Subject: "Daddy's Love" -- Part 2 Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 21:24:58 -0500 (EST) From: Jackie To: Will Bow Within her strict Catholic family, even though it would be "shameful," they convinced her to keep the baby, since to them, the alternatives would have been worse. Daddy persuaded them to let Bonita continue to baby-sit, while she saw a school tutor during the day. He added some extra money "for her baby." Even more so now, with another mouth on the way, her family could not turn away the money she was making. (Much later, Bonita told me that Daddy had begun affectionately calling her "Little Mother," a name she really disliked. After two or three very hard kicks to his shins and totally ignoring that fat wiggling pleading snake in his pants for two days, he finally got the point.) (As Bonita always told me, "Manytimes, a man's mind is between his legs, so *that* is where you have to make your impression." After that, Daddy *never* called her "Little Mother," at least to her face.) So when I was a little more than ten years old, I began my first very close encounter with a woman's pregnancy. I didn't know that in less than a year, I would be having a much more intimate experience with being pg myself. * * * * * Chapter 7a# Bonita's Ultrasound Adventure Bonita's Ob ("Obstetrician") had scheduled her first Ultrasound at 17 weeks to confirm the baby's size and check for twins. Even though she was only 17 weeks along, her bloated belly made her look like 28 or 30 weeks, so her Ob really wanted to make sure there wasn't any problems. The Ob had explained to Bonita about the two different types of Ultrasound scans: 1. "External" using an external rectangular scanner; 2. "Transvaginal" (TV) using an internal wand scanner inserted in her vagina. That internal wand was shaped like a "curling iron" except that it was narrower along the middle but had a larger "nobbie" on the end pushed closest to her cervix. Bonita was expecting an "external"exam, but the Ob said that might change. She was instructed to drink 10 eight-ounce glasses of water, 80 ounces (!!), at least an hour prior to the ultrasound and NO going to the bathroom. All that liquid in her stomach and bladder pushed the cervix up, closer to her front, making for clearer Ultrasound images. On the day of her appointment, Bonita easily drank the first 6 glasses of water, then had to force down those last 4 eight ounce glasses. Before even totally finishing, she was looking and feeling more bloated than ever before ~~ like this huge water balloon with legs. Both "eyeballs were swimming" in all that water. (To avoid any additional pressure on either her bloated belly or bursting bladder, Bonita wore a loose wisterteria [dark blue], white-dotted romper. This romper had an empire-waist and a very low neckline, giving it an off-the-shoulder look to further emphasize her engorged breasts.) (The hem only fell to about 4 inches above her bare bronze knees. She had that high waist-tie snugly tied, making that short blue skirt flare far out over her bloated beachball belly, adding at least 2-3 months onto the look of her pregnancy.) Her bladder soon became so full to bursting that she had to walk with her firm bronze thighs pressed tightly together to avoid peeing her panties ~~ looking like a hugely bloated waddling blue penguin from behind. (The combination of a gusty, windy day along with her flared blue skirt provided a "golden" bonanza for any "peepers" along her waddling path to the Clinic. Strong wind gusts would whip that short blue skirt high up, vividly exposing both her hugely pregnant bronze belly and red bikini panties for anyone nearby to closely stare and study ~~ the outline of her plump bald lips clearly showing through those sheer bikini panties. Her tiring trek was made even longer because she had to take small steps to keep her trembling thighs close together.) (More than once, that bonanza *almost* got even more "golden" as Bonita had to stop and clench her smooth bronze thighs tightly together to avoid spouting a large golden puddle. I'm sure that if it had happened, it would have made an unequaled sight: Bonita's short blue skirt fluttering in the wind, her bloated bronze belly shimmering in the sunlight;) (A golden fountain gushing right through her sheer red bikini panties in the shadow of that bloated bronze belly; that golden arc sparkling in the sunshine, then splashing down in heavy droplets to create a wide shiny puddle on that stark white concrete sidewalk; while poor Bonita could only shiver, turn an even brighter red, then erupt some more.) About halfway to the Clinic, Bonita remembered that she had left a cherry pie baking in the oven ~~ her poor "Placenta brain" is becoming even flakier, and she isn't even halfway to her baby's birth. A gf had told her about how the pg hormones could effect her memory, but didn't figure it would be happening to *her*, she's still sooo young. (Now, Bonita cannot even remember which gf it was !! ) Frantically looking around, Bonita spied a telephone booth on the corner. Slowly waddling over, her loose skirt still floated up and down in that gusty breeze, showing glimpses of those red bikini panties to anyone nearby. Reaching her quest, she just squeezed her bloated body into that aluminum booth ~~ like putting 15 lbs of Playdough in a 10 lb sack. Trying to remain ever so modest and "motherly" but still not thinking clearly, Bonita pushed outward on that accordion door to close it, trying to stop that "naughty" wind. Just as she did, one last mighty gust lifted her flared blue skirt completely up above her no- longer-existent "waist." Frantically, she tried to pull that door inward to open it again, but her bloated belly now blocked its complete opening. Bonita wanted to quickly push down her blue skirt before anybody could savor all those forbidden sights that had been so vividly revealed, but to no avail. That door wouldn't pull in far enough, making her both fully exposed and solidly stuck !! Almost hysterical, she valiently now tried tugging and pushing that uncooperative skirt down, but it wouldn't budge down more than an inch or so. She was just too tightly wedged and that booth had pointed window and door moldings stopping its dropping. Her skirt kept catching on a molding-edge, not dropping down any lower, leaving the entire bottom half of her bronze preggy body almost completely bare, save for her sheer red bikini panties ~~ she had not bothered wearing stockings or a garter belt since she was going only to the Clinic. Now, she felt that the most-private, intimate parts of her body had been framed in aluminum for all the world to see. Thinking about it, Bonita became even more embarassed, her face turning as red as its bronze skin possibly could. "What a lewd and exciting sight my sorry plight must be making," she thought. Her blue skirt mostly bunched and jumbled well above her imaginary "waist" vividy *exposing* her: > Bronze bloated belly, heaving all around as she panted so agitately, her budding belly-buttoned stalk flattened against the clear glass; > Now-meaty bronze bare thighs, trembling like twin piano legs during a concert; > Round bronze ass cheeks ~~ her sheer red panties sneaking further into her crack with every movement, blatently showing off even more soft bronze bun-flesh; > Swollen pouting pussy mound ~~ her plump protruding lips were barely covered, yet vividly molded, by her tight red bikini panties, jet-black curls sneaking out around both leg openings, waving to any onlookers with each strong gust; >Most-personal most-embarassing *secret* ~~ her super-abundant, lush forest of long curly black pubic hair growing down her thighs, covering the whole underside of her bloated bronze belly, then making a trial up the center; and finally, *all* the other "private" glistening bronze flesh above, below, and all around those areas. (Ever since Bonita entered puberty, the whole area around her pussy sprouted jet-black hair thicker and longer than the wild grass in a country meadow. This seemed to be another trait of her Spanish heritage that she so carefully tried to keep hidden so she wouldn't be teased. Next to a wooly mammoth, she might not be considered "hirsute," but next to any ordinary girl or woman, she surely would.) (Right then, each curly jet-black hair, when full stretched out, would have been at least 4 or 5 inches long. Her abundant-crop began flourishing around *two* inches down from the top of her bronze thighs, rising and spreading out to cover her total pussy mound with a thick curly mat.) (In the front, her furry meadow crept up to cover the whole lower inch or so of her bloated pg belly. Since she has been pg, those twisting curls have formed a narrow path up her abdomen, following her linea nigra [that dark pg line], curling and twirling, like vibrant ivy climbing up the tree of life.) (Those twisting curls finally stopped *just* before reaching her sprouted belly-button, while a few stretched and strained upwards valiently trying to reach that sprouted stalk, like a limb on a tree. That whole area now reminded Bonita of an upside-down Fu Manchu goatee.) (In the back, the complete insides of her butt cheeks were fully covered with a cute dense tuft around her anal opening.) (Since Bonita hated taking care of all that curly pubic hair, she only kept it cut it short while she was attending Catholic School, so the other girls wouldn't tease her. Since she left, it was allowed to flourish, growing longer and longer.) (She always had to be super-careful how she dressed. When she went swimming, she always wore a one-piece suit that had a bottom with "boy legs," kind-of like short-shorts. Those cuffs completely hid all those long black curls profusely growing on her thighs.) (Now though, that complete curly forest was