Crash 11-4-95 **PRELOG** The year is 2065. Ever since jump space was discovered 47 years ago, companies have developed mining and colonization of planets circling stars that are uncounted lightyears from Earth. Genetics have advanced so far that animals can now be modified for purposes that nature never dreamed of. Taurs of many species seem to be most prevalent in industry and other areas where manual labor is needed. Interstellar mining is one of the most active in setting up jump points on a distant star system and mining the moons. The low gravity makes shippage by planetary shuttles much more efficient than recycling on Earth and the demands of the eco conscious government. The other planets circling Earth's sun were claimed early in the century. An Interstellar Marshal system was created by Earth's police force to keep the companies from making slaves of their workers. They also try to maintain the laws, but it's more like the system that prevailed in North America's west in the 1800's. Stellar system Lafor 247 has been under the company's control for over ten years. The single jump point on moon 2-12 is the company's way to keep track of what is shipped to and from it's home site. Only some of the moons of the two gas giants have been found rich enough in ores to be mined. There are several small planets closer to the sun, but the rare ores are not in enough abundance to pay for the heavier equipment and spacecraft. The most avoided and appreciated people working for the company are the shuttle pilots. These loners, misfits of society seem to be only comfortable when surrounded by the high tech equipment of their ships. The few people who they seem to make friends with are those who man the com stations of the mine bases. They consider themselves barnstormers of space, able to repair almost everything with a minimum of parts. They also seem to get a thrill out of close encounters with anything, asteroids, other shuttles, com towers, pent houses of the mine commanders. If it wasn't that their kind is very rare, and jump points are too expensive to have more than one on a system, someone might complain. Shuttle #58 log: Pilot Jack Jones: Ten hours out of Moon 2-12... Frags, why don't the company yippies call it Halfway Home like those of us who might live here until they decide we're close enough to death and let us retire. Continuing log. I'm on course for Moon 2-3. Have checked cargo after main burn and everything is secure. I look over the manifest and half smile. 50 tons of structural beams and panels, 20 tons of assorted foods and worker supplies. 10 tons of food for the genimals. 7 genimals. The unlisted supplies are always packed under the title 'Miscellaneous'. <2> Something about them always makes me wonder how close to attaining intelligence they might be. Remembering the reports that slipped out about a gen modified ape that escaped by reprogramming the security computers of the research complex, I decide to check on them. Slipping out of my flight couch, I half somersault, then push myself toward the cargo hatch. The cargo bay seems almost empty, considering the 50,000 tons of processed ore I had just unloaded at Halfway Home. Floating over to the smaller chamber, I open the door, swing in and land on the deck. Some genimals had injured themselves in zero G, so artificial gravity is maintained in the stall area. The first two stalls have been combined for a healing mare. In her present lean condition, her leg bones appear much too sturdy. Her muscles bulge like a weight-lifter. She still looks like the huge draft horse her kind was created from, but no Westphaila had a skeleton as wide and strong as her's. As she turns and sticks her head close to me, I reach up and stroke her silky mane. "Don't worry girl. Once you get where you're going, they'll feed you out so you can do what you've been modified for." As I look around her shoulder, I remember how hugely fat the one I saw at the company's home site was. With a grin, I add more food to her feed bin and she ravenously attacks it. "They made it so you can get incredibly obese and be completely healthy." I gives her a friendly pat before continuing to the others. In the next stall is a pony that almost looks like a miniature healer, except that she is pleasantly plump instead of muscular. Her abdomen looks fat and I suspect she might be pregnant. There's no information to tell me what she's been modified for. I give her head a hug as she moves against the stall door in an effort to get close to me. "Well you might be the only 'normal' one here." She whinnies happily as I fill her feed bin. "Probably a pet for some base yippie's spoiled children." The next stall has a female oxtaur. She has a heavily muscled ox body, and strong legs. She has much of her ancestor's build for draft. Her human portion is well muscled for a female. However, her breasts are full and plump. Well contained in her halter, and held up by her strong, broad shoulders. She smiles almost absent-mindedly at me and I smile back until I remember she doesn't have much of a mind to be absent from. This genspecies has been improved to be able to farm without guidance. They instinctively know when to plant and harvest. They can also tell what native foods are safe to eat and gather food when not taking care of the fields. In the next stall is what can best be called a recycler cowtaur. I try not to watch as she turns toward me and her round heavy breasts almost surge out of her halter. "Well I can tell you're ready for food." As I fill her bin, she reaches in and eats each chunk of feed happily. She seems to get an almost sexual pleasure as she eats. I step to one side and watch her large belly roll and her fat swollen udder jiggle. "Soon as you get to the base," I smile as she looks at me and seems to wink sensually. "They won't be able to complain about no fresh milk." I wink back, and then try to move to the next stall as part of me wants to get closer to her. <3> The next stall contains a variation of wolftaur. The first one is what has been nicknamed a walking canteen. She looks at the food I give her, then her empty water and then me with sad puppy dog eyes."Ok, ok," I almost laugh as I pour a gallon of water in. "Not too much here. But you're going to a base where they need lots of your type, and they only have one now." She virtually inhales the water and happily smacks her lips before beginning to eat. With her thin condition, I can almost see the water sloshing inside her. The next one is a snowleapordtaur that has been adapted to do a much better job than any Saint Bernard dog ever could. Her fur is almost white with dark splotches that help her blend into snow. She's rather plump for a felinetaur, but I've seen her kind in 'working' flesh and know she'll be fed up quite a bit before she's put on duty. Her pelt is thick and loose. I remember a vid disk showing how one of her kind can curl around a person lost in the snow and almost wrap her pelt around him. Her breasts don't appear overly large, until one realizes they cover much of her chest and when she's up to her designed weight, they'll be full and heavy. I close my eyes and almost envy some one that she'll rescue. "So you're ready to get to your new home?" I almost whisper as I put food in her bin. She smiles and rumbles sensually. Her long lashes, excellent for keeping snow away, looks sexual as she moves smoothly toward me. She jumps so her forepaws are on the stall door and hugs me into her warm bosom with her arms. I snuggle in her embrace for a moment and then ease away. "I hope they treat you good where you're going." I walk a bit stiffly to the final stall. If it wasn't for her humanoid portion, this one would look like a very large, dark timber wolf. She paces restlessly the length of her stall. When she sees me she clears the distance in one bound and whines quietly. "I bet you'd like to get out and run, wouldn't you." I stroke her thick hair between her pointed ears as she hangs her tongue out and pants happily. Giving her a rough scruff, I fill her food bin. "You eat while I check the rest of the ship, then we can play tag." She looks sad for a moment as I step back, then smiles and plays with her food as she eats. She tosses a chunk in the air, jumps up and snatches it with her teeth. I wince as I can imagine what she could do to some one in an attack, but she knows I'm a friend. I check all the materials and assure myself once more that things won't break loose during maneuvering and landings. Checking the engines takes almost an hour but I'm smiling by the time I'm done. I shove off a bulkhead and bounce off a couple others before I reach the genimals. The guard wolftaur is pacing and almost dances as I open the door. I take a few long steps after her and almost laugh as she leaps out into the main cargo by and flies toward the far wall. <4> She turns so she lands on all fours and jumps back toward me. For a moment she's heading right at me, but I've swam in space so many time I easily dodge her, roll and grab her human waist. For almost an hour, we tumble through space. Finally, I give up in exhaustion. "I knew you'd win," I gasp and she grabs me with her arms and forelegs and grins. Then she shoves off me and heads for the stalls while I try to recover control of my spin. I finally get control and shove toward the stalls. She's laying down, and watches me as I lock her door. With a final check of every one, I head to my quarters and grab some sleep. The klaxon not only blasts me out of bed, but with no gravity, I hit the ceiling. Rubbing my head, I shove off though the door and onto the bridge. The scanners show a plasma cloud ahead and I strap myself in while the computers try to determine what's it's composed of. As I begins to alter course, the cloud changes color and surges toward me so fast there's no chance of evading it. The power systems fade and the illumination panels almost go off before the back up cells switch in. For a moment, I seem to be floating in a rainbow colored vortex. As I see the familiar display and controls of the shuttle, it feels like a data bank has been installed in my head. I know that the plasma cloud is a life form that is exploring this system. It needed power and drew it from my shuttle. In exchange, it modified my mind so I can do almost every thing the computers do. With a single thought, I calculate our uncontrolled course and know I have several days before we'll be in any danger. I know how to rewire some of the backup systems so I can do a soft landing on moon 2-9. It was deemed not viable for mining and the company put no claim on it. I float back to the power systems and begin making complex connections as if this is an every day event. I don't even have to think as I change connections like I'm replacing a single module. The test program seems to take ages before it tells me what I already know. I turn and smack my head into the bulkhead. The stars clear before me as the guard wolftaur nuzzles me. "So how did you get out?" I ruffle her hair, remembering that I securely locked the door. She starts to growl quietly, "Voice told me how to talk." She uses her feet and hands to shove herself out of the chamber and waits for me. "Others now talk." She moves over to my flight seat and holds on to some frame members of the bridge. I get into my seat, concentrating on the low power I have available to get us to a hopefully safe landing. With almost no systems working, the thrusters pulse as I position the shuttle and fire the main engines at minimal power. Once the burn is completed, I know we're on our new course before the computer verifies it. <5> Releasing my straps, I float up and stare at the taur. She doesn't look any different, except for the way her eyes move. "That plasma cloud gave all of you intelligence?" She nods with a smile. "We go to other place? We not sure what company will do with us now we think." I'm surprised that she knows about the company and expect the others also understand the situation. I follow her into the cargo bay and then into the stall area. All of the doors are open and they've gathered near the healing mare, since she's too wide to go anywhere except into the main bay. She looks at me and I can see much intelligence behind her widely spaced eyes. "Cloud gave us thought," her voice has a slight whinny, but is also warm and slightly deep in pitch. "We know what we are and that the company owns us. But we want to be we." The others look at me as if I have an answer. The guard wolftaur rubs against me and then sits down. Looking at all of them, some of the feelings that I've never allowed to surface, are taking form. "The cloud knocked out a lot of the shuttle's systems." I look at the few lights that are running on backup power. "I'm able to think much more than before so I don't want the company to get a hold of me..." I can't resist smiling as the wolftaur rubs against me and I feel like I'm the alpha of a pack. "We're on course for a moon that the company isn't interested in. We can land there and then have time to make better long term plans." The winter one looks at the others and then comes over and leans against my other side. "When we get there?" She puts a arm around be and leans her warm body against me. "We not like names company gave us." I gently grip her shoulders and watch as every one waits. "We'll be there before noon tomorrow." I grin as I realize the problem they might have with company names. "Let's get these stalls rebuilt so it's completely open and work on names for all of you." The 'taurs are surprisingly adapt with their hands and, once I show them how, the separating walls are quickly removed and stored. The healing mare turns to face the center and then lies down. I'm always amazed how wide one of her type is and she's one of the widest, even in limited flesh. "What type of names do you want?" I look around at all of them as I sit down and lean back against the wall. The mare seems to be the one every one waits for. She smiles and shakes her head, her silky mane flows as she does. "I like name you give me. We not know names but what company gave us." <6> I nod, calling her Big Mamma or Mega Nurse just doesn't seem right. I get up and walk over to her. With her laying down, she's only a few inches shorter than me. I stroke her wide back and am surprised that there is some fat under her warm pelt. She relaxes and does a horse version of purring as I walk around her. My thoughts float away from finding a name until I'm stroking her neck. "Do you want a regular type name?" She nods almost sleepily as I continue stroking her neck and then head. I close my eyes and try to think of female names. "how does the name Wilma sound?" For a moment, she just relaxes. Finally she opens her eyes as I step around in front of her. "Sound good if you like me with it." She moves slightly and I'm somewhat entranced by her motions and size. Turning slightly, I see the canteen moving closer to me. "I not like canteen name. But I think I LOVE carrying lots of water in me." Her youthful playfulness is something I had heard about, but never noticed before when I transported others. I try to keep my mind on thinking of a name as I walk around her. She turns her upper body as much as she can so I never get out of her sight. "I'm trying to think of a name that would be desert like, but all I can remember is Matilda from an Australian song." She mouths it a few times before actually saying it. "Matilda. Since I've only been called things like canteen, it's nice to have a real name." She lies down by Wilma and relaxes against the mare's large body. The cow and oxtaurs have been talking while I was with the others. The cowtaur steps toward me and my eyes try to follow her bounteous breasts as they surge within her halter. "I remember one of people who train me was called Bessie. Can I have that name?" I try to hug her without her breasts billowing too much against me. "Sure you can," I smile at the others. "If any one has a name they like...." The wintertaur stands and her loose pelt seems to flow as she does. "They make me to help people when it's snowing. Is name like snowing ok?" "Snowing means snow is falling," I tell her gently. "But Snowy sounds good for you." She smiles as she comes over and hugs me into her luscious fur. I barely manage not to snuggle into her plump breasts as I hug her and then let her go over to Wilma. The guard wolftaur has been pacing around the stall area and comes over. "We safe here? You say shuttle land soon, we need to get ready." <7> I nod to her first question. "We aren't landing until tomorrow. But tomorrow we'll have to prepare for that. I'll try to put the shuttle down gently. But it might be rough." I watch her as she looks around. Her instincts of protection are in full swing as she tries to figure what she can do to protect us. "I think your name should be Midnight." She turns quickly and then smiles. "Midnight best time to hunt and be unseen." She makes a patrol around the stall chamber before stopping where she has a clear view of the door. The oxtaur has been waiting as Midnight took my attention. "I trained and made to farm." She stands as I look her over and am surprised even she draws some longing from deep inside me. Her body is more muscular than usually attracts me, but I know that her kind gains weight easily, sometimes almost out of control. I step back so I can see all of her at once, and think. She smiles, "I can plant supplies we are carrying, and know what foods on planet we can eat." She looks at Wilma. "I know she needs to eat much. I can plant enough if soil is good." I'm completely blank with a name for her for a moment. "How does April sound? It's the month many crops are planted on Earth and also a name." She smiles, "Yes, April is the month plants can bloom." She looks toward Midnight and the door. "I'd like to check on the supplies." As soon as I nod,she heads for the door. Midnight does a howl/laugh as April floats off the deck as she steps out of the gravity area. Midnight jumps after her and I hear her telling how to move in null gravity. I look at the wide bodied pony and smile as she does. "You look a lot like a pony from Scotland. So I think the name Bonnie fits you." She walks toward me and her round abdomen rolls gently as she does. "I like name." As she nuzzles against me and I stroke the wide soft body, I know that it's only a matter of time before I end up with at least one of these friendly females. "I better see how Midnight and April are doing." I tell them as I move to the doorway. I hope we can do a soft landing but it might be a bit rough, so it might be good to strap most of you down." Snowy smiles. "I was trained to use ropes. I can do that when you tell me." She rubs against me and turns her upper torso so I have trouble looking in her eyes and not feeling her full breasts pushing against me. Smiling, I ease toward the door. "Why don't you talk about what we can do when we land while I check on the others." They all gather in front of Wilma and start talking about their abilities. <8> I step off the gravity area and float toward April and Midnight. Midnight turns before I'm halfway there and smiles. April turns and almost loses her grip on the framework holding the seeds and planting equipment. "What season will we land in?" She points at the containers. "There's plenty here to feed all of us for several years if we have good soil." I nod as I visually check to make sure everything is secure. "It's at the end of summer I'm afraid." I float over to the food I was taking and wait for them to follow. April has trouble and I float out to help her get a grip on the rack. Her momentum pushes us together and I can see warmth in her eyes for a moment. She checks the supplies carefully before I secure them for the landing. "Let's get back to the others." She shoves off and slowly floats toward the stalls. Midnight and I have to help her get to the deck before entering the door. I wait for every one to get comfortable. Midnight stands beside me until I sit down. She lies down so her lower body is against me. "Well here's the situation." I look at the assortment of genimals and wonder if all will be alive by spring. "The seasons here are 3 months of summer and winter, 1 month of spring and fall. We're going to arrive at the start of fall." I look at April and nod. She looks uncertainly around for a moment. "It'll be too late to plant or even prepare much land. I can tell what plants are edible and gather, but I don't know how much we'll need." She looks at Wilma and shakes her head. "I have no idea how much you'll need to get in shape for healing." Wilma nods and I have to wonder how much she can gain. "The more of me the better." She looks at me with concern. "If summer is warm enough to grow plants,how cold will winter get?" I take a data print out from my pocket and study it for a moment. "The winter is caused by the moon orbiting the gas planet. When it's behind it, the temperature can drop to -100 or more." I look around the chamber we're in. "The ship doesn't have enough power to heat everywhere. But if I work on insulating here and other things I might be able to keep the temperature nearer zero." I look at every one, trying to guess who won't survive this. Snowy smiles. "I can handle that," she strokes her lean body. "If April can get me enough food to pack on some of my own insulation." April looks at me and answers after I nod. "I can tell what plants on the planet we can eat. If I have help, maybe we can find enough food for winter and until we can plant and harvest seeds." <9> Standing, I walk around as we continue planning. "Who thinks they can survive the winter below freezing? I can try to do more, but can't promise anything." I look around at every one as they reply. Wilma nods, Bonnie thinks, then shakes her head. Midnight stands and nods. Bessie shrugs and then nods. "I think if I get fat enough, I'll be ok." She smiles at April, "Remember I can eat anything organic. So I can eat the stems, leaves and all parts of the plants the others don't" She looks at her breasts and smiles. "And I can make lots of warm milk for the rest of you." Wilma has been studying those who don't think they can survive. "I know my kind was modified to hold people. I'm one of the best and can hold several. Maybe cloud helped me so I can hold more." She looks around for a moment. "If Snowy helps stretch me, then Bonnie..." She looks at the others. "I don't know how much I can stretch for you to get in, but I'll do everything I can." I walk over to her and wrap an arm around her thick neck. "Sounds like that's your job."I look around as every one is waiting for me to tell them what they'll do starting tomorrow. "Bonnie, there's a cart you can pull. April and Bessie can fill it with food they find. Then you bring it back to the ship. Midnight," I smile as she jumps to attention. "I think you'll want to guard them and the ship. There's no mention of any animals there so you might also help gather food. Snowy and Matilda can help me make this chamber able to keep some warmth and other things we can do to make our survival more likely. Snowy looks at her lower body and smiles. "And I get to eat lots? I need fat to stay warm." I nod. "There's a good bit of food on board. But not enough to last all winter and fatten those who need it." I check my watch and move toward the door. "I have to make a course change, then I'm going to check everything I can and try to sleep." Midnight looks around and then nods as Snowy pads after me."Snowy go with you." Snowy smiles as I nod and step out of the gravity area. Once on the bridge and strapped into my seat, she stays close, often her body brushes against me as I do the limited systems check that I can. I key the intercom and warn every one to hold on. The thrust is set low so no scanners can detect us. After several minutes, I shut the engines down, do one more check of guidance and then head for my room. Snowy follows me in and floats toward my hammock. "Where can I sleep?" She moves slowly and her loose pelt flows, making her look very plump and inviting. <10> I continue preparing for bed and then turn toward her. "I hadn't thought about where you'd sleep." releasing a catch, I unfold a second hammock. She gives a slight pout and then lets me help her into it. "Sleep well," I whisper as I stroke her arm. She smiles as she grabs me, and pulls me into her plump bosom. "You worry we not survive until spring." She nuzzles my neck and I feel more relaxed than I should. "We all survive. Some of us get big and fat, others sleep in Wilma, when wake in spring." I give her a hug before she lets me lose. With a strange feeling of fear, affection and wonder at what the next month will bring, I force myself to sleep. The alarm only sounds for a second before I shut it off. Glancing at the still sleeping Snowy, I change into a clean flightsuit and head for the bridge. Every thing checks as much as the damaged systems can tell me. Looking through the forward screen, I watch the moon as we fly toward it. A noise from my chamber, tells me Snowy is awake. Snowy enters and looks around. "Where's breakfast?" She half growls and then giggles. With a grin, I release the straps holding me down and race her to the cargo bay. The others are already awake. April and Matilda have already gotten food. I look at Wilma's overfilled feed bin and smile as she gives me a nod without stopping her feasting. Snowy gets her food while I float out to see what Bessie is doing. I float back to some of the cargo containers she's checking out. "Find anything useful?" She turns and smiles, her round breasts billow slightly, and I try not to remember the vids of how her kind will look in good condition, not to mention the champion one. "I find supplies for me." She has opened the large container and eaten all of a ten pound box of field rations. I laugh and explain what they are.Looking at them and her, I have to agree that she's probably the best adapted to make the best use of this. "I don't know how much food April will be able to find when we land." I hand her one more food pack before closing and securing the rest. "Just don't pack on the pounds so fast you won't be able to help her." I hug her lower back and help her float back to the stall area. For a few hours, we talk about what the reports say about the moon. April looks at the vids and thinks several of the thick leaved creepers should be edible. "Plants grow fast and then winter comes." She muses and then smiles at Bessie. "You can eat lots that we might not be able to. I eat that part too." <11> I start to smile as April is sounding more confident. Suddenly remembering, I check my watch and jump for the door. "Snowy, help every one strap in. I didn't realize what time it was." With a strong push off the door frame. I shoot toward the bridge hatch and am soon strapped in to my seat. The gravity is already pulling us in and I fire the control jets as fast as the computers could, if they were working. The few working indicators tell me I'm pushing the shuttle to it's thermal limits and the air becomes hot. Breaking through a cloud bank, I see what looks like a rain forest and gasp as there's no open place I can hope to hit. I use the maneuvering thrusters to keep us airborne as long as possible while our forward speed drops. As the warning lights flash that I'm out of fuel,I let the ship crash into the trees. The landing almost jars me out of the harness. The forest only looks like trees and is mostly various types of creepers. As we come to a stop, the scream of tortured metal, and slight roll to the port tells me there's external damage. I jump out of my seat and run to the stalls. Every one seems ok, although Snowy and Midnight hadn't managed to strap themselves in, they only have a few bruises. "We home?" Snowy asks with a slight groan. I nod and go over to the small airlock. Relieved that the sensors work here, I test the air and smile in relief. "Air is breathable, a little bit more pressure than in here." I start to step in the airlock, but Midnight shoves me aside. "This is my job." She closes the inner door and cycles the air before opening the outside one. "Air good," She reports through the outside mike. "No smell of threat or prey." She comes back inside and recycles before opening the inner door. I program the airlock to equalize outside pressure with the ship over the next hour. During that time, the taurs and I begin unpacking some of the construction material. They carry insulation panels over to the stall chamber and stack them. Finally, the air is equalized and I open the main door. The sun is almost down to the horizon but shows us a land that doesn't look that bad. Midnight jumps out and does a patrol around the shuttle. "Nothing that I can smell or see." April is already checking the nearby plants with Bessie. "Not a lot of good nutrients." She smiles as Bessie takes a large handful and begins eating."But there's plenty for her." The sun is setting and every one comes in so I can seal the hatch. "Well we're down and mostly unhurt." I smile as the taurs feed Wilma and Bonnie and then get their foods. "Tomorrow April and her group can start gathering foods while mine works on getting this place ready for winter." <12> Wilma swallows a large mouthful. "I think I should start stretching myself out as soon as possible." She looks over those who will need to be in her to survive the winter. Snowy nods. "Can we wait until tomorrow night? I'm too excited to help tonight." Knowing no one is going to sleep for a while, we resume moving insulation panels, and then thermal heaters to the stall area. Finally every one is tired, or already asleep. Too tired to go to my chamber, I curl up on one of the sleeping pads. Snowy curls around me and wraps her loose pelt so I'm almost engulfed within her. Slowly I drift awake. The chamber is warmer than it should be and it feels as if I'm wrapped in something. Opening my eyes, I see light grey fur and realize Snowy is doing what comes naturally to her. She opens her eyes and gives me a toothy grin. "You sleep good? I sleep good and ready to explore moon." She gets up and I stand and shake my arms to loosen them. Midnight and Matilda are the only others awake and are already in the main cargo area. Midnight runs to the hatch. "We go see what is outside now?" I look in her eyes and know protection is more important to her than food. "Stay close, the others probably want breakfast first." I open the hatch slowly. Midnight nods, "I stay close, no one attack before I attack them." She jumps outside and slips out of sight in the thick brush. Smiling, I lead Snowy and Matilda back to the chamber that we hope to survive the winter in. The others are awake. Bessie has used some of the stall wall and frame material to make a table so every one can gather around it. April is getting food for every one and has found the cabinet my food packs are kept in. As we eat, I look at all of them and then Wilma. I know champions of her kind have been used to heal two or three small taurs like Midnight. Looking at April, I can only hope she can hold her. April finishes and stands. "I need to find what we can eat out there. We need to get everything we can to fatten Wilma and Snowy." Bessie giggles as she gets up. "I need fat too. But I eat what they can't." They both head for the main hatch and the rest of us follow. Wilma stops at the opening. "I'll stay here." She lies down and relaxes. "I need to grow and can't help gather food." <13> Bonnie looks at me. "You said I pull cart?" She looks outside as if debating about wanting to leave the shuttle. April steps down the ramp. "I lead others to find what can be eaten." She looks at me. "She needs cart and we need sacks to carry food." With a grin, I nod as Midnight comes in silently. "Check out the foods nearby. We'll come soon." I watch them walk into the thick brush and April begins checking each plant, her abilities allow her to know about it's nutritious content with just a touch. Bessie tastes each one she selects. I lead Bonnie into one of the smaller cargo chambers and am not surprised to find a cart that fits her. The shafts barely brush her round belly and I wonder how long it'll be before her pregnancy makes her too round for it to fit. She waits as I figure out how to get the 'easy' harness on her. I toss in some sacks and then we go out to rejoin the others. As I step onto the ground, I'm surprised how spongy it is. Bonnie follows me as we quickly catch up with the others. April turns smiling as we catch up with them. She holds up a very thick leaf about 6 inches wide and 12 long. "These plants are amazing. As cold as it gets in the winter should kill almost everything except lichens." She bites into it and shows the rich, pulpy insides. "It looks like some of the plants grow leaves like this so there'll be nutrients in the soil for next year." She kneels down and digs her hand into the rich soil. "There's so much nutrients in the soil, if I harvest these carefully, we can store tons of them and they'll grow back next year." She excitedly explains about how we can take every third plant and next year we won't be able to tell. Bessie has been eating while April was talking. She reaches down and starts eating what looks like the newest leaf of one of these plants. She eats the leaf without chewing much and then starts on the stalk. I watch in fascination as she continues through a foot or so of stem, then a couple of leafs, then stem, then leafs. April had begun picking leaves and explains more about the plants. while Matilda and Snowy stows them in one of the sacks. "They're a cross between creepers and trunked plants. "They grow up from the ground about a foot or two, then a couple of leaves and a light trunk that bends over onto others that help support it." She lifts a creeper part while I continue to be entranced with how much Bessie is eating. "I believe that these plants are gen altered like us." <14> I turn as she mentions gen altered. "I checked and no one has claimed this planet." I check my watch. "I have a friend who's on duty at com central now. I can call him on a secure channel and make claim to here." I look at every one as they stare in surprise. "If we've been declared lost, I can put claim to this moon and everything on it. He'll do it secretly because the law might give the company power to do something for two standard years." April looks at the lush foliage and nods. "We don't have to worry about food once this grows enough." She looks at Snowy and smiles. "The problem is those of us that can't handle winter." Snowy grabs the full sack as Matilda starts on another one. "I'll go see if Wilma likes this." She walks the short distance to the shuttle by the time I take another look around. It takes me almost an hour to repair the com system. Billy is so surprised when he hears my private call sign, I'm half afraid some one in the comshack might hear him. "Oh no worry bout that mate. You know us com freaks are almost as despised as you space jockeys." He listens as I explain my plan and checks the Marshall's records on land claims. "Nope, none on your moon. I'll get that done while we're talking and keep it quiet. The company don't care for planets like that." I hear him taping away on a keyboard. "Good news for you is the company has already declared your shuttle lost. As long as you can remain there for a full year, the shuttle and everything on the planet is yours." "Great," I reply. "I don't want to take a chance of legal problems so I have to do this on my own." I explain my ideas of using the healer and the ones that can survive the winter take care of her. I manage to convince him there's a good chance it will work without letting him know about the plasma cloud and what it did to us. "I better get off now, contact you in a week or so." Billy laughs. "I'll keep an ear open. My schedule's the same for the next couple of months. In the spring, I'll try to contact you every couple of days." "Sounds like a plan. Well I better get off line. Talk to you laterish." I key off and power down every thing to save power for the thermal units. Going into the stall... I guess I better think of it as our home area, I smile as Wilma is happily eating the fleshy leaves. "Glad to see you like them." She pauses and looks past me. "Snowy already left." She turns her head and looks at her body. "I know I can grow a lot. I have some of the gen- matrix of the last champion." She looks at me with some concern. "I just don't know how much I can fatten and stretch in a month." <15> I nod and nibble a leaf while she attacks the rest. "Snowy is adapted for cold. Midnight says she can survive and so does Bessie." I half close my eyes as I remember watching her eat and then realize Wilma's eating is doing the same thing to me. "April will probably let you keep her in as soon as it's too cold to harvest." Wilma nods. "Snowy said she'll help me get started. Bonnie might be a problem as she gets more pregnant." She smiles at the worried expression on my face. "If she births in me, I can link to her foal. If she's still pregnant by spring, I can stretch more birthing than getting some one in me." I grin as I think of vids of the canteen wolftaur champions. "Matilda won't be a problem if she'll empty herself." You'll have to watch out that she doesn't fill herself inside you." Wilma grins. "With what the cloud did to me, I expect I can improve every one's ability while they're in me." She looks at the remains of what was about 50 pounds. "I need to gain a lot in a month. I know I can stretch without much fat. But I'll need that to keep us all warm." She digs into the leaves and eats rapidly. I move beside her and wrap an arm around her slightly plump neck. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I absent mindedly rub her plump breast, feeling her softness and each swallow as the food heads toward her powerful stomach. She smiles to herself and eats a bit faster. As I continue to fondle her softness, she knows that I'm one who loves large females and she's going to be the largest. She closes her eyes most of the way, feeling my hands and body against her and the tasty leaves she's eating. Before either of us realize it, she's finished off the entire 50 pounds. I continue feeling her for a moment before I see she's finished. "I better go check on the others," I step back only a little embarrassed. "I need to know more about our new home." She smiles as I walk out the door. I stop at the hatch and see Bonnie coming back with the cart loaded with six full sacks. "We get much food for us." She grabs a nearby leaf and eats it while I unload the sacks. She's gulping down the last of it and takes another one while we walk back to the others. "We have lots of good food here." She looks back at her belly. "Lots for my foal." She seems worried about something. "You worried about surviving the winter?" I stroke her neck and am not surprised to feel some fat on her shoulder. "Wilma says she can take you in and birth you even if you're twice as large." I lean close as she nuzzles against me. <16> Snowy and Matilda have a couple of sacks ready and we toss them into the cart. April smiles as I return. "I think we need to make paths so cart won't be as hard to pull." Bonnie nods as she eats a leaf. Nodding, I watch Bessie as she continues to eat one of the stalks that the leaves had been harvested from. None of them had any extra flesh and her belly is noticeably bulging. She smiles at me and sucks in a length of thick stem, knowing where my eyes are. "We go to shuttle and eat out.." she giggles and her breasts jiggle within her halter. "I mean harvest a path?" She takes a sack she's filled with thick stems and puts it in the cart. April looks back toward the shuttle. "I think we'll just start from here. keeping the path going straight out is best." While she points out what to harvest, I unhook the cart from Bonnie. Bessie and I turn it around. Bessie moves so I get a good look at her food heavy belly. "I need to get really big bellied for winter." She moves her hands as my eyes are locked on her rolling belly. She hefts her breast-filled halter. "I need much larger halter soon." As my eyes are hypnotized by her motions, she smiles."You know I can help feed the others with my sweet milk." She moves her hands down slowly and then grabs a stalk. She slurps it in and eats happily as I hook up the cart to Bonnie. The cart is quickly filled with sacks. Bessie swings her sack onto her on back and we return to the shuttle for a lunch break. Once in our home area, everyone stretches out and rests. I unharness Bonnie and store the bags along the one wall we're insulated. I empty one of them on the table and Wilma eats happily while the others rest. "You think we can get enough food before it gets cold?" She keeps eating while I look at the bags we've harvested. "I don't know enough about keeping you girls well fed and what it'll be like in the winter." I can't resist stroking one of her soft shoulders while I watch her eat. "We'll just have to hope we'll have enough." I get some food for me and eat while I watch the others sleep. Midnight comes in almost silently and I get food for her. "I've tried the plants and they aren't too bad." She chews on a meat pack. "Course this food is much better." I watch her eat and wonder if she will be able to survive the winter in her condition. <17> After an hour or so the others wake and we go out to continue harvesting. I watch Matilda walk and realize her abdomen is obviously rounder. Keeping an eye on her as we work, I see her going aside and quietly follow her. She stops at a small stream of clear water and lays down beside it. She takes a large leaf she must have folded earlier and uses it to dip water out of the stream. She drinks several gallons before putting it away and standing up. Her belly sloshes slightly and she strokes her swelling abdomen proudly before returning to the others. From my hiding place, her water bloated belly is only a few feet away and the surging of it makes me wonder if she has champion genes, of if what Wilma told me is true. I slip back to the trail so it doesn't appear I was following her. Bonnie's cart is full and Snowy goes back with her to unload it. I get with April and help harvesting. "You know plants better than anyone." I watch her carefully breaking leaves off cleanly and tossing them into a sack Matilda holds open. "Do you have an idea how much food we'll need to make it until we can harvest again?" April eats a thick leaf and thinks for a moment. "All we can do is get as much as we can without taking too much that next year's harvest is affected." She gives me a smile, "My worry is can Wilma get me in her." She reaches back and strokes her barely plump body. "I doubt I can put on enough to make it through the winter, and feed the others." Giving her large body a look over. I half imagine how much fat she could easily carry and a warm smile passes my lips for a moment. "I should get back and work on insulating our home. I can help unload the cart." I look around and smile. "I expect Midnight is wandering around, 'course there doesn't appear to be any animals around for her to defend us from." April nods as Snowy closes the bag and packs it into the cart. "Maybe she should help us harvest, she can watch and work at the same time." She laughs and starts filling another bag that Snowy holds. Bessie has also been harvesting, but is filling her own sack, while she fills her apparently elastic belly. When the cart is full, I walk beside Bonnie as we return to the shuttle. Her pregnant abdomen bumps gently against me. I look at her and imagine how nice and round she'll be before she births. The thought of her, Bessie and Matilda curled up with me inside Wilma gives me a smile I'm barely able to conceal. She pulls the cart into our home area and leaves as soon as the cart is unloaded. Wilma smiles as I stack them and nibbles on the food still on the table. "You wondering about something?" Her eyes follow me as I get an insulation panel. "Is it possible for me to hold all four of you, or what it will be like?" <18> I put the panel in position and secure it in place. "That and will there be enough food for the three of you to survive the winter. It's hard to estimate how much you'll need with it getting that cold." Wilma nods with a large leaf in her mouth. She eats it and smiles as I watch her swallow. "The fatter I can get before then, the better it'll be inside me." She smiles broadly and takes another leaf. I force my eyes away from her and resume work on the insulation. The rest of the afternoon, I continue working. Bonnie brings several loads in and I empty two of the sacks onto the table. As sunset comes, everybody is tired and comes inside. Midnight stands as I close the hatch. "No scent of any one. Tomorrow I help harvest food." I give her a warm hug before we join the others. That evening, we talk about problems of running out of sacks, building a storage bay out of stall panels and things to entertain us. After we eat, I stretch and smile "I guess with your new intelligence, you can get bored." As everyone nods, except April who is already asleep, I head for my old chamber. "I'll get what games and other things I have and see what we can do." I get my portable vid system and look at some of the monitors that no longer work. With a smile, I take my system down to them. I set up a table along an inner walk and then power up the vid module. "So any one still alert enough to learn how this works?" Snowy grabs a large leaf and walks over to me. Midnight pads over silently and sits on her haunches. I show them how to call up the menu of vid films, information, and games. Midnight's ears twitch as I bring up a game of exploring worlds and having opponents trying to attack. I key in the information of our moon and put the shuttle's location in as the starting point. She moves over and plays intensely as I explain it to her. I smile as Snowy nibbles the last of her leaf. "I'm going to build a few of the monitors so several of us can play at once." She smiles and gets to her feet a bit slower than this morning. I can't be sure with her loose pelt, but I think every one who was harvesting, was eating well all through the day. She follows me into my chamber and carries one of the monitors after I disconnect two of them. We take them back and Midnight doesn't pay the slightest bit of attention to us. <19> Snowy comes back with me and lies down while I remove some control modules. She leans against me as if half asleep while I work. Her softness makes me work a bit slower and I put my arm around her upper body when I'm ready. I gently squeeze her plumpness, before I realize what I'm doing and then try to stand and wake her at the same time." As she gets up I whisper. "Do you think we'll get enough for the winter?" She reaches back and gently pats her lower abdomen. "I hope I can get fat enough by then." She smiles and her long lashes seem to wave at me." I know the nights are going to get colder before you have to get in Wilma." She takes some of the modules and leads me back to our home area. I follow her in and use my enhanced abilities to build a system that will link up to eight monitors into my vid unit. By the time I've finished, only Midnight is still awake. I start to move and find that Snowy is partly wrapped around me. Midnight sees my situation and gives me a toothy smile. She helps untangle Snowy from me and whispers. "Her kind was made to cuddle and you're the only one around that's small enough." She lies down and closes her eyes. Too tired to think, I lay down beside her. Looking at her from this position and thinking of how fortunate we are to crash on a planet with lots of food, I give myself up to sleep filled with dreams of them filling themselves. I wake to the sounds of them having breakfast. For a moment I wonder if Snowy is wrapped around me, then open my eyes enough to see her eating. I get up, stretch and join them. Wilma gives me a grin. "So what do we do today?" I eat a bit of a food pack before answering. "I'll need some one to help me build a bin we can store food in. We have enough sacks for this morning's harvest, then we'll have a problem." Bessie stands and smiles as my eyes open when I see how much larger her lower belly is. "Well maybe some of us can be used as sacks." She laughs and I can tell her bosom is filling her halter even more. April smiles. "I don't think even you can eat enough to make milk for all of us." She laughs. "And if you could, you wouldn't be able to move anyway." Every one laughs at this. For a moment, I imagine how enormous she'll be by that time and then realize it's possible she will get that big, and maybe even bigger. Midnight looks toward the door. "Since there's nothing to protect you from, I can help harvest and one of you help Jack." <20> April looks at Bessie. "Well since you love eating while you work. I guess that leaves Matilda and Snowy." Matilda stands and I'm amazed her belly is rounder and rolls heavier as she moves. "I'll help him in the morning and Snowy can after lunch." I nod and go to the hatch as I try to shut out the wondrous sight of her, and the thoughts of what one of her kind looks like in 'full' condition. Bessie walks over to the cart and I harness it up while those harvesting go outside. She halfway leans against me as I work. Once she's all set, she goes after the others. Matilda is waiting for me and does whatever I tell her to. Wilma watches and nibbles or eats all through the morning. I watch Matilda as she moves and can actually hear water sloshing inside her voluminous abdomen. I estimate she's carrying between ten and fifteen gallon. Closing my eyes for a moment, I visualize her with the normal full amount of 25 gallons, then can't help seeing her at champion size. She moves a bit making her belly really surge and my eyes follow it's motion as she secures a wall panel. She manages not to smile, but she knows that I'm also attracted to her. Wilma give her a slight nod and nibbles as she watches us. I try to keep my mind on the work and only glance at her, but with the knowledge of two standard years, being three of this moon's. I wonder if any of them have feeling toward me. By lunch time, there's enough of it done to begin emptying bags. Snowy dumps the contents of those she brings in and smiles. "We've been eating and the plants seems to taste better the more we eat." She moves and her loose pelt flows sensually. It's hard to tell how full she is because of it, but Bessie has obviously been eating well. She smiles as I look at how round her belly is. "Just wait till I get big and full, then I'll start milking and you'll see a real udder." For a moment I'm afraid she's talking about her fat breasts surging within her halter, then she turns sideways and I'm reminded she has a large dairy cow sized udder. After their noon time rest. Snowy stays with me while the others go to continue harvesting. "April not sure how long we have to get food." She holds a wall panel while I secure it. "Maybe those of use staying out should work more on eating." I stop and look at her, then Wilma."She may have a point Wilma. You can spend all your time eating. While she and Bessie are working and eating." <21> Wilma swallow what she was eating and nods."We only have about a month to get in shape." She smiles at Snowy. And I need help to get part of me in shape." Snowy giggles. "I not stay in you for winter, so I help you now." She gets another panel and keeps me working as my thoughts start to think of Wilma, fat and full of April, Matilda and Bonnie. We take breaks when I unload the cart and I glance to watch Snowy eating ravenously as Wilma encourages her. I try not to notice, but looking at Bonnie's round barrel of a body doesn't help much. By the time the others quit for the day, we've got it finished. April suggests that some one can empty full bags tomorrow as every one needs their sleep. I watch some of them eat while the others loosen tired limbs. "April, Would it be better if those that need to pack on the pounds just stay in and eat?" She looks at Snowy and Bessie. "They can eat instead of harvesting." She looks at Midnight. "I don't know if she can survive the winter without good warm fat." Midnight shakes her head. "I made to protect. Not sure I can get fat." She moves over and hugs me against her. "If you say I get fat, then I get FAT!" She emphasizes this by stepping to the side as if she would be touching me. Everyone laughs at this. "I don't want you to do something you don't really want to, but some plumpness," I pull her closer so she is almost touching. "I don't want to come out in the spring and find you didn't make it." She realizes what I mean and nods. "I can put on a layer to stay warm." She smiles and grabs several thick leaves and eats while she resumes her game. I watch her for a moment and then think on if every one can keep this pace for a month. April is checking the storage bin and I join her. "Do you think we can keep working this hard until winter?" She shakes her head slightly. "We need days off." She looks at those asleep or resting."Let's talk about it in the morning." She looks at Midnight. "We know just a bit of plumpness won't help her survive this winter." I nod and look her over. Not wanting to think about her eventually gaining and what she might think, since when her kind fattens, they're going to be slaughtered. <22> She smiles at the work. "We should be able to hold most of the crops in her." She laughs and I can't help letting my mind roam. "It will be wonderful if it's overflowing before winter hits." She can tell I'm concerned about something. "You worried about Midnight." She puts her arm around me. "I know her kind won't fatten without meat." She takes my head in her hands and turns me toward the others. "You know about Bessie's kind." I try not to lean too much against her, but relax some. "There's various strains that can produce special milk in the breasts. I don't have anything about her in particular." April grins. "We've been talking about ourselves while we work. You know that Midnight needs animal proteins," she waits for me to nod. "I know there's enough supplies for a few months, but not if she fattens up." I nod again. "I know she won't be able to stay inside Wilma. Her kind can't stand to be confined." I look at Bessie and her weighty bosom. "How can she produce enough milk to put enough pounds on Midnight? It'll be getting cold in a month." April waves for Bessie to join us. As she walks toward us, I'm amazed her halter top doesn't explode. "So you two been talking about Midnight's problem?" She smiles as I try to get control of my eyes. She gets my eyes t focus on her smiling face. With slow motions she takes my hands and moves them until I'm hefting her plump fleshy orbs. "So you want to know what's special about my milk." She smiles as my hands feel their softness. "The nutrients are completely balanced for meat eaters. But I do have control of the fat content." She takes one of my hands and has me feel her upper torso. "Of course the fatter I am, the fatter I can get my milk, and the fatter Midnight will get." I keep feeling her fleshiness for a few minutes, before I realize what's happening, and then I just relax with them. "So if you're harvesting by eating the plants." I feel her lower shoulder and plumpness of her forebelly, then move my hands up to her bosom. "How long before you'll be able to produce milk?" She smiles and gently takes my head in her soft hands. "You might be surprised." She giggles as I feel her halter almost fall off. April laughs quietly."Let's find if some encouragement well get you producing." I let her move my head closer and watch her nipples swell. I let her ease me forward, or is she moving closer. Letting go of whatever is holding me back, I grab it with my lips and begin to suck strongly. My hands stroke and massage her breast as I imagine this making Midnight nicely fat and her almost unable to waddle. I don't feel the passage of time when I taste a warm sweet wetness in my mouth. I keep drinking until I'm satisfied and step back. <23> April has been standing so the others can't see what we're doing if they look. Bessie is standing looking incredibly contented. "Mmmmmm I'm hungry, and I bet my milk will get really fat soon." She lets April get her halter back on as I get some heavy leaves for her. Once she fed, we rejoin the others. Only Midnight is awake, still playing the game. "So do we have enough meat for me to get plump?" She turns and looks at us. April shakes her head, "I'm afraid not, and as cold as it's going to get, you'll need more than a little plumpness to survive." She lays down and smiles. "Are you more worried about getting fat. or spending the winter in Wilma?" Midnight nods slightly. "My kind wasn't designed to get fat. But I don't think I could just stay in Wilma all winter." She smiles at me. "I know you've shown more interest in the fatter ones like April and Snowy, so I know what you'd like." She looks at April. "But there's no animals on this planet." Bessie smiles. "You know that various ones of my gentype have different types of milk." She lies down close to Midnight as I release her halter. "Well my kind is specially balanced for meat eaters and the fatter I get, the richer my milk is." Midnight pauses and looks at me. She finally grins. "I hope to impress you by spring." She lets Bessie guide her to her still full breast and drinks deeply. April had brought some leaves and we feed Bessie while she nurses. She keeps drinking, switches breasts and finally stops. "Mmmm not as good as fresh meat," she licks a drop of milk from Bessie's bosom. "But more delicious than those food packs I've been eating." Smiling and with a belly full of milk, she lays down and is soon asleep. The rest of us join them in sleep. Soon the only sound is deep breathing and the quiet hum of the power systems. I feel weighted down as I drift out of sleep. Opening my eyes slowly, I find Bessie has snuggled up and partly over me. I close my eyes and relax in her warmth for a moment, then ease out and get up. Wilma, April and Midnight are already up and having breakfast. Midnight smiles as she has about twice what she did for breakfast. She gulps down a large chunk and smiles at me. "I stay out all winter so I have to fill out lots." She resumes eating while I get a food pack for me and join them. I look around for a moment as I eat. "Is Snowy outside already?" <24> Every one grins and Wilma struggles to her hooves. She takes a couple of steps back and her swollen abdomen rolls heavily. "She helping me stretch out." I smile in admiration, and the thought of how huge she'll be with the ones in her this winter. "Any problem getting her in?" She smiles and shakes her head, her mane billowing. "Lot easier than I thought." She turns her head and looks at her rounded out belly. "Of course she no where near April's size and Bonnie's going to be rounder in a month." She steps back to the table and eats while standing. Grinning I pick up some of my food. "I take it you'd like to keep her in a while?" She smiles and continues eating, knowing she should have several month to pack on hundreds of pounds, instead of just one. I turn as Bessie gets to her feet. Her breasts seem to swell her halter even tighter and she adjusts it without seeing that I've noticed. April looks at Wilma then me. "We talk of plans now?" When I nod, she continues. Me, Matilda, Bonnie and Midnight can keep harvesting. One take day off so three work and one relax. We harvest path out for 100 feet from shuttle. Then we harvest paths around shuttle at 50 foot distance." She looks at Bessie. You can harvest path next to ship." She smiles as Bessie licks her lips. "I doubt you can get all the way around the shuttle." She giggles. Course you'll have to make the path wider as you go." Every one laughs about this and Bessie starts for the door. Grabbing the last of my food pack I follow her. Midnight gets slowly to her feet and bring what she hasn't finished with her. As I open the hatch and Bessie goes out, Midnight snuggles beside me, "I sure hope I'm not needed to defend us." She stuffs the rest of the food in her mouth and strokes her lower abdomen. "Not showing yet, but I'm feeling it." I pat her belly to encourage her. "There's no report of animals and if another shuttle lands, you can't fight lasers." I give her a hug and feel her plump breasts against me, encouraging my hope she can get fat enough. She smiles inside as she moves a bit closer so her forebelly nudges against me. "Bessie's milk make me fat. I help feed her when not harvesting." She glances toward our home area. "I teach her to play game to relax. Make us both big and round." She steps back and can see my face is a little flushed in excitement. She goes outside as April and Bonnie come out of our area. Bonnie has the cart already hooked up. "I not want to rest yet. We need much food." She turns her head to look at her abdomen. "I can eat while they fill cart." <25> April nods and takes some sacks with brown mark from the cart. She tosses them to Midnight, "Give these to Bessie. She can fill them and then leave them filled on her path." She tosses "You fill some with leaves only. Bonnie can carry loads from both places." She looks at the sky. "I expect this place will get some nasty rain any day. That's when we'll all rest." She smiles as Matilda comes over. I try not to stare, but her overly round belly sloshes so much I can easily imagine I can hear the water inside her. "Another 5 or 10 gallons I'll be up to full." She grins and steps so her belly rolls even more. "But I can harvest with a full load." She waddles down the ramp and April follows after giving me a smile. I watch them go down the path they worked on yesterday. Bessie and Midnight are working around to the nose of the shuttle. Smiling as I feel more confident that all might survive the winter, I return to our home area and work on setting up the thermal units. I keep Wilma supplied with leaves and we talk about what we can do to comfortably stretch her out. "Snowy is sleeping comfortably in me." She nuzzles what she can reach of her belly. "But she needs to get out and gorge." I come over and stroke her round heavy abdomen.Even though Snowy has stretched her out a lot, there's still some nice plumpness between her skin and womb. "With four of us inside, you're going to need a lot of fat to keep us warm." She nods and looks at her food. "I need to be stretched out inside, and stretch my belly. Can't really do both at once though." She looks at the insulated walls. "Will you be ready by then?" I look around and shrug. "I need help mounting the panels. At least two weeks of work." I look at her and think. "Would it be better if you first worked on fattening out and then stretching you womb, or what you're doing now." As she thinks and nibbles, another thought occurs to me. "Snowy needs to be outside anyway. If she's in your warm body, her fur won't get thick like it should." Wilma nods. "I'll keep her in me tonight and then let her out in the morning." She takes a large mouthful and eats while I go back to working on a thermal unit. April's group comes in for lunch break, After I unload Bonnie's cart, she goes and bring what Bessie and Midnight had ready and they follow her in. Wilma tells them of our decision to concentrate on fattening her. April goes outside and comes back in after a few minutes. "I don't know this planet too well, but we may have storms coming soon." She grabs some sacks and heads back out. <26> The others groan and then grin slightly as they follow her. Matilda gives me a smile and I can easily see she's much fuller. "With good rain I might be full by nightfall." She waddles out and I'm entranced by her water swollen belly as it sloshes from side to side. Wilma sees where my attention is and smiles as she nibbles. She opens her telepathic link to Snowy and tells her of our decision. Snowy move comfortably inside and purrs. Wilma takes a mouthful and chews slowly. Snowy drifts back to sleep. She feels as if her belly can fill and fatten until she can engulf Jack in her own fur and flesh. By dusk, I've got 5 of the thirty thermal units set and tested. Every one comes in and collapses in exhaustion. Midnight enters last. "Hatch secure for the night." She lies down carefully and I spot a bit of milk on her muzzle. Since it's obvious they've been eating all day, I take a food pack and go to the main power system and check out the power conduits so I can reconfigure them to power the thermal units. After an hour or so, Matilda waddles in. "So are we going to be able to survive the winter?" She waddles over and my eyes follow the rolling and sloshing of her well filled abdomen. She smiles sweetly, moves so I'm beside her and guides my hands to her water swollen belly. "I'm finally full and it feels soooo good." She makes warm contented sounds while I explore how round and heavy her abdomen has become. "Did you know my genes come for the same strain as the last champion, and they might even be better?" I stop and try to wrap my arms around her barrel like body. "I hope you aren't thinking of going for record size. You know you need to spend the winter inside Wilma?" She nods and moves so her water bloated belly surges within my hug. "I don't plan to carry any more than this." She sighs happily. "I could put on some weight and help Bessie fatten Midnight." I force myself to stand up and she gives me a warm hug before letting me go. "That might help, but I'm getting more worried about Wilma. She needs to put on hundreds of pounds, and stretch out enough to hold you, me, Bonnie and April." <27> She follows me to the panel I was working on and rubs my shoulders while I kneel down and work. "Maybe if I start making milk and nurse her." She pats her bloated belly and I try not to get distracted by the sloshing sound. "Now that I'm full of water, I can work on gorging and then my milk will get nice and rich." I let myself relax to her massage and feel her plump breasts moving against my back. "Sounds like a good plan." I make a few final settings and lean back against her. "I only hope we can be ready in time." I hesitate in getting up, but decide I should get back and check with April and the others. Matilda moves back and stands as I do. She manages to turn and lead me back to our home area. It's hard for me to follow her and watch her almost spherical belly surge and slosh, but I can't seem to pull my attention away until we get to the door. The sound of a heavy rain hitting the hull makes every one except April jump. "Looks like we get to rest tomorrow," she says with a slight smile." She waits until I half collapse and Matilda lowers herself down carefully. "Harvesting is," she looks up as a burst of rain, sounding like heavy asteroid dust, hits the hull. "I'm hoping this planet doesn't have spring and fall wet seasons. If we can keep going like we have the last couple of day, we should have enough to see us through. Snowy and Midnight should be able to harvest for a while after it's too cold for the rest of us." She looks toward the bin and the stems Bessie has been harvesting beside it. I nod. "That's some good news." I look at the unfinished insulation. "Maybe a week and a half for the insulation and five days to get the thermal units ready." I listen to the rain, "Probably should work on the insulation first though." I look at Wilma. She smiles and stands, her large belly surges. "I'm going to let Snowy out tomorrow. She needs to feel the weather get cold so her fur will grow thick." She looks at the leaves in front of her. "I need to really gorge. I'll need hundreds of pounds of fat to insulate those I'll carry this winter. If I can take one in, then get comfortable before the next and so on." She eats a leaf slowly. I study her from my position and try to imagine how huge her womb will be with us in her. "How much do you need to gain?" She finishes the leaf in a gulp and sighs. "To really have enough fat for all of us I'd need to add on half my weight, But since there's not enough time, the more the better. I can't push myself too fast or there might be problems." She takes a bite of the leaf. "This is good, but I really need something with a higher fat content." She looks at me while she munches. I nod and look at the others. "Ok, that is a problem. I look at Bessie and can see her lower belly is heavy with food and most probably some new fat. "How are you doing?" <28> She smiles and leans against the wall. "Harvesting and eating is going to make me nice and fat. I don't have the genes for winter survival, but if I'm fat enough, April, Wilma and I feel I'll be ok." She looks at Midnight. Midnight half grins. "My kind isn't built for winter like we'll get here. I need meat proteins to gain weight and Bessie is making milk. The fatter she gets, the richer it'll be." She giggles as Bessie tries to adjust her halter. Taking a look, I can easily see she's already let it out. I remember that halters are only in a few general sizes and adjustable. Her's is the smallest size. Bonnie looks around and does a equine version of a shrug. "I'm pulling the cart with bags of food. I don't know when I'll birth. Since I'm spending the winter in Wilma, I shouldn't put on much." She smiles, But I think the leaves I'm eating outside might put a hundred on me in a month." Matilda looks at me and blinks coyly. "Jack and I were talking about Wilma." She pats her water swollen belly. "Since I'm nice and full of water, I can start fattening." She smiles at Wilma's concerned expression. "The fatter I get, the richer my milk will be, so I can help fatten Wilma." She laughs and her bloated belly surges and jiggles. Wilma seems to be thinking, but I know she's communicating with Snowy. "Snowy says she'll come out tomorrow and work with Jack on insulation in the morning. Starting at noon she'll gorge the rest of the day." I force a smile at the plan. "Well if it's raining tomorrow or it's to wet outside, I'll take what help I can in insulating. And some can work on a bin for Bessie's food." She laughs at this and slurps a long stem down like spaghetti. "I think we've worked hard today and all need some sleep." She lies down and it doesn't take long before every one is heading for slumberland. I look at the sleeping females around me and lie down beside Wilma. Her round belly seems to move from within and it rocks me to sleep. Some time during the night, I dream of the shuttle being buffeted in a storm as I land. The dream fades and soon I'm engulfed in a warm soft feeling that I just want to curl up in until I'm completely lost in it. My thoughts start to collect as I drift awake. I move my head and seem to nuzzle two round furry masses. Realizing I'm cuddled with some one, I try to determine who without waking her. Her fur is thick and lush, but her bosom seems a bit too full for Snowy. Cautiously opening my eyes, I see that it's her fur. I move my head back and look up. <29> Her eyes smile at me over her swollen mounds of breast flesh. "Wilma talk with me in her. I grow fat and make lots of rich milk for her like Matilda." She slowly releases me and helps me stand. "So I need to eat, fatten out and nurse her." She laughs in her carefree way and heads for the food bin. Midnight raises her foretorso and then stands. A gust of wind and rain makes her duck for a second. "I guess we don't harvest today." She goes to the supplies for food packs and gets several for her and one for me. During breakfast, I tell what help I can use. Midnight looks at her food and forces down another mouthful. "Since I need to get fat and so does others. Maybe we should use food sent for miners." In shock, I slam my hand into my head. "I thought of that before we landed." I look at April. "We could save that if you don't know how well these leaves will keep." She shakes her head and her long hair flows. "This will be fine for months. Wilma needs more fat than I think she can gain before we have to enter her, and Midnight has no idea how fast she can put on fat." I stand and wave for Midnight to follow. The cargo racks of supplies for the miners has mostly clothes, tools and other mining materials. There's several cartons of food packs. Midnight opens one and sighs. "Don't they get tired of meat biscuits, spam and this other type I can't recognize." I check several of the cartons before I find one with corned beef. I open one of the half pound cans and hand it to her. "Give this a taste. Not too bad and a good bit of fat in it." She nibbles and then swallows it in a couple of gulps. "No this isn't bad." She smacks her lips. Might put some flesh one me if there's enough." She crunches the can and puts the cartoon near the doorway. There's one container next to that bay about 8 foot cube that has a code lock on it. "Hmmmm this is interesting." She moves close and rubs gently against me. I try a few standard codes, then remember what the cloud had done and let my thoughts flow with the circuits. The lights flash to green and I open the door. Within is a glowing stasis field. Midnight licks her lips and pulls me close. "Fresh meat. Lots of the special fat ox udders and breasts." She's actually drooling and I can't blame her. I look at the packing list and read it for her. <30> Shipment M4224: Contents fat oxtaurs 4 average - 2400# 1 champion - 4000 4 foretorso 300 1 400 8 sides 500 2 900 4 rumps 600 1 900 16 legs 50 4 75 8 breasts 75 2 150 4 udders 150 1 300 I show her how to control the stasis field. "I think we need to keep this quiet, especially from April." She nods and picks up the carton of corned beef. "There will be times we can get over here." She looks longingly at the container. "How bout we snuggle together tonight, then sneak over here and you can see what REAL food does to my appetite?" Her hungry look and the thought of just one of those fat udders stuffed into her, and the fat she'll put on makes me excited and I walk carefully beside her back to the others. Bessie and Snowy have been getting parts for her bin. While Midnight puts the carton near the vid system, I get to work on it. Before lunch, enough of it is done that Midnight and Bessie assure me they can finish on their own. After lunch, April goes out and decides they should continue harvesting. Bonnie and Matilda go with her. Snowy helps me move some of the food packs for Wilma to eat. Then, she helps me mount more insulation panels. Midnight and Bessie work on her bin. Bessie eats a lot while she's holding panels in place and Midnight nurses several times from her growing mammeries. They finish her bin by dusk. Bessie nurses Midnight and then has Wilma drink her completely dry. As snug as her halter has become, I get the next size for her. She smiles as I help her get it on and adjust it. "I was