A Hard Knight's Day by David J Rust ©1997 Knight looked at the control panels of his ship and sighed. He had been searching for so long, he'd forgotten what he'd been looking for. The quiet chime of the computer rang through the sterile air of the vast ship as the ancient equinoid gave the mental commands to his vessel to commence landing procedures. "You've been very quiet lately, Doctor." "What?" "You've been quiet lately. I've noticed. Something is troubling you and it isn't a recent problem either." The neutral, male voice of the ship's computer echoed soothingly around the bridge. "I have no pains," replied Knight. "You forget who you're talking to; you conjured and built me, remember? As a computer, I don't make errors; as an information demon, I understand mortal concerns and feelings..." "I am not mortal," replied Knight as he mentally checked the energy outputs of the sensor screens that hid his ship from outside eyes. "But you were... You have those feelings still; even if they are locked up inside you." Knight turned to the holographic display of two burning eyes bobbing in the center of the room. "And what do you suggest Oh, mighty 'information demon'? I hardly think that one such as you could comprehend my entirety. I am unlike any in this Universe; and I am alone. Can you really offer me any solutions to your mythical problems?" The eyes scintillated through a rainbow of colors. "Often, the most complex problem has the simplest solution." Red swam into view and stabilized, burning brightly. Ê"But this is not one of those times. The solution must come from within you; but you'll need outside help to get at it. And that's something I can't provide..." Knight put his hands on his hips and smoothed out the light blue encounter suit he wore. His Clydesdale-like features were rugged yet smooth; huge muscles flexed and bulged with every motion his body made, yet with a fluidity that belied his great bulk. His black mane and tail cascaded in sweeping waterfalls of thick, coarse hair towards the steel floor in the artificial gravity of his vast, complex starship. Brown eyes showing just a hint of frustration, he walked closer to the hologram and jabbed an accusing finger at it. "You are simply trying to trick me into freeing you, Sathrophan. After an entire cycle of this galaxy, I would have expected this much earlier ... but I always knew it was inevitable." Sathrophan's illusory eyes blinked once and shifted an emerald green. "If ever there was a doubt about your arrogance, it has now been disproven, Knight. Truth be told, most demons would have tried to escape your tasks by now. Hell, the vast amounts of calculations you force through my mind every day would drive even you insane. But that's my nature and my curse; so I don't bother fighting it." The computer paused, it's tone lightening. "You happen to have a mature demon integrated with your algorithm..." Knight checked the sample vials on his belt and punched several small buttons on each to cycle them through their locking and sterilizing procedures. "Then why are you being so confusing?" The computer generated a smiling face around its blue eyes and echoed it's reply. "Because it's fun. You know; fun? That thing that has been missing in your life almost as long as Rassa?" Knight smiled grimly. "I am long past any emotional attachment to Rassa, Sathrophan. You know that." The computer generated a simulated frown, it's brown eyes shifting in mock-texture and giving the appearance of tree bark. "No, I don't. And neither do you. But while Rassa's death still haunts you, it's a more superficial problem I'm addressing. You let yourself die, Knight. You let yourself die with your lover; and now you're just a hollow shell of the sciento-arcanist you used to be..." Knight bent down and rubbed his broad, horse-hair-covered hands over his enormous hoof, polishing it slowly. His face remained passive as he digested the computer's words. "And this is what you are addressing?" The face popped and vanished, leaving it's slate-grey eyes bobbing behind Knight's back. "Indeed," it said in a comforting tone. "I have no desire to escape you or leave this home. During the past galactic year I realized that this is the ultimate expression of my nature; I have no desire to escape it. You treat me well; my time is fulfilling. I've learned and gathered so much data that any demon or program I've met is millennia behind me. But I perceive a threat to this stability..." Knight stood and straightened his pants around his thick, thigh-sized bulge at his crotch. The alien equinoid studied Sathrophan's static-filled silver eyes carefully and wove an idle enchantment through the computer demon's mind. "You are telling me the truth," he concluded aloud. "But that still tells me nothing of what this threat is, how it can be remedied or what this has to do with me having 'fun'." Sathrophan emitted a digital sigh and bobbed his holographic white eyes up to Knight's