Lunch Money Starring Millie T. Dogg This is one of a series of on-going tales of Millie T. Dogg, adventurer, treasure seeker and bounty hunter. A genetically altered dog in the fairly distant future, after her master/lover was killed by religious fanatics known as theAnti-deluvians, for his denunciation of their organisation as well as his relationship with Millie. Millie, driven mad by with grief, hunts down and kills both the murderers. The killings are traced back to her, however it turns out there is a dead -or- alive warrant on both killers, along with a reward of 100,000 Creds. This is her first taste of real cash, and as the years progress her pursuit of $$$ becomes almost an obsession to block out the pain of the loss, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Realising that she is now without family, friends, or any means of financial support other than her natural abilities for the hunt, she sets off into the vast universe to seek her fortune. 'WELCOME TO THE ANDROMEDA VII PLANETARY FAIR" Proclaimed a huge banner overhanging the entrance to the largest fairgrounds in 24 systems. Millie stepped off the shuttle and looked at the acid nighmare that was the Andromeda 7 Fair. A few people waiting to embark gave stared at her briefly, some with frowns, others with fascination. As she stepped onto the platform she took a moment to study herself in the mirror. Not bad, she thought, all things considered. Not many people can go through a fourteen hour shuttle ride crammed into a converted luggage compartment and still look fairly presentable. Her rich brown fur remained almost immaculate, save for the black dye she had applied to the carefully styled points she had made in her facial fur, 3 on each side sticking straight out and giving her head a star shape. The tips of her tall ears were also black, but they're coloration was normal, which had prompted her to dye the rest for symmetry. The look was completed with a pair of John Lennon sun-glasses perched atop her lengthy nose, one lense hiding the patch covering her missing eye, the other not only providing protection from excessive sunlight, but functioning as a portable tactical display, giving her a view directly behind her, as well as basic atmospheric and temperature information. Her clothing too was undamaged, the tight purple top clung to her ample breasts, leaving her carefully toned midsection bare, completed with a pair of old canvas pants that she wore mostly because she had found them in a dumpster with a hole for her bushy tail already in place. Leaning against the wall of the dis- emberkment platform and checked her guide. "The Andromeda 7 Fair" it proclaimed in a deep basso voice, as any text would be worthless due to the rapid decline of literacy with the invention of the micro-macro speaker pager (MMSP), a tiny chip able to hold fantastic amounts of data while being only slightly thicker than a sheet of normal paper. "The Fair is one of the 100 wealthiest sites in the known universe, featuring such famous attractions as the Bizarre Bazaar, where the only rule of sale is "Duty Free Or Die" Would you like to know more?" Millie tapped a small red spot on the MMSP. The voice continued: " And then there are our world famous culinary facilities, featuring quisine from every corner of every civilisation. And with it's merger with the gambling pavilion, the food isn't the only thing with spice. Would you like to know more?" That struck Millie as weird, she tapped a green spot on the MMSP and waited while it located the data search engine. "Please state your question." "Which idiot splash-man thought to combine the food-court's with the casinos?" "Searching... The merger of the food and gambling sections is the brain child of Arglom Snrrrkk. He determined through a vast series of complex mathematical calculations the odds of winning at 27 card stud death poker were sheavily reduced when the participant was eating a salami on rye with horse-radish sauce. This was the last discovery he made public aside from a lengthy paper explaining the basics of the 'Salami Theory' to the owners of the various casinos. He was immeditely hired by a coalition of the richest casino owners operating at the fair. Working with him, they determined that the best way to allow Mr. Snrrrkk's discoveries would be to buy up, piece by piece the entire food pavillion, and then insert whatever menu items Snrrrkk thought would change the odds in the house's favor. In order to avoid charges of rigging the games this way,, as well as to get people to buy the food the owners have agreed to