Healing: THE HEALING OF MAGIC Baron Winstien has been looking at a map of his lands and the woods adjoining his lands with two other Barons. He sits down at the table and begins writing a letter to them. My dear friends, For many years we have talked of dividing the woods at the junction of our three lands. Our peasants refuse to cut any of the trees because of the magic their old people claim exists within it's borders. I propose that we consult the church and offer them a third of the money we will make for the timber. I believe this is a fair amount because without their help, the trees will remain standing and we will gain nothing. I ask that you come to my home on the 8th day of July in this year of our Lord 1243. Your friend, Baron Frederic Winstien He seals the letters and summons his manservant. "Have these sent to Barons Picarson and Roarken." The manservant bends slightly at the waist and clicks his heals. He turns smartly and walks rapidly out of the room and to the stables. The stable master is brushing down one of the carriage horse but hears his approach. "Julius," he calls as he turns, "what brings you out on this glorious day?" Julius smiles and holds up the letters. "The baron wants these delivered today." He hands them to Thedric. Thedric calls to one of the stable hands and instructs him to finish with the carriage horses. He crosses to the paddock and whistles. A medium built horse pricks up his ears and then trots over. "You feel like taking a bit of a ride Shaman?" he asks as he brushes his forelock. The horse tosses his head in excitement. Thedric smiles to Julius as he gets a saddle from the rack. "Tell the Baron I'll have the letters to them tonight. I'll stay at Baron Roarken tonight and return in the morning." He finishes saddling and climbs onto the horse. He turns and trots out of the yard and down the road. Shortly before noon of the next day, Thedric returns. He finds Julius and is quickly taken to the Baron. "My Baron," He says as he bows. "I have messages from the Barons Picarson and Roarken." He hands them across the table and then steps back. Frederic reads both letters before he looks up. "They will be arriving the day after tomorrow." he says, looking at Julius. "I want rooms prepared for them. This will be a working meeting so we will not be having any banquets." He rises, dismisses them and walks to the window. "I wonder what it is in those woods that can make people afraid to cut any of the trees. Two days later, the barons arrive. They enter the study and sit down. Lacard Roarken begins, "When I mentioned cutting some of the trees to the landworker, he told me that there is nothing I can do to make him touch any of them. Even when there are snowdrifts in the fields, the leaves are still green." Frederic smiles at them. "My people say the same thing. That is why I proposed that we ask the Church for help. They have knowledge of these supposedly magical place and how to, let us say, remove the magic. I offer one third of the money I will make on the timber and I ask that you offer the same." Lacard smiles, "I think we're all in agreement on this. Are you willing to ask the Priest for help?" Frederic smiles and rings for his manservant. "In the morning, the two of you will leave for your homes and I, to the Church." Julius enters carrying a tray of goblets and a flask. He fills each goblet and offers them to the barons. He then puts the tray on the table and leaves. "A toast," Frederick calls, "To the falling of the woods and to the rich farmland which waits for us." They drink and talk of what superstitions they have heard. In the morning, they ride together, until they reach a crossroad. The two visitors turn while Frederick continues on. The baron arrives at the local church and the minister greets him. "Baron Winstien, it's so good to see you." He says as he guides the Baron inside. "I am so thankful for the tribute you have given the church. Can I get you a glass of wine?" The Baron shakes his head. "I came here for business. After we talk, I'll be more than glad to accept your offer." They sit down and the minister sees the concern in his eyes. "How may I help you?" "The Barons Picarson, Roarken and myself jointly own a woods the locals believe is magical. We want to harvest the timber and farm the land. We are willing to give the church one third of the profits from the timber." The minister frowns and looks at his folded hands. "I am only a minister of the church. If you want this kind of help, you will have to go to the citadel. They have priests who are well learned in the superstitions of the people." Baron Winstien looks out the window. "I better leave immediately. Even so I'll be spending tonight by the road." He stands and extends his hand. "I'll tell them you've helped the people find the true way, but some need help in forgetting their old ways." The minister shakes his hand. "Have a good ride." He accompanies the baron to the courtyard and watches him ride off. At sundown, he stops and prepares to spend the night under the stars. At dawn, Baron Winstien saddles his horse, and rides the remaining distance to the citadel. Late that afternoon, he arrives in Broklow and stops at the citadel. He enters and is escorted to the library. A robed man rises, "I am Brother Williamsen. To what do I owe the honor of you company?" The Baron tells him of the superstition his people have of the woods and the offer he and the other barons have made to their local church. "Let me ask one of my brothers to join us." He goes through the door opposite the one the Baron entered and returns in a few minutes with two others. "This is Brother James," he motions to the heavy set one and then the younger one, "and Brother Robur. He first joined your local church, before he came here." Brother James speaks, "I know how certain people keep local superstitions alive." He looks at Brother Robur. "He has told me much of your mysterical woods and we have talked of ways to disprove it's magic. If you wish, he is willing to come and help with this superstition. We will accept your payment to your church. Our payment will be disproving this superstition." The Baron smiles. "I remember Brother Robur and he is welcome to stay at my home." Brother Robur rises. "I will prepare myself tonight and leave in the morning. I will go to the woods before I arrive at your home." He bows and leaves the library. Brother Williamsen bows, "If you wish to stay the night and leave in the morning?" The Baron interrupts him. "I have enjoyed my ride and am very comfortable with sleeping under the stars." He thanks them and is escorted outside. His horse has been fed and resaddled while he was inside. He mounts and thanks the stable hand. He allows his horse to pick it's own speed and rides on until the sun begins to touch the horizon. The next morning he rides the remaining distance home and relaxes. Knowing the problem of the mystical woods is soon to be taken care of. The same morning, after prayers, Brother Robur mounts one of the citadel's horses and rides toward the Baron's lands. Late in the evening, he turns off the rode and walks his horse several miles to a moss and vine covered pile of huge stones. Long ago, this was an ancient temple of learning. It appears to have been abandoned many years ago, except for a thin stream of smoke rising from somewhere within. He unsaddles his horse and enters through a concealed opening. "Good evening Jahn," says the man reading by the light of a candle. "It's been many years since you went to the citadel. "Good evening teacher. I have learned much on a path that is different, yet parallel to the one I started on with you." He sits on the floor and leans back. "Am I correct in the thought that you've returned for more reason than to visit with your old friend?" Jahn smiles, "Your mind is still as bright as the sun. The church has been asked to disprove the magic that lives in the Woods of the Spring. We both know the church knows the magic is real, but they feel they must disprove it to the people." The teacher looks at him and stares deeply into his eyes. "I have been expecting this to happen." He sits back and studies the flickering candle light. "I will tell you how to cancel the magic of the spring. If you can remember enough of what I once taught you, you will be able to complete your mission." He looks back to Jahn and smiles. "There is still time for you to return to the path you once were on." Jahn returns his smile and clasps his hand in friendship. "I have made my choice and I once more choose to continue on it." The teacher nods in understanding and begins writing. After many minutes, he stops and hands the parchment to Jahn. "When you have found these items, I will be here." Jahn takes the list and reads it. He stands and bows, before he walks outside and into the night. The moon is just past full, but his night vision is good and he begins searching for the herbs and stones. It is several hours past dawn, before he returns. The teacher is filling a second bowl with soup as he enters. "You've forgotten how to walk silently as I taught you." Jahn smiles as he sits down and accepts the bowl. "Even if I walked silently, you would know I was coming before I crossed the ridge." They both laugh and talk of old tales while they eat. After they eat, the teacher suggests that Jahn should get some sleep. "You will not be able to prepare the herbs until after sunset." Jahn yawns, "I know," he stretches out on a stone bed. He relaxes and falls into an exhausted sleep. The teacher goes outside and looks in the direction of the woods. "I have known this was coming many years ago," he thinks to himself. "The magical beings have thought that magic will always exist. But now, they will have to demonstrate their desire for magic to survive." He sits with his back against the wall and meditates. Late that afternoon, Jahn wakes and goes outside. He looks around and listens. He turns as the teacher approaches and waits for him to arrive. Within a few minutes, the teacher arrives and appears pleased. "I'm glad to see that my lessons have not been forgotten." They enter his home and he prepares dinner. "Have you made your final decision," he asks as they begin to eat. Jahn smiles sadly, "I made that choice once before and I will stay with it." The teacher nods in understanding. "I would have been surprised if you had chosen to return to the old ways." He gets up and removes an old book from a shelf. He puts it on the table and opens it. "Here is all you'll need to know to prepare the stones and the incantations." He smiles, "It's ironic. To destroy the magic of the woods, magic that your church says is superstition, you must use magic." He picks up his pack, "I have a friend I promised to visit and I think you should do this on your own." Jahn smiles, "It's been good to visit with you. Thank you for helping me and not trying to convince me my choice was wrong." The teacher stops at the doorway. "No one makes the wrong choice. It's what he does after he makes his choice that is important." He turns and walks silently away. Jahn returns to the tome and reads the preparation of the stones several times. He then memorizes the incantations. By sunset he is ready. He stokes the fire and fills the caldron with water. As the water heats, he spreads the herbs on the table, softly chanting as he does. The moon is near it's zenith by the time the mixture is boiling and the room is filled with the pungent smell. As he breathes in the aroma, he thinks to himself. "I chose the path I now travel of my own mind," he picks up the stones and gently drops them into the caldron. "And I chose to continue to follow it." He chants softly for almost an hour before he removes the stones and wraps each one in cloth. Going outside, he quickly saddles his horse and rides to the woods. He approaches the woods he has not seen since his childhood. The trees appear to be as young and strong as he remembered them. The teacher told him that it has been many centuries since any tree had died and even he has no idea when the first one grew. He remembers the hidden path he had often followed with the teacher and arrives at the spring as the moon approaches the horizon. There are only the sounds of night insects as he unwraps the stones. He quietly chants over each stone and then throws them all toward center of the spring. Only a bullfrog is bothered by the splash. Jahn looks at the spring in fond remembrance of his youth. He remembers what he was told by the citadel priests when he first arrived. "The world is growing up and magic is fading into stories told by old fools." He mounts his horse and quickly rides toward the baron's house. He pauses just outside the woods and looks back. He shivers as a cold, accusing wind blows through the trees. He continues his ride, unaware that he has been seen. A woodsprite heard him ride into the woods, but since he followed the hidden path with no problem, the sprite felt he must be a friend. When he rode quickly, the sprite became curious. As the priest rides away, he hurries back to the spring. The stars glitter in it's reflective surface as he looks at it's waveless surface. "Everything looks like it always has." He speaks to himself. He steps close to the spring and puts his hand into the water. When he removes it, he sits down in shock. "The magic is gone from the spring," he says in disbelief. After a moment, he recovers and runs downstream as fast as he can. He makes a complicated howl as he approaches a group of thick bushes. A large grey wolf runs out and the sprite jumps onto him. "Quickly Furcloud, we must get to the watersprite's pool." The wolf growls in understanding and lengthens it's stride. In a matter of minutes, they have reached an area where the stream widens into a deep pool. The woodsprite jumps off Furcloud. "Welest, Liecha, Aleet, anyone," he yells as he splashes the water. In a moment, the head of a young, female, with long, brown, flowing hair, breaks the surface of the water. "Uchana, what has happened to get you this excited?" Another head with blonde hair appears closer to Uchana. "Yes, tell us. So we can go back to sleep." "It's the spring," he gasps. "Some one rode down the secret path, and then rode out very quickly. When I went to the spring, it has no magic!" The blonde looks to her sister. "Welest, wake our sisters and tell them I have gone to the spring." She dives into the water and her flukes vigorously churn the water as she swims upstream. Uchana jumps back on Furcloud. "We must tell the tall ones." Furcloud growls as he turns and runs into the deepest part of the woods. They approach a stand of willows and Furcloud brakes to a halt. Uchana jumps off calling, "Ladrala, Haasajol, Jriluta, anyone." He stops at what appears to be an opening to the grove. A robed man, over seven feet tall steps out. "Uchana, speak what has compelled you to summon us when the sun and moon are below the horizons." "There was some one at the spring tonight and the magic is gone." Uchana gasps. Another man has joined them. "Haasajol, you should travel there as fast as possible. I'll wake the others and join you." He reenter the grove as Haasajol walks with long stride up a well worn path. Uchana mounts Furcloud and the wolf jogs to keep up with him. Aleet is approaching the spring when she suddenly stops. She tastes the water and then swims as fast as she can to the spring. Once there, she dives toward the source. She swims around for many minutes before she finds one of the stones. She takes it to the shore as the others arrive. "Here is a stone that was not here yesterday. Search for others or anything else that is wrong." They all examine the bottom and find several stones before Haasajol and Uchana arrives. "Have you found anything of interest?" Haasajol asks. He picks up the stones and closely examines them. "There are traces of herbs on these stones." He looks up as Welest brings another one. "You have found six. There are four more somewhere in the