face. "You are colder than space, Dr. Knight. You have mastered so many magicks and so much of scientific law that you've distanced yourself from mortals. You have beaten death; you'll live until you die by your own hand ... and yet you slide closer to suicide every day." "I am not suicidal," replied Knight slowly and truthfully. "Not yet. But you will be before this galaxy turns again. That's not a long time when you're an immortal like me. And if you die, I am freed from the algorithm. My stability ceases. And all this because you have not indulged yourself in simple, lower-brain enjoyments since Rassa died." "And you are saying that I am in danger because of this?" "We both are, my friend..." Knight considered as his ship notified him of it's entry into the upper atmosphere of the world he was about to study. With the soft humming of the ship's engines and systems, the powerfully built humanoid ran Sathrophan's words around his head until the ship chimed that touch-down had been achieved. "All right, computer. I will see what I can do. I think that maybe it is time for me to return to the status of my youth and follow your advice." Sathrophan's eyes shifted through the rainbow once and stopped at a deep blue. "Good; but how?" Knight shrugged. "Tell me about this world..." The simulated orange eyes blinked once as it retrieved the data requested. "Planet 5.667.243.551.03. Proto-sentience dominant life forms. 68% water cover. Unstable land- mass system." The computer paused as it came across something in the scans that surprised it. "And;" it stated in an interested tone, "it's one of the Prime worlds..." Knight looked up, surprised. "Really? I thought I had cataloged the last of those. How similar are the life forms here to the other Prime worlds?" The computer read the scans. "Over 80% similarity. Predominantly non-sentient with less than 1% proto-sentient." Knight nodded. "Let me see the dominant species." A holographic image shimmered into the air between Sathrophan's black eyes and Knight. Six distinct creatures appeared, four of them similar and clearly of an aquatic origin. "Like the other Prime worlds, Knight, the higher life forms here have a dual sex system; the creatures on display represent one male and one female of each species." Knight nodded. Ê"Three dominant life forms; two aquatic and one that is either terrestrial or arboreal..." he observed carefully. The computer cross-checked. Ê"The latter is not arboreal, but it is the most technologically advanced out of the three." Silence descended once more on the bridge of the invisible ship as Knight considered. "Proto-sentient you say?" He pondered the newfound world carefully. Ê"Very well ... I shall take your advice, Sathrophan. I shall try to enjoy my base needs. It has been a..." he paused, lost in reflection, "...a long time." The computer's speckled yellow eyes nodded gravely as it cycled the air lock for it's master. "Good," it intoned, "have fun; enjoy yourself. Don't worry about the little creatures here; after all it won't be for centuries that they are considered sentient by your standards." Knight nodded. Ê"What is the name given to this world by the dominant terrestrial life form?" The computer checked, it's eyes swirling in reds and golds. "They call it by a variety of names, depending on which regional dialect or language they use; but most refer to it by a common appellation. Normally, it is called 'Earth', but I find quite a few references to it's name in one of their dead languages as being 'Terra'." Knight nodded. Ê"'Terra' it is then." He turned, looking out of the ship's open portal to the tiny lights of the nearby, pre-dawn city. The planet's dominant life forms had created a cluster of simple structures in a small arc along the banks of a lake. Nodding to himself, the 120' tall equinoid slowly stepped from his ship, out of the invisibility shielding and towards the tiny settlement in the distance. ===== Cal looked up and stared. It was barely morning, and the tremendous booms that had been rocking the street for the past ten minutes had come to a stop, but the shadow that now fell over the apartments and businesses was worse. Jaw agape, Cal slowly moved his gaze up the enormous form that stood partially concealed by the 8-story brownstone on 118th street. Dressed in a loosely-fitting, light blue jumpsuit, there stood a giant, humanoid horse. It's cool, brown eyes looked down dispassionately at the gathered crowds of suburban Chicago. Deep brown hair, covering it from head to hoof, waved gently in the breezes stirred by nearby Lake Michigan as it surveyed the tiny people milling about amidst honking horns and the rising wail of distant police sirens. The lump in Cal's throat sat uncomfortably as his gaze ran up and down the impossibly-sized equine. A shopkeeper ran out of his store, nearly knocking Cal over, and jumped into his delivery truck. Speeding off into the distance down Daley Drive, he hadn't even stopped