The story you are about to read is not real. Unfortunately. The characters portrayed are actors, not the true particpants. The tale deals with all sorts of sexual themes from growth to shrinking, breast-size, penis-size, sex-changes, potions, magick and tons 'o other stuff, too erotic to mention here... (mf, cons/nc, growth, shrinking, penis- / breast-size, TG (trans- gender), size-in-general) Story In Progress... by The Obsessive-Compulsive Kyle sat and stared as Michelle removed her coat. She was everything he'd ever dreamed of in a woman ... lovely, tall, light brunette and so buxom she looked as if her tight T-shirt would explode at any minute. Her hair wafted down past her shoulders in gentle curls of amber. Her eyes --lovely and somewhat meek-- were a vibrant emerald. She looked around his apartment with approval. "Very nice," she said, "do you entertain much, or is all this just for yourself?" He smiled at her. "Nope, just for me ... and those I invite over." Kyle tried hard not to stare at Michelle's ample chest as she carried her large back pack over to the couch and set it down. He could feel himself growing stiff in the crotch and tried to shift his erection so it didn't brush so hard against his zipper. Somewhat bowlegged, Kyle joined her on the sofa. He didn't want to think about how hard this was going to be, but she was the best candidate out of all those he'd sought. "So, what is it that you wanted me to see?" she asked slowly. He'd only met her once, a few weeks ago at a bar where she danced. Kyle's introduction had intrigued her and his promise of three thousand dollars to test a new beauty product had made her show up. That and the fact she found him cute... Kyle knew that, and it had been part of the reason he had chosen her out of the thousands of women he'd scryed. "This..." he said, as he pulled a small vial out from his pocket. It was a slender crystal tube with a diamond-like cork on one end. The light blue liquid inside gave off a faint luminescence. With deft fingers, he handed the vial to her. Uncorking it, she took a short sniff. "I don't smell anything," she said, quizzically. "That's right." The suspense was killing him. "Look, Michelle. How do you feel about sex in general? I mean about sexual relations and how men and women interact with each other?" She paused and re-corked the vial. He was very cute, if a bit short and underdeveloped. "Well, if you mean what do I think people find sexy in others, there's a wide range of answers." Kyle nodded. "Yes, but what do you like ... say about yourself?" Michelle adopted a half-wicked grin. "Well, these help," she said hefting her breasts, "you know what they say, the bigger, the better. I guess that's a large part of what I like about myself ... and others." Kyle smiled. He knew what her answer was going to be, of course. He'd searched thousands of women for those who liked "larger" in both themselves and others. Unfortunately, he'd also wanted to hear her say she enjoyed kinky stuff... Maybe she wasn't exactly what he was looking for. He sighed inwardly. Only one way to find out... "What would you say if I told you that the stuff in that vial could change all that? What if I told you that only a few drops of that liquid could make a normal woman's breasts grow to be a match for your size? Do you think that would sell?" Michelle looked hard at him as if wondering if he was being serious. "You mean that this liquid," she held up the vial to him, "could enlarge any woman's tits?" Kyle nodded. "Not just that, but any part of the body ... or the whole body at that! It's the ultimate answer to plastic surgery. No cutting, no anesthesia, no rejection and no silicon." He pulled out another vial. "I've even developed an opposite formula for people suffering from giantism or similar ... defects." She took the proffered vial. Each looked the same except in color. The reduction formula was a reddish tone with similar luminescent properties. Both held about a cup of their respective fluids. Michelle looked half-amused. "You're kidding..." Kyle slowly stood. It was getting difficult to hold himself back ... he could feel his true shape struggling beneath his slender facade to escape. With all the tension -both sexual and psychological- he'd have to let loose soon or he'd have a migrane for days. "No; I'm completely serious." She looked up at him. "May ... may I try?" He nodded slowly at her, backing up into the