Slavery The room is dim. There is a candle on a low table, the smoke of several incense sticks dance through it's flickering light. Music, that is a mixture of far eastern and pure synthesizer plays quietly in the background. I am wrapped in what appears to be fur. From my seated position, my arms reach out as my mind flows with the music. My mind is flooded with thoughts from beyond, calling to me, asking for me to come and help them. I open myself to their flow of energy and go to them. Some where else, another world, maybe another Galaxy, another universe..... Eight figures of various sizes kneel in a circle. There is a small brazer before each of them. The color and fragrance of each is in tune with the being meditating. Their minds have become as if one. Though they think of one as the leader, in this state, they are all leaders. With no breeze, the smoke begins to flow, each color blending with the others, until a cylinder is formed within their circle. Their energy could be felt by any being. Even one who does not believe. Slowly their thoughts relax and the smoke resumes it's wandering paths toward the unseen ceiling. Within the circle, I sit with my arms outstretched. I lower them to my sides and slowly open my eyes. "I heard your call for help," I whispers. For some inner reason, I feel more relaxed than I should. "My name is Matt." The small one facing me picks up a candle and lights it from the brazer. The others copy this action and place the candles between them, illuminating themselves for their visitor. "I am Haseena," the fox like centaur informs me in a soft, feminine voice. "I was a waitress for those who would keep us as property. Let the others of this circle introduce themselves and then we will explain why we called out for your help." A centaur like Greek legends nods. "I am Banakee. I was a field worker until I escaped." The cow centaur smiles a well as her bovine features allow. "I am Moohasa, I cooked for a wealthy family." "I am Staluk," Matt almost smiles at the unbeaten pride this bear centaur still has. "I was a guard at one of their factories." "My name is Lacheena," Her voice is almost timid, matching her sheep centaur appearance. "They call me Nulah." The pony centaur's exuberance can easily be felt in his voice. "Jaletah is my name." Her voice is sensual and her panther coloring makes her appear as a feline-centaur shadow. "Call me Zhakae," the wolf centaur growls quietly, yet friendly. "Now we must explain why we had to reach out to the stars." Haseena takes a large jug and fills two flagons. She passes the jug and hands one to me while the others fill theirs. "We hope you and your kind we be able to help us." They all sip their drinks. I cautiously taste mine and finds it to be some sort of fruit juice. While they drink, Haseena explains their plight. "Many years ago, the only intelligent beings on our planet were like you, only reptilian. Their scientists did wonders with genetically modifying plants. One laboratory began working with animals. Their goal was to create creatures with enough intelligence to work, but not think. They choose animals whose bodies would be best for the jobs they would be assigned to. They added a upright torso and arms, deciding this would make them able to do more work. After many years, they succeeded. For thirty years they continued to make more species, always controlling the total number to prevent fear of us rising up in rebellion. They had found that our intelligence was almost equal to their own, but we appeared to be subservient to their will. In reality, we knew that revolt was useless. The ones of us with access to books, read when no one was around. They created a series of beliefs and holidays which reinforce them as our masters. We keep in their teachings, but secretly all of us desire a way to escape. Those of us chosen to be priests have studied ancient writings and have finally managed to reach beyond this world. No we can begin working on a way for all of us to leave." I look at those around me in confusion. "How can I be of help?" Banakee moves slightly. "Our masters have done little with technology in comparison to yours. What they do not know about us is that we each have, what you might call, a magical talent. My talent is to make things lighter. The others all have their talents." "I look around in confusion. "I still don't see how I can help." Haseena smiles and steps around her smoldering Brazer. "My talent is psychic healing. I can not only heal the physical, but the psychic being." She kneels down before me and her paws gently stroke my temples and forehead. "If you will allow me, I will awaken your sleeping talent, then our explanation will be easier for you to understand." I nod and close my eyes, sensing her touch with more than my skin. For unfelt time, I feel a part of me I have never known. Slowly I become accustomed to my new senses. When she stops, my eyes open and gleam with wonder. Touching my digital watch, I know it's inner-most workings and know I can change them with a directed thought. "Now we can explain what we hope can be accomplished." Her voice is tired and she slumps down. Zhakae leaps beside her and holds her close. "It's nothing to worry about," he assure me. "When one uses their talent this much, they need to be recharged by what we call a psychic mate." He closes his eyes as he shares his energy with her. Jaletah purrs, "What we are wishing to do is build what is best called a void gate. It will form a passageway between here and your world. At a chosen time, all of our species can come through." I almost can imagine the device and then I realize what she has said. "I don't know what my government would do if any of you suddenly showed up on Earth. If they learn of this device, they would first think of it as a weapon and also want to make contact with your reptilian masters." Staluk growls, "If they did that, we would be returned to them and suffer for our actions. We would never have another chance." He looks at the others before continuing. "Only those who are suffering from cruel masters do we allow to escape. We can not keep them in these temples. The slave hunters come here first." Every one is silent for many minutes. Banakee looks upward before speaking. "When we first thought of this. Our plan was to send a few to the nearest planet. Those of us whose talents are with vegetation know we could develop plants to thrive in it's thin atmosphere and with the air becoming thicker, hopefully warm it to where we could live. Then bring the others. But we decided that our masters will eventually make spaceflights there and recapture us." He looks at me. "There is a planet in my solar system that sounds like that one. Would some of you have abilities that could be used to build underground shelters? We could then send you there much sooner than if we had to make the entire planet liveable." In less than a minute, they agree to his idea. "We must find a way for you to build the gate on your world," Nulah comments. "We know there is some one near where you live. Her name is Cindy, her talent will be helpful and her mind is one like yours." "How can I get the money I'll need to set up a place to build it and get the equipment?" I ask. Haseena opens her eyes. "We have already made mental contact with her but didn't want to tell you before we had a working plan. We tried to bring her through, but couldn't." She rises and put a forepaw on his knee. "Something happened to you long ago that gives you the ability to do this with our help." She sits down. "We have already talked with her about getting money and have a way. She works with jewelry and has friends she can sell gold to. We have already found a psychic mate for her that can change the composition of inorganic mater." I smile as I realize they are more prepared than I first thought. "Have you found a psychic mate for me?" Jaletah purrs, "I was an escort guard. They thought I was good because of my feline intuition. Actually, I can sense psychic energy and knew when there was danger around. My former master married one who was allergic to me and he allowed me to be trained for here." She silently pads over to me. "Allow our thoughts to touch," her voice is almost hypnotic and I feel the inner warmth of her being brush against mine for a moment. She steps back. "I will seek out one who's energies will help him." She disappears into the shadows. For several hours, they tell me about this world of theirs and I tell them about mine. We agree that everything must be kept secret. If any government agency found out, they would take control of the portal. When Jaletah returns, we stop while Moohasa prepares a meal for us. "I have found one who's energies will flow with yours." Jaletah purrs. "Her name is Fleesha and she is of the same breeding as Zhakae." The wolf centaur smiles. "Her talent is healing and modifying." She smiles at my confusion. "She can improve her body and others. There is a special reason, this will be needed." She glances at Haseena before continuing. "When we send someone through the void, they are unable to carry much besides their clothes and a few items in their pockets. We use this method to send them and their possessions to temples far from where they were slaves." Lacheena walks over to an ornate wall and opens a concealed panel. She pulls out a cylinder and carries it to me. It is about six inches in diameter and eighteen in length. Examining it closer, I see that one end unscrews. "Ones with Fleesha's ability can adapt themselves to carry several." Jaletah explains. "Her owners keep her and their other slaves in a very thin condition." "Am I to understand that she carries one of these inside her?" I ask more out of surprise than anything else. Jaletah nods, "Several months ago, she came here with the request to escape. We convinced her that her ability to modify herself could be very useful." She takes the container and smiles. "She impressed me with the high level of her ability. She was able to loosen herself very quickly. I eased it into her and was surprised how easily it slid in her birth canal and then passed her cervix. Most can only hold one the first time, but she easily managed two. She had permission from her owners to stay here for two days. By the end of that time, she was carrying four of them." She shakes her head. "Because of her thin condition, she actually showed some with two in her. When she had four, the curve of two of them could be seen. She will be very happy to go with you and is preparing her possessions." I finally smile as I realize how useful this method is for them. "So she will carry what she wants to bring inside her." Jaletah smiles, "She will also have to carry what Dalakee wants to take with him. I forgot to tell you that we have found a partner for Cindy. His breed is like Banakee." I look at the horse type of centaur. "Then they will only be able to bring a few things with them." Jaletah laughs, "Fleesha only carried four because it showed too much for her to go out. But since we've sending her to your home, she promised she'll stretch enough to hold whatever is wanted." I smile, wondering how many she will be able to carry. "When are you going to send me back. I'm not worried about being here, but I have to go to work the day after tomorrow." Haseena looks at the others. "It will be safer if we send all of you at the same time." She turns to Jaletah, "how soon can Fleesha be ready?" "She said she'd be ready in a few hours." Jaletah answers. "She is often sent to the grocery store, so escaping will be easy. Dalakee works making delieveries and can escape any time. If they come here tonight, they may not be missed until sometime tomorrow." Haseena smiles, "Tell Fleesha first, then Dalakee. We'll have all night for her to expand as much as she can." Jaletah smiles and silently runs outside. Nulah has been searching through a shelf of books and finally finds the one he has been looking for. He trots over and hands it to me. "This explains how we psychicly create a void gate. With your talent, you'll be able to make one using technology." He smiles as I look at the strange writing. "Fleesha can read it for you." A short time later, a sturdy-built, but thin wolf-centaur enters. She gasps for breath, her ribs showing through her light fur. She looks at me and smiles. "I'm Fleesha." "I'm Matt." Looking into her warm eyes, I can sense something in common. I extend my hand toward her and she reaches out. Our hands touch, and I can actually feel our energies flow. She smiles and steps back. "We better get started." She unstraps her backpack, while Lacheena brings several cylinders. Fleesha quickly repacks her belongings and the book in five of them. She looks at them on the table and then her almost hollow abdomen. "I wonder how many Dahlakee will need?" She closes her eyes and relaxes. Haseena steps beside me and whispers. "She is using her ability to loosen her body. Since the two of you are going to work together, I suggest you help load her." I barely manage not to laugh. "I never thought of loading someone." Haseena smiles and we wait for Fleesha to finish preparing herself. Finally, she opens her eyes and smiles. "Last time we only tried four." Haseena nudges me and I pick up one of the cylinders. "I bet I'll really be full bellied with mine and his." I hold it carefully and ease it into her. I'm surprised at how little resistance there is and she virtually sucks it into her waiting womb. Once I see how easily she takes the first one, I quickly push the next two in. With the fourth one, there is some resistance. "You'll have to start pushing them in." She tells me. "I've got my body loose, but you'll have to shove them all the way now." I ease it in and begin pushing it deeper. Her cervix is completely open as my hand enters her and then shoves the cylinder into her expanding womb. With the next one, she adjusts her stance as her belly swells. "Now I'm starting to look pregnant." She laughs about this understatement. Looking closer, I can see the curvature of three of the tubes. "Are you sure you can carry Dalakee's?" She turns slowly and smiles. "My former owners almost starved me. If this is what I have to do to escape, I'll carry so many that my belly will touch the floor." She smiles and looks at her round abdomen. I smile as I begin to understand what her inner desire is. "I expect you'll put on some flesh when we get to my home." She smiles and whispers. "With my talent, it'll be easy." She turns as the door opens. A classic centaur, with quarter horse build enters and shuts the door behind him. "I'm Dahlakee," he comments as he removes his saddlebags. "I was told to bring everything I wanted." He looks at her bloated stomach. "I guess I'll have to leave a lot of things here." Fleesha laughs. "I hope to surprise you with how much I can hold. You start repacking your gear in the tubes and Matt will load me." He shakes his head and smiles. "I hope you can live up to your words." He quickly begins packing the tubes and I push them into her. After three, she asks me to stop for a moment. "I'm carrying twice as many as before," she gasps. "I just have to get my body adjusted to stretch out more." She relaxes into her trance, while Dalakee fills four more containers. Dalakee smiles, "I have to admit her capacity is impressive." Fleesha laughs and waddles over to me. "Then I better get the rest in me so you won't be disappointed." She turns around and I push the next one into her expansive womb. With each one, I have to push harder and deeper. I force the final one in and she slowly turns around, modeling her artificial pregnancy. "I wasn't sure I could hold twelve," she admits. She nods as I hesitate to touch her stretched belly. I stroke her fur, feeling the cylinders packed inside her. "I thought it would take longer for you to be able to expand this much." She laughs and almost loses her balance. "I've been waiting so long that I knew I could hold it all." She staggers slightly and I help catch her. She lays down as carefully as she can, her mammoth belly bulging heavily. "I know I'm supposed to use my energy to keep you going," she whispers. Almost instinctively, I sit down beside her. My thoughts reach out and I can feel how depleted her psionic energies are. Reaching deep into myself, I tap my energies and share them with her. For several minutes, our beings feel as if one. Finally, her powers are restored enough and she stands. "I know we'll work well together." She smiles and strokes her ponderous abdomen. Haseena joins us. "We're ready to send you," she whispers. The three of us stand in the circle and hold each other. The smoke begins to flow around us and we are sent through the void and back to my home. Dalakee looks around. "It's a good thing I'm not any taller." he jokes as he reaches up and touches the ceiling. He looks around and smiles. "They sent us to your below ground room." "It's called a basement." I turn to Fleesha, "Are you ready to be unloaded?" She smiles and shakes her head. "I'm enjoying having a big belly." She strokes the bulges caused by the cylinders. "After being constantly starved, it's fun being overly full." Dalakee shakes his head and smiles. "I've never known anyone, with her ability, who was thin." He steps close to her and strokes her cylinder stretched body. "But you're carrying some things of mine." Fleesha blushes, "I guess I've enjoyed it long enough." She affectionately strokes the bulges showing through her fur. She lays down and appears to relax. Before I realize what she's doing, a cylinder slides out of her, quickly followed by the next. I roll them and the next eight aside. She pauses and glances toward me. "I guess I'll need some help with the last two." More confident than before, I reach carefully into her and ease the remaining two out. She stands and smiles as her now-empty belly sags. "It was fun, but now I'm really hungry." I smile a start up the stairs. "You can help me get some food ready while Dalakee unloads the cylinders. Then we'll reload you so you don't lose how much you've stretched out" She bounds up the stairs behind me. Once upstairs I show her my modest kitchen and what food I have. "I don't keep much because there's only me to cook for." She laughs and picks up the pile of paper shopping bags I hadn't taken to the recycling center. The bags seem to shimmer and reform into a large loaf of something like bread. "This is wolan," she laughs. "My ability is more than just modifying myself and sharing energy with you." "Now I understand what Dahlakee meant about you being thin." I pull out a bag of old computer print outs and she changes them into other types of food. I get glasses and drink for the three of us and help her carry the food downstairs. "So what do you think of what she can do?" Dahlakee asks with a laugh. I hand him a glass and fill it with Coke. "I was wondering how I could buy enough food for us with out people wondering." I look at Fleesha cutting slices of wolan. "But I can buy a few bales of hay or anything plant based and she can keep us fed." She smiles as she takes a large bite. "I hope you don't mind if I make up for some of the time I've been starved." She takes another large bite and washes it down. "Why don't I call Cindy and the four of us can get to know more about each of us?" I pick up the phone and dial the numbers Haseena had given me. "Is Cindy there?" I ask hesitantly. "Cindy, this is Matt. I have Dahlakee and Fleesha with me. Would you like to come over and we can get to know each other better?" I pause as she excitedly agrees and I tell her where my house is. I put the phone down and accept a slice of wolan. "She'll be here in about ten minutes." Dalakee shakes his head. "There's so much we're going to have to learn to function on this world." I smile and show them a clock, explaining how we measure time. When the doorbell rings, I go upstairs and bring Cindy down to meet them. She pauses near the bottom of the stairs, her eyes wide in amazement. "I wasn't sure if I was actually hearing some one talk to me or if I was just imagining." She steps down and Dahlakee moves closer. Their hands reach out and cautiously touch. I smile as I remember my first contact with Fleesha. For several minutes their breathing slows and then returns to normal. "I've always known sharing energy is possible," Cindy almost whispers as she sits down. As I get some wolan and Coke for her, Dahlakee offers to tell about himself. "I was used to deliver messages and packages to homes and businesses. I lived in a barrack next to the building we worked out of. I guess it was a better life than some because of the friendship and we worked as a team. My ability to alter metals was useful in lightening the packframes. All of us limited the use of our abilities to keep them secret." He takes a box of nails and pours several into his hands. His eyes tighten their focus and the nails shift in color from dark grey to gold. He offers them to Cindy. "They said you'd be able to sell them." Cindy almost drops them in surprise. She takes one and examines it closely, feeling it's weight and then bending it. "I don't know if I can sell them in this shape." Fleesha steps closer to her. "Matt's sleeping ability has been awakened. Jaletah brought yours near the surface while you were in contact with her. I know how to bring them the rest of the way." Theirs hands touch, Fleesha's eyes appear to look deeper into Cindy's than would seem possible. After several minutes, they relax. I help Fleesha while Dahlakee takes care of Cindy. After only a few minutes, they are both rested and ready to continue our discussion. Fleesha refills her glass. "There's a bit more about me I should tell you." She takes a deep drink. "My mother had been bought as a domestic, when I was born, they owned me. My mother was in love with one of the stallions that worked on their farm. He is a massively built centaur, although I look much like her. Her magic is the same as mine and this made her able to physically love him and keep herself from getting pregnant." She nibbles almost nervously and refills her glass. "After many months, her inner desire to carry his offspring, overrode her fear of what might happen. Once she became pregnant, she tried to conceal her condition from our owners as long as possible. Because they keep us thin, it wasn't long before she began to show. They decided she would remain in the slave quarters until she gave birth. The others knew who the father was and kept her secret. All the slaves helped get her extra food and she enlarged herself to accommodate my size. She did control my development so that I would not show my equestrian traits. After I was born, she used her healing ability to keep me from growing as much as my genetics would have allowed me. She also kept my appearance to reflect her's, so our owners wouldn't be hostile toward her. They allow us to breed, but not to cross breed. "As my abilities awakened, I kept control of my growth and appearance, but now...." Her eyes mist slightly. I smile and put my arm around her upper shoulders. "Now that you're no longer any one's property, you can allow yourself to grow to your true nature." She looks at me in confusion. "Even though I've dreamed of been free, it's difficult to believe that I can do what I want to." She smiles and nuzzles my neck. "I know that males of many species prefer smaller female mates," she whispers so only I can hear. "You're my power supply," I laugh quietly in reply. "If you want to grow to your normal size and weight, the only limit is the size of this room and your comfort." Fleesha is shocked and surprised by this. But in an instant, she realizes that I care for what she wants for herself. Smiling, she rubs her soft muzzle along my neck and then down my chest. Her arms and forelimbs gently embrace me. "We really should be worrying about building the gateway and where the others will live." Her voice is relaxed, almost sleepy. I ruffle her fur as I look at the other couple in their own quiet conference. "I need to think how to build it," I whisper back. As I listen to everyone's breathing slow into sleep, I reach out with my mind. Somehow as I recall how they sent us through their psychic gate, I know what it will take in technology to duplicate it. I smiles as I mentally reach out to my small computer upstairs and begin work on our gate. For most of the night, I design the circuits and specialized coils I'll need. By morning, the main problems are solved and ready to be built. The sounds of Cindy and Dahlakee rouse me out of the light sleep I drifted into. "So have the two of you worked out the financial part of this operation?" I joke. Cindy's eyes still have a dreamy look as she turns her head toward me. "We talked more about the two of us and how well we'll be able to work together." Her eyes blink as she realizes what she might be saying. "He can make the gold and I'll have to form it into something I can sell without too many questions." She relaxes a little as I continue to cradle the sleeping Fleesha's head. "I was just going to get some breakfast for us." I nod in agreement, "You go ahead. I need to talk to Dahlakee about some of the equipment I need to build. We may be able to build most of what we need and not have to sell too much gold." As she runs upstairs, he walks over to me and quietly lays down. "I was worried that our personalities would be so different, it would make working together and sharing energies, difficult." He brushes Fleesha's fur. "It is good Haseena used her abilities so we are able to understand each other's language." I try and look into his eyes but fail to learn what he's trying to say. "I've just agreed to this and hope we can solve any problems that come up." I look at Fleesha's head resting in my arms. "I never thought about any emotional entanglements." He grins widely, "I've always had several fems that were always ready for my company." His voice is almost arrogant, with a hidden touch of sorrow. "I've always believed that bonding was a belief the owners gave us to subtly control our breeding. But as Cindy and I shared our energies and practiced our abilities..." His voice trails off as his eyes shift toward the stairs. "In my own way I know what you mean." I smile as he looks at me in surprise. "I never had any strong feelings for any of the women I've know. But as I recharged her energies, I could feel something that made our energy flow seem to increase our total power, instead of sharing it between ourselves." He nods in agreement. "Maybe they looked for more in mates for you and Cindy, than just ones who's abilities would be helpful." He rises as Cindy comes down with a tray full of food. "You don't have much of an assortment," she jokes as she puts it on a chair. "But I'm pretty good at making do with what ever is around." She pours glasses of Coke and passes them around. Fleesha drifts into conscienceness. "Have you made any plans while I was resting?" She takes a glass and begins eating. For almost an hour, we discuss how much gold Cindy can sell without making anyone curious. Dahlakee demonstrates his ability to charge inorganic materials into various metals. After we eat, I experiment with my newly awakened ability to think into electronic devices, learn how they work, and change them. Cindy molds gold Dahlakee makes from a few bits of metal and is amazed how quickly she learns to use her ability. We keep all our work to a low level and are able practice without having to recharge. Cindy is the first one to realize how late it is. "I know tomorrow is Saturday," she yawns. "But it might be better if we tried to get some sleep and get a fresh start in the morning." I look up from the calculator I've been working on. "You might be right. I've managed to modify this from a simple one to one with scientific functions and a one meg memory." I put it on the table, stand and stretch. "If you want to use the couch upstairs...." I look at the two centaurs. "But first we better set up some sort of sleeping arrangement for the two of you." Fleesha lies down on the carpet. "I'm afraid the floor is a bit too hard." She smiles, hiding a private joke, "or I'm not soft enough." "I'll have to see what I have upstairs." Cindy follows me and we collect all the extra blankets and pillows. "You take them and I'll be down in a minute." She gives me a confused look before carrying the pile downstairs. Before she returns, I have pulled the mattress off my bed and have it halfway to the stairs. "What are you going to sleep on?" She asks in surprise. There's no way they can sleep well on concrete, but I've slept on a wood floor before." She looks at the couch, a smile slowly crosses her lips. "Dahlakee's too big to get up the steps. Why don't I sleep downstairs and Fleesha can sleep up here?" I laugh, knowing what she's not saying. "The more time we spend with them, the better we'll be able to share energies." I pull the mattress down the stairs, while she gets the cushions from the couch. Dahlakee helps me put the mattress in a clear area of the floor and Fleesha puts sheets and a blanket on it. Cindy carries the cushions down and shoves them beside the mattress. "Matt thought it would be best if we sleep near our psionic mates." She turns her head to prevent Fleesha from seeing her smile. I start up the stairs and pause as Fleesha hesitates. Before I can say anything, she makes up her mind and bounds after me, as well as her tremendously distended abdomen allows her to. "You'll have to be careful not to let anyone outside see you." I warn her. She smiles and rubs her furry lower body against me. "I wouldn't want any one to find out about our plan," she whispers. She helps me spread out some blankets for us. "Do you really think you can make the gateway with your circuitry?" I smile and stroke her long hair. "With what I was able to do tonight, I'm certain the biggest problem will be making Mars habitable." She lays down and I join her. "The priests will find the ones with the needed abilities. Once we have the gateway working, they'll come through and work on that problem." She hesitates and I wait for her to continue. "I know we feel more for each other than we should have expected and this will make us a stronger team. But.." Her eyes mist slightly. I put an arm around her upper shoulder and give her an understanding hug. "I know you want to let your body grow to the build you were born with and I'll do whatever I can to help." I brush a lock of hair away from her eyes. "But there's something else that you're afraid to ask." She turns her face toward mine, her eyes searching for reassurance. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me tight against her. "I had a good friend, Muwela, who was a cook for my owner's neighbor. We often went shopping together and talked about everything that we couldn't tell anyone else." She takes a deep breath. "I was always bothered that I had to keep myself from growing to my true size, while she..." She sobs quietly and I hold her close until she stops. "Her owners weren't strict with what she weighed. In fact, they encouraged her to pack on as much as she could. They told their friends how wonderful her cooking was and used her weight as proof. I learned how to make many of her delicacies using my ability, but I never could enjoy more than a few bites, or it would show on my skinny body." Smiling I give her a reassuring hug before wiggling out of her embrace. I quietly walk into the kitchen and return with a 2 litter of Coke and a bag of breakfast rolls. "I guess one of the reasons I never found a woman I really wanted, was because I find ones with a good bit of extra flesh more attractive." I kneel down beside her as she shifts herself until her upper torso is upright. "I believe you," she whispers with a quiet laugh. She takes a long drink and then takes some rolls out of the bag. They seem to blur as she changes them. When she finishes, they look and smell delicious. "These are falunas, Muwela taught me how to make them, but warned me that they had added a lot weight to her." She takes a large bite and quickly finishes one with several gulps of Coke. She takes my hand and rubs it against the side of her torso. I can easily feel her ribs. "I'm going to put some fat over these before I let my body grow." She takes a large bite of the next faluna. She pulls me down beside her, smiles and whispers. "When I was telling you about Muwela, I could tell what I was saying about her was exciting to you." She stuffs the rest of it in her mouth and washes it down. I smile and begin feeding her the rest of them. When she swallows the last one, she takes the other rolls and changes them into a different pastry like form. As she finishes, she strokes her tube swollen belly. "Maybe I should get these out tomorrow." She lies down and relaxes. "Or should I keep them inside me to keep me stretched out." I gently curl up against her expanded belly. "I'd rather feel your tummy bloated out with food and flesh," I joke. "But with your ability, I don't think it will take long before I won't be able to find your ribs." Our eyes close and we are soon asleep in a mutual embrace. Cindy smiled when Fleesha and I went upstairs. "I think Haseena looked for more than some one who was right for me on the psychic level." She walks over and sits down beside Dahlakee. His hand gently brushes her long hair. "I never felt anything beside physical for the mares I went with. But when we were sharing energy and using our abilities...." Cindy hugs him as well as she can. "I know that we can't do as much as you did with a mare." She rubs herself against his upper chest. "But there is more than just that." Dahlakee grins in true happiness. "I'm certain there is." They lay down together. "And maybe we can find ways to do even more," he whispers as they fall asleep. I wake with a warm feeling of comfort. As I open my eyes, I quickly remember the happenings of yesterday and that they weren't a dream. I get up without waking her and check my diminished food supply. As I debate making an early morning grocery raid, I hear her groan. "I've never had this many cylinders in me before." She carefully rolls onto her heavily stuffed abdomen. "And they're so hard," her eyes turn toward me. "If you help unload me, I'll see what I can do about some food." She struggles to her feet before I can help her. "Now that I know you're looking forward to me really filling out as much as I've dreamed about it." She strokes the outlines of the cylinders which have stretched her abdomen incredibly. She waddles into the kitchen area. "Did you design the place without walls, hoping to find some one like me?" She asks as she begins to relax and loosen her birthing muscles. I smiles and she shifts her stance, and the first cylinder begins to ease out of her. "I like the open house design." I put each cylinder on the floor until only four are left bouncing inside her. She smiles and pokes her now sagging belly. "I think you'll have to get the others. I'm just too stretched out." Smiling, I ease my hand, and then arm into her loose vagina. I'm amazed how loose she truly is and wonder if she can stretch her womb this much, how much can she force into her stomach and the rest of her digestive system. As I help the final one out, she smiles and inspects my limited food. "If you have any organic stuff that you don't need." She begins working on the food I do have. In the garage, I gather the wood scraps left from some carpentry I had done. As I put it on the table, She turns with her mouth full of food and smiles. "I can work with almost any organic substance." She touches the wood, feeling it's structure and begins to alter it. Within a minute, the biggest piece becomes a rich, frosted breakfast pastry. She sits down on her haunches and takes a deep breath. "Matter close to unprocessed food, is easier to change." I kneel down beside her and hug her close. We don't realize how long we're sharing energy, until Cindy tries to take some of the food. "I didn't want to disturb you," she laughs. "But we're getting hungry." We jump to our feet and grab the rest of the food and the few boards. "Let's eat and work out what we need to do." I suggest as we go down stairs. Dahlakee agrees and I pull a notebook from the desk. Over the next two hours, we discuss problems of how many others we'll need and how much room they'll need. Fleesha changes the wood to food as we, and then only her, eat what she prepared. Finally I sit back and look at the pages spread out on the floor. "They thought the main problem would be my building the gateway." I shake my head and smile. "It'll take a month or two and I won't need much money. But once it's done, we'll have to house the ones who'll make a habitable place on Mars." Dahlakee pulls a roll of papers from one of his cylinders. "If you set up a computer so I can scan these, I can work on the plans and get some of the environmental systems designed and start building them." Cindy looks at some gold items on the table. "He changed a box of nails into gold and I've already got started." She looks at her handiwork. "I know I can do a better job after a little practice. And I'll call a friend who knows what jewelers need gold." Dahlakee grins and takes a handful of screws from a box. "How much will you need," he laughs and begins changing them. "There's a computer show next weekend. There's always lots of used, out of date systems that I can buy cheap." I smile as I realize what my abilities can do. "I'll up date 'em beyond what's presently available." Turning to Dahlakee, I look at a few of the sheets. "I've got a scanner on my system upstairs. I'll bring it down and we can get you started." Fleesha jumps up as I start for the stairs. "I hate to bring this up with you being so excited..." Her laughing eyes remind me of what I'm forgetting. "But I'm going to need something to make into food." Cindy laughs, "Let's let the two of them work on their designs. I've got enough money to get what we'll need to keep us going." Fleesha laughs and explains what will be easiest for her to use. Cindy smiles as she picks up the phone. "Hello Rob, Cindy. I'm helping a friend out and he needs some hay.... Oh what ever we can fit in his S-10.... Great, I'll be over in a half hour." She laughs quietly. "Dahlakee told me about you wanting to let your body grow to your true size and fill out with your own flesh." Fleesha grins. "I've told Matt and he says he's looking forward to seeing more of me." They all laugh and Cindy goes upstairs. Upstairs, I have already taken my computer apart and have started disassembling the table. "I think we need to keep going, before we wonder if we're doing the right thing." She helps him remove the top. "I think we both know it's the right thing to do. It's just accepting that we've been chosen to help." She helps me carry the top downstairs and then we return to the first floor. "I called a friend and he'll sell me as much hay as your pickup can hold." I pull the keys out of my pocket and start to hand them to her. "You know how to drive a stick shift?" With a laugh, she grabs them and runs into the garage. The garage door rolls open and she smoothly backs out. In a couple of trips, I carry the computer down and then start setting it up. Fleesha stands to one side, trying to look interested. "I hope Cindy gets back soon." I look at her and realize we've virtually forgotten her. "You know," I grin as I turn on the TV. "The two of you should get used to some of what we do to amuse ourselves and get information." I explain what it is and basically how it works. Fleesha laughs as I switch channels to a sci-fi movie. "If your race ever decided to get together instead of competing as separate countries...." I laugh as I return to Dahlakee. "It'll be interesting to see what they'll do when we have a self-sufficient base on Mars." "Well," he grins. "We should be able to build these environmental units with out too much trouble. The biggest problem is going to be building living units on the planet." I grin as we continue working on a final design. Cindy returns and drags a bale down the stairs. "Let's see what you can do with this," she jokes to Fleesha. She laughs and pulls a big handful off. She smiles and it changes into a candy-like substance. "I could only take a couple of bites before." She smiles and bites off a large piece. After a couple of chews, she gulps it down and then takes another bite. Cindy breaks off a small piece. "I went and got all this straw for you," she jokes. "So I deserve some." Fleesha hands the rest, which weighs about a pound, to her and changes more straw. "I can make as much as we can eat." She ravenously attacks the new piece. Cindy giggles, "You've done a good job teaching her about us, Matt. You've turned her into a couch potato." Fleesha grins with her mouth full of sweets. She gulps it down in a mighty swallow. "I don't know about the potato part," she strokes her lower abdomen. "But I'm planning on getting bigger and softer than a couch." I catch the last few words and turn, not sure of what I heard. "I hope you aren't planning to get too big. Or else you won't be able to get upstairs." She giggles and turns back to the TV. She continues nibbling and talks quietly with Cindy. Dahlakee grins and whispers. "If Cindy tells me what they talked about, I'll let you know." We continue working on the environment unit designs until they announce it's time for lunch. While we eat, Dahlakee talks about the research that had been done to make a planet in their system habitable. "I have to agree with your idea to build a place there. The biggest problem is we can't have too many of our kind escape here until we have enough room for every one. There are some who's abilities can be used to build habitable structures. But to build enough room for everybody will take a long time." I try and appear fascinated by his discussion, but my eyes keep drifting back to Fleesha. Her loose abdomen hides how much her digestive system must be stretched by her continual snacking. Even with all she has eaten since breakfast, she still consumes a large meal. As Dahlakee finishes, I look at the structure designs. "You know," I muse almost to myself. "If we built two or three units, and used one as the beginning of a shallow mine shaft. We could dig down maybe fifty feet." I begin sketching as I talk. "Then we could tunnel out from an area we'd clear at the bottom and make underground living spaces in less time." Dahlakee looks at my idea and smiles broadly. "We could start several tunnels and put airlocks at the end of all of them. Then we can pressurize the shaft, and each tunnel area as we complete it. This could cut our building time tremendously. We'll need some miners, but the builders could be working on greenhouses and all of them could live there." Smiling, I look at our notes on how many construction beings we needed. "After I build the gateway, I can build several robots and send them there. You and the others can create the materials we'll need to build the first structure. We should be able to do it with maybe four or five others. If we can, I think every one could live here and we won't have to worry about renting some place and the chance of being discovered." He laughs. "And once we get the first structure finished, several of us can stay there. We'll need to determine how available ores are on Mars. By setting them up near a deposit, we can make the building materials there." Cindy improves her manipulating the gold into jewelry. She creates several rings and bracelets before she is finally satisfied with one. "I can take these to a dealer friend on Monday. He's always ready to buy gold jewelry." Dahlakee stretches and smacks his hand into the ceiling. "Ouch!" He yells more in surprise, then in pain. "That's great." I stand and also loosen up. "I'm getting more hopeful we can do everything here and not have to take the risk of renting a place." I look at Cindy's handiwork and then to her. "How much is it safe for you to sell without any one getting suspicious?" Cindy tried to hide her frown. "I really can't be sure." She forces a smile as she improves a bracelet. "Not more than maybe a hundred a week." Dahlakee frowns at this as he looks at me. "You said we're going to need several computers and other electronics." I think for a few minutes. "My house payments are a few months ahead, so I can skip them. Fleesha can make food from straw, so that'll save us a good bit. I can get some obsolete computers at the sale and modify them to do what we'll need." Smiling, I punch up the display of what we'll need to get started. "It's going to take a while for me to create a field generator to duplicate the dimensional doorway." I study the screen and sigh. "We've done more in one day than anyone could have expected." Fleesha smiles and begins preparing supper. "I think we need to take a break. What do you think of taking it easy the rest of the night?" Dahlakee agrees. "We have done very well for the first day. I think we should relax and learn what you do for enjoyment." Cindy smiles and puts a movie in the VCR. Dahlakee and I rearrange the mattress and cushions so that both couples have a place to lie down and relax. Fleesha finishes changing the straw and serves the delicious smelling foods. She smiles to me as she puts all that remains beside her. "I hope we have enough time together for you to enjoy what all this food will do to me," She whispers. I smile, take a large piece of rich looking cake and feed it to her. "We have all the time we want," I whisper back. "Once we have the gateway finished, It'll take them a while to get the work on Mars done." She gulps it down and then almost empties a large glass of milk. "I first need to put some flesh on so I can let myself grow to what I should be." She bites off a large slice of the meat/pastry and continues eating. Cindy displays some of the jewelry she has made and Dahlakee promises to make more gold so she can keep practicing. By the time the movie is over, all of us are comfortably resting with our partners and no one wants to get up. I decide what's on isn't interesting and switch tapes. I lie back down with Fleesha and snuggle up against her. As I nuzzle her neck, I glance down and realize she's more full busted than I first thought. I work my way down her neck and then chest. She takes a deep breath, which pushes them up to my questing lips. I remember we aren't alone and gently ease back. "We better wait 'til later," I whisper. She smiles, gets to her feet and walks over to the remnants of the hay bale. "Any requests?" She laughs as she touches it. Dahlakee is lying down with his upper torso and head resting against the table. Cindy is sitting, comfortably leaning back against his equine body. He gently squeezes her shoulder and she shakes her head. "Cindy and I are fine." Fleesha grins and carries it over to our mat. She plops down beside me, giving me a good view of her full jiggling breasts. She pulls a large handful of straw free and changes it into something like chocolate candy. She leans against me and whispers. "Wouldn't it be fun if I could eat a whole bale of this?" She breaks off a piece and swallows it after only a few chews. "Of course, once my build is what it should be...." She gives me a chocolate flavored kiss and continues snacking. I work my arm a little further around her, until I can barely stroke her round breast with my finger tips and whisper. "I'm looking forward to that." She squirms slightly, allowing my fingers to touch more of her. She whispers almost silently, "When we started this morning, Cindy and I were doing what she called girl talk. She's surprised how attracted she is to Dahlakee and I gave her some ideas to see how much he really cares for her." She takes another handful of straw and changes into a confectionery like pastry. She eats half of it before continuing. "I told her that we both have psionically bonded and that we're both excited about me growing up and then out." As she says this, I can't help blushing. As she starts to laugh, I silence her by stuffing the rest of the pastry between her full, soft lips. She forces the rest into her mouth and smiles with her cheeks bulging. She struggles to chew and finally takes a mighty gulp. My eyes open wide as I watch the mass bulge her neck and then disappear above her breasts. She smiles as she gets another handful of hay. She nuzzles close as she changes it. "I told her I wanted you to notice I'm packing the food in. But since I had all those cylinders in me, you wouldn't notice how much my tummy was holding." She eats part of it while I think. Grinning, she shrugs and her bosom bounces within her slightly snug blouse. "She told me where you'd probably notice it first." I snuggle closer and hug her, her warm bosom squeezed gently against me. Actually, I had already figured what she was going to say, but I wanted her to say it. "If you can plump these up in a day," I whisper. "I'm sure you'll impress me by the time we're ready to bring the builders over." She hugs me and continues eating. By the end of the next movie, all that remains of the bale is a flew pieces of straw and the strings that held it together. Cindy stretches and turns the TV off. "I think we better get some sleep." She fakes a yawn. "Matt and I both have to go to our normal jobs the next day." I get up and help Fleesha to her feet. She smiles and picks up the few remnants of the bale. "Might as well keep this place cleaned up." She changes it into a roll and gulps it into her well expanded stomach. "I kept my owner's place clean and now I'm doing it for us. But I like doing it for us." She walks upstairs and I follow. Cindy and Dahlakee quickly rearrange the mattress and cushions and then prepare for sleep. She changes into the sleepware she picked up when she got the hay, while Dahlakee tosses off his tunic and lays down. She joins him and curls up. "I still can't believe that, after all the men I've met, I feel that special something when I'm with you." He smiles and strokes her long hair. "I admit I've been with many mares, but it never made me feel anything inside, except physical excitement." His hand moves down her back and then around her until he touches the softness of her breast. "I know we can never really mate, but I don't think that's as important to me as it was with them." Cindy smiles as kisses him, then snuggles into his protective embrace. She closes her eyes and drifts to sleep, knowing he truly cares and the promise Fleesha had made to her. Fleesha tosses the couch pad and pillows onto the floor. She turns rapidly and her breasts surge within her blouse. "So you like how I'm filling out?" I grin and gently stroke the semi-tight material. As she smiles, my hands move under them, feeling their soft round form and then hefting them. I lean forward and give her a kiss. "If you can control where you fill out." My hands move around her and I pull her close as we lay down. "Are you going to let me suggest where you fill out as you grow?" She smiles and snuggles closer. "I'd like it if you tell me where you'd like to see more of me. I'm going to start growing like I should have. But I'm going to slow it down enough to get nice and plump." She nuzzles my neck with her muzzle and whispers. "But my breasts are going to be big and fat." She relaxes and our energies begin to merge and flow. As I drift to sleep, I know I must solve the circuitry problems and save the rest of her species. I wake with my with my arm partway around her. I ease my arm off and quietly get up. She yawns and opens her eyes. "I hope you slept as well as I did." She rapidly gets to her feet and I'm temporary mesmerized by her breasts sloshing within her gown. "I think they're already awake." She grins and gets a bale of hay from the garage before heading downstairs. I shake my head slightly to clear my mind before changing my clothes and joining them. Downstairs, Fleesha is already changing some of the straw. "I hope everybody is hungry," she jokes as she prepares a large amount of breakfast foods. "Because I'd hate to see any of this going to waste." Dahlakee laughs as he takes several rolls. "Unless it's your waist it's going to." Fleesha laughs and strokes her lower side. Her ribs are faintly visible as she does. "It's going to take a while before I have a waist worth mentioning." She piles her plate high and fills the largest mug I have. "Maybe we'll see if I can achieve my full genetic growth, before the two of you get the gateway finished." I laugh and get my breakfast. "I'm not sure that's a challenge for us to get done first, or she'll keep going until we get done." Fleesha grins, "Once you get the gateway finished, we'll be able to have more time together." She takes a roll and eats it, followed by another. Cindy laughs as I put my plate on the table and warm up the computer. "I think they picked her to give you that special kind of encouragement." "Awakening my sleeping abilities was more than enough," I reply as the screen comes on and yesterday's designs are displayed. "But I'll admit she does get my mind off this project." Dahlakee grins as he joins me. "We should be working on the gateway, instead of the Mars habitat." I take a long drink of juice. "I'll need several computers to begin experimenting with it. I'll get them at the show next weekend. By then we'll have everything designed and possibly a way to assemble the sections by remote robotics." I sit down and resume working on the designs. Cindy smiles and talks with Fleesha while they eat. When they finish, Cindy creates some jewelry for the two of them. Fleesha whispers something and they are both lost to an uncontrollable attack of laughter. At lunch, they insist we take a longer break. "I know the two of you are excited about this," Cindy says. "But if you keep going like you have been, you'll be burned out by the end of the week." Laughing, I playfully grab Fleesha. "Her challenge is one I don't want to lose." She gulps down a mouthful of fruit and laughs. "I can't lose on a bet where I have to keep gaining to win." Everyone breaks up laughing and I introduce them to the few video games I have. Fleesha quickly becomes entranced by one with a small furry animal, freeing others from robotic traps. For more than an hour, we goof off and talk about anything except the project. Finally I return to the computer. "We better get done as much as we can today." I take a gulp of Coke. "I have to go to work tomorrow so we'll only get a few hours done at night." Fleesha looks at Dahlakee. "Anything we can do while you're gone?" I sit back and looks at her. "That's something to think about. One of the problems we haven't solved is getting materials for the buildings on Mars. Another problem, is supplying everyone with food until they can start harvesting plants they'll grow on Mars." A frown crosses her face. "I thought the biggest problem would be the gateway. A slight grin replaces it. "I can start changing straw into foods that won't spoil for a long time. I can get started and have a supply stored up by the time you're ready." Cindy looks at the remains of the bale. "I'll have to get straw from several places so no one gets suspicious. But bringing loads of straw here might draw attention." Dahlakee smiles. "If you can get me some metal to work with, I can build a cover that will conceal the back of the truck." I think for a moment. "One of the problems we need to think on is, not only getting straw, but the metal we'll need for the buildings." Dahlakee grins, "I have several friends that work in a mine. If our gate can bring metal through, they and the other mine, can supply us with everything we'll need." "What about the owners wondering about the decrease in production?" I ask. He give a wide grin. "Many of them have abilities that help them, but they only use it to keep the mines safer than the owners give them time to. The one mine could get us as much ore as I can handle. In fact, we expected to bring some others through to help prepare for Mars." Fleesha stands and tries to make her still loose belly appear larger. "And if we can't send ore through on it's own. I'll be a big sturdy ore carrier." Cindy laughs and tosses a cupcake at her. "Then you've got some growing to do." She looks at me. "Anyplace I can get some metal for Dahlakee to build the truck cover?" I pause before answering. "I doubt anyplace is open on Sunday. Tomorrow I'll check where I can get some sheet aluminum. There should be a place in town. I'll worry about the metals and computer parts, if you can handle selling the gold and getting straw or whatever." Cindy thinks for a moment. "I'll check around. I don't know if there's anyplace listed in our phone book. But we aren't far from Toledo. That might be the best place to try. I can find several places and get a couple of loads a week." I watch Fleesha wash her most recent cupcake down with a long drink of milk. "Are you sure