<1> Mark is working on the control system of the air handling system of one of the college buildings. He enjoys working on his own and often talks to the equipment he's working on. The others in his department know he can handle his assignments and will call for assistance if he needs help. The controls are in need of a complete overhaul but he knows he'll be told that it worked fine yesterday, so he tries to replace a worn module along with the failed one. He is in the final stages of testing when he hears a voice behind him. "Mark, I'd like to talk with you, if I may." "Go ahead," he responds, catching a slight accent, but not recognizing it. "I'm down to the final tests and we can talk while I finish up." "I know that you have an insight into machines that the others don't understand. We've been looking for some one like you and we'd like to talk about it." Mark continues watching the test program run. "I've been here for enough years that I'm cautious about leaving. The pay may not be the greatest, but the job security is and I'm able to be proud of my work." The test finishes and he put the controls to run. "What type of equipment would I be working on if I was interested?" he asks as he secures the panel. "I can promise you that it's the type of equipment you've dreamed of. We understand how you can almost think with the equipment you've worked with. Our systems were designed for someone of your talents and will help you develop them to your wildest fantasies." Mark laughs, pockets his tools and stands up. "How can you know of my fantas... Where are you?" he asks as he looks around. "My apologies Mark. I"m speaking to you through a device that let's me see and hear without being there. Sit down and I'll tell you more. That is, if you're interested?" Yes, of course," Mark responds in amazement bordering on excitement. He sits down and stares in the direction of the voice. "First, my name is Kadoon, I am from a planet approximately 7 light years from here. The space transport I am on is in geosynchronous orbit south of your location. We have a device that absorbs energy so that we do not reflect transmitted signals. This helps our communication and makes us invisible to your radar network. Why we came and how we found you, I won't go into unless you decide to join us. This ship was originally designed to function with a technician that could think and feel with the ship. You have the ability hidden within you and we can help you find it." Kadoon pauses. "So what you're asking me to do is leave my home world and travel with you?" Mark asks in astonishment. <2> "Our race has been forced into slavery and we need help. I know you have no reason to help us and all we can offer is to awaken you inner talents. Are you at all interested in our plight?" Kadoon ask in a concerned voice. Mark thinks about how his life is here. He has a job he is somewhat satisfied in, but not the joy he would feel in being able to be one with a spaceship and other machines. He doesn't have a family of his own and the few friends that he has are not the ones he can talk with about his dreams and ideas. "The only thing that really stops me from jumping at the your offer is everything I've put in my house. They won't miss me here until something breaks" Kadoon's amusement can be heard in his voice. "We can use the gravity field generator in the cargo bay to pick up your house and bring it with us. There are two of us with the ability to manipulate matter. We can modify the structure of your house so it can function as a portable living unit. We'll install a power module so that it will be able to function completely on it's own." Mark has been smiling to himself while Kadoon solved the only reason he had to not except the offer. "When do we start?" he asks as his face breaks into a wide smile. Kadoon laughs, his accent has been sounding more normal for Mark while he talked. "Today is Thursday. If we plan on Saturday night, that will give you time to say goodbye to your friends. If you don't mind, I'll keep this monitor system linked to you so we can change plans if something happens." Mark agrees, and since it is quitting time, he heads for the shop to check out for the day. That night he prepares his house so that nothing is damaged in the move. The next day goes quickly at work, Mark is so busy that he misses both breaks. Kadoon asks him about this. "You're given two breaks and you worked through both of them?" Mark smiles, "When I'm busy doing what I like," he says as he closes up his fifth and last system of the day, "I'm happy. Besides, by Monday morning I'll be working on a system I only dreamed about." They both laugh about this as Mark cleans up and heads for the shop. That night Mark had invited his friends for a pizza party. He had asked Kadoon to made a recording of this, so he could remember them. After the party, Mark talks with Kadoon while he cleans up. "Now that I've said my goodbyes to them," he pauses as he glances out a window. "You're wondering if there's any reason we can't bring you aboard tonight?" Kadoon replies. The understanding can be felt in his voice. <3> Mark smiles as he goes outside. He walks to the main breaker on the side of the house and pushes it to the off position. He then opens it and disconnects the main feeds to the house. Walking over to the front he opens the control for the water and closes the valve. He smiles as he reenters his home and sits down. "All outside systems are shut down." He says with a wishful smile. Kadoon responds with a touch of laughter in his voice. "Then sit back and enjoy the tallest elevator ride you've ever had." Mark feels a slight jerk as his house is separated from the ground. He then feels the slight shift in gravity, like elevator starting up. "Space, here I come." he says with a smile. "How's the ride?" Kadoon asks. "You'll be on board in 12 minutes. The ship has adjusted it's time displays to match Earth's." Mark smiles, "I'm leaving Earth so I better get used to your time system." "Our hour is one percent of one revolution of the planet. Our minute is one percent of that. Our planet revolves in just over 27 of your hours so you shouldn't have any trouble adjusting." He pauses, "You'll be here in 10 of our minutes." Mark relaxes and then opens his eyes wide. "I never thought to ask what you look like!" Kadoon laughs, "Even though there are differences, I don"t think you'll be shocked. Actually, there more in common with us than with the Dalookans." As Kadoon says this name, Mark can feel the anger he tries to restrain. Mark looks out the window and sees the blackness of space with the stars shinning as solid points of light, not twinkling as when he looked at them before he left the surface. "You're almost here", Kadoon informs him, his voice now calmed. "If you look out the left side window, you should be able to see the ship." Mark cautiously stands and steps over to the window. Looking up as far as he can, he only sees stars. Suddenly a wall of darkness descends. "I should have warned you that we have all the lights turned off so that no one will see us." Kadoon tells him. Total darkness surrounds him as he stares at the doors and walls of the cargo bay. He feels the down shift of gravity as the gravity beam stops his accent. "You're inside the cargo bay and the doors are closing now. The ship generates it's own gravity and the force field keeping an atmosphere around your house will keep working until we pressurize the cargo bay." Mark feels a gentle bump, followed by the sound of the bay pressurizing. The lights are switched on and he sees the black walls of the cargo bay. "Well, it looks like I've arrived." Kadoon laughs, "The bay's almost pressurized now. Why don't you wait and I'll come to meet you." Mark sits back down and smiles. "What do you say to an alien that's asked for your help?" he thinks. <4> Mark almost jumps out of his chair when he hears a knock at the door. He rushes to the door, pulls it open and gets his first look at a Jharaken. "I'm Kadoon, it's good to meet you." he says, offering his hand. Mark smiles and grasps his hand in friendship. "It's good to meet you. Come on inside." Kadoon enters and then slowly turns completely around, so that Mark can get a complete view of him. His appearance is similar to a centaur with several differences. His lower body is similar to a very large wolf, except the tail having quad white stripes down it's length and the fore paws have fingers that are double jointed at pad/wrist junction so that they bend back when on all fours. The human torso and head are almost identical to his own, except with slightly pointed, mobile ears. His hair is a medium brown with dual blond stripes. Mark estimates his height to be about 5'. Kadoon sits back and shows how his lower fingers unbend and function as a second pair of hands. "The others are preparing the ship to leave orbit, so I guess it's time to tell you about our plight." Kadoon comments as he lowers his forepaws to the ground, his fingers folding back as the pads touch the ground. He turns his upper body as another knock is heard at the door. "That will be Zhila, I asked her to give us a few minutes before joining us." He stands and opens the door. A female Jharaken enters, similar in appearance except in height and color. "I am Zhila," she says with a heavy accent. "I haven't studied your language as much as Kadoon, but I hope you can understand this." Mark stands and offers his hand to her. She runs her palm over the top of his and halfway up his fore arm. Kadoon smiles, "Our ways of greeting are similar, yet different. Zhila is a healer. She can also touch your mind with her's and open your hidden talents." Zhila motions for Mark to sit down. "Close your eyes and relax," her voice is gentle, almost sing, songish and he doesn't notice her accent as much as before. "We must go into your mind, into the recesses that have never been opened." While she is talking, her hands begin to gently caress his face and head, touching lightly yet he feels the caress deeper than he thought possible. "Think of the machines you have worked on, think of how you felt they were almost alive." Mark thinks of the equipment he worked on today. He begins to drift into the system. Feeling the power flow within the circuits. He suddenly realizes how all the systems he has worked on truly function. He knows how to become one with them and how to feel and repair the breakdowns, that took hours and many replacement parts, by thinking of how the system should be. "Now think of how you talk," Zhila's gentle voice sings to him. "Think of how your thoughts become words and sentences." <5> Mark feels as if he is surrounded by phantom books. All shifting constantly as his thoughts hunt for the right ones to express himself. "Now share how my thoughts become words and sentences," This comes to him more as a thoughts, than words. Mark looks around and sees an opening in the direction of where her thoughts seem to come from. He moves toward it and enters another phantom library. "I share my thoughts of language with you. What is mine, is yours. What is yours, is mine." Her thoughts sing in his mind. caressing him, almost as gentle as a lover. Mark stand at the point where both languages meet. He feels his thoughts acquire a double meaning. One thought, with two explanations. Slowly the books reorganize themselves and he can translate his thought into English or Jharaken as if he has always known them. "Now it is time to come back to your conscience self. This way will always be open to you, now that you know the way." Her voice caresses his mind and he begins to feel her loving caress once more. "You are becoming more alert to what is around you. There is no hurry, nothing demands that you awaken, but you know that you are ready." Mark snuggles slightly under her touch. As he opens his eyes, he realizes that he is hearing her speaking in Jharaken. "I know," he whispers in Jharaken. "I know how the systems feel and how to feel with them." Kadoon smiles, "And we can now speak much easier. I know you want to link up with the ship, but first I feel I should tell you of the reason we need you." Mark sits more erect. "Yes, your problem has given reason for you to awaken my hidden talents. Now I must know how I can help you." Zhila slumps slightly against the couch and Mark jumps up to catch her. "It's normal for me to feel drained after what I've helped you through," she whisper as he helps he onto the couch. Mark smiles, "I know a bit about sharing energy myself." He sits down beside her and cradles her head in his lap. He strokes her long red with brown stripes hair and she relaxes. He turns his face to Kadoon, "Now tell me about your plight." Kadoon rises, "Before I start, I'd like to try some of this Classic Coke you seem to enjoy." He gets a bottle from the refrigerator and three glasses. He sits down and fills two of them. "The other is for Zhila when she wakes." Mark takes his and shows Kadoon the simple ceremony of a toast. "To times that were and times that shall be. May we remember best those that were good, and seek only for those that will be better." They clink glasses and drink. "I'm going to miss this when it's gone." Mark comments as he savors the taste. <6> "No need to worry," Kadoon assures him. "Our food processor can duplicate anything you have." He refills his and Mark's glasses. "Now I must tell you of our plight." He leans back and sips thoughtfully. "First I think I should explain how we selected you. One of us onboard is what we call a Seeker. Jakan has the ability to 'know' where something or someone is. We needed someone with your talents, and with few ties to prevent you from joining us." Mark smiles and sips his drink. "If my talent with machines is as good as her's," he looks around the room and smiles. Kadoon looks at Zhila, resting in Mark's arms. "She thinks so." He looks back at Mark. "I'm putting off what you must know." He leans back and closes his eyes. "On our planet lives two races. Ours, the Jharaken and the Dalookans. The Dalookans were aggressive. Not in action, but they were undefeated experts when trading. They often insisted that we should feel thankful that our goods were not simply taken by force. Even with this attitude, our races worked together. We made what was needed on our planet and what was desired by offworlders, and they traded for what was difficult for us to make." "Almost eight solar orbits ago, approximately seven of your years, the Dalookans discovered a deposit of rare elements that they sold off world. With this they acquired three interstellar transports. With these ships they were able to travel to a system where they acquired high tech weapons to force our race to work for them as slaves. Interstellar laws has no jurisdiction on individual planets and we had no way to contact them if they did." "My crew and I were trained to fly the transports with the belief that we wouldn't rebel because of what they threatened to do to our family and friends. We felt that freedom was worth the chance, so we managed to get this transport crewed by only our race and went in search of help. We knew that none of the worlds we traded with would help because of the demand for the elements the Dalookans supplied them with. We had smuggled on board a few of our race with what you would call psychic abilities. Jakan has the ability to seek out beings with whatever talents that are needed. Zhila's abilities, of course, you know. Your world is the closest one that has not been contacted, so we came here and found you." Mark puts down his coke and helps Zhila up. "You used your energies to help me, so I used mine to recharge you." He smiles as he fills her glass. Zhila cautiously takes a sip, before deciding she likes the flavor. "Now that you know of our situation, do you have any ideas?" Mark frowns, "How much do the Dalookans understand their machines?" <7> Kadoon smiles, "They have a deal where one of the technicians, from where the equipment was made, comes four times an orbit. The technician knows how to repair the mining machines and most of the other gear, but doesn't have the ability to think into them." Zhila looks around Mark's house, "Shouldn't we get his house modified and have Mark learn how to use his powers before trying to decide how to achieve our freedom?" Kadoon shakes his head and laughs. "You're right. We have a limited amount of time before we get to our home planet." He stands and motions for Mark to follow. "Let's introduce you to some more of our crew and, of course, the ship." The three of them step through the door and into the cargo bay. A male and female are studying a display screen and take no notice of them. Kadoon approaches them. "This is Chireek." The brown furred female turns from the screen and greets Mark in the same manner Zhila had. "Darosh and I have been making plans of how best to modify your house," she comments in a quiet voice. "When he's deep into his work he doesn't like to be asked questions. But we can look at the display without bothering him." Mark studies the display for several minutes before stepping back. "It looks like the two of you know what you're doing." Chireek smiles, "We'll go over the final plans with you before we start. Once we get started, we really get going." Mark thanks her and asks her to relay his thanks to Darosh. He rejoins Kadoon and Zhila. "Santosh and Tireeka should be in the control room." Kadoon comments as he opens the door leading out of the cargo bay. They walk down a long corridor with several passage ways branching off at regular intervals. "I'd give you a tour, but with your talents, the ship can do a much better job. This is a cargo ship and the lack of intership vehicles is so that the crew will be kept in shape." After several more minutes and ramp-ways leading to higher levels, they enter the control room. The pilot is about the same height as Kadoon but with black fur, offset by white stripes. Another male, with a slightly heavier build, blond fur and brown stripes, turns from a display panel and approaches them. "I'm Tireeka, and you must be Mark." He makes the Jharaken greeting and shows Mark the display console. "This display shows how the engines are preforming, individual field coil status.." As he began speaking, Mark felt the desire to put his hand on an unmarked, textured plate. He feels himself drawn into the display and yet still standing in front of it. a unusual voice sounds in his head, Mark smiles, and the others know what is happening. For the next several hours, 342 tells Mark about it's self and how they can link up with out physical contact. 342 explains that this can only be done with one ship or device. This special link can be transferred to another device when it becomes necessary. <8> When Mark releases his physical contact with the ship, he still feels it nearby and is pleased to reestablish contact instantly. He releases contact so that he can more easily talk with the others. "Completely fascinating," he says with a sigh. "I only dreamed of this being possible, and now it"s happened." Mark sits down on the copilot's bench. Santosh glances at him and smiles, "These benches were designed for us," he jokes. "Either we get a special one made for you, or you find a way to strap yourself onto one of these." Chireek laughs, "I'm sure we can have that solved before your next shift." Mark turns at the sound of her voice. "I take it you'd like me to come down and look at the plans you've made for my house?" She laughs, "I know how you feel about linking up with the ship. I can still remember the first time I modified a table into a bench." She turns and trots out the door. Mark jumps up and quickly catches up with her. He keeps up with her for several minutes before she realizes, to keep up with her casual trot, Mark is almost running. "You should have said I was going too fast," she comments as she slows to a walk. Mark shakes his head and takes a deep breath. "I know, but I was hoping I could keep up with you. I guess that with four legs you can travel faster than I can with two." She tells him of some of the ideas they've worked out for modifying his house. "I've looked at your furniture and I can easily make a chair for you on the bridge." They enter the cargo bay where his house is. Darosh come from around the side and greets him. "Sorry I was concentrating too much to meet you earlier." Mark smiles, "I've done the same thing myself." He looks at the design display and they spend a couple of hours going over the designs before they decide on the final plans. Mark sits down on the porch and almost collapses. Darosh catches him before he falls over. "I've been so excited about all this that I haven't realized that I've been awake for more than an entire day." He stands and steps into his house. "Is there any chance you can hook up power soon? I've got some food that needs to stay cool." Chireek steps past him and turns on the lights. "We had a portable power unit on line a few minutes after you went to the control room." Mark thanks them and staggers to bed. He falls asleep, feeling the mental contact of 342 as he drifts to sleep. <9> Mark awakens to the sound of the engines. He tosses his clothes on and allows his link to activate. 342 informs him through their mind-link. he responds. He opens the door and looks into the cargo bay. Darosh is working on a complex device that is resting on a wheeled cart. "What's that for?" Mark asks. Darosh gets up and looks at the device in frustration. "It's supposed to be a recycle device that converts wastes fluids and solids into water. It was in the store room but it looks like it should have been sent in for repairs." Mark steps off the porch and studies the device. "Can't the engineers fix it?" he asks. Darosh laughs, "They were trained how to operate the controls and keep the ship in flight. The ships have self repairing systems and backups in case of a major failure. Repair technicians came to our planet several times a year and did the repairs and maintenance on everything." Mark is only half hearing him as he runs he hands over the control panel. "Could you open this panel for me?" he asks. Darosh pulls a device that looks like a power screwdriver, except that the head is much different. "I have Chireek looking for another one." He steps back as Mark continues his touching the recycler. "She should be able to find one in the other storage room." Mark vaguely hears this as he thinks into the plasma converter and thinks the failed coil into factory fresh condition. He continues his linkup and renews several components before stepping back. "That should do it," he comments as he almost collapses onto the porch. Darosh doesn't notice Mark's condition as he checks out the unit. He is pouring debris into it as Zhila enters. She watches Darosh for a moment, before she notices Mark's condition. "Darosh you Rofweg! Don't you know that when someone uses that much of himself, he needs help." She rushes to Mark's side as Darosh turns and looks in surprise. "I didn't know he used his ability. He just seemed to make an adjustment and it started working." Zhila gets down beside Mark. She sits him up and leans him against her full bosom. "You should have called me when he started. We'll have to pay more attention to him until he gets used to his energy drain." Her voice starts harsh, but fades into a whisper as she helps Mark recover. Darosh stands dejected for a moment before deciding to finish the tests of the recycler. His com unit beeps and he keys it. "Darosh here." "This is Chireek, I think I found one, but it's bigger than we need." <10> "Mark's fixed this one." Darosh informs her. "Did you find a food processor? Remember Kadoon said we can't try any of Mark's food until we can replace it." "It's on the cart," she replies. "I want to find out if that Classic Coke is as great as Kadoon says it is." Darosh keys off and finishes the final test. He turns as he hears Mark and Zhila starting to move. "Are you alright?" he asks. Mark smiles, "There's no reason to upset yourself." He responds as he helps Zhila to her feet. "I was so excited that I was able to use my ability that I didn't think it would drain me." Zhila picks up the case she had been carrying. "I was bringing you something to eat. I didn't think you'd want to eat from what you have until we get it programmed into the food processor." She smiles at Darosh. "Sorry I jumped at you. When Chireek gets here, why don't you join us?" Darosh finally smiles, "It checks out like it just came from the factory." Mark smiles as he opens the door. "It's good to know that I wasn't imagining it." He leaves the door open after Zhila enters. She put the case on the table while Mark puts a couple of blankets on the floor. "I saw the pads in the control room," he explains. "I hope the table isn't too high for you." Zhila smiles as she lowers herself onto the blanket beside Mark's chair. Her chin is several inches above the table top. "I think I can manage," she replies. Mark smiles, "I think I'll talk with Darosh and Chireek about lowering this table and designing a chair so we can eat and talk in comfort." "How low do you want it?" Chireek asks as she enters. "I didn't have much when I got up, so I could use something to eat." She drops herself onto one of the other blankets. "I found a food processor for you," she comments as she accepts a container from Zhila. "We can mount the processor on the cabinet and put the memory unit in the cabinet." Mark opens his package and looks at it's contents. He picks it up and cautiously takes a bite. "I'm not sure what it is," he comments, "but it tastes good." Zhila giggles, "I was afraid that you'd want to live on only the foods you have here." Mark shakes his head and smiles, "I never have a lot of food in the house. I'm sure I'd get tired of the same things and force myself to learn to enjoy yours." He take a normal bite and they talk about what modifications they are planning to make to Mark's house. After they eat, Zhila hands Mark a com unit. "Before you use your powers again." She commands him. "Make sure some one knows what you're doing." She bumps her shoulder against his side and jogs down the corridor. Mark watches her leave and then turns to Chireek. "I'm not sure how it is on your world. But on Earth, I would suspect that she is making a play for me." <11> Chireek gives him a puzzled look. "What do you mean by 'play.'" Mark thinks for a second. "It's like she desires me for more than just talk." Chireek rolls the cart with the processor on it toward the door. "Darosh, I think it would be best if I talk with Mark alone." Darosh smiles, "I better give our designs a final inspection before we get started. It should take me awhile so don't hurry." He walks over to the design display while Chireek and Mark carry the processor into the house and closes the door. "She was showing her interest in you," Chireek begins as they uncrate it. "Those who have special talent, sometimes see the talents of some one, before that person sees it." Mark thinks on this while she secures the processor to the counter. "I know I've left my home world behind and that means females of my kind." He checks out the memory unit and then begins emptying a self. "I guess I don't want to turn her completely down. Actually, her human portion is rather attractive. I just need time to get used to all of this." They mount the memory unit and Chireek forms a hole in the cabinet so they can make the final connections. "Does the type of affection she's giving you now, bother you?" Chireek asks. Mark smiles, "If you promise not to tell, I actually enjoyed it. But I never thought of it as anything but close friendship." Chireek smiles, "I could tell her that you don't want to get involved with anyone until you've become more adapted to your abilities. You aren't sure if it's her or just the feeling you get when she recharges you." Mark smiles, "And tell her I appreciate what she does. It's just that I want to feel more at home here before I get that close to anyone." He pauses before making the final connection. "And I don't want to worry about anyone special until we free the rest of your people." Chireek gives him a warm kiss on the cheek. "That's for caring about our people before yourself." She smiles at his surprise. "We watched some of your video broadcasts and were surprised that your race also shows male- female friendship by kissing." Mark smiles and gives her a hug. "Just as long as Darosh understands." She smiles as she takes a bottle of coke from the refrigerator. "You pour liquids into this port and put solid foods into the main chamber." She turns the unit on and selects new food from the list. As she pours a small amount the display changes. She stops and the display asks for the name to be assigned. <12> Mark keys in the closest symbols he can. He then requests two containers of it. In a few seconds, the display signals completion and he opens the door. "Now let's see how this technology and Earth classics mix." He removes both containers and hands one to Chireek. He cautiously sips his, savoring the flavor for a moment. "Just like downtown, I'll worry about encoding the other foods later." Chireek has been cautiously tasting her drink. "It does have an interesting flavor." They finish their drinks, then roll the cart out and check on the design changes. It doesn't take Mark long to agree with their designs. "I better get up to the control room before Kadoon wonders where I am." Darosh shakes his head. "He wanted you to work with us until you're satisfied with our plans." Mark smiles and heads down the corridor. He opens his link with the ship, <342, what's our status?> <342 replying. We are passing over the asteroid belt and on course for slingshotting with Jupiter. All systems are well within required parameters.> Mark thinks to himself as he walks. A short time ago I only dreamed of getting into space. Now I'm going to another solar system and using telepathy with the computers. He arrives in the control room. Only Santoosh and Tireeka are there. "How is the work going on your house?" Tireeka asks. "They've finished the designs and were getting started when I left." Mark replies as he sits down on the chair. "I take it Chireek made this?" Santoosh laughs. "We all have custom built benches." He presses a button and sides spring up, securing him. "If we lose our inertial baffles you can really get tossed around." <342, can you give me a quick lesson on our systems?