Probe 7 As I orbit the unnamed planet, I think back to my flight school pals. The four of us were the first Jharakens trained in spaceflight techniques. Our race was in slavery to the Dalookans. They had tested and found four of us had what it takes to be Interstellar Transport captains. The instructors, from the company supplying the transports, were surprised that all of us passed the training and testing. So there we were, Kadoon, Naashur, Jasha and myself, Haroo. With only three IST's, we were able to keep them carrying the rare ore to star systems willing to pay the price. We were freed from slavery by Kadoon, the crew of the IST342 and Mark, the human they found with special skills. The Alliance had declined from stopping the slavery because of the ore. Now that we continued to mine the ore, they offered to allow us to join and share their technology. Since we didn't need to ship ore as fast as we had, I volunteered to join the reaserach vessel, Star of Life. I was assigned to pilot Probe #7. These vehicles are more of a space to planet craft. Their main use is taking scientists and supplies to reseach bases on the planet's surface. I was sad to leave my buddies, but the lure of exploring space was too strong. I look at the familar controls as they blink, assuring me that all systems are functioning correctly. I look at the planet slowly turning beneath me and close my eyes, wishing I could have resisted the desire to explore. Flashes of the few moments before I launched burst on the inside of my closed eyelids. I had just finished preflighting my probe ship and was waiting for the scientists I was to take down to the planet's surface. "Jonesy to Probe 7," I had to smile as I could hear the excitement in our 2nd navigator's voice. "All umbilicals disconnected. Your passengers will be onboard momentarily." I try and block out what my mind has replayed too many times. I see myself strap my lower body onto the pilot bench. Flexing my fore paws and limbering up all my fingers, resting them on the joy stick and multiple control pads. Glancing at the status screen, glowing with go indicators, my reflections smiling back. A Jharaken male (Centaur wolf), light brown fur covering the wolf part, the characteristic longitudinal stripes in the tail and hair are dark brown. <2> My eyes jerked forward as the ship's speakers relay engineering to bridge communications. "This is engineering! We have unstable fluctuations in the jumpdrive inducers! We need the chief NOW!" "Bridge to engineering. What happened?" "We aren't sure. We had a power surge when we crossed the planet's magnetic field. The dampeners should have prevented it!" A slight pause as everyone holds their breath. "Chief, we're up to 30% and rising." "Captain to Probe 7, Haroo get your ship away to a safe distance." My hand flinches as I remember flipping the grapple release and starting to maneuver away. The vast hull of The Star Of Life fills my aft monitor as the maneuvering thrusters nudge me against my restraints. The main section, an elongated sphere, almost one klic in diameter and twice as long. Various antenna arrarys jut out over it's surface. The slight bulges of the transport and escape ships... My fellow pilots, crew mates and scientists, several of whom I had been waiting for. The cargo and probe ship mounting racks. A one klic long, half klic diameter maze of massive girders, passage way tubes, and cargo modules. Then the main drive. A cylinder of alloys, only a half klic long and half as wide, almost blending into the blackness of space. The grav drive coils glinting in the sunlight as our orbit takes us into sunlight. My lids squeeze tight as I think of the engineering crew, knowing what's happening and scrambling to prevent it. "Engineering to bridge!" I remember the chief's reassuring voice, and then reached for the thruster controls as my mind registered the concern in his voice. "Dampeners failing. Got to...." As his voice was cut off, I hit the thrust controls to maximum. Glancing at the rear monitor, as the rapid acceleration slammed my head back, I saw the engineering module become a miniature sun that burned out the screen. Or maybe it was me passing out. As I regained conscienceness, I thanked the designers for the thrusters to cut off ten seconds after the control level is released. For several hours, I called out on all frequencies with only static for a reply. <3> Now I must land. This probe is capable of numerous round trips from orbit to the planet's surface, but interplanetary, much less interstellar, is not within it's design specs. I look around the cabin, Sparse, only several benches and chairs for the various species of scientists. The rest of the cabin being filled with storage units for the samples they had hoped to bring back from the planet below. "I have located the main crash site of what is now the final marker of my shipmates and will land in a clearing nearby. If this message buoy is found..." I key the recorder off and pause, trying to think of anything worth saying. Smiling sadly as I remember my meeting with Mark, the alien who saved my race from slavery, and the friend-name he gave me. The character he named me after, was always excited and went ahead without thinking of what might go wrong, and some how managed to succeed in his endevor. Well, everything has already gone wrong, so I might as well go ahead. I switch the recorder back on. "This is Auggie Doggie, signing off." With a rapid flip of a few switches, the message buoy begins it's orbit. "Well," I try and smile as the orbital time for reentry rapidly approaches. "It's a long way down and I don't know what's waiting for me." My hand hovers over the thrust lever as I watch the navigation screen. Almost to the microsecond of a computer, my fingers close over the bar and the gentle thrust eases me against the cushions. The guidance system could easily control reentry, but I keep the controls on manual. Computers may be faster, but often a pilot's instincts can make minor corrections before the course varies enough for the computer to correct. Normally I enjoy the glow of reentry. But this time I concentrate on the instruments. Probe ships are small, only thirty meters long. The drive takes up a third of the stern and various interior bulges containing the grav coils. The grav drive gently slows me and, as the air thickens, I extend the wings and glide toward the crash site. Twenty klics away, I glimpse the dark shape that was my home since shortly after we achieved freedom on Darnarius. My fellow probe pilots, the crew, scientists, other beings from other home worlds.. In the closeness of being shipmates, I knew them and had more friends than I now wish I did. I keep my mind on centering up on the clearing and try not to look at the twisted mountain of metal that will never again feel the winds of space. Almost brushing the tree tops, I glide into the clearing and touch down as gently as possible on a non-leveled field. To save my now precious power, I shut every thing down except the radio relay and climb out into the warm air. <4> The air is rich with moisture and the sound of leaves brushing against each other, drift on the gentle breeze. The faint smell of burned metal and vegetation breaks me out of the excitement of being on a living planet. The smooth skin of my ship is still warm to my touch. Her smooth, aerodynamic form almost shimmers as I look in the direction of the main wreckage of the Star Of Life. I key my recorder, "Log entry. I have successfully landed. The air is breathable and there should be edible planets I can use to supplement my supplies. The main crash site is nearby and I am leaving to investigate if there is a chance anyone survived. Log end." Keying it off, I take a laser rifle from the concealed rack and check it's condition. Satisfied, I quietly walk through the deep grass, the taller blades brush the underside of my lower tunic with an almost relaxing motion. I cross the clearing and enter the forest that surrounds it. The land under the trees is almost clear of undergrowth and I quicken my place. I pass several charred and melted pieces, partially or mostly buried in the soft soil. As I approach the main wreckage, I slow, not wanting to see the total destruction, yet hoping with no reason to, that others have survived. With each tree passed, the mountain of twisted alloys loom closer and more terrifying. I step pass the last standing tree and face what is the deepest fear of all space voyagers, the final planet berth of a ship born in space. For unrealized minutes. I stare at the unrecognizable mass of smoldering metal. The impact crater is not as deep as I first expected. The trees are blow down for more than 1000 meters from the remains. On thinking it out, I determined that the grav drive holding us over one position, gave a slow reentry speed and the humidity must have lessened the speed at impact. Also the wetness of the plant life has prevented a forest fire from catching hold. Slowly I circle the artificial mountain, terrified of seeing charred remains of my shipmates. "Log entry," my voice is controlled but still shaky. "I am surveying the main wreckage. There appears to be no chance that anyone could have survived..." As if in answer, the receiver on my harness begins beeping. "But it appears an escape ship may have ejected." I try and control my excitement as I align the antenna and begin tracking the sound that my heart almost matches. I try an remember that I'm on an unexplored planet and the chance of hostile wildlife is more than a possibility. My eyes scan the trees as I almost jog in the directiong the signal is coming from. <5> Replaying the last moments before the explosion, I shake my head, trying to dislodge the hope of other survivors. There was no order to abandon ship. The captain would have ordered the other probe pilots and scientists to their probes and the rest into escape ships. Grabbing my com unit as I suddenly remember it, "Probe 7 to any one, do you