Catharsis a MACROPHILLIAC short story by David J Rust ©1997 "C'mon Tyler, size doesn't matter..." Tyler Fox slowly shook his sleek, angular head as he reached to toss his Calculus textbook on the top shelf of his locker. "Yeah, right Drew; easy for you t' say."ÊÊBrushing a wayward lock of black hair out of his red-furred face, the four-foot-tall bipedal fox looked up at his equine friend. "You're nearly as tall as any human; me, I can barely reach their shoulders!" Drew Davenport shook his head vehemently. Ê"Look, that's not important. Sure, I'm almost five-foot-six, but that doesn't mean anything! Trace, Brian and Jen like me for who I am, not how tall I am." "You always mention them. God, Drew! You only have three human friends and you use them as examples to make excuses for the rest of their sorry race... They made us, remember? I mean, we'll never be their equals unless we do something about it!" Tyler hopped down off the thick "Introduction to Biological Chemistry" and "World Philosophers: Aescelus through Descartes" and looked up at his friend. "And you can deny it all you want, but even if I were human, I'd still be teased for my size." Tyler's un-shoed toe claws flicked idly as he picked up his books and watched Drew's face. The larger equine was indeed tall; probably even big enough to make it to the High School football team next year. It always seemed to Tyler that the herbivores grew bigger than foxes, wolves or felines; and it made him feel ... deprived. "Tyler, how can you say that? Look, humans made us as manual laborers..." "And sex-objects", injected the bitter fox. Drew nodded, continuing, "...and sex-objects. But we were freed over two decades ago! You and I have never had to work in factories or animorph shelters. We have it just as good as any human." Tyler rolled his eyes as he started walking towards his eleven o'clock sculpture class which he shared with Drew. "You can't believe that. I mean, look at us! How many animorphs -of any species- hold high positions in Dow Chemical, Microsoft or Kineti-core? How many animorphs are elected mayor or senator?" "Those will take time, Tyler. Who knows?ÊÊMaybe you'll be the first!" The equine had long-since learned to soothe his smaller friend's temper with assurances of his own ability. Truth-be-told, Drew honestly did believe that Tyler may one day become mayor of Madison; he was the smartest student at East High, human or otherwise. It was only the fact that Tyler -like all foxes- was so short, that he felt inferior. Tyler smiled wickedly, showing a partial smile of pointed teeth. Ê"Yeah, right... Me, as mayor. They'd have to raise every podium in the city at least two feet..." The horse shook his head and patted Tyler's shoulder comfortingly. Ê "Look, being short isn't that bad," he said, changing the subject from the volatile racism track to something a bit more neutral. Ê"Besides you're as tall as any fox in the eleventh grade." "You see many here?" asked Tyler with a sigh. "There are five of us in the Vulpine Student League and that makes up more than half of the whole school population! There are far more Cougars and Rabbits here than anything else." Drew nodded as the two walked into the dusty, workshop environment of the ceramics, pottery and sculpture rooms. The soft, earthy smells of the area helped assuage Tyler's mood somewhat; it was a soothing place to be and he enjoyed this class much more than any other. As the two sat, Tyler put his paw on Drew's knee and looked up at his friend. "But even so, humans chose to make us the heights we are... They purposely engineered your people to be smaller than they are; can you imagine what it would be like to be the size of a non-animorph horse? ÊYou'd be fuckin' huge!" The snort of laughter that met Tyler's assertion surprised him. "Oh, come on! Humans didn't make Equines small because they wanted us inferior! It was a leg-structure issue... Look, it was easier to engineer smaller mammals; that's it!" Tyler shook his head. Ê"It's all over their culture Drew... Words like 'giant', 'huge', 'titanic' and 'colossal' are synonymous with power, prestige and respect. And what do they call the powerless people? 'Weak', 'shrimp', 'tiny'... It's in their whole culture: Bigger is Better!" "Oh?