough Irish cat. Artist: desert.gif 187399 640x480x256 Jul 8 13:41 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Major Darien O'dour on a desert planet. Artist: furcouch.gif 17696 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:01 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // A friendly furry squirrel. Artist: jill.gif 17736 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:02 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Jill from the NES game Rock'n Kats. Artist: kineta.gif 28857 320x200x256 Sep 23 10:38 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The dangerous streetwise negaskunk Kineta. Artist: lala.gif 20882 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:02 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers flipping out. Artist: leap'n.gif 29766 320x200x256 Sep 23 10:39 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Description: Sneakers leaping through the air. Artist: lovejoy2.gif 34538 320x200x256 Jan 4 13:16 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Description: Felicia LoveJoy of FurToonia & FurryMuck. Artist: maximus.gif 16737 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:02 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Lord Maximus. Artist: mechafox.gif 44239 320x200x256 Nov 11 17:31 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The mysterious MechaFox. Artist: nyear95.gif 17617 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:03 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Happy New Year 1995! Artist: o'dour2.gif 27619 320x200x256 Sep 23 10:40 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // A slightly PO'd Darien O'Dour Artist: rio1-16.gif 19890 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:03 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // 16 colour version of RIO1.GIF. Artist: rio1.gif 11879 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:03 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The ever so friendly Rio de Janeiro. Artist: rio2.gif 20348 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:04 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Rio de Janeiro resting on a wall. Artist: rio3.gif 35875 320x200x256 Sep 23 10:40 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // My dear Rio de Janerio, in a feild. Artist: rockkats.gif 19622 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:04 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Willy & Jill from the NES game Rock'n Kats. Artist: s-blaze1.gif 36856 800x600x16 Jul 14 00:05 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The deadly ninja mouse, Scarlet Blaze. Artist: sa-carol.gif 177954 443x1243x256 Jul 8 13:53 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // A drawing of Caroline from FurryMUCK (My interpetation). Artist: sa-skain.gif 101284 640x480x256 Jul 8 14:00 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // A rough sketch of Sir Kain (C)1996 Eric Goldwin. Artist: sbvector.gif 373635 893x1350x256 Jul 8 14:08 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Vector of the StarBrigade. Artist: sea001.gif 73291 640x553x16 Jul 18 22:14 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Rhonda Raccoon. Artist: sea002.gif 45707 452x701x16 Jul 18 22:15 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Rick (River) Whitewater. Artist: sea003.gif 92200 634x1007x16 Jul 18 22:16 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Baron Otto Von Bruiseheimer. Artist: sea004.gif 52514 638x769x16 Jul 18 22:17 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // DeeJay from Street Fighter as a furry. Artist: sea006.gif 37296 460x670x16 Jul 18 22:19 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Cammy from Street Fighter as a furry. Artist: sea007.gif 23343 665x709x2 Jul 18 22:19 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Character set 1 of 5. Artist: sea008.gif 17530 585x752x2 Jul 18 22:20 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Character set 2 of 5. Artist: sea009.gif 23154 585x707x2 Jul 18 22:20 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Character set 3 of 52. Artist: sea010.gif 16399 541x730x2 Jul 18 22:21 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Character set 4 of 53. Artist: sea011.gif 16828 586x726x2 Jul 18 22:21 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Character set 5 of 5. Artist: sea012.gif 21969 580x720x16 Jul 18 22:21 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // FireBat: From the ashes... Artist: sea013.gif 34809 580x720x16 Jul 18 22:22 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Buck Bounty at a dead end. Artist: sea014.gif 14631 580x720x16 Jul 18 22:22 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Demona (Demonita) The four armed squirrel femme. Artist: sea015.gif 20389 580x720x16 Jul 18 22:22 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Vixen Swordedge in the wild. Artist: sea016.gif 12053 580x720x16 Jul 18 22:22 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Scarlet Blaze in action. Artist: sea018.gif 15058 580x720x16 Jul 18 22:24 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Scarlet Blade (Scarlet Blaze). Artist: sea019.gif 13057 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:24 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers & Rio meet Amy the Squirrel. Artist: sea020.gif 18411 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:24 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers at the movies: Furassic Park. Artist: sea021.gif 11521 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:25 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Scarlet Blaze and her swords. Artist: sea022.gif 19977 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:26 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Psycho Sneakers returns. Artist: sea023.gif 21032 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:27 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Battle in space among the Silver Squirrels. Artist: sea024.gif 11965 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:27 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Scarlet Blaze the sword swinging ninja mouse. Artist: sea025.gif 14482 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:27 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers being zapped. Artist: sea026.gif 15161 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:28 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers under attack. Artist: sea027.gif 14841 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:28 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers & Spunky playing kickball. Artist: sea028.gif 8643 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:28 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Roxey jumping. Artist: sea029.gif 12216 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:28 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Buck Bounty in action. Artist: sea030.gif 13384 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:29 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // FireBat of the StarBrigade. Artist: sea031.gif 11396 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:29 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers & the Hand of Fate. Artist: sea032.gif 11750 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:29 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Vixen Swordedge enjoying nature (rough sketch). Artist: sea033.gif 17169 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:30 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Rough sketch of Firebat. Artist: sea034.gif 13160 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:30 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Francine & Spunky (her protector) Artist: sea035.gif 77568 802x775x16 Jul 18 22:31 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Major Darien O'Dour & Francine. Artist: sea036.gif 92743 636x1041x16 Jul 18 22:32 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Scarlet Blaze ready for action. Artist: sea037.gif 39976 638x770x16 Jul 18 22:33 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Scarlet Blaze close-up. Artist: sea038.gif 103956 944x1238x16 Jul 18 22:34 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Vixen Swordedge & Scarlet Blaze teamup. Artist: sea039.gif 77725 908x913x16 Jul 18 22:36 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Vixen Swordedge ready for action. Artist: sea040.gif 116274 908x912x16 Jul 18 22:38 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Major Darien O'Dour of the StarBrigade. Artist: sea041.gif 49856 809x813x16 Jul 18 22:39 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // A savage wolf morph. Artist: sea042.gif 18784 580x720x16 Jul 18 22:39 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The lovely Felicia LoveJoy, Sneakers' sister. Artist: sea043.gif 18365 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:40 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The lady squirrel pirate Marlene (rough sketch). Artist: sea044.gif 10912 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:40 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // MechaFox (rough sketch). Artist: sea045.gif 16587 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:40 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sketch of Vixen Swordedge's half sister Tempest Storm. Artist: sea046.gif 19538 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:41 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sketch of Tivia Starr, a mouse tigress, jump kicking. Artist: sea047.gif 21298 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:41 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Vixen Swordedge in action. Artist: sea048.gif 17060 800x600x16 Jul 18 22:42 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The demented PsychoFox. Artist: sea049.gif 52832 360x480x256 Jul 18 22:42 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Vixen nude in the water (close up of the sketch SEA032.GIF). Artist: silvia.gif 22535 320x200x256 Aug 5 22:40 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Silvia Silvertail from FurryMUCK. Artist: sneakpen.gif 10988 640x480x16 Jul 8 14:09 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers and his giant pencil. Artist: stf-bday.gif 4399 320x200x256 Jul 8 14:11 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers and his birthday cake. Artist: stf-hanging.gif 312540 900x1393x256 Jul 8 13:48 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers swinging from a curtain. Artist: stf01.gif 6459 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:05 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // First gif of Sneakers (1994). Artist: stf02.gif 7698 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:05 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers spinning ala Zangief (1994). Artist: stf03.gif 8281 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:05 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The old Sneakers logo. Artist: stf04.gif 19676 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:06 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers in an industrial world. Artist: stf05.gif 14927 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:06 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers leaping over a small post. Artist: stf06.gif 16653 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:06 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Electrofried fox. Artist: stf07.gif 12682 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:07 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers holding up an anvil. Artist: stf08.gif 16559 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:07 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers waling across pillars over fire. Artist: stf09.gif 19035 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:07 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers with a gun pointing at him. Artist: stf10.gif 16650 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:07 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers jumping over a flaming creature. Artist: stf11.gif 24831 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:08 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers & Rio. Artist: stf12.gif 7839 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:08 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers & a mysterious shadowy figure. Artist: stf13.gif 27680 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:09 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers running *NOTE* I have no idea what possesed me to make that kind of background! Artist: stf14.gif 18654 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:09 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers at the end of his rope. Artist: stf15.gif 21370 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:09 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers bugging out. It's a toon thing. Artist: stf16.gif 20155 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:10 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers lost in time. Artist: stf17.gif 9741 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:10 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers dealing with the show ending. Artist: stf18.gif 32969 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:10 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers (from STF04.GIF) on a strange background. Artist: stf19.gif 19347 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:11 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers with a strange glow. Artist: stf20.gif 17926 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:11 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // A simple drawing of Sneakers. Artist: stf22.gif 19735 320x200x256 Nov 11 17:32 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers in a field...different colouring style. Artist: stf23.gif 19165 640x480x16 Jan 24 15:13 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers peering over a fence. Artist: stfkain2.gif 54561 424x480x256 Jan 4 13:18 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Description: Kain from Furtoonia (C)1997 Eric Goodwin. Artist: stfmagic.gif 22563 1024x768x16 Jul 8 14:12 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers `trying' to pull out a rabbit from the hat. Artist: stfswing.gif 15807 320x200x256 Dec 30 10:49 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers swinging through a hot situation Artist: swimsuit.gif 71963 640x480x256 Jul 8 14:13 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers' sister Felicia is a swimsuit. Artist: szslamme.gif 5952 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:11 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sydney Thumper the albino rabbit femme. Artist: t-starr.gif 96753 640x480x256 Jul 8 14:15 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Tivia Starr leaping. Artist: talistf2.gif 94204 640x480x256 Jan 30 07:13 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Tali Harton-Mason on some well deserved R&R Artist: thelight.gif 13138 320x200x256 Nov 11 17:34 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Sneakers in a light beam. Artist: vector.gif 35267 320x200x256 Jan 24 15:16 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // The mysterious Vector of StarBrigade. Artist: vixen1.gif 29589 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:12 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Vixen Swordedge, my first femme gif (1994). Artist: xmas-stf.gif 13976 320x200x256 Jul 14 00:12 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) // Merry Christmas from sneakers (1994) Artist: stripesc.gif 15487 640x480x16 Jul 14 00:11 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net) Colour: 640x480x16 Description // Image File name: STRIPESC.GIF Email address: sneakers@connect.reach.net Artist: baronb.gif 61119 450x480x256 Jan 26 23:36 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // The ruthless Baron Bruiseheimer. Artist: bday1997.gif 43631 350x480x256 Apr 27 13:47 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sneakers celebrates his 4th Birthday. Artist: comic.gif 10892 640x480x16 Jul 15 00:21 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // A simple comic starring Sneakers. Artist: cyger-1.gif 60934 640x480x256 Jan 13 00:11 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Cyger, larger then life...at least the previous gif. :) Artist: eric-l2.gif 89071 480x480x256 Jan 26 23:52 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Eric Lovejoy, Sneakers double. Artist: foxanne.gif 18342 400x480x256 Jan 26 23:59 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Foxanne, the country fox. Artist: fran01.gif 180661 640x480x256 Apr 27 13:48 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // The ever so sweet and lovely skunkette, Francine. Artist: o-dour6.gif 49743 640x480x256 Jan 26 23:55 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Darien O'Dour charging up for an attack. Artist: o-dour7.gif 19941 640x480x256 Feb 10 00:09 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Major Darien O'Dour. Artist: o-dour9.gif 49275 400x480x256 Apr 1 04:24 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Major Darien O'Dour pose. Artist: ocean2.gif 55391 300x480x256 Jan 26 23:35 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // The beloved Ocean Whitewater from FurryMuck & Furry Fuzz. Artist: odour3.gif 25819 640x480x16 Feb 29 01:00 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Major Darien O'Dour of the StarBrigade and Furtoonia. Artist: pi-shema.gif 46528 480x480x256 Jan 26 23:40 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Shema, half fox, half human. (C)1997 Psycho Interactive. Artist: sa-sid1.gif 19254 550x480x256 Feb 9 23:52 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sid Turftine (C)1997 Dwayne Madison. Artist: sa-tivia.gif 22278 320x200x256 Aug 14 00:46 1995 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Tivia Starr....half mouse..half tiger...all femme. Artist: silvia2.gif 48102 450x480x256 Jan 26 23:38 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Silvia Silvertail from Furrymuck and FurToonia. Artist: stf24.gif 32415 320x200x256 Feb 29 01:00 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sneakers the static fox. Artist: stf26.gif 14105 480x480x256 Jan 26 23:55 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sneakers pose. Artist: stf27.gif 15052 480x480x256 Jan 26 23:55 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sneakers pose. Artist: stf28.gif 15002 480x480x256 Jan 26 23:55 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sneakers pose. Artist: stf29.gif 15382 480x480x256 Jan 26 23:55 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Another Sneaker's pose. :) Artist: stf30.gif 50279 640x480x256 Jan 26 23:55 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sneakers taking discount flying. Artist: stfpaint.gif 7245 320x200x256 Feb 29 01:00 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sneakers making a name for himself :). Artist: sydney1.gif 31727 350x480x256 Apr 15 22:44 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Sydney Thumper, resident snugglebunny. Artist: tali-stf1.gif 34709 320x200x256 Feb 29 01:00 1996 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Tali Hartoh-Mason ready for action. Artist: xenia1.gif 24169 550x480x256 Feb 9 23:55 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // The mysterious Xenia. Artist: xenia2.gif 55922 550x480x256 Feb 9 23:55 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // The mysterious Xenia. Artist: xenos2.gif 50073 400x480x256 Jan 26 23:57 1997 Sean E. Andersen (sneakers@connect.reach.net). Color. // Xenos of the Star Brigade. Artist: aric04.gif 86507 640x480x256 Jun 17 18:43 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Aric of Furtasia. Artist: blake-b.gif 55276 480x480x256 Jun 17 18:44 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Blake Beaumont, the golden otter. Artist: darshak1.gif 53279 350x480x256 Feb 16 09:38 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Darshak of FurryMuck. Artist: europa.gif 62524 350x480x256 Feb 16 09:40 1997 Sean E. Andersen // The furry Sailor Scout, Sailor Europa. Artist: mortar01.gif 19010 320x200x256 Jun 17 18:45 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Sargeant Major Mortar. Artist: o-dour10.gif 84040 640x480x256 Jun 17 18:47 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Major Darien O'Dour pose. Artist: o-dour8.gif 56592 350x480x256 Feb 15 13:20 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Darien O'Dour of FurToonia. Artist: sa-miata.gif 59730 350x480x256 Jun 17 18:49 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Miata of FurryMUCK. Artist: stfdoor.gif 15628 400x480x256 Jun 17 18:49 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Sneakers T-Shirt Design. Artist: vector2.gif 89758 640x480x256 Feb 10 14:31 1997 Sean E. Andersen // Vector, the mysterious mouse of the StarBrigade. Artist: mechdrag.gif 23187 344x196x32 Nov 16 09:42 1996 Sean Parsons. Color. // A pic of a roboticized wardragon... Thanks to BoingDragon (in this case, Mechaboing!) for the inspiration! Artist: psy94.gif 7390 320x200x32 Nov 16 09:39 1996 Sean Parsons. Color. // An older pic of Psyra when he was using his Green AnthroDragon form way back in the FurryMuck of '94! Artist: psy95.gif 26219 368x294x16 Nov 16 09:40 1996 Sean Parsons. Color. // Psyra again, this time hand-drawn as pen-and-ink, showing a close-up of his facial detail. Artist: psyfur1.gif 12056 560x316x16 Nov 16 09:35 1996 Sean Parsons. Color. // FurScape NOW!!! Artist: psyfur2.gif 10712 381x374x16 Nov 16 09:35 1996 Sean Parsons. Color. // Psyra Silverscale in his Anthro-Dragon form, waving. Artist: psygit.gif 43903 640x400x16 Nov 16 09:42 1996 Sean Parsons. Color. // Psyra Silverscale the Quelm Dragon, and his familiar, Gittle, the Australian Rainbow Frilled Lizard. Artist: psyplush.gif 24179 411x349x16 Nov 16 09:37 1996 Sean Parsons. Color. // A pic of Psyra is his PlushDragon form. Artist: shing.gif 29686 409x379x16 Nov 16 09:38 1996 Sean Parsons. Grayscale. // Psyra Silverscale's Japanese cousin, a Wind Dragon of the East. Artist: sw_chfox.gif 39825 636x634x256 May 12 01:43 1995 Sean Wilkinson // "After Christmas comes...Foxing Day?" A cute foxette poses beside a large Christmas present. Artist: sw_sea02.gif 42651 593x751x256 May 17 00:56 1995 Sean Wilkinson // Sean Cologne greets you with a friendly wave. Artist: sw_sea03.gif 102287 452x412x256 Aug 30 02:22 1995 Sean Wilkinson // "Bad Mood" - a quick sketch of a dejected-looking Sean Cologne. Artist: sw_vic01.gif 45160 421x640x256 May 7 00:55 1995 Sean Wilkinson // Vicki Von Oder, a voluptuous skunkette as a lounge waitress, commenting on how guys tend to be unusually big tippers when she's serving. Artist: sw_vic02.gif 28974 585x631x256 May 13 01:43 1995 Sean Wilkinson // Vicki Von Oder leans against a wall with a coy, seductive look. Artist: sw_vic03.gif 24616 352x459x256 Aug 30 02:19 1995 Sean Wilkinson // "Care to tail along?" Vicki Von Oder walks away from you...and looks great doing it. Artist: sw_frnds.gif 30292 500x377x256 Jun 15 00:30 1995 Sean Wilkinson. Colour. // A composite portrait of Sean Cologne and Vicki Von Oder with their RL creator, Sean Wilkinson. Artist: hug-3.gif 214931 707x600x256 Oct 31 13:09 1995 Seppo Halonen (Smilodon) Grayscale. // A lion and a Kzinrret hugging - Ember and Kittiara. Artist: Jadine-BD.iff 155968 ??x??x?? Apr 23 20:00 1994 Serenity // (unknown image format) Jadine Levasseur from Brazilian Dreams, under the Unicorn Mists. Amiga IFF format Artist: hal.jpg 130431 506x579xJPEG Mar 17 15:35 1997 Shane Mans // Hal the unicorn playing cards. Artist: Hal1.jpg 73117 418x587xJPEG Mar 17 15:37 1997 Shane Mans // Hal the unicorn showing off his hip cannon. Artist: alex-and-pat.gif 18174 351x357x16 Mar 26 20:08 1996 Shane Mans. Color. // A quick pencil sketch Alex the foxtaur and Patrick the shadowcat on one of their jorneys together. Artist: dsled.gif 20811 413x417x16 Mar 26 20:33 1996 Shane Mans. Color. // Alex the foxtaur and Patrick the shadowcat on their "demon sled". Artist: fehnnik.gif 82704 379x433x256 Mar 4 03:38 1996 Shane Mans. Color. // Fehnnik Fox sporting his space ranger armor. Artist: alextaur.gif 470139 680x805x256 Jun 10 00:55 1996 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Alex, an adventuring foxtaur, takes a brief pause from his travels through the northern wastes. Artist: alone.gif 63442 687x575x16 Aug 13 10:28 1995 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Canine(?) morph seated in a downpour, looking up with arms raised. Artist: arcane.jpg 42994 514x523xJPEG Feb 11 23:04 1997 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Arcane Westwind, a foxtaur, contemplates the true nature of magic. Artist: armor.gif 73175 267x600x256 Jun 4 00:48 1996 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // A cat morph in some pretty wierd looking cyber armor. Artist: arts.gif 12015 251x290x256 Jun 4 00:48 1996 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Viesha, a Tarkin with an extremely long tail, in a martial arts pose. Artist: bones.gif 85171 273x608x256 Jun 4 00:48 1996 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // A cutaway view showing both a morph's muscle structure and cyber endo-skeleton. Artist: cougar.gif 171661 457x348x256 Jun 4 00:48 1996 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // A work-in-progress showing a cougar morph with a gun to Joe Human's head. Artist: here.jpg 43046 312x375xJPEG Aug 17 09:47 1995 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Feline 'morph seated at a computer. The screen reads "You are here". Artist: ian.gif 96071 621x713x16 Aug 14 09:38 1995 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Reptilian 'morph at a table piled high with books, and two dinosaur models. Artist: inlove.jpg 81344 801x499xJPEG Feb 11 23:04 1997 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Two foxtaurs hold each other tenderly. Artist: journey.jpg 118009 523x525xJPEG Aug 13 10:30 1995 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // First part of a comic involving vehicle