spring." Welest nods and dives to the bottom. It is dawn by the time they find the last one and watch the tall ones from the water. After another hour, Ladrala walks to the shore. The pain of what he is about to say can be seen in his eyes. "The herbs that these stones were seeped in has removed the magic from the spring. I must go and visit an old friend to see if he can tell me if the magic can be restored." A voice comes from behind a large oak. "Your old friend has come to visit you." The teacher steps out and makes a sign of greeting. "Karooka, how did you know we would need you?" Ladrala asks as he returns the sign. "I have often told you that the magic may not always be here if you do not protect it." He spreads his arms wide, "Both of us can remember when this forest covered much of what is now farm land." Ladrala stares at him in shock. "You know what has been done to our spring." When Karooka nods he continues. "And you made no effort to prevent it?" "As you say, it is your spring. What efforts have you made to protect it?" Before they can argue, he holds up his hand and they wait. "There is a way to restore the magic to your spring. In fact, you can help restore magic to much of the surrounding land. But you will have to journey to find the way." Ladrala bows, "You have warned us and we did not wish to believe you. We thank you for what you are about to tell us." Karooka nods, "You know of the priestesses of Epona. Go to their temple and ask them how to find a mare of magic. Then do what they say." He picks up his pack, "I have a journey that will keep me away for several months." He turns and walks away. Haasajol steps forward. "I know where their temple is. I can be there in six days." "But they will allow no men into their temple." Aleet calls out. She slowly pulls herself out of the pool. her tail reforming itself into a pair of legs. She shakily stands. "It is as much, if not more, our spring as it is yours." Haasajol nods in agreement. "Become accustomed to your legs. I will get supplies we will need for our journey and return shortly." He turns and walks swiftly toward their grove. Brother Robur rides to the Baron's house and is quickly taken inside. "This autumn, many of the leaves will fall, by next summer all magic will be gone from the spring. Then the spirits will be unable to hamper your people from cutting the trees." Baron Winstien smiles and offers his hand in gratitude. "I thank you for accomplishing in a matter of days, what I have been unable to do in years." He summons dinner for them. "The local church will have our financial gratitude." "I have only done this for the good of the church." Brother Robur responds. "In the morning, I must return to the citadel." Julius enters the room. "I have prepared a room for him as you instructed" Brother Robur stands and bows. "I wish to leave at sunrise, so I will retire now." The Baron gracefully bows. "I thank you again for destroying the magic of the woods." As Brother Robur follows Julius, none can see the tear that he is unable to control. In less than an hour, Haasajol returns carrying a large backpack and several empty waterbags. "We'll fill these before we cross the dry lands." Aleet dives into the spring and then climbs out, water dripping off her long hair. "The sooner we start, the sooner the magic will be restored." Uchana bounds onto Furcloud. "We're going with you. When the Priestesses of Epona tell you how to restore the magic, we return faster than you can." He pats Furcloud's flank, "And if anyone gives us trouble." Haasajol smiles slightly. "You're welcome to come with us. I hope we won't need Furcloud's ability, but it's been a long time since any of us has traveled more than a few miles from our home." He adjusts his pack and begins walking with long strides. For the first hour, Aleet is able to keep up with him. When she begins to slow down, Uchana jumps off and helps her onto Furcloud. They alternate riding and walking for another few hours. Finally the sun drops below the horizon and they camp in a small grove of trees. Aleet lies down in a shallow stream and is quickly asleep. Furcloud glances at Uchana and then slips away to hunt. Haasajol opens his pack and offers him some bread. "I knew you'd be coming with us," he says with a smile. Uchana takes a bite before answering. "You know that we won't be able to travel as fast as you can. Aleet and I have be taking turns riding and walking." Haasajol leans back against a tree. "I was communing with the plants as I walked and didn't realize. Tell me if you're having trouble and I'll slow my pace." He closes his eyes. Uchana gathers grasses and makes a large pile. He curls up on one side and drifts to sleep. An hour later, Furcloud silently slips in. Haasajol opens an eye as Furcloud returns his glance before curling up beside Uchana. At sunrise, they have a quick breakfast. Furcloud glances at Uchana and then runs off. "He'll catch up with us after he eats," Uchana informs them as they begin walking. Haasajol slows his pace and they are able to keep up. For the next six days they travel the roads winding between farms and small forests. "The last time I traveled this way, there were more woods than farms." Haasajol comments in a whisper. This is the only thing he says until they reach the temple. Shortly after noon on the seventh day, they arrive at the temple. At the gate, Haasajol stops and kneels beside Furcloud. "I know you mean no harm. But the horses have a natural fear of wolves." Uchana dismounts and Furcloud runs off. They enter the walled pasture and a light built horse runs up to them. It nuzzles Aleet before turning and running toward the small stone building. Two women in short robes come out. "Haasajol," the lead one calls, "it's been a long time since we've seen you." "Heela, I wish this was a meeting of friendship, rather then need. The magic of our spring has been destroyed and Karooka told us to come to you. He said that a mare of magic can restore the magic." Heela stares at Aleet. "Only females may know of our ways." She motions and Aleet follows her into the temple. Three others are standing around a large, fog shrouded pool, quietly chanting. They pause and turn towards them. "This is Aleet," Heela begins. "She is from the spring in Haasajol's woods. The magic has been destroyed and Karooka told them a mare of magic can restore the magic." She guides Aleet to the pool and they stare into the fog. They resume chanting, but it is different then the one before. In a matter of minutes, the fog begin to move and then swirls until a cleared area of silverish water is revealed. The outline of a horse slowly forms and finally becomes clear, with all markings well defined. Heela shifts the chant and another horse slowly appears. She does this once more, and a red roan forms. The chant intensifies and the image slowly moves. It is a mare with blonde mane and tail and a black stripe on her forehead. She appears to have a wide build but she is extremely underfed. "Remember this image," Heela instructs as the image continues to move. "We can tell you where she is and give you an amulet to help you be assured you have found the right one." For a few minutes they continue chanting. When they stop, the image fades and the fog once more shrouds the pool. One of the priestesses sits with her back against carving of an extremely pregnant mare. They all stand in silence. Aleet thinks she sees the abdomen of the mare glow slightly. "In the city of Rhu. She is used to haul wood by a man that cares little for her. You will have no problem in buying her." Her eyelids flutter and the glow fades. Heela takes Aleet's arm and guides her toward the door. She hands her a stone with a carving similar to the one on the wall. "This amulet will feel warm when you touch the mare. When you find her, bring her here and we will tell you how to feed her. As you could see, she has been almost starved and she will need much care before she can restore your spring." They walk outside and rejoin the others. Haasajol has been watching the horses. "Were you able to find what we need?" he asks as they approach. Aleet smiles, "There is a mare in the town of Rhu and we should have no problem convincing the owner to sell her." He frowns, "To reach that city, we will have to travel many days where there are no streams. Rhu is a place where they only think of trees as fuel and building material." He forces a smile. "So to restore our spring, we must rescue this mare." Heela grins, "If you wish our help, you should expect to help us." Aleet smiles and takes her hand. "Once our magic is restored, any of your horses are always welcomed." Heela watches them leave and then rejoins the others in the temple. Once they are outside the gates, Uchana gives a long low whistle. "Let's get going. Furcloud will find us." As they walk, Haasajol tells them of the lands they must travel. "It will take us a week to reach the dry lands. I and Uchana will have no problems, but I worry about you Aleet. It will take us at lest 7 days and possibly more to cross it." "If it's the only way to restore the magic of the spring," She says with forced confidence. "I can do it." "She can ride Furcloud," Uchana offers. "He can keep up with you and it will take less time to cross." Haasajol shakes his head and smiles. "I think we should stay together." Uchana glances ahead and smiles. "I think Furcloud already knows where we're going." The others look ahead and see him waiting for them. They travel many miles before stopping. Haasajol smiles Aleet. "I must admit I didn't think you could travel as fast as we have." Aleet slides into the stream and smiles. "When we get back to the woods. I won't get out of the water for at least a year." She submerges and is quickly asleep. By nightfall of the next day, they have reached the edge of the dry lands. They camp in a small group of trees with a stream running through. Haasajol sadly looks across the drifting sands and sparse desert brushes. "It will take us many days before we reach the other side." Aleet dives into the stream. "I must be able to cross it or the magic will never return." She ducks her head under and relaxes in the flowing water. Furcloud takes off for his nightly hunt as Haasajol and Uchana eat. "Do you think she can make it?" Uchana asks. Haasajol frowns. "She has enough spirit to travel there and back. But can her spirit keep her body going." He frowns. Uchana forces a smile. If she rode all the time, she should be able to make it." Haasajol smiles, "We won't leave until the afternoon. The moon is past full but it should give us enough light." Uchana curls up. "Even starlight is enough for Furcloud and me." He quickly falls asleep. Haasajol stays awake and communes with the trees. He smiles as Furcloud slips in. "I hope your hunt was good," he whispers as he pats him. "They'll be sparse hunting in the dry lands. Furcloud rubs against him and happily growls. He pads silently over to Uchana and curls up around him. At dawn, Uchana wakes. He gets up quietly and walks to the stream. Aleet pokes her head above the surface. "Are we ready to go?" she asks. He smiles. "Last night we decided not to leave until afternoon. If we do most of our traveling at night and you ride, we should be able to make it." "Thanks for letting me ride," she whispers. "I hope we can do something to repay you." "You should be thanking Furcloud." He pauses and looks at the dry lands. "You better stay under until we're ready to go" "You better get some sleep yourself," she laughs as she ducks back under. He walks back to Furcloud and curls up beside him. "I hope she can make it," he thinks while he relaxes. When the sun is past it's zenith, Haasajol gets up and checks his pack. He hands the waterbags to Uchana. "You can fill these while I see if there's anything we can leave here and pick it up on our way back." Uchana runs to the stream and begins filling the first bag. Aleet reaches out of the water and grabs the others. He watches as she swims, the bags filling with water as she does. By the time he has filled one, she has the other five filled. "Is it time to go?" She asks while he takes them. "We're almost ready," he glances toward Haasajol. "But you better stay wet as long as you can." He takes three of the bags as she ducks under. Haasajol is closing his pack as Uchana brings the waterbags. "When you get the rest, tell her we'll leave immediately." Uchana looks at the pack and waterbags. "I can carry one and Furcloud can carry two of them." Haasajol secures the three bags and smiles. "I have to admit all six and the pack would be quite a load for me." He gets the pack on and starts walking. Furcloud is already at the stream and waits patiently while two of the bags are strapped onto him. Uchana shoulders the other bag and Aleet climbs onto Furcloud. "I hope this part of the journey goes better than you're afraid it will." She mentions to Haasajol as they leave the woods and walk onto the dry sand. He looks into the distance and almost appears to see beyond the horizon. "I'd rather be prepared for the worst then hope for the best." He whispers in a sad voice. They walk at a comfortable pace and stop for lunch at sunset. They resume walking and stop for sleep after the sun is above the horizon. At sunrise of the sixth day, Aleet is almost falling off Furcloud. Uchana helps her off as Haasajol sets up the tent. "are you alright?" She stumbles under the tent. "I can make it. I have to make it." Haasajol carefully soaks a blanket with water and wraps it around her, before she lays down. He steps outside and looks at the distant horizon. "We should make it by midnight tomorrow." He looks back toward the tent. "The question is, can she make it." Uchana tries to smile. "Do we have enough water if I gave half mine to her?" Haasajol nods, "I think she can make it there." He pauses. "But what's worrying me her making it on the way back. We need to get the mare back quickly, but she'll need several days in water to be strong enough to survive." Uchana watches Furcloud hunt. "Let's worry about that after we get the mare." Haasajol continues to watch the horizon. "You may be right. We must first worry about getting the mare." In mid afternoon, they resume their journey. Haasajol packs up the tent while the others travel ahead. Within an hour, he has caught up with them. "How are you doing aleet?" He asks. She forces a smile. "I keep thinking that tomorrow night I'll be back in water. As long as I have hope, I can keep going." Uchana gives a concerned look at Haasajol. They continue walking and stop several times to rest. Shortly after dawn they stop. Aleet is almost too weak to stagger into the tent. After she is asleep, Haasajol takes Uchana aside. "Even if we give her all the water we have. I don't think she'll make it." Uchana watches Furcloud resting in the shade of the tent. "I'm afraid Furcloud is going to need more than he's been getting." Haasajol looks to the horizon. "If I carry just the waterbags, I can get there and back by nightfall. The three of you can leave and I'll follow after I get a few hours sleep." Uchana agrees and helps empty that pack while Haasajol pours the remaining water into one bag. "Only half a bag." Uchana comments sadly. Haasajol puts the pack on and takes off with his long strides. Uchana watches him go and then gives Furcloud a good drink. "If he doesn't make it back, we might as well drink up so we'll be ready to go it on our own." He watches Furcloud drink and then runs off to hunt. Uchana lets Aleet sleep until he sees Haasajol approaching. It takes him a few minutes to rouse her. "I hope we get there before dawn," she groans as she accepts the waterbag from him. "Go ahead and drink as much as you want," Haasajol whispers as he collapses into the tent. "Uchana will explain." He mumbles as he falls asleep. While Aleet wraps a wet blanket around herself and drinks deeply. Uchana explains what Haasajol had done. "We better get going." He leaves a waterbag with Haasajol. Aleet gets