WOLFTAUR.2 Walenka/Aliandra During mid spring, a traveler is exploring the forests and feels a strong energy. He tracks it to a wooded hill with many lemmings all around. He sits down and relaxes, allowing his thoughts to flow outward until he senses a mind looking at him. He opens his eyes and looks at a lemming wearing many things that identify him as a shamen. Kreshan nods with a slight smile. "I am Kreshan. I was wondering through the forests and detected a strong energy. I followed it here." He looks toward the hill and waits. The lemming seems to think, he decides to tell all will be safest. He can't tell what this traveller already knows so telling all will be safest then answers. "You know that my tribe has made a home within this hill." As Kreshan listens, he tells of rescuing Aliandra and all that happened last winter. Kreshan's eyes grow wide as he learns of her ability to eat tremendous amounts of food. "If one like myself can find her without trying, it is only a matter of time before a high wizard descovers her." Tragen nods slowly and looks as the sun touches the western hill. "If you like, we can go inside and talk with her." As Kreshan nods, he leads them into the hill. Kreshan is surprised how this large opening could be concealed. He only has to duck down and walks slowly inside. As his eyes adapt to the dim, but sufficient light, he is amazed how large the cavern is. He looks around but doesn't see Aliandra until he sees her head move on what he thought was piles of something covered with fur. Tragen runs over to her and tells her while Kreshan slowly approaches. He's never been one to draw energy from any one because he never wanted to feel he owed anyone. But as he approaches, it's impossible for him not to have the power she eminates, flow into him. He finally stands beside her, almost intoxicated with the energies. "So you could feel my energies?" Aliandra almost laughs. "I know I've spread out a lot since last year." Kreshan nods and shakes his head to clear his senses. "I've been trained in magic but always felt that roaming the lands was my way." He cautiously reaches out and she moves toward him so his hand is pushed into her warm, soft fur and fat. "I never knew any one could contain as much energy as yourself." Aliandra giggles and her flesh jiggles heavily. "I never knew any one of my kind could eat as much as I have." She smiles sweetly as Tragen clambers up onto her wide body and sinks into her plushiness. "And I'm comfortable with all this flesh too." Tragen has been listening and watching. "There's something bothering you Kreshan?" Kreshan barely keeps his smile. "I'm amazed how much energy she's creating and thinking of what I can do with it." He pauses before continuing. "But there are those who would think of how to use it against others, and plan on taking her away." Aliandra looks in shock. "But these are my friends! There must be something we can do." She shivers slightly. "Maybe I can lose weight." Tragen hugs her reassuringly as Kreshan thinks. "There may be a way," he offers and continues when they both look at him. "I can use your energies in the surounding land. Make the plants grow and produce more furit and grain. I'm not sure but this may increase your appetite." He smiles and nudges her obese side, this time exploring how fat she is. Aliandra tries to look at Tragen, and can barely turn her head enough to see him. "You're more experienced in this," she whispers. Tragen snuggles into her warm fur and thinks. "If your appetite increases... I have no idea how much you might gain." He nuzzles into her rolling fat. "But what he's saying of some one trying to take you does concern me." Aliandra looks at Kreshan. "Can you tell me more of your plan?" She levitates her bowl of juice and takes a long drink. Kreshan tries not to smile too much as he tells his ideas of making the plants produce more foods. He then tells of reaching into the bedrock and forming a fortress where their cave now is. Once finished, no one would be able to break through. While he was talking, many of the elders and others have come close enough to listen. He waits while they discuss his ideas and answers their questions. Jalagen looks at the wizard. "Would you mind waiting outside while we talk?" Kreshan nods and stands. "If you chose not to accept my ideas, I will understand." He goes outside and lies down to sleep. For many hours the lemmings and Aliandra talk. Once she has convinced them that she's so huge already that even doubling her size doesn't bother her, they talk about Kreshan's ideas and what may be behind them. Tragen gives his opinions before the elders vote. "I completely agree that other wizards will find her if we do nothing. His desire to help plants as a way to use her energy is a good idea and I doubt I could do as much as him. The idea of a fortress...." He pauses. "It's a good idea, but will it be to keep others out, or us in?" I can't be sure which is his plan." He relaxes into Aliandra's soft massiveness. The others look around as they think. Jalagen finally speaks. "Protection of Aliandra is important. With the fortress we could be safe or trapped. But I feel if he did wish to trap us, he wouldn't have mentioned that part of his plan." As the others nod in agreement, he goes to talk with Kreshan. Kreshan thanks him. "I now have a place and reason to use my knowledge. The plants will produce much more food and this will be more than enough as Aliandra grows. Once the plants are going, I will begin working on the fortress. Even if we have a winter like the last, we will be comfortable." He follows Jalagen into the cavern and talks with every one about what he'd like for a place to sleep. Many of those who take care of the plants talk about what they have been doing. By evening, he's prepared to begin his work. With his encouragement, Aliandra eats almost twice what she has been for supper. She smiles in bliss as he prepares to work with her growing energies. Sitting down, he leans back into her deep plushy fat until he's partly engulfed. He closes his eyes, extends his hands and begins to channel her energies out into the fruit trees. She closes her eyes as she feels what he is doing and imagines the fruits growing heavy in half the time. She imagines the trees producing fruit twice a season. As he feels her sensing the trees, his places a hand on the floor of the cave and sense the lay of bedrock and the surrounding soils. Once he's learned this, he begins molding the bedrock so that a burried foundation slowly grows. He stops as he feels her energies start to faulter. "How do you feel?" He asks as he gets out of her fur and flesh embrace and stands. Aliandra opens her eyes and smiles. "I know I ate a lot for supper...... but I'm starved." Kreshan smiles as several of the women come with baskets loaded with rich honied breads, cakes and other rich foods. "I suspected this so I warned them." Aliandra smiles and whistles. Within seconds, many of the children are rushing through the cavern, grabbing the baskets or bringing one with them. She opens her mouth and they quickly begin playing with how much and how fast they can feed her. Kreshan finds a place to sit and watches in fascination as they stuff her. 'If she eats like this each time', he thinks to himself and he grins happily. 'I'll have my fortress done by winter. And this winter will make the last one look like fall. The children keep feeding her until her stomach begins to stretch. As soon as she asks, they put the food down and cuddle into her living mattress. As the fires are dimmed, every one goes to sleep, except for Kreshan as he thinks of what he can do to take over more of this land. He remembers a village many miles away and decides it may need his help this winter. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Drojha and the village leaders have a meeting in the tavern as the planting is being started. Zoran begins the meeting. "With the supplies we used last winter, and the chance of this next one being hard. We need to plant and harvest as much as we can." He looks at Drojha. Drojha stands. "I can't predict this far in advance. But we may be approaching several years of hard winters." He looks at Halrood, who nods for him to continue. "What we're looking at is building walkways between buildings like we have between here and my home. The wall of these will not be put up until it gets cold. Also we may need to move several of the outlying houses closer, or be ready to leave them empty during the winter." After a short discussion, it's agreed to go with their ideas. Halrood goes to make plans with his carpenters while Drojha will check with the farmers. Late that evening, the two of them meet with Zoran and Walenka. Halrood colapses on a bench. "We have a lot of work to do, just getting everything repaired would be a full year's work. But every one is going to pitch in once the planting is finished." Drojha nods and takes a long drink of mead. "There's something that's bothering me." He looks at Walenka, "Did you do that second contest to prove you could beat them, or to see how much you could hold?" Walenka grins and strokes her obese bosom. "Well since I'm producing a lot of milk..." She grins as her nipples swell slightly. "Course I do love feeling my belly swell out and out." She laughs and her fat billows seductively. "Might even want to try another one sometime." Every one looks at her in shock, except Zoran. "You're going to have trouble getting any one wanting to challenge you." He smiles as thoughts flash through his mind. "But maybe if you set it up where people could bet how much you can hold." He looks at her obesely swollen abdomen as if measuring a unknown keg. Walenka grins and licks her lips. "Might be something for midsummer when every one needs something to get them going again." As she talks with Zoran about this, Halrood excuses himself and leaves for his home. I fondle her huge body and don't even try to imagine how much she'll be able to hold. When they finally work out the details, Zoran leaves and I curl into her wonderusly plushy back and the two of us are soon asleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------ For a month, Kreshan works on making fruits grow faster and many of the planted grains are already being harvested. Every evening he has used her energies on the plants, then worked on the foundation of his fortress. Parts of it are pushing through the ground along the edge of the hill. Tragen is massaging her after another meal that seems to be larger than the previous one. "I know we expected her to grow more. But at this rate she'll be more than twice her spring weight by fall." Kreshan is partly linked with the work he's doing and takes a few seconds to answer. "Once we have this done. All of you will have a safe place to live." He pats her huge breast and watches it jiggle. "With out it. she'd have to eat every group that attacked. In a few years she might fill out most of this chamber. Aliandra has been relaxing in bliss and only makes a few contented sounds. Tragen sighs as he's obviously losing the arguement. "So how big are you planing on making this place of ours? Once it's evident, we might get attacked any ways." Kreshan sits against her massiveness. He lets her energies created by digesting her feast, slowly recharge him. "If you put lookouts on the surrounding hills. That would give me enough time to create a magical defense." Tragen nods, but there's true concern in his thoughts. "I'll check out where there are some good spots." He carefully rolls off her and goes to see one of the elders he can trust. Kreshan wiggles deeper into Aliandra's extremely soft obesity. "The fatter and fatter you get, the more energy you have for me." He listens to her digestive system struggling with the load in her well stuffed stomach. "By fall I'll have my fortress finished, then we'll be ready for a winter nastier than any one can remember." He closes his eyes and sleeps. Tragen finds Godren and takes him outside. While they check out some lookout sites by the moonlight, he tell what is worrying him. "Aliandra is so contented when she's full that she isn't realizing how fast she's growing." Godren nods. "You may be right. But what is there we can do? If he is building this place for himself, and protecting us at the same time, is that so bad?" Tragen stares at the hill. "I think he'd have her eat until every one would sink into her broad back and not be able to touch each other. I'm afraid he doesn't care for her except how much energy she can produce." Godren looks around and thinks. "Well let's hope that doesn't happen. But I have a couple of friends that I could go visit and see if they know anything about him." Tragen agrees and they both return to the cavern. Godren gets his traveling gear and takes off. Tragen clambers onto Aliandra and gently probes her humongously fat body. Once he's satisfied she's in no danger, he allows her gurgling digestive system to lul him to sleep. ----------------------------------------------------------------- As the end of summer approaches, Walenka has put on some weight. Even though she's being milked daily and the fat is evenly spread out all over her, she still shows it. Zoran, Drojha and several others are talking about the end of summer celebration. Every one has been working hard and has well earned it. The discussion of foot races and woodman contests makes Walenka's eyes light up. "Zoran?" She asks and blinks her long lashes. "How bout we have my contest that night?" Zoran doesn't remember for a moment, then looks at her with some concern. "You were able to hold four kegs this spring." He looks her over closely. "I suspect you're planning on a bit more." Walenka gives a long healthy burp and moves so her fat swollen body rolls and billows. "I think I'll keep that my secret. So when can I do it?" Zoran looks at Drojha, who grins helplessly and nods. "The last day of the festival sounds good to me. If you begin at nightfall, there'll be more awake to bet as you get close to 24 hours." The others leave as the three of them talk over the plans and how to set up the betting. Finally it's decided they can bet what time she will empty each keg, and the major bet of how much she can hold. Only the major bet and finish time of the first keg must be made before she starts. Each succeeding keg bet will be made before she begins it. Walenka moves happily and licks her plump lips. "How bout one to help me sleep?" Zoran laughs and fills her gallon sized mug. "I want you to really be thirsty that day." He smiles as she levitates it over her