getting ready to just start overflowing that one." She makes it looser. "The more I produce," she takes a thick leaf from the table, "and eat. The bigger they'll grow." She goes over to her sleeping area and lays down. Snowy comes over and nuzzles me as I work on one of the thermal units. "I need to nurse Wilma too." She smiles and lies down so she's at the right level. My eyes are watching her heavy breasts surge. I gently put my hands under them and feel more weight than I expected to. "I guess she did something to you while you were in her." Gently I mouth her already swelling nipple and slurp it happily. It doesn't take long for her milk to start flowing and the richness surprises me. <31> She eases my head back and moves me to her other one. "My kind makes rich milk." She mmrrrssss happily as I begin to suckle. "Best there is for some one lost in the freezing snows." She lets me drink longer, and then goes to Wilma until she's as dry as Bessie. I finish the unit and then lay down near Midnight. Some time in the night, Midnight quietly wakes me. Looking up in her almost glowing eyes, her hunger is more than obvious. Surprisingly silent for her 300 plus pounds, we go to the special container without disturbing any one. I take the list and reread it in a whisper. She licks her lips as if gauging the size of one, or something else. "None except the richest can afford fat ox breasts and udders." She tries not to drool. "I'd like to start on a udder, if I can just eat part of one. Or maybe I should start on a leg." I use the remote controls to move average ones into the delivery section. The container slides out. I open the top and watch the fat loaded udder quiver like an extra thick pudding. The leg looks as if the ox would have trouble walking because of it's girth. I step back as Midnight almost shoves me aside. I smile as she reaches in and struggles to take either one out. Frustrated or hungry enough, she sticks her muzzle in the box and takes a big bite, crunching through the strong bone. She raises her head and smiles in bliss as she takes a few chews and then swallows it. Her throat bulges until it disappears behind her breasts. She reaches in and takes a larger bite, tips her head back and swallows it whole. In awe, I watch as she takes another bite, tip her head back and swallows. Her forebelly swells slightly with these two bites. Before I can move closer, her head goes down and she takes another bite. I begin to stroke and then gently massage her forebelly as she keeps eating. She swells out farther than any human pregnancy. I can actually feel the lumps of meat, which must weigh a couple of pounds each, sloshing inside her. As her forebelly starts to soften them, she moves the softened food to her main stomach in her lower torso. All I'm able to pay attention to is her forebelly and plump breasts as she takes bite after large bite of leg and udder. She seems to slow down, or maybe I'm so lost in her gorging that I don't sense the real passage of time. Finally, she stops and takes a heavy step back. "Mmmmm," she grins. "That was so delicious." Her lips are red with blood, which she licks off with her tongue. I turn to put the rest back into the stasis field and almost fall over as I see she's finished off the entire udder. "The chart says that udder weighed 160 pounds, and the leg was 60..." My voice trails off as I get a good look at all of her. <32> She's standing unsteady as her blood is weighted down with nutrients soon to be making her fat. Both her lower abdomen and foretorso look incredibly pregnant. "Midnight," I almost whisper as I gently feel her swollen lower stomach. She looks back as if almost drunk. "Well this should make me warm this winter." She takes unsteady steps and both bellies roll from side to side. I run to catch her and try to help her waddle a bit more steady. We somehow manage to get back to her sleep pad and she collapses with a heavy grunt as the food inside is shoved around. "I sleep very well tonight." She's asleep before I'm laying down beside her. I wake with some one shaking me. "Jack," Snowy half whispers, "Wake up." She pulls me out from under a warm blanket and I struggle to my feet. "What did Midnight find to eat?" Her expression is a mix of shock and excitement. I turn and fall into her plump body as I see Midnight, and know what happened last night wasn't a dream. Every one else is awake and I motion for them to let her sleep. Matilda has already gotten breakfast ready and is eating with Wilma and Bessie. She grins, "So Midnight get fat enough for winter?" I sit down and try not to stare at April as I wonder what her reaction will be. Snowy snuggles against me and I'm suddenly thirsty, but decide they need to know first. "Yesterday evening, we were checking on supplies and found meat for her." As Matilda holds up a one pound can of corned beef, I smile and shake my head. "There is a special container that isn't on my manifest." I look at April and she gives a slight nod. "It's a shipment of fat ox." I wait for her to react. Bessie looks over at the gorged wolftaur. She asks in shock, "She ate some one with the same genes as April?" Every one looks back and forth between Midnight and April. "What's to stop her from eating me this winter?" Snowy shakes her head. "Midnight thinks of us as packmates. She need get fat to stay out in winter and needs meat." She looks at the can Matilda has emptied. "Meat in can was alive once." Bonnie looks around. "I not know what to say." She looks at the meat swollen wolftaur. "She get too fat to protect, but nothing to protect us from." Wilma half smiles. "I was worried I'd have to find room in me as it gets too cold for her." She gauges Midnight's food swollen body and the flesh she's already put on. "Another meal or two like that and she'll be in prefect shape." <33> Every one looks at April as she stares at Midnight's ox flesh bloated body. She gives no hint of what she's thinking for a minute or two. Finally, she turns to the rest of us and nibbles on a big leaf. "I only one of us who's genes are designed for special fat meat. The genegineers took all the harmful parts out of fat and inserted nutrients and more flavor." She puts her hands under her small (compared to the others) breasts and smiles proudly. "The breasts and udder have been genegeneered to accumulate a special kind of fat. The cells, that originally made milk, can swell to enormous size and multiply until they become so large and heavy in champions, that they can't walk. The fat is milky in color and the taste has never been artificially duplicated." She smiles as the others are shocked how easily she can talk about her meat. "I've also been bred with knowledge of farming and to know what plants are good for food." She smiles at the others. "You know how tasty and fattening these leaves are. They might have been dangerous, but I know what they are." She looks at Midnight's semi-comatose, bloated form. "She wouldn't survive the winter without fat." She looks at the rest of us. "Without meat, especially FAT meat, she'd have to go in Wilma, and her kind can't stand being kept inside for long." She looks at me. "What did she eat, and how much is there?" I'm shocked for a moment. Then I smile, "She ate an entire udder that weighed 160 pounds, and a leg." I look at the sleeping wolftaur. "There's the meat from four complete average oxtuars and one champion." I look at Matilda and Snowy. "I know you two are omnivorous." I look at April as if it should be her offering the rich meat. April smiles warmly. "I'd love it if the three of you grow HUGE on that meat. It will make me feel that what they were will help us survive the winter." Matilda giggles and her huge belly rolls. "I love leaves and they make me plump." She looks at Wilma. "I not want to get too fat to sleep in you." Snowy giggles. "I like this corny meat Midnight found. Genegineers make me prefer plant so when I rescue some one they not worry I eat them. April nods at me. "We no need guard wolftaur here. She get fat so she can stay out with the others." She looks toward the door. "I'm hoping the winter doesn't start before computer says it will." Bessie and Matilda looks that way. They nod and head outside. I go with them and hook Bonnie to her cart. Snowy smiles and we get to work on insulating more of our home. During the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon, Bonnie brings in loads of leaves, alternated with loads of Bessie's leaves and stems. The harvesters take breaks whenever they feel like it. <34> By evening, every one is tired, but not exhausted. Midnight is still asleep. Her forebelly has partially digested everything that she had forced into it and only her main stomach is still stuffed. I go over and snuggle her newly fattened body. "You're going to be more than fat enough to stay out all winter." I look toward the cargo area. "But some one will have to control how much you get or..." I imagine her eating and eating until she's fatter than the champion oxtaur and there's still an average one and the champion to go....and she's still hungry. Snowy comes over lays down beside us. She hugs me and her plump bosom moves reassuringly against me. "You worried she eat too much?" I smile and feel some of Midnight's new fat. "Not this time, but if I leave it so she can feed herself this winter." Snowy giggles and her softness jiggles against me. "I not let her eat too much. I feed her when she needs fat." She stands and I can see where she's already filling out. Giving Midnight a loving pat, and watching her fat jiggle under her pelt, I lead Snowy to the container. It doesn't take long for her to understand it and agrees to use the large knife to cut off pieces for Midnight, rather than hope she can control herself. "It might be best if you feed her the legs during the winter. They only average 50 pounds each so even if she does get a hold of one..." Snowy giggles, "I feed her when she needs to eat good." She checks out the other foods and finds cartons of cereals and snack foods. She fills a large carton with several kinds and takes it back to her pad. "Make me fat when I get cold." Tired from insulating our home, I go over to April, who's still partly awake. "Winter come soon," she whispers. "We get as much food as we can. Should be enough for winter." She looks at Wilma and then the walls. "How long before you ready?" I look at the walls and then the un-installed thermal units. "A couple of weeks. I could work on more heaters, but insulation will be best." She nods and closes her eyes. "Snowy and Midnight help you. Others and I harvest enough." I wait a minute then go and nuzzle against Midnight and fall asleep. She moves unconsciously and hugs me into her new plumpness. I drift to sleep cuddled into her warmth and dream of winter howling outside while she keeps me warm. <35> I wake as Midnight begins to finally stir. She open her eyes and smiles at me, then remembers. She moves an arm and then turns her head enough to look at herself. "I guess my kind does put on weight." She struggles to her feet and stands more comfortably than her new weight should allow. She waddles slightly to the tables and smiles as Bessie is serving the leaves and some food packs. Snowy laughs, "I told you, you can get fat for winter." She runs over and hugs Midnight's fat body. "I not think you do it so fast." She grabs a box of her cereal and gulps it down. "So now I catch up." Her laughter is almost contagious. Wilma takes a break from gorging. "I study gene files on Midnight. Several variations were developed from the original wolftaur.She and Matilda are only two of them. One was to be what Snowy is, but they decided Snowleopards look friendlier than wolves. It's obvious they didn't remove the fattening ability." She studies Midnight, who turns slowly, modeling her new size. "Her body adapt as she grow. She easily be comfortable in winter." Wilma resumes gorging and I can see that she's putting on fat nicely. After breakfast, April, Wilma and I talk. We agree that insulation is important so Midnight and Snowy will help me. Matilda, Bessie and Bonnie will work with April. Wilma smiles and nibbles another heavy leaf. "I guess my job is to eat and grow." She swallows it and smiles. "I'll do my best." I smile and hug what I can of her huge belly. "You have to get fat enough to keep three of us warm. So eat all you want." I jokingly half shove a leaf into her mouth and she almost swallows it whole. Midnight and Snowy help me with insulating our home and take breaks to unload the cart Bonnie pulls in. For almost the next twenty days, work progresses. The main bin fills and we simply dump the leaves beside it instead of taking time to build another one. All of them gain a good bit of weight except Midnight and April. The sound of a powerful lightning crash jars me awake. I look around as the lights come up and every one is looking toward the ceiling or the doorway. April struggles to her feet and shakes her head. "The nights have been getting colder and I can tell the leaves are preparing to drop. There's been no new leaves for three weeks." She looks at the mostly finished insulation and the thermal units. If you want me to help you work..." <36> I run over and give her a warm hug. "I know you're worried about something. What is it?" She looks at the much fatter Wilma eating from the pile of leaves that Snowy makes sure she always has ready. "Wilma thinks she's almost fat enough to keep us warm, but need to stretch out her womb." She looks toward the door as the rain fall and the wind picks up. "It could easily turn into snow." Wilma gulps down a large leaf and smiles. "Then we need to get you in me." She struggles to her feet and her fat bloated body jiggles with every motion. "I've found several things the cloud did to us to help as we fill out." She grins as April walks around her enormous abdomen. April's eyes open wide as Wilma opens her birth tunnel wider than any foal would push it. April breathes slowly as she tries to relax. I stroke Wilma's well fattened rump and watch as a fleshy tube eases out of her. "I've been told how you do this, but never would have believed you could take some one her size." Wilma appears to be entering a trance of some sort. The tube continues to come out and then lays still. April looks at it then me as she also seems to me in a trance. I pick it up and hold the end against her navel. A warm fluid comes out of the tube then it seals against her. I jump back as she moves slowly toward Wilma. Watching her muzzle start to enter the fleshy tunnel, I remember her horns. Looking toward them, I find her forehead is smooth as her muzzle disappears into Wilma. Matilda and Bonnie are watching April as she slowly, yet smoothly is eased into Wilma's obviously elastic abdomen. Her upper shoulders slide in and then her upper torso. As her lower shoulders and round body push against the fleshy tunnel, her forward motion stops. Bessie looks around Wilma's swelling belly. "You'll have to help push her in." Her voice is so calm that I grab one of April's forelegs while Matilda works on her other side. We push her in and open Wilma more before realizing that April is floating. Bessie walks around to watch. "Wilma tell me cloud teach her how to do this. She say we learn as we get much fatter." She watches as Midnight constantly shoves April's rump. "Good she not fatter." April almost jokes. "Maybe next year April stay out." She pats Midnight's wide, soft back. "You get fat for this winter. I not think you could." Midnight leans her new weight against April and her shoulders squeeze into Wilma's stretching birth tunnel. "I surprise I eat so much in one night and feel so good. I make warm rescuer like Snowy." <37> As April's knees ease into Wilma, I help guide the knees of her hind legs and try to imagine how she can bend enough to fit in Wilma. I step back a moment and stare in horror and awe at how enormous Wilma's abdomen has swollen. Her belly is now touching the floor and I can see motion under her thick fat as more of April is shoved into her accommodating womb. I stroke Wilma's rapidly expanding abdomen and feel her fat seem to surge as April's hips finally are pushed and pulled in. Wilma's birth cavern closes smoothly and she levitates herself to her automatic water bowl. I hug and massage her lumpy, spherical belly as she drinks gallon after gallon. Wilma finally stops with a contented burp and turns a bit. I reluctantly let go and walk around her more huge than ever belly. "I guess getting the rest of us in will be easy." She groans slightly. "It'll take a while before I have stretched out enough for any one else." She looks at the three of us who will also spend the winter in her. "I guess Bonnie will be next." I look at Bonnie and am still amazed even Wilma can't sense when she'll be due. Her belly is almost spherical and she rolls heavily when she waddles. Bonnie smiles and eats a few leaves. She turns her head to look at how hugely pregnant she is. "Wilma think I carry special foal and she can help with me in her." She eats another leaf before waddling over to Matilda for a long drink of milk. Matilda smiles and hefts her fat breast with plump hands. "I not get too fat for Wilma." Her hands move over her soft lower shoulders and well fleshed body. She steps back as Bonnie stops nursing and the tens of gallons of water slosh, making her pelt billow on her fat. "But next year, maybe I too full for her." Smiling, I stroke her round belly and feel the layer of fat she's managed to add in less than a month. "That cloud has made all of you so easy to fatten," I pause as I look at all of them not sure if I should finish. "I bet all of you will out weigh any champion." Bessie smiles, pats her foretorso and then tries to heft her growing breasts. "I only make milk here. But I make more than champion by next winter." She smiles and levitates a heavy leaf and eats it rapidly. "I not need hands to eat now." She continues eating while I check how the work preparing our home is going. Midnight joins me and smiles. "We get insulation done soon?" I nod as a hard blast of wind hits the hull. "A couple of days and we'll have that done." I look at the thermal units still in their cases. "I can't say how long for all the thermal units." <38> Matilda waddles over, her water filled abdomen swaying under her. "We get done so others be ok in winter." She rolls the cart with panels over to where we stopped yesterday and begins unloading it. Snowy joins her and help move the panels onto the scaffold. Midnight and I climb onto the scaffold and begin securing panels. By lunch time, we've done almost a fourth of what was there in the morning. We eat and then go back to work as the temperature drops slightly. Bessie looks at the working thermal units then comes over to where we're working. "I'm ok, but Bonnie is huddled against Wilma. We turn heat up for her?" I finish with the panel we're mounting. "I don't want to push them since they need to keep going all winter." I look at the work we need to finish. "We have to get the insulation up or we'll be wasting power." Snowy smiles and moves so her loose pelt billows on her fat. "I go help Bonnie." She tries to run, but it's more of a fast waddle as she goes to help Bonnie. Bessie uses her levitation to help move the panels. As the afternoon approaches evening, her ability and skill becomes better. Midnight is helping Matilda get panels from the area they were stored. We take a break for supper and then work a couple of hours before Wilma insists we stop. Wilma smiles as we loosen our limbs and almost collapse on the sleeping pads. "Snowy and I can help Bonnie keep warm." She moves and her fur billows on her enormously pregnant belly. "If it does get colder before you can finish. I can get Bonnie in me." She tries to look back toward the pregnant pony, but her own swollen belly and Snowy's almost blocks her vision. She whispers to me, "She look plump, but she much big with foals. One not make her this round. She in me I make foals wait until spring." She closes her eyes and feels Bonnie snuggled against her. "I think she need in me. She worried about her young and afraid cold hurt them." I nod, knowing that April has stretched her out tremendously. I stroke her fat swollen breasts and shoulder as I walk to Bonnie and Snowy. Snowy's pelt seems to have spread out and she almost looks like a very thick rug in places. "Wilma thinks Bonnie should be in her tonight." Bonnie looks up from where she's snuggles between the two and nods. "I not bad, but foal may be cold." She steps back as Snowy moves back and her fur seems to withdrawal into her plumpness. With heavy steps that make her spherical belly bounce, she waddles to Wilma's massive rump and her already opening cavern. <39> I take the fleshy umbilical cord and hold it against her bloated belly until it attaches and she slowly stops breathing. She floats up and her head and shoulders easily slide in, Matilda and I struggle to pull Wilma open wider and Midnight and Bessie help shove her in. It takes over half an hour before Bonnie's round rump is in. As Wilma closes her birth opening, Bonnie's legs are slowly pulled inside. Matilda, then Bessie nurses her until they're both completely dry. Wilma smiles tiredly. "I not have room for leave for awhile, so I need milk." She smiles as Snowy waddles in front of her and puts her soft paws on Wilma's spongy breast and sinks in. Wilma levitates her up and drinks her dry. As she lowers Snowy down, Wilma is already slipping into a deep sleep. I feed every one as Midnight wanders around, checking the work we've done. "So you think you'll be ok to stay out?" I ask as Midnight returns. She smiles and pats her plushy foretorso. "I not sure I get fat by winter." She smiles at me and then hugs me into her soft front and plump bosom. "Now I worry I get too fat to guard." I wrap my arms around as much of her upper body as I can. "There's nothing to guard us from, so pack on all the weight you want to." As she laughs, I snuggle deep into her warm fur and fat as I feel how chilly our chamber is getting. We go back to the others and curl up on a pad. Snowy comes over and partly covers me with her overly pliable plump pelt. "I keep you warm tonight." She giggles and hugs me as we all quickly fall asleep. The next morning I wake to the chilly air and try to snuggle closer between Midnight and Snowy. Snowy giggles and her fur jiggles happily around me. "It get cold soon." Midnight gives me a hug with her spongy belly and then gets up. "We need more heat today?" She looks at the uninsulated area and then the thermal units. I get up shivering slightly until Snowy traps me between herself and Wilma. "You need something to keep you warm inside," she giggles as she moves one of her heavy breasts toward my mouth. I suck her fat nipple in and take long, hungry swallows, feeling her milk warm me from the inside as her fattening foretorso and Wilma's massively fat body warms my outside. I stop before she's even partly empty and then go to where Midnight is waiting. We resume work and it goes more smoothly once Bessie has nursed Wilma. Matilda brings food for all of us and we work with short breaks so we don't tire out as much as yesterday. <40> In the afternoon, another blizzard starts and the wind echos from the uninsulated portion of the ship. "Next summer," I comment after a strong gust. "We'll have to see if we can make more of the ship livable." Midnight shakes her head. "We worry bout here now. You get heat working more soon or you get in Wilma." She smiles and holds another panel in place as I secure it. We work several hours past sunset, if you can call it sunset with a blizzard making outside almost black. Exhausted, everyone eats slowly and listens to the howling of the wind echoing in the main cargo area. I force a smile. "If this had come a few days earlier we would really have a problem. I checked the orbit of this moon and apparently some one goofed. It shouldn't be this cold for another couple of weeks." I take my food pack and go over to the computer system I set up for entertainment. Midnight and Matilda join me and nibble leaves while I run info on the moon and it's mother planet. After many minutes, I lean back exhausted. "The scout did his report and then transmitted it to base. They marked the date received as the date he calculated the orbit." I smile as Midnight comes behind me and massages my shoulders. "By tomorrow night we'll be behind the planet and the temperature will really drop." Matilda looks at Wilma's enormously bloated abdomen and shivers. "She not have room for us for days." Wilma nods slightly. "I'm so stretched with April and Bonnie in me I can't risk moving." She closes her eyes as she thinks to herself. "I doubt I'll be able to take Matilda, or even you for at least a week." I nod and stand slowly, Midnight stepping back so I can. "I better get the insulation done tonight. Those walls will let heat out faster than all the heaters can make it." Midnight and Matilda nod and head for the area we've been working on. Snowy heavily leaps into my way and smiles. "If you're going to work more." She smiles and puts her hands under her plump bosom. With a tired laugh, I hug her close and then nurse hungrily. Her warming nectar gives me strength and I climb back onto the scaffold and resume installing panels on the chilly, unfinished ceiling. Matilda keeps reloading carts while Bessie levitates them to Midnight and me. Snowy looks over everything we've done to make sure nothing's been missed. It's well after midnight when I get the final section installed. I'm shivering as Midnight helps me to the sleeping pads. She lays down and pulls me into her warm, yielding fat. Snowy wraps her fur and fat around us so I'm snuggled warm between them. <41> The next morning.. morning with the sun behind the planet for the next three months... It's almost 0900. Thank goodness the rotation here is close enough to standard I could reprogram the clocks to it. Matilda is laying down in front of me and smiles as she moves a billowing breast toward me. "You need some inner warmth before they let you out." She smiles contentedly as I nurse hungrily. When I quit nursing, they let me up. The cold cuts through my clothes and Snowy tries to keep me warm as I work on installing and powering up the thermal units. By noon the temperature is almost stable... at -15 degrees C. Midnight and Snowy snuggle me between them and Matilda nurses me, trying to help me be able to continue work. As I work on another thermal unit, Matilda comes over shivering slightly. "I not get fat enough for this." She looks back at her water bloated belly. "I may freeze before Wilma have room." I get up and Snowy tries to hug both of us. "I don't think the water will freeze," I hug Matilda and make her water bloated belly slosh heavily. "I guess you might need to pack on some weight, but let's talk with Wilma first." I manage to get Snowy to let go enough for me to walk over to Wilma, then she snuggles me against Wilma's overly plushy front. "I know you've stretched more than you should have." I nuzzle into her warm softness as Matilda leans into a fleshy shoulder. "I think Matilda is going to need to pack on some fat to keep warm though." Wilma opens her eyes slowly from her trance. "I'm afraid it'll be at least a week before I can hold her." She smiles as Matilda snuggles into her. "As long as she lets some one drink her dry, she can put on a couple of hundred pounds and I'll be able to hold her." She stares at me. "But you're going to need to be in me soon." She closes her eyes and concentrates. "How long before you get the heaters working?" I shiver as I look at the ones still to be installed. "A couple of days." I yawn from exhaustion and lay down partly under the roll of her fat swollen body. Snowy wraps herself around me while Midnight and Bessie help warm Matilda for the night. I wake late the next day as Snowy snuggles me. "Any warmer today?" I can see my breath making a slight fog so I already know the answer. She lets me move enough until I can nurse from her fat breast. Her milk warms me better than Matilda's and I get up feeling better than yesterday, but still cold. <42> Matilda gets up and shivers slightly. "Not as cold, but still not good." She looks as Midnight rubs against her, trying to warm her up. "Wilma says it'll be at least a week before she has room for you." I pause as she shivers more and look at Midnight. "Wilma, does Matilda have enough genes like Midnight to quickly gain weight?" Wilma opens her eyes slightly. "I don't know, but it's possible." She looks at Wilma. She can drink lots of water so she should be able to eat lots." Midnight smiles, "She eat good meat like me?" She moves so her fat jiggles. I almost laugh as I imagine Matilda even more belly heavy. "If she's going to make it that long, I think we'll have to try." Matilda looks at Midnight, then me. "I get fat I not go in Wilma?" She shivers even more. I shake my head as Midnight waddles over to the container. "It's a good thing I moved it into our area." I tap in the code as Midnight explains what is in there. "Well I sure don't think you can hold what Midnight did." I look at Midnight and smile, "Course neither of us thought she'd eat that much before." Matilda looks at the list. "I try leg. See if I can eat all." She looks doubtful as a hind leg is moved into the dispenser chamber. She takes a bite and licks her lips. "Mmmmm" Opening her mouth wide, she starts eating with the same intensity as Midnight had. Midnight steps back and I can see the hunger in her eyes. "After she's full," I whisper to her. "You can have a leg." Midnight smiles as I massage Matilda, encouraging her to gorge. When she finishes the leg, including the bone with no sign of slowing, I move a foreleg into the dispenser and watch her gorge. She finishes that one and I barely manage to get the other foreleg in position fast enough. She slows and she tears the last of the meat off and then takes the bone out and carefully lays down to crunch it into pieces she can swallow. Midnight is drooling and I select one of the largest hind legs in the average selection. I know enough to stay out of her way as she attacks it and finishes meat and bone while Matilda is still crunching her's. She gives me a begging look and then steps back with a smile. "You better not give me access or...." She laughs and her fur billows on her jiggling fat. Realizing she's right, but might need meat during the winter, we help Matilda back to our sleeping area and she cuddles against Wilma while she digests her feast. <43> Snowy comes over while I'm working on a thermal unit and tries to snuggle her soft pelt around me, yet allow me to keep working. "Midnight told me of problem letting her have access to meat container." She snuggles her plump face against me. "Want me to say when she eats?" Concentrating on the connections and double checking since it must work all winter, I tell her how to use it and that I'd prefer if we save the champion for last in case we can trade for needed things after we claim this moon. By noon I've made progress, but not enough to really notice. I stay beside one with Snowy snuggling me. Midnight brings us food and I nurse long before resuming my work. I take a break after I finish each unit, but stop after supper. During the evening, Midnight, Snowy and I play some of the computer games to help me relax. I check Matilda as she sleeps and struggles to digest her feast. She's obviously plumper and doesn't appear to notice the cold as much. Snowy cuddles around her for the night. Bessie and Midnight cuddle around me until I'm almost lost in their fur and fat. "So you two fat enough to survive the winter?" Bessie moves slightly and her bloated breasts surge around my head. "I get more of me during the winter. Nurse Wilma so she can keep all in her warm." Midnight hugs me and her plumpness flows around me. "I fatter than thought I could get." She moves her lower torso against me. "And I have more meat to make more of me." She yawns and almost every one else echos her action. Soon all that is heard is slow breathing and contented sounds of digestion. The next morning, I wake as Bessie gets up to nurse Wilma. Snowy comes over and nurses me on her special milk before I have breakfast. I spend the morning working on thermal units. Shortly after noon, Matilda wakes. She struggles to her feet and smiles at her new fat. "I not as cold as I was, so water don't freeze." She smiles and Midnight helps her get comfortable with her new weight. That afternoon and evening, I keep working while they take turns helping me keep warm. I finally collapse in exhaustion, not even knowing who is cuddled around me. <44> The next day I manage to finish the final unit and run a series of test so I'm hopeful they'll work all winter. I show Midnight and Snowy how to run checks and what to do to shut one down if there's trouble. Wilma looks at me and smiles. "I have room for you and can bring Matilda in me in a few days." She closes her eyes as she prepares herself for me. Every one gathers around me to help keep me warm as I get out of my thermal clothes. Even though the air is frigid, I become more excited than ever with their flesh bloat bodies snuggling around me and Wilma opening wide for me. I hold the umbilical against me and feel a wondrous warmth as she connects to me. Midnight and Snowy pick me up and gently shove me feet first into her. My throbbing shaft thumps excitedly and they try not to stare, but smile with a sensual grin as I'm shoved all the way into Wilma's fleshy warmth. As my head enters and everything becomes dark, I feel tired and drift into a deep restful sleep. I know that I'm needing to decide which one will be first in the spring. A worrying thought hits me about Midnight's appetite and Snowy's playfulness. Bessie, Matilda, and Snowy nurse Wilma as much as they have and then make sure there's plenty of food before her at all times. Late that night, Snowy takes Matilda over to the meat chamber and lets her eat another leg. Matilda smiles and waddles happily with her almost enough fat to stay outside. Her ponderous bosom grows rounder and heavier with nursing Wilma as much as she can produce. For the next several days, Wilma eats and nurses as much as she can. She's eating many times what she could when we landed. Her shoulders and hips are almost twice as wide. Her abdomen is so swollen that it bulges out many feet wider that her hips on both sides. Her legs are actually pushed away and don't touch the floor. Even if she could get them straight down, her mammoth womb is so swollen that they'd be a couple of feet off the floor. Wilma has managed to get her womb and abdomen comfortable with the three inside her and looks at Matilda. "I see you've put on some weight to stay warm." She tries to move and her thick fur billows on her obese body. "Course you do need to loose that water you're carrying." She smiles broadly. Matilda steps back and moves her hands like she's trying to protect her precious fluid. "I've worked so hard to get all this in me." She slowly moves her hands up and forward, then squeezes them between her fat foretorso and massive mammeries. "But if you can hold all of it..." She smiles proudly. <45> Wilma smiles and levitates Matilda until her fat bloated breast partly supports Matilda's fore body. She slurps a swollen nipple into her mouth and sucks powerfully. Matilda squirms happily as Wilma drains one of her full breasts dry, then the other. By that time Matilda has refilled the first one so Wilma switches back. Over the next couple of hours Matilda manages to convert all her stored water into rich milk for Wilma. Finally, Wilma lowers her to the floor and Matilda sighs in utter contentment. As if in a trance, she waddles around Wilma's huge abdomen and flesh bloated rump. Bessie smiles as Matilda waddles behind Wilma because Matilda is fatter than Midnight. Midnight sees her expression and whispers to her. "She might be fatter than me, but her fur is light and won't help keep her warm like my rich coat keeps me." They get on both sides of her and Midnight connects the umbilical as Matilda is still smiling contentedly. Wilma is deep in her trance and slowly levitates the overly fleshy Matilda and then starts to ease her in. Her head, upper shoulders and plump fore torso moves in slowly. Then Wilma begins to struggle to open herself enough for Matilda's fat swollen lower shoulders and body. Midnight and Bessie shove the rolls of Matilda's fat inside Wilma's incredibly fleshy tunnel. Inch by inch, they slowly get more of Matilda in. It takes more than an hour before Matilda's ponderous rump is forced in and Wilma's fat opening closes around Matilda's hind legs and then she pulls them in and seals herself. Bessie and Snowy nurse her and then she drinks gallons of water before she stops. "Uuugghhhhhh. I never would have thought any of my type could do this much before the cloud taught me." She smiles at the other three. "I think it's time to explain some of what she told me. I wasn't sure about Jack's reaction but we have until spring to decide." Snowy fills the table with leaves and opens several large cans of beef for Midnight. "We better than any champion?" She giggles and then everyone laughs. Wilma smiles. "As we grow fatter, we'll be able to levitate ourselves. I can already do enough of my weight so I can move and it's helped me a lot to get my womb filled beyond record size." She smiles at Midnight. "When you were in me I modified your genetics so you'd be able to plump up enough to survive the cold." Midnight looks at her overly plump body. "I think you went a bit too far. I've never heard of any of my gen types being able to eat as much in one night as I did. And then making most of it into body fat." Snowy looks at Midnight and then Wilma. "I get nice and fat and can wrap around lots. But can you help me more?" <46> Wilma smiles and levitates Snowy onto her broad back. "Spread out around me and I think I can modify you too." She closes her eyes as Snowy sinks slightly into her broad, soft back. "I keep the others asleep and help them later." Bessie eats slowly and watches while Midnight finishes a large can of meat and then does a waddling patrol around their small chamber. She looks at Wilma and waits. Wilma opens her eyes slightly and smiles. She whispers, "I think Snowy will be very happy with my improvements of her." She sees Bessie's sad expression. "Now it's your turn." She giggles and almost wakes Snowy. Bessie looks herself over, as much as she can. "Well since I'm going to get fatter than any of the genegineers designed, I think my udder will be on the ground and no one can nurse unless I'm levitating." She gently hefts her growing bosom. "So I'll have to use these for everything." Wilma smiles and her fur covered fat jiggles as she tries not to laugh. "Matilda loves storing water and you love eating so you'll have lots of milk." She looks at her hugely swollen belly. "Sleep beside me for a few nights and you might be surprised what you'll be able to do." She closes her eyes as she works on Snowy. Bessie licks her lips as she imagine what she might be able to do by spring. She eats all the leaves on the table, then forces more of her stems into herself until she's more stuffed than she can remember. Midnight comes over when she finishes and walks beside her as she heavily waddles to Wilma. "Wilma help you eat?" Bessie lays down with her food bloated belly against Wilma's impossibly pregnant one. "She make me better than any champion." She gives a long contented burp. "I eat and grow and make lots of milk." She closes her eyes as Wilma begins to modify her. Midnight wanders around the chamber, realizing how small it is. She pads heavily around, trying to become more comfortable with her weight. She goes over to the computer and calls up the info on her gene type and studies it again. While she reads, her stomach grumbles slightly. 