System Start Up By: Fox Cutter 5/30/96: I rubbed my head as I went though the front door of my house. It had been a long day, mostly with bad news from every corner. First Page had told me that her search for more agents had died. The database she had been working though 'just fell apart, bit by bit' as she put it. So with no leads, and no ideas, we're still out finding any agents. Second, after waiting nearly a month and a half for the new generator for this ship to arrive, it finally had. Then when trying to install it I discovered that the outputs where screwed, and didn't work with the ship. So now I'm waiting for about fifty replacement outputs. Maybe by the time they show up (I've been promised a week, more like a month) some of the new hull would actually be done right, instead of the slip-shot job the last batch had. The damn things broke being bolted on! I was about to head up to the kitchen and make some tea, when I saw a note taped to the banister of the stairs. Pulling it off, I quickly read over it. It was from Oria, saying that she needed to see me downstairs as soon as I got home. I sighed, and crumpled the note up, throwing it into the living room. By downstairs she meant in the cave below the house. For obvious reasons, I didn't like going down there, and Oria knew it. Which meant that whatever it was that she needed me for was important. I sighed, and moved around so I was under the left set of stairs, where I opened the secret door. I worked my way down the stairs, and though the other door. As I stood on the elevator platform, as slide down one of the walls of the cavern, I saw something I hadn't seen before. Against one wall, standing about 20 feet, and in a cylinder like assembly, was a larger piece of equipment. It took me a few seconds to remember where I had seen it before. It was the computer out of my ship, unmounted, and somehow moved into the cavern. As the lift stopped, I walked over to the work bench next to it, where Oriana was leaning, grinning at me a bit. "Why do you have this thing down here?" I asked, a little dumb struck. She shrugged, "I decided it would be easier to work on it in here then in the ship. So I told the bay's computer to pull it out, then I had it shipped a few miles away." I was about to ask her how she got it down here, but she beat me to it. "There is a direct tunnel from here to where I had it dropped off at." She explained. "It looks like it was some kind of loading area." I shook my head slightly, that was Oria, and that's how she did some things. "Any luck getting it to work then?" "Well... some actually." I raised an eyebrow. For the past few weeks she had been poking and prodding at the thing, trying to get it to work, with as much luck as a chicken trying to fly. "What do you mean?" "Well, after spending a day still having no luck, I got frustrated, and demanded the computer to tell me what was wrong, it did." She said, moving aside to show me a computer terminal. Typed in on it was her question, and a response. [Personality mapping has been removed.] The screen said. I looked at her, "Have you tried anything else?" She shook her head, "What I understand about computers is hardware related. I only typed in my question when I was pissed at the thing." "So you left it for me?" She nodded, blushing in her ears. "Yes." I shook my head, and moved over to the terminal, and taped into the system. [What is a personality mapping?]. There was a slight pause, and the system responded with. [The definition of the interface with the users of the system.] [How do I create said map?] I asked. The computer responded with, [Downloading of the map is achieved from a h72 type interface.] I sighed, there was no way I could get one of those things easily. As a last resort I asked. [Is there a backup of any old maps?] There was a beep, and the system replied. [Yes, 1.] I looked over at Oria, who had been reading over my shoulder. "Should we load up this mapping?" She nodded, "It sounds like the only way to get the system running." So, I typed it. [Restore backup of map.] There was a beep, a second beep, and a deep voice said, in the language of the verse where I bought the ship, "System online. Booting interfaces." After another beep, a new voice came from the terminal, in Prid standard none then less. "Computer system 4872 is active." Said a male voice, not exactly booming, but something that would get your attention. I grinned. "Um, you two," the computer said, talking to me and Oriana. "I appear to be missing the ship." Oria and I looked at each other, then both broke into a fit of howling laughter.