Back In Action By: Fox Cutter 12/29/95: I threw my book onto my bed, and sighed. It had been a long day. I had spent the last 5 days expecting a visit from a Council member, and none of them had shown up yet. Needless to say, it was frazzling my nerves. I fell onto my bed, and stared up at the ceiling. It was early Friday night. I considered doing some work on my color class, now that I understood graphics to some extent, but I decided against it. So, I just closed my eyes, and tuned out the universe. A light touch on my shoulder brought me back around, I opened my eyes, and saw a familiar face. "Rathal!" I said. Rathal grinned back down at me, his silver hair falling into his eyes. "Hi, Fox, time to wake up." I sat up, grinning. "It's great to see you again, Thal. How goes everything?" "Not bad," the elf said, brushing his bangs from his eyes. "I've been moved to the Council." I patted him knowingly on the back. "I see. So they sent you to talk to me about my little stunt Monday night." He blinked. "Little stunt? No. I'm here with some, at least partly, good news." I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" Thal pulled out a small portal controller. "Follow, and you shall see." He then pressed his finger down on one of the larger buttons, and in a few seconds a portal opened. He put the controller away, "Come on, then," he said, and stepped through. I shook my head, and grinned to myself. "The bloody elf hasn't changed a bit," I muttered, and walked through as well. As I crossed the threshold I felt my body wrench 15 separate directions at once, then come back together again. Then, I felt like I was being flung to the side at about 3Gs, and finally, there was a sudden drop and I was standing in Marble Hall. I must have looked a bit green because Rathal teased, "You're out of practice." I nodded, keeping down some bile. "Being basically exiled for a year has a tendency to do that to you." Thal nodded, and grinned. He had been the same way when I first ran into him, after opening my first portal around 3 years ago. I swallowed again, feeling a bit better. "Now where to?" "The Council chambers," he said. Then, as he started down the hall, his clothing blurred and was replaced by an ornate green and silver robe. His hair had a silver clasp holding it back into a ponytail, and the points of his ears had some golden-looking caps on them. I blinked at this. I had forgotten how subtle some magic could be, during my exile. I shook my head, readjusting, and followed him. A few minutes later we reached a large waiting room. "Take a seat," he said. "This is going to take a few minutes." I nodded and sat down. I was pretty sure now that this was NOT about my little stunt. If it was, I would have been in a cell now instead of a hard plastic chair... not that there's much difference. I relaxed a bit, less frightened now, and wide awake after that trip through the portal. Normally I don't have a problem with them, but I was WAY out of practice. I picked up one of the magazines from the table next to me, and blinked at the cover. It only took a few seconds to see what was wrong. The text was in a different language, Standard, by the looks of it. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, as my translator would flip it to English, but when I was exiled the translator chip was removed. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Next to me was a young lady of the feline persuasion, more accurately, a panther. She held out a small ear-piece in her hand, and what looked to be a small contact lens case. I looked at the earpiece, then back to her. She waved her other paw at the magazine, then at me. I nodded, understanding, then picked up the ear piece and slipped it into my left ear. "I hope it's adjusted right. I had to guess at what settings you would need." "Right on, as far as I can tell. Thanks." She nodded, smiled, and handed me the small case. "These are contacts, obviously. They work with the writing." I grinned and, pulling my glasses off, said, "Thank you kindly, my dear. This is exactly what I needed." She chuckled, and walked over to the desk by the wall. I inserted the contacts, which didn't affect my normal eyesight, and put my glasses back on, blinking back the few tears that the contacts made. I spent some time flipping through the magazine, which was, as usual, 3 months out of date (but hey... it was about 9 months more recent than I'd had). After about half an hour, I heard someone say, "Mr. Cutter." I looked up, and standing by the inside door was a young human, dressed in the normal page's clothing for the Council. I walked over to him. "Yes?" "You have been called for by the Council. Please come with me." He then turned, and walked back through the door. Naturally I followed. We walked through some twisting halls until he stopped, at a pair of huge oaken doors. He motioned for me to go in. I nodded, having done this a few times before. Opening one of the doors a few feet, I stepped into the Council room. The room wasn't huge, just imposing. I was standing on the floor proper, and in front of me was a large dais with three levels. On the top level sat the High Council, who were the 3 leaders of the Council. The second level was the second rank members, 25 in all. The third was the low members, numbering 40. Rathal was on the left side of the second level. Interesting thing about this place... it always reminded me of the way the U.S. Congress was set up. I stood in the center of the room as one of the low members stood and spoke. "Foxeris Ryoga Cutter, you are here this day to be present as we re-evaluate your exile status. This was brought about at the insistence of Counselor Rathal Decarn." A middle level member stood. "I would like to mention at this time that this re-evaluation has had some strenuous objections made against it by many of my fellow Council Members." Another middle level stood. "I would like to point out that former objections are not the issue right now. We have the potential to have exiled an innocent, and if we have, then we must make all attempts to rectify that situation." The first member stood again. "What the issue IS, is that we need to follow our own laws, even if a few innocents get jailed." A low-ranked member stood. "What my associate is try to say..." and the rest quickly devolved into the blur of political double-talk. As usual. After a surprisingly few minutes, the noise of the Counselors' near-yelling 'discussion' was broken by a single soft voice, clearing her throat. Everyone instantaneously stopped talking, sat down, and looked at the High Council, for it was the center member, the head of the Council, who was standing. She was a middle aged vulpine. However, unlike all her other companions, she was not in formal dress. She was in a shirt and slacks. She started speaking in her near-whisper voice, "the simple point here is that i decided that we needed this re-evaluation. all other arguments