Yerf - Sara Palmer (Caribou, Europa)

Sara Palmer (Caribou, Europa)

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ambush3f.jpg    591x703    12/01/98   
My online incarnation's evil twin.

bookworm.jpg    485x600    05/27/97   
A winged unicorn filly catches up on some technical reading. :)

bop.jpg    603x812    03/21/98   
Klondike and Ghostwolf dance the bop in a commission piece done all in colored pencils. Klondike and Ghostwolf are © their players.

butter.jpg    450x598    05/26/97   
From an artist new to furdom! Buttercup, a anthropomorphic mare, gazes at you shyly.

carver50.jpg    557x750    04/09/98   
This is Carver the campuswolf from Furry. He's a good friend of mine and © his player, of course. This is my first colored wolf ever, and I have already learned a bit about wolf face anatomy thanks to the help of some friends. Colored all in Photoshop!

chrys500.jpg    500x648    05/28/98   
He lets me live in his house and eat his food. He puts up with my tantrums and silly schemes. He never laughs at me when I am sad, and always does his very best for me. For that and a hundred other reasons, I love him.

covixcs.jpg    600x805    11/23/98   
Oh yes, it's all fine and dandy to topple Rome and battle all the evil-doers, but heaven forbid you go to someplace cold. This is a salute to all those chain mail clad personages out there, who really just want a nice pair or thermal underwear.

crawdad.jpg    845x1179    03/21/98   
Two raccoon morphs enjoy their dinner in a commission piece for Paracelsus and Ladrona, two of the nicest coons I know. Paracelsus and Ladrona are © their players, of course.

cumulus.jpg    476x782    06/18/97   
Commission piece: Cumulus, pegasus 'morph and former slave, walks through the park and favors you with a soft smile.

dachup.jpg    845x854    07/22/98   
Here's ye old Chupacabra appearing in another Southwestern American folkore media, a tortilla! (Usually reserved for religious icons like the Virgin Mary). He's real man! I just opened the pack of torillas and there he was! It's a sign from heaven!! Oh yeah, and this is for Coyote_Nate ---> Did widdle Chupy-cabra ish © by whos owns awl Chuppies eveywere! He ish so cute, no? (Oh yeah, and don't miss his super-secret poodle tail camoflage so he blends in)

drac50.jpg    710x1000    03/23/98   
Here's one of my Photoshop experiments. This was done last week and I learned quite a bit about coloring by computer. Let me know if you like it... especially if the metallic hide looks plausible to you. Thanks!

dyne.jpg    600x942    10/16/98   
This is Dyne, the ever so prickly porcupine from FT. This might be a lil too racey for Yerf, but I figured I'd give it a shot. It's not meant to be pin-upy, it's just rather hard to put clothes on something with quills. ;) In any case, Dyne is © by her creator.

famy.jpg    581x750    03/27/98   
This is a commission picture for John Sleeper. The characters are all © to him. What is happening is that this is a family portrait gone sour, with the non-morphic fawn deciding that he's had quite enough of this posing stuff. In any case, quite the learning experience for me!

gdrg.jpg    525x720    05/24/98   
Here it is. It's a dragon, it's green. It's saying hi. Say hi back. In any case, this is a possible desgin for a t-shirt that will be availible from me by either contacting me or by seeing me at AAC. I'm only making a few to see how they go over. If you want one, talk to me. Thanks!

hllvixc.jpg    600x782    11/01/98   
A happy little holloween vixen holds on her hat. Note, no lens flare or photoshop. Halloween's my bday so it's kinda the coolest day there is, IMHO. And the general consensus of those I asked favored a vixen for the image. Yeee haw!

hng.jpg    600x771    11/11/98   
I once took a brushpainting class, and for some reason was remebering the Eastern philsophy of design I was taught in class, with a Host element, and a guest element. So I did a little practice and tried multiple repeats along this same idea.

inca.jpg    391x750    04/01/98   
Here is Inca the collegiate raccoon from FurryMuck. ( Of course she is © by her player) I did this in Photoshop as if you couldn't guess, with the oh so predictable Photoshop airbrushed background. I hand drew the ink for this and basically sandwiched a color layer in between the background and a top ink coat. May not be the best way to do thing but it works for me.:)

kage.jpg    465x722    03/21/98   
Kage is a reverse raccoon character belonging to a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in a while. Kage is © his player.

kinshasa.jpg    833x1187    07/12/98   
This character is Kinshasa, an african Chimera who is © her player. Big thanks to Larva and Lynx of Furrymuck for helping me out with a background idea. I think she is a study in contrasts, the thompson's gazelle head, the chetta and the cobra, but also having these sleek fast creatures in a rather zaftig form. This is all hand done in markers and colored pencils.

kircs.jpg    359x500    12/16/98   
The colored version of Kage the kirin.

kirsm.jpg    750x1047    07/25/98   
A kirin dude doing magical things. Big thanks to the ever helpful gathering of folks in the Weaseloak Treehouse on FM, where I am prone to hang. Kirin dude is © me but inspired greatly by a freind of mine's oh so very nice kirin dude. ;) You know who you are! And yeah.. I am gonna color this one.

