GYPSY The setting: Some where just inside the border of Romania. In the middle ages.... But is this the middle ages you've been told about? I, Frobius, half doze as my two wheeled caravan is pulled down the semi maintained road. I thinks back to last spring when I was in the coastlands. ------- Finding the tribe of centaurs didn't look good at first, but I knew I better join them when one waved me over. 'I know they accept us humans using horses, and I do take care of mine.' As soon as I stopped my wagon, one of them unhitched my horse, while their leader trotted over. His halter bore markings of a northern tribe. The first thing I noticed about him was signs of exhaustion. "Welcome travler, I am Dark Lake." His eyes were red and his voice tired. "A sickness has befallen our tribe. Do you have any knowledge of such things?" I could tell his only problem was lack of sleep and worry. "Please show me those who are ill. I promise nothing, but I will do what I can." I follow him to their camp. He's so tired I can easily keep up with him. "What first happened to those now ill?" He looks northward for a moment. "We had traveled south through Trestra with no problems. Several were ahead of us looking for safe places to camp. We met them here five days ago." He motions to several young centaurs lying almost motionless. "They seemed fine until the next morning." I kneel down beside one and gently probe him while I let my inner existence touch his. It only takes a few seconds to learn what I need to know, but I continue probing him for many minutes. Finally I stand and slowly shake my head. "I have seen this before. The locals have herbs that cure this." I look around, then jog into the woods. I'm surprised none followed me, then remember those not ill are exhausted from caring for the sick. After an hour, I return with herbs I found in the first few minutes. Under my instructions, then bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. With mumbled words that have to real meaning, I add the herbs and stir them until the brew is the color of fresh snow. Ladeling it into bowls to cool, I check on those who are still somewhat healthy. After several minutes, I take bowls to those first taken ill and help them drink. Looking at those still on their feet, I advised them to also drink. "You may not be ill yet, but within a few days...." It takes no more encouragement for them. That night I stay with them. Those who hadn't fallen to the sickness, told me a few of their legends. I curled up near the fire and fell asleep during one of their stories. The next morning, I got up as the sun just started to lighten the high whispy clouds. Only one look out was awake and he joined me for a cold breakfast. As the sun climbed through the trees, the others woke and joined us. Even those who first fell ill were up, although a bit weak. As I checked my wagon for travel, Dark Lake and several others came to me. He stood calm, but I sensed this was something serious. "You have saved my tribe from an illness that may have cost us dearly. By our laws, one of us must help you for three years." He motions and a young female comes forward with personnel suddlebags already secured. "This is Storm Cloud. She has trained as a dancer and often talks of joining human gypsies. She will have no problem with your wagon." She stepped into position and adjusted the fittings as if she had done that many times. As she made herself comfortable, Deep Lake continued. "She may find that she still wishes to join a tribe of humans. We will camp here in three years for a month. If she wishes to rejoin us then, she may." Storm Cloud smiled at me, then her former tribe leader. "If I do not find my true path with the gypsies, I will be here." She turned and started walking before I'm back on my wagon. I knew not to even think of turning him down, thanked him, then ran after her and jumped into my seat without her slowing down. ----- I looked at her slightly rounded equine back, then up her humanoid one. Her long dark hair flowing in the light breeze. It the year and a half since she joined me, we had been to many gatherings. "I hope I've warned you about how many different Gypsy bands will be here and enough of their ways..." Storm Dancer laughs and pulls her music pipes out. "You worry too much. This is going to be a time and place to dance and sing." She begins playing one of her traveling tunes. I lean back and let my thoughts feel the lands around us. I 'see' a couple of lay lines flowing through the woods, angling to join somewhere ahead of us. As the sun touches the mountains west of us, the flickering light of campfires filter through the woods. We come into the outer edge of the camps and find a good place to park my wagon. Storm Dancer is almost too excited to hold back until she gets the harness off. She trots toward a large bonfire, being lead by the music and cheers. By the time I get there, she's already introduced herself and is learning one of the dances, altering it so her foor feet make it smoother than most would have thought possible. Late into the night she dances and plays her pipes. I talk with one of the Gypsy magick women whom I have known for many years. Two others join us as we quietly talk about what sourses of energy we've found, and how to draw from them. One of them, Drasca, has found a way to draw from fat animals. Since the male/female is a comon factor to help transfer, he has fattened a sturdy cow. I accept his offer to join him the next day and observe. Finally Storm Dancer starts to tire and we go back to our wagon and colapse into sleep. The next morning, we have breakfast while I tell her a few things she needs to look out for. "Most of the Gypsies are friendly and understand you not knowing all their customs. But some don't accept any excuse for ignoring their laws." Storm Dancer smiles and ruffles my hair. "You're always worrying." She cleans up our eating area, then I take her to one of the camps where I know some. Most of the day is relaxed, the opening parties will start tonight and every one plan to stay up very late. I visit Drasca and find his way not only easy, but actually pleasant. Walking back to my wagon, I think of the hours I've watched Storm Dancer's strong equine back, and imagine a few hundred pounds of fat filling her out. Knowing her love of dancing, I know better than to suggest anything. As the sun first touches the mountain tops, yells of excitement echo through out the valley. Each camp has their own bonfire, foods and drinks prepared for visitors. Half the band will stay there while the others roam from camp to camp. The next night they trade. Well into the night, we find a camp where many of them are centaurs from the South. The difference between Southland and North mountain centaurs is size and build. The North ones, like Storm Dancer, are light to medium build. The Southland ones are more like draft build. Storm Dancer accepts a large mug of their brew. Being human, I accept a small mug and I'm not surprised at it's strength. Talking with their shaman, I watch their dancers pound around the blazing fire. Storm Dancer is talking with a couple of their musicians that are taking a break. Looking at her with the fire blazing, I wonder how much this brew is affecting her. I chew on a herb that deadens the alcohol, but I know she's forgotten to. One of the male dancers charges over to them and motions for her to join the dancers. For a moment she just smiles and looks him over. Even for a Southlander, he's heavily built. I suspect he could pick her up and dance carrying her. I can't hear what she says, but the expression of those who can, warn me she's made a big mistake. After a few minutes, she trots over, motions and heads to another fire. I thank may host, then run after her. She's half laughing and I know she's well under the influence. "Did you see the hulk of a stallion?" She asks. "If he was in the mountains, he'd start an avalanche just walking." She laughs and plays he pipes, almost in tune with the music coming from the fire. I knew that she will have to accept what her actions have started, but there was no reason to stop her celebrations, so I laugh and followed her. Several camps latter, every one begins staggering back to their camps, or finding a semi comfortable place to sleep, or passing out where they fall. Somehow I keep her on her feet until we reach our wagon. She's asleep before I get my blanket out and curl up. Looking at her, I wonder what she'll have to do to earn that clan's forgiveness, then close my eyes and join those already asleep. I wake as some one shakes me gently. Looking into the morning light, I see One of the Gypsy women. "Is some wrong Wenscha?" She nods slightly, then steps back. Knowing that any one up before mid morning means trouble, I roll up my sleeping rug, secure it in my wagon, and follow her while Storm Dancer sleeps soundly. Silently we bypass several glowing fires. I almost trip over a unconscious pile of clothes. For a moment I wonder at it's size, then realize it's a couple curled up together. When we enter the camp where the South land centaurs were, I know it's about her behavior. Every one goes silent as I'm led to a seat. The leader is a strong human man, but he looks warmly at me. "I am Malrach," He motions to the large centaur I saw last night. "This is Tall Oak." The centaur nods toward me and I can see his inner nobility. I nod to both of them, then every one gathered. "I am Frobius, magick user and traveler, I am with Storm Dancer so by your laws I am her tribe leader." Malrach nods. "I suspect you saw some of what happened here last night." When I nod, he continues. "Our tribe carries loyality and honor as our highest banners." He looks at Tall Oak, who steps forward. "I am second to Malrach. My sire, his sire and his sire all ruled my tribe in their time." He stands tall, proud and calm, although I know inside he is like a thunderstorm trapped in a bottle. "Last night I offered your mare to dance with me. If she would have simply said she did not desire to, there would be no meeting now." He pauses. "What she said was 'For me to dance with a hulking mass of horse like yourself? You'll probably stumble and fall on me. Then I'd either be smothered or crushed flat.'" I can't help but flinch at what was an insult to his strength. "I agree that your honor has been wronged." I glance around. "Am I right that her pentality has been decided upon?" Malrach nods. "We have agreed on three ways that Tall Oaks has accepted. You may choose one. If you prefer not to choose, we can understand. But then Tall Oaks will choose." He glances at Tall Oaks, then back to me. "First is payment in gold, 100 Talens. Seceond is for Tall Oaks to breed her and her carry and care for their offspring. The third is for her to fatten but not realize it." He pauses as I tilt my head. "The Magick users have talked about this. They can put herbs in her foods to increase her appetite. A spell to make her think she has always been this way will complete it. This will continue for the duration for the gathering." He sits down to let me think. I try to push thoughts of her well plump and my drawing energy from her, but knowing I don't have enough gold, and her breeding with him would make her hate me, I decide on the third choice. Malrach nods to Wenscha. "You know what needs to be done. I'll spread the word about her to the other bands." He turns and walks off while Wenscha leads me back toward my wagon. She half whispers while we walk. "All you have to do is accept the offers of lunch. Every day the two of you will be invited to a camp. Certain foods will be for her only. Do not eat any foods given to her." She half smiles, "She may surprise you how much she can eat in a meal." We pause near my wagon. "The first several days, she'll probably take a nap, that's when we'll put spells on her not to realize her weight. Several oF Malrach's women will modify her clothes, bracelets and what ever else would get tight." I nod. "She only has a few tunics. All her jelwery she was wearing last night." Wenscha thinks a moment and smiles. "Maybe we can have some dealers trade for those things. Give her good deals for looser ones. Anyways, when she wakes take her on tours of the bazaar. All the food dealers will offer her their most flavorful treats." I half smile, not worried because she knows my inner hopes of using her like Drasca draws from his cow. But she also know I care more for Storm Dancer than I've ever admitted. After she leaves, I curl up in my sleeping rugs so I can watch Storm Dancer sleeping. In moments, I'm sleeping with thoughts of her and me together. The sun is near noon when I let myself wake. As I put my rugs away, Storm Dancer is walking around, sniffing the delicious aromas. "So do we stay here?" Smiling I put an arm over her equine back, and gently hug her humanoid body. "Wenscha invited us to lunch." I step away, quietly calm as I lead her to the begining of her pentality. Every one is awake, well some might wish they weren't, but they are preparing lunch and doing other camping chores. Wenscha waves happily from one of the tables. "Glad you made it Frobius, Storm Cloud." Storm Cloud half sits on the ground while I accept a chair. I catch a motion from Wenscha as a platter of glazed meat pies. "You forgot meat can affect my magick?" I smile as she gives a knowing wink. Storm Cloud laughs when she hears my almost choking. "Well that's fine with me." She takes one, pops it in her mouth, her cheeks bulge out as she chews and swallows. "Mmmm Delicious." She takes a drink of cream from the halfgallon sized mug and contines eating as Wenscha and I talk about places she's been since I last saw her. While we talk, she continues eating without realizing there's a gypsy child under the table. he keeps replacing meat pies so she actually eats four or five platters full, instead of the one. Thick slices of heavy dark break are bought out with bowls of fruit spreads and honey for it. Several times her mug is refilled with cream. She takes a long drink and smiles at me. "You told me the food here would be delicious and I didn't believe you." She drains the mug and gulps down a slice of bread thickly spread with honey while it's refilled. As Storm Dancer starts to slow, I get up and stretch. "Think I'll head back to my camp for a bit." I smile at Wenscha, "See you around." She waves before going into her tent. Storm Dancer walks beside me, a bit slower than usual, but she doesn't realize it, or that she's eaten as much for lunch than she usually eats in an entire day. She carefully lays down and rubs her equine body. "That bread sure feels heavy in me." She lays all the way down and is soon sleeping deeply. I sit down and wait for her to be deep into sleep. I motion toward the woods and watch. Wenscha comes out with two others. One carries a senser smoking with sweet smelling herbs. She carries it around the sleeping centauress while the other two quietly chant. Their words are a mixture of latin and words that only magick users know of. The sun moves a bit before they finish. They disappear into the woods, leaving only a faint smoke from the incense and a glow around Storm Dancer that few can see. While she sleeps, I read some of my scrolls, finding bits of a complex spell to make her able to carry her future weight easily, and for her weight to be natural for her. It's well into the afternoon before she stirs. She gets to her feet and looks toward the area where merchants have set up their tents. "So you ready to see what we can find?" She gets her money out of a hidden place on the wagon. I already have mine hidden in my robe and walk with her to the nearest row of dealers. The first few have clothes, cooking items and the like. We get to one with belled bracelets and she argues with him until she gets a set of six of her wrists and fetlocks. He throws in a sturdy mug, that easily holds a half gallon. He gives me a wink as she turns and walks on. As we get to a bakery tent, I catch a glimpse of a child moving under the curtain on the pastry loaded table. "Greeting traveler and fair centauress." The plump baker smiles as he gets a tray loaded with honey nut bars. "Try some of my delicious treats." He takes a large one and gently puts it in Storm Dancer's waiting mouth. Storm Dancer chews it, savoring the mixture of flavors. "You are skilled in your works." She accepts a second one from him, eating it a bit faster. The baker smiles and begins talking about various ingredients, but not revealing his secrets. While they talk, he eases bar after bar of the rich treats into her waiting mouth. She has no idea how much she's eating, her appetite making her jaws move and throat swallow without her realizing it. After he's fed her two platters full, I ease her down a few booths, we stop at one with a cask one the bench, and several under the tent. I smile as he gives me a signal. "Ah my dear friend. How long has it been?" He grasps my hand and almost shakes me offmy feet. "My dear mystic traveller, So you no longer go it