'Wilma made me able to pack on enough weight to survive the winter.' She gets a can of meat and tries to eat it slowly while she reads. 'Matilda and I came from similar gene sources. She puts on weight to have nutrients for her milk. My kind only produces milk for our young and I don't think I'd enjoy nursing Wilma to keep my weight under control.' <47> She clears the screen and waddles around, studying the insulation and checking the thermal units while she thinks, '-10c degrees. Well if it doesn't get any colder, we'll be ok.' She looks toward the others. 'Wilma says if I gain enough weight I can lift myself.' She looks around and stares at a stack insulation panels they didn't use. Slowly one, then another rises. She continues until the weight is about 100 pounds. She practices moving the pile around the room, impressing herself with her control. 'About a fifth of my weight. I wonder how much it will increase if I gain more.' She lets the panels down and then feels how soft and weighty her fore torso and lower shoulders are. 'I'm too fat to be considered a threat, and that true with this weight.' She smiles at the panels and thinks. 'If I can move 100 pounds of panels, I can use other things as weapons.' A 5 pound can of meat floats over to her and she tries to nibble, but eats rapidly.. Midnight goes over to the cabinet where Jack keeps the tools used to maintain and repair the shuttle. She looks at all of them with the eyes of a hunter while she finishes the meat. She takes some straps and rigs it into a belt to hang a couple of pry bars and work knives. She goes back and studies the reports on this planet. 'This moon could have been used for farming with little work, but the company doesn't deal with anything except mining.' She calls up displays of this moon and is surprised that the only hilly areas are the poles, with a few isolated ones all over. Most of it is covered by streams. The water seems to evaporate and rain everywhere so no lakes or oceans have formed. There is a large hill area several miles to their east. Satisfied there's no more for her to learn, she shuts it off and eats some leaves before falling into a light sleep. Snowy had gone into the main bay once, and came back in within minutes. She was shivering despite her fat and fur. Every one cuddled around her until she warmed up. "She looks at the temperature probe she had taken with her. "It said -40c before my eyes teared up." Everyone takes this with some worry until Midnight assures them she'll keep check on their chamber. Snowy has also allowed Midnight to have two legs from the meat container, barely managing to keep herself from seeing how much Midnight can eat at one time. For almost two months, they develop a way to keep themselves from worrying about the blizzard winds that buffet the shuttle. The first couple wake them and they all looked at the walls and ceiling of their chamber. Snowy and Bessie learn many of the computer games and Wilma enjoys watching them. Midnight plays some but spends more time practicing her levitating tools as weapons and checking their chamber. <48> Snowy makes sure there's always a large can of meat ready for her and insists she eat to keep her weight up. Midnight agrees and doesn't realize she actually gains about 50 pounds in two months. She and Bessie nurse Wilma as much as she wants. They also have eating contests and add a good deal of fat to make sure their milk is rich for her. Bessie waddles over and is almost able to levitate her entire 900 pounds of fat cowtaur and lets Wilma nurse from her incredibly productive flesh and milk bloated jugs. "mmmm My kind was genengineered to recycle organic wastes and produce gallons and gallons of milk with no care about how they felt." She sighs contentedly as Wilma switches to her other breast. "They wouldn't have let me get this round and soft. They'd have been pumping my udder and breasts dry as much as they could." She smiles as she moves slightly and her obese udder and body billow. "But my udder is growing into one HUGE pillow of soft flesh." She strokes her breasts, encouraging her milk producing bosom to keep going. Wilma finally stops and smiles, "If you encourage your milk like that, you'll lose that big fluffy cushion." She smiles as Snowy waddle/floats over to them and offers her milk. She smiles, levitates her up and drinks passionately. Snowy closes her eyes in bliss and wraps her billowy pelt around as much of Wilma's breast as she can. "Mmmmmm feels so good wrapped around your softness while you drink me dry. Makes me hungry." She smiles as she hears Bessie gorging hungrily. Midnight has gotten used to this and does her morning check of their chamber. She smiles that only one thermal unit has had any trouble and Jack assured her several could fail with no problem. The air cleaning system built into each is doing it's job, but with all the leaves, there is a jungle like smell in the air. She pauses at the door and feels it. The cold outside almost seems to beckon her. She pauses and then knows it's her not belonging like the others do. She slowly steps back and then wanders over to where she has practiced with her modified tools/weapons. Snowy finishes nursing Wilma and looks around when she doesn't see Midnight. She sees her practicing and waddles over. Midnight stops and puts the tools in her 'belt' as she hears Snowy approaching. "So every thing going good?." She looks at Wilma and the sleeping Bessie. "The three of you have this wonderful camaraderie while all I can do is keep check on the thermal units and practice with this." She smoothly pulls a pry bar out of her belt and makes it move threatenly in the air. <49> Snowy steps back as she's never seen Midnight this upset. "I know your kind doesn't produce milk except for their young" She cautiously moves a hand closer to the bar and Midnight slides it back into her belt. Snowy waddles closer and Midnight sighs. She puts her paws on Midnight's lower shoulders and gently pushes her until she's laying on her plump belly. "You never hinted that you were upset about anything." She moves closer and her thick pelt billows. "Maybe you'd like to nurse from me?" She half jumps, puts her soft fore paws on Midnight's upper shoulders and moves a plump nipple toward the wolftaur's mouth. Midnight opens her mouth and closes her eyes as her depression makes her give up. She gives a few weak sucks until the warm nectar excites her taste buds. She suckles strongly as Snowy concentrates on forcing her already drained bosom to produce more and more rich milk with an alcohol content. She switches breasts and redrains Snowy's milk supply. Midnight licks her lips. "I guess that canned meat and the leaves are depressing me more than I thought." She has a dreamy look as Snowy helps her to her paws. Snowy waddles beside her, her warm pelt and belly gently rubbing against Midnight's. She leads them over to the meat container and opens it. Midnight's nose twitches and she licks her fangs as Snowy looks at the list. She looks Midnight over carefully as she tries to guess how much she can eat. 'She takes a 50 plus pound leg with no problem,' she thinks as she lowers herself onto her obese belly, trying to look under the plump wolftaur. 'A foretorso averages 300 pounds.'She smiles and shakes her head. '500 pounds for an average side, 600 for a rump. No a rump's too much for her.' She smiles, 'at least this time.' She looks at the weights and selects a side weighing about 500 pounds and keys it into the dispenser. Snowy gently strokes Midnight's plump foretorso. "What you really need to feel good is a good meal of meat." she opens the dispenser and watches Midnight's smile grow and her fangs show as her lips pull back. Midnight is in a half trance from Snowy's warm milk. She takes a bite that easily weighs more than two pounds and rolls it in her mouth. The rich juices hit her mind. 'MEAT,' she thinks. 'I haven't had real meat for too long.' She swallows it and her bosom surges as the mass is shoved into her forebelly. Snowy steps beside Midnight and gently massages her bellies. "All this delicious meat will make you feel so much better." She smiles happily as Midnight attacks the quarter ton of fat meat. "And who know how much you'll be able to levitate." <50> Midnight eats as her forebelly slowly expands for the feast. She eats over 100 pounds before it begins to stretch and the partly digested meat starts to be shoved into her main belly. She keeps eating, partly levitating it as her forebelly begins to expand and comfortably stretch. She strokes her growing foretorso as it becomes more spherical. She swallows meat faster than she can digest it enough for her main belly to work on. She levitates the remains of the side of fat beef about the time she finishes the third hundred pounds. Snowy smiles as she sees how much Midnight is lifting and massages her overly gorged forebelly as her lower abdomen swells out and out and down until she can barely move her legs enough to waddle. Midnight's thoughts are only of getting this delicious feast inside her. The cloud and Wilma have modified her digestive system so it can expand more than any genengineer could have dreamed possible. She crunches through ribs and swallows the bones, somehow knowing they will make her legs stronger and more dense. When she's down to the last hundred pounds, she pauses and stares at what remains floating before her. She raises it up and tips her head back. Slowly she lowers it, tearing off several pound chunks and swallowing with wild abandon as both of her bellies scream as they stretch, but she feels as if they're screaming with excitement of finally getting as much meat as they can hold. She holds the last five pounds over her mouth and licks her fat lips. She lets it drop and takes a mighty gulp that makes her fattening bosom surge mightily. As her gullet forces the last into her dangerously stretched forebelly, she closes her eyes and her thoughts only flow within her powerful digestive system. Snowy has watched her consume the final hundred pounds in awe. She still gently massages Midnights spherical tummies and smiles as she can already feel some new fat forming. As Midnight enters a trance, she slowly steps back and watches until she's sure Midnight is ok. She closes the container silently and returns to the others. Bessie is shocked at what Snowy did but Wilma only grins. "She is the only one of us that wasn't engineered to fatten." Wilma smiles as she watches Midnight stand with her legs spread out to balance her growing body. "She's practicing her levitation and can defend us better that way than attacking as she was originally designed." Bessie looks at Midnight and almost shivers. "What do we do if she runs out of that meat? I know April takes it because she's designed for that..." Snowy shakes her plump head and hugs Bessie. "Midnight thinks us as her pack, she not attack." <51> Wilma smiles at Bessie. "It will take her a long time to eat all that, and she'll weigh many tons by then." She closes her eyes for a few moments. "I think this to April and she says Midnight can have her." She smiles as Bessie looks at her then Midnight. "I tell April that cloud gives us thought and enhanced abilities. She can have calf that will out do all champions. All of us can do this if we want." April and Snowy looks a bit confused. "How we get pregnant without genengineers?" Bessie asks. Wilma smiles calmly. "There are ways besides that. When Jack claims this planet, we'll need something to sell. This ship doesn't have supplies enough for us to live here forever." Snowy looks at herself and smiles. "I make snowtaurs that out do any champions." She looks at Bessie who is only slightly confused. "We all have young if Jack want." Bessie finally nods. "April told me she want Midnight to eat all of her when she get fat." She looks up at Wilma, "She stay with us when she fat?" Wilma nods. "I tell her and she happy. She still might get worried when she starts fattening, but we tell her it's alright. Bessie looks at herself and smiles. "I'm already fat and get fatter. She listen to me that it ok." Wilma nods. "We need to think of Jack, he have us for mates but not sure what we think. Also worried we get upset when he take first one." She looks at Midnight, "She worried cause she not like rest of us. Matilda eat meat, but not need to. I think if Jack take her first, will be best for all." Bessie nods and Snowy almost laughs. "She lots of wolftaur for him. And she be more real soon." Wilma smiles coyly. "I'm already taking care of that." She refuses to say anything else and they relax with food and games or reading from the computer files. Over the next four days, Midnight is almost comatose. The first evening, Snowy pulls a sleep pad over and helps her lay down. She checks on Midnight several times a day, massages her bellies and feeling, then seeing her store the feast as wondrously soft flesh. <52> It's almost noon before Midnight wakes. Snowy half runs, half waddles over to her and smiles. "Have a good sleep after your lunch?" She giggles and her luscious pelt billows. Midnight yawns a tries to roll upright. When she has trouble, she looks at what she can of her more massive body and gasps in shock. "There's no way I can defend us now!" She closes her eyes and lies back down. "Maybe if I just stay here and try to sleep the rest of the winter nothing worse will happen to me." Bessie has waddled over and lies down so she's closer to Midnight. "Open your eyes and look at me and Snowy." She smiles and her rolls of fat jiggle as she moves so Midnight can see how fat she is. "All this wondrous fat makes me nice and comfortable. I've been watching how you levitate those tools as weapons. Now you can move even bigger tools." She reaches over and strokes Midnight's soft arm with her plump hand. "And we don't have to worry about the company deciding what we will do." Midnight slowly opens her eyes and struggles to roll onto her obese wolf body and then uses her levitation to help her stand. She looks at her weapons and floats them over and practices for a few minutes. She looks at Bessie and thinks for a moment. "Jack not expecting me to get this huge." She feels how large and soft her foretorso is. "I thought he feel something for me, but when spring comes and he sees me..." She closes her eyes for a moment. When she opens them, they only show that she's made a decision. "He not feel close to me, but I still protect all." She turns and moves her weapons as if attacking some one. Bessie watches her for a moment, then goes back to Snowy and Wilma. "I think she'll get over it." They all watch her move the tools as deadly weapons. For several days, Midnight does her patrols of their chamber, checking the insulation and thermal units. Another one has failed but the others are functioning fine. Bessie and Snowy play computer games and help keep Wilma entertained. Snowy watches Midnight waddle heavily and tries not to giggle. She whispers to Wilma. "She plenty big and warm now. Lots for Jack to cuddle into." Wilma smiles and moves slightly so her huge body rolls. "He'll be impressed with how well she's been eating." She closes her eyes and checks those sleeping within her huge womb. April has slept most of the time, or thought with her about ways to harvest more and easier. Matilda has sent thoughts of finding a stream and drinking until her swelled belly dams the river, then she keeps drinking. <53> Jack has thought with her often about what they can do once he files a claim on the planet. 'There's plenty of supplies on board for a year or two. But we need to have something the company, or workers will want so we can deal with them.' He told Wilma all about how the company controlled this star system and what the mining colonies need. Wilma smiled inward to him. 'Bessie and Snowy can make lots of milk. I've used it to pack on weight, but I won't have to gain more for next year. Of course I probably will fill out some.' She smiles warmly as she can feel Jack becoming excited within her. She eases her thoughts into his body and continues to modify him to be able to satisfy any of them. Midnight tries not to eat much, but her appetite can barely be controlled. She isn't really gaining weight, but there's no chance she's losing any. Her legs are stronger and she uses less levitation to move herself. At night, when every one is asleep, she works on levitating herself and finally manages to float her ponderous body several feet up. She smiles as she lands softly. 'Well I can always float over an attacker and land on them.' As spring approaches, every one watches anxiously for the first signs. Wilma tells them how Jack explained the orbits and that spring will arrive suddenly. "There won't be a slow warming. The snow and ice will actually melt over several days. Then the plants will start growing." Bessie looks at the bin of food and licks her lips. "We've still got plenty, but fresh food will do wonders for my appetite." Snowy laughs and nudges into Bessie's ponderous abdomen. "If you get fat like this during winter, how fat you get in spring and summer?" They both laugh and their mammoth bosoms billow heavily. Midnight had been listening and wanders over to the area she's been practicing in. "They happy with fat." She looks at her huge breasts, surging out in front so much she can't use a weapon with her hands. "When we get here, I think Jack may want me, but with all this fat...." She closes her eyes for a moment and then practices with her weapons. Midnight wakes up as she hears the thermal units making a different sound. She waddles to the nearest one and is confused when everything says it's working fine and the temperature is in the comfortable range for Jack. She waddles to the door and feels it. With a slight smile, she unseals it and opens it slowly. The air in the main cargo bay is only a few degrees colder than their chamber. She goes out and closes the door. Then she crosses to the outer door and opens it slowly. <54> The smell of snow is strong, but she can see where some of it is melting and that it's warmer outside than in. She blocks the door open and then returns to the others. Snowy gets up and almost drags her soft, obese belly to the outer door. "Aww now snow go away." She laughs and levitates herself out and into a drift that's melting. She sticks her plump head out of it and shakes it until her long hair is out of the snow. She yells happily as Bessie comes to the door. "Spring come today." Bessie smiles and goes back to tell Wilma. Wilma grins, "Well who should I wake up first?" She laughs and her enormously pregnant and well fattened belly rolls and billows heavily. Bessie looks at the open door and thinks. "Midnight not think she one of us. If Jack wake now, not have others to take his attention. I tell Snowy and we get him to prove Midnight not too fat." Wilma nods with a smile and closes her eyes.Jack is sleeping gently and she checks on the improvements she's made to him. As with the others and herself, she's improved everything to promote health. He hasn't grown anywhere, except in the area needed and it shouldn't be apparent with his clothes on. She nudges him awake with her mind and explains that spring is here. She also explains about Midnight's depressed attitude. Jack smiles and can't help becoming slightly excited. 'As a shuttle pilot every one jokes about who we prefer.' He smiles fondly. 'I did have one before I was transferred to this system. She might not have weighed as much as Midnight,' he pauses as he regains control of his growing excitement. Wilma begins to relax and helps Jack move into position for birth. Bessie waddles over and gets his clothes ready. Midnight comes in and holds some towels ready as Wilma opens her birth channel and gallons of water flood out, along with Jack. He gets unsteadily to his feet and dries himself as Midnight helps steady him. Jack dries himself and wraps a large towel around him as he smiles at Midnight. "Wilma told me all about Snowy letting you eat a lot." As she takes a step back, he step/falls forward and wraps his arms around her plump neck. He moves closer as she stands in surprise and hugs her close until his body is nuzzled deep in her plump foretorso and between her mammoth breasts. Midnight stands completely surprised at his action. She wraps her plump arms around his back and pulls him deeper into her fatness. As he wiggles in her fleshy embrace, she feels his shaft growing. Knowing from her reading on human males, her eyes start to grow wide as he grows, and grows and grows. She licks her lips and moves in a counter motion to him. Her fat surges all over as she finally lets him loose. <55> Jack slowly moves around her, always snuggling and rubbing against her thick fur and even thicker fat. He nuzzles his face against her flab bloated rump as he moves around her and slowly works his way into position. He finally eases back until the pulsing head of his shaft moves down between her round hips until he finds her waiting opening. He eases forward, worried that Wilma had made him too large for Midnight. For a moment he pushes against her gates before they open slightly and he slowly pushes into her warm soft humid interior. He pushes deeper in a constant series of small thrusts until he's deep in her. He tries to move within her and hug her ponderous rump, but finally takes a step back, and then shoves until her fat surges around him. Midnight gasps in excitement, then growls sensually as he moves his firm staff of love within her warm, fleshy tunnel. She quickly begins squirmly in ecstacy and her fur seems to flow on her hundreds of pounds of soft fat. She reaches her peak and tries to keep her howls of pleasure quiet. Jack is shoving and pulling almost all the way out much faster as her fat tunnel grips and releases his large shaft. 'If I get this large for her," he thinks as he feels himself passing the point of no return. 'What will it be like if I mate with April or Bessie?' He shoves so deep that her billowing rump almost surrounds him and he stays deep as he pump himself into her waiting womb. Finally he's spent and he allows his shaft to withdrawal from her warmth, and back into his barely noticeable sheath. He slowly steps back and walks to her fore shoulder and hugs her obese foretorso. "Wilma told me you've been upset how much you've gained." Midnight is still floating in bliss and smiles. "I can levitate lots of objects to defend us if we are attacked." She pulls him closer into her sponginess. "But if this is how you like me...." She smiles and her eyes roam toward the cabinet where the meat is stored. Jack smiles and snuggles deep before stepping back and getting his clothes. "We need to get everything checked out, make sure plants are growing and make plans for after I can claim this moon." He gives her a passionate hug before leading her outside. Bessie and Snowy are making a path where they had harvested in the fall. Snowy waddles quickly back and smiles. "Plants grow soon.We keep home here?" Jack watches as the snow almost visibly melts. "I think we better all stay in until the ground absorbs the water and firms up." He looks out toward the horizon. "Let's check out the maps and see what high ground we can find." Every one follows him in and watches as he calls up info on the computers. He's so engrossed in deciphering the limited scans and data that he doesn't notice Wilma 'birthing' the others. <56> Matilda walks up behind him and giggles. "So snow makes lots of water?" She steps to his side and strokes her empty abdomen. I like being full." Jack turns in surprise and almost falls over. "I guess finding a better site is first on the list." He turns back to the keyboard and shows where he thinks there is a somewhat rocky area that will be better for them. "If we land on the western part. There's lots of growing lands nearby." April looks at the info on plants and shakes her head. "I not know what this say. I need to see plants to know." Jack nods, gets up and stretches. "Let me run some checks on the systems and we'll see if this shuttle can get out of the mud." He jogs to the bridge, with Matilda and Midnight following. He slowly brings flight systems online, impressed that everything seems to be perfect. A couple of drives seemed to have problems, but as he runs checks to determine what, the reading change until they are well within design specs. Finally he begins to warm up the drive and tells Midnight to warn the others. The shuttle seems to struggle, until the drive field pushes away the mud and they raise about ten meters into the brisk air. Jack pilots them carefully toward the hilly area and scans the rock level area. "It's amazing there's so much fertile soil on a moon this flat." He pivots the shuttle and calmly sets them down onto the solid ground. He goes through the shut down sequence and heads for the cargo bay. "It's getting late where we are. So let's get some sleep. We'll check out this place and decide if it's what we want in the morning." Every one is actually tired, or still getting used to being out of Wilma so they have supper and relax or sleep. April talks with Jack about what types of plants they can sell to the mining colonies. Bonnie waddles over and Jack can't help staring at her enormously pregnant belly. "Wilma say she tell you about my foal tomorrow." She smiles and lays down beside him, her spherical belly surges and he can see she's also put on a nice layer of fat. By the time they finally give in and sleep, they decide that harvesting plants will be their best bet, since most of the colonies food supplies are food packs. Fresh vegetables would be easiest to sell without the company getting too upset. Jack wakes and struggle out of Snowy and Midnight's fleshy embrace. Snowy tries to grab him but he rolls to his feet and starts preparing breakfast. <57> Wilma looks at the pile of leaves and smiles. "We have enough until we can harvest more?" April nods as she chews and gulps down a couple of them. "We've got plenty. Cloud teach me how to make plants grow better and faster. I make plants grow better for us." Jack looks up from his food pack. "If you can make the plants so people can eat them, we'll have something to sell." April gulps down a leaf and grabs a couple more. "I go see what I can do." She almost runs outside. Midnight is after her before she gets down the ramp. "You make plants better?" Her fat jiggles heavily as she waddles beside April. April nods and lays down and puts her hands on the ground. "I make plants grow like Jack need. This ground great for farm." She closes her eyes as her thoughts enter the waking seeds and plants. Jack, Matilda and Bessie join them and watch for a minute. Jack whispers to Midnight. "We're going to check the hill. You stay with her." He gives her a hug before walking around the bow of the shuttle and then up the hill. Matilda follows easily and Bessie follows much slower. The hill is more rolling than the maps indicated. The top is just over fifty meters high, but enough to give them a good view. To the north the ground rises slightly, but in every other direction all they can see are featureless plains. There's already a few plants sticking up through the rich soil. They continue over the hill and then move around in a circle until they return to the shuttle. April is still on the ground, but looking around with a slight smile. "Plants here grow good food for you. and I make more we can sell." She gets to her feet and brushes herself off. "What you find?" Jack smiles. "Just a hill, Looks like most of this planet is like this." He looks around and smiles. "I think this is a good place. The shuttle is on a rocky area and when it rains we shouldn't get washed out." Bessie nods. "We see plants already growing. We farm and sell food when Jack claim moon." April grins and looks at Jack. "We need machines to harvest. I make lots of plants, but too much work for us." Jack laughs and snuggles into Bessie's ponderous side and feels her fat foretorso. "And some are getting a bit too big to work like last fall." <58> Bessie laughs, wraps a fleshy arm around him and squeezes him into her warm soft body. "I not get more, if you say so." She moves slightly so his front is snuggled into her fatness and she feels part of him growing hard against her plushiness. Jack smiles and nuzzles a huge breast with his head. "You eat as much as you want to." His hand moves around her bulging forebelly and then up to her bosom. He tries to heft it, but she's so spongy his hand almost disappears into her soft flesh. "The mining machines are a standard vehicle that can be adapted for harvesting with a little work." His voice starts to trail off as he's entranced by her heavy jiggling curves. Midnight has gone into the shuttle and talked with the others about Jack and her. Wilma smiles. "I did tell you I modified him." She looks around the chamber they've spent the winter. "I think he'll be more comfortable with his changes if there's a place he and one of us can be alone." She levitates her massive body up and barely manages to squeeze out the door into the main cargo bay. Matilda giggles as she enters with April. "Jack interested in Bessie?" While they move some of the things into the main area, they all talk about ways each of them can be alone with him. Jack half struggles to get his hands and arms under one of her ponderous breasts and feels how full and weighty it is. "Mmmm you've really been packing the food away all winter." Bessie is quietly mooing as he deeply massages and plays with her bosom. "I not been trying too much," she whispers sensually. "I nurse Wilma with breasts." She turns her head and tries to look past her enormous belly. "No one drink milk from udder, so it full of nice warm fat." She uses a plump arm to half guide him. Jack strokes and massages her huge forebelly and fat bulging over her leg. Slowly he moves to her almost spherical, heavy belly and fat thigh of her hindleg. His hands feel how round her leg is as he slowly moves down and kneels until most of his vision is filled with her enormous udder. Bessie's eyes are barely open as his hands gently touch her overly obese udder. She moos with growing ecstacy as his hands begin to explore her soft heavy bag of fat. Jack is breathing faster as he feels her warm and jiggling flesh. He tries to grab her mammoth udder and her spongy fat quivers heavily as he fondles her. Almost cautiously, his hands move to her fat nipples and he feels them seem to stiffen, but there's so much fat everywhere he's not really sure. <59> They both lose track of time as he caresses and tries to heft her ponderous udder. He doesn't realize how huge his shaft is until he feels it rubbing against her enormous milk sack. With a warm smile, he moves it's length against her fat swollen sack and pushes in until the large head is completely engulfed in her silky fat milk sack. Completely lost in passion he's never known before, he strokes her mammoth fat bloated milk bag with his maleness that's larger than any bull. Slowly, he moves the large head around and up her jiggling dairy factory. Except, he knows that all she'll produce within the silky soft bag is more rich fat. He slowly stands and smoothly his pulsing shaft begins to ease between her neither lips. Wiggling it in slightly makes her fleshy fat jiggle and invite all of him in. As he hears her sounds of contentment, he slowly shoves the entire meter long love shaft into her soft and warm interior. Bessie gives a long quiet moo and tries to grip him with her fat enshrouded muscles. He pulses excitedly within her depths and doesn't move as their pulses are almost in unison. Finally he slowly steps back until his large head is held within her. He begins to slowly move in and out while her hundreds of pounds of fat jiggles around his shaft. Her bloated udder surges back against him as he moves in and away from him as he slowly pulls back. Jack is completely lost in watching her wide lower back and rolls of fat billowing on her upper back completely entrance him. He feels her fat interior surging around his throbbing maleness and he knows he's already beyond the point of no return. Bessie groans in passion as she goes over the edge of ecstacy and gasps for breath as she knows more are coming. Several hit and she can almost feel her fat heavy udder swelling with nutrients from breakfast. As her thoughts are flooded with another climax, she thinks of how wonderful this is and how great her udder and breasts feel. She strokes her jiggling bosom with her fleshy hand and arms until another climax makes her moo in true contentment. Jack is staying deeper inside her and keeps pushing until he shoves as deep as he can and buries his face into her plump back. He can feel each blast travel the entire length of his shaft and then pumping into her waiting depths. Finally he's drained and he snuggles into her fatness as his shaft slowly withdraws into him. Bessie is barely standing in ecstacy as he comes around and nuzzles her fat bosom. "Mmmmm I never felt so good before." She pushes his head deeper into her billowing breast. "I've been eating what I want and feel wonderful with all my flesh. I eat more and grow fast if you want." Jack turns his head enough so he can breathe. "Just eat what you want. If you keep growing like this you'll put on a couple of tons a year." He nuzzles against her bosom before easing away. <60> Bessie struggles to get her thoughts back and looks around. "So what plans for spring?" She follows him up the ramp into the shuttle. The others have started supper and they talk over plans for the spring. April swallows a leaf and looks at Jack. "I look at computer on Earth fruits and vegetables. I can make plants here like them. But if we want lots to sell, we need machines to harvest them." Jack pauses eating and thinks for a moment. "A couple of the mining machines on board are a standard vehicle. I think they can be modified to harvest depending on what the plants grow like." He looks around the main cargo bay. "Since I can't work on them now, I should work on how much we can have to live in next winter." He smiles at Wilma. "It was great in you this winter, but I think all of us should be outside in case something happens." Wilma nods. "I'll keep room in me in case we can't keep the room warm enough." Jack nods and looks around. "I've been checking on equipment on board. I can run more thermal units and get it warm enough for me, I hope. Next spring I can claim this moon, then we can trade produce for materials to make this shuttle more livable." Midnight looks toward the door. "I want to check land around here. Survey not tell much of here." She smiles as Jack agrees and offers to go with her. When they finish eating, Jack calls up displays on the area and equipment they're carrying. Jack doesn't realize a couple of them are asleep before he gets up and yawns. "April, if there's anything or one you