vividly on display ~~ being advertized to the world, since those red bikini panties barely covered her pouting pussy, much less anywhere else !!) She embarassingly knew that her naked bloated bronze belly showed so blatantly, tightly smushed against those crystal-clear glass panes. "Of all the luck," Bonita muttered, "This must be the *only* telephone booth in town where somebody keeps each of those glass panes completely clear and clean. Any other booth would have dirty dingy panes ~~ much harder to see through !!" (Instantly, she began imagining *every* man or boy passing by, stopping and gawking at her almost-naked hugely pregnant body. It must have been all those preggie-pheromones that bloated belly was pumping out through her pouting pulsating puss.) (Each pair of nearby pants slowly began tenting outwards as their greedy eyes feasted on her ripe round shape.Their constant growing never ceased until each and every hard erect cock had stretched its now super-tight pants out almost into next week.) (Bonita could almost see and hear that whole group unzip in unison, taking out their very different cocks, beginning to slowly jerk them off ~~ small and large ones; young and old ones; and white, brown and black ones. Some had fat purple helmets, while others only had slender dark pink crowns. The only similarity was that their piss-slits were *all* pointed at *her* bulging pg belly !!) (Their slippery hands moved in and out together, until each and every one had squirted gobs and gobs; gooey strings and lumps; and burst after burst of warm sweet cum *all* over the outside panes of the telephone booth. Those windows surely would need a cleaning now !!) "And *I* pick that particular booth to get stuck in. What else could go wrong ??" Bonita continued. She started to softly sob, her hormones almost taking full control. Inside her bloated stuck preggie body, the building pressure from all the water she drank was making even her tears run golden, sparkling in the sunlight. Well, she quickly found out. Her sobbing took both her mind and her muscle control off her bursting bladder. This allowed a stream of yellow liquid to begin dripping from her pouting pussy, through those tight red bikini panties, and onto the floor, making a small golden puddle. It grew to the size of a super-wide pancake before she strugglingly got that naughty bladder again under control. Now she was not only embarassed, but completely mortified. "I have never been so embarassed in *all* my life," she kept repeating to herself over and over again, as her bare bronze belly heaved and her engorged breasts jiggled in that aluminum prison. Finally, a kind businessman saw her predicament and acted. He took off his trench coat and galiently wrapped it around that booth, but *not* until he taking a very long look at her vividly exposed bloated preggie body. He must have liked what he saw, because Bonita noticed a very distinct hardening in those grey-tweed business slacks, though neither person spoke a word. Softly talking to her, he finally calmed her down. He then directed her how to jockey her bloated preggie body around in that booth while he gently pushed that acordian door inwards. In only a couple of minutes, she was free again, immediately pulling down that errant blue skirt over her heaving bronze preggie flesh. "Are you Ok ??" her handsome knight asked. Bonita was still so embarassed that she only muttered a very quick "Yes, thank you so much" as she quickly waddled away, totally forgetting to make her telephone call. As horny as she usually was and at any other time or place, she would have stopped and talked to him since it was obvious that he *liked* pregnant women. Glansing over her right shoulder, that conclusion was further reinforced as he never bothered to put that trench coat back on, but carried it folded over his arms in front of his slacks, like he was hiding something ~~ I wonder what ?? (Incidentially, that cherry pie was a little "over cooked" by the time Daddy could smell it, hidden away in his computer room.) (That evening after telling me her very embarassing story, Bonita admitted that while walking this morning, she had valiently tried to hold that flared skirt down, but many times those strong gusts were just too much. This surprised me since Bonita is *very* much an exhibitionist. She finally admitted that even though she loves to "flash," *she* needs to be in *control* of the situation, and here, she was neither in control of her skirt or her bladder.) (Bonita also sheepishly admitted that about a week ago, she had almost gotten her bloated "whale" body stuck in a department store's women's toilet stall. She abruptly had to pee *real* bad, as always, and had backed into one of those narrow stalls where the door opened inwards.) (After finishing her golden dribbling, Bonita was proud that she only needed a quick wipe and could promptly stand back up ~~ "crotchless" panties do have their advantages for pg women even though they allowed her swollen pussy lips to poke out, you never need to bend over to pull them up. [Daddy also just loves how they feel, or don't feel, on Bonita.]) (Immediately, she found that she couldn't get the stall door to swing open around her giant beachball of a belly. In desperation, she was forced to back up and straddle that toilet bowl, so she could finally get that door to clear her bloated wobbling belly.) (Luckily, Bonita wasn't wearing a long tight skirt or she would have had to waddle from that stall with her skirt bunched up around her imaginary waist ~~ fully exposing her underwear: her tight white cotton bikini panties, just covering her black curls, and her white garter belt, both so neatly framed by her bronze flesh. She would also have had to vividly exhibit her wobbling bronze baby-belly with its millions of stretch marks and her wide bouncing bronze bottom for all those other women in that Ladies' Room to stare, and maybe chuckle, at.) (Upon hearing her humerous story, a 7 month pregnant girlfriend, Sherri, told Bonita the "technique" she has always used. She would enter the stall facing the toilet bowl, letting her bloated preggie belly fully overhang that bowl. Reaching behind her, she would push the stall door shut, then quickly swirl around, latching it while she jerked up her skirt and plunked down on the seat with a loud "thud" ~~ kind-of like those synchronized swimming whales at Marine Land. She would use the exact opposite routine to leave.) (That would *never* work for Bonita. Her bloated belly now hung out sooo far that she could never be able to turn around in most stalls. I would hate to see her get wedged in the middle of a turn, her belly jammed against one stall wall, her back flat against the other. *That* would be even more embarassing than not being able to get the stall door open !!) (Thinking further about it, Bonita concluded that their difference in "techniques" was simply because of how their pg bellies had blossomed. Although further along, Sherri was still carrying very high, shaped like a *vertical* oval ~~ her belly-button had not even popped yet.) (In an A-line style maternity top, Sherri had no obvious distinction between her hugely engorged breasts and her bloated round belly ~~ her abdomen looked like it is "one big booby" with a head up top and legs on the bottom. [I can think of a couple guys who would have liked that shape, especially if it had been true ]) (Bonita's baby-belly, on the other hand, was sticking way far out, shaped like a *horizontal* oval. The distinction between her huge breasts and bloated beachball belly was very obvious, even to a blind guy who would need to slowly feel her pg body like braille, maybe over and over again to be absolutely sure ["Ooooooooo, yes "].) (She was also carrying that baby very low. Even if she could make that turn "Ok," her belly would initially slide across that toilet seat, maybe even drop in with a big "splash.") (Ultimately, I had to agree with Bonita's final decision. "From now on," she stated emphatically, "it would be *only* those extra-wide handicapped' toilet stalls for me and my pregnant beachball belly !! I'm taking absolutely no more chances of getting stuck ~~ once is enough.") (A week later, when this topic came up again, Bonita even admitted that she would prefer a normal toilet stall *without* a door over one with a door !! So many different people have poked, proded, felt, or just peeked at her lower body since she has been pg that she no longer has any modesty left.) (If that "door-less stall" was the least bit more convenient, she no longer cared if another girl or woman walking by saw her naked bloated bronze beachball belly, her spread thunder-thighs, or even her swollen pouting dark hairy puss. "Convenience" was now what mattered *most*.) Finally entering the Clinic, Bonita immediately noticed that the sloshing from side to side of all that remaining water echoed so loudly that she sounded and felt like a giant battleship slowly floating, and almost painfully maneuvering, down those clinic corridors. Her only thought over and over again was, "When can I pee ??" Finally docking at the Radiology Section, Bonita checked in with the smiling receptionist. (Don't they always "smile" ~~ probably because they are not going through what *you* are going through.) She was given her genuine hospital-issue pink johnny. "Hmmmm," she thought, "Do all women get pink, while all men get blue ~~ how sexist !!" After squeezing her bloated body backwards into the small changing cubicle, Bonita supremely struggled out of her romper. Her bloated belly wiggled from side to side, actually knocking and bouncing against both side walls, while her engorged unfettered breasts insanely jiggled up and down, in time with some silent rhythm. "What, do only skinny women come her for tests ?" was