Stumble By: Fox Cutter 12/05/96: "Fox, I have a question." Was the first thing that I heard as I stepped inside the house, after a quick run home. I shrugged. "What?" Oria walked over to me, dressed in her usual casual clothing of semi-lose sweets. He bare feet padding along the floor. "Why exactly do you want an illegal weapons-system for the ship." I gave her a bit of a smile. "Oh that, well, it's simply really. The estimates of the ships speed aren't exactly to fast. So the chances are good that I'll end up in a situation where I can't run away fast enough. So I want to be able to at least out gun them." "Fight or flight." She said, brushing a loose lock of hair out of her eyes. I nodded. "Other way around actually, but yes, that about covers it." She tisked a bit, rolling her eyes. She was about to say something else when she stopped. "You have blood on your hand." I grimaced, and looked down. Sure enough, the back of right hand had a smear of blood over it. "Again." I grumbled. She twitched her ears a bit. "What do you mean, again?" I blushed. "Well, this has started up over the last month, I end up with bleeding on my hand, but no cut." I quickly wiped the blood of on my pants, then present my hand to her. "See." She took it in her paws, and slowly looked over it. "How?" I shrugged. "Wish I knew. It just seems to happen around here, and back home." Her ears perk up at this. "Oh really? Are you sure no place else?" I shook my head. "Nope. Just around when I get home, or come from home." A bit of a frown creased her muzzle. "Imitated after?" "No. I've though of that." She grabbed my arm. "I want to see for myself." "Oriana--" I stared. "No buts!" she said, and yanked me thorough the front door, and the t-port curtain. As we came out the other side, she keep on pulling me, marching me down the hall, until we came to the fold the both of us generally used to go back to are respective homes. She pushed me forward a bit. "Open, or do I have do it myself." She already had her portal controller out. I stuck my tongue out at her. At the same time tweaking open the fold in my mind. The fold burst open in front of us, more energetic the usual. She gave me a smile, then pulled both of us through. There was the usual feeling of crossing the folds, then we where standing in the computer room of my parents house, back on Earth. Oria paused for a second. "I though this was your room." I shrugged. "Changed to the other one when I moved back from California." She nodded. "Your hand." I held it out for her. "See, nothing." She sighed. "Well, it was worth a shot." I smirked. "Told you it had nothing to do with coming and going from here." I opened the fold again. "Lets go before someone sees comes home." She nodded, and steeped back though. I followed just on her tail. Once on the other side, she sighed again. "I'm a bit worried Fox." I raised an eyebrow. "You're worried?" I asked, giving my hand a quick glance, just to be sure. No blood on it at all. "Listen, you go see a doctor when you can, ok?" I smiled. "I have an appointment in a few days." "Good. Though I suspect that this may be some kind of infection you've picked up." I chuckled, and started headed back to the house. "When, it's not like I've be gallivanting around the multi-verse of late." She shook her head a bit, smiling gently. "Well, maybe you got it before you exile, and it's now kicking in. It might even been some kind of fungus you've picked up that doesn't like going through the folds. I've heard of that type of infection that will cause spontaneous blood loose like that." I snickered, and held my hand back up for her. "Oria, if it had anything to do with the folds, I would have this bleeding any time I used the, and second I would be bleeding now." She blinked, then in a voice that was deadly serious, she said. "You are." I turned my hand over, and saw that once again had blood smeared over the back. "I _know_ I didn't cut my self this time." "I saw it, it just sort of welled up, out of your skin. Right around the hairs." I paused, running my tongue against my teeth. "Oria..." I muttered. "I have a very bad feeling about this." She nodded. "So do I Fox, so do I."