need?" She looks around. "Some one with me to talk with would be nice." She smiles as she lays down. "I know in few days how well I can change plants." She looks at the food remaining in the bin. "We have lots of food and new plants grow fast here." She lays the rest of the way down and is soon asleep. Midnight and Matilda cuddle around Jack as they join the others in sleep. on moon> For several days April uses her enhanced abilities to change the plants into new forms. Bessie nurses her often with milk designed to replace whatever she's using. Midnight and Bonnie check out the hilly area and find nothing unexpected. The others help Jack with moving stored equipment around so he can make a assessment of what they really have to work with. <61> Some of April's modified plants are already showing signs of fruit. She smiles as she tastes one of them. "Very good. We make much money with this." She looks around. "I make this like they make me. New plants also make fruit." She walks a few hundred feet and begins modifying some other plants. That evening they celebrate her success. Bessie looks at the bin of food they've been eating. "We have more than needed until we harvest new food." She looks at April and smiles. "You still skinny." She gets several fat leaves and adds them to April's. April grins and resumes eating. "I guess if I good farmer, I should show results." She eats after the rest of us have finished. While we play some games, she nibbles much of the time. That night Jack cuddles with her and massages her full belly. Jack has finished modifying one of the mining machines to a generic harvester and goes with Midnight and Matilda to explore while the others help April or make the cargo bay more comfortable. Midnight moves comfortably, using her levitation to make her weight low enough she can jump farther than any of her kind in attack condition. Matilda and Jack follow her. Matilda looks at the rock formations while Jack scans them for signs of valuable ores. "I doubt the surveys missed anything, but there's always a chance to find limited ores that we can use." He aims the scanner up the hill. "Something interesting up here. I'll climb up and you can follow Midnight around." He gives her a hug and then starts climbing. Matilda watches him for a moment then looks around. Her sharp ears swivel as she takes in the sounds, Jack's boots digging into the slope as he climbs, the crashing of brush as Midnight bounds ahead, and something else.... She turns in the direction of the new sound and, with a quick glance over her shoulder, she pads off on her own. She lets her ears and nose lead her as she passes through the lush plant life. Finally, Matilda steps into a small clearing and there she finds the source...a narrow stream trickling down the slope. Her eyes widen and her whole body quivers with excitement as she gazes longingly at the water. After a long, dry winter, her once round belly has shrunk greatly with her rich fur hanging in folds. Unable to resist, Matilda flings herself down on her belly and scoops up handfuls of the cool water. After a couple moments, she lays her fore body down as well so she can lap at the water. <62> She spends several minutes gulping down long slow swallows of the flowing water, her belly slowly filling out and tightening. She rises to her feet and gives a burp, then stretches luxuriously. Her eyes half closed in ecstacy, she runs her hands down the sides of her belly, feeling the gallons of water sloshing within it. She playfully bounds along the stream, following it upstream, giggling as she feels her belly surge and slosh with gallons of water. She jumps in and out of the shallow stream, laughing as the water splashes all around. With a final bound, she clears a midstream rock and finds herself at the source...a small gurgling waterfall. Matilda stands stock still, her eyes locked on the glistening trickle of water as it flows over a ledge 10 feet over her head. All around her is the lush growth of the forest, but all her sharp little ears hear are the bubbling and gurgling of the flowing water. Mesmerized by the falling water, she steps toward it stiff-legged, as if in a trance. Her plump body quivers and her water-filled belly jiggles with each step. The water hits her face and soaks into her fur-tufted breast. Matilda shuts her eyes and lets the water cascade down her torso, thoroughly wetting her short pelt. She steps back and shakes her whole body, relishing the spray that flies off her. She throws her head back and gives a rich high-pitched howl, adding her voice to the waterfall. Her eyes dart quickly about as her call echos off the rock ledges that make up the waterfall. Her now sopping wet fur ripples with excitement and she moves so that her water-filled belly sloshes from side to side. Matilda sits back on her haunches in the shallower end of the pool below the fall. She runs her hands down her sides and back to feel the water-filled bulge of her abdomen, the fur no longer laying in folds. She thinks to herself...'The last Champion was able to swell herself with nearly 45 gallons, if I try hard to stretch maybe I hold same...' She gazes lovingly back at the waterfall....... ***************************************************** Jack had finally crested the hill and ran the scanner over a nearby outcrop of darker rock. He grins as the scanner confirms the presence of metallic ores. Midnight comes bounding up to him, nearly knocking Jack off his feet as her plump body collides with his. Unable to keep his feet, he falls over with the fat wolftaur pinning him down. Midnight is panting slightly, her tongue lolling out over sharp teeth. "Sounds like you had a good run," Jack laughs as he tries to pull himself out from under the folds of fat. "No danger anywhere I go." Midnight grins as she pants, more from the exhilaration of her run than from fatigue. Jack reaches up, grabbing a double handful of wolftaur bosom as he tries to pull her down. She growls in mock threat and pounces on him fully and they roll around, Midnight enjoying some play fighting with her Alpha and Jack trying very hard not to ruin this pair of pants..... <63> ********************************** Matilda steps forward again, her gaze following the gentle flow of water up to the ledge. Her ears drink in the gentle bubbling and gurgling as the glistening fluid cascades slowly into the shallow pool. Her mind is so caught up in this experience that she does not realize she had been standing there with her narrow muzzle open wide until she feels something nudge the back of her forelegs. Matilda gives a startled gasp, which is further muffled by a burp, as she looks back at her now tightly swollen abdomen. "I not think I hold THIS much, " she exclaims to no one in particular. She tightens her stance, mimicking that pose taken by the current Champion of her breed. "I hold just same as Champion, maybe I hold more than her so I be this year's Champion." she says with a giggle that sends her belly rolling. Matilda steps up once again, this time consciously opening her muzzle wide. She mummers in rising ecstacy as the water flows down her narrow throat, filling her belly more and more. She automatically adjusts her stance to compensate for her ever-growing belly as it continues to bulge more and more. Her eyes now closed, her whole body ripples and quivers as she experiences wave after wave of pleasure, each greater than the one before. Almost trance-like, Matilda's plump hands begin roaming over slightly plump torso and soft round breasts. In her heightened state of awareness, Matilda feels as if she is one with this narrow column of water, feeling as if she herself is flowing over the rock ledge and plunging gracefully to merge with the pool below. She moves her legs to caress her ever growing belly as she feels as if she is now flowing down the stream. Her body sings as she feels herself drifting down, caressing the gentle curves and sandbars of the stream bed, her body being lovingly caressed by the water worn smoothness of the stones. She knows not how much time has passed, nor does she care for she is one with the waterfall. ***************************************** Jack's senses finally return to him. He pulls his arm free from the folds of Midnight's vast belly and he looks at his chrono, then at the wolftaur dozing next to him. He nudges her and she rolls to her feet. He runs a hand through his hair, trying to comb out the leaves as best he can. Midnight, after several tries, rolls to her feet. She stands while her belly surges and she gets her balance. "It been long time, we better find Matilda and go back to shuttle." she exclaims while Jack tries to regain his senses.... and his pants. Midnight bounds off, using her levitation so that she is as graceful as if she were still slender, rather than rolling in fat. "I find her, her scent trace lead this way," Midnight calls over her shoulder as Jack jogs after her as quickly as he can. <64> Jack is slightly winded as he catches up to Midnight, who has paused along a shallow stream. He can clearly see Matilda's footprints leading upstream. Midnight confirms "her scent lead this way," she exclaims as she bounds through the bush. Jack follows a little more carefully, following the stream bed. Midnight pauses, her eyes half closed as she lifts her muzzle to sniff the air, "No threat here, just Matilda." Midnight bounds over a rock and Jack hears a startled yip. "Midnight!" He yells as he scrambles over the rock, tearing his pants and scraping his knee. He half-falls, half-jumps down from the rock. His mind races with worry..'what if something happened to Matilda while Midnight and I...' Jack's thoughts trail off as his eyes spy what had startled the guard wolftaur. His anxiety drifts away as he shakes his head and laughs. Midnight is grinning as well "She find more water than she ever see before." There was Matilda, still in the shallow pool below the trickle of the waterfall, still caught up in the ecstacy of the cascading water, now swelled out with so much water that her feet were a couple of feet off the ground and resting on her vast belly. Matilda rested there, the water still trickling over her face as she tries to turn around to face the others. Her legs move against her belly, but instead of carrying her forward they instead cause her water-bloated body to ripple and quiver till she nearly is pulled over. "I guess I hold more than last Champion now," she giggles. Midnight throws her head back and howls "You now Champion of Champions!" Jack stares in awe at the once slender Matilda. "We've got to try to get her back to the ship," he says shakily as he tries to keep his mind on the problem and not on the vast rolling belly of Matilda. He feels himself getting excited once again. Matilda grins and burps. "No champion be better than me." She looks at her waterbed sized abdomen, then sees Jack's condition and smiles with pride. "So we go back to shuttle?" Her enormous belly jiggles as she struggle to levitate herself. Midnight closes her eyes and concentrates. Matilda rises slightly, floats over to the sandy beach and then settles down. "I go get Snowy. Together we try to move Matilda home." She bounds and billows down stream. <65> Matilda smiles coyly as he strokes her plump back and then feel her water bloated abdomen. "You happy I best champion ever?" She moves her paws and her belly sloshes sensually under her. She reaches over and pulls me up and in front of her. "I not fat like Midnight," she giggles and her plump body jiggles. "But I have lots more belly than her. And makes me roll nice." She moves her paws until her fluid filled abdomen is surging heavily and her upper body is moving like she's floating on an ocean. Jack is already stepping back and struggling with his pants and kicks them off as he watches her rolling body. Her tail moves to one side as he rubs his shaft over her billowing waterbed of a belly. Easing it into her, he can feel the swollen water tissues inside her and wonders how she can hold this much so fast. Her water massages him and he has to partly lean over the portion of her belly that bulges out between her hind legs. She keeps playing her paws against her fluid bloated tummy and Jack rapidly grows so hard he almost hurts. He massages her hips and rump and her interior pulls him to his limit and he finally pumps his limited fluid into her belly that feels as if she swallowed a pond. Exhausted, he pulls out and puts his clothes back on. He sits down in front of her and leans back into her sloshing body. With a happy, tired sigh, he falls asleep. Matilda massages his shoulders for a few minutes before her eyes close and she nods off. Midnight comes up quietly with Snowy close behind. Snowy whispers, "We let them sleep?" Midnight grins and levitates Jack onto Matilda's wide, full back. She and Snowy concentrate and slowly raise Matilda up and move her downstream to the trail. They have to move her a short ways, then move themselves and repeat this. Partway down the hill, Jack wakes and rolls off her. He helps by clearing the path a bit more as they move Matilda down the hill and into the shuttle. Wilma stares at Matilda in amazement. "I knew she'd be able to outdo any champion. I didn't think she could hold this much.... and not in one day." She smiles as Jack explains how she did it. "She good but not fat enough to levitate herself." Jack has been watching Matilda's enormous fluid filled belly quivering as she breathes and some how controlling himself. "I need to check with the others." After he goes out, Wilma laughs quietly. "I didn't think he could resist a living waterbed like you." She closes her eyes and extends her senses into Matilda. Jack comes out and watches April and Bessie checking the growing fruit plants. He looks as Midnight waddles over. "Matilda even impressed Wilma." He watches April as she works. "So I should get to work on the main cargo bay." He goes inside with her and Snowy following closely. <66> Jack stands just inside with them looking around. "It took us almost a month to insulate our chamber. Only had to do the inner walls since the hull is designed for the cold of deep space." He looks at the size of the main cargo bay. "The chamber is 20 by 10 by 4 meters. The main bay is 100 by 40 by 10." He shakes his head. "I can rebuild one of the engines to power the thermal units and hook up all that I was supposed to deliver." His expression is one of unsureness as he walks to the tool cabinet and gets a case. Snowy follows him into the main engineering room and nuzzles him as he looks at one of the main drive units. "We all stay out this winter?" When he only shrugs slightly, she lays down, her rich fat making her pelt billow as she does. For the rest of the day, and several more, Jack works on rebuilding the drive unit into a power system. It's almost noon when Jack finally steps over to the main control panel and begins running start up checks. One by one the status lights turn green. Finally, he smiles as the power unit warms up and synchronizes with the shuttle's standard system. "We've got enough fuel for several years and the produce will give us more than enough credits to buy whatever we need. Now to install enough power conduits and set up all the thermal units." He leans against the console. "Then we see if we'll be able to keep us warm enough for the winter." Snowy stands and waddles up behind him. "Winter not come for while," she purrs "But you need rest now." She nudges him with her massive plush bosom, nearly knocking him over. Jack turns and literally falls into jiggling fur-covered breasts. Snowy tries to get her plump arms over the swell of her bosom, but cannot. Instead, she extends her pelt to wrap around him. Jack leans into her and lets himself be engulfed in her loving folds of fur and fat. Snowy gently cradles him against her enormous breasts. "You need rest, get strength back and I help," the snowtaur purrs. Unable to resist her loving caresses, he nuzzles her deep soft cleavage. He wraps his arms around as much of her mammoth mammeries as he can, his mouth drifting to an engorged nipple. He no more than wraps his mouth around it as sweet rich milk begins to flow freely. Jack continues to caress her as he nurses eagerly, his fatigue seeming to drift away with every gulp of the snowtaur's restorative nectar. Snowy's pelt quivers and her fat body jiggles as waves of pleasure rush from her milk engorged nipples to the rest of her body. Her eyes are half closed in bliss as Jack switches breasts and begins nursing again. "I make you feel all better and you make me feel real good," Snowy rumbles. Her weighty pelt completely wrapping around Jack. <67> After several more blissful moments, Jack cannot believe he is feeling his body being restored, as if he had had several days rest. He nurses till he is full, then shifts his body so his hands can caress more of the rotund snowtaur. Snowy rolls over playfully, pulling him into her with a fat engulfed foreleg. Jack marvels at her control over her body as he continues to massage her deep folds of fat, and finds himself becoming strongly aroused. Snowy rolls onto her back, causing her massive breasts to shift and roll as well. Jack ducks the fleshy orbs and dives onto her, thoroughly caught up in the invigorating wrestle. As Snowy's nourishing milk courses through his system, washing away days worth of fatigue and stress, his ardor grows as swiftly as his manhood. Suddenly, the snowtaur shifts her massive bulk and flips him off as she rolls to her feet. Before Jack can react, she engulfs his body again within the folds of her pelt. Jack finds himself grinning like an idiot as he pulls himself along, literally swimming through her vast folds of fat. Snowy's whole body begins to quiver as she shifts her ponderous rump around toward Jack. His manhood pulses and swells as it continues to lengthen, its head indenting her plush rump several inches. Snowy gives a muffled roar as she feels Jack plunge into her. Her muscles grip him and pull him till he is laying over the twin hills of her plush rump. Jack feels himself plunged into depths of pleasure he never thought possible. He tries to pull back, but finds his swollen rod trapped deep within Snowy. As her inner muscles alternately grip then caress him, his body explodes with wave upon wave of ecstacy, each one leaving him panting and wanting more. Snowy's eyes are closed as she too feels wave after wave of orgasm. Her plump hands kneed and massage her massive quivering breasts as she purrs louder and louder. Her forepaws are lost under folds of fur covered fat, but their motion keeps her whole body moving. Just when Jack thinks he cannot take it anymore, they both climax...Snowy yowling and he adding his own gasps to the song of their shared pleasure. He collapses, his seed and energy spent, onto her expansive back. His rod shrinks and slowly withdraws from the panting snowtaur. Snowy shifts her body and her pelt rolls as the nearly asleep Jack gently slides around. She guides him around to her bosom as she lays down, her pelt surrounding him in a living blanket. Jack drifts off to well earned sleep, his head pillowed against the snowtaur's soft milk and fat filled breasts. They both drift off to sleep. <68> For a couple of days, Jack works on laying out power conduits. Snowy and Midnight help by levitating parts from storage to where he's working. At meals and in the evening, April tells him how well the plants she's changed are growing. "We harvest midsummer and fall if they grow well." Jack looks over at the harvest machine and gives a tired smile. "I guess I should make sure it'll work before we need it. The power conduits can wait until later." He takes his food pack and walks slowly over to it. Wilma whispers for every one to get close to her so they can talk without him hearing. "Jack is working too hard and I'm not sure why. Any ideas?" April looks at him working, then turns back to the others. "He worried for all of us. We need harvest to sell and need shuttle ready for winter. But why he not take time..." She shrugs and her slightly plump shoulders quiver. "I can cuddle up with him more." Snowy giggles and billows. "Make him nice and comfortable at night. Maybe get him to relax some of day." Matilda looks at her water bloated belly that has only slightly diminished from nursing Wilma and making her plumper. "Is he bothered I drink so much? He love it when he first see me full, but not since then." Bessie shakes her plump head. "He enjoy us, then not want to." She looks at Wilma. "Is he bothered we not get pregnant?" Wilma shakes her head. "I make him so he change for each of us. If he want, we carry young, if he not want, we don't." Midnight is waddling back and forth in her predatory nature. "He my Alpha so maybe he have reason. He happy with my fat but not want to admit it much." Bonnie looks at her heavily swollen belly. "Maybe he worried we upset he not with each of us enough." Every one stares at her in surprise. "Only time he mate is when alone, except right after out of Wilma. What if he wait for each of us to go to him?" Every one nods. April looks at Bonnie. "You want to find out? I take others outside with me." Bonnie looks at her in confusion, but as the others start to leave, she nods and waits for them all to go outside. She thinks for a few minutes before going over to where Jack is working. <69> Jack turns as Bonnie waddles over, her overly pregnant abdomen rolling from side to side as she moves. "I keep forgetting to ask you," he comments as he turns so she doesn't see his reaction to her rotund condition. "Did Wilma do something so you won't birth for awhile?" Bonnie turns her head and her new plumpness makes her quiver slightly. "Wilma find I growing bio-alloy in me. I birth when it needed." Jack's eyes grow wide in surprise. "Bio-alloy? That stuff is really valuable." He steps close, strokes her swollen belly and can almost feel the spheres inside her. "The only problem is the spheres are only usable for two weeks once outside of you." Bonnie steps closer to him with her legs braced as if she's much larger. "Wilma say I can levitate as I grow." She smile and nuzzles against him, feeling him grow against her plump breast. Jack relaxes to her warmth and lets himself grow against her. His hands move on her shoulders, he's surprised how plump she is and he hadn't noticed. "So you can keep them in you as long as you want to?" Bonnie smiles as she feels his shaft throbbing within his jumpsuit and she nuzzles his face with her's. "She say I can stay pregnant even if belly pushes feet off ground." she moves each foreleg so her plump breast gently massages his shaft as he squeezes deeper into her. She tries to grab the zipper with her teeth until he releases one of his hands, pulls it down and steps out of the suit. Jack smiles as his male rod rubs in her breast and nudges her throat. "You worried you might get like Matilda? Maybe if you try to keep your weight down, you won't get as pregnant." He slowly moves around her left shoulder, massaging her shoulder, then her ponderous belly as it rolls with her every motion. Bonnie mmrrrssss and nuzzles him as he moves around her. "I eat more I get fat." She smiles as he fondles her plumpness. "I like food so I get fat, unless you not want me to." Jack's hands are under her weighty sphere of a belly. "You eat all you want. Put a nice thick layer on to protect your womb." His hands move on as his pole rubs between her thigh and her round abdomen. For a few moments he stays there. Stroking her belly and plump thigh with his hands while his shaft throbs between them. Then he slowly stands and moves around her rump. His maleness is gently squeezed by her plump rump as he steps back to get in the right position. Moving the pulsing head around until he finds her open and gently eases himself into her waiting warmth. <70> Bonnie whinnies happily and steps back. impaling herself all the way in one smooth motion. Her inner muscles grip and release him and her soft rump pushes against him, making his shaft swell harder and the head expand until he's afraid he might not be able to pull out if he has to. She moves and he can feel her alloy ladened womb roll beneath her. "Ooooo you make me feel so good and full. I not do this to get pregnant and love it." She moves her rump against him and makes it jiggle by moving her hind legs. "I get nice and fat so I make you want to be in me more." Her inner muscles are squeezing and releasing his maleness and he can feel the pressure inside him rapidly building. Jack massages her plump rump and can feel her hip bones. "You'll get so full I won't feel these?" He smiles as he gives himself into her ecstacy. "You make so much alloy we all be rich." He tries to pull out and finds she's excited him so much he's trapped in her warm depths. He gasps in ecstacy, "Mmmm how long are you going to keep me in you?" Bonnie smiles and whinnies in passion as she knows what she's doing. "I make you want all of us." She ripples her tunnel muscles and he can feel his fluids pushing against a dam. She gives a long low whinny and then makes her interior milk him as he surges his love fluid into her productive womb. Jack gasps in passion as he hugs her rump, trying to push himself in even deeper. Finally he's drained, but she keeps milking him for a moment longer, before allowing him to relax, sprawled over her rump. Slowly his stallion sized shaft withdraws into him and he struggles to his feet and sits down on the harvester's step. Bonnie turns and waddles over to him. Her swollen belly rolls from side to side but he's too drained to do anything but smile fondly. "You worry about winter and harvest?" She asks as she slowly lays down, her round belly makes her roll a bit until her legs stabilize her. "We have time before harvest, and all summer and fall until winter." She nuzzles his cheek with her's and then rest her head on one of his shoulders. Jack leans against her and hugs her close. "I guess I've been alone most of my life and having all of you is something I've never thought of. I don't want any one upset if I play favorites, and I don't know how to share myself among all of you." Bonnie leans into his hug. "We all take turns and not make you choose if you not want to. We choose for you." She moves him closer and gets him to stand up. "You not work so hard now?" Jack smiles and hugs her close, her plump breast starting to excite him, but he doesn't let it go too far. "Only when I'm with one of you." He stands and they go outside to look at how successful April has been. <71> For the next week, Jack works on installing a power grid for the thermal units. He spends each night, and sometimes takes breaks during the day to share enjoyment with his overly well fed females. Matilda continues to nurse Wilma. Her water swollen abdomen contracts until it's well off the floor. However some of the food she's gorged on to produce milk, has also made her heavy with fat. She waddles over as Jack comes in and smiles. "Now I can move without help." She takes a few steps and levitates herself then floats down and smiles. She strokes her overly round belly. "I still carry more water than last year." She smiles with pride as she shifts her stance, and her water heavy abdomen sloshes audibly. Jack smiles as he watches her jiggle all over. He no longer tries to control his excitement and follows her into the chamber they spent last winter. Wilma smiles at April as the door closes softly. "I think he's worried about being able to satisfy me, but I'll find out soon." She looks at April with a little concern. "Why haven't you approached him?" April looks at the closed door. "Well I just think he loves being with them and feeling how round, heavy and soft they are and know they're still growing." She pats her rounder foretorso. "I have put on a few hundred pounds and gotten up to working weight." She looks at the meat stasis chamber for a second, then back before Wilma notices. "If I get much fatter, I'm afraid I won't be able to get around my plants without damaging some of them." Wilma smiles and shakes her head. "You gain enough, then you'll be able to float among them. But do what you feel is best." She wonders what April's real reason is as April goes outside and continues working on improving them for eating and sales next year. Matilda turns slowly, letting gravity make her rolling flesh billow and quiver. "So you like me big and fat and not full and flowing?" She giggles and strokes her ponderous bosom and round foretorso. Much more me here now." She moves so her water ladened belly sloshes. "I still love belly full with water." She smiles as he slowly walks toward her, his three foot of male shaft moving strongly within his jumpsuit, which he carefully removes. "A year ago, I would have thought 400 pounds of sensual female was a lot." He lets his shaft fall forward and she wiggles until it's lost in her vast cleavage and he hugs her until his arms arm buried in her fur and flesh. His lips find her quivering nipple and he drinks deeply as his maleness surges in her soft, warm bosom. <72> Matilda smiles as he nurses. "Mmmmm nursing seems to make me so nice and fat." She giggles and her massive breasts gently squeezing his shaft brings him close to climaxing. She smiles as he stops suckling and concentrates on not releasing himself too soon. "So you love how round, soft and heavy I've gotten?" Her voice is deep and sensual as he slowly moves around to her spacious rump. "Or did you like me floating on my own belly more?" She giggles, then gasps in pleasure as his pulsing head pushes between her fat masses and then into her hot spongy depths. Jack keeps himself in check as he very slowly pushes into her. His rod pulses as her fat engulfed muscles caress him. He remembers feeling her storage tissues swollen with more water than ten of her kind might carry. He watches her broad curvy back roll richly as they move against each other and his deeply buried head swells inside her until he knows he can't get out until they're both satisfied. "Mmmmm I can still feel the water you're carrying. So warm and squishy." He takes a deep breath as he knows both of them are at the edge. They both howl in ecstacy as he shoves deep into her and pulses his liquid love into her waiting interior. Matilda gasps as her fat jiggles around him for several minutes as she climaxes again and again. "Oooooo Only one thing could ever make this better." She sighs in contentment and exhaustion. Jack allows himself to withdrawal while inside her. He then curls up against her round belly and they are both soon sleeping soundly. That night April reports on types of foods she's modified to grow from the native plants. "The harvest machines do work we had to last fall." She shows an assortment of foods she's grown this spring. "The thick leaf ones are now very close to lettuce and cabbage. The pod ones are making very tasty squashes." She holds up a tubular vegetable that must weigh three pounds. "I found some that I overlooked last fall had underground root systems that makes delicious, and large potatoes and sweet potatoes." She looks at it with pride. "These will be our best seller." She absentmindedly takes a large bite, then finishes it in another few, swallowing after only a few chews. "If any of you are worried about getting enough food," she points to the automatic harvester. "I've worked on the planting so we can start harvesting about now and keep a steady harvest until winter." Snowy looks at the food and smiles, her fat chins quivering. "I get fat to help Jack stay warm." She smiles at him and strokes her ponderous jugs. "Maybe I get fatter this winter." Bessie waddles over and opens the bin of the harvester. She takes a large sweet potato and eats it in several bites, "Mmmm, these are delicious." She rubs her billowing fore belly. "I wouldn't mind putting on a few hundred more with food like this." She smiles coyly at Jack. "Course I'll probably do that anyway." <73> Jack smiles as his jumpsuit seems to move. "Just means more of you for both of us to enjoy." His shaft surges as it grows within his jumpsuit, making a round ridge that grows up until the swelling head starts to push through the neck opening. He smiles and walks a bit stiffly into the chamber. Bessie smiles and levitates well over fifty pounds of the sweet, brownish food in ahead of her. Jack is carefully getting out of his jumpsuit and pauses as the rich potatoes float in and rest on the table as Bessie waddles in and stops a few feet away. "Are you thinking of eating all this..." His eyes roam over her luscious curves and rolls of fat as his shaft grows almost painfully hard. He tries not to gasp in shock as he grow huger than last time, but remembers she's the largest of the females he mates with. Bessie turns slightly and smiles with excitement as she sees his problem. She swishes her tail and turns so he's closer to her wide rump. Jack holds his male rod off the ground and begins to raise it up, then decides to probe the softness of her amazingly obese udder with it. He smiles and struggles to control himself as she gasps in sensual pleasures. Bessie gasps as she feels his cockhead surging into the velvety flesh of her fat bloated udder. She levitates a potato to her mouth and takes a bite. She starts to chew, then swallows it whole as Jack pushes himself deep and moves his shaft a bit so her mammoth udder surges and billows. She takes the rest of it and sucks it down easily. With a smile as she feels it easily pulled down her throat by her gullet muscles, and then into her waiting stomach, she begins levitating and swallowing them whole each time Jack's motions excite her. Jack slowly moves his pulsing shaft up until the bulbous head nudges the waiting portal to her love tunnel. He pushes until the swollen head is griped by her fleshy muscles. He begins to thrust slowly, going an inch or two deeper each time and pulling out until her muscles grip his bloated end. Finally his fluid heavy balls are resting on her fat bloated udder. He speeds up his thrusts, slamming all the way in, her fat rump cushioning his body as he does. Bessie gasps in ecstacy and swallows sweet potato after sweet potato. She doesn't notice that she's getting potatoes from the storage bin after the fifty pounds she brought are weighing heavily in her belly. Jack thrusts and can feel her inner fat surging and cushioning all around his hard shaft of passion. Finally he can't hold back and shoves deep. His male sack squeezes and bounces on her ponderous udder and his hands massage her fat rump. He lays on her wide spongy back for many minutes until his maleness retracts into his sheath. <74> Bessie feels him thrusting wildly within her and her fat jiggles everywhere. She begins levitating a sweet potato as soon as the previous one is barely in her mouth. She thinks he's pumping enough in her that her womb is expanding. but it's her highly nutritious food swollen stomach that's stretching. She lies down carefully and levitates him onto her wide, plushy back and they both pass out into a restful nap. A couple of hours later, Jack drifts toward consciousness. He slowly slides off her and puts his jumpsuit on quietly. Then he slowly walks around her, marveling at how well she's filled out everywhere and especially in some areas. Bessie keeps her eyes closed until he's in front of her. "So you seem to be enjoying my new weight." She struggles to her feet and her ponderous udder surges and her large fat bosom billows. "Ummmmm I have no idea how many sweet potatoes are in my tummy, but it feels full and heavy." Jack strokes her rolls of fat of her ponderous belly and smiles. "A year ago I would have been fascinated to find a female over 500 pounds." He squeezes himself into her bounteous bosom and smiles. "And you're almost three times that." He gets up and wiggles between her heavy jiggling breast flesh until he can give her a passionate kiss. Bessie almost can't believe he's finally admitting this and that he's more enamored as she continues to grow. "Mmmm You like more of me?" Her eyes are almost closed as his wiggling between her mammoth mammeries pushes her into ecstacy. Jack nuzzles within her loving masses of flesh. "I guess being a loner all my life makes it hard to admit my need for any one. And I have all of you now." He snuggles for a moment, then eases out of her heavy, rolling pillows. The next couple of days, April keeps impressing everyone about the assortment of crops and how well the automatic harvesters are doing. "The crops don't need me to do much more than watch and help." She smiles as the others are enjoying her work for dinner. "One harvester pick enough to feed all of us. The other pick for sale." Jack smiles as he looks over the charts he's made from April's reports. "We can make plenty of money with this alone." He looks at Bonnie and her spherical abdomen. "With Bonnie's bio-alloy, we can have prefab compound materials to build us a real home." Bonnie takes a few heavy steps and smiles. "My belly grow and grow until feet off floor." She resumes nibbling while they talk. Jack looks around the main bay. "I've got enough thermal units to make this winter comfortable for all of us." He pauses as the jiggling females begins to excite him. "So anything else?" <75> Snowy struggles to get her paws under her and sort of stands. "We get more games and vids when we sell food?" Her laughing expression makes every