ÊÊWhat about dinosaur analogies?" Drew stood and walked over to the rack of tools near the door as more students filed in. Waving to them, he noticed their pointed effort to ignore his gesture. It was true that humans tended to ignore animorphs, but it was changing ... slowly. "There are lots of times when you see the words 'giant' or 'huge' referring to something that's too large for it's own good... It's all in how you look at it..." he continued. "You should try listening to Drew, shrimp," taunted a voice entering the room, "you'll never be anything more than a little fox anyway..." Greg Albrecht sauntered in, slinging his books on a shared table next to the one where the two animorphs sat. The East High senior was large, but overweight. His nearly six-foot-tall body massed more than twice Tyler's weight and he was a blocker on the school's football team. Tyler's political debate with Drew shriveled up almost immediately. He glowered internally as he suppressed a snarl. "Whatever..." he muttered noncommittally to the laughter of the larger human. "What was that?" snarled Greg, menacingly. A scowl darkend Drew's face as the equine turned to the newcomer. "Knock it off, Albrecht." Greg smiled to Drew and blew air through his nose in imitation of a horse snorting. Turning back to Tyler, he chuckled and pressed the issue. Ê "Come on, shrimp, I couldn't hear you from way down there..." Embarrassed by the attention and trying to ignore the derisive stares of the other students in the class, Tyler tried to suppress his rage. Greg had been his tormentor for the past two years -beating him up and teasing him mercilessly. In all honesty, he didn't know what he'd done to deserve such ire, but he usually categorized it as unbridled racism. Desperate, he glanced at the clock, wishing for the final bell to ring and summon the teacher to the room. Greg stood up and approached, his shadow falling over Tyler as he cracked his knuckles. Drew stepped forward and stood just a few steps away as Tyler glanced at Greg with the determination of someone who wasn't going to let on how scared he was. "Leave us alone, Drew," he said, calmly, still wishing for Ms. Lunde to come in and start class. "I can handle this..." Greg just looked over his shoulder and smiled. Ê"Yeah, horsie... Leave me and the shrimp alone..." Tyler growled in a low, canine tone; his toe-claws scraping menacingly against the smooth, dust-covered tiles of the floor. As Greg turned back from Drew to face Tyler, the small animorph sprang forward, his fist smashing into Greg's over-sized gut with a satisfying >whoof< of surprise from the bully. For a second, it seemed that everything was going to work; a surprised cheer went up from a few of the other students in the room and Tyler stepped back with a grin at Greg's astonished expression. He flexed his fist again, ignoring the bruised feeling in his knuckles. Silencing the scattered chuckles and cat-calls with a withering glance, Greg quickly grabbed Tyler by the shoulders and swung him around into the chalkboard nearby, scattering both chalk and erasers. Tyler swung his knee up quickly and tried to connect with the larger boy's groin, but was spun away again by Greg into another wall. Drew leapt forward, grappling with Greg. Straining, the short horse tried to pull the larger boy off of his small friend. Greg laughed and began to push Drew away as well... "Hey! Stop that! Stop that NOW!" boomed the voice of Ms. Lunde. The towering, six-foot-two art teacher stormed into the room and grabbed the two boys, easily pulling Tyler away from Greg's grasping arms. Tyler continued to struggle and strain as his teacher pulled him towards the storage office to calm him down. Greg just smiled and waved with a mocking twiddle of his fingers. Drew looked from Greg to Tyler and stepped forward frantically. "Ms. Lunde! Wait! It's not Tyler's fault! ÊIt's Greg's! He..." Ms. Tyler turned to him and nodded curtly, still pulling the still- struggling Tyler towards the storage room. Ê"Not now, Drew. Let's just get this one calm first and then I'll deal with the rest of this." ÊShe shot a withering glance across the room at the football player and then pulled Tyler into the storage room to cool down... Drew grimaced as Greg glared at him menacingly. ===== "Tyler?ÊÊTyler! Wake up!" Drew's voice shattered the blackness that had enveloped Tyler's mind and forced him to wake, surrounded by dust and boxes of clay and dye. "What...?"