Harvest Mare 2-4-98 7-12-98 I come home, lock the door, grab a shower, then microwave a dinner. Watching the news without realizing what I'm seeing. "Mike," I tell myself, "You can't keep doing that mind-breaking job much longer." I toss the food carton in the trash, then set up my meditation carpet and candles. "Maybe tonight I'll find an answer." I close my eyes, clear my thoughts, then open my mind to thoughts of a world where thing are different. This time it comes easier, almost as if I'm falling into it. The sound of a passing car with it's stero full blast shocks me. I stand up too quickly, trip, and fall forward. For a moment, it feels like the carpet has become grass, then I black out. ------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere through the darkness, I hear voices. "Where do you think he came from?" "His clothes, I've never seen the like." "He couldn't have fallen prey to highwaymen, they would have stripped him." The thought of that rouses me enough to think. I'm lying face down, and decide I might as well roll over and see who broke into my house. Carefully I try to open my eyes enough to see. There are four men, but they're dressed in clothes that look like a SCA event. The one with arm bracers smiles, "He's still on this side of the darkness." He bends down to help me up. "I'm called Nestral." As I give him my hand, I realize I am lying on grass, we're outside in a meadow. and his lower body is that of a sturdy pony. A couple of them start to laugh, but Nestral stops them. "Am I right that you have never seen our kind." Without thinking, I tell him about how I got here. They try not to laugh when I try to describe my world. "This world of yours seems more like a dream of horrors." He looks at the others, then back to me. "You are welcome to come with us, our village is nearby. Maybe our seer can help you." The others take off at a trot, while Nestral walks at my pace. He tells me about the lands around us. It sounds almost like where I lived, except the medieval times never left. The sun touches the horizon by the time we enter the village. I'm taken to the largest building and introduced to the village elders. The oldest one stands. "I am Jakaana, chief elder of the village Elm Mist." He listens to my story, then they question me. While I answer, food is brought and we eat. Finally they are satisfied. Jakaana smiles, "We can offer you to stay in our village. Some of what you know may be useful. Every one has work to do, but none work as hard as you were forced to." He nods to Nestral. Nestral smiles, "You can stay in my home, until you need your own." He leads me out into the warm night air. Once at his house, he shows me around, then shows me a room I can have. A few blankets and straw make a comfortable bed. The excitement finally drains from me and I'm quickly asleep. ------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, I wake to the first sound of Nestral moving about. "So what happens around here?" He smiles as he fixes breakfast. "We need to find what you can do for the village." While we eat, he tells me how everyone works together to make life easier. We go out and he introduces me to his three close friends. Everyone is facinated by how I got here and how I seem to be accepting what's happened. "I guess," I ponder for a moment. "I never really felt I totally belonged there." I look at several of the older fillies chatting at the well. "Maybe I always belonged here." Jastar, the oldest of the foursome smiles. "Strange as it may seem, only Lenasta has a stud interested in her." He smiles as Nestral playfully hits him. I look at the fillies and the light built one waves at him. "Why only one of them?" Nestral loses his smile. "It's strange, but few males were born that year." He smiles as the one comes over and rubs her trim body against his. "So this be the man who came from somewhere else?" She looks me over. The other fillies come over and I get a look at them. "I find it facinating that your build varies so much." Two have more of a saddlehorse build, but one looks more like a draft horse, except her heigth is about the same as the others. For the rest of the morning, all of them show me around the village. In the afternoon, they show me the planted fields. The crops are almost ready to harvest so very few are around. "In eight days," Lenasta explains. "the moon of harvest will begin. During one cycle of the moon, everything will be harvested." She smiles at Nestral. Nestral laughs, "we are to be bonded in three days. But you can stay in my house until it's decided where you will live. As we come back into the village, I watch work being done on a house. Watching a young one working on the roof, I smile. "You have young finish the roofs?" Jastar nods. "Seems as soon as they learn how to do it right, they get too big for the roof frames." I walk over and climb the ramp he used to get on the roof. The head carpenter looks at me. A smile crosses his face. "You have any knowledge of woodwork?" For the rest of the afternoon, I'm taught the few things needed to put on roofs. The young 'taur is glad to be back on the ground. ----------------------------------------------------- For the next two days, I continue on the roof. Preparations for the wedding are done and decorations are hung within the village hall. Jastar insists that I spend a while in his house to give the newlyweds time alone. The morning of the wedding, all work seems to stop in the village. Jastar helps brushing out Nestral's fur while I climb trees to hang decorations. By afternoon, the entire village is decorated. The mares begin bringing cakes and bake stuff out, while the stallions get a blazing fire going. A large stag is slowly roasted and by the first sign of twilight, everything is ready. The bride and groom stand at opposite ends of the village and slowly walk to the center while each villager they pass, bows to signal they approve. When they reach the center, the shaman takes multicolored ribbons and ties Nestral's right hand to Lenasta's left. "Though this bond is only for tonight, the unseen bond will keep ye together for all times." He steps back as every one cheers. The celebration starts as soon as the musicians can get their instruments. I stay with Jastar and his mate, Neleesh. He smiles to me as I watch the dancing. "Best for you to stay out of their way. You might get trampled in the middle of a dance." I watch the dancing, and wonder if there is a less active dance I could be safe being in. While I eat, I watch the fillies that I had seen a few days ago. Not having much knowledge of how these centaurs think, I can tell something is bothering them so they stay off to one side. Jastar sees where I'm looking. "You know that we seem to have had more fillies than colts in their years. So the only chance for them is a centaur joining our village, or they'll set up their own home. One is Lenasta's sister and may move in with them." I try to watch other happenings, the musicians, a juggler, and one who appears to be the bard of the village. But for some reason, my eyes keeps seeing the fillies, especially one who has a sturdier build than the others. The shaman wanders over to me while Jastar is dancing. "I couldna 'elp noticin' how ye look at the fillies." He has a mug of mead, but his humor seems to be natural for him. I smile as I let myself look at them. "I guess with the knowledge I can't return to where I came from," I take a drink to help me continue. He smiles at me, being a bit shorter than the ones I've been with, I don't have to look up to meet his eyes. He whispers, "And ye be out of colthood and lookin fer a mare." He appears to be watching the dancers, but signals to a nearby mare. He leads me away into the woods so we can talk. The mare joins us, smiles, and gives him a curious stare. "Braerenal, what is floating in your mind like your seeing smoke clouds?" He looks at me, then her. "Seems tho' we found home 'n' work fer this un. There be somethin' we fergot." He tells her about my watching the fillies and what we had talked about. She listens and her eyes seem to brighten a bit. "I don't know how things are done in the village you left, but all three of them are available." Braerenal laughs, "Drestra, wouldna ye likes ta know which be the filly who caught his eyes?" She pauses as if almost afraid to hope. "You couldn't be thinking of the one with hair the color of copper." Kicking myself for not realizing the sameness in hair coloring and build, "Am I right that you are her mother?" She smiles and Braerenal walks back to the celebration. "It's strange when there is this much difference of colts and fillies. The other two mothers and I are afraid there will be no stallion for our daughters. Now a stallion may choose a second mate, but none have yet to seem interested." She looks at me and tilts her head as if wondering something. "I know if you choose Maerena, there will not be young from your bonding, but her happiness means a lot to me." For several hours, she tells me everything about Maerena's childhood and more about village life than I had been told. By the time we return to the party, many have already left. She promises to ask the master carpenter if I could 'check' the roof of her house. I stay at the celebration for another hour, then find my way to Jastar's home. He's awake and show's me a side room where his mate has arranged some straw and blankets for my bed. With the excitement of the night, I have to struggle to lie quiet and wait for sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------- After breakfast, I check in with the master carpenter and he tells me the request of Destra. He gives me a wink as he seems to have been told I'm needed for more than the roof. Their home is average for the village, but the curtains show that some one is a weaver. Destra is outside, working on a loom that has wheels for moving. She smiles as I approach and motions to a log section beside her. "Sit with me a few." I put my tools down and watch her flipping the shuttle effortlessly. "I don't think I'm expected back today." I glance at the house, expecting to see Maerana in the window. Destra shakes her head. "She and some of the fillies went to gather berries." She looks at a cloud forming over the nearby mountains. "Harvest time is soon to be here." She pauses and looks at me. "Last night I told her about you." Her eyes are bright with excitement. "She has watched you and wants to meet you. Some of our young are betrothed a few years before their time. But most of us prefer they choose their own mate." For the rest of the morning, I watch her weave and talk of what Maerana is like. Finally she get's to a question that I knew would come, but no idea how to answer. "She has a sturdy build, I would think you would prefer one of the light framed fillies." I look at the pattern she is weaving while I struggle to answer. Finally I just answer directly. "In my home land, I was always drawn to the women who were fat. I have to admit that I look at her and imagine how easily she could gain flesh." Destra misses a weave and backs up. "Her father was stronger built than I. He left a few years after she was born. I heard that he may have joined the army, or just disappeared." She smiles at me. "That was long ago and the village helped me and Maerana." She takes my hand and puts it against her plushy foreshoulder, squeezing so I can feel her softness. "I have worked hard to keep my weight down because I know she would eat much more if I did. About a moon ago, she said that if she didn't find a mate soon, she was going to let her appetite enjoy itself." She laughs, "And now it looks like finding one is going to do the same." She tells me some of the