include on the menu dishes which would improve the odds of winning, or at least, not affect them in any obvious way. They also found a new game; the classic eating contest. Although it is for the most part believed that the 'Food Fights' as they are now called, are unwinnable, there have been a few isolated cases, encouraging thousands each day to try their hands, and stomachs, at the 'Fights in pursuit of jackpots that are currently approaching the octuple digit range!" Now THAT is an attraction, millie thought to herself. Especially since she was already dead broke, and as a consequence hadn't eaten in nearly a week anyway. Shouldering her satchel which had just been unloaded, she set off into the fair. At first she feared it might take hours to gind the right casino, fortunately their were complimentary hover platforms with a navigational system that a mentally impaired ferret with chronic dyslexia could operate, so she made good time to her destination. She selcted "Harry Dinklefwatt's Authentic Sushi Barn and Casino" and was sped off on her platform. She quicly learned why they wer complimentary as a stabilizer blew halfway through and she was forced to spend the rest of the trip hangiing upside down. Finally she touched down outside the Sushi Barn, although not by chance as she discovered the nav system was also shot and she was forced to bail in mid-air. It was pure chance she crashed in fron t of the right building. She stood up and shook herself off, checking the contents of her satchel for damage. Relieved that nothing was broken in both herself or her bag, she began walking somewhat unsteadily into selcted "Harry Dinklefwatt's Authentic Sushi Barn, Italian Sandwichery and Casino"."Do you run food-fights here?" She asked one of the bouncers, a living mountian of a creature, literally, it's rocky skin marking it as one of the rare silicate life-forms able to survive in an oxygen environment. It stared at her out of red, glowing eyes. It was either sizing her up or it's train of thought had yet to board. Finally, after careful consideration, it said yes, and pointed toward a large open ring surrounded by shouting people. Millie ambled over, only to be stopped dead as she caught a glimps of the contenders. The eater wasn't particularly impressive, a human of average height, his weigtht being most likely a mere 2 to 3 hundred pounds. The food was what made Millie falter. A massive submarine sandwich, easily 30 feet long, loated to bursting with unidentifiable ingredients."At least I haven't missed much." She grumbled, mostly to herself. "Are you kidding??" Another human, this one thin wearing a plaid suit and ludicrously tiny toupee turned to her."He's already almost halfway in!" "WHAT??" Millie shouted, although it was almost drowned out as the crowd let out a massive cheer as the stocky human began eating again. "When he started that thing was 50 feet even. Y'know he might make it if his time, or his colon, doesn't run out first. I guess he thinks he has to, a hundred cred entry fee is nothing to sneeze at!" Millie stood with her mouth open, dumbfounded. "Say, you weren't planning on entering were ya?" "Uh, well, when I came in yeah, now though..." The man studied her. "Y'know, that would be the first time an Anthromorph had given it a try. Usually they're either scared off by the challenge, or Dinklefwatt." "Why would Anthros run from Dinklefwatt?." She looked around nervously, already fairly sure of why. "He's a major furry-phobe. No one knows why, although most think he's with the Antideluvians," Millie's lips pulled back involuntarily in a low snarl. "My feelings exactly." The man nodded. " Since segragation's illegal he can't openly ban Anthros, but that doesn't stop him from trying.." " Shit monger." She growled. Now she HAD to get into the 'Fight, if for no other reason than to bollux Dinklefwatt. "Y'know, I'll tell you what, I'm kinda sick of that guy anyway, he's been screwing with my business lately, and that's about the only thing I don't take. If you can get in, I'll pay your way in exchange for part of the prize, or if you lose, you'll only owe me half what I payed." She eyed him carefully. "Just who are you anyway?" " The names Loo, Farg Loo." Millie raised an eyebrow. " I know. Anyway, I'm in a variety of markets, savings and loan, import/export, travel." "So in other words your with the mob." "Excuse me?" He tried to hide is sudden edgeiness. "It's fairly obvious, formal clothes in a casino, highly territorial, money to burn, plus yout involved with all the staple industries, you say savings and