Ê he asked blearily, trying to get his bearings. "You must've fallen asleep after Ms. Lunde had you clean up back here - you slept through class. C'mon, Ty, it's lunch time..." In the background, the noon-time bell finished its incessant ringing. Sadness and regret over the confrontation quashed the small fox's appetite and desire to go to any other classes. "No, Drew..." Tyler responded, wiping the clay dust from his eyes, "I don't want to. I'll just get beat up again..." "That's no way to talk; Greg won't hurt you. ÊI'm here now." Inwardly, Tyler bristled at the tone his friend used. Sighing, he just looked dejected and shook his head. Ê"You're just tired, that's all..." continued Drew, patting Tyler's shoulder. "No, I'm not, Drew. ÊI feel fine;" he answered honestly. He actually felt quite good; almost energetic, but his mood filtered his bodily health with a layer of depression. "I'm just giving up." He cocked his head and looked up at his friend. There was something odd going on; something not quite right in the room. Drew went on trying to reassure him; his kindly platitudes going unnoticed as Tyler tried to gauge what exactly felt out of place in the current situation. His clothing felt tight and confining; even his over-sized MidwesterCon '97 T-shirt was clinging to his shoulders like a muscle-T. His legs itched in their shorts and, still listening to Drew, he stood. Tyler watched, startled as the horse's expression changed and his voice slowed to a crawl. Tyler was taller. He now stood easily at the height of Drew's neck, his normally-loose clothing taut on his wiry, muscular frame. "Wh..what's going on?" Nervously, Tyler looked around at his feet to see what he was standing on. His red-furred toes were splayed widely on the floor the same as Drew's hooves. He looked up at his friend and gulped. Ê "I...I'm taller..." Drew nodded dumbly, looking over Tyler as if his friend were suddenly some strange, alien being. With a rush, Tyler suddenly felt his body tingle and become awash with an odd, comforting warmth. It made him feel good and stronger as he felt his shirt tighten and his shorts pull up against his fur more snugly. "Ohhh... I ...ÊI can feel it! Drew! I'm growing!" "L...lets get you out of here..." stammered the startled horse, and took Tyler's hand without waiting for an answer. Tyler and Drew quickly ran out of the storage room and through the delivery door at the rear of the clustered art rooms. Outdoors, the day was bright and clear; very warm for such a late-Autumn day. The gym classes weren't out on the athletic field yet and the empty delivery area that flanked it was isolated as Tyler assessed his situation. He was now nearly Drew's height; his powerful and lithe physique blown up and made to look much more buff and powerful. Ê"Drew; what's going on with me?" Drew just shook his head.ÊÊ"I don't know, Ty; seriously, we should get you to a doctor!" Tyler looked at himself, not answering for nearly a minute as he tried to observe the actual growth. "A doctor?" Tyler repeated, focusing again to the conversation, "what could a doctor do? Shrink me? C'mon, get real!" "But maybe they could do something!" Drew explained, looking into Tyler's eyes as the smaller fox continued to grow - matching the horse's height. His friend scowled and crossed his arms, his clothing was almost painfully tight across his chest and groin. "Why should I?" asked Tyler brusquely. He flexed his limbs and felt his strong muscles ripple beneath his well-toned, red body fur. He watched his arms expand as he felt himself grow another few inches, now able to look evenly at Drew's forehead. "I like being taller! Why should I want to stop?" "You could get too big! You could hurt yourself ... or ... or others!" Tyler laughed derisively. Ê"Why should hurting others bother me?ÊÊYou're the only one I fucking care about in this whole, damn school!" Tyler smiled as he continued to grow. Slowly, he passed six feet tall and walked closer to his friend, the rush of his size increase intoxicating him as he hugged the smaller horse. Ê"This is great! Oh God, it feels so good!" Drew struggled against the now-larger animorph, but slowly looked up instead into the eyes of his friend. Tyler watched the face beneath him meet his own; smiling with his toothy grin at the smaller herbivore. "Now you're the cute one, tiny..."Êhe said in a low, whisper. A slight whinny escaped Drew's muzzle as he looked up at his enlarged friend. Already, the tight shirt and pants stretched over Tyler's expanding physique were showing signs of tearing completely free. From the expression on Drew's face, Tyler could tell that the look of wild abandon in his own eyes was unsettling to the smaller equine. "Tyler! Come on...'re scaring me!" "Oh?