repairs and a snake. Artist: journy2.jpg 110041 519x525xJPEG Aug 13 10:31 1995 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Second part of a comic involving vehicle repairs and a snake. Artist: mom-and-kit.jpg 57932 753x521xJPEG Feb 11 23:04 1997 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Mara patiently listens to one of Lauri's hyperactive, overdramatic, rants. Artist: murder.gif 109427 518x678x16 Aug 14 09:40 1995 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Murder scene at the moment of the act. Artist: spyder.jpg 53784 382x798xJPEG Jul 13 22:23 1996 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // A rather nasty, four armed, half cat, half dragon creature. Artist: weasel.gif 46524 461x505x16 Aug 13 10:32 1995 Shane Mans. Grayscale. // Weasel 'morph squatting in a doorway, from a low viewpoint. Artist: Azyur.gif 48016 820x1157x16 Mar 19 04:08 1995 Shane Wagner // Azyur on FurryMUCK. Artist: DragonToast.gif 70749 313x600x32 Jun 30 14:01 1995 Shaun Noonan (shanoo@tiac.net) // A dragon leaping up after a piece of toast. Idea from Phil "Muridae" Drummond on #furry. Artist: MasonBow-SL.jpg 39177 216x314xJPEG Nov 9 14:20 1995 Shawn // A rather pathetic backwards glance from a mouse forced to wear a pink bow. It's that ever popular "Please kill me" look. Artist: MasonSkunk-SL.jpg 33213 281x361xJPEG Nov 9 14:24 1995 Shawn // Mason, the former mouse, after having been doused with skunk colored toon paint, about to high-five someone much taller off-camera. Artist: karma-sl.gif 182935 617x937x256 Dec 19 15:03 1994 Shawn (Mason) // Karma, the snow leopard on Furtoonia. Artist: koalamas.jpg 17893 348x338xJPEG Sep 8 03:02 1995 Shawn (Mason) // This is a picture I did to explain why my character is an Australian Koalamouse. Move the nose, change the fur color.. BING! Koala! Artist: sar-me.gif 81538 400x448x256 Apr 2 11:06 1996 Shawn Reed // This is my FurryMuck character, Leonid (a chinchilla), in a standard picture-ready pose. Artist: sar-fox.gif 292608 800x501x256 Mar 16 22:21 1996 Shawn Reed. Grayscale. // My first original work. Just any typical fox focusing on something out of the picture. Thanks to Lance Rund for inspiration. Artist: mason-sl.gif 43952 404x900x128 Sep 27 07:46 1994 shawnl@neosoft.com // Scanned and computer colored image of Mason Mouse on FurryMUCK and FurToonia. Front view with a raytraced title. Artist: genus8.gif 178961 486x756x256 Oct 3 08:38 1994 Shon Howell By permission of Antarctic Press // A cute tigress. Warning: Implied Nudity / Bondage. Artist: rafeki1.gif 62888 500x574x16 Jan 18 16:49 1996 Singularity // This is my coon. . with the phoeix force ((for all those marvel fans out there!)) Artist: Gladiator.gif 93184 640x445x256 Apr 27 11:24 1995 Skaven // A bulky ratmorph having a rattle with an even bulkier felinoid. Artist: Gladiator.jpg 198186 640x445xJPEG Apr 27 11:50 1995 Skaven // A bulky ratmorph having a rattle with an even bulkier felinoid. Artist: nimr4.gif 24462 680x413x16 May 17 07:31 1994 Smilodon (Seppo Halonen) // Nimravid (FurryMUCK character) in his non-anthro form, quick sketch by the player. Artist: nimradv.gif 85401 591x603x16 May 19 08:41 1994 Smilodon (Seppo Halonen) // Nimravid, the Adventurer (Nimravid, FurryMUCK character - young). Artist: shasari1.jpg 28866 401x592xJPEG Nov 1 14:37 1995 Smilodon aka Seppo Halonen. Grayscale. // Shasari the White Lion of Furrymuck. Artist: kairos2.gif 19789 364x228x256 Oct 31 12:57 1995 Smilodon. Grayscale. // Kairos ( young winged lion on Furrymuck ) looking roguish. Artist: tigrwolf.gif 13810 800x250x256 Nov 16 12:36 1994 snout@furry.ct.se // Tigerwolf. Hope he likes this pic of him (if not, you won't get to see it :) Artist: kobus-kliche600.jpg 160474 800x600xJPEG Mar 4 03:49 1996 Sonny Windstrup // Color - foxes in postapocalyptic cityscape. Bits of rubble and stuff everywhere :) Artist: sowi-02c.gif 49261 594x766x256 Apr 5 07:33 1995 Sonny Windstrup // Wolfmorph hiker of sorts encounters strange roadsign on FM. Full-size version of miniature for Tugriks FurryMuck homepages. Artist: sowi-03b-Denarin.gif 165532 1024x768x256 May 9 08:58 1995 Sonny Windstrup // Anna & Estinor Denarin - character portrait of the furry siblings. Both are caninoids though not necessarily same species... Artist: sowi-kobus.gif 40614 877x768x16 Mar 7 08:15 1995 Sonny Windstrup // Kobus, the FM character by sowi (by sowi) Artist: sowi-snout.gif 64161 400x479x256 Jun 8 09:21 1995 Sonny Windstrup // Snoutie in Cunning TigerDisguise - rendered in gritty colors! Artist: swcrit10.jpg 76305 654x600xJPEG Apr 17 08:33 1995 Sonny Windstrup // Vicky is upset! :) I'm told it's a vixen. Rendered pencil sketch by kobus... Artist: ablufoxy.gif 109730 584x598x256 Oct 14 14:29 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Like the title says! Artist: ballpad.gif 54808 792x600x256 Oct 14 14:31 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // That dumb mousepad. Artist: beachwuf.gif 59588 494x480x256 Oct 14 14:32 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // That dumb beachwuf picture. Artist: brwnlago.jpg 73021 276x600xJPEG Oct 14 14:33 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // That dumb bunny picture. There's a mad looking furry face to the bunnys right, that I think I like. Artist: cityfops.gif 159403 500x600x256 Oct 14 14:36 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // ME! Looking out my window at a naively rendered, incredibly yellow birdoid creature. Artist: cityfops.jpg 122064 500x600xJPEG Oct 14 14:37 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // ME! Looking out my window at a naively rendered, incredibly yellow birdoid creature. Artist: evilfop3.jpg 77492 597x560xJPEG Oct 14 14:40 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Evil fops gets computer colorized and sent to Hell. Artist: foxnews.gif 12311 800x600x16 Oct 14 14:42 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // This one is the original Deluxe Paint IIe 'handpainted' version. Artist: Kangaroo_Armpit.gif 21937 720x600x16 Mar 10 02:10 1996 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Kangaroo armpit. March 7, 1996. Artist: kobus-fox2.jpg 56324 640x480xJPEG Feb 29 00:59 1996 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // ,c Fox looking not altogether pleased with the CDA legislation. Artist: robin.gif 55644 393x600x256 Oct 14 14:43 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Bleah. A silverfurred critter of some sort, sporting red pants and golden headhair. Artist: sowi-01.gif 107940 488x768x256 Oct 14 14:45 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Digititigrade fox! New hi-resolution release of my very first official furry image ;> "Birds seem to manage." (thanks Steve.) Artist: sowi-03.gif 44049 717x529x256 Oct 14 14:47 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Anna & Estinor Denarin. 'Commissioned' picture. Artist: sowi-04c.gif 166459 640x480x256 Oct 14 14:50 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Super-Berios! Featuring Kiyote and kobus as passengers on the friendly polar toon wolf. Artist: sowi-05c.gif 137966 800x600x256 Oct 14 14:52 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // kobus and Victor trots off to Eurofurence. Victor (wrongly rendered here) is copyright Andre Heinonen :) Artist: sowi-fox.jpg 32022 640x480xJPEG Mar 13 08:28 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Generic fox head portrait seen from the side. Handpainted in Fractal Design Painter :) Artist: sowi-hug.gif 47149 620x480x256 Oct 14 14:54 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // kobus hugs Snout! Aw! Cute! Artist: sowi-sno.gif 64161 400x479x256 Oct 14 14:57 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Snout in tigersuit. Artist: sowikbus.gif 40614 877x768x16 Oct 14 14:56 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Who is this kobus guy anyway? Artist: swcrit10.gif 171746 654x600x256 Oct 14 15:00 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Vicky. Looking somewhat angered. Artist: swcrit11.gif 127020 640x480x256 Oct 14 15:02 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // "Meep, Aspirin!" pencil sketched fox holding a pencil sketched fox. Artist: swcrit30.jpg 39794 497x480xJPEG Oct 14 15:05 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Quickie doodle with (warning: product endorsement) lots of Mars 3000 colors =) This guy has a big black mane! Artist: swcrit31.jpg 36640 497x480xJPEG Oct 14 15:06 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Wistful looking fox. Artist: swcrit32.jpg 29744 306x421xJPEG Oct 14 15:06 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Blue quickie sketch in blue. A critter sez, 'oh bother.' Artist: swcrit33.jpg 16763 252x285xJPEG Oct 14 15:07 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Color. // Another quickie sketch in blue. Artist: 555-meep.jpg 99207 513x600xJPEG Oct 14 14:28 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Greyscale. // kobus plays a practial joke on Snout (who's conveniently morphic in this appearence) Artist: agility.jpg 75508 563x765xJPEG Oct 14 14:30 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Greyscale. // Snout messily eats a pizza slice. Artist: cutefops.jpg 72916 447x600xJPEG Oct 14 14:39 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Greyscale. // A fox in, um, ...overalls... hmm. Artist: evilfops.jpg 112718 799x600xJPEG Oct 14 14:42 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Greyscale. // Evil fops looks evil. Artist: swcrit12.gif 116939 479x537x256 Oct 14 15:04 1995 Sonny Windstrup. Greyscale. // Unspecified critter :) Artist: sp-beat.jpg 25373 378x480xJPEG Dec 2 14:49 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen) // A beatnik skunk playing standup bass. Artist: sp-ch1.gif 24987 800x650x256 Dec 2 14:50 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen) // Profile of Cheena Fivering, weirdness investigator. Artist: sp-i02.gif 56068 800x600x256 Dec 2 14:50 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen) // The Investigators, #2: Rudy & Cheena investigate a crop circle with a strangely familiar shape. Artist: sp-i03.gif 40561 640x480x256 Dec 2 14:50 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen) // The Investigators, #3: Rudy & Cheena doing some background research on the computer. Artist: sp-rpd1.gif 29728 640x200x256 Dec 2 14:50 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen) // How rapid is Rabbit? Pretty darn rapid if she's got a rocket-cycle thingy like this. Artist: sp-rpd2.jpg 14554 400x240xJPEG Dec 2 14:50 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen) // A neatened-up sketch for sp-rpd1.gif. Artist: sp-wolf.jpg 41114 441x565xJPEG Dec 2 14:50 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen) // Wolf-guy leaning on a railing. Artist: sp-dub.gif 32054 880x550x16 Sep 21 03:26 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // A feline dub wizard at the controls. Artist: sp-getit.gif 23599 800x600x16 Oct 27 22:55 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // Villainous wolf prepares to send a hapless squirrel into orbit. Artist: sp-grey.gif 16084 640x480x16 Sep 21 03:37 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // Two sinister alien rodents holding mysterious devices. Artist: sp-lhooq.gif 11139 800x600x16 May 27 21:40 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // A Dada reference, taken a bit literally. One very dangerous mouse. Artist: sp-music.gif 16362 800x600x16 May 29 22:29 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // Stylized fox, playing some manner of reed instrument. Artist: sp-rv1.gif 12762 768x480x16 Oct 27 22:55 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // Rudy Vroom (foxtaur), amateur investigator of unusual phenomena. Artist: sp-rv2.gif 13399 640x480x16 Oct 27 22:55 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // Rudy, armed with a camcorder. Artist: sp-rv3.gif 36663 800x600x256 Oct 27 22:55 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // Rudy, along with his raccoon partner Cheena. Artist: sp-skunk.gif 22263 640x768x16 Aug 11 19:18 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Color. // Female skunk playing bass. Artist: sp-piano.gif 7857 640x480x16 May 27 21:40 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Grayscale. // Raccoon at the piano. Far-too-cute-to-live pic by Spatter. Artist: sp-soum.gif 9534 440x600x16 Jun 8 21:59 1996 Spatter (Eli McIlveen). Grayscale. // Trance music: another fox playing another made-up instrument. Artist: Blink.gif 271070 444x634x256 Nov 10 19:47 1995 Steph Hahn // Colored pencil sketch. Artist: Rafeki.gif 104634 350x577x256 Nov 4 15:25 1995 Stephanie Hahn. Grayscale. // Rafeki del Armes, out for a hike. Artist: simtra.gif 72919 423x477x256 Mar 5 17:32 1996 Stephen Johnson // My first picture of my character (Simtra Fox) on FurryMuck. Artist: Theind1.gif 72322 511x689x256 Sep 28 10:18 1993 Stephie Stone // Theind is (obviously) a mouse 'morph, and an excellent fencer. This is 'take 1' by the artist; close, but not quite right. Artist: Theind2.gif 55015 477x579x256 Sep 28 10:18 1993 Stephie Stone // Theind is (obviously) a mouse 'morph, and an excellent fencer. This