Worlds Fall By: Fox Cutter 12/13/96: In all hindsight Friday the 13th was the perfect day for my world to end. Ok, that sounds a bit sever, it wasn't the end of the world exactly, Earth is still right where I left it, and in mostly the same piece. It's just MY world that end, in a spectacular splat on the comic wall. I suppose I should actually explain what I'm talking about. It was about noon-time and I had just come though the fold from Earth. Wiping the blood from my hand, I walked though the hallways of the City around the Marble Hall. Not even stopping, I pushed though a unlabeled office door. Inside was a simple office with two desks, a wall full of schematics and other such things. There was only two inhabitants of the office. Both where dressed in semi-formal suits. One was sitting behind the desk, reading over some documents. His glasses sort of hanging on the end of his bill. The other was standing in front of the wall of schematics, checking out something of interest, his wide beaver like tail patting the floor gently. There where twins, named Rhan and Jock, and both where platypuses. The only way to tell them apart was the Jock had the glasses, and Rhan had a tendency to bounce his tail on the floor when he was thinking. These two where my general R&D team, a pair of high-tech contractors that I had gotten out of a jam a time before I was exiled. They where also the pair I had sent to Earth's moon to move the fold for me. And of course, they where the first people I turned to when my fold starting going out of wack. They where the Brothers, or more actually the _Platypuses Brothers_. How they got the name is a long and convoluted story. To make it short, after my Exile, I showed them a few tapes of _Tazmania_, it stuck. For you who never seen the show, don't worry. For those of you who have, there a lot more competent in real life then in the show. I closed the door, a bit harder then I needed to, but I did anyways. Jock looked up from what he was working over, pushing his glasses up his bill. "Oh Fox, welcome back. I trust you have the data we want?" Nodding I pulled out a small odd-shaped device from my pocket. The brothers had me keep it on myself each time I used the Earth fold. They wanted me to return it after about ten round trips. With a flick of my wrist, I threw it though the air. Rhan caught it it mid-air, giving it a quick once over. "Well, no external damage," he stated, "so it's not an over load." Throwing the device to Jock, he said. "Check out the data collection." Jock caught it, and nodded. Then hitting the side of his desk, cause a computer terminal to slide out of one side, and rise up to be even with the desk top. He connect the device into an input, and started to talk to the system. I sat back and waited. I knew them both well enough that when they where involved with something it was best not to interrupt them with out good reason. After a few minutes Jock stared to tisk. Turning around he said. "This is bad." I had already guessed that. "How bad?" He paused for a second. "The fold has started to destabilize. I would say that a month more of your usual use, and it would go up in a very sizable explosion." I gulped, sizable was an understatement. When a fold destabilizes to an extreme level, it did something close falling into it's self, and rending open a hole in the universe. This only last for a second but has the next effect of releasing enough energy to take out anything with in about half an AU of Earth. "How near is it being critical?" I asked. That was another side of it, there was it's own level of critical mass where the explosion was inevitable. "Ten of your days, maybe twelve. At this distance that is. If you bounce to your base, then to Earth, twenty at most." I sighed. Here came the most important question. "How? A fold destabilizing is not natural." Jock let out his own sigh. "I'm afraid it's our fault." At this Rhan turned around, slapping his tail against the wall. "Our fault, how? We never did anything that could effect the fold in that way." "Yes and no," Jock explained. "When we moved the fold for Fox, we didn't do anything to effect it. What we did do was make an open opportunity for the universe to cause this." "The supernova." I stated bluntly. Jock nodded. "Yes, the supernova that happened two-thousand light years away from us when he moved the fold. The effect on your fold was to start it's desensitization." I pulled my hand over my face. "How long until it heals?" Jock said something to the computer, and watched as the output rolled over the screen. "With no use at all, twenty years. If the fold is used with in it's minimum safe period, which is from 90 to 200 of your days between round trips, thirty years." I grumbled. "Well, there's not much I can do there. Though it's not to serious of a problem. I can just take the flitter to and from Earth, say a month here and a month there. More like two weeks. Not a problem." Jock nodded, then looked to his brother. "In that case, we'll see if we can find a way to..." he searched for the word, "expedite the healing process." "Good luck you two." I said. They nodded, already talking deep in thought. I left them that way. * * * Walking into the outer lobby of Rachel's office, I noticed that her secretary was gone. I shrugged and knocked on her office door. "Come in." She said through the door. Twisting the handle, I steeped inside. She gave me a smile when she saw me, setting down a stack of papers. "Fox, just who I wanted to talk to." I nodded. "I need to talk to you as well. It's about those meetings with the council members." She wrinkled her muzzle