ÊÊBecause I'm so much bigger than you?" He licked his lips slowly, "or because I'm finally getting what I want?" Tyler smiled as stitches began to rip; his clothing coming completely torn and split. Without letting go of Drew, the young fox shook the remnants of his shirt and shorts from himself, revealing his strong, furred and naked body to the much shorter equine. He chuckled as he stroked his friend's shoulders fondly. Ê"Now I know how I always looked to you, tiny," he said with a low mrring sound. Standing up to his full height, Tyler looked down at the much shorter equine and smiled. Ê"Cute." he said firmly, and looked towards the school. Ê The earlier experience that left him in the dusty storage room swam back to his mind and he smiled coldly. "But right now, I think I need to find Greg,"Ê he said simply. Letting go of Drew, Tyler turned and strode back towards the building. Drew shook his head, his muzzle working soundlessly as the implication of Tyler's words sank in. Without a word the seven-and-a-half-foot-tall fox ducked under the delivery door's frame and reentered the school. ===== The hallways were still empty during the lunch break as Tyler -stark naked and still growing larger- walked through the sculpture area of the art classrooms. It felt surprisingly good to feel the air brush through his fiery red fur and caress his body. It was like those naturist camps that animorphs used to go to when he was a kid. He'd not gone to one in years, but the old feelings came back to him vividly. How could he have ever been so small, he thought, looking down at a pottery wheel. It was humiliating! No one loved a midget fox; no one... Looking down, the wheel gradually became symbolic of what he used to be; weak, friendless (except for Drew, he reminded himself as an afterthought), and scared. With violent anger, he kicked outwards, knocking the small wheel aside and asunder. Satisfyingly, the tool was reduced to a heap of wood, stone and metal joints. Sharp ears pivoting, Tyler suddenly turned his head towards another noise of something breaking. Eyes narrowing, he glanced towards the ceramics drying room. Maybe the vibration of his vandalism caused something to tip over in there? Curious, he cocked his head and strode purposefully across the dusty floor. Another sound of breaking pottery reached his ears as he leaned down to poke his muzzle into the room. It smelled of dust and clay -like the rest of the department- but another scent was in there as well ... Greg. Smiling to himself, the now-nine-foot-tall fox hunched over and stepped through the door. The large room on the other side was filled with widely spaced rows of shelves for the slow drying of finished student projects. The whole area was easily big enough for Tyler to stand in -even the rows were wide enough-, but he kept double-bent anyway, sneaking past shelves of artwork towards the smashing sounds. Glancing upwards, he saw that the ceiling was still safely high - at least another ten feet over his head. The rear-most row of shelving gradually gave way before Tyler's vision as he peered cautiously around to where Greg stood, checking hand-printed ID tags on the various pieces of artwork. Tyler glowered as he saw several of his own pieces of pottery lying smashed on the floor of the room; tipped off of their shelves by the vindictive vandal before him. Greg's hand rose again, identifying Tyler's little statuette of Isis sculpted to resemble a cougar. Although the human's face was hidden, Tyler could already imagine the smug, self-satisfied look on it as he carried out his vengeance against the fox. With a clearing of his throat, Tyler stepped forward, looming powerfully as Greg jumped at the noise. The stillness of the room seemed heightened and tomb-like as the former tormentor's eyes gradually rose up the menacing form standing before him, arms crossed. An uncharacteristic snicker of amusement escaped Tyler's lips as he looked down at the pint-sized bully, Greg's eyes staring and mouth agape in astonishment. "Well, what do you have t' say for yourself?" asked the large fox with amusement. Casually, he slid his right paw down his side, resting it on his hip. Greg only continued to stare while his voice stammered incoherently. Gulping with nervousness, he tried to speak. Ê"T....t...tyler?" he managed to ask, pointlessly. The huge fox snorted and cast his head about slowly. Ê"Don't see no other Vulpines here..." Feeling -suddenly- that discretion might be the better part of valor, Greg gulped and darted down the row he was standing in, trying to get past Tyler and make his way to the distant door. Amused by his small prey, Tyler let Greg get past as he continued to grow, now easily eleven feet tall. "Who's the shrimp now, Greg?" boomed the expanding animorph. His huge paws splaying wide on the tile floor of the drying room, Tyler