Chit's Perfectly Functional Web Page [ruffle]
This is my second attempt at a web page. The first should have still been
available, but appears to be gone. This is a good thing. [flick]
Right now I'm trying to decide whether to evolve this into a real page, or make a new page
and file this somewhere as an example of what not to do.
Darwin seems to be winning.
The color scheme, however, is final.
About Me
I'm a squirrel. No, really.

I am not, however, a normal squirrel. Unlike many squirrels you may have met, I can think
and act much like a human, although I tend to think more clearly and act more rationally.
According to some of my friends, that is not a trait shared by all squirrels, not even all
of the intelligent ones. According to my enemies, they aren't
shared by me, either. }:)
My Interests
I have several. I'm not going to tell you about them, because I don't trust you.
Instead, here are some interesting things. This list is unordered, because I don't believe
in sorting.
- Someone
that I find interesting. [wigglewhiskers] Why?
- Someone else.
Why, indeed. };)
No, I am not a pervert. [ruffle] I just happen to like bunnies. Er, let me rephrase that... [cringe]
- Sorting.
- Raytracing.
- Doom.
- Our wild cousins. Or brothers. Or some dumb animals that happen to look like us.
Our policy on regular squirrels is somewhat nonexistant, but in any case this is a decent page with some nice pictures that someone
too paranoid to use his own image on the web might be tempted to use instead. [innocentflick]
A different page has information on humans caring for squirrels. The thought gives me
the creeps, really, but we can't be everywhere yet.
- My Alma Mater. Well, not really. But I can't count the
hours I've spent peering through the windows into classrooms keeping tabs
on some student or other that Loren or Teral
thought threatened the warren. And I'm sure that
if I could, I'd be depressed. But I learned quite a bit that has since proved

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and, more specifically, Chit