Vacation: Meeting By: Fox Cutter 2/28/96: One thing to say about being between solar systems is, the stars are perfectly beautiful. No reflected light from anything to mar there perfection. Even the twinkling caused by the glass was so subtle it was nearly gone. All this I saw, slowly moving towards me, as I sat on the first deck observation lounge. Alone, in the dark, a few minutes before the turing of the day. I had found my way there a few hours before, while I was looking for a nice quite place to relax and work. My first choice had been one of the pools, but it seems Steven wasn't the only one who knew of me. Leaning back in my chair, I threw my PADD aside, and just watched the starts. "Amazing aren't they?" A voice asked from the row a seats behind me. I nodded some, "Yes..." I whispered, drawing it out a bit. I didn't even look back to see who it was. "It always seems so strange," the voice continued, "being here, in the middle of them all." The voice paused a bit, and I was to gather that it was a female speaking. "The Stars seem so, majestic, from on planet. Here though, they seem even grander, making us look like ants. Ants walking across the homes of giants." I digested this a bit, "That is very well said. Maybe you should get that in an official quote book." She giggled, "Well, already have really. My brother used it as the opening for his first novel." I chuckled, "Maybe I could steal the quote as well, if I ever finish one." "Ah," she said, he voice moving a bit closer, "working on the 'Great Sapient Novel' are you?" "Well... two or twenty of them. I'm kinda of a writer by trade." She giggled in my ear, "Interesting. So, what are you doing up here?" I waved to my PADD, "Just getting some work done." "Why not do it in one of the other rooms?" I shrugged, "To many people. I appear to be semi-famous in this part of space." "Oh." I finally turned and looked at her. She was leaning against the back of the seat next to me. Looking I saw the masked face of a raccoon. She was rather pretty, and had the look of experience around her. If I had to guess I would say she was about 35 or so. She was casually dressed in a blouse, perched on her muzzle was a pair of glasses. "Ya," I said, "I'm Fox Cutter." She blinked, "Vaguely remember the name, but can't place it." I grinned, "Good!" She raised any brow, "Oh, why?" "'Cause I don't need it!" She laughed, "I suppose I should introduce myself as well. Samanth Banks, though everyone calls me Sam" I nodded, "Nice to meet you Sam." "Same here. Now how did you get up here. You need a key on the Elevator." I grinned, "I took the stairs." She blinked, "The stairs, why would anyone take the stairs?" "I have this groundless fear of elevators." "Oh, just a pointless fear?" I grinned, "No, there's no ground. I was in an old elevator was when I was 6 and the cables broke." She nodded slowly, "Ok. Makes sense. You do know that this is officers lounge, and is off limits to none-crew?" I blinked, "Ah, no I did not know that." Moving around, she sat next to me, "It's ok, it's not like I'm going to throw you in the brig or anything." I laughed, "That's a good thing. Pity though, it's a great view." "I'll give you a key to the stairs and the elevator, and the stairs will be locked for now on. Just don't bring anyone else up with you." I looked at her, "Really, you must be pretty high up." She gave me a sly grin, "You could say that." I grinned, and check my watch finding it was ten minutes after midnight, "I gota go get some sleep. Oria wants me to check out some panel or something in the morning." She nodded, "Your girlfriend?" I shook my head, "She sticks with her own species. Which is lion." "Ah, ok. Listen, I have some free space at the Captain's Table Friday night. Care to come along?" I raised an eyebrow, "Are you asking me an a date?" She stood, "No, the Captain can't have a date at her own table. Bring your friend too." With that she turned and headed out. It took a second for me to catch on, "Your the Captain?" I asked, running after her. "Yep." she said, stepping into the elevator, "See you then, seven PM, sharp. Also it is formal dress." Then the doors closed on her. Going back to pick up my PADD, I rubbed my head, "Well, this is getting interesting." I muttered to myself, heading down the stairs. * * * Fifteen minutes later, I was standing outside my room, about to go inside. I say about because as I was putting the key in the lock, I heard a male voice on the other side of the door say, "Thanks, it's been interest, I'll see you again later." 'Damn!' I though, 'She's got herself a client.' Standing there, dumbfounded, I was shaken out of it as the door started to open. I dived out of the way, and around a near by corner. There was a short exchange of conversation I was unable to here, then the door closed. Looking back around the corner, I saw a panther walked down the hall in the other direction. 'What is she doing with a panther?' I though to myself. One thing was for sure, this trip was turing out to be VERY interesting...