> Mark thinks. Mark sees the list in his mind and decides to study the ones referring to the gravity field generators. After a few minutes, he understands them and watches Santoosh. Santosh glances at Tireeka, "Could you get me something to drink?" he asks. Tireeka glances at Mark, "When you get your Classic Coke processed, you'll have to put a sample in the ship's processor." Mark smiles and links his home's processor to the ship's. He transfers the file and instructs that all future foods be stored in both systems. "Transfer is completed," he says to a startled Tireeka. He goes to the processor, gets three cokes and passes them out. "I'm going to have to find what foods of yours taste good to me." Tireeka smiles as she taste her drink. "It does have something special." <13> Mark smiles and spends the next several hours linked into the ship. At midday, Mark eases his link with the ship. He turns as he hears Kadoon talking to him. "What were you saying?" he asks. Kadoon smiles, "You seem to be getting used to your abilities. What I wanted to tell you is we're going to have a discussion about how we can keep them from learning we have returned and what our motives are." Mark agrees, "I should take a break. I can see how some techs can get so involved with their ships they almost forget that they have a body of their own." He pauses when he sees the concern in Kadoon's face. "You don't have to worry. 342 told me of this happening and promised to break our link if it started happening to me." They promise to tell Santosh and Tireeka what they discuss in the meeting. Kadoon leads Mark from the control room and down the corridor. They enter the crew's dinning/meeting room. Jakan, Zhila, Chireek and Darosh are there along with several others. "For those of you who haven't met him," Kadoon begins, "this is Mark. Mark," he indicates the others as he identifies them, "this is our other pilot, Aluta." A mature female with reddish brown fur nods to him. "Her mate and our second engineer, Meleina." The male beside her stands, His fur appears to be a light brown, but also appears to have several burn scars. "I was a slave in the mines before they found that I could handle the mining machines. When they tested us for more complex systems, I was the only one who showed the ability to handle this ship's systems. These burns are from the pain device they use to make us work." He sits down and drinks from the mug beside him. Kadoon looks at Mark, "He can tell you what the rest of us can't. He's been in the mines. He knows how the Dalookans control the others." He turns to the others, "Thoon is our navigator. He can work out interplanetary maneuvers in his head." Thoon laughs, He's blonde with almost white stripes and appears to be more carefree than the others. "That not completely true." Kadoon laughs, "And he can do this while drinking you to your forearms." He smiles at Mark's confusion. "When we drink in celebration, If you're forearms are on the ground, you stop drinking." He nods to the final member of the crew. "This is Nikiya. She was at the spaceport when we left and we decided to bring her along. She was what you might call a housekeeper for the Dalookans." <14> She smiles as Mark studies her appearance. Her fur is a glossy light brown and her stripes are only slightly lighter, so that the colors flow into each other. But what catches his attention is her size. "The Dalookans I kept house for decided that if they fattened me up, I be grateful to them." She smiles as she struggles to her feet, causing her overly abundant flesh to billow. "So I decided to eat as much as I could. Since I did the shopping, they didn't know they were fattening me on the richest, most expensive foods, and I was using the food processor for their meals. For most foods it does a good job, but some foods lose their flavor." She walks over to the food processor and her flesh flows. Kadoon motions Mark to the only chair and they both sit down. "In a few days we will pass the gort cloud of this system and make the jump back to our home system. When we get there we must find a way to conceal ourselves from the Dalookans. Then we must learn what has happened since we left. After that point I don't know what we can do." He turns to Mark. "I know you are just getting comfortable with the ship and are still not completely able to comprehend our situation." Mark sips the drink beside him and is not surprised when he discovers it is Coke. "Actually I understand more than I thought I would and I can give you some good news." His hand touches the com unit on the table and he establishes a solid link with the ship. "We will pass the gort cloud two days from now at 43:40 by your clocks. When we jump space, 342 will tell the others about my linking with him. They won't tell the Dalookans because, in their own way, they are also slaves. I don't know how this can help us on the planet, but it's more than I first hoped for." He smiles at those around the table. "And gives us time to work out our next step." Darosh reports on how the work on Mark's house is progressing. "We've started on modifying the foundation and have installed levelers for uneven terrain. We should have this work done, and be almost done with the framework and walls before we jump space." Nikiya finishes serving the meal and sits down. "I've put some of my best dishes in our system so I hope you enjoy it," she tells Mark. Mark smiles and tastes some of the foods. "Even though I've never had anything like it," he comments, "I do like it." They talk about how things were on Darnarius when they left and explain anything that Mark asks to be described in more detail. After dinner, Mark accompanies Chireek and Darosh to the cargo bay. "Do you mind if I talk to Chireek alone?" he asks Darosh. Darosh smiles, "She told me about Zhila. I know you aren't after her for anything more than advice. Maybe it's because you feel safer talking to a mated Jharaken and a female is often easier to talk with because they don't think the way males do." <15> Chireek tackles him and then runs into Mark's house. Mark scrambles after her and closes the door. "He never mentions we're mated unless it's to some one who already knows," she laughs. She relaxes against the couch and looks at Mark. "Do you want me to guess what you want to talk about?" Mark smiles and sits on the floor in front of her. "While I was communing with the ship, he asked me if I had a mate or was close to some one. I told him I didn't and he said if I started using my system repair ability I might have trouble. You know this morning I almost collapsed after I repaired the recycler. Zhila's physical contact is what I needed to get myself going again. Chireek smiles and tousles his hair. "Why do you think Darosh and I work so well together? When he works, I meditate so I can give him energy when he's drained. When I work, he does the same for me. The reason he didn't know you were drained is that he didn't know you used any power to repair the unit." Mark sits back and looks around his house. "So I need someone to recharge me when I repair devices." He thinks about this for a few minutes. Chireek looks into his eyes. "I know that you're worried about Zhila getting too close to you, and if she recharges you, I can almost assure you you'll be getting closer than you are now." Mark returns her concentration. "I'm going to need my talents if we're going to free your people. Maybe it's just that I'm worried about her and myself falling together because I need her, rather than I really care for her." Chireek gently takes his head in her hands and puts her forehead against his. "I know that a male/ female pairing is best for Darosh and myself." Mark smiles, "It's best for me too. Do you think any of the unmated females might be interested, or do you think Zhila would be upset?" Chireek releases him. "I talked with Zhila and she understands. Remember when she opened your mind and you helped replenish her energies? That's when she thought you might want to be close to her. She won't mind if you find someone else. But if you continue helping each other, you'll find that you need her." Mark shakes his head, "I feel something for her but it's not like I think I should. It feels almost like needing her without desiring her." Chireek nods her head. "She doesn't have anyone. Her mate was taken to a Dalookan prison and is most likely dead. Kadoon, Thoon and Meleina have been sharing energies with her and Jakan so that they won't form a one on one bond." Mark looks at her concerned face. "what if I shared myself with her and Jakan?" Chireek smiles, "For what I'm afraid you're going to be doing. You'll need to have a complete one on one bond." Mark mentally lists the rest of the crew. "What about Nikiya? What ability does she have?" <16> Chireek is shocked for a moment. "I don't know why I didn't think of her before. She sort of jumped on board at the last minute. All she has been doing is keeping the crew quarters clean and preparing our meals. Jakan has talked with her a lot while we were coming to find you." Mark smiles, "I don't know if we should talk with Jakan or go straight to Nikiya." Chireek grabs her com unit, "Jakan, could we see you in Mark's house?" "I'll be there straight away. Is there anything you'd like me to bring?" she responds. "Just yourself will be fine," Chireek answers. She keys off her unit and looks at Mark. "There's something else on your mind, isn't there?" Mark smiles sheepishly. "I was thinking that since I'm not planning to return to earth," his voice falters. Chireek looks at him in confusion for a few seconds. "Are you thinking of what physical bonding with a Jharaken might be like?" She asks in surprise and amusement. Mark tosses a pillow at her, "No, I was thinking of how to order a pizza from earth." He gives a laugh of relief. "I never thought of it till now. I'm going to be the only human on your planet. While we're freeing your people I'll have plenty to keep my mind occupied. But once they're free..." He leaves the sentence unfinished. Chireek looks at him and controls her laughter. "And I thought you were one of your kind that didn't desire close physical action." She pauses and then whispers to him. "If you had any of the available females to choose from, who would it be?" Mark thinks for a moment. "It wouldn't be Zhila. I don't know why, but there something in her that wants me and pushes me away at the same time." Chireek sadly responds to this, "She still thinks there's a chance her mate may be alive." Mark nods in understanding. "I don't know Jakan or Nikiya enough to make an opinion on them." He jumps up as someone knocks on the door. "I think you can find out how you feel about Jakan right now," Chireek says with a laugh. He smiles and opens the door. "Come on in Jakan." He says as she steps in. "We're talking some thing over and Chireek thought you might want to give your opinions." Jakan walks over to the couch and jumps onto it. Curling up and leaning her human portion against the back. "I don't have anything that really needs me until we get home. Is there something special we're talking about?" Chireek explains to her what they have been talking about, while Mark gets them each a Coke. <17> Jakan sips her drink thoughtfully as Chireek tells of part of their conversation. "So what you need immediately is someone to recharge you after you use your talent? Once we get home, Zhila will need her energy to heal, so it's best if she doesn't have to give anyone her energy. I don't know how much my skill will be needed but I could give you what ever I'll be able too." She looks at Mark through half opened eyes. "There's an old legend that the larger Jharakens have more energy." Chireek laughs and almost falls over. "That's the real reason we called you," she gasps. "You know her better than anyone else on board. How do you think she'd feel if Mark asked her?" Jakan takes a long drink and smiles, "I know she'd jump at the chance." Her voice takes a more concerned tone. "There is one very important thing I must tell you. You saw how plump she is?" Mark nods and she continues. "She told me that she is proud of her size. The Dalookans that kept her, thought it was a joke when they decided to fatten her up. They never knew that she was gorging on the delicacies they ordered and she was feeding them food from the processor. She feels that her weight is sort of a reward that shows her victory over them." Mark thinks about this. "I can understand how she feels. She took the best food they had and was showing it off right in front of them." Jakan pauses, "The next question is, does her plumpness bother you?" Mark tries to conceal his smile, and succeeds until Chireek throws the pillow at him. "We're all adults here. If there's something about her size that you like. We won't tell anyone else." Chireek promises. Mark looks at both of them for a moment. "Ok. I admit that on earth I found buxom women the most attractive. And I preferred it when they had enough flesh elsewhere so that they didn't look like they were going to fall over." Jakan jumps off the couch and tackles him while Chireek helps pin him. "You've been thinking about her since we ate and made us drag it out of you?" Chireek laughs. Jakan whispers something in her ear and they both collapse in laughter. Mark struggles out from under them. "Are you going to tell me what's so funny?" he gasps. Jakan giggles, "It's a private joke." She regains control of her laughter, while Chireek remains giggling on the floor. "I think it would be best if you and I went and talked with her now." She looks at Chireek, "Laughing bird there won't be much help." This puts Chireek into another fit of laughter and they leave her, gasping on the floor. When they get outside, Jakan tells Darosh why Chireek isn't with them. He glances at Mark, "Now I can get even with her for the last joke she played on me." Darosh says with a devious grin. "We won't be back for awhile. And if I don't see you out here, I'll knock." Mark promises and Darosh enters the house. <18> Mark and Jakan go to the crew's dinning room. "It might be best if you waited while I talk with her," Jakan suggests. Mark agrees and studies a four level board game while waiting for them to return. In less then ten minutes, Jakan returns. "Nikiya thinks it sounds like a good idea and is more than willing to try. She feels she hasn't been doing as much as she should but doesn't have the talents to help out on the ship any more than she has." She turns and leads Mark into the crew quarters. "We each have a private room," She explains. "This ship was designed for a crew of fifty so we have plenty of space." Mark smiles, "When we free your people, I'm sure you won't have any problems finding crews for all the ships." He follows her as she turns into a side room. Nikiya is standing beside a table. "Jakan told me what the three of you talked about." She moves to her sleeping pad and lays down. "I'm sorry I don't have anywhere for you to sit," she comments as she relaxes, her soft flesh quivering as she does. Mark sits on the floor and leans against the wall. "I'm the one who needs to adapt to your ways. How much did Jakan tell you?" he asks. Nikiya smiles, "I've know about how Kadoon and the others share their energies with Zhila and Jakan. My talent is slow enough and affects only me. So I don't feel drained when I use it." Jakan is still standing and touches Mark's shoulder. "I think the two of you should talk by yourselves. If you need me, Nikiya knows where my room is." They agree and she leaves them. Nikiya smiles, "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" she asks. Mark smiles, "Not unless you do. We had something to drink while the three of us were talking." Nikiya gets up and her plump flesh jiggles. "I'm not trying to put any weight on you," she explains as she uses the processor, "It's just that I got used to eating a lot and my weight reminds me what fools I made of the Dalookans." She removes a plate filled with something similar to cookies and two glasses of a clear liquid. "I thought you might like some water," she comments as she hands a glass to him. "These are made of grain, sweet nuts, and a few spices. We call them sweet disks." She takes a large bite of one. "Go ahead and try a bite. If you don't like it, I'll finish it." Mark leans over and picks a small one off the plate. As he does, she shifts herself and her partially exposed breasts quivers. He wonders if she did this on purpose as he tastes the treat. "It's pretty good," he responds. <19> Nikiya smiles, finishes the one she was eating and gets another one. "I've never shared my energy very often, and never with the same person for more than once or twice." She finishes her sweet disk and takes a drink. "Jakan told me of what was starting to happen between you and Zhila. I know she still feels the loss of her mate and may have been thinking of you as someone to make her forget him." She pauses and gets a sweet disk, "I don't have the loss she has but I can't swear that if we work together, I won't be closely drawn to you." Mark takes a slow, thoughtful drink. "I thank you for your honesty. I don't know if I won't be drawn to you myself or what. This is all new to me but I'm adapting faster than I thought I would. I need all of you to help me become familiar with your customs and habits. If I say something out of place or whatever, don't worry about hurting my feelings by telling me." Nikiya senses the hidden pain in what he says. She reaches out and strokes his forearm. "I'll try and teach you all that I can about our customs. On your world, others wonder what went on when two people are alone for several hours. In our world, we don't attempt to guess what happened. With us alone, the others will think that we talked about my helping you recharge, and possibly about ourselves. No one will try and insist that something else happened." Mark now strokes her soft forearm. "I think your race is more advanced than my own. Tell me more about yourself and I'll tell you about my old life." Nikiya smiles and nibbles on the sweet disks. "You refer to it as your old life. Right now we should worry about your new life. When we free 'our' people, we can talk of your old life." Mark smiles and refills their glasses with Coke. "Here's to freedom and the downfall of the Dalookans." Nikiya smiles as she drinks. "Kadoon told you of how I was a housekeeper for them. They came to my village and had the females stand in a line. Several of their guards kept weapons aimed at us while the others asked us questions. We had heard of them going to other villages and knew they were looking for house keepers and servants. The food to our village had been severely rationed, since we did little that they could exploit, so all of us were thin. They separated us into groups and asked us what we did and what, if any, talents we had." She begins eating another sweet disk. "They hadn't gotten a good look at me, since I had been standing near the end of the line. I asked the ones on each side of me to go along with whatever I said and they agreed. We were put in a group of seven and they asked each one of us about how good we were at cooking. I concentrated at making myself look in better condition than I was. My two friends stepped back when I motioned them to and the ones interviewing us noticed this." "The Dalookan who controlled our village approached me and demanded where I was getting extra rations. I told him that I made the best use of what I was given. One of them in a higher rank uniform laughed and told the guard that I was obviously a great cook and to have me sent to his home." <20> She finishes her Coke and Mark refills her glass. "They told me to get on board the transport truck and I knew better than to refuse them. The ride was rough and uncomfortable. But I knew I had a better chance to do something where I was going." "When I arrived, the Jharaken manservant showed me to the dinning room. The official and his wife were seated and she ordered me to turn around slowly. As I did, I heard her tell her mate that their neighbor's cook was in much better condition when they got her. The one thing I clearly heard her say was, 'Our cook should be heavier. After all, you are controller of this district!' The controller stood up and stepped toward me. 'You know that you are very fortunate to be selected to work for me?' I went down on my foreknees to fake the respect that I didn't have. 'Even though you are reported to be a good cook, my mate has something she wants you to also do.' His mate leaned forward in her chair. 'You may consider this my first order,' she told me with a voice of great satisfaction. 'I want you to begin gaining weight immediately.' She leaned back in her chair and smiled. I bowed my head so they would not see the laughter in my eyes. 'How much do you wish me to gain ma'am?' I asked in the best servant voice I could fake. She jumped up and smiled. 'I want you to gain weight fast enough for me to notice.' A devious smile crossed her face. 'And I don't want you to stop until I tell you to. If you ask me if you're fat enough before I tell you.' She glances at the manservant, 'I'll have him tie you down and pour syrup from the sugar tree into you every night when you go to bed.' She turned to her mate, 'I'll show them who has the best cook.' She looked at me and motioned me to go. 'I'll check in on you and your belly later,' she promised as I left." Nikiya pats her plush flank and smiles. "As you can see, I did what she wanted, but not the way she thought I would. The food processors can duplicate most foods, but not truly complex ones. For those that took special ingredients, she often sent me to the market. When I returned I used my skill with the processor to prepare what she wanted. I then prepared the meal with the true foods and spices and gave the processed meal to them. While they were eating I gorged myself on the delicious meal they thought they were eating. I was at the market when Kadoon saw me and offered me a place on the ship." Mark smiles and finishes his glass. "Did she ever find out what you were doing?" Nikiya laughs for a moment. "She never had an idea I was feeding them food from the processor." She pauses, "The only time she was mad at me was about ten or so days after I started cooking for them. They came home late from a dinner at another Dalookan house. I heard the door slam as I was drifting to sleep and heard her scream my name. I tossed on a robe and ran to the main hall. Maybe I shouldn't have run but I did. When I entered, she looked at me in disgust. 'Look at her,' she said to her husband while pointing at me. 'Their cook is plump from the food she prepares for them, while you can almost see the ribs of ours.'" <21> "He tried to reason with her that theirs had been with them for almost a year. 'I don't care,' she said in anger. She stared at me and I went to my foreknees. 'I invited them to dinner in twenty days and I want you to be showing how good of a cook you are. In fact, I'm going to order a barrel of syrup and I want you to drink all of it by then.' I started to rise but she wasn't finished. 'And I want you to also eat more than you have been.' The first few days, I really had to push myself to eat that much. I was secretly proud of the expense of the sweet tree syrup every time I stretched my stomach with it." Nikiya gets up and slowly turns around, modeling her plumpness for Mark. "And that's why I feel it's an honor for me to be this heavy." Mark smiles and offers her a sweet disk. "Also," he cautiously comments as she lays down, "I think you enjoy your size." Nikiya smiles, "I don't know why, but as I was filling out, I started enjoying what was happening to me." She strokes her round lower shoulder and soft torso. "It's like the weight and the softness is something I was always meant to have." She shakes her head. "Enough about me, we need to find out how well we can work together." She finishes her drink and Mark puts their glasses in the processor. He keys his com unit. "Darosh?" he asks quietly. "Darosh here," he responds. "We've got the primary power unit installed in your house, but we could use your help with the backup one." "And I'm here to help you if you need it." Chireek adds. "Unless you have other plans worked out." "You might want to stand by in case I don't have enough energy," Nikiya responds. She laughs and they go to Mark's house. As they walk, Mark occasionally glances at her and finds he admires the way her flesh billows. Since she is shorter than him, he can see her flesh billow on her rump and lower shoulders. He catches an occasional glimpse of her large breasts surging against her halter and each other. She knows he is watching her and decides that it's best if he decides for himself, if he is attracted to her for both her appearance and her energy. When they arrive, Darosh shows him a obviously worn power unit. "I know it's the same size as your primary one, but they didn't leave much in the way of extra equipment when they sold this ship." Mark touches it and begins to probe it's functions. Darosh had already opened the panels and he renews the unit until it might have just come off the assembly line. In fact, it is better, because Mark has learned to completely remove all impurities and built in faults from the unit. While he is working, Chireek spreads several blankets on the floor behind him. Nikiya lies down and waits. Mark finishes and starts to stand, Chireek and Darosh catch him and help him onto the blankets. They lay him down beside Nikiya and she uses her upper and lower arms to pull him close to her. She closes her eyes concentrates, opening her energy reserves to him. <22> After several minutes Mark begins to stir. At first it is just an adjustment to her four arm embrace. As the energy flow from her continues, he unconsciously nuzzles her plump full bosom. She smiles and pulls his face between them. He puts his arms around her and hugs her for several minutes, massaging her soft back as he does. As he begins to drift back into consciousness, Chireek takes Mark's arms from around Nikiya. Nikiya eases him away from her bosom, so he won't know how physically close they had been. Mark's eyelids flutter as he returns to conscienceness. "Why do I feel like one, or both of you, set this up?" he asks Darosh. Darosh smiles, "Don't blame me. It was Jakan and Chireek's idea." Chireek almost laughs, "Jakan thought it would be a great way to find out how well Nikiya could help you, rather than wait until your abilities were really needed." Mark stands up and brushes himself off. "Is that what you were laughing about?" he casually asks. "What I was laughing about was you had never been hugged by four arms at once." she explains as she controls her amusement. "So how did you like it?" Jakan asks. She has been leaning against the corridor hatchway. She pushes herself upright and walks toward them. "It looks like the two of you work fairly well as a team." Nikiya gets to her feet. "It's the first time I really felt needed since I came on board," she comments. "I know I gave Mark some of my energy, but I feel fine." Jakan smiles and jokingly pokes Nikiya's round side. "I guess that must prove the saying about larger Jharakens having more energy." Nikiya smiles, "We also have larger appetites." She glances at Mark, "Now that I've recharged you, can I prepare the evening meal for us?" Mark smiles and leads her into his house. "I've linked my processor to the ship's so you can prepare whatever you want to." Nikiya smiles and bumps her soft upper shoulder into his side. "I stored some of earth's foods in the ship's memory unit. I think in your house, we should enjoy your foods." She swishes her tail in front of him. "Now you go outside with the others, I'll call you when it's ready." Mark goes out and joins the others. They have been talking of how well Nikiya was at recharging Mark. "I said she would be excellent for you." Jakan reminds him. Mark agrees, "I have to admit you were right about that." He smiles mischievously, "Or are you playing ship's matchmaker." He has positioned himself so that he is between the two females. As Jakan starts to pounce at him, he vaults over Chireek. She spins to grab him and collides with Jakan. Darosh jumps on Chireek before she can get up. Mark jumps on Jakan's lower back, grabs her wrists, and pulls her arms behind her upper back. <23> Jakan struggles for a minute before she sees what Mark is doing. She begins laughing and Darosh has to struggle to hold Chireek down. "Only two arms and he manages to get a hold on you," she gasps between laughing spasms. Jakan tries to break free, but realizes she can't. "Ok, I admit you've caught me." Mark maintains his grip. "I want you to tell me exactly what you whispered to Chireek before we saw Nikiya." "I told her to find something that needed to be repaired, so we could find out how well Nikiya could recharge you." She struggles as he pulls her arms back slightly. "And I said it's only a matter of time before the two of you end up on the same mat." He jumps off and she rubs her wrists. "I hope I didn't hurt you," he apologizes, "But I needed to know." Jakan looks at Chireek as Darosh helps her to her feet. "You've been doing too good of a job at teaching him our customs." She smiles, "And teaching him trick moves." She jumps and tackles Chireek. Darosh is standing too close and falls with them. They struggle with each other, laughing hysterically. Mark smiles to himself. "It never was like this on Earth. And I'm not going to miss it now," he yells as he dives into the intertwined Jharakens. They are quickly unable to wrestle because they are laughing so hard. Nikiya comes to the door and almost falls down as she sees them trying to untangle themselves. "And we worried he wouldn't feel like he belonged," She giggles. She quickly joins in the laughing wrestlers by trying to pull them apart. They stop laughing long enough to pull her into their tangled mess of arms and legs. Finally they are all defeated by their own laughter. Nikiya struggles to regain control of herself. "It's time to eat," she gasps. They all become a tumbling mass as they pry themselves away from each other and head for the house. Nikiya moves quicker than her plumpness would indicate and is third through the doorway. She has already put the food on the table. Darosh looks at the multi-colored wedge on his plate. "What is it?" he asks suspiciously. Mark takes a bite of his and smiles. "I don't know what foods that machine can't duplicate," he comments, "But it makes a great Chicago style pizza." The others taste it and agree. There is a large pitcher of Coke, from which Mark keeps their glasses filled. Nikiya makes a second pizza when they finish the first. "You do have some unusual foods," she mumbles with her mouth half full, "In spite of this, you seem to be adapting to our ways faster than any of us could have to yours." Mark smiles and washes a mouthful of pizza down with a large gulp of Coke. "I had help," he glances at Chireek and she shakes her head to signify it wasn't her. <24> Jakan stares at her, "I owe you one," she jokingly sneers. "Someday when you need me to find..." her voice fades as she hears Mark snickering. "None of you told me that you open wrestle to relieve tensions and have fun," Mark giggles. "This morning, while 342 was teaching me about himself and how to link myself to him. He taught me a lot about your customs." Marks takes a drink and becomes more serious. "The last being he linked up with, got so into the link that he forgot about being a living, flesh and blood being. They had to force him to break the link. When that happens the being goes into shock. If he recovers he can't link up with anything or he'll want to keep the link again. 