kitchen. He hoped she'd say something like that. "I'll go get you some water; my tests on animals showed they got a little thirsty with the change." He filled a wine glass and came back to see her re-stoppering the blue vial. A small amount of liquid colored her 'Dancers' T-shirt over each gargantuan breast. Normally she was the size of twin volleyballs, but she'd taken the enlargement treatment. Stunned -but pleased- by her lack of hesitance, he set the glass down and smiled. "It'll take a few minutes to start working." She nodded and took the glass from the coffee table and sipped it. "Why did you develop this in the first place?" she asked. He nodded. "Well, I should tell you that I'm not as I always seem." Kyle sighed. "I wanted to tell you before you took the formula, but that's not really possible right now. So I guess I'll have to show you now." Michelle looked worried, and Kyle could see it etched on her face. There was no gentle way to prepare her for what was coming. Not a monster, but a drastic transformation nonetheless... "Oh, there's noting wrong with the formula" he assured her, "but you have to understand how it works. You see," he said, adjusting his shirt, "I like to play around with majick." Kyle paused, holding his breath. This was the one thing he wasn't sure about ... how she'd react to the existence of majick. She had seemed like the receptive type, being Pagan and all, but Kyle wasn't sure if his brand of "real" magick would be compatible with hers. To Kyle's pleasure, she merely nodded for him to continue. "Anyway," he said, a bit more surely, "I used to fool around with rituals ... you know, spells to alter myself. You might say, I over- did it." Stepping back from her he began pulling off his shirt and pants. "Nowadays, I use small rituals to constrain my appearance, though they don't last for long." His slender and lithe frame was glistening with sweat; a symbol of his nervousness. Quickly, he stripped off his pants, revealing the small, but hard bulge there. Michelle didn't move; she kept her eyes on him and watched. "You see, I originally tried to develop potions that would alter myself so I could re-join humanity as someone fairly 'normal'. Even after I developed them though, I could see they were vastly inadequate. Even though they seem permanent on others, they never would last on myself." Quickly, he slipped off his socks and glasses. All that remained on him was his underwear. "I've tried dozens of potions, for every conceivable aspect of myself... Height, weight, sexuality, width, breadth, length: everything. All I got were temporary changes. I kept all the potions, of course. They're stacked on the bookshelf in my bedroom. Only recently did I discover that they had permanent effects on others ... they last until reversed. When I discovered that, I knew I had a boon to the cosmetics industry on my hands. But who'd believe me? "That's why I looked for someone who'd listen and maybe understand..." With that, he began to grow. Slowly at first, his muscles began to bulge and swell, stretching the flesh over them like a drum skin stretched too tightly. His thighs and shoulders grew broader and rippled with their enhanced strength. Gradually, as his muscles grew and expanded, his underpants ripped and fell to the floor. His erection was enormous. Growing at an incredible rate, Kyle's minuscule 5-incher was swelling and becoming huge. Inch by inch, he grew larger and longer; his balls swelling like waterballoons at a Fourth of July picknic. Michelle watched raptly as his cock slowly passed twelve inches and continued to grow unabated. Each of his balls were already three inches across and still growing. Kyle's build swelled up past every body builder Michelle had ever seen, soon swelling so much, he looked like he was made of nothing but muscle. His chest grew and grew, still expanding past even a four-foot width. His upper arms were already a foot in diameter and his legs likewise, gargantuan. His erection still continued to grow. Past fourteen inches ... past fifteen. Michelle gaped as his engorged penis continued to swell and rush past sixteen inches ... seventeen ... eighteen ... twenty ... His balls darkened as if tanned and swelled past five inches in diameter a piece. And still he grew. Kyle spasmed and twitched for a second, and his whole body started to get bigger in proportion. Taller and broader, he expanded, his biceps, legs and