MISCAST STARTED 11-2-96 The time is present day, some where in the midwest United States. However it's not the world we know, but a world where technology and magick have both developed. Those using magick are few, but work well within society. Karen has been rooming with Milana's ever since they graduated from high school and moved out on their own. Karen had found work as a sales clerk in the nearby mall. At first she hoped that work would help her lose some weight, but with the food court she put on 20 pounds by the end of her first year. Milana is working at the bookstore in the older part of town. The front rooms are filled with books of all interests. But in the back are a few rooms of magick books and artifacts. One friday evening after supper, Milana looks at Karen. "So what's bothering you tonight? And don't give me the 'It's been a long day at work'. Karen sits down and lets Milana lock eyes with her. "You've always been thin. I was almost 200 pounds last year..." She struggles to break free for a moment, then collapses back into her chair. "I've gained 20 pounds in the last year and...." Milana releases her and kneels down beside her. "You know I didn't want to force you." She gets up and beings pacing the room. Karen knows that the talking is over, gets up and washes the dishes. She's watching the tv when Milana comes over and drops onto the couch beside her, causing the broken leg to collapse again. Milana doesn't laugh like they usually do when this happens. "I was searching through some of the books in the basement last week. A customer wanted a book our catalog said we had." She takes a long drink before whispering. "I found an alcove behind one of the bookcases. In it were some books that I've heard only a very few existed. She leans close and whispers. "This bookstore was once the library of a elite group of wizards. I found the book for the customer, then bought the tomes and brought them home. My fiance Lachar has all of them except the Tome of Jaluka." She goes into her room and returns with an ancient looking, leather bound book. She lays it down on the kitchen table and opens it carefully. Karen has gotten up and looks at the scribbles and symbols that compose the language wizards use. "So who do we get to translate this?" Milana glances at her and smiles. "I've been learning this for several years." She moves her finger over blocked symbols, then opens the book about halfway through and consults a second index. "Control of body weight." She smiles. "If I could sell this without revealing where I got it...." She reads the preparation and goes back into her room. Karen knows to just step aside as Milana sets up her incense burners, candles and artifacts. She moves the table and rolls up the rug. Milana gets her markers and motions for Karen to stand within the circle drawn on the floor. "You must be the only one here, or it might affect me." She carefully draws protection symbols as Karen tries to relax. Then she translates the spell into phonetic words and hands it to Karen. "I'll be back it 15 minutes." She takes her athane and seals the circle, then goes out. Karen reads through the spell several times. "A spell that will control my weight, no matter what I eat." She meditates as Milana had taught her, but only for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she begins the spell. She finishes the spell and feels foolish. "How can some funny words help? I eat like a horse and I'm just going to keep packing on weight as long as there's food." She looks startled as a warm wind seems to blow through her. Milana returns a few minutes later and opens the circle. She puts everything away and they replace the carpet and table before exchanging a word. "So?" Karen shrugs. "I did the spell as you wrote it." She pats her plump tummy. "How long does it take to happen?" Milana laughs. "Spells like that don't happen instantly. You'll probably lose a pound or two a day though." She glances at the window as if she heard something. "Any faster might draw attention." She takes the book and puts it in her back pack. "I'm going to take this to Lachar." She leaves before Karen can say a word. Karen wonders what other spells could make this book so valuable, but decides she doesn't want to know. She feels tired and decides to head for bed, even though she loves watching the late movie when she doesn't have to work the next day. She changes into her sleepware and is asleep as soon as her head touches the pillow. Normally she doesn't know that she dreams, but tonight she does. She's lost in a dark woods and starving. Her legs feel tired but she keeps walking. The gently wind brings the scent of food. She stumbles into the side of a cabin, finds the door and falls inside. She gets up and looks around. There's no one inside and she begins searching the cabinets and refrigerator. There's not as much as she hoped, but she eats while emptying everything onto the table. She eats as if her throat isn't connected to her stomach. It feels like almost none of what she swallows is real. She eats everything she finds, but it only gets her from starving, to just hungry. She goes over to the cabin's bedroom and collapses onto the bed. She sleeps deeply, then begins dreaming she's starving once more. She gets up, stumbling as if she's forgotten how to walk, and goes into the kitchen. There's a smell of delicious baking coming from the oven. She opens it and sees dozens of assorted donuts. She moves the tray to the table and when she turns back, the oven is full again. After she moves the fourth tray to the table, she can't resist and begins eating as rapidly as she can. She opens the refrigerator and finds several gallons of whole milk. Popping the top off one, she gulps down half the contents before she carries all of them back to the table. She eats the donuts without even chewing, pouring the milk down her throat to help wash the warm pastries into her. But most of the food still fails to reach her stomach. She finishes the five dozen donuts and equal gallons of milk, then lays down on the cabin floor and sleeps. In her sleep, the sun shining through the window wakes her. She clumsily gets up and looks at the piles of super vegetable, cheese subs and quart sized cokes from the mall sub shop. She almost falls as her legs seem to trip over themselves and sits uncomfortably on the chair. Her hunger makes her forget this as she voraciously attacks the subs. One by one she eats them and drinks the cokes without feeling them reach her stomach. She gulps down the last coke and falls over as both her feet trip over something. She curls up and sleeps. In her dream, the sun rushes to the horizon and the sky explodes in a kaleidoscope of colors. She sniffs the evening breeze and smells the Spaghetti Realm from the mall. She gets up and feels as if she's crawling and walking at the same time. She gets to the table stares hungrily at the platter of pasta with cheese and tomato sauce and several loaves of thick buttered garlic bread that could easily feed a party of twelve. The pitchers of dark beer only excite her taste buds. She takes a large serving fork and begins shoveling it between her lips. She tips a pitcher of beer and gulps half of it without thinking. The pile and beer seems to disappear while barely affecting her. As she finishes it, a bowl of mints catches her attention and she swallows them whole in a few gulps. The sun sets and moon glow barely lights the room as she lays down. She tries to get comfortable, but her legs seem to bend wrong. Her rump wiggles somehow and her dream fades. Her nose twitches and she raises her head as the aroma of pastries excites her senses. She gets up, then feels like she's sitting on the floor as she begins gorging on the cakes and boxes of icecream. Every flavor she can imagine is before her and she enjoys them more then she can remember. Cake after cake and box after box disappear down her throat. She doesn't feel as starved as she first did, but still her hunger drives her hands and mouth. She finishes all the cakes and gulps down the final box of chocolate fudge. Smiling, she lays down, feeling her legs get comfortable, but still feel strange. She watches the stars move outside with almost dizzying speed. The sky lighten as dawn arrives. The smell of pancakes and maple syrup gets her head up and she shoves her torso upright then gets her legs to hold her up as she looks at the platters of pancakes, drenched in real butter and flooded with syrup. She uses a spatula to pick up a thick pancake and swallows it in a couple of bites. Smacking her lips, she eats with gusto, washing every few down with a quart sized mug of eggnog. She pours the last mug down her throat, not even having to swallow and lies down. She still feels funny, but not longer uncomfortable. The sun light moves through the room, then leaves as the sun reaches zenith. She gets up and looks at the piles of brownies, pies, cookies and cakes. Smiling, she remembers that there's a high school bake sale on Sunday. "Since this is a dream, I can really let myself go." She reaches down to loosen her belt, then realizes her doesn't have any jeans on. "Oh well," She grabs a rich, frosted brownie and swallows it in two bites. She alternates her eating between everything before her. There's dozens of thick root beer floats and they help her keep eating. Her stomach finally feels more of her 'meal', but as she guzzles the last rich float, she still is a bit hungry. She lies down and pats her stomach, but feels like she's only touching her chest below her medium sized breasts. Shrugging, she moves her legs, wondering why there seems to be extra ones. She feels the breeze shift as the afternoon passes and the sun starts to set. The aroma of pizza makes her jerk up and almost knock the table over. She looks at the dozen large cheese pizzas and pitches of coke. "Mmmm This is the type of dream I like." She turns one pizza on top of another and eats them like a huge sandwich. Bite after large bite she works her way though them, pouring entire pitchers down her wide open throat with out having to swallow. She finishes the last of the pizza, then picks up a pitcher in each hand and pours them down in quick succession. With a long burp, she lies down, reaches past where her rump used to be and pats her finally satisfied belly. Not even wondering about this, she slips into a dreamless sleep. Milana comes home late Sunday night. She steps in and turns on the living room lights. The sound from the kitchen grabs her attention. She opens the door, switches on the light and stares in shock at the sleeping form on the floor. Her instincts tell her it's Karen and she calms down. Kneeling down beside her, Milana nudges her gently. "Karen, wake up." Karen's eyes open and close a few times then she looks at her room mate and smiles. "You came home early?" She starts to get up, but Milana gently holds her down. Milana smiles, but there's concern in her eyes. "It's Sunday night. Tell me what you've been doing since I left?" Karen's eyes go wide. "It can't be. I went to sleep a little after you left." She pauses for a moment. "Had some strange dreams about eating. But I couldn't have slept all weekend." Milana nods. "Something in the spell caused this." She locks her eyes with Karen's "Did you speak the spell correctly?" Karen thinks a bit. "I meditated, then said the spell." Her eyes go wide as she remembers. After I did the spell, I thought how could it help me with my eating like a horse." She moves a hand so she can see it. "It didn't turn me into one." Milana tries to smile, but she's close to crying. "I shouldn't have let you use the tome. Lachar and his friends have been studying them. The spells are very powerful, but must be used correctly." She gets to her feet and steps back. Karen shifts and stands, then realizes there's something different. She turns her head slowly until she sees the skinny body of a draft pony behind her. The dreams come rushing back and she realizes she has been gorging to give her body the mass and energy to transform into a centaur. She looks at Milana, "I guess I can now eat like a horse and not worry." Milana smiles, hoping Karen is being truthful. "One of Lachar's friends is a mage. He cares for large animals. Horses, cows usually. But he has taken care of ones who have transformed." She grabs the phone and dials. Karen takes a few steps and is surprised her body seems to know how to move all four legs. She bumps into the wall and the table a few times while Milana explains what's happened. Milana hangs up the phone. "He'll be here as soon as he can." She pauses, trying to find the right words. "Right now the best thing you can do is move there. He has a room set up for 'taurs. With his knowledge of magic, he'll be able to help, and won't tell others what happened to you." Karen finally realizes that Milana has been crying. "I take it there's something you haven't said." Milana nods. "There's a group Lachar is with that have the tomes. We're going to go into hiding until we can learn enough spells. If the high wizards learn the existence of those tomes, well they'd take us somewhere." Karen nods. "Should I get packed? Looks like we're both moving out soon." Milana nods. "Good thing we aren't pack rats. You should just load the dressers with your things." She heads into Karen's room. Karen follows and has to ease herself through the doorway. "I guess I couldn't stay here if I wanted to." They work on packing as much of karen's things into the dresser, then pack the rest in a couple of garbage bags. While they're working on Milana's things, a knock at the door makes them both jump. Milana cautiously opens the door, ushers a man in his upper twenties in, then locks the door. She smiles as he looks at Karen with a interested smile. "Karen, this is Jack." Jack is studying her as she eases out of the bedroom. "Milana told me everything." He slowly walks around her, occasionally patting her equine body. "I hope you know that you're too thin for your new build." Karen nods. "I guess it doesn't bother me, especially now that Milana has to go. I don't know how I can hope to pay you..." Jack shakes his head. "I owe Luchar and to help one like you intrigues me more than you can imagine. The few who have chosen to transform keep to themselves. I met one a year ago but just as a friend of a friend." Milana nudges him. "We have her things all ready." She grabs one of the bags and, after checking to see if it's clear outside, takes it to his pickup. Karen glances out and walks to the trailer. She opens the door, goes in and manages to turn around. She helps by stacking the dresser drawers beside her as they bring her things out. It doesn't take long before everything is ready. Milana promises to stop by before she leaves, then goes back into their apartment. Jack smiles, "I'll take it easy. Just keep your legs lose." He secures the door and she works herself around until she can look out a front window. The drive to his medical place gives her little time to think. He backs the trailer up to a wide sliding door and opens both before she's able to turn around. "There's no one here except a couple of horses." Jack takes one of the drawers and leads her inside. "Care if we talk about this while we get your things inside?" For some reason, Karen feels safe telling him. By the time they're moved her things into a large room that might have once been part of a stable, she tells him about the spell and her dreams. He smiles. "The spell does much more than Milana thought. You miscast the spell so it will adapt your body. You can eat like a horse, or centaur so to speak." He strokes her equine body. "I said this build needs to put on weight." She nods, almost allowing a smile to form. "I guess there's no way to change me back?" Jack's expression drops. "Even if I had the spell and the tomes. That magick is so ancient that to attempt to undo it could make things worse." Karen lets half a smile show. "I should still feel stuffed after all I ate." She follows him through the double doors that lead into a inner room he obviously uses for preparing food for the animals he takes care of. Almost expecting him to open a bag of feed, she's pleasantly surprised when he puts a large tray of small brownies on the table. "I didn't have time to prepare anything more." Almost embarrassed, he pulls up a half empty bag of feed cubes. "My magic does allow me to heal, and change foods to some extent." Karen smiles, "Since my not believing in the spell has given me the need to pack on some weight." She starts eating, barely taking time to taste the bite sized treats. Jack watches the way she swallows them whole. He changes the rest of the fifty pound bag into brownies, then gets a five gallon pail of milk supplement. He goes into the kitchen and returns with the largest mug he can find. She smiles as he fills it. "So what do I do after I get my weight up?" She returns to her meal and doesn't see the expression he tries to conceal. Jack watches her eat and drink. "I guess I could have you help me take care of the animals." He starts to get a second bag, but stops when she motions no. "I've always wanted to eat like this." She blushes deeply. "I guess since I have to trust you, and you can make food..." She pauses. "What I mean to say is, it's going to take me a while." Jack nods and tries not to yawn. "I know you've had plenty of sleep." She comes around the table as he starts to go into his connected house. "I'll be fine. I do need to get my room set up. Umm I hope I can really help you." Jack smiles, "Don't worry. I don't tell many, but my father set this place up for me. He travels all over and knew this is where I could find my true path." He pats her shoulder, then goes into the house. Karen wonders about this as she drains the last mug of milk. She goes into her 'room and begins making it more homelike. Within a few hours, the dressers are set and drawers back in place. Her stomach growls and she goes back into the feed room. "I guess since I am part horse." She looks at the bags of food, wondering what it will taste best. "I just hope eating in my sleep didn't stretch my stomach out too much." She easily picks up a fifty pound bag of sweet feed. "I guess this looks best." She reaches in and comes out with a handful. Sniffing it, she tries nibbling, but swallows too fast to really taste much. By the time she slows, the bag is half empty. A sound from inside catches her attention and she shoves the bag out of the way. Jack enters. "A few hours sleep, I should be good for the rest of the day." He fills the empty tray with feed cubes and looks at her. "So what sounds good for breakfast?" Karen looks at him, glad she didn't finish the bag of feed. "I'll leave that up to you." She turns around slowly. "I've always worried about gaining weight..." Jack tries not to stare, but can't help it. He places his hands on the food, a glow flows from his hands and covers the feed, then withdraws, leaving an assortment of rolls, donuts and pastries. "Well if you ever hunger for something." He gets another five gallon pail for milk supplement and keeps her mug full while she eats. For the first few rolls, she's worried her 'meal' will be revealed to him. But the delicious flavors rekindles her appetite and she eats with the same voracity she had last night. When she finishes, she catches a glimpse of Jack looking at her in a way that makes her wonder if there's a deeper reason he's helping her. When she's finished, He shows her the equine patients. "I could heal them quickly, but using my magic to help them heal themselves will make them healthier in the long term. " During the morning he explains how his hospital works. They work out things she can do to help. Her working as a store clerk becomes useful since his bookkeeping leaves everything to be desired. By the time they stop for lunch, Karen can't believe how hungry she is. Jack uses the contents from a bag of feed and makes an assortment of foods that encourage her to eat, even when her stomach quits growling. "Glad you like my 'cooking'." He grins as she steps back. "Don't worry about how much you ate. Remember that you now need to eat much more to maintain a healthy weight, and you're much too thin as you are." Karen smiles. "With foods like this, I might end up overweight like I was as a human." Jack shakes his head. "The way you reworded the spell, Your body will adapt so you'll be healthy no matter how fat you get." He shivers slightly about this but doesn't know why. Karen tips her head and her long hair flows. "Well I'll need some new clothes." She smiles as he steps back in surprise. "Don't worry about that." He stutters, trying to continue. Karen smiles, "I guess I could order from catalogs." She walks around the table. "So what else do you do here." She blushes, "I mean..." Jack laughs. "I guess I spend too much time taking care of my patients and reading. In the afternoon I go out and take care of patients that don't need to be here." He smiles, "What do you like doing?" She thinks for a moment. "Well I guess reading, watching TV.." She looks into her room. "Maybe we could decorate my room?" Jack nods and follows her in. "Sorry there's only one window." He looks around, not sure what to say. "Well I'll be back in a few hours." He goes out and she hears his truck drive away. Karen digs into one of the bags and pulls out a stack of magazines. She looks though some Home Beautiful and begin working on ideas. She finishes the bag of feed she started last night as she reads and designs. By supper time, she's redesigned her room and made a list of things she'd like him to buy. Jack returns, washes up, then joins her. "Looks great," he looks at the list and nods. "Why don't I go and get what we'll need." Before she can answer, he half runs out and drives off. Karen watches him drive into the dusk and sits down on her haunches. She thinks over her situation. 'It's my appetite that got me into this situation. Since magic will keep me healthy, no matter what I get up to, I might as well enjoy myself.' She thinks about Jack. 