celebrations that happen between the monns of harvest. "On the next full moon, there is a celebration to begin the harvests, then one at the next moon when all is gathered in." As the sun reaches it's zenith, the fillies return. I stand as Maerena walks over. Even though all of them have a pony build, hers is more like a draft pony. Though only in average condition, my inner thoughts can easily see her filled out much more than her mother. She looks at me in something like curiosity. When our eyes meet, there's something like we've known each other before. "I've seen you with Nestral's friends." She leads me into the house and prepares lunch while she asks about the world I came from. She shakes her head and laughs, it's a full laugh and her plump breasts billow within her blouse. "I can see why you searched for a better place to live." She slices some honey bread and carries it to the table. "I almost think you came from here in a former life." That thought had occured to me, but I had never spoke of it. "I don't know why," I move almost close enough to touch her side, "but I felt drawn to you since I first saw you." She turns her head and smiles, then shifts her stance so her slightly round body bumps firmly against me. "Though I be young, I have talked often with Braerenal." She turns quickly and hugs me into her warm forebody and breasts. "I talked with him the first night I saw you. He also sees something in you that belongs here, though he wouldn't say what." I smile as I give in to my desires and hug her close. Though she's a couple inches taller than me, she feels perfect. She hugs me close and my hands explore her foreshoulders and what I can reach of her wide equine back. After many minutes, Destra calls from outside, "How's lunch coming?" Maerena smiles as we separate. "Almost ready," she calls back. She hands me the bread platter while she gets the rest. We go outside and I listen to them tell me more of village life and customs while we eat. Maerena is sitting close enough to the log I use as a chair that her body bumps against me occassionally. The rest of the day, they ask me questions, some personal while I let them tell me what they think I should know before I make a final decision. I have supper with them, then return to Nestral and Lensta's home for the night. We talk for many hours about things I only dreamed of a few weeks ago. Lensta stays up very late with me talking. By the time we stop. It's closer to dawn than either of us thought. I give her a hug in thanks and crawl into my bed. Knowing I've made the right decision, I quickly fall into the most restful sleep since I came to this realm. It's almost noon when I wake. I grab the food Lenasta had left on the table and go outside. Several of the carpenters are working on a storage building and I'm almost tossed onto the roof. I keep myself busy, occassionally glance toward Maerena's house. Once I see her outside and almost slip as I watch her. When we break for the day, she comes over. I take her to Nestral's home. After supper, the taurs lay on the floor, with their human torso upright. Maerena pats the side of her foreshoulder and I sit down and lean against her. We talk of things that I would have learned if I had grown up in the village. Lenasta smiles at me. "I think the problem you two might have, will be nothing compared to what your old world has." I smile at this. "In my world, a couple who's skin tones had a major diffenerce were put down. I lean back and stroke Maerena's equine back. "Here no one seems to mind the difference." Maerena smiles and hugs me. "So the two questions are, where we'll live, and when we bond." Lenasta looks at Nestral, who nods. "Wouldn't take much to add on to our home. I'll talk to Kahasta tomorrow. Probably won't have time until spring though. Maerena looks at the room I've been sleeping in. "Well might be cozy for the winter..." She looks at me and smiles. I hug her close, knowing the sooner we bond, the sooner she'll be getting much plumper. "What about the end of harvest festival." She hugs me close for a moment. "I think I better go home, before I just want to stay." Everyone gets up and says goodnight. I walk her home and look at the moon. "A few more days and the harvest begins." She smiles and kisses me warmly. "Then the next one is ours." She goes into her home, then I go home and sleep deeply. About midafternoon the next day, a call goes out for evey one to assemble. I drop off the roof onto one of the carpenters and he carries me to the center of the village. Jakaara, the other elders and Braerenal are waiting on the raised ground. They wait for every one except those in the fields. Jakaara spreads his arms for silence, then steps back. Braerenal steps forward in his relaxed way. "Ye have all heard many legends of old. Many are just that, but some still 'old meaning." He looks around as every one seems confused. "The stars and planets are aligned so that this be the year o' the 'arvest mare" He smiles as Joxtar finishes tuning his lyre and begins to play. The story/song is about the village uncounted years ago. The harvests had been poor and they thought of moving elsewhere. A traveling wizard stopped in just before the first harvest moon. He listened to the elders, then consulted his scrolls. During the harvest celebration, he told everyone a way to improve next year's crops. "The earth Goddess hasn't been appreciated in this village. The way to show her you care is for one to become a Harvest Mare." He explains that when the stars and planets are aligned as they were that night, a filly or newly bonded mare, is needed. Between the two full moons, she will be fed all she can hold. The more she eats and grows will please the Earth Goddess." Jakaara steps forward as the minstrel quietly strums. "I know that those of age have already bonded." He looks at the three unbonded ones. "Though the song calls for one to bond under the first harvest moon..." I catch Maerana's eye and she nods. "Jakaara," I call out. "The song says nothing about the stallion. Maerana and I have thought to bond during the final harvest celebration." Braerenal smiles, "And she 'ave the build ta be well fed. The more she grows, the better the harvests will be for years. Jakaara nods, "For the past few years we have planted more land and barely equalled the year before. I wasn't even born when the last Harvest Mare was choosen, but I remember seeing her very round form." He looks at Maerana and nods. "If this be your choice, the village thanks you." Braerenal jumps down and waves for us to follow. He leads us into his home and offers her a padded rug to rest on, while I sit on a log section. "I dinna thin' that this would be the year when we talked." He pours us mugs of juice, then searches his cabnet while he continues. "Though ye two seem to be soul-mates, there is the question o' her growing fat." He returns to the table and sets up some small bowls and the herbs. "This potion will awaken your ability to gorge, grow fat and be as healthy as ye are now. With the goddess' help once you eat enough, ye may be even better." Maerana watches him work, then glances at me and smiles as I do. She look back as he begins warming the mixture. "There's something that none of us have mentioned." She blushes. I almost ask the question before Braerenal laughs. "I canna do a thing ta help ye have foals. But to help that part o' Mike to be a stallion is easier than what I make now for ye." He finishes the mixture and sets it aside to cool. "Though yer bonding will be on the eve o' the full moon." He pats her equine body, "ye should start feasting to stretch yer belly out." He gets some other herbs I watch him, wondering what will happen to me. He returns with several roots that I don't recognize. He grinds them up while humming a tune. "Now I canna be sure how close ye'll get ta stallion size. But with her filling out, I think ye'll both be 'appy." He pours in some water and begins heating it. He checks Maerana's herbs and mixes them into a large bowl of water. "I almos' fergot." He looks at both of us. "Ye two should stay together startin tanight." I answer, "Nesral has offered us to stay with him, though he didn't expect this until after the harvest." Braerenal whistles. a moment later a colt looks in. The shaman glances at him. "Go an tell Nestral that Mike and Maerana will be comin ta his home tanight." As the colt runs off, he smiles and offers the bowl to Maerana. "This shouldn't affect ye 'til sometime on the morrow." He watches as she drinks it down. "Jakaara will tell the mares ye'll be eatin well and ta help ye." As she drains the bowl, he stirs my 'potion until it's boiling. Then takes it off the flame and lets it cool. He hands the bowl and a spoon to me. I look at the thick mixture then eat it. It tastes cinamony but not to much. Braerenal has Maerana stand and walks around her, occassionally poking her. "From the scroll I have, the more you can carry by the end o' the harvest, the better." She nods and grins at me. "But what about afterwards? From what you've told us, I don't think the last one got as robust as she did in one month." He laughs. "Very true, very true. The original idea was just for that month and keep 'er that big. But some gave 'er extra and some hoping for foals really contributed." He pats her slightly round belly. "So ye should expect ta keep growing." He laughs, "and I think that makes both o' ye excited." I finish the mixture and stand beside them. "So how much do you think she might gain?" He looks at me and gives a full bodied laugh. "I might be able ta guess. But I think it'll be more fun for the two of ye not to have a target, or limit." He walks us to the door. "I'll be checking in on ye." Maerana steps outside, then I join her. We look at the rising moon and she smiles. "Mother has helped me keep my appetite under control. And now I can eat all I want." She looks at me and smiles, "Or all I can hold." I shift my walk as I grow excited about this. By the time we reach 'home', I'm back under control, barely. Lenastra has dinner all ready. She's set a place for Maerana and what looks like close to twice as much as she usually prepares. She sees Maerana and I looking and grins. "Every one has been told about you being the harvest mare." She steps over and pokes Maerana's abdomen. "So I'm going to get you ready for the real feedings." Nestral comes in and stokes the fire. "So your future mate is to be the Harvest Mare." He laughs and sits down by his place at the table. Lenastra fills the plates and we chat about what to do to make my room more comfortable for her. As usual, I'm finished first, so I start cleaning up while they eat and talk. Maerana is mostly eating and listening. I join them and notice the other two are eating slowly so that she eats about what both of them do. Lenastra finishes first and we fix up my room for Maerana, then make a somewhat comfortable place for me near the fire. Maerana finish and just sits there. "So I'm going to be staying here for the winter?" Nestral nods. "Jakaara talked with me about building a place for you in the spring. But with the harvest a few days off there just isn't time before winter blows in." Maerana pushes her haunch off the floor and slowly walks over to the spare room. "I think this will be great." She walks in, turns around then stands in the door way. She holds her arms out to her sides. "Unless I grow too much." Every one laughs. Nestral looks outside into the night. "A few more nights until harvesting begins." Maerana smiles at me and pats her equine body. "And I get to be one of the store rooms." She hugs me close and then steps back before I can do a thing. "And until then," she smiles before going into her room. Lenastra