4-11-94 VIXEN A female vixen-morph sits huddled on her bed. The room is sparse, but not uncomfortable. But to Nalena, it's a dungeon. She tries to relax and looks at herself, wondering whey out of all sentient life she was chosen by this sect of magicians. "Why me? she sobs quietly. Nalena struggles to concentrate on her form. Her body is covered by silky fur, presently growing thicker as fall approaches winter. Reddish brown every where except for light tan over her chest and stomach. Her feet are well developed for walking upright. Her legs are strong, with enough fat to make them soft, but not jiggling. Her waist is thick, but not bulging. Now her breasts are extremely round, full and heavy. Though she never has carried offspring, they're larger then most vixens' after a couple of pregnancies. Her arms are strong with enough plumpness to cover her muscles. Her muzzle and face only show a slight sign of her fleshiness. Her long, golden, silky hair flows down her back and over her bounteous bosom, with her pointed ears peeking out. Nalena jerks in shock as the door opens. Several robed figures enter. Their robes and hood conceal any features as she subserviently stands and allows them to lead her into the hall. Twice before they have brought her into their ceremonial room. Inside she wants to run, but she has learned their is no escape. She allows them to remove her robe, Her breasts jiggle from their weight as the robe is pulled off her. One of the priests puts a large, thick golden ring around both of Nalena's ankles, while another places her hands into a seemingly solid gold sphere. Trying not to think of the previous sessions, she allows them to carry her into the circle. The sphere becomes lighter, then begins to rise, pulling her arms above her head. When it stops, her toes are inches off the floor. her head hangs and she tries to close her ears to the complex chanting of the priests. Tiny sparks of red and gold flames seem to dance on her fur, slowly merging until her body seems to be an inferno of fire the doesn't burn. Finally the flames subside and she is lowered to the floor. Two of the priests half drag her back to her room. They place her somewhat comfortably on her bed and leave. Nalena tries to relax, but something deep inside her screams. Her muzzle twitches to an aroma and she turns her head in the direction. "Why do they torture me and then feed me," she mumbles. Struggles against her exhausted limbs, she forces her legs off the bed and sits up. The table is positioned so that she can easily reach the pile of delicacies. She takes a large sweet roll and munches on it. The flavor awakening her taste buds and taking her to almost to levels of ecstacy. Without realizing what she's doing, she eats the roll in a few bites and continues to the cheeses and meats. The beer is dark and rich as she gulps it to help wash her feast down. With the plates empty except for a few crumbs, Nalena lies down and drifts to sleep. As dreams take her, she massages her swollen stomach. At first it's large enough for her to appear many months pregnant. But as the night progresses, it deflates while the rest of her plumpens slightly. Near dawn, her dreams take a more meaningful form. She imagines the priests keeping her in the circle, the flames dancing on her. Suddenly she feels the heat, their hoods fall away, revealing hideously, fanged faces. As the fur on her legs burn away, they tear ragged chunks of her flesh away with her fangs and begin eating her alive. Nalena jerks awake, her heart beating hard within her chest. She puts her hand on her breasts and tries to will her pulse to slow. As her fingers feel their softness, her eyes open wide. In the near darkness, she can barely make out the walls and few bits of furniture. Standing carefully, she gasps as her heavy bosom billows. "By the goddesses," she whispers. "They're fattening me for a feast." Her hands move down to her waist, where her tummy is only slightly bugling, but now with soft flesh. She grabs her robe and tries make it look like she's still in her bed. "One more try to escape won't change a thing," she whispers to herself as she silently pads to the door. "Unless I escape." Nalena opens the door only far enough to squeeze her now plump form through the opening. Her eyes have quickly adjusted to the darkness. Thanking her natural abilities, she moves quietly, but heavier than she feels she should. As she pauses to get her bearings, her hands rest on her hips and she feels the softness that wasn't there only a month ago. "How much were they planning on me gaining before I fill their bellies?" With this thought, she concentrates on escaping. Instead of heading for the courtyard, she turns and heads away into the total darkness. Her muzzle twitches as she smells the life of the forest. Her cheek fur is ruffled slightly as she feels her way along the passageway. She bumps into the end of the hall and realizes this barrier is wooden. She quickly finds the latch and releases the door. The moon has set and only the stars light the cleared land between the temple and the forest. All instincts and senses awake, she slips out the door and closes it behind her. Resisting her desire to run, she drops down to all fours and crawls to the nearest group of bushes. Looking back to the temple, she sees several guards on the parapet that would have seen her if she ran. Quietly, she moves from place to place, finally reaching the darkness of the forest. With a quiet gasp of relief, she fades into it's shadows. In the two hours before dawn, Nalena tries to put as much distance between her and the temple as her inactivity and new weight allows. As the sun begins to filter through the branches, she searches for a place to hide. "Thank the goddesses," she gasps out of breath as she stumbles into a cave. She doesn't notice that the cave has been lived in or the hidden cache of food she normally would detect. In exhaustion, she curls up and wraps the cloak around her. She smiles as the birds singing outside lullaby her to sleep. A crash of thunder of an afternoon storm jerks her out of an uneasy sleep. She wraps a cloak she finds around her for warmth and moves to where she can safely watch the storm. She smiles as she allows the storm to calm her fears. "With this rain, any traces of my footprints will be washed out." Her stomach grumbles and she cautiously rubs her plump abdomen. "I should be able to find some roots or nuts after the storm." She groans quietly as her belly complains again. "But with all I've been eating, I hope I can find enough to keep this quiet." She moves forward to where rainwater is filling a low point in the rocks. She drinks it dry and watches the storm as it refills. Twice more Nalena drains the collected water, but it does little to ease her hunger pains. She moves forward again, when a snapping twig and muttering catches her attention. Quickly she slips back into the darkness, her fleshy bosom jiggling as her heart pounds. A travel-robed figure enters the cave and turns to watch the storm. From her view, it appears slightly taller than her. The head appearing very long and thin. "Nasty weather," he mumbles before turning and crossing to a crude table she had failed to notice. He lights a lantern before removing his cloak, revealing him to be a rabbit-morph. He hangs it up and brushes the water out of his long ears. "I should have hopped faster this morn and beat the storm." His voice carries humor with his comment. He continues drying himself. Nalena's stomach rumbles loudly. He jumps in shock, his ears brushing the ceiling. When he lands, he's facing her direction, a small sword in his had. "Who ever you are," his voice quakes. "Come out and let me see you." "I mean you no harm. My name is Nalena, I found this cave and took refuge here." She slowly stands and moves into the dim light. As he sees what she is, he almost drops his sword in fright. "I ask you not to hurt me. I'm more than willing to share my supplies with you." Nalena smiles, keeping her lips over her fangs. "I don't prey on other morphs." Her stomach growls again. "But I will accept your gracious offer of food, and I'll tell you how I came here." He puts his sword away, but keeps a hand near the hilt as he opens a concealed panel. "I don't have any meats," he apologizes as he carries several loaves of honey bread to the table. He steps back and brings a small cask of beer with mugs. "I am called Harcon." Her stomach growls again and the hunger pains over ride her unsureness of him. As he brings a sack of dried fruits, she digs in. He carries over a ten pound wheel of cheese before joining her on the only bench. Between mouthfuls she tells him about the priests and what they did to her. "You were afraid I was going to eat you, and I came here escaping from them." They both smile as he sits down and nibbles on some of the fruits. "Can I ask how much they forced you to gain?" he asks almost quivering. Nalena smiles warmly, stands and the cloak falls away. "There's no need for you to be afraid of me. And with the food you're offering me, I only hope I can do more to repay my debt." She steps back and smiles as his eyes are hypnotized by her filled out form. She strokes her hands over her round hips, over the bulge of her love handles and the plays at hefting her breasts, of which one would overfill both hands. She pats her tummy, make the flesh under her fur jiggle. "And now I can't help being hungry." She smiles and watches his entranced expression closely. Harcon tries to pull his eyes away from her as she sits down. He cuts a thick slice of cheese and hands it to her. "Well I've got plenty of food here. In fact I was checking it out with plans to empty it out for the winter." He finally smiles warmly and his eyes stare in admiration as she rips a piece from the chunk and swallows it after a few chews. "So what ever you eat, I don't have to carry home." She pauses at the mention of home, "My pack gave me to the priests, so I can never go home." She lowers the cheese to the table. Harcon smiles, gently takes her hands and raises the wedge back to her mouth. "I have no one at home, so you can stay with me until you find a place of your own." His eyes glow with admiration as she resumes eating. Nalena forces a smile before forcing the rest of the wedge into her mouth in several bites. She tells him about the priests and what ever he asks while she eats. He keeps her mug full and food in her hands while they talk. She keeps eating, unaware how much he's feeding her, but as her expanded stomach finally fills, she pauses and leans back. "Ahhh," she sighs and pats her exposed swollen tummy. "That was delicious." She resists giggling as she watches his eyes almost burst from their sockets, and one hind paw vibrating on the ground. She looks outside. "I'll be glad to help carry your supplies home. But I think we should wait until morning." Harcon manages to pull his eyes away from her. His ears jerk erect as he realizes that several loaves, many pounds of dried fruits and the entire wheel of cheese are now in her, slowly adding to her fleshiness. Nalena looks at the table and realizes how much she's eaten. "By the great goddess. I ate all that?" She looks at his smile and then at her swollen abdomen. "The priests spells must have a long lasting effect." Her eyes bulge wide . "What if it's permanent?" He moves beside her, "If there's anything I can do?" He takes one of her soft hands and holds it to his furry cheek. She looks deep into his eyes. Seeing the love and care that he's afraid to show, and she's afraid to give in to. "You've done more than I could have asked." She yawns and struggles to her feet. "Where would you like me to sleep?" Harcon jumps up and unrolls a sleeping pad from the bundle his cloak concealed. "Right here," he says with a laugh. Too stuffed to argue, she lies down and allows him to cover her with his blanket. Sighing contentedly, she closes her eyes. "Where are you going to sleep?" She asks as she opens one eye. He smiles and retrieves his cloak. "I'll be fine on the bench." "Oh no you won't," Nalena giggles as she holds open the blanket, revealing her food swollen belly and pillowy bosom. "It's still raining and it'll be a cool night. I've got enough padding to keep us both warm." Summoning up all his willpower to control his excitement, he tosses his cloak on the table and curls up against her plushiness. Remembering a night when he was wounded as a warrior and was nursed back to health by a plump female snow rabbit. He smiles as Nalena's soft warmth and gentle breathing lulls him to sleep. Nalena curls up around him. Something inside her awakens, giving her happiness while cuddling his smaller body with her billowing flesh and rich fur. Harcon closes his eyes, the day's travel hits him and her snuggles against her. In a few seconds, he's asleep, her warmth and softness blocking out all dreams of his past. Nalena stays awake, she feels her food bloated stomach digesting her feast and Harcon sleeping in her embrace. Her thoughts roam through her options. 'I can never return to my tribe, or they'll send me back to the temple. If the priests, or their hunters find me, I'll end up on their feasting table.' She feels Harcon move happily against her as he sleeps. 'The goddess must be pleased with my escape and helped me find him. And I feel he's been searching for me without knowing it.' She relaxes and listens to the rain. Without realizing, she drifts to sleep. Harcon sleeps through the night with none of the dreams of war invading his thoughts. The only dream of those times is of the plump snowrabbit nurse which took care of him after he was wounded. As dawn approaches, his dreams flow to Nalena. He takes her to his home and takes care of her. She gives in to the spells put on her and quickly gains flesh, filling out everywhere, until a caress from him makes her fur quiver. He smiles and moves against the soft warmth that surrounds him. His eyelids flicker and he realizes the cave is lit by the early morning sun. In an instant of shock and embarrassment, he find himself snuggled deep into her fleshy body. His head pillowed by one of her large breasts while the other one partway rests against his long ears. With the skill of a warrior, he eases himself out of her fleshy embrace and gets up. Instincts take over as he struggles not to look at her. His nose twitches as he smells the rain cleaned air. His ears pivot, listening for any sound that shouldn't be there. Satisfied, his quietly prepares a cold, breakfast. He stops himself, as he looks at the table and sees how much food he was going to set out. While she continues to sleep, he packs all the supplies for travel. 'I hope she's as strong as she appears,' he thinks as he looks at the packs. Nalena yawns and struggles into a seated position, carefully to keep the blanket around her. "brrr It's a chilly morn." She stands and smiles, "I hope you slept well." Harcon returns her smile, "I've got breakfast all ready. I thought it would be best if we got going as soon as possible." Her stomach grumbles quietly. "I guess I am hungry," she giggles to cover her embarrassment. Harcon grins and quickly turns to hide his reaction. "I'll go take a quick look about." He pauses as he hears her pad up behind him. "There's no need for you to be embarrassed." She almost whispers. She realizes that, when he's standing to his full height, his muzzle is level with her large bosom. "The priests virtually stripped me for their ceremonies." He hears the blanket fall quietly and then her working to button her blouse. "There," she giggles. "All covered up." He turns and somehow manages to resist gasping as he sees how snug her blouse really is. Quickly turning to the table, he hops over the bench and sits down. "I think you'd like to put some more distance between you and the temple as soon as possible." Nalena knows that something is bothering him inside and that he'll tell her when he's ready. She sits down beside him, her round hip, almost touching his trim one. "Then let's eat and be on our way." He tries not to watch her chewing and enjoying her breakfast. But in a few minutes, he finds himself drawn to take quick glances. "I guess I should tell you more about my home," he cautiously asks. She swallows a large chunk of journey bread. "Why don't you tell me of the land we hope to pass through today?" Her smiles washes away all of his concerns for a moment, then thoughts of travel, war and returning home flood back. He takes a thick slice of bread and eats while he talks. "We'll travel west though the hills until we approach the Glembach mountains. Then turn north and until we reach Chicana pass. came a different, much longer way so I don't know if it has snowed there yet. She breaks her second loaf open and nods as she continues eating. He can't resist smiling back. "Once through the pass, it's several days to my home." Again he hesitates. Nalena wonders what worries him about home. "You get the packs ready," she mumbles with a mouth full of delicious bread. She swallows and her neck bulges easily as she does. "And let's be on our way." Harcon gets up carefully, but still bumps against her round hip. He quickly begins checking the packs, trying not to think of anything else. By the time she has joined him, all the straps are loosely set. He looks up at her. "How many do you think you can carry?" She picks up one and gauges it's weight. "I'm not sure since I've been kept in a cell for more than a lunar cycle. But I should be able to carry four." Harcon nods and takes the pack from her. She turns around and allows him to fit the straps to her plump body. He works quickly but with the motions of one who has done this countless times before. Within minutes, four packs are comfortably strapped onto her and the remaining three on his smaller body. "Let's be off," he almost whispers as he leads her into the midmorning sunlight. He walks beside her as they follow the path through the forest. Many of the leaves are changing color and numerous leaves cover the ground. "We might get to the mountain by tonight, or maybe tomorrow morn," he comments with no sign of being winded. Nalena nods and manages