copy?" Only silence as the steady beep of the auto signal relay keeps me moving. Maybe they're injured, maybe the voice system is fried, maybe..... I keep running maybes through my mind. Knowing deep down there is little reason to hope. The escape ship could have been thrown clear with the first explosion and reentered automatically. The signal would have been blocked by the wreckage until I walked around it. Deep in conflicting thoughts, I am suddenly looking at it. It is a medium escape ship, only 90 meters in total length. It's marking indicates that it was berthed in the main section of the Star. The power units, grav drive and other main systems are securely fastened within the mounting framework. The living unit is almost 80 meters long and 10 in diameter. The smooth surface shows the normal heat signs of a hot reentry and the scorched vegetation confirms that the landing systems also functioned perfectly. The hatch is still closed, although the status indicators are lit. Almost in fear, I sling my rifle and turn the hatch release. It slowly swings open, revealing the empty interior. "Any one on board?" My voice is dry, even though the air is damp. I cautiously climb the entry steps and look around. The sight almost brings me to tears. My legs collapse under me. There is no damage anywhere. All the status panels read green..... Yet the couches and seats are empty. The safety harnesses are still in their clips. A slight noise catches my attention and before I can begin to turn, something huge pounces on my back. I spring up and twist my head and upper torso to see what has grabbed me in a death hold. My eyes meet the laughing eyes of a thick furred energy feline. "Dawnif!" My relief and excitement is almost as great as if I found another probe pilot. "You crazy mess of fur." Her gentle hug is what my fear mistook for an attack. <6> She begins to purr, the frequency spanning more than an octave. I relax as her energy flows through me. Energy Felines, or E.F. for short, were developed when other species experimented in metaphysical experiments. They are built much like our Darnarian cats. Centaur build, except that the face, while furry, is more like ours. Their fur is extremely dense and silky, designed to make physical contact more comforting like a protective blanket. Their horizonal abdomen is much heavier than their upright one and the pelt appears to flow like an oversized coat. This is because they were designed be able to eat almost a fourth of their weight at one time and then not need food for many days. Also, when 'charging' some one, this flowing pelt gives a greater area of contact. Their need for energy is almost as great as their need for food. They absorb all emotional energies, and return only good and peaceful types in return. Their four legs are stronger than would appear necessary, designed as such so they can move on planets with higher gravity. Her weight is slightly more than half mine, my fear made it seem like much more. "Log entry, I have found an escape pod. The only passenger on board is Dawnif, one of the energy felines." I stroke her thick fur as she sleeps. "No one except the probe pilots knew that she often slept in the escape pods. I guess that's why she was our favorite." I relax more than since before I launched. "Or were we, her favs. End log entry." I remove my survival gear and close the hatch most of the way. The vents are working and the fans create a gentle breeze. The exhaustion that excitement kept at bay hits and I'm almost asleep before I hit the floor. Complete replays of my launch, the ship exploding, the wreck.. jerk me out of my sleep several times. Each time, Dawnif helps me relax. "Log entry. It's the middle of the night but I feel this is important for the record." I scratch her ears and down the back of her silky neck while I record. "If not for Dawnif, the E.F. who survived on the escape ship, I would already doubt my chances for surviving. My sleep has been broken by flashback of the accident. Each time, she has shared her energy with me. Her simple thoughts and not comprehending that we are the only two of the crew left alive, have helped me deal with it. I know that it will be a long time before I am able to get a full night's sleep, but without her..." As if in understanding, or maybe she does in her way, she wraps her soft arms around my neck and nuzzles her thick furred head under my chin, purring quietly. <7> "My advise for other's is to have E.F.s sleep in the escape and probe ships. This should be so easy to do that it's foolish not to. End log entry." I gently lie back down and curl up around her. Her purring lulls me into a sleep that continues unbroken till what had been midmorning, ship time. An hour after sunrise, I wake and carefully extract myself from Dawnif's embrace. She is sleeping deeply, evidence that she has poured out much of her energy to calm my tortured being. The morning's breeze awakens me and I mentally take stock of my situation and options. "Log entry, situations status. I plan to move Probe 7 to the escape ship's landing site this morning. Dawnif's energy has given me the calm I need to think instead of charging ahead. Also, I am not alone and she would be unable to survive on her own. Having some one depend on me, gives me more reason to live. End entry." I step back into the shuttle and prepare breakfast from the supplies. While I eat, I calculate that there is enough food onboard both ships to last us many months. As Dawnif finally begins to rise and stretch, I dish up her food. "I'm going to get my probe ship and fly it here." I ruffle her thick fur as she continues eating. "Would you like to go with me," I ask playfully. She pushes her head against my hand and answers with one of her multi-tonal meows. While she finishes eating, I check my pack and fill enough water bottles for both of us. I take a rough bearing so that we will miss the main wreckage and we casually walk though the forest. The high leaves keep the temperature from becoming too hot and, with no branches lower than twenty feet or so, there is a comfortable breeze. As we walk down-wind of the wreck, Dawnif catches the scent and looks at me in a combination of wonder and fear. "You know what it is, don't you?" She slips around me so that I am between her and what had been our home. I reach down and stroke her fur. Even through it's thickness, I can feel her uncontrolled shivering. I quicken the pace and she begins to relax as the scent of burned alloy is left behind. Dawnif suddenly bounds away. For a moment, I race after her and then slow back to a walk as I catch a glimpse of Probe 7. As I approach, she is walking around it, cautiously sniffing the ground and looking into the surrounding trees. <8> "Some little friends watching us girl?" I almost laugh, until I see the clawed prints imbedded in the ground around us. Almost without thinking, my laser rifle is in my hands and the reassuring hum of it's power module reminds me that where there's life, there's also those who live on death. "Dawnif," I quietly call out. She glances where I am and slowly moves closer, constantly watching and sniffing for a sign of whatever left the tracks. The crack of a large branch from the far side of the ship, makes both of us jump. She jumps to the side while I dive to the ground, trying to get a bead on it from underneath the probe. The is nothing to be seen, save a few leaves gently fluttering down from above. I glance toward Dawnif and motion for her to come. As I open the hatch, and listen more than watch, she silently runs over and dives in, with me almost pushing her as I scramble in and seal the hatch. Relaxing for a moment, I look at her and laugh. She has forced her head under a flight couch and the rest of her is completely exposed. "I think we're safe in here." She remains motionless for a moment, before easing her head out and looking around. In an instant, her senses assure her we're alone and she climbs up on the couch. I stow the rifle and then climb onto my couch. Flicking a few switches, I begin warming up the engines. Glancing back, I smile as Dawnif secures her harness and begins rapidly slapping her hands on the couch in excitement. The last of the status lights flash green and I gently feed power to the grav drive. As we lift toward the upper foliage, for a moment, I catch a glimpse of something, but it may only have been the light flickering through the leaves. Dawnif howls in pain and I bank sharply to shield her from viewing the mountainous mass of what had been our ship. I make a short flight around it, looking for other escape ships or anything that might have survived. All that remains of the once great ship, is mangled mass of debris. Near our escape ship, I circle slowly, looking for any signs of life. The sensors indicate nothing, but different life forms may not register until they have been identified and recorded. I set the probe down a few feet from the escape ship and wait as the engines cycle off. <9> Dawnif is prancing at the hatch while I shut down the rest of the probe. As I open the hatch, she pauses, sniffing the air. Once satisfied, she bounds out and circles the two ships. She runs back to me smiling and I struggle to maintain my balance as she jump up, wrapping her upper arms and fore legs around me. "Now that we've got my ship here," I laugh as I stroke her long hair. "I think we should set up some perimeter detectors." She drops to all fours and pulls me toward the escape ship. "Right," I laugh. "I'm forgetting all about lunch." I break free and retrieve my rifle from the probe before entering the escape ship. As I fix us a quick meal, Dawnif bounces from couch to couch, doing her best at flying. "If all your fur was feathers," I joke as she almost crashes into me. "You probably could fly." She frowns for a moment and nuzzles against me. Stroking the fur of my lower torso and then her own. "I know," I laugh. "You're just excited about flying in probe 7." She smiles and purrs loudly as I place