loan, import/export, travel,, you mean your a loan shark, black market runner and possibly people-moving too. Y'know, convicts, refugees, whoever can pay." The man stared at her, clearly dumbstruck. "H-how did you know?" "While you were busy quietly panicking I grabbed your wallet and saw your Andromeda 7 Chapter Mafia Membership card. everything was on it, including your areas of 'interest'." He checked his pocket and found it empty. Looking up he found his wallet sitting in Millie's outstretched paw. He grabbed it and quickly checked it. "Hey! I had 500 creds in here!" He shouted, but millie was already disappearing into the crowd. "I'll pay you back after!" She called as she jogged through the crowd. When she reached the main platform she realized that their was already a line of creature's waiting to enter the contest. In order to pass the time she rummaged through her satchel looking for anything that might be helpful. Finally she came across a bottle of Hyper-Metabolizers, which did all the name implied. Usually she used them when she needed to sober up in a hurry, but they might still be helpful here. She had begun measuring out a dose when she heard a voice call her forward. Startled she spilled the entire bottle into her hand. Realizing that if she were caught she'd probably be thrown out she crammed them all into her mouth and swallowed them, nearly choking in the process. She knew she'd better get in, or she might starve to death in minutes. She stepped up to a long table, at the head of which sat a huge, incredibly muscualr creature, which on second glance appeared to be a human. "NAME!" He shouted, at least she assumed it was a male, with that much sinew it could have just as easily been a woman were it not for the earth shakingly deep voice that was attached to it. 'Millie T. Dogg." "SPECIES!" "Anthromorph, Basic Dog." In a flash the massive human was in fron t of her, breathing in her face."WHAT?? WE DON'T ALLOW YOUR KIND IN THIS GAME." Taking a step back to escape is nostril melting breath, she replied. " Actually, you have to. I believe it's basic planetary law." "AND...?" This was clearly not the sort who took rules and regulations seriously. "And if you don't," She said reaching into her bag. "I'll be forced to blast whatever tiny blob of liverwurst you call a brain across the back wall." As she spoke she withdrew a massive blaster cannon from her bag. "This is the Bitch's Tooth 9000, the mosst powerful energy weapon available to civilians. It can vaporize an orbital shuttle in twelve seconds. Any questions?" The monstrous slab of flesh, whom it turned out was Dinklefwatt himself, did his best to shake his head no with his nose painfully wedged in side th BT9K's barrel. Millie smiled. "Good, here's my entry fee, now BRING IT ON!" She poked a credit slip between Dinklefwatt's teeth and executed an elegant leap from the grandstand, into the ring. Immediately a massive sandwich was teleported to the center. Millie's stomach began to gurgle as the pills took affect. By the time she reached the center, she was limping from hunger pains. As soon as he could reach she tore away a huge slab from the sub, barely even taking time to chew as she grabbed for another. It tasted delicious, laden with at least 17 kinds of lunch-meat, and slathered in olive oil and some thick, creamy sauce. As she wolfed down the second piece, easily the size of her head, she spied a meesage-board overlooking the arena. First it flashed her name and species, which drew murmurs and some cheers from the crowd, and then the day's culinary contender. She almost stopped eating. While most of the listed ingredients didn't alarm her, when it got to the cream sauce she began to worry. "Mashed Karanian Chotal worms in Argivian Cream Sauce." She swallowed involuntarily. There was more fat per ounce in Chotal worms than any synthetic substance in existence, they were used as filler for military, prison, and school food programs. And if the caloric content of those didn't get you, then the heavy cream would. "Still," She thought. "With that many metabolizers I should still be able to handle it." She wolfed another bite, and then noticed an odd pressure in the waistband on her pants. Taking another huge bite, she looked down, and let out a squeek of consternation around the mouthful of food. Her belly bulged out in front of her like she was at least three months pregnant. "Oh hell!" She shouted, although her words wer muffled by the wad of gristle she was working between her teeth.. Thhose weren't the right metabolizers. Just then another hunger pang struck and