is 'take 2' by the artist; closer, but still not quite right. Artist: Theind3.gif 61012 428x645x256 Sep 28 10:18 1993 Stephie Stone // Theind is (obviously) a mouse 'morph, and an excellent fencer. This is 'take 3' by the artist; _just_ right Artist: roocouch.gif 12819 640x390x2 Feb 3 14:00 1996 Steve Domanski. Black and white. // Iyu relaxing on the ole couch in happy spirits. Artist: rool.jpg 38383 640x408xJPEG Feb 3 14:00 1996 Steve Domanski. Color. // Two roos kissing in a romantic setting, *smooch*smooch*. Artist: roorec.jpg 37972 468x480xJPEG Feb 3 14:00 1996 Steve Domanski. Color. // Iyu in full color and a happy smile on his face. Artist: iyunness.gif 147846 411x476x256 Mar 26 20:33 1996 Steve Dominsky. Grayscale. // Nessus and a slightly toasted Iyu at the Coyote's Den. Artist: cosmo_greet.gif 9074 623x453x2 Dec 27 07:45 1993 Steven Back // Cosmo and Gizzmo wave seasons greetings Artist: cosmo_robot.gif 89810 1100x799x256 Jun 14 12:38 1993 Steven Back Color: Gray scale // A robot stumbles along an alien landscape, until it is 'saved' by its alert remote operator (Cosmo). Artist: cosmo_timeout.gif 106055 1100x799x16 Jun 14 12:38 1993 Steven Back Color: Gray scale // Its the final seconds before the countdown runs out, and Cosmo's computer crashes! What disaster will this cause? Artist: cosmo_pilot.gif 164027 1100x850x256 Jun 14 12:38 1993 Steven Back Color: Gray scale -- you should use a gif viewer with scrolling to enjoy fully. // Cosmo, is test piloting a new rocket aircraft, or is he? Artist: cosmo4.gif 79872 1100x799x16 Sep 6 12:53 1993 Steven Back Color: Grayscale // Cosmo gives worldly advice to Gizzmo at a time of crises. Artist: weresn.jpg 109954 640x480xJPEG Nov 16 09:31 1996 Steven Graziano - Kaizen Studios. Color. // Hand drawn werewolf standing in a 3d graveyard. Artist: drgness.jpg 71648 640x480xJPEG Oct 28 01:47 1996 Steven Graziano aka Spazzy Coyote. Color. // A beautiful dragoness holding a mystical crystal ball. Artist: wereholw.jpg 166194 573x800xJPEG Oct 28 01:47 1996 Steven Graziano aka Spazzy Coyote. Grayscale. // A werewolf holding a trophy by a full moon on all hallows eve. Artist: ZxarrGR.gif 70735 800x600x256 Jun 7 20:48 1996 Stewart St. Clair Minter (Gryphon). Color. // Zxarr the Panther and Kerridwen the Cat of FurryMUCK snuggling on the bridge of a starship. Artist: KeetGR.jpg 82110 622x480xJPEG Jul 1 23:57 1996 Stewart St.Clair Minter (Gryphon). Color. // Keet the Parakeet of FM standing on a stump with semi-surreal backdrop. Artist: TybaltGR.gif 77191 800x600x256 May 10 23:26 1996 Stewart St.Clair Minter (Gryphon). Color. // Tybalt the ocelot working on plans for his spaceship the Exodus by candlelight, pizza boxes nearby. Artist: CounclGR.gif 132146 651x600x16 Jul 3 01:37 1996 Stewart St.Clair Minter (Gryphon). Grayscale. // A griffin, a rat creature and a fox holding council. Artist: DrgnptGR.gif 84706 734x600x16 Jul 16 01:38 1996 Stewart St.Clair Minter (Gryphon). Grayscale. // DragonPot of FurryMUCK, Gryphon's demonic kitchen servant. Artist: JesseGR.gif 72321 755x600x16 Jul 19 23:51 1996 Stewart St.Clair Minter (Gryphon). Grayscale. // Jessebelle the Mephit of FurryMUCK folding origami animals that come to life. Artist: PanamaGR.gif 60064 800x600x256 May 20 08:41 1996 Stewart St.Clair Minter. Color. // Panama Bob facing off against a deadly assassin... Cool shirt, Bob! Artist: karma.gif 21836 320x300x256 Oct 6 00:48 1994 Stinker // The snowleopard Karma kneeling in front of a ball of yarn. Artist: dragntsh.str.jpg 182133 609x846xJPEG Dec 18 12:38 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Color. // I finally found a form that fits the Alt.horror.werewolves T-Shirt (http://www.ka.net/moonshadow). Artist: howl2.str.gif 61677 505x776x256 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Color. // HAPPY HOWLOWEEN! 4-bit color. Artist: 156tiger.str.gif 8261 310x288x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Locke holding my Hist156 lecture outlines. Artist: ashchta1.str.gif 56752 851x608x32 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Don't wake me, I'm imitating Ashtoreth's style! Artist: bloodtig.str.gif 43035 432x833x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // STriker BloodTiger in a partying mood. Artist: calmbed_.str.gif 25730 563x580x16 Dec 18 23:20 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Ummm.... you figure it out. May not pass the filters. Artist: chtakat.str.gif 65219 607x858x256 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // STriker II, a giant werecheetah, and Katsiro on the run. Artist: davepend.str.gif 25170 426x848x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Dave Pendragon, a hermaphrodite weredragon. Artist: davmesur.str.gif 21483 557x682x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Dave... Measuring? Artist: dstevens.str.gif 22755 557x488x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Mr Stevens, as a feline conductor (he's the conductor on the MARC train I ride) Artist: faonrun.str.gif 42237 604x719x256 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Wolf on the run.... Wolf on the run... Artist: hunkumcp.str.gif 55850 490x847x256 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Now who wouldn't love this 'cheetah? Artist: lockehof.str.gif 28067 463x666x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Locke finds Jimmy Hoffa in a block of concrete! Artist: multistr.str.gif 44091 573x849x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // First there was MacroFurry... now there's MultiFurry! Artist: redutil.str.gif 24823 492x467x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Redwolf Utilities Project logo for WAM. Artist: rigelcon.str.gif 236480 2071x1241x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // RigelCon 2 pic: Part of FurryMuck East Central. Artist: riker.str.gif 23834 546x445x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // A two headed doberman. Artist: solar1.str.gif 49867 744x546x256 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Logo for UMCP's Solar car that I did. Artist: solar2.str.gif 52443 731x487x256 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // And another logo just for taste. Artist: strconst.str.gif 50053 592x842x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // My construction logo... Artist: strhdrag.str.gif 38596 606x855x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Ok, so I took the bait.... Artist: strsides.str.gif 97992 1008x886x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // The many sides of STriker... RedWolf, Felix, RedDragon, Nakele, and BloodTiger. Artist: stygrpro.str.gif 61107 606x863x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // "You got problems? I'm 9'6" tall, four armed, and I can't decide what to do about my paws!!!!". Artist: tygrisc.str.gif 28513 499x673x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // Tygris Cornhilio Amongus, the second Tygris, with the cybenetic arm, meditating. Artist: wamfaq4.str.gif 27334 406x374x256 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // We here you! Fourth logo for the UMCP WAM Faq. Artist: wchtarlg.str.gif 61210 511x837x16 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // It's a large werecheetah'taur... I'm suprized that he can stand up and not fall over!!! Artist: xmswlf96.str.gif 94146 1086x1178x256 Dec 18 12:33 1996 STriker RedWolf (aka Kelly Price). Grayscale. // MERRY CHRISMAS, EVERYONE!!! 1996 ed. Artist: 3ptails.gif 9458 512x462x2 Jul 4 04:15 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Case Study on 3 pony tails on Nistral. Artist: admrl_cl.gif 13436 731x913x2 Jul 4 04:15 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Admiral John F. Toad in "work" uniform. Artist: admrl_nk.gif 11923 722x908x2 Jul 4 04:15 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Admiral Toad... striped. Artist: ahwtshfr.gif 12172 410x1000x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Front view of AHWW T-Shirt. Artist: ahwtshsd.gif 9568 352x892x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Side view of AHWW T-Shirt.. Artist: alytluna.gif 25177 832x1012x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Alyt and Luna spec sheets. Artist: alytmona.gif 23563 864x735x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Alyt and Mona in an indoor pool. Talk about chatter. Artist: athenacl.gif 11993 701x944x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Athena in normal garb. Artist: athenank.gif 12455 673x939x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Athena top nude... but I don't draw nipples. Artist: bast_cl.gif 18537 864x994x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Bast, ready for action. Artist: bast_nk.gif 12758 744x930x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Bast, striped. Artist: bearpaws.gif 12639 672x884x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // BearPaws of AHWW. Artist: caraback.gif 11549 606x833x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Caramon Drake, striped back view. Artist: caramncl.gif 31554 732x1320x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Caramon in armor. Artist: caramnnk.gif 32947 744x1327x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Caramon with a g-string. Artist: demo_cl.gif 15572 756x976x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Demo AlterVote in a buisness suit. Artist: demo_nk.gif 15452 748x971x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Demo... and his weakness. Artist: elvis.gif 30576 768x1311x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // IT'S ELVIS PRESTLY FIREBIRD!!!!!. Artist: foxx-str.gif 19888 852x1008x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Foxx for Diamondback. Artist: frnkzk.gif 19864 704x944x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // A less-muscular Leo Frnkzk of AHWW. New one comming!. Artist: helmets.gif 10959 400x814x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Case study on helmet design. Artist: history1.gif 12715 689x355x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Old sketches, part 1. Artist: history2.gif 21795 1086x819x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // old sketches, part 2. Artist: history3.gif 12127 689x804x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // old sketches, part 3. Artist: hyranowr.gif 13517 564x753x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Chomi of AHWW. Artist: jakedoom.gif 31788 816x1087x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Jake, STriker's son, saving his father's BUTT!. Artist: jfoxglov.gif 20778 834x1031x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // A bad sketch of J FoxGlov of FurryMuck. Artist: kathy_bk.gif 13278 483x961x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Kathy Syberia Amongus, back view. Artist: kathy_cl.gif 15042 715x931x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Kathy, beach clothes, and yes, they're that big. Artist: kathy_nk.gif 14840 722x937x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Kathy... I gotta lay off on the HELIUM!. Artist: laertes.gif 15715 680x974x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Laerties Caesar, my werefox Catholic preist. Artist: lunajrdn.gif 24912 844x1075x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Damned long legs for space. Artist: lunaside.gif 11884 410x901x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Luna side view. Artist: lunawide.gif 5292 332x409x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // The t-shirt says it all: "WIDE LOAD". Artist: luna_at3.gif 12878 480x670x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Luna... with Kathy's breasts!. Artist: luna_cl.gif 13325 730x934x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Luna in a Star Trek uniform. Artist: luna_cl2.gif 14437 636x895x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Luna, dressed like a beach babe. Artist: luna_nk.gif 15245 712x908x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Luna striped. Artist: midknght.gif 39282 1100x1348x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Midknight, a hellcat on FurryMuck. Artist: mona.gif 17510 740x951x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Mona, STriker's daughter. Artist: morgana.gif 18155 604x734x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Morgana, a panther/griffon mix from FurryMuck. Artist: mystique.gif 30350 1229x793x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Mystique, a werepanther.. Artist: nghtfire.gif 20946 596x964x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // NightFire, a winged, cat-tailed werefox.. Artist: nisthuge.gif 17855 537x956x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Nistral being huge.. Artist: nistjrdn.gif 20082 696x1067x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Nistral with long legs... WERES IN SPACE!!!. Artist: nist_cl.gif 17944 740x920x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Nistral, ready for action. Artist: nist_fr.gif 15016 466x954x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Front running view of Nistral. Artist: nist_nk.gif 17864 732x920x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Nistral, striped for