to smile. Even though she had limited room, she did what exercises she could. That and some how the feeling that her body is growing to support her increase in weight, she is barely winded. Harcon is practiced in traveling, and they take many short rests. Long enough for their bodies to recover, but not so long that their legs stiffen when they resume walking. They stop for lunch after the sun has passed it's zenith. "I'm impressed that we've come this far." He comments as he helps her remove her packs. He feels her softness as is amazed that she is only breathing a little harder than he is. She lies back and puts her feet and a log, so the blood will flow and be ready to resume their trek. "Well I used to travel a lot before I was sold to the priests." Harcon pulls out some journey bread and water flask. "Would it bother you to tell me about it?" She takes a loaf of bread and chews thoughtfully. "Let's just rest now." She closes her eyes. "I'll tell you all as we walk." She eats with an appetite that her walk had given her. As she finishes the loaf, she looks around with hunger still in her eyes. He pulls a belt pouch out of his pack and attaches it to one of her packs where she can easily reach it when walking. He fills it with several pounds of dried fruit. "It's good that you can travel this fast, but I think we're both concerned about the spells placed on you." She nods and gets up. "I think you're right." She takes one of the fruits and eats it as he reattaches her packs. "But if I can eat as we walk, I shouldn't feel the need to gorge when we stop." She makes her packs a bit more comfortable as he puts his on. Harcon looks down the path they're already traveled and his ears visibly focus for a few seconds. He turns and smiles, "I don't hear any one..." He starts walking, leaving his sentence unfinished. Nalena walks silently for a few moments. When Harcon glances at her, she smiles back. "Ok, there's not much I can tell you, but..." she adjusts her packs slightly. "My pack varied in size, depending one the season and how many family units were traveling with us. Every year we passed near the temple and the pack leaders would go there while the rest of us camped nearby. This last time, they returned and gathered all the family alphas in a quiet discussion. This wasn't unusual so I barely paid attention." A cracking twig grabs her attention and they both stare through the trees, until a deer wanders into sight. Sighing with relief, we resume walking. "The alpha of several families came out and choose a female from their group. I wondered what was going on but wasn't told as I stood beside four other females of my age." She shudders as if a cold wind had blown through. "After many minutes, the others were told to leave. my alpha took me back to our area and had me collect my few possessions. Then the leaders took me to the temple. They led me in the gates and left me with several robed and hooded priests. They put me in a room with food and water. They never spoke when near me. The first two ceremonies I was in, not much happened, although I felt hungry afterward. In the last one, it felt like there was fire all around me, when I was taken back to my room, I was starving and ate until I couldn't swallow another bite. That night, I realized they were fattening me and I made my escape." She forces a smile as she looks at Harcon for his reaction. Harcon returns a reassuring smile and thinks while they walk. "Why do you think you were chosen over the others?" He finally asks. She looks down at him for a moment before watching where she is heading. "All of us were young and unattached. But I was the plumpest." She looks down at her billowing bosom and expanding belly. "It's obvious they wanted a female who'd pack on weight easily." He smiles and licks his lips unconsciously. "I don't know anything about their magic. I can say how long you'll gain, but I can give you a safe place to stay. For now, let's not worry about anything except getting you there. She smiles as she sees the care hidden in his eyes and munches on some of the dried fruit from her pouch. "Well this hike convinces me that my body is adapting to this weight." She pats her belly as it jiggles from her walking. "But I do wonder how much the magic is going to make me gain." Harcon nods and looks ahead. For a while they walk in silence. Finally he says something. "There is a shaman I know of. He usually travels south during the winter. Once you're comfortable in my home, I could try to find some who might know where he is, or someone might be able to get a message to him. But unless he knows the spells used on you..... Nalena nods with a slight smile. "Well are you ready to tell me about your home now?" He shakes his head and smiles. "We should be at the campsite I wanted to reach soon. It'll give us something to talk about then." His ears seem to be focusing on the path behind us more and more. Finally he motions to a side path, virtually invisible except to those who know of it. We walk a short distance until we're shielded from the path by several boulders. "We can have a fire as long as we keep it low." He talks quietly as he puts his packs against the stones. While she takes hers off and stretches her tired shoulders, he gathers a supply of branches. He carefully starts a small fire, being careful to make a minimum amount of smoke that blows away from the main path. "Well I've rather well off financially. There are several families who live on, and farm my lands." He pauses as he gets some food from a pack. "Did you finish the fruits?" His voice carries a hint of excitement. She pats the empty pouch, her flesh jiggles as she does. "Well it did last the afternoon." He smiles broadly, and then regains control of his feelings. He quickly prepares most of the food in that pack. "With your appetite," he jokes. "We might not have much in the packs by the time we get home." Nalena reads his expressions easily, but can tell that there's something stopping him from accepting them himself. "Are you hinting that it might be in me?" She giggles happily and sits down to their evening feast. Harcon finishes and sets up his tent while she continues eating. He catches glimpses of her enjoying the food as he works. He finishes and offers her some mead. "I think we're both tired, and I'd like to get an early start in the morning." Nalena sips thoughtfully, "You said there was a pass through the mountains. Are you planing to go through it tomorrow?" He nods with some concern in his eyes. "The weather is getting cold. Any day the pass may be blocked by snow. If we don't get through there. we have eight to ten days more to travel." He puts the flask away and puts the pack they've emptied into one of the others. "Well now you only have three packs to carry." She giggles and pats her full belly. "I think I'm carrying most of that empty pack." She crawls into the tent and makes herself comfortable. Harcon does a final look and listen as he puts out the fire. Satisfied no one has been following them closely, he joins her. "I know it's a bit snug for both of us," he says half jokingly. She holds the blanket up and helps him crawl in. Wrapping the blanket around them both. She relaxes against him and the day's traveling quickly puts her to sleep. Harcon stays awake a few moments, thinking about the deeply repressed feelings he gets watching her. He tries to think of her warm flesh against him, as a large soft pillow. The days of journeying push him closer to sleep and he finally gives up and sleeps deeply. During the night, Nalena's dreams are mostly of feasts and a caring rabbit feeding her. Harcon's dreams are of the long journeys he had as a warrior and finally finding his way home. He snuggles into her soft warm body, as he dreams of finding a place of comforting warmth. Harcon drifts to consciousness, and then jerks the rest of the way awake. He tries to get out of the tent without waking Nalena. Even though she doesn't open her eyes, he's almost sure she's awake. 'You stupid rabbit,' he silently curses himself as he listens to the morning sounds of the forest. 'Those priests have followers who will kill to retrieve her.' He looks back to the tent and smiles as she pokes her head out. "Morning," she whispers. "Why don't I pack the tent and get breakfast ready, while you check out the path?" As he nods and silently leaves, she quickly packs the sleeping pad and tent. By the time he returns, she's already eating and motions to his portion. "I see you have experience in camping," he comments quietly as he begins eating. Nalena grins. "My pack traveled a lot. I did whatever I could to help." She pauses, then buries her head in her paws. "And they gave me to those, those..." Her body begins to quiver. Harcon moves close and hugs her. "But you proved yourself by escaping from them. With the guards that temple must have, it took more than luck." He smiles and wipes her tears away. "It took skill and daring." She takes a few gulps of air and then smiles. "I hadn't thought about my escape. Why do you think my pack leaders gave me to them?" Harcon hands her the bread she had been eating. "I couldn't say." He pauses, as if arguing within himself. "When I was a warrior, several of us were assigned to protect a village. When the village was attacked.." He pauses as the memory passes through. "Well afterward, the villages leaders insisted the three of us must be rewarded according to their customs." He finishes eating and checks the packs, filling Nalena's fruit sack as she finishes eating. She waits for him to continue as they return to the main path and continue toward the pass. The walk a ways before he continues, "They insisted that we each be given a 'housekeeper' for ten years." He looks at her for a reaction. She reaches over and grips his hand gently, yet firmly. Nodding, he continues. "So as not to anger them, we accepted." He looks at her and finally smiles. "I was given a sister of a wealthy businessman. She was plump, somewhat attractive for their species, but had never married. I think she was chosen because her brother was tired of having her around." Nalena smiles as she detects he's not saying something else. "So she's plump? She asks as she takes a dried fruit and nibbles while they walk. Harcon smiles and his eyes roam over her for an instant. "I think she was never married because of her attitude. When she first arrived at my home, she insisted that the couple that took care of my place do things her way. Since she was to be my maid, there was no need for them to help. I gave them one of the unoccupied farms on my land and they've been very grateful. Nalena nibbles on another fruit while she thinks on what he's said. "So my pack gave me to the priests because this is their way." She thinks for a few moments. "So how is your maid doing now?" He shakes his head and smiles. "It took her a couple of months to accept that she was a maid. There wasn't a lot to do. I have no family so she had a lot of time to do whatever she wanted to. Her first complaint was I had no meat. I reminded her that my kind doesn't eat meat, but I told her she could order anything she wanted for herself." He struggles not to laugh. "So for three years she's been eating everything she wants. A sound behind them grabs their attention. He whispers, "You keep walking as if nothing's happening. I'll catch up with you." He disappears into the shadows of the large pine trees we're passing through. Harcon waits as Nalena's footsteps fade. After a moment, he hears several sets of footsteps approaching. He waits until he catches a glimpse of four armed guards, with the emblem of the temple she escaped from. One of them has a short staff with a complex device mounted on the top. He moves through the woods until he's far enough ahead to risk returning to the trail. He leaps quickly and quietly. Nalena has kept a steady pace, nibbling rapidly out of concern bordering on fear. As she hears Harcon's long leaps approach, she turns. Harcon bounces up beside her. "We have company," he whispers. He studies the skies as they resume walking. Nalena looks back for a second. "Shouldn't we hurry?" She asks with fear in her voice. Harcon shakes his head. "Not with having to travel for another two days." He looks at the sky and then the mountains as a gap in the trees opens to one side. "We have to take the pass, and hope it starts snowing." He looks up into her eyes and smiles. "I know how to survive the snow." He playfully pokes her plump tummy. "And you've got enough warmth for both of us." She smiles, happy that he's starting to admit some attracting to her weight. "We could have lunch while we walk." He looks back for a moment and nods. "They aren't walking any faster than we are, but they believe that you're on your own." He swings one of his packs around so he can reach into it. He refills her belt pouch until it's almost too full. Then he takes a loaf of journey bread and a large flask out, before closing the pack and swinging it back into place. The keep a steady pace as they eat. He insists they do take a few breaks. "They're probably expecting to see you collapsed around a curve so they'll be taking rest themselves," Harcon explains. As the sun passes it's zenith, he leads her onto a path she would have missed. within a hundred paces, the trail begins slanting upward as it swerves through the trees. He keeps glancing back down the trail. "That staff must be guiding them," he finally admits. He watches Nalena as she finally begins to show signs of fatigue. She nods, "Being kept inside, and all this weight.." She breathes heavier. Harcon shakes his head slightly. "The air's been getting thinner, and we're going uphill. He looks ahead as a gust of icy wind hits them. "The snow is coming. In an hour or so." He glances back and smiles. Nalena looks at him in confusion. "So that'll slow us and them down, but it won't stop them." He smiles and nudges her plump side. "I know their kind. They'll find a comfortable place to wait for the snow to chase you back down. If you didn't know they we're following you, you'd be turning around about now." She smiles, half because of his logic, and half because of his playful nudge. "You said there was a campsite just the other side of the pass? Are we still planning to camp there?" He glances back through the thinning trees. "I should see them if they were still chasing us. Hopefully that device won't reveal that you're still going away from them." He looks up the path as snowflakes filter through the afternoon sky. By the time the sun reaches the halfway point, they are climbing into a steady snowstorm. They reach the pass, and a full blown snowstorm, as the sun takes on the evening glow. Harcon is shivering by the time they reach the semi-protected camp site, and Nalena is struggling to keep walking. Gasping for breath and shaking from the cold, they set up the tent and quickly crawl in, pulling their packs to block more of the wind. Harcon shivers as he unrolls the sleeping pad and blanket. "I hope we can get warm enough without a fire." Nalena's shivering has slowed and she pulls him into her plump body. Wrapping the blanket around them, she rocks slightly, her motions massages his cold body and he finally stops shivering. Half asleep, he snuggles into her softness. She smiles and pulls one of the food packs closer. With one hand massaging Harcon's back, she opens the pack and begins eating. The light quickly fades, but she continues eating, almost without realizing it. As she drifts on the edge of consciousness, her thoughts are on Harcon's need of warmth. She continues to eat without thinking, emptying the contents of the pack into her elastic stomach. Swallowing the last morsel, she cuddles around Harcon as much as her swollen stomach comfortably allows and slides into sleep. Harcon dreams of a war years ago. His team had slipped through the perimeter defenses, Only two guards had seen them, but not had any time to shout a warning. They split up, three of them going for the armory, while he slips into the guards sleeping quarters. He works fast, setting two magical devices and silently disappears into the darkness. He waits for the others, mentally keeping track of the timer he set. They rejoin him, all breathing hard. Without a word of the obvious problems they must have had, they crawl past the perimeter. He hears the sing of an arrow, an instant before a deep burning in his left side. Jacarna grabs him and carries him quickly away, while the others fall back and silently deal with the archer. "And every one said a warrior my size was wrong for this mission," Jacarna whispers as he easily carries him through the darkness. Harcon remembers waking in a small room, the light from a warm fire casting flickering shadows on the ceiling. As one shadow moves closer, he tries to turn his head. His eyes jerk open as he realizes there is a slight glow coming through the east side of the tent and the wind is barely heard. "Nalena," he whispers as he moves carefully out of her sleeping embrace. She opens her eyes and allows him to crawl outside. She rolls the blanket and sleeping pad, then stuffs them into their pack. She looks at the empty food pack for a moment. 'I couldn't have eaten a pack full of food.' She thinks to herself as she stuffs the empty pack into one of her loaded ones. "If you're up to it," Harcon whispers as he begins taking the tent down around her. "I'd like to get going and eat as we walk." She struggles to her feet, accepting her 'heavy' feeling is because of the thin mountain air. "What can I do to help?" She asks as he rolls the tent up and stuffs it into it's pack. He gasps slightly from the heavy exertion his fear is driving him to. "I can take care of this. Why don't you get your packs on and get started." He looks down the mountain. "The wind blew most of the snow clear from this side. I'll catch up with you soon." Nalena nods and is soon walking down the almost clear path, her breath making small clouds as she gasps with her walking. His hands wander over her bulging abdomen. 'I wish I knew how much their spells are going to make me gain?' She smiles as she remembers Harcon snuggling against her. 