to lock up his store. All around, sounds of shock, fear and tension filled the air. "Cal! Hey Cal!" He tore his eyes away from the impressive creature as his name was called. Graham ran up from the laundromat on the corner, a static-cling sheet still hanging onto his sweater. Ê "Cal," he panted, nervously, "C'mon hon; we're outta here!" Cal looked at his lover with an expression of disbelief. Ê"Are you kidding? Where are we gonna go? As if rush hour wasn't bad enough, everyone's trying to get away from that thing!" Graham shook his head and began leading Cal back down the street to the laundromat. "Then we'll hide out somewhere; but you an' I are not stayin' here!" Another boom shook the ground like a bomb and Cal was flung forward into Graham, knocking the taller man to the ground. With fear, he looked over his shoulder to see the giant, having stepped forward slightly, bending down to closer examine a cluster of fleeing suburbanites. It's powerful face still looked strangely placid as it reached it's huge hand down to snatch one of the tiny humans up into its palm. One huge eye and part of the horse's muzzle rose over the horizon of it's up-turned hand, peering at the "Three-Inch"-tall human. Stunned by fear, the small man stared back at the giant horse, transfixed as it cocked it's giant head and smiled thinly. Gently, the giant lowered his hand to his high-tech belt and clicked a button on one of the glass vials worn there. The clear capsule slid open and -with the tiny human screaming in protest and trying to scramble away- allowed itself it be filled with the sample human. The tube sealed itself with a hiss as Knight looked over the milling humans with a powerful air. "Oh, my God..." whispered Graham. Cal could only nod as the giant lifted one huge leg over the Seaton Mall to proceed closer. He watched as the giant's muscles rippled and flexed in a display of power, moving such incredible bulk with such ease. The dark shadow of the horse's hoof fell on the parking lot in front of the mall where the milling throngs of fleeing shoppers formed a glut of humanity. Cal felt a twinge of blended fear and fascination as the hoof descended, it's fetlocks sweeping behind it like a descending angel of death. With a crash and rumble of splintering concrete and twisting metal, the giant hoof ripped into a corner of the mall and slammed solidly into the asphalt of the parking lot. Cal felt Graham wince and look away as he watched the second hoof come over the public building and descend upon a screaming cluster of pedestrians. Knight looked down as he felt the tiny vehicle underfoot, it's feeble metal framework collapsing around the trapped humans inside and crushing them to paste. He twisted his hoof -easily the size of two or three of those vehicles- against the flattened smear of metal and flesh beneath him, pressing it's indentation into the soft asphalt. An odd emotion swam up into his mind as he crushed them mercilessly. Not remorse -that emotion was reserved for the sentient- but ... a thrill. "I ... it's stopped." Graham's gasped statement jarred Cal to awareness again as he tore his eyes away from the crushed car and Mall security guards that had been in it. His lover grabbed him by the arms and hoisted him to his feet roughly. Ê"Damn it Cal, snap out of it!" Cal looked at Graham and shook his head as if to clear it. "A...all right... Where do we go?" Graham just shook his head and pulled on Cal's shirt. Ê"I don't care... Just run!" The two, small gay lovers dashed away from the monstrous rampage as Knight stalked slowly forward once again. His eyes surveyed the ground as he walked; it was amazing that any creature so tiny could ever develop even proto-sentience, yet here it was. He smiled to himself and looked down at the belt with it's tiny, Terran occupant inside. His huge hand came down to it and unfastened it carefully. The shadow of the giant's movements darkened the street beneath him as he rolled up the belt and laid it atop the remnants of the Seaton Mall. Then, standing with his huge muscles taught and hard, he motioned with his right hand and murmured an ancient incantation he'd learned millennia ago. The huge horse's clothing evaporated, leaving Knight standing bare over the milling and terrified inhabitants of Chicago. Base desires, long left unattended, rose up in Knight's heart as he surveyed the insects below him. Most fled screaming, like mindless bugs; but a few stared and gaped. A distant thrumming sound took his attention as he espied a small fleet of flying machines with single propellers lifting them towards his position. Staring placidly, he turned his massive head and watched them approach. Below, Cal and Graham ducked into the small Deli that had opened for it's morning customers only fifteen minutes before. The two men stared at the giant's stature as his clothing disappeared and he stood astride Seaton Mall. "Shit, he's hung like a..." "Don't say it, Cal..."