that'll be enough for her?" I duck, but all she does is turn on the video game and nibble something like breadsticks. For several hours, Dahlakee and I work on problems with the building designs and how much materials we'll need for each. The basic structure of each is identical. The differences are with the inner systems. The air handling systems are basic with units to recondition the used air to a normal level of nitrogen, oxygen. Cindy and Fleesha sneak up without us noticing. Suddenly Fleesha grabs me around the waist and pushes her soft breasts against my back. "Do you have any idea how long you've been working without a break?" I turn to look at her, and see Cindy on Dahlakee's back. "Okay. We've got the equipment designed for living, storage and working units. Can we finish the hatch design for the mining unit first?" She lets me go and tries to frown. "I'm wondering if you're so interested in those designs. that you forget about me." I spin around and pull her close. "I'm glad it's still cold outside," I whisper to her. "Because, when I'm at work, my jacket will conceal how much I'll be thinking about you." With a quick kiss on her furry cheek, I return to the computer and work on the hatch design. In less than half an hour, I store the drawings on disk and stand up. Stretching, I turn and see that Cindy and Fleesha have prepared a feast. "It looks delicious," Dahlakee admits as he stands and loosens up as well as he can. He easily touches the ceiling. "I think we should suggest that anyone joining us be shorter than me." We all laugh and talk over what we've accomplished so far and what our next step should be. By the time we finish eating, it's decided that tomorrow, Fleesha can begin changing the straw into a more compact and durable form. I find nails, screws and a few other bits of metal for Dahlakee to change to gold. We relax for a few hours before Cindy insists she has to go home. "My room mate won't find it strange I've been away all weekend. Often I don't get home 'til late on weeknights." She gives Dahlakee a strong hug. "But to keep everything appearing as normal as possible...." He returns her hug and she jokingly struggles to get loose. "I'll have lots of gold for you to play with tomorrow." She grins and whispers, "What I want to play with, I can't take with me." She laughs, grabs her things and leaves. I stay up for a while, watching a movie and answering their questions about Earth societies. After a couple of hours, I head for the stairs. "The two of you can stay up, But I have to go to work in the morning." Once upstairs, I change clothes, set my alarm and then lie down. Before I'm completely relaxed, Fleesha comes up the stairs. I listen to her as she changes for sleep and curls up beside me. "With all the work you did today," she whispers and licks my cheek. "I thought you would appreciate sharing energies." She gently puts her arm around me, pulls us closer and whispers. "You know that the bigger I am, the more energy I'll have." One forepaw reaches around my back, gently keeping me from pulling away, as if I wanted to. "So you've been eating well today?" I whisper with a grin. "I was too involved with working on the designs to notice." She moves her arm off me and gets some of the food she brought with her. "Then you can watch me now." She takes a big bite and eats ravenously. I ease back and watch her almost sensual enjoyment of eating. "If you keep eating like that," my hand gently touches her furry side. "How big do you think you might get?" She smiles, stuffs some more food in her mouth and stands up. She pulls me to my feet while she finishes her mouthful. After stuffing more into her mouth, she takes my hands. Gently she strokes them against her lower body and I can barely feel her ribs. She gulps the food down, "Right now, I don't have the build to put on very much." She continues to move my hands and slowly works to her upright body. "But once I reach my true genetic size," She giggles as my hands reach her breasts and I continue fondling on my own. "The question is who's imagination do I exceed first." My hands move along the outer curves and then I begin to nuzzle her bosom, and then nipple, through her blouse. I switch sides and soon both are tightly swollen. She whimpers in pleasure and reaches for the straw beside us. In a instant, she changes it into extremely rich looking candy and gobbles it quickly while I continue to play with her plump breasts. She grabs the rest of the straw, changes it and gulps it down rapidly. As she finishes it, she begins to moan quietly. I ease back and stroke her soft fur. "It's not fair for Dahlakee if we go too much farther." She takes a deep breath. "I know," her voice hisses through her teeth. Her breathing slows and we finally lie down. After a few minutes, she giggles. I lie silent for a moment before I give in to my curiosity. "What's so funny?" "Well," she struggles to control herself. "I can't remember being that aroused before," she giggles uncontrollably and muffles herself with a pillow. Finally she regains control, pulls her face out of the pillow and lays down. "Not only did I really want you, but my appetite was completely out of control." She smiles and curls up around me. "I've never felt like what I truly was born to be was possible." She nuzzles her snout into my hair and whispers, "until now." Within minutes, all is silent, save for the gentle breathing of beings and cooling fans of the computers. I wake a few minutes before the alarm and switch it off. As carefully as possible, I slip out of her unconscious embrace. By the time I'm showered and dressed for work, she has breakfast prepared. "As soon as I get off work, I'll pick up the metal Dahlakee needs and be back." She rubs sensuously against me as I prepare to leave. "We'll be ready," she whispers. Her buxom form pushing gently against me. She goes downstairs with Dahlakee's breakfast. I desperately struggle to clear my mind as I drive the short distance to work. Once there, I find my awakened abilities allow me to finish projects faster than I would have dreamed possible. I use the extra time to think about the field generator for the gateway. At lunch, I call a few places and am assured the metal will be waiting for me after work. Shortly after lunch, I begin to feel exhausted. the afternoon goes by rapidly as I keep my mind occupied with work. After work, I pick up the metal sheets and drive home. As the garage door closes, Fleesha looks at me from the open door from the house. "Is it safe for Dahlakee to come up?" "Sure," I try and hide my exhaustion. "He can work on this while I check out some designs I worked on." I enter the house as he carefully comes up the stairs. "I don't want to do that too often," he says with a sigh of relief. He checks out the metal and begins to lay out the sheets. "If I need any help," he comments with pride, "I'll call." Fleesha pulls me inside and I follow her downstairs. As my foot touches the floor, I feel as if the rest of my body want to keep going down. Fleesha is suddenly beside me, helping me to a chair. "You've been using your abilities without being recharged," she scolds me with a grin. "That's something you're going to have to learn." I lean against her and pull her close. As our energies flow, I can feel the exhaustion slowly leave me. "I think I've got some solutions to the field coils." She leans more of her weight against me. "You've got to resist using your ability at work." Her voice is as tired as I had felt. "I didn't think about it until I was too far gone." I help her to the cushions and then bring food waiting on the table. "Is there anything we can do to keep me going longer?" She smiles with her mouth full. She takes a mighty gulp. I watch her throat bulge and move down into her soft chest. "I'm doing the best I can." She smiles and strokes her side. "But it's going to take awhile before I have the mass to really put out energy." Smiling I refill her plate with as much as it can hold. "I know what I can do to help." I put the plate beside her and reach around her, my hands brushing against her blouse. Holding her close, I begin nuzzling her plump breasts and imagine them filling out as she gorges. As soon as I start, she begins gulping food down as fast as she can. He breath comes in ragged gasps as her stomach fills and then begins to stretch. "Ahhh," she finally gasps. "I wish my stomach could stretch as much as my womb." I give her a reassuring hug and then stand up. "Just remember that you're filling out all over and it'll stay." She smiles and lifts her heavy breasts. "Some places are filling out more than else where." We both jerk as the door bell rings. I run up the stairs and cautiously open the door. Cindy smiles and pushes her way in. "Weren't you expecting me to show up tonight?" She starts downstairs, until she hears a noise in the garage. Smiling, she silently opens the door and waits for him to notice her. Dahlakee turns in shock and then smiles. "It's a good thing you came." He leans against the mostly finished truck cap. She looks at him in partial confusion, until her newly awakened senses tell her he is almost exhausted. "Anything I can do to help?" She asks sweetly as she closes the door and walks to him. She gives him a strong hug and quickly gauges his reserves. "I think I can help." Smiling, he helps her onto his back and then returns to his work. Cindy wraps her arms and legs around his equine body and their energies are soon flowing. The cycling draws on the powers beyond and he continues working until satisfied. "I hope Matt likes it," he comments as they both survey his accomplishment. Cindy rolls off him and opens the door to the house. "I wonder how they're doing," she muses as she starts downstairs. Downstairs, Fleesha and I have been making notes on how much food and supplies will be needed for the builders while they work on the Habitat units. "Supper's all ready for you," she laughs. Dahlakee carefully comes down the stairs and is relieved when he reaches the floor. "The truck's all ready." Nodding I turn on the TV and catch the news. A multi-bank robbery is the main story and Fleesha changes it to a natural disaster documentary show. Cindy finishes eating and retrieves her purse. "I sold some of the jewelry and I'll get the rest sold tomorrow." She pulls out a small notebook. "I've got several places I can get straw from. They didn't as anything about what livestock I have so we shouldn't have to worry about anyone getting suspicious." I've already got the circuit designs on the computer monitor and study it. "We need to worry more about people getting suspicious. If some of my friends drop over, I could tell them I'm busy a few times, but not too often." Every one agrees and I show Fleesha how to lock the door. "I can tell them I'm working on things down here and they shouldn't get too curious." Dahlakee looks at my designs and shakes his head. "If I had enough metal, I could work on the prototype of the habitat units." Cindy nudges Fleesha, "There's still some in the garage." They both head upstairs. Dahlakee is lying down beside me so our heads are almost level. "Are you feeling more for Fleesha than you thought you would?" Smiling, I nod. "I get the feeling something is almost going on between the two of you." He almost blushes, "When she's around, I feel something I can't explain. I've actually thought of asking her if she want's Fleesha to..." He cuts off as he hears them start down the stairs. They carry the only unused section down and lean it against the wall. Cindy runs up the stairs, while Fleesha walks slower. Her growing breast threaten to burst out of her blouse. "I can tell she really wants you, Dahlakee continues. "And you're letting her fill out like she's always dreamed." I stare at the screen, trying to keep my inner desires in check. "She and I are closer to the same size, but if you and Cindy.." I struggle to find some words. He tries not to grin. "I really need to ask Cindy if she'd like Fleesha to help." It takes me a moment to realize what he means. "Well, I think that's up to the two of you. We can agree that Fleesha and I will stay upstairs during the night if Cindy and you will stay down here." We study the monitor and discuss how big an object we can send through while they bring more down. Once they go back up he jokingly makes a complaint. "But she's only here on the weekend." We both laugh quietly about that and watch as the last of the sheet aluminum is carried down. Cindy leans against him and smiles. "Do you have enough to do anything?" Dahlakee measures the pieces by eye and shrugs. "I can get started on some of the storage cabinets." He pulls the pile of print outs and selects a few. He begins measuring and working while Cindy hugs him tight. Fleesha nuzzles my neck. "Did the two of you talk about what we did?" Before I can react, Dahlakee and Cindy are laughing themselves silly. "After he gets his work done," Fleesha whispers. "I have some work to do with her." She pushes her muzzle around my neck as her soft breasts rub against my shoulder. I make some minor circuit changes and start the printer. "I bet you're going to be hungry when you're finished." My hand moves against her and I gently stroke her silky fur. She smiles and we quietly hug until the printer finishes. "I know we need to keep our main concern on freeing every one." She half tries to pull away and I let her go. Dahlakee makes several cabinets and some furniture before he runs out of metal. "Once we get the gateway working, We might be able to have these built before being sent here and then to Mars." I show him my designs and he makes a list of rods he'll need to build the framework. "I could make everything from raw materials, but since you have to buy it. It might as well be close to what I'll need." I look around and realize Cindy and Fleesha are upstairs. "I wonder what they are doing?" Dahlakee smiles and changes some of the scraps into gold. "Can you get me those parts tomorrow?" I look at the computer and sigh. "I can get your stuff, but I won't be able to get the computer equipment until the show this weekend." He grips my shoulder in reassurance. "We've done more in a few days than I hoped we could in a month. We really should take some time, work out how many of us we need and how many Fleesha can make food for." I've been sketching a layout for building on Mars. "Why can't we just bring a few here and have everything built, and food gathered on your world?" He forces a smile, "I guess I'm afraid something may happen there and the more we have here, the better. Of course, the more we keep here, the more likely this escape plan will be discovered." "But can we just relax for several days?" I muse. "I can pick up what you need to build the frame, and Cindy can get a load of straw. I think we better start getting a load in here every couple of days." Dahlakee smiles, "The ways Fleesha's appetite is going, that might be a good idea." He frowns, "but that means she'll have less time here." I nod in understanding, "We can try and give the two of you some private time when she's here. We can unload and Fleesha can change it so it'll store better." He smiles, "I never felt like this for anyone before." He looks upstairs, "Even if Fleesha isn't able to help...." His eyes mist slightly. "I'm going to get some of the parts tomorrow." I look at my print outs. "You're afraid of the owners finding out, and I'm afraid of government people wanting to get in on this. They'd stop us and probably take all of us to some hidden base." We both turn as Cindy carefully walks down the stairs. "I think Fleesha could use you and some food." As she uses the banister to help support her, I grab as much food as I can carry and go upstairs. Cindy as walks unsteadily, Dahlakee rushes to her side. "How do you feel?" He asks. She smiles and sits down, her legs spread wider than before. "I actually don't feel much different, except she modified my pelvis and some muscles so I feel funny when I walk." She smiles and wraps her arms around him. "By this weekend...." Her smile tells the rest. Upstairs, I find Fleesha on our cushions, leaning against the couch. "I thought you might feel like a snack," I joke as I set the food beside her and sit down. She smiles weakly as I hug her close. "Do you think they can wait 'til the weekend?" She takes a roll and slowly eats. I nuzzle her warm, soft bosom. "We've waited this long and I'm sure we can wait until then." As our energies merge and she recharges, we rest in silence, except for the sounds of her eating. Finally her energies are recharged and the food is in her well stuffed belly. "When I was working on Cindy," she giggles. "I did a little bit on me." She reaches beside the couch, where I haven't been able to see, and pulls out my largest platter. It's stacked high with rich looking pastries and candies. "I could use something to drink." She takes a large chocolate like candy and resumes gorging. I jump up and get a full 2 liter bottle of Coke from the frig. I refill our glasses and sip mine while she eats. Hugging her, I smile as I can actually feel the result of her last few days of eating. "Have you started letting your body grow to it's true size?" She mumbles with her mouth part full. "My skeleton is sturdier and my organs are growing well." She gulps it down. "Now that we can feel some flesh on me," she pats her heavy breasts. "Especially in certain places. I'm going to have my body grow to my full size, and then see how full bodied I can get." Laughing, she continues forcing more food into her expanding stomach. I hug her close and lovingly massage her swelling belly. She slows, but continues to eat until the platter is empty. She lays on her side and pats her overstuffed stomach. "Should we see how they're doing?" I joke. "Or would you rather I keep fondling you and make you hungry again?" Fleesha slowly struggles to her feet. "We better go down there," she burps loudly. "Because if I eat any more..." She smiles and I help her to the stairs. "Hello down there," she calls out quietly. "Come on down," Cindy replies. "We've been discussing when we can have our special time together." We join them and agree on sleep time as the best. For the next hour, talk ranges from how long it will take to build enough room for everyone on Mars, to what we'll find there. Finally, Cindy decides to call her room mate and stay here. "I'm not completely used to how I now feel. So I told her that I've met some one and she understands." Fleesha slowly goes upstairs and I follow closely behind. Once upstairs, we almost collapse and are quickly asleep. During the next four days, I manage to limit using my ability at work. Cindy begins making arrangements to move here and her room mate is actually glad. Apparently, she has her own lover and he can now move in. We spend more time learning about our different cultures. Friday night, I make a final list of equipment I want to find at the show tomorrow. Cindy gives me several thousand dollars she has made by selling her jewelry. "Do you think it's enough?" She asks worriedly. Smiling, I fold it in several small bundles. "It should be enough to get what I need and some spares." I look at the clock. "I better get to sleep so I can be there when the doors open." As I pick up the parts list, Fleesha starts up the stairs. She smiles as I join her. "I think I better slow down my growth." She strokes her soft sides, making her rolls of plumpness jiggle. "If I keep filling out," she rubs up against me. Last weekend, her head only came up to my chin, now she can stare me eye to eye. "We'll just have to watch how much I eat." Grinning, I fondle her quivering sides. "We've been watching how much you eat." My hands move up until her bounteous breasts are overflowing my hands. "And we've both enjoyed what it's been doing to you." Her nipples quickly swell and threaten to push her over stretched blouse past it's limits. "It's a good think my ability can keep expanding my clothes." She nuzzles my face and whispers. "Or would you prefer I don't...." Smiles, I step back. "We promised not to do anything that close until we've got the gateway working." Hesitantly, I go to my bedroom and change. When I return, she is in her loose sleep wear. I lay down beside her and we curl up. She snuggles close and her fat breasts billow against my chest. Her nipples are still hard and I struggle for part of me not to become the same way. "I understand," she whispers in my ear. Her long tongue follows the curve of my ear. "But you can't blame me for trying to show my appreciation." She squirms and her plump body mashes against my screaming hardness. I hug her tight, preventing her from exciting me further. "I've kept my desires under control because I'm afraid." I bury my head in her long hair. "I've never felt like this for anyone and I just need to keep my mind on getting the gateway working. I.. well..." She smiles and nuzzles me in a more friendly, less sensual way. "I think I know what you're saying. Anyways, if we kept going like we have been." She pulls back slightly and models her new fullness and developing body. "I might have trouble getting up the stairs." She traces her round belly and then exaggerates it. "I was starting to wonder how long I could get through the door and whether I'd be stuck up here or down stairs." She giggles and cuddles up against me. Smiling as I hug her, "Once my part is done, we can have some time alone." In thoughts of mutual affection, I relax in her soft warmth and drift into a restful sleep. The alarm goes off and I quickly silence it. "Well," I grin as Fleesha wakes and her heavy jugs roll. "I better get going." I quickly dress as she prepares breakfast. For a moment, as I join her in the kitchen, I'm caught between what I need to do and her plumpness flowing under her loose clothes. She turns, making her ponderous breasts to roll seductively. "I hope you get everything we'll need." As she hands me breakfast, I realize she wasn't trying to excite me. "The sooner I get going," I hug her with one arm. "The sooner I'll get back." Fleesha smiles and hugs me a bit closer. "We'll be ready to get to work on the gateway." I ease out of her embrace and turn to keep her from seeing how excited she got me in a matter of seconds. "Maybe you should see if the others are hungry." With a quick kiss, I head for the garage. The truck starts up and I drive up to the computer show. Fleesha carries food downstairs and the others are already awake and talking about Cindy's jewelry. While they eat, Fleesha tries on some of the bracelets. Cindy customizes several for her and they spend the rest of the morning talking about how much will be needed on Mars to support the freed slaves. I arrive early enough to get a parking space near one of the doors. Once inside, I can't resist smiling as I see stacks of 286 computers. The price is low enough that I can easily afford several extras. I purchase only a few at a time and take them out to my pickup. As I load the twelfth one, I decide to try and find what I'll need to build the field coils. Several dealers have transformer coils and resonators. As I look at the 'broken' oscilloscopes and other test equipment, I use my ability to check them out. Without realizing it, I have been repairing the worst of the circuit faults and the excitement of the crowd prevents me from feeling my energy draining. It's after noon before I have everything that might be useful. There's still quite a crowd as I buy 1,000 diskettes and still have almost half the money I started with. I pop Rush's 2112 in my cassette player and head for home. As I turn onto the expressway, a sudden wave of exhaustion hits me. Even with the window wide open, and the stereo turned up, I can still feel myself on the edge of passing out. At the first exit, I turn off and take the back roads. Every mile seems to crawl by. I'm poking myself with the keys, slapping my face, anything I can think of. As I enter my town, my eyes search for any sign of the police. I take the last turn and breath a sigh of relief. Only two blocks from home, but my breath freezes as I see flashing lights in my side mirror. I debate continuing home but decide it's safer to stop here. My front wheel bumps the curb and I pray he didn't notice. I watch as he checks my license over the radio. It seems like hours before he gets out of his cruiser and walks toward me. "Driver!" His voice is one of 'I'm in control or else' and I almost jump. "Keep both hands in sight. Reach outside, open the door then step out with your back toward me." The adrenaline rush feels like a tidal wave. I only hope it keeps me going long enough. Carefully I open the door and step out. The officer's voice is bordering on fear or violence. "Put your hands on your head and walk back toward me slowly." I do exactly as he says. "Stop and get on your knees." His voice sounds calmer as another patrol car comes from the other direction. It stops, blocking traffic and the driver jumps out. He looks in the front and open the box of diskettes. "Hot programs huh?" He asks the one whose gun is still aimed at me. "Not sure," the first officer answers. "He was driving a bit slow and I thought he might be DUI." The second officer looks in the back and smiles, "This guy's got a load of computers to go with the disks." He looks at me with the grin of some one who just won the lottery. "Got an explanation?" I return his gaze with one of confusion. "I've been to the computer show in Toledo and these computers are older styles. I'm going to upgrade them and then resell them." He gives a 'oh sure' grin. "You got any proof? I mean if you bought these at an electronic flea market you can't prove it." He leans close to me and fingers his gun. "I bet if we run the serial numbers, we'll get some hot numbers." "I don't have receipts for all of them." My voice changes to one of disgust. "In my shirt pocket are receipts of most of them and the BLANK diskettes." The first officer grabs my wrists and jerks me back. "An attitude like that can make a bad situation worse." His voice carries the fear that, what he hoped would be a great arrest, is disappearing in his face. The second one pulls the slips out and looks them over. His face and voice become softer. "Let me see your wrist." I ease one free and show him the re-entry stamp from the show. "Let him up," he tells the first." He hands the receipt back as I stand and I pocket them. "Sorry about that, but you have to admit it looks suspicious." "Right," my voice is strong, but I can feel the adrenaline rush fading. "Then I'll be going." I take a couple of steps, before the first one remembers why he first stopped me. "I'm still going to do a field sobriety test on you." His voice shows how made he is. "Hold it down Bob," the second officer insists. He turns to me, "I don't think you're drunk and no one on drugs could work on computers." He looks up the street. "You still live at the same address?" As I nod, he smiles and tries to laugh. "I think you're just tired, go on home and sorry 'bout this." I allow a slight smirk to show. "I know you have to be careful when you can't see if anyone is hiding in the back." I look at the first officer. "But once you know I'm the only one..." By the time I've started my truck, the second patrol car is already moving. I drive home and am slightly surprised when the one who stopped me, turns off at the first intersection. Once inside the garage, I virtually collapse behind the wheel. Cindy rushes over. "Didn't you know what you were doing?" She asks with undisguised concern. She yells for Fleesha as she helps me out of the truck. I try to answer, but the last of the adrenaline is gone. As she helps me onto the cushions, I catch a glimpse of Fleesha already lying down. She pulls me close and Cindy pulls the blanket over us. I give in and feel myself sliding down into an engulfing warmth. Fleesha hugs me close and instantly feels how depleted of energy I is. "I can't believe he didn't realize what was happening to him," she whispers as her energy is drawn from her so fast, she almost passes out. Cindy runs to the kitchen and comes back with various food and a 2 liter bottle of Coke. "Is there anything else I can do?" Her voice is bordering on fear. Fleesha tries to smile, but her own energies are being drained at a dangerous rate. "I'll barely be conscious soon," her voice is almost a whisper. "Tell Dahlakee what's happening and he'll tell you what you can do." She struggles out of her blouse and then pulls me even deeper into her softness. She opens her mouth and closes her eyes. Cindy stares in shock for a second, before she realizes what she should do. Quickly she breaks off pieces of the honey rich bread and feeds them to Fleesha. After several pieces, she gives Fleesha several gulps of cola. "I heard what Fleesha said," Dahlakee calls quietly from downstairs. "What's happening?" Cindy tries to sound confident, but fails. "Matt drained himself so much he's passed out. Fleesha's trying to restore him, but she's almost passed out herself. I'm feeding her by hand." She feeds Fleesha another piece of bread. "I'm feeding her some of the rich bread and Coke." Dahlakee puts his front hooves on the stairs and decides it's better if he stays downstairs. "Her ability to change organic matter makes it instinctive for her to adapt her entire body." He hesitates, as if arguing with himself. "Feed her the richest foods you can find. Give her milk, it has more nutrients and will be better for her." Cindy rushes back to the kitchen and grabs a gallon of milk, the cookies and brownies Fleesha had made earlier. When she returns, Fleesha's mouth is wide open. She feeds her a cookie and watches is surprise as it's swallowed after only a couple of chews. She alternates between, brownies, cookies, bread and milk. When Cindy runs out of food, she hurries back to the kitchen and just grabs food. She calls out to Dahlakee, "She's still hungry." "Keep feeding her!" He answers in a commanding voice. "Don't even think about how much she's eating. Think of each mouthful as if it's the first. She can hold more than you could ever believe." "Ok," she answers as she resumes almost pouring food into her. "How will I know when to stop?" He almost laughs, "She'll let you know. Matt seems to have learned his ability too fast and can't control how much he uses it." Cindy begins to feed Fleesha so fast, she looses track of how much food has gone into her. She tries to sense the flow of energy between the two of them and realizes it rises as Fleesha eats, and noticeably falls when she resupplies the food. As the supply of food diminishes, she warns Dahlakee. "I know that food she made for Mars is designed to keep fresh." She pours half a liter of Coke into Fleesha's open maw. "It may not be rich in calories, but.." Dahlakee agrees, "I'll get some and toss them to you." After a moment, one of the packets bounces on the floor beside her. Cindy reaches over and quickly unwraps it. She holds it in front of Fleesha's mouth and watches her take large bites, almost swallowing them with out chewing. After more than two hours, Cindy is moving without thinking. Her long hair is tangled and limp. Her eyes are hardly open and motions are slow and unsteady. She pushes a chunk of food into Fleesha's mouth and realizes that she is not chewing. Exhausted, Cindy sits down against the couch and puts her hand on Fleesha's shoulder. "I think she's full," she calls to Dahlakee. "And I'm too tired to come downstairs." "Stay up there with them." He responds. "They should be ok, but I have a feeling Matt had almost drained himself too far." Exhausted, Cindy leans back, her hand sliding off Fleesha's noticeably plumper shoulder. "I just hope I'll wake up when they need me." In a matter of seconds, the only sounds heard, are the three of them breathing, and Fleesha's expanded digestive system, struggling with the pounds of food stretching it out. A few hours later, Cindy wakes when she hears Fleesha whimpering. She puts her hand on Fleesha's shoulder and whispers, "Fleesha?" Fleesha turns her head slightly, her mouth moving as if she's eating. Cindy senses the fall of energy and struggles to her feet. "Dahlakee, she's acting like she wants more food." "I'll toss up some food packs and then I'm going to come up." He doesn't try to hide his concern. "I've heard of this happening in emergencies and there may be something wrong beside Matt being drained." He throws several packets upstairs, before carefully coming up himself. Cindy is feeding her and he takes over. "Do we have anything for her to drink besides water?" He concentrates on the two lying under the blanket. "We ran out a while ago." Cindy's voice is tired, but her nap has restored some of her strength. He shakes his head. "You better go get some." He pauses, thinking how much Fleesha may need. "Five gallons of milk, about twice that of Coke, and lots of munchies or whatever." He turns and smiles at her shocked expression. "We're going to need some ourselves, and she won't be able to make anything for awhile." Cindy grabs her purse and rushes out side. She manages to get a hold of her deepest fears by the time she reaches the store. Dahlakee strokes Fleesha's hair as he feeds her. "I know you were planning on slowly filling out." He almost laughs as he looks at the mound her incredibly swollen belly makes under the blanket. "But at least you can blame Matt." Her only response is to continue eating, but a slight smile can be seen between bites. He smiles as he realizes she may be using this situation to her advantage. He touches Matt's shoulder and is shocked at how depleted Matt still is. "If he's this drained after several hours of sharing energy." He touches Fleesha and feels her producing energy at an incredible rate. "Where's all his energy going?" He feeds Fleesha as fast as she can gulp it down. Cindy comes in with a large bag of food. "I'm certain the check out girl was going into shock when she saw all the high calorie food I got." She puts the bag down and hurries out. After several trips, she locks the door and carries a gallon of milk to the others. She almost drops it when she sees how little food remains, "There's no way she could have eaten that much." Then she sees Dahlakee's concern. "There's something else." He fills a large glass with milk and almost pours it down Fleesha's throat. "Some how he's still using his energy. It's as if he started doing something and won't stop until he's done." Cindy looks toward the garage. "He got all that computer stuff with plans for it. Maybe he's dreaming of working on them and doesn't realize it." Dahlakee continues feeding Fleesha as Cindy opens some of the food she bought. "It's possible, but I've never heard of it." He pauses and thinks. "Do you know enough to be able to set one up?" She frowns, "I could bring them in. Maybe that would help or make it easier for him." She goes into the garage and begins to carefully bring in the computers. "He must have gotten a real deal to get all he did." Dahlakee continues to feed Fleesha, while Cindy stacks computers nearby. "I don't think trying to wake him is a good idea." He almost jumps as Fleesha pulls the brownie out of his hand and gulps it down. He looks in surprise, then realizes her instincts are driving her. "We'll keep feeding her for a little while longer. But if Matt keeps using energy like he is..." His expression is a cross between a frown and grin. Cindy prepares some of the food and takes over feeding Fleesha, while Dahlakee takes a break. He touches Matt and smiles. "He's starting to recover." He monitors Matt for a few minutes before checking on Fleesha. "She's doing more than I thought possible." He tries not to notice how enormously bloated her abdomen is. "But she handling all this food with no problem." Cindy smiles as she notices what he's trying to ignore. "She told me she hoped he would have needed her every night like he did Monday." She pats the huge mound Fleesha's ballooning belly makes under the blanket. Dahlakee relaxes as Matt unconsciously snuggles deeper into Fleesha's warm embrace. "He told me some of his feelings too." He restrains from laughing as he notices Fleesha heavy breasts have grown noticeably fuller. "He might think he's dreaming when he wakes." "I wonder if we should help them?" Cindy giggles and increases the rate she's feeding Fleesha. After another hour, Fleesha begins to chew slower and shortly keeps her mouth closed. Her breathing is slow and gentle. Her enormous belly rolls heavily as she holds Matt as close as her overstuffed abdomen will allow. Cindy and Dahlakee quietly talk about the building designs and how they can best be arranged on Mars. He checks on the two sleepers several times. When he and Cindy have supper, they feed Fleesha about what used to be a normal meal. "I expect when she gets everything in her stretched out stomach digested, she'll be eating more." Cindy laughs, "I hope she can change enough straw to keep herself fed." Fleesha groans as she shifts her position. She pulls Matt close and he snuggles until his head is resting between the soft pillows of her heavy breasts. Cindy adjust the blanket so it covers them better. She restrains her shock at how much soft fat Fleesha has produced from her gorging. She pokes her burgeoning side and whispers, "I hope you weren't joking about this." Dahlakee and her quietly watch TV and talk of what living on Mars could be like. Before they go to sleep. Cindy feeds Fleesha a snack while Dahlakee checks her and Matt's condition. "They're doing much better, but I think they'll sleep till morning or later." Cindy grins as they curl up on the floor. "I want to see Matt's reaction when he sees her new size." Dahlakee restrains his laughter. "When he wakes, that might be all he can see." He nudges his face into Cindy's average sized breasts. "But I'm not complaining." Cindy holds his head close and they drift to sleep. Some time in the dark early morning hours, I drift to the edge of consciousness. At first, I feel as if I'm resting on a warm waterbed, covered with pillows. Then a gnawing thirst forces itself upward. I begin to mouth one of the pillows, some how I know this will take care of my thirst and I'll be able to enjoy the soft warmth surrounding me. I move my mouth along the wide curve of a pillow until it becomes somewhat bumpy. Then I find a bulge and pull it into my mouth. I lick and suck it without knowing why. After a moment, the warmth of the bed fills my mouth. I keep drinking as the warmth flows into my stomach and the permeates my entire being. My thirst quenched, I nuzzle back into the pillows and drift away. The next morning, Dahlakee wakes first and quietly rouses Cindy. "You better get food ready for her," he jokes. He checks the two sleepers while Cindy prepares breakfast for the two of them. She returns and smiles as she sees how much fat Fleesha has filled out with. "I wonder who's going to be more surprised." Dahlakee tries to laugh quietly. "maybe we should see if she's ready to hold more?" Cindy grins and sticks one of her rolls in front of Fleesha's nose. Her nose twitches, and then she opens her mouth. Cindy feeds her the breakfast she made for herself and then Dahlakee feeds her his while Cindy readies more food. They consume their own meal before Fleesha is done. Finally she closes her mouth. She rolls slightly and her flesh bloated breasts billow around me. Cindy gets some gold from downstairs and practices her jewelry ability. Dahlakee describes some of the rings he remembers the owners wearing and she tries to duplicate them. An hour later, I begin to stir. My head seems to be resting on a soft warm pillow and I nuzzle into it. As the realization that it is living flesh hits my consciousness, I slowly open my eyes. All I can see is, what appears to be, a hill of billowing flesh. When I connect some one breathing with the gentle motion, I realize some thing has happened. Carefully, I turn my head enough to see how much her formerly full breasts have grown. My eyes jerk open so fast it almost hurts. Before she would have been difficult to find bras for. Now, it might be easier to put two bras for dairy cows together. Fleesha sighs and slowly opens her eyes and smiles. "You didn't realize what you were doing at the show, did you." Grinning, I reach over and stroke the wide curve of one of her fat bloated breasts. "Did you realize what you've been doing?" She opens her eyes wide and tries to struggle out from under the blanket. I help her to her feet and stare with a combination of shock and desire for her overly fleshy body. She turns toward the others and almost loses her balance as her fat bloated belly billows. "I know he was dangerously low on energy, but..." She looks at her now enormous bosom, swelling out before her. Dahlakee tells of what happened after she began recharging me. Cautiously, and then almost excitedly, she stroke her flab bloated bosom. Her hands slide down her plump sides. Her eyes open wider than would seem possible as her hands explore her huge belly. She turns her head and upper torso to see. As her heavy breasts swing, she takes several steps to keep her balance. After a moment, she carefully turns toward me and smiles. "Well," she finally laughs as she realizes how much she has gained. "We both were looking forward to more of me." Smiling, I step beside her and reach around her plump upper torso. "It must have been the excitement of the show and finding everything a great prices." My hand gently caresses her flab swollen breast and she leans against me. She looks at her amazingly fat udders and whispers, "Maybe I can find another way to surprise you." For a moment, I relax to the feel and weight of her. As fragments of last night's dreams, I remember being thirsty and resist laughing. Dahlakee looks at her and then the door to the basement. "Do you think you can get downstairs?" She waddles over and gauges it's width to her own. "I think I better get through now, but I better stay down stairs." Dahlakee nudges her aside and carefully goes downstairs. I help Fleesha down the stairs and she looks around as if this is her first time in the basement. "We'll have to arrange some sort of private areas for us," she jokes. Dahlakee looks around. "I could experiment with making walls for the habitats." "I need to get the gateway working so we can get material to start building." I glance at Fleesha's downcast look. "If I get started now, I might have it working in a day or two." Her attitude brightens and she looks around again. "I guess I better get working on making supplies." She gently brushes her bulging abdomen. "How bout I start with food for us?" Cindy laughs and point at the remaining bales of hay. "I'll go get another load while Matt moves the computers down." She runs upstairs before any one can argue. Dahlakee smiles and carries a bale over to the table. "I guess I'm back to delivering things." Fleesha laughs and begins changing it into food for lunch. "But now you're doing it for us and not the owners." For more than an hour, she converts the hay into food blocks for Mars and he stacks it. I carry all the computer equipment down and sort it. Finally I finish and sit down at the computer we've been using. "Now all I have to do is get started." I laugh as they look at me. "I promise to pay attention to what I'm doing." I punch up a couple of screens before getting the one showing the lay out of computers. While they finish with the hay, I begin possitioning and marking the computers. Faleensa offers me a sandwich while I work. "How do you feel?" She asks with concern. Smiling I give her a passionate hug. "The only thing I've done today is check out how much I need to do." I show her my list of modifications while I eat. She looks at it and then the computers not yet in position. "How long do you think it will take?" She barely manages to control her fear. I give her a reassuring kiss and notice Dahlakee moving to the other end of the basement and study his printouts for the buildings. "I've asked for a couple of days off and I don't have to go in 'til Wednesday." One hand strokes her plushy back while the other tries to heft her fat breast. "We haven't really tried to work out how long until we can move to Mars." She glances toward Dahlakee before looking deep into my eyes. "I don't know if I'm afraid of our plans being discovered, being found by your police or how fat I might get before we can move there." She grins seductively as my caresses begin to reach her. "I bet you're thirsty after all that work and the dry sandwich." Her hands move along the slopes of her jiggling jugs. Smiling, my hands move onto hers. "Last night I dreamed about this." My lips move onto her areolae and then play with her rapidly swelling nipple. "And maybe it was more than a dream." Almost as soon as I start sucking, her sweet milk fills my mouth. After a few minutes, I stop and wait for her flow to stop. She smiles at me over the wonderful roundness of her flesh. "You can't be full already." I almost laugh, "I don't want you to be off-balanced." I drink from her other quivering breast and then squeeze between them for a passionate hug. "You don't have to worry about getting too big," I promise her. "And I'll be careful about not draining myself." She grins and tries to keep me trapped between her mammoth mammeries. "If you don't, the next time you might not be able to get out." She giggles and her heaving breasts quiver around me. I wiggle my way free and resume setting up the computers. Dahlakee comes over and helps. When Cindy arrives with the hay, we quickly unload and move it into the basement. Once all of it is stacked, Cindy suggests we take a break. "I see you've done a lot." She looks at the computers and then the box of plug strips. "Do you have enough power to run all this?" Smiling, I point at the breaker panel. "I wired this place and there's plenty. Also," I pull a few designs from the table. "At work I've accessed some research being done on mater energy converters. I tried reproducing what's been done and think I know how to make one that works." Fleesha groans loudly. "How much am I going to gain by the time it works." She tries to appear serious, but starts laughing. Cindy grabs a large nutrient bar. "One more joke like that and I'll stuff food down your throat 'til you can't move." Fleesha grins, and takes the bar from her. She gulps it down, "All I have to do is think of all my friends still working as slaves." Everyone remembers why we are doing this. For several hours, I set up the computers with Cindy's help. Fleesha and Dahlakee work on living quarter designs and how much food will be needed for every one to survive. After supper, Cindy insists we rest. "I know you're ready to keep going until the gateway and this power system of yours is done." She jokingly scolds me. "But look what happens to Fleesha when you do." Fleesha laughs as I hug her and her jiggling flesh excites me. "Once he has the gateway and power system done." She smiles broadly at Cindy. "Dahlakee has to work on the habitat units." Cindy grins, "I don't have an ability that'll help me eat." She joins Dahlakee on their cushions and we relax for the rest of the evening. As we prepare for sleep, Dahlakee and I hang spare blankets to form separate rooms. Fleesha and Cindy rearrange cushions so no one will have to sleep on the concrete floor. After the lights are off, I snuggle into Fleesha's new softness. "By tomorrow night, I should know if my calculations are right." As her warmth seems to engulf me, I slip into a deep sleep. The next morning, I wake at my normal time and then remember I'm taking a few days off. I try and remain motionless against her plushy body, but I can't resist moving slightly in response to her breathing and unconsciously shifting her jiggling body. After a few minutes, it feels as if she's wiggling more. Glancing at her face, I notice that her eyes aren't moving under her closed lids. With extreme control, I force myself to become relaxed and not to move. Her rocking against me increases slightly. Her arm moves up my side and then gently pulls me into her plushiness. With a quiet laugh, I roll over until I'm on top and can feel her fat billow under me. "Thought you'd try and see what you could do with me while I'm asleep?" I whisper. She grins and suddenly pulls my head between her big fat breasts. "I prefer doing things with you when you're awake." She pretends to smother me for a moment and then releases me. Wistfully I smile, "We agreed not to do much until we know we can free the others." I hug her tight before getting up, turning so she won't see how excited I am. Fleesha rolls and stands up. She almost loses her balance because her bloated belly keeps moving. "I better get breakfast ready so you can get to work." She takes a flake of hay to the table and begins changing it. I sort out some papers and study what I'll do first. By the time the others are awake I'm already eager to get started. During breakfast, I show Dahlakee and Cindy what I'll need them to make. I start programming one of the computers to control the field coil while Dahlakee changes some scrap metal to the metals I need and Cindy forms them into the shapes that will open the barrier between here and their world. The computer is running a system test as Cindy hands me the last piece. Dahlakee touches my shoulder "I think you better slow down," he advises. "The excitement and adrenaline is keeping you from noticing how much inner energy you're using." Smiling I sit down and finish assembling the first field coil. "After I test this one, I can download the program into the other computers." Fleesha lies down next to me and I affectionately poke her flowing flesh. "I must have done my magic on them while you were having a large snack." She laughs and pulls my head into her bouncing bosom. "If this is the result of a snack, think of what I could do with a real meal." I relax in her loving embrace and feel some of her energy restore all of what I've used. I glance at the others, curled up together. "How are you doing?" Dalakee stretches, "We've been sharing energy all morning. Maybe the two of you should find a way to work together." Fleesha grins, "Just as long as he doesn't go to another computer show and get overly excited." She ruffles my hair. "Since none of you seem to notice the time, I've got lunch all ready." I grin and wiggle out of her embrace. "While the test programs run, we might as well eat." I dodge as Fleesha tries to hit me with a pillow. We joke and try to relax while we eat. Even though I try and act confident, I know that if this test fails, I may be working in the wrong direction. As if to increase my fear, the computer begins beeping. I jump up and watch the display. "Everything checks out with the first coil." My voice is more confident than what I feel. "I believe we can communicate with three coils functioning." Cindy jumps to her feet and begins forming parts for the next one, Dahlakee lays down beside her and changes metals as she needs them. I notice that they are in physical contact with each other and can sense their energies flowing. As I disconnect the first coil from the test leads, Fleesha comes up beside me and pulls me against her rolling belly. "I'm not going to let you get exhausted like before." She stays close as I move the coil and connect it to one of the computers I've modified for it. "Is there anything I can do?" I try and keep my growing fears under control as I answer. "Once I get this one online and start downloading the program into the others," my voice almost falters and I concentrate on getting the data transfer going. Once all the coil controlling computers have the program, I start running checks and sit down beside one that isn't running at 100 per cent. Fleesha lies down and leans against me as I work. "If you're worried that this method won't work," she whispers. "I hope you understand that Dahlakee and I are excited to be free. But we know that it may take years to be ready to free every one." I keep working on the computer until I'm satisfied. "My fear is how long we can keep any one from discovering what we're doing. I'm almost certain that the government will take us all and insist we do things the way they want us to." As I lean back slightly, she gently takes my shoulders and eases me back until I'm resting against her fluffy body and fat bloated breasts. "Do you really want to try to communicate today?" She asks while brushing my hair with her hand. "You've done so much already, you deserve to take it easy." I let myself sink into her pillowy warmth and take a deep breath. "I need to know my theories will work. Once I'm satisfied," I turn my head slightly and look into her caring face. "I'll be ready to see how relaxed you can make me." She smiles as she gives me a gentle kiss. "I think you're worrying more than you need to." I glance and see that Cindy has made enough parts for the second coil and is well on her way to finishing the third. "Let me get it done," I start to push against her yielding flesh and she helps me up. "And then I'll feel more confident." We join the others and I begin my part of assembling and modifying circuits for the coil. While I'm running tests with it and a computer, Cindy finishes forming parts for the third. She watches me for a moment. "Do you want me to work on the next?" Her voice cannot conceal her concern for how much energy I'm using, compared to her. I sit back and the program indicates the coil is within functional levels. "Let's make sure this idea works before we build anymore." Fleesha lays down and pulls me close. "You can work while I try and keep you from getting any weaker." Her voice is one of concern, filtered with the understanding that I must know it will work. Cindy hands me the first pieces as I feel my depleted energies being slowly recharged. By the time I have the third coil ready for testing, even with Fleesha's power trying to keep me going, I feel almost too weak to hook it to the computer. Summoning my limited reserves, I make the final connections and start the test program. I lean into Fleesha's furry softness and let her warming energies flow around, and into me. As the computers hum, my mind senses what the programs are doing and I feel strangely confident they will work. Fleesha realizes how drained I am and motions to Cindy without disturbing me. Cindy jumps to her feet and rushes to the hidden foods Fleesha had prepared for this situation. She keeps both of her arms holding me into her spongy body while Cindy feeds her as fast as she can eat. I drift on the edge of consciousness for more than an hour. As the computer finishes it's test program, I become aware of Fleesha's breathing, her heartbeat. Our body tempos slowly synchronize, I snuggle into her plump torso and nuzzle my head between her extra-full breasts. After more than an hour, my thoughts begin to clear and I realize where I am. Smiling, I collect my thoughts before noticing Fleesha is eating. For a moment, I find it relaxing, until I sense she is not just eating, but rapidly stuffing herself. As I ease out of her loving embrace, she stops. "How are you feeling?" Her voice is muffled and she gulps down what's in her mouth. I reach around her with both arms and gently give her a hug. Even with her fleshy condition, I can feel how much she has just eaten. "I'm ready to test all three coils and then try and contact the temple." I release her, resisting the temptation to suggest we have supper first. While I check the link up programs, Cindy brings me some of the rich bread and a glass of Coke. I keep my eyes on the display screens, but notice that Fleesha only takes a glass and sips it slowly. Within minutes, I've satisfied myself that everything is ready and look at the others. "Cross your fingers or what ever you do for luck." I key in the sequence to activate the coils and watch as the triangular area between them begins to blur. I make several adjustments, almost instinctively, before the meditation part of the temple is seen. Two of the priests are talking about a cruel owner. They both turn in surprise as they see the visual field from their side. "Matt," Haseena's voice is a combination of surprise and relief. "You've already got the doorway finished?" "Just enough to be able to talk and see you." My concerns grow as I watch their nervousness. "Is something wrong?" She glances at Nulah before answering. "We're hiding two escapees and we're afraid we won't be able to get them out, without being discovered. Three of our priests have gone to other temples to get lists of all of the slaves and their abilities. Without them, we can't send these two and we know this temple is being watched." Her emotions are almost breaking through her control. "Many owners are meeting in several of your months to decide how much more they can limit us. If they take away our right to come to the temples on our holy days.." She breaks down in