the beach. Artist: nist_sd.gif 12518 410x954x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Nistral, Side view. Artist: para_cl.gif 29935 704x1302x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Bill Paragan, with the flame thrower... Artist: para_nk.gif 32935 704x1312x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Bill is rarely at the beach... Artist: psycho.gif 5867 492x349x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // PSYCHHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!. Artist: raphael.gif 9478 396x716x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Raphael NahulWolf, in a imitation of a retouch in AHWW.. Artist: serraact.gif 31524 704x1256x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Serra... ready for action. Artist: serrased.gif 30296 672x1259x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Serra Drakal... for those times with Senator Exon... Artist: serra_nk.gif 30350 704x1263x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Serra... rarely at the beach. Artist: slipstre.gif 15344 540x713x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // SlipStream of FurryMuck Space.. Artist: str-ears.gif 4321 352x374x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Case study of STriker's ears being folded back. Artist: str2jrnd.gif 16756 712x1071x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker, a beefed-up version of str_jrdn.gif. Artist: strchta1.gif 14375 577x752x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker's old cheetah form, part 1. Artist: strchta2.gif 10058 576x704x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker's old cheetah form, part 2. Artist: strdragn.gif 35900 672x1452x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker as a double-headed wolf/dragon. Artist: strdrtar.gif 22096 605x847x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker, single headed, wolf/dragon'taur. Artist: strherm2.gif 10449 376x890x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker, hermaphrodite side view. Artist: strikrbk.gif 10783 453x948x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker, back. Artist: strikrcl.gif 12433 743x949x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker, clothed. Artist: strikrnk.gif 14694 696x935x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker, TO THE BEACH!!!. Artist: strkthfr.gif 22748 863x917x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker and Kathy facing front. Artist: strkthsd.gif 22449 776x888x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker and Kathy, to the side. Artist: strspace.gif 13455 524x786x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // WERES IN SPACE... or the effect of legs. Artist: strtaur1.gif 18785 1008x803x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // STriker, a wolf'taur fix. Artist: strwingm.gif 38879 1120x1308x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Flying in a winter wonderland... Sorry Jonny Blanco. Artist: strwtfrm.gif 11121 608x541x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Case study, Wolf'Taur STriker, lying down, front view. Artist: str_huge.gif 13898 518x912x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // HEY ARNOLD! BEAT THIS BEEFED STRIKER UP!!!. Artist: str_jrdn.gif 20498 752x1065x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Damn skinny STriker with long legs. Artist: sylfwing.gif 59656 1136x1958x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Sylffor dressed with WINGS!. Artist: sylf_dr.gif 23808 746x1447x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Sylffor of AHWW, dressed. Artist: sylf_nk.gif 23896 968x1464x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Sylffor stripped to underwear. Artist: teeka_cl.gif 32977 740x1320x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Teeka, Caramon's wife, ready for action. Artist: teeka_nk.gif 29818 776x1323x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Teeka, stripped. Artist: tygriscl.gif 15645 739x934x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Tygris, the old ranger... Artist: tygrisnk.gif 16215 721x939x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // The saberteeth stay on Tygris and Shifter. Artist: vodalin.gif 27412 820x1007x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // Vodalin, a werefish. Artist: wingwolf.gif 20079 828x1110x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // WingedWolf of AHWW. Artist: wolf-str.gif 25094 788x988x2 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Black and white. // A long-leged WOLF for Diamondback. Artist: inmemory.jpg 11574 299x429xJPEG Jul 3 04:52 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Color. // In memory of Tygris and Kathy Amongus.... Artist: luna-c.jpg 20747 475x665xJPEG Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Color. // Luna in color. Artist: nistralc.jpg 46219 595x702xJPEG Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Color. // Nistral in color. Artist: stlogo2.gif 13111 448x262x256 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Color. // The new STriker Labs logo, which is co-painted by Lobocursor Lyceus. Artist: strhermc.jpg 23640 469x675xJPEG Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Color. // STriker, colored hermaphrodite. Artist: stricons.gif 9470 640x70x256 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Color. // Icons of most everyone. Artist: wamfaq.gif 8180 380x414x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Color. // Old graphic for a FAQ on the web. Artist: aaarrooo.gif 31771 542x837x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Howling tall... Artist: ahwtshbk.gif 15356 458x912x16 Jul 4 04:15 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // A design for an AHWW T-Shirt. Pinky's got a new one.. Artist: badge.gif 27968 621x503x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker's old badge before going in as a First Aider. Artist: bloodlin.gif 41699 564x789x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // "Bloodlines": Max "Shifter" and Liz, Luna's kids. Artist: chtatigr.gif 103489 839x1118x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker and Shifter... bulked up a bit. Artist: csbridge.gif 31479 764x488x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Case study on weretiger bridge piercing. Artist: cswolfbr.gif 9365 327x292x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Case study on werewolf bridge piercing. Artist: diamondb.gif 17687 495x696x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Diamondback of FurryMUCK. Artist: frnkzk3.gif 35003 596x721x16 Jul 3 04:51 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Leo, finally bulked up!. Artist: katsiro.gif 18224 564x709x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Katsiro Atone for Keio WolfStar. Artist: keepgrey.gif 23638 552x778x16 Jul 6 16:05 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // "So I kept the grey V on my back, since I was first drawn as a humaniod furry. What's it to ya?" -STriker Artist: keio.gif 15409 420x750x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Keio WolfStar as... Keio WolfBurst. Artist: keiohook.gif 34620 846x607x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Keio's RIGHT HOOK!!! WATCH OUT!!!. Artist: leapwolf.gif 21024 599x748x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Leaper as a werewolf... MORE FIREWOOD, LEAPER!!!. Artist: leap_fox.gif 28684 591x734x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Leaper BlackPaws... finally a werefox of AHWW. Artist: ltailwvr.gif 13016 373x223x256 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Luna with four bridge peircings. Artist: lundbdr.gif 35948 576x858x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Luna, now a limited polymorph, dressed w/four arms. Artist: lundbsid.gif 25339 528x808x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Luna, side view. Artist: lundbslm.gif 49204 756x1134x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Luna, side view again, lookin' slim. Artist: lurker.gif 28506 582x760x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Lurker of AHWW looking for aliens. Artist: lyceus.gif 33531 589x738x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Lyceus Lobocursor, the Mexiwolf of AHWW. Artist: maxback.gif 38580 585x848x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Shifter, bulked up... look at that back!!!. Artist: maxdherm.gif 43085 610x815x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Shifter, a collage of two scanned pictures of him being a two-header hermaphrodite. Artist: maxdress.gif 37713 599x1078x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Shifter, ready for action. Artist: max_nk.gif 38858 518x811x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Max "Shifter", finding out "why I am so tall.". Artist: mona12br.gif 39285 548x765x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Mona as a werecheetah, with 12 breasts!!!. Artist: monachta.gif 55651 554x853x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Mona as a tall werecheetah... all leg. Artist: monahair.gif 20025 564x450x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Case study of hair on Mona as a werewolf. Artist: nistherm.gif 23638 577x696x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Nistral as a three-breasted HERMAPHRODITE!. Artist: nistwing.gif 39860 1056x1284x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Nistral Winging it. Artist: str1horn.gif 37605 756x1012x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker... with horns!. Artist: strcbra1.gif 43739 800x1107x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker as a werewolfcobra. Artist: strcbra2.gif 16582 398x791x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker as a werewolfcobra. Artist: strchta3.gif 64511 843x1074x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // The cheetah agrees with me on this one. This is the new werecheetah form for STriker. Artist: strchtar.gif 167585 1126x848x256 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // A Cheetah'taur named STriker. Artist: strdherm.gif 26696 409x695x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker as a double-headed Hermaphrodite. Artist: strealit.gif 65314 792x978x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Mixing reality with fiction. Sorta how I feel at this time. Time!. Artist: strfishy.gif 51066 610x784x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker just being fishy... Artist: strrambo.gif 24034 504x760x128 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // I had to scan in a werewolf'taur.... Artist: str_demo.gif 31271 583x779x256 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker and Demo... a "reality" moment. Artist: str_work.gif 33579 564x630x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // The artist at work on his present job. Artist: tailwavr.jpg 141699 560x680xJPEG Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Lanmaru "TwoTails" Tailwaver. Gotta do Grae. All of AHWW. Artist: temperma.gif 14564 412x473x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // Temperament - Peirces with polymorphs. Artist: testudo.gif 38865 562x680x16 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // UMCP's Mascot, TESTUDO, in front of McKeldin Mall.. Artist: walksie.gif 16033 428x413x256 Jul 4 04:16 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // WALKSIE!!! Of Ahww. Artist: wlfburst.gif 108358 840x1159x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // The WolfBurst Fam-il-ly! *SNAP* *SNAP!*. Artist: wwlftaur.gif 74137 843x1195x16 Jul 3 04:50 1996 STriker RedWolf Price. Grayscale. // STriker, as a werewolf'taur. Is this possible?. Artist: GeneAndI.gif 32335 298x587x256 Apr 27 14:13 1997 STriker RedWolf/Kelly Price. Color. // ,c Yep, might as well join the bandwagon. Me shaking hands with Gene Catlow. Artist: kva4ff.gif 39283 501x722x64 Feb 9 23:41 1997 STriker RedWolf/Kelly Price. Grayscale. // Kathy Venus Amongus, a three breasted white weretiger femme who just loves the water. Artist: bigpuppy.gif 65226 366x480x256 May 18 12:02 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Puppies are so cute, but as soon as you turn around they're tearing something up. Artist: borncddl.gif 187562 619x800x256 May 13 01:11 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Born to Cuddle. Cassandra Ringtail of Furtoonia. January 1997. Artist: cushion.gif 154400 610x800x256 May 13 02:03 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // January 1997. A plump female tabby cat morph. Medieval style clothing. Artist: drgness.gif 315358 978x800x256 May 18 12:01 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // A female dragon thoughtfully scratches her chin while casually leaning on a computer. January 1997. Artist: dsj.gif 136914 611x637x256 May 13 02:30 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Three Macrofurries: Jenny the zoomorphic donkey girl, David the lambmorph, and Samson the scapegoat morph. 