'He is friendly, although there's something he's not saying.' She ponders this as she turns on her TV and finds something to watch. It's almost nine when Jack returns. "I think I got enough to keep us busy a few days." He hands things to her and they quickly unload the truck. He looks outside and realizes how late it is. "Want to have supper or just eat as we work?" Before she can answer, he goes into the other room. He comes back with a feed bag and begins preparing a delicious smelling dinner while she sorts through what he brought. Jack concentrates on making the food nutritious, but can't help the excitement building that he felt while watching her eat earlier. He increases the caloric content of everything, except what he's going to eat. Once he has the food ready, she eats while he nibbles and begins unboxing things. By the time she's finished almost fifty pounds of food and several gallons of milk, he's got the tapestries hung and is working on installing a lighted ceiling fan. She looks around and smiles. "I never thought I'd have a place this fancy. I guess I didn't want to think too far ahead." Jack gives her a reassuring smile. "I think you let yourself fall into the trap many do. That they're stuck where they are." He tries to get his thoughts together. "Well I have thought of getting an assistant, and you're better with bookkeeping than me." Karen laughs. "I just hope I don't eat you out of house and home." Something in the back of Jack's mind makes him grin. "Don't worry about it. I can write it off as some thing or other." He finishes the fan and turns it on. Karen looks around and realizes the only thing missing is a bed. "I guess my kind sleeps on the floor, or maybe straw." Jack smiles and goes back outside. He comes back with a thick mattress. "There's three more of these," he says as she helps him and they decide where to put it. When they get her bed set up and blankets spread out, he drops down on it and lets out a long breath. "Well that should be enough for one day." Karen slowly lays her equine body down and looks at him, wondering why he's doing this, then decides things were worse last week. "Want to watch a movie or something?" As he gets into a comfortable position, she surfs through the channels and finds a comedy for them. At the first commercial, he fixes them a snack, keeping some of her's out of sight so she doesn't realize how much she's eating. ----------------------------------- By the end of the first week, she's still thin, but not so much she looks starved. She's gotten his files and books in a workable order while he's taken care of the animals. Jack feels half guilty and half excited as he's watched her eat and gain condition. He's made a couple of magical candy bowls. When ever she takes some, they refill from a bin he makes sure always has plenty. Her meals are about the same as when she arrived, but he experiments with improving the calories of each dish. ----------------------------------------- The second week goes smoothly. Karen has the files all organized. She finds more time to relax and read the books he has. She studies the two dealing with centaurs and others people have metamorphed into. Her appetite has never dropped, partly because she's decided to eat all she want but mostly because Jack's magic allows him to create foods from all over the world. Even the candy is different every few days. Jack spends the evenings with her, watching TV. talking about his patients, the books she reads and what ever comes to their minds. He sets up one of his computers so they can play games from his collection. As she's reached about 500, which is what she should weigh, he wonders if her appetite will slow. "So you're happy with the meals I've made." He tries not to jerk as he realizes what he just said. Karen keeps working the computer game. "How can I complain. You keep coming up with different foods." One hand pats her equine body. "And with this build, I'll be able to carry a lot and not be slowed down." Jack gasps and has to take several drinks before his mouth is wet enough to talk. "You might have miscast the spell, but I think you're going to enjoy it more this way. Karen laughs as she shoots down his last fighter on the game. "It's a lot better than I had before." She eats the last slice of a extra large, double cheese pizza and washes it down with a liter of coke. "So what's next?" Jack shrugs. "Well desert I guess." He cringes when he realizes she was talking about games. Karen laughs. "Got a gallon of double chocolate? Then I can beat you in Dragon Wars." Relieved, he goes and quickly returns with a tub of icecream and large serving spoon. By the time they reach the third level, all of the rich desert is in her hungry belly. Later that night, as Karen snuggles under her blanket and drifts toward sleep, she wonders how fat she might get. "I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I've got a body built to carry weight" Smiling she falls asleep. Jack tosses and turns, knowing Karen will get fatter every day. He knows he could make normal foods, but inside he wants to see more of her. Somehow he falls asleep. ------------------------------------ Jack has slept fitfully. Finally he gets up and flips though the cook books. "I shouldn't be doing this," he argues with himself. "I know that spell will keep her healthy no matter how obese she gets. But she put on about two hundred pounds in two weeks without trying." He closes the book and struggles to meditate. He finally succeeds and relaxes into sleep. Karen wakes and stretches. "I guess seeing if I can out eat his magic isn't likely." She gets up and looks back at her equine body. "But I've got the built to try." She smiles and fakes a waddle into the 'kitchen'. She looks at the bags of feed, alfalfa hay and 5 gallon buckets of milk supplements. The sound of Jack grabs her attention. She gets out the plates and mugs. "So what's for breakfast?" Jack smiles, as she puts one of the feed bags on the table. "I hope I can keep your appetite happy." He opens the bag, pours some on a platter and begins forming thick waffles. He alters some of the milk supplement into a cream/honey mixture. While she chows down on them, he fills their mugs with hot coco, her's is almost cream. Karen smiles and eats with out talking much. Jack keeps her platter well stocked, not letting her run out. He finishes the fifty pounds from the bag and changes about 10 pound from the next before she stops. "Mmmmm now that's what I call a breakfast." She reaches back and pats her round barrel. Jack smiles at her appearance. Draft ponies are full bodied when in good flesh and she's just reached that weight. He almost shivers in excitement as he starts to imagine what her appetite is going to do. They check out the horse patients. Jack goes into the stalls and uses his magic to help their healing. He draws on their mass to power his magic. 'I know they're eating more while here, and a bit more since I need energy to make food for Karen.' While he's been working, Karen has gone into the office area and does the small amount of daily paper work. "He had this in a mess, and now it doesn't even take an hour to get everything done." She picks up one of the large candy dishes and gulps down several pounds before putting it down. "Forgot desert." She smiles and licks her lips as the candies melt down her large throat. "What's surprising is I seem to be swallowing without chewing." She looks through one of his books on anatomy of creatures like herself. Jack enters and looks over her shoulder, accidently brushing her widened back. "So you reading up on yourself?" Karen smiles to herself as she feels his hand slowly run over her back, then he pulls it away as he realizes what he's doing. "Well none were changed the way I was." She shifts her stance, causing her equine body to nudge against him. "And since I messed up the spell, I'm going to enjoy." She puts the book back and walks happily into the kitchen. Jack tries to get close enough he doesn't watch her rump moving. He manages to get in and picks up a bag of feed before she can turn around and see what her words and motion have done to him. He smiles and begins preparing an assortment of foods. Making sure she has enough healthy food is easy with his knowledge. He smiles as he makes dishes guaranteed to add pounds to her form and inches to her girth. He watches her swallowing almost as fast as he prepares the entrees. 'Maybe I should be thinking adding feet to her girth.' He tries to concentrate on the foods he's preparing as part of him shows how much he desires her, except the table prevents her from seeing. Karen is in an ecstacy she could never imagine a month ago. Every mouthful makes her swallow so she can have more. By the time she's full, she can almost feel the weight in her swollen belly. "If you ever got bored with being a vet, you could be a top line chef." Jack smiles as he gets the bags out of sight before she realizes how much she ate. "Cooking for you is going to be a test of my skills. The question is who gives up first." He blushes because he said what was deep in his mind. Karen smiles. "Mmmmm sounds like a challenge I can really get into... or get it into me." She laughs and goes into her room. She lies down and is soon asleep. Jack smiles and cleans up. He checks on his patients, helping their healing and recharging himself. "At this rate, She'll double her weight in a month." He smiles as he visualizes her growing rounder and rounder, then opens his eyes wide as he thinks of her heavy belly resting on the ground when she's standing. "I can't let her eat until she can't move." His mind agrees, but something inside him glows as he imagines more of her. He leaves for his afternoon appointments. He manages to keep his mind on his patients, until he gets home. Karen rests for an hour or so, then gets up plays a couple of computer games. She snacks from a platter of foods, richer than she would guess. When she hears Jack drive in, she gets up and greets him at the door. "How did it go?" She smiles. Jack smiles. "Nothing I couldn't handle." He smiles and leads her into the kitchen. "Got a few ideas you might like." He starts changing the feed cubes into some fancy pasta dishes. Karen inhales the aromas and begins eating while he's still making more dishes. ------------------------------ Over the next week, Jack keeps experimenting with menus to keep her appetite keen, but she's enjoying the food so much he could be making everyday foods. She's well over 600 pounds and definitely plump. Her barrel is rounding out, her rump has rounded up and out. Her humanoid portion is as plump as she was before the spell. Jack is having more trouble not letting her growing fullness affect him beyond his control. He's fixing another feast for her as she looks through a catalog of clothes. "Find anything?" He grins as she sees the food spread out and gets to her feet, her plump belly rolling slightly and her fur jiggling slightly. "A few that look good." She adjusts her blouse. "Better get some of those loose ideas, or maybe oversized T-shirts and stylized sweatshirt." Jack nods, his mind imagining the buttons popping off her present blouse while she eats. He talks about the weather while he eats his moderate meal. "Fall seems to be taking it's time, but some of my friends think this winter will be nasty." She swallows a large mouthful and looks out the window. "Anything I can do?" She resumes eating while he thinks. Jack tries to come up with things she can do. "I think sweatshirt would be best. He moves so he can see her equine back. "You haven't started growing in your winter coat yet." Karen grins. "It's starting." She reaches back and strokes her rich fur. "Also I'm working on some extra insulation." She pats her round barrel and her flesh jiggles. Jack's eyes almost bounce out of their sockets, before he catches himself. "That spell seems to have been one that was very adaptable. I can't tell much yet, but I think your skeleton is adapting." Karen chows down on the walnut honey bread then swallows and washes it down with some eggnog. "Well I hope I don't get too heavy to move." She finishes the loaf and refills her mug as he works on desert. As she says this, Jack can't resist making a dozen chocolate cheesecakes. He smiles, trying not to reveal his excitement as she begins on the first. "Mmmmm I never thought I could eat this without worrying about my waist." She giggles and eats several without stopping, or taking time to chew. Jack smiles. "Well enjoy then. I've never had some one who loves my 'cooking' so much." He shifts in his chair, trying to relieve the pressure somehow. Karen grins and licks the chocolate off her lips. "I better get those clothes ordered tonight." She giggles and attacks the remaining cakes. When she finishes, she gets her hind legs in position and forces her plump rump and growing belly up. "Ready for some games? Jack starts to stand, then realizes she's talking computer types. "Sure, you warm one up and I'll clean up here." He keeps the table between them until she's in her room. He cleans up, regaining control of himself, then goes into her room. For several hours, they play games, watch TV and talk over events on the news. Jack gets up, "Well I need to keep to a schedule, but you can stay up." He turns before she can answer and leaves. Karen reaches over to her snack platter and finishes it while she thinks. 'Jack seems fascinated by me. He said it's because he can cook and has me to eat it all.' She strokes her rounding equine belly. "Well if that spell I goofed up is keeping me healthy..." She takes the tray and gulps down the couple of pounds of snacks, then turns off the lights and goes to sleep. Out of curiosity, she starts weighing herself on the livestock scale. She only does it when he's out making his rounds. She gets on and watches the display stop at 640. Some how she's impressed and starts her diary. 'It's been three weeks since I case the spell. A week ago I weighed what one of my build should, about 500 pounds. Now I'm up to 640. If I eat all I can hold to make Jack happy with his cooking, I'll be gaining as much in a day as I gained all last year.' She hides the diary and nibbles on snacks while she reads and waits for Jack to come home. During the next week, she increases her stomach's capacity. Jack seems to get more excited the more she eats. ------------------ Karen has stuck to her plan of eating. Every meal she cleans up everything Jack makes. Her body continues to fill out with fat and her winter coat shows more. Jack struggles to keep his desires under control as he daily brushes her fur, helping her winter coat shine. He rests his hands on her softening back. "You're the healthiest centaur I've ever known." He steps back, turns around quickly and looks out the window. "Maybe it's the oncoming winter that worries me. Too many horse owners keep their equine friends thin." Karen smiles, "Well maybe fattening me up will make you feel better." She tips her head sideways, wondering why he suddenly tensed up. He turns his head and smiles. "Are you sure you want me to keep feeding you all the time?" He some how manages to keep his professional interest in control. Karen grins, her plump cheeks jiggle as she laughs. "Well I've got the body for all you can make. You experiment with various recipes all you want and I'll tell you what I think." Her stomach rumbles and she grins. "I think it's lunch time." Jack turns quickly and is working on the remains of the feed bag left from breakfast. "So anything you want?" He fixes a platter of honey rolls. He gets a pail of milk supplement and changes it into rich milk. Karen sits down and her haunches billow. "Well," she eats a few. "I do seem to find those cheese balls rather tasty." She drains her mug and resumes eating the rolls. Jack gets another bag of feed and happily works on molding and reforming the contents into what she desires. He smiles as she eats everything he makes, sometimes catching up with him. Karen smiles dreamily as the warmth of her full belly spreads throughout her. She takes her time with the tasty cup cakes he makes for desert. "I think I'm going to be nice and warm this winter." She plays with the colorful sweatshirt that arrived yesterday. "Good thing I ordered a couple sizes bigger." Jack smiles broadly, half because he's finally able to cook for some one and also because he sees more in her as her body grows rounder and fuller. Before she notices his excitement, he turns. "Well I better do my rounds." He heads outside, a chilly wind blows though and he shuts the door. Karen waits for him to drive off, then walks to the scale. She steps up and watches the indicator. With a smile she goes back into her room and writes in her diary. 'Well I'm over 780, 22 pounds since yesterday.' She strokes the flesh covering her plump foreshoulder. 'Some how it's exciting. All though high school I never planned what I was going to do after I graduated. Then I had that dead end job. I knew Melana was going to marry." She smiles and gives a loud burp. 'So messing up that spell might have been better than doing it right.' She looks around her room and smiles. 'If making Jack happy means living like this.' She looks at her plump body. 'I can really enjoy it.' She hides her diary, then takes a nap. That evening Jack returns with a new book on food. He only lets her get a glimpse of it. "Got some new ideas in here. But you'll have to wait until I make them." Karen grins. "Want me to wait until you're ready?" She giggles and picks up a book she had been reading. Jack enters the kitchen and gets started. He concentrates on the feast he's preparing and not what he needs to talk with her about. It takes almost half an hour and he's really feeling the drain of his magick. Karen comes in when he calls and stops as she sees the wondrous feast spread out on the table. "Is this a celebration?" Jack smiles as she gets up to the table and sits back on her jiggling haunches. "Just eat up, I want to check on the patients." He goes to the stalls trying not to appear tired. Karen wonders what's up, but the fragrances pull her attention back to the table. She tries to eat slowly, but her appetite drives her to gorge. She empties several platters of appetizers, and almost all the main dishes. Jack stumbles into the stable area and thinks which horse is in the best shape. He enters a stall with a heavy hunter whose leg is mending. Making calming sounds, he runs his hands over and around the sturdy body, drawing energy from it's fat. He pours some special feed into her feed bin. "Tomorrow I won't have to be doing this to any of you." He check the others. Only one other has extra flesh, but not much. Sighing as his body uses that energy to recover, he returns to Karen. Karen looks up and smiles at his shock she's almost finished. So how are they?" She asks, then drains her large mug before refilling it. Jack pauses as he's making a rick date pudding for desert. He finishes and sits down. "Do you know how magick works? When she shrugs, he nods. "Well it takes energy to cast spell. When I heal, I draw energy from my patient, or another animal. Since I help the animal heal it's self, it doesn't take much." He smiles as she takes a serving spoon and begins shoveling in the heavy pudding. "Changing foods... well I've been feeding my patients so they have some extra energy. But it's been getting harder. Karen swallows and stops. "Are you saying this is the last feast?" Jack finally smiles and shakes his head. "For the last year or so I know that I needed one to draw energy from." He shakes his head at her expression. "It's very hard to draw energy from an intelligent being. I've been keeping my eyes open for a draft mare. Finally found one." Karen grins and resumes eating. "I've never seen a draft horse. Guess I've lived in the city too much." Jack smiles. "Not too many use horses to farm any more. But some breed them for work or shows. And Magick users like me have found them excellent. They're bringing her tomorrow morning." Karen nods with a pudding smeared smile. She wipes her mouth, then drains her mug. "Anything I can do to help?" Jack gets up. "I need to do some work in the stables." He heads into the stables and Karen follows him. Jack looks over the empty stalls and decides on two halfway back. "I'm going to remove the divider between these two. Since she'll be staying, I want her comfortable.." He begins working as Karen watches. It doesn't take him long since the stable was built for this. Once he's got the panels stored away, he goes inside to wash up while Karen warms up a computer game. Later that night, Karen lies awake, one hand stroking her large abdomen as her stomach digests the feast and snacks she's been eating all eve. 'If he's getting this horse so he can keep feeding me, he must truly enjoy watching me eat.' She closes her eyes and tries to think of anything else she can do to show her appreciation. The next morning, Karen wakes as the sound of a heavy truck drives up. She gets to her feet and tosses on a fresh shirt before going out to the stable. Jack and one other man are getting a ramp folded down from the back of the enclosed truck. "I'm sure thankful Joe told me about you and Suzie Q." Jack says as they secure the ramp. Joe grins. "She's more a throwback then I was hoping to breed. Never had a mare that put on weight like her." He opens the door and the head of a large horse looks out of the darkness. Joe takes the lead cord. "Come on out girl." As she steps onto the ramp, the truck shifts slightly and she runs down the ramp and stops. Suzie Q makes any of the horses in the stable look like ponies. Not so much with her 70" at the back, but the distance between her powerful legs. As she looks around, the ripples of her white fur show that she does have a layer of fat. Joe smiles as Jack writes him a check. "Might try to breed a sister, now that I understand how magicks like you work." He shakes Jack's hand once they secure the ramp. Jack closes the doors as the truck drives away. Suzie Q has spotted Karen and walks over to her. Karen stares at a horse huger than she had dreamed existed, but some how she's not afraid. "So this is a draft horse" She reaches out and strokes the mare's nose. Jack closes his eyes and strokes his hands over the large mare's well rounded abdomen. After several minutes he smiles. "Joe was right about her putting on weight." He leads her into the stall and fills her feed bin. "Now you get comfortable my big girl." He strokes her thick neck before leaving. Karen watches the mare eat for several minutes. "She is a big mare." Jack smiles, "Well once she gets some real flesh on her...." He pauses as Karen stares at him. Karen tries to figure things out, then shrugs, her loose shirt showing her round breasts and plumpness. "So she'll provide you with all the energy you'll need?" Jack nods, "She'll need to put on a good bit of fat. But I won't have to draw on my patients." He smiles as he watches Suzie Q eat, then leads me back into the kitchen. -------------------------------------------- For the rest of the week, Karen gets used to Suzie Q. Often when Jack's away, she talks with her. The mare treats her like another horse in their friendly way. She eats what ever Jack prepares for her and doesn't worry. She orders more sweatshirt and finds a place that will make custom clothes. After Jack leaves for his afternoon rounds, Karen waddles into the stable and steps onto the scale. She looks at Suzie Q and smiles. "I was worried that once he got you, he'd be asking me to leave." She pats her rotund human belly. "Twenty five pounds in one day." Looking at the huge mare, she can't tell for sure, but expects she's also gaining weight. Karen strokes the mare's round barrel. "I wonder how the spell will help me if I keep growing." She waddles back to her room and writes in her diary. 'I can only hope Jack cares more for me than some one to practice his cooking on. I've gained 25 pounds in the last day. Weight 940.' She looks at the number, barely thinking that she weighs that much. 'Another couple of days I'll be half a ton. Well with the delicious meals he loves making, I might eventually weigh a ton.' She thinks of Suzie Q but doesn't realize the large mare is only 2,200 pounds. Jack returns from his rounds and greets Karen. "So anything happen of interest?" After she tells him everything is fine, he then goes to Suzie Q and recharges. Karen gets some feed ready for him, sits down and reads while she waits. Jack comes in smiling. "Now what would you like for supper?" When she just grins he begins changing the feed into her first course of an sumptuous italian feast. Karen smiles and starts gorging on the fettacchini alfredo, garlic bread with cheese spread and vegetarian lasagna as soon he makes them. Jack has a portion for himself, but eats very slowly so he can watch her. When she's full, he shows her two gallons of chocolate ice cream, which she eats with pleasure. Karen smiles as she licks her lips clean. "Mmmm I think you're getting better." She works getting her hind legs in position and shoves her fat haunches off the floor. "Ready for game time?" Jack smiles, "This time I'll get to the fourth level." He watches her waddle into her room and his pants grow uncomfortably tight. By the time he's cleaned up the table from dinner, he's back under control. ----------------------------- Day by day Jack experiments with different recipes and menus. Karen eats everything, enjoying food like she's never dreamed possible. Even though she weighs herself daily, and she slowly increase how fast she's fattening she doesn't connect it with how ponderous she's getting. She passed the half ton mark with only a smile and keeps gorging on the feasts. Her activities are minor and this help reduce her metabolism. Jack watches Karen eat and fatten. He want's to tell her how he feels, but keeps imagining a horse sized centaur. He knows that she's fatter than any he could hope for, but has never been able to say what he feels. Karen looks over her diary. She moves her fleshy arms and relaxes. 'Well put on 30 pounds today.' She remembers the lunch now weighing heavily in her growing belly and burps. 'Up to 1240 pounds and still going.' She smiles in pride. 'Suzie q is up to 2300 pounds. Maybe I'll catch up with her.' She reads that twice. The numbers tell her it's possible, but she just doesn't realize that she's gained that much. 