Vacation: Night Chills By: Fox Cutter 3/5/96: I passed down the hall of the ship, at one AM, with my jacket tucked under my arm, looking for a bed to sleep in. I had already decided against trying to bunk in Steven's room, as he normally hits the sack around midnight. In fact, I only knew one person on ship who would still be up at this time of night, that was Samanth. Stopping in front of her door (room 201) I gently knocked on it. Inside there was a bit of shuffling, and the door opened a few inches. "Fox?" "Yep." She opened the door, standing just inside, dressed only in a nightgown and robe. "What are you doing here?" She asked, a slight smile on her face. I shrugged, "Oh, the heat in my room is broken, and is down really low. Oriana has no problem as she has fur, but I was freezing. So I was wondering, mind if I steal your couch for the night?" She rolled her eyes, grinning a bit, "All right, come on in." I stepped past her, she being kind enough to hold the door open, and threw my jacket onto the couch. Looking around her room I was impressed, "This is more of an apartment then a cabin." "Yep," she said, standing beside me, "most all of the full time crew has one. I think only three actually have a place off ship." I nodded, walking around the main room. There was an open kitchen to the side, and two doors, one open showing her bedroom. "Have a seat," she said, moving into the kitchen. "Want anything to drink, glass of wine perhaps?" I shook my head, "Do you have any Rithen tea?" She paused, "No... in fact, I've never even heard of that blend." "Ah, some of the best tea I have ever found. Makes everything else taste like water." "Where can I get it?" "Um... Verse 132-738. It's a limited verse, so you'll have to go through your local trade council if you want some." "Ah," she said, coming out of the kitchen. She handed me a wine glass, "How did you come across it?" I looked down at my glass, "Don't worry, it's water." She said. I grinned, and took a sip, "Thanks for remembering. How I found it? Well I sorta landed in field of it, on my fourth or fifth time using the Folds." She tilted her head, "Your a Fold Walker?" I nodded, "Yep." Though I didn't mention that I was a Natural, I don't usually fling that around. I find people give me to much rank if they know about it. "Listen, I go get you a blanket or two, I'll be right back." She set her glass on a table as she said this. As she went off, I noticed a single picture on the table. Looking at it, it was a family picture, of two adult raccoons, and a young kit, about eight or so I would guess. "That's Rachel, my daughter. We're divorced." I nodded, "Cute kid. I take it she's with her father?" "Nope, with her mother" she said, setting the blankets onto the couch. "Your her step-mother then?" She grinned, "wrong again." I raised an eyebrow, "Care to explain?" She chuckled a bit, and motioned to her body, "This is the reason why her mother and I got divorced." I blinked, then blinked again, then got it. "Ah. You make a good female." She laughed, "Most people tell me that. Though usually the guys AFTER they see everything." I shook my head, "Don't push it." She shrugged, "Your loss," she said, picking up my jacket, and throwing it on a chair. Also knocking something out of it. I looked down at the what fell out, "Looks like Oria's hand bag." Sam picked it up, replaced what had fallen out, "Small bag." "Well she always..." I trailed off as I my caught something that Sam was putting back in. "Give me that." She handed it over, "What's so big about that?" It was a small glass vile, about an inch tall and thin, with a red plastic stopper in it. Holding it up to the light I saw it was filled with a light blue liquid. Gently prying the stopper off, I smelled it, and smelled nothing. Then I gently caught a drop on my finger, and tasted it. I knew exactly what the taste was, and I spat it out into one of the glasses (quickly picking it up). Sam looked at me as I held the vile, my hands shaking, "What is it." I closed my eyes, "It is Bliss." "What?" I shivered, not believing this, "It is _THE_ addictive drug of choice." "WHAT?" I looked her right in the eyes, "This is a new vile, as it can only last a few days without some kind of special storage, otherwise it breaks down. Which means someone is selling it on your ship." She sat down in the couch, "Oh shit." I nodded sitting down next to her, still hold the vile tightly in my hand. "And," I paused licking my lips, "of the two doses, one has been taken..."