Decisions By: Fox Cutter 02/03/97: "You can't be serious?" My sister asked, as I stuffed some clothing into my duffel bag. "You just can't up and abandon your House like this?" I threw a glance over my shoulder. "I only run it," I said, "Lady Shandin still owns it." I forced a few pairs of underwear into the bag. "She can find someone else who will be a bit more dedicated to it then I currently am." Rose let out a low groan, standing up from the couch she had been on. "Oriana, this is NOT a good idea! You and I both know how much this place means to you. You've been single pawed keeping the House in the black sense you became the Lady. You think whoever takes over will be able to do that?" I shook my head, my hair flinging about a bit. "No, not at all. That money came from an account Fox set up before his Exile, though I don't think he knows how I was using it." I stuffed a shirt in my bag. "Not like he even knows how I run this place." Rose walked over, and grabbed my wrist as I was about to grab a dress. "Fox, that's all you've talked about sense you came back last month. Fox this and Fox that, one might be inclined to think you had something for him." I frowned. "I do... or rather did. I found out that it was not something he shared." She took a step back, blinking her eyes, and twisting her ears a bit, her tail swishing thorough the air behind her. "Is that what's this all about?" She asked, throwing her paw over my bag. "Because he didn't love you?" I stopped. It was a good question, but not one I was willing to answer yet. "Not really." She gave a frustrated groan. "Damn it, wasn't it you who said that love was something out of reach to a whore?" I flattened my ears, and clenched my fits, I could feel my claws starting to flex out of my fingers, and dig into the pads of my paws. "I was wrong." I whispered. Ignoring any signs I was giving, she walked up right behind me, her muzzle next to my face, I could feel her breath through my fur and short set of whiskers. "Are you sure?" Said asked, barely in a whisper, but directly into my ear. I turned my head, and looked her right in the eye. Then, with as much force as I could muster, I slapped her, right accost her muzzle, my claws digging a bit into her skin, drawing a light trickle of blood. As my actions registered with her, she slowly took a few steps back, holding one paw against her face, her eyes wide. "I guess you are." She muttered to herself. Without a word on my part, I went back to my packing. After a minute, Rose finally broke the silence. "Where are you going to go?" "Back to Prid." I gave as an explanation. I had told Rose some of where I had been over the past year. She understood the basics well enough, and also knew what, and mostly where, Prid was. She crossed her arms. "What will you do when you get there? Go back to Fox?" I shook my head. "Before Fox got the house, he had an apartment. He still owns it, and I still have a key." "And what about Fox himself? Don't you think he might come looking for you?" I paused again. If he had used the gift I had made for him, I was sure that he would want to know how I did it, and I admit, I wanted to tell him, but I wasn't ready to talk to him again, not yet. I was sure he wouldn't try to find me for one simple reason though. "I asked him not to when I left. He won't." She slowly nodded, though I got the feeling she though Fox would still try and find me. Putting the last bit of clothing in my bag, I closed it, and pulled it over my shoulder. "Rose... thanks for stopping by at least. I know you don't approve of me working and running a place like this..." I gave a shrug. She sighed, walking back over to me. "I still don't but, from what I've been told, you're damn good at your job, so I guess that accounts for something. I still think it's generally immoral, and boarding on evil, even if _your_ religion accepts it." I nodded, not very many of my family is happy with me about first dropping the religion I was raised on, then going over to believing in Thyrn. They regarded it as a cult, even if it has been around for going on two thousand years. Rose bit her lip gently, her tail limp behind her. "Even so, I can't let you leave here like this, not with a clean conscious. Though I do have an idea." She dropped her eyes to the ground, picking at one of her shirt cuffs. "I could... that is, I would be willing to take over until you come back." This gave me a shock, setting my bag down, I walked over to her. Setting my paw on her shoulder, I squeezed a bit. "You would do that? No matter how illegal it is, you would take over for me?" She nodded, "At least until you decided to return, or clear your mind enough to make a hard decision about leaving." I hugged her, pulling her close. I was taller then here by a few inches, so she was pressed against my shoulder, but she didn't seam to mind. In fact, she quickly returned the hug on her own. Finally breaking the hug, I stuffed my paw into one of my pockets, and came out with a bank card. I handed it to her. "This is the account information, use it if you need it." She nodded again, just holding the off-white card. It took me a few seconds to realize that under her black hair, my older sister, who just like the rest of my family, had disowned me until I almost died under the ocean, was crying. I pulled then bag back on my shoulder. "Thank you Rose." She looked up a bit, and smiled. "You're welcome Oriana, and come back soon, please?" "I'll try." I said, then turned, and left my room in my House. Then working my way through the halls, past a few of my employees, and a couple clients, and out the back door. My House wasn't exactly in the best part of my world, it was decent as it goes, but generally most anything can go on in that area without it getting talked about. Which was why Fox and Rathal where able to walked through it undisguised with out worry (though 'Thal did start to disguise himself on later visits). As I neared the fold, I pulled out the portal controller, and punched in the familiar verse number for Prid. Not even worrying if anyone was watching, I opened the fold, and walked through onto Prid. The only real evidence of my passage was a slight tingling from my implants just behind my ears. Coming out of the fold, I took a few turns, and came to a small unmarked door in one of the many underground areas of the city around the Marble Hall. Opening the lock, I walked inside. It was as I remember it, just two rooms. a main room with a couch and a kitchen in the corner, and the bathroom. Dropping my bag on the floor, I slumped down on the couch, I didn't know what to do, I still wasn't sure why I came back actually. It just came to me the day before. Tapping a finger on my leg, it came to me. I was going to go and lookup an old friend...