342 is helping me feel like I belong with you, so that I'll remember that our link can never replace being with others." The others are silent for a moment, until Chireek starts giggling. "If you ever try and keep the link when you shouldn't," she takes a gulp of air, "I know we'll be more than willing to tackle you all at once." She completes her comment in laughter as she bounces her head against the table. Nikiya had been moving behind Chireek and holds her head against the table. "And I have the softness to prevent him from hitting the floor too hard." Chireek struggles for a second and then collapses to the floor in hysterics. She tries to say something but all that can be understood is something about a soft sleeping mat. Finally she regains her self and they finish the pizza. They tell Mark a few of their jokes, and explain them when he doesn't understand. Mark tries some of his and they understand about as many as he did of theirs. After they eat and clean up, Nikiya suggests that she and Jakan go back to their rooms while the others talk about tomorrow's work on Mark's house. Jakan hesitates and then agrees. They all go outside and say their goodnights. The two of them leave as Darosh shows Mark what has been done, and what they should finish by tomorrow night. After he finishes, Chireek gently puts her hand on Mark's shoulder. "I think there's some things Mark may want to ask me." she informs them. Mark looks at Darosh, "If you don't mind. I'll try not to make her laugh too much," he calls over his shoulder as they enter his house. Once inside Chireek jumps on the couch and pats the clear space beside her. As Mark sits down she starts, "How much do you remember of her recharging you?' Mark closes his eyes for a moment. "I don't remember anything definite. After I repaired the unit, I felt cold and weak. I remember you and Darosh helping me to the floor." He pauses as he struggles to remember. "Then I started to feel, I don't really know how to describe it. It was like a warm embrace, except that I felt it all the way through me. I remember a warm, soft feeling and wanting to burrow myself into it. I felt my energy being recharged and then I regained conscienceness." <25> Chireek smiles and speaks quietly, "How do you feel about Nikiya, now that you know her better?" Mark sighs deeply. "Maybe it's because of my never having a true love on Earth. Or maybe it's because I know it's going to be a struggle to free your people and I just don't want to worry about some one until they are free." He pauses for a moment. "I just can't really open myself up until then." He looks into Chireek's concerned eyes. "If she thinks I might care about her. I hope she can understand." He looks down at the floor. "I just have to keep my mind free so I can do whatever has to be done." Chireek takes his head and pulls him into her breast. "I can only imagine what you're going through," she whispers. "We came to find you and bring you back." She strokes his hair. "We're going home to free our people and you're leaving yours." Mark smiles and closes his eyes. "I truth, I feel like I've found my people and I'm going home." Chireek kisses his head, "Nikiya understands." She continues to hold him close until he is sleeping soundly. She gently lowers him onto the couch and tucks a blanket around him. She silently steps outside and quietly closes the door. When Darosh approaches her, she motions for him to be silent and they go to the crew quarters. Darosh goes into their's while Chireek goes to talk with Nikiya. The door is open and Nikiya is looking at a display of her food processor. "I'm looking at what we have that might taste good on pizza," she explains. Chireek lies down on a pad. "Mark says he can't care for you until we free our people." Nikiya lies down on her sleep pad. "What else did he say?" she asks with concern. Chireek smiles, "He says he feels more at home with us, than when he was on Earth. He just doesn't want to worry about anyone until our people are free." She pauses for a moment. "I don't understand why, but I feel like he is one of us. Maybe it's because of his linking with the ship, but I think it's much deeper than that." She lets her head droop. Nikiya reaches out and lifts Chireek's head. "He is one of us," she says firmly. "He joined us because he wanted to. If it was because he didn't feel at home on Earth and he feels at home with us. Then he is one of us." Chireek smiles, "We must tell the rest of the crew and warn them not to let on to him." Nikiya nods in agreement. "Now that we've decided he's one of us," she smiles and bats her eyelashes. "What do you think he really feels about me?" Chireek laughs and gets them each a glass of water. "He doesn't remember much of the energy transfer." She pauses to take a drink. "All he remembers is a soft warmth and wanting to burrow into it." Nikiya giggles and watches her extra plump breasts quiver. "And we know where he was trying to get." She looks at the rest of her overfull body. "Did you tell him that I'm still gaining flesh?" <26> Chireek shakes her head. "I didn't think it would matter. If he notices and asks. I think you should tell him." Nikiya laughs and her fleshy body billows everywhere. "The question isn't 'if' he'll notice, but when." She smiles to herself. "Zhila joked that she could help me control where some of my new flesh would end up. And we both know where Mark would like it." They both laugh quietly and agree this won't go beyond them and Zhila. They finish their drinks and Chireek returns to her room. Nikiya goes to sleep, thinking of how she feels about Mark and how he, inside, might feel about her. ========================================== Mark wakes and rolls off the couch, tangled in the blankets. "What the..," he thinks as he pulls them off. He smiles as he remembers the events of last night. He showers, tosses on some clothes, and grabs a glass of Juice before he steps outside. No one is there, so he jogs to the control room. Aluta and Meleina are the only ones there. "Tomorrow we'll pass the Gort cloud," Aluta mentions to him. "Are you ready to find out what jump space is like?" Mark smiles as he straps himself into his chair. "I haven't had a chance to think about it." He turns his chair to face her and looks out the forward viewport. "What is it like?" He asks tentatively. Meleina nods to her, She unstraps herself and goes to the bench nearer to Mark. She restraps herself in and looks at the stars. "There's no good way to describe it." She begins with a voice of awe. "It's like you're experiencing more than three dimensions at once." She pauses for a moment. "The real worry is if something breaks while in jump, you suddenly are in normal space, but you're between stars. If you're too far from one with a com-net." She stares at the stars. "By the time anyone hears you, it could be years." Mark finishes what she couldn't. He laughs and they both look at him in suspicion. "But I can work with the ship and repair it," he explains. They all laugh and Aluta moves back to her pilot bench. Mark smiles as he establishes a solid link with 342. he asks. 342 informs him. For the next 10 hours(Jharaken time), 342 acquaints Mark with the sections of the ship they hadn't discussed yesterday. Mark smiles to himself as he mentally jumps around the ship, checking systems and energy levels as he does. He closely examines the jump drive system and realizes there are some minor faults within it. he asks. <27> 342 acknowledges. Mark frowns, 342 responds. Mark smiles, 342 reports. Mark thinks to himself for a moment. he asks. 342 replies, Mark thinks for a moment, 342 responds. Mark is interested, 342 replies, Mark is shocked at this, 342 begins, Mark agrees and dissolves his solid link. He sees that Santosh and Tireeka are now piloting the ship. "Everything is fine with the ship," he tells them. "I have some modifications to make that might make jump space a bit safer." He turns and goes to the Medical compartment. <28> Mark enters the compartment and Zhila turns away from her display. "Jakan told me how well Nikiya was able to recharge you," she begins. "I hope you can accept that I understand and agree it's best for you. I"m going to need my abilities and you'll need to use yours so it's all for the better." Mark strokes her forearm, "There's always hope your mate is still alive. As soon as I can establish a link with the prison computers, I'll find out the truth." She smiles and motions for him to sit down. "When you do, I want to know the truth." She leans back and relaxes. "But that isn't the real reason you came to see me, is it?" Mark smiles and shakes his head. "What do you know about the effects of Genhorm 2587?" Zhila is obviously shocked by this. "Where did you hear of this?" she asks in surprise. "I was trying to learn more about Nikiya," he begins. "The only unusual thing the computer could find was that the controller's wife ordered a dose of it. Now will you tell me what you know about it?" Zhila turns to her display and calls up a file. "2587 is a genetically altered hormone. It is used to promote weight gain in meat animals and causes their bodies to behave as if they are starving. This causes them to consume much more food than they have been, with the expected increase in weight. When properly used an animal in good condition can more than double or triple it's weight within a year. We like a large amount of fat in our meat. Unlike your food animals, the fat in our's is very nutritious to us." Mark continues to look at the display. "And she gave it to Nikiya, didn't she?" Zhila releases a suppressed sigh. "She made me promise not to tell anyone. Since you found out, I'll tell you, if you don't let her know I did." Mark agrees and she explains what they expect to happen to Nikiya. "The dose is administered as a spray. She was probably given it at night and never realized it until I gave her a med scan. The hormones are now part of her and should remain active for about a year. She is not allowing herself to eat as much as her body demands, despite the amount you see her eat. I am using my ability on her so that her body adapts to her extra flesh. Even if she more than triples her weight, it will be completely normal for her." Mark sits in contemplation for a moment. "I don't want to get emotionally involved with anyone until we free your people. But when I'm close to her, I feel more for her than I want to." Zhila takes his hands. "I knew we could never feel like that," she whispers. "I understand your desire not to be too close because of what might happen." She pauses and forces a smile. "I know most of the males on Earth prefer thin females. Is the concern over how much she might gain worrying you?" <29> Mark smiles and relaxes somewhat. "I actually found plump, buxom women more attractive. I'm not sure how I'll feel when she finally stops gaining, anymore than you can be sure of her final weight." He stands and smiles, "I hate to put you in the middle, but I'd prefer if you didn't tell her I know of her condition. I'm going to need her energies and I don't want this information to cause more problems." Zhila laughs, "Why is it I'm stuck keeping secrets about this? Are you sure it wouldn't be better if she knew you knew?" Mark thinks for a moment. "If she did, do you think it would make it easier for her? You've said that she is constantly fighting her desires to eat." Zhila agrees, "Can I at least tell her about your preference in Earth females?" Mark agrees, "I'm going to see her now. I want to do some improvements in the jump drive and I'll need to be recharged." He leaves her and walks to Nikiya's cabin. Nikiya's door is open and she sees him before he can push the signaler. "I was wondering if I'd see you today," she jokes. Mark smiles as he enters, "I was checking the ship out and I'd like to do some improvements on the jump drive if you're up to it?" Nikiya laughs and pats her plump torso, "Like Zhila says, I've go lots of energy." She glances at the food she had just prepared. "Do we have time for lunch before we go?" Mark smiles and gently pokes her soft flank. "I'd prefer you to have lots of extra energy. If you think you're up to it." He forces a laugh. "I have no idea how much I'm going to have to do when we get to Darnarius." Nikiya gives him a puzzled look as she prepares lunch for him. "Maybe I should admit that I haven't been eating as much as my stomach wants me to," she says hesitatingly as she puts Mark's lunch on the table. She walks to the door and quietly closes it. She thinks for a moment before returning to the table. "I know that I was really pushing myself to eat all that the Dalookan female ordered me to." She lays down, adverting her eyes from Mark. "I'm worried that if I eat as much as my stretched out stomach wants me too..." she buries her head in her hands and quietly sobs. Mark goes to her and kneels beside her. He puts his arm around her soft upper shoulder and pulls her close. "I asked 342 about you," he begins. "He didn't tell me anything you hadn't except the name of your village." He smiles slightly as she turns her head and looks at him. "I bet Chireek told you that I preferred plump, buxom women?" he says with a laugh. Nikiya smiles and he dries her eyes. "Now let's eat and then I can improve the jump drive," he says as he gives her a firm hug. Nikiya smiles as he sits down. "Chireek told me about what you like in women." Nikiya comments as she begins eating. "And I hope you'll like how much more of me there might be." Mark smiles as he picks up a slice of something like bread. "The more, the merrier," he jokes as he begins eating. <30> Nikiya laughs and digs into her meal with a sense of relief. When she finish, she gets up and creates another meal for herself. "I hope you know what you've told me," she comments as she sits down and her plump flesh billows. Mark smiles and takes a drink, "I just want to make sure that my power unit is happy and has plenty of reserve fuel." She looks at him in confusion, but laughs when she sees the broad smile on his face. "Then I better make sure my tank is full before we improve the jump drive." She finishes her second meal and struggles to her feet. "I think I'll get something to top off my tanks we can take with us." She goes to the food processor while Mark cleans up the table. She removes a container from a lower shelf and fills it with sweet disks. She then creates a large, liquid filled container and gets two glasses. "I bet I know what's in there," Mark laughs. "Some caffeine to get me going afterwards?" She laughs and her full breasts jiggle within her halter. "With all the energy I've just filled myself with, do you really think you'll need any?" She picks up a large, folded blanket. Mark laughs and leads the way to the main engine room. They walk past all seven sections of the quad cargo bays before they reach a closed door with a complex keypad beside the door. Mark looks at the door and opens his link with 342. The door opens and they enter a room with complex devices mounted on the floor, walls and ceilings. There are catwalks so that all devices can be reached. He approaches a large unit that appears to be inactive. "When the jump-drive is functional, no one could be in this room without a complete loss of reality." He begins to run his hands over the controls. "Why don't you spread the blanket out and I'll get started." His voice is almost trance-like and Nikiya does as he asked. He stands relaxed, yet unmoving for many minutes before she begins to worry. She quietly steps to his side and looks at him. The only motion she can see is the rapid eye movement beneath his closed eyelids. She looks around the room, not knowing what to do or how long Mark will be working on the engines. After almost an hour she becomes worried. She reaches out to touch him but decides against it. She munches on some of the sweet disks while she waits. Mark's knees start to buckle and she rushes to him. "Release your link with the engine!" she yells at him. Mark nods and his hands fall to his sides. She helps him to the blanket and pulls him into her soft body with all four arms. He almost feels cold because of the energy he has used and is barely breathing. It is almost half an hour before he begins moving. He snuggles against her full breasts and she smiles as she feels him becoming 'warmer'. He reaches his arms around her plump torso and tries to pull himself closer. His hands massage her soft back as she gives him the same attention with her upper hands. For the next half hour they continue holding each other. Finally she feels he is recharged and doesn't hold him as tightly. <31> His eyes begin to flutter open and she completely releases her hold on him. "I really put a lot of myself into the drive," he mumbles. He opens his eyes and realizes how close to her he is. She smiles at his surprise. "You really did and it's a good thing I've got plenty to recharge you with." He starts to stand and almost falls on her. "You better relax until you feel stronger," she laughs as she catches him. Mark smiles and manages to sit up. "I knew I was pushing myself," he says with a smile, "but we shouldn't have to worry about any problem with the drive." He reaches out and pats the it. "It's better than when it was first installed." Nikiya ruffles his hair. "I was really worried at how long you were working on it. Is there someway I can know how you're doing?" Mark thinks for a moment, "We might ask Zhila if she has some scanner that can monitor my energy." Nikiya reaches for the food and drink containers but they are too far. Mark half crawls and returns with them. "With all the energy you gave me," he says as he hands her the sweet disks and fills the glasses, "I bet you're really hungry." She smiles and quickly eats one of the disks. "I've got plenty to give you," she says laughingly." But I'll use that as an excuse." She accepts the glass and drinks. Mark watches her eat for a few minutes. He takes one of the disks and thoughtfully eats it. "I know we were physically very close just now," he hesitates before continuing. "How close did we get in the cargo bay?" Nikiya smiles and finishes the disk she is eating. "You didn't use as much energy then. We were just about as close, but it was only for a few minutes. I was giving you energy for about an hour, just now." Mark finally smiles, "I guess my need to be recharged shows that I do find you attractive." She looks at him in surprise. He takes a sweet disk and puts it in her mouth. "Do I have to refuel you myself?" he says with a laugh. Nikiya eats it as she thinks about what he has just said. "You know I'm going to get more than just plump?" She finally asks. Mark nods his head. "That will just mean you have more energy for me when I need it," he jokes. When he sees the confusion in her eyes, he moves beside her and pulls her close. "Actually, it's more than that. I didn't want to get close to anyone until I free your people. I have no idea what may happen and I didn't want to be worrying about someone." Nikiya smiles and pulls his head against her breasts. "I won't tell any one," she whispers. "All they need to know is that we work great as a team. With you sleeping in your house and me in my room, They'll have no reason to think anything is going on between us." She raises his head and gives him a quick kiss. "I don't think that you've left Earth has hit you yet. So if you ever need some one to talk with, I'll be waiting. Anything you tell me will go no further unless you want it to." <32> Mark smiles and returns her kiss. "Thanks, I can talk with Chireek and Darosh about a lot of things. But I don't know how they could understand what it's like to leave their home world." He gives her a hug. "Even though you probably can't feel what it's like, I know you'll be able to give me what I need." Nikiya smiles at this. "Now that we can be more open," she pauses. "I want you to tell me how you really feel about me gaining weight. Before you answer, I should tell you that Zhila thinks I might double in size before I stop." Mark allows himself a few minutes to think. "I'm able to say truthfully that I find you attractive, not that I find you attractive as a Jharaken. I enjoy your present plumpness and believe that I'll still enjoy you as you fill out." He pauses, "But until you get that big, I can't promise how I'll feel." Nikiya smiles and gives him a passionate hug. "I can't ask any more than that." They fold up the blanket, get the food containers and then go to see how Mark's house is coming. When they enter the cargo bay, Chireek is recharging Darosh. "He's almost back to normal," she whispers to them. Darosh opens his eyes a slit and smiles at Mark. Suddenly he turns and tackles Chireek. They both laugh as they fall over each other. Nikiya looks at Mark. "Didn't we just go through this last night?" Mark laughs as he joins the melee, with Nikiya right behind him. After a few minutes they collapse in laughter. "After recharging him and a good wrestle," Chireek gasps, "I'm hungry." Nikiya struggles out of the intertwined limbs and gets up. "You show Mark how his house is going and I'll call you when it's ready," she comments as she goes inside. They separate themselves and show Mark how the work is going. When they're finished, Chireek stares at him. "I can't believe that a few days ago, you never knew we existed." Mark laughs as he grabs both of their shoulders and pulls them close. "I don't know why," he laughs. "It's just that you seem more like friends than most of the people I knew." They laugh at this and enter the house as Nikiya calls to them. When they are seated at the table, Mark tells her what Chireek had said, and what his reply was. "So now I feel like I'm really trying to free my own kind from slavery." They all smile at this. "I'm sure the counsel will accept you as one of us," Darosh comments between bites. "If there's anything we can do to help, all you have to do is ask." Mark thinks for a moment. "I think I'd like to talk with Meleina. Knowing how the Dalookans control them might be of some use." Darosh glances at his Timepiece. "He's off duty but he might be asleep." He touches his com-unit, "Meleina, this is Darosh." "What's the situation?" he responds. "We aren't going to jump until tomorrow." <33> Darosh laughs, "Mark would like to ask you about the mine operations, if you have time." "Let me grab a couple things from my cabin and I'll be right with you." he responds. Mark keys his com-unit, "Why don't I come to your room? Then you won't have to worry about needing something you didn't bring." "Come on up," Meleina answers. "I'll wait for you in the dinning room." "On my way," Mark responds and keys off. "You take your time and finish eating." He gets up and heads out of the cargo bay. Chireek watches him leave and then looks at Nikiya. "How did it go?" she asks expectantly. Nikiya smiles and then glances at Darosh. "I know when it's time to leave," he comments as he grabs a last bite. "I want to go over the work we want to get done before we jump space." He steps outside and closes the door. Chireek watches the door close and then looks back at Nikiya. "Well?" she asks. Nikiya takes a slow drink before she answers. "It was wonderful," she finally answers, a smile stretching across her face. "When we were in my room, I told him that I was fighting my stomach not to eat as much as it wanted. He told me not to worry about it and eat what I wanted. He 'said' he needs my energy and didn't want me being hungry." She smiles, "But he also admitted that he preferred plump, buxom women." Chireek tries not to laugh. "Jakan and I got him to admit it..." She breaks up in a laughing fit and it is several minutes before she regains control of herself. "Jakan told me that since you are going to gain weight you should talk to Zhila and see if she can help you put more pounds in that portion of you than you otherwise would." She breaks up again and struggles to speak, "Then you'll have to worry about smothering him." She completely collapses in laughter and is unable to defend herself as Nikiya tackles her. "How many know of this besides the two of you?" Nikiya demands while keeping Chireek completely held down. "Just the two of us and you," she gasps between laughs. "Of course Zhila will have to know." She tries to get free but collapses in laughter. Nikiya gets up and goes outside while Chireek regains control of herself. "She's all yours," she tells Darosh. He looks inside and laughs while she goes to her room. 'As full busted as I am now,' She thinks to herself as she hefts her breasts. Mark enters the dining room and Meleina is waiting for him. He motions for Mark to follow and leads him to his room. "I don't like talk about those times," Meleina comments as he closes the door. "But I'll go into any detail you want." "If you can tell me how they kept you under control I might be able to find a weakness," Mark asks. <34> Meleina lies down on his mat. "It's easy to control others when you have a stun weapon. The stun weapon doesn't do any damage at low settings, but.." he points at his scars. "After the first time, most do as told." Mark makes a few notes on a pad he brought from his house. "How do they control the general population?" Meleina sits up, "By fear! They can control the shipment of food and supplies to outlying villages. Everyone had family members taken to these villages so if a village is chosen to be punished, you don't know if anyone you know lives there." "So they don't have enough weapons to control the entire population." Mark comments. "Do you have any idea how many Dalookans there are?" Meleina smiles, "I don't know how many of them there are in control, most are just accepting the easy life. I know that there are only 5,000 stun guns. They got them through a dealer and didn't feel they needed any more. I don't know how many bursts they can fire with out recharging." Mark smiles and links with 342, 342 responds, Mark smiles as an idea forms, 342 answers immediately, Mark asks. 342 responds, he tells 342 as he dissolves the link. He looks at Meleina, "Is there a way to get a message to all the miners and prisoners?" Meleina thinks for a moment, "I don't know about the prisoners, but I could get a message to the miners within two days of you asking me." Mark relaxes, "Then we'll have to worry about the prisoners later. I don't think the guards will be able to do anything against them without their guns. How do they control the supplies sent to the villages?" Meleina begins to smile, "They have a computer system only the Dalookans have access to." By the end of this sentence, he is smiling broadly. Mark smiles and sets the food processor for two Coke and Rum. "This has a little more kick than plain Coke." He explains as he hands one to Meleina. <35> He takes a gulp and smacks his lips with glee. "Then I better let you taste some of our drinks. By the third drink, Mark is teaching him 'Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport', and Meleina is teaching 'Down Underground, On Our Way To the Sky.' Thoon enters and doesn't say a word until his third drink. For the next few hours, a mixture of badly sung Earth and Darnarian folk songs are heard from the room. There is a consistent knock on the door before Meleina responds. "Come in and fall down." Zhila enters, with Jakan close behind her. "I didn't want to believe it when you told me Mark was in here." She looks sternly at Mark, "What the Zarook is a Kangaroo?" Mark tries to put on a straight face. "What the Kangaroo is a Zarook." This puts the three of them into uncontrollable laughter. Jakan hands Mark a small glass and then one each of to the others. "It's time you were in the control room," she tells Meleina. They all drink and Mark looks at Zhila, "Try a Coke and rum," he says as he tries to stand. Zhila catches him, "I just gave you an antidote to clear the alcohol from your blood system." She helps him sit down. "Darosh told me you were coming to see Meleina and I was afraid he'd introduce you to some of his drinks." Mark's mind is clearing remarkably fast. "Don't blame him," he says with his mouth tasting like cotton, "I gave him a Coke and rum.' Zhila shakes her head, "If it wasn't for Jakan, Kadoon and myself, this ship would be lost already." Mark struggles to his feet. "I just realized that I haven't seen him since the meeting." "That's because he takes being a commander too seriously," she responds. "He doesn't want to be familiar with anyone. He feels that by not knowing anyone, he won't have to think of friendships before he makes a decision." Mark looks at her sadly, "Every war creates people like that. After it's over, your kind must do what you can to free him of that way of thinking." Zhila smiles, "And he'll need friends to give him support then, and not question his orders now." They all agree and leave the room. Zhila takes Mark to the Medical room to assure herself that the antidote causes no side effects with humans. After she's convinced, they join some of the others for the evening meal. Mark tells them only that he has some ideas and feels that freeing their people will be easier than he first thought. After eating, he returns to his house and reviews his notes before going to sleep. <36> ======================================================== ============================================================ Mark wakes to the sound of his com-unit. He falls out of bed as he attempts to answer it. His feet are tangled in the blankets and his head is on the floor as he keys it. "What ever it is, I hope it's worth it," he mumbles. Meleina laughs, "We jump-space in ten hours and I thought you'd like to get up here." "On my way," Mark keys off the unit and pulls himself out of the blankets. He showers and tosses his clothes on. "I can't believe that I'm feeling this good," he thinks while running to the control room. When he enters, he sees Kadoon on the command bench. "Did I miss something?" he asks as he straps himself in. Kadoon smiles slightly, "You probably have guessed that I'm in charge of this mission. When I was given this command, I decided that it would be best if I didn't associate with anyone." He turns to study his displays. Mark looks around and sees Meleina and Aulta. He turns to his display and establishes his link. 342 replies, Mark smiles and links to Meleina's display and has it display, By the time he finishes sending it, Meleina is laughing uncontrollably and the only thing keeping him from ending up on the floor is his harness. Kadoon somehow manages to ignore this, but Aluta is trying to run a complete test of all control systems to keep herself under control. Meleina finally regains control of himself and tightens his harness. Kadoon keys the ship com-unit. "All Jharakens, It is 35:00 hours. At 43:40 we will pass the gort cloud. At 43:50 we will jump space. Everyone mast prepare themselves for jump space." He keys it off and resumes studying his display. For the next seven hours, Mark runs through Jump-space sequences and possible system failures that may arrive. 