on Furcloud, "I don't know how much I've just drank, but I feel better than I have in days." They begin the final portion of their journey across the drylands. It is almost noon before they reach the end of the dry lands. They travel another two miles before reaching a small stand of trees with a slow flowing stream. Aleet jumps off Furcloud and dives in. Furcloud and Uchana follow her in. For almost an hour, they relax and splash each other. Furcloud climbs out and begins hunting. Uchana gets food for himself and Aleet out of his small pack. He takes the food to the stream. "I didn't think you'd want to get out yet." He jokes as he spreads the food on a large rock. Aleet smiles, "I was beginning to feel like I might just dry up and blow away." She takes a fruit and looks where they had travelled. "I wonder how far Haasajol is for here." Uchana smiles, "Don't worry about him. I expect he's more than halfway from our last campsite." They relax the rest of the day. Aleet spends most of the time completely underwater. Near evening, Furcloud returns. He curls up and relaxes. Uchana leans against a tree, allowing his thoughts to join with it's. Shortly after nightfall, Haasajol arrives. Uchana has already prepared his dinner and they eat in silence. "In three days, we will be in Rhu." Haasajol comments. "I believe I have enough gold to purchase the mare and provisions we'll need to return." His gaze wonders back toward the drylands. "But you're still worried about Aleet surviving another trip?" Uchana asks. He nods. "The mare will need as much water as she can carry and if she's in as poor shape as we've been told." He shakes his head. Uchana grabs his shoulder in a comforting grip. "Our next step is to get the mare. By the time we're back to this place, we may know a better way to carry water for Aleet. Haasajol smiles, "Maybe you're right." He lays back against a tree. "First the mare, then worry about crossing the dry lands." He drifts into an exhausted sleep. Uchana remains alert for several hours before he joins the others in sleep. Uchana and Furcloud wake at dawn but allow the others to sleep. About an hour later, Haasajol wakes. "I think we should get started," he comments as Uchana hands him some fruit. "If the mare is in as poor condition as we've been told..." He turns as Aleet approaches. She accepts an apple. "Then let's get going." She takes a bite. "We can eat as we walk." Haasajol nods in agreement. "You can start immediately and I'll catch up after I hide the gear we won't need until we return here." Uchana grabs some fruit and a loaf of bread before he whistles for Furcloud. "Let's go," He says with a hopeful smile. Before they have covered the first mile, Furcloud runs in from a field. Uchana scratches his back. "Ready to carry her?" he asks. Furcloud stops and looks at her. Aleet smiles as she shakes her head. "I've ridden the last eight days." She smiles at Uchana. He turns with a smile. "After crossing the dry lands, this is almost enjoyable." The three of them continue walking. Within an hour, Haasajol catches up with them. He looks at Aleet, "I see you've recovered better than I thought." She smiles, "A good night in a stream does wonders for me." After lunch, Uchana and Aleet begin taking turns riding. They cover more than a third the distance to Rhu before they decide to camp next to the road. Aleet has to dig a depression in the small creek before she can get completely underwater. The next two days pass without incident and by afternoon of the second they arrive at a hill on the outside of Rhu. Uchana shakes his head. "Unless you need me. I think Furcloud and I will wait here." Haasajol agrees, "I think it will be best if you do. I doubt many of the people have seen a wolf and few will believe he is harmless." He and Aleet walk the short distance to the wall surrounding the city. At city gate, Haasajol inquires about the people who deliver wood. He is told where their stables are and they walk into the city. Aleet stays close against him. "I never knew so many people could live in one place." He smiles, "There are cities with even more people. I pity them for their loss of the value of what the country supplies them with." They find the stables and inquire about the horses. After asking a few of the men, they learn that there is a horse of this description. "I know of a horse that looks like what you've described." A stable hand informs them. "If you're interested in buying her for her looks. I hope you don't expect much work out of her." "What do you mean," Haasajol asks. "Jakel believes in getting as much work out of his horses as he can. He feeds them just enough to keep them on their feet." The stable boy resumes brushing one of the horses. "If you're really interested in buying her, he's always ready to get rid of some old flesh." They thank him and follow his directions. As they turn into a narrow alley, Aleet touches his hand. She whispers, "I don't know why, but I feel something's wrong." A cruel voice startles them. "You don't look like you'll feel wrong to me." They turn in shock and see three rough looking men grinning at them. "I don't believe you want to bother with us," Haasajol informs them with a steady voice. "We don't want to bother with you," the leader continues. "And I can assure you." He grins as he looks at Aleet. "She will be a pleasure, not a bother." The three of them begin to approach and Aleet steps closer to Haasajol. When the leader is about ten feet away, Haasajol moves with blinding speed. He steps forward, picks up the leader and throws him onto the others. "Walk slowly to the end of they alley," He whispers to Aleet. Aleet does as she is told and he walks backwards, never taking his eyes off their assailants. When they reach the street, they resume following the directions and are soon standing below the sign of 'Jakel Delivers Anything and Everything'. "Just stand back and remain silent," He advises her. A rough looking man steps out. "If ye want stuff delivered, Jakel'll be back shortly." Haasajol nods in understanding and attempts to copy his manner of speech. "We be lookin' for a horse of a certin look." He describes the mare and the man nods. "Aye, Jakel be usin' her now. She a right pretty picture. I tol 'im if e'd put some flesh on her, she'd fetch a right good price." He turns as the sound of unshod hoofbeats approach and ducks back into the stable. As the sounds come around a corner, they watch as the mare they've come for, struggles as she pulls in a heavily loaded wagon of wood. She stops as the driver jerks the reins and ties them to the seat. "Name be Jakel." He says with a wide grin and offers his calloused hand to Haasajol. "Ye be needin' somethin' haul or ye be lookin' for some strong horseflesh?" Haasajol shakes his hand strongly. "We been havin' probl'ms in our fields an' the loc'l witch tol' us ta find a mare with certin markin's." He studies the mare and slowly walks around her. "She's lookin' like it'll take a goot bit o' food ta get 'er in condition." Jakel's grin widens. "I only bought 'er last week." He runs his hand along her side. Her hide is stretched over her prominent ribs. "She has a barrel as round as a brewer's vat." He explains with a wide grin. "If she carried 'nough weight ta cover 'er ribs, she'd be to fat ta work." Haasajol looks her over while Aleet stands back. Even though she has been underfed, there is nothing else that appears to be wrong with her. Aleet looks in her eyes and can see that her spirit is unbroken. "She be the mare the witch tol' us ta find." He answers Jakel's unasked question. "Wha' be the price yer askin' fer 'er?" Jakel names a price that shocks Aleet but she control her fears that they will be unable to buy her. Haasajol easily enters into the bargaining attitude and they finally agree on the price for her and saddlebags full of grain. The saddlebags are old and the blanket under them has several holes, but Haasajol shakes Jakel's hand before they leave. They lead the mare down main streets. Since they know where they are going, it takes much less time. Within an hour, they have left the city and are waking up the hill. Halfway up, the mare pauses and sniffs the air. Aleet rubs her neck and talks to her in a reassuring voice. "It's alright, they are our friends." The mare turns and nuzzles her before stepping forward. Before they reach the top, Uchana and Furcloud step out from the few trees. Furcloud sits and waits as the mare approaches. She stops and looks at him with suspicion. He gives her a look of friendship that animals seem to understand before he takes the lead in their journey home. As they continue, Haasajol checks the grain and shakes his head. "I didn't expect much," he says, letting the grain flow through his fingers. "This grain is probable a year old and from the last cutting of the year." He looks down the road. "There was a farm near where we should reach by nightfall. I'd like to go there and purchase what grain I can with our remaining money." Aleet strokes the mare's neck. "We have enough food hidden at the edge of the drylands to reach the temple of Epona. I'm certain they will give us enough to reach home." Haasajol smiles and quickens his pace. He rounds a bend and by the time they pass it, he is out of sight. They stop once before reaching the farm. Haasajol greets them. "I took the grain to where we can camp for the night." He turns and they walk about two miles before they cross a small bridge. They turn into a small grove of trees and Aleet dives into the stream. The mare takes a few steps into the water before drinking. After a few minutes, she stops and begins grazing. Haasajol puts a large handful of grain on a flat rock and she cautiously nibbles it. Haasajol and Uchana have their supper. "They gave me a good price for the grain. I bought a bale of good hay and two waterbags." Haasajol comments as he looks toward the mare. "The mare is going to need at least as much water as Aleet." Uchana watches the mare. "We still need to find a way for Aleet to survive the crossing. How long would it take to get the mare in condition to carry enough water?" Haasajol shakes his head. "We need to get her back to the spring as soon as we can. We don't have any money to buy more grain and she'll need lots of that." He stretches out. "We have a few days in which to find a way." He closes his eyes. Uchana studies the mare. He walks over to her and strokes her mane. "There must be a way to carry enough water for all of us." She turns and looks at him before she resumes grazing. In the morning, Haasajol gives her a handful of grain before they resume their journey home. They stop often to allow the mare to graze. Haasajol often walks ahead and pick tall grasses. When they catch up with him, he feeds her while they walk. Each night, Aleet spends the entire night completely underwater. It takes them a full three days to complete the distance to the grove by the drylands. The mare is more alert, but that is the only improvement. Haasajol uncovers the supplies he had hidden, then feeds the mare. He motions and Uchana asks Aleet to join them. As they sit down, Haasajol serves supper. "We must now discuss the problem we have put aside until now." He looks at Aleet, "I know you will say that you are recovered enough to cross once more." He smiles and shakes his head. Aleet nibbles an apple. "I know I'm not strong enough and the mare will need all the water you can carry." She looks at the trees around them. "I can stay here while you take her home." Haasajol shakes his head. "You won't be safe here. There are many people who consider you a sideshow attraction. We came here together, we will find a way to go home together." "Since you are saving Ma-mora, I will help you." A sturdy built woman in traveling clothes, steps from behind a boulder. The mare whinnies and walks to her. "I am Chareena," she says as she strokes her neck. "I was sent by the temple to help this mare across the dry land." Haasajol rises and offers her his place. "We are pleased to have your assistance." He hands her a fruit. "How can Aleet survive a second crossing of the drylands?" Chareena eats slowly. "I would prefer to talk about that after I determine how Ma-Mora is." Haasajol sits down, "I take it that Ma-mora is the mare's name." She smiles, "It is her name of Epona. Very few non-priestess are told. But your kind can be told." She continues eating and they resume their meal. When they finish, Chareena examines Ma-mora. She whispers to her as she strokes her fur. Finally she stops and steps back. "She has suffered much neglect and underfeeding, but she is surprisingly strong. She felt you were going to help her and now knows this for sure." Chareena walks to where she had been hiding and returns with a large backpack. She opens it and removes a large package. She unwraps it and takes the bundle of herbs to the mare. "These herbs will increase her strength and health," she tells them while Ma-mora eats. Chareena takes a double handful of grain and feeds it to her. "I can tell how much she can eat and with the herbs, her digestion is improved." Ma-mora finishes the grain and resumes grazing. Chareena intently studies Aleet. "There is a way," she says finally. "But I prefer to wait until I have made a more through examination of Ma-mora. I think it will be best if we all get some sleep." Aleet smiles and jumps into the stream. Haasajol looks out onto the sand. "We need to get home as soon as possible." Chareena looks at him sternly. "You need to be concerned with getting a healthy mare home. It will take longer than you may wish it to." He nods in understanding. "I have always worried about the trees and left the animals to others." She understands, "I will come with you. I hope to find one of the sprites who can learn our ways to care of her." She lies down near where the mare is grazing and relaxes. Uchana is the only one who remains awake. He watches the stars until Furcloud returns from his nightly hunt. They curl up together and sleep. They eat at dawn. Chareena rises, "I'd like to be alone with Ma-mora for a while. I have to determine how strong she is before I'll know if we have a way to get Aleet across the drylands." She walks to where Ma-mora is grazing. Haasajol communes with the trees while Uchana and Furcloud hunt so they will have meat for the crossing. Aleet stays in the stream, but watches Chareena in a mixture of curiosity and wonder. When Haasajol has prepared lunch, Chareena joins they with a firm but confident look. "She's a strong mare," she comments as she takes a bite. "After we eat, I'll talk with Aleet." She eats in silence. The others wonder as they eat. Chareena walks with Aleet to the stream. "We both know that you won't survive if you try to cross without a way to stay wet." Aleet jumps in the water and forces a smile. "My sisters and the beings of the woods need her. If I must be left here.." Chareena shakes her head smiling and glances toward Ma-mora, "We have a way to get you safely across." She sits down cross- legged on a large rock. "Ma-mora is a mare of power. She also has various abilities that you will learn as we decide to inform you. A mare of power can expand her womb and birth canal sufficiently to allow a person to enter and become attached as if you are her foal." Aleet looks at Ma-mora in amazement. "I know her ribcage is larger than any I have known. But how can she stretch herself that much?" Chareena stands and offers Aleet a hand out of the water. "Maybe I should introduce you to your future mother." They both laugh as they walk to where Ma-mora is grazing. "Her rib cage can expand much more than it presently is," Chareena explains. "Her pelvis has a unique structure. The opening is almost circular and she is able to allow her muscles to completely relax." She strokes Ma-Mora's neck and whispers in a strange language. Ma-mora nods as if she understands. She turns toward the stream. As they walk back, Aleet studies Ma-mora abdomen and tries to imagine what it will be