flexed his huge muscles and sprinted after Greg; his huge strides covering much more distance than the fleeing bully. The echoes of Tyler's heavy footfalls thudded firmly in the increasingly narrow rows of ceramics, his shadow growing longer to envelop Greg as Tyler gained ground and reached forward to grab the fleeing human by one shoulder. Extending his small, blunt claws, the fox dug in and held Greg from getting out the door. Quickly, he moved his other paw and gripped the half- sized human firmly, pulling and lifting his squirming body up into the air like a child. Ê"Well, what have we here...?" asked Tyler rhetorically. "Let me go! Fuckin' fox! Put me down now!" Tyler's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise, a low chuckle escaping his chest. Ê"Put you down? Who's gonna make me, Greg? You?"ÊÊHe looked calmly around the room, noticing he still had plenty of room to grow and could still fit out the doorway if he crawled. "You never listened to me when I asked you to stop. Why should I be any different?" "Th...this can't be real!'re h..huge!" Tyler grinned, purposely opening his muzzle wider and revealing his powerful, slender teeth. Ê"Nice of you to notice ... shrimp." Purposefully threatening, the young fox ran his slender tongue around the contours of his muzzle, licking his lips and smacking them as he pointedly looked down at his small (and progressively smaller) prey. "HELP! H...HELP ME! Please!" Greg started shouting and screaming as he kicked and struggled in Tyler's grip. It was odd. As Tyler glanced down at him, Greg seemed less an equal and more like an unruly child ... or some small, struggling animal like a non- sentient rabbit or squirrel. He wasn't worth Tyler's time; he was an annoyance ... a tiny, struggling, loud annoyance. Moments of clarity were rare to Tyler; something that didn't happen except while studying or exploring a new idea. That such a revelation -so intrinsic and fundamental- should reveal itself to him at this moment, sent a rush through his body. Snorting in derision, Tyler dropped Greg firmly on his ass, the bully falling down in a half-crouch against a shelf of pottery. The close quarters of the room grew tighter around Tyler as he grew past thirteen feet tall and planted his right foot firmly on Greg's chest. He grinned as he pressed his blunt claws down, pushing menacingly against the bully's shirt; tearing it slightly. With a pronounced gasp of pain, Greg stopped his shouting. The wind had no-doubt been knocked out of him by the sudden drop and impact. "No one's gonna hear ya, tiny,"Êchuckled Tyler, "Who'd help you anyway?ÊÊNo one likes you. And even if someone did come to save you, I'm bigger than any of them..." "In size, maybe..." Tyler turned to the source of the voice. Drew stood in the doorway, a frightened look barely suppressed on his brown, equine face. "Let him go, Tyler. You don't need to do this." "Yeah?ÊÊHe deserves it!"ÊÊTyler kicked the side of Greg's body with his free foot for emphasis. "This fuck-head's been torturing me for years now! If not for me then for all the other animorphs out there he beats up and gets away with!" "That's not fair, Tyler." he answered, stepping closer, "Look, I don't know what's happening to you, but if you hurt him you'll just be like all the others you said were mean because they were bigger. You'll be part of that problem." The words danced around inside the fox's head, mocking him as he glared at his friend. "You're just scared of me! Just like Greg!"ÊÊHis huge, heavy foot pressed down harder on the struggling bully's chest, the faint sounds of his whimpers of pain reaching both animorph's ears. ÊHow easy it would be soon to just step down ... slowly... and listen to his rips pop like twigs. Drew nodded silently. Ê"You bet I'm scared, Tyler! I'm scared of what you're becoming ... but not because of how big you are; because of how cruel you're getting. I ... I'm your friend Tyler; and you're the best friend I could imagine. Don't do this ... don't make yourself into a murderer." A huge boom sounded as the shelf behind Tyler was pushed by the fox's growth into another, sending a cascade of pottery down in shattering pieces of half-dry clay. The second shelf tilted precariously in the resulting clouds of dust, not tipping over, but losing it's contents to the floor. Still, Tyler's fifteen-foot-tall body grew. Ê "You don't know what it's like, Drew... You can't!" Drew nodded. Ê"Yeah, you're right again. ÊI don't know what it's like. But do you know what it's like to see your best friend turn into a killer?" Tyler closed