'Jack is making more delicious foods and promises a special feast tonight.' She closes her diary and waddles to his office. Her ponderous belly is more pearshape when viewed from in front. One side bumps against the door frame and she jokes to herself that she's getting clumsy. "A double door opening and I bump into it." She does the paperwork and looks through a book of centaurs. "Very few pony sized ones." She looks at them, then decides to take a nap. Jack slips in quietly and looks in at the sleeping centaur, then he goes in and draws energy from Suzie Q while she eats. "You're eating well my big girl." He pats her plushy breast. "Keep this up and you'll pack on two hundred a month." He steps back enough to see most of her. "You can easily carry 3,000 and with my help you might reach two tons." He thinks about Karen as he goes into the kitchen and quietly prepares her feast. "If she keeps gorging like this. She'll weigh a ton herself. He uses the contents of two fifty pound bags and two five gallon pails before he's finished. Looking at the feast spread before him, he feels his pants being pushed to the cloth's limits. "It's a good think I didn't enlarged myself to satisfy a full sized mare." He somehow regains control of himself. "I just sense that there is a full horse centaur mare for me." He thinks of Karen, "But after the wizard retreat, I might be able to accept that Karen is more than I could hope for. She'd be a plump one even as a full sized horse. He taps on her door. "Karen, suppertime." He grins as he hears her struggling to her hooves and walking heavily toward the door. Karen opens the door and stares in awe at the feast. "You really think I can find room for all this?" She waddles to the table, almost drooling. Jack pushes the first platter of frosted cupcakes to her. "You've never given up before." He grins as she starts eating as fast as she can get one to her mouth. He stays beside her, refilling her mug or getting other treats within her reach. Bite by bite she works through the cupcakes, then the apple, mince and plum custard pies. When Jack puts the dozens of turnovers before her, she downs each in two bites. She looks at the 4 layer cake and pauses. "Well the main feast is in me, so time for desert." Jack cuts thick slices for her and she eats each one, then washes them down with milk that is actually cream. She finishes the last slice and struggles to get her hind legs in place. She almost falls, then repositions them wider and shoves her weighty body off the floor. "Now that's a feast that I'll remember." Jack stares at her in amazement. He didn't think she'd be able to eat that much, but she stands before him, her belly swollen with fat producing foods. "Want to just relax tonight?" She nods and waddles slowly into her room while he cleans up. When he joins her, she's lying on her bed, cushions supporting her humanoid body so she can watch TV. "Anything good on?" He starts to sit on the chair, but she motions for him to join her. He comes over and leans back against the cushions. Karen smiles as he eases into her soft arm. "More feasts like that and I'll weigh a ton before Christmas." She keeps her face toward the TV but moves her eyes enough to see the impressive swell in his pants. Jack closes his eyes for a moment and meditates. Her softness against him makes this a challenge, but he finally gets himself under control. They watch an entire movie, before he gets up and brings in some snacks. Karen grins as he gets comfortable. Wondering how to get him to admit it, or if she'll just torture him, she eats, making soft contented sounds while she does. When the news comes on, she burps and pats her obese equine belly. I wonder if I'll be able to eat as much as Suzie Q someday." She smiles as she watches him grow out of the corner of her eye. Jack loses control and his zipper almost gives up, before he gets to his feet and stand so Karen can't see. "Well you might once she's not gaining weight." He half gasps because she already out eats the draft mare. He looks out the window and get's himself under control as he hears her moving. "There's a wizard retreat in a month I need to be at." I can try to make enough food for you ahead of time..." Karen grins as she puts a fat arm around his shoulders and pulls him gently into her softness. "Sounds good to me. Are you going to send the patients elsewhere?" Jack can feel his zipper move this time but he's facing the wall so doesn't try to control it. "All will be healed. You'll need to check in on Suzie Q, but you seem to get along great with her." Karen smiles. "Well," she gives a long yawn. "All this food is making me sleepy. Lets work it out later." She gives him another hug, then turns and lays down while he walks uncomfortably out and closes her door. Jack goes back to his room and finally lets his ponysized shaft out and grow to full size. He changes into his sleep wear and gets into bed. 'When she first came here I was worried how long it might take her to reach a healthy weight.' He lies there, feeling his blood pulse through his shaft and he thinks how fat she's become. 'I know she's over a thousand, but I can't risk asking her to get on the scale. I don't think she realizes how much she's gained.' He lies still, letting sleep finally relax all of him. Karen smiles as she imagines what Jack was trying to hide from her, and how long he's been attracted to her. She falls asleep, dreaming of him and food. -------------------------------- The next morning, Jack has breakfast prepared by the time she gets up. He tries to keep their conversation on the weather and news events. She allows him while she gorges on the rich breakfast. She finishes, reaches back and pats her round body. "I think I'm getting in shape for a nasty winter. Is your bedroom insulated enough." She smiles, but is laughing inside as he tries not to squirm. Jack nods, "I didn't have any trouble last year." He looks out as a blast of autumn rain rattles against a window. Karen grins as she knows he can't stand up without revealing his desires. She goes into the office and does the daily paperwork while he tends to the patients. Jack finally enters as Karen is gulping down a pound or so of candy. He backs up enough so she hears him after she's put the bowl down. "Should be able to send two of them home within a week and the others the next week." Karen nods, "What if there's an emergency while you're at this meeting?" She turns toward him and her round belly rolls after she stops. Jack takes a breath to steady himself. "There's two other vets that cover for me. I do that whenever one of them is gone." He looks at the books she has been working on. "You've gotten these in better shape than I ever could." She steps back and pats her voluminous equine belly. "Well you've gotten me in better shape too." She smiles as he struggles for something to say. When he glaces outside, she looks down and her eyes go wide as she sees how much his pants are tented, then looks back up before he notices. She thinks to herself, 'He can't be human sized there. Of course I'm not human sized either.' Jack smiles, "Your love of food has let me enjoy my love of cooking. Your size is the result of our mutual enjoyment." He blushes and tries to find an excuse to do anything. Karen grins. "Well no reason we shouldn't enjoy what we like." She waddles out of the office, her round abdomen bumping heavily into one side of the doorway as she goes through. Jack watches her go, feeling his pants straining even as he tries to restrain himself. He goes into the house and argues with himself. 'I know that I'm getting more attracted to her, the fatter she gets. If I even suggested I try to change her into a full horse centaur she'd say yes. But without knowing the complete spell who knows what might result.' He sits down and struggles to meditate. Finally he gets deep into it and relaxes. He comes out of it a few minutes before noon. He half jogs to the kitchen and begins converting feed into a well balanced lunch for her. Karen waddles in and sits down on her fat rump. "Well lets enjoy." She smiles before happily attacking the feast before her. Jack watches her and smiles in satisfaction. During his meditation, he had decided not to give in to his desires until after the wizard retreat. He watches her eat, sometimes telling her a short history about the dish, or fixing extra of those she seems to love. When the table is empty and her belly is hopefully full, He gets up. "Gotta make my rounds. Tonight I should hear when the meeting is." He heads outside, running as it's still raining. Karen grins as she could tell her eating had excited him somewhat. She weighs herself, then goes to her room and writes in her diary. 'Weight is 1270. Looks like I'm packing on 30 a day now.' She somehow feels proud. She writes about how Jack is obviously attacked to her growing body. After she finishes and hides it, she lies down for a nap. Hep food loaded digestive system and the sound of rain lulls her into a deep sleep. ----------------------------------- For the next two weeks, Jack finishes the healing of his patients. Suzie Q is steadily fattening as she reaches 2,400 pounds. Her body is built for this, but he helps her skeleton and other organs grow as she does. Karen keeps enjoying the delicious assortment of meals that Jack produces. The spell seems to keep her from realizing how obese she's getting. In two weeks she gains over 450 pounds but doesn't seem to notice, except that she's bumping into door frames all the time. She has to almost squeeze through the twin doorway to the office, but just grins because this makes Jack have to hide his excitement. After lunch, Karen waddles heavily into her room and writes in her diary. 'I've been gaining 30 pounds a day for the last two weeks. Jack keeps getting excited, but won't say anything. If it wasn't for this wizard thing of his, I'd trap him against a wall, shove my fat forebelly against him and move until his pants explode.' She laughs and her fat billows with her humor. 'Maybe he's waiting for me to weigh a ton.' She looks at that and ponders. "Am I really this fat?" She struggles to get her hind legs in place and pushes her ponderous body and obese rump off the floor. She looks down at her round breasts and hefts them. "Well I never had much here." She moves her hands down and around her fat forebelly, her eyes go wide as she moves them around and back over the thick fat of her foreshoulders and has to work her fat upper arms to reach her ponderous equine body. She waddles into the stable and looks around. Seeing how the glass door reflects, she waddles over and looks at her reflection. For a moment she insists that the reflection is distorted. Then starts to smile. Even though her skeleton is twice as wide, her equine belly hangs down past her knees and is almost spherical. Her forebelly is round and heavy, almost blocking the sight of her fat foreshoulders. "I guess I've been enjoying the food, playing with Jack's mind," She laughs, "and other parts." She waddles around, feeling her heavy belly roll and her fat billow. "If the spell makes me feel this good, Jack loves feeding me and I love the foods. I don't care how fat I get." Jack comes in late and begins working on supper. He smiles as she enters from the stables. "Got a mare near foaling, thought she was ready to, but she fooled us." Karen grins, "She'll probably wait until middle of the night when no one's looking." She sits down and digs into the first course. Jack smiles and nibbles while she eats her way through a large seven course dinner. He serves up several gallons of rich pudding for desert. "Well the retreat is next week. "Should be two days, but I'll fix up enough for three." He smiles as she shovels the richness into her mouth. Karen smiles and licks her lips. "I think I can control myself." She pats her fat humanoid belly then resumes eating, while she watches him squirming in an attempt to get comfortable. She stays seated on her ponderous haunches, while Jack finishes eating his supper and then cleans up The phone rings while he's drying his hands and he grabs it before the second ring. "Hello... Right, on my way." He hangs up and grabs his bag. "Looks like she's foaling. No Idea when I'll be back." Karen nods and forces herself up. "Well take care of her. I'll make sure Suzie Q is ok." She turn and waddles into the stable as Jack runs for his truck. Suzie Q looks up and whinnies as Karen waddles in. She nuzzles Karen then stands as Karen brushes her wide back. Karen grins, then brushes what she can of herself. "I sure hope he'll start doing this for me after that wizard thing." She finishes what she can reach, then gives the large draft mare a good brushing. After giving her a few handfuls of feed, Karen goes to her room and relaxes. The sound of Jack driving in rouses her. Looking at the clock, she clicks on the tv for the late news. She listens to Jack enter, then walk to the stalls. The local news is just ending as he comes into her room. "Mare and foal are doing fine." He half collapses in the chair. Karen switches to the news channel. Jack finally smiles at her. "One of those births that went harder for the humans than for the mare." Karen smiles as he gets up. "Well as long as it turned out ok." She gets comfortable as he leaves and snuggles up for the night. ---------------------------------- For the next week, Jack spends the morning checking his spells and other things for the retreat. In the afternoon, he does his rounds. Karen eats everything he prepares for her. Even though she doesn't try to tease him. There's many times he seems hesitant to move where she can get a look at him. ------------------------------------------------- Jack has spent all morning and afternoon preparing meals for Karen's next two days. "I hope you can control yourself." He laughs as she starts on supper. "I need to be there for sunrise, so I have to leave after supper." He sits down and eats while she tries to slow her gorging enough to chat. Karen glances outside. "When do you think winter will start?" She smiles and eats while he watches. Jack shakes his head. "A few weeks I hope. But when it hits. we'll be digging out. Winter will hit, and stay." He finishes eating and goes into his rooms. When he comes out with his gear, Karen has just finished. "Take care of yourself and Suzie Q." He watches her stand. Her evergrowing belly seem to slosh with her meal and his pants swell out before he realizes. Turning quickly, he waves and heads out into the gathering darkness. Karen watches him leave and grins. Then she goes into her room and gets her diary. 'Well he's off to the wizard meeting. I'm up to 1940 pounds. If he's gone for more than two days, I'll be over a ton.' She pats her equine belly, then looks at her breasts. 'Too bad I'm not impressive in the bust department. Well he's impressed with me anyways.' She hides her diary and watches tv for awhile. Before she goes to sleep, she checks in on Suzie Q and gives her a handful of feed before going to her room and sleep. ----------------------------------------- For the next two days, Karen nibbles all day, rather than having meals. She reads next to Suzie Q's stall, enjoying her company. The mare lays down near her and relaxes. At night, Karen watches a couple of shows, then the news. The weather reporter admits that there are signs of a hard winter, but nothing to worry about. ----------------------- The third morning, Karen nibbles through what's left, listening for Jack's truck. About noon the phone rings. She picks it up without thinking. "Hello" "Karen, it's Jack. I can't talk long. Everything's alright. I've been assigned to a group to try to track down those who your roommate went with. They all agreed that you staying with me is best. I don't think either of us would argue with them." His happiness comes over the phone. "I want you to call Mike, his number is in my file. I told him about you, he'll be glad to make food runs to the grocery club store." Karen can tell he'd like to say more. "Good luck on finding them. I hope Melana isn't in trouble." "Not in trouble," Jack replies. "But the spell are such that they can cause problems if misused. I think we've both seen the results of that." There's some voices in the background. "Gotta get going. Call you when I can." He hangs up. Karen looks at the phone. "His voice sounded excited, but there was caring when he talked about me." She waddles into the stable and brushes Suzie Q's broad back while she repeats what Jack told her. The fattening mare nuzzles Karen's fat forebelly. Then moves enough to eat from her feed bin. Karen remembers the taste of it. She giggles, "Well since most of me is equine." She waddles into the kitchen, gets a feed bag and brings it back into the stable. She fills a platter with feed cubes and snacks on them while she reads and takes care of the draft mare. She fills the platter many times and snacks during the morning and afternoon while she plays some computer games and watches tv. ----------------------------- By the end of the week, she's cleaning out three bags a day. She never sits down to a meal, but snacks constantly. 'Well no word from Jack.' She pauses and looks back at how much she's gaining a day. 'I thought without his feasts I wouldn't be gaining as fast. Maybe it's this delicious feed. I'm up to 2,170. thirty five pounds since yesterday.' She tries to look around her overfattened equine belly. 'At this rate I'm going to be dragging my self around before Christmas.' For some reason, this almost excites her. 'Suzie Q is 2,500. I have no idea what her girth is, but since my build is shorter. I must surpass hers by feet.' Closing her diary, she goes to talk to the weighty mare. Some time during the night, Jack returns. He drives up quietly and leaves his things in the truck so he can sneak in. Silently he opens the door to Karen's room and looks into the dimness. As his eyes adjust, he watches her ponderous belly slowly roll as she breathes. With each motion, his shaft pulses with blood. He feels his zipper starting to move before he decides to wait until morning. He slips into his room and falls asleep before he gets completely undressed. Karen wakes, rolls onto her fat swollen belly and struggles to her feet. She waddles into the kitchen, gets a bag of feed and goes into the stables. Suzie Q turns slowly and nuzzles Karen's ponderous body. Karen grins, "So you're impressed how much I've gained?" She pours feed into the daft mare's feed bin, then takes a handful from the bag. She eats without thinking while she watches Suzie Q eat. Jack wakes and listens. Quietly he gets up, dresses and slips into the kitchen. He eases up to the doorway of the stable and moves his head in enough to see them eating. His eyes grow wide as he watches her eating the high level feed faster than the weighty draft mare. He eases back and looks at the stacks of feed bags. 'Maybe I should just improve the feed, rather than working on those elaborate dinners.' He feels his pants growing snug and regains control before it gets out of control. "Jack!" Karen's voice brings him out of his thoughts and almost launches him to the ceiling. "When did you get back?" He turns and sees the empty sack she tossed aside. "Looks like you've been taking care of things." He smiles as she waddles toward him, "Especially yourself." He pauses, hoping she says something he can reply to. Karen grins. "Well I," her eyes shift down to the growing mound in his loose pants, "I was going to ease back eating while you were gone. I just planned to nibble on some of Suzie Q's feed." She pats her flesh bulging forebelly and watches his zipper struggling to withstand the pressure inside. She looks at Jack's face, and for once doesn't see him trying to hide it. Jack stares at more pony centauress than he hoped for a full sized horse centauress to be. He struggles to say something, but the sound of his zipper giving up says it all. As he fumbles to release his belt, She waddles up until her obese forebelly starts to surround him. His maleness is finally released and it pulses to full size, then grows almost painfully rigid within the rolls of her soft flesh. Karen grins, then her eyes grow as she feels how much of him there is. She giggles and moves so her fat rolls and jiggles around his pony sized cock. She almost purrs. "Mmmm I've been enjoying you stuffing me so full and fat with food." She giggles and slowly backs away, then goes into her room as Jack has to grab his shaft. He follows her ponderous rump. Her fat billowing and rolling makes it pulse even more. She stops and turns her humanoid body and head enough to see him. She giggles at how unbalanced he looks. She tries to swish her tail, but only manages to make her obese belly roll sensually. Jack gasps as his shaft visually pulses. He moves the swollen head between the fat masses of her rump and begins to push. Inch by inch he eases in, then backs partway out. Finally his body is gently cushioned by the twin hills of her rump. Finally he gives in to all the times he resisted and begins to pull almost all the way out, then thrust in until he bounces into her obeseness, making her entire body roll and jiggle. Karen gasps in unknown pleasure as she feels his hot rod massaging her love tunnel while he bounces into her hundreds of pounds of rump. "Mmmmm I never knew being this fat and making love could be so wonderful." She shifts her stance, making her ponderous belly roll. Her entire body is billowing as he moves stronger, crashing into her twin cushions. She hefts her moderate breasts and remembers the spell, 'I wish these would have grown more than they have.' Her thoughts flow as the magick energy of them mating surrounds and penetrates both of them. Jack's gasping for breath as he feels himself going over the edge, but not ready to stop. Finally the magick is like a flood and he spreads his arms around her mounds of rump fat and hangs on as he pumps into her soft warm depths. For many minutes he sinks into her warm softness, floating against her and within the magick they've created. Karen is in unimagined bliss. She thinks back to the few times before and all combined are pale compared to this one time. She imagines growing more and more, her breasts fattening more and more, becoming large warm orbs that roll and billow as she moves. Jack allows himself to shrink within her then walks around her, gently stroking her round rump and huge, swollen belly. His hands move up her humanoid back then gently squeeze her fat upper arm. "I don't know why I didn't give in to my desires," he looks at her warm happy eyes, "I mean our desires sooner." He hugs himself into her softness. Karen smiles and nuzzles his neck. "I knew I excited you, but, well all my life I never knew any one who cared for me beyond...." She moves her head so he can see her smile. Jack smiles and hugs her close. He starts to laugh. "All those special foods I created," He reaches around her and feels her thick rolls of fat. "And you've been doing so well on the nutritious feed." He strokes her thick rolls. "I should tell you more about the meeting." He gets his pants back on and leads her into the kitchen. "So do you want me to keep preparing feasts?" Karen smiles and licks her lips. "Well maybe just one or two things, and not more than you eat. As much as I've been eating, I don't really take time to savory the flavors." Jack grins and makes breakfast for them, then puts the mostly full bag beside her. He takes a few bites, then watches her for a moment. "The beginning of the meetings dealt with new spells, melding magick with technology. Then some of us went into a room and discussed the discovery of the ancient tomes." He half smiles when he sees her worried look. "I told them about you, since you didn't know the power in the spell, you are not at fault. They agreed my taking care of you is best." They both smile broadly about this. Throughout breakfast, and while Karen nibbles through several pounds of feed, Jack tells of the search they did over the next few days. "One of them is well versed in concealment. As long as they don't use the spells, or only the lesser ones, it will be hard to find them." Karen swallows a mouthful. "What will happen to them?" She looks at herself. "Milana only did this to help me. And it looks like it turned out for the best." She smiles at Jack, fills her mouth with feed and swallows it. Jack squirms a moment. "I doubt they will do anything to her. She seems to be following someone. Her fiance or his leader," He smiles. "We have formed teams to search for them. Each team will hunt for a couple of weeks at a time. If we keep searching, they won't be able to set up enough defenses to conceal themselves." "So when do you go?" She grins and gulps down two handfuls of feed. Jack smiles and loosens his pants as he stands. "Not for several months." Karen takes the bag, tips it into her mouth and takes several gulps. When she lowers it, Jack's maleness is swollen so much she can see the veins pulse. "I hope we can find something to keep us busy until then." Jack moves around her, massaging her fat swollen belly, then hugging her mammoth rump. "I think we're got plenty to do." His hands fondle her billowing fat. "And you'll have more to keep me busy every day." He backs up enough to get his shaft lined up and thrusts passionately into her plushy interior. He shoves all the way in, feeling her fat tunnel molding around him. He pulls almost all the way out, then crashes into her, her fat rump surging around him. He finds a rhythm that makes her entire body roll and billow heavily. Karen can't believe how wonderful he feels moving within her fat depths. "Oooooo I never dreamed it could be like this. All my flesh