----- Dejanews: "rat king" (98/11/25) "rat-king" (98/11/25) "ratking" &! dibdin (98/11/25) "rat kings" (98/11/25) "rat-kings" (98/11/25) "ratkings" (98/11/25) ("rat tangle" | "rat-tangle" | "rattangle") (98/11/25) ("rat tangles" | "rat-tangles" | "rattangles") (98/11/25) "king rat" (98/11/25: ~600 matches, not examined yet) "king-rat" (98/11/25) "kingrat" (98/11/25: ~200 matches, not examined yet) "king rats" (98/11/25) "king-rats" (98/11/25) "kingrats" (98/11/25) "king of rats" "rattenkonig" (98/11/25) "rattenkoenig" (98/11/25) ----- Hotbot rat king rat-king ratking rat kings rat-kings ratkings rat tangle rat-tangle rattangle rat tangles rat-tangles rattangles king rat king-rat kingrat king rats king-rats kingrats ----- Katharina Fritsch "Rat Kings" Michael Dibdin Mystery novel: "Ratking" Martin Hart "Rats" Willey Ley "On Earth and in the Sky" Action figures: TMNT bad guy: "Ratking" Nintendo: "TMNT: Tournament Fighters" "Darksun: Shattered Lands" The Stranglers: CD: "The Rat Kings" 2000AD "Ballad of Halo Jones, book 2" James Tiptree Jr. aka Alice B. Sheldon Title: ? ----- http://www.alfaskop.net/~bipc/ http://www.alfaskop.net/~bipc/tmp/ ftp://ftp.us.lspace.org/pub/people/pratchett/images/misc/ratk1st.gif ftp://ftp.us.lspace.org/pub/people/pratchett/images/misc/ratking.gif ftp://ftp.us.lspace.org/pub/people/pratchett/images/misc/ratkknot.gif ftp://ftp.us.lspace.org/pub/people/pratchett/images/misc/ratkxray.gif http://web.ukonline.co.uk/n.paradoxa/art3a.htm http://www.diacenter.org/exhibs/fritsch/fritsch.html http://binky.paragon.co.uk/paranormal-az/Para_R.html http://www.panix.com/~sjl/wonder/lewis/ratking/rat_intro.htm http://www.forteantimes.com/ http://www.forteantimes.com/artic/pics/ratking.html See FT 40:10-11, where there are 2 photos and an old print, and p.15, where there is a further old print; FT 63:13 for an article + photo on Squirrel Kings; FT 67:63 has a letter and photo of a Bird King. -----