342 reminds him. Mark transmits to his display, Thoon responds on his console, Mark replies. she replies. <37> Mark jokes. Meleina replies. Before Mark can ask what he means, Thoon begins prejump checks. There is a pause. Mark informs them. Aluta responds. "Jump simulation completed and successful," she reports to Kadoon. "Excellent," he replies. He looks at the time on his display and keys the ship com-unit. "One hour to jump-space. One hour to jump-space." He keys it off and concentrates on his display. Mark makes a final check of all systems and then monitors the standard drive until they pass the gort cloud. He begins warming up the jump drive field. Thoon begins prejump checks. This time it is for real and everyone feels the tension, except for Mark. Mark informs them. Mark suddenly feels as if his body is simultaneously collapsing and exploding. He tightens his link with the jump- drive and feels the ship almost flowing around him. He concentrates on the functions of the jump drive and feels less physical confusion. The jump is concluded and Mark feels weak as the drive closes down the field and shuts down. He loses his link with the drive, 342, and himself. Mark feels himself floating, and a soft voice calling to him. He relaxes as her voice becomes closer. As he feels her breath on his neck he opens his eyes. "Did we make it?" he asks Nikiya. "You can be sure we did," Meleina laughs. I never had a smoother jump." Mark tries to struggle to his feet but Nikiya keeps him in her grasp. "You call that a smooth jump? I," he starts to argue as his strength leaves him. Nikiya and Zhila pick him up and put him on a wheeled table. "You just save that argument until you're strong enough to win it." Zhila insists. Mark lays back and watches the ceiling go past as they take him to the med-unit. Once there, they help him onto a raised sleeping pad. "You didn't have anything to eat this morning, did you?" Zhila knowingly asks. <38> "Why should that matter so much?" he replies. I had enough last night and I wasn't hungry this morning." Nikiya brings a meal and sits down beside him. "If you don't have anything to eat before you go into jump-space," she informs him as she helps him eat. "Your mind and body argue about which way is in or out. With food, your body knows which way is in. You did a great job controlling the engines, but you linked yourself so close that when they shut down, you shut down." She gives him his plate and he eats while she gets her own food. Mark smiles as she begins eating. "I bet you had less trouble than anyone," he jokes. Nikiya pats her round belly and smiles. "Now that I know you'll accept more of me." She sits down and finishes her large meal before he finishes his. She smiles as she strokes his arm. "We should be in Darnarius orbit in two day," she whispers. Mark smiles as he finishes and gives her a gentle hug. "I wish I could give you a better answer. But I promised myself that I wouldn't get close to anyone until your people are free." He strokes her arm, "And you wouldn't want me to go back on my word, would you?" Nikiya smiles, "Just remember that I'm your power source and I'm keeping my fuel tank full so you don't have to worry about recharging." She gives him a slight kiss and helps him to his feet. Mark smiles as he catches his balance. "I better find out how 342 is." He steps to a display and establishes contact. 342 reports, He dissolves his link. "Now I think I should see how Chireek and Darosh are doing." He goes into the corridor and walks toward his house. Nikiya smiles and stays to talk with Zhila. They talk about Mark's need of her. "What do you think of Mark not allowing himself to show his feelings." Zhila smiles and touches her shoulder to show she understands. "I think you should try and accept the amount of affection he's showing you. He's left his home world to save our people. I think just being there when he needs your energy is the best thing you can do. When our people are free, then he'll be free." Nikiya thinks for a few minutes. "He says he's accepted my gaining weight and he doesn't think I'll get too big for him." She pauses, thinking of the right words to say. "Chireek told me that he found plump and full breasted women on Earth attractive. And he admitted his preference." She struggles with her thoughts. Zhila squeezes her shoulder again. "What you're trying so hard not to ask is, will Mark find you more attractive if you become more full busted than if you just get fuller over-all?" She pauses while Nikiya thinks. "I can't give you a sure answer, but I can help modify your natural fat storage if you want." She smiles and releases her. "Just think about it until we achieve orbit." <39> Nikiya smiles, "Thanks, If I decide to, will you tell Chireek not to make her wild jokes about my filling out?" Zhila laughs, "You know she cares about you, and I'm sure she can keep it a secret. She'll love watching Mark's eyes pop out." They both laugh and Nikiya goes to her quarters. Mark enters the cargo bay as Darosh is helping Chireek to her feet. "How do you like it?" She asks, "It's all ready for whatever you want to do." Darosh smiles and they show Mark what they have done. Almost two hours later, they finish and Mark insists on having a party. "Get a hold of every one off duty and we can celebrate my house being finished and a successful Jump." Darosh's smile fades. "We've been keeping ourselves busy so we wouldn't have time to remember our friends and families." Mark grabs their upper shoulders with his hands. "I've learned enough from Meleina to have a plan I feel confident of. I can't say how long it will take, but I know we can free them." He smiles, "Now how 'bout a party to cheer us up and I'll tell the others." Chireek smiles and breaks loose. "If they won't come," she smiles as she starts to the cargo bay door, "I'll drag them here." Her laughter can be heard as she runs up the passageway. Darosh smiles, "We better get the food processor working on some crunchies and Coke." He throws an arm around Mark and they prepare for the others. They have the food and drinks ready by the time Meleina and Aluta arrive. Meleina tastes one of the drinks. "Not like we had in my cabin," he jokes. Aluta roughly bumps against him and he barely manages to keep his drink from spilling. Aluta gives Mark a concerned look. "Do you really feel you can free our friends?" Mark smiles and hands her a Coke. "If I didn't believe my plan would work, I wouldn't tell you it would." Chireek arrives with Jakan, and Thoon. "Nikiya and Zhila are coming," she laughs as she takes a drink and grabs a couple of crunchies. "You better get some more made for them." Mark laughs and prepares more snacks. "I've got this one programmed with some of my munchies," he comments, "these are pretzels." "Let's see how good they really are," Nikiya jokes as she enters. She takes several and a Coke. "I hope you'll tell the ship's processors how to make them?" She says with a smile. Zhila sips her drink, "Chireek says you've got a plan? Do you mind telling us about it," she asks sorrowfully. Mark smiles and refills her glass. "I don't have it all worked out but I have a good idea on how to defeat them. I'd like to take a few days to better understand how they're keeping your friends under control. Once I know, I can complete my plans and free them." <40> It takes a few minutes to for his news to sink in. Then the party really gets going. For the next couple of hours, Mark hears stories of the better times and how the Dalookans gained control of them. Mark turns to the display he had installed and links with the ship. <342, do you have contact with 355 and 358?> he replies. Mark smiles, he responds. Mark opens his eyes and smiles to those gathered around him. "In two days we will be in orbit." They cheer and salute each other. Meleina starts them in a Jhakaren folksong about the gentle hills, thick forest and deep valleys of a fabled land of friendship and peace. When they finish, most of them decide to return to their rooms. Darosh, Chireek and Nikiya choose to stay. "We've only known you for a few days," Darosh begins. "But I feel I know you better than that time would allow." Mark smiles, "I feel more relaxed with all of you, than I have with most people. I also feel that I must free your people. That may not be the right way to put it." Chireek laughs, "That's because you're more like us then any of us could have dreamed." She smiles for a moment, and then charges and jumps at him. Mark tries to dodge but fails. Nikiya and Darosh join in to this wrestling and they continue, until they are all out of breath from laughter. Darosh pulls Chireek close and they embrace with all eight arms. Mark grabs Nikiya and they also snuggle close. For many minutes they relax in comfort and silence. They finally separate and rise. "You're right Chireek," Darosh laughs. "He not only knows when to get crazy with us, but when," he kisses her, "By the time we're celebrating the liberation of our families and friends," He grabs Mark's shoulder and pulls him close. "The only difference between us will be in appearance only." Mark smiles as they all embrace in a mutual hug. "To my newest and truest friends." He finally says with tears in his eyes. "In two days we arrive home." His voice becomes very firm. "And then the Dalookans will learn what it is like to truly feel fear." Darosh looks at him in surprise. "I hope we can do this with as little bloodshed as possible. You seemed to think that could be done." <41> Mark smiles, "I hope that no blood will flow. But we must be prepared for the worst, then the best will seem all that sweeter." They release each other. Darosh and Chireek say goodnight and leave. Nikiya watches them go before she turns to Mark. "Do you really think it might go that easily?" Mark gives her a reassuring grin. "It's possible. If the Dalookans realize they have no chance, it might." Nikiya stands on her rear feet and wraps all four arms around him. "Do you think you feel like one of us?" she whispers. Mark laughs as he pulls her close. "I don't know if I feel like one of you," he smiles. "But I like the feel of one of you." They both laugh at this. They release each other. Nikiya drops to all fours and struggles to speak. "I understand how you don't want to get too close until our people are free." She thinks for a moment. Mark smiles and gently pokes her soft body. "I know you're going to fill out a good bit more," he whispers. "I told you my preference for human females so you don't have to worry." He smiles when she looks into his eyes. "By then there'll be more of you to get close to." He laughs and in a moment she joins him. "I better get going," she says. "With everything you're going to do, we'll both need our sleep." They gently kiss before she leaves. Mark thinks to himself as he prepares for bed. "I left Earth because I didn't feel needed." He smiles to himself. "And once we free them, I have a wonderful woman waiting for me." He closes his eyes and drifts into a relaxed sleep. ============================== ============================== Mark wakes, dresses, grabs a quick bite and heads for the control room. Santosh, Tireeka and Thoon are at their stations. After he straps himself in, Thoon joins him. "We're on course and time," he comments as he sits down at the next station. "Is there anything I can do to help with your plan?" Mark smiles as he touches his control console. "Just keep an eye on me for the next half hour. I'm going to try and link with the other ships. I need to find out what has been happening and why they are both here at the same time." Mark relaxes and establishes his link with 342. he asks. 342 replies. <355's cargo modules will be on board by 50 hours tomorrow. 358 will have his onboard by 40 hours the next day.> Mark asks. <42> 342 replies after a moment. Mark thinks into the com-circuits and then to 355 and 358. a voice similar yet different from 342 replies. Mark comments. 358 responds, Mark smiles to himself, 355 responds, Mark thinks himself into the com circuits and then into 355. He feels more detached from his body, but still feels it is functioning. With 355's assistance, he gives it's systems a through check and finds only a few faults different than 342's. All of them are minor and Mark promises to bring him up to design specs as soon as the Jharakens are free. He then shifts his thoughts to 358 and preforms the same procedure. He finds a fault in the oxygen recycling system and surprises all four of them when he is able to repair it without being there. He feels something happening with his body and thanks them again for joining the Jharaken side. He brings his thought back into the com-circuits and then back to himself. He opens his eyes for a second as he releases his link. His first thoughts are who turned the air conditioner to freeze. As he passes out, he feels himself falling against a warm soft pillow. Thoon had noticed that Mark was succeeding in what he was attempting to do. As Mark continued, Thoon felt his pulse and skin temperature. When his temperature started to drop, Thoon called Nikiya and Zhila. Zhila arrived first and monitored his vitals. When Nikiya arrived, she spread a blanket she brought, and waited. Zhila gave Mark a gentle shake as his skin temperature continued to drop. This is what he felt, that caused him to break the link. <43> For many minutes Mark remains unresponsive in Nikiya arms. She is deep in her own trance, pushing her energies into him. More than an hour passes before he stirs. She continues to pour energy into him for almost half an hour more before he regains conscienceness. Mark opens his eyes and sees the concern in her face. "I can do it," he whispers. I'm going to wait until we land before I link with the computers on the planet but.." he stops when he realizes her exhaustion. He helps her lie against the wall. "I didn't think I used that much." he apologizes. Nikiya smiles, "When Thoon called me, I was just getting my breakfast ready." Mark laughs and rushes to a food processor. In a matter of minutes, he returns with a large glass of loften juice and a plate loaded with breakfast cakes covered in syrup. "When we get this in you," he jokes as he feeds her, "you can go and eat what you were going to eat." Nikiya smiles as she opens her mouth for the breakfast cakes. She finishes eating and Mark starts to help her to her room. "Kadoon wants me to tell him of how your plans are progressing," Thoon says as they reach the doorway. Mark turns and smiles, "Tell him I'm more confident than last night. There's still a number of things I need to work out and if I need any help I'll be sure to ask." After they leave, Thoon reports to Kadoon on Mark's accomplishment. "He was able to link up with the other ships. He must have done some work on one of them because of the time it took and the drain on him. Nikiya was able to recharge him and he's helping her recover now." "Excellent," Kadoon replies. "Tell him I'm pleased with his progress and will get him anything he needs." Thoon promises he will and keys off. After a moment he calls Zhila. "I thought you should know that Mark helped Nikiya to her room." Zhila responds. "I know she completely recharged him, but how did she appear?" "She was weak," Thoon answers. "But she said that I had called her when she was preparing to have breakfast." "I better check on them," Zhila replies. "And I'm going to have to fix her a nutrient liquid she can drink so this won't happen again." She keys off and goes to Nikiya's room. When she arrives, the door is open and she sees them at the table. Mark is explaining what he was able to accomplish while she eats the food she had already prepared. Zhila enters, "It looks like the two of you are recovering well." She gets some juice before joining them. "I'm going to mix up a drink for you in case this happens again." Nikiya smiles, "I think it would also help if Mark would warn me when he's going to try some thing like that." Mark smiles and looks at Zhila. "With what I may have to do soon, is there some thing you can do to help her?" He jokes as he leaves. <44> Nikiya giggles as he leaves. She gets up and closes the door. "Do you remember what you wanted me to think about until we achieved orbit?" Zhila smiles, "Do I take it that you've decided you'd like me to help your future appearance?" They both laugh about this. "Why don't we go to the med-room and I'll see what I can do." They walk to the med-room and Zhila uses her equipment and abilities to examine and begin modifying where Nikiya's future fat will accumulate. "I can't do it all at once. But once more today and twice tomorrow should do it." Nikiya looks at her plump breasts and smiles. "Mark probably won't notice until after we've freed everyone." Zhila smiles as she gets a large glass of clear liquid from her processor. "Drink this," she says, handing it to Nikiya. As Nikiya drinks, she continues. "It's the nutrient I told you about. It has all the vitamins, minerals and is loaded with calories." Nikiya empties the glass and smiles. "How long until it shows up where I want it?" She jokes as she puts the glass down. They both laugh at this. Mark requests Darosh, Chireek, Nikiya, Zhila and Meleina join him for lunch. As they start eating, Mark begins, "I wanted to talk with you about what we might happen on the planet. 355 and 358 will leave orbit the day after we arrive. There should be no problem in getting this cargo module down to the planet and keeping the spaceport computers from informing any one of where we came from. The computers are set up for modules to return and not to inquire where it came from. They are only set up to land and launch them. Once we are down and they have left, the cargo computer will know nothing of us. We will be on our own so I want you to think of anything we may need and try and get two." Darosh thinks for a moment. "Since our abilities are matter manipulation, there's not much we'll need." Mark smiles, "It could easily take me several months before I'm ready to do anything. If there's nothing you need for the mission, think on this. We won't be able to leave this module for possibly the entire time. Think of what you might want to make life more comfortable. I checked the supplies and there are four collapsible dwelling units. I have requested that all of them be brought to this module so we won't all have to live in my house." Zhila agrees, "As well as we are getting along now, After a few weeks of the tension of the mission and having no privacy, we may not be able to keep going." Nikiya thinks for a moment. She looks at Meleina, "Are you planning to bring Aluta with you?" He shakes his head. "We already talked about it and she agrees. If we fail, Kadoon will need everyone he has to find help again." Mark agrees, "I have some equipment that I want to get. I can install it after we land. It shouldn't take me more than a couple of hours. Then I'll be glad to help any of you. <45> Zhila smiles, "I won't even have all my supplies packed by then. I should be able to load them on a couple of wheeled pads and you can roll them down here." Meleina shakes his head. "I've got two travel cases with all my personal gear. I can have them here in less than an hour." Chireek smiles, "I'll take care of our stuff, While Darosh and Meleina move the living units in here." Nikiya realizes it's her turn. "I didn't have anything when I came on board so I can help Zhila." Mark smiles as they finish eating. "I'd like everyone to get moved in tonight." He glances at Meleina, "with one exception of course." They all laugh at this proceed as they have decided. Within four hours, everything is moved in. The largest of the living units is assembled and secured. Zhila and Nikiya are setting it up as Zhila's and the med-unit. Before they stop for the evening meal, the others are finished. After they eat, Mark and Darosh install food processors and separate power units in each one. Darosh and Chireek take one of them while Nikiya and Meleina each take one of the remaining two. Aluta joins them for supper. "Santosh and Tireeka have moved sleeping pads into the control room and are taking turns keeping checks on the ship. Tomorrow I'm going to have Thoon taking Meleina's place as engineer." The meal is subdued as everyone has their own thought of what is to come. When they finish eating, Aluta and Meleina go into his living unit. Zhila goes into hers and soft music can be heard from the open door. Chireek glances at Darosh, "I'd like to talk with Nikiya alone." The two females go into Nikiya's unit. Darosh smiles at Mark, "Do you want me to find out what they're talking about?" Mark smiles, "I can link into the com system and hear every word they're saying. But I think we can guess." Darosh smiles, "I think they're setting a trap for you, or have you already been snared?" Mark laughs quietly. "It's too late for me to even be rescued." He thinks for a moment, "Is there anything you think I should know about Jharaken courting rituals?" Darosh is barely able to control his own laughter. "You're at a disadvantage with only two arms. I think that your needing her energy and finding her expanding figure attractive will make it work out real easily." Mark smiles, "If not, I'll be asking you what I'm supposed to be doing." Darosh smiles and goes into his unit before Chireek leaves Nikiya's. Chireek follows Nikiya into her unit. "Now that we're alone, what is it you want to talk about?" she says with a laugh. Nikiya smiles, I've been talking with Zhila about how I'm going to fill out more. You know the women Mark said he was attracted to were plump and buxom?" <46> Chireek manages to close the door before she starts laughing. "Is Zhila going to help you become extra buxom?" she gasps when she catches her breath. "She didn't exactly say that." Nikiya hefts her already large breasts. "What she said was by the time the hormones stop causing me to gain weight, I'll probably be super buxom or even bigger." Chireek is on the floor laughing for several minutes. "So what can I do to help," she says with tears of joy in her eyes. Nikiya pulls her almost snug halter away from her plump bosom. "Can you use your manipulation to keep my clothes able to contain me?" Chireek gives her a friendly hug. "We won't tell Mark what's happening and I'll try and modify your clothes to conceal some of your expansion." Nikiya agrees and they decide not to let anyone but Zhila in on their joke. Chireek leaves and all becomes quiet as they prepare for their last night before landing on Darnarius. ========================================== =============================================== Mark wakes and goes over his plans while he showers and dresses. He thinks over everything he might need and decides that he is as well prepared as he can be. There is a knock at the door and he opens it. "Chireek, are the two of you ready." He comments as she steps inside and closes the door. "Everyone is anxious to get going," she responds. The others are conferring with Kadoon and I thought this might be the last time I could get you alone." Mark offers her some juice and joins her at the table. "I take it this is more personal then mission related?" Chireek smiles, "I know you don't want to allow yourself to get too close to Nikiya until after our people are free." She takes a drink. "I'm not sure how much I can say without breaking her trust.." Mark interrupts her, "First, let me tell you what I have learned about her and her condition." He explains what he learned through the computers and what Zhila verified while he fixes breakfast for them. "I know I care for her more than I can show at this time and I'm almost certain she knows this." He pauses and smiles, "Is there anything else you can tell me without breaking your vow of silence?" Chireek begins to smile as she stands up. "I'm not going to repeat what she said," she whispers while slowly moving her arms away from her lower sides. She moves them as if following the contours of a fatter figure than hers. When Mark nods in understanding she fights to control her laughter as she move her hands forward and up her torso. She lightly grips her blouse and, using her ability, pulls it almost as far in front of her as her arms can reach, before she collapses in laughter. <47> Mark smiles as he jokingly tackles her, but in her laughing condition, it's not much of a struggle. "Is there anything else you want to warn me about," he gasps from his own laughter, "beside her plan to smother me?" Chireek had almost regained control of herself, but this puts her into another laughing fit. After several minutes, they are both exhausted enough to stop and compose themselves. "Since she hasn't told me, I'll know to ignore it." Chireek nudges him, "She wants me to modify her clothes as she grows, so it won't be as obvious as it otherwise would have." "Thanks Chireek," Mark whispers. "Now I better check with the ships and see if they've heard anything we should know." He steps outside and touches the console he installed. He establishes his link, 342 responds, Mark replies. He mentally reaches out and forms a link with 358. <342 has informed me of how you will conceal our module, thank you.> 358 replies. Mark asks. 358 answers. Mark smiles, Mark breaks his link and looks at Chireek. "The news is good. I don't feel like going into it now." She glances at the door. "Let's check out our equipment while we wait for the others." They go out and make sure everything in fastened securely. Daroosh and Nikiya arrive around 50:00 hours. "Kadoon wishes us good luck. Meleina is saying good bye to Aluta and Zhila is giving the others a final med-check." The four of them finish checking the equipment, moments before the ship's com-unit announces that they have achieved orbit at 67:53. "We are beside 355 and 358. The others join them moments afterward." "Kadoon feels we should launch as soon as we can." Meleina reports. Mark smiles and walks to the module's control panel. Meleina straps himself into the engineer's seat. "All systems switched to independent. Power links with 342 disengaged. Ready to be released." <48> Mark taps the release control and they feel a gentle shift as he nudges them away from the ship. He links with 358. 358 replies. Mark responds. It takes less than a second for the data to be received. 358 tells him. Mark pauses. He dissolves his link and looks at Meleina. "40 minutes until we break orbit," Meleina informs him. "Spaceport computer has accessed our nav system. 