Yerf - Sara Palmer (Caribou, Europa)

Sara Palmer (Caribou, Europa)

Info about this artist: None

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Key:  filename    date added    dimensions   

vcat.jpg    837x861    10/14/98   
This is my cat. It's not really my cat, it's a cartoon of my cat.

wolfccs.jpg    700x913    07/30/98   
Here's a wolf I colored all in photoshop (sans lens flare). Psssst! He's nekkid under his clothes.

zephcons.jpg    500x629    06/10/98   
This is Zephyr again, who is © his player. Sometimes images just come from the heart, and express more than words can ever say. For someone who has given selflessly and asks nothing back, a picture seems a small offering.

zephr.jpg    820x1062    05/01/98   
Okay.. so I met this fox on FM the other day.. and the had the gall to talk to me like a person with relavent things to say. So I drew him and stuff. It's nothing fancy, but just a little something to say thanks for brightening my sad week. Zephyr is © his player.

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