are behind this one simple fact. now, let's get on with it." Then she sat back down. Rathal stood. "The primary reason for this re-evaluation is to decide, with new evidence that we have gathered over the past year, whether the actions of you and your partner directly caused the catastrophe on Catarn, or whether you merely landed in the wrong place during the worst of possible times." He then picked up a file folder, leafed through the contents. "In front of all of you is a copy of this file. Inside of it you will file detailed accounts of the events that occurred starting on December 18, 1994 Terran dating, to December 22, 1994 also Terran dating." There was a rustle of paper as the different members opened there files. "For the official records of these proceedings, I will read aloud the brief summery of the events that occurred during that time." After flipping a few pages, Rathal started, "On December 18, 1994 Foxeris Ryoga Cutter, and his partner, Rebecca Jennifer Sanders, went through a portal onto the world of Catarn. Once there they where separated, and Rebecca was entangled in the revolution that was occurring at the time." He flipped a page. "While this was occurring Foxeris was captured and jailed by the current rulers of the said world. Rebecca convinced the rebels to retrieve him, which they did, but in the process killed the second in command of the government." "The next two days after this, the record of events become blurred, many different reports conflict. But most of the reports all state the plain fact that Foxeris activated a level 30 bomb, while Rebecca defended the door." Rathal closed his folder, "For those of you who do have no experience in the ranking of bombs, I will explain. A level 30 bomb is a combination of nuclear, biological, and viral. The end result being the surface of the world it is detonated on is total culled of life of any kind. Not only making this a crime of planetary destruction, but in the case of the Catarn, attempted genocide." And with the final comment out of the way Rathal slammed his folder down on the desk in front of him. Instantly there was a low murmur from most of the members, which after a few seconds was stopped by Rathal speaking again. "Fortunately, new evidence has come to light, pointing to the possibility that many of the accounts where changed, either inside the computer, of when taken." He picked up the folder again, and opened it to the last sheet of paper, "Also, many of the reports from members of the rebels, and the underground, speak of a network of labs under the surface of the planet. Each of the labs was working on a separate, but connected project, which the final goal was have yet to determined." He set the folder down, this time with less flare, "This brings us to are present juncture, to determined with this new evidence if Foxeris Ryoga Cutter's and Rebecca Jennifer Sanders' Exile status should be removed." The middle ranked member, farther to my left, stood immediately, "I object to this! If we are re-evaluate both of there status, why isn't Ms. Sanders present!" This brought another murmur from the council as a whole. "We have been unable to locate Ms. Sanders at the present time, and have---" Rathal started. "She's dead." I said, in a low voice. Suddenly every single sound in the room stopped, and all eyes focused on me. "Please Explain Mr. Cutter." One of the lower members said. I gulped, thankfully not have to fight back the tears that I could not cry. "She was killed on October first, clipped by a car. She was living in England at the time, I'm not sure of the location." There was a stunned silence for a few seconds, the a lower member stood. "I would like to put in front of this Council a motion for a full pardon of Ms. Sanders, to be given posthumously." A mid-ranked member stood, "I second that motion." She said. There was another pause, then the Council head stood, "all in favor signify this by a raise of hand." Instantly a number of hands, paws, and a tentacle raised. "all against." More hands and paws raised, with only 4 abstaining. There was a pregnant pause as the votes where totaled. The Council head stood again. "the vote is 44 for votes, and 44 against." "would any members wish to change there votes?" she asked. The silence in the room was deafening. "then i shall cast my vote, which is for. let the records show that Rebecca Jennifer Sanders was been pardoned for all crimes against this council she was accused of." She then lowered herself back into her chair. A mid-level stood, "Now to continue with the topic at paw..." She started, and thus it when on, and on. * * * Three hours later, once again I was waiting for the tally of a vote that could change my life. After all the debate, and the political playing, the decision was about to be made. The head of the Council stood, looking about as board with the proceedings as I was. "the decision of the council has been made. foxeris ryoga cutter, in anonymous balloting this council has decided that you shale remain in exile." Suddenly what little resolve I had started to give. My knees turned to water, and started to buckle under me when a young low-level stood. "Wait! There is something else we need to take into account here." Every eye in the room turned to him, "Mr. Cutter here one of maybe 200 people in over 20 trillion, trillion that can open portals naturally. Now from what we heard about his trip here suggests he is starting to stagnate. If we let this continue until we have made a decision on this matter, this special ability of his could be lost to him, and us, forever." The Council head nodded, "i agree. does any member have an objection as to why mr. cutter can not be allowed access to the multi-verse, with a court approve chaperon?" A few hands where raised, but quickly dropped. "it is so done then. foxeris ryoga cutter, your exile status as be lifted. you will keep with counselor rathal, until you can find a different one that i approve of personally." She paused for a second, taking a sip of her water, "this council session is adjourned." She then turned and walked out the door that was behind her. I myself was flabbergasted. I was barley holding myself up by grabbing on to the table that was next to me. I was sure if I let go I would fall on my face. A few minutes slowly passed, though if felt like an eternity. Eventually I felt a hand on my shoulder. Glancing up I saw Rathal, who was back in the clothing he had be dressed in we he showed up. "Hi." I said weakly. Thal put his arm under mind, and helped be stand, "How are you feeling?" I licked my lips, which had dried out. "Amazed, really." Thal nodded, and helped me out of the nearly empty Council chamber. "You up to getting on translator implanted?" "Ya" I said, then grinned. I slowly got back into walking with out aid, then said with glee, "Watch out universes! The Fox is back in the saddle again!" Then I tripped over my own feet, and fell flat on my face.