To: Will Bow From: Jackie Subject: "Daddy's Love" ~~ Part 3 (last) X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 The more I watched them, the more I began to think that Bonita was "so hot" that she was enjoying showing off her bloated body, as much as Daddy enjoyed showing it off. "If so," I thought, "they would make the perfect couple ~~ an exhibitionist and a voyeur !!"=20 You couldn't begin to count how many times at the church rectory and later at the garden reception, I wished that I was only 2 foot high and invisible so I could "peek" up that high-front gown when I slowly walked in front of Bonita. "Oh, how I prayed they would play the "Limbo" with Bonita out in front, even if they kept that horizontal stick 4 foot high. I'm sure, from their gazes, many of the men would strongly agree," I deeply sighed.=20 As many times as I've seen Bonita's beautiful bronze body in all different stages of undress, there was simply something "extra naughty" about "peeking" at her most-private-parts in a wedding gown, especially when they were supposed to be totally hidden. I was absolutely sure that the upward view from that 2 foot high would have been simply overwhelming. My eyes stared at Bonita's beautiful bloated pg body in that stunning white gown, recording every bulge and ripple, while my mind began creating images of what she would look like from that very low height. My two-foot tall invisible body slowly and innocently strolled over to cousin Bonita. It then easily slipped between that high front opening in her beautiful white gown, without even ducking, like walking through a doorway with a close pair of drapes. The high lace hem of her dress surrounded me on all sides as if I was standing under an white frilly half-moon awning. I still couldn't believe it. There I was with cousin Bonita's bloated belly suspended directly over my blond head, dangling only inches away. Without even trying, my nose could strongly smell her musky womanly scent floating all around, totally engulfing and caressing me.=20 Deeply inhaling near the middle, I could even sniff some of the "Obsession" perfume she must have dabbed around her belly button stalk. "Oh, how wonderful Bonita smelled," I thought. I wanted to stay in that warm fragrant cozy alcove forever. Looking directly up, I could vividly see that dark black vertical line running up the middle of that bloated overhanging beachball. It was so vivid even against her naked bronze flesh. If I could only slowly trace that line with the firm tip of my warm wet tongue, I would be in heaven.=20 My eyes began jumping from stretch mark to stretch mark on that bulging over-hanging sphere ~~ there must have been millions of them. The bottom of that sphere looked like the tread on a giant tire or a highway map of China, but it still looked beautiful to me, so taut, so bloated, so full of life. This unique breath-taking view had excited me greatly. My own white lace panties began getting wet under my now-very-small white bride's maid gown. Since nobody could see, my small hand quickly dropped down front, slowly rubbing my moist itchy cunny, my impatient fingers trying to worm their way through my pretty dress with its layers of fluffy petticoats. Outside my reduced twitching body were cousin Bonita's strong firm bronze legs, tall shapely columns now spread wide, keeping her bloated bulging body from falling over. Both were covered up to my nose by those white stockings with their woven-in pattern of "wedding bells and bows".=20 On each side of my head, those white garter straps, like thick rubber bands, valiently stretched from those white stocking tops, snaking up under that white lace gown to her straining hidden white garter belt wrapped around her bloated beachball waist. My body felt so light, I could have easily reached up, grabbing one strap in each hand, and swung on those garter straps, like a jungle gym, but I didn't. I so badly wanted to warmly kiss that taut bronze flesh, bulging out, just above those stocking tops, with my hot moist lips, but decided against it. Even if Bonita couldn't see me, she might be able to feel my warm wet kisses and become very scared. I mean, how would you feel if you felt someone kissing you all around your thighs, sending shivers throughout your body, and when you looked down nobody was there. "I really don't want to upset Bonita," I finally concluded, even in my vision. By then, I just had to do something about my aching itching hairless little cunny. Since I was invisible, I just bunched up my skirt and layers of petticoats around my waist, holding them with one hand, while vigorously rubbing my smooth wet cunny through my silky panties with the other. That silkiness felt sooo good rubbing against my bare flesh. This was the first time I'd worn silky panties since I had worn Bonita's red ones way back when. (I was sooo glad that I was completely invisible, cause what a sight I would