his eyes quietly, his rage against the school, the bullies, the society bubbling around in the back of his mind. Absently, he pushed his clawed foot forward slightly, pressing through Greg's shirt and puncturing his flesh shallowly. He could almost feel the beating of his prey's heart; the insignificant creature below his foot whimpering and pleading for it's life. Greg squeaked in pain, tears running down the sides of his face in fear. Tyler grimaced as Drew's words sank in; the contrasts of who and what he was and what he was becoming running through his mind like unruly children on a playground. His eyes opened. Drew still stood there in the doorway, less than half his height, closer now to a third of his size, looking up with determination on his face. Determination to help Tyler ... no matter how tall he was. Gulping once, the giant fox looked down at the crying bully under his foot. Feeling the small, trapped body pressed firmly beneath his weight, he shook his head and slowly lifted his foot. Ê"Get out, Greg. Run." A single, large tear ran down Tyler's face as his pent up rage was cheated of it's release. Greg got up as quickly as he could and -limping- pushed past Drew and ran out the door. Tyler closed his eyes again, tightly, and hung his head in impotent fury. "It didn't matter, Drew," he said with a snarl. "It didn't matter how big I grew; I couldn't kill him..."ÊÊFaintly, he could hear Drew's hooves clicking on the tile floor, backing away. "Uh, Tyler. You should get out of here..." Tyler continued, uncaring. Ê"I couldn't get bigger than who I am, Drew... I failed to become a monster..." "Uh, Tyler...?" "I wanted to be a monster, Drew... ÊI wanted to have those little bugs fear me!"ÊÊAnother crash of a shelf went over, it's contents destroyed in the wake of the growing fox. Well past caring, Tyler felt the ceiling against his head as he bent over, pushing up with his shoulders. "Size does matter Drew... ÊIt always will; but it can't change who I am!"Ê He paused and growled through his teeth, "And that just, plain sucks..." Tears now streaming down his cheeks and muzzle, years of humiliation and teasing swam before his mind's eye as he heard the tiny horse turn and run out of the room. Enraged, Tyler smashed his fist upwards, shattering through stone and wood into open air! And still, Tyler grew; pressing his shoulders against the damaged ceiling, he pushed upwards, breaking out into open air - getting bigger even more rapidly. He heard fire alarms go off in the building below him as he continued to swell; past twenty-five-feet-tall ... past thirty! He opened his eyes and looked down as his chest cleared the hole in the art classrooms' roof and he expanded to the point where he could look down on the whole school. Kicking outwards with one huge paw, he shattered his legs free of the small building, little students and teachers bolting from the structure like rabbits onto the athletic field. He knew Drew was down there somewhere, and that was all that kept him from kicking at the fleeing humans. Instead, he raised his huge paw high; it's shadow casting down over the school as it shrank away from him, below waist-height. Powerfully, he drove his foot downwards, feeling plaster, stone, wood and furniture splinter, crush and shatter beneath the mighty blow! Enraged, Tyler continued to stomp around, his huge feet slamming down again and again, stomping through math classrooms, chem labs, the parking lot... Sixty feet tall... Seventy feet... Eighty... ÊNinety...! Cars, busses and bicycles were trampled as the hundred-foot fox released a decade of rage and hatred; his eyes blazing as he reduced East High School to rubble... ===== Drew looked down at Tyler, resting his hand gently on his sleeping friend's shoulder. His soft, black mane draped over his shoulders like a cloak as he sat down on a nearby box of dyes. Tyler had obviously fallen asleep back here after Ms. Lunde assigned him to clean up as punishment for the fight. Drew sighed and listened to the rush of students going to the lunch room outside. He'd skip lunch, of course; he'd sit here and wait for Tyler to wake up so they could talk and he could offer his support to the young fox yet again. He glanced at the book Tyler had been reading before he'd drifted off with a smile. He snorted slightly and smiled. Ê"Making Your Dreams Come to Life - A Guide for Magickal Exploration". Who knew Tyler was interested in such things? Shifting his weight slightly, he noticed that Tyler's mom must've over- washed his T-shirt again; it looked too tight on him... The End