our meal on the table. "After we get the scanners set and tested, I'll see what we can do about making this ship a little roomier." We quickly eat, and then instal the scanners around both ships. Unlike the ones on board, these are designed for anything approaching and scan from horizon to slightly beyond straight up. "Log entry. It takes the rest of the day before I'm satisfied. At first, Dawnif helped by carrying units from my ship to me. But after an hour, she begins circling the ships, chasing the few leaves as the wind blows them by. She never leaves the clearing and often stops and sniffs the air. If she smells anything, she makes a few purr/growl sounds and then ignores it. I guess that these are small animals and nothing to worry about. She never acted as if there was anything wrong and I hope that the clawed creature which checked out probe 7, is a rare one. Still, I plan to carry my laser rifle at all times." I lay down and Dawnif wraps her paws around me. "End of our second day on Altuna. End entry." I place the recorder on the nearby table and relax as her purrs lull me to sleep. The night's sleep is broken by scenes of the tragedy, but they are less intense than the previous night. I wake shortly after sun-up and check the clearing for signs of the clawed beast. Dawnif joins me halfway through my circling our ships and remains relaxed. "I should have waited for you," I laugh as I ruffle her thick fur. "You know there's nothing dangerous around." Her happy purrs answer me. We have breakfast and I discuss what we should do next. She nuzzles against me while I talk. <10> "Log entry. I'm starting to think EFs have more intelligence than we were told. It's only the second full day planet side, so I don't think loneliness is making me imagine things." I look at her as she lies on the couch beside me, her head resting on my foreleg as she almost sleeps, waiting for me to decide what to do. "I'm going to explore out from our landing site a distance of about five klics, traveling 90 degrees from that bearing until I am have reached five degrees from my outbound leg and return to our site. I should be able to make two trips a day and finish this exploration in forty days. End entry." As I switch off the recorder, Dawnif rolls to the floor and stands waiting, smiling as if she understood everything I said. "Well," I grin as she bounces toward the door expectantly. I secure my pack and sling my laser. "Let's see what's out there." Outside I take a bearing and we walk into the forest. Near the end of the outbound leg, we reach a stream. Checking the survey map, I smile and turn to follow it downstream. Dawnif keeps watching the water with the curiosity of a child. Stopping a few times to try and catch a fish-like creature with her hands. Checking my transponder, I whistle and turn back toward our temporary home. She bounds ahead, never out of site and often returning with a grin that assures me nothing of danger is around. Less than a klic from base, she pauses under a tree and meows curiously, looking upward as if expecting to see something. More out of training, I unsling my rifle and warm up the powerpack. The leave flutter in the wind above the forest top and I strain to see anything except leaves. After a few minutes, Dawnif smiles and resumes our walk back toward our ships. Once inside the escape ship, I realize that she lead us back. "Log entry, some how, Dawnif knew the way back without a transponder. If we had returned the same way, I would guess she followed our tracks. But how did she do it from a different direction? End entry." <11> We have a midday meal and, after a short rest, take our second arc. I decide to start this one opposite from our first and alternate from then on. The hike is uneventful, except for a few pieces of wreckage. Dawnif glances at me sadly as I examine a large section. "Log entry. Dawnif appears unaffected by memories of the explosion, except when we are around debris from the ship. I can control my feelings because I know, most of them never had time to know how serious their situation was. Is she able to sense the lingering life-force of the crew and ship, or is she able to recognize these burned masses of alloy as part of the ship? I am almost certain her species is almost, if not as, intelligent as mine. It may be that, since they aren't encouraged to learn what we think denotes intelligence, has kept the belief going. End entry." Once on the cross leg and twice on the return, Dawnif stares into the upper branches. Her curiosity changes to an almost anger like attitude. On the last encounter, she actually growls. I circle around the tree as she remains on one side. A motion catches my eye and I use the rifle's scope to get a better view. Just under the lowest branch, is a reptilian creature, it's body is shorter than my fore arm, but it's tail is almost twice the length. I almost squeeze the trigger as it opens it's mouth in a silent hiss. The teeth look like they could rip through a survival suit in seconds. It turns toward me, apparently it's attention had been on Dawnif. I'm knocked backwards and I catch a glimpse of a similar creature diving past me before Dawnif's furry body blocks my view. Instinctively I roll to my feet and aim toward the one above. It appears much larger and, as my finger squeezes the trigger, I realize it is falling on me. I dodge to the side and it's dead carcass falls to her forest floor with a thud. Dawnif hisses and I pivot, firing as the one she protected me from, prepares to jump at her. It's tensed legs collapse as the beam pierces it's body. Dawnif smiles as if she killed it herself and picks it up by the long tail. "I think we better get home," I sound more confident than I feel. Watching out for huge creatures is one thing, but lizards that attack from the air.... One in the escape ship, I try and autopsy the lizard in the sink. "Log entry. I wish one of the scientists was here to do this. I think I could do a good job of skinning and cooking it, but learning how it lives is something else. It appears to be reptilian, scales and all. An observation, since there is almost no undergrowth, most of the prey animals would live in the trees. The aerial attack, could be used to knock prey out of the branches and then finish the job on the ground. I'm on my own and intend to shoot any I see within a on klic range. Maybe it sounds like I'm still shook from this experience, but I," Dawnif nuzzles against me, "correction, WE plan to be alive when a rescue ship shows up. Because of this obvious danger, I will reduce scouting to a two klic distance. End entry." <12> "Well Dawnif," I stroke her fur as she curiously sniffs what remains of the lizard. "Do we preserve it, eat it, or what?" She turns her head and smiles. With a contented purr, she opens a small hatch and pushes the disposal button. In an instant, the remains have been destroyed in the matter converter. I grin and playfully bat at her ears. "So what does the hunter want for supper?" After we eat, I begin teaching her a crude sort of hand language. I quickly find out the she is extremely intelligent, but quickly bores after learning only a few. The next morning, she surprises me, by demonstration she has remembered all of them. Over the next several days, we explore six to eight arcs a day. By the second day, she learns how far out I'll shoot a lizard and when to just indicate one is around. The wreckage sections become larger as our sweeps approach the main crash site. "Log entry, Day ten. Dawnif has learn enough signals that we are able to communicate. I used to wonder if she could read my expressions. I now believe she can because I am learning to read her's. Today we'll explore what remains of the ship. I'll do a carefully film study, although I doubt much can be learned from it. End entry." Dawnif can sense my tension as we walk. "We're going to explore the crash," I answer her hand motions. "It's something that needs to be done." I look ahead, searching and not wanting to see the mountainous remains. "Maybe we can learn what happened and prevent it from happening to another ship." She grips my hand firmly, yet reassuringly. Without looking, I know she agrees and understands. Event though the ship is no longer hot, she smells the burned alloys before I do and tenses for a moment. We walk silently, also alert for attacking lizards. More than a klic from the site, there are trees that are bent from the impact. As we exit from the trees, the size of the wreck amazes me more than the size of the ship first did. "I guess in space, things look smaller than on the ground." <13> Dawnif nervously paces around as I begin the visual recorder. We slowly walk around the massive hulk of destroyed alloys. My unspoken fear, is to see recognizable remains of our former shipmates. Almost halfway through our circuit, I almost trip and jump back as I see the cause. There in the burned earth, is the imprint of a clawed beast, but these marks are almost half the length of my body. I glance at Dawnif and she motions that there's nothing around. "Log entry. At the wreck site, I have found the same claw marks as I did at probe 7's original landing site." I examine them closer. "They appear to be several days old. I doubt if what made these is able to live in the trees. There is no evidence of what caused the explosion and I will complete filming before I return to our ships. End entry." Dawnif still appears relaxed as I complete filming. As we enter the forest, she completely stops and points toward several trees. Using the scope, I can see several lizards waiting. As I continue looking at trees to either side, I realize that there must be more than should live in this area, unless the prey is very numerous. Backing out of the forest, I continue to check the trees. As I move clockwise, the number of them increases. "What do you think?" I ask with out looking. I hear Dawnif pad quietly ahead and then run back. She appears excited and confused. Tugging gently, she guides