ponderous bosom and drinks it down in a few large gulps. "I better make sure to get a new delievery the day of the contest." He laughs as she puts her mug down and yawns. "The festival begins in two days. On the fifth is my contest." She smiles and yawns again. "I better get to sleep so I'm ready." She relaxes and closes her eyes. Drojha smiles and levitates himself onto her wondrously wide, soft back and sinks in. "See you in the morning." Zoran smiles as he goes back to his tavern. He checks his supplies and makes notes to special order kegs of mead for her. He prepares for bed and is quickly asleep. The next two days go quickly with preparations and the following ones are full of contests, celebrating, and a huge assortment of foods and drink. There are many that offer Walenka food and drinks in thanks for her help last winter and the milk she produces. She eats and drinks all they offer eagerly. During the festival, she sleeps later each day and by the final one, she wakes in late afternoon. She levitates herself outside where Drojha is waiting. "So you ready to help me?" She asks with a laugh that makes her excess flesh jiggle seductively. He smiles and half dives into her spongy softness. He pats and pokes her obese belly. "So how much do you plan to hold this time?" All she does is move so her billowing flesh and fur surges around him. "I'll let you know tomorrow at sunset." Drojha somehow manages to get out of her obese softness and goes to bring tables and benches out of the tavern. Walenka levitates each as he gets it out the door. Zoran and his help begin bringing kegs out for the travern people and sets one on a special rack with a hose connected to it. Walenka moves herself to a place thickly covered with hay and greets every one as they come into the area. Drojha sets up a small table to be used for bets. There's much arguing over how many kegs she can drink before he sets the odds. Most bet on five to six, several bet on seven and one takes the longest odds of eight kegs by tomorrow's sunset. The finish time for the first keg is from 2 1/2 to 4 hours As the first keg is moved onto the stand prepared for her, one of the betters raises his mug with a question. "Is she going to be milked during the contest?" Walenka's eyes open wide and her bountious bosom surges. "If you think that's unfair. I'll see if I can last." She tries to adjust her blouse, but there's not much she can do to make it less tight. Zoran looks at the sun. "Ok every one. Sunset will be at 9 o'clock." He writes the time down on the chart. "I'll check the keg's level every hour." He connects a tube to the tap and hands it to Walenka. *keg 1* Walenka smiles and sucks it into her mouth. She waits patiently as the time approaches. Almost every one has a full mug of various brews, and as Zoran opens the tap on her 36 gallon keg, they try to drain their's without stopping as she sucks the rich drink into her waiting stomach. There are a couple of storytellers and minstrels who are planning to take turns keeping Wanenka and others amused. She seems to be sucking the high calorie drink in surprisingly fast and her belly gurgles as the gallons of mead pour into her. One of the minstrels tells of the siege of a citadel several years before. As he tells of those within running low on supplies and collecting rainwater. The ones who crawled out a small tunnel to bring in more as their supplies were almost gone.... Walneka's eyes are closed as she imagines this and sucks more powerfully, as if she's feeling what they must have. As 10 o'clock arrives, Zoran measures the keg and steps back in surprise. "16 gallons in her already." He looks her over as she smiles and takes a long drink. Drojha masagges her swelling abdomen and senses how she is. He knows she is barely even started and wonders how much she's planning to drink. His hands move up over the large roll of fat where her foreleg disappears. As he feels the lower curve of her mammoth mammary, he whispers to her. "Are you going to have any problem not being milked?" He strokes her blouse and feels how snug the blouse has become. She smiles and moves slightly. One of the seams near him starts to give. She takes a long powerful drink and the seam begins to give. Suddenly it gives and rips back to where it ends just before her arm and forward to the reinforced section that holds her fat areole and nipples. Her soft breast flesh surges out of the tear like rising bread dough. Drojha tries to keep from laughing or getting aroused and struggles to help remove the remains of her exploded clothing. The minstral stops his tale and stares in shock and admiration at how humongous her bosom is. Because of her negate gravity spells, they flow as if floating and are obviously growing as she continues to suck the mead into her waiting belly. He steps back and joins Jendli. "Think you can make something for her after this?" She laughs quietly. "She's not done with her first keg, and neither of us know how many the elastic belly of her's is going to be stretched with by tomorrow's sunset." She sips some juice and watches Walenka slurp down mead in long swallows that are close to a quart each. Zoran measures the keg at 11pm and is not too surprised she's managed to keep up with her first hour's consumption. "32 gallons total." He looks at the chart. "Looks like she might win the bet on keg number one." Most had already admitted losing and even the one who bet for 2 1/2 hours raises his mug in praise of her. She nods and her plump muzzle nuzzles one of her growing, mammoth mammaries. Taking long powerful gulps. She manages to finish the keg by 11:15. Zoran has her next keg ready and replaces the empty one while she snacks on an entire heavy loaf of honeybread. As she eats some cheeses and meats, the bets on the next keg are taken. No one believes she can keep drinking at this rate because her stomach is visibly swelling out her fat bloated belly. The 2 1/2 hour bet is still the fastest, but the slowest time is 3 hours and 15 minutes. *keg 2* As Walenka begins gulping the contents of her next keg, one of the storytellers regales everyone about several trappers getting lost in a blizzard and how they survived. Zoran measures the keg at midnight and adds that to the contents of the first one. "Fourty four gallons and still going strong." He smiles broadly as she takes several long, powerful gulps that must be a quart each or more. Drojha goes over to her and massages her hundreds of pounds of fat and feels how much her stomach is carrying. "You're digesting it pretty well." He whispers to her as he stands. Looking at how her bloated breasts are expanding he knows she might be able to slow her milk production, but her blood system is designed to carry lots of nutrients there. "Jendli's going to have trouble finding enough material for you." He laughs as she moves her hugely obese arm and tries to push him deep into her fat. He smiles and nuzzles deep into her warmth and takes a short rest. As Zoran measure her keg at one, she takes a break and gulps down several pounds of cheeses and another loaf of honied bread. "Fifty nine gallons total," he calls out as he writes it on the chart. He pours a mug for one of the minstrels and music soon fills the night air. Several of the women force their husbands up and try to get them to dance, but they are actually just keeping them from falling to the ground. She gulps down the delicious mead smoothly as if this is still her first keg. Her hugely obese body and heavy bosom surges and rolls as she move in time with the music. Ten minutes before two am she finishes the keg. The winner cheers and wakes some that are partly passed out. Drojha moves within her warm fleshy embrace. He gets up and helps feed her while the keg is replaced. *keg 3* Some had made their bets ahead of time and the times are just about the same as last. Very few believe she can keep this rate up as her stomach is obviously swelling within her humongously fat abdomen. The seams of her blouse have been giving up bit by bit. Drojha gently removes the destroyed material and her fur covered fat billow and jiggle wonderously. She gulps on the tube ravenously so some of this keg is in her by the top of the hour. Zoran guesses it to be two gallons for a 74 gallon total and goes back to serving some customers that had gotten sleep earlier so some one is always awake. Only one of the entertainers are awake and roams the area telling of legendary battles. Drojha massages her rapidly bloating belly, feeling and hearing the gallons of mead sloshing within as her digestive system struggles to digest it as fast as she can. He can almost feel her forming new fat and can easily see how much her monstrously fattened bosom has already grown. "With you not producing milk," he whispers. She giggles and whispers between gulps. "By tomorrow night, I'll look like there's a keg or two in each." She sucks the mead passionately as she feels him snuggle deep into her loving warmth. The storyteller is speaking quietly beside her as most others are barely awake and those that are are at the nearest table. At three am Zoran measures the keg and smiles. "Seventeen gallons from here. 89 total gallons." He smiles and gives her a friendly hug. "Looks like you might get 7 and maybe 8 kegs in you by tomorrow's sundown." He steps back and motions to one of his help. "Harslon's taking over while I get some rest." He waves to those awake and goes into the tavern. Harslon agrees to take some more bets on total kegs she can hold. All those who had bet on 5 or 6 make another bet on either 7 or 8 kegs. Walenka takes a break and quickly eats two loaves of honied bread, several pounds of chese and more than that of fat baked ham. Then she slurps in the tube and gulps ravenously as the food makes her thirsty again. At four am, one of the minstrals is singing a couple of sea chants while her keg is measured. Harslon barely keeps a straight face as he marks the gallons consumed to 99. Walenka looks at the numbers and keeps gulping the rich, flesh producing fluids in and mmmrrrss happily as she feels Drojha nuzzling into her fat foretorso. She can feel her fat flowing over her forelegs and knows there's less of her legs outside of her overly obese body. She moves her legs some and wonder's if even her paws will show by tomorrow night. *keg 4* At Four thirty, Harslon is replacing the empty keg with her fourth. While he pays off the winners, every one awake is making bets on the next keg. Walenka burps loudly and looks at the platters of food. She begins levitating slabs of beef and sugared rolls to help her thirst. Smacking her fat lips and swallowing one more roll, she slurps the tube in and resumes sucking the heavy drink into her expanding stomach. Drojha smiles and massages her thick fat, surprised how huge her stomach feels within. He hears the mead splashing in after each mighty gulp. He knows she's not in any danger and actually enjoying all she's drinking. At five am, the first signs of dawn can barely be seen high in the sky. Harslon measures the keg and marks the chart. "113 gallons so far. Eleven gallons in the last hour." He smiles as she pats her arms against her bountious breasts and huge foretorso. "Of course she did have a meal while I was changing kegs." The few who are awake laugh at this and raise a cheer for all she's drinking. She smiles and takes a few gulps that are much longer. Her throat bulges and her ponderous bosom billows heavily as she does. She drinks somewhat steadily as the sun finally comes over the eastern hills. Harslon measures the keg at 6 am and nods with a smile. "14 gallons this hour. 127 in nine hours." He looks at the chart and works out when she might finish this keg. "Sometime after seven I'd say." Walenka sips thoughtfully and finally nods. Now that the sun's up, people start arriving for breakfast and one of the minstrals sings tales of survival after a shipwreck. Walenka often pauses gulping mead when some one offers her breakfast foods. Those who bet for her to finish fast argue but only jokingly. By seven o'clock, Zoran is helping feed the customers and measures the keg. "Ten gallons in the last hour." He looks at her and his eyes open a bit more as he sees how much wider and rounder her huge abdomen is. "137 gallons in ten hours. I think you just might get eight kegs in you, if you can stretch enough." He gives one of his superwide grins and she gulps strongly as if to prove him right. Walenka keeps sucking it in and her fat billows as her incredibly stretching stomach holds more and more mead. A few minutes before the half hour, she drains her fourth keg and burps very loudly. While a new keg is put on the rack, she snacks on a couple of loves of honey bread. The bets on her fifth keg are made and she resumes stretching her abdomen like it's some sort of bottomless resevoir. *keg 5* Drojha hugs her huge abdomen and feels how swollen she already is. Her over filled stomach has pushed her up and her upper legs are completely engulfed in her increasing obesity. He massages her deeply, using some of his power to make sure she's not in danger. He levitates himself up, sinks into her fluffy warmth and drifts to sleep. Walenka takes long gulps while Drojha fondles her swelling body. As she feels him drift to sleep, she smiles and feels her nutrient ladened blood coursing through her heavy growing breasts. She concentrates so she doesn't start producing milk, and can feel them fattening out. 'Mmmmm", she thinks to herself as she feels Drojha move and nuzzle deeper into her softness. 