lemurl.jpg    600x820    10/21/98   
This is my first ever lemur done in a trade with a very talented person named Ezuli, who digs lemurs a whole lot. She got the version without the lens flare, of course. Note the cheesy photoshop'd background. And hey Nate, this lensflare's for you. *wink*

margcs.jpg    496x675    12/08/98   
This is a commission for someone who wished to remain annonymous. It had to have a female margay who was not nekkid and tell a story. I did her spots a little small, which I went back in and fixed later. I was trying to practice my composition here, with the dark values in frnt becoming the negative space and the details on the tree counteracting the bright of the parrots. It's marker on bristol with colored pancil over top.

maxime2.jpg    700x975    08/11/98   
This is Maxime' Renard, a character © to Jon Compton. It's a inked image that has been totally colored in Photoshop.

mc2.jpg    800x1141    06/20/98   
Mason and Cypher take a lovely stroll through the sewers on a Sunday afternoon. The rats are singing, the alligators are frollicing! Seriously, an attempt to do something nice for a change. I see lots and lots and lots of mistakes now, but it was a practice piece, so I guess I'll just try harder next time.:) Mason and Cypher are © Ian Hutzel and I guess me too, but more him.:)

mom50.jpg    701x1000    05/07/98   
Okay.. so my Mom and I may not see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I know she tried to do her best for me. On day I realized that my parents were human beings, and made stupid mistakes just like I did. I tried hard to be a good kid and screwed up a lot too. So for all of you out there who have Moms in an era where folks can decide to have kids or not, take a moment and say thanks to another human being doing their best. The full sized image of this is availible on my site for printout so you can give it to your Mom if ya like.

nate.jpg    580x789    07/15/98   
here's a sketch of Coyote_Nate; the ever sarcastic hipster 'yote and smart guy. He drew in my sketchbook so I decided to draw him as I saw him last, carrying around this hug black bag as was his M.O. at AAC. His expression can best be described as about ready to hurl at all the cutsey saccharine sweet descriptions he sees nowadays when looking at the recent uploads. At least.. that's wht I think. ;) Oh yeah, and there's my very poor version of Hello Slacker, too ;) This shows my supermessy sketch style.

necking.jpg    584x1072    06/10/97   
Chrys and Europa, mated shapechangers, enjoying their newest forms, two breeds of giraffes. Necking for them will never be the same! (temporary website:

neckng-c.jpg    584x1043    06/10/97   
Colored version of necking.jpg, which really brings out the differences between the breeds.

nemet.jpg    635x796    06/17/97   
A color commission piece, Nemet and his wife Irena on their wedding day. Characters copyright their respective players.

niveau.jpg    635x820    07/11/97   
Niveau de Bark, a commission piece. Niveau de Bark is © her player. :)

nmason.jpg    612x834    03/21/98   
This was supposed to be a picture of mason the jackal, but it's..not..:)

packinc.jpg    779x980    05/24/98   
Two uploads on one day from me. Woah.. what is the world coming to!?! In any case, this is Celadon the rat ( who is © her player) packing some heat. Colored in Photoshop. Ahh.. the magic of layers. This is a style test for a possible comic thingy I have coming up. We shall see.

panba.jpg    809x1000    04/29/98   
Someone suggested an idea to me that got me thinking. I am very fond of red pandas and of egyptian themed subjects, so why not combine the two in sorta a 'rebirth' figure? Okay.. well maybe a bit too cerebral, but I dig it. :) She looks hungry.. so give her a bamboo shoot or some papyrus or something. :)

petal1.jpg    398x600    05/27/97   
Petal, a shapechanger, in her red panda guise.

petal2s.jpg    600x876    12/10/98   
Petal is the reason my domain is She is the reason that there will never be enough red pandas in my life. My oldest red panda character, and one I have dearly enjoy playing. She is sloppily inked and © me.

rbm.jpg    523x750    04/21/98   
One of the more recent commissions of mine featuring a morphic wolf. This is a really cool technique (IMHO) using a inked picture with some black colored pencil overlay, and of course red too :P It's nice for setting up a dramatic atmosphere. Anyways, Raven Blackmane© Raven Blackmane, whomever they are. :)

shadbou.gif    774x1000    04/24/98   
This is a commission of my personal furry done up as a Shadowrunner (Shadowrun is © by the people who make Shadowrun :)) I kinda like her sneer. And yes, "Live Free or Die" is our State motto. I always say it "Life free and die" because, hey.. no matter how free you are, everyone meets their maker. But freedom is a real cool thing we take for granted. In any case.. here's my pict.

skrx.jpg    600x810    10/14/98   
A commission. Whoo hoo! This tiger is © by his person.

snowpws.jpg    900x1280    06/17/98   
This is a commission of Amandajean Snowpaws, who is of course © her player. I took some color risks in this one and think it came out kinda cool. This is my first color snowleopard, done in good ole markers and a bit of pencil.

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