me to a section of wreckage near the tree line. Before we get too near, she signals me to use the scope. I study the mound of twisted alloys and suddenly realize there are several lizards on it. Keeping a safe distance, I walk around until I see a clawed foot about the size of the marks I saw around Probe 7. Walking a few steps further, I can see what part of the food chain it now has become. "Log entry. It appears the lizards are quite able to attack prey much larger than themselves. I see many teeth marks that appear to be made deep enough to bleed the clawed creature to death. The amount of blood stained ground around it and the gorged state of the lizards. The ones in the trees surrounding us concern me. If I try and shoot our way out, will they attack or run. There are blood stains coming from the forest toward to clawed beast. I surmised that it was first attacked in the forest and came to the clearing so as not to be attacked from above. End entry." I look at Dawnif, then my rifle, and then the trees. "What do you think?" She is almost shivering in fear. Her hand signals show she almost prefers to stay here. "I've got enough supplies for a day or two." I glance toward the carcass. "But I think if we get on the far side of the wreck." <14> She quietly moves back around the wreck. I keep glancing through the scope. The number of lizards per tree becomes less, and I finally decide where they appear least. "Dawnif," I whisper. "Once we get through, I want to move about twice as fast as we did coming here. I don't know what they'll do when I open fire. But if we just try and walk under them, they might attack in a feeding frenzy." Dawnif nods and indicates how many are in each tree. I calculate how to take out enough to make a clear path for us. "Log entry. Am going to shoot enough to clear a path for us. End entry." Dawnif glances at me in confidence. "Ok girl," I affectionately pat her silky fur. "Let's do it." I line up on the first one and begin squeezing bursts as fast as I get one in my sights. The others appear to ignore what's happening as my targets fall. Dawnif taps me and we hurry through the 'safe' path. On the way home, she senses no lizards for several klics. We only find one just inside the one klic range. I leave it, deciding it's best if we get home and relax. "Log entry. We have returned home. The lizards appeared to ignore the deaths of others near them. This is normal for many predators. The question now is, are the clawed ones a threat to us." I hug Dawnif as she leans against me. "End entry." After a rest, when we both relax and recharge each other, we have dinner and then watch some films that are stored on escape ships. They deal with methods of space and planet survival. I already know these by heart, but we watch them in hope of finding a way to deal with the lizards. That night, I sleep lightly. The ship's sound proofing keeps me from hearing outside sounds, but I listen for anything climbing on the outer hull. For the next few days, we keep our trips short. "Log entry. We have seen less lizards since our trip to the wreck site. I have stopped shooting them unless they are within site of our clearing. I have found the skeletonal remains of one of the clawed creatures. They appear to be herbivores, the claws may be used to climb trees to reach the leaves. When one of them is killed, I believe the lizards are attracted by the smell. They make few sounds but are not afraid to attack singularly as in packs. How long it will be, before we can expect to be rescued." I pause and look into the evening sky, the first stars beginning to shine. "And be returned to the eternalness of space. End entry." <15> Dawnif senses my sadness as I enter. She takes a few steps closer and then pauses. Confused between her natural instinct to comfort and exchange energies, and her growing knowledge that some times it's best if I am left alone. As I shut the system to night levels, she cautiously purrs. "I'm alright girl." I affectionately stroke her long fur. "I just need something to do... Something that can keep those lizards from approaching this clearing...." Nervous exhaustion finally hits and I collapse across the table into a restless sleep. The sudden rattling of the outer hull awakens me with a start. I start to stand and stumble backwards, over the chair, falling down in complete confusion. "Dawnif!" I yell over what sounds like thousands of lizards trying to gnaw their way through the hull. "They're attacking." I grab my rifle and pause searching for the first signs of them penetrating the ship. Dawnif looks at me in confusion, not sure what she should do. She bounces off the couch and quickly pads over to me. Not in the least bit worried. 'Why scared?' she asks with her hands. "Don't you know what that sound is?" I manage not to shout, but my fear is obvious, and somehow amusing to her. She crosses to the door and turns with a smile. Before I can even flinch, she keys the door release and it swings upward. The light from inside, seems to illuminate millions of micro-sized lizards falling past the entry way. Taking a step closer, I finally realized what is causing the sound. A bolt of lightning shows the soaked ground of the clearing and the water pouring off my probe ship. Dawnif grins as she closes the door. As I return the laser to it's rack, she comes closer and hugs me. A warm flow of energy fills the emptiness I had been creating for several days. No words are needed as she guides me to our sleeping pad and helps me relax. I ruffle the fur of her ears. "Guess I may as well accept that we're going to be here a long time." She snuggles into a mutual embrace, and I finally realize that, as her energy is flowing into me, I am sending mine into her. Though we're different species, I feel more for her than I should for even a close Energy Feline. The patter of rain lulls both of us into a more restful sleep than I can remember. For the next several days, we resume searching the area around our clearing. <16> "Log entry, day 20 since landing. We have completed searching the land around this clearing. Have found several sections of the ship, but all burned and melted. I no longer feel there is much of a chance any one else escaped. The recording buoy I launched, and the systems on the escape ship may have enough to give the experts an idea, but I have found nothing to help." "We have had several nights with heavy rain. It is interesting that it has not rained during the day. I bet some of the weather beings would love to give their reasons for it, but it does make it easy for me not worrying about getting caught in a flood." "The lizards have not bothered us. As long as we keep moving while under the trees, we seem to be too small of a target to interest them. The first time and once a few days ago. We were stopped under a few of them and they attacked. Both times we were able to escape. I've observed that they move slowly, this may be because of the warm temperature, or their reptile way of conserving energy." "I have mapped the clearings within our explored area and installed transceivers so we may find them easily. Still no signs of a live clawed beast. Must find a better name, but I need to see one first. End entry." I smile as Dawnif plays with one of the tall flowers. It's extremely flexible stem, allows her to pull it to the ground. When released, it waves back and forth, it's petals filling the air with a pleasant scent. I sit down beside her, trying to relax enough to be able to share her childlike pleasure. One of the passenger pods from an Interstellar Transport (IST for short) has landed. Before the loading ramp touches the ground, a creature looking like a unright ferret in official garb, rushes to the control building. Once inside, he is lead to officer in charge. "My name is Resska, I bring a message about a research vessel one of your's was on." The officer sits up, "I'm Laashar." He keys the intercom. "Jasha, I'd like you in here." He turns back toward his visitor as a Jharaken in space pilot uniform enters. "Please continue," he asks Resska. Resska pauses, "The research vessel "Star of Life" was scheduled to return to our system six standard days ago. When she was two days late, we had a standard examination of it's last system check. We believe that it's possible there may have been a failure in it's matter converter." <17> Jasha gasps audibly, "What was the fault?" Resska hands him a data disk. "This is the full data on the converter." He looks at the walls nervously as the Jharakens study the display. "Any first year trainee could see this!" Jasha almost shouts. "There's some thing else you aren't telling us." Resska turns to them. "It appears certain of my kind wanted kept hidden on one of the systems planned for exploration. He looks Jasha face to face. "You can be assured they have been apprehended and their punishment will be determined when we find the ship." Jasha almost spits at him, but Laashar stops him. "What can we do to help?" Resska tries to restore his calm appearance. "There are several stellar systems they were to explore. We have ships going to all but three. Depending on the number of planets and what they find..." Jasha continues to stare. "What systems are open for us to search?" Laashar turns in shock. "All we have is the three ISTs. 342 is fully loaded and the others aren't due back for more than a month." Resska hands a second disk. "Here is the planned dates we hope to be able to start searching each system. If you can help.." Jasha grabs it. "Was Haroo on board?" Resska grimaces. "Yes," he mutters almost silently. "He is listed as being assigned as a probe pilot." Laashar stands, "You'll keep us informed." Resska stands at diplomatic attention. "As soon as anything is known for certain." He quickly returns to his module. "Now," Lasshar asks as he looks at Jasha. "How are we going to join in the search?" "I'll see what I can do." He turns and darts out the door before Laashar can respond. Once outside, he runs to the