one smile. Jack walks to her and snuggles into her soft, billowing fat. "We'll have plenty of money for that." He goes over and finds a multiplayer game for them to play. As several of them become lost in the action, he moves over to Wilma. Jack walks over to Wilma. Her massively obese rolls of fat has fascinated him, but he's almost been afraid to get close to her. The lower part of his jumpsuit shows his feelings and he leans in to the huge rolls of fat engulfing her shoulder. Wilma turns her head as much as her fatness allows and smiles. She whispers softly and her flab bloated jowls jiggle as she does. "I haven't asked you because I didn't know what you thought of one my size." Jack nuzzles his face between the rolls of her shoulder and bloated neck. His shaft begins to grow and her warm soft breast moves gently against him. "I wasn't sure how much I could give myself to all of you. I finally admitted to myself that the more Bessie was swelling out, the more excited I was getting every time I watched her move." He spreads his arms out and tries to squeeze her huge masses of fat around him as his shaft of love grows and grows and GROWS. As the swelling head nudges out of the neck opening of his jumpsuit, Wilma whinnies sensually. "I think you want that in me." She floats back a little bit as Jack walks sideways around her, keeping her warmth against him as he slowly unzips his suit. By the time he gets around one of her ponderous hips, his eyes are closed as he struggles to keep his throbbing shaft under control. He steps back and shoves the pulsing head between her massive rolls of fat until he finds her entrance. For a moment he feels as if it's growing into her without him moving, then he realizes she's levitating him and shoving his log of love into her waiting depths. Wilma smiles in utter contentment as she grips his shaft with her fat engulfed muscles. She lets her thoughts flow into him, giving him more ability to grow even larger within her spongy, loving depths. She moves him out at least two feet and then shoves him deep until her hills of rump fat surge around his body. She levitates food to her open mouth and swallows every time his hot pulsing shaft is shoved into her waiting depths. As it bumps into her inner gates, she opens them and makes his log of meat grow even longer, the head is almost as large as his other one and there is no way he'll be able to withdraw before he pumps his gift of love into her. <76> Jack is gasping in excitement he's only dreamed of as he thrusts into more tons of super obese mare than he can guess. His male rod feels so huge that he wonders where he's getting enough blood to keep the rest of him going. His sacks of liquid love feel as if they're filling like Matilda's belly. What he can't see is there's more than a gallon in each as Wilma uses her powers to let him do this. Wilma gasps and shoves him even deeper as the first of several climaxes hits her. She feels her many cubic feet of fat seem to glow with energy as she forces him in so far that his entire body is lovingly engulfed between her huge mounds of rump fat. As he explodes and pumps into her, she closes her eyes and dreams that each surge is making her fatter and fatter. She doesn't realize that she's gulping down rich food as fast as she can. Finally, he's dry and his shaft begins to soften. Wilma remembers to alter him back to a size that won't reveal how monstrous she made him. As his now stallion sized cock finally comes out of her, she levitates him onto her broad spongy back and they both fall into a sleep of exhaustion. Jack spends the entire night lying on her wide, soft back. His shaft becomes hard with her flesh billowing under him as she breathes slowly. He wakes as the lights come up slightly to simulate dawn and nuzzles deep into her plushy neck as his shaft surges hard against her softness. Wilma had drifted awake several times and felt his loving shaft throbbing within the deepness of her fat back. She slowly levitates him back, over her ponderous rump and then guides his pulsing shaft back into her. She makes his maleness grow large again, filling her snugly as it reaches the proportions only she could hold and she gasps and gulps food as they mate slowly for almost an hour. Finally she allows him to pump more than two gallons of his love into her as her stomach is fuller than she can remember. She makes his ponderous log of love diminish until it's his normal size and it slowly retracts into his concealed sheath. Jack leans into the soft mattresses of her rump and sighs in exhaustion, while she sighs in contentment of love and over eating. He finally steps back and puts on a fresh jumpsuit. "I was worried that, even with your help, I couldn't satisfy you." He wraps an arm around one of her mammothly fat shoulders. "I guess your ability helped us." Wilma smiles sensually. "I know it was something you had to decide when the time was right." She gives a healthy burp and smiles. "I guess with affection like this, I might be filling out a bit more." <77> Jack snuggles deeper and lets his maleness pulse a few times before taking control of it. "Now that we know you aren't too big for me. I don't think you could grow too much even if you tried." He nuzzles his face deep into her wide, fleshy breast and doesn't see her smile with thoughts she hadn't felt she could have before. The next couple of days, Jack works with April on improving the harvesters. One afternoon, he snuggles against her plump body. "I know I've had problems admitting to myself I could love all of you." He wraps an arm around her plump body. April closes her eyes and tries to think of a good response. "I not want to say no." She hugs him close with a plump arm. "But I want to be sure we have lots of plants to sell." She smiles sweetly, but he wonders if there is something she doesn't want to say. Jack smiles to assure her he accepts her answer. "Maybe this winter I have lots of time to spend with you." He hugs her close and works with her like they have been since the snows melted. The summer weather is much like earth he remembers, except that it rains at least once a week. The plants grow faster than he could have hoped and the harvesters keep up with their growth. He works on building more bins and stores much of the food in the stasis chambers that were being shipped to the mining colonies. Jack is outside repairing one of the harvesters while April works on making variations of squash. The others are inside the shuttle amusing themselves with the vid library and games. Jack looks up a moment before April does, and Midnight waddles out as they look up into the sky. "We have trouble?" She asks. Jack shakes his head. "April, might be best if you go inside. Tell every one to pretend they can't talk." She nods and moves as fast as she can into the shuttle. Midnight waddles over and stands beside Jack. "I not talk, but you can tell me what to do." Jack nods as the contrail of a shuttle makes a line coming in their general direction. "If it's a company shuttle, we just hope they don't..." He pauses as it changes course toward them and the landing thrusters fire. "Guess our luck is running out." He watches as the shuttle comes in toward the hill just above their shuttle. <78> As it's engines power down, he looks at it carefully. "Never seen a company shuttle done up in rocky camouflage." He watches as three men in miner jumpsuits exit the shuttle and find their way down the hill. The lead one approaches as the other two hang back several yards. "I'm Captn. Robinson. I didn't know the company had set a farming op. on this moon." Jack looks at all of them as they stop ten feet away. "My shuttle was damaged in a plasma storm. The company didn't think it worth the trouble looking for us." Robinson smiles and the others pull stun weapons from holsters behind their backs. "Guess this is our lucky day then." He looks at Midnight when she starts to growl. "Better tell her we're company men." Jack touches Midnight's plump shoulder. "Company men, not harm." She nods and sits down on her overly plump haunches. One of the others almost laughs. "You must really like large and heavy ones." He nudges the other man beside him. "Think she could satisfy both of us?" Robinson smiles, "Take her to our shuttle." He waits while Jack motions and Midnight follows them after a moment's hesitation. He looks at Jack's shuttle. "You must be one hell of a pilot to set her down this well." He starts walking around it and Jack walks beside him."You probably figured we're free runners." Jack nods. "I knew at least one of the missing shuttles hadn't been lost. So you going to just let me stay here?" Robinson begins checking the main thrusters. "You think she can be made flyable without dock repairs?" Jack nods as he wonders what Midnight is doing. "Get me some parts and fuel. I had some seeds and decided to try planting. If I could survive here a year, I was going to file claim on this moon." Robinson grins slowly. "Might be useful. If this moon can produce enough to be self sufficient, it would give us a place to work out of, instead of hiding on the far side of mining moons." Jack gives him a tour of the farm and Jackson nods as thoughts roll through his head. After an hour or so, he looks up toward his shuttle. "Can't believe one of those two hasn't come out yet." Jack smiles, "Well I have taught her a lot of things since I crashed." He looks at his shuttle. "Why don't you check on them while I make a list of parts I'll need to get my shuttle back in space." <79> Robinson nods as his eyes show he's thinking of things other than shuttles. He half runs up the hill as Jack walks back toward his shuttle, then creeps through the plants and boulders toward the freerunner's shuttle. He hears a half yell of alarm then the shuttle hatch slamming shut. He freezes in place and wonders if he really wants to see what surprised Robinson. He goes back to his shuttle to tell every one that Midnight is taking care of their unwanted visitors, then checks the records on the ID number of the shuttle. He isn't surprised to learn it was lost several years ago. Wilma floats up beside him until one of her marshmallowy shoulders nudges him and he leans deep into her softness. "Midnight can take care of them," she whispers. Jack nods. "When we claim this moon, we'll claim it and everything on it." He checks the time and contacts his friend at com central. He smiles that nothing has been done about his disappearance and that the other shuttle is labeled as lost. "I'll check back with you in a few months, then contact you next spring when I can officially file claim." After a few comments and updates on news, he signs off and slowly stands. "I guess I should see how Midnight is doing." He gets a stun gun from a hidden compartment and then goes outside. Snowy follows him until they reach the shuttle and then hides behind a ridge as he goes to the airlock, cautiously opens it and then steps inside. Jack looks around and then sneaks toward a doorway like the one on his shuttle where animals are usually kept. Listening at the edge of the partly open door, he hears something rubbing on the wall and then water dripping. After several cycles of this, he slowly pushes the door open enough for him to look inside. Midnight is standing so she can wash a portion of the wall and then rinses the cloth using levitation. She turns as she hears him and smiles. "Danger taken care of." She licks her fangs and fat lips as her food bloated belly rolls heavily beneath her, her fur actually brushing the floor. For a moment Jack stands in shock, even though this is what he expected. He smiles and helps her clean up the room, then hugs and massages her, trying not to get too aroused by her pregnant looking belly. Then, they go outside and accompany Snowy back to their shuttle. Jack tells them that the other shuttle can be used for them to transport crops, or sell it back to the company. After supper, most of them watch an animated vid movie. Jack studies some of the reports on lost shuttles and wonders what ones might be used by freerunners. He looks around and realizes that Midnight is still outside. He gets up and finds her looking at the other shuttle. "Something bothering you?" <80> Midnight looks at him and tries to smile. "I never thought about it while I was..." she hesitates and then looks him straight in the eyes. "You know that I ate them." Jack kneels beside her swollen belly, that has already digested some of her meal. He hugs her soft fat as her massages her rumbling abdomen. "You did what you were designed to do." He stands and moves in front of her. "You need a reward to make you know you did what you should have." He gently, yet firmly takes her hand and leads her back into the shuttle. The others are fascinated with the vid as he leads her to the stasis chamber and opens it. He takes the list and shows it to her. "It's your choice. You protected all of us so you deserve a reward." He nuzzles her plump shoulder. "And I intend to make you feel how much I appreciate you while you eat." Midnight is almost drooling as she looks at the list. "I'd love a breast. But maybe a bit more than one." She watches as Jack brings a breast, then a fat foretorso into the dispenser. He smiles as he marks the chart. "I didn't think an 80 pound breast would satisfy you, so maybe a 310 pound foretorso will make your belly feel heavy and happy." He strokes one of her ponderous breasts and then moves back beside her as he strokes and fondles her fat upper body and then soft and ponderous lower body. By the time he moves around her quivering rump, he's out of his jumpsuit and she's happily tearing into the fat loaded foretorso. Midnight levitates the entire foretorso in front of her and bites off chunks that she chews, savoring the sweet flavor. She gasps with pleasure as she feels Jack's swelling maleness shove into her love tunnel. Jack gasps in ecstacy as he slowly shoves inch after inch after thick inch of his huge shaft of meat into her fleshy depths. He feels her fat engulfed muscles fondle and caress him. When he finally gets all of his several feet into her, he begins to pull almost all the way out, then shove in strongly, until his body pushes deep into her flesh bloated rump. Midnight slurps in the last of the foretorso and levitates the fat breast to her waiting mouth. She slurps as much into her mouth as she can and then tears the chunk off with her sharp teeth. As Jacks thrusting within her fat interior pushes her into climax after climax, she tears large chunks off and swallows them until it's all in her swollen belly. She howls quietly as Jack climaxes inside her and hugs her ponderous rump passionately. <81> Jack gasps in satisfaction and strokes the lower curve of her abdomen. "I bet that rich meat will put a few hundred on you." Midnight smiles sensually as she knows Jack loves her for what she did and all the new fat she's creating from these two feasts. "You let me have feasts like this." She gazes happily at the stasis chamber. "I'll be twice what I am, and then even more." She waddles slowly to her sleeping pad, enjoying the rolling of her heavy, food bloated belly as her fur brushes the floor. She lies down and Jack joins her, massaging her swollen belly and imagining where she'll put the fat she's making. Slowly they both drift into a deep sleep. Day 177-190 on moon> As the warm summer days stretch on, Jack sets the harvesters to the task of bringing in the ripening crops. All that is left for them to do is unload the burgeoning bins and store the vegetables in the ship. April takes occasional breaks in her task, stopping to briefly watch Snowy, Bessie, and the others as they bring in the fruits of her labor. April smiles as she remembers how the cloud taught her and gave her the gift to increase the crops. Snowy and Bessie make a game of filling the cart that Bonnie pulls to near overflowing. As they follow the fat, pregnant pony into the ship, they snatch up any of the vegetables that should happen to tumble out of the laden cart. However, instead of tossing the fallen fruits back onto the cart, the rich ripe morsals are tossed into their mouths, to be crunched eagerly. After the fourth trip, Snowy's round belly is dragging on the ground and she concedes to the cowtaur... "You wait till winter come," Snowy purrs with a small burp, "then I beat you." "We see," Bessie says around a mouthful of sweet potato. She pats her growing forebelly, then pops another potato into her mouth. Bonnie snickers, "The way you to eat, cart have nothing to store by the time we reach hold in ship." The giggling, jiggling trio pass Jack on their way to the cargo hold. They take turns levitating fallen food into Bonnie's waiting mouth and joke about how much food they can store in her belly. Jack watches them, trying not to get too aroused as he has work to do that he had been putting off. As he is making a final adjustment on the mining machine, Matilda waddles up to Jack, nearly knocking him over as her immense jugs push against his back. <82> "What you still doing, you need to take a break," Matilda mummers "maybe I take break with you..." She smiles coyly and gazes at him through half-closed eyes. With incredible force of will, Jack manages to quiet the growing bulge in his jumpsuit. "This is going to harvest that ore deposit up on the hill," Jack stammers, "There may not be enough ore to interest the company but if the test readings are any indication...." Matilda finishes for him, her eyes glittering "Then we have more to sell than just crops and bio-alloy." Jack goes back to concentrating on the miner, "yea...that we will." Matilda's luxurious tail swishes back and forth, softly thumping first one bulging flank, then the other. Jack tries _very_ hard to focus on the miner...I really need to get this working and in place, then.... His thoughts drift off and a smile crosses his face. "How soon you go to hill with machine?" the rotund wolftaur inquires. "I hope to get this in place and harvesting ore today...if I can," Jack says over his shoulder...he dares not turn around or there would be no way he could get the needed work done. "Good...I go with and help you. Snowy, Bonnie, and Bessie can stay and help April." Matilda reaches out and stokes as much as her mammoth mammeries as she can. "These get in way when I try to help empty bins." Jack resists the urge to turn around, instead busying himself with gathering up the tools and placing them back in his belt and pack. "I go and get day-pack and canteen for you," Matilda says happily as she bounds into the ship. Jack does steal a quick look over his shoulder, his eyes following the rolling motion of Matilda's ponderous rump as she disappears into the hatch. He quickly sucks in a breath and wets his dry he once again silences the rising bulge trying to escape his jumpsuit... In the few minutes it takes Matilda to retrieve a day-pack and rations, Jack has gotten a cart hitched up to the miner and is already sitting at the control panel. Matilda gives a barking laugh, and bounds into the cart using her levitation. "I ride here to hill," Once she is settled in, Jack toggles the controls and the machine takes off at what would be a fast walking pace. <83> In short time, they arrive at the hill. Jack leaps down as Matilda slowly floats her jiggling bulk out of the cart. He takes the remote control and taps in the commands. The miner moves forward as several servo arms extend, some scanning the hillside while others hang poised and ready to dig. Ten minutes pass until finally the miner's sensors locate the trend of the ore vein. Jack looks up, smiling, as he hears the all important 'ping' The miner's sensor arms retract and the digger servos extend fully, gracefully, like a maestro poised over his piano. Jack taps out a final command sequence on the remote, then sets the miner to its task. He returns the remote to the day-pack when he sees that the machine is performing flawlessly. Jack pushes a lock of hair back from his forehead and realizes that he is sweating, not from exertion, but from tension. Grinning, he gives a sharp salute to the miner drone as it pursues a crop of its own. Grinning he turns around, "There...nothing to it. It harvests ore just like...." Jack's voice trails off and he looks around frantically in a brief panic...Matilda is nowhere in sight. His anxiety quickly turns to anticipation as he spies the flowing stream. His pulse begins to quicken as he follows a path leading up the steam.... ******************************* Matilda tried to watch Jack and see what he was doing to set the miner to work, however the flowing stream seemed to beckon her louder and louder. With Jack's attention turned to the grumbling workings of the miner, Matilda slips away up the path, following the stream to its source... ******************************** Recent rains had nourished the falls, and the waters like the spring crops had grown and flourished. Where once there was a slight but steady trickle of water, the fall has now reached full bloom. Matilda floats forward, using enough levitation that her sagging belly is just caressed by the waters of the stream. Her eyes are focused only on the glistening column of water. She floats forward till the cascading curtain just touches the tip of one ponderous jug. The cool water sends a shiver up her breast, at the same time caressing the nipple and aereole to erectness. Matilda shifts so that the water is gently fondling her other monstrous mammary, bringing that nipple and aereole to quivering erection. <84> Matilda closes her eyes as waves of ecstacy race from her now ultra- sensitive nipples and through her burgeoning breasts. She glides forward, letting the cascade gently caress the valley between her mountainous mammeries. Her high-pitched howl of pleasure rings and echos within the grotto-like confines of the waterfall and its pool. ***************************** Jack quickens his pace, barking his shins on roots as he hears the faint howl. A grin threatens to split his a growing erection threatens to split his jumpsuit. ****************************** Matilda floats forward till the water is gently pounding upon the rising swell of her breasts. She reaches around her quivering bosom, letting the waters flow down her arms, soaking the fur of her rolls of fat. Her eyes closed, she feels her body seem to merge with the flowing water. She opens her muzzle as wide as she can, letting the life-blood of the fall flow down into her depths. Gallon upon gallon flows over the rocky lip of the falls, to disappear between Matilda's fleshy lips. In but a few minutes, her already water- swollen belly has grown out and down, till she now rests upon it. Her paws useless, she draws them up and sets them to caressing her swelling abdomen, setting her rolls of fat to quivering. Jack comes stumbling out of the enclosing wood, catching his foot on a root. He lands in the pool with a loud splash. Matilda's sharp ears alert her and she opens her eyes. She turns to look over her rounded shoulder, when she spies Jack she gives a giggle of delight. "I not able to help with miner, so I go for walk," she reaches back to pat the swelling curve of her belly, causing it to roll and billow. "I know you need someplace to I go make water bed for you." Jack is beyond words as he scrambles to his feet and fairly dives upon her back. Her body rolls heavily, but she levitates just enough to keep from being pulled over by her surging belly. She looks back over her shoulder at him, "I going to be biggest best water bed ever, you see...I out drink every champion." Matilda floats forward again till the water cascades over her face, she opens her mouth so not a precious drop is lost. <85> Jack is nearly thrown off by the rolling motion his dive had set up, he scrambles upon her wide back, setting her whole body quivering again. He throws his arms around as much of Matilda as he can, massaging her billowing, growing body with not only his hands, but his growing manhood as well. Matilda responds to his caresses by gulping the water down even quicker than ever, her belly now swelled with over 200 gallons and still expanding. Jack continues to massage her, encouraging her to stretch her belly more and more. She moves her legs, the rolling motion sending Jack tumbling off over her to slide down the rounded curve of her water bloated belly. He lands on his feet, not seeming to notice his tumble as he works his way around the swell of her belly. Jack's hands bring him around to Matilda's quivering masses of mammeries, the short fur covering them glistening with water. Jack buries his face in one bounteous bosom, its softness yielding gently. He caresses the short fur in ever increasing spirals, till his hands touch the almost burning hot flesh of the engorge areola and nipple. He lifts his head enough, spying the milk-gorged flesh. He falls to his knees, wrapping his arms around one fleshy orb, sucking the fat nipple into his mouth. He caresses the quivering mound and rich warm nectar gushes forth into his hungry mouth. After a few minutes he slides around to the other ready to burst breast and nurses eagerly. Matilda responds to the deep caresses and nursing by gulping the falling water at an even more rapid pace. Her belly bulges now with 300 gallons, her voluminous stomach not even close to its limits. Jack's jumpsuit, however, reaches its limit as his growing rod bursts the seam. Once free of the confining cloth it flexes and continues to grow, pushing deeply into Matilda's plushy forebelly, caressed above by the quivering bosom and below by folds of fat. Jack reluctantly pulls his lips away from the hot swollen nipple, but if he doesn't he would lose control right here. He stumbles back along her swelling sides till he stands beside her immense haunch. He wraps his arms around the twin mounds of her rump as she levitates him. The water-filled swell of her belly expands out in all directions. Her tail switches teasingly, tickling the throbbing length of his shaft. After a few seemingly never-ending minutes, during which Jack gasps nearly out of control, she guides him into her depths. <86> Jack feels himself enfolded within warm, rolling flesh as he plunges into her up to the base of his swollen scrotum. He tries to pull back, intending to plunge in again, but finds himself trapped deep within her folds. She sets her muscles into motion, caressing him and bringing him to such a height of ecstacy he feels he will surely explode before he climaxes. They both climax at once...Matilda letting out a rich, gurgling howl and Jack joining her in a not to shabby howl of his own. He feels his fluid, hot and fast, pumping into her in wave after wave. Her inner muscles set up a back and forth rippling motion, causing him to climax for several minutes. Finally, when Jack is fully spent and he is nearly unconscious from ecstacy and sheer physical exertion, he feels himself floating gently up and over Matilda, to be deposited upon her wide billowing back. Matilda's paws stick out uselessly at her sides, several feet off the ground. No longer able to carry her, they instead massage and caress her swollen beyond belief belly. With a final long gulp, Matilda floats back from the rocky lip of the falls...her belly now so large and billowing that her head can just peek over the lip of the falls. In the distance, there rises another hill and from it another rocky lip...and an even taller, more majestic cascade of glistening water. Jack lies on her rolling body for many minutes, then forces himself to slide off her. She levitates him to the ground, then drifts in complete contentment with the hundreds of gallons of water sloshing within her. Jack puts his jumpsuit back on, then does a repair job on it, hoping the others won't notice. "I'm going to check on the mining unit. Want me to come back in a bit?" Matilda turns her head and looks down at him. "Mmmmm I follow you in a few minutes." She closes her eyes as her plump paws continue to stroke and massage the fur and flesh surrounding her personal lake. Jack strokes her furry sphere and is amazed she feels soft and sloshes, instead of swollen tight. He checks his excitement and walks back to the mining unit. He smiles as he sees the first cart full and the drills have uncovered a good vein of rare earth ore. Checking the scan displays, he's almost surprised that the company hadn't claimed this moon. But remembering the megaton deposits already being exploited, he knows it was just a matter of time before they'd file claim here. <87> Looking up as the brush swishes, he looks in awe as Matilda levitates her massive body down to him. The hundreds of gallons of water sloshing within, makes her hundreds of pounds of fat billow so much that his shaft swells up to his chest before he realizes. He has to close his eyes to regain control of himself. Matilda smiles as she lowers her bloated form far enough away so she can look over her monstrously bloated breast. "Ores look good?" Jack opens his eyes and smiles. "I can drive this cart back to the other shuttle and program it to unload, then return. It will program the second cart the same way." He climbs onto the metal seat and drives it down the way they came. Matilda smiles as the lake inside her sloshes and almost pushes her to orgasmic levels. She follows him down and then to their shuttle after he unloads the cart and sends it back up the hill. April is the only one outside and stops in shock as she sees Matilda coming down from the other shuttle. She tries to speak as Matilda lowers herself onto the smooth rocky area beside the main cargo door, but can't get past her amazement in Matilda's capacity. Matilda smiles proudly. "You do great with plants." She strokes her mammoth water swollen body with her plump paws, making it slosh heavily. "I great with water." As the others come out, she tells of the waterfall. Jack waits for her to finish, then tells about the rare earth ores. "I'll need to check the machine every day or two. But we now have more to sell." The total of this finally hits him. "We could actually hire a crew to take care of the mining and build us a home that would be a palace." Matilda smiles and levitates her massive belly though the cargo bay door and settles down. Her enormous abdomen sloshes for several moments and she smiles sensually as it does. For the rest of the day, and many evenings after, Jack brings up displays of living compounds, mansions and palaces. Using the computers, they work out the layout. All of the rooms and doorways are large enough for Wilma to move easily, even if she triples her size. With the final plans for their home designed and printed out, Every one looks at April for her report on the harvesting. She smiles as Jack brings a display of what they've harvested so far. "I more than happy that all grow fast and strong. Some grow more than those from earth." She smiles at Bessie, "Bessie carry more of her, she love sweet potatoes and they make lots of her." <88> Bessie smiles proudly and pats her billowing foretorso. "I say we not sell rich sweet potatoes. Keep them for us." She levitates a couple and swallows them after a few chews. Jack smiles and pulls up a display of the ore he's mining. "All the scans indicate there's a strong vein of rare earth that the company will kick themselves when we claim this moon. By fall, we'll have enough to completely pay for our home." He looks around the cargo bay and smiles. "Next winter we'll be living in comfort." He looks at Bonnie as she waddles so her massively pregnant belly rolls under her. "And with what we can sell your bio-alloy for....." Wilma laughs and moves slightly, causing her tons of horse flesh to surge and quiver under her rich fur. "Some of us comfortable and get more by then." Everyone laugh about this and Jack starts up the games and vid system for an evening of well earned enjoyment. He stands as he sees Bessie waddling heavily into the chamber. He follows her in and smiles as she turns toward him. "We keep sweet ones for us?" She giggles and her overly abundant flesh billows seductively. Already his manhood is pushing his jumpsuit out to it's limits and the pulsing head is nudging out the neck opening. Carefully He pull down the zipper, holding his heavy shaft up as Bessie moves forward until her bounteous breasts surround it. Her fat bloated foretorso snuggles around his body and his blood pulses even more as his shaft becomes painfully stiff. She smiles, "I get more sweet potatoes, you get more of me to enjoy." He smiles and then slurps a fat nipple into his mouth as his hands try to massage both of her fat and milk bloated breasts. When he's full, he wiggles out of her wondrous embrace and moves around her round, jiggling body. He pushes into her silky, heavy udder with his ponderous pole while she gorges on the rich brown food that is making her even more obese. Finally, he can barely contain the flood within him and shoves his shaft of love deep into her loving warmth until he feels her inner gates open for his gift of love. He shoves himself between the massive hills of her rump as his shaft pulses larger until he can't move. He feels his sack squeeze as all he has is pumped into her. As he shrinks and withdraws into his hidden sheath, Bessie lies down heavily and he snuggles against and under her food stuffed belly. Soon they are both sleeping deeply. <89> For the rest of the summer, April has the others help her unload the harvesters. Jack has to rebuild the cart as Bonnie grows wider and rounder until her belly brushes the ground. The mining unit sends at least one cart of high grade ores down every day. The other shuttle has automatic equipment to unload it, but he checks and maintains it every day. Even with this and building better bins to store their produce, he spends almost every night with one of the females who continues to eat and eat and grow more and more impossibly obese. Jack is thrusting deeply into Wilma. He gasps for breath as his shaft feels as if it's almost a third of himself. Wilma is groaning in passion as she levitates him deep into her luscious depths and massages him with her fat encumbered inner muscles. Finally, she lets him release his fluid affection into her and tries to milk him completely dry. As she holds him within her and alters him back to his normal size, she thinks about April. "I ask her why she's not interested in you. She tried to convince me that she cares too much for her plants, but there is something else." Jack is finally lowered to the floor and puts his jumpsuit back on. "When ever I approach her, she seems to want me and be afraid at the same time." He walks outside and looks for April. April is checking out one of the fields that will be harvested soon and tries to smile when he approaches. "With what we've harvested so far, we'll have many tons to sell by the time we can start harvesting next year." She tries not to watch him too much and looks at an area of sweet potatoes. Jack steps in front of her, puts his hands under her muzzle and looks into her soft brown eyes. "There's something that's been bothering you all summer." He keeps eye contact with her as she closes her eyes and sighs. Finally, April looks deep into his eyes. "It's not that I'm afraid you wouldn't want me unless I started packing on pounds." She struggles with her thoughts for a moment. "My kind is designed to get fat easily. The problem they found with that was once fattening gets going, it was hard for females to get pregnant." She swallows a couple of times before continuing. "I know my young won't be intelligent and didn't like thinking of them as something we could fatten and sell." She barely manages to keep her smile. Jack puts his arms as far around her plump upper body as he can. "None of the others are pregnant. Wilma altered me so I'll be the right size for each of you, but I won't be genetically compatible unless I want to." He nuzzles between her slightly plump breasts. "So there's no reason to worry about that." <90> She hugs him close as his gentle caress relaxes her. She shifts her forelegs so that her plump forebelly and abdomen massages his shaft, which grows rapidly. She whispers sweetly to him, "Maybe I have been foolish." She steps back and her eyes grow wide as she sees that his maleness has grown as large and long as she felt. With a wide grin, and a wink, she walks into the shuttle, and the chamber, with him beside her. She turns and pulls him close, feeling his shaft pulse against her jiggling fore body. As he hugs her, she wiggles one of her hands between them and slowly unzips his jumpsuit. She hugs him closer so her plumpness flows around the firm heavy shaft. "Mmmmmm I always wondered if you did get large or the others just said that to try to upset me." She moves him against her, feeling his long heavy rod surge against her plushiness. Jack smiles as his hands move down and feel the roll of fat where her humanoid and lower abdomen join. "I guess I do owe you more time since you've been worried about things." He snuggles close and then starts to work his way around her. April turns so her plump rump bumps against him. His shaft is so excited he doesn't need even this much encouragement. He steps back as the bulbous head bounces down past her tail and finds her love tunnel open for him. With one smooth motion, he plunges himself deep into her. The massaging she's already done to him makes him know he won't last long. April gasps as she feels him shove his log of love into her lonely body and gasps in passion. "Ohhh I never imagined I could feel this good." She gasps as he begins to move in and out. "Oooo I want more and more." Her mouth waters but she doesn't notice as she groans happily and tries to step back, trying to get even more of him in to fill her emptiness. Jack struggles to hold back, but her motions inside have taken him too far to last. With a long exhale, he shoves as much of himself into her as he can and wraps his arms around her rump as he pumps over a gallon of himself into her warmth. Tired, but knowing she desires more, also she's levitated him and stepped back until he's trapped between the wall and her quivering body, he draws on energies within and manages to stay mostly firm. Twice more that day, twice during the night and when he wakes late in the day, April fondles, massages and does what ever she has to to get him hard enough to satisfy her. Finally, she lies down and cuddles him against her plump forebelly and soft bosom. "Oooooo I never knew I could feel so wonderful with you." She hugs him, almost smothering him, except her breasts aren't big enough. "Mmmmmmm I wish we would have done this long ago." Jack is barely awake because of all she's gotten him to do. "I'm glad you're so happy." He yawns slowly. "I think I need some sleep." He nuzzles against her warm fur and falls asleep. <91> April tries to sleep, but the emptiness she's known for months has been changed with a different kind. She looks at the bin of sweet potatoes and levitates a couple to her. She lies down and nibbles until she falls asleep. It's mid afternoon by the time Jack wakes. He carefully eases away from April and looks at her with a smile as he thinks. 