Subject: "My Preggiful Days" Part 1b Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 21:23:41 -0500 (EST) From: Jackie To: Will Bow This fictional story contains graphic descriptions of *all* types of vanilla and kinky sexual acts between a *very* pregnant female and a non-related male or female. If you: a) Are under 18 years old b) Are offended by any graphic actions c) Feel these are against your Community Standards d) Feel that a pregnant woman should stay home in a rocking chair, looking motherly Please STOP reading and IMMEDIATELY LEAVE and CLOSE this file !!!!! ================================================ My Preggiful Days Part 1b of 4 (version 1.0) (Copyright 1996, 1997) by Jackie ( Those fingers squeezed along its total length through those damp briefs, feeling it twist and jump, spewing out more and more hot sticky goo. They found the current hot puddle, gently tickling the flared edges of its bubbling piss-slit through that almost-transparent tightly-stretched white cotton. Gary wiggled his hips and "sighed" deeply as I finally freed his semi-hard cut cock, letting it hang drooping from the fly. I have always found the spectacle of a semi-hard cock hanging out the fly of white cotton briefs to be highly erotic. His was even more so, because of his fleshy tube's dark tan color, contrasting so vividly with the white of those briefs. It was only 4 to 5 inches long, but appeared much larger because of his slim hips and waist. That wiggling tube looked sooo beautiful, like it belonged on a Greek sculpture. Its heart-shaped bloated purple helmet over-hung the stalk hugely, by about ½ inch all the way around. I could envision my warm wet lips gently pulling and pushing on that wide overhang, making a loud "popping" sound, as that purple crown slid in and out of my hot wet mouth. I enjoyed watching it wriggle and twist, bloating and engorging further, begging for *any* attention while Gary continued to vigorously suckle on my heaving bloated breasts. Periodically, it firmly rubbed against my smooth bare leg, leaving a warm wet gooey spot to mark its visit. These visits became more and more frequent as Gary's passion rose higher and higher. At one point, I thought Gary was humping my leg like a dog, trying harder and harder to get off. Finally, I wrapped my hot hand completely around it and began slowly stroking it full bloated length. I watched the little bubbles of hot gooey pre-cum get pumped out of its flaring piss-slit, now fully coating its large purple head. That plump beckoning head sparkled and glistened as it swayed in the bright sunlight. My hand began smearing that hot ooze up and down that rock-solid stalk with each stroke, fully lubricating its entire engorged length. With only three or four rough strokes, his fleshy pole became a super-hard spike, veins bulging from its solid pink shaft. It still was only slightly more than five inches long, but jutted out horizontally sooo proud and stately. Oozing gallons of pre-cum, my small hand now "squished" as it stroked back and forth along that rock-solid rod, taking on a white sheen. Most of Gary's "sighs" and "moans" were muffled by all my creamy tit- flesh stuffed tightly in his mouth ~~ there still was more than three- quarters left hanging lonely outside. Those "moans" became more and more intense, and his suckling became more and more animated, as Gary got closer and closer to cummin. My hand could now feel his stiff pole begin throbbing, almost ready to explode. Suddenly, Gary stopped suckling and reached over to begin pulling down my wet bulging shorts. My hand stopped his hands, then looking in his eyes, I pleaded, "Please, the first squirts go on my breasts." Grinning widely, he gingerly helped me down, then sat me on the attached bench of the picnic table, at a much better height for what was to come. Gary quickly began a frenzied stroking of his hot bubbling rod, rubbing that slick purple head in wet circles against my heaving breast-flesh, sometimes tweaking a fat erect nipple. I could clearly hear his breathing become more ragged as that purple mushroom expanded, pumping out more and more precum with each vigorous stroke. The loud "squishing" sound as his pumping hand moved up and down that pre-cum covered rod became the "music" that intensely fueled my growing excitement. Every once in a while, I would lean down and lick that bubbling purple crown with my hot rough tongue. I could feel his weaving body quiver, while still attempting to hold my baby-doll top up out of the way with my other hand. (I was afraid to take it off in case we were surprised by a zoo employee.) Twice, I slipped that whole glistening bulbous head in my hot greedy mouth, making "slurping" sounds as I tickled that flaring piss-slit with the tip of my pink tongue. Every time, Gary's "grunts" would quickly switch to low prolonged "moans." Then, I would twist and