CONTEST 12-15-91 10-24-91 21:45 Setting: A very large fairgrounds with many tents of exotic designs. The most noticeable difference between this one and any you have been to, is the assortment of creatures... Not only the ones on exhibit, but the intelligent (or so some of them claim) enjoying the displays and various events. This is no surprise, since only a few of your race (the Moglivites) come to these events. But you are here to investigate a rumor of illegal activities. The timetable outside the main building lists many shows where the displayed animals will compete for prizes. Also, there are several contests where all species are welcomed to attempt to prove they are the best. As you look at your combination; chronometer, translator, credit unit, and swiss army knife, you realize that the All Species Pie Eating contest is about to begin. You enter and are fortunate to find a seat not too far from the arena. As you sit down, a multi-armed Tenacen asks if you'd like a program. You smile (always smile to a Tenacen. To them it is a sign of courage and fortitude) as you place the edge of your watch against his credit reader. He bends his six legs in respect as he hands you a folder describing the contest rules and the competitors. The rules are simple, each competitor is given pies of it's choice amounting to twenty five percent of it's weight. The contest lasts for six standard time units and the one who finishes the most wins. If a contestant finishes their allotment first, stewards will bring what remains of the contestants who have admitted their inability to continue. There have been few times that the winner has been decided by how much they have consumed beyond their assigned amounts, but rumor has it that a modified being is competing. You glance over the list of ten final contenders and decide it will give you no help. Your eyes pause on the picture of the winner of the last two years. She appears to be an average looking centaur mare, except for the extreme fullness of her breasts. You read her stats: Jaleka Hashun, Home planet: Drillax, Species: centaur, Weight: 1200 tares, Previous victories: Last two all species pie eating contests. You look up as the illumination over the seating area is dimmed and the contestants enter. Your translator beeps to signal confusion as the audience makes an assortment of noises, many are cheering, but some laugh as a massive Galookan is rolled in on a multi-wheeled cart. The announcer waves his wings for silence. <2> He flies to a ledge overlooking the arena before explaining the rules and introducing the contestants. As he squawks and you listen to the translation, you study the contestants. 'And the Megacinos have tried to rig this contest', you muse to yourself. 'The previous winner is not suspected because of her previous wins.' Glancing at her you wonder if she eats anything except at the contests. 'Since she only competes in this contest. She doesn't have the problem of her increased weight forcing her to eat more to win.' The announcer finishes and you remove a visual scanner from your cloak. With an almost musical screech from the announcer, the contest begins. You constantly scan the competitors and are amused as several of them eat as though it was a speed contest. When the end of the first time period sounds, they are all still eating. the speed eaters are rapidly slowing and you mentally bet that none of them will finish their assigned pies or last through the third period. By the end of the second period, two of the speed eaters have stopped with almost half their food remaining. The third one is still eating, but you can see the pain in his face. During the third period, he quits and another competitor passes out just as the period ends. You study the remaining competitors. Of the six remaining, only the Grexan and the Centaur are over halfway through their pies. The Galookan is less than halfway and you suspect he's competing just for the chance to add weight. (On his homeworld, only the heaviest are the rulers.) You watch the Grexan closely for any sign that his food is being teleported away. Glancing at the Centaur, you marvel at how much her abdomen has expanded from what she has already eaten. She munches on a slice as she looks at the remaining competitors and what the defeated have left. She smiles and motions to the attendant. Gulping down the slice, she tells him something which obviously takes him by surprise. He runs to the announcers tower and, using his suction arms, climbs to the platform. The announcer listens for a moment before touching his com unit. "Beings of all worlds, Jaleka Hashun, winner of the last two contests, has announced that she intends to eat her assigned pie and everything the other competitors fail to eat. She says her reason is to prove that Drillaxans are the best. I pull a tail feather for her courage to reveal her goal at this point in the contest." He reaches back, jerks a long feather from his ornate tail and hands it to his assistant, who takes it to Jaleka. She smiles as she begins swallowing each bite without chewing. The other attendants roll the tables of the defeated to her and add the pies to her greatly diminished stack. <3> You frown