quiet sobbing and Nulah continues. "The two we're hiding couldn't wait. Their owner decided who they were to breed with others and were actually enjoying the fact that they love each other. Grasthu, he's a pony type like me, tried to argue with the owner and was whipped. They escaped two days ago and came here. We know from previous escapes, that we have less than two more days before the searchers will come here." While he was talking, I calculate how long it will take me to build and set up the remaining nine coils. I glance at Cindy and see that she is already working on parts for the next one. "I can't guarantee I'll have it finished in time." Haseena looks up in hope. "It's evening here, we'll check back in twelve of our hours." "I know they should have stayed," she almost sobs, "now that we're this close..." I shake my head. "We've done more than I thought we could in a short time. If we save them, the others will be assured that freedom is close." I switch off the coils and sit back. Dahlakee stares at the coils and then Cindy. "Can we be ready in time?" He looks at me and then Fleesha. "I think we can make the parts, but your work takes more energy..." Fleesha struggles to her feet and walks to the food packs she had made. "You and I are already free," She gathers as much as she can carry and dumps them on the table. She pulls the table over to where I've been working, then pulls the cushions and arranges them until she has a comfortable place to lay down. Her smile is genuine as she selects a pack and begins eating at a regular speed. "As long as I don't let your energies get low," she mumbles with her mouth full. Her attitude is contagious. "I don't want you to hurt yourself." I warn her. "Let's make one more and then get several hours of sleep. I think that might be the best way." Fleesha shakes her head and breaks off a large piece of cake. "I'd prefer if we made at least two. Once we get to sleep, we may not want to wake up 'til morning." She stuffs it in her mouth and struggles to chew." "Better do what she says," Dahlakee laughs. "We can make parts faster than you can assemble them, so we'll keep her fed." Laughing, I take the parts Cindy has prepared. "Looks like she's in charge." I lean back into her jiggling belly and concentrate on my work while I listen to her pack an amazing amount of food into her stretched out belly. For several hours, I assemble the coils with the parts Cindy and Dahlakee make. They reload Fleesha's table and keep my glass filled while I work. Fleesha eats as much as she can. She slows down as her digestive system is packed with more food than ever. I check the fifth coil and smile as the test program runs. "You better stop, before you explode." I warn Fleesha. She groans loudly and tries to find a comfortable way to lie down. "I know you've used energy faster than I've been able to restore it." She groans, but not as strained as before. "We have to get those two here. If the owners find them, they may have the temples destroyed." I help her into a more relaxed position and put pillows under her head. "With as gorged as I am," she cautiously strokes her bloated belly. "I'm already falling asleep." I put a large blanket over her and crawl under it. Her fat breasts quiver against my chest as her slow breathing lulls me towards sleep. Dahlakee has their sleeping area ready and Cindy turns off the lights. She quietly joins him and soon all is quiet. Except for occasional groans from Fleesha's amazingly stuffed stomach. Some time during the night, I wake and think about starting on the next coil. Fleesha is breathing gently and I debate trying to work with out waking her. She moves in her sleep, causing her soft flesh to roll against me. Her warmth, encourages me to stay a few moments longer. Without meaning to, I drift back to sleep. I almost jump to Cindy's touch. "I hated to wake you," she whispers. "But we better get started on the other coils." Before I can answer, Fleesha tosses the blanket off us. "I'll get breakfast ready while you get started." She struggles slightly as she gets to her feet. Closing my eyes for a moment, I gather my thoughts to the work that needs to be done. Cindy and Dahlakee have already prepared materials for several coils. Picking up the first parts, I concentrate and the sixth coil begins taking form. I barely get started, before Fleesha has breakfast ready. She serves the others and then joins me. Her softness almost flows around me as she lays down. "I'm ready to give you as much energy as you need." She takes a large breakfast roll and begins eating. My thoughts are deep into constructing the coil and I barely comprehend her. The coil forms rapidly as I add the parts Cindy has made. I finish it and two more before a strange feeling breaks through my euphoria. I lean back into a spongy warmth and feel a flow of comfort and contentment. For several minutes, I relax and feel confident. Suddenly, I remember what's happening and my eyes flash open. I push against the softness and instantly stop when Fleesha lets out a long groan. Carefully I move forward until I can turn and look at her. She forces a smile, "I just need a short break before you make the others." Her hands cautiously rub her overstuffed belly. I ease over beside her food bloated abdomen. "If only we had more time," my hands replace hers and I gently feel her fullness and the increasing weight of her fattening body. "You wouldn't have to be doing this so fast." As I stand and stretch, she reaches out and pulls me into her huge pillowy breasts. "My ability isn't of much use to help build the gateway." Her eyes are moist as she restrains her tears. "I know the two who are hiding. They lived nearby and her owners are some of the cruelest around." My arms reach around and under the heavy curve of her ponderous jugs. "Let me start the computer tests on these three." I actually have to squeeze deep into her cleavage before our lips meet. For several moments we kiss, not passionately, but with true inner feelings. I struggle out of her embrace and hook up the sixth coil to it's computer. Before it's tests are finished, the other two are connected and running their tests. Cindy joins me with enough parts for the next two coils. "I'm worried she's pushing herself too much." We both look at Fleesha. She is laying down and her overgorged belly quivers as she breathes. "Is there anything we can do to help?" I force a reassuring smile, "Her abilities allow her to do all she is. But, I'm also worried about how much she's eating. With four more to make in a matter of hours." I sit down and pick up some of the pieces. "Maybe if I get started before she wakes." Cindy puts her hand on my shoulder in agreement. "We'll get the rest ready. If only we didn't have to get it done this soon." I look up into her concerned face. "Once we get the gateway finished. We can have them do some of the work and send the components through." I close my eyes, and then begin making the ninth coil. Shortly after starting on the tenth, I feel a reassuring warmth surround me. As my drained energy is quickly replaced, the coil virtually constructs itself. I have no feeling of time as I finish that one and the remaining two. Satisfied, I lean back as two huge, soft satiny pillows seem to flow around me. For a moment, I drift toward sleep. Then I remember what must be accomplished immediately and fight to open my eyes. Cindy is kneeling before me and helps me out of Fleesha's fleshy embrace. "Don't look at her," she warns me. "We need to get these coils tested. Dahlakee is worried we might be too late." Glancing to a curtained window, I estimate it to be late afternoon. Cindy hands me a large Coke and I quickly hook up each coil and begin the test programs. As they run, I return to the control computer and monitor the tested coils. When the final test is finished, I activate the three needed to communicate. The area within the coils blurs and then clears. Within the temple meditation chamber are four of the priests I recognize and two others. I listen for a moment. "Now that those watching us have revealed their presence," Haseena sobs. "It's only a matter of time before they get enough to surround this temple." The pony stallion stands. "I'm already known to be violent. You can say that I scared you into hiding me." He strokes the upright back of the black mare beside him. "Maybe they'll only take their anger out on me." She grabs his hand and uses her larger size and strength to pull him close. "Say that we both ordered you to. They believe you're sworn to nonviolence....." She stops and tries to control her tears. Nulah rushes in. "A transport has just arrived. A couple of officials are talking." He looks at the two and shakes his head. "If only we could send you to another temple." Flicking a switch, I activate two way communication. "I think we can bring you through, but I'd really like some way to test it first." Nulah grabs an ornate statuette. "Will this do?" He stands in front of the field. "Stand by," I advise him. One by one, I bring the other coils on line. Watching the power levels, I inwardly smile as they level out to just under one hundred amps. "Cindy, you catch it when he throws it through." She jumps into place. It appears only a thin wall of fog is between them. "Ok Nuhas, now." I watch the command computer as he throws it through. To my relief, the power indicators remain level. Dahlakee rushes over and examines it. "Everything looks like I last remembered it." He smiles broadly and then flinches as the sound of banging on a heavy door is heard. "We don't have any more time," Nuhas almost shouts. "Are you ready for them?" Glancing at the display screen in something approaching terror, I nod. "Send one through and then wait." I glance up and watch Grasthu try and push his much larger and stronger mate. "I'll be right behind you." He smiles, knowing if she doesn't survive the transference, she will be free. Chasla grins and turns toward us. "Out of my way, I'm coming through." She takes a couple of steps and then leaps through. I try and keep from cheering as the power levels hardly move. "Grasthu, jump through and then we'll shut it down." He grabs a small bundle and then jumps blindly through. Chasla half catches him and almost lifts him off the floor. "We're free," she whispers. He allows her to hold him as I shut the coils down in sequence. "Everything worked as well as I could have hoped. Now we have to..." My vision blurs as the last dregs of adrenaline are burned up. My last thoughts are of sinking into a huge waterbed. Dahlakee smiles as he helps Fleesha pull me into her large, spongy body. As she closes her eyes, Cindy covers us with a blanket. She turns to the new arrivals. "First, you must know that you'll have to stay down here and be quiet if any one is upstairs." Grasthu has broken free of Chasla's grip. "The priests told us everything. We're grateful you could save us and want to do everything we can to help." Dahlakee has prepared some food and they all gather around the table for supper. "I don't know how much you've been told about what we're going to do." Chasla looks up from her meal. "We know that living on this planet isn't possible. We also read some of the ideas for making a cold planet liveable." She looks at some of the building plans hanging on the wall. "My ability is levitating objects. She looks at Fleesha and then Grasthu. He nods for her to continue. "I can lift objects up to my weight. If I pack on some, I can lift that much more." She looks at Matt and how much he is engulfed by Fleesha's humongous breasts. "With my build," she reaches back and pats the slightly round sides of her equine abdomen and then spreads her arms. "I'm going to be carrying most of it in my belly." She looks at Grasthu and giggles. "If I ever carry a foal, no one will be able to tell." Every one manages to restrain their laughter so they don't wake the two exhausted sleepers. Grasthu takes a long drink. "I took care of the owner's garden. The ground they wanted the garden on was almost worthless. When I tried to tell them, he hit me with his whip and said the garden will grow or my blood will flow. I used my ability to make the plants live. I only used it in limited amounts. But he had seen how well a friends garden was doing and ordered me to do even more. I didn't want to do any more with my ability than I had. When ever he came back from seeing other gardens, he'd hit me or make me work even more." He smiles, "If you get me some of your food plants, I'm certain I can make them grow on Mars. Or I can work on the ones to help warm the planet." Cindy grins, "We can't do much until we get a sample of Martian soil. But both of your abilities will be useful." Dahlakee looks at the building designs. "I don't know how we can build them on Mars, but that will be our next problem. Also being able to open the gateway with the major difference in air pressure." For several hours Dahlakee explains their plans to the others. Grasthu comments he has a cousin in one of the mines. "They've made a secret chamber deep in the mine. There are a few who hide there. Their abilities are related to changing metals and forming them into items from jewelry to building materials." Dahlakee smiles, "I don't know how Matt can change where the other side of the gateway is. But if he can reach your cousin's mine, we can get them started making materials for the Mars units." All of them begin making copies of the designs. "These are just our ideas," Dahlakee explains. "They probably have better ideas and ways to build them in sections." Chasla studies the drawings for a living chamber. "I don't think they're big enough for the larger ones of us." Cindy manages to keep from laughing. "Our best idea is to use these for the living quarters of a mining group. They can dig a mine shaft and make the main living quarters underground." Chasla finishes her sketch, stands and stretches. "I don't know about the rest of you, but we haven't been able to get a restful night's sleep for awhile." Cindy looks at the padded area she and Dahlakee share. "I'll see if I can find any thing else upstairs." She runs up and returns several minutes later. "All I could find are some blankets..." Her eyes almost bulge out as they float out of her hands. Chasla grins as her ability unfolds and spreads out on the floor. "The floor may be a little hard, but now that we're free." She lays down and Grasthu joins her. Cindy almost turns off the lights, and then remembers to set Matt's alarm clock. "He has to go to work tomorrow." Grasthu shakes his head, "We need to do everything we can to help him." Cindy looks at Matt and smiles at how much Fleesha has filled out in the last few days. "We'll have to talk about that while he's at work." She looks back to the newcomers. "If you can't sleep too well on the floor, we'll make something better tomorrow." She turns off the lights and feels her way to a waiting Dahlakee. I wake before my alarm goes off and carefully extracts myself from Fleesha's warm embrace. I manage to get upstairs, dress and prepare to leave before Cindy comes up after me. "I have to go to keep suspicions down." She smile and gives me a light kiss. "That's from Fleesha." She stands out of sight as I open the door and leave for work. Cindy goes back down stairs and joins the others already waking up. "While Matt's at work, we need to discuss what our next step will be." Fleesha is already preparing breakfast. "We can talk while we eat." She smiles at Chasla, "Some of us don't forget about eating as well as the rest of you." Chasla laughs as she drops down beside the table. "Besides," she stuffs a roll in her mouth and washes it down with juice. "I need to increase my weight lifting ability." Fleesha looks in confusion as the others laugh. Once they explain the joke, she piles extra food on Chasla's plate. While they eat, Dahlakee tells the new arrivals what they have planned. They agree the final designs of the surface units should be done by those with abilities of construction. Grasthu thinks for several minutes, "Have you given any thought to the major difference in air pressure between here and Mars?" Dahlakee shakes his head. "Our first goal was to be able to bring others from our old world to here. The emergency of bringing you through in a short time, put all other problems aside." Fleesha grins. "I think this problem is one Matt will be able to solve." She drains a large glass of Coke. "So the next step is sending the building material through and constructing the first one." Chasla had been listening, while Cindy was showing some of her jewelry. She picks up a plastic bag and plays with an idea. "If we put the materials in some sort of bag and filled it with air once it's there...." She moves to the drawing table and does a few rough sketches. "Once they have a small one finished, they could inflate a larger bag for the next and so on." Her drawings show a bag connected to the starter building with sufficient room for work on the shaft to the underground levels. Dahlakee smiles, "Brilliant!" He exclaims as he slaps her soundly on her wide back. She smiles and hardly seems to notice his strength. "There doesn't seem to be much else we can do until Matt returns. Fleesha has finished clearing away breakfast and joins them. "What this about some of the owners trying to take away what few rights we have?" Grasthu lowers his head slightly. "There are more owners like the ones we escaped from. They feel we are property and they should be able to do with us what they wish. I was whipped any time he was upset with anything." Chasla strokes his coat. "One of the priests is a healer." She holds him close for a moment. "They can heal the scars on the surface but..." Grasthu takes her hand and reassures her. He turns back to the others. "Their movent is growing. In a few years, rulers of our sector, may abolish the temples." Dahlakee is shocked by this. "I hoped we would have years to build a new home on Mars. Now we may have to choose between life here or remaining slaves." Cindy grabs his arm, as if restraining his anger. "We can't let Matt know. I feel he pushed himself harder than is safe by getting the gateway finished as fast as he did." Fleesha nods, "I was able to reinforce his energy, but he couldn't have kept it up for much longer." Grasthu smiles slightly. "We need to make notes on our ideas and get them and the plans to the hidden tunnels in the mine. I think that it's up to them to design and fabricate the building materials." They all agree with him and have everything ready before lunch. In the afternoon, Fleesha introduces Chasla to video games while Cindy tries to explain why bringing every one to Earth, isn't an acceptable choice. By the time I come home, they have rearranged the basement to accommodate Chasla and Grasthu. "So have you decided we can take a break?" I joke. I look over the notes and congratulate Chasla for her idea. "I managed not to think about that problem until lunch. I came up with several ideas, but none as good as yours." "Have you figured out a solution to the pressure difference?" She asks and then remembers I need to rest. I laugh as I realize what they're worried about. "I had the solution to that worked out on my way to work." Pulling a few sheets from my jacket, I spread them on the table and explain. "We need to build a airlock in front of the gateway. I can easily build a remote controlled tractor." I glace at Fleesha's concerned expression. "After I take a few days rest." Dahlakee looks at the drawings and smiles. "Should be easy to make." He continues studying the drawings, while making notes on the side. While I talk with Chasla and Grasthu, Fleesha prepares supper. "I never could understand beings like your previous owners." While we eat, they tell me what has been happening in their sector. At my insistence, they admit the possibility of their temples being closed. "I wasn't planning on taking several years before we'd be ready." I smile as every one looks at me in shock. "Within a month, I expect we can have the first surface buildings up and a start on the shaft for the below ground living quarters." Chasla nods weakly. "But how can we hope to be able to support ourselves. It may take years before we can have enough food plants growing on the surface." Smiling I give Fleesha a hug. "Those with her ability can alter any plants into more nutritious food." Standing, I walk over to my computers. "I was thinking of what I'll need to make a matter energy converter. Using one hundred amps to open the gateway isn't a problem, but when we get to Mars, we'll need power." I hug Fleesha closer as I see her worried expression. "I'm not planning on starting it tonight." I turn to the wondering Grasthu, "We can make growing areas underground. I can build several of these. As more areas are cleared, you and others can start gardens." Grasthu agrees, "There are many who have left their owners and are staying in the hidden mine areas. We need to contact the mine, if we can." I sit down and begin warming up the three coils needed for viewing. As the temple interior comes into view, I ask Grasthu to guide me to the mine. The land almost flashes past as I adjust the controls. Once at the mine complex, we follow the shaft and finally arrive at the hidden areas. For many minutes, we watch them, looking for Grasthu's cousin. Finally he comes into view and I activate the voice portion of the gateway. I motion to Grasthu and he understands. "Katal, this is Grasthu." As the surprised miners stare, he explains what we've accomplished and what our plans are. "If you can send us the plans," Katal replies after getting over the shock. "We can have the air lock ready in a matter of days. There is a group of inspectors that are due soon. They are our kind and they travel from mine to mine, inspecting for ways to increase the productivity. Several of them have construction or similar abilities. We can easily arrange a cave in so the owners will think they're dead. Then they can supervise the work on Mars. How will you keep the air breathable? We can make air moving equipment, but I don't know how we can replace the carbon dioxide with oxygen." Every one looks at me for a answer. "We'll send you the plans and you can improve them as you want." I think for a moment on the air problem. "See if any of your friends can think of something and we'll get in touch about this time tomorrow." Katal smiles as I activate the gateway and Dahlakee tosses the folder containing our building designs. "We'll try and surprise you with what we can accomplish by tomorrow." He and the others wave as I close down the portal. Turning, I look at the concern of those around me. "We've gotten the gateway done well before any of us first hoped," I try to reassure them. "We'll find a way to replace the air." Grasthu is studying the general layout of buildings and lower levels. "Do you have a plan for living, working, sleeping quarters and other areas we'll need?" He watches as I bring up a display on the design computer and show him how to change the views. He studies the screens for several minutes. "I brought some writings on various plants originally modified for our 'Mars'. We planned to grow them on the surface and recreate an atmosphere." Chasla gets a folder from their possessions and he pulls out several sheets. "I can easily adapt them to grow underground with minimal light. We can cycle air through these growing chambers and they'll absorb the CO2 and replace it with O2." He tries to smile, "But that won't help with building the surface chambers and the main shaft." Dahlakee has been doodling on some of the rough sketches. "Could we open the portal and blow fresh air in?" I don't know how often they'd need it, but it could work." Fleesha moves her plump body between him and me. I try not to be let the exposed portions of her heavy, billowing breasts mesmerize me. "With all he's done this last weekend," she insists. "He needs to be allowed to rest for a few days." She leans against me and one fat breast rubs almost to sensually against my chest. "We don't know enough about his kind to know how much he can push himself with out hurting himself." Chasla takes a step closer. "I know you're helping him by using the energies produced in digestion." She looks at Grasthu and he nods for her to continue. "Since my ability will be increased with any increase in my weight...." Fleesha pushes herself upright and almost pushes me over. "If it's a question of how much I can eat.." She steps forward and I realize how much she has filled out in the short time she's been here. "I might not be as tall as you, or have needed to eat as much as you have to maintain my weight." She looks Chasla square in the eyes from more than a head height's disadvantage. "But I can out eat you any time you want to." Dahlakee gently grips my shoulders and whispers so only I will hear. "Chasla is the type who wants to be in charge. Even though her owners were cruel, if Fleesha gives in to her, she'll feel she is able to rule us. They're are some of our kind with this attitude. The only way to stop them, is to call their bluff. Then she'll accept we are all equal." Chasla stands firm and returns Fleesha's gaze for several minutes. "This isn't between us." She looks at me, "We need to work fast so we can save every one. A contest is worthless, unless...." I look into Fleesha's eyes and can see the combination of agreement and fear for something. "I've told my supervisor at work I'm doing some things at home and would like to take a couple days off a week. Since this is a slow time and I've got over a month's vacation coming to me, he said ok." I stand and Dahlakee steps back, wondering what I'm planning. "The next problem that I have to solve, is to build a mater converter so we have an energy supply for the gateway. We will also need one on Mars and I won't feel safe without a spare for each." I catch a slight nod from Fleesha. "I'll make a list of parts Cindy and Dahlakee can prepare for these units. I intend to take Mondays and Tuesdays off for several weeks. Saturday, I'll let one of you supply me with energy while I make one and then the other can help while I make the second. On Sunday you can reverse your roles for the next two. We'll let Cindy and Dahlakee decide who does the best." Chasla slowly agrees, but Fleesha stares at me in shock. "I'm not worried about us," she finally manages to gasp. "But you need more than just energy." I walk over to her and kneel down so our eyes are level. "With what they've told us about the movement to eliminate the temples. We have to work faster than we planned. I know we hoped we could rest for awhile, but it looks like there's something we must do before the first building is ready." She catches the gleam of excitement in my eyes and resigns herself that I'm too excited to be stopped. She takes a deep breath and mine stops as her pillowy bosom quivers. "You're right." She turns to Chasla, "Do you want to go first?" Chasla smiles, "If you want to see how well I can do before it's your turn." She looks at the stacked food packs. "I must admit I'm almost envious of your food ability." Cindy smiles, "I think I better make some supply runs the next two days." This breaks the tension and every one finally laughs. The rest of the evening, we relax and talk about what life was like for them and what life on Mars may be like. Cindy comments about the time before it's too late. "You're the only one who needs to be up early. So the rest of us might as well sleep when you need to." With no argument every one agrees. The room curtains are quickly pulled into place and the cushions spread out. Fleesha curls up against me, her spongy flesh almost lulling me toward sleep. "I know we need these units you're going to make," she whispers. "And I'm going to show that big horse what real eating is like." I can almost see her teeth gleam in the dimness. "I know you're worried about me pushing myself too hard." My hand moves over the silky fur of her abdomen and I gently push against her softness. "I don't want to worry about you pushing too much into yourself, just to make her lose. I'd rather she won, than you getting hurt." She puts her hand over mine and pushes it deeper into her plushy flank. I fight to resist allowing her warm softness to excite me and concentrate on getting to sleep. For the last weekend, Adrenaline has kept me going, so sleep is easy and deep. She sighs and releases my hand. She argues with herself that I need my sleep and that she shouldn't expect me to care for her the way she wishes I would. Her eyes are wet under her closed lids as she accepts sleep as a release. For the next two days, work goes quickly and I inspect the converter parts each evening. The ones in the mine have improved our designs for the airlock and the building. The planned cave-in adds several experts to their team. Cindy has made runs to stock up on supplies and Fleesha has made a tremendous amount of food from the straw. She surprised Chasla by asking what her favorite foods are and making so much that Chasla asked her to stop. "The test isn't how much you can make," Chasla grins as she tries to make herself look fuller. "But much we can eat." Fleesha stands relaxed. "I just don't want you to argue that you didn't have enough." The others barely managed to control their laughter. Cindy glances up as she hears me enter the upstairs. She rushes up and stops me before my jacket is off. "I think we need to talk about something." She glances at the basement door and then motions for me to follow her into the garage. "I know there's a lot on your mind and helping them escape from slavery is important, but.." She hesitates before continuing, "Maybe it's because I have a woman's intuition, but I'm worried about this contest." Slightly confused (and what man isn't when they say 'woman's intuition') I lean against the truck. "Are you worried what Chasla will do if she wins? Or isn't that the problem?" She smiles weakly and shakes her head. "We've only known each other and them for a short time. But you've been involved with the plans and equipment. You haven't talked with them during the days like I have." She straightens her stance and looks at me. "With no dodging, do you have any feelings for Fleesha?" In shock, my feet almost slip out from under me. "I do, but I didn't know how to admit them. I decided that could wait until the escape." She manages not to laugh. "They aren't that different from us on the inside. I believe their priests found the two of us, not only for our abilities and everything, but knowing we would be able to enjoy their company." I look at her in wonder. "Are you saying Fleesha wants to get closer to me than we already are?" "Not closer in the physical since," she insists. "You need to show her more appreciation then an occasional hug. I think you care for her more than you want to admit." Smiling slyly I agree somewhat, "I do care for her more than I first thought I would. I've just been worried about how she might respond." Cindy almost laughs and starts to open the door. "Are you going to tell her tonight?" With a wide smile, I decide to wait. "I think she'll need it more after tomorrow's contest. It might be interesting to see how well she does before and after." Cindy shakes her head, but still smiles. "It might be surprising to Chasla as well. We'll have to get her to go first tomorrow, and then Sunday, Fleesha can scare her with her excited appetite." We manage not to laugh as we join the others. Fleesha prepares supper, I check out the components Cindy and Dahlakee made that day. "I need to make a small test model tonight," I glance at Chasla and Fleesha. "If that won't affect your contest." Fleesha smiles and gets some more food. "I wouldn't want tomorrow's work not to go right." She puts her's aside while the rest of us eat. I select the components I'll need for the small test unit, and Cindy makes a list so she and Dahlakee can replace them before the contest. As I sit down at my workbench, I feel Fleesha's billow body rub against me and resist the urge to hug her close. My mind centers on the components and the designs. With no sense of anything, except the device taking shape before me, my ability flows. Before I realize it, it sits completed. As I regain my normal senses, the first thing I become aware of, is the warm flesh on both sides of my head. I remain relaxed and listen to her food heavy blood rush through her. Concentrating on sound, I listen to her eating and gulping food down, and her digestive system efficiently working. I'm tempted to remain motionless, my hands drifting around the small converter, but I remember that the real contest, and fun, will be tomorrow. I allow my hands to rest on the table and listen for her to quit eating. "It's ready," I almost whisper. As my eyes open, she steps back and I hear her now heavier breasts bounce against her plump body. I barely manage to keep from turning as I hear the sound of fabric ripping slightly. Dahlakee helps me switch the power connections from three coils to the new unit. Cindy fills the small tank with water and I switch it to warm up. As the status lights go green, I catch a glimpse of Fleesha using her ability to repair and enlarge her blouse. I smile and struggle not to get excited as her bloated bosom pushes against the cloth and swells up through the large opening. Jerking my eyes back (and pulling them in at the same time) I watch the final light go green. "Let's see if my idea works under a load." I switch on the gateway computer and warm up the three coils one by one. After many adjustments, I'm satisfied with it and open communication with the mine. After learning they will have the airlock ready in a day or two, and that work on the first Mars building is well under way, I shut down the coils and then the converter. "Well," there's a gleam in my eyes as I turn to face every one. "The converter idea works. So now," I reach out and poke Chasla's slight round barrel. "It's up to the two of you giving me the energy to make the full sized ones." I manage to give a wink to Fleesha as she looks back in slight confusion. Chasla stands proud and widens her stance slightly. "While I help you make the full sized ones, I'll be making myself more full sized." She looks at Fleesha as if daring her to do anything. Fleesha grins and turns slightly. Her full abdomen sways slightly and her growing bosom threatens to explode out of her enlarged blouse. "Tomorrow you can put the food where your mouth is." Every one laughs and we relax for the rest of the evening. They have quickly learned which types of shows and movies I have on video and the evening passes in calm. Fleesha is the first to suggest it's time to sleep. "I need a good night's rest if my appetite's to be at it's best." She jokes. Chasla grins back. "Your appetite isn't the question." She slaps her belly. "How much you can hold is." There's laughter in her voice and the lights are soon out. Fleesha whispers to me. "If I promise not to get upset, will you tell me who you think will win?" Patting her rounding belly, and inwardly smiling at her fullness. "I think you both have a chance. But remember, tomorrow she goes first. You shouldn't push your self until Sunday. Then you can eat more than she'll be able to hold and I'm certain you'll win." I give her a hug that is more of a confidence type than affectionate. Wondering about my answer, and what might be behind it, she is quickly asleep. As I drift to sleep, I feel as strangeness inside. I put it aside as all the excitements of the last couple of weeks. I wake as Cindy and Dahlakee are getting up. Quietly I join them at the design table. "I hope she can beat Chasla," I whisper. Dahlakee agrees, "Cindy told me about your conversation. I don't know if I'd wait until tonight, but I won't disagree with your choice." Cindy has been preparing breakfast and looks at me for several minutes. "Are you feeling alright? I don't know why, but you look like you aren't feeling that great." I shrug. "I feel a bit off inside, but I think it's just excitement." I look up as Fleesha and then the others join us. Within an hour, everything is ready for me to make the first, full sized, energy converter. Grasthu moves several cushions to make a comfortable place for Chasla to lie down next to me. <70> "We really need to get some more cushions." I look at Cindy and she nods in agreement. She catches the truck keys as I toss them. "While you're working on the converters, I'll take a drive up to Mattress Warehouse. They always seem to have a sale going on." Chasla looks at Fleesha as she lies down. "Let's see if you'll even want to try and out eat me." She adjust a couple of cushions and then looks at me. Grinning broadly, I sit down and look at the designs once more. "Will the two of you," I glance at Fleesha. "Accept Dalakee to make the rules?" They both nod and he step up to my table. "Fleesha will keep Chasla supplied with food. Grasthu and I will keep Matt supplied with parts. This afternoon, Cindy can keep Fleesha supplied with food." He looks at Chasla. "You're a bit big to be able to move around here easily." She smiles and picks up a large Faluna. "And I'll be too stuffed to move by then anyways." She takes a large bite and I begin concentrating on the work before me. Chasla puts an arm around my shoulders and I feel her energy begin flowing. As the converter takes form, I smile to myself, admiring it's form and function. As it nears completion, I realize her energy isn't flowing as well as it had been. I decide to take more time and do some fine tuning that I had planned to do without using my ability. Finally, I sense her almost struggling to keep me charged, and I stop. Sitting back, I stretch and relax. "The first one is ready for testing." Chasla groans and Grasthu gently massages her overly stretched belly. "I knew I could keep you going." Her voice is weak and shows how stuffed she is. She looks at Fleesha, "Let's see you try and force that much into your tummy." Her eyes close and Grasthu makes her more comfortable and she breathes slowly. Dahlakee helps me move and set up the converter. "I think she was going to collapse if she forced another bite down." Fleesha joins us, barely able to conceal her smile. "I won't eat much more than her this afternoon." She pokes her belly, showing how much of it's fullness is fat. "But tomorrow, I plan to eat until she collapses." The final connections to the coils are made and I sit down at the main computer. "But what if I don't need that much," I ask with a quiet laugh. She smiles and rubs her furry body against me. "When you get the third one done, Dahlakee can begin bringing the parts for the fourth one." She looks at him for his agreement. He looks at the gorged Chasla and then smiles. "The contest is to prove who can keep you supplied with energy. Chasla almost failed keeping you going enough to complete one. If Fleesha wants to try for two..." He almost laughs about her not knowing my true feelings for her, and that my telling her tonight, will strengthen her desire to win." I sequentially warm up the coils and activate three for communication with the mine. Several of the centaurs we previously met are working on panels for the first building, while some I don't recognize are test assembling the airlock. "How's it going?" I ask as one of them notices the gateway is active. He looks as the new ones turn in surprise. "These are the mine inspectors. We've arranged a false cave in that they will be reported killed in." One of them with a small, but light equine build approaches. "My name is Draaza. I've inspected this airlock and it's designed well for it purpose. The problem will be assembling it and making the seams airtight. If I could be brought through. I can accomplish that there, then return here." I nod in agreement. "There's no reason we can't do that. Once we have the surface buildings set up on Mars, you'll have to find who can be sent there without their absence betraying what we're doing." Katal smiles, "When these five inspectors are 'lost', there will be twenty of us miners with them. The accident is set to happen in a new section and we've put a lot of drilling equipment there. We haven't used our abilities to increase the amount of ore we deliever to the surface. But we'll use it to cover any others we'll need digging the habitat." Draaza agrees, "Only this mine knows of the gateway. If we need more help, we can easily get others." "How long until you're ready to send the airlock through?" I ask, "I need to check with the Temple on a few things." Draaza turns and looks at it. "We need to have the cave in when we planned it. In 10 of your hours we'll have it ready and I'll come to assemble it correctly." "We'll establish contact in ten hours." I adjust the guidance and contact the Temple. "Have you gotten the list of every one?" I ask Banakee. "We have reports for every sector except number 10. Many of the owners there are limiting slave access to the Temple." His eyes concentrate on the rolled papers in his hands. "We can only hope that they will be allowed to go there on the holy days." I switch on the other coils and he tosses it through. "We've made more progress than I first thought we would have by this time. Now that we have an idea how many we'll need to make room for." Lacheena forces a smile. "We've asked the females to refrain from carrying children and many who are early in foal, have asked healers to cause their pregnancies halt in development." She smiles at my confusion and partial fear. "Our healers can make a pregnancy pause it's growth. The mother can feasibly carry a foal for years, before giving birth." She turns her head slightly, studying me for a moment. "When next you contact us, I'd like you to allow Haseena to check your condition. Something seems different." I nod in agreement. "We'll call tomorrow evening." After they nod, I switch the coils off and look at the sleeping Chasla. Her breathing is less labored and Grasthu is gently brushing her fur. "How's she doing?" He smiles more confidently, "I was afraid she pushed herself too far." He ruffles some of her fur and then smooths it out. "But she'll do better tomorrow." Stretching I join Dahlakee as he unrolls the papers from the Temple. "I can put them into a program and we can find who has abilities we'll need." He smiles, a cross between pride and concern. "With the ones from section 10. There must be more almost eight thousand of us." He looks at the sketches of the underground quarters. "We're going to need a lot of room." I pull him to the table as Fleesha sets out lunch. "We've made a lot of progress so far," I reassure him. "The miners have experience in how much room we'll need. And once we're there, we'll have all the miners to quickly expand the chambers." He manages to smile and we talk about making more surface buildings while we eat. "While the miners work underground, the inspectors can work on the surface. There are some remote controlled vehicles that could take the plastic bags through an airlock and seal the open end to the building. With larger buildings, we could begin planting on the surface with remote planting machines." Grasthu joins us and agrees. "We can take a machine from probably every large farm and they won't be missed." He rambles on about how much can be done. While he talks, I take careful glances at Fleesha and smile inwardly as I realize how beautiful she looks and that her expanding form is even more enticing. She is watching the news channel and surprised how much violence our society allows. "I'm glad we aren't staying here, with all this violence against your own kind." She shakes her head and my eyes watch her flesh billows in the large opening of her blouse. "I really don't know why myself." I take a long drink of Coke and join her. "Also, the news covers violence because they think that's what the people want to see." She looks at the plans for our Mars colony and smiles. "A chance to start our own society. I only hope we can use the errors of your's and our former owners." She smiles and watches as I gather the components for the next converter. "I'm ready any time you are." I close my eyes as a funny feeling floods my body for a moment. "Might as well do it now. Then we can contact the miners and get the next step started." She moves the cushions to her satisfaction. "I thought the next step was the airlock." My hands rest on the components as I begin to relax. "We have to decide where on Mars." I sense my energy begin to flow around and through the first parts and begin assembling them. Her energy quickly begins replacing what I'm putting out and quickly fills me with a warmth I didn't feel with Chasla. Even though I could work faster than I did in the morning, I pace myself so that it appears to be a fair test. As I finish it, her power continues to flow. Sitting back and relaxing, I feel the desire to release myself into her engulfing energy. For several minutes, I remain motionless. Not really thinking of what the softness is that surrounds my head. I stretch slightly and the softness slides back and away from me. Dahlakee looks at the converter and then me. "Do you feel one of them is better than the other?" He asks with a slight grin. "I believe I'll keep any opinions to myself until after tomorrow's contest." As I start to pick up the converter, another wave of curious feelings hits me. Sitting back down, Dahlakee realizes something is wrong. "Are you okay?" I manage to smile and actually feel better. "I think it was just a delayed response to working." I look around and see that Cindy has returned. "I've got a truck load of mattresses, sheets, blankets, and pillows." She walks over to the table and grabs a glass of Coke. "I can get everything down on my own, except the mattresses." Grasthu looks at the stairs. "I'm small enough to get up and help you move them to the stairway. Once Chasla can see them, she can levitate them with no problem." Cindy smiles and sits down. "Do you mind if I have lunch first." She laughs and as he stands with two feet on the stairs. "I'll see what I can unload while you eat," he laughs back and carefully goes upstairs. Chasla stands at the bottom of the stairs and levitates blankets and the rest as he brings them into view. Cindy waits until everything but the mattresses are brought down. She runs upstairs and a pile of mattresses are shortly laying on the floor. While they've been doing this, Dahlakee and I have hooked up the second converter and it's ready for testing. He looks at me and smiles. "I think you and Fleesha could use a nap." He motions and I see that she is already lying down. "I think you're right." I stand up, intending to fake exhaustion, but almost lose my balance. "Wake me in a few hours. I told the miners we'd call and I want one of them to help decide where we want to set up on Mars." As I lie down, my body almost collapses and I feel too weak to rise. Fleesha tosses her blanket so it covers both of us and moves closer. Her heavy bosom surges within her blouse and my head is cushioned by their softness. My dreams are a combination of partial paralysis with too much to do and being an infant with some one caring for me. I actually dream of being suckled by an immense breast with an endless supply of milk. I'm brought out of this dream by Cindy calling my name. "It's time to check in with the miners," she reminds me. Smiling, I start to get up, but Fleesha is already awake and gets to her feet as fast as her growing plumpness allows. I get up and feel much better than before, but still I'm bothered by an uneasy inner feeling. Every one watches as I warm up the converter, and then three of the coils. As the hidden chamber of the mine comes into focus, Katal and Draaza are waiting. "We've got the airlock ready," Draaza says with a touch of pride. "And should have the first building finished by tomorrow morning." "Have you heard anything about the owners trying to remove our rights?" Grasthu asks. Draaza shakes his head. "There are a few sections where that may happen. But we should have a couple of years before they can enforce it." He looks at the stack of panels. "Are you ready to bring it through?" "Not yet," I answer. "We need to study Mars and decide where we will set up. Is there anyone there who could help us decide?" Katal motions to some one off to the side. A centaur about his size, but with a draft build steps into view. "This is Jazana, He's great at locating ores and knowing how stable the stratas are when we dig new tunnels." Chasla has been studying the airlock materials. "I think I can move them." She looks at me and I warm up the other coils. As they come on line, I switch the gateway open. "Go ahead and try." She concentrates for a moment and a panel slowly rises. She lowers it back down and smiles. Jazana hesitates and then jumps through. He looks around and then looks back through the gateway. "We'll be in touch tomorrow," I tell Katal and then shut the coils down. Grasthu introduces every one and then we begin studying a book containing maps of Mars. "There's an advantage in working at a university." I joke as Jazana picks out several areas that appear stable. Two of them are near the Viking lander positions and we agree to start there. Carefully, I warm up three coils and play with the controls until I have found Mars. For several hours, We study the terrain near the landers. Jazana tries to mentally reach through and sense the soil and rocks. "I believe the rock base is stable and we should have few problems in sinking a shaft deep enough for several levels of chambers." He unrolls some designs and shows how altering three horizontal shafts so that the levels directly above and below each other, are offset by 60 degrees. We introduce him to Earth movies from my collection of videos and talk late into the night. Finally, Fleesha insists we should call it a day. "I want to prove how much better I am than Chasla," she pulls me close and her flesh bloated breasts seem to slosh against me. "So I want you to get a good night's sleep. Chasla uses her ability to move the mattresses around and every one is soon asleep or talking quietly. I lie quietly as Fleesha tosses the blanket over us. I move closer to her, her large plump bosom jiggles and her eyes show her curiosity. "I don't really know how to say what I feel." Her hand touches my arm and squeezes lightly. "I've kept my mind on the problems of freeing your fellow beings and didn't want to admit, even to myself, that I'm becoming attracted to you." I try and think of better ways to explain my thoughts. Fleesha smiles and takes my hand. She moves it over to her bulging belly and squeezes the rolls of fur covered flesh. "You know I've wanted to pack on some real weight for a long time." She pats my hand and then reaches around me, pulling me so close that her large fat jugs are gently squeezed around me. "When I've kept your energies up, I've been feeling more for you than I first wanted to admit." She smiles and her breasts make it difficult and fun to kiss. She cuddles me like a lover and mother. "I know Chasla won't believe how much we'll be able to do tomorrow." I nuzzle one of her big pillows of flesh and listen to her breathing as it slows from her excited state. Smiling, I begin to imagine how much more enjoyable it will be. The slight nag of something wrong inside me, almost disappears. Almost, but the early morning dreams, are still of not being able to move. I wake to the sounds of several others having breakfast. Fleesha grins as she serves them. "I'm saving my appetite for you." She laughs and I notice that her blouse appears much less full than yesterday. As I eat, I realize she has already enlarged it, anticipating what she may gain today. Jazana tells of how much ore the miners are ordered to produce. "With our abilities, it's easy to find good veins. We use their equipment but use our abilities when we need to. The cave in will slow down ore production until they get more workers." He looks at the gateway and smiles. "We'll be able to produce construction materials and the owners will never know." He and Dahlakee get up and begin designing standard building units and how they can be joined to make a fairly large, above ground habitat. "We can't tell how long until the owners revoke our freedom," Dahlakee comments. "Once we get the one for the shaft up, we'll get a few miners from each mine." Jazana smiles, "And we can keep building on the surface. The priests have already put the word to begin hiding stores of supplies, and to get personal belongings ready." As I join them, the nagging inside returns, but not too much to ignore. "Has anyone calculated how much food and other supplies it will take." I look at Grasthu, "I don't know how fast your abilities can keep plants growing, but keeping eight thousand of us healthy is going to take a lot of cultivated ground." Grasthu nods in agreement. "I'm working on what I'll need to get planting on the surface started. Once the mine shaft is started, if Chasla and I can have a living unit with an airlock, we could use remote planting machines and see how well it will go." Jazana begins making notes on one of the drawings. "Next time we contact the mine, I'll tell them this one is to be made after the one for the mine is finished." Grasthu and Chasla join him and make their comments. Fleesha slowly walks over and nudges me. "Are you ready to see how much better I am than her?" Smiling, I jokingly poke her soft body. "Since you skipped breakfast, it's the least I can do." As I sit down at my work table, Dahlakee begins bringing the components. My hands rest on them as my mind begins to feel what I need to do. For a moment, I feel energy rush from me. Then the soft warm feeling of Fleesha's engulf and rapidly renewing me. Time seems unimportant as the third and then fourth units seem to grow before me. As the fourth is finished, her energy floods into me until I wonder how much I can hold. I reach out and mentally touch the computers and all systems, knowing they are ready for whatever is needed. My consciousness is brought back to the here and now as Dahlakee shakes me. "Matt, you've finished them. Please, you've done enough." I ease the flow coming from me and relax. Dahlakee helps me up and almost carries me to my sleeping area. I feel Fleesha ease down beside me, not realizing Chasla is levitating her. I try and hug her, but in my confused state, her energy flow seems to make her too big to hold. As a blanket covers us, I drift into unconsciousness. The sound of her groaning slightly and digestive growls do little to keep me awake. Dahlakee stand uncomfortably, "I have a feeling there is something wrong with Matt." Chasla forces a smile as she watches Fleesha's bloated belly move under the blanket. "And I joked she'd never be able to eat as much as me." She shakes her head and joins the others customizing the building designs. Grathu remains standing for several minutes. "Even though my ability is with plants," he leans down and touches Matt's head. He stands up and looks at the gateway. "If I knew how you use it, I'd have Haseena here in a few moments." He rejoins the others, keeping his fears to himself. Several hours later, Fleesha opens her eyes and rubs her swollen abdomen. "Ohh," she whispers almost to herself. "If I do that very often...." She looks at Matt and wonders if she should wake him. Dahlakee comes over and whispers to her, "The others are worried about him." She looks closer and realizes his dreams are not relaxed. "I think Haseena should come and examine him." She reaches over and gently shakes him. I'm roused from my dream of paralysis and open my eyes slowly. My first sight is two huge masses of jiggling flesh and then I hear Fleesha 's voice. As she slowly stands, I'm almost certain there's more of her than there was this morning. "How are you feeling?" My voice is surprisingly weak. She stares at me and I can see the concern in her eyes. "I think the question is how are you feeling?" She steps back as I start to struggle to my feet. Dahlakee grabs me as I lose my balance and almost carries me to the gateway console. "Contact the Temple," he orders. "Haseena needs to find what's happening to you." Nodding weakly, I begin warming up the three coils needed for communication. I barely notice the others are watching and are finally realizing how fatigued I am. Switching the coils on, we watch for a moment to see if anyone except the priests are there. Once satisfied, I activate the gateway so we can communicate. Dahlakee steps forward and calls for their attention. "Where is Haseena." He waits a second as the ones in the chamber turn. "I think there's something wrong with Matt." Nulah runs down a corridor as Jaletah and Zhakae look at me. "How are you feeling?" Jaletah asks. "I can come through and determine how your energies are." Trying to smile and fight the inner weakness, I activate the other