pilot's quarters. Running into his room, he pivots and grabs a com unit. He keys in a private code number, gasping for breath. <18> "What's up." Comes a male voice on the other end. "We've just been told," he gasps, "that an exploration ship with one of ours may be lost." "I'll tell Mark and we'll be right over." The signal quits and Jasha collapses on his bunk. He glances at a photo of himself and three others in space pilot uniforms. "You could never be happy with an IST. You had to get assigned as a probe pilot." He rolls over and pulls another picture showing one of the pilots standing beside a planetary probe. "Why do our kind always seem to be involved with power struggles?" He smiles, "I guess we'll never understand. We'll just keep looking to the stars." For several minutes, he remembers their times together. His mental drifting is broken by the sound of a hover craft stopping outside. He jumps halfway to the door and is outside before the dust settles. "Darosh, Mark.." Before he can continue, a pair of arms pulls him in, and the craft lifts off. "Now what's going on and who's lost?" A Jharaken male asks as a human pilots the craft. "The exploration ship Haroo was on is missing. It looks like some one wanted it lost to eliminate some scientists." He grabs a seat as the ship turns suddenly. "Sorry about that," Mark tries to joke. "I was linked with Ion Storm and almost forgot to turn." Darosh looks at him sternly, "Maybe I should drive and you do your mental linkup." "No need," he assures them. "Everything's on line. We should be ready before the others get here." Jasha looks ahead as the space yacht comes into view. "I know we've been told to keep away from her and to give you complete privacy." He stumbles on the words. "When one of our kind is in trouble and we can help." Darosh responds. "Beside," Mark almost laughs. "Now we have a reason to really see how fast she can go." <19> As the hover craft sets down, the boarding dock slides open. "All systems are on stand by status," a slightly mechanical voice reports as they enter. "If you give me the stellar locations, I can calculate our best course." Jasha pulls the disk from his tunic and Mark puts it into a data unit. "There's a chance some one may be injured," Mark instructs the ship. "So we're going to see what my modifications have done to your top end." "Calculations are that we should be clear of the gort cloud in fifty hours." The computer pause as it calculates. "Half a day?" Jasha asks in shock."Is it true," he asks cautiously. "That your computer has reached consciousness?" "Yes I have," the ship responds. "And we've agreed that, even though Mark owns the Ion Storm, I'm one of the crew. While he's on board, he's the captain. When he's not, I'm in charge." Mark laughs, "Let's do a full check out before the rest of the crew arrives." He sits down and touches the keyboard, his eyes seeming to focus elsewhere. "That's how he links up with the ship." Darosh motions for Jasha to follow him. "I better show you our modified bridge." On the bridge, Jasha quickly learns the modified controls before they hear the boarding ramp open and then close. "Every one's on board," Mark's voice comes over the ship's intercom. "Get us clearance for lift off." Darosh drops onto the copilot's bench. "Ion Storm to Darnarius control." "Darnarius Control to Ion Storm. We've been informed of your mission. Permission for immediate lift off granted. IST342 in geosynchronous orbit 200 klic. Good luck and bring us good news." Darosh glances as Mark sits next to him. "Ion Storm lifting off." He smiles as Mark motions for him to take the controls. "Going to let me have some fun?" He almost jumps as the ship begins lifting off before he touches the anti-grav control. "If we're going to go," the computer voice interrupts, "let's get going." "Do it to it." Mark whispers with a grin. He looks at Darosh. "Lives are in danger and Ion Storm can get us into the search area by tomorrow." <20> Jasha watches the light blue sky, quickly darken and become the blackness of space, filled with a myriad of stars. "I hope they had problems within a stellar system. If it failed in jump space...." For several minutes, they all consider the infinitesimal chances of finding any ship lost between the stars. "If their problem is the energy converters," Mark wonders aloud. "It probably failed when they fired up the standard drive system." Darosh tries to agree. "We'll probably find them stuck in orbit..." All of them watch the stars and instruments in silence. Several hours later, a female voice breaks their silent virgil. "Is the bridge for pilots and technicians only?" Darosh keys his throat mike, "Sorry, we've been thinking about Haroo and..." "It's ok," Chireek answers quietly. Would you like me to bring some food up?" "Great idea," Mark answers with some forced optimism. He looks at the others. "There's nothing we can do until we get clear of the system." Darosh agrees, "We've still got a while before we jump space." Jasha looks at his monitor. "I know, but none of you are as close to Haroo and the other two pilots and myself." He closes his eyes in pain. Chireek enters quietly. She places a tray with dark colored drinks and assorted foods beside Darosh. "He's taking it pretty hard?" She whispers. He takes her hand. "The four of them have something special," he glances at Mark, who nods. "Like the four of us." Mark relaxes, his hands seem to float until they are resting on two strange looking pads. His eyes lose focus, as he links with the ship. Mark answers. <21> Mark smiles, He sits back and relaxes. Chireek looks at him. "Every thing OK?" He nods and watches as Jasha slowly eat. "Jasha, what is your ability?" Jasha puts down the partly chewed protein stick. "I can repairs circuitry. I'm not able to link to the computer as you are, but I can keep it working." He looks outward, as if seeing to their destination. "I know you're trying to keep me busy, but.." Darosh nods, "We'll leave you alone with your thoughts." He motions to Chireek and the two of them silently leave. For many hours, Mark relaxes in his chair. Alternating between watching the stars and short naps. Jasha finally falls asleep, leaning against the console. As they past the gort cloud, Mark gently shakes Jasha. "We're almost ready to jump." Jasha stares through the forward port. "What do you think they're chances are?" Mark looks as Darosh enters, "We'll find them." He visually checks the instruments. "Bridge to crew. Jump in one minute." Darosh turns to Jasha. "Even though Mark isn't Jharaken, he understands how you feel. He wants to find the entire crew." Jasha looks at Mark and forces a smile. "I've just been worrying about one member, while you've..." Mark touches the pads. "Stand by for jump." His eyes close, and then the chaos of jump hits everyone. Before they can react, they are once more in normal space. Mark's facial expression is blank. "All systems normal." His voice is flat and almost a whisper. "Course for nearest planet laid in. Four hours until we reach it." Chireek gently strokes his long hair. She keys the intercom and whispers. "Nikiya, Mark's linked up and you're needed." An almost sing-songish voice answers. "I'm on my way." <22> Darosh and Jasha are monitoring the long range scanners, when the screens go blank. Darosh leans back, "Mark's doing something to improve the range and accuracy." Jasha looks to Mark and then the stars ahead of them. His head snaps back as the screen begins to display information from the scanners. A buxom, full-figured Jharaken female enters and walks to Mark. She lays down on a raised pad beside his chair and wraps her arms around him. Even Jasha knows she is giving energy as Mark pours his into the scanner array. By the time they reach orbit, they know the Star of Life is not in nearby space. They make two orbits before continuing to the next planet. Mark relaxes before enhancing the scanners. "Log entry, day 50 since landing. Finally saw a small clawed beast. The one I saw is slightly taller than myself, but must be twice my weight. It moves in a rolling walk on four clawed legs. I didn't follow it because of approaching nightfall. I have continued to kill any lizards less than one klic from our clearing." I stroke Dawnif's warm fur as I collect my thoughts. "I haven't found any plants that I can be sure of being safe to eat. Our supplies should last until we are found, I hope. End entry." I watch the stars begin appearing above our clearing. "Around one of those," I whisper to Dawnif. "Is my home world." She leans against me and nuzzles my upper back. When she stops, she lays on her back and watches as the sky fills with glittering points of silver. "I go home with you?" She asks with her hands. Laughing, I roll over and jokingly pin her under me. "We'll always be together." The warmth of her energy floods into me and I quickly cycle mine into her. We lay in our mutual energy field for many hours, the stars slowly passing over us. Somewhere, in the early hours, I become aware of the sound of rapid footfalls. Dawnif is already staring into the forest. I roll over and grab my rifle as she moves toward the open airlock. A shrill scream, that rises in pitch, echoes from the blackness of the forest. Suddenly, a clawed beast lumbers into the clearing, grasping for breath. Several lizards are on him. Their claws holding them tight as he gasps for breath. <23> I gaze through the rifle sight and squeeze a short burst. A lizard freezes as the beam cuts through his body. Quickly, I aim at the next and continue firing. As the last one dies, the clawed beast collapses on the ground, it's breathing slows. "Thank you" I turn rapidly, not sure where the voice came from. "Be not afraid", the calm voice continues. "My species is telepathic." I turn to the creature lying before me. I can see the pain in it's eyes, and finally realize that a non-intelligent one would be striking out at anything that moved. "How do you know my language?" I ask hesitantly. "Many