'On the other paw, it might not be so bad.' <17> She continues at a comfortable pace and is shortly walking through the trees which grow thicker as she descends. She nibbles from her pouch she filled while getting her packs on. By mid morning, she has taken two short breaks. She looks through the trees as a bird suddenly stops it's song. Moments later, Harcon hops into view. "I went to the pass to see if they were trying to follow us." He smiles as he catches his breath. "I didn't see any sign of them, but once they realize you're on this side of the mountains, they'll be coming." He takes a deep breath and breathes easier. "How are you doing?" His eyes roam over her body and his ears quiver slightly. Nalena smiles, "Not as bad as I thought I'd be with this extra weight." She pats her round tummy and watches his eyes bounce. "How bout some food?" He nods, "I sometimes forget to eat when situations get like this." He hops behind her and sorts out some food out of the packs. He smiles broadly as he finds the empty pack, knowing it was full last night and where all that food has gone. He fills her empty food pouch and puts food for himself in his jacket pockets. He adjusts her packs for comfort and then bounces beside her. "I have magick guard spells on my home that will hide you from them." Nalena smiles and 'accidently' bumps her soft hip against him. When he doesn't comment, but doesn't move away, she smiles with confidence. "Could you tell me about you being a warrior? His eyes flash at her, then soften. "I guess finally talking about it might be good for me." He walks for a few moments in thought. "I had always loved hiking the roads and trails around my family's land. As I grew older, my roaming extended until staying old for a day or two was my norm. My father taught me how to manage our share-keepers and rented farms. But I learned quickly, so he was pleased I enjoyed traveling, but not wanting to explore distant lands." He nibbles some journey bread and takes a few sips of water. "One day there was a group of mercenaries at the tavern. Every one enjoyed listening to their tales. Their leader, a wolf, seemed to be watching me. "As the evening wore on, he came over and sat next to me. 'I can see the desire to travel in your eyes,' he whispered without looking at me. 'Tomorrow we leave at dawn to help a baron who's having trouble with some highwaymen. We could use some one with hearing like yours.' He got up and rejoined his friends." Harcon takes a fruit from a pocket and nibbles for a moment. "I spent much of that night arguing with myself. Shortly before dawn, I wrote a note, left it on the breakfast table, and was almost to the tavern as they came out. "The wolf, Kragour, introduced me to the others as we walked. Jolur was also a wolf, but much smaller, about my size and build. Medalen was a silver fox, a bit taller than you." His eyes close for an instant. "And then there was Jacarna. A massively strong bear. Fearsome to look at, unless you first looked into his laughing eyes." He stares ahead, remaining silent as their feet make quiet swishing noises in the autumn leaves. Nalena walks beside him, wondering if there's anything she can do. Finally she whispers. "It might help if you tell me what happened." "He shakes his head, "For now I'll just say he saved my life. I heard a few months ago he went on a mission, and no one has heard anything since he left. Nalena puts a fleshy arm around his shoulders and pulls him to a stop. As he turns toward her, she gives him the best hug she can with both of them wearing packs. After hesitating, he hugs her close, his body shakes slightly as he finally cries. He steps back, his eyes red, but smiling in relief. "Thanks." He starts to hug her again, but his ears pivot. "We should keep going," he whispers. Nalena nods and they continue walking past noon, stopping only for short rests. Finally she insists they stop. "I'm afraid this weight and lack of exercise is having an effect on me," she gasps and pats her large tummy. Harcon nods and drops his packs. "I'm amazed we've made it this far already." He looks the way they've come, his ears twitching slightly as she rests. He opens a pack, reloads her empty pouch and his pockets. "If we can keep going, we should reach my home by tomorrow afternoon." Nalena takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. "How fast do you think they're moving?" He shakes his head. "I can't say. They didn't expect you to cross the mountain, or they would have caught us by now." He looks at the sun, gauging the time and remaining daylight. "We must get going. Is there anything I can do? Carry a pack? Nalena takes another deep breath and gets to her feet. "It's not the packs, it's me." She adjusts her packs and forces a smile. "Let's go." She starts walking and they travel quietly. Harcon decides she take longer short breaks. She agrees and forces herself to keep going. He keeps track of her eating and refills her pouch before she empties it. "Maybe if you have enough food, their magic will keep you going." She smiles and shoves a large chunk of journey bread into her mouth. By nightfall, they've passed a public camping area. Harcon guides her off the path and leads her into a hidden cave. "We won't have to set up the tent." He whispers as he unrolls the sleeping pad. Without a word, she drops her packs and flops onto it. "I used to travel like this for weeks at a time," she gasps. Harcon opens one of the two remaining food packs and sets it next to her. "You eat while I backtrack a bit." Before she can argue, he shoves a chunk of cheese into her mouth. "By this time tomorrow, we'll be home." He turns quickly and disappears into the night. He returns after sunset, and finds she's eaten half the contents of the pack. He massages her plump legs, trying to concentrate on what he's doing, and not how wonderful her flesh and fur feels under his hands. After he's loosen up her muscles, he collapses beside he and is asleep in moments. During the night, Nalena wakes several times and snacks from the pack. Her ears pivot as she listens to the night sounds, when she hears nothing unexpected, she drifts back to sleep. As the first rays of day touch the trees, Harcon opens his eyes and eases out of her warm embrace. "I think we should be going." He speaks softly as Nalena looks up. "I'll backtrack a little bit. You take the food pack, I'll carry the rest." He turns and silently hops away. Nalena struggles to her feet, rolls the sleeping pad and stores it in one pack. She glaces at the empty food pack, knowing why it's empty. She stores it in the only one containing food and refills her pouch. She glances at Harcon's two camping packs and selects one for her. She walks outside, aware that her weight is still increasing as she turns and heads down the path. Harcon moves quietly, his ears searching for sounds of the mercenaries following Nalena. He hears them before he has gone far. They are whispering as they break their camp, upset that they haven't caught up with her. He turns and silently hops away rapidly as he safely can. Nalena pauses as she hears something behind he. She smiles as she catches a glimpse of Harcon's ears bouncing through the forest gloom. She whispers, "I take it they're closer than is good?" He nods slightly, "I can carry both packs easily." He smiles as he watches her fur move on her jiggling flesh. "You're carrying the food packs." Nalena nods and he takes his pack from her. She smiles because of how he was looking at what the food had done to her. "How far are they behind us?" Harcon tries not to show his concern. "If we keep up a fair pace..." He looks back, knowing they will quicken their pace and catch them by noon at the latest. "They have some device which is guiding them to you." He studies her, wondering how they are tracking her. Nalena keeps walking. She's breathing heavier as the three days of walking and her increase in weight begins to take a toll on her. "All they did was put complicated spells on me." She lets her paws stroke over her growing belly. "I think they wanted me fattened for some special feast." Harcon nods. "We must increase our pace." He frowns sadly to her. "I can't think of a way to slow them besides attacking them." She increase her pace a bit, breathing heavier, but not appearing to push her exertions too far. He easily keeps up with her, his ears almost constantly centered behind them. "By noon, we should reach some farms. The problem will be they'll be able to see us farther away." Nalena struggles to quicken her pace and gasps. "How can you protect me at your home?" Harcon lets his hand gently stroke her soft shoulder. "I have magical wards that will hide you from them. And if they try to attack...." He leave the reply a secret not needing to be told. She nods and nibbles on the food in her pouch. Twice he asks if she needs a break, and she declines. Finally he insists and she sits down on a log. "Can you hear them?" she gasps. His ears pivot for several seconds. Finally he shakes his head. "I can't believe they took a side trail and hope to get ahead of you." His hand rests on the hilt of his sword. He helps her to her feet. "We must keep going." Nalena gets to her feet. Her face is an expression reflecting that she escaped their temple and determination of not returning. Harcon motions for her to continue down the trail. He watches her disappear on the winding trail and listens. His training gives him the ability to gauge the passage of time. His ears twitch and he quietly jumps after Nalena as he hears the mercenaries approaching. He rushes after Nalena and catches up with her just as she leaves the woods and starts on the main road leading through the farms. "They're still following us," he gasps. "If you think you can keep going, we might have a chance to reach my home." Her fur is damp with sweat from her keeping a quick pace. "What ever you think I need to do," her voice is quiet and dry. Her eyes focus on the road stretching out before her. He looks at her with concern about how much she can do without endangering herself. Thinking about what the priests might have planned for her, he keeps alert to any sound behind him as he quietly encourages her. "When we're safe in my home, I'll have Marlees give you a relaxing bath and then prepare a feast for you." Nalena's eyes sparkle and he thinks he hears her stomach grumble slightly. "What will she think of taking care of me?" She glances down at her round abdomen. Harcon barely resists laughing. "She was plump when she arrived at my place. With only me to take care of, she hasn't had a lot of work. I've always had plenty of food available and she started preparing some of the dishes she knew from her homeland. She always made too much and it didn't take long before it showed on her." He looks at Nalena for a moment. "She's a touch shorter than me, but she probably weighs more than you." Nalena giggles between quiet gasps of breath. "So she might enjoy having some one to feed." She has hardly slackened her pace, but Harcon can tell she's pushing herself hard. The sun is past midday when he finally allows her a short break. "We're closer to home than I thought we'd be," he assures her. We should have you safe inside before dusk." She takes a deep breath before standing up. "What if they get close enough to see me going in?" He smiles and refills her food pouch as she adjusts the straps of her almost empty pack. "My home was built to be easily defended. There's a tower bell I can sound to summon help if I need it." He hugs her, first to reassure her, but then more to enjoy her softness. "If they find us, they won't be allowed to return to the priests." Nalena only nods as she breathes quickly. She nibbles from her pouch without thinking. Her pace is quick at first, but slows as the sun moved down the sky. Harcon waves to a farmer as they pass. He motions for Nalena to keep going as he stops to talk. Within moments, he finishes and catches up with her. "I warned him about mercenaries following us. He promised to say he hasn't noticed any one. They might not believe him, but they'll probably assume he's been too busy to notice." He refills her pouch with all that remains from her pack and puts it in one of his camping packs. Nalena flexes her shoulders. "The weight wasn't a problem," she half whispers. "But my back was getting hot." Harcon moves closer and fluffs her back fur, helping it dry and making her feel a bit cooler. She half smiles as he works. "Will we still make it by dusk?" Her voice can't hide the pain she's feeling. He nods. "Yes... I'd drop back to see how far behind they are, but there's not much coverage on these roads." He looks ahead. "We turn right at that group of trees." Nalena looks ahead. "About a thousand paces," she gasps. "Have you heard them behind us?" Harcon shakes his head, his ears wiggling as they try to remain focused behind them. "I don't think so." He looks back down the dirt road, some leaves blow in the mild autumn wind. He stops and stares, then rejoins her. "Nothing I can see either." She nods and concentrates on the trees. When they turn, He points out another group of trees to concentrate on. When he points out a fifth group, about two thousand paces away, she gasps almost out of breath, "Your home?" Harcon smiles, even though his ears are detecting their pursuers. "Our home." His words give her the best encouragement he could have. She stands more upright and quickens her pace. The sun is beginning to glow red as they turn into the drive and walk between the trees lining it. Harcon glances back up the road and sees the mercenaries moving rapidly. "I think they've seen us," he whispers. Nalena doesn't even look as she pushes herself as fast as her exhausted limbs and weight will allow. Harcon leaps ahead and opens the door. "Marlees!" He shouts as he disappears inside. as she reaches the porch, she hears shutters inside being secured. Harcon leaps beside her, a loaded cross bow slung on his back and his sword ready. He slams the door behind her and drops the bar. She collapses on the floor as rolls over, gasping for each breath as he watches through a archery slit in the wall. She tries to keep awake, but her eyes close and she loses consciousness. Harcon breathes silently. He watches the mercenaries pause near his drive, staring at the device they've been tracking Nalena with. After a few moments of talking, one of them comes up the drive. Before he reaches halfway, the others call him back. They talk again and then reverse their direction and head back for the mountains and the temple beyond. "Looks like they're going home for a working device," he whispers. He loosens his crossbow and puts it in a nitch beside the door. Turning, he sees Nalena collapsed on the floor. "Marlees! Bring food, and mugs of mead." He struggles to get Nalena in a seated position. Malees waddles in with a platter loaded with rich cakes and vegetables. She looks at Nalena in surprise before leaving to get the mead. When she returns, Harcon is feeding Nalena one of the small sweetcakes. "Why is she here? She asks partially upset. "Priests had her captive for some crazed ritual. I brought her here because she needed a safe place." His starts harsh, then softens as he tips a mug to Nalena's lips Nalena sips and then gulps the rich drink without waking. He continues to feed her and help her drink until he can almost see her belly swell. "Help me get her to the guest room," he whispers. Marlees had been watching him feed her in surprise. Her paws had drifted down to her fat belly, wondering why he seems to enjoy feeding this plump fox, and not watching her as she's been filling out. She helps him get Nalena to her feet and she walks unconsciously to the guest room. "Wash her and help her into bed," Harcon half orders. "I need to check in with the village council." He hops to his room. Marlees looks at Nalena and sneers. "Do this, do that. I don't care what he did, my brother had no right to make me this rabbit's slave." Controlling her rage against him, she gets warm water and cloths and begins washing the road dust from Nalena's matted fur. She is concentrating so much she doesn't notice Harcon leave. By the time he returns, late in the night, Nalena is sleeping soundly while Marlees is preparing a late dinner for him. He collapses on a chair in the kitchen and watches her finish preparing his meal. "I suppose you should be told all about her..." While he eats, he tells her of his finding Nalena in the cave, what the priests had done to her and the mercenaries that had been following them." Marlees eats while he talks, consumes more than enough to explain her weight. "So she's got an out of control appetite and I'm supposed to keep her well fed." Her eyes light up slightly as he nods. "Do you think she might like meat dishes?" Harcon laughs quietly. "I'm certain she'll love those meat specialties of yours. I've never been able to handle them, but now you have some one who'll be happy eating them as much as you do." Marlees nods and smiles. An idea occurs to her and she thinks, 'If I fatten her enough, and can get a message to those priests, they may take their anger on you and let me go home." She keeps a happy grin as Harcon fills a mug of mead and goes into his den to read the reports from his farms. She works out her plans as she washes up the dishes and cleans the kitchen. 'Just be friends with her. Tell her how fun it is extra well fleshed, especially with the winter coming on.' She pats her large belly, 'By spring, I'll be plump compared to her.' She checks the food stores and makes a list of food that'll guarantee Nalena will be waddling in a few months. She goes into her room and lies down. With thoughts of getting away and revenge on her brother, she falls asleep. Nalena drifts back to consciousness and looks around the dim room. She remembers getting through the door, then nothing. The soft, warm, blanketed bed she's on, and the woodwork she can barely make out, assures her she's not back in the temple. A sound outside the room grabs her attention. She sees Harcon's silhouette and relaxes back into sleep. Harcon knows she was awake for a moment and is sleeping soundly. He silently walks to his room, washes up and exhaustedly crawls into his bed. He thinks over the last few days. 