have made. This sweet innocent ten-year-old bride's maid, just standing there with her bride maid's white skirt and layers of white petticoats bunched around her immature waist, exposing her tight white silky virginal panties and soft creamy legs for all the men and women to oogle. Only my ankles were covered with my white bobby socks and their white strap shoes.) (If someone were to look very closely, they might notice my "tummy bulge" from that baby, growing bigger and bigger inside me. Anyone, though, could vividly see the roundness of my partially encased buns and the way that panty crotch tightly hugged my young hairless cunny. They could even see my little hand vigorously rubbing that molded crotch, as both my hand and Bonita's scents excited me more and more.) Now turning and facing Bonita, my head and lips were only inches from those tiny white french-lace bikini panties. They stopped just below her bloated beachball belly, while molding her plump bronze mound like a thin second skin. I could not see any puffiness in those panties, so Bonita's pussy still must be completely clean shaven, making her pouting separated lips to be clearly visible, pushing through that thin material. A vivid wet line crept up their middle, fully advertizing Bonita's growing excitement. Luckily nobody could see or hear my 2-foot self when I loudly giggled as I looked up underneath the front of Bonita's gown. There between that silky gown and on her bloated beachball belly were strapped three overlapping band-aids (I guess Daddy didn't have any "white" duct tape ), trying so valiently to make her pop'd long fat belly-button stalk an "innie" again.=20 Bonita probably didn't want any kids pressing that sprouted belly- button through her wedding gown and saying "beep." Obviously, they didn't do much good, cause that wiggling stalk was still pushing that silky material way out right through all three.=20 "I wonder if Daddy helped her apply those band-aids . . . . . and how long it took," I giggled to myself. A sudden tap on my shoulder snapped me out of my vision. It was cousin Bonita. "Daddy is going to make an announcement," she told me, "We should go over next to him and listen."=20 "Darn," I thought as we walked over next to Daddy, one on each side, "I was almost ready to climax in that vision." Walking, I could vividly hear my cunny making squishy sounds ~~ I was very wet in real-life too. Luckily, my gown and petticoats muffled that noise so nobody nearby could hear it. Daddy announced that he, Bonita, and I were moving from the city to rural Pennsylvania He mentioned the better environment for their child to grow up, but I suspect that the real reason was *my* pregnancy. He wanted to move somewhere where children having babies wasn't so frowned upon, and where nobody knew that Bonita was his cousin and me his daughter. * * * * * =20 Chapter 29b# Lola's Raging Hormones Beginning when I was only two months pg, my poor bloating body experienced explosive growth in many other areas. My Ob suspected that this was spectacularly jump-started by all the hormonal changes that growing baby was creating inside my immature little 4' 0" frame. It almost seemed that my body was trying to condense literally years of future change into a couple short months.=20 Although I only added 2 inches in height and 20 lbs in weight (including the baby) over those three turbulent months, the rest of my body was transformed from that of a super-flat 10 year-old to that of a very buxom 18 year-old: my breasts ballooned; my cunny got more meaty and plumper, those flat sleepy lips becoming more pouting and puffier; my clitty went from a little inconsequential nubby to over 1.5 inches in length when fully erect; and finally, my hips widened, adding a full 2 inches in size, much better for child-bearing. Down below, between my young girly legs, it was hard even for *me* to envision how much plumper and meatier my little cunny had become. Actually, it is very hard to describe even today. Remember that before becoming pg, my mound with its two tiny lips was pretty flat, so simply think of "flat skin" as the "before picture."=20 Next, envision a lemon that has been sliced in half lengthwise. Put the flat portion right against your skin. Think about how much that lemon skin mounds and bulges out from your skin ~~ that's the "after picture."