all she could think. Now, she was left standing there in only her bright red bikini panties, her bloated pregnant belly hanging far over their top, those jet-black curls leaving a fur tuft all along that elastic waist-band. Even though there was no mirror in that changing cubicle, Bonita just had to pause a moment to run her warm hands all around her bloated bronze belly, sending tingles up and down her spine. She was now so proud to be pg and those hands were making her whole body feel very warm, and very sexy. Her puffy pussy began getting *very* moist. She was now so glad that she was getting an "external" ultrasound where she wouldn't have to remove those red bikini panties. Then "the world" would immediately see how passionately she felt about her blossoming pg body ~~ small pearl-shaped drops of musky female dew oozing from between her pink inner lips, hanging from those long black curls; the pink head of her clitty poking far out, making a hard distinct nubby. Bonita had decided to go braless that day since her growing, bloating breasts had become slightly sore and tender from being squished in an overly-tight nursing bra. Those full round bronze globes bouncing and jiggling around on her chest totally unfettered as she waddled didn't "bother" *her* one little bit, just most male onlookers, or was that "gawkers" , at least judging by the thick fat bulges making their tented pants so uncomfortably tight. "And," she thought, "I'll never have a problem with a blocked milk duct from the underwire." Slipping into that pink johnny, she suddenly found it to be way too small, only reaching 2/3 of the way around her hugely bloated body, but nobody was around to help or replace it. Finally, swallowing her modesty which seemed to be a frequent occurance lately, she waddled and sloshed across the hall to the imaging area with both round bronze buns hanging far out, almost completely exposed, like dual red cabooses. Only their lower quarter was partially covered by those thin wispy bright red bikini panties. "Luckily, I don't have to walk in any of the main areas of the clinic half-dressed like this," Bonita thinks with great relief, though still brightly blushing. I have to keep repeating that saying, "If you're going to laugh about it later, you might as well laugh about it now." Arriving in the Ultrasound imaging area, Bonita found only her "health care professional," Nurse Nancy, waiting for her. (Since this was a woman to woman exam, no chaperone was required.) Nurse Nancy smiled and supressed a giggle as soon as she noticed how that pink johnny "fitted," or actually, didn't fit Bonita. Nurse Nancy must have been in her early twenties with a slim body, curly red hair, and a very sexy smile. Her crisp white uniform was very form-fitting, especially around the bust, with the skirt stopping about two inches above her knees. Bonita wondered, "She must be at least a D-cup. With those top three buttons open and wearing that low-cut lacy bra, she sure isn't hiding very much. I'll bet all the men, both patients and staff, just love it when she comes around. Maybe they cum' also." Bonita finished that thought with a giggle. Still smiling, Nurse Nancy tells Bonita, "I need you to take off your johnny and your panties, then I'll help you climb up on this metal table. I've put a sheet over it so it will not feel so cold." "Why my panties ?" Bonita asks. "Because your Ultrasound has been changed to a transvaginal, an internal" was the only reply. Blushingly, Bonita shook off her pink johnny, her engorged breasts wiggling and wobbling around loose on her chest. Her hard fat nipples looked like they were drawing funny patterns in the air. She then tried to pull down her bright red bikini panties, but her bloated belly kept getting in the way. "Let me help you with those," Nurse Nancy commanded. Bonita intently watched Nurse Nancy hiked up her tight white skirt, then squatted down in front of her. The tops of her white stockings and her white lacy garter belt were clearly visible, now a couple inches *below* the hem of her skirt. That "naughty" skirt had slipped right up to her crotch, allowing Bonita to see her sheer lace white panties with her curly red bush vividly outlined underneath. "Yes," Bonita thought, "she really is a natural red head." Just peeking at Nurse Nancy like this was making her pussy *really* tingle. Nurse Nancy reached up, putting one very warm hand on each of Bonita's wide, child-bearing bronze hips making that flesh shiver, then slipped those wiggling warm fingers under that tight elastic band. With slow lingering tugs, those obstinate panties were slipped down her firm bronze legs, becoming a rolled ball at her feet. With Nurse Nancy's nose so close to her pouting wet pussy, Bonita was sure that wrinkling nose could smell her increasing womanly scent, causing Bonita to blush even redder. With Nurse Nancy squatting like that in front of