Enter the Dawn By: Fox Cutter 3/25/96: Sitting at my kitchen table, I flipped through some printed documentation, muttering to myself under my breath. "Something wrong?" Oria asked, sitting down across from me. I shook my head, sipping at my tea a bit, "Not really, just getting a handle on this stuff." I waved the printouts at her as I said it. Picking up one of the stacks she pawed through it, then looked up at me, "I can't read this." "Naturally, Terran English Written isn't in the translator database. The reason being that it's a locked universe." She nodded a bit, "Can you read my writing?" I cocked an eyebrow, "I don't know. Being in a limited universe, it's probably not in the database." "Ah," she said, sighing. I set my work down (as it was for work considering), "What's wrong?" "I was hopping, have you had any luck yet, you know, with getting me away from the HammerHeads." I shook my head, "Not a thing, and I've been searching up to three-hundred years ago." She sighed again, her ears drooping a bit. I bent over and touched her lightly on the forehead, right between her eyes. "Don't worry Oria, I'll take care of it, even if I have to break in to the HQ of the HammerHeads, and hack there system. I don't want to loose another friend." She looked up at me, her ears still drooping, and grinned weakly. "Thank you Foxeris." I blinked a bit at this use of my full name, Oria never used it. I was about to comment, when I was brought up short by a knocking on the front door. Glancing at her, and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not expecting anyone." She said, shrugging. Getting up, and heading down stairs, and popped open the door. On the far side, highlight a bit by the Teleport Curtain was Rathal. I opened the door wide, "Thal! What are you doing here?" The Elf motioned for me to keep it down, "Listen," he said, "the council head has been having a hell of a time getting all this, and staying under the radar." He handed me a small data cube, "This has what you asked for. I was never here." The, pressing the cube into my hand, he went back through the curtain. I looked at the crystalline cube, it's many facets inside reflecting the light of the setting suns. Closing the door, I turned, and looked up at Oria, "This is it." She tipped her head a bit, as she came down the steps, "What is on that?" I moved over the computer, and slipped the cube into the reader, "It's all the records, the reports, the interviews, the files, EVERYTHING!" She looked at me, "Of what?" I grinned, as the files started to scroll down the screen, "Catarn." She blinked, and put a paw to her mouth as she "oohed." For it was exactly what I has requested, everything about how I was exiled. It was time to bust some heads....