snake that stiff wanton tongue under that wide purple overhang, teasing that silky sensitive flesh, making those "moans" even louder. As Gary got very, very close, my free hand reached into his tight jeans and caressed his large balls through those moist cotton briefs. My finger tips could feel the heat radiating from those bloated spheres, wanting ever soo badly to release their hot baby-making juice. I could distinctly feel them pulse and jump as I rotated and jiggled those large eggs in their sweaty silken pouch. Soon Gary yelled, "I'm allllmmmmmost theeeerrrre," and intensified his frantic stroking. With one hand, I hoisted my baby-doll top even higher, while the other now roughly squeezed those bouncing nuts. "Common Babe," I breathlessly whispered to Gary, "Squirt your hot wet baby-making juice all over my ballooning breasts and beachball belly." With a loud "Aaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhh," Gary arched his back and began thrashing and jerking, spewing his hot milky seed all over my hugely ballooned breasts and bloated pregnant belly. My eyes watched those white ropy jets of thick cum erupt out, like long strands of that silly- string," then land with a "plop" on my heaving breasts or bloated belly. Globs were everywhere as that purple cannon shot wad after wad toward its huge bloated targets. Gary mustn't have jerked-off in weeks, cause there was at least a gallon of gooey milky blobs of hot jism by the time he finally finished. My bloated pink belly had taken the most direct hits, now looking like a huge polka-dotted pink beachball, wobbling with my "gasps." The finale produced a perfect picture. Gary standing there holding his slick expended cock with the last long ropy strand hanging from its still-bloated purple tip over to one of my glossy reddish-brown erect nipples. I just had to wrap that last strand around my finger, slipping it between my red parted lips. "Mmmmmm. You taste sooo good," I slowly whispered up to Gary. My palms slowly rubbed all that rich creamy hot baby-making juice into my bloated belly (seemed appropriate) and bulging breasts, making me tingle even more. I had heard that it was great to keep my skin moist and supple. Dropping my baby-doll top down over my shiny wet breasts and belly, I pulled Gary closer. Spreading my legs further, I pressed his warm shaking hand on my wet crotch. "Is this what you wanted before ?" I asked with a devilish gleam in my eyes. I moved that naughty hand up and down, letting him feel my puffy lips and deep crevice through my soaking shorts. "Ooooooo, that feels sooo good," I hotly purred. Wrapping my hand around his wilted staff, I gently tugged and pulled, feeling it throb and jerk, slowly coming back to life. "Gary, feel how hard my fat clitty is for *you*," I whispered, feeling that spear get even harder just from the sound of my words. In a few minutes, "He'd be ready for the second course," I thought, "drilling deep inside my oozing yearning love- tunnel." Gary had just begun vigorously rubbing my pussy through my denim shorts, letting a firm finger trace my puffy pussy lips, when a rustling sound forced us to abruptly stop. An older couple had come to picnic no more than fifteen feet away, on the other side of some tall bushes. Luckily, they hadn't seen us yet. If they'd taken the path to our site five minutes later, they'd seen a only partly naked, but very animated rendering of "the birds and the bees." That close-call completely freaked me out, snapping me back to reality. "After all," I thought, "I was a mother-to-be !" Frustrated and still very turned-on, I hotly whispered to Gary, "Take me home," so we could more privately finish, while I wetly nibbled on his ear. I added with intensity, "I *really* want to feel your wonderful stiff rod deep inside my hot wet pussy, that fat purple head poking right against my womb." Hesitantly, and a little embarrassed, Gary confessed that he was meeting his mother and younger sister at the entrance to the zoo in forty-five minutes ~~ he had driven them here. They were off looking at "other" exhibits. "Wow," I immediately thought, "neither *he* nor his fat dripping cock looked *that young* !!" Too scared to "fool around" anymore out in the open, we pulled our clothing together, parting with a warm sexy french kiss that tingled right down to my toes. Even though I was still *very* frustrated, at least my breasts and belly had gotten a hot creamy massage, and *he* had gotten satisfied. In hindsight, our parting actually worked out for the best. * * * * * Later that afternoon, as I was standing in front of the monkey cage, a young Spanish couple came up wheeling a very young baby. They were smiling and holding hands as they walked, seeming very much in love. I guessed that the girl was around sixteen and the guy, maybe, eighteen years old. The girl was about 5' tall with long silky