The Bar Scene By: Fox Cutter 02/18/97: Pulling my coat around myself, I walked through the door of the bar on Mydisia Base. Up until two weeks ago I never had any intention of stepping foot back into the base, or even on the moon it was set up on. But that was then, and right now I was back there. Wearing the same trench coat Fox had gotten for me the first time we had come to this place. After a couple dozen times through the wash, it actually was rather decent. Stopping my hesitation, I walked right in, and headed for a booth in the back of the place, one that gave me a good view of the bar as a whole and the main door. I suspected there was more then a few back doors out of the place, but I doubted anyone would be coming in through them. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a few bills, and order some coffee from the waitress who came to my table. This time I made sure to give her a five, not five-hundred like I did last time. Leaning back a bit in the seat, I slowly scanned over the crowd. I was looking for an old friend, just as I had decided to do when I returned to Prid. I was looking for Marn. I really didn't know how long I was going to have to wait for him to show up, as I didn't see him in there already. He did tell me he was a regular here, and I was hopping that my run in with him three months back didn't scare him off. I actually had no idea why I was trying to find him. I think mostly it was because it was something to do, and also because he was a mystery. He said himself that he had three governments after him and from Ken's description of how he had fought against the HammerHeads I didn't doubt it. I tried using that to find him, with Page's help, but that proved to be useless. It was to vague of information, and Marn was surprisingly a common name in some places. This was my first day at on this search. I would have started sooner, but as the base it's self isn't in the Council's database, it didn't have a verse number. So I had to do a little digging to find the actual fold number for it. Getting the cash was a little easier. More then a few verses knew about the base, so it had a sort of money changer at hand. Though I'm rather sure I got less then the best exchange on my money. Halfway through my coffee, I found my wait cut short as Marn himself walked through the door of the bar. He was dressed in some sort of body armor, not very bulky by the look of it, but it still clanked lightly. Luck must have been on my side right then, as he sat down at a booth just down from me on one side. Picking up my drink, I was about ready to walk over to him when someone else walked into the bar. It was three females who attracted a bit to much attention for this type of place. Two where standing a bit in front, one was a Mink, and the other a Cheetah. Both of them where wearing lose pants and shirts, as well as long jackets. What really was interesting was that every bit of clothing was clean, and crisp looking. There boots (they both had them) where shined so much they reflected all the light in the room, the laces where tied almost exactly the same way on both of them. The two of them looked around the bar, there eyes focusing on someone. As they started to walk towards them, I noticed there walk was almost in sync, not to mention stiff and well coordinated. It all screamed military to me. The third female with them, who the two others seamed to be guarding, was a mouse. She was glancing all over the bar, and shaking like a leaf. I got the idea she didn't like the choice of venues for whatever the three of them were there for. Making a quick glance around the bar, I noticed I wasn't the only one who read them as being military. A good third of the patrons of the bar had vanished to some place else. The most of the rest of them them where still watching the three females. Including Marn. Smiling I picked up my drink, and slipped into the other seat in his booth. Setting my drink down I spoke up. "Nice to see you again Marn." He twisted around so fast I'm surprised he didn't sprain his neck. Seeing me, he groaned a bit. "Why are you here?" he asked. I shrugged. "Oh, this and that really. Mostly I had nothing better to do with my time right now." He glanced around the room. "Is Fox with you?" I shook my head. "No, this time I came by myself, and to find you." He frowned. "I suppose you want me to go back to Prid with you?" "Wrong again." I smiled. "I came because I'm trying to do something to get my mind off of Fox." This got his attention. "Really? Something happen between you two then." I frowned. "Yes, I walked out a month and a half ago." He raised an eyebrow. "Walked out..." he sat back a bit. "Sounds like you two finally got a relationship going." I shook my head. "No, nothing beyond friendship. Not for lack of trying on my part." He nodded a bit. "Ah yes, I see." I shifted a bit in his seat. "I do seem to recall you showing a bit of affection to him after are little adventure. I gather that he didn't return it." "He didn't even appear to have noticed it." He shrugged. "Ah, such is life for the young and in love." He gulped down the last of his drink. "Now, if you would excuse me, I was just stopping for a drink. I'm currently on the clock, and with a job. So, as I gather for your appearance here, your not going to leave me alone, I'll tell you here and now I won't be back for at least a week." "For some reason, I suspect that may be longer." He laughed, reaching over and patting my cheek. "You went to all this trouble just to meet me again, why should I end it because it's inconvenient." He stood. "Though I do hope to just talk, and not dig into my history if that's alright with you." He smiled, then walked out of the bar. I sat back a bit in my seat. "No," I muttered, "it's not alright." One thing I had learned about Marn in the time I had know him, he was stubborn. If he didn't want to talk about his past, he wouldn't. But there are more ways to find out about a person then just talking to them. Digging out a large scrap of cloth that I had brought with me. I carefully used it to pick up Marn's glass, then wrapped it up in it, slipping it one of the pockets of my trench coat. A DNA sample is a very good way to identify someone, and I hopped Page would be able to get some off the glass when I delivered it to her. Throwing a bill on the table, I walked out of the bar myself. Marn was a personal mystery, and one I was planning on cracking.