'There's something about her that attracts me. She's a survivor like me, she doesn't have a family.' He smiles as he lets sleep take him. 'And she feels wondrously soft and warm.' Marlees wakes with the first light and waddles down to the kitchen. She busily begins preparing a breakfast for Harcon. Then works on a small feast for herself and Nalena. "To start with', she thinks. 'I'll eat lots. Once I get her stomach stretched out...' She smiles as she gets a thick slab of pork, weighing several pounds. With in moments, delicious smells fill the kitchen and flow out into the mansion. Harcon has been awake for many minutes, thinking about Nalena and his feelings. When he smells breakfast, he quickly gets up and goes downstairs. He watches Marlees work. "So you aren't bothered about having to feed some one else?" She looks up and brushes a few stray hairs out of her face. "I'll be happy preparing my favorite dishes for some one besides myself." She smiles as she takes Harcon's breakfast to the table. "And since she's going to fill out a bit any way...." She giggles and waddles back to her stove. Harcon watches her as he eats. "Well I am going to have to travel for a week or so. Do you think you can make her comfortable?" She manages to laugh, "I think it'll be fun to have some one with an appetite to take care of." She continues cooking and Harcon looks with some surprise at the amount of food she's preparing. Nalena's nose wiggles as she drifts awake and smells the delicious aromas. Remembering the previous night, she gets up and follows the smells. "Morning," she half whispers as Harcon turns as he hears her approach. Harcon smiles and pulls a chair out for her. "I'm glad to see you're feeling much better." He helps her move close to the table before sitting down. "This is Marlees," he tells her as Marlees brings several platters of breadstuffs, honied ham, bacon and a large pitcher of milk. Marlees grins as she loads a large plate for Nalena and an equal one for herself. "It's going to be fun having some one who has an appetite for good foods." She sits down and moves her chair toward the table until it nudges into her fat belly. Nalena had been staring at all the food with hunger and horror. Seeing Marlees' friendly attitude, she digs in. The several days of rapid traveling, and fear of being returned to the priests, is quickly forgotten as the flavors excite her taste buds. While she eats, Harcon tells her more about Marlees. "She doesn't have many visitors. Most of the locals are my species, and the females are a bit cold to her. She does have a couple of cousins that visit from time to time." He smiles and nods to Marlees. She struggles to swallow a large chunk of ham. "Well the work here is pretty easy." She looks at her tummy squeezed against the table. "And he's kept me well supplied with food." Inwardly she grins mischievously as Nalena keeps eating while she talks. "Harcon and his friends did save our village three years ago. Our laws say that ten years of service was due to them." She keeps a happy expression that fools both of them. Harcon gets up and excuses himself. "I must check in with the village elders and one who watches over my lands when I'm gone." Her gently squeezes Nalena's soft shoulder which tells her more than he's ever admitted. As soon as he leaves, Marlees tells about home village and her cousins while Nalena eats without realizing how much she's consuming. With the smoothness of her weasel ancestors, she keeps Nalena's plates between three fourths and half full. After more than an hour, she lets the plates empty as she can tell Nalena is reaching her limit. She stops pretending to eat and makes sure Nalena finishes first. "I can see we'll have to do something about how much you can eat," she jokes as she takes the final slice of bread and easily gulps it down. Nalena is breathing carefully as her swollen stomach competes for room. "Unnngghh. If I start eating like this every meal," she groans. Marlees smiles, gets up and carefully helps her to her feet. "Well all that traveling you did in the last few days." She helps Nalena into the library and helps her lay down on the couch. "Don't worry about a thing," she grins. "You just need a few days to relax." She sits down on a chair and chats happily until Nalena drifts into a food induced nap. Marlees goes back to her kitchen as silently as she can. Taking extra care, she cleans up from breakfast and starts on lunch. When the young rabbit from the grocer arrives, she gives him the list. "We're having company for a while," she explains. He nods and hops off. Nalena wakes halfway through the morning. She insists on helping Marlees and is shown how to prepare the dishes for lunch, while Marlees does the small amount of daily housework that's needed. When Marlees is finished, she peeks into the kitchen. Quickly she pulls her head back and smiles broadly. 'With all she had for breakfast,' she quietly giggle. 'She can't resist nibbling while she cooks.' She waits several minutes then calls out before entering the kitchen. "So how's lunch coming along?" As she turns the corner, Nalena is pouring some batter into a pan. "Looks great," Nalena turns her head and smiles, bits of batter clinging to her whiskers. "I hope it tastes good, I'm getting starved not tasting any." Marlees almost loses her composure. Her nose twitches as she sniffs and is tempted to taste the dough herself. "Well while it bakes," she comments as she helps put the cakes into the oven. "I've found some great books to read." Nalena loses her smile for a moment. "I was only taught enough to read signs." Marlees puts her fleshy arm around Nalena's soft shoulders. "Well I'll be glad to teach you." She grabs a basket full of small pastries and guides Nalena into the den. Finding a easily worded book, she sits down with Nalena on the couch. For the rest of the morning, she helps Nalena with learning, while popping a sugared nut, honey cakes and other rich snacks into Nalena's mouth. Without realizing it, Nalena nibbles her way through the entire basket. When they stop for lunch, she doesn't appear to realize how much she's been fed. She matches Marlees bite for bite, not seeing that Marlees is taking much smaller bites and placing extra food on Nalena's plate. Once more, Nalena is stuffed and naps while Marlees prepares more snacks. The grocery supplies arrive while Nalena is napping and hides much of it so Nalena won't see how much there is. Harcon returns by supper and is happy that Marlees is helping Nalena learn how to read. Marlees doesn't try to cheat with Harcon at the table. She eats to her limit and watches in surprise and glee as Nalena takes seconds on desert. "It's wonderful to cook for one who enjoys good food," she giggles. Nalena smiles and takes a third helping of the cake. "Well since I can't help packing on some weight," she stuffs her mouth full, chews and swallows before continuing. "I might as well enjoy myself." Harcon has been watching her stuff herself with inner feelings of excitement. He gets up and helps her to her feet. "Well there's no need for you not to." He helps her to the den and onto the couch. "Just relax and I'll help you with your reading." He sits close to her, her spongy, spreading hips push sensually against him. Marlees smiles as they enter the den. "He doesn't even suspect that he's helping me with my plans." She returns to the kitchen, intent on making more snacks to keep Nalena's tummy full of rich food. "Why do you live alone?" Nalena asks cautiously. "I'd think that you'd have your choice of fem rabbits." Harcon manages not to loose his smile. "When I was young, my family had several families that were close friends. They lived in neighboring villages. There was a war and all of them chose to leave. By the time I returned from the battles I had been in, my parents had decided to leave also. I decided to stay here where I had always thought of during my travels." He pauses, "The villagers think of me as too different to be one of them. partially because of my wealth, but mostly because I was a warrior. I have know battles and all that goes with it. In their eyes, I might become a predator." Nalena hugs him in comfort. He sighs happily and nuzzles into her plushiness. "My pack sent me to my death." She takes his hand and places it on her round tummy. Smiling, she pushes it into her flesh. "And I'm not worried you might be fattening me with the same reason." Harcon blushes so much it gives his fur a red glow. His fingers cautiously squeeze her fat. "I do have to travel before the winter hits. I may be gone more than a lunar cycle." She smiles, leaves close and hugs him. "There'll be more of me by then." She can't resist yawning and he helps her up. "You still need to recover from your escape." He puts an arm around her soft, full body and helps her to her room. "I'll be gone before first light, but I know Marlees will take good care of you." He leans close and brushes his whiskers against hers. She smiles and brushes her muzzle against his. "Take care, now that I have a home, I'd hate to lose you." She yawns again and he leaves quietly as she begins preparing for bed. Harcon finds Marlees in her room and tells her about the journey he needs to make. She promises to take good care of her new 'friend'. Smiling, Harcon goes to his room and is soon asleep. Before dawn, he wakes, gets his traveling gear and is on the road before the sun clears the horizon. Marlees was awake before Harcon left. By the time he's out the door, she's headed for the kitchen, glad to put her plan into full swing. Over the next several days, she encourages Nalena with an assortment of enticing foods. The meat dishes are rich with fat and it doesn't take long before these foods show on her belly, breasts, and hips. Her legs and upper arms are soon jiggling when she walks. Marlees smiles as Nalena's enhanced appetite makes her fatten surprisingly easy. Marlees keeps her entertained and helps her learn to read until she just lies on the couch after a feast and reads. Her plump hand unconsciously massaging her food bloated belly. The moon shines on the first snow as Harcon returns. He closes the door behind him and brushes the snow off his travel- worn cloak. He smiles as Marlees waddles out of her room. "So how have the two of you gotten along?" He glances in the direction of Nalena's room. Marlees smiles and pats her large belly. "Well she sure does love my cooking. She might be close to my weight by spring." She guides him back to the kitchen and serves him a late meal. While she tells him about the local happens she's heard of from the delivery youths, Harcon casually studies to see how much she's filled out. Because of her fatness, she could have gained some without it being noticeable. So, besides loving your cooking, how's Nalena doing then? He watches her with the eyes of a warrior looking for unsaid meanings. Marlees smiles, "I've helped her improve her reading so she has your library to entertain herself." She pauses, knowing what he wants to hear, but playing dumb. "It must be those spells put on her that's letting her eat so well." She takes the dishes from the table as Harcon leaves. 'And by spring,' she thinks to herself. 'Those priests will reward me for what I'm doing to her.' Harcon silently pads down the dim hallway to her door. He opens it slowly and stares into the darkness. His ears focus on her steady breathing. Even though it's cold and she has a think blanket covering her, her flesh bloated belly rises and falls slowly. Her breasts raise the blanket into a pair of hills. He silently closes the door and goes to his room. "If she's gained that much already, how much will she gain by spring?" He thinks over what little he's learned of the priests. 'I hope my messages get through to my old friends,' he thinks as he falls asleep. The length of his journey makes him sleep well past dawn. When he finally opens his eyes, the sun is more than halfway to it's zenith. Quickly he brushes his fur smooth and goes to find Nalena. He almost reaches the den, before he hear sounds from the kitchen. Silently he moves until he is beside the doorway, listening for the right moment to enter. "I think he's going to be glad you're enjoying yourself." Marlees giggles. "So come on, eat up." He thinks for a moment and remembers saying something to Marlees about Nalena gaining weight. 'I hope I didn't tell her too much,' he whispers to himself. Nalena mumbles with her mouth full of food. "I'm glad their spells are making my body adapt to all this." She swallows and giggles, "So when do you think he'll wake?" Marlees spoons some more buttered squash onto her plate. "He should be awake for lunch. You may want to watch him to see if he's afraid of how much you're eating." Harcon listens while Marlees feeds Nalena. As Nalena begins on desert, he slips back to his room to think. 'I never let myself get attracted to Marlees, because her attitude was one of control,' he grins as he has before on that thought. 'Probably why no one would marry her. But her size did catch my eyes as she has filled out in the few years she's been here.' He recalls what he felt for Nalena during their journey. 'She has no family she can return to and is obviously adjusting well.' He grins as he visualizes her silhouette and what she looks like. 'And if Marlees is fattening her to upset me, she'll be surprised in the spring.' For a moment he thinks about breaking his family attitude about marriage only taking place in the spring. He closes his eyes and relaxes until he smells lunch being prepared. "I smell lunch," he jokingly calls out as he leaves his room. He hears giggling as he quickly walks down the hall and into the kitchen. He was planing on faking surprise, and almost doesn't have to. Nalena being a good bit taller than his maid, may not be as round as her, but must weigh as much. Her breasts are as full if not more. What catches his eyes most, is the where her belly doesn't sag as much. With the little training he was given by Kragour's shaman friend, he can sense the magic making this normal for her. Nalena smiles, "Well lunch is ready," she giggles and sits down, her belly lightly bumping into the table. Harcon manages to keep control of his eyes some and joins her. While they eat, she tells him about some of the books she's read. He tells her a little about his journey. Basically he checked with his warrior friends to assure things look safe for the winter. He watches as she eats, savoring each bite, but in a hurry to get the next one in her mouth. As she finishes the main courses, Marlees places a large platter with cream filled pastries between them. "I was going to help one of the local wives with a quilt, if I may be excused." Harcon nods as he watches Nalena almost drool at the sent of the calorie laden yummies. "It's obvious the two of you have been enjoying yourselves." He smiles and Nalena takes the first one and tries to slowly nibble. As soon as Nalena hears the door close behind Marlees, she pauses and smiles. "Well we both knew I was going to fill out." She finishes the pastry in a few bites and smiles. Harcon grins back. "Well I guess I've had this thing for lonesome vixens." He takes one of the treats and eases it into her mouth as she eats. "Especially ones with such a good appetite." His free hand roams over her soft growing belly, feeling her luxurious fur and the wondrously well fed body. Nalena smiles inside as she eats them one by one as he almost stuffs them into her ravenous mouth. She lets the last one rest in her mouth, tasting it's sweetness while he slowly helps her up and hugs her large spongy body. "I don't know if I should let this go much farther," she mumbles before swallowing her mouthful. "Until we learn how much I'm going to gain from those spells." Harcon keeps an arm around her as they walk to the den. "Even though you've gained a lot, you don't seem to be affected that much when you walk." She nods as she easily sits on the couch, her plump rump spreading only slightly. "It feels like I don't weigh any more." She runs her hands over her large belly and full hips. "It's like all this new flesh doesn't have any weight, just size." Harcon smiles and nods as he sits in his chair so he can watch her body billow as she relaxes. "I can agree we shouldn't get too 'close'". He smiles sweetly and tries not to stare at her jiggling bosom as she gets comfortable with her book. She smiles and gets more comfortable, watching his ears tremble as her fur quivers. "Well lets wait until spring or summer." She pats her growing belly and then gently rubs it. "Who knows how long I might keep filling out." She moves her book to cover her grin, not wanting him to know she saw his feet almost vibrating. Harcon nods and then struggles to read. His eyes glance over the top of his book and her watches her relax in her reading. Her breasts and abdomen gently rise and falls as she breathes easier than he thought possible, considering how much she just consumed. For the next lunar cycle, harcon tries not to stare when she might notice. Marlees doesn't push as much fattening foods into her and her wait gain slows slightly. Even so, Harcon notices she is continuing to fill out. By midwinter, Nalena's waddling around the mansion. Marlees hasn't caught on that every pound Nalena gains is just adding to her size, not weight. Harcon is with her whenever Marlees goes to the neighbors. He hugs Nalena, always amazed that the fatter she gets, the more attracted to her him becomes. "You know there's a feast in a few days. We could go to the village, or stay here." He nuzzles between her plump breasts. Nalena giggles and his ears twitch uncontrollably. "I think staying here sounds great." She hugs him tight, her soft belly fat almost flowing around him. "But what about Marlees?" Harcon mmmsss within her fleshy embrace. "I think she has some village friends she can go with." They barely manage to separate and Harcon jumps from the couch as they hear Marlees enter through the back door. Harcon goes into the kitchen and helps her with supper. During supper, Nalena notices that Marlees has a grin she hasn't seen since she first arrived and they were alone. Two days later is the feast. Marlees has prepared an average meal for breakfast, that would easily feed Nalena for an entire day before she was taken to the priests. As soon as they finish, Marlees wraps herself against the winter storm growing outside and leaves. Nalena easily gets up and waddles to the den while Harcon cleans off the table. Before she's finished a page, he joins her with a huge bowl full of sugared nuts. "Now," he grins and pats her large belly, watching her fur and flesh billow. "Time for desert." He takes a large one and tosses it into her open mouth. She gives each one a couple of chews before swallowing and opening her mouth for the next one. When the bowl is empty, he playfully massages her food and flesh bloated stomach. "Mmmm I bet you'd like something to drink." He grins as he gets up and 'accidentally' lets one of his hands brush against a fat breast. She relaxes as her stomach works on the food, wondering where they'll end up today. She thinks of the several times they snuggled and she knew it was almost impossible for him to stop. 