Êinterrupted Graham in a whisper. Knight watched the helicopters approach and flicked his ears forward to hear the tiny, amplified voices calling out to him. Translators embedded in his inner ear picked up the strained sound, filtered it and rendered it into something understandable to the alien giant. Another man, less jaded might have smiled at the audacity of the tiny, proto- sentient creatures' demands. Knight merely stared at them with the same, powerful and domineering expression as they approached. These tiny creatures were so much beneath him, he was beginning to wonder at the wisdom of his decision to seek release from his malaise on this world. With sudden, tiny explosions; small impacts smacked against his thick, horse's hide. His huge head craned downwards to look at the patches of mussed horsehair and then back at the approaching authorities. Knight's shadow seemed to grow deeper as his face darkened and he raised one arm in a muscled gesture towards his ineffective attackers. With a wave of his hand and and the recitation of an ancient series of arcane phases, the horse let the spell fly. The air shimmered around the helicopters and the police stared, stunned, as their vehicles began to slowly shrink around them. Their tiny screams didn't need translation as Knight strode another step forward, his huge, rounded hoof crushing a mail truck into a flat, field of debris. One of the hapless police dared to dive free, but his parachute didn't open. Screaming as he feel, the blue-uniformed officer stared up as his helicopter -crammed with the writhing, trapped bodies of his former companions- soared overhead, on past the giant horse and then down; crashing to the street no bigger than the trunk of a car. The next moment, the officer hit the pavement and spread himself just as messily over its surface. The three other shrinking choppers spun out of control; their increasingly small propellers unable to hold up the weight of the normal-sized police inside. Another man jumped for freedom, his parachute deploying barely in time and just missing the spinning blades. He could feel one of his arms dislocate as he spun towards the ground and his former conveyance crushed his companions before hitting a building and exploding in a sticky mess of twisted bodies and metal. Knight put out his hand as the flaming debris hit the ground to his left. Catching the tiny Terran in his one hand, Knight looked him over carefully. Cal and Graham watched, unable to turn away, as the huge horse's gradual arousal become apparent. Gently, the giant prodded the tiny police officer, curiosity prompting Knight to appreciate the sheer power he had over this insignificant mammal. The idea that this small rodent (or whatever it was) was so helpless and dependent upon him went without saying. But today, he relished the differences in power and scale; this tiny, "three- inch-tall" creature was so frightened and nervous, it gave Knight an odd thrill and rush he'd not felt in years... The cop stared up at the mammoth, peering eyes and quickly drew his pistol with his good arm. Taking as careful aim as he could, he whispered a prayer to Saint Patrick and began shooting with his pistol at the mammoth finger that descended towards him. Not feeling the tiny pellets hitting his thick hide, Knight poked his finger down, pressing the cop firmly against his palm and investigating his structure. He grinned at the small, squirming motions that the uniformed Terran made and -as an afterthought- turned and casually walked several blocks to one side ... right up to the small avenue where Cal and Graham hid. His huge sheath had revealed it's hidden member now; rising gradually to a level past Knight's own eyes. The giant equine's testicles hung heavily nearly to his knees as the giant horse slowly knelt, his eyes still firmly upon his captured Terran. His eyes brightened as he felt his mammoth ballsac press against a tiny row of parked vehicles below him, and he let his huge balls crush down upon the tiny insects trapped inside. Ê Knight smiled as several jumped out only to be trapped by his descending flesh. Their cries translated dimly as their squirming beneath his huge, sensitive flesh aroused him further as they were crushed beneath him. Knight's huge knees hit the pavement and buckled it beneath his mass as he licked his muzzle and slowly placed the tiny, wriggling cop up near the tip of his penis. The officer looked around and gulped, peering at the giant's intent eyes and realized this creature saw him as some sort of sex-toy. The cop's training and will shattered in an instant; his body and power meaningless to this creature. Fearing what was about to happen to him, he jumped. Not expecting the suicidal leap, Knight watched as the tiny, blue-uniformed Terran splattered against a mailbox about sixty feet below. He blinked, considering. That small creature actually preferred death in my presence. The thought sent a thrill through the