'If they grow like this the rest of the day, he'll be able to snuggle between them until he's completely surrounded by my warm fur and flesh.' Feeling the bliss of Drojha on her, she takes long, powerful gulps and feels her stomach swelling and her huge abdomen billowing out in every direction. At eight she's drank 9 gallons in the last hour. Zoran smiles and lovingly strokes her massive foretorso as her ponderous bosom surges and covers more of it. "With all she ate while I changed kegs..." He laughs as she tries to take larger gulps. "I think she really plans on 8 kegs by 9 tonight." She rubs her flab swollen arms against her enormous body and her fat billows and quivers as she keeps sucking the rich mead down. She closes her eyes and concentrates on drinking, feeling her stomach stretch and her breasts grow rounder and heavier. She drifts in bliss as Drojha seems to sink deeper into her growing mass of fur and flesh. Zoran measures the keg at nine and looks at it in shock. "Sixteen gallons in the last hour." He looks her over, watching her mammoth abdomen surging as she drinks and how enormous her bosom is becoming. With the negate gravity spell on her, they are growing out much rounder and larger than if they rested on her hugely bloated foretorso. One of the betters laughs. "She must have heard you about holding eight kegs and wants to make sure she has time." He's almost asleep and been drinking most of the night. "Better make sure you have enough food too." He smiles at Walenka, then his eyes cross and he slowly slides under the table. Many have come in and are enjoying one of the minstrels while Walenka continues to suck rich fattening mead into her stretching and stretching digestive system. At ten o'clock, Zoran tries to measure the keg and then looks in to it. "I can't believe she's almost finished this one." Every one looks and watches as she takes long powerful gulps and drains the keg in a few minutes. Those who bet look as Zoran checks the time and marks it down. "Looks like she wins it all this time." As he takes the empty keg down, the bets are made from 2:40 to 3 hours for the next keg. *keg 6 Walenka looks at the platters of food and levitates lots of dry food to her mouth. She eats several loaves of honey bread and at least ten pounds of honeied ham while the next keg is set up. She levitates a thick slab that must weigh over two pounds and slurps it down. Her throat billows and her heavy, growing breasts surge outward. "With all the delicious food you keep waiting for me." She levitates the hose to her mouth. "I think there's going to be a lot of losers." She slurps the hose in and it begings to pulse as she sucks and sucks and sucks. Drojha wakes and plays as if trying to swim on her. She laughs and her enormous body surges heavily everywhere. She gives a long, powerful burp. "I'm aiming for eight kegs," she whispers to him. "You stay on me all day and I just might do it." Drojha smiles and spreads his arms and legs out in an effort to hug as much of her as he can. He whispers back, "I don't know if I should be afraid or excited." He snuggles into her loving warmth and listens to her huge, powerful digestive system as she gulps down gallon after gallon of mead. Walenka moves her fat engulfed legs and makes her fur covered obesity billow like the ocean in a violent storm. She keeps drinking and tries to heft her mammoth mammeries, but her plump hands sink into her soft flesh and they jiggle all over. As eleven o'clock arrives, Zoran measures the kegs and smiles to her. "You aren't planning something I should know of?" He whispers. She releases the tube and eats two large loaves to keep her thirst going. "Well what do you think?" She giggles quietly and then sucks more mead into her elastic belly. Zoran tries to keep a straight face as he marks 200 gallons at the eleven o'clock time. "Fourteen gallons in the last hour," He announces as many stare at the chart in shock. "She's already won the money from those who bet only 5 kegs and will be collecting from the six kegs bets sometime around noon." He calls for a minstrel to play some upbeat tunes and takes care of those wanting drinks and food as Walenka continues to drink steadily. Many of those who come into the area are ready for lunch. While they eat, they discuss the festival, talk of the oncoming harvest and encourage Walenka to keep drinking and eating. Every one remembers the last winter and how much she helped heal those injured in the blizzards. At noon, Zoran pauses in filling orders for food and drink to measure her fifth keg. He smiles and tries to poke her foretorso lightly, but she's so soft his hand sinks in easily. "Twelve gallons in the last hour." He marks the chart and smiles at every one. "Any one want to make new bets for total kegs?" After making bets on her seventh keg, going from 2:20 to 2:40, several of those who have lost, or will shortly, talk quietly. A few make bets for 8 kegs, but the odds have droped to even money on that. One of them jokes about nine kegs, but then concentrates on the alcholic brew he's been drinking and no one gives him an answer. *keg 7 Fifteen minutes later, Walenka sucks her sixth keg dry and hungrily attacks the platters of meats, cheeses and breads. Zoran replaces the keg with her seventh one but she keeps eating until almost fifty pounds are soaking up the gallons of mead in her belly "I hope no one expect me to keep up that rate." She laughs and her enormously obese body jiggles every where. The men's eyes are locked onto her ponderously plump bosom as her soft flesh billows as they seem to grow as they watch. She looks at the chart. "Maybe we should give odds for nine kegs. But set a time when we don't take any more bets for total kegs in my tummy." She grins before taking the tube into her mouth and sucking large mouthfuls of mead into her ever expanding belly. Zoran watches her for several minutes, as does the betters. Turning to the chart, he marks the odds for nine kegs at two to one. Almost all of them take him up on this, some for more money than he thought they brought. After he marks the bets and secures the money, He moves beside Walenka and whisper to her so no one will notice. "I'm afraid that these bets will almost break any profit you might have made." She slurps the rich mead as if she's only a few hours into the contest. She whispers between gulps, "If you can keep good food ready so I'll have something to eat between kegs. I'll see what I can do." She grins and gulps another gallon in before continuing. "Why don't we stop taking bets on total kegs at three?" As Zoran slightly nods, she smiles, closes her eyes and imagines how wonderously huge she'll be once she's digested all this. By one o'clock, Zoran measures her keg and arches his eyebrows in surprise. "Even with all she ate while I changed kegs, She's already drank eight gallons from this one." He watches her drink constantly. "At three o'clock, I'll take no more bets for her total." A few argue, but not too much. Several make or increase their bets for nine kegs until he's visibly concerned. Drojha finally climbs off Walenka and talks quietly with her and Zoran. "So will we break even if she doesn't drink nine kegs?" Zoran gives an almost unseen shake of his head. "If she manages nine kegs, we will barely break even. Considering I'm charging the kegs at my cost to her." Drojha affectionately strokes Walenka's wonderously bloated foretorso and the side of one of her breasts that's already much larger than a keg and is constantly filling out as she sucks rich fattening mead into her growing belly. At two o'clock, Zoran measures the keg. He's impressed, but can't conceal how worried he is about losing a lot of money on this. "14 gallons in the last hour." He moves slowly and marks the chart as several who have come in put their bets on her holding nine kegs. When told that the final bets for total kegs must be made by three, several run home, or to tell their friends. By three o'clock, Zoran is more than obviously worried that this contest was a big mistake for him to cover all bets. He measures the keg and shivers. "Twelve gallon in the last hour." He marks the chart and shivers as he sees she's obviously pushing herself and might not even finish eight kegs. Walenka tries to move closer to Zoran but can't. He steps beside her and leans into her soft foretorso as she manages to get a fat encumbered arm around his head. She whispers between swallows. "I had a reason to have all bets stop at three." She starts taking stronger gulps and larger swallows and quickly finishes her seventh keg. *keg 8 Every one has bets on nine or eight kegs and feel confident on taking home a good pile of winnings. Drojha helps Zoran and his help keep every one with food or drink, hoping to help balance the apparent loss with sales. At four o'clock, Zoran measures the keg, then has Drojha measure it when he can't believe what he sees. Drojha agrees and then massages Walenka incredibly elastic and powerful digestive system. "Seventeen gallons this hour," Zoran announces as if he can't believe it himself. Every one freezes for a moment in shock. Quickly estimates are made and whispering of her losing time when the kegs are changed. Most ease back and smile in confidence, but a few are worried like Zoran was an hour ago. Walenka seems to be in a trance as she gulps and gulps. She moves her fattened legs as they are more and more engulfed in her increasing fat and her fur covered obesity jiggles and rolls. This seems to excite her and she keeps drinking. Some argue about Drojha massaging her, but agree there was nothing said about it before Walenka began. As five o'clock comes, Zoran and his help are taking care of those coming early for dinner, so Drojha measures the keg. "Sixteen gallon, about five left in this keg." Every one knows that she won't be able to handle a tenth keg to win all the bets at this rate and the partying gets going. The minstrels are singing tales of honor and combat as every one drinks, eats and watches Walenka gulp and gulp. She finishes the keg in ten minutes. Her belly is so impossibly huge it's hard to tell that she's filling out constantly. Her breasts are growing rounder, wider and push out many feet beyond the rest of her. Even though the negate gravity makes them almost float, they have become so huge that they block out the upper bulge of her obese foretorso. *keg 9 While the ninth keg is put in place, all bets are decided to stay as they had on the eighth keg. She levitates a loaf of honey bread and gulps it down. Several of the betters had been waiting for this and move quickly to her with platters of their own that they had prepared to keep her eating for a while. Zoran was about to argue but Drojha stops him. Drojha shudders as he watches them feed her food that many had brought with them. "I don't know how," he whispers. "But she plans to win it all. She's been doing great on the hour bets." Zoran watches her eat and also watches the clock. "She's not drinking fast enough as it is. With this lost of time and between this and the next keg." He looks at her, amazed how impossibly huge she is. "I just don't know." After ten minutes, Walenka levitates the hose to her mouth and some how manages to eat and suck calorie heavy mead at the same time. They keep feeding her every thing they brought and are almost out of food as six o'clock arrives. Zoran measures the keg and almost stumbles as he walks to the chart. He waits until the last of many pies are tossed into her mouth and the betters are out of food for her. "Twelve gallons this hour." He looks at the chart and slowly shakes his head. All those around order drinks and cheer her on, knowing they'll win. The minstrels are taking turns and try to get Zoran's attitude up. Walenka takes a look at the chart and gives Zoran a warm smiles as she sucks deeper and stronger than she has been. Drojha massages and fondles her huge rolls of fat. knowing what her plan is and that she'd had it for hours. He almost laughs as he hears gallon after gallon of heavy mead pouring into and then sloshing within her mammoth stomach as she struggles to digest it as quickly as she can store the new fat. Her breasts are almost visibly inflating out with pound after pound after pound of soft silky fat. Zoran is still very worried and has been keeping busy taking care of his customers. He checks the keg and stumbles back as he has to look at Walenka. She smiles and moves so her monstrously mammoth mammeries billow so much he realizes she's planning to do the impossible. Smiling he marks the chart and waits for some one to react. "Twenty gallons?" Several of them say in disbelief. They all stare at her and realize she is drinking faster than before with no sign of stopping. Quickly several run for their homes and return with baskets and arm loads of various foods. Walenka looks at the food and tries to show some fear. Zoran starts to insist this is unfair, but knows he'll lose the arguement. He moves a table until Walenka's wonderously obese foretorso almost flows around it and sets a bench so those with food have no problem in feeding her. She takes a long, powerful slurp of mead and then almost swallows their offerings whole. Drojha would be worried, but he can feel into her body and knows her magic is allowing her to handle their food and the mead. But he worries about her being able to suck enough in between foods. She eats as fast as they can feed her. Her idea is to eat all they have as fast as possible, then concentrate on sucking the rich mead in gallon sized gulps. It's the half hour by the time she finishee her nineth keg. Zoran changes the kegs fast, but every one has set up a line that looks as if they're fighting a fire. Cakes, pies, chunks of various meats are tossed into her open maw and can be heard splashing into her stomach that seems to have no elastic limits. About ten minutes before eight, the food is all within her humougously gorged abdomen as she begins sucking passionately on her tenth keg of mead. At the top of the hour, Zoran measures it at five gallons. The betters ask that the keg be measured every ten minutes and Zoran agrees. Walenka is concentrating on sucking, gulping and digesting the fattening drink. Her fat cheeks jiggle violently as she struggles to do what almost every one thinks is impossible. She knows her stomach is dangerously tight and hears it creaking as it tries to stretch after each gulp. At ten after, she's drank another five gallons. Her eyes are half closed as she tries to only think of each gulp. She tries not to move as she feels her stomach stretching and stretching. Ten minutes later and about four more gallons, she's taking larger gulps but not as fast. Drojha nuzzles her and whispers to her. "I'm afraid you aren't going to make it by nine." He snuggles her impossibly obese breasts. "But I don't think it's as bad as Zoran acts like it is. Walenka nods slightly and struggle to drink faster. Her stomach growls as she forces more in and every one is silent as they watch and listen to her trying to drink faster. Her eyes are completely closed as she concentrates on each long powerful swallow. Her stomach feels tighter than she can ever remember, but she wants to win. At eight thirty, she's drank five more gallons, leaving seventeen gallons for the last half hour. She looks at the chart and gives a long burp before struggling to take more into her already, overstretched stomach. At eight fourty she has only forced in about four more gallons. Some of the betters call for exciting songs of conquest as Walenka forces gulp after gulp of the rich heavy fluid. Drojha massages her straining abdomen. Even