=20 While the girly skin around my cunny used to be the same color as the rest of my skin, now, all the skin covering that bulging mound has become a dark reddish-brown, like my areola and nipples. That darker, contrasting skin now makes that plump meaty mound stand out, almost grabbing you like a clam . Finally, do one more thing. Down the middle of that lemon half, carefully slice the outer yellow skin, then peel it back a little. That's how my flared cunny lips now open up, like the petals on a blooming flower, forever showing off their hot wet pink insides. (It feels so much better now-a-days to have a firm wet tongue divide those meaty reddish-brown lips, forcibly accessing my hot juicy pink insides. The least little touch causes my solid young butt to wriggle all around, my girly legs spreading wider and wider. They would beg that stiff pink "trowel" to keep scooping up the gallons of my hot oozing female dew, while still digging deeper and deeper in addition to continuously slurping its way up and down. Only a couple cycles in that slippery groove and my body would be "panting" and "gasping.") (Only one plunge of that naughty stiff tongue into my wet over- heated love-tunnel would send this poor wriggling body over the edge. Suddenly my whole bloated body would be thrashing and bucking around, like a poor fish out of water, as my poor exhausted cunny gushes more and more thick gooey nectar. "Cries" of joy and "gasps" of pleasure would be constantly erupting from my wide-open mouth until all those wondrous waves had totally past. In all honesty, before I became pg by Daddy, I *never* felt sensations such as these.) Up top believe it or not, my ballooning bust was almost adding 1 full inch every month. Talk about all those little "hormonies" working double and triple shifts !!=20 The only "drawback" about this super-rapid growth was that my bloating boobies were getting vivid "stretch marks," like my bulging belly but *much* longer. These wiggly purple-reddish lines radiated outwards from both areola for at least an inch or more, looking like the spokes on a wheel or an exploding sunburst. "Hopefully, they will become less noticable as I grow older," I kept wishing. (Right then though, Daddy seemed to love those reddish lines. Before he'd even suck on my fat erect nipples, he would spend five or ten minutes tracing each of those reddish lines with the tip of his firm wet tongue, leaving rivers of warm wetness nestling in their hollows. Not only would that cause those poor bloated boobies to swell even more and visibly tremble, but it would also send clusters of tingles up and down my spine, causing my pouted parted cunny to get very moist . . . . . and itchy.) The most my Ob would do was shake her head saying, "I've never seen this much change so quickly, but it's theoretically possible. If the body can grow a baby from a tiny spec to full size in nine months, why couldn't it make these smaller changes in a few months." Many mornings, both titties felt like there were literally thousands of kernels of popcorn exploding inside, puffing and stretching that young titty flesh. I'd wake up every morning with both blooming nipples rock-hard, pointing straight up at the ceiling, on top of my ever-expanding tingling twin mounds.=20 My bumpy mole-hills had steadily ballooned out from an almost- flat "A-" cup to a taut half-moon "D" cup in just those three short months ~~ talk about being visited by the *commander* of all the other "titty fairies" !! (*And* those ballooning titties didn't stop there. After my milk had fully come in with Peter, my first, those whoppers measured a very full "F" cup. Still being only 4' 2" in height, my poor body was probably now one-third milk machine ~~ those huge engorged whoppers wobbled back and forth *everywhere* I went, but Daddy never seemed to complain.) (And my body hasn't stopped growing yet !! Those milk machines have added at least *1* full cup size with each pregnancy, so that now on my third, my milky whoppers need a full "H" cup ~~ maybe even larger after my baby girl is born and those milk factories need to supply even *more* milk. Remember, then I'll be feeding 2 babies and a toodler, all at the same time.)=20 ("Hmmm, I wonder how much bigger they'll grow during my 4th and 5th pregnancies ?? Let's see, at one cup-size per pregnancy, I'll be at least into a "J" or "K" cup on this tiny 5' 0" frame !! If my belly balloons out as far as it has in the past, I'll definitely look like one immense "boob" with two tiny feet. Know any guys who might like a cute young girl who looks like that ?? ) I simply gave up wearing bras that were *always* too tight, just letting those bloated half-moons jiggle around under whatever I was wearing. Whenever I exercised, naughty Daddy would always want me to wear t-shirts that were now way too tight and too short ~~ I wonder why.=20 Those cotton tees, though, would feel sooo soft and nice as my jiggling nipples rubbed up and down against them, hardening and poking out further and further. When I finished, there would be wide wet circles around both nipples from sweat, sorry not from milk quite yet. Those areas would become almost transparent, my dark pink areola and nipples visibly showing through.=20 (My tiger-striped leotard bottom would also be completely soaked in the crotch ~~ not all of that from sweat !! Most times, that narrow crotch would get pulled up between my now-plumper, more pouting pussy lips, ending up being very sticky and gooey.)