coils. "Come on through," I try and force my voice to sound stronger than it is but fails. Jaletah springs through with the grace of a panther and is quickly beside me. "Just sit back and relax." Her voice is commanding, yet almost sensual. As her hands move over my chest and body, I feel a warmth penetrate me. After several minutes, she stops. "His energies are strong." She looks at Fleesha and smiles at her expression that boarders on jealousy. "You're doing a wonderful job with him." She steps back as she speaks and Fleesha's enlarging belly rolls as she joins me. "Is there anything I can do?" Her eyes are moist as she speaks. Smiling, I reach out and try to stroke the silky fur on her plump lower shoulder. "Maybe a glass of Coke will help." My voice is stronger than it was, but still very weak. She turns and pushes Drazan out of her way. She rushes to the frig and fills a glass with ice and Coke. As she half runs back, her ponderous breasts threaten to explode her blouse. As I take a few sips, Haseena enters the Temple chamber and steps through the gateway. Fleesha waddles around to my other side as Haseena moves closer. She studies me for a moment, before her hands touch my chest. Her hands don't move, but her eyes scan me for many minutes. Shaking her head, she opens the pouch she's carrying and selects a few herbs. "Chew these slowly," she instructs me. As I chew, she explains, "Your problem is not common but not unheard of. There are some inner changes when abilities are awakened. Normally there are many months before one would begin using them often, and you've been doing more than I would have believed." She smiles at Fleesha, "But I can tell how you've managed. I'll talk with Fleesha about what she can do to restore you and keep you going." "Have they told you how far we've gotten." I try and make this sound like an excuse. She tries to smile, but I can tell there's something wrong. "We couldn't have expected you to have done this much." She turns to Fleesha to hide some expression. "I need to talk with you in private." Fleesha leads her to the other end of the basement and they pull the wall curtain. As my strength returns, I turn the coils off and have the others show me the customizing of the buildings they had been doing. After a half hour or so, Haseena and Fleesha join us. "You've been losing certain nutrients," Haseena explains. "I've talked with Fleesha and she will be able to give you what you'll need to keep your strength and everything else going." "Thanks," I try and see what her eyes can't hide. "There's something else you're not saying." She takes a deep breath, "We've heard more rumors that certain owners are trying to revoke our rights. It's possible that some sectors may lose them much sooner than we thought. I know we can't ask more of you..." I take her shoulders reassuringly. "We should have the first building on Mars tomorrow or the day after. Once we can begin working on the underground living quarters, our main problem will be how much room we'll need." She tries to smile, "I'm certain everyone will be glad to have cramped quarters until we can dig and build more." "It's not just space to live," Dahlakee interjects. He explains the problems of food and supplies. Haseena agrees with this. "We can send word to the other Temples that we need to stockpile everything." She glances at Fleesha before continuing. "Once there's enough room, we have many that we've kept hidden. They can go there and do the finishing work so moving in will be easier. Could a place be set aside so that personal items could be sent ahead. When we do the final exodus, speed will be the primary importance." Draaza nods and makes a note about this. "We haven't worked out how much room we'll really need. If things get bad in a certain sector, maybe we could take them only." Haseena shakes her head, her long hair flows. "If we did that, the Temples would be shut down. We've only managed to keep the escapees safe by hiding them in mines and a desert retreat." Smiling, I hook up the third converter. "Once we get started on Mars, we'll begin bringing them through. How much supplies do you think can be taken without being discovered?" Chasla laughs. "If we have a place to hide them, each Temple could collect maybe a ton a week." Haseena nods in agreement. "Let every one know to get ready," I announce as I make the final connections. "The more supplies we have, the more time we'll have before needing to be self sufficient on Mars." Haseena touches my shoulder as I warm up the coils. "Take it easy for a few days." I smile as I activate the gateway. "I'll try and do as little as I have to until next weekend." She nods, retrieves her pouch and follows Jaletah through the portal. Once satisfied the converter is functioning correctly, I shut the coils down and hook up the other one. I readjust the controls and we're quickly watching the hidden areas of Jazana's mine. Katal smiles as I activate the gateway. "We've got the airlock and first building ready." Chasla tries to levitate the airlock itself, but it barely moves. "Guess I'll have to take some lessons from Fleesha." Trast, one of the builders smiles and motions for them to work together. The panels and frames float through the gateway and several jump through. After I shut it down, they quickly assemble and seal the airlock. Draaza spends several minutes examining the seals. "There's only one way to know for sure." I activate the coils and the mine appears. "We may as well have the building ready." Chasla grins as she and Trast levitate the bagged building materials through. Katal steps through the airlock and connects the bag to the inner door of the airlock. By the time he's satisfied and has closed both doors, I've set the controls for the Mars site. Dahlakee stands beside me. "You've done all the work and Mars is part of your stellar system. If we claimed it, your people may not accept us." I stand and show him the few keys he'll need to use. As I look at the gateway through the airlock, I try and think of something to say. With a slight wave to Dahlakee, he activates it. The pressure indicators remain level as the building is levitated onto the Martian soil. I step into the airlock and open the control. The bag slowly fills until there is plenty of room to construct it. I open the inner lock and step onto the Martian soil. "In honor of Gene Roddenberry, The journey continues. If there are no sentient forms on this planet. I claim it for myself and the centaurian species which are seeking a land of freedom." I turn and smile at Jazana holding the video camera. "Let's get the first building up." Draaza and Jazana come through and I return to the airlock. While they assemble the building, Grasthu records their work. "When NASA sees this film," I joke. "They're going to have fits." Dahlakee smiles as I sit down at the console. "Now that we've made our first step to freedom." He looks at the others. Fleesha smiles and begins preparing a feast. "I've been saving some of my specialities for this." Dahlakee joins her while the rest of us watch the building being assembled. Chasla uses her levitation to hold panels in place for Draaza while Trast positions the next part. After almost an hour, Fleesha has our celebration feast prepared and suggests they take a break. Draaza smiles, "We'll have this place finished in half an hour. You can go ahead and watch us while you eat, if you want." He resumes melding a panel to a support. Within minutes of when he said, they close the door, step through the airlock and seal it. Draaza closes the air control to the bag and then flips a switch to release the bag. The released air, blows the bag through the Gateway. I shut it down as they join the others at the table. After a few words of mutual celebration, we begin talking of the mine shaft building, greenhouses and planting on the Martian surface. After the feast, Jazana returns to the mine. "We'll have the mineshaft building ready tomorrow afternoon," Draaza promises. "Until then you can all take a well earned rest." Chasla slowly stands and cautiously feels the sides of her round barrel. "I've forced more in me than when I kept you going." She looks at Fleesha and smiles, "You're going to have to teach me how you're able to hold as much as you do." Fleesha laughs and her large belly billows. "My ability is food, and my stomach likes to give me a place to put what I make." Cindy looks at Dahlakee and then the rest of us. "I think we've done a lot today, and some more than others. If no one objects, let's call it a day." No one argues and every one goes to their area. As Fleesha lies down, I'm impressed with how much soft flesh she has filled out with. Tossing the blanket over her and crawling under it, I'm surprised at how much larger her fat breasts are than yesterday. She smiles and takes my hand, she makes me feel how large and full they are. "Haseena told me more about what you need than she told you." She tries to snuggle closer, and her heavy breasts almost seem to slosh as if full of some thick fluid. "Now I don't want you to get worried because she's certain I can make the nutrients you need." Her hand had moved to the back of my head and has been playing with my hair. "But I'm not making it the way I usually do." Her eyes are dancing with laughter. Smiling, I wet my lips. "I don't have to worry about you eating enough." My need for her milk makes me try and suck as much of her upper breast into my mouth as I can. It only takes a few seconds, before I'm rewarded with streams of delicious milk. I suck ravenously for several minutes. I pause for a moment and look at the contented look on her face. Lying down, I lick her other nipple and then continue nursing. When I'm finally satisfied, I ease myself closer to her. I try to stay awake, but the warmth of her milk puts me to sleep in a few minutes. I wake at my normal time for Monday morning. I listen for several minutes and hear nothing but the sounds of sleep. Moving slowly, I lie quietly, thinking about how many feelings I've hidden even from myself. By the time I hear the first sounds of any one getting up, I've decided how much I can tell her at this time. I ease myself away, but she reaches out and gently grabs my arm. "Right now," she whispers, "no one will know." She pats her bosom and her soft flesh billows seductively. She smiles and squirms as I being licking her jiggling jugs. I try not to drink too much from each, but her milk flows after I stop nursing and I let it flow down my throat. Once her flow stops, I stand and help her up. She carefully puts her blouse on. "If you think I had an appetite before," she whispers as we join the others. Cindy has already started serving and Fleesha takes over. "I need to keep in form," she explains while she alters the compact food packs into whatever any one asks for. "So when we get to Mars, I'll be able to keep lots of us fed." Chasla takes a big gulp and laughs. "You certainly look like you're getting the form for food." When Fleesha laughs at this, every one else joins in. "And I better get to work at making you able to levitate as much as you can." She prepare more of Chasla's favorites until begged to stop. "If you keep feeding me like this," she gasps between mouthfuls. "I'll be able to levitate a large planting machine." She smiles and slowly nibbles. After breakfast, Dahlakee talks about planting equipment he'll need for the Martian surface. Draaza takes one of the drawings of the building and begins making modifications. "If we make it into an airlock and put an observation dome on top." The two of them sit down and work out details. The rest of us discuss how much room will be needed for everyone. Katal sketches a layout of buildings that can be added to in several directions. "We can make one chamber in my mine in about two days. There's four other mines that can also work on them. One of the mines has an underwater shaft. They have airtanks and air recyclers. If one of their experts could be brought here, we could have a mining crew living there within a week." Dahlakee and Draaza have joined us and agree. "There's more than fifty escapees hiding in the mines'" Draaza informs us. "I'm certain the priests have many more in other safe places. If we could move them as we build room, they can make the living quarters more homelike." For several hours, we design several versions of the standard building and interconnecting chambers. While Fleesha prepares lunch, I activate the gateway and we contact the mine. They are disassembling the mineshaft building and promise to be ready in a few hours. Draaza tells them of our plans to build on the surface while also mining underground areas, they agree with us and will select what miners they can safely spare. The dozen or so escapees living in the mine will be ready as soon as there is room. Draaza directs me to the other three mines. He tells them what our plans are and I activate the other coils so he can give them copies of the buildings. In the mine with underwater shafts, they promise to have suits and miners ready in a few days. Heelos, the leader of that mine tells us, "Two of them have abilities that will help them assemble the buildings without the 'bag' method you're now using." Draaza smiles as I switch the coils off. "With them being able to assemble the units without the bags, we can have larger buildings made." He pulls out a copy of the standard building and begins remarking the dimensions and strengthening the supports. He continues while the rest of us eat lunch. Only Fleesha and Chasla are still eating when he sits back and smiles. "This one should be big enough for Chasla and Fleesha." Chasla almost chokes on her food. "I hope there'll be enough room for some others. She grins as Grasthu gives her a strong hug. "I guess I better be included in this place too." I smile at Fleesha and then work on copying the designs into the computer. Fleesha waddles slightly to me. "Remember Haseena said you need to take it easy for awhile." She turns on the tv and looks at my collection of movies and shows. "Any one object to all of us relaxing for a few hours?" Chasla slowly walks over and carefully lays down. "About all I feel like doing is taking it easy." Fleesha smiles and pats her bulging abdomen. "It didn't take me long to be able to eat well and feel great." While they were talking I pop a movie in the vcr while the others move the cushions. Fleesha lies down and I join her. I lean back against her round belly and pretend to fluff her up like a pillow. "If you think I'm thirsty," I whisper to her. She smiles and lays down, so that her expanding breasts look like large pillows stuffed into her blouse. "I don't think you're that thirsty yet," she almost laughs as she realizes what I meant. "After we contact the mine, we'll have to take a few minutes to get your energy up." She pulls me into her spongy flesh and I nuzzle one of her fat breasts as we watch the movie. Cindy and I explain what the others don't understand. By the end of the movie. Draaza and Katal both agree our society is more confusing than theirs. While Cindy and Chasla move the cushions back, I warm up the coils and contact the mine. Jazana smiles as I activate the communication coils. "We've got it all ready and have started on parts for the next one. It's too big to levitate so we've mounted it on wheels." Once I activate the other coils, the bagged panels, and two remote vehicles are rolled through the gateway. Jazana and two others also come through. After resetting to coordinates, the remote vehicles are driven out onto the Martian surface and seal the bag to the first unit. Once the bag is filled with air, Every one who can, begins assembling the sections. For several hours, I carefully watch the power levels and the converter. Finally it's finished and they step back through the gateway. Jazana and the others smile broadly, "With these remote vehicles and the water miners using their suits, we should be able to start moving the escapees in a week or so." Resetting the coordinates to his mine, I look up with a slight worried expression. "I only hope the owners give us enough time." He forces a smile. "When we get the next chamber set up, I'd like to start rotating miners and get the shaft started." The three of them step through and I shut the coils down. Before I realize it, Chasla has levitated me to Fleesha's sleeping area. Fleesha smiles and pulls me into her billowing body. Chasla floats our blanket over us as Grasthu closes the curtains. She giggles as I gently stroke one of her bloated breasts. "I know you're thirsty," her hand takes mine and makes me feel how full she is. "I bet once you've satisfied how dry I am, you'll be hungry." I nuzzle her bosom and work my way to her already excited nipple. I barely begin sucking, before her warm nectar fills my mouth. For many minutes her milk flows, I'm surprised when it stops and I switch to her other breast. Fleesha giggles as her milk gushes into me. "I can control how much I'm producing," she whispers. "But I'm getting as voracious as when you've pushed yourself." I hug her close. Mashing her jiggling bosom around my face, until all I can see is her flesh. As I nurse the last drops from her fat bosom, she grabs my head and completely buries it in her huge cleavage. I can hear her heart beating and her breasts gurgling as then begin to refill. She releases me and stands. "I hope every one's ready for supper." She calls out as she opens the curtains. Chasla and Grasthu looks up from the already prepared table. "We knew you'd be hungry," Chasla laughs. "And I'm ready for my next lesson." She lays down at her place and smiles at the large assortment of food before her. While we eat, Dahlakee talks about his plans for planting and Draaza talks about the hopes he has for the underground and surface living quarters. Chasla and Fleesha are still eating when the rest of us are relaxing with some television and video games. Chasla finally gives up and rolls onto her side, her stuffed belly bulging out. "I think I'd rather take my time and let you have the best eater title." Fleesha smiles and picks up a large nutrient roll. "And I've earned it." She gulps it down in a few bites and washes it down with a large glass of coke. Grasthu lies down beside Chasla as Fleesha joins the rest of us. She stands beside me as Draaza and I work on computer designs of the surface buildings. Her hand slowly moves up my back and begins kneading my shoulders. "How's it going?" I turn slightly, trying to keep my fears to myself. "We're trying to design the surface area so we could have everyone escape as soon as possible. Jazana gave Draaza a note about certain owners trying to make special laws in their areas. There is a chance we may have to move in less than a year." She looks at the display as we resume working. As the late news starts, I save the designs and lean back. "If we only took the ones from the repressive areas, what do you think would happen?" Draaza waits a minute before answering. "They'd take away every one's liberties." He looks at the gateway. "We have to bring everyone in as short a time as possible." As I get up and turn, I realize every one has been listening. With out saying a thing, everyone rearranges themselves so that we form a circle. Fleesha lies down partly behind me and pulls me back so that I'm resting against her soft belly. "I think we should discuss what problems we can think of and who should work on the solutions." I look at Draaza. Draaza stands and walks over to the layouts we've mounted on the wall. "As a mining engineer, I'm used to taking charge of operations and Matt has agreed I can be in charge if no one objects." He waits while everyone nods. "Setting the first building and shaft building is done. By this weekend, the four mines we're working with will have several buildings ready and we have many with construction ability working or hiding in the mines. I suggest this next weekend we assemble the buildings and move them in as room allows." He accepts a glass of juice that Chasla levitates from the frige. "The temples have asked that every one who can, bring extra supplies and we can begin moving some of this also. As more buildings are constructed, we can begin moving the ones hidden in the mine and elsewhere. They will be able to test how much room is necessary so we can determine how little will be needed to live in. The growing of food," he motions to Grasthu. Grasthu stands and looks at one of the larger building designs. "We've modified this one with an airlock for planting equipment. I've studied some of the hybrid plants experimented with and believe I can come up with a fast growing type. I need to start as soon as you can get this one built." He looks at Draaza. "We need enough room for some workers to live there." Draaza answers. "But if we give these plans on Friday evening, it'll be ready by Sunday or Monday." Grasthu nods, "I also need one to experiment with oxygen producing plants. If you put a divider in it, Chasla and I can live there." Draaza takes one of the copies of standard chambers and makes a few notes as Grasthu tells him what will be needed. "That brings up a more immediate problem," Draaza comments as he puts this drawing down. "Air. The underwater miners have large tanks and we can take several of them with out the owners knowing. Whenever we activate the gateway, they can repressurize them." He looks at the drawing for a moment. "I can't think of anything else we need to worry about at this time. I quietly find Fleesha's hand and give it a light squeeze. She squeezes back, assuring me she's ready for whatever I'm planning. "One problem I see is if they have trouble on Mars, there's no way for them to contact us for help." No one had realized this before. "Also if we use this gateway to go to Mars, we can't control it from there. And we can't be sure some one won't break in here and steal it." Fleesha smiles and pulls me back into her cushiony body. "I think Dahlakee, Cindy and the two of us have our work for the rest of this week." Dahlakee looks at me intently. "But Haseena said he needs to take it easy for awhile." I wrap my arm around Fleesha's back and, out of everyone's sight, pat her heavy bosom. "Haseena told her what food I need to get myself back up to full strength. I can get a few coils made a day and modify the computers for them." Dahlakee looks at the small amount of metals remaining and then at Cindy. "I guess I better make a material and food supply run tomorrow," she jokes as she checks our money supply. Dahlakee smiles and goes over to the metals. "I think we need to keep our money supply well stocked too." He begins changing some small pieces into gold as he returns. Draaza looks at the rest of us. "Can anyone else think of anything?" As no one makes a response, he finally smiles. "We're closer to freedom than many of us could have hoped a few weeks ago. We can't let the possibility of the owners taking our rights force us to panic." Every one sits in silence for a moment. Chasla flips on the tv and pops a Disney movie she had watched earlier. "I think we need something to lift our spirits and then get a good sleep." She begins levitating cushions while Cindy gets drinks, some food packs and several large bowls. She hands the packs and bowls to Fleesha. "I gave her some munchies that I like," she jokes. Fleesha smiles and fills the bowls with pretzels and popcorn. For almost two hours, we forget all the problem ahead and the fears of not solving them fast enough. As Cindy and I clean up, the others move the cushions back to the sleeping areas. "You might want to think about getting more cushions for the tv area," I joke to her. Cindy smiles, "I'll get some jewelry made before I go to sleep and sell it tomorrow. Looks like tomorrow's going to be a busy day." She takes the lamp from the dining table and joins Dahlakee in their area. I turn off the other lights and join Fleesha. "I hope you weren't shocked at what we're going to do." She quietly laughs, "Now that Chasla's admitted I'm the best at eating." She pulls me into her warm plushy bosom and smiles contentedly. "And you seem to be enjoying how I'm filling out as much as I am." I start to answer, but realize how tired I am and that some times one can say more with silence than with words. I pull the blanket over us and snuggle into her billowing form. Sleep quickly takes us both. I wake to the quiet alarm. Before I can reach for it, Fleesha's ponderous bosom sloshes against my face and she turns it off. I wait a moment for her to ease back. When she doesn't I begin searching her warm flesh with my lips and tongue. Quickly I find the bumpy flesh and then her swollen nipple. As I wiggle around to a more comfortable position, I actually hear milk sloshing. When the one is empty, she lets me up and smiles as I nurse from her other fleshy orb. "I thought a good drink would help you wake up." She giggles as I get up. She struggles getting her blouse closed and then joins me at the table. Cindy is already up and showing the jewelry she made last night. Dahlakee joins us as Fleesha begins serving. "I love showing off my food ability. Any one hungry for some thing special? Dahlakee smiles, "I'd like some faluna, and maybe some of this world's orange juice." She grins and changes an entire food pack to a pile of Faluna delicacies. Cindy fills a pitcher with water. She mixes some powdered food pack. Fleesha holds it and the muddy colored water, changes to rich orange juice. "I just have trouble making only a little bit of anything." Dahlakee jokingly pokes her fleshy side deep enough to show how much fat she's put on. "Maybe it's because you're not a little thing anymore." He eats a Faluna and takes a few gulps of juice before realizing she isn't eating. "I meant it as a funny." Fleesha laughs and her mammoth bosom threatens to burst the strained seams of her tight blouse. "I'm hungry, but Matt's going to need me that way soon." I gulp down a glass of juice. "I think that's a hint." Refilling the glass and grabbing a few falunas, I go over to my work bench. Every one else is up and she finishes making food for them. By the time she finishes with them, Dahlakee and Cindy have prepared enough components for a coil. Chasla levitates a mattress beside me and Fleesha lays down. "I'm ready if some one want to serve me," she giggles. Chasla stacks a serving plate with an assortment of food. She levitates it to the cleared end of my table. Cindy packs her jewelry, "I better get going. I probably won't be back till afternoon." She heads upstairs and drives away. I take a relaxing breath. "I hope you're hungry, because I'd like to get a few made." Fleesha picks up a large roll. "You got my appetite ready before we got up." She takes a big bite. Thinking of what I'm about to do, I mentally reach into the parts before me and begin building the first coil for the Mars gateway. Time blurs as it takes form. As I finish it and it's control computer, Dahlakee puts the components for the second and it's computer in front of me. I feel full of energy and eagerly renew my work. As it develops to my mental commands, I feel the energy around me grow. I smile as all mental checks tell me it's perfect. As I look for the next set of parts, Dahlakee shakes his head. I lean back into a soft, engulfing warmth. For several minutes, I allow myself to only feel the warm silky cushions surrounding my head. As I allow my senses to awaken, I hear a rythmetic thumping before I recognize it as a muffled heartbeat. A quiet groan shatters my revelry and I try to ease myself forward. For a moment the size, weight and sponginess of her ponderous melons keeps me trapped. I wiggle my way free and her flesh billows everywhere. As I get up and turn, Chasla struggles as she gently levitates Fleesha to our area. I can't resist staring in shock and surprise at how much her fat belly is stretched with the pounds of food she has gorged herself with. I quickly join her and move all the pillows to make her as comfortable as possible. For the rest of the morning, I lovingly massage her ready to explode abdomen. Shortly before lunch, she opens her eyes and smiles at me. "I didn't realize how much I was eating." She takes a breath and the seams of her tight blouse almost scream. The gaps between the buttons show as much of her wonderful cleavage as possible with her blouse still being on. She giggles at my open mouth reaction and one button launches as her silky flesh jiggles. "I bet you like how big they're getting." She takes a deep breath and I instinctively dodge as three more buttons fly away. Her heavy breasts push her destroyed blouse out of their way. I lick my lips as I watch her nipples swell. Mushing my face into one of her spongy jugs, I firmly grip her swollen nipple and nurse as my hands excitedly explore and caress her silky flesh. After I drink both of them dry, She takes her blouse and uses her ability to expand the cloth. "Since buttons don't stand up to their growth," she giggles and her shinny skin quivers. "Maybe laces will be better." She picks up our blanket and seems to pull a thick string from it. As she forms reinforced holes in her blouse and begins lacing it, I realize she enlarged it without extra cloth by making it so low cut the upper edge of her areolaes are barely covered. I stand and help her to her feet. She stands slightly unsteady as her ponderous bust tests how well her modified blouse can control them. "I guess it'll do for a couple of days." She resists laughing and we join the others. She prepares lunch for every one except herself. Because of my draining her milk supply, I'm not that hungry and complete tests of the two coils and their computers by the time the others are done. Chasla lays down in front of the tv with a large plate of munchies. "I don't have a chance to keep up with her," she jokes as Grasthu pops in a Disney video. "But I need to keep packing on the pounds so I can levitate more when needed." Draaza, Dahlakee and I study the possible layouts of surface chambers for a couple of hours. When Cindy returns, Dahlakee begins his work on the scrap metal she brought. Grasthu helps her carry bales of straw from the garage to the stairway, where Chasla levitates them downstairs. Once everything is down, Cindy does her work on the metals while Fleesha prepares a late lunch and plenty of food for her to help me with the next coils. I have everything ready for the first coil as she moves beside me. "We need to get these coils ready before anyone stays on Mars." She nuzzles closer and puts a soft arm around my shoulders. "And you've been doing a great job exciting my appetite." She takes a large Faluna and joyously attacks it. Smiling to myself, I wonder if it's the freeing of everyone, her repressed desire to get plump or what ever, that is driving her voraciousness. My mind centers on the work before me and the third coil and computer are soon completed. I pause as Chasla levitates them away and Cindy puts the components for the next one on my table. Closing my eyes, I relax into the rich energy flowing from Fleesha and try to feel how full she is. Unable to sense anything but her energy charging me, I mentally enter the parts in front of me and the fourth coil grows from the pile of parts. As I modify it's computer, her energy seems even stronger, almost forcing into me. As soon as I finish, I lean back. Or at least I start to. I feel the laces of her blouse stretched tight and I carefully get up. Her eyes are closed in extreme pleasure as she drains a quart sized mug of coke. She grabs a large faluna from an almost empty plate and stuffs it into her open mouth. I lightly grip her shoulders and carefully shake her. "Fleesha." I try and keep my eyes on her closed ones, but can't resist glancing down and watch her two hills of fat sloshing within her strained blouse. Her eyes open like she is waking up. "Ahhh, I know we're doing this for every one." Her voice is quiet and she seems to be unable to take a deep breath. "It's just that all the time they kept me on the edge of starvation, I dreamed of unlimited food and a reason to eat it all." She reaches back and pats her stuffed belly. I reach around her upper torso and hug her as we slowly walk to our area. "I can't argue with how well you've kept me charged up." I close the curtain as she carefully lays down. I kneel beside her and loosen her snug blouse. "And you're also keeping my body healthy." She smiles as she closes her eyes. "Just let me get a nap and I'll make sure you're healthy." She relaxes and is quickly asleep. Quietly I rejoin the others. Cindy looks at the closed curtains and then the emptied plates from Fleesha's binge. "I've talked with her about all this fat she's packing on. She told me how her ability adapts her so that her weight is completely normal." She has guided me away from the others who are quietly playing a video game. "I first thought they picked you so we would pair off." Her face blushes as she glances at Dahlakee. I almost laugh, "If you're wondering how close we're getting. We're close enough that there's more between us than sharing energies." Cindy looks at the curtains between us and Fleesha, "Can I ask how you feel about how fat she's getting?" This time I can't stop, and the others glance over as I laugh. "I don't know why, but I'm finding her extra weight exciting. I know you're think I'm talking about her breasts, but if that was the only place she was filling out, I don't think I'd find her as attractive as I do." Cindy smiles and almost laughs, "I guess they knew our true feelings when they decided on us." We rejoin the others for a few games. Draaza talks about having all the mines working on surface buildings. "With all of them working, we could put five a day on the surface." Grasthu agrees, "Chasla and I will be ready to move there as soon as the planting units are up." We talk and play until I hear Fleesha waking up. Leaving them to their planning, I join her as she plays with the laces of her blouse. "Since I'm controlling how much I make, I don't really have much." She smiles broadly, "But if you're thirsty." I hug her flesh bloated body as well as her size allows me. "I really don't want to do much to get your appetite out of control." She giggles and her skin quivers within her blouse. "Then let's have some fun before supper." She struggles to her feet and we join the others in a loose discussion and gaming session. As the evening news comes on, Fleesha prepares food we can eat while watching. She nibbles a few things while the rest of us eat. After most of us finish, Dahlakee and Cindy work on preparing components. Grasthu watches Fleesha while she feeds Chasla. "I know her ability makes it possible for her to eat so much, but Haseena warned you to take it easy." "She told Fleesha what nutrients I need and she's making special food for me." I watch Cindy and Dahlakee work. "The sooner we can have a functional gateway on Mars, the sooner we can have a mining and construction force living there. Then we can begin moving the escapees and see how much room, air system and other things we'll need to make it comfortable for every one." Draaza has joined us. "I hope the owners give us time. We also need to determine the minimum space we'll need." He looks at Fleesha and studies her heavy belly. "I know she's pushing herself, but once the second gateway is finished, the two of you can take it easy." "We though we could take it easy after we made the first one." I look at the completed coils. "I'm not worried about getting the others done, but what we might need to do that no one has thought of yet." I smile as Fleesha pats Chasla's rounder belly and then waddles toward us. "If we make two tonight and two each evening. We can have it ready to take to Mars on Saturday." She realizes what we've been talking about as Draaza goes over to the design table. "I know you're worried about how fast I'm fattening out." She strokes her flab swollen abdomen. "I'll be healthy no matter how fat I get." She takes a breath and lets her confident grin fade. "I'm worried about the owners taking our freedoms away. I often overheard my owners and others taking about it. The sooner we get some of us living on Mars, the faster we can expand living areas." I start to laugh and reach around her large belly. "I hope it expands faster than you do." We both laugh as we prepare for the work before us. Once more the parts alter to my will and the next coils takes form. I take a short break as I finish the fifth and listen to her rapidly eating. As soon as I finish the sixth one, Cindy brings Fleesha out of, what may as well be called, her eating frenzy. Her waddle is unsteady and Chasla helps balance with levitation. Once in our area, she lies down as I close the curtains and set my alarm. Some one turns off the lights. I pull the blanket over us and snuggle into her plushy form. Her breathing is more relaxed than I think it could be with her belly as stuffed as it must be. I close my eyes and I'm lulled to sleep with the sounds of her stomach struggling to digest her third feast of the day. I slap the alarm off the second it buzzes. Moving as easily as I can, I start to move out from under her plump arm. Suddenly she starts to pull me close. "You thought I was asleep?" She moves slightly, and her ponderous bosom jiggles against me. "I bet you'd like some thing to get you going?" Her eyes narrow and her voice is almost threatening. "Because if you don't, I'll have to see who else might be interested." Quietly I loosen the laces of her tight blouse and ease one of her bounteous breasts to where I can drink her delicious milk. After I lessen her load, we quietly get up and have breakfast. Draaza joins us and we talk quietly. Before I leave, Grasthu and Chasla are awake. Draaza looks at the stairs and then the designs for Mars. "We need to find some one who can operate the gateway." He begins making notes on how fast buildings could possibly be set up and how many could live in them. He tries to lose himself in the plans. Grasthu watches him for a minute and then gathers his notes and building designs. "I wish we knew when the owners are planning to make their move." He spreads his papers on part of the table as Fleesha sets up breakfast for the late sleeping couple. By the time they wake and eat, Grasthu and Draaza are deep into their work. For the rest of the morning and afternoon, Fleesha changes some of the hay into food pack while Dahlakee and Cindy prepare enough parts for several coils. They take many breaks to relax. When I get home, Fleesha takes me aside and I suck enough of her milk to make her comfortable. We join the others for supper and we try to relax for a few hours, talking, playing games and watching movies. While I make the next two coils, she tries to control how much she gorges on, but stuffs herself to her limit. After the coils are finished, I stretch. "I'd like to run some tests, but I need to get up early tomorrow." With no argument, everyone prepares for bed. I lie down beside Fleesha and begin nuzzling her heavier breasts. While I nurse, she tries to explain why she ate so much. "I really tried, but I thought of what could happen to the others who are still slaves and just let myself go." "As long as all this fat isn't harming you," I reply as I switch breasts. "You don't have to make excuses. I've actually thought about taking more time off. But we haven't done enough work on Mars to make a guess how long it might take." I fondle her other jug and resume drinking her warm nectar. She smiles and ruffles my hair. Her plump arm moving against her bosom makes them jiggle heavily. "We've done more than any of us thought possible in such a short amount of time." She closes her eyes and drifts to sleep. Realizing how tired I am, I drift to sleep, with her plump nipple still between my lips. My dreams are ones of being safe with no problems or worries. I wake with a happy feeling I can't remember feeling for years. A warm moist taste in my mouth draws my attention. I try to lick my lips but find something soft in the way. "Are you thirsty?" Fleesha whispers sweetly. She moves slightly and her ponderous breast almost engulfs my face. Unable to reply with a mouth full of spongy flesh, I suck passionately until she's dry. I wiggle away and move toward her other, still full, breast. She almost purrs in contentment as I drain it. I get up and help her stand. She smiles and waddles to the stack of food packs. "I hope I'm not filling out so fast it scares you." She turns and her almost mammoth bosom sloshes inside her loosely laced blouse. "I like not having to alter this every morning." She giggles as she adjusts the laces in an attempt to keep her mounds of breast meat contained. I look at the time and realize I have to get going. I grab a nutrient roll and head for the stairs. "I'll see you tonight." Arguing with the feelings for her that I can't show, until all are free, I bike the short distance to work. During the day, Draaza grows more concerned. He goes over his plans and then discusses with Grasthu about how much growing room will be needed to feed every one. Everyone tries to get Draaza to relax, but he paces fretfully or argues with himself and anyone who will listen. Cindy suggests she make daily runs for straw and leaves with jewelry to sell. Fleesha works on changing the straw that is already here into food packs. Chasla joins her as the others allow Draaza to argue with them. "I've been trying to think of what we can do to calm him down. He must know more about the owners' plans than any of us." Fleesha nods slightly, "He feels helpless now that the designs are finished. Matt said Draaza doesn't have the sensitivity to control the Mars gateway." She finishes changing a bale into food packs and relaxes. "Changing organic compounds is a lot easier than what Matt's doing." She pulls off a flake of hay and changes it into Faluna and nutrient cakes. "This last weekend, he was calm while Matt was working." She offers some and the two eat while they talk. "We need to work as a group before his tantrum tears us apart." She gulps down the Faluna she was eating and strides heavily to the arguing group. Draaza turns as she approaches. "What's your opinion." His frustration prevents him from realizing they haven't been listening to the ongoing discussion. Fleesha stops and her extra large bosom sloshes within and almost out of, her blouse. "I understand your frustration, so let's talk about what we can do instead of arguing." He takes a deep breath, and some of his frustration fades. "I just can't stand to do nothing while those violent owners move toward complete control." He looks at the drawings and notes covering the table and surrounding floor. Fleesha puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a reassuring squeeze. "Let's discuss what each one of us can do. She lays down on the cushions. "If Cindy gets a load of straw a day, I'll try and change it. I should be able to make enough for the workers on Mars until we can get a constant supply from the Temples." Dahlakee smiles, "Cindy and I have been keeping Matt supplied with what he needs and jewelry she sells so she can buy whatever we need." Grasthu looks at the drawings of his agriculture buildings. "Once we get this built, I can begin planting and learning what types of food plants will grow the best. But we'll need to supply water for them. I haven't asked about it, because we can fill drums here or on our world and send them through the gateway." Draaza was calming down, but starts to lose it. "Let me know how many gallons you'll need and we can get the drums ready in the underwater mine." He turns to Chasla. She struggles under his gaze, "I can move the straw and anything else." She tries to think of something else. Draaza shakes his head, "There must be something..." His voice fades as he looks at his drawings. "She can't lift enough to really help," he whispers to himself, but Chasla hears. She walks over to the straw and levitates several bales. She keeps adding bales to the ones she's supporting until she is having trouble. She almost drops them as Fleesha touches her shoulder. "There must be something I can do to please him." Her shoulders quiver as she controls her tears. "I just wish I could show him I'm doing something more." Fleesha smiles, "Maybe if you showed him how much you can lift, and then it'll be up to us to increase how much you can lift." Chasla grins and wipes her tears. "I hope you have foods that can keep my appetite at it's best." She goes over and talks to Draaza. He watches how much she lifts and makes a notation, before returning to his designs. Fleesha grins as she makes what ever Chasla asks for. Chasla finally insists on a break. "I'm going to stuff my belly and then only wait until I feel full before stuffing myself again." Cindy returns with a load of straw and other things to make their temporary home more comfortable, Grasthu helps her unload. Chasla levitates two bales at a time and puts them where Fleesha wants them. Grasthu has explained about Draaza. "Tomorrow night he'll be involved with the construction work." She smiles as they go downstairs. For several hours, she and Dahlakee work on components. Fleesha prepares food when any one asks. As I come downstairs after work, I can sense some stress brewing. Before I can ask what's up, Fleesha takes me aside. "I think it'll be best if we get the coils done soon, instead of waiting 'til later." "Do we have time for supper?" I grin as we join the others. While she prepares some food, Draaza talks about all the little possible problems he's thought of during the day. I manage to answer most of them and he agrees the others can wait until we run into them. After we eat, I activate the gateway so he can talk with the mines and see how they're doing. Even though the construction materials are on schedule, he doesn't appear pleased. While he talks with them, I check on how every one else is doing. Chasla walks over and I sense some sort of pain she is trying to conceal. "What wrong?" She manages to smile and strokes her rounded belly. "Since I can levitate objects up to my weight, I'm packing some pounds on so I can lift more." Fleesha waddles over, smiling. "I'm not going to let her eat too much so that she hurts herself." Her heavy breasts quiver as she controls her amusement. "Are you ready for me to have supper?" Draaza hears this and quickly winds up his orders to the fourth mine. "I'll wait to contact the other mines until we have the buildings on Mars operational." I shut the coils down and wait as Chasla levitates parts for the coil to my table. "I don't think I should make Fleesha wait any longer for her meal." She had been changing straw into a large assortment of edibles. She fills her large mug with coke and stands behind me. "I'm hungry and you're ready so let's do it." Unseen to me, she unlaces her blouse, and moves forward so that my head rests against her ponderous bosom. My hands rest on the first component and I will them to become what I wish them to be. As the parts alter and merge, I feel the warmth of her energies flow around and through me. With the coil and it's computer finished, I lean back into her huge pillowy breasts for a moment. As I relax in her cushiony warmth, the sounds of her rapidly eating, reminds me of what is left to do. I concentrate on the parts Chasla has levitated and the tenth coil begins to take shape. Once it's finished, I lean back and feel my head sink deeply into her bounteous bosom. "I think it's time for your desert," I joke. "I think," she tries to giggle, but it changes to a long burp. "I'll save desert for later." She moves back and her heavy bosom slaps against her torso. I get up and stare in amazement at how enormously buxom she has become in the last few days. She ties to relace her blouse and winks at me. As gently as I can, considering the size of her weighty milk factories, I rethread the laces. She tries to help by supporting them with her hands, but one of them would overflow both of her hands. Finally I tie it so that it contains as much of her ponderous bosom, without her soft flesh bulging out more than can be helped. She smiles and waddles unsteadily to the cushion in the TV area. Chasla strains slightly to lower her gently. She lies on her side, with her overstuffed belly swelling out beside her. She pulls a couple of cushions under her head so she can watch tv. "Any requests?" I laugh as she suggests Willy Wonka. "Are you sure you can handle it?" She grins and gently strokes her bloated abdomen. "Maybe if you help relax me, I'll even want desert before it's over." I join her, gently caressing the silky fur of her heavy belly. Whispering so only she will hear. "I hope Draaza won't insist us to make the other two tonight." Fleesha grins and relaxes as I continue gently massaging her food bloated stomach. Most of the others join us. The talk is steered away from what needs to be done. Chasla levitates several platters of food and forces as much into herself as she can. "Since Fleesha's my weight mentor," she explains. "I can be resting with an only fluff belly while she lies with her stomach stretched to it's limit." Fleesha grins and reaches for a large piece of cake. "I'm not that full." She eats it slowly, but I catch a look from Draaza that worries me he'll want us to do more tonight. After the movie, I pop in the anthropomorphic Robin Hood and every one is relaxed by the time it's over. While Grasthu and Chasla straighten thing up, I walk over to where Draaza is studying his drawings. "If you keep staring at them, you'll find faults that don't exist." I intend to get him to laugh, but he turns with an expression of contempt. "We need to get a crew living on Mars as soon as possible. We both know there will be problems we haven't thought of." His hands are clenched so tight his skin is almost white. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of Fleesha noding and pick up a food pack. "If we get the coils made tonight, you can't expect Fleesha and I to do much for several days." I leave him and walk over to my work table. Chasla has already levitated the components. "Once he can move to the Mars habitat, he'll be happy." I glance at Draaza and then Cindy changing metal into components. "He won't be happy until every one is free. But we need some one like him, or we'd feel satisfied with how we're doing and not be ready in time." Fleesha waddles beside me. "Don't worry about me," she giggles. "I've been telling my stomach to work extra hard while we were watching the movies." "I wondered why it was so noisy." I poke her bulging belly and her fat billows. "With all this sound insulation." She laughs and steps around behind me. Out of my sight, she loosen the laces of her snug blouse and steps forward. Chasla grins as she levitates Fleesha's heavy bosom so it can get over the back of my chair. With my thoughts already entering into the components, I don't realize how much my head is surrounded by her breasts. The first coil forms and it's computer modifies with no problem. Almost afraid to stop, I go immediately to the last one and start to lean back when it's finished. My head seems trapped within some yielding substance. Turning my head slightly, my eyes almost pop out of their sockets as I realize how enormous her breasts have grown. All I can hear is her blood pulsing and a slight gurgling. After a moment, I become aware of her rapidly gulping food and drinks. Chasla sees that I've finished and shakes Fleesha. "He's done," she almost yells. Fleesha takes a few more gulps and then slows to a stop. "Uurrrgghh, I think I'm going to need help." Chasla forces a smile as she struggles to levitate Fleesha to our sleeping area. Dahlakee and Cindy put cushions and pillows to make her more comfortable. After doing a quick check of the coils, I lay down beside her over expanded belly. "Now that we've got the second gateway finished," I whisper as I carefully pull the blanket over us. "You can take it easy." She groans quietly and smiles. "My tummy isn't the only part of me that's full." With a loud burp, she lays down and her extra large breasts virtually slosh out of her partially open blouse. As I suck her delicious milk, I fondle her fat swollen bosom. By the time I drain both, relieved she is still limiting how much she's producing, she is almost asleep. Exhausted myself, I snuggle against her plushiness and fall asleep before her skin stops jiggling. The alarm buzzes and I quickly turn it off. As gently as possible, I ease out from her plump arm. Her breathing is much more relaxed and her digestive noises are much quieter than last night. I almost make it to the stairs, before I see Grasthu moving quietly toward me. "Come on up," I whisper to him. As one step creaks, we both freeze. There's no sound of anyone noticing and we take the rest of the stairs as careful as possible. "Will you make sure she's ok?" I ask as I prepare for work. "Of course I will." He pauses, "I've been wondering about how big either of our females might get by the time we get to Mars." I smile and agree, "With all we're doing to get it set up, I don't think anyone will object." He almost laughs, "And it'll be up to me to keep them well fed." He starts downstairs as I leave. Fleesha sleeps in and the others keep quiet until she wakes. As she starts to get up, she notices her blouse is open and tries to close it. "I know Matt loves 'em getting big and soft," she giggles as Chasla opens the curtains partway. Fleesha smiles as she uses part of the blanket to enlarge and strengthen her enormous blouse. "Trying to control how much milk I make is getting difficult as they keep growing." Chasla thinks while Fleesha relaces her blouse. "Maybe Matt could make a pumping device and you can turn it into cheese." Using her levitation, she helps Fleesha waddle to the tv area and lie down. Draaza, Dahlakee and Grasthu spend the entire morning and most of the afternoon, arguing what buildings should be built first. Cindy makes a run for supplies and returns with a load of straw. During the afternoon, Fleesha changes it into food packs. By the time I get home, things are less tense then yesterday. Fleesha takes me into our sleeping area and tells me of Chasla's idea while I nurse. "With all I've been eating, it's been hard not to really make milk." As I help her retie her blouse, I agree. "Maybe you should try and limit how much you eat for awhile. Chasla is waiting for us, "Why don't we have supper and make plans for tonight and the weekend?" Fleesha waddles over to the dinning table and I watch her magnificent breasts roll from one side to another as I follow her. The others join us and plans are quickly made. It's agreed that mine 1, since it is located in an agricultural area, will work on buildings for Grasthu. Since Dahlakee will be in charge of metal refining and conversion, the building for him and Cindy, should be near the main shaft. Mine 2 will supply him with building material and anything he needs. Mine 3 has the underwater shafts. Some of their experts will move to Mars and be in charge air supply and outside work. Draaza will be in charge of number 4, and the others which should be contacted immediately. I stay out of this until Draaza looks at me. "I need to contact the Temple and have them locate some one who can understand the gateway. Once I've trained him and set up the second one on Mars, I'll feel comfortable with them living there." I get up while I'm talking and warm up the coils needed for communication. Staluk is pacing the chamber. As I activate the two way portion, he turns with a concerned expression. "How are things going?" As I give him a quick report and what abilities I'll need in some one to control the Mars gateway, Jaleeta and Zaakae join him. "Supplies have already begun coming in to all the Temples," Zaakae reports. "We have places to hide these for a while, but it will be safest if we can store them in your home or Mars as soon as possible." I glance around my basement and realize how crowded it has become. "We'll put that as priority once we have a crew living on Mars." Jaleeta was taking notes of my needs. "We'll check our records and see if we have any escapees who will fit your needs." She runs out to a side room. "We need to contact some of the mines and get tonight's work started," I glance at Draaza standing behind his design table. "I'll contact you later tonight or tomorrow morning." Staluk stands at attention. "I will be here until you return." His image fades as I recelebrate the coils for mine 3. Heelos and several others are in their hidden chamber. Panels and frame work is stacked, along with several large tanks and other equipment. Heelos smiles as I activate the coils. "We've built these two buildings to handle air distribution and recycling. I'd like to set the first one beside the shaft and keep the other one ready for when we'll need it." Draaza is standing like a commander and I remember he was in charge of the mines. "Excellent. Have you chosen a team to stay on Mars?" A male and female step forward. They are both small, sturdy pony breeds. "This is Kash and Lesena. I feel we should send couples and their families as room allows." Draaza nods and I activate the rest of the coils. Chasla levitates what she can and the couple loads a pallet with heavy items until as much as possible is in the airlock. Kash begins putting on a sturdy diving suit. "We've modified these for surface work. If you can send us with this, we'll move it onto the planet's surface and then return for the rest." Lesena also gets her suit on and they check each other as I calibrate for the Mars base. The air puffs out into the thin atmosphere and they step out of the airlock. Carefully, the materials are rolled and levitated onto the surface, next to the shaft building and then they step through the gateway, into the airlock. With a second trip, everything is on the surface. While they work, I constantly monitor the computers. Chasla levitates what ever they motion her to. They recharge their air from one of the large tanks. It takes several hours until they are satisfied. They close the outer door and pressurize the chamber, before opening the connecting hatch to the shaft building. I adjust the gateway to inside and they step back through. Draaza smiles, "If you can train others to work in those suits..." Lesena shakes her head, "There are several others from our mine that can come to help." Draaza looks at his plans. "Let's contact mine 3, get more workers, then contact mine 1 and move the materials they have ready. Grasthu can give them plans for his buildings." No one seems bothered by his attitude. Within half an hour, the materials from mine 1 and two more couples from mine 3 are busy on the surface. It is well after midnight before they are finished. Dahlakee and Chasla argue we should stop for the night. The construction workers insist they can keep working. "We've been taking it easy for the last several days," Kash insists. "We've erected three units and, if Matt isn't tired, we'd like to get the other four buildings up that are ready." I quickly establish contact with mine 2 and 4. Dahlakee gives his plans to mine 2. It takes an hour before all the components are on the surface. "I don't care if all of you want to work through the night!" Fleesha almost yells. "But it's time for a break." Every one agrees and she serves up a feast. While we eat, the minor problems of surface construction are discussed and solved. The construction resumes, One couple remains inside, connecting air ducts. When I send one of the power units through, they connect it to the electrical conduits. The lights and blowers are switched on and a short cheer from every one is heard. It is morning before they finish and return. "We could have stayed there," Lesena comments as I contact mine 3. My eyes are barely open as exhaustion finally hits me. "We have a building for the second gateway and the priests are looking for some one to operate it." They step through the gateway and I shut it down. As I start to stand, Chasla levitates me to my sleeping area. Fleesha is already laying down. I start to suck her refreshing milk, but quickly pass out from exhaustion. When I wake, early Saturday afternoon, She insists I relieve her. "If they get any fuller," she whispers as her milk flows. "I'm going to be leaking all over the place." She almost whimpers in pleasure as I gulp her rich milk. I help her with her blouse, enjoying the weight and softness of them. "When we get to Mars," I whisper. "They can be three times as big before they'll be this heavy." She laughs and they almost surge out of her blouse. "We better start making cheese soon so they'll keep growing." The others are already eating as we join them. Draaza is impatient and I contact three of the other mines, before he calms down. "How soon can we put a mining crew there?" His voice is excited, not angry. I contact the Temple. Staluk is asleep and Nulah motions us to be quiet. "We've found some one with the abilities you asked for." He motions to some one and a leopard-like centaur silently walks over. "Trask is the name and gadgets are my game." He studies the coils from his view as he talks. "Purrlec and I have been moving from temple to temple and will be glad to go to Mars." I activating the other coils, "You can stay here while I train you." I look at Nulah, "We should be able to start storing supplies tomorrow night." "We'll be ready. The other Temples will also appreciate having them stored elsewhere." Nulah almost laughs as Trask motions to some one. "He's bringing a lot of things with him." Trask steps back into view. "Purrlec and I have been traveling by the priests sending us, and she's real good at carrying." He smiles as his mate slowly comes into the room. Her abdomen is so swollen that she only moves one paw at a time. As she steps through the gateway, her enormous belly brushes the floor. "I'm carrying well over my own weight," she grins as she answers the unasked question. "If you're wondering what my ability is," she lays down and accepts the food Fleesha offers them. "I can take a severely injured being and make him or her my baby." She laughs to my wondering expression. "I can awaken my womb and take the patient in my capacious belly." She pats her incredibly round abdomen. "I can stretch out a lot more, but I can't walk if I carry much more." Draaza nudges me, "Let's get to work going while you teach him." I say goodbye to Nulah and contact mine 3. Within an hour, two of them are working on the building, while the others begin the shaft. I explain the theory of the coils and how to use them, to Trask. His ability isn't enough to make electronic equipment, but he quickly grasps the theories of the coils and the power converter. By nightfall, the shaft has begun and the coils have been tested. The parts for two more buildings are ready and they are constructed and pressurized before midnight. Draaza gets his gear and begins setting up his quarters in one of the buildings next to the shaft. The mining crews begin to take shifts and Chasla suggests we do likewise. As I stand, a wave of exhaustion hits me. Chasla catches me before I hit the floor. Purrlec starts to struggle to her feet. "Bring him here." She asks. Chasla levitates me to her as Fleesha waddles from our area. Purrlec holds me close, mentally reaching into me. "He's more than exhausted," she whispers as Fleesha lowers herself beside us. "Haseena said my milk can keep him going." Fleesha whispers as she struggles to release her ponderous bosom. Purrlec helps move my head until a fat nipple pushes it's way between my lips. Unconsciously, I begin suckling her healing milk. Purrlec continues to move her hands over me, feeling what's happening inside me. "I'm afraid he's going to need more than your milk and soon." Trask kneels down beside her. "I think I can handle the gateway. But I need him to teach me how to readjust it so we can bring stuff from the mines and temples." She nods and holds me close as Fleesha changes which breast she's nursing me with. "If he stays with me tonight, he should be okay tomorrow morning. But he needs to spend a day in me." Trask nods and return to monitoring the computers. As I stop nursing, Fleesha lies down and Chasla levitates the three of us, so that I'm sleeping on Fleesha's fat swollen belly and Purrlec's cylinder expanded abdomen. Late Sunday morning, I wake and Purrlec explains everything while I drink Fleesha's nutritious milk. "I better get the milking unit made before then." I move slowly, but feel much better than last night. Draaza reports that the mine is going well and want's the gateway set up there. When he's told of my condition, he eases his demands and accepts that this won't really delay things. I take a slight chance and contact the mines with completed building parts. Once these are moved to Mars, I begin contacting the Temples. Fleesha has been keeping Chasla extra well fed and she impresses herself with how much she can move. It takes several hours to move every thing into the basement and there is little clear space left. Once I've reestablished the link to Mars, Chasla begins moving the supplies to a building designed for storage. During supper, Draaza comes back and gives his report. "We had a few problems with getting the mined dirt outside, but they've solved that and have remote vehicles piling it out of the way. They believe that, by tomorrow night, they'll be deep enough that they can pressurize the shaft and work with out suits. Then we can bring more miners in and have every one who is trained in the suits to work outside. Foundations are being made for a major building and we should be able to have it pressurized in two days. Grasthu gives his report, "The first of my buildings will be ready tomorrow and the agriculture slaves near mine 1 will modify the seeds, when I learn what will grow best." Dahlakee smiles, "I've been checking samples of the removed rock. I've got a list of machines I need from mine 2. Then we'll be able to make building materials on Mars. The more we dig, the more surface units we can make." Trask looks at me and smiles broadly. "I've learned how to move where the gateway goes. I can replace a coil or computer if something goes wrong." Purrlec moves slightly, and her massive belly rolls. "Matt needs at least one day of extensive healing. With everything he's done, I'd like to give him several days." She pauses. "If he can have one day a week, I should be able to restore his strength." Fleesha looks at me with concern. As Chasla levitates a device to me, she laughs, her fat ponderous breasts test the strength of her blouse and it's laces. "I promised I'd make a way for you to be a real dairy." Everything is small, except for the gallon sized jug the output tube is connected to. "Where's the other one?" For a moment, she keeps from laughing at her own joke. Purrlec motions to Trask and he begins helping unload the cylinders from her massively stretched abdomen. She smiles as her belly loses it's extra fullness. "I usually need a lot of water when I carry a patient." Fleesha giggles and heavily flops down in front of her, one of the strained seams of her blouse explodes. "Since you're going to have Matt inside you." She giggles as she releases her mammoth mammeries the rest of the way. "You should have his milk too." Purrlec's lips latch onto Fleesha's marshmallow sized nipple and sucks voraciously. By the time she drinks one dry, Trask has pulled the last of the cylinders out of her. While she drains Fleesha's other breast, he tells me what will happen. "Once she has finished preparing her womb, the umbilical cord will come out. When you put it against your naval, it'll connect your body to her. Then you just slide in and take a nap." While Purrlec nurses and prepares herself, I review the gateway system with Trask. He practices by contacting the next Temple on the list and Chasla levitates the supplies that they have hidden. He then sets the gateway for Mars and the supplies are quickly stored there. Draaza looks at the ongoing construction. "With ten mines working, we can erect five chambers a day. In a few days, we'll be able to work in the shaft without suits." He smiles for the first time in days. "As long as we can keep the mining and building going constantly, we have a chance." He steps through to Mars and enters his office/living quarters. Heelos comes out of the mine building and steps through. "We'll be able to pressurize it maybe tomorrow evening." He walks over to the designs of the surface layout. "My construction teams feel they can use the ores we're digging and build larger and expandable buildings than we could have brought from the mines. If two of the mines could work on structural supports..." He sketches in a building outline, several hundred feet on a side. "We can work on this while the regular miners work on the shaft and underground chambers." "Your teams are comfortable working in those suits and we need to build on the surface and underground." I look at the designs, estimating how many could temporary live in a building that size. "See if Draaza agrees and tell him I think he should be in charge of the mining, and you handle the surface work." He laughs, "I already asked Dahlakee if he'd take charge of metal processing and he jumped at the idea." He returns to Mars and enters Draaza's chamber. Within a few minutes, he reemerges smiling. "As soon as the shaft is safe for work without suits, my guys will work on surface construction and air systems." He almost runs into the shaft building. I smile in satisfaction of Trask being able to handle the system. "Remember if there are problems, you may want to have everyone temporary come here." He nods at the seriousness of this. "Even if we have to stop for a few days, we're finally getting space for a few crews to live in." "Now that everybody has their plans for the next couple of days." Purrlec stands and her empty abdomen sags to the floor. "Matt needs a day of my kind of healing." I stand an Trask helps me prepare. Purrlec takes a wide stance and relaxes her muscles so that she is open more than would be needed to give birth. Trask holds her open even more as the connection of her umbilical, slows my breathing to a stop. I can feel her taking control of my body as I kneel down and begin easing myself inside her. She is so loose that I virtually slide in. Most of the way in, I discover that I'm filling her as much as the cylinders did. Some one takes my legs and begins to push. As I curl into a fetal position, water begins to flow from the stretched walls of her womb. There is a reddish glow all around me. She is so stretched, that light filters through her skin and womb. As my feet are pushed inside, she smoothly closes herself. As my mind slips into as deep sleep, I listen to the thumping of her heart and her gulping something. Purrlec smiles as she seals Matt inside her impossibly swollen belly. "I've never been this big before," she jokes as she tries to touch the floor with more than two feet at a time. Trask smiles as he moves cushions against her humongous abdomen in an attempt to steady her. "And when you've filled out with enough water to make him comfortable." He strokes her enormous, furry sphere. Fleesha smiles as she waddles in front of Purrlec. "Why don't you make sure I'm dry before you fill up with water." She giggles as Purrlec sucks her rick nectar and her ponderous breasts quiver with excitement. Once she is completely dry, Chasla levitates jugs of water and juice. It takes several hours of on and off drinking and nursing before Purrlec pats her huge spherical belly. "If I fill out any more," she waves her legs and her paws are more than a foot off the floor. "I'll be dragging on the floor when I'm empty." Trask laughs. "She knows that I love curling up against her and wrapping her loose belly flesh around me." He leans against her and rocks her to sleep on her own gigantic belly. Every one prepares for sleep. Trask puts a mattress next to the control computer and sets Matt's alarm to wake him every two hours. Matt had shown him how the systems monitor themselves and the warning tones they have, but he decides it's best to keep a check on things himself. Cindy turns off the lights and joins Dahlakee. "I better make a gold run twice a week and straw run every day." She curls up against his furry body. "I know we should stay here until the escape, but maybe they'll let us set up a private chamber before then." Dahlakee pulls her close with his arms and forelegs. "We'll wait until all the escapees are living there. I'm certain all of us will be asked to set up our own place and no one will object." He tries to keep relaxed, and barely managed to as she drifts to sleep. He remains awake, thinking of his feeling toward her and how she might feel about him. He listens to the constructions sounds coming through the gateway and allows it to lull him to sleep. The delicious smell of Fleesha's food wakes everyone. She fills a plate and carries it to Purrlec. "I hope you have room for some of my food." Purrlec smiles and moves her legs, patting her massively stretched belly with them. "I not only have room for your food," she purrs and licks her lips. Fleesha feeds her a big nutrient roll as she unties the laces of Fleesha's blouse. She tries to heft one of Fleesha's monstrous orbs of flesh and it's weight causes her to roll. "Maybe when these are empty and I'm full," she whispers before she grips the thick teat and sucks hard. Fleesha almost groans in pleasure and muffles herself by eating rapidly. By the time both of her heavy breasts are drained, she has finished all she brought for Purrlec. "You should have let me feed you first," she giggles as she struggles to get her ponderously plump bosom into her blouse. Purrlec smiles and wait for Fleesha to refill her plate. "Matt's doing fine," she mumbles while she eats. "He really needs several days. If I keep him in me through tomorrow morning, he'll be healthy enough for awhile." Fleesha refills her plate and continues feeding her until she begs for mercy. "Just remember," Fleesha jokes as she wolfs down what Purrlec couldn't hold. "You may be his healer, but..." She laughs as Trask tries to hug Purrlec's huge abdomen and she almost rolls over. "I know Matt's loving how you're filling out. You don't have to worry about her even thinking about him as more than a patient." Fleesha smiles as she reloads her plate. She shows them some of the movies in Matt's collection and finds she has more in common with them than the others she's been working with. Cindy leaves with jewelry to sell and Dahlakee experiments with the ores that are being mined. Draaza, Heelos, Grasthu and Dahlakee discuss buildings needed for ore refining and plant development. They all agree the greenhouse should be started today and Grasthu's building can be used for Grasthu's and Chasla's quarters. Kash and Lesena eagerly accept the assignment of working with him. Shortly before noon, they have laid a large foundation for the greenhouse. Several with metal abilities are moved to the Mars colony and work preparing structural components. After lunch, Heelos announces that the shaft is holding air pressure. Trask begins contacting the mines and approximately two couples from each are moved. A schedule of when finished buildings should be ready is made. The suited workers quickly prove that they can put a structure up faster and better than the 'bag' method. Draaza and other structural designers have a conference and redesign the surface work for larger, more efficient buildings. When Cindy returns with a load of straw, Chasla levitates it down and Fleesha changes much of it into food packs. When Trask checks in with the Temple, she asks that others with abilities like hers, be found and moved to the Mars colony. Moohasa looks at the list of escapees that are hiding in the desert. "There are several. If we leave two to keep the ones remaining supplied with food, the other two and their mates could go there tonight." Fleesha pauses and thinks. "You contact them and say we'll call for them tomorrow morning." She tells her how well work is going and that they should be able to start taking the rest of the escapees by the end of the week. "They'll be glad to hear that," Moohasa comments as she gives her a list of those hiding. "They've had to keep well hidden and some have actually wondered if it would be better to return to slavery. How soon will you have room for all of them?" Fleesha and the others look at the list of almost three hundred fellow beings. "I can't say how long. We'll first take anyone with abilities that can be useful. Then we'll take those who have been there the longest. Of course we will keep families together." Moohasa agrees. "We'll tell the two couples to be ready tomorrow morning and advise the others what we've discussed." As she waves, Trask switches back to the Mars base. By nightfall everything is going well. Grasthu makes notes for Matt. Then they prepare for sleep. Fleesha lets Purrlec nurse her dry as the lights are turned down. "I can't tell how much I'm producing," Fleesha whispers as Purrlec sucks with a real hunger. She pauses as she drains one, "You're making more than this morning. If you get uncomfortable during the night," She laughs as she strokes her enormous abdomen with her four paws. "You know where I'll be. Just think that Matt's getting it through me." She voraciously sucks Fleesha's other heavy jug dry and wishes her sweet dreams. Fleesha waddles to her sleeping area and lies down. "I wonder how Matt will feel if I want to keep nursing her?" She closes her eyes and is quickly asleep. In the middle of the night, Fleesha hears Trask checking the gateway and realizes how full her breasts are. She quietly gets up and carefully waddles in the dimness. Trask looks up from the computer and rushes to help her. "I'm used to working in the dark," he explains as he leads her. Fleesha's milk bloated bosom bumps into Purrlec's face. Before she can say anything, Purrlec is sucking rich milk that almost gushes from Fleesha's udder. She drains the first and attacks the other without stopping. When Fleesha has been sucked dry, Purrlec smiles. "That should help me sleep," she whispers. She begins to move slightly and is soon rocked to sleep on her humongous belly. Fleesha declines Trask's help. "I've been here longer and can get back on my own." She smiles to him and quietly goes back to her pads and sleeps soundly for the rest of the night. Cindy wakes first and begins preparing breakfast. Fleesha gets up and starts toward her. She hesitates and waddles carefully to Purrlec. "Are you feeling full before breakfast?" Purrlec whispers. She gently hefts one of Fleesha's ponderous jugs with both hands and rolls forward slightly. "I think you'll be needing me even when Matt's able to help you." She nurses hungrily. Fleesha leans back and smiles as the pressure lessens. Purrlec switches sides as the one becomes comfortably full and gulps rapidly from the other. Chasla joins them with a large platter of breakfast foods. "It's not fair her making you wait for breakfast." She begins feeding Fleesha by hand. "I've been controlling how much I make for Matt," Fleesha whispers to Chasla. "But now I can't control them." She ravenously attacks the food Chasla holds. Chasla refills it and Fleesha finishes the second load before Purrlec drains both of her productive breasts. "I'd like to keep him in me longer," Purrlec's eyes are closed as she concentrates. "But he needs to keep everything going and he has his Earth job to do tomorrow." Trask gives the computers a quick check and then joins her. Her huge abdomen seems to roll as if the water itself is struggling to escape. I feel as if a long dream of being in a safe, warm place is fading. It changes into one of body surfing in a warm ocean. As I reach consienceness, I realize I'm floating in the air. Chasla lowers me so that I'm leaning against Fleesha's warm, fleshy body. I take the towel, dry and dress. "I feel a lot better," I turn to Purrlec as Trask takes care of her. "How do you feel?" She laughs, and her empty sack-like belly almost flows on the floor. "I haven't been that full before." She looks at Fleesha and smiles widely. "I hope I can do it more." Fleesha turns slightly and her massive mammeries are between Purrlec and myself. "I'm certain there'll be others who'll need your care." Her voice seems to hide some inner feelings. "I'd like an update on what's happening." I almost run to the computers and every one gives their reports. Draaza reports that they could use more miners on each shift. Heelos agrees that his construction team is doing excellent and we can send four to six escapees a day. "I don't think we need that many miners yet," he adds. "Maybe if you alternate them with others." Fleesha hands me the list of escapees. "We have some with food making abilities. Let me know how many you have room for and how many miners Draaza needs. The more we get there, the more comfortable it will be when we send everyone." Both of them quickly agree. They decide on two miner couples and two other couples. Draaza pulls out a notebook. "I have a list here of all the hidden miners. Get the first ones from mine four." He gives Trask their names." "I'll get back with you once we've got them here." I quickly establish contact with mine four and tell the four to prepare to leave. Then I contact the desert safe area. Several priests are waiting at the room chosen to contact. "The two couples have everything ready." The fox-centaur looks at the others. "We would like to be able to tell the others how soon." Nodding in understanding I reply. "We first need to move those that have abilities needed to make the place more comfortable. As we build room for more, I'd like to start with the ones who have been there the longest, unless you have another idea." He looks at the others. "Your idea sounds good. but there are several with children. It may be best if we keep them here until there are areas prepared for them. The next ones we send, will know what will be needed and will work with your planners and builders." "Sounds good to me." I wait for a moment. "I don't like being out of touch with Mars, so if they're ready." He motions to the side. A horse couple and a cow couple walk into view. I activate the gateway and they quickly go through. "I'll contact you in a day or so," I promise before reestablishing contact with mine four. The one couple and two unmatched miners are ready and quickly join us. Upon opening the gateway to Mars, the miners immediately go through. Fleesha asks to talk with the others before they go. "Draaza's in charge of mining, and I'm in charge of food," she jokes. The stallion and cow are the ones with the organic manipulation abilities. She teaches them many of the foods she has learned here. Within an hour, the basement is filled with delicious smells of their work. Maasa, the cow centaur smiles as she looks at the loaded table. "Every one has joked I don't like having this ability because I'm so thin." She pokes her visible ribs. "I just didn't want my owners to cut back on what they spent on our food if I got plump." We all laugh about this. While they eat and pack what can carried easily, Cindy leaves for her daily supply run. Grasthu and Chasla move their things to his building on Mars. "I'll come here every time you need supplies moved," Chasla promised as she levitates their possessions and follows them through. Once they are on Mars, I move over to my work table. Fleesha waddles to me and waits quietly. "Something bothering you?" she whispers. I lean back and try not to let her monstrous orbs of flesh take my thoughts to something else. "Did something happen while I was in Purrlec?" She hesitates and I continue. "I get this feeling you think she's trying to take me from you. She told me what she really loved was being so big her paws couldn't touch the floor and nursing from you." While I talk, we walk to our area. I pull the curtains and lovingly stroke her overly plump bosom. "I know I can't drink as much as she was, and I want you to know that I won't be jealous." She finally giggles and her fat and milk swollen jugs slosh against my face. "And I was worried you'd like being in her more than being outside me." I drink as much as I want before answering her. "It was like being asleep inside her. She was having all the fun." I stroke her growing skin. "If you could control how rich your milk is in one of these, I bet her skin wouldn't be so loose." She smiles and closes her eyes. "All I have to do is let her nurse me dry before you have any. I can make it as fast as you nurse." She smiles and there is a deep gurgling sound in her mammoth mammeries. "She promised she'd drink all I can make, and I'm going to hold her to that promise." I hug her tight, feeling her flesh billow. "Then don't get jealous when she's healing me." She pulls me deeper into her spongy side. "With all my extra rich milk she's going to be getting, a good portion of her will be me." She manages not to laugh and carefully turns. "I'm fuller than ever and I'm going to get bigger so I can make her belly full when no one's in her." She carefully waddles to Purrlec. "Matt got me started," she whispers. "But he didn't take enough to help." Purrlec licks her thick lips. "I promised I'll drink you dry as often as you want." She vigorously sucks the extra rich milk. Fleesha winks at me and manages to keep Purrlec nursing longer than before. The milk makes Purrlec so relaxed that she doesn't realize it's different and there's more than ever. Fleesha eats more than ever the rest of the day. Several times that day, Purrlec gulps her rich milk, she lies down afterward and naps. That evening, I make a spare coil for the Mars and my gateway. "Tomorrow night," I assure Trask. "We'll set it up on Mars. All you have to do is keep it locked here. We'll use mine to contact your old world." He offers to keep watch like he has been doing. "I can nap when ever I want, and you have to go to work tomorrow." Agreeing with this, I suggest that we call it a day. While I run a final check with him, we both watch Fleesha pump Purrlec full of her milk. "I hope you don't mind Purrlec nursing," he comments as he notices we're both watching. "I've joked that I'd like her to fill out so she's not so empty when she's not carrying anything. She said she hasn't found the right food to give her a real appetite." I smile and decide not to tell him. "Actually, a few gulps is all I need. Fleesha loves producing milk and I love how she's filling out because of it. So I guess we're all going to be happy." Trask tries to keep smiling. "But once I'm controlling the Mars gateway.." I slap him on the back. "She can live here and just step through whenever she wants. Or she can stay there at night and Fleesha can come through." He smiles and watches Purrlec noisily suck rich milk into her soon-to-be growing belly. "And once we're all on Mars." His eyes are alight with visions of Purrlec growing and growing. "See you in the morning," I'm ready for sleep before Fleesha joins me. "I better watch how much I'm feeding her, or I won't be able to eat enough." She curls up against me and we're both soon asleep. Twice that night, she gets up and Purrlec nurses in a half awake state. The next three days go by quickly at work. On Mars, they're able to house seven more couples. Heelos is pleased with the air recycling system and Grasthu reports that he has a strain of plants that should grow well on the surface. The mine is also going well. Dahlakee has been spending the days there and reports the removed rock can easily be converted into building materials. Two with abilities like his, are moved there and they work on producing building materials for Heelos' larger buildings. Friday night, we have a status meeting on how soon we could move if things on their world go bad. Dahlakee brings a couple of the tables from the Mars base and sets them up in my basement. Fleesha prepares plenty of food and we eat while discussing how things are going and what our next target should be. Heelos shows his designs on the building his team is making with materials made on Mars. "Our plan to have the first one finished by next weekend. It can comfortably house 20, but up to 100 could live in it for short term. Our work on air systems and recycling the air has had a few problems, but we're solving them as fast as we run into them." I study the list of escapees hiding in the desert and the mines. "How fast can we bring the escapees through?" He looks at his designs and notes. "If the mines keep sending us two buildings a day, although each one is designed for one family, three families could live there if they don't have too many offspring. I think trying it will test how well our environmental system work. We're building back ups so I'm no longer afraid of having to abandon our new home." Haseena make a few notes. "I'll tell the priest there that two groups of three families can be moved each day. Less, depending on the number of children." I study ideas I had thought of during work. "We'll need to use some of them for storage of supplies and personal items." Draaza gets up and hangs his designs for the underground living quarters. "We're down 25 meters and it's solid rock, with little air loss. Tomorrow we'll install the airlocks for each of the side tunnels. We plan to work on two at the same time. After we dig and seal a living chamber, we can use it for storage or quarters. By next weekend, we'll know how well it's going. With six main tunnels, I'd like to make enough chambers for 100 couples. Then we'll dig down for the next level." "So for the short range plan," I summarize their reports. "We can move six couples a day. Is there any abilities that you need?" Draaza shakes his head. "The extra miners I'll need can live underground. It'll be more comfortable than where they are now." Heelos shrugs, "Just send a wide selection. We have copies of escapees and their abilities. If we need some one, we'll ask for them." Grasthu starts writing. "I need two who's abilities will be useful with the remote planting equipment. I'd also like to ask if an escape could be arranged for a worker in a research station." He waits until Haseena nods. "We had an on going discussion of developing plants for various uses. I would appreciate him in improving the various plants we're going to need to be self sufficient." He hands his list to Haseena. "I'll let the desert hide away know who you want and they'll be ready by morning. I can send a message to your friend. If he wants to come, we'll make arrangements." She smiles at me, "I know you could get him now, but if he disappears without any sign of an average escapee..." "When he's hiding in a Temple, just let me know." I look at Fleesha. For a moment, she returns my stare in confusion. "Oh yea. I'm in charge of food supplies. Well, Cindy making daily runs for straw and our converting it, can keep up with about fifty. The supplies being smuggled to the Temples can keep another fifty fed." She realizes what she's just admitted. "So it looks like that's our next problem to solve." She nibbles a faluna and looks around. Haseena nods, "We're able to keep the escapees supplied so their food can be added as they are moved, but beyond them...." She looks at me, her eyes hoping for an answer. I decide every one is waiting for me. "It will be months before any useful harvesting can be done. What other ways can we get food?" Grasthu looks at the Mars habitat drawings. "Is there any place here where we can send a team to harvest any plants?" "No place that would work for long." I reply sadly. "There's people almost anywhere and it would take a lot to keep every one fed that we'll have room for." Grasthu studies the list of escapees. "Heelos, Could you make the next large building as a green house lab?" Heelos nods quickly. "I can have the teams split and we can start on it tomorrow. There's no reason to build more housing units if we can't feed them." Haseena looks at her list. "I'll make sure all the planters are sent first. If there's any one else you need, we'll arrange his escape." He shakes his head. "What we need is time and the room to work." He stops Heelos. "We need to make some design changes and it'll be easier to start a new building rather than modify the one you're working on. Besides, we need to get the escapees moved so we can see how well everything works with them living there." Heelos agrees. "I suggest Draaza and the two of us get your placed designed tonight." They all agree and move to the design table. Haseena stands and picks up her list, "I'll get back to the Temple and advise these to get ready." She walks to the Gateways and I set it for her Temple. "I'll advise the other Priests about this problem." She steps through and I shut down the Gateway. Fleesha waddles up beside me. "You've done more than any one could have hoped for." She puts a soft arm around my shoulder and pulls me into her huge, spongy bosom. "This is Grasthu's problem. Heelos and Draaza are helping him." She helps me to my feet. "Now We're going to have a good night's sleep and leave worrying til morning. As we get to our sleeping area, Purrlec waddles up. The loose skin of her empty belly drags slightly on the floor. "Aren't you forgetting something first?" Her eyes are laughing as I help Fleesha with her huge blouse. "You want to make sure I won't be waking up in an hour or two?" Fleesha jokes and Purrlec begins sucking greedily. As she nurses, I carefully study Purrlec. She doesn't pay attention as I stroke her flank, feeling more fat than when she arrived. As she switches breasts, I motion to Fleesha and she giggles. Purrlec gulps the rich milk rapidly and, with an ear to her side, I can hear it pour into her growing stomach. After many minutes, Fleesha's enormous bosom is dry. As Purrlec leaves, her expression is one of satisfaction and something like intoxification. We curl up and pull the blanket to block the light. "I wonder how long those three will stay up?" Fleesha pulls me into her wonderfully spongy body. "We can keep all the escapees supplied with food. Grasthu is getting friends to help him with developing plants." She moves and her fat billows around me. "So I'm not going to let you think about it til morning." I nuzzle one of her mammoth breasts and nurse on what she has already produced. "I've only been working on this for a few weeks." I whisper before starting on her other one. "And you've been waiting for years." I nurse slowly and gently from her pillowy bosom for many minutes. When she's dry, I cuddle into her over fattened bosom. Our breathing slows as the gentle sound of her slowly refilling lulls me to sleep. Once, while Grasthu and the others are still working, and again in the early hours, she struggles to her feet and Purrlec drains her incredibly productive udders. Shortly after sunrise, I manage to get up without waking her. Cindy is fixing breakfast and we talk quietly. "I could make a couple of extra straw runs a day," she whispers. "But for this to really work, we'll have to be able to grow enough on Mars." I get up and study the drawing they did last night. "Draaza is afraid that their rights may be taken away. I know we've done more than any one hoped we could and I just don't want to see it fail." She gives me a reassuring hug. "I think your problem is, you've done everything you can and can't stand waiting with nothing to do." She looks toward Fleesha's and Purrlec's sleeping areas. "Why don't you and Fleesha have fun with Purrlec. Trask told me he's hoping she can be fulled bellied all the time. I know Fleesha's having fun because she was struggling not to make too much when you were the only one nursing." She struggles not to laugh. "After Purrlec drinks her dry, she's almost drunk." I finally have to smile. "Maybe one of those hiding in the desert can help." We start studying the list, looking for a combination of abilities and genetic build. As Fleesha begins making noises, we've chosen several that might help. "If you can send me there, I'll say that I'm checking for any one who can make jewelry." She looks at the list, "That might be a good idea." As Fleesha comes out, I set the Gateway for the desert Temple. As soon as I make contact, Cindy jumps through. "Give me a few hours," she calls out before I shut it down. Fleesha squeezes me into her. Her extra heavy breasts virtually slosh against my face. "I'll let Purrlec have her breakfast milk and then I'll be ready for a good breakfast of my own." She waddles away, her ponderous jugs roll heavily as she does. I can hear Purrlec sucking greedily as I prepare what food I can. She slowly walks back to me, trying to close her blouse. "With her drinking so much that I can see she's putting some weight on, you'd think I wouldn't be able to eat enough to maintain my own." I almost laugh as I struggle to get her rolling masses of flesh contained in her wide blouse. "Maybe I should take the two of you as my project until I'm needed for something else." I can't resist laughing as her flesh almost billows out. She giggles and attacks some of the food while she begins changing straw into an assortment of foods. "If I let you, then you've got to help me with Purrlec." She smiles to my confused expression. "She said she wants you in her one day a week. How about tonight until Monday morning?" I pick up the largest faluna and study it. "I think I could be persuaded." I'm intending to stuff it in her, but she opens her mouth wide and almost gulps it down whole. "I want you to really see how much I can eat today, so I'll have lots of rich milk for her." She eats with a real determination until she insists on stopping. "I think I'll see if Purrlec can help me feel a little less full." I pretend to help her waddle, but actually do it so I can see and feel her delicious flesh billow. I help her untie her blouse and almost get knocked over by the flood of her fat orbs as the cloth explodes outward. Purrlec is partway awake and is standing somewhat unsteady. Her eyes are only partly open as she nurses. I stroke her smooth pelt and smile as a surprising amount of fat quivers beneath it. After she drains Fleesha's heavy bosom, she lies down, breathing gently. After I manage to get Fleesha's blouse back on, we contact Trask on Mars and then begin checking with the mines and the Temples. Chasla levitates the supplies with little problem. The building materials are on wheeled trailers and are quickly sent to Mars through the second Gateway. At the desert Temple, Cindy has the couples ready. "I've found some who can help me with jewelry." Chasla levitates the boxes of personal items of those going to Mars. They are more excited than nervous as they step through both Gateways. Fleesha prepares lunch after the last of them is on Mars. She smiles as Purrlec sleepily walks over. "I bet you're hungry?" Purrlec yawns. "I guess I better so I'll have plenty of energy to get Matt back to normal health." She eats all Fleesha puts in front of her, not realizing how much is high energy. She finally leans back. A groan escapes her tired lips. She smiles at me, "I'll be ready for you after supper." She closes her eyes and is quickly asleep. During the afternoon, Grasthu and I talk about any ideas about the short term food problem. "We've started planting a few types outside." He comments, while looking at how many escapees could be brought per day. "With supplies from the Temples, we can take care of them and maybe a few more." "If you can get a remote planter for me to play with," I manage to laugh. "I might find ways to improve it that your beings haven't thought of." He finally smiles, "We've showed you ways to meld our magic and your technology." He looks at the drawings of the habitat and the areas marked for planting. "We're going to take a couple of them from some big farms. Let's check and see how soon you might get one." I contact the Temple near one of the farms. Grasthu talks with one of the priests. "We already have one hidden here," the priest replies with a grin. Grasthu steps through and follows him through a side door. A few minutes later, he returns riding on seed bed of a remote planter. "Let me show you how it works." His excitement is contagious and we work until Fleesha and Chasla insist we stop. "You know that Matt's supposed to take it easy for awhile," Chasla reminds him. Grasthu and I try not to laugh. "Once we get every one on Mars, we'll all be able to take a long rest." We join the others who are already eating. Purrlec stops before any one else. "I need to make sure I have room for Matt." She stands up and sort of jumps to one side, the loose bag of her abdomen flowing. "And I'm going to see how much milk Fleesha can fill me out with, when you're inside." Fleesha grins and refills her large plate. "Then I better eat so I'll have plenty." She attacks her food and is still eating when the rest of us finish. Finally she struggles to her feet and lets her gorged belly sag. "You better be thirsty," she giggles and her mammoth mammeries quiver with her amusement. Trying to ignore her, I walk to Mars Gateway. "Trask, I'd like to check with Draaza and Heelos if they're not too busy." Within minutes, both of them and a few others have come through. "We should be able to accept 12 a day for the surface buildings." Heelos tries to sound hopeful. "Once we have the escapees from the desert hiding place, we'll be able to find how much room is needed if we have to bring everyone before we're ready." Draaza points at the drawings of the shaft. "We've got one horizontal shaft underway and we're also digging down for the next level." He pauses as he shows what has been done. "I'd like to check in with the mines and see how many miners they can spare. With enough, we could work on all six passageways at once. I've also marked the list of escapees for those with abilities that could be useful finishing the living areas." Grasthu shows the remote planter I modified. "I'll give it to one of the others to test. I believe we can improve the plants given time. But getting as much growing as possible is more important in the short term." Trask steps through, "We all know Matt needs more healing time than he feels he can spare. I'll help Draaza contact the mines while he rests." He pushes my chair back and sits down behind the control computer. "If there's nothing else," I joke. "I better let Purrlec do what she can." Every one gets back to what they were doing, or planned to as I walk to Purrlec's sleeping area. "I hope you're ready," she grins and relaxes her muscles. "Because Fleesha's got me used to good meals and I'm really hungry." "I hope you're really thirsty," Fleesha fakes a groan as she tries to heft her ponderous bosom. "Because if you don't take some soon, I'm going to have Trask tie you down and force feed you." I have prepared myself as last time. "I think I'll let you two argue after I'm inside." Purrlec closes her eyes and takes a wide stance. I gently ease her open and connect myself to her. As I squirm myself into her, I can feel her controlling my body. Much easier than last time, I slide in and curl up. Warm water flows from the expanded walls of her womb. I listen to her gulping Fleesha's milk as a deep sleep takes me. For many minutes, Purrlec gulps sweet milk from Fleesha's immense and productive milk factories. Chasla levitates sweets and drinks as Fleesha motions her to. Her rich milk and my being inside makes Purrlec so mellow, she doesn't realize how much high fat milk is pouring into her. Trask comes over and feels how much flesh is between her pelt and enormous womb. "I always hoped there'd be some excuse for her to get plump." Fleesha almost laughs. "I hope you don't think she's plump yet." She opens her mouth wide and Chasla feeds her. Fleesha actually stops before Purrlec has drained her. "I had a good meal," She reaches back and pats her round belly. Chasla and Trask restrain their laughter and leave them alone. After Purrlec changes sides several times, Fleesha is finally dry. Purrlec purrs as her mammoth belly rocks her to sleep. Several times that night and the next morning, Fleesha nurses her an amazing amount of milk. Chasla has remained here and feeds her each time. "Even with all you're eating," she whispers to Fleesha. "I think you're actually losing a little bit." Fleesha forces down several Falunas before answering. "Once we're on Mars, I'm certain Matt will enjoy watching me grow." She continues gorging while her monstrous breast jiggle as gallons of milk gush down Purrlec's throat. Finally she is stuffed and she watches with pride as Purrlec continues nursing in her oblivious state. "I wonder how long my milk can keep her from realizing how plump she's getting?" Purrlec drinks her dry and resumes her sleep as her humongous belly rocks her gently as she breathes. During Sunday, everything continues in the pattern of sending food supplies from the temples. The five mines scheduled to send building supplies, each send two miners. Most of them are couples but four are single. In his office/quarters, Draaza tries not to appear bothered, but confides with Heelos. "Singles up here won't have the family drive couples do." Heelos partway agrees. "But all of them have friends or families. The question you and I need to work on, is how much room we'll need before every one could live here. We need to know, so if things go in favor of the owners, we can say when. And once we've built enough space, everyone can slow down." He nods slowly. "With the new miners I'm getting, I can make assignments for the main shaft, horizontal shafts and living quarters. So far I can't say how much living space we can make a day." Heelos forces a smile. "Right now we can house 12 new escapees a day. At this rate, we won't have those in the desert hide away here for another twenty days. I'm working on an emergency design of a very large open building. I don't like the idea but if we have to do a mass exodus before we're ready...." Draaza's expression is grim. "From what I learned at one of the mines, the owners are moving toward stamping out our rights. Instead of years, we may only have months." He looks at the mine drawings covering his office walls. "The mines can't spare more than a few..... Unless there was a major accident." Heelos shakes in fear. "To get as many as you'd like, we'd have to close down an entire mine. The others would be told to make up the loss." Draaza nods, "That's why I haven't ask for one. Well, in another week, I should be able to guess how fast we can get living space built." They take their discussion with them as they tour the surface buildings and the shaft. By Sunday evening, Everyone is surprised that Purrlec is still semi conscious. "My warm milk is keeping her sleepy and contented," Fleesha jokes quietly as Purrlec nurses for the uncounted time. Cindy smiles as she feeds her. "I thought it was the dairy cow that got contented?" Fleesha gulps down the nutrient roll. "But neither of us is a cow." She fills herself and then watches as Purrlec drains her. "With carrying Matt once a week, and all my rich milk she's drinking, she doesn't realize how fast I'm pumping her up." She waddles to her sleeping area as Purrlec, once more bloated with rich milk, is rocked to sleep by her huge spherical abdomen. Monday morning, before breakfast, Purrlec adjust herself to let me out. I become somewhat alert to the dim red glow coming into her womb. It seems dimmer than last week and I grin as I feel the softness of her fat surrounding me. Once I'm out, Fleesha helps dry me while Cindy feeds Purrlec. "I'm so hungry," Purrlec comments. "After having you in me twice, I just want to be that full all the time." As she continues to gulp down her huge breakfast, Cindy manages to only smile. Trask comes through the Gateway and takes over feeding her. Finally she admits she's full. "Maybe I should get you inside me," she whispers in a semiconscious voice. He helps her to their area and she eases down. "But I can't curl up as tight as Matt." He answers as he lays down and start to cover himself with her loose pelt. He stops when he realizes how much fat she has gained. Not wanting to give her any sign of her adding flesh, he curls up on the plump pelt of her semi empty belly. After breakfast, Draaza comes through and tells me about Heelos and his discussions. "By the end of the week, we should be able to judge how long until we can house every one." I grab his shoulder to assure him he's doing everything possible. "We need to help Grasthu and his crews with getting enough planted to feed everyone. I'll leave the underground quarters in your hands and the surface building in Heelos." He manages to smile slightly, "It's just that we're so close to freedom. I'm now afraid that the owners will stop us before we reach it." Grasthu comes through and joins us. "The planter you modified does it's work with out an operator, better than with one. I think one of us could handle four at a time." Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of Fleesha moving her hands a few inches away from her sides, as if gauging how much she might fill out with this new work. "Haseena has warned me I need to take it easy." I close my eyes and think how renewed I feel. "Since I'm not doing much else. I'll try one today and one tomorrow. On the days I'm working, I don't think I should." He smiles broadly. "Lekena is really enjoying the one you've made, so I'm putting him in charge. We're trying a variety of plants on the surface and should know which is the best in a few weeks." Draaza nods, "I better get back to work." He turns and goes back to Mars. Grasthu manages to keep a positive attitude. "I know he's worried about enough room and food, but there's only so much that can be done. I can't say how much those with Fleesha's abilities can improve the harvest." Fleesha waddles up and bumps her huge jugs against him. "Maybe the priests should tell the escapees to eat well before they come through." "You get me a planter to work on," I almost shout as I try to tackle her. "And I'll try and keep her under control." He laughs and steps back through the Gateway to Mars. A matter of minutes later, he guides one back through. "We cleaned it up as well as we could." He helps me take it apart and I remove the modules I need to modify. As we finish setting them up on my workbench, Chasla levitates several platters loaded with food. As I rest my hands on one of the modules, Fleesha waddles up beside me. "If I try and stand behind you," she giggles. "You wouldn't be able to see what you're doing." I lean against her billowing upright torso and sink into her enormous, plushy bosom. "I want to make sure you have plenty of milk for Purrlec." Some how I manage to focus on the work before me. My mind flows with the circuits as they reform into what I will them to be. As I finish, I slowly become aware of her moving slightly. Relaxing into her jiggling softness, I listen to her eating rapidly. As she realizes I've stopped, she gulps down what she was eating and sighs. "I've been eating so much to make lots of rich milk for Purrlec," she whispers with a smile. "A couple of weeks ago," she pats her fat, quivering under her fur. "But now I just feel well fed." She steps aside as I get up. "All I have to do now is reinstall the modules." I start on the first and Grasthu joins me before I finish. With his help, it's ready in a matter of minutes. "I'll let you know how it works," he promises as he directs it through the Gateway. Trask joins us as I stroke Fleesha's rolling belly. "I think she's waking up," he jokes. Fleesha tests the growing weight of her ponderous jugs. "I'd like to slow down on how much I've been giving her. I think I've actually lost a little bit." Trask smiles, "and I bet I know where it's gone." As Purrlec comes out of their sleeping area, he rushes to her and helps her to the dinning table. Fleesha smiles as she makes everything Purrlec asks for. Finally Purlec struggles to her feet. "I think I ate too much to have room for any milk." She absent mindedly strokes her lose, but fat flesh. "But I'll have room later." Cindy returns from her supply run and Chasla help bring the straw downstairs. For the rest of the afternoon and evening, it's decided we should relax. By bedtime, Purrlec has nursed several times and goes to sleep with her belly flooded with gallons of Fleesha's extra rich milk. On Tuesday I improve another planter. During a meeting in the afternoon, It's decided the group staying in my basement is doing as much as should be asked. Dahlakee finishes setting up his quarters on Mars and Cindy can now sleep there. During the rest of the week, I train two escapees to operate the Mars Gateway. Trask moves back to my house, so that he can use the first Gateway, when I'm healing. During the Friday evening meeting, reports on housing are impressive. "Not counting my 20 friends from mine 3," Heelos reports with a touch of pride. "We've got 100 from the desert hideaway living comfortably. They're doing what they can to make the place more homelike and can work on underground chambers when Draaza's ready. I think we can handle about 100 a week now that we've worked out the major problems." Draaza puts up a new set of drawings. "We've finished digging tunnel one on level one. We've started on tunnel two and are down deep enough for level three. Each tunnel is long enough for fifty quarters. We've dug and sealed several. Our main work has been for the shaft. We've designed each level to house approximately five hundred. A test bore shows we can dig to level ten with no problem. The tunnels are shifted so the even are over each other and the odd are offset by 30 degrees. A shaft at the end of each will vertically connect the odds or even tunnels. Then we can mine more tunnels, making a geometric layout." He flips the drawings, showing the simple, yet intricate design. Every one agrees with this. Dahlakee frowns slightly. "You can dig about one tunnel a week, but how many chambers can you make?" Draaza tries to look hopeful. "We've been taking the first few carefully, so we can learn the best and fastest way. With the crews I've assigned to them, we can now finish two or three a day. They're designed for a couple and children, but ten of average build could possibly live there for a short while." I've been punching numbers into one of the computers. "Right now we could move about 130 a week. four or five times that much if we need to." After punching a few more keys, I sit back. "In sixteen weeks, we will have enough room to squeeze every one in. We'll need about sixty to house every one comfortably." Grasthu shrugs his shoulders. "I can't say how long it will take my team. We have to deal with the longer seasons on Mars. The well is producing enough water. It appears there is a series of underground rivers. We're just lucky enough to have hit one." He consults his notes. "In another couple of weeks, I should have an idea how long it'll take to be able to keep every one fed." Draaza makes a few notes. "I suggest we start a calendar so we can keep track of progress. Let's call this week 3. If we can progress as planned, by the end of week 20 we could activate exodus. The target for comfortable living is seventy." Every one agrees, "I think it's good to have a target and not be running as fast as possible." Fleesha laughs. "And now I think we should relax and take an evening to goof off." Chasla levitates food packs as Fleesha changes them into snack foods. I pop a movie in and every one gets comfortable. For the rest of the evening, nothing is said about the work facing us. During the next two days, I improve the other two remote planters. Over the next two weeks, all of the hidden escapees have been moved to the surface buildings. The fifty chambers of level one, tunnel 1 are structurally finished. Everyone not involved with actual construction, mining or planting, works on making the chambers home like. On Friday evening, we have our weekly status meeting. Draaza displays how far his miners has progressed. "We've mined down to level 4 and have airlocks for the six tunnels at each level. Three tunnels of level one are completed. The chambers of tunnel one are finished except from making them comfortable." Heelos takes over. "We're making good progress on surface buildings. This last week, we've been working on buildings for green houses, agricultural equipment and storage buildings." He looks to Grasthu. "The first couple of plant types are growing. Not as well as we may have wished, but we're learning and we hope to have an excellent surface plant in another couple of tests. The ones in the greenhouses are doing excellent. They will be able to improve the air recycling and we should be able to do limited harvesting in a few weeks." He allows a frown to cross his face. "Right now, it'll only be enough for the agri workers and their families." Haseena stands, her smile barely covers her inner concerns. "In a few sectors, there are reports of violence against slaves. The owners are testing how far they can push before the government stops them." She shivers, trying to control her fears. "In one sector, it's only a matter of time before some one is killed." Fleesha waddles over and pulls Haseena into her billowing flesh. "Just relax. Now that it's started, we can discuss what can be done." Draaza's fists are clenched and his knuckles are almost white. "Since we can't keep them on Mars, maybe it's time to fight." Trask grips his shoulder in an attempt to calm him. "If we try that, we'll lose. Not only the revolt, but all freedoms." Draaza stares at the underground diagrams, but his thoughts are somewhere else. "I've given my opinion." He turns to the rest of us. "Let's hear what you can come up with!" His voice is flat, but his anger is obvious. Purrlec looks for some one to start. "Haseena, is this one sector, the one where Trask and I escaped from?" "Yes," she whispers. "Virtually all owners in other sectors seem to be watching to see how far it will go." Purrlec looks at her loose belly, her increase in fat is now obvious and she actually smiles for a second as she thinks about her gain in weight. "Have they been able to keep hiding their personal things in the Temple?" Haseena almost laughs, "The priests have three with your ability. Because of what's happening, they've been bringing as much as they can. Within two weeks, they'll have everything at the Temple," she almost cries. "Except our friends." Purrlec turns to Heelos, "How many could you house on the surface and underground by then?" He glances at Draaza. "The fifty chambers of tunnel one could handle eight for a total of 400 hundred. If we go back to working on housing quarters we might be able to house about one thousand." Haseena nods, "There are seven hundred in that sector." Her eyes jerk open as she realizes where this is going. "If we take all of them to Mars, they'll keep the rest of us under constant watch." The discussion breaks into an argument over doing this or nothing. Finally I insist on a stop. "We have two weeks before we'll have the room for them. Heelos, why don't you work on housing so we'll have room if we need to." I look at the others. They are starting to relax, but Draaza is pacing in anger. "There are two problems if we bring them to Mars. The first is what constraints will be put on every one else. The second is how can we get enough food?" A smile is growing on Grasthu's face. "We grew food for the owners, so why don't we get food from them?" He waits for some one to say anything as he begins sketching. "Matt, are there grain storage building like this?" He shows me a drawing of something resembling a grain silo. "Yes," I reply. "They're called silos." Suddenly I catch his idea. "If you set the Gateway beside the output hatch," Grasthu explains to the others. "We could rig some sort of funnel to guide the grain into bags." Smiling, I add to his sketch. "With a conveyor, we could have it pour into a hopper and fill the bags from there. The Gateway can monitor if any one is in the area. If some one shows up, we'll be gone before they see anything. By raiding silos all over, they won't be able to set up a security system that can stop us." Haseena shakes her head, "If we raid everywhere, they'll know that it's a big organization. I'm afraid the Temples will be under suspicion." Grasthu flops down and doodles silos. "If we could drain a good sized silo. It could keep them fed for months." Looking at his first drawing, an idea begins to form. "If I open the Gateway inside the silo, no one would see and they wouldn't know how it was done." I pause as every one agrees. "The problem is, using a conveyor would make noise that might be heard." Chasla walks over to the Gateway. "A few weeks ago, I had removed the airlock, because it was getting in the way of the Mars Gateway. "Could you open it in a silo? Maybe if we see it, some one might think of a way." I turn on the three coils for viewing. After setting to coordinates for the Temple in Grasthu's former area, he directs me to a near by storage area. "With all these silos to choose from," I joke as I appear to fly the view up to the top of one of the biggest. The view goes blank for a second as it passes through the wall. Inside, the only light is through a ventilation grate. I switch on the other coils, and the light from here, illuminates the kilo-tons of grain a few inches below it's lower edge. Chasla stands before the gateway. Her round belly almost billows as she takes a step forward and looks in. "If we use a conveyor, we'll need something to fill." She looks toward the sleeping area and levitates a pillow. Flipping it in the air, it drops out of the pillow case. She levitates it to herself. She grabs the end and holds it open. Before any one us can put two and two together, she levitates a mass of grain and 'pours it into the pillow case. She stops when it is full and quietly levitates the rest back. "I think that was quiet enough," she almost laughs. Quickly I shut off the Gateway. "All we need is some bags and then we can move them.." I pause as I see Dahlakee and Trask sketching some designs. "We'll have something better designed in a while," Heelos replies to my unasked question. Haseena starts to smile. "I don't know if this would be the right time. But maybe we should start moving the personal items we're hiding in the Temples." Chasla laughs and slaps her plump body. "I've been packing on weight so I can lift more." She looks at me. "We could move it here and then to Mars when they've decided where they want it stored." I reset the location for Haseena's Temple. She steps beside me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "The Temple in the troubled sector first, please." Nodding in agreement, I change the setting and she's soon talking with the priests. Two of them walk through the Temple and I follow them with the Gateway. They go down to a concealed chamber. As the door opens, hundreds of boxes, about two foot cube, are seen. Chasla takes a deep breath and hefts her full breasts. Every one breaks down laughing, except Grasthu and Heelos. They try and figure what's funny, before returning to their work. Chasla wipes the tears of laughter from her eyes, before concentrating on the task before her. She levitates about four hundred before stopping. "I think that's about a fourth of them." She looks at the neatly stacked crates, filling most of my basement. Fleesha nudges her with a large platter, loaded with nutritious, and delicious foods. "What you need is a break and some food to get your energy restored." Chasla smiles and relaxes on the floor. Haseena tells the priests we'll get the remainder moved before going to other Temples. "This is everything." One of them says. "They're so hopeful of escaping, they brought almost everything here, keeping only a few things in their slave quarters." "Tell them we know of their suffering and that we are making progress." Haseena replies. "Tonight we solved one of the major problems." The priest bows and then leaves. Fleesha looks up from feeding Chasla. "While those two work on something" she motions to Grasthu and Heelos. "Why don't we have a relaxed meal and watch some movies." With no argument, every one moves cushions, sets up trays and carries prepared food. Shortly after the movie starts, Chasla groans and pushes a small cake away. "Even though I'd love to pack on weight faster," She cautiously rubs her swollen belly. "I don't think it's safe for me to force down another bite." She levitates some of the small cushions and uses them to prop her up. Grasthu lies down beside her and massages her abdomen while he eats. Fleesha starts gorging and encourages Purrlec to try and keep up with her. More than an hour later, Purrlec lays back, her paws caressing her growing stomach. "If I could stretch my belly as much as I can stretch my womb." Trask grabs the thick roll of her loose abdominal pelt. He holds it out, pretending she's full. "Matt would have to make the Gateway bigger." He laughs and lays on her loose flesh. Purrlec reaches out with her paws and hands and pulls him close. When the movie is over, Grasthu and Heelos show what they've been working on. "Instead of filling bags with grain," Trask explains their drawings. "We can fill ore carriers and roll them through the Gateway to Mars." Heelos shows his drawings. "Part of my team can start on building a silo. Those with abilities like Fleesha can begin changing it into food packs and any foods wanted. Or we could store it in unfinished chambers underground." Draaza quickly agrees. "We could take one from each mine with no one noticing." He looks at his underground drawings. "We've started on finishing the chambers of level 1 tunnel 2. If we only work on them for storage, we could finish much faster. I think we'll need the surface buildings. Not only as quarters, but more importantly, to live. Most of us haven't lived in the mines. The underground will be fine for sleeping and home life, but we'll all need time above ground." The three of them begin discussing what changes will be needed to the chambers. While I set up the second movie, Heelos looks at the boxes before asking for help from Mars. A group of escapes work on moving crates to one of the surface buildings. They insist that we relax while they load them on low wagons and roll them away. Fleesha puts a table loaded with snacks and drinks for them. By the time the movie is over, they have moved most of the crates. Chasla stands in front of the Gateway and resumes levitating crates. The others fall behind her. They switch who is moving and loading the low wagons several times. Chasla moves another 400 boxes before stopping. "Two more times tomorrow and we'll have everything in our new home." Fleesha pokes Chasla's tummy. "I think you can hold some more now," she jokes. Chasla smiles as she levitates a platter of food. "How 'bout another movie?" She asks as she carefully lays down. Fleesha drops down beside her, her hundreds of pounds of fat billows heavily and seductively. "I wonder if Purrlec is hungry," she giggles. Trask is lounging on the thick mattress of Purrlec's unpregnant abdomen. "I think when she wakes, she'll be more thirsty than hungry." Fleesha laughs and slight ripping sounds are heard as her ponderous bosom sloshes heavily within her strained blouse. I'm hypnotized by her silky flesh almost surging out of her enormous blouse. She smiles to me and winks, conveying that later she'll be glad for more of my attention. Struggling to move my eyes away, I start up a Disney movie. Chasla eats to her impressive limits and lays back into Grathu's caresses. Purrlec opens her eyes and Trask rolls off her thick abdominal flesh. "Do you have something for me?" She licks her full lips and stares at Fleesha's massive milk factories. Fleesha glances at me as she tries to open her blouse. Trying not to appear too excited, and moving slowly because I am, I help release her enormous jugs. Purrlec sucks a fat nipple into her mouth and rich milk can be heard pouring down her throat. Fleesha closes her eyes in contentment as her bosom jiggles. As enormous as her breasts are, one is noticeably less full when Purrlec switches to the one still tight with milk one. When both are drained, she lays back and Trask curls up one her less loose abdominal flesh. I bring a platter of food and feed it to Fleesha while the movie continues. "Does it worry you how fast you might gain when Purrlec stops nursing?" I whisper. She grabs a large faluna. Her fat swollen arm squeezes against her mammoth breast as she pushes it into her mouth. Her plump cheeks puff out as it fills her mouth and she struggles to chew. After a few chomps, she tips her head back and, with a mighty gulp, it bulges her neck as it slides downward and into her incredible stomach. "I don't know when she'll want to stop nursing. And since we haven't planned on bringing any dairy animals from home." She smiles as I begin fondling her heavy, ballooning breasts. "I already made something to pump your productive udders when ever you want." I lick her engorged nipple and suck down what she has already made. She closes her eyes and drifts on the edge of a contented euphoria. "Maybe you can set it up so all I have to do is walk up to it." She almost purrs as I drink one and then the other dry. I fake helping her up, but as heavy and spongy as she is, I never could if she didn't stand on her own. Her fat bloated belly billows against me as she waddles to our sleeping area. Still in ecstacy, she lies down and sleeps. I curl up against her soft, massive belly and enormous bosom, throwing a blanket partly over us and join her in slumber. After breakfast, Chasla levitates half of the remaining crates from the Temple. The same group from last night moves them to the storage chamber and then joins us for lunch. Fleesha happily converts food packs into anything they ask for. "I know you don't have enough with food abilities to eat like this," she jokes while serving them. "I just hope the three of us here won't be looked at with anger like we're some owner's pampered pet." One of the smiles and shakes his head. "Every one has been told of what all of you have been doing. We'd still be hiding in the desert if it wasn't for all the work your group has done." Every one agrees with him and Fleesha prepares more food than they can eat. "I think you better send others to help Chasla," she giggles. "Because most of you are too full to work." Most of them laugh, but some are too full to do more than nod. Shortly after they leave, several other come through. Chasla takes a deep breath, and her tight top gives a few creaks and several seams give slightly. "Let's get the rest through, that will give them more hope than they've had in quite some time." She begins levitating the last 400 boxes and the others work smoothly, not keeping up with her, but only a hundred crates are stacked beside her when she finishes. Grasthu helps her to their sleeping area and massages her as she collapses into sleep. While they finish moving the boxes, Fleesha prepares a feast for them. "I don't think I can do this much for an extended time," she confines in me. "But they deserve it." She serves them and we talk about how their work on fixing up the chambers is going. They hope to finish tunnel one by the time the next tunnel is finished. "I'm afraid we have other needs for tunnel two," Hellos informs them. He explains how we're planning to raid grain silos. Many of them offer to help move the grain carriers. "We're working for our freedom and being able to bring every one else to our free world," One of them replies. "It would be best if we could bring them a few at a time, but with what's happening in the hard sector (their name for the sector where trouble is growing) we need to be able to move every one as soon as we safely can." While they talk, Draaza and I begin contacting the mines planned for that day. The building supplies are rolled through both gateways, along with a clean ore carrier from each. "When we contact the others tomorrow," Draaza almost beams with pride. "We'll be able to begin the raids." Grasthu has joined us and looks at him in terror. "I don't think Chasla can be expected to move personal crates and tons of grain." He looks at the last ore carrier. "We're going to have to accept how much she can safely do. It's not like Matt's work. Now that his hardest work is finished. He can rest and recover his strength." I look at the ore carrier and think. "Maybe I can come up with a better way. You get it cleaned up while I see what I can do." I sit down at the command computer. 'It's too bad I can't reach their world from Mars'. I ponder to myself as I start warming up the coils. While Draaza washes the carrier, I contact one of the mines and 'borrow' a small ore loader. I change the settings to the silo we had previously check on. I look at the stored grain, resting about a foot below the lower edge of the Gateway. "Now let's see what happens." Every one turns and watches as I slowly lower it. As it touches the grain, I pause, afraid something might happen. Smiling, I lower it into the grain. The grain begins to slowly pour through the Gateway. Draaza stands in surprise until Heelos shoves the loader into the growing pile and begins filling the carrier. As it approaches full, I raise the Gateway and then shut it off. "I think we've solved that problem." For a moment, every one is silent. Then they start to cheer. Grasthu quickly stops them, reminding them where they are. "Once you're back on Mars, yell all you want." They quietly congratulate us and leave, taking the full grain carrier with them. Draaza and Heelos goes with them. "I better get a team working on the storage chambers," Draaza promises as he leaves. Purrlec had woke with the cheering and joins us. "I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold you," she jokes to me as she strokes her fleshy belly. "So you better take advantage of me while I've got room." Fleesha motions to the also awake Chasla and they begin stuffing each other with the remains of the feast. "I'm going to need a lot," she tells Chasla. "Because I think Purrlec's going to be thirsty." She eats as fast as Chasla can feed her. Chasla tries but fails to keep up. Purrlec groans slightly as I try and ease into her. "I guess Fleesha has been plumpening me up faster than I thought." Her voice is muffled to me as I squirm into her once spacious, now snug and plushy, womb. Once inside, I relax as fluid begins to fill the limited space. It is much darker than the first time, undoubtedly because of all the fat she has packed on her sturdy frame. I mange to stay conscious until I hear the wonderful sound of her sucking rich milk. I drift into dreams of pleasure and comfort. Fleesha wiggles in excitement as Purrlec sucks sweet milk from her ponderous breasts. Finally both are drained and Purrlec is rocking herself to sleep on her fat, milk and overly pregnant swollen abdomen. Her paws unconsciously fondle her impossibly stretched belly. Trask stays with her, while the others relax with movies, computer games and ideas of what life on Mars will be like. At night, Grasthu rejoins us and tells he has real hopes for a strain of the grain they're now planting. Every one agrees that today has been a busy one and head for their sleeping areas. Fleesha waddles up to Purrlec and playful pushes her. She rocks on her spherical belly as Fleesha offers her one milk bloated breast and then the other. After she is full of milk so rich it is almost cream, Fleesha takes several food packs to her mattresses and gorges. Twice more, and once before breakfast, she fills Purrlec from her heavily ladened milk factories and then stuffs herself. During Sunday, she continues to nurse Purrlec every few hours. By evening, Trask can tell that she has gained a noticeable amount. "If you feed her like that every day," He beams as he strokes Purrlec's silky pelt that floats on her thick layers of fat. Fleesha shakes her head, her bounteous bosom quivers for several seconds. "I'd be losing weight, she wouldn't be able to carry Matt next weekend, and I don't think he'd like either." Trask agrees. Later that evening, he helps me out. While I dry off and put on some clothes, Purrlec nurses like she hasn't had a thing in weeks. After a while, Fleesha steps away and holds up her hands. "I'm completely dry," she exclaims as she pats her massively fat breasts. "I think some solid food would be best now." Purrlec breaks out of her semi-trance and looks at her fattened tummy. "I gained that much since last night?" Her voice is a mixture of fear and pride. "Well'" she grins at me. "I don't think I'll have room for you next time." Trask helps her waddle to the table. "That's ok," I reply. "I think I'm more than recovered and I know how to control my ability a lot better." As Trask helps feed her, I try and help feed Fleesha with out getting too excited. She smiles, realizing my problem and does her best not to make it worse. Chasla suggests that she should begin moving storage boxes for another Temple. "If we estimate the same number of boxes in each, and I move one fourth a day," she explains to Haseena. Haseena thinks for a moment. "A little over a month. Sounds good to me. Although there may be more that hasn't been brought to the Temples, yet." Chasla smiles, "No problem. I'll get the new crates when we check in with the priests." I've already set the Gateway for the first Temple and the helpers from Mars are standing ready as I activate it. They work efficiently and stop after four hundred have been moved. Haseena promises to advise everybody to get their possessions to the Temples as soon as safely possible For two more weeks, everything continues with only minor problems. The personal boxes from three more Temples are safely on Mars. We've decided to not to raid the silos, although we have taken a carrier full from one a day. On Friday evening of week seven, we meet to compare how far we are and how far we hoped to be. Heelos holds up his building layout, showing which are finished, pressurizes, etc. "With the finished chambers underground, we can presently house about 1000 more at this time." Draaza nods in agreement as he explains his drawings. "We're down to level 6. We've just started on the sixth tunnel of level one. The chambers of level one tunnel six will be finished for grain storage." Grasthu, for once, has an optimistic expression. "We've started harvesting the first test plants. Our enhancing them has shortened the growth time. I feel one of the present test batches will be what we're looking for. It might take a year or two before we'll be able to feed every one. As to the oxygen plants, we've been modifying them constantly and finally have a strain we're satisfied with." Lekena unrolls his maps of the land surrounding the Mars habitat. "The remote planters are doing a great job. I'm using one of them to sow the oxygen plants outside. Chasla takes a few heavy steps, her new fat quivering under her silky pelt. "We've almost finished moving storage crates from four Temples. They've been storing them in the first chambers of level one tunnel one. I know that other crates are being brought to the Temples I've finished, but I should be able to keep up with them easily. Haseena is the only one who is still frowning. "It's not any better in that sector, if anything, it's getting worse. All the priests agree we can have them escape with out endangering those who remain. We have discussed helping a few of the most tortured escape." She closes her eyes and almost shivers. "But we're afraid the other owners will vent their anger on the other slaves." She steels herself as she sits down. Heelos and Draaza compare notes while Fleesha and Cindy prepare supper. By the time it's ready, they've finished. "Our problem of food has temporarily been solved by using the Gateway to raid silos. At present we can house one thousand, maybe a few more but not enough to make much of a difference. We estimate we can add surface and underground space for about 500 a week if we pack them in." He pauses and looks at Haseena. "So we're talking about fourteen more weeks. Maybe if one couple escaped a week?" He tries to smile. Haseena looks at the food and plays with a piece of bread. "I know we should be pleased with that." She sighs deeply, "But thinking of those in torment." She looks Draaza squarely, "I don't want your crews to work any harder or take chances. Being able to tell them how soon will do wonders to their moral." She manages to smile. While we eat, the talk is kept to the positive progress on Mars. Before Haseena leaves, she brings up one question. "Do you really think we can bring everyone through in a single day?" I give her a warm reassuring hug, almost knocking her over. "That's the one thing I'm not worried about. I've got several spare coils and computers here and on Mars. I can open this one to a Temple and they can run through it and then straight through to Mars. Haseena relaxes and smiles as I access her Temple. "We'll pass the word on when. Telling them problems may slow down the work, but we know it's sooner then we hoped for." She steps through and I shut the coils down. Every one looks at each other with the same thoughts. "I'm afraid we can't hope to push every one enough to make much of a difference," Draaza admit. "They're working as fast as safely possible. All of them have friends and family they're working to save." He looks at Heelos, "We've got to keep this a secret. If we tell the others, they might push themselves hard and accidents are bound to happen." Heelos agrees, "I think we should get back." He smiles as Fleesha motions to a grain carrier loaded with pastries. "I see you've made some for the others." He walks over to it and pushes it through the Mars Gateway. Draaza thanks her for supper and follows him. Purrlec waddles over to the drawings and frowns. "When I got here, I was helping Matt get stronger." She pokes deeply into her fat swollen body. Her once lose belly skin still hangs down, but now it is thick with flesh. "And now I'm too fat to hold you." With a running jump, I land on her wide back. "I was almost too weak to do anything more when you arrived." I wrap my arms around her plushy midsection sliding them under her heavy breasts. "And you strengthened me so I could keep working. If your gaining weight was slowing us down at all, I could understand it." Fleesha slowly waddles up to her. "The Priests selected Trask to help Matt with the Gateways. Your ability to help Matt was also needed. Now that Matt's hardest work is done, I haven't really had to recharge him." She gently strokes the sides of her impossibly fat jugs. "My ability with food has been useful, but Dahlakee changing metals to gold allows them to buy plenty of prepared food." She takes another step forward, her ponderous bosom straining the seams of her blouse. A couple of small rips form when she stops. "If you want to think of something all your new weight has done." She grins widely I roll off Purrlec and help release breasts that, each one, dwarfs a record holding dairy cow's udder. "We might need extra milk until we can 'borrow' some dairy animals from the farms." Purrlec drops down and slurps a fat nipple into her mouth. Her eyes seem to blur as Fleesha amazing rich milk gushes into her. Trask smiles as he strokes her billowing body. "I think all she needs is a good load of milk and me." He grins as Fleesha giggles, her weighty bosom quivering as her creamy milk flows. Grasthu, Chasla and I look over the notes from the meeting. "We seem to be the ones that have been given the responsibilities to save everyone. We need to review everything and see if there's something we haven't thought of." Chasla looks at the grain carrier. What if you built a third Gateway? I mean we have to bring everyone through in a very short time." I look at the one and think. "Maybe a second one might help. I don't think using two at the same time would help. But we could have the coordinates of the next one locked in and switched on as soon the last person from one Temple have come through." We talk of a few ideas by the time Fleesha is dry. "If that doesn't make her feel better," Fleesha grins. "I don't know what will." She strokes the sides of her productive milk factories, unable to reach farther because of their incredible size and her fat bloated arms. Chasla levitates platters of food while I feed Fleesha. "And after I get you filled back up," I whisper as I squeeze into between her wonderfully spongy breasts. "You'll feel as good as her." Fleesha opens her mouth wide, barely chewing before swallowing everything I put between her fleshy lips. She finally stops. "We need to find something Purrlec can do to make her feel needed," she whispers. She strokes the silky fur of her gorged belly. "If it wasn't for Purrlec's nursing, I might not be able to produce enough when I need to." She lies down and we talk of different ideas while we relax. Before going to sleep, Fleesha nurses Purrlec and does so again during the night. By morning, Purrlec is more relaxed and accepts she's doing all she can. "Maybe I can find a way to hold Matt again." She closes her eyes, mentally intering her body. After I contact the next Temple. Chasla and some from Mars resume moving storage boxes. By lunch, they've moved 400. The priests assure us that the only personal items not there, are ones that will be carried during the escape. They also report that acts of owner violence have not risen in their sector. "It almost appears they're using the hard sector to test their government." One of the Priests admits. "I think the next test will be during one of our holidays. They may try and refuse to let their slaves go to their Temple." "Understood," I try to keep my voice calm. "We may need to have them escape before we have room for every one." As the priest agree, I shut down the coils. "I'm ready for any one's suggestions." Chasla looks at Trask through the other Gateway. "Do you think we should ask the others to join us?" "No," I answer shaking my head. "They have their own work and shouldn't have to concern themselves with what we should do." "You haven't seen the work they've been doing," Grasthu asks. "Maybe if you checked out their accomplishments, you'd accept that you made it possible for them to do their work. And you have to remember, you'll be needed to help move every one, and get grain to keep them fed." Smiling, I stand and walk to the Mars Gateway. "You want to give me a tour," I ask Grasthu. "Sure," he quickly joins me and turns around. "Anyone else want to come?" Fleesha struggle to her feet. "Might as well see where we're going to move to." Chasla follows, her round belly rolling as she moves. "Maybe we can work on fixing up our new homes." She laughs at her weak joke. On Mars, Grasthu and Heelos shows us the surface living quarters. "Most of the permanent quarters will be underground." The shaft elevator was obviously made from mine equipment. "Once they get everything dug and finished, we'll replace it with a better looking one." We get off at the first level and he shows us the finished living quarters of tunnel three. "Draaza has assigned a small team to connect the ends of the tunnels so they'll look like a wheel with six spokes. It'll make it easier to get around." On level three, Draaza shows us how well his crews are doing. "If it wasn't for the problems back home, we wouldn't be so concerned about getting done in time." After looking around a bit longer, Fleesha, Chasla and I return to my house. Chasla sits down and looks at the building designs covering a portion of the wall. "Once we finish moving the boxes of possessions, maybe we could start raiding silos." I sit and think for several minutes. "It might cause more trouble than it's worth. But I should start on another Gateway." Purrlec is awake and whispers something to Trask. He tries to cover his surprise and I pretend not to notice. Fleesha pulls me into her spongy flesh. "I hope you aren't going to see how fast you can build it." I snuggle into her warm fur. "I think one coil and it's computer a day is fast enough. Now how 'bout supper?" She laughs and I'm buffeted by her flesh. "I think we should remember that, just because we've done a lot and don't have anything major to do now, doesn't mean we have to find something to do. We are keeping the Temples and mines in touch with us and Mars. We've got things farther than any one hoped. If we did nothing but relax, no one would blame us." "Ok," I joke back as she begins preparing supper. "You get the food ready and I'll set up the movies." While I select some movies and shows, Chasla levitates cushions for us to relax on. Purrlec eats as much as she has been and seems happier than she has been. It's after midnight before we decide to call it a night. Fleesha fills Purrlec with her rich, creamy milk before joining me in our sleeping area. "I wonder why she's so happy?" Fleesha muses. "Not that I'm complaining." She tries to lift her ponderous breasts. "If she stopped, I don't want to think how tight these would get." My only answer is to snuggle into her warm, comfortable fur. Soon the only sounds are those of relaxed breathing and the quiet whirl of computer cooling fans. Twice that night, and before breakfast, Fleesha nurses Purrlec. She sucks almost a minute after each one is dry, making sure to increase production even more. After breakfast, Trask and Fleesha talk to Chasla and I, about Purrlec wanting to be flooded with milk and water so she can force her womb to expand. Fleesha gently strokes the round sides of her ponderous bosom. "I think I can make more milk. Since I can alter foods, I can make special ones to keep me well supplied with nutrients for heavy lactation." She looks at Trask and pauses until he nods. "The milk she nursing from me is almost cream now, so it won't be any richer. However if I manage to increase my production by fifty percent, she'll be fattening even faster." "Before we escaped," Trask begins. "She had told me a dream she wished could come true. She ate rich foods and drank cream until her belly supported her. Then she expanded her womb until she could heal several at a time." He blushes slightly. "And I admit the thought really excites me." He looks at Purrlec sleeping, her paws unconsciously stroking her mammoth, growing belly. Chasla looks at me and we collapse in an effort to control our laughter. She looks at Fleesha, "I was wondering if you were getting upset that all you were gorging on was fattening her and not you." Fleesha smiles and takes a couple of steps, her humongous jugs rolling ponderously as she does. "I think part of me is still growing." She drops down beside me and I attempt to wrestle with her billowing fat. After a few minutes, we talk quietly about what we can do to help prepare for exodus. We agree that every one is doing something. I lean against Fleesha, stroking my arm over her wide spongy back. "I think building another Gateway could be useful. With an extra one, I can experiment with ideas I haven't been able to with out shutting down one of the two we now have." Trask nods and runs through the Mars Gateway. Within minutes, Cindy comes through. "So you need me and Dahlakee to help with a third gateway?" She smiles as she checks the unused parts. "He's getting enough ore to make several coils, but the computers..." She looks at the few striped down cases. With a grin, I motion to Chasla and she levitates one to my work table. "I've got several ideas that should allow one computer to control three coils. I'll get three coils built and then test and refine the idea contacting the Temples and mines." Fleesha heavily waddles to me. Her massive mammeries are so huge that she is only able to stand behind me. She moves forward until my back and both sides are cushioned by her warm spongy flesh. Relaxing as her surrounding energy begins to flow through me, my hands gently touch the remnants of the computer. As the fragmented circuits are repaired and improved, I add other circuit boards from the pile beside it. While I'm working on the computer and the first coil, Chasla feeds Fleesha by levitating an assortment of food to her mouth. Chasla gulps down a large faluna followed by a big mug of Coke. "I hope you don't mind if I use this opportunity to bulk up some myself." Fleesha smiles and opens her mouth for her next offering. She continues to let Chasla almost pour rich, nutritious food into her. I'm most of the way through making the coil when Fleesha closes her mouth. Chasla giggles and begins stuffing herself as fast as she had been feeding Fleesha. I finish the coil and would lean back, except for the hundreds of pounds of breast fat almost engulfing me. As I lounge in her softness, I hear eating. "There's no way you could still have room," I whisper as I lean forward and wiggle out of her blubbery embrace. She giggles and I fall back between her enormous flab bloated jugs. "It's not me." She finally says as she catches her breath. I finally manage to stand and turn toward the sound. Chasla smiles between bites. She gulps down a few more pastries and other foods before stopping. "Since everyone is preparing for unthought of problems," she pats her bulging belly. "I don't want there to be something too heavy for me to move." She groans as she realizes how much she has stuffed herself with. Dahlakee and Cindy are working with a pile of ore. "Now we don't have to send her after scrap metal," he jokes. I hear a noise behind me and jump out of the way. Purrlec waddles toward Fleesha, her growing belly rolling heavily as she does. Fleesha sighs in contentment as Purrlec hungrily slurps a fat nipple into her mouth and sucks greedily. "Ahhh," Fleesha whispers. "With everything I've just eaten, I've got as much milk as you can possibly hold." Purrlec tries to smile as she sucks vigorously. She switches sides after drinking for a surprising amount of time. When she drains the other one, she slowly returns to the first and gulps creamy milk from each a second time. Purrlec's tummy is so flooded with sweet milk, that she carefully lowers herself to the floor and is quickly asleep. During the remainder of the day and the next two, Purrlec is fed gallons of Fleesha's extremely rich milk as often as Fleesha can. Fleesha spends much of her waking time, eating and drinks gallon after gallon of water. I form the next two coils and test the three of them using one computer. I'm impressed it works as well as it does and replace three of the computers on the first Gateway. Finally, on Tuesday night, we relax and agree that we're closer to being ready than we thought we'd be. Fleesha looks at the sleeping Purrlec, her belly swollen with fresh milk, and smiles, "I love knowing that I'm making her fatter everyday." She easily pushes her hands into her spongy breasts. "The only thing that worries me is how huge these are getting." I stroke the silky smooth skin of one and suck the milk she has made in the few minutes since Purrlec stopped. "Imagine how big you'd be all over if it wasn't for her." Every one is barely able to control their laughter. After a few minutes, Grasthu suggests that, since I have to go to work in the morning, we should call it a night. I watch Fleesha lay down. Her overall plumpness is unnoticed because of her impossibly huge bosom. I lay down in front of her, cuddling around their enormous curvature. "I hope you can control your appetite when she quits nursing." I feel the softness with my entire body. "'Cause if you can't..." She grabs me and playfully smashes my face into her billowing breast. Struggling to control the growing desires within me. I relax and slip into a wonderfully restful sleep. During the next three days, I complete everything that used to take me all week, along with time to access the campus internet computers. By Friday, I've accessed all Nasa data and detailed maps of Mars. Friday evening, during our eighth weekly meeting, I show what they've learned from surface and orbiting probes. "One of the Viking probes is within traveling distance of our new home." Draaza frowns, "I thought you said it would be dangerous to allow your government to learn about us?" "That's right," I reply. "But once we're on Mars, they'll be glad to deal with us. We'll be the first offworld beings they've found and I intend to do it in a way so the public will learn of us at the same time as the government." Draaza grins slightly as he understand some of my idea. "The underground work is going well." He looks at the others. "We'd like to say we found a way to speed thing up but.." Heelos laughs, "I keep telling him to do it safe is better than fast. But we are able to keep up with our schedule. The workers aren't getting tired yet and we've been training those from the desert that have abilities that can be useful in construction. The others are doing a great job at finishing the underground chambers." Grasthu pulls a few sheets from his pouch. "The work on storage chambers is excellent. By the time we're ready for Exodus, we'll be able to store enough food for several months. There's nothing new about the plants. It'll take another month or so before we know for sure." Haseena is the only one who is frowning. "Things are not getting any better in the hard sector." Like every one, she calls it by this name. "We've chosen several that need to escape. However, their owners keep them under strict control." She looks at the map of the sector. "They may not be allowed to come to the Temple for the next holy day." I look at the coils for Gateway three. "Then we'll have to plan on rescuing them where they are." I think on options for several minutes. "Once every one is in the Temples, how long can you keep the Temples secure?" Haseena smiles, "Those with powers like Dahlakee can make the doors meld with the walls. Unless they use explosives, we'll be safe for several hours." Nodding, I look at Trask. "He's almost as good as me with controlling the Gateways. With both of us using separate Gateways, we can open them to each place the slaves are in that sector. We'll bring the Priests through and they can help us locate them." Haseena still is unsure, "Once you begin helping them escape, the owners will warn the others." I look at the Gateways, wondering if it's all been in vain. "We have twelve weeks to solve that problem." Fleesha and Chasla have finished preparing supper and insists that we stop. "We've solved problems that seemed impossible a few months ago. We'll solve this one in time." She begins eating and every one joins her in the sumptuous repast. By the time we've finished, even Haseena is more hopeful. "Contact their Temple tomorrow and they'll tell you where the ones who need to escape are." She steps through the Gateway to her Temple. After the others return to Mars, Purrlec waddles over to Fleesha. Her enormous abdomen is now inches from the floor and looks like a gargantuan furry sphere, rolling heavily from side to side as she carefully moves one sturdy paw at a time. Fleesha carefully moves to my work bench. Her monstrous mammeries almost pulling her off balance as she stops. "Let's see if I can satisfy the two of you at the same time?" Purrlec smiles and plays with her own fat breasts, "I'm surprised you've been able to keep up with me." She slurps a fat nipple into her hungry mouth. Fleesha closes her eyes and giggles as her thick milk begins to flow rapidly. I squeeze against her other bloated boob as I sit down. Chasla levitates parts for the next coil and computer before she levitates platters of food for Fleesha. "I know you just ate, but..." She laughs as Fleesha opens her mouth and begins gulping pastries from a loaded platter. Chasla smiles as she keeps the platter steady and levitates a cupcake to her own open mouth. For a moment, I relax in the spongy warmth of Fleesha's enormous breast and listen to the three of them eat. Collecting my thoughts, I rest my hands on the components before me and begin restructing them. Once the coil is finished, I reach into the computer and improve it to be able to control three coils at a time. Finally I'm finished and lean into the soft flesh of Fleesha's bosom. For several moments, I drift on the edge of consciousness before becoming aware of anything else. I listen to Purrlec still nursing and Fleesha eating. "I must be working faster than I thought." Fleesha gulps what she was eating and releases a deep groan. "I got so much into Purrlec nursing and our energy flowing. BURP. That I forgot I was still eating." Chasla starts to laugh, but it changes into a groan of her own. "I wondered how you could eat so much. I was just snacking while you gorged and gave up." I ease away from Fleesha's bloated flesh and look at the sleeping Purrlec. "How much do you think she drank?" Fleesha tries to ease herself to the floor and Chasla uses her levitation to help lower her down. "She drank them dry and then sucked them twice more before she gave up." She closes her eyes and falls into a food induced sleep. Chasla lowers herself to the floor. "With all Fleesha's milk Purrlec's been drinking. The question isn't when she'll be able to carry some one inside her, but who won't be able to move first." She closes her eyes and joins them in sleep. Grasthu has returned and strokes her swollen belly. "I think she's going to be a close third." He smiles and lays down against her. Stretching to loosen myself up, I quietly join Fleesha and curl up against her gorged tummy. The muffled rumble of her overworked digestive system lulls me to sleep. Several times during the night, Fleesha gets up and nurses Purrlec with her extra rich milk. When I wake, she is nursing her again. Filling a platter with foods she always keeps prepared, I feed her as Purrlec gulps milk in a semi-conscious state. "I wonder if she realizes how much she's gaining?" Fleesha smiles in her contentment. "I don't know about her," she strokes her ponderous bosom, unable to reach her puffy areolae. "But I've been watching myself fill out." She laughs and her obese jugs quiver as Purrlec sucks voraciously. Laughing myself, I stuff a large Faluna in her mouth. She chomps into it and gulps it down. While Purrlec drinks, I keep feeding Fleesha. Finally Purrlec stops and lies down on her milk swollen belly. Fleesha heavily waddles to the food packs and begins preparing breakfast. While the rest of us eat, we talk over the plans for the weekend. Chasla looks at the first level tunnel designs. "I hope to move the storage crates from the sixth Temple. Or maybe we should try raiding a silo?" "I need to contact Haseena and see when they want us to help with the escape." I cross to the control computer and contact her. "Things are not getting any better in their sector." Her voice and appearance show her exhaustion. "We've actually talked about having them revolt. If we have them escape, it may affect the chances for the rest of us." Nodding as she comes through, I reset the controls for that Temple. The Priests all show their lack of sleep. "We have several couples that must escape," Jakan's voice is strained as he controls his frustration. "Several owners are planning to keep the slaves in smaller quarters. If they don't increase their work output, their food allotments will be cut." He steps through and I set the Gateway for the first location. Every one watching, shudders as they see the condition these fellow beings are living in. I guide the Gateway to the slave quarters and Jahan looks for the ones that has been selected. "We're taking a gamble, the owner doesn't take revenge on the others. But we just can't wait and watch the suffering without doing something to give them hope." He directs me to a lower level and then into a dim room. Inside are two of the horse breed. They turn as I activate the Gateway and we're shocked at how prominent their ribs are. Jahan motions and they stumble through. I shut the Gateway down as Haseena checks them out. "Except for lack of food and some whip scars," she tries to keep her voice calm. "They're in good shape." Fleesha smiles and pats her enormous breasts, they jiggle as she does. "maybe some of my milk will help them recover." They hesitate for a moment. Galesh, the mare, moves first and stumbles weakly to Fleesha's huge milk factories. She sucks cautiously at first, and then nurses vigorously as her mate joins her. Finally she stops, "Thank you," she says as she steps back. She looks at Jakan. "What of the others?" He shakes his head. "If we helped the others of your owner escape, the other owners might keep tighter control of everyone else." He forces a smile, "Now I think you should go to our future home and get settled in." He motions to the second Gateway and they step through. He turns back to me. "There are four other couples, two of them have offspring." Fleesha pats her billowing jugs. "I think I better eat so I'll have plenty." Chasla giggles and begins feeding her, snacking herself and Fleesha gorges. Within an hour, all the chosen slaves have been rescued and are settling in on Mars. "If you're up to it," I ask Fleesha. "I'd like to get the next coil and computer done." She replies with a smile and a long burp. "Chasla has been trying to stuff as much into me as she can." She reaches out and pats Chasla's bulging belly. "And she's been doing some of her own." She turns as Purrlec struggles to her feet. "Chasla, you better get some more." She slowly waddles toward my worktable. "A lot more." Chasla stacks a platter with food while I move parts and a computer to my table. By the time I'm sitting down, cushioned by one of Fleesha's ponderous and soft breasts, Purrlec is hungrily sucking rich milk into her bloated abdomen. By the time I've finished, Chasla has stuffed as much into Fleesha as she can hold. Purrlec finishes nursing a few minutes later and lies down. She looks at me and smiles. "I think I've stretched out enough to hold you." "Maybe I'll take you up on that offer," I laugh back. I connect the computer into the first Gateway and warm it up. Setting the coordinates for the Temple Chasla is working on, I switch it on. "Looks like one computer for three coils works." Chasla calls out to Trask and he sends the movers through. They work smoothly and Fleesha prepares food for them to eat when they take breaks. In a few hours, the next four hundred crates are on Mars. Once the movers have left, Chasla insists that we take it easy for the rest of the day. "I have this bad feeling things are going to get rough and we'll have to really push ourselves." I nod and sit at the control computer while she selects a movie from my tapes. "Maybe we should start raiding the silos." I set the coordinates for one of the silos. "From what we've been told, these silos won't be checked for several months." Trask steps through from Mars. "We've got everything set up to give it a try. And we need to see how fast we can move it." He steps back through. Several minutes later, a grain carrier is rolled through. Dahlakee comes with it and rolls the loader into position. Switching the Gateway on, I carefully lower it into the grain. As grain begins to flow, Dahlakee moves the loader slightly so that it flows into it's scoop. Before the first carrier is full, the next one is waiting. The work goes more smoothly than I had hoped. The carriers are moved and unloaded quickly enough, that the loader always has one to fill. After the first chamber is filled, I raise the Gateway and then shut it down. "Looks like this is a success." Trask signals to stops the carriers. "And I think you all deserve a good meal." Fleesha grins and begins changing grain in the last carrier, into a delicious assortment of food. Chasla finally starts the movie she selected and the moving crew enjoys a feast and movie. Several hours later, they leave. Promising they could do this every day if we want to. Walking over to the drawings of the underground levels. I mark the chamber that they've filled. Purrlec waddles over to Fleesha. Her heavy bloated belly almost brushing the floor. "I bet you're full." She licks a fat nipple and then begins to suck vigorously. Fleesha sighs in relief. "They were painfully full." She strokes her tight skin. "I fact, I think they've gotten bigger since this morning." Chasla almost laughs as she levitates a platter of food. "I think Purrlec is getting bigger every time she nurses." She levitates food to Fleesha's waiting mouth Purrlec nurses longer than usual, trying to get every drop of creamy milk that she can. Finally she stops and lays down. "I know I can hold you now," she promises me. "Maybe tomorrow," I whisper as she falls asleep. I turn to Fleesha, "I think we've done enough for today." She grins and waddles heavily to our sleeping area. I curl up against her bulging belly and we join Purrlec in sleep. Sunday goes smoothly, I form another coil and modify a computer. Fleesha keeps Purrlec loaded with milk and changes the remaining grain into various foods. During Monday morning, I form the next coil. After lunch, we talk of how hard it might be to find each slave in the troubled sector. Draaza jumps through from Mars. His face covered with dust. "We've had an accident in the main shaft! There's one injury, but it's major!" I jump to the control computer and contact Haseena. She grabs her gear and follows Draaza. All of us wait, wondering if this is just the beginning of real problems in the digging. Several minutes later, she comes back. "He's got several internal injuries. She looks at Purrlec, studying her incredibly swollen abdomen. "What he really needs is to be in a healer." Purrlec struggles to her feet. "I know I can hold some one the size of Matt," she pauses as Haseena shakes her head. "Well, I can try." She closes her eyes, concentrating on relaxing herself more than ever. One of the grain carriers is rolled through, a centaur with draft pony build is lying in it. Haseena touches him, using her ability to keep him stable. Her eyes are closed tight as she struggles to do more. Finally she steps back and looks at Purrlec. "I'll do everything I can to help you." Purrlec is already deep in her trance, but nods slightly. She lays down, her round belly bulging out to her paws. Haseena motions and Chasla levitates him out of the carrier. "If she can hold him," Chasla whispers to me. "She'll win the race for who won't be able to move." I try and smile as I watch Haseena connect the umbilical cord to the patient. She puts her hands against Purrlec's fleshy rump and concentrates. As she motions, Chasla starts to ease him into Purrlec's womb. As his equine shoulders enter, she begins to force him in. Purrlec squirms as her elastic belly expands beyond the size it had