and look back at the Grexan. Suddenly you realize what is bothering you. Glancing back at Jaleka, you watch her ponderous abdomen almost grow as you watch. Then turning to your suspect, you smile as you verify to yourself that his abdomen is no larger than at the start of the contest. Smiling, you key your transmitter and inform the announcer of this. The announcer listens to your report and then signals to an attendant. He waits as the attendant leaves and then returns with a mobile scale. "Beings of all worlds," The announcer begins. "Even though this contest is a test of those before us, there are some who would use this to increase their wealth. I have been informed that one of the competitors may be using false methods to win. If this is wrong, I give my apologies before." He flaps and the scale is rolled to the Grexan. "The scale will prove if you are truly eating." The Grexan glances around and then looks at the announcer. "I admit it. I was told that if I won, all my debts would be erased." He leans his head back as far as possible, in acceptance of his guilt, and is lead out of the arena. The crowd gives an assortment of negative comments as he leaves. You return your attention to the remaining contestants and smile in subdued awe as you watch Jaleka continue with renewed effort. Before the end of the fourth period, she has finished her pies and is continuing on with those brought to her. Her massively swollen abdomen is larger than any pregnancy would swell it and it rolls every time she readjusts her stance. During the next time period, all but one of the competitors bow out and what remains is carried to her until the pile is as large as it was after three periods. Her face is covered with an assortment of colors from the various pies and you are amazed that she broadly smiles as each of the competitors gives up. The end of the fifth and beginning of the last period sounds. She steps back, her massively pie bloated abdomen rolls, and for a moment, almost loses her balance. She looks at the spectators, reaches back with both hands, pats her heavy, turgid belly and smiles. Stepping forward until her mammoth breasts touch the pile of pies, she takes a deep breath and resumes stuffing them into her mouth. The building is silent except for the sound of her eating and the empty pie pans dropping to the floor. The last of her competition steps back and is helped away. she pauses her gorging to give him a wave and then attacks the quickly shrinking mound of pastries on her table. As the end of the period approaches, it is obvious she will finish if she can continue as she has been. With almost a tenth of a period left. She takes the final piece and shoves it into her mouth whole. With an amazing gulp, she swallows it into her unbelievably pie bloated abdomen. The crowd sits in silence as she motions for the scale. She carefully steps onto it. Her abdomen looks as if it must weigh as much as she did before. The display flashes for a second before it stabilizes at 2600 tares. <4> The crowd explodes in the various applause of their respective planets. She steps off the scales and carefully turns around, her humongously expanded belly threatening her balance with every step. She smiles as her heavy fleshy breasts bounce and shift with every turn. Finally she slowly walks out and the applause is even louder. An attendant is there as she exits the arena. "I don't think anyone would have believed you could hold that much," he says in awe, staring at her monstrously bloated abdomen. "It was a challenge to myself," she responds. "When I had him announce it, it just gave me that much more reason to do it. BURP! Ahh, I'm glad my room is next door." The attendant smiles at her in admiration as they walk the short distance. He steps ahead and opens the double doors to her room. Jaleka smiles, "When I left this morning. I only needed to open one door." She heavily waddles through the opening, bumping one side and her fur grazing the other. "Now two doors are barely wide enough." The attendant hands her a wash cloth and then a towel as she cleans the remnants of the contest from her pretty face. He glances at her ponderous belly and she laugh. "Go ahead and touch it. I can't reach back very far and a good massage will do wonders for my digestion." He looks at her in surprise and sees the warmth in her eyes. Gently at first, and then firmer as she asks, he fondles and gently kneads her excessively stretched belly. She sighs in contentment, with occasional burps as her digestive system works on the incredible amount of food she forced into herself. She puts herself in a trance as her blood stream is flooded with nutrients. As she slips deeper into her trance, the attendant leaves, quietly locking the door to assure her of privacy. For more than ten time units, she remains in her trance. Her body converting the amazing weight of pies into an equally amazing weight of flesh. Her sagging abdomen slowly rises as the rest of her body fills out. Her hips bulge and a heavy roll of flesh grows where her plumpening legs begin. The same filling happens with her lower shoulders and her equine breast bulges with new fat. Her upper arms swell noticeably and her face