'She was afraid of getting pregnant...' He smiles as he gently strokes her slightly round belly. 'I just hope she isn't like this every time.' Silently, he leaves and joins the others outside. Bonnie is relaxing on her enormously pregnant belly. She raises her feet enough so she rolls from side to side, pushing gently to keep from rolling over. "April all happy now?" She asks laughing and almost rolls too far over. Jack watches as she barely manages to catch herself and her wondrously spherical belly some how makes his jumpsuit start to move. When she rolls even more and levitates so she appears to bounce, his shaft grows so fast the zipper begins to move. She smiles and levitates herself into the shuttle, letting her pregnancy bounce like a huge ball as she does. She turns and smiles as Jack almost trips as he tries to keep his mighty shaft under control. As he gets the rest of his jump suit off, she floats around and her tail waves happily before him. "So she's been taking good care of yooooouuuu." She gasps as his stallion sized cock is shoved into her waiting depths. "Ooohhh I feels better the bigger I get." She looks around and levitates some of the various foods and eats passionately as Jack shoves deep into her. Her body rolls forward and back with each thrust. They both climax and she swallows several sweet potatoes as he pumps his passion into her swollen womb. She lets herself roll back slightly and Jack has to brace himself to keep her from rolling all the way back onto him. Some how he keeps control and withdraws from her comfortable interior and get his jumpsuit back on. He steps around her and stares in pride at how overly pregnant she is. "Are you going to be able to hold all you'll make by spring?" She turns her plump head and looks at her round belly. "Well my legs are going to be too short." She looks at him and licks her lips. With a worried thought, and another one to control part of me from rising, he stroke her long mane, feeling the fat of her neck jiggling beneath it. "I think the company will be very upset they didn't search for us." He looks up into the sky. "Maybe they'll care enough to search when other shuttles get lost." She nuzzles against him and he gives her a hug. "Well let's go see how the others are." They go outside and watch the harvesters and help the others unload the produce. <92> April finally joins them for supper with a wide smile. She eats at least twice what she had been, but since Bessie eats more than that, no one except Jack notices. Over the next couple of weeks, April eats more and more. Jack mates with her often to make up for all the time she missed. He makes sure there's plenty of food in the chamber and she doesn't seem to realize how much she eats during these sessions. She also nibbles from the harvest and takes on a definite waddle as she moves. Her build and nature somehow keeps her from noticing the obvious changes. After breakfast, Jack stands and smiles at all of the over fed females. "All the harvest will be stored in a couple of hours. I'm going to bring the mining unit in also." He looks outside. "Tomorrow our moon goes behind the planet and we'll have three months of winter." He smiles as Wilma looks at how much the ones in her last winter have grown. "We've got plenty of power, fuel and thermal units so we can all stay out and.... " He smiles as many of them giggle and their fur covered flesh jiggles and surges. He goes out with April, while the others makes sure everything is ready to seal the shuttle up. April checks the harvesters and looks at the final field they're working on. "I happy how much we harvest. Next year we grow even more." She sidesteps so she can pull him against her with a plump arm. "Shuttle let us take rest from work." Jack smiles and nuzzles against her breast. "And you're finally enjoying the harvest." April steps away in surprise. "What do you mean?" She asks as her plump hands move against her foretorso, and then under her overly plump breasts. She looks down at them, then turns her head and sees that she has been filling out well. He eyes are wide with fear. "I've gained this much since..." Her hands push into her plushy body and probe how thick her flesh is. She looks at Jack and smiles as he struggles to control himself. "Well I am genengineered to get VERY fat." She looks at the harvester. "You better take care of the mining one." She exaggerates her waddle as she goes toward one. Jack some how controls himself as he follows the well worn path up to the ore deposit. He smiles as the mining unit has drilled down with every sign that this is a deposit the company expert that checked this moon might slit his throat about. He sets the unit to cover the hole and take the last of the ore down to the second shuttle. <93> Jack checks the security systems of the shuttle. He seals the ore bins, then codes the com system to link to his shuttle. He connects the carts to the mining unit and seals the shuttle after he gets it outside. He uses the remote control to drive it back to his shuttle and parks it inside the main bay, near his repair equipment. Bonnie comes in with a cart of squash and stops beside a bin, she releases the cart and then levitates them with Snowy's help. She smiles at Jack "We all ready." Jack grins and then pulls the empty cart to the repair area. He turns as Bessie levitates until her fat swollen breasts surge around him. She whispers, "April not know she get plump. Is she worried?" Jack turns slowly and hugs her as well as he can. "She's just surprised how much she's put on in a few weeks." He looks into her smiling eyes. "Maybe we should have a harvest celebration." He backs up and tries to heft her massive mammeries. "Want to help?" Bessie looks at her ponderous bosom and smiles. "I think April going to be stuffed with more than she want to know." She grins as she goes to talk to the others. Jack looks at the equipment he will have plenty of time to work on, and goes to join them. He takes a food pack outside and helps April finish the harvesting. The air is rapidly growing colder but he manages not to shiver as he helps her. With an inside grin, he watches as she eats an assortment of her harvest while she works. It's late afternoon when they finish the last field and direct the harvesters to enter the shuttle. Bonnie pulls one of the carts in, while April manages to get the last one. As they enter the shuttle, Jack looks up toward the sun and can see that by dawn, the planet will block it for the winter. He closes the doors and activates the seals. Then he turns and smiles at the huge feast. April smiles with pride. "Lots of food make lots of us." Snowy smiles and floats over to her. "There not much of you.." She pokes April's slightly plump body. "But I help if you want." She strokes what she can of her ponderous bosom. April looks at the piles of her food, then Snowy. "Tonight I load belly with harvest, then maybe sometime later I see how much milk I hold." Jack walks over to Midnight and whispers. "I know this isn't the food you prefer." He puts an arm across her broad soft back and nuzzles her upper body. <94> Midnight smiles and whispers. "Maybe I eat some of this, and have my feast later." She waddles heavily over to the tables and every one smiles at Jack. Jack gives each of them a hug. "Last year at this time, we only had plans to make it to spring. All of you are getting nice and fat, and we have food, ores and bio-alloy we can sell when we claim this moon. We have plans for a wondrous home where all of you can eat and fatten as much as you want." He looks at the food spread before them. "So tonight we celebrate." He begins the feast by taking seven sweet potatoes that weigh about ten pounds each and feeds them to each of the females. He saves the largest for April and the feasting begins as soon as she manages to swallow it. Every one begins levitating the wondrous assortment of foods into their mouths. Wilma picks some of the largest potatoes and swallows them whole. After gulping down a few hundred pounds of the calorie-laden tubers, Wilma begins on the pile of carrots, taking the time to crunch each sweet root. Bessie has fun with levitating a squash, sucking it into her mouth, closing her fat lips around it and crushing it with her powerful jaws. Her rolls of fat resting on her mammoth bosom jiggles as she swallows. Bonnie gulps smaller potatoes and rolls on her amazingly pregnant abdomen with joy. With easily a hundred pounds of potatoes swelling her belly, the rotund pony digs into the carrots as if she were famished. Levitating a carrot nearly 3 feet long up to her plump lips, she steadily crunches it into her mouth till her cheeks are bulging. Bonnie savors the sweet mouthful with much equine delight before swallowing and filling her cheeks again. Snowy eats an assortment of everything, first a juicy cantaloupe, then a few sugar beets. Her flesh and milk bloated breasts surge with each gulp. She pauses to lick the sweet juices from her fleshy lips, then goes back to crunching honeydews, each melon weighing nearly 20 pounds. Matilda begins with the rich sweet leaves, savoring their flavor and spongy texture. April loves them and bites into them, releasing their flavor, before swallowing them whole. Midnight likes them because their sponginess is similar to the oxtaur flesh. Jack spends his time with each one. Jack leans into Wilma's hugely obese bosom and massages her fat, trying to help her swallow each heavy carrot. His shaft is large within his jumpsuit, but he some how manages to control himself. Bessie pauses her eating to help levitate him onto her wide soft back. He moves within her sponginess until his head is resting on top of hers. When she levitates a squash, he grabs it and stuffs it into her large mouth. He pats and massages her bloated cheeks as she moves it between her jaws, finally crushes and swallows it with a noisy gulp. After helping and encouraging her, He sides off her jiggling body and hugs one of her ponderous breasts before going over to Bonnie. <95> Bonnie smiles and rolls around, stopping herself with each leg as she swallow the smaller potatoes. Jack smiles as he grabs several and stuffs one into her mouth each time she rolls around. She pauses and smiles as he massages her overly plushy bosom. "Mmmmmm I get so fat and pregnant my feet not know floor." She levitates a half dozen and swallows them so fast at least two are in her throat at a time. Jack hugs her and strokes her huge spherical abdomen and then goes over to Snowy. Snowy has been eating everything. She tears into a thick leaf and tries to levitate so Jack is trapped within her mammoth bosom. Her fat pelt surges and he struggles to control his aching rod of passion as her flesh billows around him. He snuggles deeper and helps feed her. As she levitates an assortment of the harvest, he shoves them into her open mouth and actually pushes some of the potatoes and small squashes down her throat. Finally, she lets him loose and he deeply massages her flowing with fat body. Matilda savors the sweet leaves, chewing them by the mouthful. When she tires of these, she begins levitating squashes up and over her mammoth mammeries to her waiting mouth. She balances a fat butternut squash on the fur tuft that at one time had hidden most of her then modest bosom. Her sharp teeth tears into the rich orange flesh as she uses levitation to hold the morsel perched atop her bounteous bosom. After crunching down several of the 20 pound squashes, Matilda raises a huge melon up to the waiting fur-covered platter. She sniffs this new morsel and the sweet aroma tantalizes her taste buds. Unfortunately, the massive melon is too round for her to get a grip on, even with her mouth opened at its widest. Jack had been watching Matilda for sometime, the bobbing of her bounteous breasts exciting him more than ever. He is barely able to control himself as he goes to help her. He takes up a metal bar as Matilda levitates him up. As the massive melon floats up to him, he gives it a sharp rap, which splits the honeydew and lets the juices spill down into Matilda's wide open mouth. She smacks her lips in delight and digs into the succulent flesh of the now open melon. She finishes the first one, then floats up a cantaloupe for Jack to crack that is nearly the size of one of her behemoth breasts. From where Jack hovers, he gazes down upon her bobbing breasts and quivering body as Matilda throws herself into her dessert. His ardor rises with each mammoth melon as it floats toward Matilda and then it's sweet flesh disappears into her waiting depths. Jack struggles to control himself as she finishes off with another honeydew melon. She smiles as she levitates him to the floor and her eyes are half closed in pleasures. Jack walks over to April. While she eats, he massages her fattening body. He gently probes and then tries to heft her swelling udder and then fondles her jiggling breasts. She is eating faster as he continues to explore and massage her new flesh. "If I would have been eating like this all summer...." She gulps down a extra thick leaf. Jack smiles and nuzzles into her extra plump bosom. <96> "Now that you've done all the work, you can gorge all winter." He strokes her thick neck as she swallows while he rubs his thick shaft into her billowing fore body. He finally gives her a passionate hug and steps back. She looks at the massive bulge in his jumpsuit and redoubles her efforts to push more food into herself than she would have thought possible a year ago. Midnight is chewing the thick leaves like it's fat oxtaur flesh. She smiles as Jack walks over to her and grins as he struggles to keep control of the long, round mass bulging his jumpsuit to it's limits. She turns and waddles toward the stasis chamber. Jack has to close his eyes for a moment, or the rolling of her flesh engulfed haunches would break his self control, and destroy his jumpsuit. She licks her fangs as he opens it. He studies the list, then slowly walks around her, massaging and probing her well fattened bellies as if gauging how much she can hold. She looks inside and her stomachs rumble in unison. Jack pats her fat swollen forebelly and torso. "Think you can hold a rump in here?" He laughs as her eyes, and mouth go wide in anticipation. Jack keys one of the rumps into the dispenser. He opens it and she stares in awe and HUNGER at just over six hundred pounds of fat ox rump. She opens her mouth wide, then pauses. "Are you sure that's not too much for me?" Jack smiles and pokes her massively fat lower belly. "I think you've got enough capacity." he fondles the fur covered fat of her foreleg as he moves to her forebelly. She begins gorging as if she hadn't eaten in months. He massages deeply as he watches and feels her forebelly begin to fill and then expand. He moves to her lower abdomen as she begins to shift food as her forebelly sends the partly digested meat there. He looks at how much her forebelly has swollen and smiles as he sees her foreleg partly engulfed by the fat surrounding her forebelly. He moves back a little as her main stomach expands with more and more meat. Midnight is gorging in ecstacy as she stuffs her way past the halfway amount of the rump and continues with no sign of slowing. Her ponderous bosom surges and rises as her forebelly swells more and more, forcing it up. She gasps as the weight in her stomach pushes her toward something like a climax. She gulps down chunks over three pounds at a time and feels her gullet muscles grip and pull the soft, delicious flesh into her waiting vat of a forebelly. It stretches, but not as fast as she tears and gulps. She levitates the final two hundred pounds of quivering rump fat, tearing and gulping as her forebelly shoves more and more into her cauldron like main stomach. <97> Jack can feel her stomachs stretching, but some how knows she can finish it. He pauses and gets out of his jumpsuit before his hard, throbbing member rips it to shreds. He massages her bellies with it and this drives her deeper into her eating frenzy. The chunks swallowed are at least four pounds as she struggles to force the final hundred pounds into her overstretched bellies. Midnight gasps in pleasure, then groans as she realizes how heavy with fat meat her stomachs are. "You were right," she whispers with pride. "I could hold all of it." She strokes what she can of her fore belly and looks at Jack as he struggles to keep his huge shaft of passion under control. Jack fondles her forebelly and then wondrously bloated bosom. "I think you need some desert to help these." He walks unsteadily as he holds his rigid shaft and has one of the breasts delivered before she can argue. Midnight's eyes go wide with fear as 80 pounds of obese breast tissue quivers before her. As if in a trance by it's jello like motion, she levitates it to her tired, yet waiting mouth. She slurps several pounds of the quivering flesh in before tearing it off with her sharp fangs. She slowly works on it while Jack strokes both of her ponderous bellies with his hot pulsing rod. Sucking and ripping a chunk off from the part that was closest to the chest, until what looks like a ten pound breast floats majestically before her. Both of her stomachs groan in agony as she pauses. Jack has moved around behind her and eases the throbbing head of his love rod against her waiting gates. As he eases in, and the first waves of an unbelievable climax floods through her, she licks the nipple and then sucks the entire quivering mass in as he slowly shoves into her depths. Her food filled intestines squirm around as he shoves deeper and she starts to swallow. Her throat squeezes the delicious flesh as the juices lead it into her waiting forestomach. Jack's large shaft head reaches her open inner gates and he pauses. With a shove of passion, he rams all the way in and firmly grabs her massive rump, his arms sinking in deeply as Midnight forces the ten pounds of sweetest meat into her overloaded forestomach. She climaxes then and several times and her stomachs squeeze and churn the soft fat meat. Finally Jack climaxes and he hugs himself deep into her as his fluid swollen sack and log of meat pumps over two gallons of his sweet juices into her depths of love. Finally he retracts and steps back. He stares open mouth in surprise and admiration at how much her abdomens have stretched with almost seven hundred pounds of meat. He snuggles into her soft upper body as she strokes his back with her fat arm. It takes a while before she even wants to try to levitate back to the others. Jack smiles as he sees most of them relaxing. Each of them breathing with fattening groans as their overloaded digestive systems struggle with their feasts of love. His shaft grows again and he knows he'll be spending several hours, proving to each, that their over feasting has excited him tremendously. <98> April gives him a tired, but contented look as she slowly eats some large sweet potatoes. "Mmmm I've never stuffed this much in me before." She smiles as he tries to keep himself under control, then levitates a large one, slurps it in and swallows it whole. As her fleshy neck jiggles, he can't wait and moves around behind her. He plays his large mass of love shaft around her plumpening udder, before shoving it in and then plays by pushing in an inch or so deeper each time he thrusts. He bottoms out and takes long slow thrusts as she continues to swallow more fat producing food. As her groans of passion, start to mix with pain of her overstretched stomach, he pumps his gift into her and then massages her well expanded abdomen as she carefully lays down and falls asleep. Wilma is the only one still conscious. As he enters her, she causes his shaft to grow beyond that any horse could ever have had. She levitates him in and out as he fondles and hugs her massiveness. As they both climax, his maleness returns to his 'normal' size. She lowers him down and smiles. "Mmmm I hope we don't grow too much before you get our home built." She closes her eyes and joins the others in sleep. Jack wanders around for a little while. He marvels at how swollen with food all of them look. He finally cuddles up against Snowy's wondrously swollen belly. Even though she's asleep, her thick warm pelt flows around him, wrapping him in loving warmth as the first blast of winter's blizzard buffets the hull of their shuttle. The next day he proves to all of them how impressed he is with their feasting. They all agree that feasts like that should be saved for special times. They slip into a comfortable schedule as winter continues like last year. Jack does maintenance on the harvesters and mining equipment several hours a day. All of them find entertainment with the vid system and computer games. Snowy continues to over eat and becomes a living bed, blanket for Jack. When he snuggles with her, she wraps her fur covered obesity around him until only his head, or sometimes face is visible within her thick, billowing rolls. April is obviously eating more and more as she fills out in all directions. In a little over a month, she's gained another seven hundred pounds, pushing her over the one ton level with every sign she's gaining faster all the time. Bessie has been filling very well. Her udder has grown well beyond her hind legs and started to flow around them. It is more than half way to her fat forelegs. Her bounteous bosom weighs more than her udder did at the harvest feast and her multiple chins flow on the rolling mass of them. <99> Bonnie's pregnancy has continued until her hooves are well off the floor. She has finally given in to her hunger and is well beyond fat. Her levitation and accumulation of belly fat keeps her upright, except when she's rolling around in ecstacy. Matilda's huge waterbed of an abdomen looks like she hasn't lost a drop of her precious water. Her lower body shows the results of her over- eating and her mammoth mammeries surge well past her obese foretorso. Midnight's upper legs are disappearing into her humongous lower body. The fat oxtaur she ate during the feast has obviously agreed well with her. Her lower abdomen and forebelly are resting on the floor except when she levitates herself enough to move. She fondles her impossibly obese breasts and her plump paws fail to reach around to their front. The winter has keyed Snowy's appetite. Her furry obesity flows as she breathes. Only her lower legs and paws are still visible, Her forebelly rests on the floor in a flowing mound. Her overly mammoth bosom surges and looks as if it contains unknown gallons of creamy milk, protected by hundreds of pounds of spongy fat. Wilma has continued to eat a good bit more than she needs to maintain her phenomenal width and hyper obesity. There's no way for Jack to estimate her tonnage and neither of them wants to know. When he mates with her, he feels as if he's riding in and on a living, quivering hill of fur covered fat. April waddles up to Jack and strokes her rapidly growing body, "I grow lots of food. Now I grow lots of me." She smiles as the lower front of his jumpsuit begins to bulge. "I love mating with you and it makes my tummy want more." She waddles over to one of the bins of sweet potatoes and slowly levitates one to her mouth. Jack is almost falling over as he struggles to get out of his jumpsuit before his growth damages it. He smiles as her ponderous udder rubs sensually against both of the strong and fat legs. He kneels down and shoves his large shaft against the underside of her udder, playing it's throbbing length against her fat teats. April quivers in excitement and then begins swallowing the rich brown vegetables as fast as she can. "Mmmmm I'm going to eat and gorge until, Ahhhhh." She gasps in ecstacy as he shoves the large head into her waiting body. With each motion in, she breathes, each time he withdraws, she gulps down one of the fattening foods. Jack knows what his actions are doing to her and is already lost in dreams of her growing and fattening until only Wilma is larger than her. He closes his eyes and visualizes her stomach slowly filling, the weighty food pulling it down into the spongy fat of her rotund abdomen. He sense it filling and then stretching out and out to hold the pounds of food her ecstacy and love for him is encouraging her to gulp down faster and faster as he increases his thrusting. <100> April gasps as her stomach stretches with more food than she used to eat in a week. "Ooooo I never dreamed how wondrous I could feel." She gulps several large ones down and gasps as her stomach tries to find more room. "I never wanted to think of being this large and luscious." She closes her eyes as several climaxes force her to swallow more until her stomach is really stretching. "Now I want to be a champion." She levitates a large heavy potato into her mouth and forces it in as Jack finally erupts gallons of his rich liquid into her warm depths. Jack squeezes his arms deep into the soft flesh of her jiggling rump and gasps as he thinks of how bloated and heavy her stomach is. "Hmmmm if you keep eating like this, you might make it by spring." The passion flowing through both of them makes this almost a challenge. For the rest of the winter, April eats and eats and eats. She loves watching the vids because she can nibble with out realizing how much she's eating. Midnight, now being too obese to move with out levitation, enjoys keeping lots of food in front of her and smiles as April fattens every where. She can't help imagining the champion oxtaur when she watches April heavily roll when she moves. Jack is also entranced by her prodigious appetite and mates with her every two or three days. He uses his control to make sure she's stuffed to her limit, and her limit seems to increase every time. Snowy has eaten so much her well fattened belly swells out in all directions. Her hugely obese legs rest comfortably on the upper curve and are so engulfed in fat she can barely move them. Her nursing any one who's thirsty has encouraged her monstrous breasts to be larger than any one else's. She loves mating often with Jack and having him sleep within her the thick rolls of her massive body. Bonnie's incredibly pregnant belly becomes even larger and rounder. She also becomes so very obese, it's hard to tell how much is her pregnancy. Matilda tries not to gain much, but packs on some more flesh. Bessie is obviously heavier, but no one could have guessed she could keep this up. Wilma is already so impossibly obese and broad that no one can tell how much she's gained. As the moon comes out of the shadow of the planet and the snow melts, April proudly displays her two plus tons of championship oxtaur. She smiles at Jack. "Deep inside, all last spring and summer, I was envious of the others." She tries to heft her mammoth mammeries with her fat hands and arms. "Now I champion." She smiles at every one."Plants will grow on their own, harvesters will do their work." <101> Jack agrees she's the new champion and will set records others will tremble at. "I just hope we can get our home built this year or it's going to be snug in here next winter." April smiles proudly. "I wanted to get to champion size, then keep my agreement with Midnight." Midnight looks at her in confusion, then remembers what they had talked about almost a year ago. She gasps in wonder "You of my pack." As others stare in confusion, she tells them about her promise to consume April when she got to ripe weight. Everyone is shocked and agrees with Midnight. April still smiles, "I make plant, then make lots of me." She smiles at Midnight, "You help feed me and I see hungry look in your eyes as I get fat." Jack knows it's up to him to solve this. He slowly walks around April, stroking and prodding her massiveness. "So you think you need to keep your promise to Midnight about her eating all of a champion?" As April nods, he smiles. "There's a champion oxtaur in the stasis unit. Now if you fed it to Midnight, your promise would be kept and you could then keep eating and fattening to weights the genengineer's only dreamed of." April looks at Midnight. "I do that if you agree." She levitates herself around slowly, her thick flesh jiggling as Midnight stares in awe and her plump tongue lolls over her fangs. Midnight suddenly realizes how much champion oxtaur is before her. "It take me all summer to eat that much!" She turns her head as much as she can and stares at her own obesity. "I be three of me by fall." She turns back and smiles. Wilma giggles and her tons of fur covered flesh billow sensually. "I make you able to get plump for first winter." She lowers herself so her flesh rolls against Midnight's. "So I make you able to hold champion." She smiles as Midnight's eyes go wide in amazement, then Midnight smiles as she imagines her bellies stuffed overly full with delicious oxtaur flesh. Jack has stayed out of this and finally comes over. He leans into Midnight's round belly and hugs as much of her as he can. "I think I might be able to encourage you some." His throbbing rod half snuggled into her softness tells her what he's thinking of. Midnight looks at April and tries to imagine the entire oxtaur stuffed into herself, then smiles at Jack. "We all get good night sleep, then I feast like I dream." She giggles and her fur billows, then she levitates over to her sleeping pad. Wilma and April go to theirs while Jack follows Midnight. Matilda goes over to April and chats with her for a few minutes before going to sleep. Bessie, Bonnie and Snowy whisper and giggle about something before they give in to sleep. <102> Midnight has only managed to drift in and out of sleep. Finally she moves enough to wake Jack and whispers. "You think I eat all of champion?" Her thick pelt quivers and Jack nuzzles into her sponginess. His shaft quickly grows, but he controls himself not to get too excited. "I know you've been excited as April fattens." He nuzzles deep into her foretorso and struggles to get his upper body deep enough into her warm fleshy cleavage until he can give her a light kiss. "Eating all the champion in the stasis chamber will make you so obese." He looks into her excited eyes and kisses her again, it starts out friendly, then becomes passionate. He squirms within her mammoth bosom and the hundreds of pounds of fat surge so much he almost loses control of himself. Finally she levitates him out and starts to levitate herself toward the chamber as if in a trance. Jack runs over and wakes April, then Wilma, then rushes over to Midnight. He strokes her billowing abdomens, "You're going to eat a champion oxtaur and then be so wondrously obese...." He snuggles deep into her soft pelt and then steps back as Wilma moves against her other side. April comes up and Jack opens the stasis chamber. She smiles, "I'm going to stuff all that into Midnight?" She looks at her self, then Midnight. "Her paws will never feel the floor again... unless she rolls over too far." She looks at the weights and has Jack bring out one obese side. Midnight is staring into the chamber and trembles with hungry and concern as she sees the side. She licks her plump lips and struggles to get her fat hands down to fondle her fat forebelly. Wilma is beside her, their flesh jiggling as she makes Midnight's body able to gorge on over two tons of meat and fat. She eases back and her huge body billows heavily. April smiles, "Ok my hungry wolftaur. I promised you the flesh of a champion." She levitates the 900 pounds of meat and fat and slowly lowers it to Midnight's slobbering mouth. "Now I'm going to stuff ALL of it into you." Midnight doesn't really hear anything. Her eyes and thoughts are locked on the quivering mass of flesh floating before her. She opens her mouth and tears off a several pound chunk as April lowers the meat. She swallows in passion and opens her jaws wide for more. April smiles as she keeps easing the champion meat into Midnight. "Mmmmmm I'm delicious. So much fat mixed into the meat. I've been gorging every time Jack and I mate, then I just want to eat until I'm stuffed." She giggles as Midnight tries to tear larger chunks and swallows even faster. <103> Jack's jumpsuit starts to rip and he struggles out of it. He moves against Midnight as he feels his sack filling and stretching as he produces more liquid love than before. He moves the large pulsing head into her plushy interior and feels the heat of her passionate gorging as he begins to thrust deep and slow. Midnight feels him within her warm depths and tries to tear off even larger bites. Failing this, she eats as fast as she can, crunching through the bones, knowing she needs their material for herself. Several hundred pounds are already swelling her forebelly and her heaving breasts are starting to be pushed apart. She groans in excitement as she eats and eats. Her forebelly feels as if she hasn't eaten a thing. Jack tries to contain himself as she gorges and now contains over 500 pounds in her forebelly. With a gasp of ecstacy, he pumps well over a gallon of his fluid passion into her. He hugs himself into the soft hills of her rump and tries to calm his huge shaft. As she keeps gorging, he realizes he won't have a chance until all the meat of the champion is stuffed into her. He slowly pulls out and holds himself as he walks around to where he can watch. April smiles as she keeps the remains of the huge slab of flesh at Midnight's mouth. "She's going to be surprised when I get all of this in her." Jack looks as Bonnie comes over with a cart of squashes. The bars of the cart have been removed because her enormously pregnant and fat abdomen is so wide the cart can't be seen behind her. She turns and levitates the harness off her fat neck as Bessie levitates a several pound squash to April. April smiles and let's Bessie force it into her mouth. Her strong jaws crush it enough to swallow. She smiles and encourages Midnight as Bessie feeds her. "You're going to feel so wonderful with a champion inside you." She grins as about a hundred pounds remain outside the gorging wolftaur. "This is only the appetizer. A few more bites and you'll be ready for the first course." She keeps moving it so almost all Midnight sees is rich flesh while she opens her mouth for each squash Bessie stuffs into her. Jack is getting painfully erect watching both of them being fed and moves his pulsing shaft head against her huge cushiony udder. He moves up and then shoves smoothly all the way into her loving interior. He pushes in all the way and waits, feeling her fat tunnel gently massaging his hard shaft of maleness. He hugs her round rump and moves his head enough to see around her and watches the meat disappearing into Midnight. He moves almost all the way out, then in, slowly increasing the tempo as both of them gorge. As April forces the last of the fat side into Midnight, Jack explodes into April. His sack has already filled and he pumps until he can almost feel her womb sloshing with his love. He pulls out and leans his throbbing shaft against her as they select Midnight's next course. <104> Jack brings a 70 pound fore leg out and April holds it so the widest part is at Midnight's mouth. Midnight tears into it, oblivious to how much 900 pounds has bloated her forebelly out. Her breasts are pushed far apart, which is good since they're also pushed up so far they would be against her face. She tears into the leg, ripping flesh off it, then crunching the strong bone. She swallows the last of the fat meat, then slurps down the last of the bone and wide hoof. April smiles after swallowing another squash. "Mmmmmm that bone helps hold me up. It's strong and was well loaded with fat." She motions and Jack brings out the other 900 pound side. She grins as the hundreds of pounds of belly