laughs, "She'll try to drive you mad." She steps close to me and whispers. "I've already talked to Destra and will be making her favorite foods once the harvesting begins." The two of them go into their room as I snuggle under a blanket and force myself to lie still, until sleep takes me. The next few days I'm back up on roofs, checking everything to assure all is ready for winter. Many of the carpenters are making sure the storage rooms will seal and are vermin free. While up on the roofs, I notice many of the mares going over to Destra and talking for awhile. The morning of the full moon, I ask Lenastra. She laughs, "The Harvest Mare legend is one of those that are more than that. They're finding what Maerana's favorite foods are and getting organized so they don't prepare the same things." She takes me into her room and opens her closet. "I've made two new blouses for her when the ones she has now get snug." She looks as Maerana walks over to help others with decorations for tonight's celebration. "I admit it surprises me how much she's eating. But the shaman's herbs do work." I give her a friendly hug and head for the next house I'm to inspect the roof. As the sun begins to set, the villagers begin gathering. The smell of delicious foods and sounds of celebrations starting draw them in as the fires are built up. Nestral joins me as I walk to the gathering. "Lenasta and Destra are preparing her for the ritual." I try to smile, but know that this is a step that I can't turn away from. For a while, we listen to songs and chat about the coming harvest with the farmers. Because of their planning, they have increased the land planted as the amount of crops per area have decreased. As the sky turns violet, then black with stars and the full moon, Jakaara signals for everyone's attention. "All of you have been told that this is the year of the Harvest mare, and that Maerana has accepted the calling." He motions for me to join him on the raised area. "You have all met or seen Mike. He and Maerana will bond this eve." He smiles at some of the mares near a table of food. "Then it's up to every one to help Maerana become the greatest of Harvest mares" Murmurs in the back of the crowd draw attenion as Maerana is brought forward. Her fur has been brushed until one can almost see the fires reflected. Her blouse shows more of her round bosom than yesterday, then I realize that it must be a larger one. She walks up, and joins me. I look at the villagers, somehow knowing that although they are centaurs, I am still one of them. Braerenal steps between us and smiles. "Though Mike na be one o' us in form, 'e be one o' us in spirit." He takes a colorful strip of cloth and ties one end to my wrist, the other to Maerana's 'If'n there be any o' ye that feel these two should na' be bonded..." He looks around, but there are only smiling faces. He takes a dagger from his belt and cuts the ribbon in one movement. "Though this band be cut. the bond of their love will never break." Every one begins cheering. As the minstraels begin playing, One of the mares comes over and leads Maerana to the special table. There's a thick rug at one end and she sits down. One of the mares rolls a log section and upends it so I can sit beside my mare. Destra smiles at Maerana, "All these years when I've stoped you from really eating." She brings a large bowl of a pasta based food. "And now it's up to us to swell your belly to new dimensions." Marerana laughs. "I'm more than ready." She takes the serving spoon and starts shoveling the rich mixture into her mouth. She barely chews before swallowing. Destra is surprised, but then sees Baerenal wink at her. For several hours, the minstraels play and everyone chats about harvesting. Mares take their turn feeding Maerana. They let her eat at her own rate and I'm amazed the amouth of food she consumes. I massage her equine body to encourage and help her digestion. By the time Jakaara calls an end to the evening celebration, she's eaten as much as she used to in several days. As we walk home, I'm surprised I can tell her belly is rounder and a bit lower with her feast. Nestral and Lensta don't waste time with talk and go into their room. Maerana pauses at the door to our room, then walks through it. The way her plump rump rolls, makes me suspect she's exagerating her motion. I follow her in, and collide with her plump rump when she suddenly stops. She turns and laughs quietly. "I know you've wanted to feel how soft I am." She pats her horse belly. "And there's lots more to come." She pulls her blouse over her head and her weighty breasts bounce as they're released. As she tosses the garment aside. I hug her close, finally holding a female who is plump and will grow and grow. As she pulls me against her, I feel my shaft swell, and then grow. Even though I have controled myself for the last several days, I know that Braerenal's herbs have been working. I move to get my throbbing shaft between me and her plushy equine breast. She smiles and shifts her forelegs to increase my excitement. "Mmmmm I don't know what size you were before. But if the shaman's magic does for you what he's done to my appetite and stomach." I feel myself grow until my throbing member must be twice the size it was. "I don't think there's a chance I'll grow too much." My hands move from her human back and explores what I can of her horse back. "And you can't grow too much for me." She kisses me and pulls me down onto the mattress. We massage and explore each other until we can't wait. It takes a bit to get in position so we're at the right height. As I shove into her, for a moment I look at her equine back, the swell of her belly below, then her human body and know she is what I've dreamed of. Though her interior is built for a stallion, her fleshy tunnel massages me so much, it doesn't take long before I'm exploding into her warmth. Afterward, we lie together. No words need to be said. Her plump bosom rolls against me and sleep takes us. ---------------------------------------------- The next day, everyone not involved in needed work, is harvesting. I'm assigned to help store the baskets of fruits. Though the work is hard. every one takes breaks so a pleasant feeling of tired is our reward. That eve, every one gathers for a dinner. The minstrels play to help relax every one. Once more Maerana is at her table. Others are incharge of her food and encourage her as she gorges. That night in our room is as exciting as the first. She smiles and knows she managed to eat more than the first night. -------------------------------------------- Day after day, the harvest continues. On the few days it rains, work is done on the stored foodstuff, and work that has been put off. Each night, the mares of the village take turns feeding Maerana. She manages to hold a few more swallows of tasty foods. It takes a week before she begins to show the result of her feasts and continues as she eats more and more. Our love making is as passionate and complete as the first night. though my maleness remains human in form, it's size approaches that of a stallion. ------------------------------------------------------------- With everyone working together, the harvesting is finished early. The extra days are spent making sure the harvest is safely stored. Over the last month, the nights have become colder. The morning of the full moon, and the celebration of the harvest, there's frost in the empty fields. All afternoon, decorations are strung in the village center. I climb into the trees to help tie them up. As evening approaches, the celebration fires are built up to help fight off the cold. As the foods are brought out, every one comes out to celebrate their work. Jakaara stands proud as the villagers gather. "My friends," he calls out. "Though the lands have given less per area, the store rooms are full." He looks at Maerana. "And not only the store rooms." Maerana smiles and walks around the raised area. In one month she has been stuffed each evening until she asked them to stop. Her horse body is full and plump, showing off her 'draft' ancestry. Her human portion is nicely fleshed out and her fat swollen bosom is starting to surge out the top of her blouse. Braerenal steps up and a minstrael gives a background tune. "Aye, she be destined to be a grand Harvest mare when we be needin one. But list ta the story this eve. Feedin her this last month is thankin the Goddess fer this harvest. The more she grows this next year, the better the harvest will be." He smiles at Maerana. "O' course, if'n she feels she's fat 'nough..." Maerana laughs and her bosom tests the strength of her halter top. "Though I should fear it." She strokes her rounded horse body. "The more of me there is, the better I feel. I just ask that you don't keep stretching my belly after tonight." She looks at the table prepared for her. "So this is your last chance to push my capacity." She fakes a waddle as she goes over to her table and sits down. The minstrael tells the story of the Harvest mare while food is placed before her and she eats as if she hadn't had a thing all week. Everyone is dancing, talking of the harvest, the approaching winter and eating. Though I spend most of the time with Maerana, I talk with others about what goes on in the village during winter. The moon is well past it's zeinth by the time the celebration begins winding down. Maerana has slowed but is still letting the villagers stuff her with fruits, vegetables and assorted baked goods. Finally she admits she can't take any more. "I'm holding more than I would have imagined possible a month ago." She smiles proudly as she gets up. "But tomorrow, I'll be glad to continue." Every one raises a cheer for her, then the celebration ends and everyone heads for their homes. I walk beside Maerana, close enough for her rounding body to bump against me. "So you let them stretch your tummy?" I pat her rolling abdomen. She smiles, "You saw how they fed me... uurrppp.. Well I did tell them to." Her smile tells how much she's enjoyed being stuffed. "The question is, whether they'll offer me food during the winter." We go into our home, say good night to Nestral and Lenasta, then go into our room. I help her get her blouse off, stroking and feeling the softness of her human abdomen, then the weighty fullness of her breasts. She tosses the blouse aside and hugs me close with her plump arms. "I hope I'm not getting too big for you." I move my hand up her arms, gently squeezing her soft forearms, then her more plump upper arms. "As far as I'm concerned, you've barely started." I snuggle into her soft bosom as she undresses me. My shaft is already straining the seams of the trousers Destra had made. As it's released, I move it so that it's round hardness is snuggled into her plushy equine breast, human tummy, and the pulsing head between her swelling breasts. Her plump hands gently run up and down it's length. "The shaman's magic has made you a full size stallion." She spreads her soft fingers over the head and fails to get her fingertips around the thick flange. "Mmmmm and once you get in me, you can't escape until you give me your gift of liquid love." I fondle and heft her warm breasts. "Maybe there's some you can give me." I nuzzle one, then open my mouth wide and suck in as much as I can. She gasps in excitement as I nurse powerfully. Her hands push my powerful maleness into her warm softness. The fur of her equine body exciting me, but I concentrate on her spongy flesh in my mouth. After unknown minutes, I ease back and she releases my shaft. "Mmmmm with encouragemnet like this," she pats her plump horse belly. "You're going to be seeing more and more of me." She moves around and I start to ease my maleness into her warm depths. As soon as the flange slips into her, she steps back and takes my thick length into her. "Aaaahhhh I'm going to be the largest of Harvest mares." I spread my arms and hug her plump rump for many minutes, trying to remain calm, but her fat tunnel massages me until I can't wait. I step back, then plunge in until I bounce against her plumpness. As I set an even pace, I watch and feel her growing plumpness billow. Both of her backs jiggle and I speed up my pace. She gasps as the first climax hits and I feel her fat jiggle around me. "Mmmm the more I am, the more I love this." "Yes," I gasp. "And the more you become, the less I can resist you." Finally I can't hold back and crash into her broad body. I grip her soft haunches, trying to pull myself deeper, before pumping myself into her. I stay in her as my hot member shrinks down. Finally I pull out and move around beside her. "The minstrels will have stories about your capacity and size." We lay down together and her stomach's digesting her feast lulls us to sleep. ----------------------------------------------------- It's almost noon before the villagers begin waking. I snuggle into Maerana's plump horse body, and imagine how much more of her they may be by spring. Maerana opens her eyes and smiles when she realizes where I am. She moves a foreleg to nudge me. "So the harvest is in and the village is ready for winter?" I laugh and firmly pat her horse belly. "It's going to take a while to pack you full." I get up, then help her to her hooves. She smiles, "Then I better get to work." Once we dress, we go into the main room and she starts cooking. I stoke the fire and soon breakfast cakes are baking. She is as at home in the kitchen, as the foods are in her growing belly. Lenasta comes in and helps her. Nestral comes out and smiles. "Between now and the snow, we'll need to stoke up the woodpile. He puts on his jacket and I grab mine. He drags a sledge and we head off. The nearby wood is dense and has plently of fallen limbs. There are several trees that others are chopping into moveable sections. One of them calls out. "Hey Nestral, Mike. Time to get ready for winter winds." Nestral laughs, "That it is. We'll have some gaming time at last." I work on gathering downed branches, since I can reach the ground easier. Afterwe have the sledge loaded, Nestral drags it home. The aroma of breakfast makes my mouth water as we go inside. The mares are already eating and Maerana smiles. "How does the wood supply look?" Nestral loads his plate and joins them while I load mine. "Should be enough down wood. But I fear the winter may be a harsh one." I sit down and start eating. "If the village worked as one. Seems to me if we work on gathering the wood in piles in the forest. Then move it to the houses. if the snows come. it will be easy to find. And pulling the sledges on snow would be easier." Nestral looks at me in surprise. "You make a lot of sense. I guess we've always done it that way and never looked for a better way." We finish eating, then go and tell Jakaara about my idea. He leads us out to the woods and calls those nearby. Quickly some decide to work on hauling downed trees to the area, some chopping the limbs and trees too big to haul. The younger ones, and I, gather the good limbs. We break for lunch, then back to work. As the sun starts to set, we call it a day. Once home, we shed our coats. Nestral flops down before the fire, while I collapse on the log sections I've made into a chair. Our mares come over with hot apple cider. I sip mine as Maerana lies down beside me, her plump belly spreading out slightly as she does. She reaches over and massages my shoulders. "So you think there's enough wood for the village." I relax against her as Nestral gets the same treatment from Lenasta. "There's plenty. Now that every one's working together. I heard stories of other winters when some villagers ran out of wood, while others had plenty." Nestral nods, but there's something in his expression. "There's the taste of snow in the air. Usually it's after the coming new moon." He drains his mug and Lenasta refills it from the kettle over the fire. It's after sundown before the two of us want to go to the table. There's a pan of corn pudding and apple crisp beside Maerana's place. She smiles while filling out plates from platters she and Lenasta had prepared. "Looks like I haven't been forgotten." She laughs as she sits down, her fat breasts jiggle within her blouse like they're trying to excite me, but I'm too tired. While we eat, the mares talk about plans to make this winter one of enjoyment. Since this is the first winter on their own, they plan to have ongoing games that might last days. Though I'm curious as to the types of games, I'm too tired. Maerana finishes her dinner about the same time as Lenasta, even though she had close to twice as much. She looks at the two deserts and alternates between them. By the time I finish, she only has a couple of spoonfuls left. She starts to offer for me to feed her, then shovels the tasty deserts into her well loaded belly. With a few words, we all head for our rooms. Maerana lays down and holds the blanket open for me to crawl in beside her. Too tired to do much, I snuggle against her warm body. She snuggles me as I fall into the sleep of exhaustion. It takes a week before all the down wood is gathered at the edge of the woods. For two more days, the wood is taken to storage areas for each house. As Nestral and I clean up before going inside, he looks at the western sky. "Snow's coming." He goes in quickly. I look at the thick clouds. "I hope it's just a light flurry. After the three of us finish supper, I move beside Maerana and stroke her round equine belly while she eats the large dish of sugared candied fruits. "I think there might be more of you by spring." Maerana swallows and smiles. "If they don't keep bringing me 'gifts'. I'll just have to cook more." Lenasta smiles, "Or I'll make extra portions for you." She looks at the door as there's a blast of wind. Nestral cautiously opens the door a crack, and slams it as snow blasts in. He turns and smiles, with snow on his face. "I had hoped this would be a light flurry." He tosses a log on the fire. "So time to get the games started." I lean into Maerana's round belly and relax. "Can we wait until tomorrow?" I take a spoon and feed my mare as fast as she wants to eat. Lenasta laughs, "Of course. But tomorrow we'll start some long games." She cleans up from dinner then snuggles with Nestral. While I feed the last of the food to Maerana, we all listen to the wind building. Once she's finished, we go to our rooms. Maerana smiles as I help her out of her blouse. "About time for bigger ones." She hugs me close, while I hug her as well as I can, she undoes my clothes and I slip out of them. "I hope you won't be cold." She wraps a thick blanket around us then lays down with me snuggled into her round bosom and plushy forebody. My mind wants to respond, but the work of cutting and moving wood has drained me and my shaft only begins to swell. Cuddling into her fleshiness, I nuzzle a plump breast and playfully nurse, not expecting milk, but it's all I have the strength to do. I don't even realize when I fall asleep. A couple of times during the night, the sound of wind tugs me awake. But Maerana's warm softness pulls me back to sleep. -------------------------------------------------------- I wake to the glow of the fireplace.The wind is still blowing and I feel a slight gust through a chink between two logs. By the time I'm dressed, and have sealed it, the smell of breakfast fills the house. Maerana and Lenasta are baking oat cakes while cider warms beside the harth. Nestral smiles at me while he sets up a board game that looks vaguely like chess. While we eat, he explains the rules. Maerana eats at least as much as the other two centaurs, then snacks from some cheese bread while I try to play against Nestral. Near lunchtime, Jastar and others show up with other games and things to do. After lunch, I go with the males to bring in more wood. The snow is several inches deep, but it's the wind that limits our working time. For several days things slip into this pattern. We bring in more wood than we're burning, but I wonder how much we'll need to survive the winter. Some time during the afternoon of each day, one or two mares stop by with food for Maerana. Some times they stay and chat about happens in their homes, thank her for being the Harvest mare. Maerana often laughs at this and thanks them for making her dream of eating come true. Often she saves the gifts until we're in our room. I feed her, or massage and fondle her growing body while she gorges. "When I first came here," I snuggle against her plump human and horse body, "I hoped I might bond with one of you. But to find you, and the Harvest mare legend..." She grins and pulls me into her softness while stuffing down some honey-nut bars. "The ideaa of my being able to gorge, and have a stallion who encourages me." She moves around and I hug her while sucking on a round fat breast. While my hands explore her backs, She takes my rapidly growing shaft and moves it so it grows between us. I suck harder as it forges between her fat jugs. She tries not to excite me while I nurse, but her breathing make her flesh move against me. I ease back, keeping as much as I can against her soft flesh and fur. My shaft bounces against her round body, then her fat rump. Her thick tail brushes me, then moves aside. Too excited to wait, I get the throbbing head against her entrance, then start to shove. Maerana is also excited and shoves back, almost pushing me against the wall before I can brace myself. I wrap my arms around her plump rump and squeeze her twin mounds while her tunnel grips and releases my stallioness. She steps forward until I almost have to follow her because my large glans won't let me free, then she steps back and impales herself all the way. It doen't take much of this before she takes me deep and gasps in pleasure. I thrust several times before I explode into her warm depths. Once I can withdraw, she lays down and I snuggle against her round equine belly. "I hope you have the appetite to eat and eat until you're twice the mare you are now." She moves her legs to hold me close. "I'm half again the mare I was when we bonded... So by next harvest, who knows how big I can be?" She laughs, then relaxes. I snuggle close, laying my head against her belly, the rumbles of her digesting is like a lullabye to me. ------------------------------------------------ The next morning, the clouds are thick. Nestral agrees with me and we're bringing in wood while the mares are preparing breakfast. We take a short break, but snow is starting to fall, and the wind is picking up. Not even halfway to noon every one is forced to head indoors. Joxtar, the minstrel, comes in just before lunch. He's welcomed and another place is set for him. During the afternoon he tells me several legends and we talk about other legends while the blizzard howls outside. Some how Destra comes through the snow with a apple cake that I doubt Maerana can eat in one eve. She stays for dinner and smiles when Maerana wants to save the cake until later. She leaves before it gets too dark. Joxtar plays a couple of ballads about spring, then does a tale about deep winter to keep in season. Several blankets are spread out for him next to the fire. As I start to head for our room, Maerana grabs the cake and carries it in with all the flair she can create. She smiles as she lies down and puts it beside her. "I wonder if mother thinks I can eat all this tonight?" I smile and cut a thick slice. "Let's find out." I start to shove it in her mouth, but she takes large bites and swallows after barely chewing. Slice after slice she eats. I refil her mug a couple of times before all the cake is resting in her belly. She lays down on her side and moves her upper legs to expose her round belly in all it's magnificence. "I've never felt so good." She sighs in contentment as I partly lay on her and hug her full body. "You really want more of me?" I don't have to answer because my shaft of love is already at full size and moving against her roundness. "I don't want others to know this though." She moves her hind legs and her plump thighs against my throbing shaft. "When some one joked about my being a storage room. I imagined standing with my mouth wide open and you pouring grain into me." I try to control the desire her thighs are making grow as I try to form an answer. But the thought of her belly hanging lower and rounder as I pour baskets of grain in. Crawling half on and half off her, I move around and slowly work myslf into her plushy depths. In this position, I never climax, though several times she's gasping in estacy. We fall asleep still joined. Once I wake and try to pump myself into her, but only succeed in getting her to climax. and twice her fleshy tunnel grips and pulls me until she groans in pleasures. As the first light of dawn gives the room a slight glow, she slowly gets to her feet so I can thrust powerfully. It only takes a few minutes before my juices are sloshing within her. I brush her pelt and whisper, "You were joking about being a storeroom?" She giggles. "I talked to Joxtar about a Harvest mare." She nuzzles me. "Today I'd like to talk with Braerenal." I wrap my arms around as much of her horse body as I can. "I want to go with you." We have breakfast with the others. Joxtar promises to stay for a few days. He has often played 'chess' against Nestral, and rarely won. Maerana and I bundle up, then head outside. Braerenal's home isn't that far, but I'm shivering by the time we get inside. He serves us mugs of cider. "I was won'ring when ye two migh' be showin' up." Maerana smiles and tells him what she told me last night. He smiles, "There be in the legend tha' a mare could grow an' grow." He walks around Maerana, stroking her rounded body. Ye di'na have the ability ta be a store room like ye dream, but ye can eat much more than ye be now." While he walked around her, I kept my eyes closed so I wouldn't get excited. I open them as he drains his mug. "I guess I better learn to cook." He smiles, then looks at Maerana, who laughs. She gets her coat on without revealing the joke. On the way back home, we stop at her mother's house. Destra smiles as we come in. "You're looking great my daughter." She tips her head to Maerana's grin. "You have something I have to guess?" Maerana laughs and tells about her dream and what Braerenal said. Destra laughs. "You know," she pats her forebelly and I notice there seems to be more of her. "Since you've been gone, I seem to be eating more." She looks at me. "I'll cook some for her every morning. Come round about noon." She pats Maerana's round body. "You'll be more than well rounded by spring." Maerana laughs, "And by next harvest..." Destra loads us with several large loaves of breads and a gallon of apple butter. We get home just as Lenasta is setting out lunch. She cuts some slices of the bread for all of us and we eat. Shortly after lunch, Kahasta bangs on the door. He steps in, "Mike, we got a roof that's lost a couplr of shingles." He goes out before I can get my coat and tools. The worst part of replacing the shingles, is the roof is very icy. Twice I almost slide off. As I finish, and put my tools away, I completely loose my grip and slide. I push the tools aside so they won't fall on me. As I get to the edge of the roof, I prepare to jump. As I start to push, the edge of my boot catches between a couple of shinges. I twist and grab the edge so I don't go over head first. As my foot comes free, I hear a crack, then black out. I hear muffled voices, then start to understand. a stabing pain from my lower leg brings me back to consciousness with a groan. Braerenal is wrapping my leg and stops. "I fear ye broke yer leg. It be a clean one." He finishes and tosses some herbs into a small caldron bubbling over the hearth. The aroma relaxes me and I see that I'm home. "So how long will I be down?" He shakes his head. "Tha' be 'ard ta say. Ye take it easy an I'll be back in the morn." He wraps up and goes out before I can ask anything. Lenasta lays down beside me and strokes my head with an interesting smelling cloth. "This helps take the pain away. I guess boredom will be your biggest problem." She glances at the outside door. "Every one is out gathering wood. Looks like a nasty blow coming." I let myself sink back into the cushions that seem to be made with blankets and straw. "If Joxtar can stay, I can learn stories, and maybe learn to play a harp." She looks at my room and whispers. "Kahasta is building a bed that can tilt for you." She tries to find a way to continue. "I don't know what you and Maerana can work out though." I hadn't thought of that. Before we can say any more, Joxtar comes in with some wood, his cloak is covered with snow. "I fear the shaman did not tell us how bad this blizzard will be." He warms himself by the fire. Lenasta fills a mug with hot cider, then rushes for more as Nestral and Maerana comes in. She comes over to me and helps me sit up better. "So you had to go break your leg." She may be laughing, but her eyes are close to tearing, or is that because of the cold outside. I brush her long hair out of her eyes, my arm brushes her full breast. "I guess it's better that both legs." Every one laughs at this. Lenastra starts serving up supper while Nestral stokes up the fire. The wind from the storm rattles the shutters and he secures them so they don't move. While we eat, every one gives ideas what I can do to keep from getting bored. After we eat, Joxtar gets some wood so I can build my own harp. Once he has me started carving, he tells a legend about several centaurs searching for a lost friend in the deep woods. When he finishes, he and Nestral play a game of 'chess' while Maerana and Lenastra work on a quilt while they help me retelling the legend Joxtar had just told me. Maerana snacks her way through a platter of brownies some one had brought for her. When all decide to call it a night, Maerana lays down beside me. She leans her upper body close, too close as she undones the laces of her blouse and her fat breasts surge out. "So am I going to have to care for you like a foal?" I take the hint and suck in a fat nipple. She sighs contentedly and gently strokes my broken leg while I nurse. After several minutes, her breast feels warmer, then milk begins to flow. She doesn't have much, but I get some out of both before stopping. "I guess you are prepared to care for me. And milk will help my leg heal." She smiles as she wraps blankets around me. "I asked Braerenal and he gave me herbs so I'd start producing." She lays down and the crackling of the fire and wind outside lulls us to sleep. ---------------------- The snow continues off and on for several days. The colts and many of the stallions work on keeping paths cleared through the village and the the wood piles. Everyday one or two mares bring food for Maerana. Some stay to chat about happenings in the village and I try to learn enough so I feel more in touch. After lunch, Nestral goes to Destra and returns with cakes or pies or other pasteries that will ensure her to fill out. Joxtar helps me fashion my own harp, then teaches me enough to accompany him. I learn several legends that have been passed down for years. ------------------------------------- As midwinter celebration approaches, Braerenal comes by and checks my leg. "Ye surprise me," he jokes as he unwraps my leg. I feared that ye and yer lovely mare would av' tried to do things by now." He checks my leg, his fingers seem to probe beneath the skin. "Seems she been takin' good care of ye. Yer leg's all healed, thou' it gonna be too weak fer ye to walk fer a bit." He helps me stand, then take several steps, before getting me back to bed. The sound of wind grabs his attention. "I fear we 'ave a big blow a-comin. Might be the worst o' the winter." I look as a blast blows some smoke back down the chimney. "The winter hasn't seemed to be that bad yet." I look as Maerana and Lenstra work on a coat. Braerenal listens to the wind. "Maybe we 'ad forget the celebration until after this blow is ov'r." He checks his coat, then goes out. I limp to the door to secure it and Maerana moves to my side. Over the last two months, all the food that's been given to her has had wonderous effects. She is beyond plump and her equine belly rolls sensually as she waddles to me. I try to control the desires that we haven't been able to satisfy. She holds me against her, half supporting me and half so Lenstra can't see my pants straining to control the waking monster within. She helps me back to bed and talks about what a major blizzard can do. "Several years ago, there was one where about half the homes were abandoned for a few weeks." A little later, Nestral comes in. "Word's going around to decide what homes to close down. I invited Drestra to move in, but there may be others." He pats an outer wall. "Glad this is one of the better built ones." He takes a long drink of hot cider. "I'm going to bring wood until the storm hits." He and Joxtar goes outside and the wind chills things for a moment. I get off my bed and do what I can to help take it apart. Maerana moves the bed's framework out of the way, then moves Joxtar's things out of our room and our things in. I almost fall as some one knocks at the door, but I get there before Lenstra. Destra comes in with a shoulder bag full. She unloads the foodstuff on the table. "I got everything ready to bring if I can get help." By the time she's warmed up, both mares have their coats on. After they leave, Nestral drags in a sled with wood. he dumps it by the door and heads out for more. Even with one leg weak, I go out and toss the wood I can handle inside, then stoke the fire to help warm everyone. As the sun sets, the mares have made two trips. Joxtar and Nestral have a good pile of wood beside our home. The mares start working on supper while the three of us stack the wood that I brought in. By the time dinner is on the table, the wind has risen. Nestral glances outside then shuts the door tight. "Looks like the shaman's right again." While we eat, talk goes toward games, what problems may happen and if others may have to move in. Joxtar has me do one of the tales he's taught me. Though I'm no where as good as he, everyone is pleased with my attempt. With wind blowing, everyone agrees to turn in. Maerana closes the curtain we use for a door and turns to face me. Now that I can stand, I'm impressed with how much she's gained. Her horse belly is noticably rounder and hangs lower. Her human portion looks like she has gained fifty pounds if she was human. Her bosom fills her blouse more, partly with fat but also because she's producing more milk. She steps toward me and gets out of her blouse. Watching her fat breasts roll on her fattening body, my shaft grows so fast and hard, I barely have time to get out of my clothes. I wrap my arms around as much of her as I can. My stallion-sized maleness sinks into her fat human tummy and is mostly lost between her plushy bosom. She hugs me and her plump arms feel wonderful. The weeks of not being able to do anything is pushing me faster than I want, but she releases me with a kiss, then slowly turns around. As her rounder equine abdomen moves past me, I think I feel the skin of my throbing shaft stretch. I lean against the wall because my legs are slightly weak. Her silky tail moves to one side and I line myself a moment before she begins backing up. Each careful step makes the twin mounds of her fat rump jiggle. The wide head disappears into her, then she keeps moving back until the dual cushions of her haunch billows around me. I feel the new fat within her as she shifts her body forward and back. She steps forward until the thick flange of my maleness keeps me trapped, then she steps back until her fat massages my body. It doesn't take long before she climaxes. As her fat tunnel quivers around me, I release weeks of stored liquid love into her wanting depths. Maerana gasps in almost forgotten pleasures and wants more, but knows her mate needs to regain strength in his legs. She helps him to their bed and lies down. My leg throbs but more from over exertion than anything else. I snuggle against her human body and bulging horse breast. "Give me a few days and I'll make both of us happy." She kisses me as the flickering firelight plays on the curtains. "With my mother staying with us." She giggles and pats her belly. Fighting sleep, I snuggle deeper. "You'll be the Harvest Mare stories well be told about for generations." The blizzard outside and her warmth lull me to sleep, but neither of us know who fell asleep first. ---------------------------------------------- I wake to the sound of strong gusts several times. Maerana's warm fur and soft flesh helps me back to sleep. Finally I give up and ease myself away, but she's also awake. She gets to her hooves and the sight of her well rounded equine belly from below almost gets me to lose control. Maerana steps back so I can see her sensual smile, but a heavy blast of wind outside makes up our minds. By the time we get dressed and into the main room, every one else is up. Lenasta and Destra are preparing breakfast while Joxtar is getting the fire going brightly. Nestral tosses more wood in through the slightly open door, then clones in a seals it. "Word's gone round that winter celebration will be best if celebrated inside. Some are going to go from home to home to help share the spirit." He smiles at Maerana. "You shouldn't get too filled up on breakfast. I think many will bring food for you." She smiles and helps the others fixing breakfast. "I better make sure the mugs are clean." She opens a cabinet and starts stacking them on the counter. Nestral rolls out a keg of cider, then gets it on the counter. "They bring the food, and we have the drinks." He pours a gallon into the pot and swings it near the fire to warm. Destra puts a platter of oatcakes and honey on the table. "Time for breakfast." She fills the plates and serves every one, then sits down across from me. While we eat, Nestral talks about what we can do. "Going to be strange each house having their own party." I finish a cake and look at the fire. "Where I came from, we have a celebration each winter. And it's mostly family and friends. But I can see where one with the whole village could be fun." I get up, my legs not like before the accident, but enough so I don't limp. Nestral sets up his 'chess' game and a couple of other types while the mares clean up from breakfast. Joxtar gets his harp and tunes it. He plays a wintery song while I tune mine. I watch Maerana waddling as she helps the others. Then I look at Destra, I thought there was something different about her and realize she must taste a lot of what she prepares for my mate. Her plumpness is more than when I first saw her, but not as much as Maerana after the harvest. Some one knocks at the door and Nestral gets them in quickly. Coats are hung on the wall and the snack type foods are put on the counter. Joxtar starts a song and those wanting to play the games gather around the table. During the morning, others come while the first continue on to other homes. The pile of snacks begins to grow, before Maerana decides it's her job to make sure there's room for more. She stands beside the counter, talking and eating. About noon Jastar and Neleesh come in with another couple carrying a feast. The games are put aside as the table is loaded with rich foods. Joxtar puts his harp aside. "Time for you to entertain." He goes over to the table and fills his plate while I start strumming. While everyone eats, I tell of a blizzard many years ago when a small band of centaurs was trapped in the mountains. They find a cave, but know that their food will only last a few days. I streach out the cold and worries of being trapped, observing how all, especially Maerana and Destra are shoveling down their food. When one of the stallions goes out and returns with a stag, the telling of their feast seems to encourage every one to eat, even though what many have eaten as much as they'd consume in a average day. By the time they find their way home, the table is almost emptied. Joxtar plays a light tune while the remains of the feast are put on a few platters. Nestral sets up the games and the partying resumes. I walk over to Maerana and fix myself lunch. "So, did you like how I told the story?" She's sitting on her haunches, smiles and pats her round equine belly. "I know it worked on me, *uurp*. I don't think I have room for dessert." I smile, take a small loaf of honey bread and cut it into mouth sized chunks. "I think you can hold more." I pat her fat and food swollen horse belly, then begin feeding her. She opens wide and I shove each one in until her throat muscles grab it and pull it into her waiting stomach. She finishes and giggles. "I guess I did have room." I stroke her fat belly and flesh padded foreshoulder. "Just keep enough room in there for me tonight." I lean against her softness and eat while the others chat about what homes can be shut down for the winter, what colts and fillies might bond in the next year and other village news. During the afternoon, several leave and others come in. As the sky darkens, the storm picks up in strength. As the supper feast is set up, Nestral offers that any who want can stay here. The fire is built up as every one finishes stuffing themselves. One of the unbonded mares looks at the remaining food, then Maerana. "We seem to be forgetting our wonderous Harvest Mare." She takes a bowl of honied corn and walks over to the resting mare. Maerana smiles. "I guess I can find room." She tips her head back and opens her mouth wide. The mare tips the bowl against Maerana's lower lip and uses a serving spoon to empty the bowl into my mare's swelling stomach. As the bowl is emptied, Maerana licks her plump lips, then opens for some oat cakes. Joxtar recounts a tale about a brood mare carrying triplets and how she ate and grew. I move to where I can watch better. By the time the tables are cleared, my mare is almost comatose with her belly looking rounder than ever. I stroke her more spherical abdomen while others move the tables so there's room for every one to find a place to sleep. Maerana finally gets her hind feet under her and shoves herself up. She waddles into our room and everyone can see her belly is wider and lower than it was. By the time I get in our room and close the curtain, the seams of my pants are straining and I barely get them off in time. Maerana turns slowly, her well loaded abdomen rolls so sensually I can feel blood gushing into my stallion sized shaft and feel it throb. She smiles as she starts to undo her blouse. She steps closer so my shaft is shoved under her straining blouse and between her twin mounds of breast flesh. "Seems my dream of becoming a storage room may become true." She shifts her stance so her plushy forebelly billows against my swollen sac and I hug her tight, trying to gain some control of my desires. She works her blouse off and I feel her fat nipples against me. Before I can decide, she backs off and turns around. The sight of her broad, round rump takes the little reserves I had. I shove the large dome of my shaft into her, then step forward as I shove deep into her food bloated belly. "MMmmmmm the more of you there is, the less I can resist." I wrap my arms around as much of her fat bloated rump as I can. For a moment I manage to stay still, but the muffled gurgling as her digestive system works on her feast is irresistable. I take long slow thrusts. Backing out until my thick flange holds me in, then I shove into her until her fat quivers against me. Maerana stands with her legs wide, giving her overstuffed stomach all the room she can. With each thrust she can feel her digestive system being massaged. Her hands fondle and massage her growing breasts, knowing that milking is making them bigger and bigger. She gasps and shoves herself against her lover as the first climax explodes within her mass. Her round body pushes me back as I feel her fat muscles trying to squeeze my powerful shaft. I speed up my thrusts watching her wide fleshy back jiggling with her excitement. Her second climax pushes me to the edge, and her third makes me pump my love fluids into her immense interior. I throw my arms around her huge rump, my fingers massaging her thick fat. Sge gasps and barely manages not to wake those sleeping in the next room as we both climax. She feels her lover carressing her fat and sighs in pleasure that she let every one force so much into her. Some how I manage to let myself shrink within her, Then we lie down and snuggle close. Sometime during the night, the snowstorm begins to blow itself out. ---------------------------------------- Though the snow is still falling in the morning, there's more light filtering through. All the stallions go out to clear the paths between houses while the mares prepare breakfast. Maerana helps her mother with a large kettle of oatmeal, spiked with fruits. By the time the food is ready, the stallions have returned. Braerenal and Jakaara have also come for breakfast. Braerenal walks around Maerana, stroking her growing body. "I knew I be righ' she gonna be the greatest o' all 'arvest mares." He accepst a plate of honey bread and a mug of cider. While we eat, Jakaara tells about the other parties he has visited. "Though the weather seemed to be against us, every one is having a wonderful time." Joxtar finishes eating and strums a couple of tunes while games are started. Some leave while others join us. All through the day there's games, story telling, talk of planting in the spring and other village things. The mares spend a lot of time making sure Maerana is carrying as much as she can. The clouds continue to thin and the sun shines through a few minutes before it goes down behind the mountains. Every one says their goodbyes and pats the Harvest Mare's over stuffed abdomen. Once in our room, I try to hug her without getting too excited. "If you ate like this all the time." I snuggle into her softness as she carefully lays down so I can massage her food stretched abdomen. "If I did.. *uurrrpp* Even with the shaman's magic, It wouldn't be long before my belly would outgrow my legs." She's so stuffed she falls asleep in minutes. I carress and hug her for a bit, then snuggle close and join her in sleep. The winter seems to take a turn for the better after that storm. Maerana eats more, partly because of how much her stomach had be stuffed, but also because Destra makes sure there's always plenty of her favorite foods waiting. One by one, the houses that were abandoned, are reoccupied. Destra and I check her house and I help get the fire going. The house warms slowly while she starts cooking. "Maerana is getting nice and round." There seems to be something left unsaid, but she starts talking about what she's cooking. While the cake bakes, she looks around the house, then at me and smiles. "I know you