through her hundreds of pounds of fat, he can feel how bloated her digestive system is. "Just relax, there's no way any one hoped you could hold nine kegs." She nods slowly as if she barely hears him and takes long, slow swallows. By eight fifty, she some how manages to force in another five gallons. She pauses as she looks at the chart. "Eight gallons to go?" She pauses, gives a long burp that makes every one duck and cover. The she closes her eyes tight and takes large powerful gulps. Her fat bloated cheeks bulge and billow as she does what no one thinks is possible. Just before the top of the hour, she sucks her tenth keg dry and pants in exhaustion. With a tired burp, she smiles. "Well I hope this means I win." Her abdomen is so huge that many actually step back, afraid she might explode. Drojha massages and fondles her excessively huge abdomen. After many minutes, he steps back and sits down. "I wouldn't have believed she could have done it if I hadn't watched." He goes back to her and nuzzles her massive foretorso as her breasts continue to grow out in all directions. All the betters nod in agreement that she's won. Zoran quietly suggests that every one help him move the tables and benches back into the tavern so Walenka can try to sleep. Every one helps out and within a few minutes, only Walenka and Drojha are left. He continues to gently massage and fondle her body as she digests the contents of her overloaded digestive system and fattens. For a moment he considers nursing to help her, but in her semiconscious state, she might not stop producing. For well over an hour, he does all he can to help her. When he's sure she's only well stuffed, he nuzzles into the huge lower bulge of her foretorso. The deep gurgling of her converting rich mead into her flesh, he falls into a deep sleep. Dawn comes and Drojha snuggles into her thick warm fat. For a moment he thinks the upper roll of her foretorso is holding him down. As he slowly moves, he finds that it separates above him and he pushes up between two huge masses of fat and fur. He feels her blubber surging around him and then realizes it's not her foretorso, but her now monsterous bosom. Smiling, he nuzzles and fondles her as she continues to sleep. After a while he slowly gets out of her embrace of obesity and checks her out before going for breakfast. Late that afternoon she finally wakes and tries to look around. "I think I'm more buxom than I thought I'd be." She grins as Drojha walks in front of her and steps back until he can see her round, smiling face between the twin hills of her mammoth breasts. Her leviatation power has grown along with her and they are soon in their home. It takes a couple of months for her to be able to move comfortably with her incredible increase in size. Drojha milks her as often as she wants, be she's gained so much fat that she isn't producing any more than she had before. As the harvests begins, Drojha warns the village this winter looks bad and the crops are brought in and stored in preparation for it. ------------------------- *Aliandra-fall It is now fall and the cool winds of the approaching winter are felt at night. For several months, Aliandra has gorged happily on the incredible amounts of food that has grown and been harvested. Even with all she's managed to stretch her belly with, the store rooms are packed with as much food as possible. She is well over twice her spring weight and shows no sign of slowing her gain. The foundation of the the fortress has extended out of the ground enough to form a defensible wall. There are several chambers finished and the main chamber of the lemming's home are smoothly merged with them. Aliandra is resting with almost all of the young resting on her soft, expansive body. Kreshan is almost asleep as he lays against her. Part of his body is completely surrounded by her soft fat. He half dreams as he feels the strength of the fortress and that it is formed of the very bedrock of the mountains around him. He snuggles a bit deeper into her wonderous fur and flesh embrace.'Your softness and the mountain's hardness will keep us all safe.. Even from.....' He drifts to sleep, feeling more safe than he has in years. That night he dreams of the winter coming like a wall of white ice. Even with her warm fat wrapped around him, he shivers enough to wake her. She has one of the children find Tragen. When he arrives, he meditates, trying to tap into what Kreeshan is experiencing. He begins to shiver also and several of the older children help pull him into Aliandra's thick fur and fat. Slowly he stops shivering and nuzzles deep into her. Finally he opens his eyes and watches Kreshan continue to shiver. "I first thought he was dreaming of a blizzard," Tragen whispers to Aliandra. "But it's more than a dream." He slowly stands and thinks. "I can't tell if he's experiencing the future, or the past. If it is the future....." He looks around the main chamber and thinks of what remains to be finished. Aliandra's thick, huge, soft breast is billowing where Kreshan is still shivering. "Are you thinking that he needs to get this fortress done as soon as he can?" Tragen continues to look with his mind for several minutes. "Now that I have learned we can trust him..." He shakes his head slowly. "If this blizzard he is expreiencing is what is soon to be..... We have supplies and a place that we can survive in. But not enough to defend from an attack of the desperate." He turns and looks at her, afraid to say anything. Aliandra looks over her ponderous breast and can barely see Kreshan's head. "Well since I'm feeling great the fatter I get." She moves slightly and giggles. "And the children love feeding me and snuggling into my growing body. How are our food supplies?" Tragen doesn't smile, but her knowledge of what needs to be done and agreement relieves him somewhat. He touches Kreshan's shoulder as the wizard is shivering less. "You can tell him in the morning. I need to talk with the elders about gathering all the food possible." He hugs her as well as he can before leaving. Tragen talks with a few of the elders and then goes to get some sleep. It's late in the morning before Kreshan wakes. As he has breakfast, Aliandra tells him about last night. "Was this experience of the future, or the past?" Kreshan eats slowly. "Of the future." He sits back on the bench and looks around. "Call the elders, I feel this is something all should hear." Within minutes, all are gathered around. Kreshan stands and paces, trying to organize his thoughts. "Several years ago, just after I began to travel and learn, I met up with a wizard. He took me in and helped me contiune my knowledge. I was amazed how fast he taught me and I helped him form a fortress." He looks around. "It was much larger than this and the layout itself was magical. As we came close to finishing it, I could feel the magic and realized that he was working on the dark side of magic. I searched out several rooms he had never shown me and found a grimward. I didn't have time to read much, but found that he planned to bring blizzards and take over the surrounding lands." He waits a moments before continuing, "His fortress is two valleys from here. When I heard how bad last winter was, I came here to see if I could do anything." He walks over and hugs deep into Aliandra's wonderous obesity. "Tragen knows how her energies can be used and that the more of her there is, the more energy she will have. I hope that we can complete this place before he brings another winter." The elders talk for many minutes before Tragen speaks. "I felt there was something not natural about last winter. Finishing this fortress appears to be the best thing we can do... But if this wizard's powers are strong enough to bring a harsh winter over several valleys, when he sees that we're here? Kreshan shakes his head. "I formed this place from bedrock. He would have to physically find us and I believe he has to stay in his to keep anchored to his magic source. But we must find a way to defeat him, or he will control the lands and we will be discovered. Tragen nods slowly. "I'll sent Godren out to see if he can learn anything." He looks at Aliandra and smiles. "You already said you'd eat and grow so he could finish our fortress." He looks at others gathered around. "I have to agree with them. With all the food we've harvested, even though our storage chambers are beyond full, we need to harvest everything we can." The elders agree and work crews are made to bring in all that they can. Kreshan sits down tiredly. "I need to work at least every other day." He looks at Tragen, "You're more in tune with nature. When do you feel winter is coming?" Tragen shakes his head sadly. "Sooner than last winter. Many animals look like they should in a month. I have invited the squirrels, rabbits and others of their kind to join us if needed. Could you form a small tunnel form them?" Kreshan nods and they go outside to decide the best place for it. Kreshan returns during lunch and looks at Aliandra. "He's gone to tell his animal friends where the tunnel will be." He leans into her warm softness and sighs. "I know we worked last night..." Before he can ask, she calls out to one of the young, and she runs off to tell the others. "The sooner we get our home done, the better." She moves her fat engulfed legs and smiles as her tons of fat make her rich fur roll. "A year ago I'd never believe I could ever get this big. But now I feel so wonderful that I believe the fatter I get the better I'll feel. And I love my belly swollen heavy with food." While she was talking, several of the older young begin bringing food in from the over stacked storage chambers. The young set up their game of feeding her and start tossing fruits and breads into her waiting maw. When the harvesters bring in some baskets of fruit, they put them on the table and take the empty ones back to the forest. Once Aliandra is gorging, Kreshan hugs into her obesity and begins channeling her energy into their fortress. He first makes the small tunnel, resumes working on the outer wall, drawing matter from the earth as it forms. As he exhausts himself, he falls asleep against her. She continues eating until she feels her enormous stomach well filled. The children stop when she asks them and she's quickly asleep. Tragen comes in as the moon begins to rise. He looks at her, knowing she's ok, but wondering how much she'll grow by the time the fortress is finished. He climbs on to her expansive softness and is lulled to sleep by her digestive system working on the hundreds of pounds of food. For several weeks, Kreshan pushes himself to finish the fortress as the leaves are falling and all signs of winter arrive ahead of time. Aliandra encourages the young to feed her and feed her and feed her. The gatherers are still bringing in more than she's eating, but all know that they may not be able to go out once winter arrives. Many of the young help set up nesting areas for the animals. The squirrels bring their supplies of nuts and begin preparing to settle in for the winter. Finally Kreshan finishes the fortress and puts himself in a restorive trance. Aliandra looks at her ponderous breast as it swells out before her in large rolls of softness. She tries to turn her head, but her jowls and neck are so overly fleshed, all she can see is huge masses of thick fur covered fat. "I bet I'll put on more this winter," she giggles quietly and then drifts to sleep. --------------------------------------------------------- The village is well prepared for winter as the cold winds blow in from the mountains. Walenka floats herself into her home and watches Halrood seal the wide, double doors against the oncoming snows. "I hope this winter will be easier than last year,' he jokes as he looks around the home. Walenka laughs and her fur billows on her tons of fat. "If it is hard," she slaps an obese arm on her rolling fat. "I've got lots of softness to warm any one up, and I'll love packing more and more on." Halrood laughs and then starts to leave, as he opens the door, a snowflake blows by. "Looks like we'll find out real soon." He goes out and closes the door. Walenka smiles and moves her plump hands over the small area of her enormous bosom she can. "All this fat is making me feel so good I can't believe it. It's like I know the bigger I get, the more wonderful I'll feel." She tries to move her fat engulfed legs and her fur covered flesh billows seductively for several minutes. Drojan comes in about the time the sun would be setting. He closes the door quickly, but some snow blows in with him. "Looks like winter has arrived." he comes over to her side and nuzzles between her belly and her ponderous breast. "I know you're ready." Walenka smiles and tries to get her obese arm around his shoulders. "Will we have to do as much healing as last year." She giggles and her fat surges around him. "I think I have room to fill out a bit more." Drojan laughs and snuggles deeper into her. "We might have to look at building you a larger home next year." He gets back, climbs onto the bench, then half jumps onto/into her wonderously soft back. "Let's just hope this winter isn't as bad as last year." He closes his eyes and quickly slips into a meditation. Walenka feels him sink into her flesh and feels the love they have. She closes her eyes and listens to the blizzard as it grows. Her dreams are of drifts covering the village, and her almost filling their home by the time it melts. ----------------------------------------------------------- Aliandra tries to move as some of the lookouts come in shivering. Her soft fat billows and the lookouts climb on the tables and then onto her. There's a huge blanket covering much of her back. Kreshan walks beside her, stroking her fur covered rolls of flesh. "We've got our fortress done in time, and Tragen assures me there's plenty of supplies even if you add on some more." Aliandra resists giggling because of those sleeping on her. "I sure hope there's no reason for that, unless the children get bored and feed me a lot." Tragen joins them. "Well a lot of the squirrels and rabbits are still moving in. We're rotating lookouts every hour at night, or during the blizzards." He looks at Kreshan. "So now I think we should talk of this wizard controling the weather. Kreshan thinks and then nods. "Not much to say I haven't already. He must be drawing on something to control the weather, but I don't know what." The rest of the night, and a few hours past dawn, they and some of the elders discuss every fact and legend about wizards this powerful. Finally they all agree