seems to be alive with motion." She gasps as several climaxes explode within her. "Ahhh I think my appetite is going to be improved by this. Ahhhhhh," a second wave of orgasms hits her. Jack has been thrusting so he can last, but the thought of more of her makes him want to climax. He shoves deep and can feel the head of his blood gorged shaft swell. Finally he launches his liquid love into her warmth and snuggles into her fat. Karen gasps as she feels him explode within her. She feels warmth spread throughout her entire being and imagines her breasts growing with every mating. Finally they both catch their breath and relax. Karen shows him her diary and he smiles at each day's weight gain. Jack looks at her ponderous belly as it sags and rolls. "You realize you'll soon weigh more than Suzie Q?" Karen grins. "I guess she won't mind." She eats more of the high nutrition feed while they talk about other things they can do. After lunch, they go into her room. Karen lays down with cushions to keep her humanoid portion somewhat upright Jack sits and lies back into her wide plushy forebelly. He nuzzles her breasts. "I've never been this relaxed," he sighs. "Always fascinated by centaurs, but I never could ask the few females I met about them getting plump." Karen grins and pulls him deeper into her warm softness. "Are you saying I'm plump?" Before he can reply, she grabs the feed bag, tips it up to her mouth and starts gulping the chunks down. She finishes the ten pounds that remained and smiles. "I think you'll be happy with my improved appetite." Jack grins and pokes her obeseness. "Since I'm helping it, I might have to help." While she relaxes, he levitates one of the pails of milk supplement in. Within a few minutes, he fills her halfgallon mug and hands it to her. "Let's see how you like it." She sips it cautiously, then grins and drains the mug. "Chocolate malted, Mmmm I bet it's extra rich." She lets him refill it and gulps the sweetness down. Jack smiles as he continues to refill her mug. "Glad you like it." He nuzzles his head between her breasts and listens to her gulping. As she finishes the five gallons and nods into a nap, he lets his thoughts flow and he imagines her belly so round with fat and food that her hooves only keep her from rolling over. He let's the long days at the retreat take him and he sleeps against her fleshy body. In the evening, Jack wakes with Karen massaging his shoulders. He smiles, then gets to his feet. "I better check on Suzie Q." He gets up and heads for the stable. Karen smiles as she gets her diary and follows him. While he feeds the weighty mare and recharges himself, Karen waddles onto the scale, then writes. '2,205 pounds. I weigh as much as Suzie Q did less than two months ago. With Jack finally showing his love to me, I just know my appetite will increase.' She waddles over and watches Jack. Jack gets out of his trance and smiles as he pours extra feed into Suzie Q's bin. "She won't pack it on as fast as you...." He smiles when he reads her weight. "I'm going to have to see if I can find something to help you." He refuses to explain. The rest of the day, he starts moving some things into her room and making it more comfortable for her. -------------------------------------------------- For the rest of the week, Jack works on improving Karen's room for both of them. Several times a day they make passionate love. Every time Karen feels the magical energies and imagines her breasts swelling with warm soft fat. Every day she gains 35 pounds and works toward 40. Jack studies how her legs are more dense and stronger than a draft horse. Her equine shoulders and hips have strengthened and widened so that now the distance front to rear hooves is the same as from left to right. At least once a day, when she isn't looking, he checks how close her belly is to the floor. As she passes 2,400 pounds, he's concerned another 200 will have her bellied out. He's called some of the wizards about a spell so she can levitate herself, but all are worried the spell that put her in this condition might be affected. They promise that when the tomes are recovered, helping her will be a priority. '2,440 pounds,' Karen smiles. 'Today Suzie Q is 2,570. Jack is slowly increasing her feed, but I think I'll outweigh her in a month.' She waddles into the stable and checks the well fleshed mare. Looking at the lower curve of her belly, Karen suddenly wonders about her own mammoth belly. She start to call Jack, then realizes he already knows. 'I guess I'll be stuck before too much longer.' She thinks as she waddles around. 'The question is do I stay in my room.' She waddles in and looks around. 'Since this once was part of the stable, Suzie Q's stall is right through this wall.' She waddles into the kitchen and eats some feed while she looks over her room. 'Jack could levitate me, but I don't have that ability.' For some reason, the thought of her belly fattening out until it rests on the floor, then growing wider until her legs are engulfed, excites her. Jack comes in from his afternoon rounds. "Have to fix up a couple of stalls." He gives her a passionate hug and squeezes some of her thick rolls of fat. "A racehorse with a fractured leg and a pleasure horse that almost foundered." She waddles slowly after him, for the first time she realizes that she's only moving one leg at a time and that her mammoth body fat surges against her legs as she moves. Jack fixes up the stalls and a sling so the racehorse won't put his weight on the leg. He finishes and cleans up for supper. "Well things are getting back to normal." He finishes fixing a meal for them and smiles as Karen enjoys the taste of each item. "The one will come soon, so we can't do too much." She laughs and her fur flows on her billowing body. "Well I'll just save this until later." She rolls close the feed bag beside her. As she gets up, the sound of a truck grabs their attention. She waddles into her room and closes the door by the time there's a knock at the door. A few hours later, Jack comes in and finds her watching tv. "Got him comfortable. His leg is healed, but I want him here so it'll strengthen rather than them taking him back on the race course." He strokes her ponderous belly, massaging her and feeling the hundreds of pounds of fat she's carrying. He takes off his clothes before his pants are damaged. Karen grins and begins eating from the feed she has barely managed not to eat from. It doesn't take long before the fifteen pounds are deep in her stomach. She smiles, rolls and forces herself up. Twice before they go to sleep, he shoves his pony sized shaft of love into her warm fleshy depths. Each time Karen feels the magick energies flow around her. Finally, they both drift into a relaxed sleep. ----------------------------------------------- Day by day, Karen continues to fill out, she starts feeling her belly fur brushing the floor and wonders when she'll be stuck. Every night, Jack adjust the cushions she sleeps against as her body fattens. Jack makes a window in the wall so she can watch Suzie Q and any patients. One morning, after a night of sex and eating, Karen tries to get her feet under herself. She struggles to get up, then realizes she is up, her enormously weighty belly is resting on the floor. Jack hears her moving and runs in. "Even though we never mentioned it, we both knew." He rests his hands on her wide back and levitates enough of her so she can get into a position so she can reach the table with the computer. "I guess you can do the book keeping from here." His voice almost breaks with concern. Karen grins as she gets comfortable. "All it means is I need you to do more." She taps the remote and the window slides open. "And I have Suzie Q to keep me company." Jack smiles, "Well whenever you need something, give me a yell." He goes out, then comes back with breakfast. "I take it this won't affect you appetite?" Karen grins, "If anything. I'll be packing it on faster since I won't be doing too much." She begins eating, and smiles when Jack seems confused. "Or do you think I should slow down?" Jack has tried to eat his breakfast, but Karen's comments, and the fact she has bellied out has excited him to where he needs to release the pressure in his pants. He drops them as he gets up, in more ways than one. Karen tips the bag and starts gulping as fast as she can as Jack strokes his pulsing shaft around her ponderous belly. He rubs the pulsing head around her billowing rump, then shoves himself into her slowly as she drains the bag, then tosses it aside. "Mmmmm I'm going to get much fatter." She starts gasping as a climax hits before either of them is ready. Jack works his way in, then slowly pulls out and pushes in taking long slow thrusts. Her fat tunnel massages him more than before but he concentrates and manages to hold back as she has several climaxes. "I will find out about this spell," he gasps. "Then you can be given a levitation spell." He tries to keep from exploding inside her but he goes off like a flood. Karen gasps as another series of climaxes hits her. She can almost see the magical energies before she drifts to sleep. Jack collapses, his arms massaging her mammoth rump. As the energies flow within her, he steps back and walks around to recover his clothes. "I guess the spell is drawing energy from our lovemaking." He pats her overfattened belly. "Well maybe I can learn something." He moves the chair so he can sit beside her. He rests his hand on the curve of her enormous belly and tries to feel what the spell is doing. Jack senses her weight. 'She's up to 2,680 pounds. At fourty pounds a day, she'll reach two tons in a little over a month. Suzie Q is 2,640. I guess Karen's heavier than her and going to keep growing.' He meditates as the ancient spell flows throughout her being. A few hours later, he feels a shift as the spell reaches out. Opening his eyes slightly, he watches a feed bag float before her. it opens then tips so the feed flows slowly into her open mouth. It stops when she's swallowed about half and sets down beside her. For the entire night, he feels the magick flowing and shifting her. As dawn arrives, he stands and looks her over. Several empty bags lay before her as she swallows more from a new bag. Her body has grown slightly. He smiles. "Looks like the spell is making you a full horse centauress." He strokes her wide back, then goes to take care of his patients and Suzie Q. --------------------------- For two days and nights, Karen's structure grows making her capable of more growth. Jack takes the feed bags so she won't know how much she's eaten. "Almost all of this is powering the magick working within her." He stroke her softness, exploring her larger form. "At least now she can waddle." He feels her softness. "I wonder what she'll think." He hugs her slightly less ponderous body, as he feels his shaft start to surge, he realizes that he needs to decide about himself. A sudden blast of wind grabs his attention. "Looks like winter is here with an attitude." He grins, "Too bad we can't tell people or they'd want us to control the entire weather spectrum." He watches the snow blowing then gets some sleep beside the very fat centauress. Karen first thinks she's dreaming, then remembers the last time and tries to feel what is happening. Once she knows that her build is growing, she tries to nudge some extra growth into her bosom. She images them growing fat and full, rolling heavily when she waddles. The sound of the blizzard raging outside brings her back to consciousness. She opens her eyes and looks around. The only light is from outside as the wind blows snow against the window. "Must be almost noon." She tries to stand and is surprised it's easier. She takes a few steps, waddles to the kitchen, then to the stable and finds Jack. "I guess the spell is trying to help me." He smiles and manages not to get too excited. "Gives us more time to search for those tomes." He looks her over, then his eyes seem to lock on her breasts. Karen looks down, her eyes grow wide, then she smiles and hefts her large breasts. "Looks like the spell did a bit more than just my build." She gets her plump hands under them and hefts them, feeling the soft weighty flesh. Jack grins, as he thinks how she now out-sizes him elsewhere. He reaches out and feels the roundness and fleshiness of her breasts, each are now as large as his head. "Maybe you're learning how to use the magick." Before he goes too far, they go back to their room. Jack strips out of his pants before the internal pressure rips them. He massages her larger, yet not so obese body. "I think you're a bit taller now." He hugs her rump as she lowers herself enough so he can ease his shaft into her waiting depths. He slides in much easier than before and begins shoving in as far as he can, then pulling almost all the way out. Karen tries to wiggle as he doesn't seem to be getting in all the way, then she realizes her larger body is the difference. She gives some contented sounds as his thrusts speed up and his body slams into her wider rumps, making her fat surge in waves moving over her broad billowy back. Jack squeezes her fat hips, trying to excite her more. Finally he can't hold back and pumps into her warmth. He hugs her rump, feeling her flesh roll around his arms. "Now that you can walk again." He steps back and gets his clothes on. Karen struggles with her snug blouse. "I need to get some bigger clothes." She waddles to the table and looks through the catalog." Jack snuggles against her fat equine body. "I know I didn't excite you as much as before." He strokes her wide, soft back. But I can do something about that." Karen giggles as she feels him swelling against her round flabby belly. "Well I'll order some clothes," she reaches back and pats the swelling in his pants. "You might need some if you grow more there." She giggles and her fur covered flesh jiggles against him Jack gives a quick grin, then pats her spongy back. "Well I better check on my patients." He leaves her looking through the catalog as he goes to the stables. Karen looks over some styles, trying to find what will fit the longest. Then she decides and phones in an order. Jack check the two patients, then gives Suzie Q a double ration of feed. While she happily eats, he removes his clothes and climbs on her broad back. His hands stroke her plump shoulders as he begins to draw on the energies stored within her. As her energies engulf him he channels it into making his shaft of love grow to the size of a breeding stallion. He feels it grow within the groove of the weighty draft mare's back. Finally he feels the spell finish as he images himself as a full stallion. He moves and the large head of his maleness nudges his face. He rolls off her and has to hold the rigid, 30 inch shaft of pulsing meat up. "I'm glad I didn't do this before." He concentrates and it slowly collapses. "Now I need to find something else to wear." He gets his shirt on, then his pants as well as they'll fit and slips silently into the house. Looking through his closet, he gets out some sweatpants and modifies his underwear to carry the thick snake his relaxed maleness has become. Looking in a mirror, he puts on his medical smock. "Well, like this no one will notice." He enters the kitchen and hangs the smock next to the outside door. Karen enters and he tries to get started on lunch, but the sight of her waddling in, her fat bloated breasts seeming to flow on her obese forebelly, awakens him and his sweatpants begin moving. Karen grab a bag of feed, "Mmmm I think you're catching up to me." She takes several large gulps, then waddles into her room, her ponderous equine belly rolling and her massive rump billowing. Jack has to hold the growing mass in his pants as it starts to surge and strengthen. By the time he gets into their room, it's pushed out the top and he looks like he's holding a three inch diameter tube and the apple on the end is at his eye level. He lowers it and pushes gently between the hills of her rump. Karen gulps down more feed until she feels him squeezing in. She takes a large mouthful before dropping the bag. She feels the large head shoving in, then Jack easing in, pulling back, then easing in a bit more. Gasping in pleasure she wiggles, causing her inner fat to gently torture him. Jack groans and shoves all the way in, wrapping his arms around her wide rump. "Mmmmmm as much as I wanted to find a horse centauress, I never dreamed of one as wondrously soft as you." He thrusts long and deep, feeling his veins pulse within her. Karen gasps as climaxes explode within her warm depths. As it eases, she smile and hefts her round breasts. "What are we going to do if my appetite keeps increasing." She almost howls as another wave hits and her fur billows as her fat quakes. Jack closes his eyes, trying to hold back. "We'll worry about that," he gulps and almost loses control. "Eat as much as you can hold. The bigger you get, the more wonderful it'll be." He shoves in until her rump starts to engulf him. Karen groans and imagines that all the milk and malteds she drinks go straight to her breasts, making them grow so round and obese that Jack can snuggle between them. The magick energies flow around her and she feels Jack explode in her depths. She tries to hold him deep, but feels so contented that she relaxes as the glow fades into her. Jack finally shrinks enough and gets his clothes back on. He walks around her, stroking her large body. "So you ready for lunch?" He gets the bag and Karen takes it from him with a smile. Karen grins as she takes a few gulps. "Something to help wash this down?" She empties half the bag by the time he fixes several gallons of rich chocolate milk. She drinks it down, then pats her jiggling forebelly. "I hope you really want more of me, because it's only a matter of time before I'll outgrow the clothes I ordered." Jack continues massaging her fatness. "I might have to get a carpenter to widen your doorway." He nuzzles his face into her flesh bloated belly. ------------------------------------------------ Over the next several days Karen gets used to her new size. Her appetite is excited by Jacks love and she continues to gain about fourty pounds each day. Jack is slowly increasing Suzie Q's feed and she's past ten pounds a day. Karen steps off the scale and smiles as Suzie Q waddles over. "I'm 2,970, and more on the way." She takes a scoopful of feed and eats it while the broad bodied draft mare waddles over and stands on the scale. Karen smiles as the indicator reads 2,720. "Looks like your appetite is starting to wake up." She puts a fleshy arm around the mare's thick neck and gives her a hug. Suzie Q whickers and nuzzles Karen's fattening bosom. Her lips play over her round heavy orbs, then she steps back and waddles to her feed bin that Jack has just filled. Jack has been setting up an automatic feeder and switches it on. "This way she'll get fed every hour during the day and every two hours at night." He pats the fat mare's belly and she nuzzles him before starting to eat. He closes the stall and affectionately strokes Karen's mammoth equine abdomen. "You can gorge several times a day, but grazing is what she's build for." Karen smiles as she moves forward. She turns and her fat bosom sloshes under her new 7X sweatshirt. "Well what else am I built for?" She laughs as she pulls her shirt up, exposing her almost spherical breasts. As Jack smiles and starts to spread his arms around her wide body, she pulls the shirt over him, trapping him between the twin globes of fat and her shirt. Jack tries to stroke the outer curves as he turns his face and nuzzles the inner side of one. He takes one hand, frees his growing maleness and guides it up between them. Karen smiles and wraps her fleshy arms around him. For a moment she wants to gorge right now until he's trapped, but decides to take her time and enjoy. Jack is in ecstacy as her fat molds around him. He can feel the ancient magic flowing within her and can only imagine what will happen when she's bellied out this time. Finally she lets him out and he follows her into their room, his stallion cock resting on her bloated rump as she waddles. They mate in passion and love. Karen feels the energies and knows her breasts are going to grow more than she ever imagined. She giggles after a wave of climaxes flood through her as she remembers she's never dreamed of being this fat before. ---------------------------------------------- For the rest of the week everything continues as it has. Suzie Q keeps healthy with her increasing food and is contented. Karen can't imagine being happier as her weight rises and her belly slowly descends toward the floor. Jack keeps in touch with the wizard consul and tells her they still have no sign of those with the ancient tomes. Karen waddles in to the kitchen and looks at the meal Jack's prepared. She picks up serving spoon full of noodles and stuffs them into her mouth. Savoring the flavor, she feels the softness of her forebelly, then foreshoulder, then bulging equine belly. 'I'm up to three thousand one hundred pounds' She swallows and works on the large bowl of pasta and thinks to herself. 'A few months ago I had a dead end job with no hope of my life getting better.' She takes the bowl and gulps down the rest. 'The only magick I knew was what Melana mentioned.' She looks at her growing bosom and tries to heft one. 'As big and full as these are, they should sag more.' She takes a few spoon fulls of pudding. 'I guess the spell is doing all I asked it to.' She laughs and her fur billows all over. Jack comes in from the house and watches her quiver. "Well I won't be called for the search for a couple of weeks." He pats her wide back and watches her fat jiggle. "So any thing special you want for Thanksgiving?" Karen swallows and smiles as he starts eating. "I used to love turkey. but with this body.." She smiles, "You're the expert. How about a day of feasts.." She blinks her eyes at him sensually. Jack eats a bit faster and she can tell he's getting excited. She gulps her meal down and waddles to her room. Jack doesn't finish his meal because his stallion cock has taken oven. He walks after her, slowly lowering it like a knight charging with a lance. -------------------------------------------------------------- For the next several days, Jack temps her with samples of dishes from his cookbooks. He watches as she eats, then attacks the feed. She gains over 160 pounds and he imagines more of her every time his heavy shaft of love is thrusting deep within her spongy fat. Karen massages her growing breasts as they fill out her shirt faster than her forebelly. Karen wakes to the smell of Jack preparing breakfast. She tries to get up quietly, but weighing over a ton and a half makes this impossible. Jack glances in, watching her move and her ponderous equine belly rolling makes his mouth go dry. "Since today is Thanksgiving..." He pauses as she adjust her 9x shirt over her mammoth mammeries. "I was thinking of feeding you all you can hold." His face goes red in embarrassment. Karen grins and waddles toward him, her fat breasts jiggling under the material. "Well I'll need some encouragement." She glances down and his sweat pants look like there's a boa constrictor in them. "But I don't think that will be a problem." She waddles onto the scale while he finishes getting breakfast ready. She waddles over and sits down on her fat haunches. "3,265 pounds for a starting weight." She opens her mouth wide. Jack moves a platter of thick pancakes, covered in honey butter and pure maple syrup. He begins feeding her and she gulps them down as soon as it's in her mouth. After pouring in a half gallon of milk, he feeds her waffles covered with various jams, assorted muffins, whole grain, blueberry, corn... thickly spread with jelly and chunks of cantaloupes. She slows down swallowing, but he has to convert more feed into breakfast stuff before she pats her overly round equine abdomen. "Mmmm now that's what I call a filling breakfast." She breathes slowly as her digestive system struggles to get her straining stomach more comfortable. Jack smiles and clears the table while she relaxes. Once everything is cleaned up, he goes into the stable and checks on the patients, then he leads Suzie Q out and weighs her. "2,802, doing very well." He strokes her round, jiggling belly as he takes her back into her stall. While she eats from her feed bin, Jack lies on her wide body, recharging himself and making sure she's growing strong enough to break the weight records. After an hour, her rolls off of her, checks on the others, then goes to find Karen. He comes into their room and finds her relaxing, watching the Macy Thanksgiving parade. Karen looks at him and smiles. "Well I'm too stuffed to do much else," She shifts herself and watches his pants move as her fat billows under her rich fur. "But if you want to encourage my appetite for lunch...." Jack would try to argue, but if he was wearing regular pants, something would have burst by now. His one leg seems to have an extra one growing beside it and he struggles out of the pants before he's in more trouble. Karen stares at the heavy, stallion sized cock he has to carry with both hands. "Looks like part of you feels as full as my tummy." She giggles as he moves around her and nudges the pulsing head against her flesh bloated rump. Jack gasps in passion as he eases it in, inch by inch without pulling back. When he's partly surrounded by her bloated hills of rump, he wiggles in and then begins long slow thrusts. Karen gasps in pleasure and her overloaded stomach feels his shaft thrusting deep inside her. Finally he shoves in as deep as he can and pumps his liquid into her warmth. Happily he half collapses on her broad, soft rump and listens to the commentary about the parade. Karen groans in unabashed passion as he thrusts and her fat surges everywhere. She can almost feel her nutrient laddened blood coursing through her fat breasts. After several waves of climaxes, she feels him release and collapse onto her. Smiling, she watches the parade. 