were thinking of staying with Nestral and Lenasta..." I can't help smiling. "Are you offering us a place to stay?" As I look at her, I remember the joke of looking at a bride's mother to know what your bride will look like in 20 years. She smiles and blushes for some reason. "I guess so. And with my care, she'll be the grandest of harvest mares." I've moved closer to her and pat her equine belly. "Might be fun at that. You helped me decide she was right for me." Destra grins, and turns slightly. "You go ask her and I'll bring this when it's ready." I get my coats on and head out into the frosty air. On the way, I check a roof the might have a loose shingle or two. By the time I get inside, I'm shivering slightly. Maerana hugs me into her soft body and my shaft begins growing as her warmth spreads through out me. She steps back before I'm too far and gives me a mug of warm mead. She thinks for a moment when I tell her of Destra's suggestion. "Are you sure you want her making sure I have enough to eat?" She sits down beside me and her fat bosom strains her blouse to it's limits. "Well if we stay here, we'll have to build more room. Also I think she might be lonely." I drink slowly, somehow gaining control of my desires, and large shaft. She glances at Lenastra then whispers so only I can hear. "Have you noticed Destra has put on some weight?" When I nod, she continues. "She told me she loves being able to eat a lot, and with me being her daughter, no one mentions it." I can tell there's something she wants to say. I stroke the exposed skin of one fat breast, then gently squeeze her plump upper arm. She smiles and takes a breath. "You know that a stallion may take a second mate, and that the two fillies I was with when you first came, are hoping for that." She pauses, "I'm not thinking about them, but you're right about my mother being lonely. She told me if we move in, we're both to call her Destra." My eyes open a bit as I realize what she's trying to say. "I always thought I'd be a one on one mate. But Destra and I have talked several times." I smile as Maerana is surprised, then she smiles. "But she has to know, you're the Harvest Mare. Her fatness is from preparing and tasting your meals." Maerana hugs me close, then undoes her halter enough so one of her fat nipples is exposed. I nuzzle her, then play my lips around it before sucking strongly. It only takes a moment before I'm swallowing her wonderous nector. After a bit, I stop and we go into our room to continue. At supper, we tell Nestral and Lenstra about our moving. Both of them are happy and help us pack our things. "No reason for you not to move tonight." Lenstra goes to tell Destra, so she won't have to bring the cake over. The sun is setting as we approach Destra, and our new home. The light from the window makes it feel like a wonderous place, like home. That night, after Maerana is well fed with cake, we relax by the fire and talk. Destra is wearing a snug blouse that her plump bosom tries to surge out of. "I don't know how things like this were thought of in your old life...." I snuggle her. "It may take a while for me to feel comfortable having two mares to satisfy..." She smiles and uses her plump foreshoulder to bump me toward Maerana. "Your first night here should be with your first mare." She moves toward her room, her slightly round abdomen rolling gently. Maerana waddles to our room, and I have to fight my desires until we get in our room. I barely manage to get undressed before I'd have to tear something. My stallioness is hard and the large head throbs as Maerana shifts her hind legs, making her fat haunches jiggle seductively. I shove into her waiting depths and gasp in estacy as her inner fat molds around my powerful shaft. I shove as deep as her fat rump allows, then take long powerful thrusts. She climaxes twice, before we climax in unison. That night, we sleep more relaxed than I can remember. Even though I know I'll be spending nights with Destra, I dream of Maerana eating and growing. The magic of the Harvest Mare making the crops so plentiful, that she bulges with heavy meals every night. The next day, I have a couple of roofs to fix. I take care not to slip and one of the carpenters is below me in case I do. That evening, after Maerana finishes eating, she goes into our room and closes the door. I turn to Destra and can't help returning her smile. She turns and walks into her room. She isn't as fat as Maerana was after the Harvest festival, but my desires grow as my stallioness grows within my pants. I barely manage to get them off before Destra can see that the shaman's magic has made me large enough to satisfy and encourage Maerana. She moves beside me and strokes the iron hard member. "The stallion who left me wasn't as powerful as you," she smiles and nuzzles me, "or as nice." I stroke her broad back, feeling the softness beneath her silky pelt. "With you cooking for Maerana every day..." She giggles and I wrap my arms around as much as I can of her equine barrel. Destra sMiles and inflates her abdomen. "Won't catch up with Maerana." She turns to face me and puts my hands around her haman waist. "But would you be upset if you couldn't reach all the way around here?" I snuggle against her, my heavy shaft rubbing against her softness. Showly I work my way around her and she swishes her tail aside. Unable to resist, I shove myself deeply into her warm, waiting depths. Destra gasps in passion. "Mmmmm now I know how you've encouraged Maerana so well." She shoves back against me, keeping me buried deep for a moment, then starts moving in counterpoint to my thrusts. It doesn't take long before she's gasping in her first climax in years. I feel her explode in passion several times before I reach my limit and erupt into her. Tired, but happy, she lays down and I curl up against her human portion. Some how I settle into my new situation. Maerana reponds to having a live in cook, especially one who knows her favorite dishes and works to improve her appetite. My mating also helps, and Destra is soon past the size Maerana had been after the harvest. After two months, some days warm enough to start melting snow. As soon as the fields clear, most of the villagers are involved in planting or garthering spring roots and other foods that they let ripen over the winter. Destra has been supplied with plenty of food for the Harvest Mare's feeding, but many have been watching how the supplies are dropping. She switches her preparations to make use of what ever is brought in. The change in dishes might help Maerana, but she's already eating so much that it looks like her over-fleshed belly might be halfway to the ground before the harvest. Destra waddles over to me as Maerana is finishing her bedtime meal. "I sure hope the legend proves true." I pat Maerana's huge belly. "I'm certain it will. She couldn't grow like this if it wasn't." Even though I had been with Destra the previous night, I feel she needs me and Maerana nods, then pushes me toward the fat brood mare. Destra waddles into her room, her round belly bumping against the doorframe. She turns as I close the door and looks at me. "I hope you're right." She looks at me and I suddenly realize how much she has filled out, and this is her true fear. I hug her human body, feeling more girth and fuller breasts. "You looks at your daughter and realize that you might become as big as her?" She hugs me close, and sighs, her plump breasts billows against me. "For years I had to struggle to keep our appetites under control. Now I feed her all she can hold...." She lets me go and steps back so I can see her better. "There's already more of me than I ever dreamed..." I spring forward and hug her close. My hands explore her extra flesh, massage and fondling her rolls of softness. Slowly I work around her equine body, taking extra time with her round, weighty abdomen. "You know I've loved every pound Maerana's filled out with." I hug her barrel, trying to get my arms around as much as I can. "And I think I've gotten comfortable with two mares to satisfy." She giggles and I feel her laughter through her flesh. "I guess I'm afraid you'll leave me like my mate did." She smiles and turns so her plump rump bumps against me. "But what will you think if I get as fat as my daughter?" I laugh and move so my hard throbing shaft in between her abdomen and jiggling rump. "By that time, she'll be much fatter." I pat her round belly. "You sample her food and do a great job, but she's the one who gorges." I move around a round spongy hip and slowly shove my maleness into her waiting warmth. I thrust deep and pull back slowly, trying to last until she's gasping for breath. After her third climax, she gasps and grins. "If the legends of the harvest mare are right. In a few years she'l barely be able to waddle.... Then I'll have trouble and you'll have to take a third mare to feed us.... then one to feed the three of us. AAhhhhhhhh. The image of her barely being able to waddle and a mare feeding her and Marana takes me over the edge. Even though I've mated every day for months, each time I feel like I've got enough to fill her womb, and her passionate gasps and groans makes me feel like I am. Finally we separate and prepare for sleep. When she lies down, I look at how much her horse belly rolls and hug it tight, then lie down so I'm able to nuzzle it's warm softness. Sleep takes me before I expect it to. --------------------------------------------------- The next morning I wake when Destra tries to get up without waking me. I hug her round belly, the let her stand and crawl under her. Smiling as my stallioness grows rigid, I rub it against her weighty belly. "I wonder how wide you'll be when I can't get under you." She laughs and lowers her rolling belly toward her mate. "I think I should talk with Braerenal... After I fill Maerana's belly with breakfast." Once I'm out from beneath her, she waddles into the kitchen. By the time I've got the stove fired up, she's ready with bowls of pancake batter. Maerana waddles in and starts eating as soon as the first ones are done, she pours butter and honey on them and eats ravenously. I occassionally grab one. I give Destra a happy nod as she's also eating a good number. Finally Maerana slows and Destra eats the last of that batch. "We're going to be the fattest mares any stallion has ever had." Maerana smiles. "And if this harvest comes in as full as some think. I might need you beside me to help me keep up." She shoves her haunches up and smiles as I barely manage to keep me desires under control. Destra grins, once Maerana has gone outside to enjoy the spring weather, she takes what remains in the bowl and gulps down the pancake batter. She smiles at me with some batter on her lips. "If you wash up, I have some thing to do." She puts the bowl down and exagerates her waddle as she goes outside. I can't force my eyes away from her lovely rump until the door closes. By the time I've washed the bowls and dishes, I'm undercontrol and go out to help on a storage building that hasn't been used in two years. Destra controls her waddle, but her round, pancake loaded abdomen rolls as she goes to the shaman's house. He smiles as he sees her coming. "Tis seem tha' motha takes aft'r daughta." He gets up from the planted herbs he was tending. "And ye'd love fer me ta help ye liken I did 'er?" Destra laughs, it's a full happy laugh and her fat billows. "I never dreamed of eating like I have been, or this much of me. If the harvests become like I remember in my youth..." The shaman leads her into his home and gets some herbs he obviously had already prepared. "Though ye daughta will be more than ye, ye may be more than the last 'arvest mare." He prepares and warms the