=20 (I would have to slowly peel that second skin off my bloated lower body, then tug it out from between those puffy grasping lips ~~ I didn't wear any panties underneath . That crotch reminded me of a hotdog shoved deeply in a bun. I'm sure Daddy would love to get his "hotdog" deeply nestled in my bun ~~ no catsup or mustard needed, my body would be adding its own pungent dressing. ) (Many days after a long hard workout, I could hear my Daddy rummaging in the bathroom. I wouldn't have been surprised if he hadn't raided the hamper for that sopping wet leotard, savoring a couple long sniffs, maybe a couple dozen licks, and a bunch of gooey tasty chews.) (One of these days, maybe I'll try and catch him. He'd look funny with that black crotch dangling from his mouth, lips and teeth vigorously chewing away, while a free gooey hand probably pumped his long thick rod. That monster probably sprouted even longer, its fat purple head more bloated, from all those mixed up savory scents.) When my mushrooming mounds got exceptionally sore, cousin Bonita would come in, laying an electric heating pad on them. On days when they weren't too sore, she would just use her heated breath and moist lips to soothe them. I must admit I *really* preferred her hot wet lips best. I loved to feel her hot red parted lips sucking on my sprouting dark pink nipples, that firm wet tongue strumming them back and forth. That combination not only made me forget about any soreness, but it also made my now-huge clitty poke straight up, tenting my tight cotton girly panties. Most times Bonita would only stroke that inch and one-half clitty up and down through my cotton panties, like she was massaging a little boy's penis, making my crotch wetter and wetter. (I often wondered if she ever "fooled around" with any of her younger brothers cause she sure knew how to stroke me just right.)=20 Shortly, between the firm stroking of her fluttering fingers and the strong sucking of her talented mouth, a low moan would escape from between my parted lips. Within seconds, my whole young body would be thrashing and bucking on that bed in a full blown climax as I "gasped" and "moaned" even louder. I would always try to kiss Bonita on the lips afterwards as a thank- you, but she would usually pull away. I think she was still embarassed each time about what she had just done, even though I thoroughly enjoyed it. A couple times in the beginning, I think Bonita let her curiosity about my clitty overcome her inhibitions. After sucking on my bloated booby for a while, she rolled down the front of my cotton panties, staring with her mouth still open at my huge wiggling, wobbling clitty. Only twice, did she let me push her head down toward that shiny quivering stalk.=20 Those times, she first slurped that bloated stalk up and down like a sweet minerature candy-cane, making my body tremble all over. Then she began sucking on it like she would a little boy's penis, grasping it with her lips, letting her tongue tickle the tip, then moving her head slowly up and down, over and over again. After about only a dozen of her warm wonderful strokes, my pregnant body would be bucking and thrashing on that bed, every minute cell experiencing an earth-shattering climax. While my poor tired body was settling back down, she would carefully roll those panties back up, gently pat my still-bouncing pg belly, then leave the room shutting the door. Much as I later tried, I couldn't get her to do much more, but Daddy was a completely different story. Soon after those erupting mountains became full-fledged D cups, I decided to tease my Daddy with them. Early that morning, I struggled into a tattered little-girly underwear set ~~ a crop-top and hipster. Both were white with fancy pink fringe all around the edges. The sleeveless crop-top had a wide deep "U" neckline, and one- inch wide bands over each shoulder. At the bottom of that pink fringed neckline was a large cute pink bow. Originally, that frilly bottom only came about one-third of the way down my flat chest, now it just covered the bottom swells of my bulging half-moons. That size 8 crop-top had been made for a chest size of only 27 inches, while my rib cage had since expanded to a "huge" 29 inches. When you add onto that another *4 inches* for my ballooning boobies, my poor creamy bosom was constantly popping or spilling out of that straining lily-white crop-top ~~ as planned. Watching in a full-length mirror, all I had to do was bend over slightly and both bloated balloons would "pop" right over that neckline, jiggling like wild, run-away jello. Those pink areola and nipples would point straight out, later shriveling and hardening in the air. To make those "accidents" happen even more easily (heh, heh), I slid those shoulder-bands off my shoulders, slipping them down my upper arms. That left my shoulders completely bare, while that crop-top neckline dropped even a little lower in