Squirrels are rodents like rats, but as you can see they're much cooler! |
When a male squirrel is interested in a female, he will pursue and follow her persistently. Often he will even annoy her. As you can see, squirrels are much like humans. |
Eastern Grey Squirrels live an average of 6 years in the wild although some as old as 13 years have been found. In captivity, they can live as long as 15-20 years. |
When danger is near, squirrels will signal one another thru a series of clicking/barking sounds. The alarm quickly spreads throughout the squirrel community so everyone can safely hide up in a tree. |
The scientific name for the Eastern Grey Squirrel is Sciurus Caroliniensis, but don't ask me how to pronounce that. |
The Eastern Grey Squirrel actually comes in a variety of colors -- black, red and the predominant gray. Albinos are also relatively common. |
Gestation period for the Eastern Grey Squirrel is around 40 days. It takes another 12 weeks before the baby is independent of its mother. |
If you're going squirrel-watching, try early morning or couple hours before sunset. In the winter, around noon is best. This is when they are most active and likely to be about looking for food. |
The Eastern Grey Squirrel makes its home in the trees. Although they prefer to live in the cavities of trees, when necessary they will make a nest of leaves called a drey and live out amongst the branches. |
If necessary, a squirrel can lose its tail sheath to distract and evade a pursuing predator. |