Helios says, "eesh this will take some explaining :/ the basics are: sie came from a forest planet; all hir kind are hermaphs; and no sie isnt related to any other foxtaur on the muck except Hexal hir evil twin" As far as anybody knows they are the one intelligence on their world. poni is half woman, half pony.. a woman transformed into a beautiful young ponyg irl. Her feet have been permanently moulded into narrow hooves, 6" tall, giving her a nice poise on muscular legs when she stands on two feet, but her hands hav e been bound into white leather mittens, which may be removed should a Master re quire the use of her fingers. poni has a beautiful pale human face, her pink mou th held open by a firm bit which straps around her head. Her equine ears peep th rough the long silver and gold mane which cascades over her back. She is dressed in skintight white leather, her body more curvacious than the average human wom an, with a long plumey tail exposed through a hole in the suit, melded naturally to her back. The suit she wears covers her body entirely, with detachable panel s over her crotch and breasts should anyone wish to use them, her nipples hard t hrough the leather, a sure sign of her permanent arousal. l helios Helios is a hermaphrodite foxtaur in hir late teens and stands 6'5" from hir forepaws to the top of hir head. Stocky, with a heavy set frame, its obvious this well mustled 'taur keeps in shape. Yet Helios is still nicely curved and cuddly looking. Large, shapely breasts perch on hir upper chest. If you are forward enough to peek you see that nature was quite generous in hir masculine appendages as well. Helios wears no clothes at present unconcerned by curious stares and proudly displays both aspects of hir figure. Hir attitude is; its part of you so why hide it. Hir eyes are a pale violet seeming to glow from within giving them a strange otherworldly look. The most striking thing about hir is the pelt. Helios has the typical vulpine ventral stripe of brilliant white running from chin down and around to the base of the tail. Hir feet are bright white to the ankles where a thin blue fringe edges the rest of the coat. Over most of hir body sie is a shiny cherry red with orange and yellow highlites that shift and dance with every movement. This gives the uncanny illution of flame instead of fur. The ears, hands and forearms are black with triangular backswept tufts at the elbows. The tail is thick and bushy with a final patch of white at the tip. [ Helios noticed you looking at Helios ] Helios sees you looking at Helios. smell helios A wiff of cinnomon on the morning breeze... Volt is a stallion morph, his electric white hyde stretched taut over powerful m uscle, every line visible. His mane scatters free over his neck like spilled mi lk, barely hiding his prominent collar and the muscles that link it to his broad shoulders. Thick, carved lines of his biceps, forearms, and triceps anchor on one side, flaring latterals behind the edge of his ribcage on the other, held ti ght by a powerful chest and sculpted abdominals. He's flexible, moves strong an d sure, a perfect hard rear under a white tail and a pair of shorts that barely hold him in. He smiles with a great sense of humor and a sharp mind, keeps his hoofs on the groud and runs a hand through his forelock, looking at you. He's f ast too, you should see him run. Fast as lightning. [ Volt noticed you looking at Volt ] A 6'8" massively built Andalusian stallion stands before you. His broad torso is currently covered by a long sleeved, tight-fitting black turtleneck, which does little to hide the huge ripples of his body. He wears equally as snug black, crushed velveteen pants, which stretch down just past the knees of his brawny legs. The pants seem to barely be able to contain the prominent bulge at Tamuz's crotch. Capping the well-muscled legs are glossy, marble gray hooves. Tamuz's skin is a ghostly, almost luminescent white which seems to shimmer when contrasted to the ebony silhouette of his powerful frame. His silky, opalescent mane flows out over his shoulders and dances occasionally across his barrel chest as he swings his gaze about. A matching tail cascades out of the back of his pants and almost brushes the floor, whisking carelessly on occasion across Tamuz's thighs. Tamuz spies you looking at him and he smiles warmly. His blue-gray eyes promise both deep passion and soothing comfort, and despite his imposing construction, there is a gentle demeanor about him which seems to accentuate his raw physical power. He slowly looks away but his smile remains. Perhaps he is still thinking of you. [ Tamuz noticed you looking at him ]