1996. Artist: fritz.gif 124728 621x800x256 May 24 19:38 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Fritz the Spitz dog prepares to have a little Christmas Eve snack. December 1996. Macro furry with frontal male nudity. Artist: frndlift.gif 263696 564x800x256 May 18 12:03 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Sultrina the American Eskimo Dog gets a lift from her favorite wolf friend, Kolt. January 1997. Artist: grab.gif 296005 573x800x256 May 18 12:04 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Ponytails the little equinegirl takes flying lessons when her grandpa decides to move the pickup. Macro furry. January 1997. Artist: lookclos.gif 262540 620x800x256 May 18 12:06 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // "You know, on second thought, I think I will go clean my room." January 1997. Artist: maleeq.gif 177950 591x800x256 May 18 12:09 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // A stallion in jeans and cowboy boots leans against a post and watches skeptically as a unicorn in shorts prances past. Jan '97. Artist: mhari.gif 145521 626x633x256 May 24 19:38 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Mhari the Highland heifer looks around in astonishment, caught unawares washing her laundry in the river. Dec 1996. Nudity. Artist: murky.gif 164634 647x800x256 May 18 12:12 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // An angry kelpie, a shapeshifting creature of European folklore, Murkwater Grey of FurryMUCK rears and bares her fangs. Dec '96. Artist: murrine.gif 102930 650x659x256 May 13 02:24 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Murrrine the sabretooth macro tigeress relaxes while watching a pair of wooly mammoths wander by. December 1996. Artist: predprey.gif 131803 765x473x256 May 13 02:26 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Zoomorphic female gazelle embraces a male cheetah furry, but is that gentle lick on her neck affection or hunger? Dec '96. Artist: remy.gif 258983 642x721x256 May 18 12:16 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // ,c Remy, a macro ringtail, takes a break and a seat on a store in a small town. December 1996. Artist: rollerb.gif 154385 514x800x256 May 13 02:22 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Rollerblading furry fem, originally supposed to be a macro. You can see the faint outlines of buildings behind her. Jan '97. Artist: sltriprk.gif 297912 682x800x256 May 13 02:20 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // Sultrina the American Eskimo Spitz Dog struts her stuff in the West Corner of FurryMUCK Park. December 1996. Artist: whereis.gif 208176 590x596x256 May 13 02:19 1997 Sultrina. Grayscale. // "What's that strange noise and where is that damn dog?" A Labador Retriever furry may not be the best seeing eye dog. Jan '97. Artist: weirdwolf.gif 255300 793x600x256 Sep 17 12:20 1995 Susan Jones // This came out of a very strange game of Werewolf Artist: dreamw.gif 52420 293x185x256 Oct 1 10:27 1996 Susan M Jones // A portrait of the FurryMuck character Dreamweaver. Wings aren't quite right, tho. Artist: lamasu.gif 138406 432x448x256 Sep 30 15:12 1996 Susan M Jones // A lamasu playing pipes. Artist: notebook1.gif 184456 432x556x256 Sep 30 15:18 1996 Susan M Jones // This is part of a notebook study of various furs. Artist: notebook2.gif 212808 432x506x256 Sep 30 15:22 1996 Susan M Jones // Character sketches of various furs, part 2 Artist: viper.gif 23140 156x291x256 Sep 30 15:13 1996 Susan M Jones // A portrait of Viper, a merc in FurrySpace. Artist: ysyce.gif 96740 354x468x256 Sep 21 08:44 1995 Susan M Jones // This is my character on Furry, relaxing. Artist: Fre'ta.gif 153120 556x572x256 Sep 25 11:33 1995 Susan M Jones (ugsjones@ecuvax.cis.ecu.edu) // Portrait of the Furrymuck character, Fre'ta Artist: spark.jpg 161354 326x525xJPEG Mar 8 22:46 1997 Susan M Jones. Color. // My latest sketch of Ysyce Sparkstealer, done for a drawing class. Artist: bye.jpg 59339 319x485xJPEG Apr 15 07:10 1997 Susan M Jones. Grayscale. // Kitty lady on her way to elsewhere. Artist: chcake.jpg 46324 403x479xJPEG Apr 15 07:10 1997 Susan M Jones. Grayscale. // Experiment at turning a drawing from figure drawing class into a furry...kind of a cheesecake pose. Artist: draghatc.jpg 92943 338x525xJPEG Mar 8 22:46 1997 Susan M Jones. Grayscale. // A dragon hatching out of its egg. 'Nuff said. Artist: shadow.jpg 51734 525x338xJPEG Mar 8 22:46 1997 Susan M Jones. Grayscale. // This is a quick sketch of my kitty, Shadow, in the midst of stretching. Artist: Bibbity.jpg 30848 736x707xJPEG Jan 8 19:16 1996 Sweetie // Sweetie's dreams finally come true. Artist: Transfur.jpg 26762 632x821xJPEG Nov 10 18:20 1995 Sweetie // Sweetie and her friend playing Transfur in the park. Artist: Sweetie.jpg 50110 592x1061xJPEG Oct 28 18:05 1995 Sweetie. Color. // This is Sweetie wearing her dress. It is drawn in colored pencils. Artist: icebearhug.jpg 22680 424x602xJPEG Mar 16 22:16 1996 Sylvain Cordier. Color. // Two polar bears hugging each other! Artist: tswtln01.gif 70365 559x487x256 Nov 21 10:22 1995 T.S. Wessner. Grayscale. // Talonson (arctic wolf morph) being bored. (Sketched during a very dull staff meeting.) Artist: tswtln02.gif 37591 537x560x256 Nov 21 10:23 1995 T.S. Wessner. Grayscale. // Talonson (arctic wolf morph) giving that "curious" look. Artist: Berlin-Ta-tbk.jpg 65370 751x607xJPEG Apr 29 02:11 1996 Tabalon and unci. Grayscale. // Pencil drawing of Pangur, unci, Tabalon, charon and Bagheera in an underground train in Berlin. Artist: ap-study.jpg 52371 304x447xJPEG May 5 00:15 1997 Taka. Color. // Color (!) study for an Ace of Pentacles. (c) 1997, Taka. Artist: brdsword.jpg 77869 321x579xJPEG May 5 00:16 1997 Taka. Color. // Sketch of a birdman brandishing a sword and looking upset about something. (c) 1997, Taka. Artist: earlytaur.jpg 38751 363x457xJPEG May 5 00:17 1997 Taka. Grayscale. // An early drawing of a kentaur. You can probably see the unfinished elements. (c) 1997, Taka. Artist: rakh-taur.jpg 27791 410x480xJPEG May 5 00:17 1997 Taka. Grayscale. // Rakh of Furrymuck, in his kentaur form. (c) 1997, Taka. Artist: tigerman1.gif 19338 177x240x256 May 5 00:18 1997 Taka. Grayscale. // An unfinished tigerman. (c) 1997, Taka. Artist: tigerman2.gif 48156 221x299x256 May 5 00:18 1997 Taka. Grayscale. // A kneeling tigerman, making a point of some sort. (c) 1997, Taka. Artist: bea-ad-1.gif 163843 1280x1641x16 Oct 15 01:37 1996 Taral Wayne / Steve Gallacci. Grayscale. // Furry Advertisement for the new, full-color Beatrix Farmer comic coming out in January. Artist: 2diefur.gif 17281 640x426x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Color. // A furry parody of the movie "To Die For". A product of late night boredom. Artist: jakymutt.gif 16048 640x426x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Color. // Mutt & his now dead mate, Jacky Keroucac. Artist: lsd.gif 14178 640x426x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Color. // Mutt's best friend, Lincold Sherman Detamore (AKA LSD), a possum. Artist: absolut.gif 55856 250x386x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt trapped in a vodka bottle. Another product of late night boredom. Artist: badday.gif 65702 246x411x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt in a bad mood. Artist: headsup.gif 191899 421x678x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt about to have a rude awakening. Artist: kokmutt.gif 66586 261x410x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt acting like Kokopelli Artist: muttbeav.gif 146182 617x373x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Furry Beavis & Butthead parody. Artist: muttlsd.gif 168932 404x651x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt & LSD. Artist: peekaboo.gif 78744 399x252x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // The late Jacky Kerouac mooning a passing jogger. Artist: prelude.gif 58883 388x236x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt feelin' yiffy with Jacky (May God bless her soul) Artist: read.gif 96061 263x418x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt reading a newspaper. Artist: shandeth.gif 58832 246x322x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // A strange mixture of Mike Curtis's Shanda the Panda & Neil Gaiman's Death. Artist: shower.gif 112884 365x559x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt dumping a cooler of icewater on Jacky in the shower. Artist: soaker.gif 211382 428x678x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt with a super soaker. Artist: sumwhere.gif 93569 365x559x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Jacky diggin' through her pouch. Artist: tickle.gif 75548 263x415x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Jacky tickling Mutt's nose with her tail. Artist: toys.gif 82969 276x415x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Furry Mallrats spoof with Mutt & LSD. Artist: woof.gif 70520 255x418x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Mutt is yiffy again. Artist: wvlength.gif 109534 365x559x256 Feb 11 22:50 1997 Tarpley. Grayscale. // Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Artist: Kama2.gif 315882 522x987x256 Dec 11 14:09 1995 Taulbee. Color. // Kama from FurryMUCK wearing vest and skirt combo. Artist: observta.gif 82294 834x1024x256 Feb 23 10:25 1995 Telzey // Dusty Rancourt's Observatory, a favorite place to talk to a good friend and watch the MUCK go by (copyright J. Carpenter, with permission). Artist: tchs2-ta.gif 101164 482x600x256 Mar 18 22:57 1995 Telzey // Telbert at the throttle of FMRR#321, Highball Sally (Telbert and FMRR (C) E.Pearson, used w/permission). Artist: tchs2-ta.jpg 102306 642x799xJPEG Mar 18 22:58 1995 Telzey // Telbert at the throttle of FMRR#321, Highball Sally (Telbert and FMRR (C) E.Pearson, used w/permission). Artist: tempt2.jpg 106419 1131x782xJPEG Sep 28 23:29 1994 Telzey (G. Garnett) posted with permission. // Picture of the Temptation II Maltshop on furrymuck. Artist: avatar.gif 41128 660x1050x2 Sep 21 11:02 1995 Terrie Smith // GIF 1 of 5 to showcase "Little Paw: The Anthropomorphic Artwork Of Terrie Smith"Artist: buffsilv.gif 23468 660x1050x2 Sep 21 11:02 1995 Terrie Smith // GIF 2 of 5 to showcase "Little Paw: The Anthropomorphic Artwork Of Terrie Smith"Artist: gemira.gif 28992 660x1050x2 Sep 21 11:03 1995 Terrie Smith // GIF 3 of 5 to showcase "Little Paw: The Anthropomorphic Artwork Of Terrie Smith"Artist: lpii-mu.gif 131566 640x480x256 Mar 19 13:36 1997 Terrie Smith // The cover to "Little Paw II", the second Terrie Smith pinup anthology. Yes, that's Chester on the cover... Artist: lsgl-mu.gif 285847 800x600x256 Mar 19 13:36 1997 Terrie Smith // The cover to "Let Sleeping Gods Lie", A FurKindred graphic novel, published by MU Press. Artist: salome.gif 29364 660x1050x2 Sep 21 11:03 1995 Terrie Smith // GIF 4 of 5 to showcase "Little Paw: The Anthropomorphic Artwork Of Terrie Smith"Artist: solange.gif 27636 660x1050x2 Sep 21 11:03 1995 Terrie Smith // GIF 5 of 5 to showcase "Little Paw: The Anthropomorphic Artwork Of Terrie Smith" Artist: tessa-1.gif 12253 640x480x256 Mar 17 01:36 1995 Terry Knight (MayFurr on FurryMUCK) // A portrait of my vixen detective character, Tessa Malloy. Artist: tasha-co.gif 27208 848x978x16 Jun 6 05:03 1995 Terry Knight (MayFurr) // Tasha, a white Siberian Husky female from FurryMUCK, sitting at an instrument console. Artist: tessa-ds.gif 11266 465x506x256 Sep 29 19:31 1995 Terry Knight (MayFurr) < // "Fur Trek - Lt. Tessa Malloy" - A vixen dressed in a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine uniform. Star Trek (C) Paramount Pictures etc. Artist: msnovaya.gif 23150 640x794x256 Sep 29 19:27 1995 Terry Knight (MayFurr) // "Miss Novaya Zvezgorod 1995" - Tasha, a female Siberian Husky from FurryMUCK, poses in a swimsuit. Artist: redarmy.gif 19342 640x756x256 Sep 29 19:29 1995 Terry Knight (MayFurr) // Description: "Young Pioneer" - A female canine in Soviet-style military uniform. Artist: tasha4.gif 21230 609x839x2 Sep 7 21:08 1996 Terry Knight (MayFurr). Black and white. // "Back in the USSR" - Tasha, a female Siberian Husky, sits in front of St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. Artist: fiora1.gif 20334 864x1158x2 Nov 1 23:48 1995 Terry Knight (mayfurr@southern.co.nz). Black and white. // Fiora, a vixen, walking along. (Appeared in "South Fur Lands" #1). Artist: foxina-t.gif 41217 787x1111x2 Nov 1 23:50 1995 Terry Knight (mayfurr@southern.co.nz). Black and white. // A brush ink picture of FurryMUCK vixen Foxina ((C) her player), sitting on a park bench. Artist: ts-swolf.gif 12646 391x611x256 Sep 16 13:36 1995 Terry Sender // Just a picture of The Latenight Stray Wolf. Why the pose? No one knows. I don't even know, so quit yer yapping! =) Artist: ts-sn_sh.jpg 79116 398x801xJPEG Aug 14 00:46 1995 Terry Sender (tlsw@magg.net). Color. // Lieutenant Ace "Sonic" Forrester (left) and Ensign Michelle "Showdown" Steiner (right) in the middle of a kiss. Artist: WinterWolf.gif 191677 524x688x256 Aug 27 00:36 1996 Thadius. Color. // Peter Pau's anthropomorphic wolf character in sci-fi pilot's armour on white background with silhouettes behind him. Artist: WinterWolf.gif.desc 792 ??x??x?? Aug 27 00:36 1996 Thadius. Color. // (unknown image format) Peter Pau's anthropomorphic wolf character in sci-fi pilot's armour on white background with silhouettes