like. Before they reach the stream, Chareena runs over to her pack and returns with a small pouch. "I already knew she might have to carry you, so I searched for these herbs." She opens the pouch and offer the contents to Ma-mora. Ma-mora eats them and then nuzzles Aleet. "She knows that you're going to be in her," Chareena explains. Ma-mora turns and walks into the stream. She walks downstream to a spot where the water is deep enough that it almost covers her back. Chareena enters the water and stands beside her. She whispers in a almost musical language. Aleet watches in wonder as Ma-mora adjusts her stance and then seems to enter a trance-like state. For many minutes Aleet watches before she notices that Ma- mora's abdomen appears to be fuller than it was. She quietly slips into the water and dives under the surface. Swimming silently, she is astonished that what she saw was not a distortion caused by the water. Ma-mora's abdomen is slowly filling out. Already she looks to be in much better condition, but her ribs remain visible. She puts her ear to the rounded fur- covered mass and hears water flowing. Going around to her rear, she sees that Ma-mora's vulva is slightly open and water is flowing into her. After more than an hour, Chareena stops singing and Ma-mora opens her eyes. She has to struggle because her hooves have sunk into the soft bottom. The others have been watching from the campsite, and are amazed as she slowly walks out of the stream, her water swollen belly becoming more exposed with each step. When she is out, she stops. Her gargantuan abdomen heavily billowing below her knees. Chareena gently pats her neck and explains what she has told Aleet to the others. Haasajol looks at Ma-mora with deep concern. "It is obvious that you have solved the problem of getting Aleet across. But with all the water she is carrying, it is going to take much longer than before." Chareena nods but does not lose her look of confidence. "She will be able to draw on the water within her, so you will not have to carry water for her or Aleet. I will guess that it will take about twelve days to cross so we will have to carry enough food for that long." Uchana smiles as Ma-mora lowers her head to graze causing her bloated belly to surge. "Furcloud and I can cross it in four or five days. We can prepare the camp and gather food. Then we can come back and resupply you." Haasajol nods in agreement. "How long until she will be ready to carry Aleet?" Chareena pats her well rounded body and smiles, "She's ready for Aleet right now. I've looked at the grain you have and it should be enough to get all the way to the temple. I suggest we leave tonight. After supper, I will help Aleet get into Ma-mora." Haasajol quietly agrees. "You know what she is capable of, so I bow to your decision. If we are going to leave tonight, I suggest we all get some rest." As they all lay down to rest, Chareena talks to Ma-mora. They slowly walk to the stream and Ma-mora waddles into the stream. "As big as she is," Chareena explains to Aleet. "This is the most comfortable place she can rest." Aleet smiles, "Is there anything I can do to help?" Chareena smiles, "I'd prefer if she was stronger, but I know she can make it. What she really needs is something with more protein than grain." Aleet dives and surfaces several yards away, holding a large fish. "There's lots of protein in these, but can she eat meat?" Chareena smiles, "We've fed them fish, but it's much harder for us to catch them." Aleet holds it in front of Ma-mora. She grabs it with her nimble lips and swallows it. Aleet laughs and feeds her several more before Ma-mora shakes her head. "A good meal of fish before supper should give her plenty to get across," Chareena comments from her reclined position. "You're going to get plenty of rest in her, but we're going to need our rest." She closes her eyes. Aleet looks and sees that Ma-mora is also resting with the water supporting her mammoth abdomen. After they eat, Haasajol and Uchana fill their waterbags and prepare their packs. Chareena gets into the water and talks to Ma-mora. After a moment, she turns to the waiting Aleet. "It might be easier for her if you take your water form." Aleet submerges with a smile. A moment later, her head reappears. "Now what?" Chareena whispers to Ma-mora for a moment, before moving around behind her. "When you enter her, you will find an umbilical cord. Press the end against your navel and it will attach itself. You will begin to feel drowsy and drift into a restful sleep. During the journey, you will drift in and out of consciousness. When we reach the other side, you will know." Aleet forces a smile, "I'm a creature of water, so this should be easy." She ducks under the surface and is surprised how open Ma-mora's vulva is. She puts her hands in and gently pushes the sides apart. Her flukes churn the water as she squirms her shoulders and then almost flows into her swollen uterus. In seconds she finds the cord and holds it to her navel. She feels the warmth enveloping her as she drifts to sleep. Chareena smiles as Ma-mora closes her birth canal and then heavily waddles out of the stream. She gets her pack and joins the others at the edge of the woods. "We're ready," she answers as they look at her. Uchana vaults onto Furcloud. "We'll see you when we see you," he calls out as Furcloud begins to lope away. Haasajol watches them go as he shortens his stride so as not to leave Ma-mora and Chareena behind. At sunrise, He lengthens his stride and has the tent erected before they arrive. "We may make it in twelve days," he admits. Ma-mora carefully lowers herself onto her massive belly. Chareena feeds her a measured amount of grain and leaves a pile of hay in front of her. They sleep and rest until the sun has lost most of it's heat. For the next eight days they slowly cross the parched earth. Haasajol is impressed that Ma-mora drinks only when she eats. He comments about this and Chareena smiles. "Have you noticed that her abdomen has lost some of it's fullness. She has enough to finish the distance, but she will be thirsty when we get there." Before sunset of their ninth day of walking, Uchana meets them with four full waterbags. "We can get back with one, so drink all you want." Haasajol laughs as they continue walking. "Ma-mora has drank less than either of us so we have enough to get there on our own." Chareena smiles as she unties one of the bags. "Rather than let this water go to waste," she motions to Ma-mora and pours the contents down her throat. "She can have one each morning." They travel a few more miles before setting up camp. The next morning, they eat and Chareena gives Ma-mora another waterbag. She ties the final one onto her own pack before giving the empty one to Uchana. "We'll see you in a few days," Uchana calls as he mounts Furcloud. They take off as Haasajol shoulders his pack. "He'll have camp set up so we might travel more the night after tomorrow and reach it a day early." Chareena smiles, "Let's do a few more miles each day. Then we won't have to push that hard." They cover several more miles each of the next few days. They arrive at the campsite, several hours after sunrise on the eleventh day. Uchana greets them, "I saw you coming so I prepared breakfast." Chareena smiles, "You go ahead and eat. I think it's time for Ma-mora to give birth." They walk into the stream and she whispers a few words. Ma-mora shakes her long mane and adjusts her stance. Her bloated abdomen surges for a moment. Suddenly her floodgates open up and Aleet, along with tens of gallons of water gush out of her. Aleet swims to the surface. "I feel like I can stay awake for days." She swims around and pats Ma-mora's neck. "When we get home, I'll get you some fish that you'll just love." She feeds her the fish she caught. Chareena smiles, "I think I'll get something to eat while you feed her." She joins the others while Aleet catches and feeds Ma-mora several more fish. After Ma-mora is full, Aleet joins the others for her first meal in days. The rest of the day, they relax from their hard journey. The next morning they resume their journey and arrive at the temple before sunset of the following day. As they approach the temple, one of the priestesses rushes out. "Chareena! It's been many months since you left." "Heela," She replies, "We've rescued Ma-mora. She's much stronger than her condition would indicate." They all enter the temple walls. Heela takes Ma-mora to a shaded area where a food trough is filled with a pleasant smelling, warm mash. She buries her nose in it and begins eating. "It's a special mixture of grains and herbs," Chareena informs them. "I need to check in with the others." She turns and walks into the temple. Heela rejoins them. "You might as well set up your tent. Ma- mora is going to need many days of rest and special care before she'll be ready to travel to your woods." Haasajol shows no emotions as she speaks. "I know you care for horses as much as I care for the trees." He begins to unpack the tent. Uchana looks around for a moment. "I'm not comfortable with walls around me. I hope you don't mind if I sleep outside." Heela smiles, "I can understand how you feel. Some of the free horses we've cared for prefer to remain outside." Haasajol looks in the direction of home. "We've been gone for more a month and it will take us another seven or eight days after they say she is strong enough." He pauses in thought. Uchana grasps his hand in friendship. "Furcloud and I can be there in three. We'll tell them everything and start preparing a place for her." Heela smiles, "Make a building that can be closed when winter is here. Remember that she is going to be much larger than she is now." Uchana tosses his pack on. "Furcloud and I have excellent night vision and it's a pleasant evening." Haasajol nods without looking. "Have Ladrala ask his farmer friends if they'll help supply food for her." Uchana forces a smile, "We'll be ready when you arrive and have a good supply of food ready for her." He turns and quickly walks through the gates. Furcloud is waiting for him. "Let's head for home." He begins jogging down the road while Furcloud matches his pace. Aleet sleeps in the stream running through the courtyard. Before dawn she gets out and joins Haasajol. "Have you been here all night?" "Yes," he whispers. "As we traveled to Rhu, I could feel the strength of the woods fading. I believed it was because of the increased distance. Now that we are lessening this distance, it's strength does not grow." She leans against him, "We have found what we were sent to find. Heela told me she will be strong enough to travel in six or seven days." "And how long will it take her to gain enough weight to save the woods." He remains motionless as Aleet walks toward Ma-mora. she is laying down, but opens her eyes when Aleet strokes her neck. "I know you understand more than anyone else thinks you can." She sits down beside her. "I just hope Haasajol's fears are only fears and not what is real." "While we help get her strength up," Heela whispers. "I'll teach you all you need to know. I know how she was cared for, and being able to survive shows how strong she is." Aleet and Ma-mora get to their feet and Heela begins teach the ways to care and feed a mare of power. Three days later, Uchana and Furcloud enter the woods. Jriluta greets him. "I hope they are close behind with the way to heal our spring." Uchana shakes his head, "I left them, three days ago at the temple of Epona. The priestesses said it will be at lest six days from when I left, before she would be ready to travel." They walk in silence to the spring. Uchana looks at the trees and is shocked at the number of leaves that have already fallen. They arrive at the spring to find all the druids, watersprites, and other beings of the woods waiting. Uchana forces a look of confidence as he sees the look of extreme disappointment in their faces. "Haasajol and Aleet are at the temple of Epona. I have instructions on the shelter we must build for the mare." He hands the drawings to Jriluta. Welest looks around, "Is there anything we can do to prepare the spring?" Uchana thinks for a moment. "The mare is in very thin condition at this time. She needs to gain a extreme amount of weight before she will be able to restore the magic to the strength it had." He walks to where the stream flows out of the spring. "As she gains weight, she'll need a gentle slope to walk into the water." The watersprites laugh and dive underwater. They quickly surface with flat rocks and begin digging a gentle slope into the bank. The woodsprites begin working from further up the bank. Jriluta gathers the other druids. They study the plans and discuss where will be the best place for her home. As Uchana approaches, Ladrala excuses himself from the others. "You said that she will need to gain a large amount of weight. I have helped many of the nearby farmers. I will begin visiting them and tell them about her. They have often asked what they can do to show their appreciation for the help I have given them. I am sure they will be glad to furnish her with as much food as she can eat." Liecha had been listening. "Is there anything we can do to help feed her?" She asks. Uchana smiles broadly. "Chareena told Aleet that fish is also a good food for horses." Liecha smiles, "Even though our magic is waning, we have can outswim the fish and catch the best ones for her. Several times we have made pens to breed them in. We can now use those pens to keep the fish and fatten them so they will help her gain weight." She swims back to the others. Uchana turns and catches a glimpse of Jriluta walking toward the farms. Furcloud nuzzles his side. "Well old friend," he laughs while ruffling his fur. "We've done our part and I think we both deserve a good rest. By the next morning, the druids have decided where Ma-mora's home is to be. They carefully dig a trench where the walls will be. Carefully, they mix several types of dirt and moss, before filling the trench. One by one they plant seeds several feet apart. When the seeds are planted, they begin chanting. All through the night they chant. By the next morning, the seeds have sprouted and the fur trees have already gained a height of five to six feet. The druids take turns chanting and in four days, the trees have attained a height that normally would have taken many years to reach. Jriluta turns to the waiting sprites. "We must rest now. Tomorrow we will ask the trees to form a roof." As the druids lay down and rest, the woodsprites build food and water containers for the mare to eat from. The next morning, they resume chanting, but alter the words. As they chant, the branches grow and intertwine until the spaces between the trees are solid with branches and thick needles. About ten feet up, the branches reach out and visibly weave a thick roof that will stop the heaviest of rains. The watersprites work on finishing the ramp while the wood sprites clear and smooth a path to the tree building. By noon, the house is finished and watersprites serve lunch to everyone. After they eat, Ladrala and two other druids go to accept grain offered by some of the farmers. As they carry the heavy bags back to the woods, Ladrala explains that the other farmers have put grain aside to be collected as the mare needs it. They return and join the others in making the house as comfortable as they can. For six days, Haasajol keeps his virgil with only short breaks for food and rest. Ma-mora is given all the care she missed in the city and warmed feeds several times a day. By the end of the week she appears to have gained a slight amount of weight, and her coat is starting to take on a healthy glow. Heela has taught Aleet how to care for her. With the secrets of how to slowly increase the amount of food to feed her, she learns that fish is an excellent food. Ma-mora is still too thin to be able to withstand the cold water for more than a few minutes. Aleet has learned some of the horse