Here are the outlines to a bunch of stuff that I wrote in college and just recently dredged up... asterhal.ash.txt: "Aster Hall" 1988 - This was the second piece of text that resulted from a rather vivid dream I had of standing in a courtyard full of antique furniture and large gold coins while it was pouring rain in the middle of the night. beneath.ash.txt: [no title] 1988? - Another one of the inevitable bits written on a BBS at the University of Florida as part of a story board. It had nothing to do with the current story. blood.ash.txt: "Fear of Blood" 1989? - Just a poem I wrote. I wanted to creep people out. :) christ.ash.txt: "Harry 'n Cabbage's Summer Vacation" 1988? - The beginning to an incomplete Harry and Cabbage story. cut.ash.txt: [no title] 1992 - Something I wrote in anticipation of my last, disastrous relationship. :) feast.ash.txt: "The Feast" 1989 - Yet another nasty bit written during my angstful college years. jinxmov.ash.txt: "Movies starring Jinx the Farting Cat" 1988 - Just like the title says. soup.ash.txt: [no title] 1988 - The beginning of a "Superman: The Movie" parody. I never finished it, but somehow it works very well on its own. topten.ash.txt: [no title] 1988-1989 - A number of Top Ten lists which I posted on- what else -a University of Florida BBS. --Ashtoreth, 1995