that the weather can't be controlled forever, and that they can survive. They all decide they should sleep and go to their areas and are soon unconscious. ---------------------------------------------------- All were prepared for the first blizzard. But few expected it this soon. Several come in with partial frozen finger and toes. Drojan has no problem healing them and Walenka doesn't eat enough more to even be noticed. The blizzard lasts over a week and a couple of abandoned homes are damaged from the weight of snow. Halrood and his men repair the damage as others work on digging out homes and clearing roofs before they cave in. That night there is a meeting in Drojha's and Walenka's home. Many want to know what they can do and if they should expect winters to keep growing worst. Drojha looks out a window as the others speak. Finally he turns, "I wasn't sure last year. But with everything else, I'm concerned that some one is controlling the weather. I asked my friends to keep their ears open and heard that this might be so, but no one had an idea where or who could be doing this." Zoran looks around for some one to say something. "If a wizard is doing this. What is he trying to do in the long run?" Drojha leans into Walenka's soft massiveness. "I can only give ideas that I have worked out putting myself in his place. First is to force those in the areas I can affect to give me tribute. Money, crops, anything I could sell or use. The second is I want something special. I've explored this valley and the surrounding hills this last summer. There are some gems and special stones. But none that are hard to find." He pauses for several minutes. "Or he could want people as slaves or,...." He shivers. "He needs sacrifices because he made a deal with evil to be able to control the weather." He takes a long drink of mead before continuing. "Tonight I'm going to try to mentally reach out and see what wizards are around. The problem is, if he's well shielded, he'll sense some one was looking for him. It's possible he might learn of me and I won't know." Every one sits and listens to the cold wind outside. "What might he do then?" Some one asks. Drojan shrugs. "Depends what he's trying to get. Our two choices are, we sit and wait, or I try to locate him." He looks around as every one eventually nods. He hugs Walenka as best as he can. "Please leave us alone, I'll let you know tomorrow." After every one leaves, Walenka hugs him with her fluffy obesity. "So what can I do to help?" He climbs onto her and sinks as deep into her as possible. "Just relax, you might also see what I see. Just let it happen and don't say a thing. If I find him and you say something, he might realize we're watching." He closes his eyes and she feels his energy flowing with her's. Drojan feels the flow of energy of the wind. He floats on the winds and tries to sense any magical energy. A tiny spark catches his attention and he moves toward it. The winds seems to blow harder as he comes up a steep hillside two valleys away. There is a well concealed building that has been built with magic. He floats around it slowly, trying to determine how it can be controlling the weather. Suddenly he senses another presense and moves away, not returning to the village, but allowing the wind to take him where it may. After many minutes, he doesn't sense any thing and quicky comes home. He shivers as he comes out of the meditation. "I don't know if that was him, or some one else searching for him." He falls asleep in exhaustion. Walenka murrs happily as she hopes he has learned what he needed to. She thinks herself out and drifts toward the strange place they had found. The cold winds don't affect her and she drifts through the walls. Inside she sees complex designs on the floor of the great hall. A calender/chart shows the storms they've already experienced. She sees something like wind blowing in front of a door and can't get past it. Relaxing, she returns to her home and joins Drojha in sleep. In the morning, she tells him what she learned. "You did good," He tells her and hugs her thick flesh. "Now I'll need time to think on what magics he's using to control the weather. ------------------------------------------------- *Aliandra Kreshan slowly opens his eyes and feels Alinadra's soft flesh and warm fur billow around him. "I found where he is controlling the weather from. But I don't know what we can do right now." He looks at Tragen. Tragen sits down and ponders as Kreshan relaxes. "Did you see how many people are there? If he's controling the weather, he must be prepared for a siege, be it against armies or his own weather." Aliandra relaxes and moves slowly so Kreshan is gently rocked in/on her. "Any way to know how long they can last?" Kreshan mumurs something and then drifts out again. He returns quickly and shivers within her warmth. "He has a good number of mercenaries and plenty of food." He rolls over and hugs her overly plushy body. "There may be a way..... With enough energy there may be a way...." He closes his eyes and sleeps. ------------------------------------------------------ *Walenka Drojha wakes and calls for a meeting of the village leaders. "There is some one who is causing this harsh winter. Since he hasn't threatened us, he must feel we need to feel his strength before he gives us his demands." He waits while every one gives their opinions. "There are a few spells that I have not used that could help defeat him. One of them is a spell used to siege a castle. The food with in can be shifted out. The problem is it must be sent into some one. Often cows are used, but often this is dangerous because they don't realize when they've been fed too much." Every one is laughing and some falling off their chairs. Walenka laughs and her fat surges magnificently. "Well it sounds like I might fill out a bit more," she laughs and her monsterous bosom surges and sloshes all over. Drojha nods. "The biggest problem is we need to get within sight of this place." He looks at Halrood. Halrood looks at Walenka and slowly shakes his head. "I take it she can't levitate herself all the way?" Walenka nods. "What we're thinking of is something I can be on so I won't sink into the snow too much." Halrood walks around her, measuring and working on ideas while every one else leaves. "Someting like a river barge I think. Good thing we got a lot of lumber made this fall." He goes out into the darkness." He gets every one working on building Walenka's barge and finishes it as another blizzard keeps everyone inside. ---------------------------- *Aliandra Kreshan has spent several day discussing ideas with Tragen and the elders. He finally tells of the spell used during sieges. "I know Aliandra can levitate herself there. And she has more than enough insulation to protect her from the cold. But I'll need several to help me set up a camp. Without knowing how much food is there, I have no idea how long it might take." The elders go to talk with the others and select from the many volunteers. While every one prepares packs and camping gear for the frigid weather, Kreshan works with Aliandra so she'll know what to do. The next morning, they leave. Several of the lemmings go ahead to find the best way and a place where they can see the castle and remain hidden. They reach the camp, the scouts have made, after sunset of the second day. While everything is set up, and a thick tent is erected around Aliandra, Kreshan moves silently closer to the castle. ------------------------------------------- *Walenka Walenka levitates her massiveness out into the deep snow and slowly settled onto the barge. It sinks slightly before she keeps herself light enough so it doesn't sink too much. "I think we better get going." She looks ahead, between her mammoth mammeries and slowly slides forward. Drojha rushes to grab his pack. He gives a short waveto every one as he charges afterher. The sled has compacted the snow enough that he can easily walk on it and quickly catches up with her. They travel quickly for several hours before taking a rest. "If we can keep this pace," Drojha says with a concerned grin. "We can be there sometime tomorrow." He snuggles into her thick flesh and quickly warms up. Walenka looks up at the sky. "Looks like we might have some more snow coming. Why don't you stay with me. I'll go until I need a rest, then you can go ahead and find the best way for me to go." Drojha nods and snuggles into her bulging belly. She slowly gets the barge moving and is soon going faster than when Drojha was walking behind her. By nightfall, they are near the pass where they should be able to see the castle. Drojha leaves his pack while Walenka eats from the food he brought. Drojha moves cautiously toward the pass and finally looks toward the castle. All that can be seen are several lights of fires within. He opens his mind and senses how linked to the weather this wizard is. He 'sees' energy flow and can sense another storm growing. He slips into the woods, finding a way through the trees for Walenka and finally a place they can camp. He quickly returns and wakes her. After telling her of the approaching storm, he helps dig the barge clear of the deep snow and then climbs on as she moves them up the pass. Drojha jumps off and makes sure it's safe before she comes over and plows into the woods. Once they reach their campsite, Drojha makes a windbreak and clears snow so they can leave quickly if needed. Exhausted he falls asleep as she levitates him onto her wide spongy back and covers the two of them with several blankets. ----------------------------------------------- *Aliandra Godren is on lookout as the first flakes of the on coming storm hits. He wakes Kreshan, and then every one else. Kreshan looks out with his mind and smiles slightly. "While he's summoning this storm, his defenses are low." He hugs Aliandra's humongous belly and senses her huge stomach. "Just tell me when you're full. With all the supplies they have, I don't want you pushing your self." Aliandra closes her eyes and prepares for her incoming feast. As Kreshan links to the food stores and begins shifting food to her, she concentartes on digesting as fast as she can. She lets her stomach fill and almost stretch before telling him she's full. He half smiles and she levitates him onto her wide soft body as he falls asleep. ---------------------------------------------- *Walenka Walenka wakes as the snow blows around the windbreak. She keeps alert as it blows and feels Drojha moving as he also feels the storm. He wakes and rolls off her. "This might be a good time to start," he says as he opens his senses. He hugs her gigantic belly. "We can't take anything if he's alert." His eyes close and she feels food begin to appear inside her. For more than an hour he shifts food into her and then collapses as her belly starts to stretch. She moves him under the blanket until he's sinking deep into her obese back. "I don't know how much I brought. But there's much more in the castle than I thought." He snuggles deeper into her fat. "We'll work on grabbing a few things at a time." He mumbles something as he falls asleep. ---------------------------------------- *Aliandra The storm moves over the hills and into the next valley. As the lookouts stare into the darkness, they don't see the magic hidden mercenaries moving in. Almost silently, they manage to get into the camp and aim crossbows at Kreshan and those asleep. Kreshan wakes as one of them jerks him off Aliandra. He stands slowly as the apparent leader motions for him to wake Aliandra. She opens her eyes slowly until she sees what's happening. One of the Mercenaries ties a rope to every one and they slowly move toward the castle. --------------------------------------------------------- *Walenka Drojha is sleeping in Walenka's thick fat when he senses something and smoothly rolls off her..... and looks at the mercenaries surrounding them. He nudges her awake and soon they're going toward the castle. *Snow Fortress Kreshan, Aliandra and the lemmings move through the path the mercenaries have made. The trees are weak and as they approach the high walled castle, none are standing. They enter the fortress and are lead into the main chamber. A tall, robed and hooded man stands waiting on the dias. Kreshan steps foreward. "So we meet again lord Charenska." The man smoothly pushes his hood back. Even though the room is comfortable, there is frost in his beard and hair. "So you've made a place to survive my work." He steps down and walks firmly toward Aliandra. He moves around her, poking her massive body as he talks. "I never studied the scrolls on creating and drawing on animal energies. It appears you and the other have brought me more energies than I ever could have drawn from this mountain. Kreshan shows his confusion about the other, but a gust of icy wind as the door opens draws every one's attention. Drojha leads Walenka in and both stare in surprise at Aliandra. Walenka jokes, "I see some one else knows how to eat." Charenska smiles broadly as Walenka settles and her fat billows heavily. "Kreshan can explain every thing about me that you need to know." He looks up through a skylight as the stars show through the rapidly thinning clouds. "Tomorrow we begin the storm that even legends will never forget." He turns and quickly walks through a small door which closes behind him. Kresha explains everything about Charenska and then him and Aliandra. Drojha explains about him and Walenka. Kresha looks at the door behind the dias. "He's been drawing on energies of the mountain. You saw the trees as you came here?" Drojha nods. "Another few storms and he won't have anything to draw on." He mentally scans the room. "No one listening and he looks just about ready to colaspe. So you were trying to take their supplies and got caught too?" Kreshan nods and pats Aliandra's enormous belly. "He's got a lot of supplies....." They move between the two massive females. "Any idea how many mercenaries are here?" His eyes seem to lose focus and so does Drojha's. After several minutes both of them appear normal. "I counted about 25 with a fast scan." Drojha shakes his head. "There's a sleeping area with 15 you missed." That makes 40... let's say 50 to be on the safe side. What do you know of where food supplies are kept?" Kreshan slowly shakes his head. "I already checked the places he used as I helped build here. He can stand a siege for at least a year." He snuggles into Aliandra's softness as the lemmings clamber onto her broad soft back. "He'll find the scrolls that I read about drawing energies from females like