grows round and soft. Her ponderous breasts become amazingly more so. Her areolae grow larger as her bosom swells and actually bulges out on their own. Her large nipples also increase in flesh until they are larger than when they were erect. As her digestive system finishes with what she had consumed, she drifts out of her trance. "I wonder how much I've gained?" she mumbles as she waddles to the sleeping pad and collapses, her new flesh billowing as she quickly falls asleep. <5> Jaleka wakes to the morning sounds that inhabit all fairs. She starts to push herself upright and pauses as her effort does little. She smiles, still with her eyes closed. "Oh yea, I must have broke every record with my eating ability yesterday." Her eyes open slightly and then wide as she sees her massive breasts. She reaches out with one arm and caresses her upper breast. She reaches forward along it's yielding roundness and pauses at the bulge of her areolae. Continuing on, her arm presses into her soft flesh before she feels her fat swollen nipple. "After the last three contests, I've had no problem losing most of the weight I gain." She struggles and finally is upright. "But most of what stays with me," she smiles as she feels the weight of her expanded bosom, "is right where I can see it." She turns her head and torso, her bounteous jugs billowing with the motion, and looks at her now-massive body. "I must weigh twice what I did yesterday morning." She moves her legs under herself and slowly struggles to her feet. "Oh", she gasps. "My body does a great job adapting to my new weight, but it's going to take me a few days to get used to it." Jaleka slowly waddles to the closet mirror and smiles at her mammoth reflection that is larger than the mirror. "I'm glad the transport doesn't charge by weight, or I'd lose a lot of my prize money." She carefully moves to her travel case. She removes a long handled brush and combs her hair. She puts it away and picks up a strange looking fabric contraption. She smiles as she fits the two large bags over her ponderous breasts and adjusts the harness around her shoulders. "After the first contest, I had a lot of trouble walking with these fat udders of mine swaying all over." She takes a few steps and makes a slight adjustment to the halter. "But this keeps them under control." She closes her case, tosses it on her back and adjusts the waist strap to hold it in place. "I don't think I'll be hungry for quite a while," she jokes as she pokes her fingers deeply into the sides of her torso. Walking carefully, but more confident with each step, She goes to the fair office. "Jaleka Hashun," the announcer squawks in pride as she enters, her sides brushing the doorframe. "I thought you'd sleep for several days after what you did yesterday." "Klakna," she says shaking her head. Even with her bounteous bosom restrained, it flows within the bags and threatens to burst the seams. "You should know by now that I assimilated it all by the second sun's setting." She stands calmly as he walks around her, his wings stroke her flesh bloated body and she relaxes to his touch. <6> "With all you ate, I'm certain the incident at the contest will be forgotten." He turns to a console and she places her credit band against it's data port. "There," He says as the lights flash. "I know you are anxious to leave for your planet, but I was wondering if I might convince you to come to the contest on my world?" Jaleka smiles and strokes the upper roundness of her massive bosom. "I can only compete in one contest a cycle. Otherwise my weight will constantly increase. I could become so heavy that I'd have to eat what I did yesterday, just to be in the finals." Klakna flexes his wings in agreement. "I'll send you an invitation to be my guest." She steps forward until her huge jugs threaten to surround him. "You know I'll be there," she jokes. "Just as long as you don't use your feathers to convince me to compete." He gently flaps his wings on her back. "You know I won't force you to do anything you don't want to." They separate and she slowly turns and leaves. Jaleka heavily waddles the short distance to the shuttle stop. She has to wait until the third one, which is designed for large beings such as herself. During the wait, several people who had seen her prodigious eating display, congratulate her and offer to purchase food for her at the snack bar. She knows that it is best if she accepts their offers. Many races consider it an insult if their gifts are declined. The many beings keep buying treats for her and she accepts each delicious food and gulps them down in a successful effort to please them. As she steps into the transport, she exaggerates her new weight and the beings cheer as she turns and smiles. On the ride to the spaceport, she relaxes on a slightly elevated pad. She steps off the transport and waddles to the check in booth. The Lurean appears nervous as he examines her ticket. She smiles at him as she remembers that Lurean females often nurse their mates and he is probably in shock at the size of her weighty mammeries. He directs her to a small interstellar transport and she slowly waddles to it. A reptilian Trazakan is standing near the cargo hatchway. He steps aside and his tongue flicks out as she hands him her ticket. He bows low and she enters the mediumly lit interior. She is unaware that while bowing, he was examining how much of her there is. He quickly slips around her and guides her to a cargo area that has been modified as a room for large beings. "I'm sssorry that thisss room is all we have for one of you magniffficcient proportionssss." Jaleka smiles as she lays down. "It's more than enough for me," she assures him. "When I eat this much, I don't feel like eating for quite a while." <7> His tongue only flicks out a fraction as he puts his hands to his chest and then steps backward out of her room. "We will be leaving sssoon. Pleasssse ssstay in here until we are in ssspaccce." He steps back and the door whisks shut. Jaleka smiles as she lays down. "I hope I lose some weight from these," she muses while fondling her monumental breasts. "If I don't, I'll need some sort of raised cart to support them after next year's contest." She closes her eyes and relaxes to the vibration of the ship's grav drive warming up. Jaleka drifts awake and smiles as she feels herself lighter in the Trazakan artificial gravity. "I wonder how long we've been in flight?" She gets up and moves carefully to the com unit. She bumps heavily into the one table. "I'm going to have to remember how wide I am," as it's smooth edge easily dents her humongous belly several inches. She laughs as she step aside and her spongy flesh billows. She keys the com pad, "Are we in space yet?" She waits several seconds before a strange voice answers. "I'm not a Trazakan," the voice has a strange accent. "I'm from the planet Earth and they captured me for their experiments. They told me how to take care of you so I hope you won't be angry with me." She stands in confusion for several seconds. "Only a few probes are allowed to visit Earth," she thinks to herself. "If they captured him," she allows fear to enter her thoughts, "What are their plans for me?" Her thoughts are interrupted as the door slides open. An adult male is standing nervously. His eyes grow bigger than would seem possible as he gets his first view of her. "My name is Mick," he stammers. He tries to speak, but is unable to find words. Jaleka giggles, her massive mammeries bouncing within her halter. "I'm Jaleka. Since they told you to take care of me, I'd like to get to know you and you know me." She smiles as he stands speechless. "I don't know much about Earth beings or their customs." She carefully moves backward to her pad and lowers her massive belly onto it. She smiles as his eyes are mesmerized by her billowing flesh. "If we're both captives," she motions to a bench beside her. Mick almost stumbles as he quickly walks to the bench. She smiles as his eyes roam over her mammothly bloated form. He sits down and she gently takes his hand in one of her plump ones. "I'll tell you about myself and how I became so full bodied." Over the next half time unit, she explains about her digestive system being able to expand to hold an unbelievable amount of food and efficiently digesting it. "I'll only have a few light snacks until I get back to my precontest weight." <8> Mick had begun to smile, but lowers his head. "I was on a hike by myself when they captured me." Jaleka puts her soft hand under his chin and gently raises it until he is looking into her caring eyes. "I'm not sure if you're scared of my size, or impressed by me being this huge." Mick finally smiles, "I guess I better tell you about myself." Her hand releases his chin and drifts back to his hand. He puts his other hand on hers and gently feels her softness as he resumes. "On Earth I was a technician. I kept mostly to myself because I never found my kind of people. When I went on the hike, I did it so I could meditate alone and hopefully learn what I should be looking for." He pauses and grins, "But they found me first." Jaleka looks at him quizzically, "How did you feel uncomfortable?" Mick pats her hand, "For one thing, where I lived full fleshed women were mostly looked down on and to appreciate them wasn't accepted by most. I found their fullness attractive." He starts to blush and hides his face. Jaleka laughs, "And I'm a full figured female." She smiles as he glances toward her. "There's no reason for you to be ashamed that you're attracted to me. I have friends that are in love with other species. Our medical sciences are able to adapt our reproductive organs so that different species can even have offspring." She looks at her mammoth melons. "Like your planet, there are very few of my race that find a female as fat as I am attractive. One of the reasons I lose weight after the contest is to be able to win the next one. The other reason is the looks I get until I lose a great deal of weight." Mick strokes her plump hand. "Would you like me to tell you about the experiments they tried on me?" Jaleka forces a smile. "Yes, then you better tell me what they plan to do with us." Mick forces his smile to remain, but she catches a glimpse of the edges of his smile falter. "They put me on a small shuttle and brought me to this ship. Then I was hooked into a medical and intelligence analyzer. There