language and how Ma-mora communicates. In the morning, They are given a blanket to cover her with after she is in the spring. Aleet smiles as she fastens the blanket and it's sides overlap under her abdomen. "What do we do when she outgrows it?" she asks. Heela smiles, "I'm sure there are people near your woods that can make larger ones." Haasajol has his pack on and is waiting at the gate. "I don't want you to think I am unappreciative of your care for Ma- mora. But I prefer to start before the sun rises any further." Heela smiles and pats Ma-mora's side. "Since her ribs are barely visible, I think she is ready for the journey to your woods." Two of the priestesses attach large, padded saddlebag onto her. "These are filled with the special feed we have been giving her. Measure it out so that it will last until you reach your home." Heela strokes Ma-mora's neck. "I will see you in the spring. They travel only as fast as is comfortable for Ma-mora. She is stronger and more alert than when they first reached the temple. When they camp, Haasajol finally appears more at ease. "At this rate, we can be home in six more days." He watches Ma- mora eat. "She has more strength than her condition would indicate. When I first saw her, I was afraid she wouldn't survive crossing the drylands." He looks at Aleet and smiles, "Not only did she survive, she carried you safely across." Aleet smiles as she enters the small creek. "When we reach our woods. I hope we will not feel too discouraged by it's loss of magic." She ducks below the surface. Haasajol looks to the distant horizon. "I hope you're right. By the first seed, I hope we will not be too late." He stands in silent meditation for the rest of the night. They continue to walk at a good rate for the remainder of their journey home. Six days later, as the sun approaches it's zenith, they crest a hill and are able to see the woods. Haasajol stops in shock, but the others continue onward. "It's worst then I could imagine. The trees have lost as many leaves as those who have never tasted water from the spring." He walks with his long stride and quickly catches up. Ma-mora pauses and turns her head, her ears focusing on the brush, almost a hundred yards away. She whinnies as her ears flicker. Suddenly, Uchana and Furcloud burst out of the thicket and run toward them. Ma-mora shakes her head and resumes walking toward the woods. Uchana laughs as he joins them. "Her nose told her it was us before either of you knew we were there." Aleet smiles as Haasajol lengthens his stride and leaves them as if they have remained stopped. "He's never seen the ravages of autumn on the woods." They walk the remaining distance in silence. Once in the woods, they follow the path to the spring. Many of the woodsprites appear and disappear in the thickets. As they reach the spring, Ma-mora hesitates. She glances at the ramp leading into the water and then at Aleet. It takes her a moment to understand, before she removes the blanket. Ma-mora cautiously walks into the water. As it reaches her abdomen, she hesitates and shivers before walking in to deeper water. She stands where the spring enters the stream, the water gently flowing around her, covering her narrow back with several inches. She stays there for a few minutes before dashing up the ramp. Aleet and several other watersprites begin vigorously toweling her until she is dry. They put her blanket back on and lead her into her new home. She lays down on the soft thick bed of mosses and sighs in comfort. Aleet puts sweet hay and a large basin of grain in front of her. She nibbles the hay while Aleet brushes her glossy fur. Ma-mora enters the stream twice more that day. She doesn't remain in the water any longer than the first time, but the watersprites are able to feel the magic beginning to flow once more. Near sunset, Karooka approaches the pine tree house. "I see that you have succeeded in your search," he comments as he enters. Ma-mora is eating from the raised containers and he studies her for several minutes. "She doesn't have enough flesh to be in the water long enough to return it to it's full rigor. As she puts weight on, she should be able to make it as magical as it was. It is possible she may become fat enough to help the woods grow beyond their present limits. As she continues to pack on the pounds, the spring will help her body adjust to her increase in weight and the water will become more magical than it was. It is possible she may grow large enough that the woods will expand to cover the lands that the barons have taken." Haasajol is silently standing at the entrance. "Are you going to help us the way you helped the priest?" Karooka turns, his face is firm as he speaks. "I have often warned you that if not protected, the magic could be lost. I have watched as the woods have lost land to the barons. When my old pupil asked for my help, I decided it was time for you to act or fade into myth." He looks at Ma-mora and smiles. "I will help you if you will let me." Haasajol thinks for several minutes. "You have warned us and we were too close to see the danger." He puts his hand on Karooka's shoulder. "Your help will be much appreciated." Karooka smiles, "I know of the herbs the priestesses use. It will take me a day or two to find them." He turns and silently leaves. During the next two days, Ma-mora is given as much care, food and love as they can give her. She loves the attention and recharges the spring several times a day. In midafternoon, Karooka returns. Aleet is brushing Ma-mora while she is eating. "Some of the herbs are dormant until spring." He pulls a bundle of assorted leaves out of his pouch. "But I keep a supply of those in my home." He offers them to Ma- mora. She cautiously sniffs before eating them. After she finishes, she returns to the hay she had been consuming. "It will take several days before you notice she is eating more," Karooka tells her. "When her appetite does increase, make sure her feed racks are always kept full. She will become voracious for three cycles of the moon. I will stop in often and see how she is," he comments as he turns and leaves. Aleet leaves Ma-mora and goes to find Ladrala. He is weaving a large basket and stops as she approaches. "She is doing well?" he asks. Aleet smiles, "Karooka just visited us." She proceeds to tell him in detail what was told to her. Ladrala laughs as he stands. "If I know that old hermit, she's going to be eating several times as much as she is now." He picks up two large sacks and tosses them on his shoulder. "I've promised the farmers help with their spring planting in exchange for plenty of food for her. You should warn your sisters that they better get some fish ready for her. She's going to need more protein than she can easily get from grain and hay." He turns and quickly is out of sight. Aleet finds two of her sisters at the spring and tells them of Ma-mora's need. "We'll bring her the biggest and fattest fish we can find. We have many in the pens already and we know where many more are." They quickly swim downstream while Aleet returns to Ma-mora's home. That evening, after Ma-mora comes out of the stream, Aleet fills the mangers with as much hay and grain as she can. In the morning, more than half the food has been eaten. During the next few days, the remaining food becomes less and less. They feed her the fish every time she charges the stream. Her coat almost glows from the protein and vitamins they contain. Four nights later, Aleet is awakened by Ma-mora nuzzling her. "What's wrong?" she asks while walking back to her house. Upon entering, she sees that the hay and grain racks are empty. She turns to a smiling mare. "Are you trying to tell me that you're not full?" She asks jokingly while she pats her slightly round belly. "If you keep eating like this," she jokes while refilling the bins. "You'll have the spring back up to what it was before spring arrives." She stands and watches Ma-mora attack her food for a few minutes before she returns to the spring and her interrupted sleep. By the end of the first week, Ma-mora is eating more than twice the amount she was. Uchana enlarges the food containers and begins building two larger ones in an attempt to keep up with her appetite. Ladrala plants oats and corn near the spring. Using his and the other druids' magic, they are able to harvest the grain in two days and replant the same day. The woodsprites dig irrigation trenches so that the magical waters flow through the garden. The oat grains are so swollen, they look ready to burst and the ears of corn are so heavy that the stalks must be braced to keep them from falling over. Even with all this, Ladrala keeps his rounds with the farmers for the hay she needs to help her digest this rich grain. Every day she eats more than the day before. She also spends a few minutes more in the water and the magic level continues to improve. Her fat covered ribs can be felt, but only through her new flesh. By the end of the second week, she is consuming four times as much food as when she arrived. She is eating so much that she appears to be several months pregnant, because of her food swollen abdomen. She has gained almost one hundred pounds and is staying in the water longer than Aleet thought she would be able to. By the end of the first moon cycle, Ma-mora is gulping down eight times what she first was and has gained another hundred and fifty pounds. She is eating more than half the time she is awake. When she gets in the stream, the watersprites guide the fat, sluggish fish they have tended toward her. She opens her mouth, each one swims in and she swallows them whole. The priestesses of Epona had improved her stomach to be able to digest anything edible. The bones are readily used to improve her skeleton. Aleet smiles as she brushes Ma-mora's fur after she comes out of the stream. "When I first saw you, I was afraid that if I brushed you, I'd be brushing your ribs." She smiles as she pokes her fingers into Ma-mora's soft fat. "Now I can hardly feel them." Ma-mora whinnies and flexes, making her silky flesh billow. Aleet laughs and continues brushing 'til Ma-mora's coat shines while she continues to eat. Aleet finishes and slowly walks around her. She runs her hands over Ma-mora's silky fur. Her hands move around and under Ma-mora's swelling abdomen and smiles as she realizes the lowest point of her abdomen has begun to move back. Aleet puts the blanket on and ties it in place with almost a foot of her belly showing between the sides. "We better get another blanket to sew onto this," she whispers. Ma-mora nods her head in agreement and continues to eat. During the next cycle of the moon, Ma-mora's appetite levels off. With the druids harvesting an amazing amount of grain every other day, the fattened fish she eats each time she charges the spring, and the hay Ladrala brings, she is gaining almost one hundred pounds a week. Her skeleton strengthens to be able to carry her tremendous increase in weight, more than another four hundred pounds. Several times each day, she waddles into the stream and stands with the water flowing around and over her flesh bloated body. Her long silky fur gently moves like the river grasses and her flesh swollen abdomen bounces and almost floats with the motion of the spring water. The druids have no problem in keeping her fed. In fact, her magic has so rejuvenated the spring, that some of the grains are harvested daily. They store the surplus in case she needs it at some later date. The watersprites have no problem in catching and fattening fish for her. There are several pools where they have fish breeding. The eggs hatch and grow rapidly. The woodsprites prowl the surrounding lands as the snow covers the fields. The snow had touched the woods once, but now Ma-mora has returned enough magic to the woods for spring to arrive, while winter holds the surrounding lands in it's fierce grip. They stop by the farms of those who believe. When told the farmers fear their firewood will not last the winter, they return with these requests to the druids. The druids agree to help them. Haasajol gives the woodsprites a message to tell the farmers. "Ask them how much they feel they need. Also tell them we believe the magic of the woods will expand. We have allowed the Barons to slowly reduce our woods. Now that they have tried to destroy our magic. We are planing to grow our trees into their lands. We plan to take your lands from the Barons and give them to you. Some of the trees may grow into your fields, but we will help your smaller fields grow more than they have." Aleet stops Uchana and sends a request with him for a blanket to add to Ma-mora's, since she is outgrowing hers. The woodsprites mount their wolves and return by morning. All the farmers are glad to soon be free of the barons. Their requests for wood is not as much as the druids normally trim from the trees. During the next week, the farmers come and are given more wood than they had asked for. The last farmer arrives with a thick blanket, larger than the one given by the priestesses. The watersprites thank him with several large baskets of dried fish. The farmers promise to return the baskets when winter leaves. Aleet puts the new blanket on Ma-mora and laughs. "I'm still going to sew these together," she jokes as Ma-mora pauses eating and looks at her. Ma-mora shakes herself and her bounteous flesh billows heavily. By the end of the third cycle of the moon, Ma-mora has gained over four hundred more pounds of fat and body tissues. Her skeleton is wider and her legs much sturdier. She weighs nearly twice what she did when they found her in the city. Even with this amazing weight gain, she is as healthy as possible. She is spending almost half an hour in the water and does this several times a day. With in a few days, her incredible appetite has slowed, but is still more than four times what it had been. Karooka finally checks in. "I would have been here much sooner," he apologizes. "But this winter has been the worse one I can remember in many years." He smiles as he runs his hands over her billowing flesh and feels the thickness of her fat. "It's a good thing I didn't give her a stronger dose," he whispers to himself. "Her appetite might have been more than twice what it was and she might not slow down for months." He turns to Aleet. "I think she'll keep putting on weight at a slower rate for several more cycles." Aleet smiles, "We thank you for your help. We've talked about your decision to help the priest and have agreed you were right." Karooka smiles as he steps outside. "I hope you remember this winter," he turns and silently leaves. Aleet shakes her head as she pats Ma-mora's full neck. "He always loves leaving us thinking. Ma-mora whinnies before munching on some corn. Aleet refills the corn bin, "I wonder if you liked gorging over the last few cycles or just having a good appetite like you now have." Ma-mora turns and nuzzles her rounded abdomen. She then nuzzles the space almost a foot from her flesh bloated side. Aleet stares in shock and then laughs as she pats the spongy flesh. "It may take you a while, but if you keep eating like this. You'll be that wide if not wider." Ma-mora vigorously shakes her head in agreement, causing her flesh to jiggle. She then returns to eating. During the next cycle, spring returns to the surrounding lands. The Druids help the farmers friendly to them, with their planting. They happily agree with allowing more trees to grow along the woods and downstream. Ma-mora gains only about one hundred and fifty pounds during this time. Heela arrives and is impressed with how much Ma-mora has gained. "I brought herbs to help her, but it is obvious some one else has helped her." Aleet nods, "Karooka came and gave her herbs a few days after we arrived." She explains how much Ma-mora ate and how fast she gained weight. Heela smiles, "She is one that can really pack on the pounds. She's more than doubled what she weighed when you left us." She slowly walks