front. Those tiny hipsters didn't have much better luck. Created for 29 inch hips with a flat little cunny, my hips had widened to 31 inches preparing for my child-bearing. My cunny (maybe I should call it a "pussy" now) had become much plumper, those pouting lips flaring wide open. Staring in that mirror, that crotch strip now only covered the middle half of my pussy ~~ about ridge to ridge of those puffy pink lips. There must have been at least a =BD inch of bare creamy pussy-mound flesh totally visible on *each* side (between it and my legs), emphasized by that pink frilly fringe. "I guess I'm ready," I thought, "Now to find Daddy." Looking around, I finally could hear him shaving in the bathroom. Putting my best little-girl pout on my face, I skipped into the bathroom through the wide open door. Daddy was shaving at the sink wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. "Daaaddddyyy," I cried, "Loooook, my favorite set of underwear doesn't fit anymore."=20 As soon as I said "fit," I pulled down the bottom of that crop-top letting both bloated boobies pop right out. "Seeeeee," I continued, "these keep falling out," bouncing my body up and down with feined exaturated concern. Daddy's eyes were glued to my half-moons, intently watching them with their erect pink tips frantically jiggle up and down. His long pink tongue automatically wet his parted lips as those hard pink nipples drew ghostly patterns in the air. I paused talking, then looked lower, watching that wiggling snake in Daddy's boxer shorts grow bigger and bigger, getting more elongated and fatter. In a flash, it was poking out through his fly, still getting longer and harder with every passing second. My own clitty had grown bloated and fat, visibly poking out my white hipsters, like a young boy's erect cock, but Daddy couldn't see it because of my hugely overhanging belly. Anyway, he seemed much more interested in other areas right now. Slowly, he reached around me and closed the bathroom door tight. Right then, I knew that I was going to have some fun. "Oooooooo," I said clapping my hands with glee, "Is that long fat red candy cane *all* for me ??" Before Daddy could even answer, I fell to my knees in front of him, my boobies again jiggling like crazy. Grabbing that wobbling stalk with both tiny hands, my fingers and thumb nowhere near touching, I could feel it throb and pulse with heated excitement.=20 My moist lips began kissing that huge bloated purple mushroom-shaped head, sucking in all that sweet wet nectar oozing from its flaring piss-slit. At first it tasted strange, then I realized why. My taste buds were detecting a combination of Daddy's precum *mixed with* Bonita's musky female juices. Daddy must have "fooled around" with her, then not had enough time to wash off his long fat joy-stick. "Naughty Daddy," I thought. After a minute, I concluded, "Ooooooo, that makes it even more lewd," then added, "I am sucking on the same joy-stick that had so recently been in Bonita's hot slimy love-tunnel." Just that thought alone made me suck on its bloated head with even wilder abandon. Suddenly Daddy yelled, "Watch out Kitten, I'm coooommmming," but his warning was too late. Gobs and strings of warm gooey cum began shooting out that piss- slit. The first blast got both my left cheek and ear. The next eruption got my right jiggling booby, almost smack on its erect little nipple, finally running over it, a long thin strand hanging from that hard pink tip. Some of it then drizzled down over that lower swell onto my white girly crop-top. I caught most of the third spurt in my small mouth, a little dribbling out the corners, then drooling down my chin. The last shot zipped over my right eye and into my blond hair. After that, my stiff wet tongue just had to lick up the globs and drops as they slowly dripped from his piss-slit, while I vigorously pumped that bloated sausage in and out. My little hands grasped that softening flesh-tube as tightly as they could, valiently trying to squeeze and wring out every last droplet of Daddy's manly juices. Finally, I rubbed that cum-coated purple head round and round both my shiny wet cheeks, trying to rub in as much "cum" as possible. Then I let that tired python sag down, now rubbing it over and over both my budding breasts, teasing his drooling piss-slit with my still-erect nipples.=20 "I hear that rubbing a male's cum on your nipples and breasts, makes them grow even bigger," I thought, "Maybe mine will balloon larger still." Standing back up, I looked at him with a big pout. "Daadddy, look. My clean underwear top got all dirty from your gooey juices," I strongly told him. "I guess I can't wear it today," then added with a loud sigh, "I'll have to go change *again*." Opening the door, I huffed out with a big grin on my face. "I would have been *very* disappointed if I didn't have to go change," I though as I merrily skipped back to my room. * * * * * =20