nipple-length black hair, streaming down her back and pulled away from her face by a single large golden barrette in the back. She had a perfect pair of full sensuous lips and intense brown eyes. The only makeup she was wearing was glossy red lipstick. "Funny," I thought, " how pulling her hair so far back made her look so much younger, while that glossy red lipstick made her look years older. Quite a contrast and combination!" She was wearing a white "Spanish dancer-style" blouse with buttons down the front. Even with three rows of frills across her bust, very much hiding her breasts, the large gaps between those poor straining buttons implied that her breasts were *very* engorged. With a baby so young, I suspected that she was breast-feeding and the frills were to hide her long fat rubbery nipples that would always be poking out. Even if she wasn't breast-feeding, her body sure made a very sweet tantalizing silhouette in the bright sunlight. The white blouse completely covered her shoulders with the sleeves ending just above her elbows, but its bottom stopped about three inches above her waist with a belt-like tie. She had on a pair of white slacks and white sneakers. Overall, she looked very cute. Since I was pregnant, what struck me most about her was the firm bare flesh of her midriff. For a girl that had given birth only a few months earlier, her tummy looked rock solid and smooth, showing no hint of any excess fat from the ordeal of her pregnancy. Oh, how I wished I would look that good 5 months, or even a year, after giving birth. They were talking in Spanish while trying to read the detailed descriptions on the cages. It appeared that they didn't understand some of the more technical English words since they looked very confused, debating back and forth amongst themselves. Since I had four years of Spanish in high school, I tried to help by translating some of the problematic words and phrases. Both were very appreciative, and I learned their names were Hector and Maria. We wandered around the zoo together most of the afternoon. Maria was even nice enough to accompany me every time I had to use the bathroom, which was a lot. My bloated body just fit sideways into those narrow stalls, having to *back* in like an 18-wheeler positioning to unload. That tight space left hardly enough room to wriggle down my maternity jeans and pup-tent panties. One time, even Maria yelled with concern, "Jackie, are you OK in there ? I hear all these banging sounds." It must have sounded like a bongo concert as my elbows kept hitting those metal walls. A little breathless, I replied, "I'm OK Maria, but it is *very* tight in here. I keep hitting the walls." All that huffing and puffing was truly worth it though, the shuttering sensations from all that hot golden liquid sputtering and gushing from my wet heated pussy was second only to orgasmic bliss. That erupting waterfall seemed to splash everywhere ~~ in the bowl, on the seat, and on my thighs. I could even feel hot droplets buffeting my sprouting pink clitty, making it twist and jerk a little, then hanging from those fiery-red curls. Reluctantly, that golden deluge subsided into a steady pee, then only an occasional drip, and finally ceased altogether. Each wipe of my hot wet pussy with that rough toilet paper was truly a struggle, but sent electrifying tingles throughout my body as my blossoming pink bud also got roughly rubbed. With that beachball bloated out all over the place, I needed much longer arms. It really didn't matter though, that hot pouting pussy was sooo soggy from my constant excitement that it would only have stayed dry less than a minute anyway. Finally, I just sagged there for a minute or two regaining some energy. I never would have thought that simply going to the bathroom would have been so "draining," in both senses of the word. (I had often wondered if that bouncing baby ever peed while still in my gigantic womb. The answer is "yes." S/he pees directly into the amniotic fluid. Before you even ask the question, "No, you guys/gals into water sports' *cannot* follow me around with a 55-gallon drum waiting for my water' to break so you can test out the flavor' of that fluid.") With a lot of tugging and much more huffing and puffing, I finally got my panties pulled all the way up, but try as I might, this time I couldn't get those maternity pants above my knees. "Maria, would you please come here and help me," I called as I waddled from the stall with those blue denim pants in a puddle around my feet. Maria quickly came over. Her cheeks blossomed pink when she had to squat down, staring for a minute directly at my pouting pussy. I am sure she could vividly see the dark wet vertical line along that indention of my tight red panties, a mixture of my leftover pee and oozing womanly juices. Her eyes momentarily focused on that poking bump, still slightly