Back Where I Started From By: Fox Cutter 4/20/96: Sipping at my coffee, I watched out the windows, as the second, smaller, sun of Prid slowly kisses the horizon. I sighed a bit, finding my coffee had cold down hours before. I set the cup down next to a pile a papers and picked up the top sheet. Reading over it, I set it back down in disgust. It was the same paper I had read over and over again in the past few hours. Running my paws through my hair I sighed. The papers covered the charter, and rules of the HammerHeads, desperately searching for some kind of league loophole, something, ANYTHING to get me out of the grasp. "Damn it," I muttered to myself, "I need some sleep." I made a passing glance at my watch, and epped, "37 hours, I REALLY need some sleep." Collecting all the different documents, I hugged them to my beast, and dumped my coffee into the sink. I headed to my bedroom, and was pulling of my shirt to crawl into bed (I don't bother with clothing in bed, and considering my career choice, it's very odd) when there was buzz from the mail system. Sighing, I ran downstairs (grabbing a robe on the way down), and check the computer. Blinking I was surprised that there was nothing new, just some ship information Fox had gotten a few days before. Shaking my head, I looked around. Beside the terminal was a small fax machine, as Fox called it, that was hooked up to a teletype network system. It was spitting out the second page of the mail. Scooping it up, I read the header. I got the idea that I should not read it, and was about to set it back in the bin when the front door open. Glancing over, I was Fox silhouetted by the shimmering light produced my the teleport curtain. Stepping in he closed the door, and flipping on a light. "Hi Oria." I grinned, adjusting my robe a bit, "Hi Fox, great timing, you just got a fax." He made a bit of a face, "That's strange, who would actually fax me, here?" I handed it over, "The brothers." He nodded, "Ah... that could be about my moving the fold again." "Oh, you got an apartment?" He shook his head, looking down at the fax, "No... I moved it back." "What?!" He looked up, and I saw some dried blood in the corner of his eye, a sure sign that he had been crying, in his limited way. "I got fired, to long of a story, and to much extra shit along with it." He glanced back down at the fax. Reading over it, he mutter to himself as he went. Looking back up he said, "This is... well not bad... but not good either." "Oh?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Well... it appeases that at just seconds before I moved the fold, there was a supernova about 2000 light years away, in my universe, core-wards." I nodded, that's one thing that wasn't in the advanced classes. Supernova's, while it takes years for the light and energy to get around, the effect on the folds was instant. It could totally rearrange the folds of a clusters of folds, and sometimes even move groups of megafolds. In short, it was not a REALLY good thing. Fox continued, "The brothers had said to watch out for any strange side effects. And made a note about finding someone kind of complex on Luna." I blinked, that was a sudden change of mental track, "Um... Isn't that generally a bad thing, someone living on your moon?" He shook his head, "Nope, just means all the nuts are right about someone else being on the moon before we got here. I mean, it's not like there's somebody from Earth living there right now!" He chuckled, "Just two platipi, who are leaving for the megafold as we speak." I nodded, and tightened my robe, "Ok. I'm heading to bed." He nodded, sitting on the couch, looking over a piece of folded paper he pulled from his pocket, "No problem, I'll hit the sack myself, after I finish going over the list of stuff the got stolen." "What?" He sighed, "To long of a story, go to bed. I mean, you're bags under your eyes have bags under them." I nodded, "Night." "Night," he muttered, not really paying attention I shook my head, I could have done a strip show right then, and he wouldn't have noticed. Heading back up to my room, I threw my robe off. The passing edge of the robe clipped a small porcelain box on the dresser, sending it to the floor. The fall knocked the top off, and sent the contents to the floor. I sighed, and picked up what fell out, setting it back in the small box. Setting the lid back on I activated a statis field that keep the contents of the box from aging. Setting back on the dresser, I shook my head. "Not yet... a few more months, when I get the last pieces. Then..." I grinned, plans made nearly a year ago starting to come together. Striping the rest of the way, I crawled into bed. Fox was hiding something from me, I could tell that easily. But I was hiding something from him, something I had many plans for. The second dose of Bliss....