Here we go, my first work on this page. The following is some info on the character that I play in my friend's homemade campaign Fallen Stars. Even though it is homemade, it has a lot of Planescape influence. My friend Yingzhi is writing a story concerning his PC, a modron, and I hope to publish the story and a little information about his character (stats.) So, without further babbling, here he is my character. By the way, if anyone has any artwork of a bariaur, please consider letting me use it here.



Chaotic Good


762 lbs.

Age, Sex, and Race:

24 year old male Bariaur


Grandfather Oak, Arborea. The base of the tree, not in the branches.

Social Class:

Upper Middle Class

Birth Rank:

3rd in line to be the chief of Clan Windrider

Class, Level, and Experience Points:

Ranger 6th Level. Default Ranger from Player's Handbook. 41, 012 xp, 75, 000 for next level up.

Hair,eye, and pelt color:

brown; brown; and white-grey


4" goatee, various pelt markings, dyings, shavings and brandings of clan, faction, and other miscellaneous organizations. Mulitude of rings in nose and ears. Ocasionally adorns head and horns with hat, bandana, or dismembered tentacle.

Patrons and Dieties:

Moss-Among-His-Roots, Wind-In-His-Leaves. Trillamir Evensong:

Mossy is the the treant patron of Grandfather Oak. Trillamir Evensong is Ol'  Mossy's interpreter, since answers from the old treant can take days, if you are lucky.

Labelas Thenorean, High King of the Gray Elves of Grandfather Oak:

Stormwind and his fellow bariaurs live in harmony with the gray elves, asisting each other with the task of guarding Grandfather Oak. King Thenorean works with various bariaur clans to ensure good relations between the two races.

Thunderhoof, chief of clan Windrider, father of Stormwind:

Stormwind follows his father, the clan chief just as any other bariaur in the clan would follow him. Stormwind often tried to influence Thunderhoof to work for the good of not only bariaurs, but for the good of nature.

Greek Pantheon:

Travels have brought Stormwind to Mt. Olympus, home of the Greek Pantheon. Stormwind has studied in the temples of various Greek gods of nature related things. Such gods include Demeter for agriculture; Zeus for the skies and the winds; Artemis for the wild animals, fertility, and the hunt; and Poseidon for creation and the seas. Stormwind has taken a liking to the teachings of Hermes, which is one reason he has travelled to Sigil and wanderes the planes.


Non-Weapon Proficiencies:

  • Tracking (Ranger Ability, 15 or lower on d20.)
  • Animal Lore 13
  • Endurance 16
  • Ambidexterity15
  • Blind-Fighting NA
  • Languages:

  • Bariaur
  • Planar Common
  • Limited Greek
  • Weapon Proficiencies:

  • Expertise in Long Sword
  • Two Weapon Style Specialization
  • Dagger
  • Short Bow
  • Special Abilities:

  • 37% Hide in Shadows
  • 47% Move Silently
  • Infravision 60 ft.
  • Headbutt for 1d8 + strength bonus damage. * 3 damage if charging for 30 or more ft. Save vs. breath weapon or suffer 1/2 of the damage that the victim takes. Size M or smaller knocked to the ground 50% of the time.
  • Hated Species: Hill Giants. Stormwind developed a hate for these brutes while defending Grandfater Oak from their evil presence. + 4 to hit Hill Giants, - 4 reaction adjustment to Hill Giants.
  • + 1 vs. poison on saving throws.
  • + 1 reaction to surprise rolls.
  • Attributes













    Hit Points and Armor


  • AC: 0
  • Defenses & Armor Types:

  • Dexterity Bonus AC - 2
  • Chain Mail of Blending (AC 4)
  • Bariaur Horned Helmet
  • Small Buckler + 1
  • Hit Points:


    Weapons and Equipment

    Long Sword + 2 (Right Hand) and scabbard Ring of Fire Resistance
    Long Sword + 1 of Wounding (Left Hand) and scabbard Bag of Holding


  • 18000 sp(group money)
  • 5000 gp(group)
  • 1000 pp(group)
  • 200 mp (mithril)(group)
  • 3 malachite (group)
  • 5 bloodstone (group)
  • 2 topax (group)
  • 1 diamond (group)
  • 255 gp
  • 82 pp
  • 333 sp
  • 1 black opal
  • 4 azurites
  • 1 amethyst
  • 2 bloodstones
  • Dagger of Light + 1 and sheath Pipe with gold smoking box, 11 pipes full supply.
    Exceptionally Crafted Spear + 3 and hanger Bariaur harness, and double saddle (two human sized riders can sit, one behind the other.) Bariaur clothing, Bariaur iron shoes.
    Short Bow with 22 sheaf arrows in quiver. Orb of Directional Sense (as the proficiency.)
    7 days worth of food and wine. 2 bags of dried peas, working as ball bearings to trip attackers.

    Stormwind's Experiences as a Sensate

  • Threw ash in the air, caused fellow adventurers to get mad at me.
  • Ate a giant bumblebee.
  • Threw the head of a giant mantis at a wall.
  • Ate a fire ant, whew hot stuff!
  • Swam in garbage.
  • Charmed by a naga, eww, nasty bugger.
  • While fighting a certain monster, I sacrificed myself, letting my fellows jump on my back, so they could escape the rage of the monster.
  • Fast-talked a baatezu into letting the adventurers and I go.
  • Felt the fire of a red dragon's belly.
  • Breathed blood.
  • Breathed wine.
  • Spat a luigi against a hot iron wall, which promptly evaporated.
  • Made love with the erinyes Tisiphone. The great thing about Tisiphone is first, that she is not evil like her kin, and secondly, she can polymorph, so sex with the same person does not get old.
  • Got nursed back to health by a Pegasus.
  • Cut off someone's head with my beard.
  • Swallowed piece of paper with the word "the" on it.
  • Turned into a sunflower.
  • Stormwind's Story coming soon!

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