around her. Gently running her hands over, around and under her expanded body. She finishes and lovingly strokes her full neck. "I can't say for certain," she comments in surprise. "But she might double her present weight before she finishes." Ma-mora turns and walks toward the stream. They follow her as she heavily waddles down the ramp until the water engulfs her massive belly and wide back. Aleet nudges Heela. "Watch this," she jokes as she dives in. She floats several feet in front of the hefty mare. Within a few minutes, several large fish swim between them. Ma-mora lowers her head, until her mouth is in the water. As she opens her mouth, one of the fish swims in. She tips her head back and the fish slides the rest of the way in. The bulge of it sliding down her throat, can be seen until it reaches her chest and disappears. She takes her time and eats almost a dozen more this way, before she waddles out of the stream. Heela grabs a towel and begins drying her. As Aleet joins her, she shakes her head. "I didn't think it was possible for a horse to swallow a fish that big." She towels and then begins brushing. "I first thought they were trout, but I've never seen trout that heavy." Aleet laughs, "You know things that can help horses. We can get the fish to do what we need them to. We've made a couple of pens for some of them to breed and several pens to fatten them in." Heela smiles as Ma-mora begins walking back to her house. "You wouldn't mind if she showed these fish to me?" Ma-mora turns her head and whinnies, before she resumes walking. Aleet takes her to the pens and explains how they care and feed them. They talk for over an hour before returning to Ma-mora's house. "If you care for her as much as you do for those fish," Heela jokes as they walk. "She'll double her weight before next winter." They watch Ma-mora eat and then lay down in the deep moss. "I never thought of moss as bedding material." She comments as she kneels. She stands up, "I have several horses I need to check on." She shoulders her pack. "You're doing a wonderful job taking care of her." She starts to turn, "I'll stop by on my way home." Aleet accompanies her to the edge of the woods. "If you need a place to get any of them back to health." Heela smiles, "Just as long as you don't let them eat as much as she is." They both laugh and turn their separate ways. The next morning, Aleet is surprised at the amount of feed Ma-mora has eaten. As she refills the racks, Ma-mora noses her way in and eats. "Heela telling you, you might double your weight has helped your appetite, hasn't it." Ma-mora looks up, with her muzzle flecked with oats. She uses her long, broad tongue to sweep the grains into her mouth, before she resumes eating. When she finishes, she slowly walks into the stream. Welest has been swimming around and summons many of the fattened fish as Ma-mora becomes comfortable. The first fish swims forward and she gulps it down, her mouth barely clearing the water as she does. She gulps down more than a dozen fish and looks around, as if ready for more. Aleet laughs as she swims up and rubs her swollen abdomen. "That visit from Heela has really done something to your appetite." Ma-mora opens her mouth and gulps down several gallons of water. She relaxes in the water for almost an entire hour before she gets out. Aleet gets out and has to follow her into her house before she stops. As Aleet begins toweling her soaked fur, Ma- mora begins eating rapidly. During the next week, Ma-mora's appetite increases until it is slightly more than at it's peak. Because of the increased levels of magic in the water. The druids have no problem keeping her supplied with grain and the penned fish fatten faster and heavier. When Heela reaches the first horse she wished to visit, she realizes the fattening herbs are not in her pack. She thinks for a moment before deciding that she left it with Aleet to hold until she returns. She travels and cares for various horses, oblivious to the fact that Ma-mora ate the herbs while she and Aleet were saying goodbye. By the end of the lunar cycle, she has gain almost four hundred pounds. The minnows grow to full size with in one lunar cycle and the watersprites are soon releasing more than they are moving to the feeding pens. In the feeding pens, they hardly move and grow twice as fat in the same time. The oats and corn are being harvested almost every day. Within hours after an ear of corn is picked, a new one can be seen growing. It only takes one of the druids to take care of this garden while the others help the farmers or plant new trees around the woods and downstream. During the next lunar cycle, Ma-mora's appetite increases till she is gulping down more pounds of grain and fish than she had with Karooka's herbs. Her abdomen bulges from side to side as she slowly waddles into the stream. With almost a ton of flesh she has gained, protecting her from the chill of the spring, she stays in the water for more than an hour and does this three or four times a day. "I think she's staying in the water a lot so she can gorge on the fish," Welest jokes. Liecha strokes one of the flesh bloated fish as it slowly swims toward Ma-mora. "Her magic is making them so fat they can barely swim. If they get much fatter, we'll have to take them to her." She watches as one of the fattest swims to Ma-mora's mouth. She no longer raises the fish out of the water to swallow. She opens her mouth and gulps the fish, along with almost a gallon of water, into her massively expanded stomach. Each time she struggles up the ramp, her heavily swollen abdomen billows from side to side and the gallons of water can be heard sloshing inside her bloated belly. By the end of the cycle, she has gained close to 500 pounds and her skeleton and organs have grown and strengthened to handle even more fat. Heela finally returns and stands in shock as she watches Ma-mora gorging on fish so fat that the watersprites must carry them upstream of her massive body. Aleet stands beside her. "I couldn't remember what I did with the herbs," Heela tells her. "When I realized I didn't have them, I thought I left them with you." Aleet smiles as they watch Ma-mora slowly wallow out of the stream. "She must have taken them when neither of us were looking." She laughs at the expression on Heela's face when Ma- mora stops in front of her. "Ma-mora," she asks in shock. "Do you have any idea how much you're going to gain?" Ma-mora shakes her head, causing her fur covered flab to roll and quiver for several seconds. She makes a few sounds that even Aleet is able to understand. 'I don't care how big I get. I love feeling the water flow around me and how it caresses my growing body.' She glances at Aleet, 'I also want to show my appreciation for being rescued. The fatter I get, the more magical the stream becomes. I'd like to get so enormously fat, that the woods will grow like I am. Spreading out, protecting the farmers who believe, and reducing the farmable land of the barons until they look like I did when you found me.' Heela is the first to laugh and vigorously begin drying her. "By the first mare. I thought they choose her so that you would rescue her, instead of getting a mare that was already cared for. You're going to get so huge that your belly is going to rest on the ground." She looks at Aleet, "Before that happens, you better work out a way for her to move." They finish drying her and refill the grain bins to their limit. As Ma-mora gorges, they go and talk with Jriluta. He walks the path from her house to the stream while they talk. "If we paved the path and the streambed," he muses when they've finished. "I could build something like a wagon to support her." He enters her house and studies her while she eats. He gently feels her massively swollen abdomen and estimates how strong the wagon will need to be. He stands and shakes his head. "I can build one, but if she keeps adding weight, I don't know how long it will be before it collapses under her tons of flesh." Heela smiles, "I should return to the temple and tell them how wonderfully you're taking care of her. I may find a way to help her move when she breaks the wagon." She shoulders her pack and walks off. Jriluta looks at her and smiles. "Just like a priestess to make you think no matter what you do, it takes a deity to really solve the problem." They both watch as Ma-mora continues gorging. Heela leaves the forest and starts toward the temple. She turns off the road and walks through the spring grasses to Karooka's home. Before she is in sight of it, he meets her. "I wondered if you had left the woods yet." He comments as they walk to his home. Heela smiles, "And you know that Ma-mora took my herbs and is going to get so ponderously huge, her abdomen will rest on the ground." Karooka leads her into his hidden library. "There are spells that can give her the ability to levitate. A spell strong enough to lift her weight takes a lot of power." He almost laughs. "But with her we don't have to worry." They spend the rest of the day studying the ancient tomes before they write out a spell for her. Karooka stretches after they leave the library and he seals it. "We might as well wait until she breaks Jriluta's wagon." Heela laughs, "And with the way she's filling out, that might not be too long." They talk about their travels while they prepare and eat supper. In the morning she leaves for the temple. Over the next three cycles, the trees grow stronger, the new sapling attain a growth of two years each cycle. The fields that the druids helped, although half the size of last year, are being harvested of as much crops if not more. They are planted for a second crop, when it should have taken an entire season for the first. Ma-mora has made an incredible gain of three quarters of a ton with no sign of slowing. Her legs have become columns of bone and muscle. Her skeleton has widened so that her massive hooves are twice as far apart. Even with this increased width, her abdomen hangs below her knees and her rounded sides are starting to brush the doorway of her home. The druids remove and replant the trees on one side of the door and begin planting a new wall that will double the width of her house. They take their time, removing and replanting only a few trees at a time. By the end of the cycle they have finished and she has gained another five hundred pounds. As the summer continues, the woods and fields grow with magic as strong as when the woods were new. By the end of three cycles, the leaves in the barons' gardens are beginning to change. In the woods, the leaves and flowers still have the newness of spring. Ma-mora has gained another seventeen hundred pounds. Her sixty two hundred pounds of massive flesh rolls when she waddles into the stream. once in the water, she almost floats. The fattened trout are so bloated with fat that the fins seem to be stuck on, and the tail itself is too fat to do more than a gentle wave. The watersprites have moved the fattening pens closer to her and a holding pen in front of her. When she lowers her mouth into the water, one of them releases a flesh bloated fish and it floats into her wide mouth. As round as the fish are, she swallows more than two dozen each time she charges the stream. With her hundreds of pounds of fat, she only feels the water as comfortably cool and enters it at least six times a day. As the leaves in the barons' gardens fall, the trees and farms of those who believe, are growing as if it is still summer. Trees have surrounded their farms. The fields are smaller, but each harvest is as large as in a good year, and they have harvested twice with a third planting already breaking through the rich soil. In two more cycles, Ma-mora gains another twelve hundred pounds. Jriluta has built a small, but very sturdy wagon and rolls it under her heavy abdomen. "Another few weeks and we'd have to find a way to lift her up." He jokes as he puts his hand between her and the planks with only an inch to spare. Ma-mora seems to smile as she continues to eat. Aleet smiles as she strokes her soft and massive side. "Don't worry about it not being high enough." She refills the feed bins while Ma-mora continues to eat. "With the way she's packing it away. You better worry about building a stronger one by spring." Ladrala laughs as he enters. "Our farmer friends are so pleased with their new privacy." He strokes her humongous rump. "The lands of the barons' seem to have had a poor harvest this year. When the barons asked the church for help, it was because they needed the money. Two of them have sold their land to baron Picarson. I believe that he went along with their idea because if he didn't and they succeeded, his lands would be bought by them." Aleet smiles, "I take it that you're planning to talk with him and see if he is secretly an ally." He steps outside and shoulder the pack hidden beside the house. "I'll see you in a few days." He turns and quickly walks off. Ma-mora backs up and then walks to the stream. The ramp has been redug so that it is not as steep. She slowly waddles in and the water buoys her mammothly obese belly. She relaxes as the water flows around her and the watersprites begin releasing fattened fish in front of her. In a few days, Ladrala returns and tells every one that Baron Picarson has always know about the magic and didn't believe the others would be able to do anything. "He bought the other barons' land so that they would leave. He has seen that the magic is returning. We talked long about returning some of the farmland to wooded land and he agreed. I have a drawing of his lands and he agreed that we can reforest half the cleared land." They are all overjoyed with this and decide where to dig channels so the water can flow into these areas. During the next cycle, the wood sprites begin making channels through the woods so that the magical water flows into the lands of other farmer who now believe. Ma-mora gains another six hundred pounds. Everyone is extremely joyous, but Aleet can sense Ma-mora is longing for something. She tries asking but Ma- mora just ignores her by concentrating on her food. As the winds beyond the magical woods begin to blow cold, the farmers are harvesting a third crop. The druids advise them to let the land rest until spring and they happily agree. Many of them help dig canals through their land where the woodsprites tell them to. The others take the incredible surplus of grain to neighboring towns and sell much of it for a high profit. The rest they give to the needy. Near the end of the lunar cycle, a stranger wanders into the woods. The woodsprites had been following him for several days but remained hidden. He stops by the stream and pitches a tent. For several days, he spends much of his time watching the currents or playing a flute. Uchana offers to find why this man is here. He approaches the camp from downstream so the stranger will think that is where he lives. "Hello my dear sir," he calls as he approaches. "May I join you?" The man looks at him and forces a smile, offering a rock beside him. As Uchana sits down he studies his host. The man is in his mid twenties, although his traveled condition would first suggest older. His hair and beard are unkempt, but otherwise he is handsome. "My name is Jara. I am traveling because I decided I didn't belong with the people of my village." He looks back at the stream and Uchana waits until he continues. "The women in the village think that men must compete against each other to prove how good they are. I never cared for the women because of their attitudes. I worked on a farm and took care of feeding the cows that were chosen to be butchered. The problem I had with the owner of the farm was I always wanted to fatten them longer than he did. Finally, because of the women's attitude and not being able to feed the cows the way I wanted to, I left." Uchana keeps an expression of care on his face, while fighting to control his grin. "Deep in your heart," he asks, "What would