behind him. Artist: rumallik.jpg 35904 373x480xJPEG Sep 28 19:42 1996 The Rum-Tum-Tugger. Grayscale. // Rum-Tum-Tugger is in a not-too-terrible fix. When will Allikat learn not to play with his handcuffs? Artist: TWFriends.jpg 15743 337x438xJPEG Aug 17 01:12 1995 The Werewolf! (c) 1994 // This is a G rated version of my photoedit image Man's Best Friend. It depicts a human male resting with a canine male. Artist: Nessus01-ns.jpg 168302 810x1082xJPEG Dec 10 02:00 1996 Thomas 'Nessus' Houlberg. Color. // Pencil drawing of the artist himself! Or, eh, at least how he'd rather look. ;) Artist: Nissus01-ns.jpg 74610 549x810xJPEG Oct 6 15:48 1996 Thomas 'Nessus' Houlberg. Grayscale. // Pencil portrait of Nissus@FurryMUCK, a female caitian and one of the artist's medical officers. :) Artist: Nissus02-ns.jpg 22717 237x296xJPEG Oct 6 15:48 1996 Thomas 'Nessus' Houlberg. Grayscale. // Quick pencil sketch of Nissus@FurryMUCK. Artist: ns-fox01.gif 243663 672x573x128 Dec 6 18:25 1995 Thomas 'Nessus' Houlberg. Grayscale. // Pencil drawing of a common fox (3*Vulpes). Face only, looking at viewer. Artist: Roho01-ns.jpg 35064 739x636xJPEG Sep 8 22:27 1996 Thomas 'Nessus' Houlberg. Grayscale. // Pencil portrait of Roho@FurryMUCK, done by Nessus. Artist: wyn-griffin.jpg 66799 504x724xJPEG Aug 30 20:33 1995 Thomas W. Barnes // "Do Humans Dream?" shows a griffin in diffused moonlight on a cliff, contemplating the stars. Suitable for all audiences. Artist: wyn-q-hs.gif 80390 450x550x32 Dec 19 11:37 1994 Thomas W. Barnes // A very pretty headstudy of Wyn, a lupine furry, in quad form. Suitable for all audiences. Artist: wyn-swanda.gif 259072 825x550x128 Apr 1 10:25 1995 Thomas W. Barnes // Swanda the Swan, of Furry. Scenic. Suitable for all audiences. Artist: wyn-cheetah.jpg 36970 764x533xJPEG Aug 30 20:31 1995 Thomas W. Barnes (tbarnes@via.net) // This untitled pic shows a young cheetah batting at a butterfly. Suitable for all audiences. Artist: wyn-penni.jpg 128617 595x859xJPEG Aug 30 20:34 1995 Thomas W. Barnes (tbarnes@via.net) // "Penni at Denali" is a 'snapshot' pic of a tigress morph on vacation in Alaska. Suitable for all audiences. Artist: wyn-darkpaw1.gif 39539 ??x??x?? Sep 4 21:12 1996 Thomas W. Barnes (Wyn of FurryMUCK). Color. // (unknown image format) Darkpaw of FurryMUCK offers a balloon to a cute bunny girl. Artist: wyn-wolfsinger.gif 173012 659x504x256 Sep 4 21:12 1996 Thomas W. Barnes (Wyn of FurryMUCK). Color. // WolfSinger of FurryMUCK plays in the moonlight on a pine forest hillside, above a sea of clouds. Artist: keith4.jpg 136445 839x582xJPEG Mar 4 02:12 1996 TigerMUCK's Keith (Pablo Romero). Color. // Drawing oF TM's Keit in anthro Cat Form. Contains Information about Keith (RL/VL). Artist: biot.gif 19482 640x1013x2 Oct 29 16:05 1995 Tim Pyne. Black and white. // An Unicorn morph in a biological encounter suit. Artist: hdancer.gif 21344 831x659x2 Oct 29 16:09 1995 Tim Pyne. Black and white. // Hbrika in human form in his home. Artist: dulcie.gif 90883 372x454x256 Oct 29 16:07 1995 Tim Pyne. Color. // A female cat morph smiles warmly at the user from within her cloak. Artist: hburrowr.gif 150575 542x374x256 Oct 29 16:08 1995 Tim Pyne. Grayscale. // A burrowing furry weasel-rodent eats a snack. Artist: watrdrgn.gif 108983 364x550x256 Oct 29 16:09 1995 Tim, Pyne. Grayscale. // A dragon morph spots the viewer and reacts accordingly. Artist: Anguish.GIF 167830 696x1224x128 Jul 20 12:34 1993 Timber Wolf Color: B&W // A drawing of the reaction of a male Wolf whose child has just been the victim of a hate crime. Artist: Barb.GIF 176426 812x1124x256 Jul 1 09:20 1993 Timber Wolf Color: B&W // Desc: A drawing of the Cyber-Mouse, Barb. Artist: groove.gif 56610 458x600x16 Sep 15 22:55 1994 Timothy Fay // "Groove is in the Heart," scanned from the orginal work by the artist. A 60's-style skunk-lady grooves to a '90's beat. Artist: shasari-tbk.jpg 45414 264x465xJPEG Oct 30 14:52 1995 Tobias B. Koehler. Color. // Shasari, lion of FurryMUCK, 2-legged shape. Colour pencil, watercolour and charcoal on paper. Artist: SCtgs01.gif 170187 656x1087x32 May 8 01:26 1996 Todd Sutherland, scanned by Skip Sanders. Color. // Sandy.Claws of FurryMUCK/FurToonia/SPR. Copyright 1996 - Todd Sutherland, 1994 - Skip Sanders. Artist: GetFamiliar18-col-tz.gif 355808 1487x1200x256 Jun 26 17:13 1995 Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski // This is an issue of my comic series "Get Familiar" that ran in NJITs student paper, _The Vector_ two years ago. Artist: Wentil_again.gif 23088 300x432x256 Jan 3 07:15 1995 Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski) // Yet another interpretation of everybody's fave fox, Wentil! Inspired by a particularly boring game of Monopoly! (Artist: GetFamiliar19-col-tz.gif 491747 1481x1200x256 Jun 28 13:21 1995 Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski. Color. // Another issue of "Get Familiar" that ran in NJIT's student paper, _The Vector_ a couple of years ago. Artist: GetFamiliar22-col-tz.gif 532749 1495x1183x256 Jun 28 17:42 1995 Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski. Color. // Another issue of "Get Familiar" that ran in NJIT's student paper, _The Vector_ a couple of years ago. Artist: love-tz.gif 41325 476x421x64 Feb 15 00:10 1996 Tom "Possum" Ziolkowski. Color. // Squirrels, Pure Concentrated Love! - Loam does laundry by suggestion of Artie Alexander III. Artist: Ren-tn.gif 90754 520x589x256 Apr 2 17:40 1996 Tom Nardy // Ren and a vixen huging each other. Artist: crissa.jpg 385531 880x608xJPEG Apr 11 19:45 1995 Tom Narey // A lone centaurrete wanders by the waters of a crystaline sea during the sunset. acrylic airbrushed w/ colored pencils Artist: starcops.gif 872238 1091x1585x256 Apr 22 17:46 1995 Tom Narey // Two starcops in an bad mood (one human & one dog-morph) placed in a star field {movie poster style format} Artist: tigrfox.gif 102874 380x480x256 Mar 10 19:21 1995 Tom Narey // It is of a Tiger looking back upon an explosion. Artist: tracker.gif 257408 870x874x256 Jan 30 00:53 1996 Tom Narey // Image of Tracker; A morphic fox weilding a Japanese long sword wearing a Scottish kilt & a cape. Artist: iesalia.jpg 208896 605x910xJPEG Feb 12 16:14 1995 Tom Narey aka. JAX // Iesalia (winged-human morph). Artist: jax-bear.jpg 131072 555x517xJPEG Feb 12 16:47 1995 Tom Narey aka. JAX // Jax (as bear). Artist: jaxbear.jpg 307499 555x517xJPEG Feb 12 18:09 1995 Tom Narey aka. JAX // Jax (as bear). Artist: dragon.pict 789634 ??x??x?? Mar 10 05:15 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Color. // (unknown image format) A dragon sitting fiercely on top of a rock while the morning sun comes up behind him. Artist: dragon.png 514268 ??x??x?? Mar 10 05:15 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Color. // (unknown image format) A dragon sitting fiercely on top of a rock while the morning sun comes up behind him. PNG version. Artist: tn-trek.jpg 122273 504x736xJPEG Mar 26 21:09 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Color. // A lone morphic Starfleet officer standing in front of a warp core (pen & ink, scanned in and colored w/ photoshop). Artist: TN_cats&dogs.gif 117489 850x712x256 Feb 15 01:12 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Color. // (one of a series of quick sketches) cats & dogs will fight till the end of time. "a bit off the wall". Artist: TN_duckhunt.gif 99103 651x804x256 Feb 15 01:12 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Color. // (one of a series of quick sketches) all I can say about this one is. "Its one'na dem new-fangled hunters". Artist: TN_Frdmfighter.gif 130405 754x967x256 Feb 15 01:12 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Color. // (one of a series of quick sketches) This is of a lone ragged warrior out in middle of nowwhere. Artist: TN_myjet.gif 97546 832x1030x256 Feb 15 01:12 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Color. // (one of a series of quick sketches) If I were to have a jet, I guess this is kinda how I'd like it to look :) Artist: fur-tn.gif 143801 997x1393x64 Mar 10 05:15 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Grayscale. // A morphic creature calling back to friends. GIF version. Artist: fur-tn.pict 374374 ??x??x?? Mar 10 05:15 1996 Tom Narey, Jr. Grayscale. // (unknown image format) A morphic creature calling back to friends. Artist: ren-tn-c.gif 11235 520x589x256 Jun 4 00:48 1996 Tom Narey. Color. // Ren & Vixey giving each other a hug. Artist: fmap01.gif 21267 1046x731x2 May 27 18:58 1994 Tom Turrittin // 1 of 7 maps of FurryMuck's central locations accessible by foot. See also fmapdocs.txt & fmapindx.txt in pub/furry/furrymuck. Author/Artist: fmap02.gif 25882 1149x1101x2 May 27 18:58 1994 Tom Turrittin // 2 of 7 maps of FurryMuck's central locations accessible by foot. See also fmapdocs.txt & fmapindx.txt in pub/furry/furrymuck. Author/Artist: fmap03.gif 15032 630x731x2 May 27 18:58 1994 Tom Turrittin // 3 of 7 maps of FurryMuck's central locations accessible by foot. See also fmapdocs.txt & fmapindx.txt in pub/furry/furrymuck. Author/Artist: fmap04.gif 11353 640x480x2 May 27 18:58 1994 Tom Turrittin // 4 of 7 maps of FurryMuck's central locations accessible by foot. See also fmapdocs.txt & fmapindx.txt in pub/furry/furrymuck. Author/Artist: fmap05.gif 16220 548x900x2 May 27 18:58 1994 Tom Turrittin // 5 of 7 maps of FurryMuck's central locations accessible by foot. See also fmapdocs.txt & fmapindx.txt in pub/furry/furrymuck. Author/Artist: fmap06.gif 20773 791x996x2 May 27 18:59 1994 Tom Turrittin // 6 of 7 maps of FurryMuck's central locations accessible by foot. See also fmapdocs.txt & fmapindx.txt in pub/furry/furrymuck. Author/Artist: fmap07.gif 18679 689x810x2 May 27 18:59 1994 Tom Turrittin // 7 of 7 maps of FurryMuck's central locations accessible by foot. See also fmapdocs.txt & fmapindx.txt in pub/furry/furrymuck. Author/Artist: fmap09.gif 21120 900x745x2 Aug 8 20:40 1994 Tom Turrittin // Map 9 in the series of FurryMUCK maps. Schematic gif map of FurryMuck's Drachenswald locations accessible by foot. Author/Artist: feelnice.gif 10916 620x826x2 Jun 25 08:00 1993 Tom Turrittin Color: black and white // A person in a rabbit costume and two whiskered individuals read newspapers while waiting at bus stops. Artist: reversal.gif 18814 522x909x2 Jun 25 08:00 1993 Tom Turrittin Colour: black & white // A stag in a Santa Claus outfit has harnessed up a human with reins, jingle bells, and fake antlers. Artist: newlycan.gif 131978 400x425x256 Jun 29 07:59 1993 Tom Turrittin Colour: greyscale // A boy in mid-transformation of turning into a wolf after being scratched and bitten by an obliging lupine companion. Artist: taurian.gif 105303 240x495x256 Jun 29 07:59 1993 Tom Turrittin Colour: greyscale // Profile drawing of the upper half of a minotaur-like creature. Artist: horndfox.jpg 40448 531x507xJPEG Mar 26 20:33 1996 Tom Turrittin. Grayscale. // A fox-like head with antlers. One of my first drawings before I knew about furry fandom, or how antlers really looked. Artist: Ren-tz.jpg 87550 341x432xJPEG Mar 27 23:06 1996 Tom Ziolkowski. Color. // Ren fox from FurryMUCK. Artist: surge.gif 3746 587x350x2 Apr 9 09:27 1994 Tony Belding // Quick sketch of The Surge, notorious FurryMuck dragon. Artist: !fox8.jpg 88860 496x384xJPEG May 12 23:41 1996 Travis Marler. Color. // A male fox scrambles over a fence at night, running from something unseen. Artist: nosidagi.gif 77760 2192x2183x2 Nov 25 21:02 1995 Trent Drake // Sam NosiDagi a furry seen on FurryMU* and FurToonia. Artist: zorin.gif 136186 407x624x256 Aug 14 00:47 1995 Tygger L Graf. Grayscale. // Pencil drawing of Zorin the Lynxie from FurryMUCK, FurToonia, and FluffMUCK, running. Artist: BenNJeri.jpg 150509 747x525xJPEG Jun 3 13:32 1997 Tygger. Color. // Jerusha and Ben_Mouse of FurryMuck. Characters copyright their players. Artist: Patchy.jpg 40576 768x1082xJPEG Mar 26 20:08 1996 Tygger. Color. // It's PatchO'Black (Patchy!) From FM, FT, Fluffmuck, and elsewhere! He big on his face, he runs in to have some fun! Artist: WelshFarm.GIF 27848 640x400x128 May 3 15:41 1994 Tzoq // A map of the Welsh Farm on FurryMUCK. See WelshFarm.Legend.TXT pub/furry/stories/downloads for guide. Artist: WelshFarmHouse.GIF 8100 640x400x2 May 9 07:35 1994 Tzoq // A plan of the farmhouse on the Welsh Farm on FurryMUCK. Artist: Emerald_Mran.jpg 121249 800x535xJPEG May 18 11:15 1997 unci. Color. // Emerald and Mran (felines) of Sociopolitical Ramifications during their wedding, in the night from 12 to 13 April 1997. Artist: unci_statics.jpg 131937 800x597xJPEG May 18 12:18 1997 unci. Grayscale. // unci sitting at home and preparing for hys statics exam... Artist: Unigrphx.JPG 38969 604x480xJPEG Apr 12 02:24 1996 UniGraphix Colorist: Flinthoof (Dan Canaan) // A bright and colorful neon unicorn forms the basis for this new Artist's Co-op. Check it out! It's snazzy! Artist: cheetaho.gif 269850 600x426x256 Nov 29 16:31 1996 unknown (comes with many morph programs, probably PD) Uploaded by: midian@azstarnet.com // Cheetah's face. Artist: BanzaLoco.GIF 46618 576x668x32 Feb 1 11:21 1994 Vaughan Greer // For all those who have never seen a Feline/Dragon hybrid before, this is my recently revamped pict. (Yes, there are six wings). Artist: Tempest.GIF 33346 612x794x2 Feb 1 11:24 1994 Vaughan Greer-A.K.A. BanzaLoco // Tempest: The Madness A power-mad sorceress Rabbit called Tempest. Artist: MathueTax.gif 0 ??x??x?? Sep 29 19:09 1996 Vaughn Hangartner // (unknown image format) A drawing of Mathue Taxion, an illiop often found on TigerMUCK, FurryMUCK & Furtoonia. 