potion, then watches as Destra drains it. "He not 'ave the build o' a stallion. But he sure do have the love of two o' the best 'arvest Mares." She looks at him with a look of confusion. "Yea may not be the 'arvest mare. But ye'll outweigh all but yer daughter in time." He looks outside at the growing wheat. "And the way the fields look, she may need 'elp at the festival." Destra looks at the empty bowl, then feels her stomach rumble as it works on the pancakes and batter. "Why didn't this happen to the last Harvest Mare?" Braerenal shrugs and leads her outside. "Why are no two clouds the same? I may be able to read them and know how much rain they carry, but not why." He pats her plushy foreshoulder. "Ye may not be the 'arvest mare, but ye be 'er brood mare, and second mare to 'er stallion. I been reading scrolls ta find a way ta help both of ye be able ta move, no matter 'ow fat ye get." He smiles as he knows this was a fear of her's. "When ye get too fat to cook enough for the two of ye, I'm certain there'll be filly wanting to join the three of ye. And I been talking about having a 'ouse built so ye'll not worry about gettin too wide fer the doors." He gives her another pat, then returns to his herbs. Destra smiles and walks happily home. She lets herself feel the rolling of her full horse belly and smiles as she looks at a field and can tell it's thicker than she can remember it at this time of year. ------------------------------------------------------- The next day, I'm called to the village commons with the carpenters. A couple of the village eldars are there and Baerenal tells about his concerns for the Harvest Mare. "Ye all can tell the fields are better than we seen in years. The legend is true and the crops will grow more in coming years. This year we have time ta build them a new 'ome. A new couple can take the one they now live in." Kahasta nods and looks down the road. "There's a good place where we had thought to put a couple of houses. Their's will be easy because of few rooms, and the doorways will be broad." He trots toward where's he's mentioned and every one follows. I have to run to keep up. Once there, he starts drawing lines in the soil, first the basic outline of the home and rooms, three main bedrooms, the extra one for guests. All the rooms are twice average so they will be able to move without bumping into the walls. He triples the width of all doorways. No one argues and every one takes off for their part of it. Two of them start digging for the footer and I help them. Though I'm not as strong, my smaller size helps. For many days work on the foundation and slab floor continue. A day of rain gives us a break. Trees had been cut and square hewed for the walls. With many helping, the walls and roof are up within a cycle of the moon. Destra had enjoyed preparing foods for Maerana before, but now she's also eating more and more. My nights with either of them are as full of passion and love as their bellies are of food and fat. ------------------------------------------------ It's mid summer when our new home is finished on the inside. The fruit trees are already being harvested and the hunters are finding more than in many years. A special celebration is called and every family seems to have brought something for Maerana. As the sun sets over the tree tops, the feasting begins. Destra stands beside Maerana, smiling proudly about her daughter, and maybe the hundred or so pounds she's also gained. As one of the eldar's mare puts a platter of apple fritters on the table, she pats Destra's round rump. "You've been feeding her well for months. So tonight we'll feed both of you." Destra smiles in surprise, then sits on her fleshy rump and starts eating with Maerana. Various foods are placed before them until the table is covered. Oat cakes, sweet breads, cheddar cheese buns, vegitables pasties, an assortment of pies and lots of juices to help wash it all down. They seem take it as a challenge, or maybe their duty and eat and eat. Platter after platter of tasty treats is emptied into their large stomaches, then they keep pushing more in as their belly expand to hold it all. I'm helping Joxtar with music and tales. I concentrate on the legends or every one would know how much I want to go home with my fattening mares. It's well after midnight by the time they empty the table. Destra struggles to her hooves, having to use Maerana's broad back to steady herself, Her belly looks a bit rounder than when she sat down. Maerana takes several times to get her hind hooves in position. When she stands, her rolling equine belly almost knocks Destra off balance. Every one who's still awake give a cheer, then Jakaara calls the end to the partying. For a moment I start to get between my overfed mares, then realize that might be dangerous, so I get beside Destra. While we walk slowly home, I stroke her food swollen horse barrel. Once we get home, Maerana looks at how wide the doorway is. "If I get that big, it won't be because I'm too wide, but because my belly will have out grown my legs." She waddles inside, then into our room. I give Destra's round belly a wide hug, then pat her forebelly and smile. She gives me a hug, then a warm kiss that promises much, before going into her room. With a smile, I go into Maerana's room, trying to get my clothes off as I hold my throbing shaft up. She smiles, her fat bosom billowing with each breath as I get undressed. "Maybe you'll have trouble moving." She turns slowly, her wide round belly rolling and I can feel each throb of my stallioness. Unable to talk because my mouth is so dry, I shove my wide head into her fat tunnel, trying to move slowly. Once her round rump stops me from going deeper, I thrust long and fast. She's gasping in passion a few seconds before I am. Finally we lie down. I nuzzle her lower breast, sucking it's fat nipple until I'm rewarded with sweet milk. Her gentle breathing tells me she's relaxed or sleeping. Tired from the long night, it's not long before I join her. ----------------------------------------------------- The rest of summer finds some of the fields being harvested before few can remember. By the time of the first Harvest moon, we have as much in the storage buildings as we did at the end of last year's harvest festival. As the first night of harvest celebration starts, Destra waddles into the celebration area and sits down at her wide table. She looks to be as fat as Maerana was at the end of the harvest festival. Maerana waddles ponderously, but I know the shaman's spell has made it easy for her to carry much more, even though she's over twice what she weighed after last year's harvest. Several mares had organized the others and had been preparing foods that could be prepared days ahead. Honey drop biscuits, apple spice scones, cinnamon apple cake and fresh foods, fruits and vegetables. Every night they seem to struggle a bit more to get their bellies up. By the second full moon, the last night of celebration, in spite of how fat their were, both are obviously fatter. They sit down on their fat haunches, Destra gives me a wink and motions so I see there's a few inches between their over fattened horse bodies. Fortunately I'm already holding my lyre and get back under control before any one notices, or at least before none can fail to notice. The mares of the village seem to have kept some of their best put back for this eve. As I sing a winter tale, I watch them bring platters of breads, cake stuff, bowls of vegetables in cheese and herb sauce and puddings. Even though Joxtarr and I and the dance musicians take turns, I try to keep from watching my fattening mares gorging and stuffing sweet weight producing treats down their hungry maws. It's just past midnight, when I can tell my mares are slowing. A filly steps beside eat and helps shovel morsels between their tired jaws. Mares bring more heavy platters. the foods look to be heavy themselves, not the light tasty treats fed at the beginning. Maerana burps and smiles at the filly feeding her. "I admit my arms were getting tired." She swallows a honey drenched oat cake. "I just hope I never get too fat to feed myself." A mare bringing a platter of cheese breads smiles. "If ye get that big, it'll be because we run out of store houses for the harvest." Destra giggles and looks at Maerana. "Didn't you dream that once? That they'd use you for a storage room." She opens her mouth and eats several oat cakes. Maerana grins that her dream may become real. She relaxes and eats as they feed the two of them beyond what they thought they could hold. The sun is lighting the skies when Jakaara raises his arms. "My friends. Last years we wondered if the Harvest Mare was a legend." He looks at Maerana as she pats her widened abdomen and smiles. "Our warehouses are stuffed to bursting and so is our Harvest mare," He smiles as Destra sets her flesh jiggling, "and her brood mare." If this is what we need to insure our harvests, we have built them a home with doors wide enough for them." He smiles, not finishing what many are thinking, that their bellies will be dragging on the floor. Every one goes past the mares, giving each of their food swollen abdomens an affectionate pat. Two of the strongest stallions appraoch them, to help them to their feet. As I walk behind them, I'm shocked and impressed how much their huge abdomens as pushing against each other. Destra accepts help first and struggles to her hooves. Her belly surges and rolls as she carefully steps away from Maerana and waddles heavily toward our home. Maerana takes a few minutes to get her hind legs under her heavy haunches. Each stallion takes a fat arm to steady her as she stands in a motion that makes her huge equine abdomen roll and almost pulls her over. She smiles at me and ponderously waddles after Destra. Even though I know Braerenal's magic makes it easier for them to move than they show, the rolling of their mammoth abdomens excite me to where I have trouble walking. Fortunately there no one between us and home and those behind us don't see, or at least don't comment. By the time we enter our home, Destra is already in her room with the curtain closed. I struggle out of my clothes as Maerana waddles majestically into our room. Her food packed abdomen rolls sensually and I think I hear skin creaking... The question is, is it her ponderous abdomen, or my painfully stiff shaft of passion. I enter our room and rest my stallionhood between her fat orbs of breast flesh while I nurse passionately. Maerana strokes my shoulders while I nurse. "I don't know how much Destra ate," she gives a long, contented burp, "But I don't know if I could eat another bite." I stop nursing and fondle and massage her huge abdomen, trying to feel her straining digestive system through her soft fat. "I think you could have, but I'm glad you didn't." Unable to wait, I stroke her twin hills of rump fat and then shove my throbing maleness into her warm fleshy depths. I barely manage to hold back until she climaxes and her overloaded belly rolls so much both of us are almost pulled off balance. Finally she gasps and groans in passion and from her heavily packed belly. She lays down and is quickly asleep. Some how, even though the sun is up, I walk into Destra's room. I expect to find her asleep, but she's laying there watching for me. Not needing encouragement, I massage and fondle her straining abdomen. As she finally drifts to sleep, I lie down in front of her and fondle her upper breast while my mouth plays over the fat nipple of her lower one. Finally I fall asleep and dream of both of them eating and fattening until their bellies rest on the floor, then spread out as their breasts grow as large as their mammoth bellies are now.