of us know you are marooned here. We have stayed away because it was a alien ship that first brought the tree lizards. Uurg. Sorry, but the bites do hurt." Dawnif jumps out of the ship, carrying the medic case. I examine the wounds and begin covering them with antiseptics. "There's not much else I can do." "My body can do the rest," he assures me. "In your language, my name is Rolling Thunder. I know your names from listening." I ponder this for a moment. "How could you have listened without our seeing you?" His laugh is cut short by a groan. "We listen to you thinking the words as you speak. I have remained in various clearings nearby." Dawnif strokes his side as we continue talking. I close up the medic case. "Why did you run here when the lizards attacked you?" "There were no others of my kind around. Our claws can rip them apart, but we can't defend ourselves." He relaxes as the antiseptic takes effect. "Unlike the previous beings, you helped me." "Could you tell me about these beings and what their mission was?" I turn as Dawnif comes out with two plates of food. She places one in front of Rolling Thunder before lying down beside me. <24> "Thank you," he replies before taking a protein bar in his teeth. "We know that our plants are not good for you, but your food bars are safe for us to eat." I stare as he eats and 'talks' at the same time. "About the other beings?" He smiles, "I understand. If they have left these creatures on our planet, what might they do to yours." He adjusts his position to a more comfortable one. "Our race is a peaceful one. Long ago, we learned telepathy. Our knowledge and science is more with living in harmony. Some of us have delved into technology. We have no real 'cities' as you would call them. We know there are other civilizations, but decided they could find us." "When the first exploration craft of theirs landed, we greeted them as friends. Our idealistic nature was such that we couldn't think of them as invaders. For several moon orbits, we helped them with their surveys. We knew of the ores deep with our planet and showed them our 'natural' ways to mine. They explained we could do it much faster and better, and were confused at our insistence not to destroy the surrounding nature." "Finally, they completed their survey and requested permission to mine certain ores. When we refused to let them use their destructive methods, they return at once to their great ship." He pauses, "When we saw your great ship, we thought they were returning." He looks me straight in the eye. "We had nothing to do with it's destruction." "I believe you," I assure him. "I don't know the true cause, but it sounded like some fault in the power system." He nods and continues his narration. "They returned many days later in what you might call a cargo module. They didn't land. Instead, they floated over the woods surrounding our city. A amplified voice told us that they would return in ten solar orbits. By then, our civilization would be destroyed." We wondered what they meant as they circled the city. We could see them dropping small round objects and took several of them to our laboratory. They contained the ready to hatch lizards. In a rush, every one that could, searched for other eggs and we put them in a cold storage area." <25> His head bows and his eyes close in inner pain. "But they also dropped them in many areas. As the reports came in, we realized we needed a way to defend against them. We have managed to protect our cities by cutting the trees back. But we have found no way to defeat them." "When a search vessel finds me, some one may have an idea." I look toward the fist hints of dawn. "Until then, you may stay with us." He stretches slightly. "I won't be ready to run through the forest for awhile so I thank you for your offer." He relaxes and soon appears to be sleeping. I look for Dawnif and find her inside, asleep on the couch. Exhausted, I collapse beside her. "Log entry, day 54. I have recorder everything Rolling Thunder has told about his society, the tree lizards and the ones who brought them. I do not recognize his description of them or their ship." "I have built a trap to capture one. I hope to be able to adjust the rifle scanner to target them automatically. If this can be done, drone skimmer vehicles could be used to clear the forest. They were only dropped on this and one other forest." Dawnif turns suddenly and my eyes follow her motion. The leaves move slightly in the morning breeze. Rolling Thunder's thoughts echo my own fears. "There is a large number of them moving toward us." I unsling and sight through the rifle scope in one move. Since Rolling Thunder arrived, I had failed to scout the surrounding area. Now it looked like we will suffer for my oversight. A quick check of the power pack and I began picking off the ones I can see. Within minutes, the ground beneath their assault group is littered with them. "Once they have begun massing," his thoughts informed me. "They will continue until they begin pushing each other out of the trees. They move slowly on the ground, but when there's no where to run." I look as the leaves quiver under them. "Dawnif, inside." I turn and follow her into the ship. Quickly I warm up the nav systems and begin scanning low band frequencies. It takes several minutes before I find what I'm looking for. A narrow band of pulsing tones. "That's how they signal for an attack." <26> Dawnif gently taps my lower back. "How this help?" Frowning, I shake my head as I activate the recorder. "I'm not sure. But at least they aren't telepathic." As the signal is recorded, I go out and explain what I've learned while I pick off the ones closest to the clearing. After several minutes, I use the scope to observe how fast they're massing. "How long before begin attacking from the ground?" Rolling Thunder does his version of a shrug. "No one has ever survived to tell. We have seen them gather at the edge of the forest. When they began dropping and crawling toward us, we could easily outdistance them." He looks at the trees surrounding us. "But here there is no where to run, except under them." "I could get the probe airborne and use the vertical thrusters to burn a clear path for you." He shakes his head. "There are many more coming. Even if I could get to another clearing, they would soon surround me again." He looks at Dawnif. "And they would still attack here." I look at the trees. On one of them, there are enough lizards that the outer branches are bending. With growing fear powering me, I put a full charge pack in my rifle. "Let's see how many I can take out before..." I begin squeezing off bursts. Sighting and firing on the next lizard before the previous one has hit the ground. For almost an hour, I slowly circle our clearing. At the tree line, there is a narrow carpet of dead lizards. Returning to where I started, my hope fails as I see the ones I had shot have already been replaced. Dawnif rubs up beside me and hands me a cooled nutrient drink. "Thanks girl," I slowly sip the refreshing fluid as I face reality. "But I'm only buying time." She tugs my arm. "Less lizards. Do more and less in trees." I look at her, not understanding what she is trying to say with her hands. "She's right," Rolling Thunder's thoughts explain. "Your scope only shows the nearest trees. The ones you now see, came from nearby. If you do another circle, you should be able to see the difference." <27> Gulping the rest of the drink, I check the charge pack and resume firing. This time, I take out all the lizards I can see. Less than halfway through my next circle, I slap in another charge and continue. Finally I return to my starting point. In astonishment, there are few lizards. I run into the ship and check the nav scanner. The signal has dropped to less than half. Although it is still constant. I turn off the recorder and return to the others. I smile with some renewed confidence. "How far can you sense them?" Rolling Thunder shakes his head. "There are still many around us. I don't know how far away they are coming from." Dawnif jumps up, wrapping her forelegs around where my upright torso begins. "Only ones that see us, call to others." She signals, smiling with the confidence that I need. Grinning, I begin another sweep. Making sure that all I can see are eliminated. When I finally stop, my eyes are tired and I lie down partway. Dawnif strokes my shoulders and upper back. Her energy quickly takes away the exhaustion. Rolling Thunders walks around the clearing, staring intently into the trees. "Your keeping lizards away from here, protected you from an attack." His thoughts are calm, yet tense. "There are still many around, but I think they are all that are within sound of their call." Stretching, I stand and look at the escape ship. "If Dawnif and I got on the roof, we should be able to clear enough so we can sleep." As I turn to look at her, she is already running toward the ladder, in her happy, bouncing way. Smiling, I follow. For more than an hour, she points to a tree, and I locate the lizards and fire. Finally she senses mo more. Exhausted, I climb down and check the nav scanner. The scanner is silent. Smiling, I collapse on the deck. The chirp from the nav scanner bring me to full alert. I try to struggle to my feet, before I realize Dawnif has wrapped herself around me. I carefully help her to a couch. I whisper gently, "Thanks for renewing my energies." Her hands move sleepily, "You protect and save, I help." She snuggles into an exhausted sleep as I quietly slip outside. <28> Rolling Thunder is lying down, but his head is up. His long ears twitch, locating each sound from the trees. "Some of the ones heading this way have found us." He motions and I use the scope to pierce the night. The lizard's eyes stare back. Cold, like something with no soul, only a desire to kill. In an instant, they are gone in a puff of smoke. Rolling Thunder points out several more and we take turns watching through the rest of the night. In the