been with me inside. Both her and Haseena are mentally linked, doing everything they can to help her incredibly expanded womb to stretch even more. As his hips enter, Purrlec takes as deep of a breath as she can. Her belly seems to explode outward as his hind legs slide in. Chasla carefully levitates Purrlec until she is upright. Purrlec is quickly becoming adjusted to her impossibly bloated abdomen. She reaches up and touches to ceiling, less than a foot above her head. "I better wait 'til we're on Mars before I take anyone bigger." She looks down between her fat breasts and looks at the curve of her massive belly, bulging between her forelegs. "I have to admit," she smiles broadly. "I feel great." She strokes all four paws along the upper curve of her humongous abdomen. She's so bloated, that her legs rest on the upper curve and her paws fail to reach the widest line of her monstrous tummy. She smiles at Trask as he joins her. "I think I will be able to hold you." Trask's smile is almost as wide as hers. "I'll make sure we have a room with a high ceiling." He leans against her and caresses the lower curve of her humongous abdomen. Fleesha waddles up to her. "Do you have any room?" She asks with a gleam in her eyes. Purrlec closes her eyes for a second. "Not enough to drink much, but I'll do what I can." She nurses for only a couple of minutes before stopping and switching breasts. A few minutes later, she stops. "I don't want you to be off balance," she giggles. Fleesha puts her hands under her ponderous bosom and tries to move them. "They feel like you didn't have a drop," she answers with a note of fear in her voice. Chasla steps forward. "I know I can't hold much." She tries to nurse as hungrily as Purrlec and manages to last almost twice as long on each. "I'll nurse as often as I can," she almost groans. "But you've got so much in them, it's like you're pumping it into me." Fleesha looks at her enormous, jiggling bosom in horror. "I can't almost stop in a few minutes." She cautiously strokes their silky surface. "In fact they feel full already." While Chasla was nursing, I've been digging in a box of odds and ends. "The only one able to help you is yourself." I hand her the end of a tube and, after wetting the edge, place the other end with the suction cup over one of her marshmallow sized nipples. She desperately shoves it in her mouth and sucks vigorously. Her milk flows through the clear tube and she relaxes in the dual contentment of being nursed and nursing at the same time. When the first one is drained, I move the suction cup to her other massive milk factory and watch her drink. Finally she is dry and she stops, almost comatose with her belly full and her bosom drained. "I was starting to worry I was getting front heavy." She fondles her monstrous jugs. "Now I can use my milk to fatten my own tummy." She carefully lays down, almost falling asleep. Smiling, I curl up around her bloated belly and listen to her milk sloshing inside. After a couple of hours, she gets up and prepares supper. Chasla and Grasthu chose a couple of movie tapes and we watch them while we eat. Purrlec wakes and Fleesha tries to force more milk into her. "I'm not planning to get as full bellied as you," Fleesha jokes. "But I want to make sure you've got enough for the two of you." Purrlec tries to smile while she sucks rick milk. When she stops, Chasla shakes her head and I help Fleesha nurse from herself. "Anytime at night you start to feel a little bit full..." Fleesha sucks one of her ponderous milk factories dry before answering. "As I back off on production," she reaches down and fondles her billowing belly. "As big as my appetite is, we're going to be seeing the results some where else." I move the suction cup and she sucks her other mammary dry. By the end of the movies, it's late enough to call it a day. Chasla helps make Purrlec more comfortable and Trask puts some pillows beside her head. She smiles, relaxes and closes her eyes. "It's going to take awhile before he's ready." She strokes her mammoth, spherical belly with her paws as she drifts to sleep. Trask tries to curl up around her and finally settles with being under the heavy overhang of her ponderous pregnancy. Fleesha waddles to our sleeping area, while I check both Gateways. Satisfied everything is well, I snuggle into her huge, billowing breasts. The steady thrump of her heart lulls me to sleep. Several times that night, she wakes me and I help her nurse. On Tuesday, I form the next coil. Chasla is almost laughing as she nurses and then feeds Fleesha until she begs to be allowed to nurse herself. I finish the coil before she drains her first obese breast. As it goes dry, she almost begs for me to move the tube. "I don't want the best energy supply I've ever know to be upset with me," I reply as I move the suction cup. She smiles and slurps her rich milk into her massive tummy. Finally she stops with a long burp. "I bet I can put on weight faster than Purrlec." Purrlec smiles, rocking slightly on her humongous, spherical abdomen. "You can win that race," she rubs her paws over her monstrous belly. "But I'm going to be able to hold Trask in me." She closes her eyes and is quickly asleep. For the rest of the day and through the next week, Fleesha nurses herself dry many times a day and night. Purrlec reports that her patient is healing, but it's going to take several weeks. On the tenth Friday, every one gets together for supper and discussions of how things are going. Every one reports things are proceeding as planned. Every one unconsciously takes a breath as Haseena steps forward. "The owners haven't admitted to any one that any slaves have escaped. There are a few reports of trackers being hired to search for previous escapees." The release of every one's breath make us realize how worried we've been. "If all they're doing is hiring trackers," I muse. "Maybe we can rescue more of them." I pull out the map of that sector. "If we take every one from the places furthest west, they'll be searching the desert. They might find the hiding place, but no one's there anymore." Haseena looks at the map, thinking which ones have the most cruelty. "If we decided to rescue them all, how long would it take?" I look at Trask and then the two Gateways that reach their world. "We have the coordinates of every place that they are kept. What if we did a dry run tomorrow, just using the visual coils." I pause for a moment, "Or maybe we should try it tonight. Most of them will be in their quarters." Haseena nods and Trask begins warming up the third Gateway. Haseena pulls a list of slaves from her pouch and we begin. From eight until 4am, we search the houses and farms, verifying where most of them are. When we finally shut the coils down and collapse, Haseena has a slight grin. "We didn't locate ten. That's pretty good considering they weren't told." She realizes we've been up all night. "Let's talk about it tonight." I set the coordinates for her Temple and she steps through. Fleesha helps me up, "I think you've earned a good night's sleep." She supports me as she waddles to our sleeping area. The long day hits me and I'm asleep before I actually hit the mattress. Fleesha smiles and lies down, her soft blubber covering me like the most luxurious blanket. During the day, she remains with me. Her milk production has dropped to where she only needs to be nursed from once every four or five hours. Chasla helps her with her milking tubes. It's mid afternoon before I wake. Trask is curled up against Purrlec's ponderously pregnant belly, sleeping gently. Fleesha gets up with me. "So how do you feel?" Her voice is relaxed, yet alert. I help her prepare a late lunch and then contact Haseena. When she arrives, we talk about what the owners might do if we help all the slaves in that sector escape. "If we start raiding the silos, it'll give them reason to believe the slaves are still some where nearby. I think their egos will stop them from telling the other sectors what happened." Haseena thinks about this for several minutes. "You may be right," she finally answers. "If we decide to, what will be the best night for you?" "Saturday would be good." I try to laugh, but decide not to. "It'll give me a day to sleep in. Trask doesn't have to be at a normal job so it's no problem for him." She nods in agreement. "Their Temple can notify all of them, as long as they have two weeks warning. If we try for week fifteen, we'll only have five more weeks before we can move every one." I step through to Mars and alert the others as to our present plan. "We're right on schedule," Draaza comments. "If we don't have any setbacks, we should finish in ten weeks. Then we'll have to keep working until every one has their own home." Heelos agrees, "In fact with the extra ones from that sector, we can probably finish more chambers." Grasthu smiles, "My latest strains are doing great. With raiding the silos, I don't think we'll have any problems with food." The discussion continues, everyone thinking of how their friends from that sector can help and decrease the date of Exodus. After several hours, Haseena and I return to my home. "I'll tell their priests it's on for two weeks from tonight." She smiles, partly covering her fears, but happy that a date has been set for the first major step. I set the Gateway for the Temple and she goes through. "I'll be ready tomorrow," she informs me and I shut the Gateway down. For the next few weeks, Trask and I practice locating slave quarters and then searching for those not in their rooms. After two weeks, Purrlec insists that her patient still needs to remain in her humongous belly. "He's doing fine," she tells Haseena whenever she asks. "But it's taking awhile for me to completely heal his internal injuries." Haseena smiles and playfully slaps Purrlec's monstrous abdomen. "As long as you let him out before the first exodus. You'll have to be ready if one of them needs your help." On Friday of the fifteenth week, we gather for our weekly status meeting. Every one is tense, hoping everything goes as we've planned and that the owners keep quiet, not wishing the owners of the other sectors learning that all their slaves have escaped. Draaza puts up his latest map of the underground level. "Since we finished the shaft, the crew assigned to it has been working on digging and sealing chambers. Counting the ones for grain storage, we've got 360 finished. We can use those if we need them." Heelos tapes his building map on the wall. "Counting the underground chambers, we've got plenty of room for our friends in that sector. And with about eight hundred of them, finishing work on those chambers should go much faster." Draaza agrees. "There's only one mine there. I don't want you to waste time bringing their equipment through tomorrow night, but maybe later." Grasthu steps through to Mars and returns with a large basket, filled with a thick leaf plant. "Let's see what Fleesha can do with this." Chasla levitates the basket so Fleesha can reach into it. "You're going to have to learn how to do this yourself," Chasla laughs as Fleesha takes a handful and struggles to get her fat arm over her monstrous bosom. Fleesha smiles as she takes a bite, analyzing it's properties. "Any one have a request?" She laughs and her hundreds of pounds of fat quiver seductively. I turn my head away as her impossibly ponderous breasts surge and billow. She laughs at my action and begins changing the leaves into what ever any one asks for. For a couple of hours, we eat, watch movies, and talk about what the owners might do after the escape. Near midnight, Draaza and the others return to Mars. I send Haseena to the Temple to tell them every thing is still a go. The priests are planning to stay. "We don't want them involved so our main plan will still work." She smiles as I shut the Gateway down. Trask and I watch another two movies while Fleesha and Purrlec do everything they can to keep us up. Finally we give in to exhaustion and curl up with our incredibly massive females. Fleesha smiles as I curl around her humongous bosom. "Now that most of what I eat is staying with me." She smiles as I snuggle into her spongy fat. Our eyes meet for a moment and then we both slip into a restful sleep. Shortly before noon, I wake up. Fleesha appears to be asleep, her huge bosom quivers as I ease myself free of her fleshy embrace. "I'm glad I'm not producing like I was," she whispers. "At least I can sleep through the night." She struggles to roll upright and then stands. Her massively obese belly is only inches from the floor. "and I'm getting more comfortable every day." She laughs and her blubber bloated body jiggles. Fighting my excitement in her motion, I warm up the first Gateway as she prepares lunch. Trask and Purrlec wake. He feeds her while she fondles her impossibly pregnant abdomen. "I guess it's time for him to come out." She smiles as Trask feeds her and himself. While I eat, I check out a couple of the larger farms and factories. Everything appears to be normal. They're doing their assignments as they've done for years. Trask joins me and watches as I check the mine. "If we contact them at the beginning, they could arrange a cave in near the entrance. Then, when we rescue them, we can take all the mining equipment we want." "Good Idea." I agree as I want the dilapidated equipment they're using. "I hope several of them can repair the machines." Purrlec motions to Fleesha. She and Chasla waddle over to her. "I think he's ready," she giggles as her monstrous belly quivers. Chasla moves behind her as she prepares to give birth. She opens wide and his hind legs begin sliding out. Chasla levitates him and pulls gently. Purrlec gives a long push and he slides out. Chasla isn't ready and almost drops him. "I guess you could hold any one, given time." He tries to stand, but his legs are too weak from disuse. Chasla levitates him to our cushioned area. "Just take it easy and get used to being able to move." She tells him. Purrlec's belly still is full of fluid, although her paws now barely touch the floor. "I better keep myself ready," she laughs. Fleesha grins as Chasla fills a platter with an assortment of pastries. "I bet you've got room for some of my munchies now." Purrlec smiles and attacks her offering. While she eats, Fleesha changes the rest of the plants Grasthu brought last night. "Since Matt and Trask are going to be extremely busy tonight, I guess we're the welcoming party." For the rest of the afternoon, Trask and I check various places and then check in with the Temple. Jakan is pacing nervously. He turns as I activate my Gateway. "Is everything ready?" His voice is also upset. I motion for him to join us. "We're ready. Have you told every one to be in their rooms?" "Every one except those who will be at work." He crosses to the map. "There are three factories that run 24 hours a day." "I think we'll take them last." I join him at the map. "The ones in their quarters won't be missed until morning." He nods in agreement. Chasla waddles over with our dinner. "I know you're too wound up to think about food." She pick an up beat movie and pops it in the VCR. "We still have a few hours before we can start." Trask and I curl up with our extremely full bodied females. Jakan returns to the map, searching for any problems we haven't thought of. After the movie ends, Trask and I return to the control computers. "Why don't you contact the mine," I suggest. "I'll do a final check with the Temple." Jakan talks with the mine supervisor and the other priests. "Every one is ready," his voice fails to mask his fears. Looking at the clock, I nod back. "I think it's late enough to get started. Jakan, you check every one who comes through. We're only going to get one chance to rescue all of them." Trask looks through the second Gateway on Mars. Dahlakee nods as he makes himself comfortable behind it's control computer. "Well," my voice is calmer than I feel inside. "The coordinates are online. I'll take the odds, you take the evens." Taking a deep breath, I punch up the first one. All of them appear to be asleep. As soon as I activate the Gateway, one of them quietly alerts the others. They grab bags, packs and whatever they have prepared and come through. Jakan motions for them to continue through to Mars. Relaxing a bit as I reset the coordinates for the next one, I watch the last few come through from Trask's first place. For two hours, everything continues smoothly, at several locations, we have to search for ones who are doing night work. At Jakan's request, I contact his Temple. They have been listening to com frequencies and are pleased to report no one has reported anything. During the next two hours, we finish all the locations where only a few slaves are kept and start on the farms. When we check with the Temple, we learn that there have been several coded transmissions between places that we have been to. "Well," I actually smile. "We knew they wouldn't ignore us." I punch up the next location. "I don't think we need to check in anymore. We need to get all of them now." Jakan nods as the next location comes into view. "We must hope that they don't realize what we're doing and raise a sector alarm." We continue contacting slave locations and bringing them through. In one of the last farms, one of them warns us that an alert has been started. "My name is Hakena. Our doors were sealed only minutes before you arrived. How much longer before every one from that sector is rescued?" I punch up the next location as Jakan shows him the list. "Four large farms, the three factories and the mine." He answers. "The miners have set up a cave in at the entrance." Hakena looks at the list and points to a factory near where he was kept. "This factory is co-owned by our previous master." I glance up as the next group comes through. "Trask, it's the last factory on the list. When you finish where you are, get to it." I call up the building layouts on my screen. "The slaves are kept in five locations. You take the first three and I'll grab the others." "I'm on it," Trask yells excitedly. His fingers hover over the keyboard and Jakan waves for those on the other side to hurry. As the last one comes through, he switches to the first slave area. "We got a problem here." I turn and stop in surprise. Within the room are many centaurian slaves, but also are several armed reptile humanoid beings. "Check the farm that's next on your list. Let's get everyone we can before we have to deal with them." Jakan sadly shakes his head. "Those are trackers. They're hired to find escaped slaves and bring them back." The last one comes through my Gateway and I switch to the next one on my list. Jakan checks with the first one through and he reports that they have heard nothing. While we finish helping the farm slaves escape, Jakan becomes more and more depressed. "If we don't rescue every one, they'll force them to breed more." Out of frustration, he slams his fist against the map. "There must be something we can do." We finish the farms without incident. Trask makes contact with the factory on his list and finds the same situation with Trackers guarding the slaves. "I think now would be a good time for the mine accident." I nod and he contacts them. As he switches off that location, a muffled rumbling can be heard. "What do we do about the trackers?" "It's not only the ones in the sleeping quarters." I reply. "We also have to get the ones who are working." I switch on the view only coils and watch the assembly line of the largest factory. There are two armed humanoids watching the workers. One of the exslaves, a tiger-centaur looks at them. He whispers something and then repeats it when I ask him. "Just let me get within range and I'll show them what a freed being can do." He looks at me, "I'm Straage and I can throw a static charge that can knock them out." Hopefully, Jakan runs up. "How often can you do it?" He's almost dancing with excitement. "I've never found out." Straage replies and smiles with his fangs showing. "But I'll take out as many of those torturers as needed." I look at Trask. "We need to hit these two as close together as possible. Then get the others in this place. You set your location behind one and I'll get set up for the other. After he's taken care of the trackers here, I'll let him get the others in this factory." By the time I've finish explaining my plan, one of the trackers is seen through his Gateway. Straage positions himself between them. "Ready," he breathes. As we activate the Gateways, he stuns one, pivots and nails the other before the first hits the floor. Jakan motions to the slaves and they rush toward Trask's Gateway. Quickly I switch to the sleeping quarters and Straage knocks out those trackers. At the last area, I stop and Jakan signals for the centaurans to come through. They grab their parcels and those of the ones who were working. "You get the rest of them here," I tell Trask as the last of them come through. "I think we need to hit the others as fast as possible." Straage steps up to my Gateway as I check out the locations of the trackers in the next factory. Once all of them are located, we take them out in the same manner as the first time. Trask has cleared two of the five sleeping quarters and is starting on the third. I start with the work area and Jakan tells every one to hurry. Before the last one comes through, I look at Straage. "How are you doing?" His voice betrays his exhaustion. "I can take out the others. If I push myself until I collapse, at least everyone will be free." Smiling I watch the rest of the former slaves come through and then set coordinates to the last factory. In surprise, I find all of the slaves in the factory work area. There are three trackers, obviously alert to trouble. Straage steels himself as I position the Gateway in the best location. "I'm ready." I switch all the Gateway coils on. The first tracker fall instantly. The second one only has time to turn his head before he's on the way down. The third reacts like a well experienced warrior. He swings his weapon up as he drops down. The flash blinds me for a moment and the report of the weapon echos through out my basement. Straage collapses, rolling out of the way as he does. Haseena is beside him in seconds. "There's no sign of a wound," she whispers as she mentally reaches into him. "He's totally drained." She jumps up and signals for the slaves to come through to freedom. As they begin rushing here and then to Mars, Chasla waddles up beside me. "If a couple of them can help, I can levitate their possessions." Haseena hears her and motions for several of the escapees to wait. As the last few of them rush through, I switch to one of the sleeping quarters. The escapees silently jump into their old quarters, one of them stands next to the door, listening for sounds of any one approaching. They grab the hidden packs and bags and toss them on the beds. Chasla levitates them as fast as she can, virtually tossing them through the Gateway. Haseena catches them and a pile quickly grows. As the last pack is tossed onto the pile, the three jump back through. "I thought I heard something," the one who was at the door whispers as I set up for the other sleeping area. I check it before activating the Gateway. They move as smoothly as before and a second pile quickly grows. "Let's be gone!" The one at the door calls out as he jumps for the Gateway. The others toss what ever is in their hands/paws and rush after it. Before the two make it, the door blasts open with three trackers smashing against it. In two seconds, I'd be able to shut down the Gateway. But in less time, two of the trackers see what's happening and fire. Both of the centaurs leap through and the coil shuts down faster than ever before. "I've got the last of the other factories," Trask almost shout with joy. Smiling, I turn to the ones who barely escaped. In shock, I realize they are both wounded. Haseena is trying to alter her healing energies between both of them. "I think I might be able to help." Purrlec's voice is calm and breaks Haseena out of her trance. "They both need help," Haseena whispers. She motions to the larger one, he appears to be a lion-like centaur. Chasla carefully levitates him as Purrlec quickly prepares herself. Purrlec's eyes are unfocused as she enters her trance. Haseena attaches the lion-centaur to her and returns to the other victim. Chasla begins easing him into her. Because she has just carried some one, he slides in smoothly, raising her paws higher off the floor, but not as far as earlier today. She shifts her body, getting as comfortable as possible, as he drifts into a healing sleep. "How's the other one?" she whispers. Haseena's paws and hands float over him as she does as much as she can. "I'm afraid there's not much more I can do." Her voice is almost sobbing. Purrlec closes her eyes tight, a few tears escaping as the seconds go by. "I'll see if I can carry both of them," her voice is strangely calm and strong. Haseena freezes in disbelief. Chasla carefully levitates the second victim and positions him. "It's a good thing he's a smaller breed," she reassures Purrlec. Haseena has recovered enough to help connect a second umbilical to him and then help as much as she can. Chasla slowly eases him into Purrlec's already engorged womb. They take as much care as possible. After many long minutes, the final part of him slides slowly in and she seals herself. "I need lots of fluids." Purrlec whispers in a dry voice. Fleesha waddles to her and she nurses from her mammoth mammeries. When both are dry, Purrlec closes her eyes and sleeps. Trask caresses her more ponderous than ever abdomen for many minutes. Returning to my Gateway, I access the lower lever of the mine. Every one is ready, They almost laugh about how no one topside has done anything since their faked cave in. "We've got all the machinery packed up on the ore carriers and tractors," one of them informs me. With the skill of working in cramped quarters, they move everything through my Gateway and then to Mars. Draaza is waiting at the other side and instructs them where various equipment is to be temporarily stored. The last couple of carriers are filled with their personnel possessions. As the last carrier is rolled through, one of them lights a fuse before jumping through. "That'll collapse the rest of the mine." I smile in agreement as I shut the Gateway down. He jumps through to Mars. After checking for any wear or circuit faults of the Gateways, Haseena and I step through to Mars and check on the recent arrivals. They're unable to tell us much we haven't already learned, but are grateful for being rescued. Draaza and Heelos begin assigning them temporary lodging. "We've got plenty who have been finishing the chambers." Draaza says with a grin. "They can show them what needs to be done. Maybe we can be ready for every one else sooner." "Let's worry about getting them comfortable for the first few days." I insist. "I think we'll start raiding the granaries. That will make the owners think they're still around." Haseena says she'll stay and check on the new escapees' health. After looking at designs for a grain conveyor to eliminant using the carriers, I return home. Every one is resting or asleep as I step through. Fleesha looks up from her snack and smiles. "It looked like we were able to take care of the trackers." I look at her, allowing her bounteous jugs to excite me, when I've usually fought the urge. "The problem is, what will happen in the other sectors. If they allow them to attend the Temples on the holiday, we're ok. If not..." I step closer and bury my face into her billowing flesh. She reaches around my sagging shoulders with a fat bloated arm and pulls me deeper into her spongy warmth. As she lays down heavily, Chasla levitates me onto her pillowy mountain of a body. As I sink into her deep softness and silky fur, my mind shuts down so I can get some much needed sleep. By morning, I'm dreaming of floating on a warm gentle river of something soft. As I become aware of where I really am, I decide to remain floating for several minutes. Finally, I roll of her wide back. "What's for breakfast?" Fleesha laughs, her billowing flesh awakening more of me than I'd prefer. "I think that's what every one could use." She laughs and prepares a smorgasbord of breakfast foods. The delicious smell wakes those who are still asleep. While we eat, we talk of what to do next. "We should start raiding the silos," Chasla suggests. Trask frowns, "They must have had the Trackers at the factories. A couple of them saw the Gateway, but might not realize what it was. If they catch us raiding a silo?" For a moment, I think about this possibility. "What if you used number three to bring the grain through, while I used number one to keep a watch outside?" Before he can answer, I move to the control computer and begin warming up the coils. Trask grins as he jumps to number three. Grasthu runs to the Mars Gateway and warns them to get the movers ready. Looking at the map, we select a silo almost in the center of the sector we had visited the day before. As Trask sets his Gateway inside the silo, I begin 'flying' mine on visual. There are few around and all are inside the office building. Grasthu sets the grain loader and fills the carriers as quickly as they are rolled into position. During the morning and several hours into the afternoon, the grain is moved into the storage chambers. As the last of the grain is moved, Trask shuts down his Gateway, while I watch those inside the office. "The question is," he asks apprehensively. "Should we keep raiding them until what we've done is discovered?" I watch the last grain carrier as it's rolled through to Mars. "I think it will bother them more if we hit one a day." I smile at the thought of their future confusion. "They'll have to find a way to replace the slaves. As long as we don't rescue anyone in the other sectors, they won't want to sell enough to matter. We'll keep checking the Temple and places that had slaves." I shut my Gateway down and lean back. Fleesha had been keeping the moving crew fed as they worked. She now prepares lunch for us. "Do you think we made the right choice?" I take a Faluna from the offered tray and nibble it thoughtfully. "We won't know until the time comes to rescue every one." She leans against me, her massive bosom almost flowing around me. "We had to rescue them before some one was killed. If that happened..." She closes her eyes, not wanting to voice her fears. I lean against her fat bloated breast. "You're right. And we can only hope that the final escape will be as safe." For a moment we relax. Smiling, I break away from her fleshy embrace and find a couple of movies and shows for us to relax with. By supper time, Heelos joins us and reports that every one is settling in. "Getting sorted about who has which abilities will take a few days. The ones with organic changing have jumped in and are taking care of feeding every one. Each couple or family group has their own chamber. They know they'll share them when the others escape and promise to be ready." Before we call it a day, I check in with the Temple of the freed sector. Haseena comes through from Mars. "Every one is in various states of abuse. Good food and freedom will do wonders for them. She watches as I contact the Temple of the freed sector. "The owners are in chaos," one of the priests reports. "They've tried to buy slaves from the other sectors, but no one wants to sell any. The other owners don't know how the slaves escaped, and they're afraid it might happen to them." Haseena smiles for the first time in many weeks. "We may have a chance," I reply. "If they're afraid of their slaves escaping, they won't want to restrict their religious freedoms." I set the Gateway to her Temple. She almost laughs, "I'll tell them how it went. They'll need to be warned about knowing where the trackers are. If they're near the Temples," her words carry her concern, but her voice carries her excitement. With a wave, she steps through to her Temple. Every one else is geting ready for sleep as I shut the Gateway down. Fleesha is relaxing while Purrlec slurps down gallons of her rich milk. When she's dry, she waddles slowly to our sleeping area. She lies down, before I take a few sips of the milk she's produced in the few minutes since Purrlec stopped. With thoughts of possible problems, I join Fleesha as she slips into a surprisingly restful sleep. The three days at work go by quickly. On Wednesday night, the miners have already built the grain transport tube and we empty a silo in half the time. "I was worried how long it would take with the full sized silos." I'm almost laughing. "Maybe we should start on them tomorrow." Every one is in total agreement. Thursday night immediately after I get home, we raid one of the full sized silos. I'm impressed at how fast the tube works. Even so, it takes until after midnight to empty it. Draaza comes through after Trask and I shut down our Gateways to the empty silo. "How often do you think we can take a full sized silo?" "The question isn't how often we can take one," I answer while checking the computer and coil status. "But when will they start noticing. Some time they're going to find what we've been up to and set guards. But we can take one a day until then." He nods and looks at the silent transport tube. "We could build a second one, if that would help." The instant I agree, he turns and jumps back through to Mars. On our sixteenth Friday meeting, Draaza and Heelos report that the new escapees are working extremely well. "If we didn't have to wait for the holiday," Draaza announces with a smile. "We could be ready in another couple of weeks. The second transport tube will be ready some time this evening." "Then we won't have to cram every one as tightly as we planned." I look at the underground maps. "All the chambers of the first three levels are finished and sealed. With 400 completed chambers it could be possible to house every one if really needed. But with 4 weeks to go, we can have less crowding." Grasthu puts up a map of the land surrounding the habitat. "Heelos' team has been building more agriculture buildings for the farmers that came through last weekend. With all the grain we're getting, keeping every one fed won't be a problem." Fleesha laughs and her hundreds of pounds of fat quiver seductively. "Some of them might be able to compete against me." Every one laughs until many are gasping for breath. She smiles and works at producing a feast while Chasla levitates food packs to her. While they prepare supper, I contact the Temple in the freed sector. One of the priests comes through. "The former owners are having fits." He's almost laughing. "A group of them have ordered the Trackers to find the slaves. If they don't find them, they'll be the slaves. They haven't found any of the empty silos. Normally the silos won't be checked for another couple of weeks." I smile and look at the map of silos. "Then we should keep hitting the biggest." "Let's eat so we'll need the grain," Fleesha laughs as she picks up a large slice of sweet bread. Trask takes a large platter and feeds the immobile Purrlec. "I bet you're loving how huge your belly is," he whispers as she gorges. She smiles and gulps down a mouthful of veggies. "What would you think if my tummy was this round with no one inside?" She bats her long eyelashes and makes her flesh jiggle. Trask pauses and smiles, "I'd think." He takes a large faluna from the platter and holds it before her mouth. "That you've been taking lessons from Fleesha." Laughing, he shoves it into her open mouth. She tries to gulp food down as fast as he can feed her. I smile and begin feeding Fleesha. When they slow down, I suggest that Trask and I raid another silo. Within an hour after we start, Draaza and a couple of others set up and start the second transport tube. Trask increase the speed he lowers his Gateway into the kilotons of grain. As the halfway level is passed, Fleesha slowly waddles over to Purrlec. "I bet watching all this dry grain is making you thirsty?" She laughs and sighs in pleasure as Purrlec ravenously sucks her sweet milk. As Trask reaches the last fourth, a vehicle rolls up to the office building. Several armed beings in tracker outfits jump out and spread out. "Get ready to shut you Gateway down," I warn Trask. I guide mine into the office and watch. The workers are arguing about the trackers being there. "There's no slaves hiding here," one of them protests. "All silos are sealed and locked." The apparent leader of the trackers keeps looking around while he waves a paper in the worker's face. "This gives us the right to search where ever we want." His voice reminds me of a Nazi Storm Trooper. He keys a com unit. "Search everywhere. If anyone tries to stop you, blast a couple of silos." He turns and walks out with an ego that needs to be wrecked. "Keep going," I almost whisper to Trask. For more than an hour, I keep circling the silo we're draining. When ever a tracker approaches, I signal Trask to stop. Finally the Trackers regroup and climb back into their vehicle. After they leave, I watch the workers finally relax. "I'd hate to be one of those slaves if those trackers find them. They won't be much good for work until they get out of the critical ward." I can sense every one in the room tense up. "Let's get this silo emptied. We don't have to worry about them finding any one." Every one works silently, thinking about their fellow beings who are still slaves. We finish draining the silo with no problems. As Trask shuts his Gateway down, I use mine to check in on the workers. Inside the office, the foreman is calling other storage stations. The trackers have just left one and actually tossed one of the workers against a wall. "If they don't find the slaves soon," a worker there reacts. "We might have to defend ourselves against them." The rest of their discussion is about when they might be called on to supply grain that is not being supplied from the farms. The agreement is at least another three or four weeks before they'll be called. I finally switch off my Gateway and look at those gathered around. "If we can keep everything calm in the other sectors," I direct this toward Haseena. "The trackers are going to keep searching for those we've already freed." She nods in agreement. "Let me return to my Temple and I'll have the word spread." She steps in front of my Gateway as I set the coordinates. She quickly steps through and I shut it down. Fleesha is preparing a snack, "I think a nice snack would help us get to sleep." She almost laughs as she moves away from the table. Trask fakes the weight of a large platter as he carries it to Purrlec. "I guess for them it is a snack." He takes a large faluna and stuffs it in her mouth before she can reply. Fleesha smiles as I try and fill the bottomless pit her stomach seems to becoming. Chasla and Grasthu nibble a few things before retiring to their sleep area. Purrlec closes her mouth and slowly chews while Trask eats a couple of biscuits. "How long are you planning to heal these two?" He jokes as he lovingly bumps her enormously expanded abdomen. She closes her eyes and slowly rocks herself to sleep. He curls up around her and joins her in sleep. Fleesha finally stops eating and carefully waddles to our sleeping area. She lies down on her ponderous belly. "Sometimes I dream of how big I might get." She tries to stroke her monstrous bosom and I take the hint. "All you have to worry about," I assure her as I play with one of her fat nipples. "Is not drowning me." I pretend to attack her mammoth breast and her sweet milk begins to flow. I stop as I sense her falling asleep. With exhaustion of the week's work, I toss a blanket over her and crawl onto her wide spongy back. As I drift awake, at first I think there's a thunderstorm going on outside. When I open my eyes and see the light filtering through the curtains, I realize it's Fleesha's hungry belly. I roll off her and hurry to the remnants of last night's food. She waddles as fast as her massive weight allows. As I feed her, she changes some food packs into a savory assortment. Trask joins us and fills a platter for Purrlec. He takes his time feeding and brushing her fur. For the rest of the morning, we relax with videos and talking about how the exodus might go. After lunch, while Fleesha is seeing how much of her rich milk Purrlec can hold, Draaza checks in and suggest we should raid more silos. "When they start discovering what we've been up to, they'll set up monitoring systems." I turn to see Trask agreeing. "Ok," I respond as I walk to my Gateway. "Let's take two a day during the weekend." As we set coordinates, Draaza and his crew quickly set up the two grain tubes. While Trask empties the silo, I search the area surrounding it. The few workers are painting a silo at the other end of the row. By early evening, we've emptied it and decided to take the one beside it. Fleesha and Chasla keep food ready for the few times we ask for it. Purrlec is sleeping on her monstrously swollen belly. Fleesha's milk sloshes when she unconsciously moves. Chasla, being the most mobile, keeps a selection of music or movies playing to help us stay relaxed. It's almost midnight before the last of the grain flows through the tube to Mars. Fleesha is standing beside me, her flesh bloated belly partly engulfing me. "I don't think you should go for two a day," she whispers. "All of us need to be at our best for exodus." I smile and snuggle deeply into her quivering, fur covered, fat. "We've got four weeks before then. Draaza's right about getting as much as we can before we're found out. If they don't discover our work in two weeks, we'll slow down to one a day." She tries to smile as she waddles to our sleeping area. Exhausted, I stagger after her. I'm too tired to get a blanket or even climb onto her wonderfully soft, furry body. I weakly wiggle under her billowing belly and pass out. Some time during the night, or maybe a few seconds after I fell asleep, Chasla must have levitated me onto Fleesha's incredibly warm, comfortable back. I can hear her eating and decide to stay floating in her softness. After she finishes, I roll off her and have some of her delicious milk to get me going. "I think we should start on the first and then have a couple hour break." She gives me a concerned look. "I wonder why doing this drains you so much?" Shrugging, I sit down at my Gateway while Trask warms up his. The first place we check has lots of activity. Several Tracker vehicles are there. I watch them meet and learn that they've chosen this place for a temporary headquarters. "Where next?" Trask asks as he watches them with disgust. I grin as I 'fly' through the silos. All four of the largest are full. "Right here," I turn and smile at his surprised expression. "If we take it from the storage area they're using for headquarters, it'll make them look as bad as possible." He smiles and sets up for the first silo. Draaza starts up the transport tubes and laughs. "I'd love to see their shock when they find the silos empty." He turns his attention to the tubes as grain begins to flow. While I keep the surrounding grounds under observation, Fleesha waddles up beside me. She lays down so that one of her incredibly weighty jugs partly flows around me. I quickly feel the flow of her energy. Wondering why I seem to be using mine when I don't feel like I am, I pay close attention to watching the Trackers. The vehicles leave with full crews, but several of them remain in the storage offices. They argue about how the slaves escaped and where they could be hiding. By early afternoon, we've emptied the first one. Draaza looks at me as the last of the grain flows through the tubes. "Do we take a break?" I stretch as much as Fleesha's spongy flesh allows me to and look at her smiling face over one of her mammoth mammeries. "I'd like to take all four and then drop back to one a day." She smiles and looks at Chasla. "I guess I better keep changing grain to food and having you feed me." She laughs and her flesh swollen breast billows around me. "But first, I better give our healer some of my delicious milk so her patients will be healthy enough when we free everyone." She carefully waddles to Purrlec. With a grin, Purrlec slurps a large, marshmallow sized nipple into her wide mouth. Fleesha giggles as her fat rich milk jiggles out of her mammoth bosom. With a grin, I nod to Trask and resume patrolling the grounds while he begins emptying the next one. Almost three fourths of it is empty when the Trackers begin returning. As they exit their vehicles, they begin roaming the grounds, talking in small groups. I signal Trask and he halts the flow of grain. For almost half an hour, they continue walking. We wait because it's too risky that they might hear the grain moving. Finally, one in the office calls them and Trask resumes draining the silo. I move into the main office and we all listen in to their discussions. Much of their talk is calling the former slaves an assortment of derogatory names. The main direction of their talking is where the slaves might be hiding. "We don't need to know how they escaped," the apparent leader explodes. "What we need to do is find them." Several others argue about the escapees from the factories where Trackers were alerted. Some argue they were bought off, others insist the slaves had help. They break open some military like food packs and eat while they argue. I move the Gateway to the rooms the workers are using. They're playing cards and trying to cover how nervous and upset they are about the Trackers taking over. As Trask empties the second silo, he continues on to the next. Draaza has been jumping back and forth between the loader, transport tubes and the underground storage area. He occasionally smiles, but keeps his concentration on everything working. Fleesha has nursed Purrlec a couple of times and I nuzzle her ponderous bosom. "I'm not feeling tired at all," I whisper to her. "How are you feeling?" She gulps down a large mouthful and smiles. "I been eating just enough to feel well fed." She pats her monstrously fattened body as well as her fat arms allow. "And Purrlec has been drinking lots of my milk. So I can keep you going as long as you want." I glance at Trask and he's almost laughing. "Ok," I smile and nudge my elbow into her hundreds of pounds of spongy flesh. "You're going to feel well fed for quite a while." I do a quick scan of the grounds before returning to watch the Trackers. One of them has opened a locked case and is tossing liquid containers to the others. "When we find them," he takes a swig and his reactions show it's some sort of alcoholic drink. "We'll show them they never should have thought of freedom." With in minutes, every one of them is on their way to a real bender. With no expectations of hearing anything useful from them, I patrol the area around the silo Trask is emptying and the only full one left. It's almost eleven when the last of the grain flows. Trask switches to the last large silo and the tubes quietly rumble with more grain. Draaza goes to Mars and then quickly returns. "A few more silos like this and we'll have all the chambers of tunnel two filled." He watches the transport tubes vibrate slightly as the grain pours out of the silo. Sometime in the early, predawn hours, the last of the grain empties out of the silo and is pumped to Mars. Trask shuts his Gateway down and tiredly stumbles to the sleeping Purrlec. He carefully curls up around her impossibly swollen abdomen and is quickly asleep. Fleesha struggles to get up. "Purrlec just got a belly full of my milk, so.." she waddles heavily to our sleeping area. I thank the exhausted Chasla for keeping her fed. "I was having fun doing it," she answers with a burp. "Of course I was sampling everything she gorged on." She cautiously walks to her sleeping pads, her round abdomen rolls heavily as she joins the unconcious Grasthu. Fleesha lies down as comfortably as she can. "I was trying not to eat more than I needed to keep you charged up." Her voice is a combination of exhaustion and being stuffed. "But I felt so good with our energies flowing and merging that I over did it." Laughing quietly, I fondle one of her fat and milk bloated jugs. Carefully, I drink from each one, being careful not to get her flow going as heavy as when Purrlec nurses. After I'm full, I toss a large blanket on her and crawl under it. "I think you can blame it on Chasla wanting to see how much she could feed you." I snuggle into her warm, soft fat, her silky fur caresses me as she breathes. For many minutes, I lie awake, relaxing as her spongy flesh billows around me. My thoughts are first of the problems to be faced with exodus, getting every one comfortable on Mars and how the first few years may go. Smiling as I nuzzle deeply into her jiggling body, I realize that we'll solve whatever we need to. I feel closer to her than any woman I've ever known. With a silent chuckle, I imagine it's because there so much of her, and that she's so soft I could possibly wiggle into her flabbiness until I'm completely covered by her obesity. With these thoughts of comfort, I give in to the long hours and allow my well earned sleep to take me. Even though everyone sleeps in until shortly after noon, we still empty two large silos. By Tuesday evening, the grain from the next two are secure on Mars. On Wednesday and Thursday evening, two more are emptied. Fleesha and Chasla busy themselves with preparing Friday's feast. I've reached Haseena's Temple so she can join us. While we eat, Draaza reports that all the chambers of the storage tunnel are filled. "We calculate there's enough grain to keep every one fed for more than a year." He turns to Grasthu. "With the freed one with agro abilities," Grasthu begins smiling. "We should be harvesting in a couple of months." He strokes Chasla's slightly round abdomen. "Then maybe you can enjoy the harvest of my work." She giggles and her silky fur ripples. "Then I can work on being able to lift Fleesha." It takes a few seconds before every one remembers that she can levitate anything up to her own weight. Haseena wistfully looks at the two Gateways. "There are two owners that are making arrangements to sell some of their slaves." She hesitates, afraid to continue. "They are offering their female slaves luxuries if they will bear children. To keep them from becoming suspicious, several females have accepted. The owners are allowing them to choose their own mates." She tries to smile, "They must have been offered a lot with no request for certain species." Purrlec smiles and strokes her impossibly mammoth belly with her paws. "I bet none of them will show as much as I do." Fleesha laughs and her bounteous flesh billows. "When your patients are healed, you might be surprised how much stays with you." She pushes her hands into the spongy flesh of her ponderous jugs. Purrlec laughs and almost rolls over. Trask runs to help steady her and Chasla uses her levitation to help get her upright. "Maybe I have put on some," she giggles. "But if I hadn't drunk all your rich milk, Imagine how much it would show on you." Every one laughs about this. I look at the maps of the underground levels. "We need to keep track of any that may be sold. We can't chance a few being hidden when we rescue the others. We might never find them." Haseena walks over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "We have these places under observation," She reassures me. "From what we've learned, they don't plan to move them until after our next holiday." She tries to keep her expression hopeful. "However, the Priests of the Temple in the freed sector have been threatened. There are several Trackers constantly patrolling the outside of their Temple." "We have to decide what to do if they are sold before the holiday." I look at the Gateways. "If there was some way we could move the holiday forward." Grasthu puts his hand on my other shoulder. "We've done more than we thought possible. If we move before we can rescue every one." He shakes his head, afraid to continue. Draaza begins disassembling the transport tubes. "The chambers are filled and these will be in the way if we have to rescue the others before the holiday." Chasla helps him by levitating sections onto a grain carrier that has been rolled through from Mars. For the next couple of hours, the tubes are removed and stored on Mars. Finally every one leaves except those of us who are living here. Fleesha waddles over to Purrlec, the fur of her magnificent belly brushes the floor. "Let's see if you can drink enough so I'll only wake up once tonight." Purrlec licks one of her swollen nipples. "The drier I suck them, the more they'll make." Her fat lips gently squeeze the nipple and she begins gulping rich milk into her hungry stomach. While she nurses, Trask and I practice locating the Temples. By the time Purrlec stops, we've each located all nine of them and shut down the Gateways. While everyone else goes to their sleeping areas, I run a check on all three Gateways. Exhausted, but tense, I join Fleesha. "I just wish we could do it tomorrow." I try and sound calm, but fail miserably. Fleesha smiles and pulls me as deeply into her warm softness as she can. "We've got more than enough grain and there's nothing you can do until then. I think your problem is you don't know what to do and can't stand doing nothing." I snuggle deeper into her fleshy body. "You're right. Maybe I should see if there's anything I can do on Mars." Yawning, I take a running jump and snuggle deeply into her wide spongy back. She moves slightly and I'm rocked to sleep in the softest bed imaginable. During the rest of the weekend, I spend most of the day checking out how the Mars habitat is going. I help improve the power and ventilation system in the underground tunnels. By Tuesday night, my hopes are back up, even though I'm exhausted. Haseena reports that none of the owners have sold any of their slaves. After getting ready for sleep, I nurse from Fleesha's massive wells of milk. "I think you should take it easy," she insists. "Even though we're ready for exodus, there's lots of things that might need you." Her warm milk is already making me sleepy. "I think I'll be ready by then." Smiling, I jump and climb onto her spongy back and collapse into a deep sleep. During the three days at work, I get as much done as I used to in an entire week. I check my vacation time and see that I can only do this for another couple of weeks. By the time our Friday meeting rolls around, every one here and on Mars is satisfied. Draaza and Heelos are happy with the construction work and will have more room than they originally thought. Haseena is the only one with depressing news. "Three owners have agreed to sell some of their slaves. We're keeping a watch and will be told as soon as anything happens." She looks at me as if I may have an idea. "We could take them now," I take a deep breath. "But that would be taking a chance I don't think we can risk." I pull out the maps. "Let's get the coordinates in case we need to do something." Haseena shows us the locations and I search with the Gateway until I locate them. After I record the coordinates, I search the various buildings and/or farm lands. Haseena makes sure that every one on her list is there. Finally she's satisfied. "Even though we're watching them, I'll feel better if you check in on them every day or so." I take her list. "We can do it every day." I turn to Heelos. "Could we set up some practice escapes?" I'm not worried about them coming through our Gateways and the one on Mars. But you're going to have over seven thousand to put somewhere in a few hours." Heelos thinks for a moment. "We have some loose ideas but we never really thought them out." While we eat, we discuss ways to make it as smooth as possible. After many hours we've worked out a system of where to put 'guides' and how many are to go in each tunnel. Sorting them out can be done after every one is safe. Haseena takes a copy of our ideas. "Of course they'll be some that want to know where their family and friends are. But I'll make sure the other Priests tell every one that the freedom of everyone is of first importance." I contact her Temple and she steps through. "Why don't the two of you get everything set up," I tell Draaza and Heelos. "We can try a couple of test runs tomorrow afternoon." "We'll see you then," Heelos calls happily as he jumps through, quickly followed by Draaza. Fleesha waddles up to me, after filling Purrlec with her sweet milk. "It's good we're down to working on small problems." I slowly shake my head. "Even if the priests say every one is in their Temples, we need to be sure." I sit down at a spare computer. "If we make a list of every one. Maybe Grasthu or some one can use it as another verification." My hands relax on the keyboard as the program forms