her, Bonita had a clear view straight down the front of Nurse Nancy's wide-open dress. Her eyes were feasting on those round mounds of creamy bulging tit-flesh trying to pop right out the top of Nurse Nancy's petite lacy white bra. Her straining eyes could clearly discern the top half of Nurse Nancy's pink areola with their erect pink nipples distinctly poking through both her bra and dress. Finally, those longing eyes focused on that silver cross, on its chain, buried in the deep valley between her two perfect mounds. Bonita so wanted to tell Nurse Nancy that guy-ploy, "Oooooh, that's such a pretty cross. Can I look at it ?" then before she could answer, reach down between those soft warm globes and pull the cross out, but she resisted. All those "naughty" thoughts suddenly shocked Bonita. She realized that she had always been "hot blooded." Since she became pg though, it seemed she desired sex *all* the time and no longer cared if it was with a woman or a man. Her hot bubbling passions had taken on an animalistic quality that had not been there before. Thoughts like that, though, weren't helping her currently embarassing situation. Her pussy was now overheating and drooling; her long fat nipples were even harder, much more prominent than before. When Nurse Nancy began to stand back up, she put one warm hand on each side of Bonita's bulging bronze belly for support. "Hmmm. Her warm hands sure feel good," Bonita thought to herself, again blushing, then added, "It's been quite a while since a woman's touch has felt sooo nice." After shaking out Bonita's wet red panties and folding them so neatly, Bonita "just knew" that Nurse Nancy's fingers had felt that warm sticky wetness along her panty crotch, but Nurse Nancy had remained silent, only widely grinning. Nurse Nancy helped Bonita climb up on the metal table, spreading Bonita's legs wide, putting each heel in a metal stirrup. "Oooooo, this table feels so cool," was all Bonita could say. Smilingly, Nurse Nancy replied, "Don't worry, *you* will warm up in a minute." Bonita could have never guessed how true Nurse Nancy's statement really was. Right then though, it almost appeared that Nurse Nancy was getting a kick out of Bonita's predicament. Nurse Nancy slowly explained the procedure, "This wand is lubricated with pre-warmed goop, then slipped into your vagina. The tip on the end emits the sound waves that are echoed back, then appear on the display. It will only take a few minutes, but I will probably have to wiggle it around a little." Bonita stared at that white wand. To her, it still looked like a long "curling iron," but for some strange reason, the word "dildo" kept popping into her head, then flashing a-mile-a-minute. This thought alone was making her pussy spasm, the rest of her body shiver, and her parted lips emit a soft "sigh." Nurse Nancy seemed to notice, but didn't react. She continued, "First, let's do a quick test-run so you will know what it feels like, then I'll turn on the Ultrasound for the real imaging. This way there won't be any sound waves directed toward the baby while you're getting use to it. Any questions ?" Her body still tense, Bonita nodded "No." "First, I put a long condom over the probe tying it off at the top. This keeps any bacteria that might be on the probe from getting in your vagina and possibly causing an infection." "Next, I lubricate the whole length with this warmed-up goopy gel so that it slips in easier." Nurse Nancy placed a rubber-gloved hand across the top of Bonita's pussy to spread her outer lips, immediately feeling how tense she was. "Relax. This won't really hurt . . . . . . and may even feel good. If any of the goop get into you curly hairs, I'll clean it off later," she tells Bonita, while rubbing that warm latex hand back and forth, exciting Bonita's clitty more and more. Bonita's body has begun to relax as her excitement continues to grow. She was sure that Nurse Nancy could feel her sprouting clitty, but her gentle caressing was feeling sooo good that Bonita no longer cared. In a very soothing tone, Nurse Nancy told her, "Here we go. I am now going to insert the wand." Bonita could feel the fat tip of that condomed wand enter her pussy, automatically wiggling her buns from side to side to help it along, while she closed her eyes. It was nowhere near as fat as her favorite black dildo, but her pussy muscles still grasped it tightly, feeling every single inch as it slid further and further into her wet over-heated love-tunnel. Stopping for a second, Nurse Nancy began wiggling that joy-stick all around, causing Bonita's bloated body to jerk, much louder "sighs" escaping from between her slightly parted lips. Suddenly, a pair of moist lips began gently sucking on that short fat reddish-brown nipple of Bonita's left bronze breast, exciting her even further. Then a stiff wet tongue began strumming that poor defenseless nipple. This magnificent