ours." Aliandra moves and her fat and fur billow around him. "I think the two of us are invovled in this." She looks as Walenka nods. Walenka thinks for a moment. "Can we try to list the problems and see what ideas we can come up with?" Every one nods and they quietly talk for more than an hour. Kreshan finally list what they're up against. "First, Charenska is going to use your energy to create a super major snowstorm. Second are the Mercenaries and third is the supply of food." Walenka smiles. "Well if he's going to feed us to draw energy. that food won't last a year." Drojha hugs her but shakes his head. "If he does that super storm, it won't matter if he never makes another snowflake." Kreshan ponders this for a few minutes. "After he makes the storm, he's going to be completely exhausted. You saw the signs when he talked to us. So then we need to look at taking the mercenaries out." Aliandra closes her eyes. "Are you thinking about me trying to handle them?" When he nods, she tells about how she swallowed the attacking lemmings and wolf pack. "I don't know if I can hold fifty, but then I never thought I could hold an entire wolfpack." Drojha nods slightly. "Will he try to draw from both of them at once, or alternate so one can eat while the other digests?" Kreshan smiles slightly. "Using one at a time he would hope that one could always be eating......" He studies Walenka and then Aliandra. "Ah, I have a question for both of you..." Walenka almost laughs. "Are you wondering how much we could eat taking turns?" When he nods she looks at Aliandra. "Can we talk alone while you two try to learn how much food there is?" Drojha is in surprise and Kreshan pulls him aside. "We need to scan and find all the storage rooms." They both sit down and meditate while the females whisper. A couple of the lemmings move over to Walenka and snuggle into her warm softness. Walenka asks, "Are you really thinking of taking in all the mercenaries?" Aliandra nods slightly. "If Kreshan is right, Once Charenska starts his spell he'll be drawing from either of us. We'll have to alternate who's eating and who's resting. "If you start and I appear to rest, He'll get into his spell. Both of our mages can control several mercenaries. They can summon them one at a time and I can swallow them. The biggest problem is if several of them are missed." Walenka nods. "My ex-pack dealt with their type once. I suspect there are several groups. If you take one group at a time, the others shouldn't miss them, or if they do, they'll think the missing ones ran away. They look as their mages seem to be waiting for them. Once every one is together. discussion of the food supplies and Aliandra's plan are discussed. Drojha forms their plan, "We can easily learn what groups there are and work on that idea. Those not on duty are asleep or relaxing in three areas. I suspect we are dealing with three groups." He waits for Kreshan to nod. "One group is appearently guarding that we don't try to escape. The other two are watching the peremeter." He studies Aliandra. "How ofter do you think you can swallow one?" She thinks about how much a man weighs and how much one of the wolfs she swallowed weighs. "If Kreshan had some of the herbs Tragen used..." She smiles as he brings some out of his robe. "One every two or three minutes." She almost laughs at Drojha's and Walenka's shock. "Course as more of them are in me, I might slow down." Kreshan nods. "So between two and three hours...." If he starts the spell and Walenka is eating." He continues when every one nods. "Once he's into his spell he won't realize anything except his weather and your energies. Mercenaries don't always have scheduled shifts, so we'll start on the closest group. I think we can control several at a time." Dorjha nods with a slight grin and pulls a pouch out of his robe. "Once they're here, this will keep them in our control without us having to concentrate." He hefts it and sighs. "Only enough for twenty or so. But will really help if we need it." He hands it to Godren. "Just throw a pinch in each one's face if either of us asks you to." Kreshan nods and yawns. "I think we have a plan and we should sleep while we can...." Before he finishes they're both levitated onto the mammoth females. Soon every one, except two lemmings standing guard, are asleep. Shortly after dawn the main doors are opened and several armed men enter. They wait while every one wakes. "We are to take you to another place." The leader commands them. He turns and they follow him while the other men follow. They go deeper into the fortress, but the corridor is impressively wide. They enter what in some would be the grand ballroom and the men motion to an area covered with thick straw. Your wolves will be there." He points to another door. "The kitchen and food is there. Wait now for our lord." He turns and every one leaves. As the doors close, Drojha rushes over and hears two taking position outside. He returns to the others as Kreshan checks out the kitchen. "I can control those outside easily. They won't see any one enter." Kreshan nods. "There are four rooms off the kitchen. It looks like all the food is in three of them. If each group filled one storage room, they don't know Charenska has all the food ready for you two." He smiles at the ponderous wolf and wolftaur. The Lemmings have run around and have gotten everything ready to make them comfortable. They move a couple of tables so they can toss food into Walenka and Aliandra. Charenska enters and strides strongly toward them. "So Kreshan has explained everything to you?" His eyes glow with his excitement as he puts an ornate necklace on each one. "This will link me to you. You two will take turns eating. If you manage to supply me with enough energy I will allow you to return to your homes and half my demands there...." His eyes glow as he turns and walks to the door. "I hope you are used to a HUGE breakfast. So start eating." He waits at the open door while the mages and lemmings begin bringing food for Walenka. As Aliandra appears to be resting, he turns and the door closes silently behind him. Kreshan meditates and senses Charenska as he begins summoning a storm of unknown proportions. They all hear the winds pick up and they look through the windows and watch the clouds growing. Kreshan open his eyes and stares at the door with a blank, firm expression. "He can't sense anything except his storm and your energies." He looks at Aliandra as she opens her eyes and relaxes her jaws. "Are you ready?" She doesn't smile as she nods slowly, her muzzle making her flesh bloated chins billow slightly. "I doubt I can take all fifty at once....." Kreshan nods and looks at Drojha. "You're the expert on mercenaries. What would happen if they find some gone?" Drojha leans against Walenka as she eats. "There are three groups. I doubt they have much contact so if she can hold one group at a time. Also they are on shifts so those sleeping won't know anything." He pauses and looks at Aliandra, studying how massively obese she is. "How many do you think you can hold at once?" She slowly shakes her head. "I won't know until my belly is stretched. I might be able to hold half of them.... and a few more every couple of hours." She closes her eyes and is obviously worried. "I know the faster I can take them all is best.... The only way we'll know is to find out." She watches as Kreshan gets the herbs out of his robe and hands them to Godren. Kreshan draws a quick outline of the castle and places coins where he believes the 3 groups are stationed. "Let's take the center group first. Then we'll have to continually scan for any one coming too close." Drojha nods. "I can put the two outside the doors under control and keep them there." He closes his eyes for a few seconds then smiles. "They've got mead or something here. Not much to control them." His eyes seem to look far and Kreshan has the same expression. Their eyes follow some one beyond and move as the mercenaries walk toward them and come through the doors and stand before them. Woodenly the men remove their weapons and most of their outer clothes. The lemmings grab the castoffs and takes them out of sight. Aliandra stares as she levitates the one under Kreshan's control up and toward her. Her mouth opens wider than ever and she guides his head, and then shoves his shoulders in. Her flab engulfed throat and hugely obese breast billows and surges as she swallows him slowly. It takes several minutes before his feet slip between her fat lips. Kreshan searches with his mind and summons the closest one he can find and Drojha helps her with his. "I only hope they don't have set times to report in," he whispers as his next one enters. Drojha watches Alinadra slowly swallow her second one. "We can't ask her to take them any faster if we hope her to hold all of them. Let's say there's twenty in the center group. Once she has all of them,we can take a break and let Walenka gorge." He smiles as she gives him a wink and then tries to nap. Aliandra continues to swallow the mercenaries slowly. As her gullet becomes stretched to take them easier, her stomach fills and begins to stretch so she can't take them into her faster. By the end of an hour, the storm is howling and shakes the heavy windows. Aliandra has only managed to swallow fifteen and is slowing with each one now. Her abdomen, although mammothly fat, is obviously swelling out with her overloaded digestive system. She forces down her sixteenth and pauses as Kreshan scans for others of the inner group. He smiles slightly, "Only one other besides the two at the door." He strokes and gently massages her stretching belly as she begins to force down the next one. She finally slurps it in and her belly surges heavily she burps loudly. "I think I might be able to hold them.." Her eyes close as she groans from the internal pressure. "But I think Walenka should start eating so he doesn't notice any dip in energy." She nods and slowly swallows the next one with determination in her eyes. Drojha nudges Walenka and his shoulder sinks deep into her soft fur and fat. "I don't have to ask if you're ready, do I?" Walenka grins and looks at the food burdened table beside her. "I take it that's just the appetizer?" She giggles and her fur floats on her rolling fat as the lemmings begin feeding her as fast as she opens her mouth. Aliandra takes almost ten minutes to swallow one of the door guards. She closes her eyes as she feels and hears her stomach stretching. During this time Walenka gulps down several hundred pounds of bread, meats and vegitables. She levitates pitchers of mead to help wash her feast down and her digestive system gurgles happily as she gulp and swallows food in determination to eat more than ever. She glances as Aliandra takes a long breath and then begins swallowing her nineteenth, and last of the inner groug. 'She may be able to swallow things that big,' Walenka thinks to herself. 'And she may be fatter than me now, but before this is over.' She smiles before gulping thick slices of beef and swallows potatos whole. Kreshan massages Aliandra and does what he can to help her as a muffled creaking is heard as her belly stretches even more. As she finally forces him in, her eyes grow wide and then close tight as she feels her stomach about to burst. Kreshan's massaging is warmth and assures her that she is able to stretch enough. After almost a quarter of an hour, she's finally able to breathe more comfortably. "I don't even want to know how much my belly's swollen..." She takes a couple of breaths. "If there's about fifteen or sixteen in the other groups, I won't be able to take either of them until sometime tomorrow." Kreshan continues massageing her enormously bloated belly. "You get some sleep. We'll wake you when we have any ideas." Aliandra nods and is soon in a gorged induced coma. Kreshan continues masaging her as Drojha mentally scans the castle and marks where he finds any one. After another hour, he stops and fondles and encourages Walenka and she continues to happily let the lemmings stuff more food into her elastic belly. Kreshan studies the layout and sighs. "We can't wait another day. Some one will wonder why they haven't heard from the others." He watches Walenka stedily gorge as he thinks. Drojha joins him and thinks. "The herbs I have will only keep them undercontrol for a couple of hours. If we figure on half of them asleep on in their quarters....He moves some of the markers of the west group as he scans them again. "They have four outside at a time.I'd guess they change every hour." Kreshan sighs. "We could wake her in a few hours. "If we each can control two or more at a time...." They both close their eyes and try. After a few minutes they both smile slightly. "They seem to be working in fours and we can each control two." Drojha nods. "Do you think she can digest four an hour? Once we get started we can't stop. My herbs can help, but if they wake, Charenska might hear their terror on the pyschic level." Kreshan nods. "Let's work on that she can. What's the best way to take them so the others don't realize something is happening?" Drojha moves the markers several times. "If we wait until a group goes outside, then summon the four on inside duty. As she takes one of them, we start 'watching' those off duty. Any one going out of their quarters, we bring here. We'll use the herbs if we have to. Kreshan goes over and massage the huge abdomen of the sleeping Aliandra. "It would be better if we could wait until night." He probes with his hands and thoughts as Walenka continues to eat and eat. Drojha gets up on a table and helps feed her. "I know we've been worrying about her and you're the one who's going to be eating the most." He grins as she smiles and then easily gulps down several potatoes. She talks between foods. "You know how well I've done in my contesets." She gulps down a couple loaves of bread and a pitcher of mead. "This is to save our friends in the village. So I'll eat as much as I need to." She slurps down several thick slices of ham. "But I will need some sleep. I don't think I can eat everything before I'll really need some." Drojha nods. "We'll all need some." He jumps down and suggests Kreshan grab a nap for an hour, then they'll wake Aliandra. Kreshan nods and curls up against Alinadra's mammothly obese abdomen. He closes his eyes and puts himself into sleep. Drojha massage Walenka for a bit and then studies his plans. He calls up everything he can remember about his experiences with mercenaries and scans their locations several times. He wait's until the switch of those