Departing By: Fox Cutter 01/31/97: Wet, the was the first thing I though as I returned to where I had my camp setup. It had been a week sense Sora's ship had made such a spectacular entrance, and for most of that week it had been raining out the water that had evaporated when the ship had crashed. Though I'm rather sure the resulting Tsunami also helped with that to, as well as flooding most of my camp. Some of the tent was all that was left, marking where I had spent so much time at, the rest was gone. I sighed, shaking my head. "Glad I didn't stay for the party." I muttered to myself, as I walked closer to the cliff side. "Are you sure you have to go?" Sora asked, as she followed me. "The rescue ship will be here soon, I'm sure you could come along." I glanced at her from over my shoulder. "Really, I rather doubt with how you acted that my reception would be any better." "No... it wouldn't be much better at all. The truth is that most people are far more frightened of demons then I am. They wouldn't even think twice before panicking." I stopped, and turned around. She stopped as well, the wind causing the cloak she wore over her wings to flutter a bit. "Generally, panicking implies NOT thinking twice, or even once before you start to act foolish." She shrugged, more with her wings, which pushed up her cloak, then with her shoulders. "I guess that's true. I didn't when that snapped into play. It was hard enough considering you something other then a demon the first time I saw you." I smiled, pulling my backpack up a bit. "I do have that effect on people." She shook her head, as I walked forward a few more feet to the fold. I turned, and gave her one last smile. "It's been nice meeting you." She smiled a bit on her own. "Been a bit more then nice for me. If you hadn't come along, I would have been stuck here for who know's how long." "Hey, maybe I see you around again some day. I could always dig around in this area, see if I can get a ship through." "Don't be to rash if you try to though, it's not exactly easy to do." She said with a small sigh. I gave her a final nod, then turing, felt for the fold... And it wasn't there. Frowning, I reached out about as strong as I could, sweeping about. I found it all right, it was still there, but almost gone. I grumbled, hopping that something hadn't shifted in the universe to close this fold. Digging out my portal controller, I flipped it open, and set it to scanning what little of the fold was left. Holding it in front of me, I watched as the display blinked 'scanning' at me. "Something wrong?" Sora asked, moving to stand beside me. I nodded. "Yes, something is wrong with the fold. I'm not sure what yet." She gave her own frown, that was part smile. She didn't believe me when I told her about the folds, and rather didn't expect me to open one in front of her. After what seemed like an eternity, the controller gave out a little beep. Looking at the display, I saw what it's decision about what happened was. My response was a low growl. "What is it?" Sora asked, with an air of sarcasm. I frowned even more. "It's a long term intermittent fold, it won't be usable again for," I paused, and punched a button. "TWO YEARS!" She frowned on her own, more at my reaction then I suspect the news. "That's bad?" I nodded. "Oh VERY! I never bother to see if I could make a scan for other folds, and this makes it very TO late! I'm stuck here." She shook her head. "You could come with me." She suggested. I looked over at her. "I could, but that gives it's own category of problems. The least of which is I'm rather not someone who would fit in on your world." She tilted her head, fluttering her wings under her cloak again. "Maybe... maybe not though. I have an idea... come on." She said, turning around, and walking back towards the ship, taking careful paces in the soaked ground. I followed a short distance behind, not exactly sure what she had planed. I wasn't sure she did either, as she keep flexing her wings under her cloak. That cloak had given me a bit of a start. The day after we had meet, the more to be more accurate, she came out of the room she had sleep in (I, as always, took the floor). She had changed clothing for that toga thing and into a shirt that had a neat way of going around her wings, and a pair of rather uncomfortably (for me) tight pants. What got me most was the long cloak she had put on. It covered her wings almost fully, only exposing a bit of them, which, like on most creatures with her type of wings, folded down around her shoulders and neck, almost making a cloak of there own. I had made a passing comment wondering if the cloak got in the away of her ability to fly. Her response was a long burst of laughter, after she calmed down some, she explained that her spices didn't have the right muscle structure to actually fly. Though with a lot of workouts, some of her species could glide for some short distances, though the muscle development gave them a grossly large chest. After a good hour, we finally reached where the escape-ship had so ungracefully landed. She stopped, taping a single finger on the hall, the turned around quickly, slapping her paws together. "Got it!" She said. "What?" She took two