combination, that stiff tongue and that wiggling joy-stick, sent glorious heated sensations throughout her whole bloated body, pushing her right to the brink of orgasm. Bonita's bloated pregnant body lay totally defenseless on the cold metal table, bucking up and down, then thrashing from side to side, as choruses of "Oooooohhhhhs" and "Aaaaaahhhhhs" rose from her thrown back head. "Just a little more, a little more," Bonita whispered, totally under the control of her red-hot passion. In answer, those lips began more vigorously sucking on that fat erect nipple, while that joy-stick began unmercifully plunging in and out of her pulsating gushing pussy. Suddenly, Bonita loudly screamed, "I'mmmm Commmming," as that unholy combination caused wave after wave of pleasure to engulf her bloated pregnant body. As that first strong orgasm swept over her trashing pregnant body, Bonita lost control of her overfull bladder, causing a high fountain of golden pee to powerfully erupt like a geyser. That hot golden spray splashed all over Nurse Nancy's still pumping hand. Her other latex hand rubbed that warm golden liquid all around Bonita's widely-parted pussy setting off a second violent wave of orgasms. Bonita just jerked and thrashed on that metal table for what felt like hours, but was only four or five minutes, before her poor tired body finally started settling back down. When Bonita finally opened her eyes, she looked sooo embarassed by what had happened and sheepishly told Nurse Nancy, "I'm so sorry. I lost control and couldn't hold it any longer." With a broad grin, Nurse Nancy replied, "No problem. I expected it to happen with all the liquid you drank. Women tend to achieve much stronger orgasms when they climax and strongly pee at the same time." Bonita's head just slowly nodded, definitely agreeing with that. (Bonita found out later that drinking all that liquid was not necessary for a transvaginal scan, only an external scan. When the type of scan was changed, she should have been allowed to go to the bathroom and expel all the water she had drank.) Their eyes locking, Bonita asked, "How . . . . how did you know that I would go along with this ?" Nurse Nancy put on her broad grin, then replied, "I have always found Mexican and Spanish women to be very highly sexed, especially during pregnancy. When I saw your name on the Ultrasound list, I switched with the regular Ultrasound operator, deciding to see if you were also that type." "As soon as I saw your erect nipples, smelled your pungent womanly scent, and then felt your very wet panties, I knew that you were extremely excited and wouldn't mind anything that happened one little bit," she continued. "Now, why don't you use that bathroom to clean up while I wipe up the floor and change that soaked sheet. Then, we'll do the *real* Ultrasound, since you now are very relaxed," Nurse Nancy cheerfully chirped. As Bonita wobbly waddled from the room, Nurse Nancy added, "Don't forget to remove all my peach lipstick from your breast and nipple. We wouldn't want anyone to find out about our little secret, would we ?" The real Ultrasound went much faster and with no "accidents." Bonita learned that one of the reasons that her belly was sooo hugely bloated was because she was carrying twins. Nurse Nancy couldn't yet make out the sex. Maybe on Bonita's next Ultrasound appointment, the technician might be able to tell her their sex, if she wished. As Bonita left after the tests were completed, Nurse Nancy called, "Be sure to let me know when your next Ultrasound is due, and I'll switch again." Bonita slowly turned, gently blew a kiss, then grinned from ear to ear. Nurse Nancy knew that she would be seeing Bonita again. * * * * * Chapter 19# A Peek Under Bonita's Wedding Gown Daddy and cousin Bonita got married in a small private cermony on 12 January 1993. Since Bonita was greatly showing by now (8 months along with twins !!), only some very close friends and family attended. Although, if Daddy wanted to down-play Bonita's pregnancy, the white bridal gown he designed and had his sister, Ester, make surely didn't do it ~~ if anything it emphasized her huge swollen pregnancy even further. The beautiful Victorian-style gown was made from white moire, a type of silk taffeta, with a high "empire waist," beginning just below her ample bust, and a very form-fitting lace-covered bodice. The pouf sleeves just covered her shoulders, then used sheer lace to extend down to her wrists, ending with pearl cuffs. It flaunted an "illusion neckline" using a high lace-and-pearl collar to encircle her neck, then adding very transparent lace from her neck across the entire top of her bulging bust right down to the very tips of her encased ballooning breasts. That taut bronze skin with its puffy blue veins and the upper halves of her large dark areola vividly showed through that sheer lacy material. (Very few guests, even the prim and proper