you like to find." Jara looks at him with an intensity that can almost be felt. Finally he sits back. "I've never told this to anyone, but for some reason I feel you can be trusted." He fills a mug in the stream and takes a long drink. "I never felt right with any of the women. When ever I talked with them, I might as well have been talking with a man. I could feel friendship, but never attraction." He takes another drink, "I took a job on the farm so I wouldn't work in town. When I was put in charge of feeding the cows, I felt a strange surge inside. I actually enjoyed feeding them and watching them fill out. I spent many of my off hours brushing and talking to them. The owner didn't know this, but he was impressed with how fast they gained weight. When he selected the first one for the butcher, I argued she wasn't nearly fat enough. He told me he was the one to decide when they were ready. After two years of watching cows that I cared for go before they were fully fat, I packed my things and left." He finishes the water and puts his mug down. "For some reason," he almost whispers while looking around. "I feel more at peace here than I can remember." Uchana waits for his gaze to return to him. "Do you have any of these feeling toward horses?" He asks cautiously. Jara looks at him in surprise, "If I didn't know better, I'd think you have been on that farm." He sits back and laughs. "During the last winter, because of the cold, I slept near the animals instead of in the hay loft. He had several draft horses and I often talked to the largest one. She was an extremely large mare and very friendly to me. I didn't mention that I fed the horses because I only fed them to maintain their weight. I felt the winter would be long and cold at the first frost. Since she was a very friendly mare, I decided to give her some extra food. She loved the attention and I could feel her growing plump. Her winter coat covered her extra flesh and I had to control myself from feeding her so much that her fur wouldn't be able to conceal it. In the spring, the farmer guessed that it was her nature and that the winter had been long and cold." Uchana finally smiles, "So your dream would be to fatten the largest draft mare you could find." Jara smiles slightly, "I don't know why, but that would be it." He looks at the stream, "Of course it's only a dream." Uchana stands and offers his hand. "Then you're in a woods of dreams." He takes Jara's hand and pulls him to his feet. Leading him upstream, he explains everything, from the loss of magic to Ma-mora's present size. "You mean no one knows how long she'll keep fattening?" He asks with his eyes almost bulging out as far as the front of his loose pants. Uchana nods with a wide grin, "Recently, even though she is gaining flesh as rapidly as every, we have felt that there's something she wants. Aleet is a watersprite and has been so close to her that she fails to see Ma-mora looking at every male druid and woodsprite." Jara pauses, "If Aleet has been with her this long, wouldn't I be intruding?" Uchana shakes his head as they resume walking. "I know that Aleet would prefer to be swimming with the others. She knows some one must care for her and Ma-mora carried her across the dry lands." Jara jerks to a stop as Furcloud steps from behind a bush. He smiles and resumes walking when he see the friendly look and wagging tail. "I see that many animals are friendly here." Uchana laughs, "I'll be ready to catch you, when you see her." He whispers as they enter the cleared area of her house. Aleet comes out and stops in surprise. Uchana rushes to her and explains about Jara while he waits. Finally she breaks into a surprised and then wide smile. "Uchana is right about my caring for her because some one must." She almost laughs, "I've known for a while that she needs a male to take care of her. I was going to ask the priestesses about it," she motions him to follow her, "but maybe the spirit of the first mare guided you here." She tries to control her laughter when she sees his mouth drop open and his eyes almost burst out of their sockets. She steps aside as Ma-mora waddles out. Jara can only think he's dreaming as he watches her billow heavily. Her massive belly rolls as she moves. He is completely oblivious as to the extent his swollen cock is tenting his pants, but he is the only one. Uchana glances to Aleet and they quietly walk away. "Either the First Mare sent him," Aleet whispers, "Or Ma-mora's magic called to him." Jara spreads his arms wide and she doesn't stop until her fleshy head is over his shoulder and he is between the dual cushions of her breast. His arms fail to reach the sides of her shoulders but he fondles her soft flesh for many minutes. She nudges forward and backward, feeling his swollen cock quiver with excitement. Finally Jara realizes what has happened to him. He starts to step back, then he faces the fact that this is where he is meant to be. Ma-mora steps back and uses her head to direct him to the stream. He tries to walk so that his enthusiasm won't be noticed, but quickly decides this is not only impossible, but unnecessary. Only the watersprites are around and he realizes that Aleet has returned to her true form. He is impressed at the extreme fatness of the fish and that Ma-mora is able to swallow them whole. For almost an hour he watches her eat and feels the energy of her magic charging the stream. She finally lumbers out and he begins drying her as they walk to her home. Uchana is there and shows him the feed bins and where the food is kept. "We're going to put a blanket over the doorway," he comments. "I know that she wants some one and I think you want her." He grins as he says this and Jara playfully slaps at him. Jara quickly adapts to his new situation and his loving care somehow encourages Ma-mora to eat even more than she has been. At night, he sleeps against her. When she lays down, he covers her with the blanket, removes his clothes and crawls under it. Sometimes laying against her wide back with one arm draped over her fleshy neck. Sometimes against her magnificently swollen belly, his head either resting on one of her fat engulfed fore legs, or on a similarly padded rear leg, with his face nuzzling her fat filled udder. Her nipples often swell, but even they are fat, they expand more than any nurse mare but never feel harder than firm sponge. By the end of this cycle she has gained slightly more than six hundred, but during the remaining three cycles of winter, her weight gains increase dramatically. six forty, then six eighty, and finally seven twenty. Ma-mora's belly rests heavily on the cart Jriluta had made. "I don't know what I can do when she outgrows this." he comments to Jara. "She weighs over five tons now and I know you hope she keep gaining." Jara smiles, "I know there no reason to keep any secrets here." He pats her flesh bloated abdomen and then feels her spongy flesh. "I don't think she wants to stop gaining because of the wagon." Jriluta smiles, "Maybe I can find another way." He smiles as she enters the stream. Jara looks at him in confusion as he walks off. Jara doesn't know that he is walking in the direction of Karooka's home. Jriluta arrives at Karooka's home. "How is Ma-mora doing with her friend?" A voice asks. Jriluta turns as Karooka steps from behind some bushes. "You always know when some one is coming," he answers. "I believe the priestesses of Epona summoned him." He follows Karooka into the building. "There is one problem yet to come. At the rate she is gaining weight, my wagon supporting her abdomen will collapse by the summer equinox. Karooka smiles and pulls a scroll from the shelf above his head. "Heela and I prepared this one." He smiles as he rises. He picks up his pack and staff. "So let's be off." As Jriluta exits, Karooka grabs a small pouch and hides it in his robes. Jara is drying and massage Ma-mora when they arrive. "I've brought some one to meet you," Jriluta calls as he knocks on the door-frame-tree. "Come on in," he responds. He turns and extends his hand. I'm Jara and you must be Karooka." The two visitors look at each other in surprise. "I asked that no one tell him about you until you choose to come." Jriluta gasps. Jara laughs and pats Ma-mora's jiggling side. "You forgot to tell her." He smiles at their second surprise. "Aleet has taught me how to communicate with her. She never had much luck because all they had to talk about was eating and charging the stream. She tells me about the city and how her growing body feels. I talk with her about my life on the farm and how I fattened the cows." He smiles she nuzzles him. "And she's promised to get heavier than all the cows I fattened put together." He almost falls over as she pushes him. "And my first mare." Karooka smiles as he listens. "Now let's see what we can do about helping her get around before her wagon breaks." He removes the scroll and begins reading the complex runes. Ma-mora seems to fall asleep while he reads. After many minutes, he raises his staff above his head and finishes the chant. "Now you can levitate yourself instead of dragging your hefty belly." Ma-mora opens her eyes. She looks at him for a moment before anyone realizes that her hooves are a few inches off the ground. Jriluta smiles as he removes the wagon. "I need to check in with a few of the farms, so I'll leave you to get acquainted." He turns and leaves as Ma-mora floats to the ground and resumes eating. "Jriluta has told me all about you," Karooka starts as he sits down. "I know that the two of you care very much for each other." He pulls the small pouch from his robe. "There is only one problem and this will solve it. Mix it in water from the stream and drink it before you turn in." He tosses it to Jara and stands. "I will be away until autumn. There are others of my kind and we must talk about restoring the age of magic." He silently walks out while Jara looks at the contents of the pouch. "Well Ma-mora," he speaks to her so she will understand. "Are you ready for me to physically be your stallion?" She turns and nuzzles his face. She moves her head downward until her plump lips are playing with the firm, growing mass in his trousers. When she gets out of the stream that evening. The sun has already set and the full moon gives the glade a mystical glow. Jara fills a flask and follows her into their house. He pulls the door blanket closed and proceeds to dry her. "I wonder if I will get as big as a stallion," he muses to her. She buries her head in the corn and he listens to her chew and gulp the rich grain while he dries and fondles her. She finally stops and turns toward him. She flicks her long eyelashes as she lays down. "I guess it is time for bed." He whispers as he carefully covers her. He pours the potient into the flask and swirls it for several seconds. Firmly, he raises the flask and gulps the contents without stopping. When he finishes, he puts the flask down, removes his clothes and crawls under the blanket until he is laying against her incredibly wide back. "As fast as you're filling out now, I wonder if you'll gain more..." he thinks as he quickly drifts to sleep. During the night he dreams of being a stallion. When he mounts her in his dream, he can actually see her swelling beneath him. Shortly after midnight, Ma-mora gets up for her nightly feast. Jara is half asleep as he joins her. He leans against her massive belly and hugs her in his half asleep condition. As he listens to her eating and feels her warm fleshy body against him, he becomes aware that something is different. Stepping back, he looks down and becomes wide awake. "Ma-mora," he whispers. She turns her head and her eyes flash in a different kind of hunger. His cock is only beginning to fill with blood, but as limp as it is, it's length is beyond twelve inches and it's girth is equally expanded. She turns her ponderous body until he is standing before her. He looks into her eyes with a smile, but before he can speak, she lowers her head and slurps his growing male rod into her voracious mouth. He stands in wonder and then ecstasy as he feels his staff growing in her hot mouth. She wraps her large mobile lips around him and uses her broad tongue to excite him even more. His soft rod continues to expand in length and circumference. Her tongue reaches out and gently fondles his growing balls. Rich cum begin to fill them, swelling them to the size of large oranges. He is unaware of this as he massages her fleshy neck, watching her expansive back billow as she voraciously sucks on his extending and swelling cock. As it begins to grow down her large gullet, he feels her throat muscles begin to gently, but firmly pull him deeper. He has no idea how huge it might grow. For a moment he worries about chocking her, then he remembers how easily she swallows the unbelievably fattened fish. Ma-mora is contently sucking him deeper and deeper down her throat while she lovingly fondles his tightly swollen sacks of cum. She munches on his cock with her blubbery lips as she feels him finally getting hard. She can feel the head swell deep down in her throat and knows his special milk will gush straight into her voracious stomach. Jara groans as her lips massage his shaft and her gullet grips his swelling cockhead. "Oh Ma-mora," he whispers in her language. "I never dreamed it could be like this. I only dreamed of a mare as fantastically huge as you and never thought it was possible for you to keep fattening." Her head begins moving back and forth and the pulling of her throat muscles drives him to his limits. He tries to control himself, but his love juices are surging as she tongues his balls. He gives in to the inevitable and his hot cum blasts down the length of his shaft and pours into her stomach. She squeezes his cum sack with her tongue and he shakes as he climaxes. Finally he is drained and collapses over her head and neck. She allows the now-spent cock to diminish and slowly withdrawal from her gullet. Jara finally stands and steps back. His rod comes out of her mouth and is almost down to it's original size. "I never dreamed of being a stallion, and never imagined it could be like this," he whispers to her. Her tongue reaches out to an incredible length and runs over both of her bloated lips. "I've dreamed of a stallion that would love me for my size," she whispers back. "And you're much better." She turns back to the feed bins and begins gorging. Jara smiles and fondles the heavy bulging flesh of her shoulder. "I've known that this is where I belong and now I have what we both want." Ma-mora pauses eating as glances at him. "I hope you want me to become as unbelievably obese as I can," She giggles. "Because that massive love tube of yours makes me want to eat until all I want to do is lay down." She flickers her long eyelashes, "And then you can make me hungry again." She buries her plump muzzle in the corn and he caresses her as he watches the grain appear to slowly pour into her. Finally she stops and heavily waddles a few steps onto her thick mossy bed. She eases herself down on her ponderous belly. "It's getting too hard to get up when I sleep on my side," she mumbles in her over gorged condition. Jara climbs onto her expansive, spongy back, pulling the blanket over both of them. "And you're going to get so big your abdomen will be on the floor even when you're standing up." They both yawn as he snuggles into her yielding flesh. "Even you fur feels fat..." he mumbles as he passes out. She wakes first and feels him lying on her broad back. Smiling, she moves slightly, causing her bounteous blubber to move under and around him. She continues doing this as she feels his cock growing. He sighs in enjoyment as it continues to expand. When the swelling head bumps his chin, he moves and it continues to grow along the groove of her soft back. As it reaches it's fullest enlargement and becomes firm and then hard, Jara finally wakes up. He jerks up onto his knees as he sees his erect size for the first time. "I