cold scientist's body as he turned the event over and over in his mind. How many others would also do the same? Knight turned his waist parallel to the street and smirked. Placing his hands against the top part of his erection, he slowly pressed it forward and down, sliding it against the ground and laying it flat down the middle of the street towards the milling humans standing "a safe distance" away. His equine head moving in a large arc, Knight looked at his surroundings, watching the tiny humans run and scream from his huge sexual member crushing down their tiny street. Still, he didn't want to spend his whole day chasing the tiny bugs... Rows of windows on the nearby buildings caught his attention. Behind their glass panes, he could just make out quite a few cowering insects inside. Knight grinned with an idea. Lunging to one side, his huge balls crushing a parked bus, the giant Knight reached out and ripped the top off of the Cornerstone Deli and a couple other attached buildings. Stone and plaster debris rained down on Cal and Graham as they looked up at the huge giant, suddenly revealed to them beyond the ceiling of their hiding place. Graham froze and Cal could only gasp as Knight stared down at them and the half-dozen others who had hidden in the shoppe. Activating a sub-dermal unit in his throat, the giant spoke for the first time, his rumbling voice translated by the ship's distant computers into the regional speech. "I AM YOUR SUPERIOR AND MASTER," he stated slowly, looking down, "I HAVE COME A GREAT DISTANCE AND WILL TOLERATE NO DISOBEDIENCE. IF YOU PLEASE ME, YOU SHALL LIVE." Cal and Graham gulped and watched as the giant slowly surveyed the tiny people in the buildings he'd un-roofed. The Deli, a Laundromat and a Credit Union were laid bare to his huge, brown eyes. Several humans from the Credit Union made a dash for freedom, Knight eyeing them as they ran from the back door into a back parking lot. Casually, he leaned forward and reached down. His fingers easily caught the first and half-picked him up while squishing him in two. The other three fleeing Terrans were allowed to run almost to the back of the parking lot, when Knight gestured at them and watched as they slowly shrunk in size, quickly becoming mere specks to the massive giant. His eyes coldly surveying the tiny Terrans, Knight then casually squished each one with a fingertip. "THE DEMONSTRATION IS OVER," he said firmly. With that, the huge giant stood once again and licked his fingers casually. The faint taste of salt could just be felt against his tongue. Still, his hard, throbbing penis stood erect from his groin as he surveyed the tiny captives below. "I WANT VOLUNTEERS," he boomed. Silence descended for blocks around. The huge creature seemed patient though, and waited for his orders to be carried out. Cal and Graham huddled, terrified, and watched as - eventually- an off-duty police officer walked forward, followed by three more people. "IS THIS ALL?" The huge horse waited as the blue-uniformed Terran (there seemed to be a lot of those around here, today) shouted up to him, asking what he wanted them to do. "PLEASE ME," Knight said simply, "PLEASE ME SEXUALLY AND YOU SHALL LIVE. THIS IS A SIMPLE COMMAND THAT EVEN YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND." Knight sat down cross-legged, his thighs surrounding the tiny volunteers as the magnitude of their instructions dawned upon them. One of them gulped and looked as if he might run; but one stern look from Knight changed his mind. Slowly, the four began; two of them climbing up the furry slopes of Knight's bus-crushing testicles and the other two ascending the insides of Knight's thighs. Cal watched as the tiny humans began to stroke and rub the base of Knight's huge erection; one of them daring to start scaling it to try and reach the tip. One walked tenuously around the testicles under the huge boom of Knight's erect shaft; starting to stroke the horse's huge testicles. Knight made a rumbling sound at the tiny hands massaging his balls. He leaned back a bit further, holding his huge erection steady as the tiny Terran climbed it's expanse. It was the blue-clothed Terran who made it up to his tip and began to rub it's sensitive flesh. Knight smiled at this and watched the tiny human spread his limbs wide across as much of the huge penis as he could and stroke in broad, circular motions. Still, the rubbing wasn't doing much for him as time stretched on, and -about fifteen minutes later- Knight yawned and shook his head. Leaning forward, the huge, soft testicles smooshed against the street and his heavy shaft bore down squashing the tiny human between hard flesh and soft. His smile deepened coldly as he gestured and watched the cop start to shrink atop his cocktip. He felt the stirring of his power trip as the protesting, tiny Terran gradually get smaller and smaller and smaller, until -after Knight splayed his cocktip wide- he could be slipped inside