erection getting even more enormous than before. Taller than six foot six, he grew. Soon, he passed seven foot, his erection and biceps still growing slightly faster than the rest of him. He got bigger and bigger until the effect began to slow and his head nearly scraped the ceiling overhead. Slowly, the effect ebbed, and Kyle stood before her, a giant of a man at nine feet tall. His erection was bigger than anything she'd ever seen. Kyle would have made a Clydesdale feel small and ashamed. She eyeballed him keenly. Kyle had to be at least thirty-six inches long now, with a massive erection that tapered from six inches in diameter at the base to four and a half at the bloated tip. His balls were bigger than an elephant's; each one a solid nine inches in diameter. His biceps and thews -about a foot and a half in diameter as a six-foot man- were now proportionately bigger to match his nine-foot height. He looked down at her six-foot-two frame and smiled. "See what I mean?" A sudden shiver shook Michelle and she looked at Kyle quizzically. "Don't worry," he said, moving closer to her, "that's just the potion starting its work. You might want to sit down." She smiled at him and beckoned him closer. Kyle lumbered over and sat on the floor next to where she sat on the couch. She groaned in a deep and low voice as the potion started to take effect. Kyle scrutinized her chest and soon began to see the stirrings of movement behind her flimsy, cloth brassierre. Slowly, her massive tits began to swell and expand. He watched in amazement, as each basketball-sized mammary began to grow. Slowly, inch by inch the two breasts increased like they were being pumped full of air. Bigger and bigger they got, until her shirt seemed about ready to rip at the seams. Groaning in pleasure, she rubbed her swelling chest and nipples through the fabric. Still, they grew, bigger and bigger. The T-shirt continued to stretch, and soon she had to reach around her own breasts to touch her nipples, by now the size of silver dollars. With a sudden tear, the fabric parted and her massive mammaries exploded outwards. Gargantuan, the twin blimps continued their massive growth and rippled as each one dripped with sweat brought on by her own convulsions of ecstasy. Her moans intensified for a second as her tits ballooned past the point where she could reach around them to the front. Desperately, she tried to reach her own nipples to stroke them. Kyle was surprised; she must've used at least five drops on each breast for this kind of result. With a gradual tapering over the next few minutes the wile growth slowed and stopped. Slowly, her eyes opened and focused on his. Sitting on the couch, next to him, she looked at her tits. Beyond any real woman's breasts, they were round and firm, each one resting in her lap and bigger than a beach ball each. Smiling, she slowly stood --trying to keep her balance-- and walked around him to his feet. "Thank you," she said, lustily. Gently, she reached forward and caressed Kyle's throbbing tip. Not able to fit it in her mouth, she licked it slowly and surely; her tongue following each curve and crevasse. The electric sensations of her ministrations sent shocks of pleasure through him. Kyle groaned and began to buck uncontrollably. She smiled slowly and continued to suck and lick. Her slender hands guided his gargantuan erection between her enormous tits and she began to rub against him slowly; up and down - up and down. "Ohhhh... Michelle; this is more ...unhh... sudden than I ...OOhhhhh!... expected!" She pulled her lips away from his penis and put a single finger to her mouth. "Shhh..." He smiled back at her as she continued to pump him and lick his bloated tip. His groans were sharp and loud like a grunting bull or mule as he continued to grind his hips against her fattened chest. More and more he pumped and pushed as she licked and sucked against his engorged member. His balls swung back and forth like charging rhinos and she giggled as she caressed them in her hands. Slowly, she would squeeze each one until he grunted and looked at her longingly to stop. "You sound like an animal, Mr. Horse... How much would you give me to let you cum?" His eyes widened at the thought she might stop and tease him mercilessly. "I'll give you whatever you ask for ... just don't stop!" "Anything...?" she asked, looking slyly at the two vials. He saw her gaze and nodded vigorously. "Them and more ... anything I've got!" He smiled at her with lust and a bit of playful pleading. "Just please, don't stop!" She smiled and tortuously lingered on his penis with her tongue. With a sudden ferocity, she stood up and plunged her cunt down over his throbbing rod. A loud scream of ecstasy erupted from her throat as she forced her own small twat down over his throbbing erection. It was tighter than anything he could've imagined as she took as much of the length as she could, groaning in time to him and pumping again and again. A great swelling seemed to build up in his balls and abdomen, and he could almost feel the semen churning beneath his flesh. Again and again he pumped harder and harder, as she began to convulse and cum. Exploding mightily, he pushed with all his might and began to cum like a fire hose gone wild. Again and again, he thrust deeply within her, spraying the semen inside her cavity. Continually, he kept pumping her and filling her with his cum. A minute passed as the stream continued unabated. Shocked at his continual emission, she looked down at him as he continued to spurt and pump into her. More and more of the thick, white cum filled her and expanded her vagina. Her abdomen started to swell as semen totally filled her and began to spurt out around the edges of his massive cock. "Unnnn...unhhhh...Kyle, that's ... UUNNNH!!! ...ENOUGH!!!" More and more he continued to fill her body with his liquid. For three, whole minutes he came and filled her, filling and widening her to capacity. Finally, with three final, loud grunts, he stopped thrusting and the flow gradually subsided. Her belly, now distended with nearly a two quarts of his cum, wobbled and sloshed as if she had been filled with petroleum jelly. Sweat, still beading down her forehead, matted her hair as she wiped her brow and smiled at Kyle's massive body. With a return smile, he reached down and laid his hands on her bowed abdomen. Slowly, he pushed on her abdomen and squeezed the cum out around the edges of his penis, now growing less-erect. Michelle's legs were spread as far as they could as Kyle twisted and started pulling his cock out of her quivering body. His own exhaustion was catching up with him and --as his penis pulled free with an audible 'pop'-- he lay down beside her and began to stroke her gargantuan breasts. Each tit rippled at his touch and by gently tapping the mammoth nipples, he sent ripples across her expansive mounds of flesh. "I ... I can see," Michelle began, still panting, "why you think bigger is better..." She paused to lick a large globule of semen off his tip. Hungrily, she looked up at him. "Too bad you're still too small..." Kyle's perplexed look must've been funny to her because she laughed at seeing him and wrapped her arms around him. Still puzzled, but pleased, he returned the embrace. Her own monstrous tits squished pleasurably against his own muscled chest and sent those waves of excitement through him again. A few beads of sweat ran down his forehead as she kissed him full on the lips. Soon, her tongue was in his mouth and searching out every corner of his throat. He gladly returned the kiss and fell to the floor with her on top of him. Slyly, she leaned forward and dangled her tits over his face and swung them back and forth like enormous, taught sacks of jell-o. "Ever bob for apples, Kyle?" Quick with his lips, he arched forward and suckled one of her silver-dollar nipples. Around his mouthful, he mumbled, "yeah, but never bobbing for beach balls." Michelle's hands groped around his chest and she started to knead and massage his muscles while he buried his face in her breasts. The smell of her was intoxicating! The mounds of flesh around his face, seemed to pull him in and caress his cheeks and head. From his perspective, she was still smaller than he would like, but it seemed she would do all-right after all... A warm shudder ran through him and he hugged her closer. A strange tingle went through his body and he pulled his head free to look at her strangely. She was bigger than he remembered... ...And growing bigger! Quickly, he sprang to his feet. She wasn't growing, he was shrinking! "Michelle! What's..." "Hey," she said dangling the red vial before his eyes, "You said I could have everything ... and you are too small." She paused, putting the vial back beside the other one. "At least you're going to be." When she had embraced him! She must've dripped some of