Examples of sewn bodysuit and foam and fiberglass head costumes:

All of these costumes were designed and built by Larry Adams, a.k.a. Farallon Seal.


"Medicine Shield Rabbit" costume, shown by Farallon at CF7. The construction picture (follow the link below) shows the foam undersculpture for the head.


"ASPCA Mascot" (named "Fremont") costume, created by Farallon for the ASPCA. This sewn bodysuit features extensive padding to reshape the body to achieve the semi-toon look of the ASPCA logo's dog. The construction picture shows the individual components that had to be assembled to create this costume. The head of this costume is constructed on a fiberglass shell.


"Timon", Farallon's interpretation of the animated character. This costume was shown by Farallon at CF6. Again, padding was used to reshape parts of the body; this also shows that tails may be attached to sewn bodysuits with no problem.

For a view of some of the work that Farallon has put into these costumes, see the construction details page.

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Page by Adam "Nicodemus" Riggs [ariggs@uop.edu]. Costume photos on this page are from original photos provided to the public domain by Larry Adams; acceptable to circulate with credit attached. Other art and retouching by Adam Riggs. (Full disclaimer).