morning, Dawnif and I begin our protective walks once more. "Log entry, day 67. With Dawnif's help, I have cleared all lizards from a klic radius of our clearing. Rolling Thunder appears to be right about only the ones' who see food in a clearing, calling to others. The charge packs are recharged and I feel confident we can protect ourselves." I reach down and lovingly stroke Dawnif's glossy fur. "But how long until we're found. End entry." Outside the gort cloud of the Togrel system, the search vessels are linked together. Aboard the Ion Storm, every one is depressed. "I don't understand it," Jasha wonders out loud. "All the rescue ships have searched the systems Star Of Life was going to explore and found nothing." Ka-nakra stretches, and twists one of his tentacles. "They must be lost between the stars. " His voice is slightly uneven through his translator. "I disagree my twisted friend." The speaker, Canarde, a four armed humanoid with the attitude of a sixteenth century earth privateer, plays with his laser pistol. "The power system that was expected to fail, only works for standard drive systems. Now, of course, it could have failed near a star." He almost jumps as a voice comes from behind him. "There is another possibility." Ion Storm suggests. "Could there be a fault in one of the search ships' scanner systems?" "Not on my ship matey, I've been keepin' a watch on her since the first day she powered up." Ka-nakra twines two of his tentacles together. "Interesting theory. If some one wanted them dead, they may know where the engine would fail. If so, they could arrange a scanner fault, or even be on the ship assigned to that system." <29> "Aye, would that we could find a way to know which ship had this black hearted scoundrel." Mark smiles, "I suggest we all return to our ships and examine our crew records." They all stand and prepare to leave. "Captain Canarde, I'd like to talk about your engines and mine for a moment." He smiles, "Sure Matey, I've heard about what's designed for this beauty and I'll share my secrets if'n you'll do likewise." Mark smiles as he leads them aft. Once in engineering, Canarde turns to him with a determined look. "Now that we're alone, what be it ye want only me to hear." Mark's face becomes serious. "I don't know much of your kind, except that you don't turn on your own kind." "That be right. The second mate of Star Of Life jus' 'appens ta be me cousin. Now what be ye plans?" "Who would have the most to gain from the Star's failure to return?" Canarde thinks for a few moments, surveying the room as he does. "There is a race that hasn't joined up yet. They're a schemin' bunch of slime mold." His eyes suddenly light up and he pulls out a com unit. After a quick conversation, his eyes glowing hotter as he talks, he puts it away and fingers his laser. "A bunch of them were on board the Star before it was lost. Her course was gonna bring her to a couple of systems they referred to as theirs, but not by the alliance laws. Our scared friends the Weaslers searched them both." Mark brings up the assigned list of systems to be searched. "They had two that they were assigned to search. Canarde smiles as he holsters his laser, "I'll take their first and you the second." Mark smiles, "let's see who comes after us if we just cast off and run." "Aye, be interesting ta see if any come after us." He leans forward and whispers. "I know a few of these ships have weapons concealed. If we get attacked, I'll give 'em more than they can handle. But what if they come after ye?" Mark smiles and strokes the control panel. "I'm not one to turn tail and run. But with my modifications." They both laugh as they walk to the boarding hatch. <30> As the hatch closes, Darosh and Jasha joins him. "So what's our next step?" Jasha asks impatiently. "Our next step?" Mark laughs. "Prepare for jump." He runs for the bridge as they stare dumbfounded. "Albatross to Ion Storm," Canarde's voice comes over the com link. "How ye be?" "Ion Storm to Albatross, Sails are set and all secure. Good luck and we'll meet next with good news." Mark smiles as the indicators flash, showing boarding tube and mooring lines are released. "May the winds of the stars fill your sails, Ion Storm out." The gentle thrust of maneuvering engines nudge them away. "What are we doing," Jasha demands. "This search is organized and we need to coordinate what we do with every one." Darosh smiles and pulls him to a bench. "What ever Mark's doing, he has a reason." Mark smiles as he keys the intercom. "Attention all hands. I've obtained new information that some one may have missed the Star Of Life. The Albatross is checking one system and we the other." He pauses, and his voice becomes deadly serious. "If they were missed on purpose, we have to remember that some one planned for her to be lost, including her crew of thousands. Jump in ten minutes." Every one is in shock. Darosh straps into his bench next to Mark. "What do you..." "Command ship to Albatross and Ion Storm. You do not have clearance to leave. Respond immediately." Jasha frowns. "They sound upset. What are you going to say?" Darosh glances at his instruments. "All systems ready." He pauses, "Some one's powering up. I can't tell who." Mark grins, "Canarde was right. Attention crew, we may have unfriendly company following us. If they are, we will know we're heading for the right system." He pauses, "And that they may try and stop us. Prepare for jump." Throughout the ship, every one is in shock. Nikiya tightens her harness. "I hope he's wrong." Chireek nods in agreement as they enter jump space. <31> The Albatross comes out of jump within sight of the outermost planet. "Alright maties," Canarde call over the intercom. "We know some one was gonna follow us or the Ion Storm. If they're comin' 'ere, let's prepare ta welcome 'em. If they haven't shown by the time the jump drive is recharged, then Mark an' 'is crew are 'avin' fun." He lovingly fondles the blaster control as the scanners search for a target. The Ion Storm comes out of Jump and Mark shuts down everything possible. "Bridge to crew, if we're at the right system, some one is going to be coming out of jump any moment. With systems shut down, he may not see us." Mark releases the intercom key and leans back. Jasha looks around in confusion. "If they do come here, we can't just hide from them." Darosh leans closer to Mark. "Are you going to tell me your plan or wait until we don't have a choice?" Mark's expression reveals his fear. "I'm hoping they're following the Albatross." As he speaks, the scanner lights up. "But it looks like we picked the right system." He nods sadly as the ship is identified. "Kreechans. Canarde was right." He quickly tells the others about their discussion. Jasha watches the ship setting course for the inner planets. "So what can we do? They probably have weapons that can destroy us and then destroy the Star, if there's anything left of her." Mark grins as his hands rest on the pads before him. As his eyes lose their focus, Darosh warns every one to keep strapped in. All systems rapidly come on line. The Ion Storm smoothly powers up and follows the disguised warship. Jasha stares out the forward viewport and then glances at his monitors. "We're catching up with them. If you don't slow down, we'll run into their main thrusters." His eyes bulge as they continue closing the distance. "You're going to ram them. You'll kill us all!" He struggles out of his restraints as the flames of the engines grow larger. As he jumps off his bench, Ion Storm pivots rapidly. He tries to grab anything, but is thrown to the aft bulkhead as the Ion Storm's grav drive fires up to maximum. They fire for only a few seconds, but it feels like eternity as Jasha's breath is crushed out of him. As the engines shut back, the lights go out for him. Mark maneuvers the ship to a stop, and then slowly backs toward the drifting ship. <32> Darosh notices Jasha's condition. "Nikiya," he calls on the intercom. "Jasha is hurt. He wasn't strapped in. Mark keeps his eyes on the monitors and the damaged vehicle floating several klics away. "We knocked our their main drive, but their weapons are still functional." He keys the transceiver. "Ion Storm to Kreechan craft. Shut down everything except life support. We know you are involved with the lost of the Star Of Life." As if in response, the ship begins to turn. "You will surrender to us." A translated voice replies. "This is one of our star systems and we claim your ship because you have attacked with out warning." Nikiya has secured Jasha and is strapped down on the bench next to him. "He's shaken and bruised," she comments as she checks his straps. "But not too bad." Mark's expression is blank as he modifies the grav drive. The thrust pushes everyone into their harnesses. "Shut down your systems," he orders the Kreechans. His voice is flat and emotionless. Nikiya winces, remembering the destruction he was forced to use on the Dalookan complex. "Our shields are able to deflect your weapons." The translated voice fails to cover their confidence. "Surrender or you will be destroyed." A port opens on the warship. "We have a missile locked onto you. This is your last chance." Darosh looks at the screen in open-mouthed horror. "The entire alliance will hunt you down." "We'll report that we haven't seen you," the voice replies. "They accept the fact you were lost in jump space." "If you launch that weapon," Mark speak quietly. "You will suffer the consequences." In response, The missile is launched. It's exhaust is clearly seen in the viewport. A slight surge is the only indication of the drive being used. That and the missile exploding close to the warship. "Clever," comes the voice again. "But now we're no longer playing around." <33> "How 'bout dealin' with some one that's ready ta fight." Mark smiles as Canarde's voice almost shouts in excitement. "Close yer gun ports or we'll broadside ye." Four missiles launch simultaneously from the Kreechan warship. Almost as they