outside is due and then wakes Kreshan. It takes several minutes for him to slowly wake Aliandra out of her food induced sleep. He explains their plans to her and waits. Aliandra closes her eyes and concentrates on her digestive system. "Four every hour..... I can't say I can handle that much. But it sounds like you've worked out the safest for all." She closes her eyes and moves her fat engulfed legs making her hugely obese body billow heavily. Walenka pauses for a moment."Will I be able to get some sleep while she's eating?" Drojha nuzzles into her plushy warmth. "We're both monitoring the energies. If she can put out enough, you can sleep." He pats her ponderous belly and smiles as she quivers. He closes his eyes. "I think they're changing lookouts." Kreshan scans and nods. "The four coming in are heading for their quarters and the warm fire. The four coming on duty are starting to roam. No organized patrols." Drojha nods. "They travel in pairs. I'll bring the two that are closest and you watch the others. That way you can take control of two if something happens." He consentrates and waits. Kreshan continues to scan while Aliandra prepares herself. After several minutes, two men with sashes of red/brown enter and stand as if asleep. Drojha nods and they both remove their outher garments and wait. One of them is levitated and Aliandra slowly swallows him while Walenka tries to grab a few moments of napping. Drojha keeps the two, then one under his control while he senses the energies of Aliandra and the storm. He helps levitate the second one and keeps control for him until he's deep enough in her that he's unconscious. Kreshan shifts his mental gaze and takes control of the other two on duty. "Two others are roaming around," he whispers. "We may need to take them and use your herbs." Drojha nods and is in control of the next pair by the time Kreshan brings his two in. By the time Aliandra has started swallowing one of the, Drojha brings his two in. He gives herbs to those two and resumes scanning. "Four outside and six in their quarters. "I'm worried they mave plan an evening meal that all will attend." Kreshan continues to help Aliandra with one while keeping control of the fourth member of this group. "You're the expert on their kind." He scans the energies for a moment. "Aliandra is keeping him supplied enough that his mind and soul are in tune only with the storm." He looks outside into the white dimness. Drojha nods. "The four will be coming in from patroling outside soon. They might be missed if they don't go to their quarters immediately." He looks out with his mind. 'As soon as two in their quarters come out, I'll bring them and use herbs to control them. We'll need to watch those outside and in the quarters. Whoever moves first, we'll need to grab them, then watch the others." Kreshan nods as he massages Aliandra's incredibly bloated belly. "I just hope the other group doesn't get suspecious." As she swallows the mercenary deeper, he scans the other group for several minutes. He smiles as Aliandra slurps the last in and burps loudly. "They seem to keep away from the others. And I sense they'd prefer to be far away." Drojha scans this third group for a few moments. "They're what's left of a group that has never been liked by the others. "I think luck is shinning on us finally." He resumes watching those remaining while Kreshan helps Aliandra with one of the druged men. His eyes seem to shift and he frowns. "Those outside have sent one in to see why they haven't been relieved, and two are coming out of their quarters. "I'll bring the one and you get the two." His eyes focus one is subject. Kreshan nods as Aliandra has control of the fouth member of this group. He quickly locates the two and guides them here. Drojha gives herbs to all of them and scans those still out side or in their quarters. "I think bringin in those from outside will be best. The others aren't expecting to be called, although they will expect those who were outside to arrive shortly." Kreshan nods as he helps Aliandra start to swallow her fifth. Once she has control, Kreshan nods and soon the three half forzen mercenaries are sitting in a herb druged condition. Then they bring the other four in and keep them under control so as to save their limited herbs. Aliandra swallows her fifth and her belly bulges ominously as she forces it in. "I hope I can get them all in... Bbbbrrruuuuppppp!!! But I'm going to need some good sleep before I can hope to take the others." Drojha nods as Kreshan helps her with the sixth, "Let's worry about these first." He massages Walenka as she sleeps deeply. "I think she'll be more than glad to hold more of the food than you think she can." Aliandra slurps more of her food into her elastic gullet and nods with the legs waving outside her fat lips. With renewed hope, she slurps it in and opens her mouth for the next one as this one swells her stomach more. She struggles heroicly and some how manages to force in the tenth one by the end of the second hour. Kreshan has been helping and massaging her while Drojha has monitored the energies of her and the storm. He's kept track of the other mercenaries and is relieved they have always remained well inside the west part of the fortress. As Aliandra starts on the eleventh one, he starts to struggle. Kreshan does his best to take control of him and maintain control of the other two. Drojha gives herbs to them and steps back. The exhaustion of their work can be seen on both of their faces. "Take control of the other one," he gasps as the other of the first druged pair stirs. Kreshan takes control easily. "We're going to have to watch it with the others. From what I saw, they stick close together." Drojha strokes Aliandra's incredibly food bloated body. "I know you're doing all you can and we'd never have a chance without you." Just worry about these and then get some good sleep." Aliandra struggles to swallow this one and is soon forcing the twelfth one in. She gulps in a combination of passion for her lemming friends and concern that if their plan doesn't succeed, the wizard will continue to use her and Walenka. Stuffing them with food until....." In just over an hour, she some how manages to force in the last of the red/brown shashed mercenaries. Her entire digestive system creaks through the many feet of her soft, heavy fat as she falls asleep. Walenka had been woken while Aliandra was forcing the last one in and is quickly gorging as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. "I think the breads and lots to drink will be best." She opens her mouth as the lemmings and Drojha feed her as fast as she can gulp it down. Kreshan massages Aliandra's enormously swollen belly, using his magics to help her survive all she's forced in. Over an hour later, he rejoins the others. "I'm amazed she managed to hold them all." He looks at her as her silky fur billows slowly with her breathing. "I'm afraid that if she has to take all the others as fast..." His eyes show his concern. Walenka pauses after swallowing a large potato. "I can keep gorging a long time. But the remaining ones will get suspecious." Drojha closes his eyes and mentally scans the remainguards. Kreshan does like-wise as Walenka lets the lemming feed her a large basket of vegitables. After several minutes, they compare what they observed. "They seem to be staying in their area." Drojha says slowly. "But I suspect there's a morning meeting." Kreshan nods slowly and looks at the over-gorged, comatose Aliandra. "It could be days before she can do it again." He goes over and deeply massages her enormous belly. She makes a sound that's half groan and half purr as he pours his energies into her. Drojha watches them and then scans the remaining mercenaries. "I know you can eventually hold all the food they have here. I just wish there was something I could do to help her." Walenka smiles and giggles. Her thousands of pounds of fat billow heavily under the thick rich pelt. She looks at the windows and sees the storm blowing violently. "At least the wizard is keeping busy." She resumes gorging, opening her mouth wide and virtually letting the lemmings toss pawsful of assorted rolls and sugared cakes. Drojha continues to massage Walenka to encourage her to gorge. He often closes his eyes and scans the remaining mercenaries. As the unseen dawn approaches, Kreshan stops doing what he can to help Aliandra and joins them. He strokes Walenka's incredible, growing breasts and watches her fat giggle. He feels the energy she's creating and shivers as a violent gust rattles the windows. "So what's our friends doing?" Drojha shakes his head. "I expect one of them will go to meet with the others any time." He looks at Aliandra and can stil see how overloaded her digestive system is, even with her thousands of pounds of soft fat. Kreshan nods slowly. "How long do you think we'll have before he might be missed?" Drojha scans as he thinks. "An hour, maybe two... Would it be best if she took him as soon as he gets here, or wait until we need her too?" Kreshan frowns slightly. "As soon as he gets here. The longer we can stretch out her swallowing them, the better." He scans the mercenaries as they wait. Walenka is gulping down loaves of rich bread and washing them down with pitchers of mead. "I can keep eating so the wizard won't notice how slow she's eating." She gulps down several thick slabs of ham while they observe the mercenaries. Kreshan tenses first and then Drojha nudges him toward Aliandra. Drojha's eyes follow the unseen mercenary as he takes control and brings him here. Kreshan hugs Ailandra's enormous belly and she slowly wakes. He whispers to her. "I'm afraid it's time." Aliandra opens her eyes and grons loudly. "I know I have to," she closes her eyes. "I just hope I'm more elastic then I think." She opens her eyes as the mercenary enters slowly. Kershan jumps on a table and then gently climbs onto her enormous back. He sinks into her softness and senses how full she still is. "Drojha, can you try to control them yourself?" Drojha nods and instructs the mercenary to take off most of his clothes. After he disrobes, Drojha levitates him up to Aliandra. As she gets her jaws loosened, he scans those awake. "If some of them stay asleep I might. Tragen can use the herbs if I have to bring them in faster than she can take them." He doesn't mention they already used almost half the herbs. Aliandra opens her mouth and slowly slurps him between her fat lips. Her huge breast surges heavily as she swallows and closes her eyes. "Can you bring them one at a time? Maybe I can hold them all if I take enough time." Drojha has been scanning and shakes his head. "Four outside, five patroling inside and five having breakfast. The ones outside are in pairs. I can bring them in and Tragen can drug them." He concentrates and his eyes follow them as they move. Two of them enter, their thick clothes are covered with snow that is just beginning to melt. Drojha motions and Tragen drugs one of them as they both remove their outer garments. Drojha slowly levitates the other one to Aliandra. "Are you ready?" She nods slightly and opens her maw wide. He slides in surprisingly quickly and her behemoth belly billows as it swells with the mass. She groans slightly and then whispers. "I'm not going to think of how many I have to hold. If I don't get all of them in me, they might kill you and Kreshan. Then the wizzard might have them force feed us until we burst." She shivers in fear and her luscious fur quivers on her mammoth body. Drojha doesn't nod because he is bringing the other two who were outside. Once they arrive, he tries to keep them under control, but motions for Tragen to drug one as he needs to scan the others. Kershan looks up from Ailiandra's enormously fleshy back. "I think I can handle levitating them and help her." His eyes focus on the one before Aliandra and slowly raises him to her gaping maw. As he slowly eases him into her, Drojha scans the others. Kreshan moves him only as fast as Aliandra swallows. As she gets the chest into her hugely stretched gullet, her swallowing muscles grip him and almost pull him out of Kreshan's mental grasp. With several powerful gulps, her belly stretches out with more meat. Drojha shakes his head. "I think we might have trouble. One of those having breakfast just headed outside. I'm bringing him here, but the others will miss him before long." Aliandra gives a slow groan. "Well Kreshan, I guess you better start stuffing them in as fast as I can swallow them." She looks at the two who are drugged. "How long before they come to?" Drojha watches as the next one enters and begins to shed his clothes. "A little less than an hour, Tragen can drug them again if needed. There's about nine doses left." His eyes scan outward as Kreshan raises the mercenary and Aliandra helps guide it in with her fat tongue. She slowly allows Kreshan to shove it in and concentrates on making her stomach expand more than in any dream or nightmare she could ever imagine. Aliandra finishes a large basket of breads and pauses. "Do you think I should take a break?" She gives a long burp as Drojha nods. "Well just wake me if I'm needed." She closes her eyes and nods off. Drojha has been scanning as his eyes move as he summons two more in. "This group doesn't have any real set pattern." As they come in he motions and Tragen drugs one of them. "I'm afraid we'll have to bring them in as fast as I can." Kreshan releases the one he had been controling as Aliandra slurps it into her elastic belly. "Do you need my help?" He takes control of the undruged one and lifts him as soon as his clothes are off. Drojha shakes head. "If I can do it right. I can bring them in pairs and no one will realize a thing. But I'll yell if I need you." As he concentrates on the next two, Kershan begins shoving the next one between Aliandra's fat lips. Aliandra groans softly in pain and passion as it's shoved into her powerful gullet and she shoves it down and then into her stretching stomach. The next two enter and Kreshan takes control of one as Tragen drugs the other. He looks at the remaining herbs and sighs. "I'm going to need to give the first ones some more soon." Drojha nods as his eyes scan the remaining ones. "Just keep them drugged. We'll worry about it when we run out." He picks two that were wandering nearer than the others and brings them in before Aliandra got enough of her most recent one in enough for her to control him. Tragen drugs them both, and then administers it to the first two. "Only two more doses left." Drojha nods. "The other three are