fat quivers when she levitates it. "Here's the first course. Lots of spongy belly fat." She lowers it and Midnight begins tearing into it without thinking of how impossibly swollen her forebelly already is. "Lots of good feeds went into me to make all this rich fleshy meat." Bonnie comes over with another cart of melons, then goes to get more. Wilma smiles and levitates a large melon to Bessie. As Bessie opens her mouth wide, Wilma crushes it so the rich juices pour into her mouth, then Wilma shoves it into Bessie's wide mouth. Her chewing sounds like a garbage disposal. She swallows it and opens her mouth for what ever Wilma has waiting for her. Jack is almost out of control and walks a bit unsteadily over to Bessie. His shaft thumps against her fat bloated body, then he uses it to probe the wondrous softness of her huge, obese udder. Closing his eyes, he lifts his heavy pole of passion and eases it into her warm spongy tunnel. As she is fed larger melons and squashes, his shaft pounds with more pressure and grows snug within her. Her udder surges and billows against him as he thrusts deep into her. He thrusts and squirms within her hot moist body and hugs himself into her ponderous rump as he listens and watches the three of them gorging. Finally he pours into her, his sack squeezes and pumps all that his bloated sack holds. Exhausted, he hugs himself deep into her jiggling rump and billowing with fat udder and gasps in exhaustion. Bessie has been eating faster as he mated her and Wilma smiles as she makes sure there's always food above or in her mouth. Bessie keeps putting squashes into April's mouth and slows enough to let her chew a few moments. Midnight's forebelly is finally shoving partially digested food into her main stomach. April keeps the side of obese meat so Midnight is eating and eating, trying to eat all that she sees. Snowy levitates near Wilma and Bonnie brings a cart of sweet beets and carrots. She levitates a fat carrot, almost three feet long and moves it to Wilma's mouth. Wilma smiles and sucks it into her throat. As Snowy keeps levitating carrots, beets and whatever she can, Wilma swallows them easily, always opening her broad mouth for more. <105> Midnight groans in ecstacy and forces down a large chunk that puts her into the second half of the side of champion oxtaur. She sucks in a mass of rich fat and gulps with determination. Jack half stumbles against Wilma's massive hills of rump fat. "You still think April can get all of the champion into Midnight?" He moves his swollen rod against her rump and then almost falls into her cavernous love tunnel. He feels as if her tunnel is gently squeezing and fondling his shaft, but it's her modifying and making him swell until he lovingly fills her deep emptiness. He begins to take several steps back, then charge in until her obese rump cushions his crashing into her. Her fat billows sensually as he steps back and then charges again. Midnight is gorging and gorging. All that's on her mind is tearing and swallowing. She doesn't even feel how many feet out her forebelly is stretched, and her main stomach is starting to, as she gulps down another several pound chunk. Jack feels his load swelling his sack and it sloshing against her fat bloated rump until he know he'll flood her waiting interior. With a gasp of passion, he buries his shaft into her wanting depths and squeezes himself deep between her rolling hills of fur covered rump fat. He feels pulse after pulse of fluids surging into her. Gasping, it seems as if he's producing as fast as he's pumping, finally he's dry and rests cushioned within her flesh. April smiles between her own gulps and keeps talking to Midnight. "Ooooo you're eating some of my richest flesh. I remember making that after an all night mating session with Jack. Lots of sweet leaves and squashes went into that meat." She swallows another squash as Midnight struggles to keep eating without feeling how stretched she's becoming. Her plump hands stroke her spherical fore body, but don't realize how much she's eaten, only that there's more in front of her. Jack finally catches his breath and starts to ease out of Wilma. She is gulping down sweet beets so fast that she doesn't realize it fast enough to completely alter him back to his normal size. He is watching Midnight tearing into the last couple hundred pounds of the side. He holds his semi firm shaft without realizing how large it is and keys a hind leg and the foretorso into the dispenser. With sexual hunger fueled by her impossibly stretched out forebelly and main stomach that has already pushed her paws well off the floor, He moves around her. He strokes her bellies with his heavy shaft and then moves around her ponderous rump. Someone levitates him a bit as he guides his more massive shaft head against her wanting vulva. He squirms in his desire and manages to shove the head past her fat lips. Midnight howls in ecstacy as her love tunnel is stretched like her stomachs are. She's tearing and swallowing chunks over five pounds now and forces herself to swallow faster as he shoves deeper. He bottoms out in her warm womb the same time her overly plushy rump surges around him. <106> April grins as she feels her stomachs begin to stretch. "Ooo Midnight, you're loving all that rich FAT meat I've made and you want all of me inside your bellies. You can hear your tummies beg for all of me. You almost have all of my fat sides and bellies. You want my fat covered legs, My flesh swollen foretorso, my enormously obese rump." She gulps down a couple of sweet beets nosily. "Then there's my ponderous udder. Mmmm I loved eating and feeling it grow wider and heavier, feeling it rubbing warmly against my hind legs. The fat teats touching the ground as it surged when I moved." Midnight's appetites are already out of control as she has less than a hundred pounds of the fat side. She tears chunks out and swallows, her fatness billowing back toward Jack and his deep powerful thrusts sends surges through her obese interior forward. Her main stomach is massaged by this as it shoves her body higher. Jack can't believe how snug her fat tunnel is around him and that his love fluids are filling it full. He feels her pause, look over her broad rolling back that has filled up, covering a good part of her upper torso, and sees a fat foreleg easing down toward her. She tears and gulps so fast it never seems to stop going down between her ears, until the hoof disappears past her thick mane. She groans with hunger, then howls long in ecstacy as he pumps more that two gallons into her loving womb. Matilda has come over and settles down. Her thousand gallon belly sloshes noisily as she levitates sweet potatoes to Snowy. Snowy licks it then opens her mouth wide and swallows it, and the ones closely following it. She gulps and grins as she continues dumping carrots and sweet beets into Wilma's capacious stomach. As the foretorso, it's amazing rolls of fat quivering, is lowered to Midnight's mouth, Jack slowly pulls out. For the first time, he realizes how large his shaft is and realizes it hasn't been Wilma squeezing around it, but her making him fill her. He stumbles over until he falls into her bounteous body. For a moment, he wonder if he'll have to mate and worries, but then she brings him back to the size the others can hold while he leans into her warm soft belly. Jack stumbles back and watches Snowy being stuffed by Matilda. As she swallows sweet potato and sugar beets, he grows firm again. Walking around her, he strokes her thick, rolling pelt and tries to feel her legs under her thick fat. he's levitated up, over the rolling curve of her huge belly and guides his throbbing rod into her fat tunnel. As all of his shaft of love is in her, his thighs are resting on the upper curve of her hyper obese belly and his upper body snuggles her wide pillowy back. He moves as well as he can and sets her fat rolling like heavy waves. His shaft surges within her spongy depths. Each swallow she takes seems to fill his sack more. <107> April gulps more sugar beets down and burps. She smiles as almost half the obese foretorso is stretching Midnight's forebelly out. "Mmmm that's some of my softest flesh. I loved massaging it and feeling my huge fattening breasts grow and roll on it. Every thing I swallowed, made that fat jiggle, hoping the food would add more fat there. I hope you can use all of it to make your fore body even fatter." She gulps down more sugar beets as Midnight's gorging encourages her. Midnight gasps for breath and tears chunks off that weigh six or seven pounds, swallowing them as easily as the four pound chunks she started on. Her eyes are closed in ecstacy and she is oblivious to the fact that she already eaten her own weight in champion oxtaur flesh. Jack can't believe that he's pumping so much into Snowy's wanting depths and snuggles deep as she wraps her thick pelt that seems to flow around him like a living blanket. He pumps and pumps as her warm softness billows all around him. Finally dry, he relaxes as she gulps down as fast as Matilda can feed her. He looks as Midnight has less than a hundred pounds left and struggles to get out and off of her. He slides down over and through the back part of her obese belly and stumbles over to the stasis chamber. He looks at Midnight's spherical fore belly and her ponderous breasts that have been pushed to her sides by it. She is obviously digesting a lot of her champion meal, but no where near as fast as she's forcing it in. He keys up one of the fat breasts and April levitates it as Midnight swallows down the final ten pound chunk with a powerful gulp. April smiles and moves it so Midnight can see the sweet quivering flesh. "Don't I look delicious?" She moves it around slowly and Midnight licks her fat lips. "My flesh and fat is soooo soft you can slurp it all down." She lowers it and Midnight sucks in until her cheeks are bulging. Then she bites through in one chomp. With a powerful gulp, more than ten pounds of it make her growing bounteous bosom surge heavily. April smiles between the cantaloupes she's being fed and keeps shoving the fat and milk tissues into her impossibly stuffed wolftaur. "Mmmm",she pauses holding the last fifteen pounds with the fat nipple floating before Midnight. "Your own breasts are going to be even fatter. So much softer and fatter." She eases it down and Midnight grabs it with her lips and sucks it in. She gulps and sucks until it's bulging her throat and then is shoved into her forebelly, making it surge heavily. Jack brings the other foreleg out and watches as April lowers it into Midnight. Midnight tears chunks of fat meat and crunches bone as fast as it's lowered between her powerful jaws. He gets the 900 pounds of rump into the dispenser and watches every one gorging. <108> Bonnie levitates in with the last cart and smiles as she levitates sweet melons over to Matilda. She uses her levitation to crush them enough for Matilda to pull them into her mouth and swallow them into her water cushioned stomach. She works as fast as Matilda can swallow, while Matilda feeds Snowy, who's feeding Wilma, who's stuffing Bessie, who's helping April gorge. Jack looks at Matilda's flesh engulfed pond of water and the wave like motion brings his shaft into rigid attention. He's levitated up and slowly sinks his heavy maleness into her water filled depths. His arms are spread out across her broad back and barely reach the upper curve of her belly. His thighs sink into her belly and lower legs are still on the upper curve. As he starts to thrust, her entire belly sloshes and billows with her thousand plus gallons of warm liquid. April smiles as she shoves the foreleg down into Midnight's powerful gullet. She raises the rump and floats it over, wondering where to have her start. She lowers the edge where it was cut off and Midnight tears a chunk that approaches nine or ten pounds in weight. She gulps and her body surges everywhere as her bellies struggle to digest and find room for more fat meat. April smiles. "Mmmm this is my well fattened rump. I loved how huge it was every time Jack and I mated. Ooooo him bouncing into this deliciously soft fat and it billowing around him." She watches in surprise and awe as Midnight keeps eating and swallowing. Jack's actions has made Matilda look as if there's a storm inside her. Her fluid swollen storage cells are bouncing and rolling while Jack can feel his bag filling more until it starts to stretch. He shoves deep and tries to squeeze himself even deeper as he pumps several gallons of his fluid love into her warm spongy depths. Exhausted, he lays on her as her rolling body slowly calms down like the ocean after a storm. April keeps encouraging Midnight while she some how manages to eat all that Bessie is feeding her. Bessie has been well stuffed and stopped opening her mouth for Wilma's offerings. Snowy and Bonnie are also eating slower. Matilda realizes no one is feeding Bonnie and starts stuffing her with sugar beets, knowing it's the best food to help fatten the pregnant, obesely rotund pony even more. April keeps moving the heavy rump so it's all that Midnight can see. "Can you imagine your rump being this round, and wide, and soft?" She moves it so the flesh jiggles. "Just keep eating and your's will be." Jack doesn't even think how his staff can be swelling again as he walks carefully over to Bonnie. Her hooves have been off the floor since shortly after she decided she wanted to be very pregnant and FAT. He doesn't care who has been helping as he's levitated so the large head of his throbbing rod of love is nudged between her wondrously plump rump. He forges his large weighty shaft into her soft, waiting depths then firmly hugs her round fat hips as he begins to pump and thrust into her. <109> Bonnie opens her mouth wide and lets Snowy and Matilda drop sugar beets down into her wanting depths. She somehow manages to keep feeding Matilda as Jack's actions sets her obese body surging all over. She can feel him deep within her fat and gulps more and more until her stomach begins to stretch. Jack finally pumps over two gallons of himself into her. He can't imagine where he's getting enough for all he's delivered, but doesn't care. He lies in exhausted bliss as Bonnie gulps more sugar beets than she ever has before. April gasps as she swallows more squashes and keeps the rest of the rump where Midnight can eat it. "Ooo your rump is going to be so wide and soft and HEAVY. When ever you try to move, this fat will billow and drive Jack wild when he's mating with you." She tries to stuff it into Midnight, who tries to tear and swallow faster. She's finally slowing as her stomachs try to digest as fast as she's eating. Her stomachs are stretched so much even Wilma watches in amazement while she's stuffed. Jack watches as Midnight's down to the last hundred pounds. He shoves himself out and off of Bonnie and then hurries to the stasis chamber. He get the last hind leg and waits for Bessie to levitate it up to April. Then he gets the other obese breast and 330 pound udder into the dispenser. He looks at the quivering fat milk bag and then looks at Midnight. Her enormously bloated abdomens makes him swell and harden so fast he's dizzy. April holds the leg over Midnight's tired mouth and lowers it only as fast as Midnight's able to tear chunks off. "Think of my fat udder rubbing against this flesh bloated leg. Your legs are probably going to be lost within your enormous belly." She forces down another squash and then eases the last of the leg and hoof. She raises the fat breast over Midnight's mouth and eases it down for Midnight to somehow get it into her over gorged stomachs. Jack is levitated up until the almost painfully swollen head of his throbbing shaft is shoved into her love tunnel. He moves it in slowly as he can actually feel her food stuffed intestines squirming around him. He begins to move slowly, being pulled almost all the way out by some one's levitation, then slowly going all the way back in. He smiles and hugs her obese rump as he realizes it's Midnight who's been helping him all day. April smiles as Jack somehow finds whatever to mate once more with the over gorged wolftaur. "Here's my other breast. Full and fat and delicious." She keeps easing it into Midnight's tired mouth so she has to eat and swallow. She stuffs the final 15 pounds into Midnight's maw and waits for her to start swallowing before slowly levitating the heavy, obese udder. <110> "Here's the last of me." April giggles. "My wondrously fat udder, the sweetest portion of me." She lowers it into Midnight's mouth. Midnight is gasping as her stomachs scream they can't hold another ounce. But Jack thrusting excitedly and knowing when this delicious udder is in her, she'll have an entire champion oxtaur inside her, makes her tear a chunk and swallow.She eats much slower than when she started but mouthful by mouthful, the surging udder jiggles as there's less of it and more of her. Each teat is so packed with fat that she has trouble swallowing without tearing them in pieces, but some how she manages. Jack can't hold back and screams in ecstacy as he floods her womb until it stretches. Midnight gasps in passion and forces her gullet to pull in and force the last of the two plus tons of champion oxtaur into her dangerously stretched stomach. Stuffed beyond any dream or nightmare she ever had, she closes her eyes and falls asleep as her digestive system demands every ounce of blood she can spare. Jack is barely conscious and just lays on her bounteous body, his softening shaft still inside her warm loving tunnel. April looks at Midnight and smiles in pride. "So you kept your promise my wolftaur friend." She looks at herself and tries to imagine how much she might gain this year, then closes her eyes and joins the others in sleep. Two days later, Jack contacts his friend and files his claims for the moon and all that is on it. The company finds out within a few hours and contacts him to congratulate him on surviving. He tells them he is mainly planing to sell the fruits and vegetables he is raising, taking care not to mention the cloud or it's affects on the females. He contacts a shuttle pilot friend of his and makes arrangements for the second shuttle to be picked up and an empty one delivered. He makes arrangements with the pilots guild to sell them the ore he mines and the bio-alloy. The company only used it for certain mining procedures, even though it makes the best space suits. One of the building foremen has spent his spare time designing palaces. He offers to come on the shuttle and design Jack's home. Everyone starts working on filling carts in their shuttle, having the carts automatically go to the second shuttle and then unload them. April works on sensing and awakening the crops from their winter slumber. <111> A few weeks have past since the moon came out from behind the planet and the bitterly cold winter finally came to an end. Already, the snows have melted and retreated, and the moon turns green again. Jack has the harvesters tuned up and April has set them to the task of planting this year's crop of rich fattening food crops. The loaded shuttle has been taken and the designer is working in the one left on their palace. The basic design is done and profits from the first shuttle load will pay for all materials and labor. The company manager in this system wants Jack to be happy, since he would be lucky to get a flight home if the company learned of the ore not detected on Jack's moon. The bio-alloy has always been something no one mentions. Thanks to Matilda's rich milk, April's burgeoning body has ballooned to a phenomenal 12,000 pounds, weighing as much as three champions. No longer concerned about her weight, she continues to gorge heartily on the new spring growth. As she hovers over the fields, she watches the harvesters in their planting while she levitates squash after squash up to and into her mouth. Her levitation powers have increased steadily with each pound gained and her control is perhaps the greatest of each well filled femme. April's whole body billows gently as she hovers, while her enormous udder sways and billows seemingly with a mind of its own. Matilda somewhat reluctantly relinquished her precious fluid, producing phenomenally fattening milk for April all during the winter. As her billowing belly shrunk, her burgeoning bosom grew till each weighty orb was now capable of holding nearly 200 gallons. Matilda somehow uses her levitation to keep her mammoth mammeries from pulling her over, for her belly, though still swelled greatly, hardly provides sufficient counter weight to her monstrous milk factories. The once petite wolftaur now rolls heavily upon her not quite voluminous belly. Bonnie's belly has finally overtaken her plump legs, which have disappeared underneath rolls of fat. Her plump head now perches upon a body which more suggests a balloon than a pony. Her appetite and pregnancy continues to pack the pounds on her rounded frame. Snowy has become a virtual billowing ball of fur and fat, actually three balls counting her billowing breasts. This spring, instead of shedding pounds, she continues to gain fat everywhere. Bessie's enormous udder finally has overtaken and engulfed her hind legs. Her bounteous breasts are so swelled with milk and fat, that they weigh more than her udder. As she continues nursing Wilma, her breasts will grow till they surpass her udder by hundreds of pounds. Wilma has swelled out till she is a gigantic version of Bonnie, with no apparent topping out of her weight. <112> Midnight no longer waddles, her bellies having long since overgrown her legs. The end result of her feast of champion evident in her bouncing breasts and billowing forebelly. Her frame has grown somewhat and widened tremendously with rolling fat. No longer worried of danger, she continues to gorge and fatten. Jack spends a couple hours oiling and fine tuning the miner until it is ready to head back to the rich ore vein on the hill. As he hitches up an empty cart, Matilda floats over with a second cart, only this one filled to overflowing with squash, melons, and sweet potatoes. Jack pokes her billowing body and grins, "Now just where do you think your going with that?" "I go with you to hill, keep you company..." she giggles and bats her long lashes coyly. Jack laughs and tries not to let himself become too aroused, at least not yet. "Ok, lets make a day of it." He hops into the driver's seat of the miner while Matilda lowers her billowing bulk into the empty cart. They head out and Jack is thankful that the miner is built with the driver's seat in the front, rather than behind...otherwise her bouncing and jiggling would cause him to drive up a tree, or worse. Jack risks a quick glance over his shoulder every now and then. When they do arrive at the hillside ore vein, he brings the miner to a halt. He leaps down from the driver's seat and turns around, only to run into one of Matilda's billowing breasts. Much as he'd like to dive into her depths, he needs to get the miner to work. He walks stiffly back and unhitches the extra cart, looking up he sees the second cart as empty as the first. Matilda gives a burp and giggles, her thick rolls of fat quivering. Jack grins and turns back to the miner before he loses it and sets to programming the machine to begin excavation. In an hour, the miner is finally ready and begins grinding away at the ore vein. Jack stands back and stretches, he turns around "Well now that that's done, we can...." His voice trails off and a big grin crosses his face as he sees he is alone. He feels his shaft begin to stiffen as his pulse quickens. He quickly takes off down the wide path left by the floating wolftaur waterbed. After a few minutes climb, he scrambles over the familiar boulder at the edge of the waterfall's pool. The waterfall flows in all its glory with spring meltwater, but the pool under the fall is empty.... ***************************** <113> Matilda slipped away as quietly as she could, trying not to make too much noise as her burgeoning body floated through the dense growth along the stream. Her belly is crammed full of rich calorie laden vegetables, but it is hardly noticeable underneath the hundreds of pounds of fat and storage tissue. She reaches the familiar falls and settles her mammoth belly down till it is floating in the pool. Her eyes sparkle as she watches the glistening column of falling water. Her instincts are screaming at her to start filling up and she floats toward the fall, but her mind drifts back to the memory of an even larger, more majestic fall. ************************* Jack stands there at the edge of the pool, his feet wet and his ardor dampened as he looks around in panic. Matilda's trail ended here, and there is no trace of her billowing form. Looking around, he sees no trail leading out of the small clearing. He sits down on the boulder and tries to collect his thoughts and quell his rising panic. He shakes his head, "She couldn't have just floated away..." From his vantage point on the boulder, he can just see over the rocky ledge of the fall. In the distance, perhaps 3 miles away, he sees the sunlight glinting off what appears to be another waterfall. The worry drains from his as he feels his ardor begin to rise anew. After only one slip which dumped him into the pool, Jack makes it up to the rocky ledge and stands there. The stream deepens here, but the land is level and not too rocky. He takes off at a fast jog toward the distant fall and his wandering waterbed. ********************************* All winter long, Matilda had dreamed about the distant waterfall, of standing under it and opening her mouth...of feeling the water pounding down her throat and into her billowing belly. All winter she had dreamed of this as she nursed April and now that dream was reality. The stream had widened considerably, but the current was just as gentle as the stream below the first fall. This fall was much like its downstream counterpart, a rocky lip with a cleft in it through which the water flowed. However, this fall rises a towering forty feet and its cascade of water nearly three times that of its downstream counterpart even after heavy rains. Matilda floats forward till the cascade pounds down on her billowing breasts, setting them quivering. She drifts in and out of the cascade, letting the water massage first her deep cleavage then the tips of her swollen erect nipples and surrounding areola. The sensation spreads through her mammoth mammaries and she throws her head back in a howl of ecstacy. <114> Matilda floats forward so the cascade pounds first on her cleavage and then the fur tuft perched atop her mountainous breasts. Closing her eyes tightly, she shifts a few inches and opens her mouth wide. Even though the fall is much wider than her mouth, still she captures a good portion of the glistening column. Her fat paws begin to stroke her swelling belly in encouragement. She floats there for three minutes before she drifts back to catch her breath and gaze at her growing body. Jack has finally reached the waterfall. He plunges through the dense growth and stumbles into the pool. When he hears the howl rising over the roar of the fall, he breaks into a flat out run. He arrives out of breath and nearly out of his jumpsuit for as he ran his mind was filled with images of Matilda's rolling quivering body. Looking over at her, he sees he arrived just in time. He barely manages to get out of his jumpsuit before the seam would have split by his rising shaft and swelling sac. Grinning, he dives into the pool and swims over to the rapidly ballooning Matilda. Matilda has managed to swallow nearly two hundred gallons in only a few minutes. She gives Jack a wolfish grin and drifts forward again with her mouth opened wide. Jack tries to tread water as best he can as the pool turns out to be deeper than it looks, and his growing shaft isn't helping matters. Just before floundering, he feels himself being lifted out of the water. He is gently deposited on the quivering curve of Matilda's rapidly growing belly. As the water flows into her depths, its possible to actually feel her body swelling, but Jack is too caught up in a swelling of his own. Jack's throbbing shaft has grown enormously as he plunges into Matilda's warm quivering depths. He throws his arms over her rolling rump and begins to pump. His shaft is alternately gripped and released by the walls of Matilda's water logged tunnel of love. He can feel the water rolling within her as he rides her ballooning belly. Matilda floats back after 10 long minutes, her belly now rolling with over 600 gallons of water. As Jack plunges his love into her, she floats forward into the cascade and begins gulping water like she was dying of thirst. Jack feels her storage tissue swelling again as his own sac swells and swells. Matilda's belly beneath him has now swelled until he can lay upon it and not roll off. He tries to look up over her broad back to watch, but he is unable without withdrawing. He falls back on her rolling belly and sets it into a rocking motion. His sac swells and stretches till he feels it will burst. With a sensation that takes his breath away, he explodes in her, pumping gallon after gallon into her until he feels he is about to pass out in orgastic ecstacy. <115> Matilda feels Jack's seed flowing into her in wave upon wave, his pulsing rod and her swelling belly bringing her to climax. Somehow she grabs a breath and then, stretching her mouth open even wider, she plunges back into the cascade of water. Jack finally succumbs to the exertion of his run and his ardent love making. He drifts off to sleep, his head pillowed on her massive rump and floating on her living waterbed of a body that billows as more gallons pour in every minute. *********** The sun is low on the horizon when Jack finally awakens. He nuzzles his face into her soft billowy back and then slowly looks up. He smiles proudly as he sees the first thick roll of fat of her upper back. He blinks his eyes a few times as her realizes her wondrously obese arms are fatter and her monstrously mammoth bosom has swollen out until the upper curve is above her plump head. He moves his legs slightly and feels her water bloated belly jiggling under him. He remembers vids of the huge sea lions and knows her belly is moving like their's, except much more. Smiling he let's his shaft grow and grow. Matilda feels her entire body sloshing and slowly opens her eyes. Before her is the falls and she thinks of taking in more. She moves her hands and paws and decides she may have enough in her.... for now. "Oooooo I feel so good. I hold more in one breast than champion in entire body." She mmrrssss contentedly as Jack's rod of love grows large and heavy in her fluid swollen body. As he begins to thrust, her water gorged body rolls like the ocean during a storm. She climaxes several time before Jack and feels him add several gallons into her wanting womb. Jack lies on and in her waterbed of a body and his breathing finally slows. "I didn't dream you could hold this much." He weakly grabs his jumpsuit when she levitates it onto him. Matilda smiles in love and contentment as she slowly levitates them back to the mining machine. Jack checks the status after she brings the control to him and then nuzzles deep into her billowing body. She moves and gets her mammoth belly surging around him and he grows deep into her again..... Jack is lying in exhaustion as she finally lets him put his jumpsuit on. He walks down the hill, following her hill sized body. Too drained to get physically excited, his mind imagines how it was on her as she loaded up from the falls. Everyone is amazed at Matilda and compliments her. Jack has to open the shuttle cargo door to it's widest for her to get in. "I don't think it would be safe for you to stay outside. A few rainstorms and we'd have to redesign our home." <116> She laughs and her entire body and mammoth bosom rolls for a while after she stops. "I see plans and know there lot of room." She levitates him up, the lowers him between her breasts, each one holding over two hundred gallons, until his body is completely engulfed, his chin rests on the furry tuft, inches from her muzzle. "I think I love all this." Jack smiles and wiggles closer, her huge breasts surging everywhere and making it impossible for him to keep from ripping this suit. He kisses her passionately. "Let's enjoy all you have now, before going back. Maybe once a year...." Matilda closes her eyes and luxuriates to Jack moving between her huge, fleshy milk factories. She dreams of water falls around her and Jack within her. Within 30 days, their palace is finished. The prefab design is well suited because of the size rooms and doors the females may need. Jack keeps the harvesters and mining machines working well and buys a second miner. The shuttle loads were every other week, but are at least once a week as crops and ores fill the waiting cargo shuttle. The pilot's guild sends an expert in one with equipment to use the bio-alloy. Bonnie reluctantly unloads herself, but she is now so obese that she barely shows she was carrying over one thousand pounds. The expert is in nirvana because he has never seen more than a few pounds at a time. Material for several dozen suits are quickly made. Jack doesn't set payment since he was one of the guild, but they keep him supplied with all the vids, games, and all info on genengineering. As they orbit to where the planet will block the sun, and their third winter, Jack smiles at the many tons of food April and Bessie have prepared for all. "Two years ago," he nods as they grin back at him. "We weren't sure all of us would survive the winter. No one dreamed it would be possible for any to reach their present size and I know none of you are thinking you're too fat," he looks at the side of fat oxtaur Midnight is looking at. He pats Matilda's humongously bloated belly and sets it to rolling, "or full. So I better let you gorge..." He smiles as Wilma levitates him onto her acres of mare back and he sinks deeply into her softness. While they gorge, he eats some and then somehow finds the energy and gallons of fluids to mate passionately with each one of them. (Although since Wilma was first he knows she had something to do with him being able to.) After Jack secures everything for winter, and they enter the shadow of the planet, they all watch out the grand room's window and watch the first blizzard drop many feet of fluffy whiteness over their world. SQUASH SWEET POTATOES POTATOES SUGAR BEETS CARROTS MELONS SWEET LEAVES day 30ish 1st winter day 120ish 1st spring day 150ish 1st summer day 240ish 1st fall day 270ish 2nd winter day 360ish 2nd spring day 390ish 2nd summer Wilma can modify genes of those inside her make improvements, alter body.... April can alter plants, nutrition...... Bessie alter milk composition Matilda store tremendous amounts of water Bonnie can make more spheres at an incredible rate alloy is very valuable can take some one into her womb, telepathic make it her foal and heal/modify it can stretch to amazing proportions given time widen and strengthen skeleton when she wants it, she wants it gives him a ride he'll remember Matilda canteen wolftaur - can store many gallons of water in abdomen convert it into milk richness depends on her stored fat loves feeling water sloshing inside her loves him making her belly move loves to wrestle-rolly polly Snowy winter snowleopard - always plump can quickly make fur thick and gain fat can wrap pelt around some one to help keep them warm playful, teasing, better way to wrap around him Bessie recycle cowtaur - can eat anything organic stores it as fat or produces milk new type- before it could be patented other gen companies got a hold of it so there are many variations. Breasts can be altered to produce anti-toxins, anti-virus and some types that haven't been thought of yet. they have no champions because every new strain seems to show that there is no limit to this version. It may continue to grow and fatten even when immobilized by it's fat. sensual, massaging, trying to her lift her udder, being fed, him nursing Bonnie bio-alloy draft pony - forms orbs of bio-alloy in womb pulls cart as others gather food best way to be closest to him April Draft/farmer oxtaur - can modify body depending on gravity strengthen bones, enlarge organs, grain weight rapidly when needed for heavy work sometimes gains out of control Superior, dual purpose animal. Even temperament and enjoys working. Is incredibly strong. Also the standard type has been gengineered that after a certain length of time it will begin putting on weight and will reach slaughter weight in a fraction of the time previous strains took. Rather than producing milk, the breasts and udder will swell to enormous size with fat. This is a delicacy and is much sought after. Midnight Guard wolftaur - enhanced skills of wolf, loyal to those above her stays medium condition, as cold increases, agrees to gain to stay outside. Fat Ox Eaten 1 2 3 4 CHAMPION AVERAGE CHAMPION 4 2400# 1 4000# Breast L/R |x/x| / | / | / |x/x| 8 150# 2 300# foretorso | x | | | | x | 4 300# 1 400# foreleg L/R |x/x| / | / | / |x/x| 8 40# 2 60# sides L/R | / | / | / | / |x/x| 8 500# 8 900# hindleg L/R |x/x|x/x| / | / |x/x| 8 60# 8 90# udder | x | | | | x | 4 150# 1 330# rump | x | | | | x | 4 600# 1 900# Shipment M4224: Contents fat oxtaurs