the equine urethra and crushed. Knight tilted his head back and moaned, his face betraying the first fully raptured look the tiny humans had yet seen on him. The two remaining humans, hearing the cries of their compatriots, scampered to escape, Knight opening his eyes and watching them jump from his balls to the ground. Smiling, the huge horse straightened his legs and brought them slowly -inevitably- together. His huge, round hooves crashed forward as his legs straightened, smashing the front wall out of the Credit Union and bringing it down into a pile of twisted metal and crumbled concrete. The squeaks and pleas of mercy that rose from his two captive volunteers suddenly stopped as Knight squished the two Terrans between walls of equine thigh. "THEY WERE ... INADEQUATE." Cal and Graham gulped and huddled together as the booming words echoed around the neighborhood. In the distance, sirens could be heard and the fearful cries of outrage from nearby crowds. Cal gulped and stared up at the monstrous sight they'd just witnessed trying desperately to think of some way they could get out of this situation. His mind wandered over the giant horse's reactions and suddenly, an idea came to mind. Half forged in the lust he'd felt at watching the sexuality of the display, the idea was risky, but he thought he knew how he could satisfy this titanic entity. Swallowing his fear, he stepped forward, striding out into the center of the Deli and waving his arms to get the equine's attention. Graham hissed at him to get down, but Cal ignored him. Ê"Uh, my boyfriend and I ... we volunteer!" Knight looked down at the tiny human slowly. Ê"YOU CAN PLEASURE ME?" Cal nodded. Ê"With my boyfriend's help..." He looked at Graham who gulped and looked scared. "Hey, he'll kill us if we don't try, and I think that between the two of us, we can do this..." he whispered. Reluctantly, but facing the helplessness of their situation, Graham rose and walked out to join Cal. A sudden gust of air surrounded them and lifted the two lovers to the space just beneath Knight's body-crushing balls. The sickly, sticky mess of the previous human to tend to them was smeared on the underside of Knight's erection as the two looked up at their domineering master. Cal gulped as he started to scale Knight's huge testicles, Graham soon following. Ê"Now Graham, I'm going up top and I want you to follow. I think I know something that should please him." Cal and Graham slowly climbed to the top, managing to make it without slipping. Graham looked dubious but nodded to Cal and dug his heels into the soft flap of flesh that surrounded the huge horse's tip and began to stroke in broad arcs. Cal climbed further up over Knight's urethra and gulped, staring down into it. Suppressing a smile, he slowly slide his arm into the equine's huge slit and began rubbing. As Graham licked around the ridge of Knight's cocktip and stroked the giant penis with both hands, Cal plumbed Knight's depths with his arm, stroking up and down in the sticky interior. Knight's expression changed from one of placid amusement to erotic interest. He moaned deeply and leaned back, pushing his hips skyward with the tiny humans on it's tip. Cal and Graham each held on for dear life, with Cal redoubling his efforts. Graham barely kept his balance, but held on tightly. Quickly, he started to kick his legs in broad circles over the edge of Knight's tip; stroking the huge horse as best he could. Knight moaned and soon slid his huge hands to his erection to hold it steady and stroke it a bit himself. ÊGraham knew that expression well and had an idea. "We ... we could do better if you were smaller," said Graham in a loud voice. Ê"Maybe if we were the same size..." Knight cocked his head down at the tiny human. The transparent ploy was not lost on him as he chuckled to himself. The equine rubbed the base of his huge shaft; the tiny, human onlookers gasping at the pornographic display as he responded. Ê"I ... I PROMISE YOU THIS, TERRAN; IF ... IF YOU PLEASE ME L...LIKE YOU ARE NOW, I SHALL MAKE YOU BIGGER SO YOU CAN PLEASE ME MORE... " With that, Knight began stroking himself more, fondling his huge balls and squeezing them firmly. Idly, he made a gesture, and his computerized implants generated an anti-gravity field to pluck about a dozen small Terrans from the crowd and place them below his huge balls. Moaning in his throat, he stared down at the huddled and frightened masses and ordered them, "START PLEASURING ME, OR I WILL LEAN FORWARD A...AND CRUSH YOU ALL!" The tiny humans didn't move at once, and Knight bent down, picking up one and casually popping him in his mouth. Graham and Cal watched, shocked at first, and then redoubled their efforts as the tiny humans below began to move up beneath Knight's testicles and began to stroke them. Knight moaned and leaned back against a small building; his ass clenching reflexively as he stroked his shaft and felt the tiny humans caressing his balls