steps over to me, and places a paw on my shoulder. "You look a lot like my species." I nodded. "Yes, we've been through that." She smiled. "Well... I do have an idea how you can come with me, with out people panicking." I raised an eyebrow. "How?" She reached up to her chest, and in one move undid the clasp of her cloak, pulled it around in a circle, settling it on my shoulders, clasping it again. She adjusted it a bit on my shoulder, then smiles. "There, no one can tell you don't have wings, and cloaks are common enough no one will care." I tilted my head. "Well that works, but what about everything else?" She shook her head. "Your coloring is a bit brighter then normal, and your ears are slightly longer, but it's nothing that can't be explained as heritage. The white spot is the only problem I can see, but that can be explained as some kind of scaring under the fur." I blinked, I didn't know what she meant by white spot, though I didn't want to find out, but there was more pressing problems. "What about me being on your ship? That would be recorded." "Actually, not as hard as you think. There was a time frame of about two hours from when are data systems were backup onto the station, and when we left. It's possible to have book a passenger in that time, if they didn't mind a five month trip and not a two week one." I blinked again. "Meaning that you could pass me off." She nodded. "That's right." then turned again, and headed back into the ship. I shook my head, following. I guess her plan would work, but I didn't like the idea of trying to find a fold with out any kind of pre-set reference. Walking into the control room, I stopped at the door frame, and leaned against it. "So, when does your rescue arrive?" She glanced down at the controls. "Actually, there waiting for us to get into orbit, and dock with them." I blinked yet again. "But... we only got the radio fixed three days ago!" She nodded. "Yes, and the main starport is five days away. The ship that came here must have been on a patrol in this direction. Now sit down, I've got to fly this thing up to them." I followed her directions, sitting into a large, SOFT open back seat. "Can you?" She gave me a dirty look. "My landing may not have been the best, but yes I can." She flipped a switch on the control panel, and the engines started to thrum in the back of the ship. "Now shut up, and hang on!" And in one tight move, she hit something on the controls, and we started to ascend at at least three g's. It was a quick trip to the rescue ship. * * * Hours later I walked into a semi-small room on the ship, followed by Sora. I had spent a good two hours being quested every way I could be about who I was. Finally the caption of the ship seamed to be happy that I was me, and sent both me and Sora to a room. One room. One SMALL room. With one large bed. Taking a step inside, I looked back at her. "Get the idea they think we're bed partners?" She looked at me strangely, then 'ohhed'. "I get what you mean. Actually its noting like that, sharing a bed is a common thing with us. There's nothing sexual about it." I looked down at the bed. "I... guess... it's a large bed, and there is much floor room." She nodded, then slapped me on the back. "Listen, when was the last time you had a shower?" I chuckled. "Um... about a month I would guess..." "Well then," she pointed to a side door. "Over there is the bathroom. Go take a shower, and wash your fur at least twice. While your are it, stick your clothing in the small cubbyhole on the side, it will come back clean." I gave her a half smile, but walked around the bed, and into the bathroom. Closing the door (it was one of the slide into the wall kind) and locking it. I looked around. It wasn't to terrible large, but had big shower, as well as a full sized, full body, fur dryer in the walls. I smiled, and pulled of most of my clothing, shoving them into a small hole in the wall. Hitting a button next to it, it closed, and my clothing where sucked away. Starting for the shower, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Slowly I turned, and gasped a bit. "Holly shit," I whispered, "is that me?!" The answer was of course perfectly clear. It was me, and a very DIFFERENT me. Raising a paw, I touched the side of my muzzle. I looked... well, not perfect, but close. My fur was mostly a semi-dark red, with light red spots here and there. The tip of my muzzle, and ears where both black, though I didn't have the typical black 'socks' on my arms and legs that most foxes do have. There was also a wide swath of white from between my eyes, and back until it was even with my ears. There was also a good sized with patch starting about mid way down my belly, and continuing down, ending around the knee on the inside of my left leg. As a final touch, I saw that my eye colour had changed from blue to a light brown, and had become slitted. That might end up a problem some day, as Sora's eyes where round. I twitched an ear, amazed to actually see it move. Sticking out my tongue, I licked my nose. That caused me to break into a fit of light laughter. Finally breaking my eyes away from the mirror, I continued onto the shower. Wondering how long this transformation would last.