358 reset our code to match one of his modules." For the next 40 minutes Meleina runs his checks on the module's systems. Mark keeps his link with the module's computer and becomes familiar with the space-port computer by 'listening in'. The maneuvering systems function properly and the negate- grav decelerates them into a safe re-entry. Mark sits in fascination as he watches the planet on his view-screen. As they approach the space-port, he notices it is some distance from the nearest city. There is a gentle bump as the set down and the constant hum of the module's power system shut down. "We have touch-down at 70:10," Meleina informs the others. "Space-port computer has us registered for repairs. Repair team will not arrive for approximately 80 days. Space-port computer has released contact with us." He looks at Mark. Mark takes a deep breath. "I believe it's time for me to get started." Nikiya sits down beside him. "Then it's time I got started too." She gives him a grin of confidence as she firmly yet gently puts her arms around him. Mark relaxes and links with the module's computers. It doesn't have the artificial intelligence of 342 and he finds it surprisingly easy to set up a priority level above all others. He makes access to this level available only to himself. He opens a communication frequency to the space-port computer. He modifies numerous circuits to prevent anyone from finding his priority level. He then establishes a link with the communication computer, modifies it's circuits and installs his priority level. He then down loads information on all main computer systems into the customized computer system in his house. Finally he dissolves his link and collapses. <49> Nikiya has been transferring what energy she can as Mark had been modifying the computers. Zhila helps him off his chair and onto Nikiya's blanket. Nikiya concentrates as she lays down beside him and wraps all four of her arms around him. For almost half an hour they remain unmoving. Finally Mark begins to move. He snuggles into her plump bosom and wraps his arms around her cushy torso. For many minutes, they gently caress each other as his energy levels return to normal. Mark smiles as he opens his eyes and helps her to sit up. "The farther I get into the systems, the more energy it's going to take." Zhila brings a large platter of sweet disks, a glass, and a large pitcher of her nutrient drink. Mark thanks her and begins feeding Nikiya. "I could use something myself," he tells her. Zhila smiles and gets a plate and glass from the table behind her. "We've already eaten, so I prepared food for both of you," she comments as she puts it beside him. "We're talking of friends we've known, so take your time." She turns and goes to her unit. Mark smiles as he continues to feed and keep Nikiya's glass full. He nibbles at his own dinner and feeds her some of his when she finishes her's. "Do you feel recharged?" he asks as he rubs her plump abdomen. Nikiya smiles, "I'm ok, but I don't know if you should do much more tonight." Mark helps her sit beside his console seat. "I have something that shouldn't take too much." He touches the panel and relaxes. Nikiya steadies herself beside him and hugs him with all four arms. Mark quickly establishes his link with the communication computer and contacts the main security system. He is very careful in this system and it takes him awhile to modify the circuits and programs to install his priority level. Once he has control, he inquires about Zhila's mate. Mark learns his name is Kayloc and is alive in the district's prison. He smiles as he instruct a number of standard prisoner moves. He also gives instructions to the computerized transport vehicles that Kayloc's vehicle is to enter this module. He waits while the instructions are carried out. After Kayloc is in the vehicle and it has entered the spaceport, Mark removes all information on Kayloc and the vehicle that is bringing him. He dissolves his link with the outside systems and instructs his module to allow the transport to enter. After it enters, he closes the door. The others rush in surprise to the arriving vehicle as Mark collapses into Nikiya's arms and onto the blanket. After almost two hours, Mark drift into consciousness. He nuzzles her and realizes that something is different. He opens his eyes and sees Chireek's smiling face. "I guess I'm not as soft a bed as she is," she jokes. She weakly laughs as he helps her sit up. "Nikiya didn't have enough to do the whole job so I jumped in." <50> Mark smiles as he takes a sweet disk from the refilled plate. "Are you going to take her place at the table?" he laughs. Chireek eats a couple of the disks before she gets up. "I was only recharging you for a few minutes, so I only need to eat for a few minutes." She smiles as Mark looks around. "She's in her unit and Darosh is taking care of her." Mark tries to beat her to the door but her four feet are faster than his two. He follows her in and watches Darosh give Nikiya a glassful of nutrient drink. "I think I can take over now." Mark offers. Darosh smiles as he gets up. "I think she prefers it if you feed her anyways." He walks to the door and pulls, the laughing out of control, Chireek with him. Mark smiles as he joins Nikiya on her sleeping pad. He refills her glass and feeds her a sweet disk. "What did Zhila do when Kayloc got out of the vehicle?" Nikiya smiles and swallows a mouthful. "First she almost collapsed and then she ran and tackled him. He couldn't struggle too much because they hadn't been feeding him enough. Meleina helped them into her unit." She takes a long drink before continuing. "After that, I was too involved in trying to get your energies back up." Mark massages her lower back and abdomen as she eats. "I know I shouldn't have tried it that soon. But I felt it was the best thing I could do to get our spirits up." Nikiya smiles weakly, "I know what you did was a great idea. I guess I just don't have enough power," she smiles, "yet." Mark wonders about this but ignores it as she opens her mouth wide. When he finishes feeding her the sweet disks and drink, he prepares a large meal for her and she relaxes as he slowly feeds her. Finally she motions him to stop. "I'm so full," she groans happily. "I don't think I'll be able to move until morning." She lies down, "But I'll have plenty of energy." She closes her eyes and relaxes. Mark stays with her, gently massaging her swollen stomach and caressing her soft body. Zhila joins him after Nikiya is fast asleep. "I want to thank you for freeing Kayloc," she says. "I was almost certain that they had killed him, rather than feed him." Mark smiles, "I found out that the guards didn't kill very many, even though they were told to. I'd like to believe that most of them just couldn't do it. They had to stretch the rations because of this. Most of the prisoners will be in a similar condition, but it's better than if they had been killed." Zhila smiles as she checks out Nikiya. "She's doing ok. In fact her energy is almost back up to normal." She smiles, "I think what's making her sleep so deeply is how stuffed she is." She glances at Mark, "Did she eat that much on her own?" Mark smiles, "She kept eating and I just kept handing her the food. I was starting to wonder if she was forcing more in than usual when she asked me to stop." <51> Zhila smiles, "I think you're enjoying how plump she is and you're looking forward to how big she's going to get." Mark smiles, "I have to admit I'm finding her extra plumpness more appealing every time she recharges me." Zhila smiles, "When I check her out in the morning, I'll be sure to remember to keep her body modified for more flesh." She smiles and squeezes Mark's shoulder before she leaves. For a few minutes longer, Mark continues to massage her. Finally he realizes how exhausted he is and falls asleep beside her. ================================================================= ================================================================= Mark drifts awake and realizes he isn't alone. He opens his eyes as he remembers where he is. Nikiya has two of her arms drapped over him. He eases himself out of her grasp and prepares breakfast. Nikiya wakes and quickly gets to her feet. "Did you stay here all night?" She asks in a voice that he can't tell if she's joking or not. "I thought you might still be drained," he answers, "so I thought you wouldn't mind if I prepared breakfast." Nikiya laughs as she sits down. "If you keep taking care of me like this," she gives him a quick kiss as he puts a large plate of breakfast cakes in front of her. "I'm going to have more stored energy than you can imagine." She begins eating and he fills her glass with loften juice. "I'm not trying to see how much you can eat," he comments as he sits down to his food. "It's just that Zhila told me that food was the best thing I could give you." Nikiya smiles and tries to talk with a mouthful. She's forced to swallow it before she can. "I'll have to see if there's something else you can do for me," she jokes. They finish eating and go outside. The others have set up some tables and spread out maps of the surrounding area. Meleina, Darosh and Kayloc are arguing the advantages of freeing the miners or the prisoners first. Mark studies the regional maps for a few minutes. He goes into his house and returns with a large map of his own. "Here's my plan," he informs them as he unrolls his map. "This map shows the way the computer systems are interlinked with the communication and power systems. I've learned that the Dalookan's weapons are linked to their com units and powered from transmitters in their sector. I'll have to control enough of the systems that I'll be able to shut down their weapons, vehicles and whatever else we need to." Meleina smiles, "Then our assignment is to find a way to inform our people when to attack." Kayloc shakes his head, "The guards prevented the execution of I don't know how many of us. They were only supplied with enough food for the ones they were not told to kill. The other prisoners may be as starved as I am, but there's more of us alive then their leaders would like if they knew." <52> Mark agrees with Kayloc, "There are probably only a limited number of them that are our true enemies. What would be best is to shut down power to their weapons and use the communications systems to inform the Jharakens what is happening. We don't want them to attack the innocent Dalookans. I think the ones we need to capture are the mine guards and the ones who are controlling everything." The others talk this over and agree with him. "The miners can take care of their guards and can keep them in the mines until they can be transported to a prison," Meleina comments. Mark laughs, "And maybe get some ore mined while they're waiting. The ones in control will be the main problem. They're spread out all over." Nikiya smiles at this. "Every day there is a vid transmission that they all watch and also instruct the household workers to watch. If you can take control of transmissions and tell everyone that they've lost, the servants can take care of anyone who is at home." Mark smiles, "Without their weapons, what else is there they can do?" Nikiya stops smiling, "You know that they took me from a village that had severe food restrictions. They never allow more than a few days worth of supplies to be there at a time. They search the villages often enough so that we can't hide much reserve food. If we shut down their weapons..." she is unable to finish. Mark tries to keep from laughing. "If I can get Kayloc out of prison and erase all trace of him and the vehicle. In a few days, I'll have complete control of all transport vehicles and supply deliveries. On the day I shut down their weapons, I'm going to send enough food to the villages to throw a real party." Zhila had been watching. "Why don't the four of you work out the details. I need to talk with Chireek and Nikiya about helping me with those that'll need my help." She walks to her unit with the other two close behind. Mark looks at Darosh but all he can do is indicate he has no idea what is going on. "Meleina, what do you need to get in touch with all the miners?" Meleina smiles, "There's a mine report that is constantly displayed at all break rooms. There's a mine that was closed because only a small amount of ore was found. When ever a report from that mine is displayed it is a signal for the miners." Mark crosses to his console. He accesses his level of the com system and the mine display is on his monitor in minutes. "All we have to do is decide on when." He pauses, "I'm going to need to gain control of many more systems before we can really decide. Right now I need all of you to think if there's anything we've forgotten." They return to the maps and discuss ideas and possible reactions the Dalookans might give them. Meanwhile, Zhila has been talking with the other females. "I'm almost afraid of what Mark is talking about." <53> Chireek stares at her, "How can you say that? He's going to free us from the Dalookans!" Zhila shakes her head and looks at Nikiya. "You know what I'm talking about, don't you?" Nikiya smiles, "Is there anything you can do to help me be able to recharge him from all he has to do?" Zhila looks at Chireek, "I need to ask you a question that won't go beyond this room. How do you think Mark really feels about Nikiya gaining weight, how big does he think she's going to get, and does he like her appearance." Chireek tries not to laugh. "I've joked with him about her and he admitted things he probably hasn't told Nikiya." Nikiya takes the hint with a laugh. "I wonder if it would be easier if I asked him and we didn't have so many secrets." She giggles as she steps outside, careful to remain out of sight of the males. Chireek waits until the door closes. "Mark has found out about the hormone and that it's going to make her at least double her weight. He likes her appearance and is excited that you're helping her control where she's going to put a lot of extra flesh." Zhila laughs, "I think the only one who doesn't know everything is Nikiya. Oops," she says as Chireek falls down laughing. In a moment Chireek recovers. "I think there's something on your mind that you're hesitating about." Zhila shakes her head. "Now I need to talk with Nikiya. Alone!" she says as Chireek begins to lay down. Chireek jumps up and goes out. In a moment, Nikiya enters and closes the door behind her. "I take it you might have a way for me to be able to keep Mark recharged," she asks. "But there's something about it that makes you hesitate about telling me." Zhila searches for the words. "He knows you're going to double your weight. I don't know an easy way for you to be able to keep up with the energy he'll need at your present mass." Nikiya smiles, "With the way he was feeding me last night and this morning, my mass must be more than when we left the ship." She pauses when she sees the concern on Zhila's face. "I'm afraid," Zhila begins, "That you're going to need at least 50 percent more mass than you have now." Nikiya thinks for a moment and then smiles. "So how do I gain that much overnight?" Zhila finally smiles, "I don't think you can do any more than you are now. If I could get access to the research library, there might be something that could help." Nikiya smiles and goes outside. Within a few minutes she returns with Mark. "She says you need a link with some medical systems?" Mark inquires. Zhila smiles, "I'm doing some research and was wondering if you could give me a link with the med system?" Mark smiles and looks at Chireek peeking around the door. "I need a data cable run from my console to her system." <54> Chireek smiles and trots over to the storage area. Within minutes she hands the end of a cable to Mark. While he attaches it to Zhila's system, she unreels the rest to Mark's console. Mark looks at Nikiya. "Are you charged up enough to get to work?" he asks with a laugh. She smiles and follows him out. "You better get some energy ready for me," she tells Zhila as she leaves. Chireek is standing beside the console and hands Mark the cable. While he makes the connections, she quietly steps away. Mark sits down and smiles as Nikiya puts one of her upper arms around his shoulder. "I'll try and remember to only link up to the med systems." He tells her. "But if I come across something that might help..." Nikiya gives him a reassuring hug. "If I get drained, Chireek can take over." Mark takes her hand and gives it a understanding squeeze. He returns his attention to the console and concentrates. His thoughts flow into the com system computers and then reach out to the Med system. He is not surprised when he finds that it is several separate systems, linked by com-lines, but separate security access. 'I hope I can tell when I'm getting drained,' he thinks as he approaches the nearest one. The systems are almost identical and after the first one, the task becomes almost easy. He installs his access level and then Zhila's between his and the existing ones. He finally finishes and does a quick check of his work. Satisfied that everything is correct, he dissolves his link, stage by stage. He releases his final link and accesses Zhila's system to the Med-systems. He then collapses into Nikiya's affectionate arms. While Mark is being recharged, Zhila accesses all research on energy transference and on Genhorm 2587. "It appears some one has done a few experiments since the ship's files were updated," she muses as she reads. She prints out this experiment and a few others before she remembers to check on Mark and Nikiya. Mark starts to drift into conscienceness and is pleased when he feels the softness of Nikiya against him. He opens his eyes and helps her sit up. "I hope I didn't do too much" he asks. Nikiya smiles and glances at Chireek who is holding a large glass of nutrient drink. "Yesterday you were really pushing it when you went for a second time." She answers before drinking the contents of the glass. Mark smiles and holds the glass for Chireek to refill. "The problem is, after you recharge me, I feel ready to do it again." He hands the refilled glass to her and she slowly drinks. "I need to ask if you're up to it." He looks at her sternly. "And if you're not, I want you to tell me." Nikiya smiles, "Chireek can help you if I run low." She puts her hand in front of his mouth as he starts to argue. "The best chance for your plan to work is if you can get everything set up before any one has a chance to suspect a thing." <55> "I have to agree with her," Zhila comments as she approaches with a plateful of disks. "I've adjusted the sweet disks in my processor to have a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals." She hands one to Nikiya. "I think I may be on to something to help her have more energy available for you." Nikiya looks at her while she eats. "Is this what we talked about?" she asks while taking another disk. "I'm not sure yet." Zhila hands the plate to Mark. "I'm going to study the reports and I should be able to tell you something in a couple of hours." She returns to her unit. Mark helps Nikiya for several minutes. Darosh and Meleina approach them. "How are your link ups with the systems going?" Meleina asks. Mark smiles, "It's going to take awhile to get everything ready, but it's going better than I thought." Meleina frowns, "There's a message that the Dalookans are going to demand each miner produce more ore. They aren't replacing the injured as fast as they're getting hurt and they have orders that they want to fill." He glances at Nikiya, "I know you're doing the best you can." He turns and walks away. Darosh watches him leave. "He has a brother and some cousins in the mines. He has no idea if one of them has been injured or.." Nikiya reaches up and takes his hand. "We all have friends and relatives." She looks at Mark and struggles to her feet. "I'm ready for another recharge." Mark shakes his head. "I want to get this over with as much as the rest of you. But if we rush things and get sloppy. We may fail and then think what they'll do." He smiles, "Why don't you see how Zhila's work is going." He goes with Darosh to discuss the plans while Nikiya goes to the med unit. Once inside, Nikiya stands behind Zhila and tries to read over her shoulder. "I heard what Meleina was yelling about," Zhila comments while she reads. "He was already in here demanding that I find some was to keep the two of you going." She makes some notes before getting up. "I think I've found an experiment that might help, but I must remind you that it was only an experiment." Nikiya relaxes on a pad and nibbles a disk. "I can tell you're not sure of the results, so tell me everything and then I'll decide." Zhila gets herself a glass of water. "It's not the results I'm worried about." She reclines on her pad. "The Dalookans know that some of us have abilities but don't know who and decided that it wouldn't be worth the trouble to force us to reveal who had what. <56> "One of their security men accidently saw one of us levitate supplies from a transport and arrested him. The officials transferred him to a research station and they experimented on how much he could lift and how often. They knew of how we recharge each other and they arrested his wife. The two of them did as they were told and the Dalookans seemed satisfied that our abilities are of little threat to them. One of the researchers found the legend of about larger Jharakens having more energy. He managed to get them assigned to him and his team. They ordered several doses of Genhorm 2587 and gave it to her. They also kept a table loaded with food. After a few days, the aromas drove her to where she couldn't resist and began gorging. She became able to recharge him more often and they kept searching for way to increase her recharging. They finally found a derivative of 2587 causes massive increase in appetite and that she could eat while recharging him. Using this they were able to double the times per day she could recharge him." Nikiya waits while Zhila pauses. "There's something that you don't think I'll want to hear and it's probably about how much she gained." Zhila quietly continues, "By the end of a year, She weighed more than six times her previous weight." Nikiya thinks for only a few seconds. "You said that they used this on her daily and continued for a year." She smiles as Zhila nods. "Mark believes that he can free our people in 50 to 100 days." She pats her plump sides, "I'm going to double my weight anyways and with that increase I might triple. If I can give Mark more energy, he might be able to free our friends sooner." She puts her hand on Zhila's shoulder. "If that's what I need to do, then get the data and mix up a batch." Zhila smiles, "Don't you think you should tell Mark? He might be able to handle twice your weight, but.." Nikiya cuts her off, "If this is what it's going to take to free our people, let me worry about afterwards." Zhila smiles as she gets an oddly colored and extra thick nutrient disk from a cabinet. "I already made a few so I was sure I could." She hands it to Nikiya, "The next time Mark links up eat this. In a few minutes you'll get really hungry, you might almost feel like you're starving. I'm going to tell Chireek so she can make sure you have plenty of food. The effect only lasts for an hour or so, but in that time you'll eat an incredible amount." Nikiya glances down and then back up and smiles. "How bout another kind of treatment before I leave?" She laughs with a twinkle in her eyes. Zhila smiles and shakes her head. "With all these are going to fill out," She whispers as she begins using her healing ability, "He probably won't notice how much the rest of you is filling out." Nikiya enjoys the warm comforting feeling flowing through her as Zhila works. After a few minutes, she stops and Nikiya goes to Mark. <57> She see's Chireek and motions for her to see Zhila. She stands beside Mark for a few minutes and watches his display screen. "Zhila's found a way for me to be able to recharge you more often," she tells him. Mark looks at her and smiles, "I'm hopeful we can get this done before the other ships return." He puts his hands on the console and relaxes. Nikiya glances when she hears Chireek coming. She looks at her and devours the disk before she can be stopped. Chireek looks at her in shock. "With what I was just told, I can't believe that you're really doing it?" Nikiya smiles and pokes her soft abdomen. "I hope you agreed to feed me because I'm going to be really hungry in a few minutes." Chireek is stunned and then runs into her unit. Before she returns, Nikiya is hit by hunger pains more intense than she can believe. Chireek returns with a plate full of various sweets. Nikiya grabs it and begins eating rapidly. Chireek runs back and is a little longer before she returns with several plates loaded with vegetables and meats. Nikiya had almost finished the sweets and gulps the rest down. "I didn't think it was possible to feel this hungry," she mumbles. "It's like my stomach is an empty vacuum." Chireek smiles as she turns to get more. "Then I'm going to stuff you till you're ready to burst," she laughs. Chireek spends the next hour keeping her supplied with food. By the end of the hour, Nikiya is slowing down and finally stops. Chireek helps her lay down, then stands beside Mark to help him. Mark has linked up with the Transportation computer system and is awed at how many different systems there are. He modifies and puts his level into several of them before he realizes he is weak. When he releases his link, Chireek helps him into Nikiya's grasp. After more than an hour, he becomes conscience and pats her plump form. She remains in a light sleep and he adjusts her pillow. "Did you put the sleeping pad here?" he asks Chireek. She smiles, "It's an extra one and the two of you seem to need it here as much as in your units." Darosh approaches, "I think I've got Meleina calmed down. He understands it's going to take time and we need to free everyone at once for the plan to work." He gently grabs Mark's shoulder. "If there was something he could do, I think it would help." Mark thinks for a moment. "Why don't the two of you give the security vehicle a complete work over. I've removed it from the security computers and can install it's codes as assigned to a high level official." Darosh gladly agrees, "It'll give us all something to do. By the time we get finished, no one will recognize it." He signals for Meleina and they begin plans for what they can do with it. Mark smiles as Nikiya wakes. "What did Zhila find out that's going to help you recharge me?" <58> Nikiya smiles and struggles to her feet. "I don't think we're going to let you in on our secret yet. She said that I should be able to recharge you several times a day though." Mark smiles and joins some of the others for lunch. Twice more that day, he links up. He instructs the com system to have a substation installed beside their module. He also instructs supply to have a master interface system and other equipment he'll need, to be delivered. For many days he has equipment delivered and installed by the others. He continues his work on gaining control of the systems. Nikiya continues to consume much more and becomes much plumper. But this isn't as noticeable as the increased fullness of her swollen breasts. ================================================================= DAY 39 SUM 40 ================================================================= In thirty some days, Mark has gained complete control of all the systems. He has a complex interlink system that he has installed and modified in the module. Mark calls a meeting. "I'm virtually ready to shut down their weapon systems, take control of supplies systems and every thing else we need to. We need to inform as many as we can so they can take action." Meleina smiles. "I can inform the miners within twenty four hours." Kayloc nods his head. "There is a way I should be able to inform many of the prisons. Where the guards have protected us, I don't believe there will be any problems." Mark thinks for a few minutes. "I need to set up special deliveries for the villages. I believe I can have everything ready in four days. If I send the supplies out early on the evening of the 44th, the supplies should arrive in the morning. I can have everything ready to shut down their weapons and com systems at 50: hours." The others look at him in surprise. Finally, Darosh speaks, "We've been waiting so long that we're all speechless. I think we all have our own thought of seeing our friends and family freed." Mark laughs, "I'd like to do a full check out of my links with the systems. I'm planing on having a minor power failure in a sector tonight for a few minutes. By the time they realize the shutdown, I'll have it back up." Meleina smiles for the first time since Kayloc arrived. "I should get a message sent to the.." Mark keys into his complex link-up console and motions to Meleina. "You're on-line with the mining system. Let the miners know at 50: hours on the 45th, the mines will belong to them." Meleina smiles and send a report from mine 42. He waits until the message is acknowledged. "Within a few hours every miner will be alerted." <59> Mark smiles and links up to the security and gives control over to Kayloc. He smiles as he keys his message in. "I could probably send this to all the guard rooms, but there's no need to chance it." He finishes keying and stands back. "I know you're all anxious to get this over with," Mark comments, "and in a few days it will be. But we must remember your two races lived together in peace for many years. The Dalookans who did this are few and they are the ones who should be punished." He walks to Chireek's quarters while the others talk about their future. Chireek is reading beside the door and starts to get up as he approaches. Mark motions for her not to and sits down. "It sounds like everything is going as well as you had planned," she says. Mark leans back and closes his eyes, "Everything about the plan is." He takes a slow deep breath. "The only thing that concerns me is Nikiya's weight gain." Chireek waits a minute before asking, "You knew that she was going to fill out a good bit more." She pauses before continuing, "Is she getting too big for you to find attractive?" she asks with concern. Mark almost laughs, "Somehow I'm finding her more attractive, the more of her there is." He pauses for a moment. "Are you adjusting her clothes to conceal how extra-full busted she's getting?" he asks with a smile. Chireek controls herself, "She knows what you appreciate and wanted to keep it a surprise." Mark smiles, "How can she hope to keep somethings that big a surprise when she pulls me into her several times a day?" This finally send Chireek into uncontrollable laughter. After a few minutes she regains herself. "Then what are you concerned about?" she gasps. Mark takes a breath before speaking, "From what I've learned about 2587, she shouldn't be gaining weight this fast." Chireek sombers up, "When we first got here, Zhila asked me about what you found physically attractive in females. After I told her, she talked with Nikiya alone. Then Nikiya asked me about adjusting her clothes to conceal her extra bust expansion. I made an inner blouse to help disguise their size. You'd have to ask Zhila about her extra gain." Mark shakes his head. "If they've decided to keep it a secret, I probably shouldn't ask. They'll probably tell me after we free the others." He smiles at Chireek, "I'd prefer it if you didn't tell them I was worried." Chireek smiles and almost laughs, "Then I'm going to tell them that you're impressed with Nikiya's special expansion." She barely manages to contain her laughter and loses control when Mark tackles her. After a few minutes they get up. "I better see if she's ready to recharge me," Mark comments. "I want to set up for a small power failure and see how well I can cover up the cause." He goes to Nikiya's unit and knocks." <60> "I'll be out in a moment," she calls out. After a few minutes she opens the door. "Mark, I take