'I don't know what I'd ask Santa for this year.' She feels Jack massaging her round rump and his shaft still full in her obeseness. It's after 11 when Jack finally withdraws and heads into the kitchen. "Now you stay there until I call." Karen fakes a groan, "I'll just take a nap." She giggles about taking a nap before lunch, then leans into the cushions and falls asleep. Jack pulls out a list of foods and begins dumping bags of feed onto large platters. 'She actually wants me to stuff her.' He closes his eyes and regains control before too late. After an hour of work preparing her feast, he goes into Suzie Q's stall, feeds her a snack and recharges himself. He pats her well rounded belly. "You're going to be the biggest mare ever." He smiles as he knows Karen will weigh much more than the obese mare before she's done fattening. Back in the kitchen, he finishes her feast, then works on several pies, cakes and candies. Finally he goes into their room and watches Karen sleeping. He gently feels a thick roll of fat where her equine and humanoid portions meet. Karen opens her eyes. ""I hope you want more there." She inhales and smiles. "I take it lunch is ready?" She struggles to her hooves and her large round belly almost knocks him off his feet. Jack smiles and goes out before she gets turned toward the door."I think your belly will feel so good and heavy once you get all this inside." His eyes sparkle as she waddles in and stares at the table covered with foods. Karen smiles and licks her plump lips. "Looks like your magic is improving." She starts to move a fleshy arm, but Jack gets beside her. He takes a serving spoon and digs into the apples stewed in honey. "I hope I've prepared enough," He moves the spoon and she opens her mouth wide, then closes it as he puts the spoon in. After he pulls out the empty spoon, she swallow. "Mmmmm so you want to see how much I can hold." She puts a flesh swollen arm around his shoulder and hugs him as he starts feeding her as fast as she can swallow. Soon the apples are inside here and Jack works happily feeding her the gingered carrots, baked potatoes with butter, thick barley/vegetable stew, peas and green beans in melted cheese, and several loaves of pumpkin bread. "I do hope you aren't full yet." He pats her heaving equine belly and smiles as her flesh billows under her fur. Karen drains another mug of eggnog. She looks at three assorted pies, two layer chocolate cake and several pounds of M&Ms. "Well this is Thanksgiving." She hugs him into her bloated bosom, then lets him loose enough to resume feeding her. Karen watches him cover each pile with rich whipped cream. She smiles, then opens her mouth wide as he cuts them into slices. Jack takes a slice and eases it into her mouth after she swallows her previous mouthful. After several slices, he pours a mug of eggnog down her throat, then continues feeding her desert. Karen gulps the rich food down passionately. Each time she swallows, she feels climaxes growing as her stomach fills to it's limit, then begins to stretch as she eats the cake. She gasps on the edge of ecstacy as she forces in the last piece of cake. Jack puts a mug of eggnog to her mouth and slowly tips it. She swallows slowly, massaging her fore belly, then trying to heft her ponderous breasts. Jack's one pant leg looks as if he's got a large snake in with his leg. Not even thinking how much she's already forced into herself. He takes the 2 pound bowl of M&Ms and hold it to her fat lips. Karen smiles, her desire and passion over riding the groans of her overloaded stomach. She gulps the candies down as fast as he pours them into her mouth. She gulps down the last of it and gasps for breath. "Oooo I've never been so full," she looks as Jack steps aside and almost trips over his growing shaft of meat. "But I think I can find some room for you." She struggles to her hooves and waddles into their room. As Jack forces his sweatpants off, and his stallion sized cock sprongs out to it's full length and width, he watches her food swollen belly roll slowly from side to side. He carries his shaft and tries not to get anymore excited as he can feel his blood pulsing. Once in her room, Karen lies down carefully, adjusting her legs to support her stretching belly while getting her at the right height for Jack. She turns her head and her heaving bosom sloshes within her X9 shirt. "Mmmm," She smiles as she sees how excited he is. Jack is already panting as he shoves his swollen head into her soft warmth. He shoves in, then backs out, slowly working all of his pulsing shaft into her soft warmth. "I didn't think," he gasps as the twin hills of her rump jiggle around him, 'you could eat all that." He thrusts powerfully, making her obesity billow heavily everywhere. Karen gasps as her food stretched stomach and intestines are pummeled by his passionate love making. She groans in passion as the waves of ecstacy finally explode through her. Her fat engulfed muscles grip him, trying to pull him to climax. Jack groans and struggles to hold back as her inner rolls of fat massage the head of his shaft almost beyond control. He speeds up his thrusts, timing himself so the rolling of her wide fat back is coming back when he collides into her spongy rump. Karen closes her eyes as the climax eases. 'Ooo I never dreamed gorging could make love so wonderful.' She shifts her belly and can almost feel her bloodstream weighed with nutrients. Her plump hands massage her jiggling bosom. 'I'm going to outgrow these shirts by Christmas.' She gasps as the next wave of climaxes floods though her. Jack's legs are ready to give out when he finally releases and pumps into her depths. Exhausted, he half lays on her well rounded rump and gasps for breath as her fat billows under and around him. "I thought all that food would be for both lunch and dinner." He strokes her huge belly and gently squeezes thick rolls of fat. Karen breathes as deep as her huge belly allows. "You must not think much of what you're hugging." She takes several breaths. "I always consider dinner being the big meal." She giggles between breaths. Jack raises his head and watches the rolls of fat where her backs join. His eyes open wide as her sees how broad her humanoid body is and that he can see the outer curves of her ponderously obese breasts jiggling as she breathes. Some how he manages not to get excited and slowly moves off her fat rump. He strokes her broadening back and feels how round her equine belly has swelled out. "Are you saying that you can hold more later?" His voice is dry, because of exhaustion, amazement and watching how much the twin masses fill out her shirt. Karen nods happily in contentment and the after glow. "I never dreamed of being this fat or this much passion. So the more I eat, the more...." Her eyes close as she drifts into a nap. Jack smiles and pats one of her fat arms, feeling the thickness of soft fat there. "With all you ate, I'm surprised you could hold me." He quietly goes out and gets his clothes back on. Jack looks over the empty platter of lunch and gawks as he thinks how much she ate. "And she wants more for supper?" His mind tells him that her stomach was stretched to hold all this, but his inner desires are already preparing a menu. He goes into Suzie Q's stall, watches her eat from the auto feeder system. Smiling he massages her rotund body, helping her adapt to her increasing weight and recharging himself. Then he climbs on her wide back and rests. After several hours, he rolls off her and goes into the kitchen. He looks out the window and sees snow blowing around the lights. "This snow will stay I bet." He gets to work on a feast that he can't believe she can hold, but his cock moves slightly with the knowledge she will. He empties two bags of feed and works happily preparing a meal that would stuff a family of centaurs. He finishes by converting two 5 gallon buckets of milk replacer into rich eggnog. He fills her halfgallon mug and his average one, then goes into their room. Karen is half asleep, but opens her eyes when her strokes one of her flesh swollen arms. She drains her mug in several gulps. "I take it dinner's ready? As she forces her weighty body up and her enormous equine belly rolls heavily as she waddles into the kitchen. Jack watches her for a few steps, then closes his eyes and barely manages to regain control of what's moving within his pants. Karen looks at the platters of delicious foods. She knows it's much more than she had for lunch, but she remembers how wonderful she felt afterwards mating, how much this excites Jack, and that it is a special day. She turns slightly as Jack walks in and licks her lips. "It's a good thing I don't eat like this every day." Jack's eyes follow the heavy rolling motion of her fat breasts and his sweatpants move, then quiet as he fights for control. A burst of wind outside grabs their attention and they watch snow blow by the outside light. Karen turns back to the feast before her. "Well if it's going to be a major winter, I better pack on some insulation." She takes a serving spoon and attacks the sweet potatoes cooked in honey. Jack smiles and hugs as much of her humanoid torso while patting her plushy forebelly. "I don't think it's the weather that's encouraging you." His hands move around her fat covered foreshoulder and he begins massaging her heavily bloated equine abdomen. He half whispers to her, "Tonight you're going to hold more in here than you ever dreamed you could." Karen gulps half a sweet potato down, "Mmmmm and maybe more than you dreamed." She refills her mug, drains and fills it before shoveling the rest of them into her ravenous mouth. She drinks more, then takes a large serving spoon and quickly empties the platters of cornbread stuffing and chestnut stuffing. Jack is trying to control himself, but his growing stallion cock is already filling his pants. He massages her enormous equine abdomen, hoping she can't eat all he's made, but wishing that she forces it all inside. Karen's eyes are half closed as her fat jiggles under his fingers. She drains her mug, then the serving spoon begins scooping the huge bowl of mashed potatoes, drenched in rich butter into her waiting mouth. Bowls of carrots in maple syrup, assorted vegetables in melted cheese, pasta in 4 cheese sauce with sour cream and oatmeal with cream, brown sugar and butter. She drains her mug several times until the first five gallons are sloshing inside her stomach. She looks at what remains and smiles, "I think I've got half of it in my tummy." She tries to reach back and pats her burgeoning body. Jack gasps as his shaft almost jumps to full size, He squirms enough to get it sliding down one pant leg. "Please don't force it all in, just eat what you want." He nuzzles his head against her fat belly and listens to the muffled rumblings as she works on the feast. Karen smiles in contentment, the several gallon bowl of tapioca pudding rises to her mouth and the serving spoon shoves the richness into her mouth as fast as she can swallow. She drains her mug then begins gulping rolls with butter and jam. As she swallows each one, the fat of her neck jiggles. Then she cleans a platter holding four pounds of chocolate frosted brownies. Slices of pumpkin pie, cherry pie, apple pie, mince pie, pecan pie float up to her mouth. She tears into them, occasionally pausing to drain her mug to help wet her throat. 'Mmmm', she thinks. 'If Jack want to feed me all of this,' she moves slightly, trying to get her stomach more comfortable. 'Some how I'll find the room. Even if I can't move for days.' She opens her mouth wide as a huge bowl of pasta salad with olives and chunks of feta cheese floats up to her. As fast as the serving fork shoves the food into her maw, she gulps it down. Her plump hands massage her fat forebelly, then heft her fat breasts. Jack is passionately massaging her gurgling belly as more and more food is shoved into it. "You won't be happy until you've got it all in your belly." He tried to ask it but some how it sounds like he's encouraging her. "You just keep eating and eating until you can't hold another bite." His shaft forces him to finally get out of his pants before the leg rips. He grins as it rubs into her warm fur and fat. He pushes it's length into her spongy belly and imagines her fattening around him. Karen drains another gallon of eggnog, then looks at a thick slice of chocolate layer cake with butter cream icing floating before her mouth. She takes a big bite, then gorges as fast as she can. As she swallows the last mouthful, a platter loaded with wedges of cheddar, swiss, provolone cheese ease up to her. As she opens her mouth wide, it tips so the chunks tumble into her gaping maw. Already her stomach is groaning with it's heavy load and she can feel it stretching with each swallow. She closes her eyes as a large blueberry cobbler with heavy cream is before her, the large spoon waiting for her to open up. Feeling her fat molding around Jack's stallion sized shaft of hot love, she opens her mouth wide. 'I'm not' gulp, going to', gulp gulp, 'close my', gulp, 'mouth until.' She keeps gulping the warm desert, even though her stomach is starting to creak as it stretches. She forces down the last of the cobbler and drains her mug of eggnog before a cool sweet breeze excites her nose. She looks and sees a banana split. Except this one has a gallon each of chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and cherry icecream, a dozen large banana's, two pounds of chocolate chunks and over a gallon of whipped cream. Closing her eyes she opens her mouth as wide as she can and lets the serving spoon shove it in. She gulps passionately as she concentrates on Jack's hands and cock massaging her expanding equine abdomen. As the first banana enters her mouth, she grabs it with her fat lips and swallows it whole in a mighty gulp. Flavor by flavor she groans more as her stomach howls in ecstacy and pain. Finally the two dozen cherries are poured in and she forces her gullet to get it all in her straining stomach. The last of the eggnog is poured into her mug and she slowly drinks it down. Jack has been trying to only encourage her, but has been fighting his desires that are as insistent as the hard shaft of his moving against her fat belly. He realizes she's not eating and looks around her fat breast. His eyes go wide as the only thing remaining is empty platters and bowls. He steps away enough to see her ponderous belly resting on the ground. "You ate EVERYTHING!?!?!" He's so shocked, his shaft starts to go limp, them rises to full size as she smiles. Karen groans and tries to get her legs in position, then just relaxes. "I don't even want to try to move." She turns her torso and head enough to see Jack. Jack's eyes follow the swollen masses within her snug blouse. "Are you going to need your next size tonight?" When she nods, he works the cloth around and over her fat bosom, the flesh jiggles as her gets it off and her arms bounce against her obese torso. Karen giggles, then quietly groans from her overloaded stomach. "This is my largest one." She grins as his face pales with the blood making his shaft tighter than ever. Jack can't wait another second. He holds his stallioness up and walks around behind her. It's head shoves into her warm, soft depths and he shoves in smoothly, not stopping until he's deep inside and her plushy rump molds around him. For a moment, he just stays deep, then feels her food loaded intestines squirming and her fat tunnel excites him beyond control. He fights the urge, and barely manages to until she gasps in her own climaxes. Karen groans as the wave of climaxes passes. She feels Jack surging within her, then relaxes in utter contentment as her nutrient ladened bloodstream pumps throughout her. Jack gasps for breath and spreads his arms over and around the twin hills of her rump. Jack wakes a couple of hours later, his shaft still deep within her. He starts to back out, but blood pulses and it swells full and snug within her fat love tunnel. As he eases back until the flange is held by rolls of fat, Karen gasps in excitement and they mate passionately. Twice more Jack manages to get his stallion shaft hard within her and she screams as wave after wave of passion explodes within her tons of fat. Well after midnight they finally stop. Karen gets to her hooves and waddles to the scale. "Any idea how much I ate?" She laughs and Jack watches her ponderous breasts billow. He realizes they don't sag much, but attributes that to their rapid growth. As she steps on the scale, her belly and bosom seems to sag more. Karen stares at the display, then smiles and steps off the scale. "three thousand four hundred and ten. One hundred and fourty five pound of feasting." She turns her head and look at what she can of her obese equine body. "I wonder how much I'll keep?" She looks at the confused expression in Jack's eyes. "Of course if you hadn't fed me..." Jack shakes his head to clear his thoughts. As Karen stepped off the scale, her body quit sagging. "I fed you what?" Karen tilts her head toward him. "You fed me dinner. All I was doing was gulping it down as fast as you fed me... But you were massaging me... Now I'm confused." She looks at Jack, and the broad smile forming on his face. Jack almost laughs. "That spell covered more than any of us thought. You should feel more weight than you do. When you stepped on the scale, I watched you sag slightly. The spell gave you some levitation. Not enough to float, but plenty so you can walk comfortably." Karen's eyes go wide, then she smiles. "So I was levitating food.... She looks at one of the empty bowls and it slowly floats, then settles on the table. Jack helps her practice a few times, before they both feel the lateness of the night. They go into their room and, after Karen is comfortably resting against her cushions, Jack covers her with the large blanket, then snuggles against her huge belly. Within minutes, they're both sleeping deeply, Karen digesting and Jack lulled by the deep gurgling sounds. ---------------------------------------- Karen smiles as she gets better at moving the fifty pound bags. "Dairy feed?" Jack nods. "I'll tell you about it when she gets here." Grinning about something, they get everything stored. Karen looks at the racks of feed, then giggles as her stomach rumbles loudly. "I think we forgot breakfast." She levitates a bag of feed to the table, while Jack gets some plates. Jack prepares some waffles and peaches. He eats his portion then goes back to securing the supplies. Karen eats her's slow enough to savor the flavor, then gulps down several handfuls of feed. She leaves the bag out so she can snack while they work. "So what's with this cow feed?" She looks at the bags, but doesn't move one so she can read the label better. Jack just smiles. "We've got a special visitor coming." He looks at the door as a bast of wind blown snow hits. "I hope they get here before too long." He goes over and looks out the door. Karen waddles over, then starts to back up as a truck turns in from the road. Jack pats her fat foreshoulder. "No reason to hide. These are my friends and they already know about you." Karen adjusts her blanket, even though it covers as much of her as necessary. She watches Jack go into the stable, hears him open the doors and several voices. The doors close after a minute and she hears an animal moving around. Stepping around the corner, she sees a incredibly wide beef cow. Jack smiles and introduces her to the two men. "This is Michael and Ben," they look at her with wide eyes. Ben smiles. "We knew that spell would let her get obese, but she's beyond what we thought." Every one turns as another blast of snow hits the door. "We better get going, take care of Bessy." Both of them wave as they half run out the side door. Jack secures it and then leads the large cow into a double stall. "You know how I've been drawing energy from Suzie Q." He gets one of the cow feed bags and pours it into her feed bin. "The wizards have been researching animals that they can draw energy from." He looks at Bessy and Karen looks her over closely. Bessy looks almost like a Shorthorn cow from the late 1800's. But none of those weighty beasts were as wide built as her. The distance between her right legs and left legs is almost as much as from fore to hind legs. Her rump and breast are full but not obese. Her belly swells out rounder than her plumpness would indicate. Jack waits until Karen has looked her over. "They're trying to create a breed of cattle that carries a lot of fat wizards can draw from. A lot of them have poured energy into her and the calves she carries. With this winter being a very harsh one," he takes a breath, "I have to keep her and do all I can to assure their birth." Karen watches the cow eating. "So what's the problem? We feed her like Suzie Q?" Jack shakes his head. "Usually a cow only has one calf, sometimes two." He looks at Bessy's round abdomen. "She's carrying four." Karen looks at the empty bag and looks confused. "This feed is for dairy cows," she lowers herself down until her ponderous belly holds her up. "She looks more like a beef cow to me." Jack nods. "That's part of the problem and why she's being fed the dairy feed. She's carrying four calves and will have to be able to nurse them. Usually calves would only nurse a few days, but for them to have the most potential for energy, they'll need to nurse for several months." Karen can see Bessy's udder and wonders how she can produce enough for four growing calves. "So this feed will increase her size?" Jack smiles, "This feed has a special ingredient that was added. By the time she births, we hope her udder will be resting on the ground." He smiles at Karen, "Your levitation will be very useful. I'll build a platform for her to be on while her young nurse." Karen gets her legs under her and stands. "How long until she delivers?" "About three months. So she's going to be growing like crazy." He looks at Karen and blushes. "Well, faster than Suzie Q that is." He goes into the house while Karen watches the placid cow eating. She joins him for lunch and they watch the weather channel showing a blizzard covering four states and headed their way. The wind outside is loud enough that they can't whisper. Jack looks out the window and smiles. "This is going to shut the roads down for days." He looks up as the lights flicker. "Time to go to our own power." He goes into a side room while Karen eats. She hears a motor start, then steadies. "Ok," Jack calls. "Switching over." The lights go out, then come back on. Jack comes out and smiles. "Rather than losing power and stumbling around, I prefer to get it running." He looks out into the blowing whiteness as the tv repeats the severe winter warning. --------------------------------------- The storm blows the rest of the day, all night, the next day, and finally loses strength in the late evening. Karen looks out into the darkness and realizes there's a ten foot snowdrift between the house and the road. "Well we won't get much company for awhile." She smiles and nibbles on some feed while Jack gives Suzie Q and Bessy their evening feed. Jack comes in and smiles as she removes her blanket/blouse. "I think we can keep ourselves entertained." He struggles out of his straining pants and walks toward her. --------------------------------------------------- For almost three weeks the snows come and go. Barely is the road cleared, before it's lost under new blowing snow. As much as Karen's prodigious stomach was stretched from the Thanksgiving feasts, she doesn't consume that much more, although she does average more than fourty two pounds a day gain. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4380 Karen waddles off the scale, her obese bosom billowing and huge belly rolling with each step. "Four thousand three hundred and eighty. I'm surprised I haven't been gaining faster with this snow." Jack smiles and nuzzles against her ponderous breasts. "There's nothing wrong with what you've been doing. With your levitation and other abilities that spell gave you." He tries to think of something to say, but her fat pillowy breasts, now larger than his head, are just too distracting and his thoughts blur. Karen grins and shifts her stance, causing them to mold and jiggle around him. "Well I'm doing very well." She smiles at him and can feel him getting very excited. Jack is nuzzling into her fat bloated flesh. As he starts to work on getting his pants off, the phone rings. "Well I guess they must have fixed the lines." He gets out of her warm embrace and gets the phone. "Hello, ok, sure. When are you going to pick me up? I'll be ready." He hangs up the receiver and looks at the obese centauress. "My turn to help search for those with the books." He gets her blanket and helps wrap it around her. Karen stares at him. "How long will you be gone? What about Bessy?" Jack smiles. "She won't birth for a couple of months. All you need to do is make sure she always has feed. And keep Suzie Q's auto feeder full." He walks into the stable and Karen waddles after him, her mammoth belly rolling and her fat breasts billowing under the blanket. Jack leads the fattening mare to the scale and smiles. "3120 pounds." He lovingly pats her round belly. "Keep this up and you'll break the two ton record." He leads her back into her stall and fills her auto feeder. Karen waddles over to the wide-bodied cow. In the last three weeks her belly has filled out some, but her udder has started growing, already it looks as big as average beef cow's ready to birth. "So how big will she get?" Jack checks Bessy out and smiles. "Well they hoped her udder to be much bigger than a dairy cow's. Maybe twice or three times as large." He's afraid to tell her that Bessy's udder will be nearly four times that size to supply enough milk for the calves. Karen laughs as they go into the kitchen. "Maybe I could help her." She pats her growing breasts and Jack almost forgets that he needs to get ready. Jack goes into the house and comes out with a travel case by the time a 4WD camper drives into the snow covered drive. "Take care and I'll call every couple of days on the two ring number." He waves, then goes out before she has a chance to get him embarrassed. Karen uses her levitation to clean up the kitchen. Then she levitates a bag of feed into their room and watches TV, plays computer games and other things she enjoys. ---------------------------------------------------------- *** For the next week there no new snow, but a day and night of strong winds make more drifts. Suzie Q keeps up with her auto feeder. Karen thinks about increasing her rate, but forgets to ask Jack the two times he calls. Bessy is eating over 100 pounds of her special feed a day. A big as she is it's hard to tell but her pregnancy is progressing and her udder is growing with more milk tissues. Christmas night, Karen steps onto the scale as smiles sadly. "4,675 pounds." She looks outside as the storm clouds block the sunset. She goes into the stable and checks the feed of Suzie Q. "I bet you wish he was here too." She smiles as the rotund mare nuzzles her own ponderous abdomen. Karen brushes her winter coat of fur, then goes over to Bessy. The special cow is eating and pauses when Karen enters her stall. "Almost too fat for both of us in here." She laughs as the cow licks her plump hand. Karen gets a handful of feed and holds it out. Bessy's tongue seems to grab it all in one wide swipe. "Well I guess the three of us can have Christmas dinner together." She goes out and comes back with some decorations from her room. She puts them around the stable then switches on the strings of lights. Suzie Q looks at the blinking lights, then lays down and sleeps. Karen smiles, "Well tomorrow I'll give you some extra feed. She absentmindedly takes a handful of the special cow feed and eats it while she goes into the kitchen. Karen watches 'It's a Wonderful Life', relaxes and listens to the blizzard growing outside. When the outside light flickers, she gets up and starts the generator, then lies down and drifts to sleep. She dreams of Jack coming home and finding her stuck, her belly resting on the floor. He drops his things, closes the door.... The sound of the blizzard coming to full force wakes her quickly. She looks outside and sees heavy snow blowing by. Looking at the clock she wonders if it's broken. Karen turns on the television and watches the blizzard bulletins at the bottom of the screen. "I guess it's Christmas." She laughs as her stomach rumbles, then goes to the stable. Suzie Q struggles to her feed while Bessy yawns and looks around. Karen fills the obese mare's auto feeder, then pours about five pounds into her feed bin. While Suzie Q happily eats, Karen tears open one of the cowfeed bags and fills the wide cow's feed bin. "Now that you two are fed," She reaches into the almost empty feed bag and pulls out a handful. "It's Christmas!" She swallows the feed in two gulps. *** She moves the TV into the stable, sets up a five gallon container of milk formula, a mug for her to drink from and a full bag of feed once the partly empty one is gone. All through the morning she watches various parades, specials and Christmas cartoons. She finishes all the feed and milk before she struggles to her feet. "Woah!" She almost looses her balance. "Must be something in this batch of feed to make me feel like this." She starts to toss the empty bag away, then looks at it. She smiles and she tosses it onto the other empties and looks at Bessy. "No wonder you're eating so much." She refills the obese cow's feed bin, then Suzie Q's auto feeder. Karen takes the bag of cow feed tastes a couple of handfuls. "I wonder why it taste so much better than Suzie Q's feed." She finds a Disney movie and eats her way through the thirty some pounds. She refills Bessy's feed bin every time she gets a new bag, but every time less goes into the fat pregnant cow and more into her own expansive belly. When she feels full, she reaches back and pats what she can reach of her mammoth equine body. "Uuugghhhh, I wonder how much I've eaten." She closes her eyes and licks her lips, tasting the remnants of flavor. She turns her head, opens her eyes and looks at her two obese companions. "I wonder how much you weigh Bessy?" She looks at the huge cow's fat and young swollen abdomen. She can't see the growing udder, but knows it has grown larger than a dairy cow's and is starting to rest on the ground. "Maybe," she looks at her own full bosom. Karen gets her hooves under her and struggle to stand. "mmumph, I can feel that heavy feed in my belly. She waddles over to the feed storage. She loads Suzie Q's auto feeder then gives her another five pounds. "You need to pack it on." She pats the mares wide round back and watches her fur jiggle on the rich fat. Karen waddles over to the cow's stall, feeling her belly roll from side to side and her fat warmly rubbing her legs. She looks at the food remaining in the feed bin. "I guess you don't need a refill yet." She giggles as Bessy waddles over and starts to eat. Karen takes the full bag back to her table. She knows her levitation is helping her carry the fifty pound bag in one hand. She half tosses it onto the table and opens it like a bag of potato chips. "Jack will be so disappointed if I didn't have a good feast today." She gulps down a couple of handfuls, then washes it down with several gulps of milk. Looking at the bag, and the upper curvature of her breasts, she wonders of she might eventually be able to use two bags for a bra. Many hours later, the Christmas specials are winding down. She starts to get her hooves under her, then decides to just get comfortable where she is. "Uuuggghh, I'm too full to even want to try to move." She turns her head enough to see her friends sleeping. "Good thing I checked on them when I got another bag...." Her eyes go wide as she realizes that she's consumed three, fifty pound bags of special cow feed. She tries to move, then feels how stretched her entire digestive system is. "If I eat like this, why doesn't Bessy?" She smiles, "I guess my taste buds must be more excitable." She tries to massage her straining belly but can only feel the thick soft fat of her foreshoulders and the forward curve of her ponderous equine belly. "No way I'm going to weigh myself tonight." She rolls the bags into a makeshift pillow and makes herself somewhat comfortable. With all the nutrients in her bloodstream she's asleep quickly. Through out the night she sleeps deeply. Occasionally shifting as her digestive system converts the pounds of feed and new fat fills her out. Karen finally wakes and sees the morning news is on. She slowly gets her hooves under her and stands. Looking at her breasts, she smiles as they've filled out enough for her to tell. "I guess the feed works even if I'm not a cow." She starts to step back and feels her enormous belly pushing more against her legs than yesterday. She turns her head as far as she can. "I guess the rest of me is bigger too." She giggles and waddles with very short steps. She feeds Suzie Q and Bessy before she steps onto the scale. She stares in shock, then satisfaction. "Four thousand, nine hundred and five pounds!" She carefully waddles over to the television and watches the weather report. "Well no more snow for a while." She waddles slowly over to the window and watches the sun sparkle off the icy surface. She lowers herself a little until her ponderous abdomen supports her. "I wonder if he'll come back by new years...." She smiles as her stomach grumbles. "With all I ate yesterday.." She gets up and pours about ten pounds of feed into a bowl and fills her mug. "Well I wonder how hard it'll be once my belly is supporting me." She has breakfast and uses her levitation to fix things up. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Jack is worried as Mick and him drive through the almost blizzard conditions. "I try to tell myself that the phone lines are down. but it did ring." Mick nods and struggles as a strong gust shoves the truck and makes an almost complete white out condition for a few seconds. "You said she had reached full horse size centaur.... But she had never seen a draft horse in person before." Jack nods, "It's a good thing the others met up and took over the search." He stares into the blowing snow, even though home is hours away. "Want me to spell you at driving?" Mick grabs Jack's shoulder and gives a reassuring squeeze. "You just watch out for speed traps." They both laugh, but only for an instant. The sounds of the blizzard blasting against the outside somehow wakes Karen. She opens her eyes and sees nothing. "Oh great, power off and I don't know where a flashlight is." She tries to see anything, then wraps her blanket around her and slips back to sleep. She dreams of another bag of feed floating up to her. She opens her mouth wide and actually feels the nuggets pouring down her throat and her stomach being warm, full and heavy as the empty bag floats away. Mick is staring into the snow reflecting his headlights. "I think we're going to have to park for the night." Jack's fingers have already gouged the armrest of the door. "We're only a few miles away." He unclenches his fingers. "But you're right. We could miss the next road like this." Mick slows from 5 miles an hour to a stop. "Only 7pm and might as well be midnight." Jack looks in the direction he knows is home, and Karen. "The weather reports don't look good for tomorrow." He looks at Mick. "Sometimes it's a couple of days before the plows get here." Mick nods. "Well walking through this is crazy..." His voice trails off as he looks at the dash instruments. "I think we may have a reason to." Jack looks, even though he expects to see the gas indicating empty. "With all this low gear driving." He looks outside. "About five by road, cross country would be insane." Mick is checking his flashlights and spare batteries. "Well we don't have a rope to tie ourselves together." He zips his coat and wraps a scarf around his neck. Jack does likewise, then Mick shuts off the engine and they step into the blizzard. Barely able to see ten feet in front of them. The wind almost cuts through their coats as the stumble against the wind. Jack sees a group of trees as they pass and shouts so Mick can hear. "A hundred yards is the road." They keep struggling against the wind until they reach the intersection, then turn and lean sideways as the wind tries to blow them over. Jack keeps looking for the security light and finally stops as he sees a large oak tree. Pulling Mick into the lee of it he shakes his head. He teeth are chattering as he talks, "We're pass the driveway. She must have been asleep when the power went off." Mick nods, "I hope you can find it." He looks at the snow blowing by in the dim bream of his flashlight. "We don't have any more batteries." Jack smiles. "Good thing you had extras. Turn yours off, mine's a bit brighter." Mick nods and they stumble back onto the road and work their way back, following their own steps. Finally Jack's light is reflected by his driveway marker. It takes a couple of minutes to determine which side of the drive and they stumble over the small bridge over the ditch. Finally they find the house. Jack bangs once on the door, before deciding that she probably won't hear him with the noise the blizzard is making. He fights with the tape sealing his gloves to his coat and ends up tearing it off with his teeth. Mick holds the flashlight as he works through the keys with stiff fingers. He drops the bundle of keys, then finally gets the right key in, turns it and opens the door. They stumble in and shut the door. Jack gasps, "I need to start the generator." He takes one of the flashlights, lurches to an inner door and goes in. A few minutes later, the gentle hum starts, then various lights come on. Mick takes off his coats and snuggles against a heat vent. He stutters through chattering teeth, "You check on the centauress, I'll try to warm up here." Jack gets his coat and scarf off by the time he gets to the door of their room. He opens the door just enough for him to slip inside. The blowing snow makes the security light outside cast scattered shadows. He sees Karen's round massive form, but can tell there's something different. Shivering, and exhausted, he crawls under her blanket and onto her wide back. Spreading his arms wide to hug as much of her as he can, he falls asleep. Karen starts to wake, then realizes Jack is sleeping on her. She smiles and stands. For a moment she doesn't feel different, then opens her eyes wide and turns her head enough to look back some. Her fat body is now broader, her hands reach back and feels her foreshoulders, now wide as Suzie Q's. "I guess there was one more size for me." She giggles and feels Jack's shaft of passion start to swell between her soft rolls of fat. She carefully waddles to the door and opens it. Seeing someone sleeping against the heat vent, she moves as quietly as her levitation lets her and checks Suzie Q and Bessy. Both are sleeping, occasionally groaning slightly. The empty bags of feed make her wonder how much she fed them during her metamorphosis. Jack has been dreaming of finally being warm. His rod of love is massaged by warm rolls of Karen's body and it grows and grows. After weeks of always keeping it under control, it's more than a relief to let it loose. As the swollen head bumps his chin, he tries to push himself up, but the sponginess under the fur he's resting on, tells him he's really on his obese centauress. Karen giggles as she feels him struggling. "So you finally came home." She levitates him up and lowers him to his feet, his shaft resting against her billowing side. Jack had started to smile, but as he floated up and saw how wide she is, his eyes roamed over her new expansiveness. Standing beside her, her broad back is even with his eyes and he has to look up to see her laughing eyes. "I guess seeing Suzie Q gave you a larger size to grow to." He tries to say more, but buries his face into her bountious body as his rod pulses with each heartbeat. Karen smiles and tells him about Christmas and her gorging on the cow feed. Jack laughs as he gets himself back under control. "I better order more, a lot more." He looks at her large weighty bosom. "You might need a larger blanket before long." Karen looks down and smiles. "Well I don't think either of us will complain." She smiles as they shift under her blanket/blouse. Jack finally manages to get his pants back on and she tries not to excite him. He checks Suzie Q and thinks that Karen's metamorphosis somehow extended to the obese mare. "I think she'll be fattening faster." His hands gently probe and fondle her thick fat. "Her digestive system is has been improved. I don't think she could be overfed." He flips a switch on the autofeeder so it keeps food in her bin. Karen grins, "Well I don't think there's a larger form for the magic to change me to." She looks back at her round rolling belly. "So next time my tummy is on the floor, it's just going to spread out." Jack almost loses control, but hears Mick getting up. Jack fixes breakfast while Mick tells of their search. "I think they know it's only a matter of time before they're found." He looks at Karen, "If your friend calls, tell her that she's in no trouble." Karen nods. "It's funny that I messed up the spell and that I'm happier than I've ever been." She levitates Mick up then back into his chair. Mick smiles, then works on his breakfast while Jack answers Karen's questions about the search. "At least I'm home for New Years." Jack tries not to laugh. Mick looks outside. "I should try to get my jeep off the road." Jack nods. "First we eat, then I'll see if my truck can get through this white stuff." Karen had been eating what ever Jack prepares for her, savoring each morsel. Jack changes about ten pounds of feed into pancakes and syrup. "We won't be gone long." He and Mick wrap up and go outside. Jack looks across the snow covered fields. "We can give it a try." He opens the doors to the small barn and they climb into his truck. He lets the engine warm up a few minutes before driving onto the snow covered drive. A couple of the drifts they're forced to break out the shovels before driving through. It takes over an hour before they reach Mick's jeep. They refuel it and drive back. Parking both in the barn, they then go into the house. Karen had quickly finished the pancakes and ate several pounds of feed before stacking the empty sacks and making the place more presentable for company. Jack and Mick come in and hang their coats up. "We got his jeep in," Jack says. "But it's going to be a few days before the roads get plowed out." Karen nods. "Well you two can talk shop, or I have a new person to play computer games against." She leads them into her room. Jack goes to check on Suzie Q and Bessy while Mick does his best against Karen. After an hour or so, Jack joins them and they talk about how Bessy is doing. They go into the stalls and Jack strokes Bessy's enormous abdomen while she eats. "Her udder is resting on the floor already. I think she'll be big enough by the time she calves." Mick strokes the lower curve of her enormously pregnant belly and looks at her dairy sized udder. "I know she'll be able to nurse all of them." He looks at Karen and tries not to smile too much. Karen laughs and her mammoth bosom billows under her blanket/blouse. "Now that I'm eating her feed," she strokes their outer curvature and then moves her hands outward. Everyone laughs. For the rest of the day, they watch TV, play computer games and nibble on the foods Jack prepares. Jack prepares a feast for them to celebrate midnight. Shortly before midnight he comes into the room. "The New Year's feast is ready." He goes out, then pushes a wheeled table in, loaded with various treats and dishes. Karen's stomach rumbles and every one laughs. Mick takes a mug of eggnog and a roll. "It's obvious you never have leftovers." Karen levitates a serving bowl of vegetables in thick cheese sauce and pours all of it into her mouth, swallowing in mighty gulps. She puts the bowl down and smiles. "Every thing goes to waste," she pats her huge equine abdomen, "my waist." Everyone laughs and Jack disappears into the house. A moment later he returns with a bottle of wine. "I've tried to make this, but just can't get it right." He pours a glass for himself and Mick, then pours the rest into Karen's mug. "Happy New Year!" Every one drains their's before putting down the empty glasses. They watch the happenings shown on TV while Karen proceeds to empty every bowl, dish and platter of it's delicious load. Smiling as she looks at the empty dishes, she pats her belly. "No desert?" She giggles until Jack takes a fifty pound bag of feed. He meditates, then tears open the top and climbs on the table. "Here's desert." He raises the bag and starts to pour into her open mouth. She begins gulping as fast as her mouth fills. She loves chocolate and he's turned the feed nuggets into nuggets of dark chocolate. Her hands stroke the forward curve of her swelling belly while her fat upper arms make her ponderous bosom billow sensually. As the last of the nuggets pour down her throat, Jack changes the bag into more chocolate until she swallows all of it. "There," he gets off the table and hugs what he can of her enormous abdomen. "Everything goes to your waist." Mick smiles as he thinks what to do. "Since one of Bessy's calves is to be mine," He steps to the stall doorway. "Why don't I sleep in there." Jack steps away from Karen, knowing he needs to regain control or get out of his over tight pants. "Hang on a second." He goes into the house and returns with a sleeping bag and a soft pillow. "No reason you shouldn't be comfortable." Mick takes them and goes to the obese and pregnant cow while Jack follows Karen into their room. As he watches how wide spaced her very sturdy legs are, his shaft begins growing and he's out of his pants before any seams are damaged. He watches her almost spherical belly roll from side to side as she waddles. Karen reaches her mattresses and turns around, her mammoth mammeries swaying heavily under her blanket/blouse. "I guess I don't need this on now." She smiles as he holds his stallion sized rod and undoes the few ties holding the cloth in place. As it slides off the upper curves of her breasts and exposes their glorious mass, she can see his veins pulse in excitement. Jack's mouth is already dry as he lets his throbbing shaft gently rest between her two warm mounds of breast flesh. She shifts her forelegs, causing them to quiver and the pulsing head disappears between them. Jack tries to control himself but has to slowly pull it out. He gently let's the head rub over her plushy foreshoulder, her more ponderous than ever abdomen and her fat loaded rump before cautiously easing it into her waiting depth. His eyes go wide again as he finds she's as snug as before she grew to draft mare build. Karen gasps in passion as he shoves in slowly, finally his body is snug against her rump. "When I knew I was changing," she pants happily. "I thought it would be good if that part of me stayed the same. You're already having trouble and I can't imagine what you'd do if it grew to draft stallion sized." Jack can't talk with his mouth so dry. As he begins slowly pulling almost all the way out, then shoving in and colliding with her obese rump, causing her fat to roll like waves under her rich pelt. He times his motions to keep her flesh billowing like the ocean during a storm. Finally he shoves in deep, until her fat rump almost engulfs his body, then explodes and pumps several weeks of love into her inner warmth. Karen gasps for breath and smiles in contentment. She feels Jack nestled within her rump and feels him slowly shrink and withdraw for her. She levitates him onto her broad spongy back and lies down. Then levitates her blanket to cover both of them and leans against the pads that help her sleep somewhat upright. Her stomach rumbling as it digests her feast, lulls them both to sleep. Jack wakes and feels himself floating on