'Well we did agree to wait for spring', she explores her expanding middle with her plump hands. 'cause it doesn't look like I'm getting close to my top weight.' She closes her eyes and massages her growing flesh. She stops her hands as she hears him returning. There's an odd noise as he enters and then a muffled thump. "Open up just a little," he whispers. As she parts her plump lips, he eases a flexible tube between them. "Now all you have to do is suck in some delicious nectar." He eases down beside her, rests his head on her huge tummy and hugs her gently. She sucks carefully, tasting the first few drops. "Mmmmmm" she responds as much to the delicious rich milk and honey, as to him fondling her growing rolls of furry flesh. Excitedly she begins drinking, her only thoughts are of his body against hers and how wonderful he's making her feel. As her mind drifts, she realizes that he can be both her lover and child at the same time. She doesn't hear the storm as it raises to a full blown blizzard, or how much she's gulping. Her spell enhanced stomach digests the rich drink almost as fast as she sucks it down. Finally there's nothing left to drink. She lets the tube fall out and gently rubs her hands up and down his back. She feels her bloated stomach shift within her flesh as he snuggles beside and on her. She pulls the blanket from the back of the couch and partly covers them as the fire dims. Most of the candles are out as the blizzard howling wakes Harcon from the wondrous dream of floating. It takes him several moments before he realizes where he is. With the training of a warrior, he silently eases off her and moves to the fire place. Quietly he wakes the coals and adds wood until it gives off a warming glow. He returns to Nalena, watching her growing abdomen and bosom move as she breaths slowly. He covers her with the blanket and slips out with the empty keg and goes to the kitchen. Harcon smiles as he gets out the food Marlees had prepared the day before. 'I can't believe how much I want her,' he thinks as he piles the food on a couple of trays. His ears pivot as he listens to the howling wind outside. He looks at the feast and decides he should back off her food until spring. He puts some of it back in the cabinets. Still the food on the trays is more than two or maybe three of her species could eat. She's half awake as he carries one in and sets it down. When he returns with the second one, she opens her eyes and smiles. She looks outside and gasps quietly at the blizzard. "Do you think Marlees will try to get back tonight?" Harcon smiles as he helps her sit up and puts cushions to hold her up. "I thought it looked like a storm when she left." His takes a large slice of roast and eases it between her lips. "I told her if the storm gets bad, to stay in the village." Nalena chomps into the rich meat and gulps large pieces down in to her well exercised stomach. They take their time, Nalena enjoying every morsel, every bite. Harcon affectionately strokes her billowing body. Allowing himself to become excited, but not so much he loses control. It's well after sunset, if they could have seen it through the storm clouds, before she finishes. "Mmmmm," she takes Harcon's hands and rub her well filled belly with them. "That's the most wonderful feast I've ever had." His mind races as she makes him feel her softness and he almost loses control completely. Struggling to regain himself, he frees himself, removes the cushions behind her and helps her lay down. She tries to stay awake for a few minutes. "I feel so good, I just want to stay here." Her eyes turn to him for a moment, before closing and her breathing slows. Harcon smiles as he sees there's no way for him to sleep beside her on the couch. He moves the foot stools and a chair so he can sleep near her. Once comfortable, he pulls the wide blanket enough so it covers both of them. Nuzzling a very plump arm, he joins her in sleep, dreaming about the gentle spring breezes and being able to finally show his love for her. He dreams of a cold night when he was traveling with his warrior buddies. As they decide to sleep, they each find separate places to bed down. He curls up under his cloak against a large mound of brush. Slowly the mound warms him. Not wondering why, he snuggles closer, easing his cloak to clover it and himself. Nalena sleeps soundly. Her paws gently rub her over gorged belly as she imagines growing fatter until Harcon can't resist. She feels him sleeping against her and imagines her flesh flowing over him, warming him in spite of the blizzard outside. Harcon begins to drift back to consciousness. He nuzzles her warm fur and feels her soft flesh beneath. Instinctively his muzzle moves up her fleshy arm and then nuzzles the base of her large breast. Nalena smiles in her sleep and her nipples begin to swell. Her paws feel her now fatter body and her stomach grumbles quietly now that it's empty. The snow of the back door opening jerks them both awake. Harcon motions for her to remain as he silently slides out from under the blanket and disappears toward his room. Marlees brushes the snow off her cloak and fur before going into the kitchen. Once she has the stove fires going, she checks how much of the food she prepared is left. She smiles as she looks at the empty platters. 'He's obviously enjoying her more as there's more of her,' she thinks as she begins preparing breakfast. Nalena tries to sleep, but the aromas from the kitchen makes her stomach complain. She struggles to her feet and almost waddles into the kitchen. "So how was the party?" She asks as her nose twitches to the delicious smells. Marlees smiles, "Oh it was ok. The blizzard made many leave early. But some of us who stayed at the tavern had a great time late into the night." She looks up from the batter she's mixing. "How was your evening?" Nalena smiles as she thinks what she could say. "Oh we had dinner, and he told me a story about his adventures as a warrior." He paws unconscious stroke her fleshy belly. Marlees tries not to grin to much as she notices Nalena's paws moving. "Well you just sit down, breakfast is almost ready." She loads a platter with hot breakfast cakes and places it before Nalena. She turns and smiles as Nalena virtually attacks the food as Marlees rushes as fast as her fatness allows. Harcon joins them and tries not to watch Nalena enjoying her meal as Marlees tells him about happening in the village. Finally Nalena leans back slightly and pats her once more swollen belly. "Mmmmm I should be worried how much I'm eating." She burps contentedly. "But I feel so wonderful." Marlees smiles and pats her own belly. "I've put on a good bit myself." She smiles and begins cleaning up so Harcon won't see her smile is reflecting how she truly feels. Nalena struggles to her feet and waddles to the study. She groans slightly as she sits down. "Uuughh I've got to cut back how much I'm eating, or...." Harcon takes her plump hand and strokes her soft round body. "Or they'll be so much of you I won't be able to control myself." He smiles and kisses her gently. Harcon lets Marlees feed her. As the snows and winds grows, so does Nalena's figure as she continues to fill out. She expands so much that she waddles heavily, billowing with every step. Even though she is filling out, she doesn't grow heavier because of the spells placed on her. Marlees barely manages to conceal her pleasure as she watches feast after feast disappear down Nalena's throat and swell her body everywhere. Marlees is somewhat jealous that Nalena fills out everywhere, where most of her extra weight has settled in her lower abdomen. As the first above freezing day finally arrives, Marlees smiles at how immense Nalena has become. 'I hope my cousin shows up as soon as the snow melts,' Marlees thinks as she goes to sleep. 'Or they'll have to bring a cargo wagon to carry her.' The days quickly warm and the snow loses it's hold on the land. Only the remains of a few drifts remain and Marlees is at a neighbor, when Harcon snuggles Nalena awake. "I'm going to find my comrades," he whispers. "And make preparations for our bonding." Nalena reaches around his neck with her fleshy arms and pulls him against her soft, warm bosom. "I'll be waiting." She kisses him passionately. "And Marlees seems to be enjoying fattening me out." Harcon pats her fat swollen belly. He playfully grabs a thick roll. "I think you and I are enjoying it too." He nuzzles her chins, "I have to admit I've dreamed of you getting fatter and fatter until I'll disappear when I snuggle into your softness." He steps back and grabs his pack, before his inner needs overwhelm him. He almost collides with Marlees and steadies the large platter of breakfast foods she's carrying. "Take care of her," he tells her. With a grin, he shoulders his pack and head out into the bright spring morning. While Marlees sets out the food, Nalena tells her of Harcon's plans for bonding, and his dream of even more of her. Almost unable to control an evil smile, Marlees pats and probes Nalena's large body. "I think we could get some more in you before he returns." She leaves Nalena eating while she returns to the kitchen. 'Harcon could be back in twenty days,' she thinks as she looks outside. 'As soon as my cousin shows up, I'll tell him my plans and send her to those priests.' Grinning sadistically, she begins preparing the most fattening foods she knows how. For ten days, Marlees serves and feed Nalena feasts that test her digestive limits. Nalena does little more than gorge and sleep. Nalena is gorging with dreams of impressing Harcon as much as she can. Marlees smiles as she watches platter after platter of meats and deserts flow down Nalena's gullet, knowing the priests will reward her with freedom and Harcon's death. In the late afternoon, a weasel-morph arrives at the house. "Marlees!" He exclaims and wraps his arms around her plushy body. "How have you been?" "Makeesh," she laughs. "Come inside. I have much to tell you before you must continue your journey." Managing to control his surprise at her, he follows his cousin into her room. Nalena was half asleep when she heard him enter and their greetings. She struggles up into a reclined position and retrieves the book she had been reading over the last several days. After only a few pages, she looks up in surprise as Marlees and her cousin walks past the doorway toward the front entryway. They saw a few words of goodbye and then the cousin leaves. Marlees joins her with a broad smile. "Makeesh has to visit a friend and then he'll be back." She pats Nalena's bulging belly. "Ready for a snack?" Nalena strokes her bloated tummy. "I guess I could force in something while I read." She goes back to her story and doesn't see Marlees glare. Marlees goes into the kitchen and piles everything edible she can reach onto the serving cart. She rolls it into the den and scowls. "I've been taking care of the rabbit for years, and I've been treating you like a queen." Nalena looks at her in shock and drops her book. "Now," Marlees continues as she takes a serving bowl of rich custard. "I'm going to stuff you until you're ready to explode. By the time Makeesh returns with those priests...." Her scowl becomes an evil grin as she fills a large spoon with the fattening desert. Nalena looks at her in shock. "I thought you were my friend," she cries before Marlees shoves the first spoonful into her mouth. She swallows in reflex. She continues pleading between swallows of the warm custard. "But you were only doing it to fatten me for those evil priests." Marlees shoves the edge of the bowl into Nalena's mouth and shovels the rest into her. She fails to see Nalena's eyes begin to glow. "I'm going to stuff you until they arrive. They'll take you and kill Harcon." She turns and hefts a leg of fat laced ham. "They'll have to take you back.. on... a..." Her voice fades as she sees the glow in Nalena's eyes as Nalena tears into the ham. Marlees' expression becomes blank as she slowly goes limp and collapses on the floor. Nalena seems to also be in a trance as she stares at the fat weasel maid while finishing the ham. Slowly Marlees floats off the floor until she is only inches from Nalena's muzzle. Nalena opens her mouth wide and bites off a large chunk of a fleshy thigh. She swallows it whole, her neck stretching easily with the mass of this delicious meat. She finishes the one leg and her prey rotates so she can consume the other one. Nalena only uses her hands to steady the living feast before her as she levitates it around. She continues on, tearing and swallowing large chunks of the maid's abdomen. Nalena's belly swells rapidly, but her body quickly digests and absorbs Marlees' flesh. She groans in contentment and internal pressure as she chomps into a fat breast and swallows it in a couple of gulps. She licks the nipple of the other one and tries to suck the entire fleshy mass into her mouth before tearing it off in a strong chomp. She finishes it and gobbles each fleshy arm, starting at the fingers and continuing until the fat upper arms are adding to her wondrous flesh. If Nalena would look at herself, she would think she's fatter than she ever dreamed possible. Soon the maid's torso is stretching her out and only the head remains. With no thought of vengeance, she chomps into it and gulps it into her impossibly overstuffed belly. Slowly she lays down on the couch, overflowing the sides and the wood creaks as if it's ready to collapse. During the next couple of days, her body digests and stores the maid's flesh through out Nalena's body. Her skeleton and muscles grow to make this incredible increase in flesh normal for her. Harcon has traveled faster than even he though reasonable. He made the outgoing journey in five day. In the next two days, he contacted several of his friends and they promised to make arrangements for the joining. Now he's traveling by the light of the waxing moon, wanting to get home as soon as possible to tell Nalena. In exhaustion, concealed by his inner drive, he silently enters his home. While he takes off his pack, his ears pivot, listening for any sound revealing where Nalena is sleeping. A slight sound from the den rivets his concentrating and he silently pads to the door. His eyes are adjusted to the dimness of the house as he peers around the corner. In surprise, his backs up and rubs his eyes. 'Must be more tired than I thought', he whispers to himself. He eases his head around the corner and stares in awe as Nalena's ponderous belly and bosom moves with each breath. Harcon jerks his head back, trying to find a reason for her to have gained that much in a few days. 'Marlees!' he silently shouts as he heads for her quarters. 'I thought she was enjoying having some one who loved to eat. She must know of those priests and decided to force Nalena to gorge constantly. Her door is partly open and he finds her bed made. He turns and slips into the kitchen. The signs of feasting are there, but not as recent as he expected. 'She must have left to tell the priests,' His thoughts burn in anger. 