it we're needed again?" she jokes. "That we are," he responds. "In a few more days we can take a break from this and beyond that I'm not going to think or worry about until we're there." She steps out and he watches her new flesh jiggle where her loose clothes fail to cover. The back of her lower body virtually jiggles as she walks. He glances into the opening of her blouse and sees her two mounds of flesh almost sloshing against each other and the inner blouse which Chireek made to conceal their size. Mark sits at his modified console and begins link-up sequences. With his modifications, his console can make all the connections into what ever system he needs to access. He glances down as Nikiya relaxes and nibbles on an unusually colored disk. He renews his attention to what he has planned and mentally enters the power grid systems. After deciding that two independent failures will be more of a test, he alters the programs so that at 78:06 hours one grid will fail. Ten minutes later power will be restored and another grid will fail for 8 minutes. As soon as Chireek saw Nikiya eating one of her special disks, she prepared two large meals for her. She takes the first one out and returns for the second. Nikiya is gulping the first down and thanks her for the second between gulps. "I hope he likes the female I'm becoming. If I get too big for him, I'm going to tell him that I was always afraid that I wouldn't feel right with another species." Chireek smiles and strokes her fleshy back. "He's noticed that you're filling out faster than he thought you would. He said he finds you more attractive the more of you there is and wondered how you could think he wouldn't notice where you're packing in some extra flesh." Nikiya smiles and ravenously finishes the meals. Chireek has a plate of sweet disks and a large pitcher of Coke waiting for her desert. Mark checks out other power grids and decides that all will respond to his commands. He starts to dissolve the link, but then gives in to his curiosity about Zhila's request for a link-up. He accesses the med system and asks what reports Zhila had requested. He down loads them to his console so he can look at them without Nikiya having to be there. After the reports are in his system, he dissolves his link and opens his eyes. "I didn't do as much as I have been. Over the next three days I hope I can set up enough things so that I won't have to really over do it on the two important days." Chireek smiles and helps him onto Nikiya's pad. Mark could easily have moved himself, but he decided to not reveal he is strong enough. Nikiya wraps her arms around him and pulls him close. She waits until Chireek has left. "You didn't use your energy that much, did you?" <61> Mark conceals his smile in her blouse. "I know you'd notice, but there's no reason for anyone else to." She whispers as he snuggles into her plumpness and she hugs him close as he drifts off. Mark is conscious in less than half an hour but continues to relax in her soft embrace for another half hour. He finally gets up and helps her to her feet, catching a good impression of how much her breasts have expanded. "Are you ready for supper?" he asks. Nikiya doesn't want to admit what she and Chireek do while he's linked up, "I guess I am. Why don't you invite the others and we'll have a prefreedom party." Mark agrees, but while he's inviting them, he wonders if there's something she's hiding. In a short time, Meleina and Darosh have arranged a couple of tables and benches. "You know," Meleina comments as they sit down, "Maybe we should be eating as a group. We all have our special concerns, but we still must work as a team." Zhila has been helping Nikiya bring the food and sits down. "He has a good point. Kayloc and I have been finding out the medical and prison status, Meleina the mines, Darosh and Chireek have been checking on villages and locations of officials. Even though we've had meetings to keep everyone informed, we've lost the feeling of being a close group." Chireek jumps to her feet and steps away from the table. "I think we're a very close group." Almost everyone looks at her in surprise. Darosh manages not to smile as Mark slips around behind her. "Zhila's right," Darosh insists as he steps toward her. "I think you're closer to Nikiya than you are to me and..." He doesn't finish his sentence as he starts to jump at her. Unfortunately for him. Nikiya is already on him and Mark jumps Chireek as she starts to laugh. The others join in the fracas and soon they are all a tangled laughing mass. Mark regains his voice, "What was Zhila saying about us not being close?" Zhila and Chireek respond to this by team wrestling him. Finally they are all out of breath and stumble back to the table. They enjoy the meal and a few tales of the wonderful times before. Mark insists on a toast, "To the good old times and the good times to come. May we remember them all, when the next times come!" They all cheer to this and they finish eating. Chireek and Darosh help Nikiya clean up while the others go to their units or work on projects. Mark walks toward his console and Meleina joins him. "There was a report from mine 42. All the miners are ready for the fun." Mark smiles, "I just hope we can keep the bloodshed down on both sides. I know they have been cruel but that's no reason you should lower yourselves to their level." Meleina agrees, "My message told them that it would be more satisfying to watch them work." He turns and heads for the vehicle he has been working on. <62> Mark is serious as he sits down at his console and displays the reports. He reads them quickly, carefully listening for anyone's approach. After he reads and clears his display, he thinks about them and Nikiya. "A modified 2587 that she takes while I'm linked and then Chireek keeps her supplied with food so she can recharge me. This is causing her to gain much faster than she would have, but the effects seem to be very short term." He smiles to himself. "If she didn't, I'd be about half as far as I am. And I have to admit I do find her more attractive." He almost laughs to himself. "If they don't want to tell me, why let them know I know." He stores the reports. He waits for and watches the power failures. When he sees the Dalookans react only during the outages and dismiss them as temporary glitches, he is more satisfied that they don't know what is happening except what their systems tell them. He returns to his house. Moments later the music of YES can be heard though the insulated walls. For the next three days everyone runs through variations of what could happen and how to solve the problems they find. Mark links up with all the systems and tests his console's and his ability to keep track of everything he needs to and his ability to adjust other commands. He has quietly created extra food supplies at the various depots and issued commands at his level for these to be sent to all the villages on the evening of Sum 44. ================================================================= DAY 43 SUM 44 ================================================================= They have been eating all their meals together but this evening meal has no talk of how it had been. Throughout the meal and for a short time afterwards, they take turns explaining how they hope tomorrow will go and what concerns they have. Finally Zhila calls a halt. "We've discussed the plans until we're putting the smallest fears on the same level as complete failure. I think we should all relax and get a good sleep." Mark smiles, "I have a few system I'd like to make sure are carrying out my orders." He walks to his console. Nikiya and Chireek follow him. "I've just eaten so I've got plenty of energy," Nikiya comments as Mark sits down. Mark smiles and pokes her plump torso. "All I have to do is have my system access a couple of the others." He puts his arm around her soft shoulder and pulls her against him. "But the two of you can keep me company." Nikiya smiles and massages his shoulders while he begins to access supply and transport systems. Mark relaxes to her caresses while he works. Within half an hour he has verified that the deliveries are either being made or are in the process of being shipped. Nikiya smiles and massages a shoulder and arm while Chireek does the other, trying to make him think it is just Nikiya. <63> "Everything's being delivered as ordered," he says with a smile as he keys off. His expression changes to one of shock as the two of them pull him over the back of his chair. They try to pin him except that Darosh had seen what was going to happen and snuck up behind them. The four of them become tangled in each others arms and collapse in laughter. When they are completely out of breath, they pull themselves apart. "I think we're all going to sleep well tonight," Mark gasps. Darosh looks at him and smiles. "Unless laughing bird here loses control again." He starts to grab her, but she slips away and runs to their unit. He smiles and jogs after her. Mark looks around and it appears that everyone is preparing for sleep. "I hope you're going to be able to keep me recharged tomorrow," he whispers as he hugs Nikiya. "I know I've been asking for you to have a lot of energy ready for me and I'm afraid that I'm going to need even more tomorrow." Nikiya grabs him with all four arms and pulls him into her flesh swollen body. "I'll make sure I have as much as you can possibly want." Mark smiles as he hugs her tight. "After tomorrow, I'll allow myself to think about what I've ignored for too long." They release each other and Mark goes to his house. Nikiya starts to go to hers, but then goes to Zhila's. She quietly knocks and Zhila lets her in immediately. "I thought you might want to talk tonight," Zhila comments as they sit down. Nikiya smiles, "I'm only worrying about having enough energy for Mark tomorrow. He just told me that after tomorrow he'll think about things he's ignored and I'm almost certain I'm one of those things." Zhila controls her smile. "He also isn't thinking about the home world he's left. But I agree that he'll be thinking of you more." She uses her ability on Nikiya, "When he sees how big you are up top, he won't be able to think of much else." She stops and smiles, "You're body is adapting to your increase in weight as if you should have always been this big." Nikiya sternly looks at her. "Why do I think you're trying to work around a way for me to have as much energy as he might need?" Zhila shakes her head and stands. "You've used only two 2587 disks a day. The experiment indicated that more than that might have a side effect." Nikiya gets up, "Tell me what it might be and I'll decide if I want to chance it." Zhila opens a cabinet and removes a small box. "Here are the last six disks. I know that you've already decided to take the chance." She hands the box to her. "The side effect is that your weight gain may be increased more than it is." <64> Nikiya looks seriously at her. "I've already decided that I'm not going to be the one who didn't do as much as I could. I'd like you to tell Chireek because I'm planning on being with Mark from the time he starts until we're finished." Zhila agrees and Nikiya goes to her unit. As Nikiya undresses, she imagines how much fuller she might get. She quickly falls asleep and dreams of being so large that a smiling Mark is almost engulfed in her billowing flesh. ================================================================= DAY 44 SUM 45 ================================================================= Mark has had a somewhat restless night and wakes before he planned to. He dresses and steps outside. Meleina is walking around and he joins him. "You couldn't sleep much either?" he asks. Meleina smiles, "There'll be plenty of time to sleep once everyone is free. Do you mind if we go over the plans once more?" Mark laughs, "I was thinking of that before I saw you were up." They discuss what they hope will happen until Chireek and Darosh joins them. Darosh shakes his head, "I knew you'd be here and I bet you haven't eaten yet." Mark smiles as he looks at the time. "I guess we should have something." He follows them to the dinning table and enjoys a relaxing meal. The others join them as they wake. Meleina stands and looks at them. "My friends. Today we are hoping to free our families and friends. If we don't, I hope we will learn what we need, to succeed at a later date." Mark stands, he slowly looks at each one of them. "When Kadoon asked me to help you, I felt it was something that needed to be done and that I'd only be missed at work. I only thought that this is something I can really get into. But now," he smiles, "I'm doing it for a better reason. I'm doing it for my friends. Now that the sentimental take is over. It's time to show those Dalookans that they've created a fools paradise, and it's time for us to Rock 'n Roll them to where fools belong." He gets up and runs to his console. Once there, he begins to link his customized system to the planet's main control systems. Nikiya cautiously walks over and Chireek joins her before she gets halfway. "Zhila told me what you're prepared to do." she whispers. "I can't do much but make sure there's plenty of food for you." Nikiya smiles, "You can also modify some of my clothes because there's a good chance these are going to be rather snug before today's over." The seriousness of this keeps Chireek from laughing but they are both smiling as they separate. Chireek goes into her unit as Nikiya stands beside Mark. She puts one of her soft upper arms around his shoulder. "Zhila assured me that I can give you more energy today than I have in two or maybe three days." She smiles at the concern in his face. "Since we won't have to do as much tomorrow." <65> Mark reaches up and gently squeezes her hand. "Today we free the Jharaken race from slavery. There is no maybe in my mind. Today is the day." He closes his eyes and starts to link up. Once he is linked up, Nikiya eats one of the disks. Before she finishes, Chireek is placing a large platter filled with delicious smelling foods. Chireek smiles, "I talked with Zhila and we're going to prepare different foods each time you use one of the disks." Nikiya is already gorging on the assortment. "I know she told you that over doing it like this may make me pack it on even faster, but I'm doing it for our freedom." Chireek strokes her arm in understanding. "Don't worry about out growing your clothes. I've modified some for the next couple of sizes and Darosh will make sure everyone else is busy when you have to change." Nikiya smiles, "If I finish this before Mark is done, it might be a good idea to change or he'll notice how tight these are and maybe not do as much as he should." She empties a glass of Coke while Chireek runs to her unit. In a few minutes she comes running back with some folded clothes. "Darosh is talking with the others," she gasps, "So if you can stop eating for a moment." She unfolds the clothes as Nikiya stands up. They quickly pull her snug clothes off and gets her into the larger ones. Nikiya plops down and her flesh billows under the cloth. "The only thing that bothers me with these disks is that I'm so hungry I can't take time to enjoy the food." Chireek almost laughs, "You're just getting yourself in shape for the celebration feast." She shakes as she keeps from laughing out loud. She runs back to her unit and returns with a large plate of sweet disks, more Coke and extra glasses. Nikiya smiles, she finishes the rest of the food and most of the sweet disks before she slows. "I hope I don't eat too much more with the extra disks," she whispers as she rubs her swelling abdomen. Chireek smiles and nibbles on a sweet disk. "I've got larger clothes ready, if you do." Mark has linked into the supply and transportation system to verify the extra deliveries have been made. He's surprised that the Dalookans managed to take over the planet and don't have anyone keeping track of supplies. 'I guess they don't think anyone will try and do anything because of the minerals they've been selling,' he muses to himself. He links into one of the power grids and verifies the unit powering the weapons will shut down by blowing a module that can't be quickly replaced. He links into several other systems before he begins to feel drained. He releases his link-up and almost collapses in his chair. Chireek jumps up and helps him into Nikiya's arms. She cuddles him as she begins to recharge him. Within an hour he is recovered enough to accept a Coke from Chireek. "How are the plans going?" she asks. <66> Mark smiles and hugs Nikiya, "Better than I hoped. Those fool Dalookans don't worry about anything except the ore going out and the cash coming in." He gets up and stretches, "I'd like to talk to Zhila about how fast she can be ready for another go." Chireek nods and runs off. In a few moments, she returns with Zhila close behind. "She'll need a longer break after each time," she gasps out of breath. "I'll keep checking on her so you won't have to worry about her pushing herself too hard." She examines Nikiya and smiles, "She's doing fine. In fact if you need to link up, she'll be ready by the time you need her." Mark smiles and sits down. "After today, I'm going to be needed to repair the systems I'm taking off line." He finishes his drink and smiles. "But we can take our time with those." He begins his link-up procedures. After a few minutes, Nikiya opens her eyes. "I heard what you were saying." She takes her second disk and looks at Zhila. Zhila forces a smile, "You know what might happen and I'm going to make sure you don't give him more energy than you can spare. Now it's my turn to get your food." She turns and heads for her unit as Nikiya eats the disk. When she returns, Nikiya has finished the sweet disks and ravenously attacks the food. Mark links up with the main communication system and verifies that it will initiate main module failures in areas of the mines and Dalookan offices. He checks out several of the power grids and is pleased that everything is ready. When he feels weak he dissolves his link. Zhila and Chireek help him off his seat and into Nikiya's waiting arms. She smiles as he snuggles deeply into her soft flesh. She hugs him close and begins recharging him. Over an hour later he begins to regain conscienceness. Chireek helps him sit up. "How are you doing?" He smiles and brushes Nikiya's hair out of her eyes. "I need to go once more before the main event," he whispers as he looks at his clock. "43: hours, If I can go at 45: hours I'll be able to wait till 49:50." He looks at Nikiya, "You know her better than I do." He looks back at Chireek. "I know if she tries to recharge me while I'm linked up she can't do it as well." He pauses and takes a few swallows of Coke. "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to do more in that one linkup than I usually do in two." Chireek smiles, "You take care of her when she wakes. I'm going to check on a couple of ideas." She runs off while Mark supports Nikiya and massages her soft abdomen. "I don't know what she's planning," he whispers, "but she seems confident." He nuzzles her round neck. Almost half an hour later, Chireek and Darosh approach with a modified sleeping pad. They set it up on the other side of Mark's chair. After a few adjustments they stand back. "Now she'll be at the right level to charge you while you're linked- up." Darosh comments with a smile. The two of them jog back to their unit. <67> Nikiya smiles, "I'll be able to keep you going as long as you need." She smiles and gives him a quick kiss. They return in a moment with another pad and lay it down behind Nikiya. "This one is for you," Chireek says with a smile. "We made it extra sturdy," she almost laughs, "so it'll hold both of you." Mark looks at the other pad and then Chireek. "I take it the other one is for you?" Darosh smiles and grabs Mark's shoulder. "It was her idea and I have to agree. She does a good job with me so she'll know how to handle you and she told me how to handle Nikiya." Chireek is already on the floor laughing. Mark glances at Nikiya, "While they talk about it. I need one more time to program the last systems with my instructions." He smiles as he begins his link-up procedures. Nikiya waits a few moments until the other two realize what is happening. She smiles as she begins eating a 2587 disk and Chireek rushes to her unit. Chireek returns in minutes with an assortment of nutritious foods. "I know this isn't enough," she jokes as Nikiya begins, "but I'll be back with the rest before you're through." She returns to her unit and presently returns with a platter loaded with breads and small cakes. Darosh follows her with a large pitcher of juice. Mark reaches out to the final power systems that supply the com units and the weapons. He smiles to himself as they acknowledge his level of command and that no order will over-ride his. He then programs all system controlled vehicles to shut down for all Dalookan operators. 'Now they won't be able to run and this should keep the fighting down to a minimum,' he thinks. He runs a few checks with other systems and is pleased that all is ready. When he begins to feel drained, he dissolves his contact and relaxes. Nikiya is just finishing a large glass of juice and is feeling full as her accelerated appetite is satisfied. She gulps the last of it down as Mark drifts into conscienceness. Chireek helps him onto Nikiya's pad. She wraps her arms around him and pulls him into her billowing flesh. He drifts into the warmth of her body and energy, and snuggles in her embrace. After more than an hour, he drifts into conscienceness. "What time is it?" he asks Darosh. Darosh glances at the clock. "47:34, You have more than two hours to relax before your big number." Mark sighs and caresses Nikiya's long hair. "I only hope that I won't have to do much afterward." He looks concerned as he turns to Darosh. "You have more experience with recharging someone..." Darosh interrupts him, "If Zhila thinks it's dangerous, she'll stop her. With Chireek to help out, you don't have to worry about enough energy." Nikiya starts to stir and Mark helps her sit up. "How are you feeling?" he asks. <68> Nikiya smiles and does a good job at showing her confidence. "You don't have to worry about me," She says as she gets up and stretches. Her plump flesh billows as she does. "All you have to worry about is all the Jharakens being freed and the Dalookans in control being captured." She wraps her arms around him and he hugs her. After a moment, they release each other and join the others. Meleina has his modified vehicle on it's own power module. "I haven't been able to test it outside but I know it'll go where ever we need to." Mark smiles and grasps his shoulder. "As soon as I'm sure it's safe, go and find your brother and cousins. You've given me enough knowledge of the mine system to assure their freedom." He turns and watches Zhila and Kayloc putting a meal on the table. "We better eat before you get started," Zhila informs him. "If we don't eat now, it might be late tonight before we get another chance to." She gets beside Nikiya and whispers. "I know you just ate. But if you plan on using two disks without a break, you're going to need as much food as you can hold before you start." Nikiya smiles and begins eating. They all joke and try to keep a humorous atmosphere while they eat. After they finish, the atmosphere instantly becomes serious. Mark and Zhila talk about where her healing may be needed. "I'm certain that Meleina will be glad to take you before he goes to the mine." Zhila glances toward Meleina, "He's extremely obsessed with finding his family. If I'm needed at the mine he'll be glad to take me, however.." Mark smiles and hands her three electronic cards. "I have already summoned three vehicles and they are in the lot beside us. Once it is safe, you can have one and give the other cards to whoever needs them." Zhila throws her arms around him and gives a thankful hug. "What are you planning to do afterward?" Mark looks toward his console and smiles, "I'm afraid I'll have some systems to put back on line. None of them are really important, but I don't like to leave equipment broken down." Zhila's face takes a concerned look. "You don't have to answer, but what do you feel about Nikiya?" Mark slightly smiles, "I think she feels warm and soft," he almost laughs. "I know what you mean. I keep telling myself that I'm not going to allow any feelings to bother me. But I have to admit that when I let my mind wander, she's filling it more as she fills out more." Zhila looks around and doesn't see Nikiya. "I promised not to tell you this..." Mark interrupts her, "If it's about her filling out more because of the modified 2587 disks." Zhila looks at him without surprise. "Did you also read the experiment about it being used more than twice a day?" Mark smiles, "I've linked-up three times today and I expect that she's used one each time. How many did you give her?" <69> Zhila forces a smile, "I told her that she might triple her weight or more, instead of double as I gave her the last six disks I had prepared." Mark glances as he hears a door open and sees Chireek and Nikiya come out. "You didn't tell me anything she asked you not to. Keep an eye on her in case Darosh doesn't know how much she'll want to eat." He walks to his console and studies it for several minutes. Nikiya, Chireek and Darosh stop a few feet behind him. Finally he turns and smiles, "Do you think you have enough energy for me to complete what must be done?" He gently pokes her plump torso. Nikiya smiles and moves forward so that Mark's finger is deeper in her softness. "And some extra in case you haven't thought of everything." Chireek jumps up on her raised pad. "I've got enough to keep you going if she needs to take a break." Nikiya surprises every one as she also jumps onto her pad. It shifts a little but is otherwise very stable. Her flesh jiggles as she lies down and prepares herself. Mark smiles and begins his link-up. "In half an hour, The Jharaken race will rise from their slavery and the Dalookans will be humbled." He reaches out with his mind and begins to verify that all is ready. Darosh runs to his unit as Nikiya begins to eat one of her special disks. Within minutes he returns with a platter loaded with cakes and sweets. "Zhila suggested that high calorie foods for what you're planning to do would be best." He sets the food and a large pitcher of Coke beside her. Chireek frowns at him, "Don't I get any, or should I ask for one of her disks?" She broadly smiles and almost laughs. Darosh smiles as he gets food and drinks for both of them. They watch Mark in his trance-like state and Nikiya eating. As she gets near finishing the food given to her, Darosh rushes off to get her another extra large portion. Mark is pleased as he checks numerous systems and watches the new hour approach. As it is reached, He is deluged with systems reporting they have carried out his instructions. For the next half hour he is constantly verifying that all systems are preforming as he had instructed. He monitors the disrupted com systems from the mines and smiles as the Dalookan call for help is replaced by the Jharaken cheers of freedom. There is no call for help from the prisons but the almost immediate cheer tells him all is going as well as he could have hoped. At the same time, Nikiya gently wraps her arms around him and begins to send her energy into him. She can feel that he has used much and immediately feels her power flowing into him. Darosh is in front of her and feeds her while her energy flows. Mark monitors scattered calls for help from main control buildings and official housing. As reports of freedom come in, he reestablishes the com systems in those areas. <70> He braces himself as reports of violent Dalookan defense occurring at their main control complex. Mark links up to the security system of the complex and is shocked as he observes the monitors. The weapons in this complex are not the stun weapons found elsewhere. These are a type of laser, both hand and scoped rifle. They have waited until a mob of Jharakens had entered the inner courtyard and are now shooting a few of them to keep the others in fear. The Dalookan leader's voice blares over the loud speakers, "You believe that you can break our control of you. Trash like you is only good enough to work under our control. If you do not surrender to us immediately, you will all die and the others of your worthless breed will suffer our wrath." With two blasts, two more Jharakens fall, "You have three minutes." Mark is barely able to control his anger. He links to the environmental controls and puts all the energy he can into changing the air purification system. In less than a minute, an colorless odorless gas flows through the duct-work. The Dalookans on the top floors are the first to fall but Mark knows it won't reach the lower floors for several minutes. With much mental hesitation he links with the backup power units in the underground chambers. 'If only there were a better way', he thinks. 'But they have drawn blood and the best way to keep these peaceful beings from becoming like them is'.. "On your foreknees," the Dalookan leader shouts, "or die in ten, nine, eight, seven, six.." Mark strains against his desire not to shed their blood and detonates the power units. Because of the construction of the complex and the power units being located in underground rooms, the blast causes the buildings to collapse inward. The Jharaken are almost overcome by the dust but the only injuries are minor cuts and bruises. Mark sends a message to Zhila where she is needed. He also asks her to tell Meleina, good luck and thanks. Nikiya felt that something major has just happened. "Chireek," she calls out in concern, "I don't know what's going on, but I think he needs both of us. Darosh, I'm going to need another disk and you better get me a lot more food." She gulps down the remaining food as fast as she can and washes the disk down with large gulps of Coke. As Darosh runs to their unit, Chireek wraps her arms around Mark and feels the inner turmoil that is raging within him. "I don't know what he just did," she tells Nikiya. "But it's definitely something he didn't want to. He's pushing his energy out as fast as he can, in an effort to convince himself that there was no other way." They both feel his emotional pain and feel him drawing their energies as he uses his at an frightening rate. Darosh returns and Chireek tells him, "Get Zhila now. Don't ask why, just GET HER!" He turns and runs toward the med-unit. She is carrying a case with her and is just stepping through the door way as he approaches. "Chireek needs you now!" He shouts. "I don't know what's happening but she told me to get you!" <71> Zhila puts her case down and runs as fast as she can. She sees the strain on Chireek's face but before she can ask, Chireek tells her. "I don't know what happened. He did something he had to and doesn't want to believe he did it. Right now he's using energy as fast as we can give it to him." Zhila looks at Mark in shock. "If you run out before he accepts what happened, he might completely drain himself." Chireek nods in understanding. "Nikiya has one disk left. I don't know if she can keep him going when I run out." Darosh puts his hand on her side as he comprehends what she is thinking. "Make more of them for both of us." she almost shouts. Zhila looks at Darosh and he smiles. "You have the easy job." He resumes feeding Nikiya, "I'm going to have to try and feed both of them." Zhila runs to the med-unit and returns in a few minutes with five disks. "I told Kayloc the code for them," she gasps. "He's preparing more food and will be glad to help feed them." Darosh takes a disk and tosses it to Chireek. She catches it and gulps it down. "He better get here soon," she says as she grabs a small cake from the plate in front of her. Zhila seems anxious, "I wish I could stay, but Mark sent a message over my display that I was needed. I'm almost certain it has something to do with his actions." Nikiya mumbles with her mouth full of cake. "You get going, Darosh and Kayloc can take care of us." Zhila turns and runs back to her unit. She goes in for a moment and then goes toward the loading door of the module. She opens it and runs out. Meleina starts up his vehicle and follows her. Once outside, he stops and closes the door behind him. Kayloc comes out of the med unit with a large platter loaded with sweet disks and a large liquid container. He puts the platter in front of Chireek, "Zhila told me to get a lot of food to you fast," he gasps as he catches his breath. Darosh looks over while he is feed Nikiya. "I'd like to take care of her, if you don't mind?" Kayloc smiles, "I have no idea of what I'm supposed to get them. I thought Nikiya was the one who took the 2587 disks." Darosh nods as they switch places and they resume feeding the females. "Something happened with Mark and it's going to take both of them. Chireek knows Nikiya won't be able to keep up with him on her own." He smiles as he fills a large glass with Coke, "And I know better than to argue with her once she's made up her mind." "Ok," Kayloc agrees as he feeds Nikiya some rich breads, "I just prepared the sweet disks and Coke because it was the first thing I could think of. What should I fix Nikiya next?" Nikiya tries to mumble but has to swallow first. "With 2587 in my system. I don't care what it is, as long as there's a lot of it." She takes several slices of bread and continues to eat and drink. <72> Darosh laughs, "I've helped to keep her supplied with food before. Why don't you try and keep feeding them while I go and prepare their next load of food?" Kayloc agrees, "I don't think it will be too hard to feed them both for a short while." Darosh smiles, "Nikiya's getting low so I'll get the food processor going." He pats Chireek's arm and runs to their unit. All the monitors went down when Mark destroyed the complex. He taps into the nearest com system and listens to the calls for help. Reestablishing the lines to the med stations, he is relieved that the Jharaken injuries appear to be minor. He begins to check in with all security systems and finds that the fighting is limited to numerous minor brawls that are ending almost as fast as they are started. Once the Dalookans realize that there is no help coming, they surrender. There is only one prison where the jailers had carried out their orders and they are now prisoners. Mark sends a message that the Jharakens are not to lower themselves to that of their former captors. He is relieved when a reply is sent that the request will be followed. Mark begins checking one sector at a time in detail. As he finds that the Jharakens are free and the Dalookans are no longer in control, he restores power, communication and transportation. Between work in each sector, he runs a fast check of any trouble in the other sectors. He continues to find some active areas, but the Jharakens are handling it with as little bloodshed as possible. Mark decides that restoring the systems in the free sectors is of high priority. Nikiya is starting to slow down her eating. "Darosh, I need a disk. I don't think Chireek can keep him from draining himself on her own." Darosh tosses a disk to her and she rapidly swallows it. "It's 51:40, How much longer do you think you can keep this up?" Chireek nudges him while she swallows, "Mark has just freed our world," She drains a glass of juice. "If we have to gorge ourselves until we're ready to explode." She grabs a loaf of rich bread and eats it as fast as she can. She slows and Darosh hands her a full glass of Coke and her second disk. Darosh smiles as he pats her swelling stomach. "Tell me when you're that stuffed and I'll wrap myself around you so you can keep eating and keep him charged up." In a short time, Darosh is preparing more food. He brings both of them a large platter of vegetables, one of sweets and large pitchers of Juice and Coke. <73> Mark has changed his repair sequence and is concentrating on the com systems. As he repairs them, he monitors and is grateful that the casualties on both sides are very low. What he did hits him again when a report estimates that the Dalookans killed in the complex, are more than all others killed. Mark goes deep into the com system, not only repairing what he caused to happen, but also repairing units that had broken through normal wear. He only allows himself to hear how the Jharakens are regaining control and refuses to hear about losses. Once he has repaired the com systems, He sends messages to the villages on what has happened and to report their supply condition. While the reports are coming in, he proceeds to the power systems. He knows this could take awhile and is glad that the work will keep his mind busy. Nikiya pauses eating and struggles to her feet. "If I eat much more, I don't think I'll be able to stand." She forces a laugh as she stretches before carefully lying down on her side rather than swollen belly. "I'm ready for my 7th disk," she says with a groan. Kayloc hands it to her and fills her large glass as she eats it. "Zhila told me about the possible side effects. And you don't seem to be the least bit worried." Nikiya empties the glass in two huge gulps. "Darosh, how bout some pizzas for the next food?" She resumes gorging on the remaining sweets. Darosh looks at Chireek and smiles, "A dozen large pizzas with everything." He starts to run and almost falls down laughing when Chireek calls out. "That's a dozen for each of us." It takes him several minutes before he returns with two large pizzas. "I'm going to get a wheeled pad from the med unit so I can carry the rest in one trip. He sets one in front of each of them and runs off. He returns before Nikiya starts on her last piece. "It's a good thing you didn't take any longer," she mumbles. "If I ran out I was going to tell Kayloc to get me some of Chireek's." Chireek tries to stuff more into her already full mouth. "mmh mmgh mmhh," She manages to swallow. "He better not try." She smiles as she puts two pieces together and resumes eating. Darosh smiles as he puts half the pizzas and several containers of Coke beside Nikiya. "It's a good thing you didn't," he laughs, "Because I know where she put your larger clothes and she can modify her's as she grows." Chireek smiles and her snug clothes expand until they are hanging on her. Kayloc smiles and gets a blanket from the lower shelf of the wheeled pad. Her puts it beside Nikiya. "This will do until one of you have time." Darosh smiles and steps beside Nikiya. He smiles as he watches her soft flesh billow under her skin tight clothes. He puts his hands on her and concentrates. Within a few minutes, even though she was rounder before they started eating, her clothes are as loose as Chireek's. <74> Mark has reactivated much of the power grids. He concentrates on repairs and improvements so he won't have time to think of what he did. He listens to some of the reports of districts being surrendered. There are several houses where the Dalookans refuse to give up. The Jharakens have surrounded these holdouts and are asking them to give in to the inevitable. Mark makes sure to keep these places off the power grid. He allows them access to the com system because there is no where they can call for help. The main cities are completely back on line and he continues on to the smaller cities and then to the villages, even though most of them have their own emergency units, This reassures them that freedom has been obtained. He continues repairing the power systems while he monitors more reports of Dalookans giving up. Halfway through her third pizza, Chireek begins to slow down. "I need another disk," she tells Darosh. Darosh gets it and pauses before handing it to her." "Do you realize how much you've stuffed yourself?" Chireek struggles to her feet and looks at her expanded abdomen in shock and then amazement. "So I look like I'm pregnant," she smiles as she gently lies back down and takes the disk. "By the time this one wears off," she gulps it down with a large gulp of Coke, "I'll look like I'm way overdue." She resumes gorging on her pizzas. Kayloc looks at the time in shock. "It's 52:75. Mark has been linked up for over three hours." Nikiya concentrates on her energy link to him for a moment. "He's keeping all his attention on whatever he's working on. Zhila said we have to keep him going or he'll drain himself before he realizes it." She grabs some more pizza and gulps it down. Mark finally finishes repairing and restoring the power systems. He is almost accepting what he had to do but decides he must repair all that he shut down before he can forgive himself. He checks the transportation system and smiles at the work before him. He brings up the service vehicles first and then proceeds to supply and personal systems. Nikiya finishes her pizzas and begins on the assortment Darosh had just prepared. She pauses and swallows her last disk. "You better get some more disks made." she tells Kayloc. Chireek stops him, "I think Mark is finally slowing down. What ever he's doing is taking less energy. I think he can make it on what we're going to eat before the disks wears off." Nikiya smiles. "You just don't want to admit that you're enjoying all this food." Chireek grabs her last four pieces and stacks them together. "I'm enjoying this as much as you are." She begins chewing and washes it down with a full glass of Coke. <75> Mark smiles as he brings the last system, he shut down, back on line. He monitors the reports and is finally able to admit to himself, if he hadn't acted, the Dalookans would be roaming the streets with their lasers and unguessed numbers of Jharakens would already be dead. Chireek's enhanced appetite has finally quit. She stops eating and senses what is happening with Mark. "I think he's starting to come back," she tells them. She releases Mark and relaxes on her side. "Nikiya can take care of him now," she groans. Darosh gently climbs onto her pad and gently massages her overly-pregnant looking abdomen. "I think you were right," he comments. "You look like the kid decided he wants to stay in." He continues to caress her tremendously stretched stomach as she falls into a gorged induced sleep. Suddenly Mark realizes he is feeling his energy levels dropping. He has gotten so linked into the systems that it takes him awhile to disengage. He still feels a flow of energy, but it is less than it had been. He finally manages to completely dissolve his link and collapses in his chair. Kayloc helps him into Nikiya's fleshy arms. "54:10, Over four hours, I'm not surprised he's exhausted. Nikiya smiles, "I've eaten more than I want to think about and the disk hasn't worn off," she tells Kayloc as she tries to hold Mark in three of her arms while she eats. He smiles and holds some cake in front of her mouth. She smiles and allows him to feed her by hand while she holds Mark close. Finally the effect wears off. "I think I'm full," she groans as she shifts herself and Mark. She is so full she passes out as soon as she is laying down with him wrapped in her plump arms. Her last thought, as she drifts to sleep, is of surrounding him in her love, energy, and soft billowing flesh. Chireek drifts awake and smiles as she realizes Darosh is sleeping with his head nestled against her now-plump tummy. She looks at the other two. As extra plump as she was, Nikiya has now become definitely fat. Her plump upper arms hold Mark so that his head is pillowed by one of her flesh bloated breasts and the other one flows over and onto his fore-head. Her lower arms pull him into the billowing softness of her torso and abdomen. Her spongy fat billows as they breath. Chireek glances at the clock. "64:35," she thinks. "I wonder how things outside are going?" She looks at Darosh, wraps her arms around him and pulls him into her new softness. He smiles in his sleep and nuzzles deeper into her warmth. Chireek closes her eyes, "We've done our work and now we deserve our rest." She relaxes and joins the others in sleep. <76> Kayloc had been watching the monitors in the med-unit when he heard one of them move. He glanced out the door and watched Chireek as she resumed sleeping. He returned to the monitors and continued watching. He looks at his notes, "There are only two houses that still refuse to surrender. Most of the Dalookans that were not involved with the slavery are being allowed to remain free. The prison guards that protected those chosen for death will be given rewards. There are no more reports of fighting. Supplies are being sent to the villages and families are getting in touch with each other." He closes his eyes, "A short time ago I was facing death, now our race is free." He resumes watching and taking notes. Mark starts to wake and snuggles into Nikiya's massive bosom. He stops when he realizes how much of her there is and slowly opens his eyes. All he can see is her billowing flesh, he eases his head back and is shocked at how much fuller she is. He turns his head and looks at her fat swollen body. Moving as gently as he can, he looks at the clock. "71:20," he thinks, "Almost twenty two hours and I have no idea how much of that I was linked into the system." He looks back at Nikiya's inflated body. "She must have taken all the disks while I was working," He lays back down and wraps his arms around as much of her as he can. "How can I not have strong affection for someone who'd do this with my telling her that I can't promise her anything." He gently snuggles into her velvety softness and relaxes. He smiles as she almost purrs and he drifts back to sleep. Hours later, Darosh wakes. He tries to get up without waking Chireek, but she suddenly grabs him and pulls his face into her billowing bosom. "I don't want you to wake them," she whispers. "Think about how much you fed me and then I'll let you see where it is now." Darosh nods in understanding and she releases him. He rolls off the pad and looks at her swollen form. His eyes bulge in shock, although there is something in her roundness he finds appealing. "How much have you gained," he whispers. Chireek rolls off the other side and almost falls down. "I guess it'll take me a couple of days to get used to my new size," she whispers with a smile. She looks herself over, casually running her hands over her accentuated curves and enjoying her new fullness. "I guess I have put on a little weight. She looks at Darosh and flutters her long eyelashes, "What do you think? Or are you afraid that I'll win all our wrestling?" Darosh smiles as he steps back to take her more abundant figure in. She smiles as she slowly turns around, occasionally making a quick motion so that her ample flesh quivers. "Your extra softness might make me want to lose," he finally answers. "But don't think that I'm going to give up easily." Chireek barely manages to control her laughter, even so, her fat swollen body quivers as she does. "It looks like my new flesh enjoys a good laugh. I wonder how long they'll sleep?" she whispers as they look at the other couple. <77> Mark opens his eyes and smiles. "It's a good thing I was listening in before I looked," he whispers. They quietly walk over to him so they can be as quiet as possible. Chireek whispers, "I know something happened that you didn't like.." Mark stops her, "I'll explain it when Nikiya's awake. Let's just say that I had to push myself to exhaustion and forgot that the more I pushed, the more energy I'd be drawing from her." He pauses as he looks at how swollen with food and fat she is. "I thought Nikiya had the disks?" Chireek smiles, "We'll talk about that later. Can you tell us the good things?" Mark is almost covered in flesh as Nikiya moves. She opens her eyes and looks at Mark. "I think I've got you trapped," she jokes as she rolls back. "I can't believe it myself," she comments as Mark gets off the pad. "But I"m actually hungry." Mark smiles, "It's been a few hours. I haven't eaten since this morning and I bet Darosh didn't get much while he was taking care of you two." Darosh laughs, "I'll get something ready while the two of you see if Nikiya has gotten too heavy to move." He runs to the med unit. Mark looks at Nikiya and then takes a couple of steps back in shock. "Chireek looks like she put on about twenty percent," he gasps in surprise, "but you look like you put on as much as she weighs." Nikiya struggles to the edge of her pad and it almost falls over. She shifts her new massiveness and almost falls. She smiles as she steadies herself and takes a few steps, her amply bloated skin billowing as she does. "I may not have put on that much," she jokes as they slowly walk, "But there's a lot more of me than there was this morning." They laugh and Mark is buffeted by the two billowing females on each side of him. They both laugh and he has to struggle to keep his balance. They enter the med-unit and Kayloc behaves as if nothing has happened. He motions to the table where Darosh is eating. "I had something while I was watching the monitors," he tells them while he places platters stacked with food on the table. While they eat, he informs them of what has happened. They are all pleased that there has been almost no fighting and that only a few of the Dalookans were involved. "The prisoners and miners are going to hold separate trials for their captors. The guards who showed sympathy have already been released. It seems that the worst ones were at the mines." He pauses as Zhila enters. She looks exhausted and collapses on a bench. "I've done as much as I can for one day," she says in a voice that demonstrates how tired she is. "Our leaders know of you and what you've done," she tells Mark. "But I asked them to give us a few days before they come to thank you." Mark smiles and tries to puts his arms around Nikiya and Chireek, "Without them, I couldn't have done a fraction of what I did." <78> Nikiya smiles and puts her flesh bloated arm around his shoulders. "We did it for our people, you did it because.." she doesn't know how to finish. Mark nuzzles into her flesh inflated breast. "I was doing it for my new friends and the people I feel at home with." Zhila looks at Nikiya and then Chireek, "I warned you what those disks could do," she jokes. She stands up and motions for Chireek to join her. "I know I'm tired, but this won't take much energy." She slowly begins to explore Chireek's expanded body. Her healing energies flow as Chireek's body is modified to it's new plumpness. As Chireek steps back, Nikiya exaggerates her heavy waddle. "I hope your abilities can keep up with me!" she jokes. Zhila takes longer helping Nikiya's body adapt to her ponderous increase in weight. Finally she stops and pats Nikiya's wide back, causing her fur covered skin to quiver. "As long as you don't have to do a repeat of today, we shouldn't have any problems." Kayloc rushes up and catches Zhila as she almost falls. "It looks like it's my turn to play healer," he says with a laugh. He helps her into their sleeping area. The others finish eating and then go outside. They walk over to Mark's console and he uses the com systems to learn what has happened since he stopped. There were scattered resistance of the Dalookans but the Jharakens chose to wait them out. There are only two housing complexes where the siege continues. He tries to skip pass any information regarding the Dalookan main complex, but Chireek stops his hand. He closes his eyes until she squeezes his shoulder in sympathy. "I wish they wouldn't have opened fire," he almost whispers. Nikiya wraps a plump arm around him. "You took the best choice you had. If you hadn't, they'd be in other complexes and we'd have a full war where peace would be bought with the dead." "I can't say I know how you feel, Darosh says, "but if there's anything I can do?" Mark reaches up and firmly grasps his hand. "Chireek has done more than I wish she had to. Weight gained with 2587 is almost permanent. To lose any, she'd have to stay on a starvation diet, and that would be worst." Chireek nudges her plump lower-shoulder against him. "On Earth, most hefty people are put down for no good reason. There are many on Darnarius that are much heavier than myself or Nikiya. Some may not find them physically attractive, but that doesn't stop them from enjoying each other's company." Mark looks into her concerned eyes. "Earth is a major part of my history." He touches the console, "But can I accept what I have done in my recent history?" Nikiya gives him a firm hug. "Think of all the members of your new race that would have died, if you hadn't." She smiles as he looks into her eyes. "And about being concerned with how much we've filled out today," she pats her bounteous bosom and watches her skin ripple. "With what we've done, we might even start a trend for plump females." <79> Mark strokes the soft arm that holds him. "I know that I did the only thing I could." He pauses, "I just need to come to grips with it before I'll be able to tell you..." he fades out and she holds him in her reassuring hug. Darosh gently taps Mark's shoulder, "You may not believe this, but for some reason I think Chireek looks better with her extra weight." He breaks into a wide grin, "And her billowing when she's controlling her laughter gives me an advantage." He tries to run, but Nikiya swings her ponderous rump in his way and he almost falls over her. Mark's melancholy attitude is finally broken as he jumps. Since she is already off balance, because of Darosh's collision, he easily topples her over. Darosh was trying to push against her to regain his balance and also falls. Chireek had just gotten around Mark's command chair and dives in with a laugh. They wrestle until they are a laughing mass of tangled friends. Nikiya grabs Mark with all four arms and pulls him into her jiggling flesh. "And I was worried you were thinking of doing something foolish." Mark tries to laugh, but his face is mashed into her spongy breasts. She eases her grip and he catches his breath. "And you think trying to out wrestle someone who is many times my weight is intelligent?" They all are quickly reduced to a laughing mass, gasping for breath. Darosh finally struggles out. "I don't think we need to worry about Mark doing anything dumber than this." He starts running to his unit as Chireek struggles to her feet and runs after him, her bloated body billowing under her velvety fur as she does. Mark stands and helps Nikiya to her feet. "I'm afraid all this extra flesh is going to make it easy for you to win a race." she says laughingly. Mark smiles and pats her broad, spongy back. "And you won't be able to run away from me." She turns in surprise and he gently takes her head in his hands. He gives her a long passionate kiss. At first she doesn't know what to do, but then she puts her soft, full upper arms around him and pulls him into her swollen body so that he is nestled in her bloated flesh and silky fur. After several minutes, they release each other, but their lips touch for a moment longer. Mark starts to talk but Nikiya puts her hand to his mouth. "You don't have to say a thing," she whispers. "Every time I was recharging you, I could feel how much you wanted to be with me." She starts to walk to her unit and then stops. She looks at Mark, standing in confusion and winks her long eyelashes. He pauses before he takes a step. Nikiya laughs and does a combination of run and waddle as Mark follows her billowing body into her unit. <80> ================================================================= DAY 45 SUM 46 ================================================================= Mark slowly drifts awake. He tries to roll over when he feels a soft, furry roundness blocking him. He opens his eyes and all he can see is Nikiya's overly abundant torso. He tries to think, "Didn't she recharge me earlier..." Suddenly he remembers where he is, the events of yesterday and especially last night. Smiling, he nuzzles deeper into her billowing warmth. Nikiya hugs him closer for a moment before she opens her eyes. "Did you sleep as well as I did?" Mark pulls his head back and looks into her smiling face. "I can't remember sleeping better. Of course," he fondles her expanded abdomen as if he's fluffy up a pillow, "I never had a bed this comfortable." She laughs and partway rolls on top of him. "Then I better make sure it stays that way." She struggles to her feet and goes to the food processor. "While I get breakfast ready, why don't you see if anyone else is up." Mark steps into the cargo module and looks around. He finally feels free of all the concerns he kept about his plans for freeing the Jharakens and can accept what he had to do was the only choice. He walks toward the med-unit and Kayloc comes out before he reaches it. "Zhila would like to talk with you," he says. "I checked the reports and everything is better than I could have hoped," he says while they go in. Zhila is at her display, watching the reports while sipping a glass of juice. "I know I promised not to tell Nikiya about your true feeling." She turns and gives him a concerned look. "But with the number of disks she took and the amount of food she ate. I'm afraid she's going to be gaining a lot of weight. If you really care for her I know it would really help if you told her, and if you don't.." she stops as Mark and Kayloc begin laughing. "Or am I missing something. "Not a thing," Mark laughs, "I just had a good night's sleep and I feel completely relaxed now that freedom has been obtained." Kayloc tries to wrestle him to the floor. "Are you going to tell her the other reason you had a good night's sleep?" Mark shifts his weight and catches Kayloc unprepared. He twists around and breaks free. "You wouldn't be thinking about the most comfortable mattress I ever had, would you?" Kayloc steps back laughing, while Zhila stares at him in surprise. "Are you trying not to tell me that you already told her how you feel?" Certainly," Mark smiles, "since I already knew she feels soft and warm.." He runs for the door with both of them scrambling after him. Once outside, they all slow down and walk to the dinning table. They sit down as Nikiya places the last of the food she had prepared, on the table. <81> Just as they begin eating, Chireek comes over in a rolling run. "All the recharging I did for you," she jokes as she sits down, "And you didn't even call me for breakfast?" She begins eating as Darosh sits down. "Don't let her kid you," he says as Mark fills her plate, "she insisted we wait until everyone else started." Nikiya smiles and swallows her mouthful before she tries to speak. "But there's a good chance the disks will have the last laugh." She resumes eating and Mark notices that she is eating more than she has been. He watches Chireek but isn't sure about her. Nikiya smiles as she takes her fourth helping of breakfast cakes. "You know the possible side effects of my using the disks," she says before filling her mouth. Mark smiles as he fondles her wide, bulging back. "Then I guess I'll be looking forward to seeing more of you." He glances at Chireek, "Do you think you're having any side effects?" Chireek had stopped after a large second helping and slaps her lower body. "Yes, I have more side than I did yesterday morning." She looks at Nikiya, "It looks like the two of us are going to have a lot of weight to throw around." She keeps from laughing, but her plump flesh jiggles with her amusement. Darosh just smiles, "I can't say anything because she probably means throw her weight into me." Chireek finally loses herself and ends up on the floor laughing. "But we all know her weakness," he reminds them. After they finish and clear the dishes, Zhila suggests a meeting on what they should do today, or if they want to just do nothing? Mark realizes they are waiting for him. "I plan to check in with the systems and 342. I can do this through the console so that frees these two." He glances at Nikiya. "Since all of you know about the 2587 disks," Nikiya starts, "I thought it might be a good idea for Zhila to tell the two of us all she knows." Zhila pauses, "I think all of us should have a discussion on that. Why don't we plan a lunch time meeting? That will give Kayloc and myself enough time to access all we can and make copies of the reports for everyone." They all agree on this. Darosh looks at Mark and hesitates. "Are you planning to keep living in your house?" he finally asks. Mark laughs at this. "My place having an open room design will make your modifications easy. All you have to do is put in double doors." Nikiya grabs him. "Are you suggesting that I move in with you?" Mark twists and hugs her extra plump body. "Unless you want