can't believe you had this all the way down your throat," he whispers to her. Ma-mora struggles to her feet, her ponderous flesh surging around him. "I'd like to see it before you see how well I can hold it where it belongs." Jara rolls off her expansive back, holding his massive rod as he does. She turns her head and her long tongue reaches out and plays with the cock head, bloated to the size of a prize winning apple. "I'll eat as long as you can last," she promises as she waddles to the feed bins. Jara has to hold his living staff as he fills the bins until they are ready to overflow. Ma-mora begins eating as he moves a few hay bales behind her to get the proper level. He lays them out behind her and nudges the bloated head of his heavy love rod against her blood engorged vulva. He had always resisted his desire to touch it before, even when she explained how she has kept it growing back as her ponderous rump has filled out. Listening to her eat, he moves the head around as her vulva winks. He begins to push and her lips open to engulf his offering. His head forges in and they close firmly, yet lovingly around it. "Now I've got you and I won't let you go until I'm full", she whispers. He smiles as he begins moving forward, pushing a few inches in and then pulling back until her lips stop his huge cockhead. He reaches her cervix before he is all the way in. Smiling in extreme pleasure, he begins to step back and then forward, moving the amazing length of his hefty rod, larger than any draft horse, inside her love tunnel. Ma-mora pauses eating when he nudges her secret gate. She quietly groans in ecstacy as he begins pumping. "I'll keep eating until you unload your swollen cumsack into my womb." She resumes eating, gulping the fattening grain down almost twice as fast as she had been. Jara smiles as he continues to slowly move within her fleshy embrace. He can feel her warm blubber move around him and only her promise to keep eating stops him from releasing his gift. He keeps bumping against her final portal and then pulling back as far as she'll let him. For many minutes he continues moving within her. He approaches an unstoppable climax and begins to stay deeper inside her, bumping and nudging the closed gate. Suddenly the gate opens and he falls the rest of the way in, his swollen balls being embraced by her cushy rump. With a surge that makes her body billow, starting at her ponderous rump, moving through her massive belly and up her fattened neck, he finally explodes. He feels his staff and cockhead expand as his love fluid gushes into her. Ma-mora had been eating as rapidly as she could. Doubling the pleasure of his action by gulping pounds of food into her filling stomach. When he finally pumps his juices into her, she buries her plump muzzle into the oat bin and inhales the rich grain into her full stomach. She groans in rapture as her stomach is packed with food and his swollen cockhead fills her womb with his juices. Finally his balls are drained and he wraps his arms into her spongy flesh. "I only dreamed of doing it with the draft mare I got plump and never with this much of me to make her happy. And now I have more than a draft stallion and a mare with an unbelievable amount of flesh." Ma-mora finishes the oats and raises her head. "And I only dreamed of being filled in both ends at once." She turns her head as far as she can. "If you think I'm unbelievably huge now. With all the love you're going to be giving me, I'm barely plump compared to how super obese I'm going to get." Jara steps back and his spent rod comes out, quickly shrinking to a normal human size. "Karooka's magic is the best I've ever heard of," he jokes as he dresses. They go outside and enjoy the morning sun. After an hour's rest. she enters the stream and gulps down two dozen fat fish while she does. Later in the day, Welest comments that she can feel the magic is stronger than yesterday. Jara talks with Ma- mora while he dries her and then gives Welest an answer. "She's finally reached a weight where she can't imagine being happier. She's going to eat more and get fatter until the woods cover more land than any one can remember." Welest laughs, "The stronger the magic of the water gets, the fatter the fish get. They can barely swim as it is and they might get too round for her to swallow." Jara tells this to Ma-mora and her body jiggles with laughter as she gives him her reply. "She says they can't get too fat for her." He laughs, "The fatter she gets, the fatter her magic is going to make her food." He finishes drying her and they return to their house. Welest goes to inform the druids so they can make plans for her increase needs of food. During the three cycles of spring, her weight gains increase rapidly. Seven hundred sixty, seven hundred and ninety and then seeming to stabilize at eight hundred pounds for a total weight of thirteen thousand pounds. Her belly is now touching the ground except when she levitates herself and when she is in the stream. Everyone is amazed and overjoyed with the increased magic of the water. The druids talk about how much corn and oats their garden is growing each day and how unbelievably heavy the ears of corn and grains are. They are harvesting each day and the ground is richer than ever. The farms and the baron's lands are becoming surrounded or protected, depending on your point of view, by trees that seem to grow over night. At least twice a night and sometimes in the day. Ma-mora and Jara enjoy each others physical attributes. As she continues to fatten in all directions, his massive cock somehow grows as she does. Throughout the summer, the farmers harvest more than in their wildest dreams. They set part of each harvest aside for her and the wives sew a blanket twice as wide as she presently needs. Ma-mora eats most of the time and admits she could eat more but wants to enjoy the food. Sometimes Jara fondles her fat swollen udder. It is larger than most cows but it's soft spongy feel reveals that it is flesh and not milk that expands it. Her nipples become firm, but even they are so gorged with fat that his lips squeeze them while she eats. Before they go to sleep, He fills her womb while she makes sure her digestive system is well filled. Through the four lunar cycles, she continues to gain an average of eight hundred pounds. Reaching sixteen thousand and two hundred pounds with no sign of slowing. Karooka returns as autumn beyond the woods approaches. He appears impressed, but not surprised by her size. He asks for a meeting and every one, including several of the farmers and the baron are there. "I have spent many of the last cycles with others of my kind," he begins. "There are many places like this woods that are reclaiming their magical heritage. The time has come for the people beyond these borders to choose. If they accept magic, it doesn't mean that they must give up their ways of mechanical learning or religious beliefs." "Since we have already chosen," Baron Picarson begins, "Why are you telling us this?" Karooka smiles, "Last winter, this one and the next few will be longer and colder than in recent memory. There may be people who come here for help. If they accept our help that is good. But there may also be ones who come to take and destroy. This is what we must plan for." Uchana stands, "The woodsprites and our wolves will be glad to patrol the borders. We have stayed near the original boarders of the woods because some farmers might think our wolves are wild ones." He turns to their representatives. "There are no more wild wolves in these woods. If any come here, our wolves bring them to us and they are glad to join us." The farmers talk for a moment before one of them responds. "We will tell the others that no wolves are to be killed and, since you are protecting us, to give you food and shelter." Uchana smiles, "I will tell the others and we will begin our patrols tonight." They talk for many hours. Ma-mora and some of the watersprites take a break for her to charge the stream. After she comes out, the farmers give Jara the many thick towels they have brought and the promise of a very large blanket. By late afternoon, they finish their conference and have a feast of celebration. Before sunset, the farmers and the baron have left. Karooka's wink at Jara and his return wink is the only indication they give of the effect of the potion. Karooka stays for a few days before he leaves. Throughout the fall, the farmers plant and harvest, they and the woodsprites dig more ditches to spread the magical water. The water only needs to flow through them a few days each cycle for the magic to work. By the end of autumn, she has added another two thousand four hundred pounds to her humongous bulk. As her third winter in the woods passes, the lands within the woods are like late summer, while the lands beyond are gripped in another deep winter. The woodsprites follow several people who take refuge and the druids talk with them. Most of their lands are close and they design channels for the magical water to reach out and expand the boundaries of the woods. They give them food and wood to survive the winter and accept the promise of the channels being dug in the spring. Throughout the winter, Jara continues to keep her appetite voracious by satisfying both of their sexual desires. Even with her increase in weight, she still gains an average of eight hundred pounds per lunar cycle. Her weight reaches twenty one thousand and eight hundred pounds of bloated blubber. During the seven cycles of spring and summer, the woods slowly expand into the lands of new believers. Ma-mora and Jara care for each other and she continues to gain an amazing average of eight hundred pounds per lunar cycle. By autumn she has achieved the amazing weight of twenty seven thousand and four hundred pounds of massive horseflesh. There is no indication of her slowing her incredible weight gain and the magic increases as she does. Through out her third autumn, the new trees grow and the woods seem to generate a new strength as it prepares to defend against the oncoming winter. The druids replant her home so there is plenty of room. She forces herself to eat more, but refuses to explain why until they celebrate the third anniversary of her arrival. After they have stuffed her until she can't move, her belly is spreading further on the ground and her legs are engulfed in her abdomen below her knees. "The reason I've been eating more is that I wanted to reach thirty thousand pounds by my third anniversary. Burrrp, and it looks like I've made it." At her request, They all caress her humongous body, her spongy flesh yielding to their touch. The moon is high when she and Jara return to their home. Ma-mora levitates herself onto the bed of thick moss. "Bet you're surprised about how much delicious food I let them stuff me with." She whispers to him. Jara steps in front of one of her flesh bloated breasts. He moves into her until his body is nestled in her soft fat. "I bet your stomach is as overfull as my balls are becoming." His growing cock has already begun to grow between himself and her ponderous body. She giggles, and the jiggling of her spongy, furry skin encourages his rod to expand even faster. "I'll always have room for as much as you can give me." She murmurs, "I might even pack a few more pounds in." She smiles as she levitates away from him. His growing shaft is already several feet long and it falls as she moves. He catches it and leans backward as he moves. "They fed you until you're stuffed and I'm going to fill the rest of you." His testicles are already as large as the first time, as he steps onto the hay bales behind her. He smiles as he watches the massive cockhead begin to swell. When he finally becomes hard, his enormous rod is larger in diameter than his upper arm and the ponderous head, almost a foot across, is four feet away from him. As he rubs it around and against her engorged vulva she begins eating from the full corn bin. He nudges his ponderous head against her swollen lips. They suddenly open and he takes several steps forward as he slides into her. "Now let's see how much you can hold," he whispers. Her only response is the sound of her eating faster than she had been. He smiles in pleasure as he begins to pump his massiveness into her, taking several steps forward and then back. His cum sack continues to bloat out with his juices. As they become larger than cantaloupes, he remains deep in her, only taking a step away as his incredible cockhead bumps against her final obstacle. As her cervix opens for him, he takes a final few steps until his swollen balls are comfortably cushioned by hundreds of pounds of fur covered, rump flesh. He pushes in deep and only moves the many feet of his log of a cock. She often pauses eating to give a groan of passion, followed by the sound of corn almost being sucked into her prodigious stomach. He smiles as he feels her tons of abdominal fat and food swollen intestines massaging his pounds of maleness. He uses the concentration Uchana taught him to restrain the impending flood building within him. Ma-mora is moaning in pleasure and pain as she loses control of her eating caused by the indescribable joy of Jara's magic love rod forcing it's way inside her and enticing every pleasure nerve within her. Jara know's she is almost stretched to her limits and releases his gallons of liquid love. His head swells even more until it clogs her cervix. Her womb swells until it is as pressurized as her stomach. She gives a muffled scream of ecstacy before burying her muzzle in the last of what has been of several bushels of corn. Finally Jara begins to grow limp and she finishes forcing the rich fattening grain into her overstuffed belly. He allows his diminishing staff to completely shrink within her humongously warm, affectionate belly. He steps back and walks around her billowing side. The feed bin presses almost a foot into her bounteous, bulbous breasts. "How do you feel?" He whispers as he fondles her jiggling, fur covered blubber. Ma-mora levitates to her moss bed and her flesh quivers as she come to rest. "I'm so full, this is as far as I can move." She murmurs with love in her voice. "With nights of food and passion like this," she closes her eyes, "I'll get so unbelievably obese that the woods will cover more land than they ever have." Jara covers her with the blanket and then crawls between it and her spongy and spacious back. "This is where we both belong. In the realm of growing magic and expanding love." Ma-mora continues to gain weight for many years. She levitates herself into the spring when her ponderous bulk begins to damn the stream. The woods expand until they finally touch another magical place. It takes many years for the second age of magic to gain control of the world and Ma-mora continues to grow and fatten until she weighs more than the largest of whales after a rich feeding season. ***************************************************** Original weight 1400 Lunar cycle Winter 1 250 1650 1 610 8610 1 800 19400 2 400 2050 2 640 9250 2 800 20200 3 400 2450 3 680 9930 3 800 21000 4 150 2600 4 720 10650 4 800 21800 Spring 5 400 3000 5 760 11410 5 800 22600 6 500 3500 6 790 12200 6 800 23400 7 500 4000 7 800 13000 7 800 24200 Summer 8 500 4500 8 800 13800 8 800 25000 9 550 5050 9 800 14600 9 800 25800 10 550 5600 10 800 15400 10 800 26600 11 600 6200 11 800 16200 11 800 27400 Autumn 12 600 6800 12 800 17000 12 850 28250 13 600 7400 13 800 17800 13 870 29120 14 600 8000 14 800 18600 14 880 30000 ***************************************************** Baron Frederic Winstien, Richard Picarson, Lacard Roarken Manservant Julius Stable master Thedric Brother Robur Karooka-teacher Uchana woodsprite Furcloud-grey wolf Druid Ladrala, Haasajol, Jriluta white robed, 7' full neatly trimmed beard(grey-white), medium length hair sandals Watersprite Welest-brown Liecha Aleet-blonde Priestess Heela, Jara-'nough said *************************************************