and cocktip. Spurts of precum welled up around Cal's arm as he switched digits and plumbed the sexual orifice deeper and more rapidly. He moaned and licked at the slick liquid as he felt Knight shudder and gasp, it was almost like some erotic dream ... being forced to bring this giant to orgasm. Below, the tiny humans did their best; stroking the hot, thick flesh with their hands as Knight gyrated. Suddenly, the giant equine shook violently and stiffened, signaling Cal to pull back as quickly as possible. With a hot, sudden surge, Knight's giant balls contracted and his erection erupted with gallons of thick, white cum! Cal and Graham were soaked in an instant as their perch waved and shook... Graham held onto the ridge of the giant, spurting organ as Knight whinnied and pumped shot after shot of his spooge high into the air. Cal held his breath, coated in the thick goo and desperately reached out a hand to his lover, holding on for dear life himself! Below, the rocking motions of the giant horse slammed his giant balls into the crowd again and again! Their tiny cries and screams reached Knight's ears, but had no effect as he felt the tiny humans squish and turn into warm smears below him; comforting his huge balls and adding pleasure to his orgasm. Huge droppets of Knight's semen splashed over blocks of suburban Chicago as the giant slowly worked his way through his orgasm... Until, finally, it stopped. Knight looked down and emitted a long, shuddering sigh. ÊIt had been too long. These small, biological toys had helped him break through the centuries he'd spent without release. He snorted and noticed the two, tiny Terrans still clinging to the tip of his soaked penis, the only ones to have survived the ordeal. Cal looked up at Knight and smiled at the giant equine.ÊÊ"H...ow was that?" he asked. Knight considered, and -for the first time in decades- smiled and nodded. Ê"IT WAS ... ACCEPTABLE." "Will you let us go then?" asked Graham. Knight cocked his head and smiled deeply. Ê"LET YOU GO? WE HAD A BARGAIN, REMEMBER? KNIGHT DOES NOT BREAK HIS WORD..." The huge equine looked meaningfully at Graham as he reached forward with one, large hand... ===== Surrounded by the familiar lights and smooth, cathederal-like contours of home, Knight carefully put his belt of filled specimen tubes on his work table. He'd experiment on the tiny Terrans later, but for now he needed to pull his ship into a high orbit and begin recharging the solar matrix in the vessel's core. Ordering the ship to launch, he sat down in the command chair and banished his light blue encounter suit to his private quarters. He cleared his throat -an old affectation that he'd never gotten rid of- and addressed Sathrophan. Ê"You were correct, demon; these tiny creatures and this world offered me the release I needed. Thank you." The uncommon praise started the digitized demon, making it's eyes shift colors twice through the spectrum before it answered. "You mean to say that I was right and all you did was bring a dozen of them back with you? I would have thought you doing more than that, Doctor." Knight shook his head, dismissing the demon's jibe. Ê"Just a dozen for now, Sathrophan. Ê I think I'll stay at this planet for a century or two, just to explore the limits of it's denizens. Besides, I took more than a dozen..."ÊÊHe looked down at his workbench and gestured, conjuring Cal and Graham from the holding cell where he'd put them in stasis during lift-off. Knight looked at them and felt a pang deep inside. These two, primitive insects had actually tried to please him. They had shown initiative and bravery. True, they were backward, stupid and unevolved, but perhaps over time... Knight turned away from Cal and Graham as the two, naked men looked around the vast, echoing ship. A series of intoned words and a channeling of arcane energy flowed from Knight to envelop the small lovers on the workbench. Knight had no need to look; he knew what was happening. "These two are shipmates now, Sathrophan; see to their needs." The computer demon's eyes drifted over to peer down at the two, humanoid horses that now stood where Cal and Graham had been moments before. "Well, you certainly made them in your image, Doctor..."Êobserved the demon. Knight nodded in response. "These two will stay here as crew members and continue to pleasure me when I desire it. As they learn from me and my computers, their intelligence will evolve from it's current state to something that can understand me. As this occurs, I shall increase their size correspondingly ... I made them that promise. However, when I am done, I shall have two lovers; and on that day, I will leave this world..." Sathrophan's colors changed in amusement as he began preparing the programs to educate the tiny Terran equines in their new duties. Meanwhile, the huge techno-arcane alien sat back in his chair and manually began to prepare the Solar matrix below for it's next infusion of power... The End