Karen's wondrously soft back. He tries not to get excited as he carefully rolls off of her. He gets his clothes on by the time she wakes. "So how fast are you filling out now?" Karen grins. "About fifty a day since Christmas." She levitates her blouse on, then waddles slowly. Jack stays ahead of her so her motions don't excite him. Mick is already awake and filling Bessy's feed bin as they enter. He watches as Karen waddles onto the scale and the numbers stop. Jack smiles almost proudly. "Five thousand two hundred and thirty." He hugs her growing, ponderous abdomen. "Since there's not a larger size of centaur, what do you think might happen when your belly touches the ground this time?" Karen grins. "We'll just have to find out." She waddles into the kitchen and Jack prepares breakfast for every one. ---------------------------------------------------------------- For two days they talk about the search, discuss magickal energies, any other sleeping abilities Karen might have and play computer games. Shortly before lunch, a plow drives past, clearing the road. Mick gets his coats on. "Well it's been fun." He heads outside and is soon driving for his home. Jack looks at Karen as his pants begin to swell. As she loosens her blouse and it falls away, he gets his pants off almost as fast. "I know you've gained one hundred and ten pounds in two days." He holds his pulsing shaft up while he slowly walks around her. "I wouldn't expect to have it show much but..." He stops beside her mammoth bosom and strokes his shaft along it's almost spherical contour. Karen giggles and her flesh ripples, exciting him more. "I think the cow feed works on centaurs too." She watches as he somehow regains control and gets a bag of feed. He looks at her and smiles. "Maybe I should fix you a special feast." Karen tilts her head and grins. "Call me when it's ready." She waddles into her room and turns on the TV. Jack works on creating her feast. He starts at one end of the table, changing the feed into cookies. Soon dozens of oatmeal, chocolate chip, peanut butter, gingerbread cookies are piled, and he makes a building out of brownies. Getting more feed, he starts on an assortment of pies, apple, cherry, pecan, peach, blueberry and pumpkin, a half dozen of each. He looks at what he's made as if gauging how much Karen's prodigeous stomach can hold. Then he begins making cakes, chocolate, black forest, angel food with rich frosting and a large pound cake. He leans back against the racks of feed. "Well that should be enough food." He gets two, five gallon pails of milk suppliment and changes it into rich eggnog. Imaging all of this in her, he can't resist getting another bag and making an assortment of bite sized candies and strawberries dipped in chocolate. He fills her large mug with eggnog and smiles. He looks into their room. "Your meal is ready." Karen turns slowly and waddles in. Jack tries not to watch, but his sweat pants are quicky filling with his stallionhood. She looks at the overloaded table and smiles as Jack is revealing he loves her growing even more. She moves to one end of the table and lowers her ponderous haunch onto the floor. Her round rump spreads out until she's comfortable. "Good thing I'm hungry." She takes her mug, drains it in two gulps, then puts it down. Jack blushes as he looks at all he prepared. "Well I.." he refills her mug. Karen laughs and her fur billows on her soft fat. She levitates several oatmeal cookies and eats them slowly enough to enjoy their crunchy flavor, then the sweetness of several chocolate chip, the creaminess of some peanut butter, and finally some of the spicy gingerbread cookies. She drains her mug and lets Jack refill it several times while she crunches and gulps down the dozens of cookies. She looks at the brownie building and giggles as she eats a few, savoring the sweatness. "I guess this is what's called eating one out of house and home." Jack has been watching her eating and keeping her mug refilled as soon as she drinks. "Well, I just started stacking them and thought how they looked like bricks." He watches her levitate the building up to her mouth and slurp in brownie after brownie, swallowing each after a few chews. Karen levitates a slice of apple pie up to her mouth and eats it slow enough to savoy the flavor, then she floats piece after piece of that pie and the other five up to her mouth. She takes bite after bite, swallowing them without chewing. "You had to create foods I just can't resist." A slice of cherry pie foats up and adds it's color to her food smeared lips as it's flavor excites her taste buds. Slices begin floating to her mouth as fast as she can bite and gulp the previous one into her huge, but filling stomach. She's over half way through the fist five gallons of eggnog as she savors, then attacks the half dozen pecan pies, then the six peach pies. "Mmmm," she reaches back with both hands and pats what she can reach of her growing equine abdomen. "I just hope I can hold all of this." She drains a mug then tastes a big slice of blueberry. She starts gulping down bites almost as fast as she can levitate slices to her wide mouth. She looks at the pumpkin pies and gets her plump hands under her weighty breasts. "I wonder if they'll make my pumpkins bigger." She eats the first slice slowly, licking her lips then draining a mug of eggnog. Jack has tried to keep under control, but finally begins massaging her more than ponderous equine abdomen. "Just enjoy them. Feel their richness sliding down your throat and into you waiting stomach." Karen smiles and the various flavors of pies now in her belly show on her face. She smiles sensually as Jack massages her and is almost shoving slices into her maw as she bites and swallows. She drains a mug after every pie or two, then continues to the cakes. Each one is at least five pounds. She eats a slice of chocolate, then raises the entire cake to her mouth and sucks chunks of it down her throat. The black forest is very rich but it soon joins the other treats weighing heavily in her belly. She drains a mug, then works on the fluffy angel food with it's rich frosting. She fills her mug from the second five gallon of eggnog. The pound cake is thick and it takes her three mugs before it's resting in her swollen stomach. Jack looks up from his kneeling position as he strokes the lowering curve of her enormous abdomen. "I probably went too far with the candies." He wraps his arms as far around as he can and doesn't reach half way from mid belly to her broad back. Karen smiles and drinks some more eggnog. "Well I'd hate for your work to go to waste, unless it's my waist." She levitates the first platter up to her mouth. She takes a deep breath that shoves her large bosom forward more than it was, tips the platter and gulps the ten pound assortment of bite sized candies. She empties the first platter and goes to the next without stopping. After four platters are empty, she drains a mug of eggnog, then samples one of the strawberries dipped in chocolate. She closes her eyes as she gulps them into her overloaded stomach. Jack can't say a thing as he feels her equine abdomen sag lower with two hundred pounds of deserts and gallons of eggnog. His eyes go wide as he listens to her gulping and realizes that she drinking straight from the pail. As the final gulp of rich eggnog is swelling her straining belly, she lowers the pail and tries to stand up. Her belly shifts with it's load and bumps her hind legs as she gets herself up. "I hope you aren't expecting me to eat like this all the time." She's almost laughing as Jack's hands reach under her and explores the weighty curvature of her pregnant looking belly. He slowly stands, stroking and fondling her mammoth abdomen. "I didn't plan to make so much." He looks at the empty platters and plates, than at Karen's well swollen belly. Karen smiles and strokes the outer cures of her fat breasts. "Well you did an excellent job." Her hands go over the rolls of her fat foreshoulders, then the foreward curves of her swollen equine abdomen. "I just hope you aren't planning on this every day." She laughs lightly because she's so stuffed. She turns slowly and waddles heavily into their room. Jack starts to follow her, then finds that his stallion sized shaft has stiffened down one pant leg. He gets out of the tight sweats and follows her in, holding it up like a knight carrying a lance. Karen lowers herself onto her gorged belly, then stands. "Feels better to let it just sag." She turns slightly as Jack goes back to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returns pushing a bale of hay. He climbs on it and his shaft nudges into her inner warmth. Karen eases herself back slowly, his stallioness shoving deep into her food bloated belly. "Mmmmm I just want to stand here with you in me." Jack smiles, his shaft throbs within her as he tries not to move, then he begins moving in and out as much as he safly can while standing on the bale. Karen mmrrrsss in food and sexual contentment and he holds back as long as possible before flooding her womb. He lets himself shrink until he can back all the way out safely. Karen sighs happily. "Just let me work on digesting for a few hours." She closes her eyes and breathes lightly but steadily. Jack goes out, checks Bessy and Suzie Q, then gets back to his work. He call various farms, checking on their animals and taking appointments. That night, Jack curls around her enormous and soft abdomen and drifts to sleep, lulled by her muffled digestive system working. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Karen wakes and yawns. She hears Jack in the stable and opens the window so she can see. "Looks like you slept well." Jack looks up and smiles. "Never notice the cold with some one as warm as you." Karen waddles slowly to the stable and steps onto the scale. She watches him out of the corner of her eye and sees his grow wide as her more ponderous belly surges in all directions. She watches the display for a second, knowing he wants to know. "Aw, only 5,410. I thought for sure I'd gain 200 from yesterday's feast." She turns and steps off the scale, feeling her enormous abdomen billowing against her legs. Jack has finished checking Bessy and walks a bit stiffly to Karen, his one pant leg looks ready to rip apart. "Well we can always try again." He pats her obese belly, then begins fondling and exploring her enormous abdomen. Karen stands still, enjoying his massages and knowing he cares more for her than just her growing body. ------------------------------------------------------- For the next two weeks there's little snow and Jack does what appointments he can. Karen tries not to eat more than she had been but gains about sixty pounds a day. Suzie Q very slowly waddles onto the scale and waits patiently as he weighs her. Jack smiles as he massages her immensely fat body. "thirty six hundred and ten, better than fifteen a day." He takes her back into her stall, fills her bin, then draws energy from her while she eats. The sound of a truck driving up makes him jump away. He looks as Karen waddles to their room. He opens the door for the driver. Then they get the healed stallion out of his stall and into the trailer. Jack looks at the thick clouds in the west. "It does look bad." The driver nods. "Two storm fronts are converging. Time to get every one in and warm." He climbs in the truck and drives off. Jack gets inside, closes the doors, then makes sure they're sealed. He joins Karen as she comes out of their room. "Looks like we got another blizzard coming." He walks past her into their room and turns the TV to the weather channel. Karen waddles in and sees the local display showing a tremendous stormfront and the thick clouds behind it are off the screen. Jack picks up the phone and calls the owner of the other patient. He agrees to come and get him since the gelding is able to travel and can finish healing at home. Jack sighs," I'm going to completely heal him. You watch the weather reports." He runs out and enters the stalls as she opens her window to the stalls. Jack works smoothly on completing the healing of the gelding's hoof. He stands and smiles exhaustedly. Before he can get to Suzie Q, a horn blowing outside grabs his attention. He unseals the doors, then opens them. A well dressed man comes in and smiles. "Glad I can bring Buddy home before this storm. They get the gelding out and into the customed horse van. Jack comes in and closes the door. By the time he's sealed it, Karen has joined him. She levitates him onto Suzie Q's broad soft back. "Anything else I can do?" He shakes his head weakly. "How does the weather look? I can't believe I've been forgeting to check it." Karen grins, "Maybe your mind has been on other things." She waits for a response, but he's already in a trance, drawing energy from the obese mare beneath him. She waddles back to their room and watches the reports of how much snow is coming, warnings on not going out and plan for farms to be snow bound for several days. It's mid afternoon when Jack finally comes out of his trance. He massages Suzzie Q's mammoth belly and gets up so she can nuzzle him. He looks at the doors as a strong gust of wind hits. Karen looks through the opening from her room and calls out. "Storm's here and more coming." She moves back as he runs in and looks out the window. Jack half smiles. "Looks like we'll be stuck here for a day or so." He turns and looks at the TV, "Or several days." He looks at Karen and his mouth goes dry at how large her breasts have grown and her ponderous belly. He steps beside her, nuzzling and fondling her enormous abdomen. "So, what do you think?" Karen smiles as she thinks. "Well I haven't had lunch.." She looks at the blizzard howling outside. "Some how snow always makes me think of Christmas." Jack pats her round belly and laughs. "So is there any special foods that make you think of Christmas?" Karen smiles. "Well there is one thing that I remember before I got plump. I just loved rum fruit cake." She licks her plump lips. "Just something about it's flavor and I could almost feel it resting in my tummy." She turns her head and looks at her huge equine body. "Of course it would take more for me to feel it now." Jack pats her almost spherical abdomen. "Well let's see if I can do that. You just wait here and relax." There's a gleam in his eyes as he goes into the kitchen. A few minutes later he returns with five gallons of eggnog and her halfgallon mug, then goes back into the kitchen. Karen grins and watches the weather reports and images of what it's like for driving, watching cars stuck and spinning their tires. Jack comes out pushing a cart loaded with bite sized fruitcake. "Now lets see how these will weigh in you belly." He pushes it so he can feed her without having to reach too far. Karen reaches over and pulls him against her fat ladened foreshoulder and opens her mouth wide. She savors the first few, then begins swallowing them as soon as he puts one in her mouth. "Mmmm these are delicious." She reaches back with her other hand and pats what she can reach of her enormous equine body. Her fat billows. Jack feels it move under the fur his one arm is fondling. He smiles and keeps feeding her, watching her swallow and her ponderous bosom jiggling as she breathes. Chunk by chunk he feeds her and she swallow them, occassionally washing them down with a few gulps of rich eggnog. The cart finally empties and Karen looks at it. "Did you think fifty pounds was all I could hold?" Her smiling eyes almost make him laugh, because he used two 50 pound bags of feed. "Well I thought you might want a break." He moves out of her fleshy embrace and massages her mammoth belly. "Those delicious fruit cake chunks are going to weigh heavy in you before we're done." He strokes her fur and makes her fat jiggle, then moves to her obese breasts. "And I expect some to end up here." He steps back, his pants swollen with his stallionhood, but he some how keeps enough control that it doesn't force it's way out. He goes into the kitchen while Karen watches the snow outside, and the weather reports showing more snow coming. He empties two bags of feed on the table and begins forming chunks of fruit cake. He loads the cart, changes five gallons of milk supplement to eggnog and pushes it all into the waiting, weighty centauress. Karen smiles, licks her lips and levitates a few before he gets to her. "Just park it where I can see." She leans her head back so her fattening breasts seem to block more of her vision than they do. Jack stops it and refills her mug. "It's all yours." He steps beside her and spreads his arms wide around her humongous equine abdomen. "And soon will be you." He nuzzles her fur covered fat and listens to her eat and digest. He watches her eat and eat and drink. Massaging her huge abdomen and trying to convince himself that he needs to tell her how much she's eating. Karen pops a chunk of fruit cake in as soon as she swallows the previous one. She drains her mug after several, then drinks directly from the bucket as she works on weighing her belly down with the contents of the cart. She finishes and relaxes to Jack fondling her swelling belly. "So? Now I get course three?" She laughs as he looks into her smiling eyes, his showing surprise that she's finished so fast. "So you want to test your limits today?" He playfully slaps her huge equine abdomen and watches her fat billow as he stands. Karen hefts her fattened breasts, partly with her levitation, but with her hands enough so they sink into her softness. "Or maybe testing your control." Jack almost stumbles as his stallioness grows rapidly down one pantleg. He gets into the kitchen and works on converting another hundred pounds of feed. "She can probably hold this. Then I'll tell her she's eaten twice as much as she thought." He changes another bucket into rich eggnog and wheels the cart into their room. Karen has flips through some channels and is watching a medieval movie as Jack comes in. "Well if you want to really encourage me to test my limit." She levitates the bucket and gulps almost a gallon before working on the fruit cake chunks. Jack tries not to think of how much she's eaten but resumes massaging her huge round growing abdomen. "Take some time to enjoy." He tries not to sense how full her stomach already is. Karen savors the chunk in her mouth for a moment, then resumes swallowing them one after another. "They're so tasty," gulp, "I just want them all in me." She keeps eating and washing them down with gulps of eggnog. She finishes the fruitcake and pours the final gallon into her waiting maw. "Ahhh," she pats her equine abdomen, setting off ripples under her rich pelt. Jack strokes her swelling body and then pats her fat forebelly. "And you want more?" His mind say admit she's eaten 300 pounds, but his desires seem to control his mouth. Karen looks outside into the darkness and the snow blowing against the window. "I do want to feel my belly weighted down with these tasty morsals." She strokes what she can of her enormous equine abdomen. Jack has to limp into the kitchen. He fills the cart with another hundred pounds of fruitcake chunks and another five gallons of eggnog. He has to wait until his maleness has reduced to pony size before pushing the cart in. Karen watches him leave, than pats the immense forward curvature of her huge equine abdomen. "I can't believe how heavy they feel in me. I know I took all day to eat two hundred pounds before..." Her stomach rumbles as it struggles with it's load, but she thinks it just wants more. Jack pushes the cart in slowly, feeling his shaft quickly growing down one pantleg and forcing him to try to control himself. Karen smiles and licks her plump lips as she levitates the first one. She chews and savors the spices and sweetness, then swallows and levitates one after another, swallowing them and feeling each one drop into her belly. She imagines how heavy they'll feel once she's full. Jack almost falls because of the stiff shaft trying to rip out of his one pant leg. He gives in, struggles out of his pants and his stallion size, throbing rod stands out as her belly rolls as she gorges. He holds it up and steps closer until it's partly engulfed between her fat foreshoulder and enormous abdomen. Karen strokes her forebelly, then moves her plump hand back until she finds his pulsing shaft. "Mmmm," she gulps down a few more. "I think I'm going to want some more in me soon." She spreads her fingers wide and can barely feel the flange. "Ooo I guess I didn't realize," she takes a long gulp of eggnog. Her hand moves down it as much as her her fatness allows, then squeezes it into her plushy foretorso. She turns her head enough to see Jack struggling not to move, but his cock is throbbing against her plump hand and spongy fatness. Jack opens his eyes and sees her laughing face. He grins back and slowly works his way around her overloaded belly, his stallionness rubbing against her until he finally gets around her bulging rump. He backs up slowly until his swollen head is nudging into her fleshly entrance. Bebore he can think of how to get something to stand on so he's high enough, she levitates him up, then moves a bench under him so he can actually move. "I don't know if I should." He slowly begins easing into her soft warmth. "As hungry as you are now." He tried not to say that, but steps foreward until her hills of rump flesh are rolling around him. Karen gasps as she knows how much of him is in her. She swallows almost a gallon of rich eggnog, then relaxes as his thrusting sets her tons of fat rolling and jiggling. Her fur billows like the ocean. "Mmmmm This feels soooo good." She gasps as a preclimax hits. "It feels like all of my fat is being massaged." She gasps and groans in passion as a real climax surges through her. Jack has been keeping himself under control since she started eating and knows he can't last long. He takes long slow thrusts, then backs out until the hot flange of his shaft is hugged by her fat neither lips. After she has billowed through two more climaxes, he shoves himself in deeply, massaging her hills of rump flesh as he pumps his liquid love into her waiting depths. Some how he feels more alert, and recharged, rather than what he'd expect. He let's his rod of passion retract before he steps away. He strokes her humongous equine body, then fondles what he can of her huge, swelling breasts. They have grown so large that he needs both hands on one at a time. Karen beathes heavily, causing her large fat bosom to jiggle. She feels energy flowing then she resumes eating with a desire to get all of the fruit cake in her well weighted belly. Chunk by chunk she gulps them down, then washing them into her straining stomach by swallowing the last two gallons of eggnog. "Ahhh", she reaches back and pats the forward curve of her expanding equine belly, "Delicious". She looks between her large fat breasts and feels Jack massaging one. What are you going to do when they keep growing?" Jack moves and snuggles between them, his head looking small between what is over one hundred pounds of spongy flesh. ""I have no idea." He stretches his arms under her huge globes of fat and squeezes as much as he can reach. Her flesh billows and almost engulfs his head. "We'll just have to find out." He nuzzles deeper, then eases back. Karen grins, then laughs as her stomach rumbles deep within her fat. "Ready for more." She looks at his shocked expression. "I've eaten 200 pounds in a day before." She moves slighty and her bulging forebelly jiggles against his body while her mammoth mammeries billow around his chest and head. Jack stares as his mind fights for him to tell what she's actually eaten, but her warm flesh massaging him takes control. He strokes her almost spherical breasts as he wiggles out. Stepping back enough to see her, his mouth hangs open. He had know her breasts were growing, but just hadn't looked as he watched and massaged her rapidly growing equine body. Her humanoid torso had widened when she changed into a draft build, but the outer curves of her ponderous bosom swells out as far as her fat covered foreshoulders. He turns and goes into the kitchen before his one pant leg would be unbendable. He empties two bags of feed and converts them into chunks of fruit cake. He pauses, then converts another bucket of milk into rich eggnog. Loading this onto the cart and pushes it into their room. Karen smiles and begins levitating chunks while he pushes the cart to her. "After I get all this in me..." She smiles and swallows some more as he starts to fondle her mammoth melons. Jack looks up her canyon like cleavage as he realizes something. "I've converted all this feed and milk, and don't feel drained." He nuzzles between her billowing breasts and smiles. "When we mate, I'm recharging more than I can from Suzie Q." Karen smiles, "Good to know I'm helping you." She looks through opening to the stables. "What about Suzie Q?" She has some more fruit cake chunks. Jack snuggles her fleshy breasts. "There are those waiting for the calves. I know several who would be glad to get Suzie Q." He strokes what he can of the lower curvature of her bountious bosom. Karen smiles and works on forcing down chunk after chunk of heavy fruit cake. She swallows eggnog, a half gallon at a time, to wash them into her stretched stomach. She gasps in something like estacy and pain as her stomach creaks. "Ahhh", she works on the remaining ones, then pours the final gallon down her maw. A muffled creaking comes from within her enormous equine abdomen. Her eyes go wide, "I couldn't have stretched my stomach that much." She looks into the canyon of her ponderous bosom and watches Jack snuggling within her rolling warmth. Jack pauses to get his pants off when he thinks he hears the seam giving up. He starts to move around her swollen body but Karen levitates him onto her broad spongy back. He spreads his arms wide and gently grips her rolls of fat. Giving in to all he's done, he closes his eyes and is soon sleeping deeply. Karen tries to lie down, but finds it more comfortable to stand and let her overloaded stomach just sag. She slips into a light sleep but stays unconscious until morning. Jack drifts almost awake, but the rumbles and gurgling of her digestive system lulls him back to sleep. Jack wakes and moves as carefully as he can. He slides over her fat swollen abdomen, gets his clothes on and checks the animals in the stable. He tiptoes back in and gently feels her huge belly. His thoughts probe and find much of yesterday's feast is already digested and stored as new flesh. Stepping back, his eyes almost pop out of his head as he sees how much her bountious bosom has filled out since yesterday. He whispers to himself. 