9.29.96 Artist: MathueTax1.gif 48516 351x436x256 Sep 29 19:17 1996 Vaughn Hangartner // A drawing of Mathue Taxion, an illiop often found on TigerMUCK, FurryMUCK & Furtoonia. 9.29.96 Artist: vz-car.gif 21468 320x200x256 Jul 8 07:52 1993 Vector Zeeman (hence the car's name, Vector Z). // Artist's first prototype vehicle in FurryMUCK. Artist: kurgswrd.jpg 52710 555x768x256 Feb 21 08:59 1996 Victor Kruger // Furry's TheKurgan with his sword. Artist: kurgan.jpg 49309 476x616xJPEG Feb 3 14:00 1996 Victor Kruger. Grayscale. // #furry's TheKurgan, Immortal fox. Artist: james.gif 191273 464x677x256 Nov 30 15:09 1994 W. Colby Hayward // A morphic horse, wearing a duster/trenchcoat, standing with one foot on a fallen log. Artist: Kayak.gif 29991 1040x820x2 Oct 6 16:35 1996 Waccoon. Black and white. // Kayak treking through the north country. Kayak is copyright FoxFire. Artist: wilssha2.gif 63395 600x400x256 Feb 25 07:50 1997 Walter W. Morey // Willysilver gives Shassha (white tigress) a backrub. Artist: wilscq.gif 135488 576x384x256 Aug 3 22:50 1996 Walter W. Morey "Willysilver". Color. // This is my first full-body drawing, more as a raccoon than anthro. Artist: wilsgirl.gif 14839 600x400x256 Aug 25 10:18 1996 Walter W. Morey "Willysilver". Color. // Willysilver's dream critter girl. Artist: wilsrlwm.jpg 37855 640x480xJPEG Sep 3 21:59 1996 Walter W. Morey "Willysilver". Color. // Willysilver's RL Player. Snappy capture. Artist: wilswalt.gif 122197 640x480x256 Aug 25 10:16 1996 Walter W. Morey "Willysilver". Color. // Greetings from Willysilver and Walt, visiting his parents. (Pencil and paper; Snappy capture, not so good.) Artist: wilstalk.gif 42135 400x400x256 Feb 12 22:32 1997 Walter W. Morey // Willysilver with his handi-talki radio, waving to you. Artist: wilsfblu.gif 16921 485x418x256 Aug 3 22:50 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Color. // First attempt at a character, this is about the 10th generation of this image. Face, blue background. Artist: wilsrfox.jpg 140541 600x400xJPEG Sep 3 22:01 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Color. // Willysilver and a cute red fox in the park. Artist: wilsadvn.gif 103716 600x400x256 Aug 18 09:06 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // On to adventures, with friends, in Furrymuck! Artist: wilsbgfc.gif 99417 576x384x256 Aug 18 09:06 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // This is a silly wide-face drawing of my character. Artist: wilscysk.gif 33649 576x384x256 Aug 18 09:06 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // I finally meet Cyberskunk and Bojo Pigeon at RTBDA. Yiff! Artist: wilshi.gif 79525 576x768x256 Aug 3 22:50 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // Standing next to a wall, full anthro body w/clothes. Artist: wilslesn.gif 54830 576x384x256 Aug 3 22:50 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // A ham radio class on emergency services, John is the human instructor. Artist: wilsmtg.gif 87532 640x480x256 Aug 3 22:50 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // Setting at a table during a meeting (Snappy capture). Artist: wilsskls.gif 20625 600x400x256 Aug 18 09:06 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // Listening to tunes with Skylos the doggie in his dome. Artist: wilswork.gif 23641 576x384x256 Aug 3 22:50 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // At work I have a slow 386 (and a fast Pentium) that I use. This was the slow one. Artist: wilsx3.gif 83504 576x384x256 Aug 3 22:50 1996 Walter W. Morey, "Willysilver". Grayscale. // 3 views: right, front, left. 3 different shirts. Character goes without shirt sometimes. Artist: Russell-wwk.gif 421275 838x1187x256 Oct 8 08:03 1993 Warwick (Tim Baverstock) In colour. // Russell, flying foxmorph character from FurryMUCK. Artist: unifem4.gif 123842 381x472x256 Dec 13 10:06 1995 William C. Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Color. // Antrho-Unicorn "Staci" pictured right after her tranformation. Artist: coybunny.gif 32596 413x800x16 Nov 12 22:01 1994 William Fortier // Female rabbit 'morph. Coy pose. Artist: groovin.gif 46691 601x789x16 Nov 12 21:59 1994 William Fortier // Dancing weasel 'morph. Artist: hrdsuit.gif 102953 640x864x16 Nov 12 22:47 1994 William Fortier // Cat in a hot space-suit. Dig the plunging neckline. Artist: pickup.gif 45905 640x700x16 Nov 12 22:00 1994 William Fortier // A truly uplifting experience with two screwy mice. Artist: racgirl.gif 15836 640x864x2 Nov 12 22:56 1994 William Fortier // Head-and-shoulders portrait of raccoon fem. Artist: ratlass.gif 15774 448x925x16 Nov 12 22:56 1994 William Fortier // A pleasantly-smiling rat 'morph. Artist: saychees.gif 14186 640x480x16 Nov 12 22:01 1994 William Fortier // Reclining mouse fem with a silly grin. Caption: SAY CHEESECAKE! Artist: sproing.gif 29300 640x518x16 Nov 12 22:01 1994 William Fortier // Otter. Diving board. Sproing! Happy. Artist: whack.gif 117969 640x932x16 Nov 12 22:46 1994 William Fortier // WHACK! You get what you deserve if you try to engage in unwanted horseplay with _this_ filly. Artist: fcentrl.gif 157129 493x609x256 Dec 18 09:56 1995 William Miller // Female Centaur in RL (Digital Picture) Artist: uni2.jpg 32693 252x254xJPEG Jan 20 03:23 1996 William Miller // Small Unicorn picture. Artist: amazon1.gif 103454 418x498x256 Dec 12 10:34 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Female Anthro-Impalla from RPG. Artist: cpeg.gif 305400 946x790x256 Nov 3 19:09 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // A clockwork Pegasus. Artist: dparty.gif 133074 375x768x256 Nov 16 11:57 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Anthropomorphic Unicorn female at a dinner party (based on a RPG) Artist: fcentbow.gif 104317 616x776x256 Nov 19 13:14 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Female centaur with Bow. Prelim for poster. Artist: femcent1.gif 145948 527x800x256 Nov 6 07:17 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Futuristic female centaur with partial body armor and handgun. (Rough Sketch) Artist: reddress.gif 110613 475x553x256 Dec 12 10:40 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Female Anthro-Unicorn "Staci" from RPG Artist: runif.gif 60823 558x497x256 Nov 19 13:17 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Reclining anthro-unicorn female (nude). Prelim for poster. Artist: staci.jpg 149631 544x615xJPEG Jan 20 03:29 1996 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Digitally re-mastered photo commissioned by subject, released by permission. Artist: uni1.gif 145664 568x734x256 Nov 6 07:26 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // "Unicorn Rock" Tattoo Sketch Artist: unipegh.gif 113275 663x318x256 Nov 6 08:22 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Unicorn/Pegasus crossbreed profile (with shameless plug :) Artist: unipose1.gif 100098 712x470x256 Nov 19 17:10 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain) // Female anthro-unicorn in repose (R rating) Artist: Krisha.jpg 52044 258x449xJPEG Sep 29 16:49 1996 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Color. // Krisha, a pegasus morph from Unbridled Desires Mu*. Artist: Sharis.jpg 94704 490x616xJPEG Sep 29 16:45 1996 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Color. // Sharis, a space-faring zebra morph from Unbridled Desires Mu*. Artist: shire1.gif 89545 288x530x256 Dec 16 23:33 1995 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Color. // Anthro-Shire male. Artist: cpeg.jpg 105848 504x420xJPEG Sep 29 16:51 1996 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Grayscale. // A good scan of the infamous "Clockwork Pegasus". Artist: Crystall.jpg 45414 323x496xJPEG Sep 29 16:46 1996 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Grayscale. // Crystall, an arabian morph from Unbridled Desires Mu*. Artist: Fcent.jpg 85240 432x550xJPEG Sep 29 16:47 1996 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Grayscale. // A scan of the finished "fcentbow" image. A female elf/unicorn centaur with bow. Artist: Tish.jpg 69004 405x542xJPEG Sep 29 16:50 1996 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Grayscale. // T'Shaldae, a centaur in light armour with a bow. From Unbridled Desires Mu*. Artist: wilsmrth.gif 24601 600x400x256 Oct 15 01:58 1996 Willysilver (Walter W. Morey). Color. // Mirth and Willysilver, Together on Tapestries Muck. Artist: fox.jpg 37127 546x890xJPEG Oct 23 22:31 1995 Windigo The Feral (NYAR!). Grayscale. // A piccie of an anthropomorphic fox. Artist: jfox.jpg 15822 401x382xJPEG Oct 23 22:34 1995 Windigo The Feral (NYAR!). Grayscale. // JFoxglov from FurryMUCK/alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die. In this one he's in normal fox mode. Artist: pewere.jpg 57363 1008x1221xJPEG Oct 23 22:35 1995 Windigo The Feral (NYAR!). Grayscale. // werewolf advertising the Unofficial Comic of alt.horror.werewolves. (Poison Elves Copyright Hayes). Artist: seagull.jpg 40098 546x890xJPEG Oct 23 22:36 1995 Windigo The Feral (NYAR!). Grayscale. // An anthropomorphic seagull done whilst doodling. Artist: windi.jpg 23706 443x797xJPEG Oct 23 22:37 1995 Windigo The Feral (NYAR!). Grayscale. // Female windigo from Jihad Against Barney on alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die. Artist: windigo1.jpg 93620 1214x855xJPEG Oct 23 22:38 1995 Windigo The Feral (NYAR!). Grayscale. // A VERY early sketch of Ghostdance, my character on FurryMUCK/VirtualVegas' AHWW Virtual Campfire. Artist: windigo2.jpg 142129 1274x1121xJPEG Oct 23 22:40 1995 Windigo The Feral (NYAR!). Grayscale. // Another piccie of Ghostdance, this time a close-up of him snarling. Artist: windigo3.jpg 70462 902x1036xJPEG Oct 23 22:41 1995 Windigo The Feral (NYAR!). Grayscale. // And still another piccie of Ghostdance, where he's relaxing. Artist: w_dragon.gif 10393 599x682x256 Oct 26 07:56 1995 WindSinger of FM (J.Scott Emerle). Color. // Scan of a drawing by WindSinger of his own character. Artist: ws-kooky.jpg 119902 607x768xJPEG May 23 23:32 1996 Windsinger of FurryMuck. Color. // A picture of Kooky from FurryMUCK as drawn by one of his bestest foxy friends, Windsinger. Artist: windsinger.gif 20220 551x768x32 Dec 13 15:23 1995 Windsinger. Color. // Windsinger's FurryMUCK character, a Blue Arctic Fox! (: Artist: WS_Foxette.gif 80689 724x768x256 Jan 7 00:10 1996 Windsinger. Color. // The idea for this picture came to me while I was at a Kitaro concert. The violinist was wearing an outfit like this. Artist: WS_Mouse.gif 21517 847x768x64 Jan 7 00:10 1996 Windsinger. Color. // Bad attempt at an 'in-your-face' type of perspective, with a lot of comicbook-style cheats on the body form. Artist: WS_TechMouse.gif 324275 750x657x256 Jan 7 00:10 1996 Windsinger. Grayscale. // I experimented with single-color shading techniques in this picture. Artist: WS_TechMouse.jpg 566897 1796x1573xJPEG Jan 7 00:10 1996 Windsinger. Grayscale. // Original huge scan of WS_TechMouse.gif in JPeg format for better compression. Artist: chair.gif 32656 850x1100x2 Jun 29 09:48 1995 Wolf Lahti. Black and white. // Fem Wolf in a beach chair. Artist: woe-arcn.gif 29165 850x1100x2 Jun 29 09:50 1995 Wolf Lahti. Black and white. // FurryMUCK's Wolf of Endor in her arcana getup (based on an illo in "Adventures in the Northern Wilderness"). Artist: woe-cavl.gif 70352 475x879x256 Jun 29 09:50 1995 Wolf Lahti. Color. // FurryMUCK's Wolf of Endor in loose shirt and jeans. Artist: woe-snrl.jpg 76425 850x1104xJPEG Jun 29 09:50 1995 Wolf Lahti. Color. // Another side of FurryMUCK's Wolf of Endor. Artist: hohwolf.gif 184519 1050x1800x256 Jun 29 09:49 1995 Wolf Lahti. Grayscale. // A fem Wolf in a seductive pose, though her expression is not exactly inviting. Artist: woe-wind.gif 750336 837x1279x256 Aug 14 00:47 1995 Wolf Lahti. Grayscale. // Description: A windblown Wolf of Endor. Artist: wy-dragon.GIF 13232 400x568x2 Jan 24 07:35 1994 Wysperwynde // Sketch pretty self explanitory. Artist: wy-elf1.GIF 26820 592x687x2 Jan 24 07:35 1994 Wysperwynde // Yet another sketch of a favorite subject: Elves. Artist: wy-elf2.GIF 19209 656x777x2 Jan 24 07:35 1994 Wysperwynde // A sketch of a character of the artist's from Two Moons called Windswhisper. Artist: wy-inkubi-1.GIF 7736 432x625x2 Jan 24 07:35 1994 WysperwyndE // Another favorite subject: Incubis Artist: wy-inkubi-2.GIF 13774 592x573x2 Jan 24 07:35 1994 Wysperwynde // Another Con Sketch. Artist: wy-lion.GIF 23224 640x600x16 Jan 24 07:35 1994 Wysperwynde // A drawing I did recently at a con, really the most recent thing I'm putting up. Pretty cut and dry furry-type. Artist: wy-robed-tiger.GIF 8868 400x572x2 Jan 24 07:35 1994 Wysperwynde // Another quick sketch. Artist: wy-wojan.GIF 37952 620x900x16 Jan 24 07:35 1994 Wysperwynde // A race design I've been playing with also done at a con. Artist: