Ideas and Repasts By: Fox Cutter 4/9/96: "Foxer," Oria asked, "why are you grinning like that?" I looked up from my mail, and grinned, "Oh, just ordered some pictures." She shook her head a bit, "Ok." She said, sitting down across the table from me. "So, what's going on?" I raised an eyebrow, "Playing shrink again? Nothing is going on, truly." "Really?" "Oria, if there was ANYTHING going on, I would tell you about it." I said, hating to lie to her. She nodded, "Very well. So, have any plans?" "What do you mean?" I asked, rubbing my fingers a bit. She shrugged, "Well you've been out of Exile for a week, and have yet to go anywhere. Do you have any plans, or anything else for that matter?" "Um... No, not actually." Leaning forward a bit, she said, "Well, maybe you should go out and do something. Maybe get a hobby or something." I nodded, "Well... Maybe, but I don't know what to do." "Well then, what have you always wanted to do, that you haven't yet?" I grinned, "Easy, go into space." This caused her to raise an eyebrow, "You've been into space." "Yes. On somebody else terms, and rules. I want to do it my way. Which I'm not sure what is yet." She grinned, "Well then, what is the first thing you will need?" I though about this for a second, "A ship... and some kind of docking space for it, preferable pressurized." "Well then, why not do that?" "Well," I said, waving my hand in the air, "I'm a bit short on funds for that kind of thing." "So, go to some limited verse where the exchange rate kicks ass." I slowly nodded, "I'll look into it." "Good," she said, standing, "that's all I wanted to know." Then she turned and left. 'A ship' I though to myself, 'that would be fun...'