in my mind and then transfers to the computer. After I save it on the disk, I start to stand. As I start to struggle, I'm afraid that I used too much energy with out realizing it. Suddenly I almost jump to my feet as Fleesha steps back. The weight of her mammoth bosom had been holding me down. She grins and turns toward the TV. "Now that everything's done until tomorrow." She lowers herself the short distance it takes until her fat bloated belly supports her. Grinning, I move along beside her, stroking her fur covered< quivering flesh and then the silky skin of her overly bounteous bosom. When I'm in front of her, I sit down and wiggle back until I'm comfortably supported by her warm obesity. We watch a couple of movies, our talk is about the good things we'll do on Mars. Finally, Chasla suggests we still need to sleep. Fleesha grins, struggles to her feet and then pumps her sumptuous milk into Purrlec. Purrlec is sleeping deeply by the time Fleesha lies down on our sleeping pads. "If we had to wait much longer before we get to Mars," she giggles as I get a bedtime drink of her milk. "I might be dragging on the floor." Some how I manage not to laugh and keep my mouth over a big nipple as I suck a few final drops. Exhausted, I climb onto her and drift to sleep as I sink into her billowing back. All of Saturday and Sunday afternoons, we work on setting up how to get the escapees to their temporary housing as quickly as possible. Heelos agrees with someone checking them as they come through. On Monday and Tuesday, I teach Grasthu how to use the computer. By Tuesday night, I'm finally satisfied. The three days at work go by quickly. My supervisor understands my working at home and, since I've kept up with my assignments, he reduces the vacation time I've used by half. When I get home on Friday evening, I check in with Haseena. She is extremely upset and jumps through the second I activate the Gateway. "They're selling the slaves today." I quickly set coordinates for one of the locations. "We may already be too late." Her voice is more stressed than I can remember since we rescued the first group. Trask jumps to his Gateway and sets up for the second one. "Grasthu, get Draaza and Heelos. If they are selling them, we'll have to make some snap decisions." As he jumps to Mars, the first location comes into focus. Haseena is prancing around as I search the quarters and work areas. "They've sold seven." She whispers as she looks up from her list. She almost jumps through as I locate the owner. Haseena looks at the sales forms and writes down who they were sold to. At the next place the slaves have already been sold. As the third comes into focus, a large livestock truck is driving away. Before Haseena can yell, I guide the Gateway after it. Trying to view inside is difficult, but after several passes, Haseena verified that all the sold slaves are inside. "We can't let them be taken back there. Is there anyway we can get them while the truck is moving?" I pull back to get a better view. As I see more of the road, it becomes obvious that there are two vehicles ahead and behind the truck. Haseena's fingers almost crush my shoulder. "Trackers," she hisses. Nodding I view the road ahead. "We could try and grab a few at the intersection. But we'll need to do something about the Trackers." Chasla looks at the small convoy. "I wonder," she muses almost to herself. Haseena stares at her, "don't wonder," she yells. "Do something." Chasla looks at the vehicles through the Gateway. "Can you follow them from the side?" Wondering what she's thinking, I do as she asks. She concentrates and I realize she's using her ability. Before I can figure out what she's up to, the Tracker vehicle behind the livestock truck seems to lose control. The other one tries to avoid it, but they collide violently. It takes a almost a minute before any one else realizes something's up. Both Tracker vehicles turn around and then race back. Because of the size of the transport it pulls to the side of the road and stops. Before it comes to a complete halt, I've activated the Gateway inside the livestock section. Haseena motions for them to grab their bags and come through as quickly as possible. "Chasla," I whisper to her. "Can you open the rear doors." I watch as they swing open. With a grin as a thought occurs to me I pick up a circuit board and alter it. "Now open the fuel intake and put this in." As soon as she's done, I shut the Gateway down so we are only viewing. The drivers are out of the cab and watching the Trackers trying to repair the wrecked vehicles enough to be drivable. I smile as a popping noise gets their attention. Instinctively they take off running. They barely make the other side of the road before the fuel explodes. "That should keep them busy." I shut the Gateway down and look at every one. "The question is, what will the other owners do." I reset the coordinates to Haseena's Temple and we talk of what might happen while we wait for reports of the 'accident' to come through. While we wait, Fleesha prepares supper for us and the Priests. Finally the report comes through. No mention is made of the missing slaves, it's reported that the truck and two vehicles collided. "I think they're afraid to report they've lost any more slaves." Draaza comments with pleasure and every one seems to agree with him. Haseena stays with us as we check in with the other Temples. Every one is ready. The Priests have prepared to secure the doors so no one will be able to get in without breaking the doors down. When we finally return to Haseena's Temple, she's as relaxed as can be expected. "I'd like to check in with the others tomorrow." "I'll contact you after lunch," I promise her before shutting the Gateway down. Draaza is still smiling, "We're ready on Mars. By taking the Temples in sequence, we'll be able to keep them some what grouped in the tunnels." He explains some of the practice runs and what improvements they have made for directing the escapees. The rest of the reports show that every one is ready. "If there are no more sales," I think out loud. "We should be ok." After a few more discussions of what problems might arise, they return to Mars. As I lean back, I watch Fleesha nursing Purrlec. Purrlec is rocking gently on her spherical abdomen, a satisfied smile on her face. When Fleesha is dry, she waddles slowly to our sleeping pads and lies down. "I think we all wish it was over," she whispers as I join her. "But I have something that will help you sleep." Smiling, I stroke the expansive flesh of one of her mammoth mammeries. "And you've got the most comfortable bed for me." Her milk warms my insides and my eye lids are getting heavy as I climb onto her extra wide back and sink into her loving softness. Closing my eyes, I can sense how close we are and that any problems can be solved as they happen. As I drift into consciousness, I think of all we've accomplished and that the next two days are going to be rough, because everything is ready and we should rest. Fleesha's spongy flesh rolls around me as she struggles to her feet. Smiling in the comfort of her obesity, her slow waddling almost rocks me back to sleep. "You know if you really eat," Chasla warns her. "Your digestive system is going to wake him." Fleesha giggles and I barely manage to remain limp, at least most of me does. "I don't think he'll mind those sounds waking him." I can feel her energies flow as she changes some of the grain we kept here. Within minutes, she's gulping down large mouthfuls of breakfast cakes, juices, sausages and everything else that she wants. Finally she stops with a loud burp. "I think that might wake him," she laughs. As her fat quivers, I roll off and stroke the incredible curve of her stuffed belly. "It just felt good to stay there and feel you enjoying breakfast." "What about me and my patients?" Purrlec tries to fake being upset by slapping her paws against her impossibly swollen abdomen. Fleesha waddles to her. Her tightly swollen breasts jiggling and rolling. "Let's see how close I can get to drowning you," she jokes as Purrlec licks a fat bloated nipple and then sucks voraciously. While they are busy, the rest of us eat. The suggestions of almost every one is to take it easy today and tomorrow. "With eight thousand on Mars," Grasthu comment. "We may find problems we haven't thought of." I nod and swallow a mouthful of toast. "Chasla has been checking out my collection of tapes, so I'll put her in charge of that." I look at Purrlec gulping gallons of Fleesha's rich milk. "I think her patients should be completely healed by tomorrow morning." Trask jumps to the computer I've set up for games. "Let's get a competition going on this." He punches up a game that's captured him for several hours at a time. As Chasla starts up a movie, Fleesha turns her head and tries to watch over the upper curve of her enormous breast. "Is there a chance you can raise it so I can see? " Chasla levitates the TV while I put a box under it. Fleesha smiles and tries to watch while Purrlec switches to her other bloated boob and gulps more rich milk into her enormous stomach. For the rest of the morning, we somehow manage to relax. After lunch, I contact Haseena. We check each of the owners who had sold slaves and verify that all the others are still there. For several hours she has me keep watch on Bruss, the owner who arranged the sale. While Fleesha is preparing supper and Trask has worked his way to a game level higher than he's ever been, Bruss receives a call. "I heard about the accident," he replies to the voice we can't hear. "How many of them were hurt?" His expression is comical in it's surprise. "How could they escape with all the Trackers you had?" He listens intently. "Ok, ok, ok, look." His voice drops to a whisper. "I've made some special arrangements. They're having that stupid holiday in two days. All of mine are going. There's a couple of transports that aren't going to reach the Temples. Don't worry, I've got everything worked out. Just have your Trackers south of Dretra before dawn." He nods and then grins deviously. "I can't verify what breeds you'll be getting. But by taking them before their holiday, their spirits will be broken." After a few more comments, he hangs up. Haseena's fingernails are starting to draw blood from my shoulder. She comes out of her shock and quickly heals the light wounds. "We need to learn where these transports are coming from." "Trask," I motion and he comes over. "Get a lock on this jerk and keep following him." I get up and rummage through some of my gear. "Here's a recorder. If he calls any one, get it on tape." Trying to smile, he returns to his Gateway and quickly locates our latest problem maker. I contact the local Temple and Haseena tells them what we've heard. "We'll spread the word," the priests assure her. "But the owners are in charge of the transports. There's no way we can do anything unless we learn what transports are involved." We contact the other Temples and warn them. As Fleesha prepares supper, Haseena and I contact the Temple in Dretra. One of the Priests, called Thaada comes through to help as much as he can. While we eat, and for several hours afterward, he marks the map to show the probable routes of the transports. "If we knew where the Trackers are to meet the transports." He studies the roads intently. "We could put some scouts out there. There's several places the Trackers could wait for them. Can you use the Gateway to retrieve them?" Smiling, I set coordinates close to the locations and begin setting exact coordinates for them. "If you can have your scouts at the Temple tomorrow night, I can even put them there." He smiles slightly, "I've worked with them so I'll stay here and do what ever I can." For several hours, we check the slave owners of his sector. Everything seems normal. At the factories, the slaves are putting in extra hours to make up for the holiday. After checking in with the Temples, I return Thaada and Haseena to theirs. Purrlec is sleeping deeply as Fleesha ponderously waddles to our sleeping pads. "We've been preparing for some kind of trouble." Her voice is calm and relaxing. "There's nothing you can do tonight," Her plump hand gently shoves me against her massive bosom. Her warm delicious milk relaxes me as the first of it hits my stomach. Since Purrlec had just drank her dry, it doesn't take long for me to drain her. I hug her enormous, spongy breast and squeeze myself into her billowing flesh. After a few minutes, I step back and climb onto her fat bloated body. I sink into her softness almost as fast as I sink into sleep. When I wake, the light filtering in through the curtains tells me it's just after dawn. I try and roll off her without disturbing her sleep, but that's impossible. "Let me get you some breakfast," she whispers. She gets up and slowly waddles to the tables. I fill platters with grain and she changes it into a delicious assortment of foods. Jokingly I toss falunas and cupcakes into her open mouth. By the time the table is covered with food, every one else has awakened to the wonderful aromas. Chasla takes over feeding Fleesha and herself. Trask feeds the ravenous Purrlec. "I think you better release your patients soon," he tells her while stuffing her incredible stomach. Fleesha looks at her. "Until you let them out," she mumbles with her mouth full. "I'm not giving you anything to drink." Purrlec smiles, "With all the milk you've been making. How long do you think you can go without me lessening the pressure?" Fleesha stops eating and strokes her enormous bosom. "I know how you're able to let your womb and belly stretch out." She looks at me and I smile broadly. "And Matt won't be upset if I let them stretch out a good bit." Purrlec frowns and strokes her enormous belly with her paws. "I guess I should have room if any one is injured." She looks up and smiles. "But I think I'll wait until after lunch," she giggles and rolls. "I wouldn't want Matt to be disappointed." She opens her mouth wide and eats more than she has been. Fleesha looks at me and strokes the breast Purrlec can't see. "I wasn't joking about knowing how to grow," she whispers. "But how do you feel about it?" Smiling, I gently caress her silky flesh. "You've been filling out a bit anyway." I walk back to her side and poke her billowing fat. "I'll just have to remember, or you might accidently drown me." She laughs silently and her flabby body jiggles seductively. Trask's Gateway has been watching Bruss' area. I do a quick survey of the surrounding ground and then search for Bruss. He's looking over some of his records. Trask takes over while I bring Haseena and Thaada through. Thaada unrolls a map showing where he'd like the scouts to be. "They'll be at the Temple by sundown. All of them will be prepared with neural stims to keep them going until tomorrow night." In less than an hour, I've located all the hiding places and verified the coordinates. Haseena has remained beside Trask, watching for anything that might give a hint to more of their plan. For the rest of the morning, Thaada guides me along the nearby roads, looking for other places the Trackers could hide. After lunch, Haseena has me check in with all the Temples. No one has heard of any other problems. They're preparing everything like usual. All of the personal items have already been sent to Mars. At the Dretra Temple, several of the scouts have already arrived. Thaada has them come through and explains everything to them. They select which location they want to take. Every one agrees they might as well get set up as soon as they can. I do a complete search of the area around each before activating all of the Gateway. In a couple of hours, every one is in position. Thaada agrees to wait for the others until after supper. "We've got half of them in position." He looks at the map. "If only we knew where he meant by south of Dretra." As he studies the map, a slight groan catches my attention. I slip over to Fleesha. "Do you want me to remind her?" I whisper as I cautiously feel her fat and milk bloated breast. She smiles and whispers, "I didn't realize how much I've been making. I have to admit, I don't know how she's able to swell her womb as much and as fast as she has." Grinning, I check in with how Trask and Haseena are doing. When he reports nothing helpful has happened, I motion to Fleesha and Purrlec. He goes over to Purrlec and strokes her enormous belly. "I bet you're getting thirsty," he whispers. "Even if you aren't, I think it'll be best if you're ready for any one who might need your special care." She almost laughs. "Maybe this time I can hold three." She strokes the swollen sides of her spherical hospital and motions to Chasla. With in minutes, the two emerge completely healed. They go through to Mars while Haseena checks Purrlec to make sure she's ok. Smiling, she returns to watching Bruss. Purrlec struggles to keep her balance. The loose fur and flesh of her non pregnant abdomen, flows out between her legs in all directions. "It was a lot of fun, she giggles. Fleesha waddles over to her, her own abdomen brushing the floor as it rolls. "Let's see if I can fill you up a bit." She sighs in ecstasy as Purrlec begins sucking violently. For more than half an hour, Purrlec's thick lips remain latched onto one big nipple. Finally she switches sides. As huge as Fleesha's breasts are, the one is noticeably smaller and less tight. After Purrlec drains the other, she returns to the first and sucks each one dry again. Finally, Purrlec stops, her expression of satisfaction is reflected by Fleesha's. "I hope you aren't upset with me." Fleesha laughs and her ponderous bosom billows. "I'm certain there'll be more patients for you to take care of than you can hold." Purrlec smiles and strokes the folds of her empty abdomen. "Are you sure of that?" She laughs so hard, she looses her balance and collapses on her mattress of fur and flesh. For the rest of the afternoon, Chasla keeps a selection of happy tapes playing on the VCR. After supper, Thaada brings the rest of his scouts through and each one is dropped off at his observation site. After checking with the ones previously in position, we decide to contact them every few hours. "I'll keep awake as long as Bruss does," Trask assures me. "When I get tired, I've shown Haseena how to work the Gateway enough to follow him and she can wake me if she needs to." Purrlec tries to move and Chasla levitates her to him. She lies down on her own plump flesh. "While I'm empty," she giggles. "I'm a wonderful mattress." She relaxes and watches with them. Fleesha waddles over to her and nurses her with all the milk she can. Then she joins me on our sleeping pads. Smiling, I suck the milk she has just produced and then cuddle up on her back. Every couple of hours, Thaada wakes me and we check in with the scouts. By dawn, several transports have driven past them on their way to the Temple. "Maybe he meant a different Temple," Thaada wonders aloud. "The scouts just aren't where the Trackers are supposed to be." I reply. "The problem is, if we use both Gateways watching him and the scouts, we're reducing the safe time we'll have to bring every one through." Haseena nods, "We have to get started." She looks at Bruss sleeping. "If you keep in touch with the scouts, we'll get started with Exodus." "Chasla," I almost whisper. "Tell Draaza and the others on Mars to get ready." Grasthu checks out the computer and tries to sound relaxed. "I'm ready to check everybody through." Haseena contacts Dretra Temple. "We're going to take some from each Temple at a time, then go through all of them." The high priest agrees, "Every one is in small family and friend groups. They're ready to start as soon as you want." Haseena takes a deep breath. "Let's get started." She steps back and the first ones begin coming through. As they call out their names, Grasthu checks them on his computer. Haseena glances at the clock as they come through. "Almost ten a minute," she tells me with a concerned voice. "At least twelve hours," I reply. "When do you think the owners will get suspicious?" She shakes her head slowly. "Not until after sunset. But we need to let the other Temples know we've started." She watches the former slaves coming through and those waiting in the Temple. "I'll alternate between contacting a Temple and the scouts." I punch up her Temple and tell them we've started. There is a cheer, which is cut short by my switching to one of the scouts. After three more Temples have been alerted, the next scout excitedly tells me a Tracker vehicle is parked nearby. I alter the coordinates to get a wider view. Below the scout's position is a pull off area that is partially obscured by bushes. Following the road a short distance away from town, a large transport is lumbering down the road. The engine is running rough and smoking more than most. As they come around the curve, the driver pulls to the side as the engine dies. He jumps out and stands aside as Trackers pile out of their vehicle. A centaur wolf jumps out of the back of the transport. Before he can yell a warning, he's shot by a muffled weapon. Three of the Trackers rush to the back of the Transport. As I move the Gateway closer, they order the slaves to remain quiet. Meanwhile the driver has made a minor adjustment to the engine and restarts it. The Trackers secure the rear doors and jump into their vehicle. They turn away from town and the Transport follows closely. As soon as they are out of sight, I activate my Gateway. Before I can say anything, Chasla levitates the wounded centaur through and Haseena jumps to his side. Controlling the Gateway as though I'm flying it, I quickly catch up with the Transport and enter the back. Knowing the road is straight for a mile, I take a chance and activate it. "Every body jump through as quickly as you can," I almost yell. For a second, every one is in shock, then they grab their packs and jump through as fast as they can. a few seconds after the last one jumps through, the truck turns and the Gateway shows the country side. The basement is crowded with them and Chasla helps them check in with Grasthu. Many of them try and crowd around Haseena and the wounded centaur wolf. Chasla grabs one of them, "He's being taken care of," she assures them. "But we've got to get everyone else through as quickly as we can." She pushes him toward the Mars Gateway and the others follow him through. Haseena motions to Chasla and she levitates the wounded centaur to the sleeping area. When Haseena motions toward Purrlec, Chasla levitates her also. Behind the curtains, the wolf centaur is put inside Purrlec's healing womb. Fleesha heavily waddles to her and pumps as much milk as she can into Purrlec's thirsty stomach. While they work on healing, I realize there may be another hijack planned, I check in with the other scouts before telling the remaining Temples what is happening. After an hour, I suggest Trask switch to another Temple. As he does, Grasthu flexes his fingers. "About four hundred through, if we can keep this up, we should have everyone in seventeen hours." Haseena shakes her head. "They'll be suspicious before then." She watches the first ones come through and helps check them in and direct them through the Mars Gateway. I nod and resume checking the scouts. Once more the same routine of hijacking is tried. This time, I rescue every one while the Trackers secure the Transport. As they pull back onto the road, I manage to listen to the ones in the Tracker vehicle joke about whether they or the other group has captured the most. "If we could of been given more time," the driver jokes. "We could have taken five or six, instead of two." With growing hope, I contact Dretra Temple. Comparing the ones waiting within their walls, the ones who have already come through and the ones rescued from the two transports, every one is relieved that all slaves are accounted for. "Well," I ask Grasthu. "Can you handle both Gateways at the same time?" He tries not to laugh. "I don't know how long I can keep checking them through as it is." Haseena looks at the former slaves coming through Trask's Gateway. "I'd like to check in with the other Temples. We need to be sure every one is safe." Agreeing, I punch up coordinates for her Temple. Everyone is calm and more patient than I had expected. It takes more than an hour before we know every one is safe. At one Temple, we learn that an owner has locked his slaves in their quarters. In a matter of minutes, they are safely on Mars. By noon, the escape of the slaves from the Transports and the one owner have alerted many of the owners. I use my Gateway to check around the Temples. Every one is shocked at the number of Trackers and that they aren't trying to be concealed. I glance at Grasthu as I set coordinates for the next Temple of Trask's list. "If I set up for it, can you handle directing them while I check them through?" He stands unsteadily and flexes his tired fingers. "I don't think I could have kept it up for much longer." He stands behind my computer while I move a chair to his. Relaxing my hands on the keyboards, I link up to it. As they begin to come through both Gateways, I manage to keep up with checking everyone through. Fleesha prepares lunch and Chasla serves up while we work. At one in the afternoon, Trask changes his coordinates to the next Temple. "Do you want me to reset the other one?" He asks. I shake my head. "Since the owners are already getting suspicious, we better get some of the Temples emptied. You keep changing every hour. When the Priests tell us every one is out and all their artifacts are here or on Mars, I'll change Grathu's to another one." Shortly before two, the last of the slaves come through Grasthu's Gateway. The Priests make sure every one is gone and then bring everything that they can. Trask changes Grasthu's coordinates and then changes his to Dretra as two o'clock passes. "We're making the second pass," he almost as shouts with joy. "Another four or five hours and we'll be finished." I nod, trying to force down the fear that the Trackers won't wait that long. In the next two hours, 1200 centaurs are freed, clearing three more Temples. Fleesha and Chasla have kept us fed. Even though I'm using my ability, it in a way that doesn't seem to drain me at all. Around four thirty, there is pounding on the doors of the Temple Trask is evacuating. "We've been ordered to take certain slaves to their owners." The voice carries the attitude of some one who is feared. One of the Priests tries to quiet him while the centaurs hurry through the Gateway. "Trask," I call out as the last Priests comes through. "Tell the other Temples what happened. If any of them are having problems, move them to first on the list." He checks in with the other three. The first two have had no problems, but the third might as well be sieged. "It started about an hour ago," the Priest tells him as the centaurs calmly, yet swiftly come through. "We've got a few with construction abilities that sealed all the doors and windows." His head jerks as a heavy thud echos through the Temple. "Sounds like they're trying to break through." Four centaurs of various species rush toward the sound and reinforce the area with their abilities and anything they can find. As the last Priest comes through Grasthu's Gateway, Trask trades places with him and rechecks the other two Temples. At the second one, the Trackers have ordered the doors opened. "We sealed them," the priest assures us. "And any other way in as soon as every one was safe inside." "Let's get the rest of you out," Trask's voice can't hide his disgust and fear of everything falling apart. Every one grabs their packs and comes through as quickly as they can. The Priests are loaded with books and other items as they jump through. Trask switches with Grasthu and contacts the last Temple. There's a tremendous racket coming from outside. The centaurs almost rush through. "They've ordered us to let them in," A Priests gasps. "Or they'll wreck the place while we're inside." I'm almost losing control of wanting to retaliate. It takes all of my inner control to keep verifying every one is safe. "Take over," I yell to Grasthu as the last Priest comes through his Gateway. Jumping to the controls, I guide it around the Temple under attack. An armored vehicle is being driven up the main street, it's cannon aimed toward the main door. Trackers are positioned so that they can rush in once the doors are blow away. "Chasla", I try and keep from yelling. "When I activate the Gateway, plug the barrel with grain." I reduce the diameter of the Gateway and position it inches from the barrel. Chasla levitates almost too much grain and I shut the gateway down. Quickly I move it inside. It's organized panic inside. Many are waiting in line, but a rush to the other Gateway is fast approaching. An explosion outside almost starts a stampede, but the Priests somehow manage to restrain them. I move to the outside and smile at the chaos. The cannon has exploded and there's puffed grain all over. Trackers are either trying to help the injured ones, or beating on the doors with rifle butts. Switching back inside, I tell every one what happened. "I'll keep watch outside," I assure them. Quickly I resume patrolling the outside. Trask keeps me informed about how many are still inside. Moments after he reports that there are less than fifty to go, there is an explosion on one side of the Temple. In an instant, I've got my Gateway positioned and see a fifteen foot wide, smoking breach in the wall. Somehow a Tracker had managed to set an explosive package. As the smoke begins to clear, twenty of them storm the opening. Backing the Gateway into the Temple, I look at the weakened ceiling. "Chasla, knock the ceiling down, we only need a few more minutes." I glance at the last group jumping and stumbling through the other Gateway. Chasla levitates weakened supports and begins demolishing the damaged section of the Temple. The trackers stop and watch as dust and debris obscure everything. Another explosion startles everyone. Dust flows through the Gateway along with cries of pain. I swing my Gateway around and view the damage. A major section of a wall is now a pile of rubble. About half a dozen are injured. Chasla begins levitating them as the others jump through the other Gateway. As the first of the Trackers step over the rubble, she levitates the last one and we shut down both Gateways. Several of the uninjured want to stay with their friends, but the Priests help clear my basement by ordering them through to Mars. One Priest remains to learn how badly they are hurt. Haseena quickly decides which ones can wait and concentrates on three badly wounded ones. Purrlec has been watching. "Let's get the one in the worst shape inside my healing womb." She almost giggles as Chasla struggles to levitates her closer. Haseena's expression reflects the pain of those before her. "I hope you're ready to stretch yourself to your limit." She checks all three as Chasla positions Purrlec. Purrlec quickly enters her trance, knowing what she needs to do, knowing that none with her ability has done this without much practice. Fleesha waddles as quietly as she can and positions herself to help in the best way she can. Haseena looks at Purrlec and then motions to Chasla. Choosing the largest as first, she levitates the draft centaur. Purrlec's pelvis has been shifting under her thick pelt. As Haseena connects him to her. She adjusts her stance to one that seems impossibly wide for a centaur of her original build. Incredibly, the wounded centaur slides smoothly into her, filling her out more than ever. Her paws rise off the floor and her abdomen swells with his mass. Fleesha takes a step forward, the fat, marshmallow sized nipple of one of her monstrously bloated jugs nudge Purrlec's lips. Trask lovingly, massages her belly and feels her womb quiver as the draft centaur rapidly swells her tight. Purrlec opens her mouth and voraciously sucks rich milk into her. Her huge belly quivers as the draft centaur is engulfed within her amazingly stretched womb. She waves her hand slightly to tell Haseena she's ready for the next patient. Smiling at the platters of food Fleesha had prepared in case this happened, I begin feeding her the assortment of delicious and nutritious delicacies. Haseena has stabilized the other two. "I wish we had time to get another healer," she whispers. She stands back as Chasla levitates the next one. She is also a draft centaur, but has been so underfed that her ribs show under her thin fur. Purrlec wiggles and rolls as she struggles to pull the wounded centaur into her amazing, expanding belly. With as much as her stomach must be compressed by her impossibly enlarged womb, she gulps sweet milk even faster. As the ribs of the draft mare slide into her, Fleesha switches the breast Purrlec is nursing from. Finally she pulls the hips and then legs of her third patient into her impossibly expanded womb. Gasping for breath, she stops drinking. "I never thought I'd be able to hold three at a time." She takes a deep breath and all four paws strokes the stretched pelt of her humongous abdomen. She looks back at her spherical belly. "I don't want to see the last one," she breathes slightly easier. "Because I'll make room for her." She licks her lips and sucks one of Fleesha's fat nipples back into her mouth. Fleesha's heavy breast jiggles as her nutritious milk pours into Purrlec. She turns to look at me and I increase the speed I've been feeding her. Chasla has already positioned the bleeding centaur. Although she appears to be a wolf breed, she is almost as tall as a standard horse with width approaching that of a draft. Purrlec's eyes are completely unfocused and she sucks harder than ever as the wounded female's head enters her. Her breath is rapid and light as the space her organs normally occupy is reduced by her impossibly expanded womb. The wolf centaur's upper portion slides in with little trouble. As her wolf shoulders are pulled into Purrlec, her inward motion slows. Purrlec squirms and her gigantic belly rolls as she slowly pulls her in. The wolf's belly is unusually full for one of her sector and Purrlec pauses. Gasping for breath, between gulps of milk. She concentrates and the slightly round belly surges into her own humongous one. She visually rises as her abdomen swells and rolls forward slightly as her lips tightly grip Fleesha's swollen nipple. The wolf's hips finally slips in, quickly followed by her legs. Purrlec stops nursing for a moment. Her flanks are damp and Trask works on drying her. "I never really thought I could hold four." She turns slightly and her eyes bulge wide as she sees how impossibly humongous her abdomen has swelled. Smiling, she relaxes and is soon sleeping deeply. Fleesha sighs and cautiously fondles her mammoth mammeries. "I was making milk faster than I ever had." She looks at Purrlec's mountainous belly. "I can't believe she could keep drinking after she pulled that draft stallion in her." She pats her own belly, "And I couldn't have kept up with her if you hadn't kept me stuffed." With a sly grin, I nurse from her for a few minutes. Realizing we need to know if every one is rescued, I stop and check the computer. The last Priest has been patiently waiting. "I can't believe it," he almost whispers. "It looks like every one is safe." He looks at Purrlec enormous abdomen. "I'd like to tell the others that their fiends are being well taken care of." "Have every one check to make sure we didn't miss any body." I ask him. "I know that might not be easy with every one cramped into the available quarters." He smiles and steps toward the Gateway. "I'm certain that is already being done." He and Haseena jumps through, leaving the six of us alone. Chasla and Grasthu are having supper. Trask and I join them and we talk about what to do next. "You know," Chasla mumbles through a mouthful of pizza. "There's no way I'm going to be able to move her until she heals them." Smiling, I finally feel like we've made it. "There's no hurry to move her. They need to finish up the quarters on Mars and get every one comfortable, before we should even think about moving there." In a relaxed atmosphere, we throw a quiet party. Several hours after midnight, we decide to get some sleep. Fleesha waddles slowly over to Purrlec. Her belly is so enormous, that Chasla uses her levitation to roll her forward. Still asleep she gulps down gallons of rich milk. Finally Fleesha's bounteous bosom is dry and every one goes to sleep. Early Tuesday morning, Purrlec wakes up. She quietly calls Fleesha and the living dairy waddles over to her. The rolling motion wakes me, but I remain relaxed on her wide back. All through the day, we rearrange things so Purrlec will be as comfortable as possible. Shortly before noon, the Priest from the last Temple comes through. "Against all hope," he smiles. "Every one has made it through." He looks at the enormously swollen Purrlec. "Would it help if I told you about them?" She smiles and rubs her paws over the wide expanse of her belly. "It'll take awhile to heal all of them. And I'd like to know who I'm taking care of." He nods. "I don't know about the first one. Jekewla, the draft stallion was worked hard, but cared for. His mate, Melana, was ill fed and some what mistreated. I don't know if her malnourished condition will hinder her healing." Fleesha almost laughs as she positions herself to nurse Purrlec. "I doubt she'll be malnourished for long." She hums in pleasure as Purrlec sucks a fat nipple and then sweet milk into her hot mouth. The priest pauses, almost afraid to continue. "The she wolf Jalwen, was part of a laboratory experiment. Her breed is used as guards in various offices and buildings. They were experimenting in increasing the number of cubs she could carry. They didn't tell her how many she's carrying, but in a single pregnancy, she wouldn't be showing yet." He waits for a moment while Purrlec continues to nurse. Finally Trask replies for her. "I'm certain she can handle them. That she's able to get them all in her convinces us she can heal them and I'm certain she's getting enough milk to keep the cubs healthy." Every one laughs at this and Purrlec has to stop nursing so she can. The Priest smiles and returns to Mars. We finish the day making Purrlec as comfortable as possible. Because of her elastic ability, her stomach grows with every meal. My fear of her not being able to eat enough, because of her squashed stomach, is quickly forgotten. The three days at work go by quickly. During the evenings, we raid the mines, farms and factories for anything we might need. For the next several weeks, the digging of the living spaces on Mars is finished. Every one finds where their abilities are most useful. Most of them are working at making their living quarters functional and then homelike. Grasthu forms several teams of planters. Various strains are growing. Some designed to increase to oxygen and other gasses. As harvesting begins, chambers of another tunnel are used for storage. Purrlec's abdomen continues to swell. Some from her patients improving in condition, but much from her fattening on Fleesha's rich milk and all the food Chasla and Trask feed her. Chasla also gains weight and her levitation ability increases as she does. She finally releases the wolf injured in the Tracker attack of a transport. A week later, the draft stallion is on his feet. She assures him his mate is doing well. "She needs to get in better condition and I insist my patients look their best when I let them go." He smiles as he touches his almost invisible scars. "Keep her until I've got a our new home ready." He smiles and jumps through to Mars. Purrlec rocks back and forth on her huge, but partially slack, belly. "I bet I can drink all you can possibly make," she laughs at Fleesha. Chasla has to help Fleesha move by levitating her massive belly. "If it wasn't for you," Fleesha jokes as Purrlec begins gulping her milk. "Chasla wouldn't be able to help me move." As Purrlec drinks from her monstrous mammeries, I jump up and help feed Fleesha as much as she can eat. After well over an hour, Purrlec stops nursing. "If it wasn't for Matt feeding you...." Fleesha laughs and stops eating. "I wonder how much is going into your patients, and how much is staying with you." Purrlec smiles and strokes her bloated abdomen with her paws. "I think one of them will be ready in a couple of weeks." The work on Mars has gone on better than originally hoped. Every one has finished up their living quarters and a Martian lifestyle of freedom is quickly developing. Jekewla, the draft stallion, has often come through and checked in on his healing mate. Several days before Purrlec plans to allow his mate out, I stop him before he returns to Mars. "Is there any one who knows Jalwen?" He continues to smile, but shakes his head. "She came from a research lab. I think she was at the last holiday celebration. From what the Priests have told me, she was kept alone and trained to be mother to a sub breed of guard wolfcentaur." He glances at Purrlec, sleeping on her enormously pregnant belly. "Are you worried about her?" I nod so only he can see. "We don't know how they cared for her. When she gives birth, I think she'll need some one to give her support." "We can all help her," he tries to smile. "I know what you mean and have to agree with you. The Priests have talked with many of the male wolfcentaurs, but they aren't interested in some one they've never met and is carrying a number of cubs." I think for several minutes. "I'll see you in a few days. Maybe some one will think of an answer by then." He forces a smile and then jumps through the Gateway. Fleesha is in our sleeping area and quietly moans in pleasure as I nurse a little of her wonderful milk. I climb onto her lusciously bloated back and sink into her spongy fur. After several minutes, she whispers to me. "Every one is safe on Mars. We've got plenty of food and the harvest is as much as Grasthu hoped for. So what are you worried about?" I snuggle into the comfortable softness of her body. "I'm worried about Jalwen. She has no one waiting for her. I don't know how she'll feel as an outsider with a den full of cubs on their way." She moves slightly, almost rocking me to sleep on her bounteous blubber. "You've got the plans Draaza has for our home." Her soft voice begins to relax me. "There's plenty of room for her and her cubs." She giggles a second, bouncing be around. "And I'll have some one to nurse besides Purrlec." Drifting away, one question comes to my mind. "I know your kind needs a male female exchange of energy. How are you going to solve that?" She continues to rock me asleep for a few moments. "I guess you'll have to take care of that." On the edge of sleep, her answer makes sense. My mind agrees and stores this as reality for me. Five days later, Purrlec agrees to let Melana out. "I'd really like to get her in better shape," she argues weakly. Jekewla shakes his head. "I've got our quarters all fixed up and I'm lonely." He laughs about this. "And you need to be able to come home to Mars." He smiles at being able to call Mars home. Chasla helps Fleesha move in front of her. "I've got a heavy load of milk and you can have it all once you release her." Purrlec relaxes and closes her eyes. Melana begins to slide out of her. There is a slight pause after her head comes out. Then her breasts and upper torso flow out. Jekewla jumps forward and helps support his well fattened mate. Her lower shoulders and forelegs slide out before Purrlec pauses again. Suddenly her round belly virtually rolls out and Chasla helps lower her to the floor. Melana tries to stand, but the several hundred new pounds Purrlec has filled her with, keeps her down. Chasla levitates her enough so she can stand and helps her through the Gateway. Jekewla thanks Purrlec and then hurries after them. Purrlec gently clamps her thick lips on one of Fleesha's large nipples and sucks like she hasn't had anything for weeks. "I wonder," Fleesha whispers between mouthfuls. "How Jalwen's doing." Wondering myself, I continue feeding her until she motions me to stop. While Purrlec sleeps, I stroke her fat covered abdomen. Trying to sense how Jalwen is and wondering what Fleesha really meant about taking care of her. For almost a month, Purrlec resists letting Jalwen out. Finally she gives in to every one's requests. "Now that our home is ready." She reaches out and tries to pull Trask close. "I guess I better be light enough for Chasla to levitates me." Chasla takes a few steps and watches her round belly roll. "I hope I've gained enough to lift you and that fat pelt you've wrapped around your patients." She helps Fleesha move and Purrlec begins to gulp her sweet milk as she opens up for Jalwen's 'birth'. Her large breasts, upright portion and foreshoulders slides out easily, but her motion is stopped by her abdomen. Purrlec struggles as she repositions her legs several times. Finally Jalwen gushes out. Her abdomen is so huge she looks like Purrlec the first time she held anyone. While Chasla and Trask takes care of Fleesha and Purrlec, I explain to her everything that has happened. She looks at her impossibly pregnant belly. "I never let the thought of what I'd do and..." She breaks down and sobs. Instinctively I cradle her head and look into her moist eyes. "Fleesha is willing to share me with you. She and I don't plan on having offspring. So if you'll share your's with her." I reach back and stroke the taunt curve of her huge pregnant belly. Jalwen almost laughs and pulls my head into her plump breasts. "I think you'll need me to help take care of her." She pats her ponderous abdomen. "I just hope I don't keep this stretched out." While Fleesha nurses Purrlec, we talk and learn much about each other. I'm surprised that I feel this close to her. Once the other females are finished, Chasla helps Fleesha to our sleeping area while Trask and Purrlec sleep on her living mattress of fur and fat. I take a few sips of Fleesha's milk before offering it to Jalwen. She drinks from each jug for several minutes. After she is sated and Fleesha is completely drained, Chasla levitates her onto Fleesha's incredibly wide and soft back. I try and roll to the side, but she sinks into Fleesha softness and I can't help rolling against her. She smiles and wraps her arms and fore legs around me. "I think we're going to make a great family." The flow of energy through the three of us is incredible. Our beings seem to become one. Even I can sense the nearly ready cubs in her womb. I can't say if we actually slept or flowed on waves of bio-energies through out the night. Several days later, Jalwen births fifteen cubs. Fleesha nurses many of them, but still Jalwen's large breasts grow with milk producing tissues and surrounding fat until they threaten to pull her over when she walks. The cubs stay surprisingly quiet. Most probably because of their wolf like origin. Jalwen (and a few of her cubs) accompany me the many times I visit Mars. Within six months, every one is comfortably housed. The oxygen plants have increased the surrounding atmosphere. Working with remote planting equipment, Grasthu and his crews constantly increase the area they cover. I pack every thing of mine and move it into the large home area Dahlakee and Heelos has built for us. I also move one of the Gateways there. Finally everything is ready for us to move. Chasla has almost doubled her weight. Even so, she struggles to lift enough of Purrlec's fat, thick bag-like abdomen. As Purrlec waddles through the gateway, Chasla almost levitates her off the ground. As Chasla steps through, the gravity difference on her doesn't lessen her ability. Trask had already moved everything of theirs and set things up to make her comfortable. "Are you going to reduce some of your loose flesh?" He asks while playing with a thick, soft fold of her pelt. She laughs and her spongy flesh rolls. "You never know when I might be needed. I know I've only carried one at a time since every one came through." He smiles and dives into her sponginess. He grabs an incredibly thick layer of her and pulls it over himself. "At least I'll never have to worry about getting cold." Several others with levitation ability stand on the Mars side of the Gateway and concentrate. Slowly, Fleesha's monstrous belly rises enough so she can use her fat encumbered feet. As she crosses through to Mars, their work becomes much easier. Once she is through, Trask and I disassemble the original Gateway. Stepping through to Mars, I shut off the Gateway with out looking back. With a grin, I climb into a multiterrain vehicle and check out all the systems. Trask joins me, "I'd like to see what you're planning to do?" He barely manages to control a laugh. Jalwen climbs in, she is now comfortable moving with her ponderous jugs. Even though the cubs are eating solid foods, she loves nursing them. Also Fleesha is enjoying her milk as much as Purrlec has enjoyed hers. "I thought you'd might like some company." She lies down and her mammoth bosom sloshes in her enormous halter. I laugh and seal the vehicle. "Are you sure the cubs won't get hungry?" She giggles and hefts her fat bloated orbs. "I just fed them and Fleesha." She looks outside as the airlock depressurizes and the outer door opens. "But if either of you get thirsty.." She loses her balance and almost falls back as I gun the drive system. "Maybe you'll be begging us," Trask jokes. "Before we get thirsty." Both of them watch the Martian landscape. The high winds have cut sharp, intricate patters in the soil and rocks. Trask looks at the com system and realizes that I've linked the guidance system to it. He sits back and the rough terrain gives way to a rock strewed plain. Jalwen is scanning the horizon with the video system magnified to it's highest setting. "There's something ahead." Within minutes, what looks like a pile of metal can be seen. I drive up and park beside Viking I. "I've got a suit for me and Trask." I look at Jalwen as Trask get's them out. "We'll have to customize one," I struggle to heft one of her mammoth mammeries, "if you ever want to go outside." She almost squirms to my touch. "When you come back," she grins. "I've got something for both of you." Trask grins as we check each other's suits and step into the airlock. "So what do you have in that bag." I smile and open the outer door as the status flashes. Walking in front of the camera, I wave at it. "Too bad we can't tell if they're watching." I open the bag and unroll the reinforced cloth. Using some rocks, I anchor it to the ground. Trask reads it and laughs. "They're going to think some one is pulling a joke." I carefully pick up several rocks that the probe had moved with it's robotic arm. "We'll send these back to prove it's no joke. Also," I touch the Viking and think into it's circuits. "I now have their frequency and codes so we can talk to them when we want." We climb back into our transport and start the drive back home. Jalwen squirm slightly. "I promised something for you when you got back." Trask grins at me as he takes the controls. As I turn around, she carefully struggles to undo her halter. The bouncing of the vehicle has already excited her nipples. As I move closer, I can see that her nipples and areolae are straining the material of her halter more than her heavy, extra full jugs. As she finally releases the straps, her huge bosom explodes outward. The bouncing of the ride makes them jiggle as I lap one of her erect nipples into my dry mouth. In seconds, her sweet milk is flowing down my parched throat. I switch to her other fat filled milk factory before I stop. Changing places with Trask, he manages to drink more than I. Jalwen easily refastens her halter and joins us a few moments later. "I guess I've never gone that long without nursing someone." I try not to watch her ponderous breasts billowing within her blouse as we drive home. As the airlock opens, a signal comes through on the Viking channel. The onboard computer translates it as instructions for new pictures to be taken. "I better get some things done before they see those photos," I almost whisper as the airlock cycles. The moment pressure is equalized, I jump out and run for my Gateway. Carefully I restrict it's opening size and locate several desks within a certain lab of JPL. With a grin of the biggest surprise ever, I quietly place a stone on each one. "Now let's watch." I set the Gateway to observe only and adjust it to watch the big screen and the first row of consoles. Every one is sitting relaxed as the photo data comes through. The picture forms line by line. The sky and horizon appears like they have seen it many times before. As the edge of the cloth begins to show, the technicians look at their displays to make sure nothing is wrong. One of the head scientists turns to his desk and sees the rock I placed there. He turns in shock as the picture is completed. He picks up a phone and tries to explain what's happened. "This is professor Radcliff. I can't be sure this is one of the rocks from Mars, but the last picture shows it missing." He pauses, "The message reads, "Most of the beings now living here are from a planet we will not talk about. I, Matt Jason of the planet Earth, the first being to set foot on Mars in recorded history, claim this planet. We are more than willing to bring some of your scientists from your lab here, to help us explore our new home world. We are monitoring the Viking frequencies and you can contact us through them. Peace, joy, and we could use some Classic Coke." The voice on the other end is violent, convinced that some one is playing a joke. Radcliff slams the phone down. "Mike, get some sample containers, portable test gear, whatever. Joe, contact them and ask if they will bring us, scientists only, to Mars." He pauses for a moment. "Dan, get down to the commissary and get all the Coke they have." As Joe sends the message, and we wait for the time lag of standard radio communications, I set the gateway so it will open beside Radcliff. The message finally comes through. To keep them from knowing we have been watching, I reply through Viking. "We will open a Gateway, in your lab, in ten minutes. End transmission." Smiling, I look at those around me. "Eight minutes to reach them. Radcliff's the type of scientist I can respect. When the dopes about him don't want to listen, he goes ahead on his own." Before our message reaches them Mike has returned with sample cases and test gear. As they listen to me, Dan rolls a cart in, stacked high with bottles of Coke. Radcliff smiles and glances at the wall clock. "Eight minutes for that message to reach us. We have two minutes to get ready." He glances around the room. "Lyle, you're our geological expert. Al, you handle atmospheric." He looks around the room. "Everything is limited to this room only. I want our special security on all data files. Once we have enough information, we can give the proof to the world." Every one jumps to their assignment. Years of working together has made them a tight knit group. To the second, I activate the Gateway. "Come through quickly please," I ask them. With in seconds, they and all their equipment and the Cokes are through. I shut the Gateway down and introduce them to those in the room. Over the next month, they help us learn more about Mars. No one tells them how long it took us to build our habitat and no one uses their abilities while they're here. We set them up in a separate building, letting them fix it up as they want to. Finally they announce our existence to the people of Earth. The governmental leaders all want to set up outposts, but I limit how many scientists are allowed here. The major governments organize their scientist and research. Within a few years, the oxygen plants are spreading on their own. The air slowly warms and thickens. The polar icecaps begin a cycle of thawing and refreezing, refilling the rivers and lakes. Rare earth ores are found and our miners carefully remove them with minimal damage to the planet. With this financial resource, the UN accepts us as members and changes their name to United Nations and Planets. Mars slowly comes back to life. Temples (10 total) begin receiving supplies Temple 1 Haseena fox centaur female waitress - group leader psychic healer Banakee horse centaur male field worker - transport plant magic Moohasa cow centaur female cook - cook Staluk bear centaur male factory guard - guard Lacheena sheep centaur female maid - make clothes Nulah pony centaur male factory worker - scrounger Jaletah leopard centaur female escort guard - scout senses psychic energy Zhakae wolf centaur male factory worker - lookout Katal - dk brn pony stallion - separate ores from ground Grasthu's cousin Draaza - small, light build pony - meld materials Jazana - small, draft build pony - miner Trast - medium draft build pony - levitate