'They keep growing and her forebelly is disappearing beneath them.' He wants to feel her billowing flesh, but knows she needs to sleep. Jack makes some calls to check on animals that he's been treating as outpatients then calls some to reschedule appointments because of the weather. It's mid afternoon when Karen finally wakes. Jack gets up from his chair and watches her waddle with more rolling than yesterday. She smiles as her more enormous breasts get close to him, then she stops so fast her flesh surges under her rich fur. "Umm" she seems to have trouble moving, then her fur billows as she backs up. "I think I have a problem." She's laughing as she says this. Jack can't help smiling. "You loved bumping the side of the doorway. Now you can't get through." He goes into the stable and struggles to get the scale. Karen levitates it as soon as she can see it and parks it against a wall. She gets on in and smiles, until she sees the readout. "Six Thousand EIGHT HUNDRED and TEN? I've grained almost five hundred since yesterday?" She looks at her enormous breasts as her hands feel the forward curve of her overly obese equine belly. Jack stutters as he tries to think of how to tell her. "Well I made the first batch of fruit cakes with one hundred pounds of feed. I guess I couldn't resist feeding you twice as much as you thought you were eating. That and the twenty five gallons of eggnog...." He looks up between her enormous spherical breasts and sees that she's almost laughing. Karen starts laughing. Her fur billowing as all of her fat moves with her humor. "I was worried something in the spell did it." She pats her equine body and smiles. "But if it's just my appetite and elastic tummy." She looks at the read out, then gets off the scale. "Going to have to slow down or I'll fill this room." Jack is already working out of his pants and spends several hours exploring her new fat from inside and outside. Finally they stop and Jack prepares a normal meal for her. "I hope your stomach didn't stay stretched out." Karen grins. "So do I." She starts levitating and eating the rolls, vegetables in cheese sauce and fruit chunks. Jack moves the bench around so he can stand on it and be beside her head. When she finishes the converted foods, he smiles and tips the bag toward her. "Ready for the rest?" Before he can finish, she opens her mouth wide. She gulps the feed nuggets down as fast as he pours them. As the bag empties, he converts in into chocolate and crumples it into her mouth as she chews and swallows. "Mmmm you make use of everything." Jack smiles, then hops off the bench. "Well you make better use of it." He pats her enormous abdomen and then fondles and explores how round and full she's grown. "I think my next problem will be is finding a new place so you have enough room." He snuggles beside her, then flips on the TV and relaxes. Karen smiles, gently grabs his shoulder and pulls him into her warm spongy body. "Let's not worry about that tonight." She relaxes and they watch a movie. Then Jack prepares another bag of food into various snacks. All of the snacks and a couple gallons of malteds are sloshing in her belly by the time they decide to call it a night. Karen lowers her weighty belly onto the mattresses and her fur covered fat bloats out. Jack spreads her large blanket over her, then snuggles against, and part way under her billowing warm fur covered flesh. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Jack is checking on Bessy when the phone double rings. He picks it up and balances it as he makes some notes. "This is Jack... Ok.. WHAT! Right.. Ok send any over here you think are right and bring supplies." He hangs up and dials as Karen stares out her window into the stables. He makes an order to the feed store then hangs up and looks at the obese centauress. "The group with those tomes has decided to do a power play." He comes into their room and explains how the country is divided into regions. "Each region is independent. Those with the tomes have decided to declare for rulership of this region. No one outside will help them or the present ruling guild. They have said that our place is neutral. However, we'll have to care for any that come here." Karen stares in shock. "Does this happen often? I mean how can something like this happen and no one know?" Jack takes a deep breath. "None outside of those involved with magick know a thing. Since we only use magick, there's no evidence..." Karen nods but knows he's not telling her all. "So what do we do?" Jack looks at the door to the house. "Well there are some who are not fighters who are going to stay here. And any that want to come here to heal or recharge from either side." Karen nods. "Since you recharge from me, they can draw from Suzie Q." She looks up as a truck horn blares. She closes her window to the stalls as Jack goes to unload the truck. They barely start unloading before a van drives up. With the others helping, they have the truck unloaded in fifteen minutes. Karen gets her blanket/blouse adjusted to cover as much as she could hope to and waits as the truck drives off. Jack comes in with five people following. All had heard about her, but a few just stand in shock. One woman smiles, "I'm Cindy. I've heard of cows and a few horses getting tremendous." Karen grins. "A year ago I wouldn't have believed it possible for a centaur to get this fat either. Much less for me to." Jack and the three men go and stack the supplies. One of the women starts moving their things in from the van. Cindy stays and tells Karen what they can expect. "For us, we'll just be waiting it out. There will be some that come here to recover or recharge. Maybe a few who decide it doesn't matter who's in charge." She looks toward the stable. "I just hope we don't get too many. Charging a lot of different people could tax her." Karen nods. "What about Bessy" Jack comes in and shakes his head. "As long as she's carrying..." He stops in midthought. "I could get her to birth early. Her udder is as volumnious as any of us could have hoped for." He smiles at Cindy. "Now that I have others to help." He almost runs to the stable with Cindy following close behind. Karen opens her window so she can watch or help. Bessy is half asleep, but pushes herself up. Her hugely pregnant abdomen and humongous udder are still resting heavily on the ground. Jack massages her abdomen and meditates. The others come in with towels, hot water and other things that he might need. Within minutes she begins birthing. Bessy seems to be oblivious to this and just stands while her huge abdomen surges and billows. The first calf comes out and two of the men help it to it's feet, then to one of the fat teats. By the time the last is born and the cow cleaned up, the first has finished nursing and is sleeping. Finally they're all sleeping. Cindy offers to take the first watch and Jack comes into Karen's room She levitates him onto her broad, rolling with fat back and feels him sink in. She feels him drawing energy and she channels more to him. An hour later, he rolls off her and every one comes in. Mick had been where there had been a conflict like this. Cindy has the same ability as Jack in changing organic material. She works on fixing a feast for every one. Karen controls her appetite some, but still eats plenty to keep packing on the pounds. Occassionally one or several of them shiver or seem not to be aware of where they are. Jack nods when Karen asks. "The assaults have started, when some one we know is involved, we feel it." They set up a schedule so two of them are awake in case some one comes for sancutary. Mick offers to stay up during the night and Bill joins him. The others grab their sleeping gear and head into the house. Jack brings the TV into the kitchen then rejoins Karen and closes the door. Karen relaxes then levitates him onto her jiggling back. "You get some good sleep." She smiles as he snuggles into her spongy back. Jack mumbles something as he falls asleep. She closes her eyes and joins him. --------------------------------------------------------------- For several days Karen get to know their 'guests'. Cindy is most comfortable with her and tells her more about what may happen. "Basically for us it'll be finding things to do so we don't go stir crazy." Karen sets up some competition with her computer games. Jack talks with Mick and Bill about widening the doorway between her room and the kitchen. They begin removing the wall panels and rebuild the framing so she'll be able to get out of her room. Karen waddles onto the scale. "Seven thousand. "I hope that's a sign of good fortune." Jack smiles, "We can only hope." He turns so she doesn't see the worry in his face. By afternoon, the wind has picked up and a flurry is adding a little to the snow base. Cindy jumps as there's a banging at the door. She opens it and two parka clad people stumble in. Every one awake moves, they get the parkas off, wrap them in warm blankets. Cindy prepares mugs of hot coco to help warm them. After many minutes, they stop shivering enough to talk. "I'm Mike." The older one says. "My group got hit a few miles from here. Several were captured." He almost drops his mug. "We managed to escape, but too weak." Jack grabs Mike and Bill grabs the other and helps them stumble to the stable. He takes Mike to Suzie Q and helps him onto her broad soft back while Bill helps the other get to Bessy. Bill stays with them while Jack talks with the others. "Well we've got our first casualities here. I think what the main concern is how many others will come." Karen looks into the stable at the two resting men. "It's too bad we can't do anything to end this." Every one nods. Bill walks in, "Maybe we can. What has started this is the discovery of those tomes. If even one of them is 'lost', the balance would change." Every one gathers around the large table in the kitchen. With the wider doorway, Karen waddles out and sits down on her obese haunches. Bill unrolls a scroll he had brought. "Even though we have been declared a neutral place, we signed nothing." He looks at Karen. "The spell of one book gave you abilities, besides changing you and adapting you to fatten. I believe you can locate the tome that was used. With the stored energies of your fat, you can summon the book through whatever defenses they've put around it." Jack shakes his head. "She can't draw for her stored energies. But if she stuffed herself, all the energy in her stomach could be used." He looks at Karen. "This may not work. First we have to see if you can locate it." Karen nods. "Some one teach me what to do, then I'll decide." She looks at her mommoth bosom as her hands stroke her enormous equine body. "If I have to stuff myself I guess a few more pounds won't matter." Every one starts laughing, then stops so they won't wake the two recharging. Bill takes Karen into her room and begins teaching her how to look without being where she sees. Jack and Cindy sit down and start discussing what they can feed her to give her the most energy for what may tax her limits. After an hour, Bill joins them. "She's meditating. I believe she can find it tonight." Cindy nods and gets up. "Lets see how those two are doing." They all go and find the two refuges still asleep. Jack wakes them and but they won't discuss anything besides what Mike had first said. Bill takes them into the house, then returns to the others. "I told them that they are safe here, but to remain in their room. They were so exhausted, I think they fell asleep before they hit the beds." Jack nods."Well time to see how Karen's doing." "I'm doing fine." Karen waddles slowly out of her room. Her huge breasts rolling like jello filled feed bags, only rounder and much larger. She sits down on her fat haunches and her belly billows against her forelegs. "I know where they are. But they have shields that will tell them if I try anything." Bill nods. "The problem is, if we try and fail," Karen stares deep in his eyes. "I know I can do it. The only question is how much I'll have to eat." She looks around as every one waits. "Last time I gorged, it caused Suzie Q and Bessy to eat more. So I want some one to be taking care of each of them. Talk to them, massage them, encourage..." Kathy nods. "I guess I can help Suzie Q." Mick nods that he'll help Bessy. Jack looks out the window. "Another storm is growing. The magic is going to make it a real blizzard." He looks at Karen, his expression is half worry, half excitement. Bill looks at everyone. "The best way to do it is the two of you feed her. She'll need her concentration to find a way through their shields, then get the tome." Karen smiles, "So what is my feast going to be?" Cindy forces a grin. "Why don't you go into your room. That's where you're probably more comfortable. We'll bring things in as get them done." Karen gets up and waddles back to her room. Bill follows her while Jack and Cindy get to work. Jack fills a bucket with water, then mixes in some feed pellets. "I guess I'm worried how much she'll force into herself." He begins converting it into eggnog. "Good thing she loves this." Cindy nudges him, "I think you're also excited." She dumps an entire bag of feed on a platter and converts it into an assortment of cheeses. "Since Karen is going to need all her energies. Why don't you recharge from Suzie Q and I'll use Bessy." Jack smiles, "I suspect when she starts gorging, they'll be packing it away like crazy." He finishes the eggnog and puts it on the cart. "You take this in and I'll work on the next course." He gets another bag and starts working on pasta with a rich sauce. Cindy shakes her head and waits for him to finish. "She needs you." Jack stands up. "I guess I'm worried about getting excited and feeding her too much." Cindy shoves the cart toward the door, then shoves him. "I don't think you could." She gets another bag and works on four ounce date rolls coated with coconut. Jack pushes the cart near Karen and gets the bench so he can feed her. He leans into her obese forebody and massages one of her mammoth breasts. "Are you ready?" She keeps her eyes closed, but hugs him with a well fleshed arm. "You just keep something in front of my mough and I'll eat until I get that tome." She opens her mouth and waits. Jack starks feeding her chuncks of cheese as soon as she swallows the previous one. After ten pounds, he starts filling and refilling her mug until she's drank several gallons. He keeps feeding cheese and pouring eggnog into her while she concentrates on what she needs to do. He finishes the cheese and levitates the huge platter holding fifty pounds of pasta in a rich sauce. As she smells it, she opens her mouth wide. Knowing what she wants, he eases the edge of the platter to her mouth and uses a serving spoon to shove the noodles in as fast as she swallows. He stops twice to give her some eggnog, then resumes shoving it into her waiting maw. Cindy pushes in a cart with fifty pounds of date rolls and fifty of spaghetti with cheese sauce and five gallons of coke. "I think she'd like something different to drink." She rolls the cart out and starts on another course. Jack pours the last of the eggnog down her throat then levitates up the platter of date rolls. Taking the first one, he rubs it over her tongue. "These are going to feel wonderful once they're inside." He gives it a shove and watches it disappear into her depths. "I just hope this works." He snuggles his body into her fur covered fat and strokes her huge jiggling equine abdomen while he starts tossing the rolls into her mouth and can't help getting excited and they disappear without her having to swallow. He pours mugs of coke into her every so often. When all the rich date sweets are in her belly, he levitates the large platter of spaghetti and puts am edge to her mouth. "Time for spaghetti." He massages the forward curve of her body and imagines more of her as he starts shoving it in as fast as she swallows. He pauses occassionally to give her a couple of mugs of coke, then shoves more of the cheese covered pasta into her. Cindy finishes fifty pounds of brownies, then feels how exhausted she is. Bill helps her to Bessy, then goes to Jack. "Cindy's getting a recharge. She made fifty pounds of brownies." Jack shoves more spaghetti down Karen's gullet. "The way she's eating now, get me bags of the special cow feed and buckets of milk supplement." Bill nods, "how many should I bring?" Without waiting for an answer, he goes and starts carrying them in. Jack tips the platter and the last ten pounds smoothly slide down her throat. He carefully pours the coke in, trying not to make it fizz, but her can hear it rumbling in her depths. Karen's mouth closes for a moment then she gives a long burp. Her mind is only seeing the shields surrounding the house where the ancient tomes are. She knows the one that changed her and she slowly forces her way through. Inside they try to fight, but she will not be stopped. With each pound she swallows, she has more energy, while they slowly weaken. Jack tears open a bag of feed and holds it to her mouth. He starts to pour, constantly massaging her swelling body as pounds of feed flow quickly into her incredible stomach. "I know you can do it, but don't let me pour too much into you." After half the bag, he reshapes an empty bucket into a large funnel. He puts it in her mouth and pours about half the bucket of milk supplement in. "Your breasts are so round and going to grow so much that you need this." He smiles and then resumes with the feed. He can sense Karen needing energy and pours the rest of the bag's contents into her, then empties the bucket. Bill has the next bag waiting and Jack closes his mind to how much she's eaten or how much he's feeding her. He switches how he's feeding her and strokes her magnificient breast. Her smooth skin jiggles like the surface of jello and he senses her blood stream carrying more and more nutrients. He shaft of passion is throbing strongly and moves against her soft, quivering fat. Karen aims her thoughts at the tome and focuses on one point in the shields. She feels her energies continue to rise and knows they are struggling to keep her out. Jack continues feeding her, not thinking of how much she's eating, but of the battle she's waging. He listens to her digestive system rumbling as it works on the food stretching her stomach. He strokes her ponderous abdomen and feels it's growing. He has no though of how many bags of feed or buckets of milk supplement that he's fed her, only that when she succedes, the power struggle will be over. Cindy comes in and tears open a bag before Jack needs it. She looks outside and sees the blizzard growing. She turns to the weather channel and smiles. "With a storm like that, they won't be able to call others to help them." She looks at the growing stack of empty buckets and sacks as Jack keeps loading the hyper obese draft centauress with more and more feed. Karen gulps without realizing how much she's already eaten, or that her enormous abdomen is pushing against her legs. She starts to wear down those inside the shielded house and opens her throat wider, wanting more food so she can end the war. Jack is lost in the feeling of her energies and the wonderous softness of her fattening body. He pours an entire bag into her maw, then pours a bucket of milk supplement. He doesn't wait but levitates another bag and pours the contents into herwide open maw like he's trying to fill a storage bin. As he tosses the empty bag aside, some one hands him an open bucket of milk supplement. He pours the contents down her throat. The sound reminds him of an open drain as the five gallons of rich whitness disappear into her dark depths. Karen feels energy pouring into her and she channels it against the shields. She knows where the tomes are and focuses toward them. She knows she can defeat what remains of their defences. Her abdomen looks more like a king sized waterbed than an equine abdomen, even one as tremendously obese as she had been. Her legs are pushed out so far that her hooves no longer touch the floor. Jack is physically tired as he pours another bag of feed into Karen's stretched out stomach. He pours a bucket of milk supplement and listens to it splashing down her throat. He levitates another bag and pours it's contents in. He knows she wants more and no longer worries how close she mant be to exploding. Karen's attack is shoved back as they draw on everything they can. She forces herself through, mentally screaming for more energy. As she feels more pouring into her, she mentally reaches through and grabs two of the tomes. She pulls them out and back to the house. Bill and Cindy turn in shock as the outside door opens, then closes. Two of the ancient tomes float in and settle on the table beside Karen. Jack pours the last of a bucket down Karen's throat, then pauses as if not sure what to do. Karen closes her mouth, then levitates Jack onto her broad, billowing back. She tries to relax and is soon breathing slowly, exhausted and asleep. Jack relaxes on the impossibly overfed centauress and falls into a deep sleep of exhaustion. The others go into the kitchen and watch the news channel. A few hours later, the phone rings. Bill grabs it, "Hello?" He listens, a smile growing on his face. "Great! Good to hear." He talks about Jack and Karen then hangs up the reciever and looks at every one. "It's over. Those doing the powerplay gave up. Their shields failed completely, and our leaders have the tomes." He looks toward Karen and Jack. "They're coming with a snow plow and truck to take the cows and the mare. We'll take the two she rescued with us." Quietly they get their stuff and load the van. The two refuges join them and every one is ready to go. Cindy writes a note and leaves it where it will be seen when they wake. The sound of the plow clearing the drive makes Jack stir, but then nuzzles into the overstuffed centauress' wide spongy back. Quietly the animals are loaded into the truck then they close the door. Cindy climbs into the van as Bill starts it up. "We owe them a lot." Bill nods. "I think a new house could be afforded." He drives onto the road and heads for the meeting to report what happened. ---------------------------------------------------- For the next two days Jack sleeps on Karen's wide fat back. His energies are helping her handle the unknown hundred's of pounds of feed and gallons of milk supplement. Karen occassionally drifts to the edge of consciousness as her blood stream is thick with nutrients. Her digestive system is enhanced by the magick and converts the food in her elastic stomach into pound after pound of soft warm flesh. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mick, Cindy, Bill Milana Suzie Q 2,200 (200 a month)