she snatched another wad of food and crammed it into her mouth, the rich texture of the bread making chewing difficult. She rummaged in her bag and found the bottle. "Mega Bulk 20k Accelerates the breakdown of complex carbos into normal bodily tissues!" Proudly proclaimed the lable. "Which basicaly means I'm going to look like the Dog Year Blimp if I keep it up, and I'll probably die if I don't." She grumbled, spraying bread crums in front og her with each syllable."Fuck it, with the prize money I'll get lipo." So saying she grabbed another mouthful of delicious food. She continued like this for some time, feeling her belly grow bigger and bigger with each swallow. She looked like she was overdue with a two litters of pups when she finally signaled for one of the sideline attendants She told him what she needed and he ran off while she resumed her gorging. As she waited she adjusted her top, before realising that it was beginning to feel to tight as fat cells began to build up in other parts of her body. While the buttons and zipper on her pants had long since given out, her pants were also beginning to feel tight, as her hips and ass began to spread out as well. Even her tail felt like it was getting bigger. Finally the attendant returned with a huge jug of milk, Millie grabbed it, tore off the top with her teeth and began to take great long gulps to quench her parched throat, it's moistur lost to the thick, spongy bread. The crowd watched in awe as her belly began to grow even faster, being filled up like a water balloon. Finally she drained the last of the collosal jug and tossed it aside, before slowly shifting her ever widening girth back to her task. She took a moment to study herself. She looked, and felt, like some huge milk-cow, her breasts by now so swollen that they were beginning to tear her supposedly un- rippable shirt. She thanked the Dogs that she didn't wear a bra."Y'know," She murmured, the second chin forming under her face bobbing slightly. "If it weren't for the fact that I'm fatter than I pregnant hare on payday, this would be almost fun!" Just then another hunger pang struck, almost doubling her over in pain and she tore ravenously athe the monstrous Hoagie. By now she had reached the halfway marker, and many people were placing bets in her favor. As she gulped down a big gobbet of the Chotal Worm Paste, she heaard a tearing sound. Looking as far behind her as her rapidly thickening neck would allow, she saw the back of her once loose fitting pants tear in too as her colossal behind grew too large for their confines. Similar rips and tears were appearing up and down the tortured fabric of her pants as her massive thighs also began to outgrow their canvas confines. And still she gorged. By now she was so top heavy she was having trouble standing, so she called the attendant over, and had him roll her bloated body over on to her back, and then lower the sandwich into her mouth. Now that her hands were free she poked experimentally at the great dome of her belly, her finger sunk in all the way, and she didn't meet any resistance until she was up to her elbo. Suddenly she felt a shift and withdrew her arm just in time to see her belly surge forward in a huge growth spurt. by now it was beginning to overlap her ample thighs which had long since reduced her pants to tatters with their bulk. Her top was starting to give as well, a long diagonal tear appearing over her right breast. Not that was unforeseen, by now each massive mam was easily a foot and a half in diameter, each fat nipple standing out like champiagne cork under the fabric. As her body grew outward she thought she was able to see the end, only a few short feet away. By now she was beginning to tire as pound after pound of cellulite made her fight just to chew. She could barely see over the top of her heaving belly, her breath growing short as she continued to struggle. The crowd was silent, staring in awae at the whale like form that dominated the arena. A scale designed to measure weight with lasers had been brought in, and the numbers were steadily climbing, the air was cut with a sharp tearing noise as the scale reached the two thousand mark. At first some spectators feared the worst, until an almost comically bloated arm rose to the brave, if foolhardy Anthro's chest, snatching away the remains of her top and tossing them aside, revealing her udder-like tits for all the world to see. A few whistles and catcalls drifted across the air, but Millie ignored them, caught in a sort of "runners high". She could see the end, it was only a few inches