'If I took the usual 20 or so days, they would have Nalena.' With his thoughts returning to Nalena and what's she's been forced to eat, he quietly walks to the den. He stares in shock, and then excitement, at how much she's gained. She's sleeping more relaxed than he thought possible with the obvious amount of food in her. He gently strokes her mountainous abdomen, smiling at the wondrously soft flesh under her rich fur. Looking into her plump face, he jumps in shock as he sees her looking back at him. "So how was you trip?" She asks. Before he can answer, she tries to move, her eyes open in terror as she sees how enormous she is. For a moment she almost screams, then she remembers Marlees and her cousin. "She was fattening me for those evil priests." She gasps. "A cousin of her's stopped by and she sent him to the priests." She struggles to sit up and Harcon helps her. Her mammoth belly pushes her thighs apart and hangs over the edge of the couch. "There's no way I can travel now," she sobs. Harcon takes her plump head and pulls her against him. Her flesh bloated breasts surge against him as she sobs. "I pushed myself and got back several days before any one could expect." He struggles to push her up so he can look into her eyes. "How many days ago did she leave?" Nalena sniffs and takes a deep breath. She releases it and regains starts to recover from her shock. "Her cousin showed up ten days after you left. She brought a feast in and told me what her plans had been all along......" Her eyes drift as she thinks. "I remember her starting to stuff me, then it's just a blank." Harcon nods and catches a glimpse of the maid's dress to one side. "You lie back and relax," he whispers. "I'll get a wagon and we'll leave for my friends before dawn." She smiles as she senses his care for her and lies back with his help. Without her seeing, he grabs the tattered clothes and goes into the hallway. He tosses them in the maid's closet and goes into the chilly night. Adrenalin is all that powers him as he leaps to the nearest tenant farm house. The farmer has been somewhat of a friend and agrees to loan him a wagon, a pair of horses and watch over his home. The moon has set and the eastern horizon has a tint of color as he drives up to his home. He runs in and sees that Nalena has somehow managed to get to her feet. "Looks like the magic still works," she tries to jokes as she waddles toward him. Harcon smiles and hugs as much of her bloated body as he can. "Anything you want to take with us?" He asks as he sees several blood splotches on the floor. She shakes her head, her long hair flows and her fat jowls quiver. "I didn't have anything when I came here." She tries to hug Harcon, "And you're all I want to take with me." He smiles and kisses her muzzle. "You go out to the wagon, I need to get some blankets and traveling gear." He runs to a closet as she slowly and ponderously waddles to the front door. Harcon grabs a pile of thick blankets and tosses them near the door. He takes his pack, dumps it's contents on the floor and refills it with fresh closes for him and a few small weapons. Grabbing the blankets, he runs outside and find Nalena looking at the wagon. "Do you think it will hold me?" She jokes. He breaks open the two hay bales, spreads them out and covers it with several of the blankets. Jumping aside, he pulls a two step stair from beside the doorway. "It's for traveling coaches," he explains. "I've never needed it." She smiles as she struggles to lift a paw high enough for each step. She half sits and rolls onto the wagon. "Good thing it's a four wheel wagon," she jokes as the wood creaks. Harcon tosses his pack beside her and runs back into the house. In two trips, he brings all the food that can. He locks the door and jumps onto the driver seat. "I hope you can drive from back there," he yawns as the horses start moving. "I've been up since dawn yesterday." Nalena uses the motion of the wagon to help her get into position to watch Harcon control the horses. "It doesn't look like they need much guidance?" Harcon yawns and tries to make himself comfortable. "Well you do have to nudge them with the reigns or they'll stop." He shows her what he means before handing the reigns to her. "Just follow the main road." He lies down on the driver's seat. "wake me when we reach the crossroad to Baytown." He relaxes and is quickly asleep. Nalena smiles at the ease a true warrior can sleep. The horses are well trained and keep a steady, if somewhat slow pace. She nibbles at the supplies and watch the country side slowly roll by. The sun is high in the sky before the crossroad is reached. Harcon is awake at her first touch. "We should stop and rest the horses," he comments and pulls them to a clearing. With well practiced motions, he unharnesses them, feeds and brushes them down. "How's the ride going?" Nalena smiles and nibbles a travel cake. "I'm doing well," she glances back where they came from. "What's your opinion?" He frowns and loosens up his muscles. "Was her cousin in good shape, or riding?" She closes her eyes for a moment. "I didn't here anything when he left so I say he was on foot. I didn't get to good a look, but I'd say not as good as you, but still good shape." Harcon nods as he does some sword practices. "Hmmmmm He could make the temple in three days, maybe two if he travels all night. Two days for a couple of their guards to reach my home. They'll wait for the priests. Three days for them..... We have a two day head start." She shivers and her flesh quivers. "Will we make it to your friends in time?" He harnesses the horses and gets them back on the road before answering. "If they can find which way we've gone.... no." They drive in silence for awhile. "Medalen lives a half day's quick travel from where we'll camp tonight." He looks at her for confidence. "After I harness the horses in the morning, you drive ahead and I'll go after him. Going cross country we should catch up with you before sundown." Nalena nods and nibbles on whatever her hands find in one of the food sacks. "What if some one stops me?" He shakes his head, "Just tell them you're on your way to a wedding and that you're a cook." He playfully pokes her flesh bloated belly. "They'll believe you." For the rest of the day, they talk quietly or watch the country in silence. After stopping several times to rest the horses, Harcon pulls them aside and sets up camp. During the night, he sleeps lightly. At dawn, he feeds, brushes and harnesses the horses while Nalena adjusts the straw and a pile for pine branches to support her. She waves as she starts off. Harcon watches her for a moment, before taking long, yet comfortable, leaps toward his warrior buddy. Nalena keeps alert and several times thinks she hears the priests behind her. A few time, it is riders, but they pass her with a friendly wave. She smiles as she releases the horses so she can turn enough to feed them. Once fed, she readjust the connection and head back down the road. As she approaches the woods where Harcon told her to camp, she wonders how she'll manage to unharness the horses. Her nose twitches as she smells a campfire. She slows the horses until she sees Harcon wave from the trees. With in minutes, she pulls them into the concealed clearing. "Well, I made it." Harcon jumps onto the wagon and hugs her while Medalen unharnesses the horses and takes care of them. Harcon smiles and introduces them. "Nalena, this is my old buddy Medalen." Medalen smiles, "So you're the big girl who's done what none of our enemies could. You captured him." He smiles and returns to preparing supper. Harcon jumps down before getting too excited. He brings her over some of the food they've already cooked. "We're going to ride ahead and he'll follow a few hours behind us." Medalen smiles at them. "I hope we reach Kragour's home before any one catches us." His hand rests on his long sword. "But if they do show up." He smiles and quickly changes their talk to a tale about a north mountain snow giant. The fire is down to embers before Nalena tires and Harcon covers her with blankets. Harcon walks aside with Medalen, "We both know the mercs will catch us sometime the day after tomorrow." Medalen nods. "I can hang back and watch for them, but I won't be able to give you much of a warning. And we both know they'll send a lot, since you protected her last winter." Harcon stares down the road as the rising moon dimly lights the country spread before them. "Do you want to ride for more help?" Medalen smiles at the stars, as if looking for a sign. "I couldn't get there and back in time. We'll just have to hope they don't know which way you went and spread their forces out." Harcon nods and lays back. As the moon passes zenith, Medalen wakes him to take the watch. In the morning, Harcon and Nalena drive on while Medalen clear their campsite. He rides slowly, keeping about a half hour behind the wagon. At night he rides in as Harcon gets the small cooking fire started. "I think we better forget a fire after tonight," Meladen suggests. Harcon nods and quickly prepares supper. Once the food is cooked, Meladen puts it out and buries the dead coals. "I hope they aren't following us en mass," he whispers to Harcon. Harcon watches Nalena eat and shudders. "We can't let them have her." He checks his sword in the starlight. They take turns on watch, remembering nights like this with the others. In the morning, Harcon jumps onto the driver's seat and Meladen stands beside him. "I'll be in late tonight," he whispers to both of them. Harcon nods and moves the wagon onto the road. Medalen smiles as he slides into a place where he can watch the road unseen. He waits until the sun passes it's zenith. Then he saddles his horse and rides a steady pace after the others. As the sun passes halfway to the horizon, he stops and looks back. He climbs a tree and scans the road. Just within sight, are three riders. To the average eye, they appear normal, too normal to Meladen. Quickly he drops down and remounts. He doesn't ride faster, knowing that his pursuers would be able to tell. Shortly before nightfall, he climbs another tree to see if they're gaining. Smiling he sees that he's actually traveling faster than them, but they'll catch up with Harcon and Nalena. He rides into camp and Harcon can tell by his express what he's seen. "Shortly after midnight if they keep coming." He whispers as he eats. "or midmorning if they do." They climb onto the wagon and watch through the trees while they talk. Nalena listens quietly, wishing there was something she could do. Harcon slips off the wagon and disappears silently down the road. He returns before midnight. "I saw their fire a ways back." He whispers. "The question is, what do we do tomorrow." Medalen nods, "I think you two should get going early." He pauses as Harcon's ears twitch. He talks while Harcon disappears into the trees "We still have several days traveling to do, but I don't think any one is following." For several minutes, he talks with Nalena as if no one is pursuing them. Nalena thinks she hears a muffed sound but when Medalen doesn't react, decides it was a night creature. Harcon return and she sees something in his eyes like an inner pain. "One of them was tracking ahead of the others." He finishes cleaning his dagger and returns it to it's sheath. "Now what will the others do?" Medalen nods. "They know we're here. Their orders are probably to find us, follow and get word back to the priests. We've bought some time, that's all." Harcon moves into a watch place and stares into the night. Medalen wraps a blanket around himself and snoozes. Nalena struggles to sleep and finally succeeds somewhat. A dreary dawn arrives with a light drizzle starting. They pack up and all ride together. Medalen drops back a few times and then quickly catches up. "With this rain, it'll be easy for them to follow the wagon tracks." Harcon nods silently. In the afternoon, the sky clears, but the muddy road slows their progress. That night, since there's no dry ground, they all sleep on the wagon. For three days, they travel at a pace comfortable to the horses. "Another four days should get us to Jacarna's home," Medalen estimates. Harcon looks at the growing moon and agrees. "We should be there before any others catch up." He sighs and Nalena hugs him in reassurance. To more days of travel with out incident find them camped in some rolling hills. Medalen smiles as he climbs down from a large pine. "Still only one following us." Harcon climbs up and takes his turn at watch. As the moon lights the land around. He stares at the campsite and frowns. Dropping a pine cone near Medalen, he motion for him to come up. For a time, they both stare, before Harcon climbs down. "Others have joined them," he whispers as he harnesses the horses. He takes some herbs from his pack and feeds them. "These herbs will give them strength to travel until we reach Jacarna's." He quietly drives the horses onto the road, thankful the wind is blowing ahead of them. Before they round the first bend, a centauran coyote appears out of the shadows. He whispers, "Harcon, Medalen, it's been several years." He moves silently beside the wagon and stares intently at Nalena. For several moments he says nothing while the continue moving. "I know of the mercs pursuing you. I followed them when I heard of your future mate." He smiles at Harcon. "My magic cannot alter the spells they've put on her, but I can assist her in shapeshifting." Nalena blinks in surprise. "I though only wizards could do that, and only on themselves." The centaur smiles, "I forgot. I am called Wind Runner. Wizards can shape shift some times once a season. Shaman like myself do it rarely. We take our time before shifting because it is a strain to do it often." He looks deep into Nalena's eyes. "I cannot stop or slow your increase in weight, I can assist you in shape shifting. A 'taur form of you. keeping your upper torso close to the same as you are now would be easiest." Nalena thinks for a moment and then turns to Harcon. With his nod, she smiles at Wild Runner. "Not wishing to seem hurried, but when can we start?" Wild Runner laughs quietly. "There is a cairn close by. We'll stop there, load the wagon with rock equal to your weight. While Harcon and Medalen lead your pursuers on, I can assist you." He runs ahead and quickly vanishes. Harcon gives Nalena a hug. "This is something I had thought of, but wasn't going to mention it until we met him." He smiles at her unasked question. "I think you'll look great as a 'taur, besides.." He playfully pokes her plushy tummy. "You won't be able to walk much longer on two legs." Nalena barely manages to contain her laughter. Around the second curve, Wind Runner is piling stones beside the road. Nalena struggles off the wagon, the magic keeping her weight what it first was, despite her increase in flesh, surprises Wind Runner. "Well I think this is enough stones." He quickly loads the wagon and hides the evidence of where the stones had been piled. "We'll see you at Jacarna's." He whispers as he motions to a path. Nalena waves to Harcon, before turning and waddling carefully into the thick woods. As Harcon and Medalen travel on, Wind Runner disguises the traces that they had stopped. He pads silently after Nalena and leads her into a hidden cave. Nalena looks around in the dimness as Wind Runner covers the entrance so none will disturb them. He pauses and seems speak to some one outside. He finally joins her and adds branches to the glowing coals of the fire. "My friends will watch for intruders," he smiles as he spreads out several blankets. "Make yourself comfortable, and I'll teach you what you need to know." He strokes her billowing belly. "Much of your present mass will be transformed into you 'taur body. Nalena shifts her position a few times before finding the most comfortable position. Wind Runner hums softly as he lights four fires around her at the cardinal points. He whispers some sounds before kneeling on all fours in front of her. He hums and whispers words in a tongue seldom spoke as he lightly brushes his hands over and around her mammoth abdomen. He whispers to her, "Relax, let your thoughts flow with the dancing fires." He hands push gently into her softness, and then deeper as his mind flows into her flesh. He smiles as he senses latent abilities within her. He passes his hand before her eyes, "close your eyes, let your mind flow gently. Think of a calm pond in the forest, become one with it's serenity." He smiles slightly as he feels her energies float toward her surface. He slowly stands, his hands moving up her obese abdomen and on to her heavy bosom. He allows his fingertips to probe gently, wondering for a moment before allowing the natural magic within to begin awakening. He steps back until he is outside the fires. He begins a slow dance around the fires, a glow forms within, and then around the fires, each of a different color. Red in the west, Gold in the north, Green in the east, and Silver in the south. He smiles as he sees the a multi-color glow has manifested around her. Slowly the glows of the fires lengthen and then extend toward her, like pseudo tentacles. They reach her glow and strengthen it, her form seems diffuse through the glowing energy surrounding her. Her glowing form slowly rises until she appears to be standing, her paws barely touching the floor. Wind Runner shifts his stance to his hind paws and begins dancing. He takes a drum from a nitch and small complex designed club. With a slow rhythm he begins to quietly strike the drum. With a forepaw, he add different herbs to the fires. The smoke intensifies the fire's color and he speaks special words at each one. The smoke strengthens the glowing until the entire area within the fire is a thick glowing mass of smoke and fluid light. He holds his staff with a forepaw and continues to dance. He circles the fires occasionally dropping down to all fours. As his dance continues, he takes more steps on all four and less on his hindpaws. He slips his staff into a sheath on his upper back, keeping his hands free to continue drumming, The rhythm and his dance become more rapid. His paws seem to barely touch the floor of the cave. He adds more herbs as needed and begins too quietly howl. The mass of smoke and light thicken and flow, becoming faster as he dances faster. His staff glows, the crystal melded in it pulses in sync with the drumming. He is all fours now, dancing faster, his breath coming in gasps and the energy flows and floods the cave. The dawn light filters into the cave as he finally slows his dance and drum beat. He finally stops between her and the cave entrance, he turns toward her and waits as he gasps in exhausting. Finally a shaft of sunlight strikes the crystal in his staff and illuminates the dense smoke enveloping her. He howls and a few wolves that have been guarding outside join in. As the light dissipates the smoke, Nalena is revealed, lying on the cave floor, now a plump foxtaur. Wind Runner smiles for a second before letting his drum slip out of his hands. It thumps a few times as it softly bounces on the floor. He stumbles into the circle and lies down beside her. In unconscious movements, they embrace each other, Nalena's glowing energy slowly flows around him. Harcon nudges the horses to travel a bit faster, knowing the herbs will keep them going. "How long before our pursuers catch up?" He jokingly asks Meladen. The fox shakes his head. "I think we have until late this afternoon. They might just follow us until all their friends have joined the party. When they realize we're traveling faster and with out rest, they'll wait to find us with exhausted horses. We may even reach Jacarna's home." They travel in silence. As the sun rises, Medalen feeds the horses as the walk, then he finds a pine tree and climbs it to see where the mercs are. When he rejoin Harcon, he is smiling, "I think they're keeping their distance until more catch up. " He looks up the road. "There's no way others could have come around the mountain or the lake and be planing to cut us off." Harcon nods, but