Claim Check By: Fox Cutter 02/08/97: "So what your basically telling me," I said to Sora, "is that this guy own the whole of the solar-system we were in." She nodded, settling back a bit in her chair. "Close enough." I rubbed my forehead. "I would love to hear the legalities that lead to this turn of events." I muttered. She shrugged, "You may, or may not. He did want to talk to us both." The he we were both talking about was the business man who had paid for Sora's ill-fated trip, and also, because of his 'ownership' of the system, stopped any colonization there. Which explained why it was left empty, even if it was there closest neighbor. Sora had apparently sent a report to him when we arrived on the planet two days back, today he had insisted on talking to both of us. So now, we where both waiting for him to call us into his office. I stretched my arms out, though making sure the cloak stayed on, I didn't need to have it fall of, not at least until I found a fold. A project that was taking slightly longer then I had hopped. At that moment, the secretary spoke up. "You can go in now." Both Sora and I stood, and walked into his office. Inside it was lavish, as well as huge, there was books and paintings all over the place, as well as many things under glass all around the room. I frowned, this man had money, and liked to flaunt it. In my history, I've never had a good run in with such a person. The person in question was an elderly looking man, streak of pure grey through his black fur, he had a slight hunch, and it seamed to me that part of his left wing was missing. He was sitting at a large chair behind a huge desk. As we entered he waved us to sit down. "Hello Graven, sir." Sora said, giving her head a quick nod. He nodded back, then looked at me. "Hello." I said, giving the same quick nod. It was the equivalent of a handshake to Sora's people. The nodded was returned, as he settled his paws on the desk. "I am glad to see you survived Sora." He cast his eyes at me. "Her report says that you fixed the radio in the escape-ship. For that I am grateful to you Fox, I shall endeavor to repay you for that." I shrugged a bit. "No real need for that." This caused him to lean back a bit. "No need? Young one, the Kadrin clan is one of the most powerful clans in history. I can do many things for you and your clan, resolve debts, remove black marks, a thousand things. You'll need it someday, and it shall wait till then." He gave me a smile, then turned back to Sora. "Now, I did read your report in full, and I am sorry at the lose of Tranisken. He was the best pilot I ever had employed, but that is not why I called you two here. Is there anything you didn't put into your report? I really do need to know, I promise it will not leave this room." I resisted taking a glance at Sora, as I was sure he would notice that, even though I did have on there equivalent of sunglasses (I needed them to hide my eyes). Sora shook her head, "Nothing at all Graven, sir." He 'hummed' and nodded. "Well then, why don't you tell me more about the accident that caused the crash?" He asked, at the same time knitting his paws together just under his chin. "Everything about it was in the report." His ears twitched just a bit, and I watched his fingers flex as he tightened them. "Humor me." He said. She sighed. "Very well, I was--" she started, when he cut her off by looking at me and saying. "You won't be needed for this, and I would like to keep this conversation confidential. Please step outside." This time Sora and I did glance at each other. She nodded a bit, and I got up out of my chair and stepped back into the waiting room, once again taking up a chair and waiting. I sat there for about half an hour, every know and then I would here an almost audible snatch of conversation, but no more then that. Eventually the door to the office opened, and Sora stepped out, closing it gently behind herself. She had her wings wrapped tightly around herself, and tears streaking her muzzle. She just stood in front of the door, shaking slightly, and quietly weeping. I walked over next to her, wrapping an arm around her. "What's wrong?" "He took it all..." she whispered. "I can't repay it, so he took it all." I felt the bottom of my stomach drop through the floor. I had a really bad feeling about this. I gently walked her to one of the chairs, and got her to sit down. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I said to her, then walked back over to the secretary. "Could you tell Graven that I would like to finish are conversation." I told him. He looked up, then hit the intercom, passing along the message. A few seconds later he nodded. "Go one in." I smiled, and said "Thank you." Then I turned, and pushed open the door, at the same time pulling off the dark glasses from my muzzle, so he could see my eyes. He paused as I entered. "Now, care to tell me what conversation we were having?" he asked, giving me a fake smile. I already had my paws balled up into fists, I just moved them against my sides. "Let's cut the pleasantries shall we. What the hell did you do to her?" He shook his head, leaning back in his chair. "Oh, I'm sure you could guess." I frowned. "I'm not in the mood for games. You just tell me." He chuckled. "My my, you are a violent one. Do you have any idea what I can do to the Cutter clan Fox? Do you? I can have every single member discredited and destroyed in a matter of minutes. It is not wise to annoy me." I took a few steps more into the room. "I belong to no clan." He smiled, then stood and walked around his desk. "Really, and yet you pass around a clan name? Oh, I am truly going to have fun destroying you." "I doubt you could do something like that." I growled. He sat on the side of his desk. "I've destroyed clans bigger then my own. You won't be a challenge." I tilted my head and looked at him, getting a idea of what to do. "You don't know what you're dealing with." "I would say a youth that doesn't know his place." I reached up, and scratched my neck. "You are a fool." I said. Then as fast as I could, I undid the clasp of the cloak, and took to steps forward, forcing it off my shoulders, and onto he floor. He paused, looking at me from top to bottom, then slowly his eyes went wide. "Demon." He whispered. I smiled to myself. It was the reaction I had hopped for. I took a few more steps forward until I was right in front of him. "Not quite, but as far as your concerned, it's close enough." He stood back up and looked my right in the eyes. "I'm not afraid of you." I tilted my head and smiled. Then grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and pulled him even closer. "Good, it spoils the fun. Now tell me, what did you DO to her?" He smiled. "Simple, I called in an old debt her clan owed to me. Her clan had to pay it or forfeit everything they own, and she is the only member of her clan left, and now I own her." "Slavery," I growled. He nodded. "Oh yes, and I doubt she'll every earn enough to clear the debt even if she has a thousand children. Three-hundred years of interest doesn't go away very quickly." I let go of him, giving him a hard shove so he fell back onto his desk. "Three-hundred years?!" He smiled. "Oh, it's easy to extend the amount of time you can claim a debt, very, very easy." He sat back up on the edge of his desk flexing his wings a bit. "Her clan is mine until the debt is paid, or my line ends, and neither is going to happen any time soon." I crossed my arms, felling claws slip out of the tips of my fingers. "I some how suspect you can let her go any time you want." He nodded. "I could, but I won't. You see, I have a rather long line and you can kill them all. Not to mention, if I should be killed, or even harmed, I will destroy her. You may be a demon, but even you wouldn't dare harm me." I frowned, he was right, there really was nothing I could do. Bending down I picked up my cloak, and put it back on. "Your right, I can't harm you, not yet. Believe me though, you have NOT heard the last of me. You've just made yourself a very powerful enemy, if your lucky, you'll live to regret it." He chuckled. "I have many enemies. You are not one to be scared of." I turned to walk out, then stopped. "It's not me you need to worry about." I said then stomped out of the office, and back into the waiting room. Sora was where she had been before, still crying. Sitting down next to her I held her. "It'll be ok Sora." She shook her head. "No it won't, It can't be. There's no way I can live like that. I'd die first." I shook my head, and whispered. "There is another way." She looked at me. "How?" I smiled. "I could take you back to my home. You'll see a lot more there then you would here." She paused for a few seconds, then slowly nodded. "I guess." I nodded. Leaving me with the problem of finding a way to get there.