the red vial on him; without a specific target, it was causing his whole body to diminish! "But .. but, Michelle," he said, now seven feet tall, "how much did you use? That stuff's powerful!" She shrugged and sat down next to him. Absently, she toyed with his shrinking manhood and squeezed his balls tightly. Kyle winced. "Well Kyle, we'll both find out together." Smaller and smaller, he continued to shrink. Soon he was past six foot and still getting smaller. His massive build and gargantuan proportions still remained, but the entire package was rapidly losing height. One of her gargantuan tits loomed near his face. "Why not enjoy the experience?" she taunted. Still getting smaller, Kyle started licking her expansive surface. The salt and sweat of her body was great, and soon, he let himself get engrossed in his task. Smaller and smaller. Five feet came and went ... then four. Michelle stood and looked down on Kyle, tiny and with an extraordinarily hard erection. Still shrinking, he looked at her tits, now above eye-level. Nervousness in his voice, he asked, "how much did you use, Michelle?" She smiled. "Enough." At three feet, she pushed him into her bush. His small tongue probed her interior and licked their previous juices out of her cunt lips. He closed his eyes in ecstasy ... it was wonderful. More and more, he pushed his head and lips into her crotch to hear her groans and moans towering from above him. He continued to shrink and soon the cunt was rising beyond him. Two feet, and he still kept shrinking... One foot ... ten inches ... eight inches ... seven inches ... and finally he stopped at six inches tall. Towering over him, the gargantuan woman looked down with satisfaction. "See what I mean? Too small for me, little man." He blushed. It was embarrassing being this small. Kneeling, Michelle reached down and gently rubbed his erection with her fingers. Kyle groaned in ecstasy. Lying down, he spread his legs and pumped as she stroked his tiny erection. His body heat erupted around him out of control, and he bucked and bucked like a deer in heat. His balls bounced against the carpet and his tiny cries of pleasure echoed around the massive living room. "Oh God, keep it up ... Keep It Up!" Michelle smiled and stopped. Stooping even lower, the huge tits descended. The mammoth, silky bags of flesh wrapped around Kyle's body like a glove. Her warmth filled his tiny frame and sent those waves of shock through his system. A nipple came near; half as big as his own body. Gleefully, he wrapped his legs and arms around it and held on. Curious, she stood and lifted him rapidly off the ground. "Kyle?" She swung around and tried to see him where he hung on the end of her tits. Her massive juggs swung ponderously as she did so. She couldn't really reach her own nipples, but soon managed to place a hand under her tiny lover for him to drop into. In a tiny squeaky voice, he admonished her. "Hey, don't worry! This isn't permanent, you know. And it's not like I'd exactly disappear on you ... where would I go?" With half-curious smile, she placed her lips gently on his erection and sucked. Kyle's tiny eyes grew wide as he arched his hips and pumped her lips with all his minuscule strength. "Where would you go? Hmmm... how about," she said, taking his cock out of her mouth and lowering him past her breasts, "here!" With a sudden, swift movement, Michelle shoved her tiny lover into her cunt, feet first. Kyle felt her vaginal muscles contract and keep pumping his tiny frame as Michelle squealed in ecstasy. Her hand pulled back from him and then pushed him neck-deep into her body. Wildly, she bucked and ground her hips against her tiny lover. Her muscles pumped him again and again, slowly drawing him deeper and deeper into her; threatening to consume him completely. With a sudden pulse, she flexed and drew the tiny Kyle completely into her body. Kyle held his breath and struggled against her throbbing insides. His erect penis rubbed enticingly against her insides, exciting him despite his desperate situation. Small pockets of air occasionally surfaced near his mouth and he was bumped and sucked further and further into her. Erotically, she went on indulging in his bodily massage. Soon, her body rocked and bucked violently, slowing her gyrations. A massive pair of fingers slowly pushed their way in to where Kyle lay, and slowly pulled him out. Placing him in her palm, she brought him up to her mouth. She was sweating and half-delirious with pleasure. Gingerly, she leaned forward and licked his tiny genitalia. Kyle's moans stopped any further commentary. Slowly, she enticed him and soon he bucked and ground like a bucking bronco. "Oh, God Michelle, keep going ... let me cum!" Again and again she licked him, rubbing her rough and wet tongue all over his groin and body. Again and again he moaned in pleasure, rocking and gyrating with all his minuscule strength. Slowly the pent-up juices within him began to build and with a grunt like a bull elephant, he began to spray again. Endless, tiny streams of cum shot from the end of his engorged member, spraying over her face. Minute after minute passed in endless orgasm as Kyle spent his fluids and she sucked them dry. With a dull shudder and tremble, he slowly finished and lay back in her palm, sated and exhausted. Slowly, time passed. Tucking her reduced lover into a Kleenex box, Michelle left the room for a moment. Kyle was beside himself. She was as kinky as he was ... maybe even more! Quietly, he laid his head back on the tissue and wiped their love fluids off of his body with another. Her insides had been warm and wet with not only her juices, but his from earlier. His hair was going to be a mess, but that wasn't a problem to worry about now. Taking his gargantuan penis in his hands, he gently rubbed it with some Kleenex and wiped the fluids from it. Too tired to get it up yet, Kyle laid back in the box and tried to get some sleep. Distantly, as he drifted off, he almost thought he could hear the tinkling of glass and movement in his bedroom. ****** Kyle woke up. His hair was matted and dry with sweat, cum and Michelle's vaginal fluids. The smell was still intoxicating and he was getting horny again. The small box in which he lay had been moved to the couch. The gradual swell and curve of Michelle's left breast swung out over the box from his right. It's massive surface swinging to one side, soon both of them towered over the tissue box and Michelle peeked over their horizon to look at him. "Wakey-wakey, little man," she said musically. In one hand she held a cluster of vials. Kyle's eyes grew wide. She'd gotten into his collection on the shelves of his room! "Michelle, wait!" he said as she un-stoppered a swirling green fluid. "Those were unpredictable ... God only knows what'll happen!" Holding the vial's eyedropper over him, Michelle smiled. "I thought you said you were immune? Getting cold feet oh, tiny one?" Three enormous drops fell from the vial and splashed over Kyle's body. "Michelle! NO! Those are intended for use on a Normal-Sized person! I don't know what kind of effect they'd have on me!" She kept smiling. "We'll find out..." A shudder shook Kyle's body as the enhanced change stared taking an immediate effect. His cock rapidly came to attention and grew rock-hard. Kyle grimaced as he felt it grow harder than it had ever been before! A gradual warmth inundated his limbs as he watched in disbelief as his erection --his enormous erection-- began to shrink! "Michelle! What've you done?!!" "Wait 'n see..." Slowly, Kyle's dick diminished and throbbed. It felt like someone was slowly sucking it and rubbing it with their tongue. Kyle moaned in pleasure as he watched it get smaller. Soon he couldn't hold back and he started rubbing it and pumping himself back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. With a start, he paused and looked at his arms. The muscles were disappearing! He was getting weaker as well as sexually smaller! He looked up at her, now from a height above her tits. She was smiling and holding a box of Q-Tips in one hand. Confused, he looked back at himself and watched his dick shrink. Smaller and smaller and smaller... Desperately, he wrapped his one hand around it and kept trying to jerk-off. Tinier and tinier it became until with a slip, it disappeared entirely replaced with a horizontal slit. A cold realization came over him as the slit and a pair of breasts grew. She'd turned him into a woman! The feelings of erotica continued. It was almost as if someone were gently licking his ...her... cunt. Moaning, Kyle felt his breasts enlarge and bucked against the sensation. Slowly, the tits grew and she felt them getting heavier and heavier on top of herself. Slowly, she rubbed her nipples and cunt. Still, her tits grew. Michelle leaned forward and took Kyle's tiny and bloating form