was some wrong with it, because they spent several minutes adjusting the controls and still weren't satisfied when they switched it on. As the lights flashed, I felt like I was drawn into the circuits. It was as if I became one with the ship, knowing how it functioned and the logic behind every device." Jaleka frowns, "That shouldn't have happened. You should have felt as if you were drifting." Mick smiles, "As I was with the circuits. I knew where the fault was, but left it alone. By the time they stopped, I was able to think my way to every part of the ship. The only reason I haven't tried to take control of the auto pilot is they don't put enough fuel on board." <9> Jaleka forces a smile. "Now that we know about each other," she takes a deep breath, causing her heavily bloated bosom to quiver. "What are their plans for us?" Mick pauses for a moment. "They told me that I will take care of you. I'm to make sure you're well fed while we travel to the next planet." He pauses. Jaleka takes his hand, places it against her fat bloated torso and pushes it gently into her soft flesh. "I'd feel better if you'd allow yourself to enjoy my size..." Mick allows himself to relax as he uses both hands to gently massage her flesh. "They told me to tell you..." he pauses, not wanting to continue. Jaleka puts her hand over one of his and deeply squeezes her yielding flesh with his hand. "Please tell me and then we won't talk about it." Mick resumes squeezing and fondling her bounteous fat. "They said if you don't do as they order you to. They'll take actions against others of your race." Jaleka smiles sadly, "I really don't have any good friends." She smiles in contentment as he continues to fondle her bulging flesh. "If you've been told to take care of me, please tell me what their plans are for me." Mick forces his smile to remain. He leans forward, wraps his arms around her fat waist and nuzzles her massively swollen breast. "The ship is going to a planet where there is an eating contest. They are making bets and you will win." She puts her arm around him and pulls him deeper into her spongy body. "After you win," he continues. "We'll fly to another contest." Jaleka smiles as he looks around her burgeoning breast. "By the time we come back for the next pie eating contest," she laughs and her flab bloated bust bounces against his face. "I'll have to eat more than I weigh now." Mick buries his face into her softness before continuing. "How much do you know about Trazakans?" Jaleka loses her smile. "I wondered why that one at the spaceport was looking at me the way he did." She keeps her composure as Mick stands beside her and leans into her velvety softness. "How long until I become a feast for them?" Mick nuzzles the upper slope of one of her massive melons. "They told me that Centaur fat is a delicacy. They've heard how much you ate at the last two contests and intend to use you to produce a breed of feeder Centaurs. Jaleka almost freezes as this unimagined plan hits home. "Where are they planning to find a stallion?" she gasps in a whisper. Mick stands up. He faces her and leans into her fleshiness. He cradles her plump, double chinned head in his hands. "When you told me that medical science can make two species compatible for reproduction, I already knew it." <10> Jaleka looks at him in surprise and then slowly smiles. "If it wasn't for what they'll do with our offspring," she whispers almost coyly. "I might be able to enjoy this." She wraps one arm around him and pulls him as deeply into her warm, yielding flesh as she can. "But after the contests, I might be too big to move." Mick nuzzles her bounteous bosom and pats her with his hands. "The bigger you get, the more of you there'll be to move." They both laugh and the surface of her monstrously fattened body rolls and jiggles. "Since they ordered you to keep me well fed," she finally gasps. "I better eat so they'll believe we're doing what they've ordered us to." Mick smiles and walks to a sliding panel. "The food is prepared automatically," he says as he begins removing trays and places them on the bench. "I was told I'm to eat with you but not to eat more than I need to." Jaleka laughs as she picks up a thick slice of bread. "At least they know I need nutritious foods to stay healthy." She finishes it in a few bites and then smiles as Mick puts the last tray down. "At the eating contests, I pretend someone is massaging me, encouraging me to eat more than I think I can." Mick smiles as he kneels beside her ballooning belly. "Will I be allowed to be with you at the contests we're going to?" He asks as he begins to lovingly knead and stroke her. She is so fat that her fur seems to float on her blubber. Jaleka gulps down a large bite of something like a fruit. "All I have to say is you're my trainer. They'll weigh me before and after to assure I was the only one eating." Mick nuzzles her spongy flesh and she resumes eating. Before she realizes it, she has finished all the food. "That was enough food to feed a family of six!" she says is shock. "I didn't realize how much I ate because I loved how good you were making me feel." Mick stands and snuggles under her fleshy arm. "That's ok," he assures