together. Kreshan, can you take one and I'll get the others?" He concentrates as he senses Kreshan taking control of one. Minutes later, the three enter and stand unsteadily. They all remove most of their clothes and Kreshan levitates his up and slowly eases it into Aliandra's open maw. Drojha keeps the two under control as he eases it in and then she forces it into her straining belly. She gasps as she finally gets him in. "I'm going into a trance. Just keep stuffing them in me." She closes her eyes and opens her mouth wide. Kreshan levitates one of those not drugged and eases him toward Aliandra. Her mouth is wide open and she gulps him in smoothly. As she swallows and her hugely obese breast surges, and then her belly swells out more, she opens her mouth for the next one. Tragen drugs two more by the time she forces in the next one. "I'm afraid there's only enough for one more." Drojha nods as Kreshan levitates the next one. He looks at Aliandra's hugely obese belly and tries to sense how much of her is her enormously stuffed stomach. He looks up at Kreshan "She has to take in five after the one you're feeding her." Kreshan nods slightly, but he's concentrating on getting the one he's levitating into her and doing what he can to help her. "I know we've pushed ourselves a lot so the wizard doesn't sense us drawing power from our females." He gently shove the mercenary in more until Aliandra's gullet muscles can grip his chest and she pulls him in on her own. Her breast surges mightily as she finally swallows him in and then her huge abdomen bulges out more than ever. Drojha looks at those who are drugged and selects the one who is closest to having it wear off. Kreshan levitates him up and shoves him into Aliandra's gaping maw. "I don't know how she's managed to hold this many." He helps shove the mercenary in deeper and just holds it up as she slowly slurps it in. "There's no way we can control them for long without the wizard sensing us." He looks out at the howling blizzard. "I wonder how our friends are doing at home." Drojha nods and gives the last of the herbs to one before he wakes. "We have to get them in her somehow. If they wake and the wizard realizes something's up....." He thinks for a few moments as Aliandra continues to force her meal into her dangerously stuffed stomach. "I think we can work together and stop the wizard. We can draw on their energies much better than him. But even one merc could give us too much trouble than we can handle." Aliandra groans as she swallows strongly and finally slurps his feet in. As her abdomen bulges out even more, her stomach creaks loud enough for every one to hear. She opens her mouth and waits for the next one. Kreshan levitates the one Drojha points at and gently starts him into her huge mouth. Her fat engulfed legs move as she tries to find more room for her expanding digestive system. Her fur rolls on her fat like waves on the ocean. As she forces it all the way in, she groans loudly and her fat bloated abdomen swells out more and more. Drojha is controlling one who was starting to come out from under the herb control. "I'm afraid the other two will be conscious before she finishes this one." Kreshan raises the one up and shoves him into Aliandra waiting mouth. "As soon as she has control of this one, I better check on the wizard." He glances out the window and shakes his head. "We're going to make him pay for all he's done." Drojha is already controlling one of the mercenaries and constantly watches the other one. "I just hope he doesn't realize what's happening before she has these two in her." Kreshan relaxes and cautiously shifts his thoughts toward the chamber the wizard is in. He doesn't go any closer as he watches the flow of energy from Aliandra surge past him. He watches for a moment before returning to the others. "He's drawing the energies as fast as she's generating it." Walenka pauses after swallowing a large chunk of ham. "Get all the lemmings to feed me. The more energy he has to draw on, the more time we have." She opens her mouth wide and resumes gorging. Her abdomen is so swollen even Drojha looks at her with worry, then takes control of the other mercenary as he begins to come out from under the herb control. Aliandra struggles as she gets his body into her throat and tries to let gravity and her throat muscles get him in. She concentrates on her stomach some how being able to stretch and doesn't hear the ominous creaking as she gulps powerfully to get this one in. As his feet are shoved into her overstreatched stomach, she closes her eyes and gasps lightly. "I'm so stuffed I can barely breathe." Kreshan moves over to her and massages her impossibly streatched out abdomen while controling one of the Mercenaries. "I can't put much magic into you while I'm controling this one." Aliandra nods slightly, She takes the deepest breath she can with her impossibly gorged digestive system. "I can take him in most of the way so you don't need to control him." Kreshan raises the mercenary slowly and eases him into her well stretched maw. Some how she manages to find enough strength to swallow him enough to where he passes out from lack of air. Kreshan spreads his arms out around as much of her incredibly enormous belly and works on pouring his energies into her to help her digest and adapt. He can feel her energies being draw away as quickly as she can produce them. Walenka is opening her mouth for what ever the lemmings have ready, gulping it down and opening wide for the next offering. Drojha is controlling the last mercenary and almost loses control as he looks at Walenka and realizes how gigantic her belly is with the food supplies. He gasps as he regains power of the mercenary. Walenka smiles as she gulps down a large loaf of bread. "I have to keep the fool powered up until Alinadra can take the last one." She burps loudly and then resumes gogring. Drojha gives a slight nod to Kreshan, indicating Walenka has reached her safe limits. Both know that it's very possible one or both of the huge females may injure herself soon. The only way for them to attack Charenska, is for this last mercenary to be in Aliendra. Aliandra has been trying to keep enough of her own energy from the wizard to help her, but he draws it as fast as she can produce any. "You'll have to shove that one in," she gasps. "As long as he's drawing energy, I can't do a thing." Walenka pauses and nods. "Once you stop him, we can merge our energies to help each other." Aliandra opens her wide maw and waits. Kreshan looks at both of the massive eaters and then nods to Drojha. "Once she has him in her, we go and take down Charenska." Drojha levitates the final mercenary up and eases him into Aliandra's gaping mouth. He gently shoves him in and senses when the mercenary is no longer breathing. With a slight nod, he and Kreshan take what magic items they were able to hide and go after Charenska. They move silently through the empty corridors until they are outside the chamber where Charenska is casting his blizzard. Drojha touches the door and nods. Kreshan steps back and kicks the door open. They both charge in, defences and combat ready. Chrenska is standing on a ice covered dias. The flow of energy visible and the storm blowing powerfully above him through the open ceiling. Drojha moves as Kreshan watches for disruption of the energies. Finally Drojha stops just under the flow of energy. He raises his staff and the flow is reflected back for a moment, then it stops. For a moment, Charenska doesn't change his chant, then he stops and turns in uncontrolled anger. "You dare to stop me?" He shouts above the howl of the quickly fading storm. Drojha nods and touches the dias with his short staff. His words are ancient, but clear. Chrenska tries to move and then begins to colapse. Finally he is barely conscious, lying curled up and shivering. Kreshan steps forward. He touches the dias and a semisphere of something forms over Charenska. "Here you will remain, until others come for you." Them both turn and walk slowly out of the room, leaving the once powerful wizard trying to recover enough energy to warm himself. Once out of the room, they run back to the room thir females are in and stop in fear, then relief. Aliandra looks more like a fat wolf lying atop a furry cushion that might be ten feet in diameter. Walenka, with her incredibly obese bosom, looks like she's foundering among those two massive pillows and her rump. Her abdomen spreads out more than Aliandra's but is so close to the same mass, no one could tell who has eaten more. Kreshan hugs Aliandra and his energies merge with her's while Drojha and Walenka do the same. The lemmings begin packing the few remaining foods for travel as the storm fades into a gentle winter breeeze. Several hours later, Drojha stumbles back and then curls up beside Walenka. About an hour later, Kreshan does the same. It's mid afternon of the next day before Drojha wakes. He has to struggle a bit to get out from under the new fat Walenka has produced and walks around her slowly. She opens her eyes and smiles as he get in front of her. "Am I too big to get out of here?" She giggles and her rich fur billows on her sumptuous fat. Kreshan is also having to partly crawl out from under Aliandra's fresh flesh. They decide that they should get going as quickly as possible. The Lemmings have already moved the food to both sleds and every one retraces the way they came in. Outside it is cold, but nothing beyond a normal winter day. They promise to keep in touch and then head for their homes. ----------------------------- *Aliandra As they finally crest the last ridge, the lemmings run ahead to find how every one is. Kreshan helps guide the 'raft' up to the entravce they came out of only a number of days ago. Aliandra laughs as she settles onto the snow, sinking in several feet. "I think we have a small problem." Kershan takes a slow breath and then begins to draw on her abundant energy and the opening softens and widens until she can just squeeze through. Her fur billws on her tons of fat as she enters the main room. Kershan makes the door wide enough before he joins her and all the lemmings. For many hours every one tells of what happened in their fortress. Several sufferd from the cold, but none took any long term damage. All of the young can now find room on her soft, expansive back and many of the others snuggle into her wonderous warm fur. It's well into the next day by the time every one has finally given in to sleep. The day shift of lookouts and those needed to work, quietly move about doing their assignments. ------------------------------------------------------ *Walenka Walenka and Drojha move her barge through the deep snow. Finally they come in sight of their village. For a moment they aren't sure because of the deep, drifted snow. As they move toward their home, they can see several houses that caved in from the weight of the snow. They stop on the thick snow near their home, but the wide door is completely buried. Zoran waves from a second floor window of the tavern, which is just above the snow. He eases the window open enough to talk. "Been real bad, we lost a couple of houses when we couldn't keep clearing all the roofs. Several are in bad shape but they're still alive. Halord comes into view before they can reply. "I'll get the crew to clearing you a way in." He runs out of sight as Drojha looks at the barge Walenka is overflowing. "I think there's enough room on Walenka for one." Zoran nods and calls for help. As Drojha moves the barge closer to the window, Zoran and one of his tavern people struggle with a semi conscious worker. Once he's levitated onto Walenka's warm soft back and Dorjha is working on healing, they go back inside to watch. Drojha climbs up onto her spongy body and gets the blanket to cover the wounded and himself. He draws on her new fat and slowly heals the ice damaged man. He heals several while Halrod's crew rapidly digs down to uncover the door to their home. Before it's clear, he gets several of the carpenters to take out the doors and widen the entrance for Walenka's wonderously bloated bosom. Finally it's wide enough and Walenka levitates them slowly inside. Halrod and his crew virtually seals the opening and then insulates it. "We can rebuild the door in the spring." He glances as a icy gust blows through a still open area. "I don't think any one will want to go out much this winter." Walenka nods slowly. Zoran enters from the passageway from his tavern with a cart filled with foods. "I know you were eating a lot recently." He smiles and begins feeding her while Drojha gets off her and works on healing the injured men being brought in. Walenka eats slowly, telling Halrod and others what happened, while Drojha heals man after man. Finally the last one is resting quietly and he staggers over to Walenka. He colapses into her bountious fur and fat and is asleep before she manages to levitate him onto her expansive body. The town folks organize a team to go to Charenska's fortress. They leave at dawn and return several days later. They report the fortress looks as if it had been abandoned for more than a century. Drojha reaches out with his thoughts, but doesn't sense him anywhere. He give a sealed message to be sent to a friend for his to warn others of Charenska. "With them alerted," Drojha says with a slight smile, "Charenska will have to go far away before he won't have to constantly sleep with both eyes open. Spring arrives slowly, lessening the flooding the thick snows would have produced. Drojha and Kreshan keep in touch and share information and trade between the village and fortress of lemmings makes both places more comfortable. Both Walenka and Aliandra gain some weight, but nothing like what they did that winter. Walenka produces more and more milk, the cheese is incredibly healthy and much is sent free to Aliandra, Kreshan and the lemmings. finish time keg 1( 36) 2 1/2 to 4 11:15 2:15 keg 2( 72) 2 1/2 TO 3 1/4 1:50 2:35 keg 3(108) 2 1/2 to 3 1/4 4:30 2:40 keg 4(144) 2:40 to 3:15 7:27 2:57 keg 5(180) 2:50 to 3:15 10:05 2:38 keg 6(216) 2:40 to 3:00 12:15 2:20 keg 7(252) 2:20 to 2:40 3:05 2:50 keg 8(288) 2:10 to 2:40 5:10 2:05 keg 9(324) 2:10 to 2:40 7:30 2:20 keg10(360) 9:00 2:30 Start 9pm 10pm 11pm midnight 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 16gal 32gal 44gal 59gal 74gal 89gal 102gal 113gal 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am noon 1pm 126gal 137gal 146gal 162gal 186gal 200gal 212gal 224gal 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 238gal 250gal 267gal 283gal 295gal 315gal 329gal