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Red fox
^ Classification
^ Geographic Range
Palearctic, Nearctic: The red fox is found throughout Canada, Alaska, almost all of the contiguous US, all of Europe and Britain and almost all of Asia including Japan. There are also several populations in North Africa. Red foxes were introduced into Australia in the nineteenth century.
^ Physical Characteristics
Mass: 4.1 to 5.4 kg
Coloration of red foxes ranges from pale yellowish red to deep reddish brown on the upper parts and white, ashy or slaty on the underside. The lower part of the legs is usually black and the tail usually has a white or black tip. Two color variants commonly occur. The cross fox has reddish brown fur and has a black stripe down its back and another across its shoulders. The silver fox ranges from strong silver to nearly black and is the most prized by furriers. These variants are about 25% and 10% of the species, respectively. Red foxes, like many other canids, have tail glands. In Vulpes vulpes this gland is located 75 mm above the root of the tail on its upper surface and lies within the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The eyes of mature animals are yellow. The nose is dark brown or black. The dental formula is 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3. The tooth row is more than half the length of the skull. The premolars are simple and pointed, with the exception of the carnasiallized upper fourth premolar. The molar structure emphasizes crushing. The manus has 5 claws and the pes 4 claws. The first digit, or dew claw, is rudimentary but clawed and does not contact the ground.
^ Natural History
Food Habits
- The red fox is essentially an omnivore. It mostly eats rodents, lagomorphs, insects and fruit. They will also eat carrion. Red foxes have a characteristic manner of hunting mice. The fox stands motionless, listening and watching intently for a mouse it has detected. It then leaps high and brings the forelimbs straight down forcibly to pin the mouse to the ground. Daily food consumption is between 0.5 and 1 kg a day.
- The annual estrous period of female red foxes last from 1 to 6 days. Ovulation is spontaneous and does not require copulation to occur. The exact time of estrous and breeding varies across the broad geographic range of the species: December-January in the south, January-February in the central regions, and February-April in the north. Males will fight during the breeding season. Males have a cycle of fecundity, with full spermatogenesis only occurring from November to March. Females may mate with a number of males but will establish a partnership with only one male. Copulation usually lasts 15 or 20 minutes and is often accompanied by a vocal clamor. Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs between 10 and 14 days after a successful mating. Just before and for a time after giving birth the female remains in or around the den. The male partner will provision his mate with food but does not go into the maternity den. Gestation is typically between 51 and 53 days but can be as short as 49 days or as long as 56 days. Litters vary in size from 1 to 13 pups with an average of 5. Birth weight is between 50 and 150 g. The pups are born blind but open their eyes 9 to 14 days after birth. Pups leave the den 4 or 5 weeks after birth and are fully weaned by 8 to 10 weeks. Mother and pups remain together until the autumn after the birth. Sexual maturity is reached by 10 months.
- Red foxes are solitary animals and do not form packs like wolves. Individual adults have home ranges that vary in size depending on the quality of the habitat. In good areas ranges may be between 5 and 12 square kilometers; in poorer habitats ranges are larger, between 20 and 50 square kilometers. During some parts of the year adjacent ranges may overlap somewhat, but parts may be regularly defended. In other words, Vulpes vulpes is at least partly territorial. Ranges are occupied by an adult male and one or two adult females with their associated young. Individuals and family groups have main earthen dens and often other emergency burrows in the home range. Dens of other animals, such as rabbits or marmots, are often taken over by foxes. Larger dens may be dug and used during the winter and during birth and rearing of the young. The same den is often used over a number of generations. Pathways throughout the home range connect the main den with other resting sites, favored hunting grounds and food storage areas. Red foxes are terrestrial and either nocturnal or crepuscular. Top speed is about 48 km/h and obstacles as high as 2 m can be lept. In the autumn following birth, the pups of the litter will disperse to their own territories. Dispersal can be to areas as nearby as 10 km and as far away as almost 400 km. Animals remain in the same home range for life.
- Red foxes utilize a wide range of habitats including forest, tundra, prairie and farmland. Preferred habitats have a diversity of vegetation.
Biomes: tundra, temperate forest & rainforest, temperate grassland
^ Conservation/Biodiversity
Status: no special status.
Three subspecies are listed in CITES-Appendix III.
^ Economic Benefits for Humans
- Red foxes are important fur bearers and more are raised on farms than any other normally wild fur bearer. Red foxes are hunted for sport, particularly in Great Britain where the hunt is traditionally an elaborate affair with many dogs and mounted hunters.
- Red foxes are considered by many to be threats to poultry, though the magnitude of the threat is exaggerated. Foxes are known vectors for rabies and can transmit the disease to humans.
^ Other Comments
^ References
Lloyd, H. G. 1981. The Red Fox. B. T. Batsford, Ltd., London.
Nowak, R. M. 1991. Walker's Mammals of the World. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
^ Photos
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Vulpes vulpes
Vulpes vulpes
^ Image Sources
Corel Photo CD Collection
Reference written by David L. Fox
Page last updated 1/18/96
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