a bit. "That's also what I wanted to talk about. You go first though." "All right. I need to reschedule the meetings. I'll need about two or three weeks between each set of of meetings, the same time for the meetings." She twisted her ears a bit. "Why?" Sitting down in a chair, I told her what had been happening, and what I had found out. I watched as her face went from a look of curiosity, to a look of anger. As I finished, she sat back in her chair, grimacing hard. "Shit fox, you have no idea what this means." "Which is?" She grabbed a file of her desk, and threw it into my lap. "Read that." I gave her a quizzical glance, then opened the file. It consisted of only two papers, one on each side of the folder. The one on the left side was a simple report on a launch of a council probe. A simple device aimed at a gathering information for a first contact with the selected verse. Glancing down at the bottom, I read the verse number, then read it again, and again. I looked up at Rachel. "This was sent to Earth, *MY* Earth!" She nodded. "After hearing about your fight with Page, one of the members decided to make sure you where involved in the council by bring your world in. The probe was launched three weeks ago, and would have reach your solar system almost ten days ago." "And you knew?" She shook her hair. "No, I just found out about it today." "What happened, was contact made?" She sighed. "Read the other report." I looked down to the second sheet of paper. It was a simple report on the results of the probe. Usual it was long, but this one was short, almost half a page to be exact. I won't go into the actually wording of the report, but to be strait to the point, the probe was attack and destroyed, and all evidence pointed to one source of the attack. "Earth?!" I nearly yelled. "They don't have anything to even find the probe that far out, let alone destroy it!" She shook her head. "From what information the probe sent back before it was destroyed pointed to the Earth system, with at most a two light second margin for error." I groaned, another mystery to solve. "No Fox, there's more." With a snap I closed the folder. "What?" "There is a precedent for this." "What kind of precedent?" She signed. "Ever hear of a forbidden world?" I winched, that was the one of the few rules I couldn't break. Using a fold to go to a forbidden world was punishable by death and nothing else. She nodded. "The few that have had a the probe destroyed in this way all turned out to be violently hostile. It has fallen into the rules that of a probe is destroyed by the plant it was sent to..." she hesitated, then just blurted it out. "The world is instantly marked forbidden." I jumped out of my seat. "What the hell are you saying!?" I yelled. She gave me a sad look. "Your Earth is now forbidden to go to. Normally you can use the fold to go directly to Earth, or use another fold to go to a non-native world and then go to Earth, or direct someone to send a ship to Earth and a thousand other things." I slowly sat back down, folding my hands. "So I can't go home?" She shook her head. "No, your native, there are special rules about that, just as there is with relationships. You can use the Earth fold, but in a limited way. You can not go to Earth any other way unless there is contact with other race that you're not involved in. And you can not use other fold after use the fold to Earth. If you go, you stay until you can use your fold again." I groaned. "Oh gods, this means I'll have to take long term trips to Earth, then back again." "No, that is the big problem." I gave her a dark look. "Big problem?" "I've been told already, that if you stop the meetings, everyone will back out of the Council. Also, that if you do, a few have threatened to have you assassinated, and these are the type to actually do it. The same if you don't join the Council in some form." I felt bile rising in my throat. "Gods no." She nodded. I rolled my head back. "So I have the choice of staying here, only going back home for a few days a year, or just stay home, and risking being killed." She nodded again. "Actually with this, it's more likely that they will just start to play with the fold enough to send it up faster then anything could be done to stop it. Also your not taking a risk, this is nearly guaranteed, you leave and you die." I started to chew my lip. "The bio-drone can't work for more then a month and a half at most. Even if it could, there is no way it can go as long as I would need it to, and be safe to take back the memories." She sighed. "I hate to be the one to tell you this, but there was no one else. Page is still not in the mood to even talk to you." "So I have a choice, go to Earth, and risk my live, and everyone's there. Or stay here, and basically abandon my home for the next thirty years." She nodded. "You have a choice." I shook my head. "Some choice, some fucking choice. I have to stay, it's as simple and as plane as that." She slumped a bit. "I'm truly sorry Fox. I don't like to see this happen to anybody at all, let alone a friend." I rose form my seat. "I don't hold it against you Rachel, I can't." I signed. "I'm going to go take care of some things, I don't have much time left." Then slowly I turned, and walked out of her office. Stopping in the outer office, I picked up her secretary's garbage can, and spit out a mouthful of blood I had been hold for the past few minutes. As well as a chunk of flesh had I literary chewed off my lip. Setting it down, I started to head back to the Brother's office. There was a lot more to do now. My world had ended, and it ended with a whimper...