his thoughts keep drifting to Nalena, wondering how she is. By nightfall, they've covered more ground than either would have expected. "It's good we have moonlight," Harcon comments as they crest a hill and survey the lands stretching out before them. "We should reach Jacarna's before the moon passes it's zenith." Medalen nods and looks behind them. "This may be the land they hope to catch us in. They can move on foot around un in the brush and attack from all sides." Harcon nods and nudges the horses back to a quicker step. As the moon rises, they both keep their eyes and ears straining for any sign of an ambush. Finally they reach Jacarna's home, which was a siege citadel in the past. The guard waves to them and Harcon gives a sign indicating they are being followed. A large figure blocks the light from the open doorway and rushes toward them. "So where's your soon to be mate Harcon?" Jacarna hugs him enough to force his breath out, but releases him before doing any damage. Quickly Harcon explains what has happened and why they're here so early. Jacarna leads them to a watchtower. They climb in the darkness and join the lookout. With minimal motions, he shows them where most of the mercs are hiding. Smiling, they plan their attack. By the time the moon sets, the three of them have taken out ten of their pursuers. Almost to the planned moment, they meet up with some of Jacarna's warriors. Jacarna nods and they retrieve the mercs who can still talk. "Well", Jacarna laughs as he collapses onto a sturdy chair and swings his feet onto the heavy table. "You two do bring interesting company with you." Medalen smiles as he ties one of their prisoners to a chair. "So are you going to tell us what you know......" He pokes the fire up and leaves the poker in the center of the fire. For a moment their prisoner struggles. He looks at the three warriors around him and slumps in submission. "All I know is that we were to find the fat vixen and follow her. We have been sending runners back and leaving signs for the priests to follow. About half of us had surrounded this fortress, the rest.." He shrugs. Harcon had been tossing his dagger and catching it haphazardly. "I believe him." Jacarna nods and waves to the guard to take the prisoner away. He waits until the door closes. "Now what can we do to help Wind Runner....." His voices fades. He smiles and every one laughs. "To even think that four legged mist in the night would need help getting here." He stands, "I should alert the guards." You two get some rest, you look like you could use it." Medalen leads Harcon into a side room and collapses on one of the bunks. Knowing he's safe and he can do nothing for Nalena, he falls asleep almost before he hits the cushions. In the morning, runners are sent to tell Kragour and Jolur to come. For the next three days, they talk over old battles and discuss how long until the priests will show up. The house- keepers prepare the main hall for a banquet. Nalena's eyes flicker as the first rays of morning stab into the cave. She looks out and sees the outline of a large wolf. It glaces at her and growls a greeting before returning back to it's guard position. Nalena relaxes, allowing her thoughts to flow through herself. She gently test the limbs she doesn't remember and feels something warm between them. She looks between her breast, for a moment shocked how much they've shrunk, then remembers what Wind Runner had told her as she sees his sleeping face nestled between them. Smiling, she gently hugs him, consciously feeling her energies and guiding them into his depleted being. The sun is halfway to zenith when Wind Runner finally wakes. He moves as gently as possible, but Nalena wakes and smiles. "Looks like it worked," she giggles and gets to her feet. As she takes a step and almost trips, Wild Runner catches her. "I think you need to remember you now have twice as many legs." While she practices moving the legs she isn't used to, Wild Runner prepares a quick meal. He tosses the food in a shoulder bag and hands some travel bread to Nalena He packs the rest of his things in a light saddle bag he's already put on. "I want to get moving, in case some one may be tracking back." Nalena nods and carefully walks toward the entrance. For the rest of the morning and much of the afternoon, Wind Runner leads her down a forgotten path. She quickly adapts to her new lags and smiles as she wonders how much she can gain and still be able to walk. The sun has set by the time Wind Runner finds a safe place to camp. He talks quietly while they eat, telling her what differences she'll experience in her new form. "Harcon truly cares for you, so I don't think it'll bother him at all." Nalena smiles as she eats. "You know that he actually is looking forward to my continuing to fill out?" Wind Runner smiles and pokes her plump lower body. "Well now you've got more room for your tummy to expand." He sits back and meditates. Nalena relaxes in her own meditation as she senses him probing her. Finally he smiles and shakes his head. "The spell put on you have caused latent magical abilities in you to almost awaken. I can only tell that they have something to do with food." He almost laughs, "You'll know them when they happen." He spreads out his blankets, "We should get some sleep." Nalena smiles and lies down. As Wind Runner starts to lie down, she grabs him so he ends up snuggled in her arms and legs. "I think we'll be warmer, together." She relaxes as he pulls a blanket over them. The gentle sounds of the night and some friendly wolf howls, lulls them to sleep. At sunrise, they have a quick breakfast and then travel through lands where there seems to be no paths. Nalena is becoming very adapted to her new legs and they cover more ground than she realizes. They rest several times, Wind Runner smiles at how well she's traveling. "If you feel up to it, we could reach Harcon tonight." Nalena pats her slightly lose side, "I hope he isn't upset that I look thin." Wind Runner smiles as he adjusts his packs. "I'm certain he can take care of that." He leads her into the moon lit back country. Before midnight, they're within sight of Jacarna's home. The guards see Nalena and only spot Wind Runner as they open the entrance. Once inside, Harcon is the first one to greet them. He hugs Nalena passionately then thanks Wind Runner for what he did. "All I did," he explains as they have a late meal. "Was help her use the magic those priests forced through her." He smiles as he watches Nalena gorge. "There is some magic inside her that is yet to show." He switches to how preparations are going for the Hand Fasting. Finally they call it a night. Harcon sees Nalena to her room while Medalen, Jacarna and Wind Runner discuss what the priests are doing and what they might do. Harcon rejoins them and they talk through the rest of the night. During breakfast, they only talk of their friend who should arrive any time. While they're having lunch, a small wolf-morph arrives. "So what is this!" He exclaims. "Harcon finally getting snared." He grabs everyone in a warrior type embrace, then turns to look at Nalena. "So you're going to keep him from roaming?" His smile tells her he couldn't be happier for the two of them. Harcon smiles, "This is Jolur, now we only wait for the one who led us through many missions." Nalena smiles as she forces a large mouthful down. "I have to admit, I'm surprised Harcon and I are drawn to each other." Harcon smiles as Nalena resumes gorging and tells about finding her in the cave and everything since then. "Now that Wind Runner has given her a 'taur form, her body is behaving as if starved." Nalena smiles and nods as she continues to eat. "If you would have seen me before I changed form." She continues eating. Jolur smiles as he can tell her belly is stretching with food. "Well at the rate you're packing it in," His smile shows that he accepts her attitude. The three warriors chat about a mission from years ago. Nalena listens intently as she snacks, keeping her stomach comfortably swollen. Late in the afternoon, Wind Runner returns with a pack of herbs and roots. "Nalena's problem is her body wants to be fatter, this hold help." He goes into the kitchen. Nalena pauses snacking and pats her full belly. "I hope he can do something, I'm getting tired of this nonstop snacking." Harcon laughs and hugs her upper body tight. "I can't believe you're complaining." He nuzzles her as the others resume their chat. Sun sets before supper is served. Many of the guards join them and listen intently as the trio regales them with tales of danger. Wind Runner finally comes out with a large salad that almost seems to glow. "This should help you body to not demand so much." He places it before Nalena before taking his place at the table. Nalena smiles and digs into the delicious food. As she slows as she finishes it. "I believe," she reaches back and pats her round lower body. "That I'm finally feeling full." She struggles to her feet and smiles. "I think I'll call it a night." Harcon jumps up and walks her to her room. Once they're inside, he hugs her close. His paws feels her softness and her bloated belly within. "I hope you aren't trying to see how fast you can fill out as much as you were." He snuggles his face into her soft bosom. Nalena smiles and holds him close, his ears brushing the sides of her muzzle. "I know you enjoyed my fleshiness before." She licks his ears. "And we both know the spells put on me will have me filled out again." He guides her to her bed. "You need to rest." She lies down and he pulls a blanket over her rounded body. "Kragour should be here tomorrow." He kisses her nose and then quietly leaves. Nalena relaxes, thinking about her love for Harcon, then wondering what the priests are planning. Knowing she is safe, she drifts to sleep. Harcon looks at the others still gather around the table. "Have we any word on the priests?" He asks Jacarna. The powerful bear shakes his head. "Few of my scouts have returned. Once your have pawfasted, do you intend to return home?" Harcon sits back and thinks for many minutes as he watches the fire. "We have learned that priests have power over many followers. Until we can face the priests and change their path, I would like to remain here." The large bear smiles, "I wouldn't feel safe other wise." He places a large paw on Harcon's shoulder. "We will find them." Silently they all watch the fire, remembering fights where some of them have been wounded, and others fallen at their side. As dawn's first light filters into the room, every one is asleep. Harcon's ears twitch as some one tries to enter silently. He remains motionless as the foxmorph stands in the doorway. He turns and whispers, "So what have you learned." The scout doesn't jump, but smiles. "I'm Ranar. I found some mercs about a day's travel from here. Two coyotes, two badgers and a bear. Two days away is another group. Ten bears, five badgers, also six possums with short swords." He smiles "and six possum priests." Everyone woke before he began his report. "From what I've learned," Wind Runner comments. "There are six priests and six in training." He shakes his head. "They must have put much magic into her for all the priest and trainees to come after her." Jacarna smiles at looks at the battle axe over the fireplace. "Should we go after them, or wait here?" He turns and looks at Harcon, "It's your love they're after." Harcon stares into the dying embers of the fire. "Before, we fought for money, or land. Now we fight for love." After a pause he looks at his friends gathered within the room. "We wait for them here. Kragour should arrive today, so the pawfast is tonight." Every one turns as some one stumbles in the hallway. Wind Runner slips through the doorway. "There's nothing wrong with Nalena. Her body is using all she's eaten to grow to the size she should be." He steps aside as Nalena nudges him out of the way. She's barely plump, but she is now as tall in her 'taur form as she had been before. She smiles at Harcon. "Well we both knew I was going to grow a bit." Harcon almost brushes the ceiling with his ears as he leaps to her. "I think you need a good breakfast." He grins as he sees Jolur disappear into the kitchen area. He tells her about the scout reports. "So," he nuzzles her cheek fur. "I'd like our pawfast tonight." Nalena hugs him uncontrollably. She finally releases him as Jolur returns with a platter filled with breakfast cakes, honey and a large pitcher of juice. Harcon smiles and feeds her while the others discuss plans for the expected battle. Nalena listens carefully as she ravenously gorges on the pastries. As the cooks bring more foods, he feeds her slabs of ham, and fruits. Finally she motions for him to stop. "Ahhh," she pats her lower abdomen. Her eyes open in surprise as she feels how round she is. " I guess," she giggles as she looks herself over. "That I can now eat even more than before." Harcon smiles, his eyes gazing at her pregnant looking belly. "You might even get as fleshy as you were when Wind Runner found us." Nalena smiles as he fondles her heavy belly. "Well I hope I don't get any taller." She brushes his ears and relaxes as her massages her. At lunch, she gorges uncontrollably. Wind Runner assures every one that this is to be expected. "She was extremely fat when I helped her shapeshift. Now her body is behaving as if she's starved." Harcon smiles as he playfully stuffs a thick slice of cake into her open mouth. "I think she's enjoying it." He jumps back as she tries to grab his hand with her plump lips. While she's relaxing in her gorged condition, Kragour finally arrives. "So this is who the priests are coming after." He gives her a firm look, with the edges of his mouth turning up slightly. "So have you decided what we should do?" Jacarna laughs and give the older wolf a strong hug. "Sit down and we'll tell what we know. During the afternoon, Harcon and Nalena tell all that they know of the priests. Wind Runner gives his opinion that they will not stop trying unless stopped for good. Kragour nibbles some travel meats and sips mead. Listening with only an occasional question. Finally he stands and looks at the map. "We've often talked about how to attack your home. We know that the walls can be defended well against standard attacks." He pauses and looks at Wind Runner. "But the priests will be using magic to help their mercs." The Shaman nods. "I have herbs that should protect against most magic attacks." He turns to Jacarna, "But only enough to protect us and a few of your best guards." Jacarna nods. "Maybe we should go and check out the closest group of mercs." He steps into the hall. A few minutes later, he returns with Ranar. "I can get you there before nightfall if they haven't moved," he tells them. Kragour shakes his head. "If they've stayed in place the others would have caught up with them by then." He retrieves his pack and checks his broadsword. He turns to Jacarna. "I'll take him, Jolur, Medalen and two others. If we find them alone, we'll take care of them. If the main force has joined them, I'll leave Rana and the others to follow them." Jacarna nods as he leaves. By the time the four are ready to go, he returns with two ferrets. "Take care and get back soon." He asks. Kragour nods and looks at Harcon. "If you can wait until tomorrow..." He smiles as Harcon almost laughs. With a quick salute, Kragour leads the five outside. Harcon nuzzles Nalena. "I think you can wait till tomorrow." He hugs her round lower body, feeling the new fat. "Now that you're as tall as you were...." Nalena smiles and plays with his ears. "I can get round and soft." She picks up a plate of candies and tosses a few into her mouth. Jolur grins as he watches them for a moment. "Remember when we were guarding that castle in the western mountains?" Jacarna nods with a smile. "Sure do...." The two of them reminisce about the blizzards and the mountain terrain. Nalena lies down carefully and continues to snack while Harcon massages her growing abdomen. Even with all her snacking, she swallows mouthful after mouthful as Harcon stuffs the dinner feast into her. As night falls, they go to their rooms. Harcon lies awake, remembering the battle and the one who nursed him back to health. Before the first glow of dawn, Kragour and 2 others return. Jacarna summons everyone to a meeting. Kragour reports that the first group hadn't moved and others have joined them. "They were sleeping when we left. They could attack tomorrow night, or move partway and attack at a time of their leisure." He yawns and gulps down some juice. Jacarna smiles as he pulls Kragour out of his chair. "Time for you to get some sleep." He glances at every one gathered. "I think we should rest this morning. Nothing to do until the pawfasting or...." He finishes his sentence with a smiles or scowl, it's hard to tell which. Every one returns to their rooms and are soon asleep, except Nalena. She looks herself over, running her hands and forepaws over her silky fur. She feels her growing softness and smiles. "I wonder how much of their magic will affect me now." She smiles as she drifts back to sleep. Harcon sleeps lightly. He finally gets up and walks the battlements. The guards report all is quiet. Not sure if he's nervous about the approaching forces, or his pawfasting. Jacarna is in the dining hall and offers him some juice. "I see you couldn't sleep either." He nods in understanding. "You're wondering if you should wait until we've defeated them." Harcon shakes his head slightly. "We can be sure they'll attack today, tonight, or try to siege us." He drinks slowly. Jolur joins them, with Nalena a few moments behind him. Nalena smiles as the cook brings her a larger breakfast than Jacarna. "So what are you planning?" She finally asks. Harcon moves closer and hugs her warmly. "Just guessing what those priest have planned. Nalena smiles and attacks the small feast before her. While she eats, they ask a few questions about her stay with the priests. Wind Runner joins them and shifts the conversation to this evening's celebration. Jacarna leans back and watches Nalena eat. He laughs, "We've got a feast planned that even you