away, although by now it felt like every inch she gained on the once mighty sub, was also another inch gained on her once petite frame. The attendant had called in assistant to keep her breasts from falling in her face, although Millie was oblivious to all but her goal. One bite,two, and three, and the last of the hoagie disappeared down her gullet. Almost immediately she tried to rise, heaving her incredibly fattened bulk to her feet. Exhausted she lifted one arm and felt the flesh jiggle and sway as she waved to the crowd's elated cheers. She tried to assess the damage although the folds of fat around her neck made it difficult. Her Breasts were incredible, each hanging below her like a soomeone had filled a beach ball with air and snuck it inside her when she wasn't watchin. However these giants were easily dwared by the leviathan of her gut. It stretched far in fron of her, obscuring her her legs entirely, on her best estimate it must be at least 1500 of her 2500 pounds, according to the scale. Craning her neck to the side she caught a glimpse of her hips, each one standing like a tree truck, her fur rippled with the amount of fat concentrated there. Meanwhile her ass protruded several inches behind her, she figured that it could hold up a quarter, as well as the cup of coffee and maybe even the tray if it didn't just absorb them. As her stomach gave a final grumble and she felt her groth grind to a hault, she began to feel incredibly tired. The arena began to spin around her, before the world went black and she collapsed to the ground. Two weeks later. "BASTARD!" Millie shrieked as she took another look at the contract. Furious she tore it to pieces, although she knew it was futile as the original was safely stored in a secret safe deposit box. When she had regained consciousness they were bringing industrial lifters into the arena. Standing over her was the smiling face of Farg, holding a massive wad of cash. "Y'did it luv," He practically danced with glee, dropping several bills in Millie's face, which he carefully picked up when she began to growl. "That reminds me, here's your share." He cheerfuly tossed one of the tightly bound packets onto her belly, sending a small ripple along it's spherical surface. 'Hold it!" She croaked. "That's barely a thirtieth, what the hell are you trying to pull?" "It's really quite simple, when you took the money and said you'd pay me back you entered into a verbal contract which I just HAPPENED to catch on vocorder. Basically our orginal agreement is in effect, when you won I got a portion of your winnings. However since you failed to inquire just what that share was, I was pretty much able to set my own terms, be gald you get that much." "Up yours!" She shouted, before it dissolved into a groan as she began to feel the tightness in her skin. 'Here now, one more outburst like that, and maybe I'll just tell the med-squad outside that you'd rather stay like that for a while longer. Tell you what, you don't contest the contract, and I'll pay for the liposuction." "Deal." She groaned, covering her face with one flab covered arm. Now two weeks and 2382 less later, she was using the last of her payment on ship-fare, the liposuction and brief rehabilitation for overdosing on metabolizers having nearly wiped out her finaces already. Listlessly she turned on her cabin's multi-term, hooking into the hunter's network, hoping subconsciously to find Farg Loo's name somewhere with a nice big contract attached. Instead all she found was the usual roster of political dissidents, mass murderers, and psychotic megalomaniacs. None of them was even worth shuttle fair, much less the time, effort, and expense of a full tracking operation. Sighing and rubbing her still sore breasts she turned off the comp and lay down on her bunk. "Well," She said aloud, "At least I got to show up that Dinklefwatt guy." Smiling she removed a small video recording of Dinklefwatt's face when she finished that last bite. "At least Loo had the sense to record it. For that, I'll kill him quickly." She enjoyed the recording a few more times, watching as Dinklefwatt's face contorted into a near sphincter of rage and disbelief, his entire visage creased with winkles as he squinched his face to nearly half it's regular dimensions, spittle flying from his mouth as he let out a shout of hatred, drowned only by the trumphant roar of the crowd. "Hell, maybe I'll just bludgeon 'im." Millie put the recording away and turned over in her bunk, careful of her still sensitive skin. Sighing at the pure insanity of it all, she dropped off to sleep.