wiggling, caused by my very excited clitty. As she wrinkled her pert nose, sniffing, she could also smell the musky female aroma of my increasing arousal. Glancing down at her, I noted that Maria's white blouse was now unbuttoned two buttons lower. It bulged out at the top like she had been reaching in adjusting her bra, or maybe, with her nipples poking out so obviously hard, rubbing those fat firm bullets. This position gave me a perfect view of her panting tan engorged breasts, almost spilling out of her much-to-small stretch bra. "Now, if I had only brought some cookies," was the naughty thought repeating over and over in my mind. Once, when she looked up, she caught me peeking down her blouse at those panting twin mounds and just smiled sweetly, or maybe it was devilishly, with a twinkle in her eye. Then she looked over at my bloated beachball belly, towering over her like this huge wobbling globe. That cute smile became a little fearful. Maybe, she was afraid that giant sphere would topple over and crush her like an ant. After a few minutes of hard work ~~ it *is* hard work pulling up somebody else's pants when they have a body as bloated as mine, she finally succeeded. I *really* enjoyed her warm hands sliding over my smooth legs and creamy thighs, then tugging those jeans up over my hips. Her warm soft hands sent constant tingles throughout my body and I'm sure she could feel me shiver. From that Cheshire cat grin on her face, it looked like she had enjoyed *herself* also. What I liked best though, was when she smoothed that elastic front panel over my beachball belly, then made sure it was not binding across my crotch. My inflamed pouting pussy felt *every* one of her fingers as they rubbed and smoothed, then rubbed and smoothed some more, that elastic panel across my puffy yearning mound. My whole excited body so wanted her to pull it *down*, not up, but I had to remain disinterested. Maria finally stood up saying, "There, all done." Her cheeks were now beet-red, and those frills on her blouse were dynamically moving up and down from her greatly increased breathing, showing an even more majestic expanse of beautiful tan flesh. I replied a cheerful, "Thanks," as I began valiantly pulling down my straining baby-doll top over that wobbling bloated beachball. As if in a trance, Maria kept staring wide-eyed at my bloated wobbling belly. Very shyly, she then remarked, "Jackie, I am really surprised at how huge you are. I was never that big when I was pregnant, even at *nine* months. Are you carrying triplets ?" No longer embarrassed by comments like that, I grinned, then pushed out my partly covered bulging belly even further. Making sure she was still watching, I patted it at the same time with both hands ~~ letting it bounce and wiggle a little, then slowly replied, "No, only two babies, Maria. At least, that's what the doctor tells me. For some reason, I have swelled obscenely, like I'm carrying quadruplets, *and* I even have *two* months left." Still staring wide-eyed, Maria asked, "Would you mind very much if I felt your tummy. I have never felt any pregnant tummy other than my own and *never* one as large as yours." "Her innocent honesty was refreshing," I thought as I chuckled to myself. Smiling at Maria, I wriggled my baby-doll top back up fully uncovering that whopper, letting it intentionally bounce and sway as I did so. (I love to tease.) I then replied, "Go ahead. You're welcome to touch my tummy all you want." I wanted to add "and anywhere else" but I didn't want to frighten Maria off. Maria hesitantly reached over with one hand, just grazing my bulging pink belly with only her warm fingertips. Just her tentative touch sent a chill down my spine, ending right between those hot wet parted lips. She quickly whispered, "Thank-you," then turned and started to swiftly walk away as if embarrassed. "Maria, come back," I called. "It *really* didn't hurt when you touched it," I added as she began to hesitantly walk back. As soon as she got close enough, I grabbed her left hand and placed her soft warm palm and fingers flat against my bulging belly. "See, it doesn't hurt and your touch *even* feels nice to me. Move your hand around, you might even be able to feel either baby kick." (A "ploy" if I ever spoke one.) Maria now moved that warm tender hand gently around my pink beachball never loosing touch with it. Soon, she began actively feeling it with her other hand as well. After a minute, her eyes tightly closed and she softly "sighed," starting to breath more heavily. I could see her nipples harden even further through her blouse. Now, her thighs were pressed firmly together, tighter than a vise, each periodically rubbing against the other, as if she was doing a slow silent jig. That earlier "searching" for my pendant had certainly started my female juices flowing, creating an "itch" that had subsided, but *not* been satisfied. Maria's slow gentle caresses now not only rekindled, but even further intensified that smoldering fire. I felt my pouting pussy begin to get wet again. My bulging swaying body was now feeling sooo good that I whispered to Maria, "Your soft warm hands feel sooo nice rubbing my bloated belly." Unfortunately, that seemed to break the magical spell. Maria suddenly opened her eyes, then abruptly pulled her hands back with a frightened look on her face. Maybe she fully realized what she had been doing *and* feeling. A little flushed and now appearing more concerned than frightened, she stared at the floor and hurriedly said, "We should go now. Hector is waiting," and quickly walked out of the restroom. After pulling myself together, I waddled after her, both disappointed *and* aroused. I wasn't sure if I had misjudged Maria's very sensuous actions or if she was just very frightened from all the mixed-up feelings surfacing in her tiny body. For the next hour, Maria kept glancing at my body out of the corner of her eye, but would quickly look away whenever I caught her. Once when Hector wasn't watching, I even caught her deliberately rubbing her right nipple through her blouse, but it might just have been because she was breast-feeding and it was obvious both breasts were getting very full. Soon, the baby began crying. Maria looked at me, matter-of-factly saying, "It's time for Anita's feeding. I have to go to the restroom to feed her." Because of what had happened earlier, I decided to wait with Hector. After a few steps, Maria turned saying, "Jackie, please come. I may need your help and it wouldn't be proper for Hector to be in the Women's area." I waddled a little behind Maria up to the Women's restroom not knowing what to expect. When she turned around in the dim light, it looked like wet spots had formed on her blouse all around her hard protruding nipples. Once we were *both* inside, Maria looked me right in the eye, watching my expressions, as she quickly unbuttoned her white frilly blouse, untied it above the waist, then opened it wide, completely exposing her tan youthful chest. Those tan engorged milk-machines bulged out of that much-too-small white stretch bra. (I found out later that she couldn't afford any nursing bras like I was wearing.) Its whiteness glowed brightly against her firm tan body, while the dark brown circles of her puckered areola vividly showed through that soaked, now almost-transparent fabric, like twin beacons begging me to come home. I had to suppress a "gasp." Without the slightest hesitation, Maria now reached up, unhooking the front clasp of that sheer white bra. The soaked circles of fabric she had been using as breast pads fell to the floor with a "plop." Proudly jutting out in front of me were two of the most beautiful youthful breasts I had ever seen. They looked so . . . . . so ripe and round. Their taut skin was a natural tan with perfectly-centered dark blackish-brown areola about the size of quarters and hard stubby nipples. I was completely speechless. Even though she had been pregnant, given birth, and was now breast- feeding, there was absolutely *no* droop what-so-ever in her taut half- moon breasts. It was like somebody had glued perfectly curved half- grapefruits onto her chest. "Ah, youth," I thought. Now it was *my* turn to be envious of another woman. The mini-droplets of warm sweet mother's milk immediately began forming at those dozen duct-ends, yearning to be suckled away. A couple impatient ones even merged together, forming a large white drop, then dripped on the floor in front of me. Looking down, I almost cried at that wasted motherly goodness. I'm sure Maria could see the unbridled lust in my eyes, but she continued on, not speaking a word. Maria lifted Anita towards her left breast, tickling her mouth with that long fat dripping nipple. That hungry babe didn't need much coaxing, she immediately opened her cute mouth wide, latched on, and started feeding. I wanted sooo much to be Anita, but silently stood there just watching and rubbing my bulging belly while I could hear that lucky babe suckling more and more of her mother's sweet warm milk. My nipples hardened into long fat spikes, my moist pouting pussy tingled, drooled some more, then began to ache. After a minute or two, Maria closed both eyes, then slowly rolled her head from side to side, letting Anita greedily suckle away. Absent-mindedly, she lowered her other hand to her crotch, spread her legs wider, then began gently rubbing her "womanhood" through her tight slacks. "I hope I would enjoy breast-feeding my baby as much," I thought while watching her through glazed eyes. I had begun lightly stroking my bulging belly, sometimes even toying with my fat belly-button stem. A small wet spot appeared on her slacks where her hand was so firmly rubbing. I could even hear Maria quietly