Copyright (C)1996 Ashtoreth (William Haas); all rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- visage They scratch at the walls of being, waiting only for the cracks to appear. When the world of human things defies us, when the tower teeters over, the fissures will appear, and our demons will return. Those who speak of demons today, who speak of the Devil, cannot comprehend the reality that this invasion will evidence; for only then will there be a vacancy in the world of real things, of true things, of solid human things... there will be a void left by the collapse of our comfortable lives, and these creatures... these creatures that prowl and pace outside the boundaries of what matters... will slip in and take up residence in the cavities, burrow in, and wait for one of us to step too close... gnash at our minds, bite into our worry, inflame it and suck out the hot juice that swells it. They will be as real as any of our mundane concerns, not cowed by horns nor tails nor devilish trappings, curled in the basements of our minds, waiting for morsels to reach inside and feel about for an answer, nipping a piece at a time. They shall be as real as anything; they shall eat your concern and excrete misshapen answers, feeding you almost-truths, a trail leading you down into their lair where they will pull you in headlong. --Ashtoreth 7/96