out of the box. "See? I know you like big titties, so let's see how big you get..." Kyle continued to grow bigger. Each tit was so large, she couldn't reach her baseball-sized nipples any more. Still they grew, as Michelle placed Kyle standing on the couch. Holding him there, Michelle made sure Kyle didn't fall forward from the increased mass. The pumping went on, tortuously long and not close enough to making her cum. Soon, Kyle felt something under the tits. Desperately, she tried to look over the expanse of flesh that was still growing out from her. She couldn't see it, but she could feel ... it was her feet! And still the tits grew... Bigger and bigger and bigger until Kyle couldn't see over them at all. She had become like a pair of knockers with a tiny body attached! With a shudder the change slowed and came to a stop. Looming over him, came Michelle's tits, face and hands. "Why, you're as big as I used to be ... too bad you're body's not..." she said, holding up a Q-tip. "Time to play!" Kyle felt herself lifted then as Michelle reached under the massive mammaries and heaved. Suddenly, a huge, soft shaft pushed at Kyle's cunt and started stretching her opening to let it in. She squealed in ecstasy. Bigger and bigger it seemed to get as it pushed further in. If normal-sized, it had to be at least as big as Kyle's own cock! "Ahhh ... Michelle! What're ... Ooooohh ... you doin'?" The massive shaft penetrated deeper and began to thrust and pull; thrust and pull. At the same time, a hand settled on Kyle's breasts and began to slowly massage and rub them. Tenderly, and erotically, the rubbing and pumping filled Kyle and made her hips reflexively grind against the weight. Then a tongue began to lick her massive tits and she cried out. "Ahhhhh! Oh God! Michelle, I ... Unnhhhh ... love it!!!! Oh, babe ... Unnnhhh ... don't stop!" Kyle's tiny, effeminate voice called out from behind the gargantuan expanse of her monstrous tits; now as big as an un-shrunken pair of basketballs. The giant Q-tip continued to plunge deeper and deeper into her tiny cunt; stretching Kyle out farther than she thought she could go. More and more, Michelle pumped, rubbed and licked the tiny Kyle. Deep inside herself, Kyle felt pressures build, like water behind and endless dammed lake. With a virtual explosion inside her, she felt it burst in a rush of orgasm. Spasm after spasm shook her tiny body as she convulsed with an orgasm that lasted as long as it had when Kyle had been male. Minutes passed as she shook in unbridled ecstasy and her enormous tits wobbled at her gyrations. Soon, her convulsions slowed and Kyle began to feel the great pleasure ebb. The massive Q-tip thrust between her legs still parted them like a steam pipe but was being slowly ... tortuously ... removed. With a final, enormous stretching of her legs, Kyle felt the cotton tip of the swab being pulled enticingly out from her weary body. Although she couldn't see beyond the mountains of flesh that comprised her hooters, she could feel how stretched out her cunt lips were. It was if she had passed a basketball followed by a beachball. Weary, she shook as the adrenal rush wore off and her pulse returned to normal. Massive beads of sweat rolled down the sides of her breasts as they rose above and around her. Far above, Michelle's nipples came into view followed by her own beach-ball tits. From somewhere above them, he could hear her voice. "So, what's it like to have sex like a woman?" Kyle panted. "Oh, Michelle ... God, I couldn't believe it! Let's do more..." A few drops of liquid on Kyle's tits caught his attention. Somewhere above, she was applying another dose of one of his potions. She could feel the liquid bead and run down the sides of her tits that were twice as big as her whole tiny body! Drop after drop followed; possibly of differing varieties. "Michelle; could I be male again? I mean, I like being hung like a horse. I can handle bein' a woman, but being able to get you off is even better!" "Hmmm..." came the reply from above. "Maybe you're right..." A few more drops followed. "I kinda like you hung like a horse too... But first, lets get you back to normal." Kyle got nervous. She sounded like she was about to experiment again. And by the feel of the numerous drops trickling down the sides of Kyle's tits, it seemed that Michelle didn't want to wait. ********** That's as far as I've gotten so far; this could go on for awhile...