Copyright (c) 1989 Ashtoreth (William Haas) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fear of blood can you stand the sight of blood? your blood? prick your finger. squeeze. a red drop grows out of a point of nothing in the flesh-colored blank that has filled your vision as you anticipated losing that one drop. outside of you it grows brighter, healthier as if you confine it, take away its life. outside of you it grows to a pulsating, eye-hurting crimson no matter how dark you had made it it clots, as if to form its own flesh as if it could do perfectly well without yours. your body steals from blood. why do we fear the sight of it? the sight of blood is the sight of a thoughtless red pool of slime inhabiting every one of our bodies, a dead thing racing through each of us endlessly chained within us, suddenly escaping its slavery. --Ashtoreth, 1989