women, seemed to be looking in her eyes. ) The hemline was the most daring. It sloped down from front to back ~~ the front ending *above* the middle of her bronze smooth silky thighs, while the back ended only an inch above the floor. At the top in front, that 7-inch "gap"was so much wider than just a peek-a-boo "split skirt" ~~ here, the complete fronts of both her bronze legs vividly showed. (Pssss, don't tell anybody, but Bonita's wedding gown had to be let out another *4 inches* because of her increased girth. Luckily for her, the seamstress had originally thought of that and pleated extra material behind many of the seams. Those seams only had to be adjusted and she was all set.) (It then fit her perfectly, without any wrinkles, except over her pop'd belly button which pushed that silky material way out, leaving a huge bump, larger than a fat woman's thimble. "Does that mean her turkey, err, baby is almost done like one of those automatic pop-up timers ??" I pondered.) Daddy also had personally picked out Bonita's sexy undergarments. She wore a white lace half-cup demi-bra. Its platform-type support lifted up her engorged boobies, pointing those monsters straight out. Further down, Bonita had wriggled into a pair of tiny white french- lace bikini panties. These were sooo low-cut that her bulging bronze pg belly was totally bare all around, covered only by that silky wedding gown. The *only* underwear touching that overblown beachball was a very narrow white lacy garter belt, which valiently strained around her bloated middle, just above her sprouted belly button. Still lower, white stockings with their woven-in pattern of "wedding bells and bows" graced her legs. Each snuggly covered a firm bronze leg, ending only a half-inch above that very high front hem. Both had a petite white ruffles around their top band, held up only by those four straining white garter belt straps. On her feet, she had Victorian-style white laced shoe-booties with full 4" heels. (If Bonita's bloated beachball belly had bloomed only a couple more inches, that wedding gown *never* would have fit, even with all that spare material. She would have had to get married in *only* those sexy white undergarments.) (Wouldn't she have looked sooo cute, and sexy, with her bare bronze belly leading the way, wobbling from side to side, sticking "miles" out in front ?? I wonder if Daddy then would have had to put her wedding band on that long fat sprouted belly-button ~~ I sure it's almost as big as her finger. And later, what when people asked to see her wedding band ?? Flip up her maternity top and push that bejeweled belly-button stem out even farther ?? ) Finally, on her head, she had a "floral wreath" headpiece with a "chapel length" white veil in back, extending down her bare back almost to the floor. Bonita was given only a very small bouquet to carry. That bouquet might possibly hide her belly button, but not much more, even if it were four times its present size. She wouldn't be able to use that "visual trick" as some pregnant brides do. She would have to walk down that isle waddling short and proud, head up and back as straight as possible, even if it caused her bulging belly to stick out another foot. (After she finally did take that walk, *everybody* commented on how she "glowed." With her proud positive attitude, I don't think anybody noticed her bulging belly ~~ at least not then.) Afterwards, guests definitely noticed that her lacy, high-hem gown made her look sexy, but at the same time, very motherly. "She made such a radient, beautiful young bride as she waddled from table to table her white bloated beachball leading the way. I would have so loved to have seen her with *only* her meager white undergarments on, and maybe just her veil" I thought to myself feeling my bald little cunny getting very moist. It was interesting that in the "reception line," some of the older women patted her immense beachball belly for "good luck." I don't think Bonita really minded, but it definitely took her by surprise. She wasn't use to women just coming up, patting or rubbing her huge beachball belly ~~ made her feel like that "good luck" sitting Budda with the huge tummy. A couple times when Daddy and Bonita were slow-dancing later on, I saw him slip his hand under that very short front hem, then massage the underside of Bonita's bloated pregnant belly. "No wonder he had designed that front hem so high ~~ easy access'," I thought, then added, "Naughty Daddy, he doesn't miss a trick." Because of her huge bloated belly, whenever his warm hand slipped underneath, Bonita would have to sideways snuggle to get even closer to him. She would shiver a little, then hotly nibble on his ear and neck, making that sneaky hand wiggle a little faster. Sometimes when facing him, she would even try to discreetly rub her french-pantied mound up and down his leg as they very slowly danced, hardly moving.