sigh through slightly parted moist lips. It was obvious that breast-feeding Anita was really turning Maria on, as it surely was me. Abruptly, Anita stopped feeding, deciding instead to go to sleep. Maria opened her eyes and looked at me watching her. She saw my hand caressing my beachball under my baby-doll top. Suddenly, she realized where her own hand had been rubbing, turning beet red. Now with her eyes looking down, she whispered haltingly, "I'm sorry, Jackie. I forgot where I was. Sometimes I get very strong sensations down between my legs when I'm breast-feeding Anita ~~ like when Hector and I are, you know, fooling around." "That's nothing to be ashamed of," I told Maria, "I've heard that breast- feeding can feel very sensuous to many women." Then, sticking out my beachball and again gently caressing it, I added, "I hope that breast- feeding my babies feels as sensuous to me as it seems to be for you." A wide smile of relief spread across Maria's face and again her glazed eyes stared at my bulging belly. She moved Anita to her other engorged and now dripping breast, but that sleeping baby wasn't interested. Maria tried putting the erect puckered nipple in Anita's mouth, but she just yawned and went back to sleep. She even tried squirting a little into Anita's mouth, trying to entice that her to return, but no luck, Anita was still no longer interested. Not even tickling Anita's feet would wake her back up. With a "sigh," Maria restuffed both half-moons in her bra, rehooking the clasp. She then looked up at me a little embarrassed saying, "This has been happening recently, but never away from home. Anita will empty one full breast, then go to sleep without suckling even once on the other full one." Her eyes again looked at the floor, then she added in a small frightened voice, "In a short time, that engorged breast will become very painful for me. Look how it's already bursting out of my bra. I didn't bring a breast pump or anything to express the milk." Maria *really* didn't have to tell me to "look." My eyes had been watching that firm bloated half-moon bulge more and more out of her bra. I knew my mind was playing tricks on me, but it seemed to grow fuller and fuller, getting rounder and rounder, in just the little time I had been staring at it. By now, there was a very obvious size difference between the breast that had been suckled and the one almost ready to explode. Reluctantly, I started to ask, "What about Hector . . . ." but Maria quickly cut me off with "Hector thinks that milky breasts are only for babies. *Real* men don't suckle at women's breasts. He would hardly touch them, except a little with his hands before I was pregnant, *now* he won't touch them at all." Now looking directly at me, Maria continued, "I noticed how you looked at my breasts when I opened my blouse and bra . . . . and still do. Would you please suck out some milk so it won't be as painful for me later on?" Maria quickly added, "There's nobody around this part of the zoo to come in and catch us," as she again unclasped her bra, pulling the cups widely aside so both breasts were now visible. I could only continue to stare at Maria's beautiful engorged breasts. Her left breast was now beginning to drip more constantly, sometimes almost squirting out. I guessed that her let-down response from Anita's suckling was in full swing. Much as every cell in my body wanted to lunge over and begin suckling, another part of me was still hesitant. Maria added in a pleading voice, "I've *never* told this to anyone else, *especially* not Hector. When I was twelve, a very close girl friend and I used to touch each other between our legs and suck on each other's small budding titties. I enjoyed it very much. We continued almost every day until she moved away." "Since then, I have never been close enough with another girl to try again . . . . until now. For some strange reason, I feel sooo comfortable with you ~~ like we have known each other forever. I saw how you looked at my breasts, just like my girl friend did. Those looks excited my . . . . my hunger again. I *know* you want to suck on them, badly, *and* it would help me out sooo much." Finally, Maria pleaded, "Pleeeeeezzzzzzeeeee. I need the pressure released soooo badly." Her last plea evaporated any remaining fears or concerns I had. Smiling at Maria I told her, "Ok. I will, but what do we do about Anita." Maria beamed, then replied, "Wait here. I'll give her to Hector to watch. I'll simply tell him that you're having a female' problem and I'll be back in a few minutes. Hector *won't* ask any questions. Those are problems he doesn't want to know *anything* about." I smiled as Maria quickly pulled herself together and left with Anita. Then, I chuckled to myself, "She seems to know Hector a lot better than I would have guessed. I think they'll have a pretty good marriage." [End of Part 1b]