won't be able to hold." Nalena smiles and shoves a large breakfast cake in her mouth. She forces it down with a mug of juice. "Good," she giggles as she gets to her feet. Wind Runner jumps to his feet. "I'd like to talk with her for awhile." He smoothly jogs outside, while Nalena walks somewhat slower after him. Every one at the table shrugs. "Wonder what that shaman has planned?" Jolur comments. Jacarna grins, gets to his feet and takes his heavy battle ax off the wall. "I think some battle practice is what we all need." Every one jumps for their weapons as he heads outside into the morning sunlight. Within moments, the sounds of ringing steel and shouts of combat fill the air. It doesn't take long for the scouts to wake and join them. Wind Runner lead Nalena into the small temple of Jacarna's citadel. He turns and watches her enter and stand before him. "I'd like to feel your energies and see if I can learn what abilities are sleeping with in." Nalena smiles and takes a relaxed stance. She closes her eyes as his hands floats over and around her. Never touching more than the tips of her fur, but she feels him probe deeper than any massage. It seems like he had barely started, when he stops. "I must think before I try to explain what's happening." He smiles and hugs her for a moment. "I'm sure you'll be happy about it. One thing I will say is you'll be healthy no matter how much you gain. And that the spell to keep you only weighing what you originally did..." He pats her haunch. "Well you'll only feel the weight of a 'taur in average flesh." He bounds out of the chamber and she follows him. The fight practice is over and the discussions of styles and techniques is going almost as fast as their blades had. Wind Runner and Nalena join them and listen to how they hope the priests will attack, or maybe give up when they see the defenses. Jacarna looks at the battlements. "Against fighters, I have no fear they will beat themselves senseless, but magic...." He almost fondles his battle axe. "Well we shall see." Harcon sees that Wind Runner is looking at him. "I take it you're happy with what you've learned?" Wind Runner smiles. "Are you ready?" He laughs as Harcon hesitates. Harcon smiles at Nalena as she nods. "Might as well do it before the priests get here." He grins. "I don't think they'd approve of my taking her away from them." Wind Runner smiles and runs into the house. In moments, he returns with his pack and disappears into the temple. Jacarna motions to one of his soldiers and tells him to alert every one. "There's a chance those priests might pick up on the energy." The soldier nods and takes off. He alerts those on guard and then tells those not on duty. Wind Runner hums an ancient tune while he sets up incense burners at the four cardinal points. He places candles of different colors just inside the circle formed by them. As the candles flicker he lights the burners and tosses incense that flames for a moment before fragrant smoke pours forth. He calls forth the spirits of the lands around them, then the forces of the primal forces. One by one, Wind Runner calls in Harcon's friends, until only Harcon and Nalena are left outside. He smudges each with incense, then calls in Harcon. Harcon enters and walks around the circle to the far west side of the room. Nalena enters and stands nervously. They both enter the circle. Wind Runner blesses and smudges Nalena and then Harcon. He ties a brilliant ribbon to their wrists, connecting them. He hums quietly as the incense smoke seems to flow in response to his motions. Harcon slowly draws his sword and lays it on the ground between him and Nalena. Excited sounds outside catch everyone's attention. In seconds it's obvious the attackers of the priests are fast approaching. Harcon smiles at Nalena and then nods for Wind Runner to continue. Wind Runner summons the spirits of the winds. The circles flicker as the air swirls around all within the temple. He picks up the sword and holds it against the ribbon. "By all the forces of nature and goodness, protect this bonding between these two. Though the ribbon is severed, Their love will ever remain." He barely flicks the sword and the ribbon is cut. Harcon hugs Nalena close and then takes his sword from Wind Runner. "Protect her," he asks before following his warrior friends outside. The sounds of war cries are already building. An occasional arrow impacts into the compound. Wind Runner stands relaxed, his hand rests gently on her soft shoulders. His thoughts enter her and flows into her body. For a moment, they hear nothing of the battle rapidly growing outside. She suddenly realizes what is happening outside, and what has happened within herself. She looks at Wind Runner and he only nods before staring outside. Harcon and the others have joined the guards on the parapets and fire their crossbow and longbows at the attackers. Several of the guards have already taken hits by arrows and a healer runs the circle of the wall. Several on the south wall are shivering violently and he sends one of the minor injured one to get Wind Runner. Kragour looks at the injured and then at the attackers. "They're using some enchanted arrows." His eyes narrow as he searches for the priests. Harcon fires an arrow and one of the coyote merc falls. "They're attacking as if they know the walls will not stop them." They both turn as something like a lightning bolt hits the wall near them. Harcon launches an arrow where the bolt came from, but strikes no one. A second bolt, launched from a different location, hits the same section of the wall. Every one jumps and tries to scramble as the stones shatter. A third bolt breeches the defensive barrier and the attackers shout in excitement. Jacarna shouts orders to his troopers and they quickly form a defensive position to take out those who charge through. Another blast on the opposite site of the fortress makes the warriors hesitate. Harcon nods to Medalen and the shouts to Jacarna. "Take care of Nalena." He loads his crossbow and checks his sword while Medalen does the same. Another bolt of energy hits the far wall and the two of them leap over the wall and run toward the woods. Kragour's arrow takes out a badger aiming at the two while Jolur does the same to a bear. A scream of terror away from where Harcon and Medalen disappeared stops every one for a moment. Another scream, followed by many more, break the attacker's momentum. "The priests are being attacked," Yells the largest bear. Apparently the leader, all others run toward the fading sounds. Jacarna looks in amazement as he counts the remaining attackers. "7 bears, 4 badgers and one coyote unwounded." He stands quietly as the healer reports their wounded. "None have died...yet. I've healed those that I can, but several have been wounded by magical arrows." He leads Jacarna away, while the others reorganize the defenders and try to make some repairs to the breeches. Wind Runner is with the four wounded. He whispers incantations over the four that are shivering violently, despite the many blankets and fire before them. A shout pulls Jacarna's attention and he watches in terror as Medalen half carry Harcon through the gateway. Wind Runner covers the distance in several leaps. He jerks the white feathers arrow out. Harcon seems barely conscious and barely seems to notice. Wind Runner's shoulders sag slightly as he takes Harcon and almost carries him into the temple. The incense fires are out and he lays Harcon against Nalena. "I must help the others." He voice is exhausted. "Try to keep him warm. Your love may be what can save him." He turns and tries to walk strong as he returns to the others. Harcon tries to hug her, but feels as if his arms can't even reach half way around her. He moves slightly and feels one of her heavy breasts against his face. As he nuzzles her spongy flesh, he fails to realize that they are several times larger than before them battle and slosh slightly. Nalena closes her eyes as a unexpected feeling of calm flows through her bosom. Her hands reach out and caress what little of Harcon she can reach. After a short time, Harcon drifts back to full consciousness. He remembers what happened and runs outside without looking at Nalena. Wind Runner shocked and runs into the dark chamber. Nalena looks at him and smiles as Harcon steps inside. As Harcon stands in shock and amazement, Wind Runner notices that her nipples appear swollen. When he sees a drop of white form on one, he understands. "Your milk has dispelled the magic that would have killed Harcon. I told you that you may develop healing abilities as you grow." Nalena smiles at them. Her lower abdomen is almost spherical and Harcon realizes what happened to the priests. "What of the others?" She asks with concern. "I'm certain I have enough to help them." She smiles lovingly at Harcon. "They did fight to protect me." While Wind Runner rushes back to the wounded, she tries to explain what happened. "Wind Runner awakened my sleeping abilities. When the priests used the lightning, I knew where they were. They were putting so much of their concentration into the magic...." She pauses for a moment and looks at her impossibly stretched abdomen. "I can't explain how I did it, but I brought them into my stomach." She tries to smile, afraid of what Harcon is thinking. "They planed to feed me and I just ate more than they had planned." Harcon slowly smiles, and hugs her as well as her gorged belly allows. "You know I enjoyed watching you fill out at my home." He looks around the room and almost laughs. "I guess our next problem is getting you out." Nalena smiles warmly, and then sees the injured being brought in. Harcon helps the first curl up against one of her massive breasts as Wind Runner positions the next. The others and snuggled against her wondrously warm body and then moved as the first two have nursed. Finally all are healed, some are embarrassed but others hug her soft flesh in gratitude. She smiles as she can feel her entire body grow fat as her stomach digests the former priests. Wind Runner checks her out and then goes outside. Harcon stays with her. After many hours, most of her 'feast' has been digested and her body billows with her new flesh. She whispers, "When I realized how much I was filling out, I was worried you'd be upset, or afraid." Harcon nuzzles into her mammoth bosom and is almost completely surrounded by her flesh. "I don't think you have a thing to worry about." He kisses her full lips passionately and then feels his adrenaline finally run out. With thoughts of extreme happiness, he drifts into a deep sleep. Nalena smiles and struggles to get one of her fat arms around and over her ponderous breast. She brushes his fur for a few moments, before joining him in dreamland. Harcon opens his eyes slightly as the first rays of morning enter the chamber. He snuggles into Nalena's new flesh and relaxes. Nalena wakes as he moves. "Well have you changed your mind about my size?" She giggles and her fur covered fat quivers around him. Harcon stretches his arms out and hugs as much of her massiveness as he can reach. "Mmmmmm I don't think you have a thing to worry about." He gets up and looks at her in the early light. She smiles and struggles to her feet. "It's a good thing magic keeps me at a 'normal' weight." She turns her head and her eyes jerk open in shock and amazement as she sees how much of her there now is. She looks at Harcon, grinning as she also realizes how ponderous her heavy mammeries have also become. "I wonder how much these will grow if I have to nurse often, like last night." Harcon barely manages to resist passionately attacking her. "I need to see how the others are doing." He walks outside, with her waddling somewhat unsteadily behind him. Harcon enters the room being used for the wounded to recover. Nalena waits outside. She smiles because it's not only her enormous lower body that's too wide, but her monstrous breasts. Wind Runner is half awake and nods slightly. "All will survive." His voice shows his exhaustion. He looks at Nalena and smiles. "Without you," he somehow manages to smile as he joins her. "The ones hit by the cold arrows would soon be gone." He steps closer, almost falling against her. His hands probe her round spongy abdomen for a moment. "As I thought," he looks into her questioning eyes and smiles. "You've not only absorbed the flesh of the priests, but also their magic power. I wasn't sure you would be able to levitate yourself if I taught you. But now you should have no problem." He leans heavily against her as his final bit of endurance runs out. Harcon rushes over as Nalena lies down, allowing Wind Runner to sink into her billowing body. He smiles as the shaman quickly falls asleep. Nalena smiles and closes her eyes. "He's done more than any could have asked." Her breathing slows as she tries to share her energies with the exhausted 'taur. Harcon smiles and snuggles up against her ponderous bosom. Within a few minutes, all of them are sleeping deeply. Harcon wakes after a few hours, but Nalena remains asleep, sharing her energies with Wind Runner. By mid afternoon, they finally wake. Wind Runner opens his eyes slightly. "So how do you feel?" He asks and pats her enormous, pillow-like body. Nalena smiles and moves slightly. Her fat bloated body jiggles for many seconds. "Wonderful. I've not only gained the priests' flesh, but their magic energies as well." She barely has to struggle to her paws and waddles easily to the great hall. Her nose twitching in excitement to the wondrous flavors wafting through the open doorway. Harcon rushes out just before she reaches the door. "I hope you're hungry," he laughs as he hugs her as well as he can and snuggles into her mammoth bosom. "The cooks have been preparing a feast I can't believe." He looks into her happy eyes. "They expect you to eat all they've specially prepared for you." Wind Runner laughs and pats her round belly. "I'm certain her magic is up to it." Still happy, but wondering how big this feast could be, she waddles into the great hall. Everyone has already begun celebrating, both for her and Harcon's pawfast and also for their successful battle. Kragour gets to his paws and offers a toast. "Here's to the pairing of our comrade in arms. May he finally find peace." Every one raises their mug while the three newcomers accept full mugs of their own. In a unified motion, every one drains their mugs and then resume celebrating. Harcon leads Nalena to a thick layer of rugs and blankets. He moves a chair beside her while she makes herself comfortable. She looks at the platters of food and the revelers gathered around the table. "I don't think that's too much." Jacarna laughs as he hears her. "Now that you're here," He whistles a simple pattern. Nalena looks toward the kitchen doorway as a bear serving boy carries out a large platter of meats. He places it on the table and begins feeding Nalena slice after slice. Nalena smiles and gulps them down without chewing. Before she empties the platter, a serving girl comes out with a kettle of thick stew. Harcon keeps her large mug full and she drinks often as she's fed. The partying continues long into the night. Nalena repositions herself many times. The music and being fed, instead of feeding herself, helps her not realize how much food is being stuffed into her. The moon is high as the party goers begin searching for places to sleep. Nalena is opening her mouth and gulping down mouthfuls of sweetbreads and other calorie ladened food without realizing how swollen her body now is. Finally Jacarna motions for the servers to stop. He stands somewhat unsteady and Nalena thinks he looks a bit shorter. "I never would have believed you could hold that much in one eve." He smiles as he affectionately pats one of her enormous breasts. "Until the morn..." He turns and staggers toward the doorway. As he reaches it, he turns and leans against the door frame with a smile on his face. Slowly he slides down until he's sitting unconsciously unright. She closes her eyes and leans against Harcon's sturdy chair. He unconscious leans closer, his cheek pressing into her soft, furry one. Her food laden blood pushes her into a deep, food induced sleep. Nalena slowly drifts toward consciousness. She moves and wonders why her limbs feel sluggish. She slowly opens her eyes and stares in surprise and wonder at how enormous her breasts have grown. "You wondered how much I'd enjoy you if you kept growing," Harcon whispers before nuzzling her cheek and then her plump muzzle. "I had no idea they'd feed you this much and I was out while the night was young." Nalena tries to hug him, but her arm seems incredibly fleshy. She smiles as Harcon snuggles into her embrace. She moves her paws against the huge, soft cushion she's resting on, and realizes it's her own ponderous abdomen. Slowly she shifts her thoughts inward and leans how much she has grown. Happily she hugs Harcon, almost engulfing him in her hundreds of pounds of billowing fur covered fat. Wind Runner silently steps in front of her. He whispers, "You have their energy." His hands gently touch her massive breasts, sinking in slightly. For several seconds, she feels his thoughts flow into her. He steps back and smiles. She grins as she levitates herself and Harcon off the floor. She finally realizes that her legs are resting on her humongous lower body. Harcon is also lying on her massive body and snuggles deeper into her ponderous body. Wind Runner pulls a pouch off his belt and pours the powder in a circle around her and Harcon. "May you always know what you truly want. The journey to find it is half the reward." He takes a torch from the wall and touches it to the power. A circle of smoke surrounds her, blocking out all sight beyond it. As the smoke thins and then clears, she finds herself in the main room of Harcon's home. Harcon moves his head enough to see where they are. "Welcome home," he mutters as he snuggles back into her enormously fleshy body. Nalena sighs contentedly as she feels her breasts, heavy with milk and smiles as she know she's home. warrior buddies Kragour-wolf leader Jolur-small wolf Medalen-silver fox Jacarna-bear Wind Runner