alone." He smiles at the centauress beside me. "I saw you dancing last night." He smoothly pulls her halfgallon sized mug from her belt and fills it from one of the smaller casks. "This is some mead I've been working on. Not a sweet as honey, but it does have a special flavor." Storm Dancer smiles as she raises it to her lips. She thinks she takes a sip, but drains it in one gulp. "It does have an interesting flavor." She rests her mug on the table and doesn't realize his young apprentice refills it. The brewer and I talk about barleys, malts and several herbs used in his art. Storm Dancer listens intently, and pours about five gallons of a the heavy mead into her expanding belly. The rest of the afternoon goes much the same. Finally the several pies, butter pound cakes, heavy sausages, and gallons of beer weigh heavily in her rounding body. I lead her back to our wagon and she is soon asleep. I sit down and lean back against a tree, watching her swelling abdomen move gently as she breathes. I close my eyes, wondering how much she'll be eating my the end of the gathering. Thinking at what she's eaten so far today, I wonder how much she'll be able to hold by the end of the week. With that intriguing thought, I grab a few hours of light sleep. As the sun sets and the fires begin blazing, Storm Dancer gets up and looks around. "You coming with me?" She laughs as she puts on her belled braclets and other dancing gear. I had been awake, just waiting for her. "Sure am," I half spring to my feet and dust off my robes. I lead her a different way and soon we're at a fire of gypsies from the eastern mountains. Storm Dancer easily goes over to the other preformers and they're soon talking and showing their skills. There's a table with assorted cheeses, sausages and beer that she samples often. She finally does a couple of her dances, then we go to another fire. During the night she gorges on stuffed grape leaves, candied carrots, pork pies and assorted candies and pasteries. I can almost hear the gallons of beer sloshing in her tight belly as she walks a bit unsteady back to our wagon. She groans, then smiles as she lies down and almost passes out before I get her blanket over her. I wake shortly before noon and watch her sleeping. As I get up, one of the children runs up and tells me where we're been invitied to lunch. Storm Cloud wakes just after the sun passes overhead and smiles when I tell her of our invite to lunch. "We never had much assortment when traveling." She adjusts her blouse and doesn't notice she fills it better than yestermorn. It's a short walk and she's inhaling the aromas of Hunter stew. I try not to smile as I have to jog to keep up with her. "Maybe I should learn some cooking skills. Might be able to use them with my spells. Lureena greets me as Storm Cloud looks at the foods being prepared. "Frobius my friend. So good you made it to this gathering." She smiles and motions to a table already spread with foods. "I have a new potion that you might find interesting." She sits down beside me and whispers a potion I already know while Storm Cloud attacks the food. A couple of children playing nearby slip around and partly refill her large bowl of stew, platter of oat cakes spread with honey and fresh fruits. Her mug never gets below the half mark as she drinks the rich creamy milk. It's almost an hour before desert of candied apples are brought forth. She eats two dozen while pretending to listen to me explaining a spell. As she slows eating, I get up and stretch. "I thank you for a wonderful meal. I hope to see you often before we travel on." Lurenna laughs. "I will make sure of that." She smiles at Storm Cloud. "I have heard of your dancing, perhaps I'll see you preform one of these nights." Storm Cloud half laughs and tries to repress a burp. "I'll be glad to dance in thanks for this wonderful feast." She turns and walks back to our camp. I have no problem staying up with her. While she sleeps with her belly full, I try to estimate how much she might gain by the end. 'She's eating a day's worth just for lunch. I can only gues at least that much, if not more during our tour of the merchants and during our trips of the fires.' I smile and try to imagine her twice her present weight. Checking my supplies in the wagon and making notes what I have to trade and what I need, I keep busy until she wakes. She wakes and almost struggles to her feet. "So?" She laughs as she sees what I'm doing. "We making a search for your herbs today?" With a laugh, I playfully slap her side. "We'll have plenty of time to sample the foods. I should get some recepies to improve our traveling fare." We're soon among the canopies of the dealers. The first baker waves Storm Cloud over. "My dear lady," he pulls bake the cloth from a heavily loaded platter of assorted breadstuff. "I have always wanted the opinion of a centauress of the northern lands." He offers the tray and takes a herb breadstick. "Pray taste and tell." Storm Cloud licks her lips and quickly eats it. He places another in her mouth, and several more before she pauses. "A delicious mixture of grains and herbs. What is the ingredients?" He smiles and feeds her other treats from the 'magical' tray that never empties. I smile as one of the 'magical' children puts some apple bread on it while Storm Cloud isn't looking. A traveling wine merchant fills her mug and talks with them while she eats her way through many pounds of tasty baked goods. I rejoin her after some trading and we walk on. After many samples from a cheese merchant and several heavy pork pies, we wander back to our camp. She grabs a short rest before the sun sets. I take her to other fires, with the hundred or so around, it's my plan to hit different ones, working on the farther ones and moving closer to our camp as she gains weight. Every fire has an assortment of foods from their area. Storm Cloud dances a couple of times at each one, but that doesn't stop her from tasting everything. By the last fire of the night, she doesn't really dance, but moves sensually. Since most of those watching have been drinking well, every one cheers as she finishes and heads for the treats. She virtually waddles back to our camp and I can actually see her barrel is a bit rounder. She's asleep in a few moments and I work on the spell that will make her comfortable with her future weight. Once I finish, I curl up and sleep the sleep of exhaustion. For the rest of the first week we have lunch at various camps. Each time she eats about the same and my fears of her eating more every day start to fade. The on going munching at the merchant tents and snack tables at night are hard to measure, but I guess it to be about the same. As her blouse started to get snug, one of the gypsies snuck in shortly after she fell asleep and replaced them with ones with room for more expansion. By the end of the week she's plumper than I ever thought she'd get before we came here. She's waddling slightly as we go to Wenscha's camp for lunch. Looking at her fur billow and her swollen bosom surging within her bodice, I guess she's gained almost a quarter of what she weighed. If she continues this way, she might double her weight. I pat her soft equine shoulder and laugh. "I was afraid you'd get bored by now without new scenery." She smiles as she gets a whiff of lunch. "I'll get to see lots in a few weeks. But while we're here, I have so many foods to explore." Wenscha smiles as she watches Storm Cloud take some faster steps and her new flesh jiggles under her rich fur. "So good to see you two again." She half steps aside and slides into her chair as Storm Cloud lies down on the rugs prepared for her. She smiles as several children bring appetizers, putting a platter full in front of the hungry centauress before I even sit down. I watch as she gulps down some sugar drop biscuits and half drains her mug of milk. "Well this gathering has gone well." I try not to look too close as a small hand appears above the table and replaces some of the biscuits Storm Cloud has eaten. I look at Wenchsa, "So you learn any new potions?" She gives me a knowing wink. "None that deal with your methods of healing. I have one to determine if a loved one is being truthful." She tries not to smile too much as I watch the servers bring over a large platter of ham, and beef then a two gallon sized serving bowl of vegetables in a thick cheese sauce. They put a ladle beside it and Storm Cloud thanks them before attacking the growing feast. For almost two hours Wenscha and I talk. We eat slowly so the gorging centauress doesn't notice how much she's shoveling into her growing body. As she starts to slow, one of the children brings over a platter loaded with fried apples in a syrupy sauce. The scent seems to reawaken her appetite and she gulps them down. As she stops and shifts her weighty belly, I stand and thank Wenscha and the cooks. "If you ever need my help, just ask." I watch Strom Cloud out of the corner of my eye as she struggles to get her legs under her and lifts her food ladened abdomen. She thanks every one and then we go back to our wagon. I watch her walk and wonder if her abdomen is rolling this much in a week, how much will she be carrying by the end of the gathering. She lies down and is quickly asleep, breathing gently as her enhanced digestive system works on converting the tens of pounds of food into new fat. As she sleeps, I continue my work at strenghtening her skeleton and muscles. Several hours later she wakes and leads me to the merchant tents. She constantly finds food merchants more than willing to chat and let her 'taste' their wares. With a platter of marzipan, spiced cakes and cookies before her, and a mug of rich mead for the neighboring vendor, she talks about a legend from her tribe. When she finishes, her mug is refilled and each merchant tells her one of their tales while she eats without realizing how much she's consuming. Hands come from under the covered table and add more tasty treats to the diminishing pile so it's always more than half full. The spirit merchant keeps her mug well filled. After a while they let the platter empty and we wander on to other food merchants. She doesn't notice how much she's stuffing herself with and I have to suggest we go back to our camp so she can rest a few hours. Her heavily loaded stomach makes her wadlle slightly and I ocassionally let her growing belly bump lightly against me. She turns her head toward me one time and laughs. "You thinking about spells and such and not watching where you're going?" I smile, pat her back and feel her softness. "That's why I let you know where we're going." When we get back to our camp she lays down and is quickly asleep. I gently lay my hands on her and sense my magic is making her adapt to her increase in flesh and she'll be able to carry twice what she weighed with no problem. I secure the items I've traded in my wagon, then look at the wooden traces that connect to her harness when she pulls the wagon. Knowing she won't fit much longer, and at what I figure she'll weigh, I make a mental note to find a wainwight tomorrow. Sunset comes and I hesitate waking her. As the music wafts in, her ears twitch and eyes open. "You thinking of staying here?" She laughs as she gets up and straps on her wrist and leg bell braclets. She lets me lead her to a different area of fires. We go to four fires that night. Each place has a table loaded with treats and drinks for the performers. Her love of dancing helps her ignore the fragrances while she dances. Even though she moves less quickly, her motions and slight billowing of her fur and swelling bosom gets the same attention she did the first night. I find several magick users to chat with and still able to watch her. Once she dances, she stands beside the treat table and watches other performers while she eats. Some one is always near her, refilling her mug with heavy mead, or offering her treats that I can tell from a distant are heavy with nutrients. As the eastern sky starts to lighten, I lead her back to our camp. She lays down and pulls her blanket over her head and is soon snoring gently. I curl up near her and start to worry how much she will gain by the end of the gathering. As the sun approaches zenith, I gently nudge Storm Cloud awake. "Ready for lunch?" I almost get knocked over as she gets up faster than I expect her to. She gets out a fresh blouse, and doesn't realize it's larger than what she was wearing. When she gets it on, I try not to let my eyes reveal how much more buxom she is. She laughs, "So what are you waiting for?" She steps forward and smiles. Turning and leading her, I breath calmly to relax desires I didn't want to admit I had. Lureena greets us as we enter her camp area. "I saw you dancing a couple of nights ago." She motions to a table and Storm Cloud half lies down on a pad of pine needles with a blanket covering them. "I never expected a centauress to be so grancful." She nods as a server puts a platter of fried crab cakes and serving bowl of thick oyster stew befor her. As Storm Cloud starts eating, some one fills her half gallon mug with wild plum brandy. While I talk with those at the table about various herbs from the sea and tidal pools, Storm Cloud listens and eats almost passionately. She finishes off the stew, and the platter is still half full, although it's constantly being refilled. Dark honey wheat bread, covered with fruit preserves fill another platter and they let both slowly diminish while she eats and fills her expanding stomach. When we notice her slowing, I thank every one and lead her back to camp. She lies down and smiles. "I hope you're getting some recepies along with your spells." Her hand moves under her blanket and unconsciously strokes her swelling abdomen. After a couple of hours, she wakes and gets to her feet. As she adjusts her lose blouse, I can't help but look at how much her equine belly and rump have filled out. Her equine breast is also well defined. I look toward the merchant area until she steps beside me. The first merchant tent we stop at has a amazing assortment of various nuts, sweet rolls and marzipan. I talk with him about various uses some nuts can have in healing while Storm Cloud 'nibbles' from a platter of 'what didn't sell yesterday'. We talk while a small hand keeps reloading the platter until she would have emptied it twice. I thank the merchant for a sample of nuts and we walk on a few tents. I stop at a leathersmith's and look over his backpacks. Storm Cloud checks on some of the shoulder bags. "This would be good to carry food in while we're traveling," she hints as I select a backpack for myself. The merchant gives me a wink. "I'll toss it in to secures the deal." He smiles as I pay him an extra coin for the bag, then I follow Storm Cloud toward where her nose is leading her. I smile as she already chatting with the fruit merchant about preserving foods. He fills her bag with an assortment of stuffed dates and dried fruits. I lean against a tent pole and watch them talk. Looking at her swelling abdomen, I wonder about the spell that powers her appetite, yet keeps her believing this is what she has weighed. Storm Cloud listens to the merchant telling her about the lands where the fruit comes from. She eats from the supply in her shoulder bag and two children are kept busy refilling it without her realizing what they're doing. We vist another two before I suggest we get some rest for tonight. Smiling she nibbles from her bag as we walk. The children follow for a bit, handing me sugared almonds and I put them in her bag. By the time we reach our camp, she's ready for sleep, puts her shoulder bag in the wagon and lays down. I watch her new flesh jiggle as she rols into a comfortable position. For a few minutes, I check her to assure myself her body is adapting. I know she's eating more, but I can't do anything to slow her appetite without upsetting the gypsies. I lean back against my wagon and rest, letting my thoughts flow with the lay lines. I feel the sun move until the fires begin to blaze. Storm Cloud wakes as I stand. "All ready for more fun?" She gets up a bit unsteady. She may not know she's growing, but she hasn't learned how to get up smoothly as she once could. I lead her to a fire giving three we can stop at on our way back. She dances smoother than I was worried she'd be able to. Her belly rolls slightly and her growing bosom sloshes slightly, but she doesn't seem to notice. After she's done, she waddles over to the snack table and talks with other preformers. By the time she dances at the fourth fire, it's obvious she's moving slower, yet still sensually with a stomach full of foods. As the first glint of dawn appears, we're back in our camp and she's almost asleep as she lays down. I look at the red glow in the east and know it's not from a fire. By the time I've got the tarp unfolded and set up connected to the wagon. I check the wind and hope it's a gentle rain. Feeling the long hours, I curl up under the wagon and drift to sleep listening to Storm Clouds digest the unknown pounds of food she's consumed. DAY 11 OF THE GATHERING> I wake to the first drops of rain. Hurridly, I roll out of the wagon, check the ropes, then hang the traps so we'll have a hopefully dry place. The rain is still light as I check where the water will flow and make a trench to protect our camp. Satisfied, I smile at the still sleeping centauress. Her once trim body is now nicely plump and my magic has slightly widened and strengthened her build. I crawl back into the wagon and sleep lightly. Around noon I hear several sets of footsteps running through the rain. I'm on my feet before Drenala and several of her clan come under the trap. "You ran through this just to have lunch?" I ask with mock amazement. She takes off her large hat and gently shakes it so to keep our area dry. "The thought of Storm Cloud not enjoying some of the tasty foods I promised her last time." She smiles as Storm Cloud has rolled and sat up on her haunches. The three who came with her start setting up the food on the shelf I've folded down for a table. Storm Cloud smiles and licks her lips. "I never thought there could be such delicious dishes from the desert. She takes a handful of dried apricots and thinks she's nibbling, when she's actually gulping them down almost without chewing. Drenala smiles as she stuffs slices of cheese, dates, and honey comb into a large loaf of pocket bread. "Try this my lovely one." As Storm Cloud tears into it and gulps mouthfulls down, one of the children keeps her mug full of a rich fragrant wine. Drenala makes several of these bulging sandwiches while we talk about the weather and what we can do today and tonight. Storm Cloud keeps eating. When she puts an amost finished sandwich down, it's replaced with a full one. What remains of the one is stuffed into the next one, along with two to three pounds of fillers. As she starts to slow, and every one can see her belly is slightly rounder than when they arrived, Drenala has the desert uncovered. She picks up one of the large sweetmeat candies and hands it to the well fed centauress. "I'm pleased you enjoy my lunch so well, but you must have room for just one of these." Storm Cloud's eyes flicker as she inhales the tasty treat. The dates, figs and raisins, coated with sugar is enough and she gulps it down. Drenala puts a few on Storm Cloud's plate and we resume talking. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch a hand move quickly, replacing each one she swallows with another one. By the time she's struggling to swallow, they let her empty her plate. The youngest girl moves closer and looks her over. "You are looking well filled out." She giggles and then darks under the wagon. Dernala and I freeze. Before we can react, Storm Cloud laughs deep and long. I turn and my eyes try to watch her well filled out breasts as they jiggle within her slightly loose blouse. She gasps for breath, "Children are so truthful." She pats her rounded equine body with both hands. "As long as I don't get too fat to dance." She looks at the wagon. "If I do put on some weight here, I'll wear it off pulling the wagon." She struggles to her feet, moves back to her sleeping rugs and lays down. For a moment, neither of us can believe the magic has worked this well on her. We talk quietly while she sleeps. The children pull a couple of carved boats from a pack and sail them in the channel I made to keep my camp dry. After a while, they curl up against the slumbering centauress, snuggling under the blanket and against her for warmth. After several hours, Storm Dancer wakes. She sees them sleeping and relaxes, listening to our quiet conversation and joining in whispers. The sound of a few people running from camp to camp as the rain storm strenghtens, catches all of our attention. I watch a form running toward us and stand up to help him into the dry. "Williams, what are you doing out on such a day?" The baker smiles from under his rain cloak. "Well I had all this food ready for sale this morning. With weather like this, I can either give it away, or feed it to the birds." He smiles and puts two large covered packs on the table while I hang his cloak up to dry. He smiles as Storm Cloud rises to her feet. "The more all of you eat, the fewer camps I'll have to run to." She smiles. "Well we did have lunch..." She looks out into the rain. "But I have no idea how long ago that was." She sits down accepts the travel cake he hands her. We talk with him about things to do tonight with the fires not being possible. As we chat on ideas and having a party of sorts here. Storm Cloud nibbles her way through all of the traveler cakes, oatmeal cookies, gingerbread, and dark herb bread slathered with honey. The young girl keeps her mug filled from the cask of mulled wine I had secertly purchased yesterday. As Storm Cloud lays back down, her enlarged stomach holding more than I thought she could by this time, we agree on the ones to invite to have a gaming fest. I show them my carved chess set and Williams promises he knows several skilled in it. Drenala smiles as the children are cuddled under the blanket, against the gorged centauress. With a nod, they both cover up and disappear into the rain. I clear up from lunch, check the ropes as a strong gust starts one side flapping, then lie down and wacth Storm Cloud's swollen body as I drift into a light sleep. I wake a few hours later and light the lantern. The rain has tapered off to a drizzle, but I expect it to strengthen. As dark as it is, the sun is a couple hours from setting. Storm Cloud opens her eyes as the children jump out from under the blanket as look into the rain. She shakes the blanket and rugs and puts them in the wagon. I watch her move and am impressed how much she's filled out, then remembering the gathering's not half over worries me. "Well I guess not dancing one night will be a good break." She smiles, grabs a large scarf and starts dancing. Before she takes a dozen steps, we hear calls through the rain. She tosses the scarf in the wagon and grabs some towels. Several run in and put their bundles down. They accept the towels and dry off. The tall one smiles. "Frobius, I heard you were roaming this gathering." "Rathwind." I smile as he looks at my chess set. "Ready to continue?" He smiles as the others begin setting up a small fire and logs to sit on. "We can compete while my friend here entertains." He sits down while I finish setting the pieces. A shorter than average man smiles and takes a small harp from his pack. While he tunes up, the others set up a feast. The minstrel begins playing a story about a lone traveller lost in the mountains. While he plays, one of the women fills a platter for Storm Cloud, then the others. She eats almost without tasting, entranced by the story. The wagon moves slightly as two men sneak in and hand sacks of foods to the two children, then disappear into the rain. I somehow manage to keep my mind on the game, playing defensive instead of my usual attack style. The rain strengthens as the unseen sun sets. The two of us join the others and I watch Storm Cloud stuffing cheese puffs, sausage rolls, onion cheese pies and heavy meat rolls. When she thinks she's sipping her mug of dark mead, she's actually chugging the entire half gallon down. The minstrel is telling about a trip through the desert and it's encouraging her thirst. A few hours later, the rain finally ends and we decide to call it a night. I bid every one a good sleep and then straighten things while Storm Cloud spreads out her sleeping rugs. She lays down some what heavily and groans as her over loaded stomach meets the ground. "Feels like it's gotten colder." She smiles because her luscious flesh is keeping her warm. She wraps the blanket partway around her, then holds one side up. We had slept together for warmth many times, but as I crawl in beside her well loaded belly, I get a warm feeling that is more than her soft growing body.... or maybe because of the spongy flesh within her silky fur. She giggles and her flesh jiggles slightly. "I bet my belly will keep you warm." As I crawl in and hug her almost spherical belly, she shoves a pillow so I can be comfortable. Her round abdomen surges softly against me as she yawns. "I hope tomorrow is drier." She pats her food heavy belly. "We've got more merchants to meet." She yawns again and I can't resist hugging her fat and food swollen body. "That we do. Maybe well get here next year." All she does is sigh as she's already half asleep. I give her plump belly another hug, before nuzzling into her silky fur and soft flesh. Sleep comes easier than I thought it would. I drift awake in the morning and just snuggle against her flesh bloated belly. I extend my senses through her. All of my spells and incantations have improved her body so that she could double her present weight and still be completely healthy. With one hand, I gently explore her rounded equine abdomen and drift back to sleep. Near noon, I carefully open my eyes as the bright sun has warmed up and the air steams with the water drying out of the ground. I ease away from her round plushy belly and check how the tent roof is drying. I smile as she struggles to roll and get up. "Looks like everything is drying out fast." She smiles, "Great, Let's have lunch, then see if we can pack these tarps away." She starts toward Minerva's camp, her heavy abdomen rolling as she waddles. Taking my time, I follow far enough behind to watch how well she's carrying her increasing fat. She waddles into a camp and Minerva already has lunch all ready. Minerva smiles and pats her own plump stomach. "I hope you'll enjoy some more of the delicious foods from my home land." She gives me a wink as I sit down. Storm Cloud is already gulping down a platter full of stuffed grape leaves, with a huge tankard of mulled wine to help wash it down. While she listens to us talk about a legend of a werewolf, she eats while empty platters are replaced with ones of oat cakes soaked with honey, sugar glazed cardamon, a dozen onion cheese pies. As we talk of some herbs that grow in her home mountains, Storm Cloud gulps down candied chestnuts. As fast as she unconsciously swallows them, a small hand comes from under the table and keeps the bowl about half full. Minerva starts to forget what she's saying as Storm Cloud keeps tossing handfulls of the rich nuts after she's already eaten more than she thought the very corpulant centauress could hold. Finally Storm Cloud starts to swallow slower and the bowl empties. Almost in a trance, she sways slightly as we talk, giving her time to digest enough so she can walk. After a while, I thank Minerva and watch as Storm Cloud some how manages to get her legs in position and struggles to lift her well loaded belly off the ground. As she waddles slowly back to our camp, I can see that her equine abdomen is rounder than when I followed her to lunch. She carefully lies down on her sleeping rugs and smiles. "I wondered if you were telling me the truth about these gatherings." One hand unconsciously roams over her ponderous body, actually feeling the softness of her huge bosom. "But the assortment of foods...." She smiles, lays her head down and is soon sleeping deeply. I look at how much her body has grown and work on a cushion for her head so she won't feel like she's sleeping with her head down hill. While she sleeps, Wylan, one of the wainwrights slips into camp and we look at how the wagon traces can be made so she'll be able to fit between them. He takes me a few feet into the woods so we can talk. He looks at the rounded hill of a centauress. "I haven't been told how much she's supposed to fill out." He pauses as he guages her present width. "I think the best idea is for you to trade your two wheeler for a light four wheeler. I know one that might be for trade." I look at my caravan that I've maintained in excellent shape. "I guess that would be the safest. If it's a different wagon, the fat that every one has filled her out with won't be as noticable to her when we travel." He nods, "I'll go talk with them. I'll see you at the bazarre." He smiles and slips quietly away. I walk slowly to my wagon, remembering many travels with it. Then I look at the soon to be obese centauress and know the feelings I have growing for her will grow more than she will. Smiling, I climb into the wagon and begin packing things so I can move them quickly. While I'm working, I hear Storm Cloud stir and get out quickly. "Ready to do some shopping?" She struggles to her feet. Watching her move, I can tell that she has more concern with not falling over, than lifting her increase in flesh. She works at making her snug blouse comfortable then smiles and pats her humanoid belly. "All ready to talk legends and sample their wares." She turns and waddles toward the merchant tents before I get the wagon closed up. I hope that Minerva has alerted those making her clothes that she desparately needs larger ones. The ground is still soft and the paths are muddy. She slips once and I rush to help, before I realize that there's no way I could help. She shifts her ponderous belly and regains her footing before I could have reached her. The young are digging small trenches and much of the merchant area has been spread with grass and leaves. Not as many are out so the merchants are doing all they can to attract business. One of the butchers waves to Storm Cloud. "My lovely centauress. Pray come and taste some of my special sausages." He motions to a platter piles with about twenty ponds of fat links. "They are only good for a few days." He smiles as she waddles over and uncontrolably her hand reaches for one. "I'd much rather have them resting in your belly, than have to throw them to the dogs." He places a pot of spiced jam beside the platter and she eats the first in three bites. He takes a fat one, dunks it and holds it before her. "This gives the meat a flavor you'll be longing for." Her head moves and she takes it out of his hand so fast he checks to make sure all his fingers are still attatched. She chews a bit before swallowing. "Mmmm delicious." She pats her plump belly, setting ripples under her silky fur. "I expect to carry a few more pounds of me when we leave this gathering." She dips another and gulps it down with one bite. "One or two of them will be from this." She eats slowly, at least she thinks she is. The merchant laugh deeply. "You could give me no greater reward than stop by on the last day and let me feel where my meats have wound up." As he talks with her about how he prepared the sausages, I see Wylan wave and join him. He smiles and introduces me to a young gypsy as we walk. "This is Belas." I grip his arm in greeting and we talk about traveling as we walk to his camp. He shows me his light, four wheeled caravan. "All of us know about your centauress." His voice is almost laughing as he enjoys this 'punishment'. While they show me his wagon, he tells why he's selling it. "My wife to be has her own wagon and horses. I was going to keep it as a private place for me. But one of your size would be better." We spend time hasseling over the trade and price before shaking hands in agreement. The trade will be finished at the end of the gathering. After we check out his wagon, Wylan and I walk back to Storm Cloud. He smiles, "I saw the worn brace on the left front. I'll replace it easily." I nod and think that two light horses could fit between the traces, so Storm Cloud should have no problem. "As much as she's enjoying her appetite and food. I just hope it's the enchantments and not her hidden self." He laughs and is still amused as we find her stuffing the final few sauages into her accomadating belly. She dips the last one into the jam and sucks it down with out biting. She steps sideways to the table, takes the merchant's hand and pats her rotund abdomen. "Soon your tasty treats will be more of me." She laughs as he's surprised, then he pats her himself. "I hope to see more of you by the end of the gathering." His eyes blink as he realizes what he's said. She laughs and starts waddling on. "With food like I've had so far, you can be sure of it." She joins Wylan and me and we check out some leatherworks, weavers and metalsmith before coming to a food vendor. While he has heR sample an assortment of his cookies and small cakes, I go back to the metalsmith. Talking with him about some cookware, we both watch the jiggling centauress stuff several platters of baked stuffed, washing them down with rich cream. He smiles as we talk final prices. "Many have bets on how much she gains. I think Bachal there has gold on the heavy side." I mentally kick myself for not thinking bets would be flying on her. 'Care to tell me who's holding the wages?" He smiles and shakes his head. "I think you can understand why you haven't been invited." He grins as I nod and adds a huge skillet to the deal. "Her appetite should drop after the enchantment, but she'll need good bit of food to keep her weight." Thanking him, I secure the cookware in my pack and join Storm Cloud. Whoever is under the table is busy replacing pasteries while she listens to the baker telling of the southern lands he's from. He refills her half gallon mug with cream wile talking. Looking at her, I wonder how much she will gain. Gauging her volumnious body, I can tell that she's put on more than half what she weighed when we arrived. Watching her eat without realizing how much she's stuffed into herself today. I lean against a tent pole, trying to guess how much they plan on her weighing to pay for her insult to the centaur leader. As the platter empties and she drains another mug, I join them and thank the baker for taking care of her while I was busy. "It's no task chatting with one interested in my homelands." He smiles and she starts to turn and her ponderous belly surges. "Or one who enjoys my work with no worry." She turns her head and her mammoth breasts billow heavily and I hear a seam start to go. "Biggest advantage about my size is no concern about what I eat." She laughs and turns slowly, then waddles toward our camp. As I catch up with her, she giggles. "I think I may have a problem." She moves her left hand away from her quivering bosom, exposing creamy flesh where the seam is surrendering. As I watch, more threads break and she slows more, trying to ease the stress caused by her heavy breasts. Moving beside her in case more of the seam breaks, I whisper. "Remember that one was snug when we came here." I glace around, hoping to see Wenscha as we pass her camp, but the only one there is chopping wood. We reach our camp and the well fed centauress lays down on her bulging equine abdomen. Her massive breasts surge and more of the seam rips. She smiles and tries to get it off without more damage, but the ripping sound tells her that isn't possible. "Hope the others still fit for dancing." She giggles and I try not to be hypnotized as her ponderous bosom billows as she tosses her destroyed blouse into the wagon. The other blouses had been replaced so I wasn't worried until I look at her. I had been trying to estimate how much she has gained by watching her equine abdomen and rump. But looking at her fattened breasts, the feelings that had been growing inside for her, start to grow elsewhere. I toss one of the blouses to her, trying to regain control before she notices. She catches the blouse and slowly puts it on. Her breasts surge and jiggle and the deep cleavage this blouse makes..... Remembering my pack, I step to the wagon and put the cookware away while she gets her dancing bells on. That night we visit three fires. She dances, her ponderous abdomen rolls and her fur flows. The blouse some how contains her large fleshy breasts, although a couple of times they almost surge out of the opening that exposes more flesh than most female taurs have. We get back to camp and she collapses onto her pad and is asleep before I get her blanket covering her. Not ready to chance myself. I curl up a few feet away. During the next few days, the grouds dry. People of the nearby towns begin finding the gathering and circulate through the merchant area. At night, they go to the fires, paying for drink and food, but finding this fair with the free entertainment. Wenscha smiles as we enter her camp for lunch. "I see you're enjoying the gathering Storm Cloud. I saw you dancing last night." Storm Cloud sits down on her overly plump haunches and smiles. "With few centaur dancers, even one of my size draws attention." She inhales the aromas of lunch as it's carried from the cooking area. Wenscha laughs. "And you're a special one that moves smoothly instead of the stamping dances the others do." She loads a platter with fat ham and oat cakes. "So eat up. Takes a lot of food to keep you dancing." The overly plump centauress laughs before shoving a thick slice of ham into her mouth. She chews only enough to swallow, then washes it down with gulps of dark mead. "Well I did outgrow a blouse that was snug when I got here." She pats her forebelly and it jiggles heavily as she attacks an oat cake. "As long as I don't outgrow my dancing outfit." She drains her half gallon mug and continues eating. Wenscha smiles. "I know many who would welcome the challenge of creating an outfit for you and your..." She smiles as the heavy, buxom centauress smiles proudly. Storm Cloud finishes the platter, not realizing it's been refilled at least twice. "Might be a good idea." She moves her hands slowly around the round curves of her bulgeoning bosom. "Maybe we should see one this afternoon." She smiles at me as I try not to adjust how I'm sitting. Bowls of steamed vegetables, almost lost in melted cheeses are brought in, with the largest serving bowl placed before Storm Cloud. We talk about the weather and the odds of another rain. Some how one of the children adds to the hungry centauress's bowl and she eats almost constantly. Finally a desert of cinnamon apple cakes is served and Storm Cloud slows until she stops and pats her heavily ladened equine abdomen. "Another delicious feast, my appreciations to your cooks." Before she starts to rise, I can see her belly is resting on the ground. Wenscha promises to send a seamstress over and we go back to our camp. Storm Cloud waddles slowly, but does it as if she's always been this wide and full bellied. She turns around as we get to our camp and her heavy bosom rolls for a moment. "I wonder how much they'll be wanting." She follows the edge of her blouse with her fingers, as if guessing how much more of her jiggling breast flesh can be exposed, with out worrying about her mounds of fat escaping. She loosens the ties and lies down to relax. I sit down and relax, wondering how well she'll be able to pull the wagon, and if the enchantment will keep her from losing weight. The sounds of two people approaching, bring me back to attention. Wenscha enters with a woman that can barely be five foot tall. "Frobius, this is Neena." Neena had been staring at the sleeping centauress and barely pays attention to me. "Making a dancing outfit for one of her size will be a challenge." Then she whispers. "And making larger ones will be easy since I'll know how the first one was made." She puts her basket down and opens it while I wake Storm Cloud. Storm Cloud gets to her feet before realizing her blouse ties are undone. Neena quietly laughs as Storm Cloud starts to adjust them. "You plan to show more than that when you dance." She steps forward and begins loosening the material even more. Her small hands explore the buxom centauress' heavy breasts. "Good weight and skin." She mumbles as she moves beside the centauress and begins making many measurements. She sits down at the table and starts making rough drawings. While she shows Storm Cloud her ideas, I ease Wenscha aside. "You know that my magick is adapting her." I pause, hoping she'll pick it up. "She's gaining more almost every day. I thought twice her weight by the close. She's packed on well over half her weight already." Wenscha smiles and whispers in a calm voice. "The encantation was put on her because of what she did. We gypsies have worked long to merge our tribes with the centaurs." She tries to smile as she senses my concern. "I have told the others to add herbs that will help her." She names a secret herb that I nod to. "I cannot tell you anything of what she will weigh." She looks at Neena laying out some decorative fabrics. "But we will do what we can to help. I have heard of the new wagon you're getting." I nod. "But I'm worried if she fattens out too much, she'll only be able to waddle slowly. It could take too long to travel." She agrees. "There are villages we know of that have mentioned their desire to have a healer. If this sounds agreeable, I can send word." I watch Neena laying colorful fabrics on and around Storm Cloud's fat bosom. "Let's wait until next week." Storm Cloud takes a few steps and her ponderous abdomen rolls heavily. "Well it won't hurt to talk to a few." Wenscha smiles. "There are a few that should have people here sometime this week.I'll let them know about the two of you." Finally I start to smile. "You've been looking in you all seeing fires and know I'm attracted to her." She almost laughs. "It's up to you when you admit it to her. I think waiting in case she realizes how much she's grown is a good idea." We walk back into camp and watch Neena work, while Storm Cloud waits almost impatiently. Finally Neena packs her things. "Tomorrow or the next day. Then you'll have an outfit that will match your own dazzling majesty." Storm Cloud adjust the ties on her blouse and we accompany the two to their camp, then continue to the merchant area. She almost laughs as she inhales some of the aromas. "She was taking so long..." She laughs as her expansive stomach rumbles in anticipation. A nearby merchant has excelent hearing and wave to her. "Come this way m'lady. I have an assortment of tasty treats to ease your hunger." He puts out a large tray of nut filled rolls, cream fillied pasteries, honey nut bars and marzipan. "These are from yesterday. almost as tasty as fresh, but you can have all." He tips his head as if gauging her capacity. "If you have room that is." She's already licking her lips and I fill her mug from a cask of mead the baker motions to. "They look, and smell delicious." She takes a heavy pastery and sucks the cream into her, before swallowing the rest in a couple of bites. "I think you my have underestmated my capacity." She takes a nut bar and gulps it down. The baker laughs. "If you can finish all that, so much the better." He chats with her about other tasty treats he has made while she eats. Small hands move from under the table, not letting her empty the basket until she's eatten thrice what it held. She takes the last marzipan, salutes the baker with it, then gulps it down. As she washes it down with a full mug of mead, he bows to her. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. You must not 'ave eaten since yesterday." Storm Cloud grins. "I did have breakfast." She pats her equine belly as the baker smiles in appreciation. "I thank you for a good lunch." She grins as his eyes go wide as he gazes into her deep cleavage. We wander down the path between various merchants. Storm Cloud stops at a jewler and looks at several armbands. I start to worry she might get some and to replace them as her arms fatten might be a problem. The jewler comes out from his tent a shakes his head. "Ah my billowy centauress. Metal armbands for one of your build just doesn't work. The unbending metal as your softness flows..." He shakes his head and gets some silver chain necklaces. "Now these you can wear around your neck, or..." He wraps one around her arm. "You need to show off your luscious curves. You have the build and grace for it." He finishes and steps back. Storm Cloud takes several steps of one of her dances and watches the sun make the chain glitter. "In the night, under fire light, they'll look like flickering stars." She barters down the price. then removes the chains and hides them in her pouch. As we walk on, she eats some of the sugar nuts from her food pouch and giggles. "I hope I never get too hungry and forget which has food." With a laugh, we roam a bit more. Or more to the fact, A few more make sure the rotound centauress is well fed. We return to our camp and get a couple hours rest before night. That night we visit three fires. All cheer as she dances, although moving sensually might be a better description. She eats well and I can't help trying to guess that today's feasting is a least four times what she held only two weeks ago. I watch her sleep, some how no longer worried about her going to be more than twice what she had. I lay down beside her mammoth belly and massage it's rolling spherical shape. I don't even realize when I give into sleep. The sun is well up when I finally realize that I've been sleeping half snuggled under her almost spherical belly. As heavy as she is. the softness makes me want to stay. I ease out slowly and look at the late morning sun. Looking at the round hill of a sleeping centauress, I know that I feel more for her than I can yet admit. I finish packing things inside my wagon, then check the hidden compartments where special herbs are stored. Satisfied, I get out and nudge her arm a few times until she opens her eyes. "Well, I think there were a lot of villagers last night." She stretches a bit and then gets up and changes out of her dancing blouse. "I think you'll love my new dancing outfit." She adjust the ties slightly loose and smiles as I was looking at the sky. "Another storm coming?" She takes a few steps toward me that sets her ponderous abdomen rolling and her fat loaded bosom billowing. I try to keep my thoughts under control and just smile. "Looks and feels good for the next few days. Almost always rains once a gathering." As she walks past me, I can't resist glancing into her blouse, and watch her fat breasts sloshing within. "I guess it's close to lunch time." Taking a few quick steps, I get beside her and we walk to Lureena's camp. Storm Cloud sniffs the air and smiles. "Some think costal foods smell funny. I think the aroma would help me find them on a moonless night." Lureena laughs as she steps from behind a tree. "Never heard our foods complimented in such a way." She leads them to a table and Storm Cloud makes herself comfortable. The food is brought over and she serves it. The meal starts with salmon puffs and a rich brandy. While the centauress gormet gobbles them down, we talk of some of the costal herbs she's used and their version in the woods. The main course is whole salmon roasted in galic butter, and sweet plum bread. While we talk and eat slowly, She seems to be eating as if it's been days since her last meal. By the time the desert of berry pudding has arrived, at least a dozen salmon and unknow loaves of bread are comfortably resting in her tummy. The head cook comes over with a ten gallon vat of the rich pudding. He fills average bowls for us, then puts the vat on the table and smiles at the still hungry centauress. "I'm very glad to have one of your kind enjoy my foods. So often they eat desert and barely taste it." Storm Cloud smiles and downs her mug of brandy. "Well I've loved your meals." She looks at the empty bowl in front of her. "Or do you think this is to small?" The rotound cook smiles and playfully pats the centauress' very round abdomen. "Much too small for you." He fills the serving ladle and holds it to her mouth. With a laugh, Storm Cloud opens wide. He feeds her as if he's filling bowl after bowl. His eyes widen as the vat is half empty with no sign of her slowing. Finally he scrapes the last of it and she swallows with a noisy gulp. "I didn't think you could hold it all?" His voice is a mixture of pride and confusion. She smiles as she struggles to her feet. She shifts her stance, causing her ponderous equine abdomen to roll from side to side. "Takes lots of good food to keep me in shape." She waddles toward our camp as I stare at her in shock. I look at Lureena. "Should your herbs be making her act like this?" Her expression answers without her saying a thing. I quickly catch up with Storm Cloud and walk back to camp. She looks at her almost snug blouse and smiles at me. "Half way through the gathering and I've only outgrown that tight one." She lays down and pulls her blanket to cover her eyes. The slow rise and fall of her flesh bloated body tells me she's sleeping comfortably. A short time later, she struggles to her feet. "Well, ready to see what we can find today?" She waits for me to lead her to the merchant area. The number of 'villagers' roaming around start to worry me as I catch some of their looks at her. While she's 'sampling' the foods of a baker, I watch several well armed men moving around. Whiles she's engaged, I follow them to a campain tent on the edge of the merchants. At the edge of the merchant area, I find tents bearing pennants of the nearby castle. Several unarmored knights are chating and pause as I approach. "Greetings to you," I pause as one of them stands. "I did not know that the baron thought we needed protection." He laughs. "I can tell by your clothes and manners that you aren't Gypsy blood. You must be a traveling mage." He offers me a place to sit. During the next hour, I learn that the baron fears hiwaymen may try to rob the villagers, and that not all Gypsies can be trusted. The knight smiles. "Baron feels that our presence will scare off the crooks." He pats his sheathed sword. "But if we're needed...." I nod and rise. "It's good to know you're here to protect all. I should rejoin my companion..." The youngest one of them laughs. "I've seen you with that weighty centauress. Why do you stay with her?" I smile, "There are things about her weight that you wouldn't understand." Leaving him stuck for a reply, I retun to the merchant area and find Storm Cloud gulping down a few dozen rich sausages. She finishes and smiles. "My friend Jacobs," she motions to the butcher, "has told me of a fire tonight that we just must go to." She waves to him, then leads me away. When she passes a couple of food vendors, I really start wondering. "What is this fire we're going to?" She smiles at me and her plumpness sloshes within her blouse. "Oh I think I'm going to keep it a secret." She does stop at a bakery tent that has loaves of sugar glazed cardamon bread. The baker cuts a thick slice for her and engages us in talk of the gathering, weather, what I think this winter will be like. All the time he keeps a thick slice ready for the hungry centauress. By the time we leave, there's over a half dozen large loaves resting in her large stomach. She smiles dreamily and pats her equine abdomen. "I really should watch what I eat." She tries not to laugh as she catches me watching her growing bosom jiggling within the confines of the full blouse. "Or I'll need to get a seamstress...." She doesn't finish, smiles as we walk back to our camp. Once in our camp, she checks her clothes and dancing items. "You know..." She pauses with a mischievious smile. "I could pull a four wheeler. There's many things I'd like to purchase..." My mind is confused with what she's planning. "Well... I have been asked if I'd do a trade for a four wheeler. Apparently not too many like this are built. And I have decorated it well." I look at her grinning face, some how worried yet excited. She puts on her belled bracelets and practices some dance steps. As she's gained weight, her dances have become less active overall and more flowing. After a little while, we talk of places we might travel to after the gathering. As the sun sets, she leads me to the fire she had been told of. As we approach, the smell of roasting meats flood my senses. Storm Cloud pauses and inhales so deeply that the laces of her bodice are partly engulfed in her soft breast flesh. "Mmmmmm my friend didn't speak falsly." She walks faster than she recently has and I watch her round, plump rump billow as I chase her into the firelight. Jacobs is there and raises a mug to her. "My dear Storm Clound and Frobius." By the time we reply, I'm holding a full mug and Storm Cloud has one that might hold an entire gallon. She tips it back and swallows half in two gulps. "So I'm here to settle a bet?" She smiles and licks the amber foam from her full lips. Two others join us, Jacobs introduces them as Willard and Tyson. He smiles at me. "I take it m'lady Storm Cloud hasn't told you of our wager?" I don't even try to surpress my surprise and the four of them laugh. The plushy centauress' flesh loaded abdomen is jiggling as he continues. "The three of us have bet that she can't eat a roast boar in one night." He smiles and they all step aside, revealing a huge pig, cooking over a pile of glowing coals. My eyes grow wide as I look at one of the largest boars I can remember. Storm Cloud laughs and let Jacobs lead her to a table, while the others begin cutting slabs and piling them on a serving platter. Willard carries it and sets the mound of meat before her. "Eat up my hungry one." He refills her now empty mug. "There's beer aplenty." She attacks the meat before he has a chance to step back. While she eats, Jacobs nudges me aside. We step out of hearing range, but still able to watch her gorging on the rich meat and brew. "Tall Oaks' tribe has helped many of us with horses and such. A few days ago, the three of us started arguing how much she could hold." He smiles as she finishes the first platter and unknown mug of beer. I watch her eat as if she hasn't had a thing for weeks. "I can't argue with the 'punishment' she's been given. In fact," I finally decide to admit my feeling, "as I've seen her grow. I find myself drawn to her." Jacobs laughs. "I can't blame you. If you need anything to help as she grows..." I slap his shoulders. "Just keep it secret for now." He nods and talks about the preparation of the boar while she gorges. Before she's finished her third platter, he's amazed me with a process that rivals some of my potions. I go over to the centauress and watch her stuffing thick slices of boar into her mouth, then washing them down with gulps of dark beer. When half the boar is weighing heavy in her bulging abdomen, she struggles to her feet and stretches. "I think a dance would help my appetite." She laughs and the seams of her blouse threaten to surrender to her mammoth mammeries. The musicians shift to a light, yet slower tune and she flowingly dances into the firelight. Every one stares in surprise, then admiration as she doesn't seem to waddle, but dances around the blazing fire. Her bells chime brightly as she moves, her plump upper arms jiggling and ponderous breasts roll and billow. She stops and moves laughingly back to the table. As she sits on her plump haunches, I watch as a seam opens, exposing a good bit of her lovely flesh. She grins as two platters of meat are before her. "Ahh," she smiles and pats her round belly. "Now I can hold all of it." She attacks the meat with gusto, gulping down gallon after gallon of beer as the platters are emptied and her abdomen swells. The sky has the fisrt indication of dawn as she gulps down the final pieces of boar. She looks at the three and holds her mug to be refilled. "So do I win?" She smiles and raises it to her round lips. She tips it back, taking long swallows until she puts the empty mug on the table. Each of them takes a small bag of coins from their belts and puts them on the table before her. Even though they have lost, all are smiling. Willard laughs. "The cost of loosing was well worth watching you consume that boar." Every one raises their mugs to salute her. She raises hers and once more swallows an entire gallon. as she burps, a seam on each side of her ponderous bosom rips. The left one stops, but the right one just keeeps going. As she takes a step, it surrenders completely and one obese breast surges out. She moves her arm, more to support the rolling mass of flesh, than to conceal the bulge of darker skin and fat nipple. As all the men stare, she turns and waddles heavily back toward our camp. I catch up and toss my cloak to cover her from others seeing. "I know they earned a view of you." I can tell from her expressing, that the beer and tens of pounds of meat are all she's aware of. Once at our camp, she lays down and is asleep before I get her blanket unrolled. I watch her sleeping for a moment, before crawling in and snuggling against her swollen abdomen. The deep gurgling of her digestion lulls me into a restfull sleep. I wake before noon as Drenala arrives with new blouses for her. She whispers while Storm Cloud sleeps deeply. "I was there last night." She hands me a basket of honey rolls. "These are for her. With all she ate last night, I don't think she'll want much today." I look at the blanket covered hill of her abdomen as it rises and falls. "I think she'll eat well at the merchant area." We talk of those that are still in on her punishment and where their tents are. I ask her to tell Belas that we can trade wagons as soon as he's ready. She smiles and looks at the sleeping centauress. "You know, it's funny." She smiles at me. "Punishment against her is going to win you." She slips silently into the woods as I know she's right. I start removing my things while Storm Cloud continues to sleep. I hear her mumbling and watch her lick her lips as if she's found another delicious food. The sound of a wagon grabs my attention as Belas leads a draft horse pulling his wagon. We start to load my things on it, but Storm Cloud wakes and forces herself up. The blanket is still draped around her and covers her exposed breast. "So this is our new home?" She waddles around and unhitches the horse while we work on unloading my wagon. By the time she has it hitched to my two wheeled wagon, we've got everything moved. Bela hops onto the seat I've spent unknown hours on and drives off with a wave. She stands between the spread traces and smiles. "No worry about getting too wide for this." She starts to remove the blanket, then remembers. I get one of the blouses for her and she changes. As I try not to watch her mounds of breast flesh surge, I look over all of her, trying to judge her present weight and guess how much more she might gain. I try not to admit it, but she's almost twice what she had been. Her skeleton is wider and stronger, but her equine abdomen is almost spherical and her bosom is huge with fat. She adjusts the cloth so it supports her as well as possible. I offer the rolls and she gulps them down quickly. "Delicious appetizers." She gulps down a full gallon of mead then I lead her to the merchants still willing to feed her. For the rest of the week we spend the afternoons visiting the merchant area. They seem to take it as a challenge to have enough foods that entice her appetite, as if she needs enticing. Those preparing her lunches seem to be testing the expanding limits of her enormous stomach. Her weight continues to climb as her belly grows lower and wider. Wenscha smiles as Storm Cloud waddles into camp. Her ponderous abdomen rolls heavily but she doesn't seem to take any notice. "Wenscha." She smiles and looks at the well loaded table. Wenscha grins. "Our cooks know this is the last lunch you'll share with us at this gathering. So they're challenging you." Storm Cloud smiles as she settles her ponderous rump on the rug and looks at the food. "Any fools betting against me?" She is turned slightly because her ponderous bosom has swelled out in front, and to both sides so much she they'd rest on the table before she could reach the food. The cooks take turns making sure something is always within easy reach and her gallon sized mug has plenty to help wash down their treats. She gulps down oatmeal bread, slathered with various jams. Bowls of various vegitables drowning in sauces or melted cheeses. Five gallons of hunter stew and an assortment of roasted game meats. She goes through every course with little sign of slowing. As she starts on the deserts, I can tell her stomach is full, but know it'll stretch. She smiles at the serving bowl of custard, pork pie and candied carrots. "Well since this is the last week." She pats her swollen equine body and her fleshy upper arms jiggle as much as her flab and food bloated abdomen. "I think I can find room." She works her way through everything. It's obvious by the time she gulps down the last of the pudding, her stomach must be stretching to hold it all. Wenscha and I talk for a while as the overfed centauress rests and digests. After awhile Storm Cloud struggles to her feet. "While you two talk, I could use a nap." Wenscha laughs. "Well just lie down where you are." She goes to a nearby wagon and returns with some cushions and a large blanket. Storm Cloud makes herself comfortable and is soon sleeping deeply. We talk quietly. "I thought she might double her weight by the end of the gathering." I look at the overfed centauress. "It looks like she's that, plus maybe half again what she weighed. If she doesn't equal Tall Oaks, she will in a day or two." Wenscha nods. "I think that she's always wanted to eat like this. Your spells are adapting and helping her remain healthy." She smiles. "Besides, I've seen the looks you're given her as she's packed it on. Are you able to admit it to yourself?" I have to smile. "I just haven't told her because I don't know what that will do to her. Once we're on the road, I will." She shakes her head. "I think you should tell her." She looks at the overly full bodied centauress and smiles. About mid afternoon Storm Cloud wakes and we head for the merchant area. There are more villagers and locals shopping or taking in the atmosphere. Storm Cloud stops at tapestry booth and selects some small ones to make a enclosed area under the fold out awning of our wagon. I take some cords and strap them as loosely as I feel safe onto her wide back. She next stops at a confectionary tent and talks about candies, cookies and sweetmeats while she eats pound after pound of them. I loosen the cords as they start looking tight. Finally she thanks him for the lessons and foods. He fills her snack pouch before we wonder down the way. As the sun eases toward the western trees, she's being fed by a baker from the costal tribes. I had watched several villagers in their mid teens following us for a while. They had been sampling mead and beer from the merchants and they were becoming anoying. My instincts are to get away, but Storm Cloud keeps eating and talking. As I loosen the cords once more, I hear them coming toward us. One of them steps toward Storm Cloud. "Have you ever seen a centaur as big as this mare?" The older one laughs. "She's not big, she's huge." He steps beside her and picks up a loaf of honey bread. "It's no wonder with her eating like that." He tears off a chunk and puts it in front of her nose. "Come on, let's see how much you can eat." Storm Cloud takes it and eats while she and the baker continue talking. I step back to get a better view of the situation, but some one grabs me. The voice behind me laughs. "This guy thinks he should run away." The older one tears the loaf into pieces and moves in front of her. "Let's see how much you can hold." He begins stuffing pieces into her mouth as fast as she swallows the previous mouthful. When the baker starts to argue, one of them tosses him enough coins for a dozen loaves and he decides to remain quiet. Storm Cloud keeps eating. She gives me a wink to indicate she's ok, but it doesn't make me any calmer. When the dozen loaves are swelling her stomach, the strong one of them carries over a ten gallon keg of mead. "Now we wash it all down." He shoulders it and moves the spigot to her mouth. As he opens it, she gulps it down as fast as she can. I stare in fear as I watch her abdomen swell and the cords start to be engulfed in her fur and flesh. When the keg is empty they all stare at her. "She's like a bottomless pit." He taps her growing belly. "Too much fat to tell how full she is." The older one is stuffing more heavy bread into her. "Well let's make sure she stays big and fat." He stuffs chunks into her mouth almost faster than she can eat. Suddenly all of them are jerked off their feet as Tall Oaks and two of his clan grab them. He turns the leader around and stares at him. "So you think you can make fun of centaurs?" He raises him enough to grab his ankles, then spins the teenager above his head. When he stops and puts him down, the youth staggers, falls and crawls over to the side of the path. He watches as his friends get the same treatment. Tall Oaks smiles at them. "You should respect those bigger than yourselves." He smiles at Storm Cloud then he and the other centaurs trot away. The three trouble makers pull themselves to their feet, then get away as fast as their dizziness allows. Storm Cloud tries to pull at the cords and I work at untieing them. I manage the front one, but finally cut the back one. She gasps in relief and stands easy as I put the tapestries on my shoulders. She waddles slowly back to our camp. Once there, she lies down while I massage her over loaded belly. "I didn't know what to do." She's breathing better than right after we were rescued. "I thought the best thing was to eat until help arrived." She groans as I massage her. Finally she's digested enough so she's comfortable. She looks at her obese and well stuffed equine abdomen for a moment, then at me. "I never thought about how fat I've gotten." Before she can say another word, I cover her with the blanket and crawl under. Putting a cushion under my head so we can look at each other easily, I stroke her round cheek. "Gypsies never worry what their kind think. I've been a loner for so many years." Before I can think what else to say, she moves her head close enough to give me a warm kiss. "I knew you were trying to find the right time." She giggles and her soft cushions of breast flesh jiggle against me. "It's funny that it took those hoolians..." She kisses me again as I explore the roundness and fullness of her mammoth mammeries. The sun sets before we decide to get up. I help her adjust her blouse and get her belled braclets on, then we wander to the fires. She dances, chats and eats as if nothing happened. Every one had heard about it and the villagers attending the fires are welcomed like always, but there's a strong centaur at the fires we attend. When we finally return to our camp, she's eaten more than last night. I make sure everything is safe, before joining her under the blanket. She tries to get her arms around me, and her enormous breasts flow against me. I snuggle into their spongy softness, then give her a loving kiss. I stroke the spongy curvature of her upper breast while nuzzling her lower one. She sighs happily and somehow manages to untie the cords holding her blouse in place. The cloth falls away and her breasts surge softly against me. I explore the warm weighty flesh of her upper breast while suckling on the fat nipple of her other one. Without realizing it, we both drift to sleep. The sun is high before my eyes start to open. For a moment I wonder what I'm looking at, then remember how I fell asleep. Slowly I get out of her fleshy embrace and stand. The air finally has a taste of autumn, but still warm. Looking at her sleeping, I marvel at how much she's fattened out since that night. Then I realize she's smiling at me. She forces herself up and lets the blanket fall to the ground. She stand proudly, her fat breasts half resting on her round forebelly. I can't resist trying to heft them but they're so soft and heavy that my hands are almost engulfed by her jiggling flesh. I help her get another blouse on and she looks at how much of her is exposed. "You know, she giggles and watches her flesh quiver. "I might gain enough that I'll be bulging up through this top." She smiles at my expression and waddles toward Lureena's camp. The table is already loaded and Storm Cloud sits down, her fat haunch spreading out under her weight. Lureena and I talk about the weather and how soon winter will arrive. As the widening centauress starts on her main course of fried crab cakes, thick fish chowder and sweet plum bread, Lureena turns to her. "Word has gone out about what those wealthy brats did to you. I'm wondering why you just let them feed you all that." Storm Cloud drains a large bowl of chowder and smacks her lips. "When they started, I thought eating that first chunk, then ignoring them would work. When they really started feeding me, and were paying for the bread and mead." She gulps down a couple of crab cakes and washes them down with a half gallon of mead, "Well I decided to see if I could empty their purses before they filled my stomach." She smiles and resumes eating. Lureena tips her head and thinks for a moment. "You loved the challenge of eating an entire boar." She glances at me and I nod for her to continue, "Maybe we could have a challenge for you on the last day." Storm Cloud smiles with the last thick slice of plum bread in her mouth, then gulps it down. "Sounds like a challenge I'm up to." She looks back at her well rounded abdomen. "Or should I say my stomach is in shape for." She smiles as a large pot of berry pudding is set before her. She takes a serving spoon full, shoves it into her wide mouth and gulps it down. "Just give me warning so I don't eat too much during the day." She starts shoveling the pudding in, smiling as she swallows each large mouthful. Lureena thinks while she watches. When the pot is empty and Storm Cloud pats her full belly, the gypsy woman smiles. "I have an idea that might be helpful as it will be filling to you." She stands and watches as Storm Cloud gets to her feet with less trouble than her ponderous abdomen would indicate. I walk beside Storm Cloud, casually letting her well loaded belly bump against me. She lies down for her nap, but with my snuggling and, once she opens her blouse, suckling on a fat swollen nipple, she never gets to sleep. It's mid afternoon when we decide to wander the merchant tents. Those offering her to enjoy their wares, talk with pride about her making fools of the youths and Tall Oak's clan dealing with them. When she finally waddles back to our camp, her swelling belly is well loaded. She loosens her blouse and lays down. "Mmmm I wonder what Lureena is planning." She relaxes as I spread the blanket over her rounding body and snuggle against her heavy abdomen. I massage her gorged belly, using my powers to help her digest. I'm half surprised that she is adapting to her increasing fat with little help from me. The work tires me some, but the stored energy of her body quickly restores me. As the sun sets, she gets up and puts on her bells. At each fire, she dances with more grace than any think possible for her ponderous body. At the snack tables, no one has to encourage or even put food near her. She chats, watches other performers while constantly eating. By the time she waddles into our camp, she's well stuffed again. She unties the cords of her straining blouse and the ponderous mounds of her breasts surge out. Smiling at me, she lays down and is asleep by the time I'm snuggled under the blanket with her. Storm Cloud wakes and feels Frobius nuzzled against her rolling masses of breast flesh. She closes her eyes and relaxes. 'With all I'm eating,' she pats her fat bloated abdomen. 'It's a wonder I haven't gained a few hundred.' She sighs contentedly and is soon asleep. I wake to the sound of quiet footsteps and quickly crawl out from under the blanket covering the well fattened centauress. Drenala smiles and speaks in a whisper. "All is well I see. I was at one of the fires last night. Never saw one of her size dance so gracefully." "I'm glad you enjoyed my preformance." Storm Cloud smiles and rolls onto her fat loaded abdomen. Her flab bloated bosom surges under the blanket that she barely manages to keep in place. Drenala smile, but the size of her eyes shows that she's impressed with their size. "I'll go get lunch ready." She walks quickly, yet quietly back toward her camp. Storm Cloud grins as I help her get a bright blue blouse on. She laughs and the cloth threatens to rip as the heavy flesh within surges. "Looks like the ocean before a storm." She waddles after Drenala, leaving me following her, watching her well rounded rump rolling as she goes. Drenala motions to the table loaded with an assortment of foods from the desert. "Some of us have talked about a challenge for you." She fills the centauress' gallon sized mug with honied milk and the three of us talk about special fires over the next few nights. Storm Cloud works her way through loaves of rich bread covered with melted cheese, or various fruit spreads, chunks of succulent melons, dried dates and apricots. She pats the bulging flesh of her fore belly as several spinish pies are placed before her. "Good thing I kept room for them." She picks up a slice that's a quarter of a pie and shoves it into her wide mouth as she bites and swallows without chewing. When all four pies are deep within her powerful stomach, she stands and lets her ponderous abdomen sway slightly. "Mmmm another delicious feast." She turns toward our camp. "I sure hope I'm up to whatever challenge you come up with." I watch her start waddling back to our camp, almost mesmerized by the way her heavy belly sways as she moves. Then I jog to catch up with her. "You really want them to challenge your stomach's capacity." I pat her swelling belly affectionately. As she lies down on her sleeping rugs, I watch her well fattened body roll and billow. She smiles and I don't resist the offer to snuggle against her food ladened belly. I massage her surging fat as she relaxes and works on digesting her mid day feast. A few hours later, we wander the merchant area. I manage to guide her to the ones still willing to feed her. Within a few hours she eaten a dozen loaves of apple bread, two roasted leg of lamb, a large platter of dates, another of dried fruits and nuts, five gallons of thick egg nog and five of a dark mead from the mountains. As she's waddling back to our camp, her ponderous equine abdomen rolls from side to side so much she has to struggle to keep from falling over. "I guess I have packed away a lot today." She turns slowly as she gets ready to rest. Her eyes betray that she knows my growing desire for her. Laying down, she strokes the exposed flesh of her growing bosom. The laces come undone as I get the blanket over her and crawl in. She smiles as I massage her food swollen stomach through her thick fat. "I wonder how long we can keep traveling." She moves her legs to get more comfortable. "I know I can carry my weight better than most my size." She tries to nuzzle me, but her ponderous bosom surges against me. "And your magic makes me all that better." She closes her eyes and is quickly sleeping, or appears to be. I nuzzle into the soft mounds of her swelling breasts and extend my senses. My using magick on her seems to be making her so she's adapting as she grows without any more help. Relaxing, I curl into her fattness and relax until sunset. Storm Cloud wakes and playfully nudges me. "You mean I woke before you." She laughs and her rolling flesh almost shoves me away. I get to my feet before she's rolled to where she can stand. As she shoves her weighty body up, I look at what is more than two and a half times the centauress I arrived with. She works to get the laces of her blouse retied, then turns her plump head toward the music of the first fire of the night. Her dances are slower, but more sensual than before she started gaining weight. I glance around at the gypsies, villagers and farm folk. Her fur flows over her hundreds of pounds of soft flesh and her bells add to her enticing motion. She eats well at the tables and chat happily. A couple of the visiting women approch them and talk for a while. I ease closer when I see Storm Cloud tense up. By the time I'm close enough to hear, she's talking in her normal laughing voice. The woman who's talking is dressed in the manner of a farmer's wife. She's looking over Storm Cloud as the fat centauress slowly models herself. "So your mage friend had helped you as you gained weight?" Storm Cloud almost laughs. "I really don't remember packing on the pounds." She pats her round lower abdomen. "But I know when I left my clan I wasn't this big." She half drains her mug. "Now if I can convince him to settle around here." She refills her mug. The woman grins. "From what I've heard about healing mages, he'd find plenty who need his services in our area. The two of you could stay at our farm until you find a place of your own." Storm Cloud sips thoughtfully, and drains another mug of mead. "I'll talk with him about it later." They talk a little about the people of the valley, then Storm Cloud wanders to where she had last seen me. I slip away from where I had been listening and find her talking to some of the resting musicians. "So, you ready to check out another fire?" In the flickering light, her smile seems more like a seductress than she's ever shown. She steps beside me and hugs me into her plushy body and heavy bosom. "Sure, only have a few more night to show off." She laughs and I half lead her to one nearer our camp. She preforms, chats and eats her way through that one and one more before waddling back to our camp. She lays down on her rugs and purrs when I crawl in beside her. With a laugh, she half rolls and traps me under her ponderous body. Surprised she's not crushing the air out of me, I fondle and feel how round and soft she's become. Her breathing slows and I drift to sleep with her fat belly half rolled on top of me. At lunch, Storm Cloud casually asks where I'm planning to travel after we break camp. Minerva smiles as she puts a large platter of cinnamom sugar frycakes before her. I sip my wine slowly as Storm Cloud gulps them down, along with a couple gallons of milk. "Well I had been thinking of finding a place to settle down. All this traveling is great, but to do experiments like I wish to, I'll need more room than my wagon." Minerva smiles, "I know a village or two in my homelands who would fix you up with a house. Not too many healers in the mountains and in winter, it's often too cold for the sick to travel." Storm Cloud finishes her desert and drains a mug of mulled wine. "I was talking with a farmer's wife last night. She said there's lots of people in her valley who could use your services." She smiles at both of us. "I know my weight hasn't slowed me down much, but I've seen a lot of roads and they're all starting to look the same. If we took her offer, we could come here next year." He smile is highlighted by her plump cheeks. I look at Minerva and she taps my arm out of Storm Cloud's sight. "Well we could try that. If it doesn't work, we could try one of your ideas." Minerva nods, "The snow might be a problem for you to get through. But if you ever want a change of scenery." I smile at both of them. "Is your friend still around?" Storm Cloud shakes her head and the sloshing of her ponderous breasts threatens to flow out of her blouse. "She said she'd be back tomorrow. Has to check with the villagers." She struggles to her feet and my eyes are mesmerized by her rolling belly. She can't help grinning when she sees my expression, but she looks at Minerva as she lies back down and gets comfortable. "So what's it like in the winter. I've been in snow, but never more than a flurry." For a couple of hours, Minerva tells us about the snow storms of last winter. Storm Cloud does drink a gallon sized mug of mead while she listens and asks a few questions. When Minerva finishes, Storm Cloud gets to her feet and looks toward the merchant area. "Might be good to check on some things we could use to make our place comfortable." She waddles away before I'm able to thank Minerva, and I have to run after her. She stops at a rug merchant and looks over several that seem thick, yet durable. They argue over the price and finally she buys three. I tie them onto her wide back, remembering what happened the last time. She waddles over to a baker who waves to her. "My dear centauress," He laughs as he places a serving platter piled high with large pastries showing apple chunks. "I've been trying some new ideas and thought you'd give me your opinion." He smiles as she takes one and eats it in a couple of bites. "Delicious," she takes another one and continues eating as he quietly tells her some of the ingredients. Without realizing it, she finishes the platter and is gulping down honey coated oat cakes while they chat about other pasteries. She licks her lips. "I don't mind carrying extra weight when it's because of delicious foods like yours." He almost blushes. "Your appreciation is the greatest compliment I have had all gathering." His eyes almost pop out of their sockets as she takes a breath and her heavy, dough like breasts, surge within her huge blouse. She waddles on, chatting and sampling various foods and drinks. As she waddles back to our camp, I actually think I can hear some of the gallons of mead sloshing within her expansive belly. Once I get the rugs off her broad back, she lies down and is quickly asleep. I sit on a wheel of the wagon and look at what may soon be three times the centauress that had traveled with me over the last few years. All the times I watched her walking from the seat, I never had the feelings I do for the very fat one that sleeps comfortably before me. Turning so I can watch the setting sun, I recall my travels, the near disasters and the triumps. The casual saving of her tribe bringing us together. The sound of her getting to her feet jars me out of my revalence. I watch her stand, seeing the stored energies I can draw on, and the loveliness of her fur rolling on her hundreds of pounds of soft fat. She gives me a grin as she gets her belled bracelets on, then tosses the others to me. Each night I carefully strap them on to her lower legs, I can almost see her overloaded fat belly is lower and rounder than last night. As I get up, I adjust my cloak so she doesn't see how her size affects me. With a laugh, she reaches over and pulls me so my face is deeply nuzzling one of her ponderously plump mammeries. "So you ready to settle down for a few years?" She holds me close and finally lets me go after I try answering in murmers. I smile and take a deep breath, her sweet scent still filling my senses. "Well I must admit the road dust has become more dry than when I began my travels." I pat her wide back and allow my fingers to gently squeeze a roll of fat. Laughing, which causes her bulging breasts to test the strength of the seams of her blouse, she heads off for the fires. Tonight we go to some around the edge of the gathering. There's more villagers and farmer at these. I talk with some of those who live near where we had been invited. Since they are not from the cities, the need of a healer makes them excited that a traveling one is even thinking of settling down near them. At the second fire Storm Cloud dances and almost every one cheers. I hear several talk in amazement that one of her mass could even waddle, much less preform so gracefully. A few laugh about her, but their voices are slurred with beer and mead. While I watch her eat and talk, a well dressed, medium aged man approaches me. "My name is James Richards, Lord of the Greenward valley." I grasp his extended arm in greeting. "I have talked with several of those living there." He nods with a slight smile. "They told me much about you. The need of a healer is great in these lands I won't deny. I do have a few places that are unoccupied. One is a mill, last year I opened a larger one and it is in excellent shape." When I nod he takes a stick and draws it on the ground. There is a storage room where the grain bins once were. The doorway is more than wide enough so Storm Cloud and I can use it for sleeping quarters. The main room is large enough for my wagon to be on one side leaving 3/4 of the area for a living room. "Sounds like a excellent place." I look as Storm Cloud waddles to join us. "You have no use for it and my keeping it in shape should pay for the rent." James nods with a smile, but his eyes go wide as she comes close and he sees one of the seams is ready to surrender to the weighty masses of flesh surging within. She smiles and turns so she can see the drawing on the ground. "Tomorrow I'll look for things to make it more of a home." James nods again, then turn as voices of anger disrupt the musicians. Looking around, I see men armed with swords, crossbows and short bows coming out of the woods. Realizing we're at a fire some distance away from the others, I have to respect whoever planned this. A sturdy man in travel worn clothes jumps onto the minstrel's stand. "All be quiet!" He only has to wait a moment. "My men will harm none, as long as you fill our sacks with your treasures." With arrows and swords aimed all around, few hesitate when a sack is held near them. My eyes flirt around as I know at least one knight is present, and several of the others are well experienced with various weapons. As one of the bandits approaches us, I catch a warning signal. The robber comes toward us and pauses as he sees the large centauress. "I didn't know they fattened centaurs for meat in these lands." He looks at her bells. "Oh ho, something that will give me a night with a wench." He reaches for one on her arm, but freezes as one of the hiwaymen gives a shout..... then drops to the ground as my sword pierces his heart. Bolts fly from the shadows. Each one stopping deep in a robber's chest. Swords flash in the firelight. A few meet resistance from those more alert, but in less time than it takes to say, all the would be thieves are dead. The shout of some one wounded has me running. One of the knights lies on the ground, a long arrow sticking out of his back. The other knight kneels at his head, assuring him none of the robbers escaped. He turns to me, shakes his head and whispers. "I've seen wounds like this before. All I can hope is you can make him comfortable for his last moments." One of the dancers kneels down before the wounded knight. She lifts up his head enough so he can see her smiling face and full breasts that overflow her bodice in this position. Storm Cloud waddles in, accidentally knocking some one off his feet with her ponderous, rolling abdomen. I motion and she lies down beside me so her fat belly partly engulfs me. Concentrating on the arrow, and the wounded it's caused, I grasp the shaft with one hand, while my other rests on his back and begins healing the damages within. I begin to withdrawl the arrow, so slowly that none realize it for several minutes. As the arrow head emerges, the wounded knight's breathing slows. The skin where it entered shows a ragged scar, because I know the honor knights have for wounds. I wink at the dancer holding his attention and she grins. She moves her face down to his and gives him a passionate kiss before stepping back. The knight slowly licks his lips, then looks at his comrade. "I know I'm dying, because I just kissed an angel." With a hearty laugh, one of the strong gypsies grabs him by the shoulders and lifts him to his feet in one sudden move. "Well I hope you don't want to die because you should live to boast of this night." The knight almost falls down, then stands and looks at the bloody arrow I hand him. He takes it and looks at me. "I thought this assignment wouldn't have any rewards." He grasps my arm firmly. "I thought tales of healers of your grade were jokes." The other one finally reacts and soon the fire's celebrations are going louder than any we have visited during the gathering. Once I explain my drawing energies from Strom Cloud, they sit on both sides of her, keeping her mug brimming and platters of food before her. She eats and drinks and eats while they tell her legends and tales of their campains. Finally she drains a mug and motions for them to stop. "I've eaten well at this gathering." She pats her well rounded lower abdomen and smiles. "But you have entertained and fed me so well I don't know if I can get back to my camp." Laughing, they stand beside her and try to help her up. She gives a groan and gets up, only letting them support her as much as she feels they can. They try to help her back to our camp, but it's more comedy than anything else. Her ponderous belly surges from side to side and forward as she waddles, almost knocking them off their feet. Her overly full breasts surge, either shoving them away, or partly engulfing them with her softness. When they finally reach our camp, both knights are exhausted, but laughing as she lies down and her food loaded belly rolls heavily. "Thanks once more for the tales and food..." She closes her eyes and is asleep before they can think what to say. After they walk quietly away, I cover her and then crawl under the blanket. Gently probing her ponderous abdomen, I'm surprised she's the one expanding her stomach and not as much the spells. Nuzzling into her spongy warmth, I drift into a restful sleep, lulled by her gurgling digestion. I'm awake well before the gorged centauress and check everything in the wagon. The thought of settling down doesn't worry me as I've often thought of doing that for a couple of years at a time. Looking at the obese Storm Cloud, I have to laugh, wondering what her tribe would say if they saw her now. Kathrynia arrives at noon and looks at her still sleeping. She whispers to me. "Word of what happened last night is spreading like the wind." She looks at the round hill of Storm Could's swollen abdomen. "Lunch will be ready when ever she wakes." I nod, "I'm alost afraid to ask, but what of the challenge she and Wenscha talked about?" She smiles, "It's to be tomorrow at Tall Oaks camp. There will be no herbs or spells used on her. Today is the last of that. Any flesh she gains will be of her own desires," she smiles at me and then leaves. Wondering about the challenge, I relax on the wagon seat and listen to the sounds from nearby camps. Finally Storm Cloud begins to make sounds besides deep breathing and quiet burps. She open her eyes and looks around, then struggles to her feet. "It's after noon?" She struggle to get her bodice adjusted. Finally she pulls the laces out of the farthest holes and lets her bountious bosom have enough room she can breath, and they can try to billow out of their cloth prison. With a grin, she leads me to Kathrynia's camp. Watching her well fattened rump jiggle and her fat loaded abdomen sway from side to side makes me walk a bit unsteady, instead of catching up and walking beside her. Kathrynia smiles as Storm Cloud enters. "We've heard all about last night." She motions to a table loaded with an assortment of foods Storm Cloud has admited to truely savorying. Once she's 'laying' down on her overly rounded abdomen and enjoying the foods, I tell those around what happened. Two of the youngsters try to imitate the knights and help her eat. Smiling, she rests her hands on her plush foreshoulders, partly supporting the outer curves of her ponderous bosom as they feed her thick slices of sugar glazed cardamon with honey butter, serving spoons full of hearty hunter stew, sausages dipped in honey, and butter shortbread. She drains each mug of cream that they hold to her lips until she has to ask them to stop. "You've packed me as full as they did last night." She giggles as she works her legs under her and stands. "But I won't ask you to help me home." She turns and her bountious bosom threatens to keep moving, but decides to just jiggle within the confines of her blouse. We get back to camp about the time we usually leave for the merchants. She tries to loosen the laces of her bodice, but her weighty breasts decide she can't hold them and they flow out as the laces slip from her hands. She smiles and lays down to rest. I toss the blanket over her and snuggle against the two growing orbs of fat bloated flesh. Getting a pillow under my head, I begin suckling on the lower fat nipple, while my free hand and arm fondle the swelling flesh of her other weighty breast. I don't even realize when I fall asleep. Storm Cloud wakes and tries to get to her feet, then remembers her blouse is completely undone. Her motion wakes me as her ponderous bosom surges against my face. I roll out from under the blanket, get the largest bodice that had been made for her and help her to get it on. "I hope you have an idea what this challenge might do." I try to sound serious, but can't help laughing as she stares harshly at me, then smiles. "Since we aren't going to be traveling much." She looks at the exposed flesh of her expanding breasts. "Won't matter if I gain another hundred or so." She give me a serious look. "But if you want to help me...." I laugh and pat the side of her fleshy forebody. "My magic already flows through you. You might not be able to heal others...." I smile as she laughs and then we head for the merchants. I look for ingrediants I might need at several herb merchants while Storm Cloud listens to a butcher tell of some secrets he uses while she stuffs herself with fat sausages. Then she waddles over to a wine merchant and gulps down at least 5 gallons of mulled cider while they chat. When I join her, I realize that it's almost sundown. Several of the merchants are already closed up and the others are taking care of their last customers. Storm Cloud finishes off her mug then graciously thanks the merchant and helps him lower the front of his tent. I help secure the ties and thank him before the two of us walk toward the fires. I let her food ladened belly bump against me and she half tries to knock me off balance. "Are you going to be able to dance without a nap?" She smiles and points to a nearby fire that's just starting to blaze. "I'll be ready by the time you return with my bells." She laughs and I'm glad we put her largest blouse on. She waddles on while I run back to our camp. By the time I come back, she's chatting with some of the minstrels while she snacks from a platter loaded with fruits. As I watch, it's obvious the platter was piled high when she arrived. As the musicians start up, I attatch the belled bands to her ankles while she fixes the others on her wrists. I watch several dancers while Storm Cloud snacks through the rest of the fruit. Then she moves into the fire light. This time I study her flowing motions and realize my using her energies has awakened her sleeping abilities. Even though she should weigh close to three times what she did, she moves as if her new flesh has almost no weight. Her fur covered flesh rolls sensually and her bells emphasize her motions. The music flows with her and many men pause what they're doing to watch. When she finishes, every one gives her a cheer. She joins the other performers and almost has to ward off those offering her food and drink, but she manages to consume all they offer. When she decides to go to the next fire, I watch her weighty abdomen rolling as she slowly waddles. "Are you practicing for the challenge?" I joke as I affectionately stroke the large curve from her broad back down around to the lowest part of her belly. She smiles as we approach the next one. "I guess I don't want any one to think I'm not grateful by turning down their offer." She turns to me and I try not to only see her bountious bosom surging in the wide opening of her blouse. At the next fire her movements seem a bit slower, but her ringing bells and billow bosom seems to please every one watching. By the time we reach the last fire, she's showing signs of lack of sleep, and maybe a belly loaded with various foods. She dances shortly after we arrive, chats with one of the gypsy dancers, then we head for our camp. She unties the laces of her snug bodice, her breaast flesh is already jiggling against them. "I wonder if they'll want to do my challenge at a certain fire." She gets her blouse off and I'm mesmerized by the rolling motion of her large bosom and well stuffed lower abdomen. She shifts her stance to keep my attention, then lies down on her rugs. Shaking my head to clear my senses, I grab her blanket, cover her, then crawl in and fondle her swelling breasts. She's quickly asleep and I hope she'll stay that way until noon. Nuzzling into her soft warmth, I drift into a restful sleep. When I wake, she's moved closer and I have to move very carefully not to wake her. The sun is close to noon, but still enough off for me to work. I get out some herbs and powders and begin preparing a healing salve. Glancing at the hilly shape she makes under her blanket, I wonder if she'll gain enough today to show. The sound of quiet hoofsteps gets my attention as JaniceLee enters. She stops beside me and whispers, "I have to admit all of us are surprised she's gained this much." She looks at the obese, slumbering centauress. "Today's challenge is of her own, no herbs to help her appetite or stomach." She smiles, "Lunch is at our camp and you'll learn the challenge then." I wonder what it will be, but know better than to ask. "She's stretched her stomach so much it'll take time for my magic to get her to stop gaining. As to her appetite..." I grin. "I think she always had a great one, this gave her the oppertunity to let it run free." JaniceLee smiles, "Lunch is whenever she wakes." She walks quietly away while I return to my work. Shortly after noon, Storm Cloud wakes and sticks her head out from under the blanket. "You working on something special?" She yawns as I get her blouse. She struggles to her feet and I help her get it on and the laces adjusted. My hands roam around and under her weighty orbs of flesh. "So you ready for the challenge? Even though we don't know what it is." She pats her round belly. "All ready." She watches as I put what I've been working on in a pack. "So let's go." I lead her to the centaur camp. She smiles as she sees several of the gypsy women we've been visiting for lunch. "So what's the challenge?" JaniceLee motions to where rugs are spread for her before a sturdy table. Lunch is already waiting and Storm Cloud begins eating while Minerva explains. "Every year the food merchants have goods that are left, usually they share them with all of us." She pats the hungry centauress' round abdomen. "So this year they all agreed to see how much you can hold. The breadstuff here is just the begining. The mead is to give you something to help wash it all down." Storm Cloud gulps down a chunk of apple bread and smiles."What do I get if I eat all of it?" She takes a drink and continues eating the loaves of apple bread and buttery croissants. Several around laugh, but some of us fear she might not be joking. The baker is kept busy slicing the tasty loaves and covering them with fruit butter from an assortment of crocks. Apple, pear, peach and plum is alternated to keep her appetite keen, as if she needs it. Before she finishes the baker's contribution, Another one shows up with two platters loaded with fancy breads. She smiles and thanks him before finishing the bread that remains. After a gallon of mead, she attacks this selection. Dill onion bread, herb bread of basil, thyme and garlic, rich oatmeal bread and carrot bread are sliced and cut to ease her gorging. One after another, she happily eats them and pats her well fleshed belly as another merchant arrives. "Ah my lovely centauress," the sturdy man carries two heavy, covered baskets. "So today you're going to impress us all with your capacity?" Strom Cloud dabs a bit of butter from her mouth and smiles. "Gyron, I thought the idea was to see if I could hold all that's brought to me." She licks her lips as he puts both baskets on the table and uncovers them. She opens her mouth wide as he dips the fat, mouthsized sausages in sweet mustard, then places them on her plump, broad tongue, She flips it back and swallows it in a single gulp. Gyron smiles and starts feeding them to her as fast as she swallows one and opens her mouth. It doesn't take long before 30 pounds of rich meats are resting in her large stomach. Gyron smiles and takes the baskets away as more breads are brought in. Storm Cloud is in an eating frenzy as she attacks the great loaves of honey oat, pumpernickel and honey whole wheat bread. Slice by jam covered slice the loaves arrive in her stomach. Almost unnoticed, her lower abdomen begins to swell, yet she keeps eating. A great wheel of cheese, close to 100 pounds is lifted onto the table. Smiling as I can imagine her eating all this by dawn, I work on cutting bite sized pieces and put them on a platter that she often takes several between loaves of bread. Dusk is starting to fall as she finishes a 20 gallon cast of mead and begins on some spiced cider. She struggles to her feet and lies down gently, making her swelling abdomen a bit more comfortable. She's working on a huge platter of braided cardamon rasin bread and gingerbread as the fire is lighted. Only those who know of Storm Cloud are allowed to this fire, and every one seems to bring their part of her feast. By the time the musicians are in full song, there's several hundred pounds of honeynut bars, candied apples, crocks of olives, pickled mushrooms, carrots and hard boiled eggs. She swallows the eggs whole and her neck bulges slightly as each one slides into her expanding abdomen. The bakers are now bringing in their finest as the table groans almost as much as the obese centauress' stomach is from the incredible amount of food she's forcing in. She grins, and slows to taste the flavors of Honey drop biscuits, cheddar cheese buns, apple spice scones, and butter pound cake. Less than half of the wheel of cheese remains, at least on the table. Looking at Storm Cloud's expanded lower abdomen, I wonder what other magic she will develop. As fat as she is, she looks like she should foal soon. But she keeps eating, greeting those bringing more food, listening to the music and watching the dancers. More food is brought in as the full moon is just over the trees. Looking at it, then her growing, and growling equine body, I wonder if she's hoping to get that full. It scares and excites me at the same instant. The callS of several centaurs grabs our attention. They come into the firelight, carrying an entire raosted venison. Tall Oaks smiles as he begins carving slices out of it, then cutting them into chunks she can swallow. "I can't remember the last time one of our kind took up this challenge." He feeds her several chunks before returning to the roast. She doesn't try to eat as fast as he carves, because there are platters of other foods. Once I finish cutting the great wheel of cheese, I keep busy slicing the assortment of breads and covering them with jams, strawberry, raspberry, orange marmalade, grape and apple. Storm Cloud keeps standing before laying down in a more comfortable position. Each time she stands, there's less space between her food ladened belly and the rugs. Already I guage that she's eaten in food much more than she weighed when we arrived and continues forcing more and more into her impossibly swollen abdomen. As she finishes the bread from the table, and has less than half the venison remaining, more meat is brought from the cooking pits and those who were waiting for her to be ready. A dozen whole smoked salmon, several sugar cured and honey cured hams and platters of thick slabs of bacon. She moves and gets more comfortable. She pats her swollen abdomen and giggles as her fat billows. "I still have room, but my arms are getting a bit tired." Minerva and one of the centaur mares stand beside her. They take turns feeding her chunks and slices of the various meats. Always her gallon sized mug is ready with honey milk, egg nog, mead or spiced cider. As she gets most of the meats into her stretched out equine belly, foods from various camps are placed before her. The mountain tribes bring meat and vegetable filled pasties, each weighing a pound. Bowls of steamed roots in buttery herb sauces, hearty whole grain journey cakes, finished off with apple cakes and nut breads. Storm Cloud just relaxes as all take turns feeding her. Even though her belly is supporting her more and more as it swells in all directions, she keeps gulping every mouthful down as if it's still the first course. She slows her gulping when she gets to the Apple cakes. For a moment I wonder if she's reaching her limit. But she savors a few mouthfuls, then gets it in her wonderfully stretched out equine abdomen and has a gallon or so of spiced cider and smiles at the food from the eastern desert tribes. They bring in several 5 gallon crocks of honey yogert milk, spiced with cinnamon. 5 gallons of olives. A large wheel of goat cheese and a huge pot of bulgar wheat cooked with meat brooth with almonds and currants. Storm Cloud shifts her stance and her enormous belly surges under her thick fat. She smiles as relaxes as the feeders use serving spoons to get the delicious foods into her. She swallows without chewing, Some how the full moon seems to be powering her appetite and the size of her expanding abdomen has many staring at her in awe. As the last of the thick brooth is dumped down her throat, they begin feeding her the pounds of savory rice pilaf and thick, rich honey cakes. She slowly chews the last mouthful of cake as one of the gypsies brings a bowl containing ten pounds of approcots and dates. "I hope you have room for some of my favorites." She smiles and licks her plump lips. "I'm certain I can find lots of room." She reaches back and pats her hugely stretched equine abdomen and her fat rolls and billows. She opens her mouth wide. Laughing as this is a game, he puts the lips of the bowl against her plump lower lip and tips it. The sweet fruits begin to roll out of the bowl and into her waiting mouth. She takes a couple of gulps, then opens her throat and they pour down into her expanding depths. Every one stares in amazement as the sweets are poured into her. As the last one bounces out of sight, he pulls the bowl away and stares in amazement. Members of the forest tribe had been setting loaves of dark bread on the table. Two had begun slicing and spreading the slices with honey as she emptied the bowl. They begin feeding her heavy slices of bread and mugs of dark beer to help wash them down. Several centaurs struggle with a 20 gallon caldron of thick hunter stew, rich with meats and vegetables. They place it beside her. Even a mare ready to foal would not have a belly as large as it. But her's is so huge that I know she'll so hold the contents within her. As they begin feeding her with halfgallon sized laddles, another caldron is brought forth and place at her other side. The members of that tribe are soon feeding her faster than I would have believed if I hadn't watched. A thick slice of bread is shoved in her mouth, then a laddle of stew is poured in and she swallows all of it. Then the other two feed her a slice, then a half gallon from the other caldron. Many are watching her in awe as the last of the rich stew is poured down her throat. She smacks her fat lips and eats the assortment of hand sized berry pies without chewing. It only takes her a couple of bites to force each one of the rich deserts down into her impossibly stretched out belly. She swallows the last one and struggles to her feet, but her impossibly food bloated belly is still resting on the rugs beneath her. My eyes roam over her ponderous abdomen, guessing that she's eaten more than twice her original weight. Looking at the food the valley tribe is placing before her, I'm afraid and excited she might be carrying food equal to what she weighed this morning, if she's able to stretch out enough. Making herself as comfortable as possible, she inhales the aromas. She smiles and the laces of her blouse untie. As she breathes, more and more of her silky breasts flesh is exposed. She smiles as the cloths moves further out. "Well I guess I'm out growing this." She looks at the food ladened table. "So now I don't worry about it fitting me tomorrow." She opens her mouth wide. Two of them begin feeding her from the huge bowls of steamed vegetables swimming in rich butter sauces. Laddle after laddle they pour the weighty foods into her incredibly stretched out stomach. Meanwhile, others are slicing loaves of finely milled breads and slathering butter and fruit preserves on them. They take turns feeding her the vegetables and breads. As the last of the buttery vegetables are swallowed, they begin with scotch eggs. These she somehow manages to swallow. Staring at her spherical equine abdomen, I can hear it creaking from the thousands of pounds of food pushing from inside. The final loaf of the delicious breadstuffs are packed into her enormous belly, they bring a dozen large honey cured hams and begin cutting them into pieces she can swallow. Storm Cloud groans in estacy, at least she keeps swallowing as fast as they can feed her so I can only hope it's not from her stomach being pushed past it's elastic limits. They start tossing the chunks of meat into her mouth as soon as she's swallows her last mouthful. The last of the scotch eggs are swallowed and they concentrate on getting the hams stuffed into her. One by one they're stripped down to the bones as her abdomen swells so much her legs are barely keeping her from rolling. Finally she swallows the last chunk of ham and smiles. She reaches back slightly and pats her spherical abdomen. "Looks like my belly wins....." She gasps as a dozen large apple pies are put on the table, already cut to sizes she has been swallowing. Tall Oaks and two of his tribe's mares step forward. "Looks like you're ready for desert." He walks around her slowly as the mares begin feeding her the rich, weighty deserts. A centaur taps my shoulder and whispers. "We're going to bring your wagon here since she won't be able to move for days." I nod, mesmerized by how enormous she's become. "I had it ready for travel." I barely hear him leave as I watch them almost stuffing the heavy pies into her tired mouth. Her eyes are half closed and she seems to force her throat to swallow eat piece of pie. All that remains is one slice, which Tall Oaks picks up and holds before her fat lips. "You've managed to eat more tonight than even I thought possible." He eases it into her mouth as she eats it and swallows the last with a powerful gulp. Storm Cloud smiles proudly. She tries to pat her overloaded abdomen, but can't reach back very much. Tall Oaks steps around her and feels how swollen her equine abdomen is. "I guess you don't have room for some mead to help you digest this feast?" Storm Cloud is almost dozing, but her eyes open and she looks at the 20 gallon keg of thick mead that is sitting before her on the table. She turns her head slightly in either direction and grins. "Don't waste time with mugs." She tips her head back and opens her mouth wide. Tall Oaks stares at her in shock. He looks at her spherical abdomen and that her hooves are barely touching the ground. As he hears her nosily gulping, he looks up and sees two centaurs holding the keg above her while she holds the tap open so that the rich mead flows only as fast as she can gulp. There's no sound of it splashing into her over expanded stomach, as it has to stretch with each mighty gulp. The keg is tipped more and more as gallon after gallon flows into her and her wonderous belly somehow manages to stretch enough to hold it. As the last of the mead drips out of the keg, she licks her fat lips and sighs. "I hope there's no more." She smiles as the first traces of dawn touch the tree tops. "Because I'm too tired." She closes her eyes and I can sense the magic within her, struggling to digest and convert her enormous feast into her own flesh. I've been unable to realise I can move as I watch her drift into a feast induced slumber. The sound of my wagon being brought into the camp jars me and I rush to her. Tall Oaks is standing nearby, still amazed how much food her swollen abdomen is holding. "None of us thought she could eat more than a couple hundred pounds...." I nod and whisper, "My using her to help my magic has awakened her own hidden powers." My senses tell me that she's some how managing, not only to hold all the food and drink, but already converting it into fat and tissues needed to keep her able to move, or at least support her increasing obesity. The hours I've been going, and lack of sleep when I've helped her handling her daily feeds finally hit me. I slip down beside her heavily expanded equine abdomen and cuddle around her as the sun lights the tents of those hoping to sleep. Tall Oaks takes the large blanket from my wagon and throws it over Storm Cloud, then moves some cushions onto the table so she can lean against them, even though she's already sleeping deeply. The sound of others moving about and wagons being prepared wakes me. At first I can't move, then realize that Storm Cloud has already converted several hundred pounds of food and the new fat of her mammoth belly is holding me down. Carefully I crawl out and look around. Several of the wagons have already left and others have packed up from the gathering. Tall Oaks walks over and smiles at the blanket covered centauress. "Well her feasting will be something talked of for years." He looks at me. "I've been told you'll take good care of her." I smile, knowing his kind considers that her pentalty is paid and there's no reason to mention anything about it. "I have to admit drawing energy from her will be more enjoyable than from an animal." He nods, then turns as some one calls out. "Well looks like it's time to go." He turns and I watch as he harnesses up to one of the last wagons. Within minutes, the wagons creak off down the road into the afternoon sun. As I look at the blanket covered mass of Storm Cloud, I listen to the sounds of the woods. Satisfied that no one remains from the gathering, I carefully pull the blanket off enough so her head and ponderous bosom is exposed. Looking at how much the twin mounds of fat are bulging out of her blouse, it takes me a few moments to realize that they're being restrained by the material. Taking out my knife, I gently pull the material away from her fat bloated forebelly and begin cutting upward. As I cut, her flesh seems to swell like rising dough. Working carefully between her swelling weighty breasts, I finally free her and her fat bloated jugs. She breathes a bit easier, but still sleeps. The cushions on the table are keeping her comfortably semi upright and she nuzzles against them for a moment. Unable to resist, I lovingly carress her round weighty masses of flesh. Her nipples are already filling with fat and are bigger than I ever thought they'd be. For many minutes I suckle hungrily from each, knowing this will encourage her to store even more fat here. Finally I step back and watch her sleep with a contented smile on her fat face. Replacing the blanket to cover her, I crawl in and nuzzle against her food and fat bloated belly, Her hooves are barely touching the ground but her upper legs are half engulfed into her overly obese abdomen. Smiling as I feel her moving and the muffled gurgling as she digests I'm soon half asleep, listening to the sounds of the woods as the sun sets. For the next several days, I wake and do work on my potions while the over fed centauress sleeps and digests. Often I pause to encourage her bountious bosom to grow even more. Ocassionally she drifts half awake, but drifts back to sleep as her nutrient ladened bloodstream moves nutrients through her body to where ever she can find room to fatten. Shortly before noon I'm suckling happily on her growing mammoth breasts when I hear Storm Cloud murrmuring. I step back as she pulls the blanket off and look I into her smiling eyes. "So how do you feel?" I move close until her huge breasts are just start to surge against my chest. She stares into my eyes, then lowers hers and looks at her expansive breasts. "Since you were enjoying these while I slept, I hope you're happy how much they've filled out." She slowly turns her head and tries to turn her fore body, but she's too fat to move much. Her hands stroke what she can reach and her eyes go wide. "How much did I eat?" I squeeze between her mammoth mammeries and feel nyself surrounded by them by the time I can wrap my arms partway around her obese humanoid torso. "You impressed every one." I hug myself into her fleshiness and her breasts surge and billow around me. Storm Cloud smile and tries to get her fleshy arms around me, but they're so fat themselves and her bosom so round and full that she can barely reach my sides. She smiles and kisses me long, her flesh jiggling all over. Finally I work my way out of her fleshy embrace and move so I can see her ponderously fattened equine abdomen. Her upper legs are mostly engulfed in her enormous belly and she struggles to push herself off the ground. As she stands, the lower curve of her humongous body rises several inches off the ground. She smiles, "JaniceLee taught me how to levitate myself. Of course I can't float off the ground." She takes a few steps and her body rolls and billows sensually. "But I'll be able to pull over wagon to our new home." She waddles to the front of the wagon and stops with a giggle. "I can't see if I'm in place." I get the blouse that had been left for her and she's relieved that it manages to fit her gigantic breasts. Hopping up onto the driver seat, I'm surprised that she'll actually be able to fit between the widened traces. She backs carefully as I gude her. Her ponderous belly bumping both sides as it rolls with every motion. I jump down and take my time fixing the harness and lines to her. Partly so she'll be comfortable, but also so I can explore her new massiveness. Finally everything is ready. I fold up the blanket and secure every thing. Then she starts slowly waddling down the road, her enormous belly rolls and jiggles against the traces and her mammoth mammeries billowing beyond her fat upper arms and plump lower arms. Her broad back is wide enough for me to lie on, but I resist that.... for now. final weight 5 times her original Storm Cloud - female centaur - dancer Frobius - Male human - magick user Drasca - male magick - draws energy from fat cow Wenscha - gypsy magick woman