to keep living in your emergency shelter unit." They all laugh at this. Zhila suggests that they wait for the modifications until she has completed her research. "I found reference to an experiment that might help determine how much they'll gain." <82> Darosh asks if he can watch Mark. "I'd like to know what's going on outside. I agree we should stay here until we really decide on our long term plans." Mark grabs his shoulder. "Earth is behind me. If I have my choice, I'd like to stay with your kind." Chireek smiles as the four of them walk to Mark's console. "You're as much one of our kind as any of us are." Mark sits down and activates his console while the others make themselves comfortable. The first thing he does is establish contact with 342 and the crew. "Everything went well," he reports. "We've been monitoring the reports," Kadoon replies. "We're preparing a module to come down as soon as we are in orbit." "We'll see you when you arrive," Mark replies. He opens his mind to 342. he responds. Mark thinks on this for a moment, 342 takes several second to respond. Mark sighs, 342 agrees, Mark agrees, He uses his console to check in with all planetary systems. Halfway through the morning, Chireek and Nikiya brings a large snack. Nikiya smiles, "You didn't think we could wait till lunch, did you?" They enjoy the snack while Mark continues checking systems. He finishes shortly before lunch. Mark stands up and stretches. "All systems are on-line and operating as well as expected." Chireek pokes Nikiya's plump flank. "I can't wait for the full report. Let's get lunch ready." She and Nikiya go into her unit to prepare lunch. Darosh watches them leave and smiles, "I didn't want to admit it before," he turns to Mark. "Watching Nikiya fill out, I was starting to wonder how Chireek would look like a little bit heavier. Mark smiles, "I hope you're happy when she finally stops filling out." Darosh smiles as they walk to the table. "I'll let you know when she gets there." Mark laughs. "I hope we can keep from going into shock when Zhila tells us what they might weigh." <83> Zhila and Kayloc have a small pile of papers at each place, "Let's wait until they get here," she suggests. "The Jharaken leaders contacted me. They accept that you want to wait but they'd like to talk with you about where you'd like to live. They want to find a house complex for you and will supply you with whatever you want." Mark looks at Darosh. "I guess that makes it official for me to stay. I just don't know what I'll do after I move in." Darosh smiles, "Maybe you can have 342 re-outfitted for exploration?" Zhila interrupts, "If you have an idea of where you'd like to live, they'd like to give you a tour. I promised I'd contact them after lunch, if you'd agree to it." Mark smiles, "I think somewhere near here would be good. Let's not ask them about 342 until we think about it more." Darosh agrees and they talk about the few things known of the other planets in this system. Chireek begins bringing out platters of assorted foods. "We decided that we'd have a feast of our own to celebrate." The two of them bring out a feast, big enough for ten. They bring out the last platter and sit down. As they start eating, Zhila begins telling them what she has learned. "The original dose would have caused Nikiya to double her weight in about a year. The disks she's been taking will cause her to add a bit more," she pauses for a moment. Chireek smiles, "I take it that I'm not going to gain as much as she will?" Zhila forces a smile, "there's no reports on someone being given the modified 2587 without an original dose. However my best guess is that you'll stop with a total weight of between one and a half to twice your original weight." Nikiya laughs, "You said that in the experiment where they gave the modified to her twice a day, she weighed six times her original weight. I've only taken them for about forty days, but I bet yesterday did something." Zhila takes a deep breath. "I'd like you to read the last two reports before we talk about it." They all read while they eat, Nikiya and Chireek hardly slow down their feasting until they are well into the second report. Darosh finishes first and gives a look of concern to Nikiya. Chireek and Mark finish at the same time and also look at her. Nikiya rereads the last page before she looks at Zhila. "It's only my calculated guess, but at least four to six times your original weight is very likely. There's no problem in adjusting your organs, skeleton, and muscles to this extra weight. I can keep using my ability on both of you so that what ever you weigh, it will be as if you were born for it." Mark smiles and jumps on her broad, spongy back and wraps his arms around her plump torso. "It sounds like I'm going to have a lot more of you to enjoy then I thought I would." <84> Nikiya pats his clasped hands with one of hers. "When you can't get a good grip like this, I won't have much trouble in winning a match." She giggles and Mark feels her swollen body jiggling under him. Chireek takes a large piece of sweetened bread and tries to force it into her mouth. "If I reach twice my weight," she mumbles, "we'll be able to get our males to do whatever we want them to." Nikiya laughs and they resume gorging, with the others watching them in shock. Mark climbs off Nikiya and Darosh motions to him. "While they eat," Darosh whispers, "I think we need to talk." They walk over to Mark's console. "Have you thought about what you'd like to do, now that we're free?" Mark sits down and smiles, "That a pleasure I now feel I deserve. Let me ask what you and Chireek plan on doing?" Darosh smiles as they watch the females feast. "I think this gorging streak will fade in a couple of days. Both of us enjoyed space travel and thought of seeing if we could get assigned to one of the freighters." Mark runs his hands over the console. "If I can get one, I'd really like it if the two of you would help me explore your, I mean our, system. I know they'll be others who want to come and they're welcome, but I'd like some good friends.." Darosh laughs, "Of course we'd love to come. Besides, I think the two of us will need each other's help with them." He glances and sees that Chireek is slowing down. "Of course, you'll probably need more help..." He is cut short as Mark pounces on him. Within moments they are doing their best to control their laughter. Mark gets up and offers his hand. Darosh smiles and allows himself to be pulled to his feet. "As long as you can get the jump, my money is on you." Mark activates his display and brings up a map of the land surrounding the spaceport. "What do you know of this area?" Darosh shrugs both sets of his shoulders. "There not much except open land. We could ask for good size area. Chireek and I can build a place and make sure there's plenty of width in the doorways." He turns as he hears some one approach. Zhila smiles, "I didn't want to bother you, but the leaders are sending a passenger vehicle to give you a tour of the surrounding lands. I heard the last part of what Darosh said and that sounds like a great idea." She pauses, "I know that the two of them are trying to and possibly really enjoying the idea of how big they're going to get. As they continue to expand, it'll take a lot of care and understanding from both of you. Complementing them on their size is good, but don't forget about all the other things they are." Mark thanks her for the advice. "We've decided that the four of us are going to stay together. I don't think they'll argue about it." He looks at them eating and Chireek is only nibbling. "If we live near here, where are you planning to be?" <85> Zhila shakes her head. "For the next several weeks, I'll almost be living at the local med-unit. There's a lot of our race suffering from malnutrition and other weaknesses. I can come and see them every few days. After then, I'd like to go somewhere where I can relax." She looks at Darosh and then back to Mark. "If you have room for me, I can take really good care of them." Darosh smiles, "We'll make sure to have an extra suite just for you." He glances at Mark, "We were talking of modifying a freighter to explore our system." Zhila smiles, "I don't think you'll have any problem in getting a spacecraft." She turns as Chireek and Nikiya slowly walk toward them. Chireek tries to laugh as she waddles. "I have to remember that she's had more 2587 and that I can't eat as much as she does." Nikiya smiles and pats her bulging torso, "I'm just getting ready for all the food that's going to fill me out." She laughs and Mark runs his hand along her round abdomen. The panel beeps and Mark opens the cargo module's hatch. Two Jharakens in official looking garb enter. "I am Muwena and this is Chulen. We are honored to meet the human and his companions who saved our people." Mark stands and puts his palm against Muwena's in greeting. "I did what my heart told me I should. I thank you for the offer of a place to live." Muwena smiles and motions them to accompany him. "We are here to show you the lands nearby and see if there is a place you would like to live." Mark motions toward the door, "There's no time like the present to get going." They all walk and Kayloc joins them. Outside, Muwena guides them to a personnel transport vehicle. "We have other things to take care of," he winks at Zhila. "Fawona knows the surrounding lands and is most capable of helping you feel at home." He and Chulen climb into a smaller vehicle and drive toward the spaceport control building. As Chireek climbs in, she giggles. "It looks like we've got some competition, Nikiya." The rest of them enter and sit down. A extremely full bodied female introduces herself. "I am Fawona, I'm pleased to be allowed to help you and hope you will tell me if there's anything I can do to help you feel comfortable." Chireek controls her laughter, "Am I right in guessing that someone was told about Nikiya and myself?" <86> Fawona laughs and her bulging flesh quivers. "Yes, they asked for a female who is definitely fat." She pats her swollen sides and her skin billows beneath her thick fur. "I'm about twice the weight I'd be in average condition, and if you want to talk to someone who's already there, please call me." She climbs onto the driver's pad and starts the vehicle. "Below each window is a map of this area. There are three large homes circled the Dalookans owned and you can have your choice. If you'd like to build your own, the green areas are undeveloped and can be yours if you want." Mark glances at the map. "Let's check out the undeveloped places. The four of us have chosen to live together and we'd enjoy designing and building our own home." Fawona laughs, her fat body jiggles as they drive out of the spaceport and down the road. Within minutes she pulls to the side and points west, to the grassy field beside them. "If you want a home with a large area, this would be my choice." They all get out and walk while she indicates the size of the lot. They walk up the small hill and look at the surrounding country. "The back of the lot is across the stream and halfway into the woods. The North is just past the top of the rise. South is just past the woods, and east is the road." Mark looks the land over and estimates it to be almost two miles square. He looks at Darosh, "We're close to the spaceport and it feels good to me." Darosh looks at the stream. "Chireek and I can make a swimming area and maybe a wet slide from here into it." Chireek smiles, "A very wide, deep slide. If we build the house up here, we can watch liftoffs and get a com-line to the control building." Nikiya agrees, "I don't think there's any reason to look at other lots." Fawona smiles, "When you design your place, I have a credit number you can buy everything with. This number is for everything, food, clothes, and anything else." Mark smiles, "Tell the leaders that we're incredibly happy and if they gave us nothing, the freedom of our people would be worth it." Fawona motions to the vehicle, "There's something the Dalookans bought that almost no one wants." They climb back in. "There are a few that might want to use it occasionally, but I think you'd enjoy sharing it." They drive back to the spaceport and past the control building. The transport stops and Fawona leads them out. "They bought a space yacht and all of Darnarius would be pleased if you'd accept it as yours. There are many who would come with you and explore the rest of our system." <87> They let Mark walk up to the Yacht on his own. He marvels at it's size and estimates it to be almost 500 meters in length. He enters it and goes to the control room. Sitting down he forms a light link-up and is amazed at the power he has available. It is obvious that she is brand new. He opens his mind to the computer and is disappointed that it has no thoughts of it's own, like 342. He goes outside to the others, smiling. "She's a dream. With a few modifications, we can reach any of your planets in a day." Darosh frowns, "But she doesn't have a personality of her own, does she?" Mark starts to frown, but suddenly smiles. "Come on in," he says as he goes back in. They all, including Fawona, follow him. He runs back to the control room and begins preflighting the ship. He touches the com switch, "Spaceport control, This is WHK327, requesting permission to launch and match orbit with IST342." "Darnarius control to WHK327, you are cleared to launch at your discretion. Good flight and thank you." Mark touches the controls, "I'll see how smooth I can make this," he calls out as the grav-drive starts up. Everyone jumps for a bench or something to hold onto. Fawona laughs as she just lays down. "I've got enough of my own padding, so let's do it." Mark smiles as he mentally monitors the ship and they rise off the ground. Once airborne, he programs a flight that will bring them beside 342. He establishes a com-link, <342, I'm onboard the yacht heading toward you.> Mark can sense a touch of sadness. Mark controls his laughter. there is curiosity in it's voice, <342 standing by.> Before they reach orbit, they can see the bulky shape of the freighter. Mark maneuvers beside it and the docking tube bumps against their boarding hatch. "Everyone but Nikiya can wait, or go onboard." He heads for the airlock with almost everyone close behind. At the airlock he takes the end of a cable reel and pulls it into the freighter. Kadoon and the others are waiting. "Mark, you did it, and you've got yourself a yacht to explore with." Mark smiles and accepts the congratulations of the crew. "I have one more modification to make to your ship." He says as he connects the cable into a data connector. "I know that 342 has been making some decisions without you telling him to. I'm going to give you full control and he won't bother you anymore." Santosh stares at him. "We can get used to it." he stammers. "There's no need for you to silence him." <88> Mark smiles as he links with 342. 342 pauses while he checks it out through the data-link. Mark feels his sadness. All the displays flash with light from his excitement. Mark sits down, Nikiya sits beside him and puts her fleshy arm around him. "If you just keep a little energy flowing," Mark asks, "I'll be fine and we can get this done in a matter of minutes." He links-up and makes the few circuit modifications so that the ship no longer needs it's central computer unit. Mark smiles as he gets up and they walk to the computer vault. He opens it and disconnects a module almost one meter cube. The lights continue to flash as Darosh helps him put it on a cart. They roll it to the boarding tube and into the yacht. Mark instructs Darosh on how to modify the yacht's computer vault. Once he finishes, and Chireek is holding him in her soft embrace, Mark connects the module. "How do you feel?" He asks out loud. "You've installed a voice interface," 342 answers. "This is wonderful. It's going to take me a few minutes to establish this ships systems to my interaction circuits. Also, I'd like you to find a name for this ship. As the thinking part of a yacht, I don't think recognition numbers are what I'd like to be called." Mark smiles as he watches the displays. "Since we can go anywhere faster than anyone else, how 'bout iIon Storm?" He looks around and everyone nods in agreement. Mark touches the com unit, "Ion Storm to 342, request permission to undock and head planet-side." Kadoon answers, "342 to Ion Storm. Docking tube withdrawing. It's been good to work with you and I hope we do it again." "Just as long as it isn't a disaster." He rekeys to the spaceport. "WHK327, Ion Storm to Darnarius spaceport. Permission to break orbit and land." "Darnarius spaceport to Ion Storm. You are clear for landing sequence two." "Ion Storm to Darnarius spaceport, Breaking orbit. See you within three hours." Mark looks at the others, "I'd like to head out right now. But I think we should have a home to come back to. Also, your bright boys might feel upset if we started exploring without them." Nikiya is beside him and she pounces before he can move. Chireek laughs as she lays the weakened Darosh down and joins in. Fawona moves faster than her size would indicate and adds her considerable mass to their mass. <89> Darosh leans up against a wall and smiles. "Jakan said there was something about Mark that made him different. She should have guessed he had some Jharaken blood in him." The wrestlers become a laughing, tangled mess and finally pull themselves apart. Chireek returns to recharging Darosh. "Next time," he tells her, "I hope I get the chance to leave you watching the fun." Chireek smiles and hugs him tight with all four arms. "If you try, you'll have to take me." Nikiya steps to the food processor and Fawona joins her. "Zhila told me all about the two of you and 2587," she comments as they prepare a meal. Nikiya smiles, "We have the two best males in the system and they seem to like the idea of us filling out." Fawona smiles, "Chireek is going to fill out to about my weight, but even Zhila isn't sure how much you might weigh." Nikiya gives a true smile, "I know they'll help keep my spirits up. Mark says that he's always found plump, buxom females more attractive and I'm going to be the plumpest, and with Zhila's help, most buxom he's ever seen." Fawona glances at Mark as they fill platters. "I think I'd like to talk with him." They serve food to every one and clean up as the spaceport comes into view. Ion Storm lands and powers down. Mark turns to the others. "We can use the cargo module to take my house and your living unit to our new place. Then I can program it to return here." They all agree and enter the module. Within minutes, they have clearance and are flying the short distance to their future home. Mark holds the module above the ground and grav-lifts their living module while Darosh moves Mark's console into his house. Mark then levitates his house beside theirs on a level area near the stream. He lowers the module and programs it to return to the spaceport after they leave. They step out and it flies off. They walk to the stream and talk about how they can build a swimming pool into it. Fawona steps beside Mark, "I'd like to ask you a few things, if you don't mind?" Mark smiles, "Why don't we talk while I summon your vehicle and the one I apppropriated." They walk into his house and he catches a few glimpses of how much she billows as she moves. When they enter his house, she smiles, "Do you like what you see?" She takes a few steps that cause her soft bulk to roll and bounce more than she was. "Have you thought of how much bigger Nikiya is going to get?" "I don't think I want to," he answers. He smiles at her disappointed look. "I want to enjoy watching her fill out and not concern myself with how much she might gain." He sits down at his console, establishes control of her vehicle and instructs it to come to their location. "I know she's going to be a lot bigger than you, but I care about her and my main concern is her not being upset as she grows." He contacts the vehicle in the cargo module and also instructs it to come. <90> Fawona takes his hand and pushes it into her plushy abdomen. "Just tell her you enjoy how much her body is filling out and don't remind her that she's going to keep fattening, unless she asks. I don't think any of you will have problems you can't work out," she releases his hand, "but if you do, give me a call." They walk outside as her transport arrives and she waves goodbye to the others. Nikiya catches up to her as she opens the door. "What did you talk about?" she asks. Fawona smiles and strokes her arm. "He's the perfect male for you." She steps into her vehicle and closes the door. "There's more Jharaken in him then some of the ones I've known." She waves and drives off. Nikiya walks over to Mark, her fleshy body jiggles as she does. "So, what did the two of you talk about," she jokingly demands. Mark looks at her and smiles, "She just wanted to be sure I had some idea of what I have gotten myself into with you." Nikiya frowns, "So what did you do to convince her, or what did she do to give you an idea?" Mark laughs and throws his arms around her. "I told her that my main worry about how much you might gain, is how you'll feel about it." She wraps her soft arms around him and pulls him into her spongy flesh. "Zhila's adapting my body so that what ever I weigh will be what my body is built for. I know you were watching how much she jiggled, so just remember that I'm going to be two or maybe three times the female she is." They release each other and Mark looks out a window. "Why don't you get supper ready while I talk with them about the plans for our house?" She agrees, "Tell Chireek to come and give me a hand. She can tell me about the house while we process some food." Mark promises and jogs up the hill. When he tells them, Chireek goes to help Nikiya. "I think our main problem in designing the house," Darosh begins as he watches Chireek walk with a slight jiggle. "Is making sure the doors are wide enough." He shows Mark a rough sketch of a open designed building. "There are two separate areas connected to the main room. I added a third room that is about half the size of those areas. We can use it for guests or if some one wants to meditate alone." He looks at Mark, "What did Fawona talk about?" Mark looks toward the stream. "She just wanted to assure herself that I had an idea of what was going to happen to Nikiya and if I would be able to help her if she got depressed about it?" Darosh smiles, "With Chireek filling out as she does, I think our worry should be if we can handle them." They both laugh about this before returning to the drawings. <91> They work on minor changes to the drawings for awhile. When they are satisfied, they walk to Mark's house to show the drawings to Nikiya and Chireek. "The food is on the table and we were just about to call you," Chireek jokes as she sits down. They all sit and talk about the drawings while they eat. Mark and Darosh finish first and make some final notes while the females continue eating. Darosh looks at the notes on the drawing. "I think we can get the final prints done in the morning and get the ground prepared by tomorrow night." Chireek had finished eating and begins helping Mark clean up. "With our abilities and the ease of the designs, we should have it finished in less than 50 days." Nikiya struggles to her feet. She faces the door and puts her upper hands on her round abdomen. She then holds her hands in front of her and gages the extra width of the doorway. "I don't think I'll be too wide by then," she laughs. Chireek laughs, "With the way you're eating," she pokes Nikiya's spongy flank, "you'll be getting stuck before we get the roof on." She tries to run out the door, but Mark leaps at her and they tumble outside. Nikiya is closer to the door and follows them. She suddenly stops and Darosh collides into her. She jumps forward and he virtually falls out the door and joins them in their physical discussion. Within a minute, they are laying on each other, unable to do anything but laugh. Mark is the first to pull himself out of the tangle. "We're going to have to put in an area for this." Chireek tries to grab him, but collapses in laughter. Finally they all get up and decide to call it a day. Nikiya glances around before looking at Mark with a sly smile. "You forgot my living unit." Mark slaps his forehead, "I'll summon the cargo module immediately." He runs inside as the others stare at him in surprise. Nikiya smiles as they hear rock 'n roll coming from inside. "It looks like he's fooled us again." She smiles and walks inside, closing the door as she does. Darosh smiles, "Do you think she can take care of him?" He turns and runs toward his unit as Chireek jumps at him with a yell of faked anger. As he reaches it, he dives to the side of the doorway. She is unable to stop and stumbles inside. Darosh laughs as he dives in after her, the door closing behind him. Mark is sitting on the floor with his eyes closed. He has taken the cushions off the couch and is sitting on one. Nikiya quietly lays down beside him with her human portion leaning against the couch. After a moment, Mark opens his eyes partway. There is a smile of satisfaction on his face as he reaches out and gently squeezes her hand. "We actually did it," he whispers. "I never allowed myself to think of anything beyond freeing everyone." <92> Nikiya waits for him to continue. "I can't say I know what it's like to leave your home-world." She shifts herself closer to him and puts her arm around his shoulder. "If you wanted to take Star Roamer and go to Earth, no one would try to stop you." She smiles as he looks at her, "But I might try and sneak on board and go with you." Mark throws his arms around her swelling torso and they pull each other close. "I've only known you a short time," he begins. "But I feel like I've been searching for you all my life." He gives her a long passionate kiss. Nikiya pulls him into her extra buxom body. "I think we were destined for each other." She tries to stop herself, but she yawns. Mark pulls back and smiles, "I'm surprised I'm not yawning myself." He gets up and she follows him into his sleeping area. "I don't think my bed is big enough for you," he says with a frown. He pulls the mattress onto the floor and out to the couch. He moves it beside the cushions on the floor. "I hope this is big enough for you." She smiles as she lays down. "We can have a large enough pad delivered tomorrow." She frowns as Mark lays down on the floor. "There's enough room for both of us," she says with a trace of tenderness. Mark smiles and gets on the cushions. "I was just thinking that before you finally stop growing, there won't be any room for me." Nikiya quietly laughs and uses all four arms to pull him snugly into her warm yielding flesh. "When I get that big," She rolls so that he is on top of her. "I'll be the softest, most comfortable sleeping pad you could dream of." She gives him a long kiss. Mark smiles and snuggles into her, "And I was worried about where I was going to sleep." They both drift into the sleep of two beings who have found their place in the universe. ===================================================== design house order parts and build house don't want to be thought of as heros, the heros should be the miners, prisoners and others who suffered miners capture guards and put them in mines to work many miners keep working but now it is for themselves most guards surrender to prisoners high officials try and hide in their houses, but servants arrest them and take them to prisons. Most Jharakens know who was keeping them slaves and who was just enjoying what they were told to. they decide mine guards should work for twice as long as they have. prison guards who refused to carry out executions are freed and given reward those who ordered or carried out orders against the Jharaken are put in prison those who just enjoyed the situation are not tried slave owners are judged by their servants Nikiya is to decide what should be done with the wife of the high official Makes her work as waitress in Nikiya's former village and to eat only when, and as much as the villagers tell her to. ========================================================== It's like fragments of messages from home. Jakan, and Chireek's joke about Mark liking Nikiya extra buxom. (only they and Zhila know about genetically altered hormone the female Dalookans used on Nikiya that makes it normal to gain weight, and almost impossible, not to) they tell Nikiya and she agrees that she'd love to pack on some more pounds in that portion of her. they go to Zhila and even though Nikiya is extra buxom she modifies Nikiya's fat storage so that her breast fills out more than it would have with the same gain in flesh so that she becomes super buxom. =================================================== Interstellar Transport Class 4 #342 and the other two are #355 and #358) ============================= Personnel items to be shuffled in or discarded: Jharaken crew get into Rock 'n Roll ==================================================== names and abilities: description: lower body-grey to back wolf, tail with quad white stripes, fore paws have fingers that are double jointed at pad/wrist junction so that they bend back when on all fours, human torso, slightly pointed mobile ears, human face, hair is various colors with dual off color stripes. they can stand on rear legs and walk some but usually are on all fours Tells of their seeker and how he believes Mark can help them: Planet - Darnarius three moons-Larren Motarra Curruta Earth Darnarius 60 min/hr 100 min/hr 24 hr/day 100 hr/day =27 earth hrs 365 da/yr 320 da/yr =.9 earth yr Kadoon-the Jharaken who first contacts Mark grey body, medium brown hair, blond dual stripe, 5' on all fours Jakan-seeker(female) Santosh-pilot black fur and hair, white stripes. Aluta-pilot(female) reddish fur, brown stripe Meleina-engineer lt brown fur, burn scars from mine work Tireeka-engineer Darosh-matter manipulator Kayloc-male(Zhila's mate) former prisoner Muwena-male official Chulen- Muwena's assistant Fawona- fat female guide loften juice-Jharaken orange juice sweet disk- Jharaken cookie genhorm 2587 mine 42 You Rofweg! - insult what the Zarook Interstellar Transport Class 4 #342- the Jharaken ship #355- #358- Day 4 43:40 pass Gort cloud.