launch, lasers from Canarde's ship detonate them. The Kreechan ship begins to roll as it's stabilizers fail. "We've got 'em below the water line." Canarde laughs. "You start huntin' for our lost boys and we'll take care of any survivors." "Thanks for the assist Captn'," Mark responds. "Any treasure is yours." The Ion Storm heads toward the nearest planet, while the Albatross approaches the heavily damaged ship. "Log entry, day 71. With Dawnif's help in detecting the lizards, I have eliminated all lizards within a one klic range. The nav scanner has not detected any of their feeding calls. Rolling Thunder is completely healed. He wants to wait until we are rescued. I only hope the rescue team can find a way to eliminate these lizards that have all but destroyed their peacefully way of existence. End entry." Rolling Thunder looks skyward as the evening sky fills with stars. "Since you were able to save us, I'm certain your kind will find a way to save my people." He lays down to sleep. Dawnif curls around me as I lay down beside her. As our energies flow, we drift to sleep. Both of us feeling safe and secure. Knowing that we will be rescued from this alien, yet comfortable world. A voice nudges me toward consciousness. Looking around, I see Dawnif heading for the shuttle. Groggily, I stumble in and trip on the hatchway. "Ion Storm to any survivors of the Star Of Life." I'm instantly alert as I realize it is coming from the com system. "We are on course for the main crash sight. Please respond." I grab the mike, and my mind goes completely blank. I can't think of what to say or even how to speak. "Hello," my voice is hesitant as I struggle to answer. <34> "By all the ancients," comes their reply. "There's nothing left of her but a mountain of molten metal and some one's alive. Ion Storm to survivor, keep talking, give us a signal or something to home in on." Dawnif jumps up and wraps her upper arms and fore legs around me. "They've found us girl, they've found us." I key the mike on. "This is Haroo, pilot of Probe 7. Dawnif, one of the energy felines is also with me." My voice calms to less than a yell. "There are dangerous lizards in the trees, but the ground dwellers are friendly. I believe the Star my have been sabotaged." "Haroo! This is Jasha. I'm onboard the Ion Storm. We know about the Kreechans. We've got you located and we'll be with you shortly." I break loose from Dawnif and run/jump outside. Rolling Thunder is staring into the dark sky. "They've found us!" I yell in excitement. He smiles, "I'm happy for you." His thoughts fail to hide a sadness as he looks back to the sky. A point of light grows, until the smooth hull of the 500 meter, grav drive yacht hovers just over the tree tops. A hatch, about fifteen meters long, opens and a small shuttle descends Before it completely touches down, Jasha jumps out and bounds toward me. "Haroo, I don't know how you survived and I don't care." He almost knocks me down. We step back and stare as each other, not knowing what to say. "I'm glad some one survived." A human I've only met once says as he approaches. He looks toward Rolling Thunder and then back to me. "I'll talk with your friend while you tell Jasha what happened." He turns and quickly adjusts to using telepathy. Before I finish telling Jasha what I remember and what I think happened, Mark begins relaying messages to his ship. He listens for several minutes, his smile growing as he does. Finally he signs off and joins us. "An Alliance command ship has arrived and taken the Kreechan crew onboard as prisoners. Canarde has checked their ship's records and has downloaded information on how to collect the lizards. There is a certain frequency and wave pattern that will call them into a cargo ship." He turns to Rolling Thunder. "An Alliance transport will arrive in a few days and begin removing them. They will be taken to the planet they came from. Your planet should be free of their threat within one moon orbit." <35> "I will tell my kind," he thinks back. "We will welcome beings of your Alliance and hope they will allow us to join." Mark smiles, "They have decided against the Kreechans joining. I'm certain they will send beings to talk with your leaders about membership." As the sun rises, I show them the data recording, taken just before the Star of Life exploded. Mark replays them several times before laying down on a couch. "We were told they damaged the power system so it would fail, not cause a energy field implosion." Sitting up, he keys his com unit. "Ion Storm Captain to Alliance ship Raztor, I have studied Probe 7's tape of the 'accident'. Some one modified the energy field control programs." "This is Raztor captain. All Kreechans in Alliance territory will be held until we can determine who is responsible. We are leaving now to alert all star systems and outposts. Raztor out." The lost of the Star of Life's crew, finally hits Mark. He goes outside and stare at his ship floating above, in the morning light. "For some minerals," he sighs. "Thousands of beings tossed away...." For most of the morning, I show Jasha what Dawnif and I have been doing. Before we were marooned here, Dawnif had always brushed up against every one. sharing her happy feelings and taking negative energies in return. Now she stays next to me. Jasha laughs as he notices her actions. "I see she's bonded with you." He becomes slightly serious when he notices my confusion. "On my last fight, I read a report about her species. It seems that if they only have one being to share energies with, their psyche becomes aligned until they can only share with that one." Dawnif nudges me and admits it. "Our selves are one," she motions with her hands. It takes me a few minutes to realize what she means, and that Jasha is right. Mark breaks out of his silent meditations. "The lizards are going to be taken care of so Rolling Thunder and his kind will be safe. Are you ready to come back to Darnarius?" I look at the clearing, and our two ships. "What about the escape ship and Probe 7?" <36> Mark gently grips my shoulder. "We can take the probe in Ion Storm's shuttle bay. I'll ask if Canarde can bring the other one on his ship." He finally smiles as I look at Dawnif and she bounds toward the probe. "I'll get the shuttle bay ready for you. We'll leave when you're ready." He walks quickly to his ship and it floats up and into the ship above us. Jasha helps us stow and secure everything we've used to make our stay and Rolling Thunder comfortable. Before the afternoon is halfway over, we're ready to leave. Dawnif and I walk with Rolling Thunder while Jasha preflights the probe. "I'm glad the lizards will be taken away, instead of being destroyed." I whisper sadly. "If you hadn't destroyed the ones you did," his thoughts answer. "They would have destroyed us, and then the Kreechans would destroy my world." He turns and stares deeply into my eyes. "I hope you may never experience anything that approaches the pain you received in orbit." I look at the Ion Storm, quietly hovering above the trees. "I still love the thought of space flight." I place my hand on his broad shoulder and smile. "We'll never forget you, and I hope we'll meet again." "I believe we shall," he thinks back to me. "Now you need to return to your own, and I to mine." He turns and smoothly jogs into the forest. I watch him disappear in the dimness of the trees. Smiling sadly, I walk into Probe 7, Dawnif is bouncing on her bench, excitedly ready to go. Jasha keeps his eyes on the controls. "Everything checks out. Ion Storm's port shuttle bay is ready for us." "I'll take her up," Jasha turns and I finally smile. "Back into space where our kind belongs." Nudging the controls, we lift off and float smoothly into the waiting ship. As we touch down. Mark and Darosh, a Jharaken I recognize from the IST crews, secure my probe for space flight. The shuttle bay doors are closing as we step out of my probe. Mark smiles as I check the moorings. "You satisfy yourself. I'm going to contact the Albatross and then we'll set course for home." He leaves the bay, closely followed by Jasha and Darosh. <37> After I'm satisfied, Dawnif and I jog up to the bridge. As we enter, I'm not surprised to see Chireek at one of the consoles, but the plump, blonde one is a total stranger. "I'm Nikiya," she introduces herself and motions to a couple of flight benches for us. I secure Dawnif, and then myself as they quickly finish pre- space flight checkout. "Well," Mark grins. "Let's do it to it." His hands rest on pads I don't recognized and the ship begins to rise. I'm surprised at how little the g-force of acceleration is felt. Within moments, we are cruising into the blackness of space. As they prepare to leave orbit. Another ship cruises into orbit. "Albatross to Ion Storm. How ye lubbers doin'?" "We be doin' fine, matey." Mark replies with a laugh. "Got a favor to ask. We left an escape ship planet side. Could ya pick it up and bring it back to our home port?" "Glad to be of help." Canarde replies. "Part of me crew is repairing the Kreechan warship. She'll make a fine addition to our fleet. Smooth sailin' home. Albatross out." Mark grins, "I'll buy a round for yer crew when ya dock." He turns to me and smiles. "Are you ready to go home?" I stroke Dawnif as she purrs her agreement. "First home, and then back into space." He smiles and rest his hands on pads that, I'm later told, help him link with the ship's intelligent computer. I relax to the familiar feel as the Ion Storm accelerates out of orbit, and into the familiar embrace of deep space. Haroo and Dawnif join Ion Storm crew. Mark modifies Probe 7 and Escape ship (now know as SOL 2) for inter planetary flight. Modifies them to dock externally with Ion Storm for Jump Space travel. Alliance ship Zartor Kreechan moon orbit- month Rolling Thunder - Clawed beast Star Of Life Haroo, Dawnif Klic- kilometer Resska- messenger Jasha-Jharaken pilot Kadoon-IST342 pilot Darosh, Chireek Naashur-Jharaken pilot Laashar-space port commander