her. "I was enjoying feeling your abundant body. As I listened to you eat, I imagined each mouthful was adding more fat." Jaleka laughs and her mountainous form jiggles as she does. "But you should have something to eat." She giggles as her hands move toward her halter straps. "Since we're alone and I'm sure you can keep a secret." He stares in unabashed amazement as her huge halter drops to the floor, exposing her monstrous mammeries. She smiles as she puts her hands under them and struggles to lift them. "It's not only fat that makes them this big," she says with a twinkle in her eyes. <11> Mick's hands reach out and slowly caresses her spongy, blimp-shaped udders. He nuzzles the flesh above her bulging areolae and slowly moves onto the bumpy plateau. He tongues her swollen nipple as his mouth slowly engulfs it. He begins to suck while his hands embrace and squeeze her jumbo jugs. Within moments, he is rewarded by a stream of warm sweet milk, which flows from her plump nipple and he gulps it down. After several minutes, he switches breasts and gives the same loving attention and receives the same prize. Finally he stops and looks into her contented face. "Some how," he whispers as he snuggles between her bloated boobs. "Some how, I'll find a way for us to escape." Jaleka reaches over one of her mammoth mammeries and ruffles his hair. "But if we inform the authorities.." she starts. Mick smiles. "If this ship is lost, they'll think the auto pilot or drive systems failed. Because of our being on board, they won't be able to tell any one and we aren't worth the risk of searching for." He mouths her bounteous flesh. "I can take over at any time. The problem is finding a planet we can live on within our fuel range." Jaleka nods her head as she drifts into a food induced sleep. "With as huge as I'll get, it better have a low gravity." Mick steps back as she begins to lay down. He pushes a large pillow under her head and kisses her full lips. "I'll study the charts while you get some rest." He quietly walks to the door. Turning, he looks at her mountainous form, "With as much as you'll gain from the contests." He gives a wishful grin as he quickly walks to the navigation display. He links into the computers and requests information on planets that can support life, within range of their fuel. There are only three planets that are within the parameters. The first one is inhabited by a race friendly with the Trazakans. The second is similar to prehistoric Earth. The problem is it's gravity is almost twice that of Jaleka's home planet. "I hope third one's the charm works out here," he thinks as it's specifications are displayed. Mick smiles, "Primitive humanoids, friendly but very superstitious. Probe teams have been received as almost gods." He almost laughs out loud as he reads the geological report. "Gravity is one third her planet." He hums as he instructs the computer to calculate a flight path. The computer responds. Mick smiles as he instructs the navcom to chart a course for it. "Jaleka was planning to win those contests any ways." He grins widely, "And I'll be there to encourage her." He disconnects himself from the system and returns to her room. She is sleeping heavily. He snuggles against her wide, fleshy back and joins her in sleep. <12> Jaleka listens to the sound of the star-drive as she drifts into conscienceness. She forces herself upright and looks around. The bench is covered with trays of delicious smelling foods. "Did they tell you to feed me this much," she jokes as she grabs a large roll. Mick smiles as he kneels down beside her heavily bloated belly. "They programmed the food processor before you came on board." He deeply massages her fat swollen abdomen. Jaleka relaxes as his fondling makes her feel contented and her appetite quickly grows. "Then I better see how easily I can stuff it all into my expansive stomach." She begins with the rolls at one end of the bench and works her way through the piles of delicious foods. In a short time, all that remains is empty trays and a few crumbs. She glances at her chronometer. "I can't believe I ate all that so fast!" She exclaims in surprise. Mick begins caressing her plump torso. "When you competed at the contest, your stomach had to stretch a lot to hold everything." He moves forward and begins stroking her bounteous breasts. "But now your stomach has lots of room without being full." She smiles and wraps her arm around his shoulders. "And you make me feel so hungry that, at the next contest, I wouldn't stop until I can't hold anymore." She pulls his face into her spongy bosom. "And now you deserve a reward." She releases him and he continues to fondle her puffy flesh. He licks and sucks her fat and milk bloated boob as he slowly works around to her excitement swollen nipple. He nurses for several minutes before switching sides. While he does, Jaleka closes her eyes and imagines herself eating every meal until she's full. She smiles, enjoying how he is caring for her and how she is able to show her appreciation. For many days, their voyage continues. With all the Trazakans have ordered her to eat, she gains some weight. But the idea of keeping her digestive system from shrinking has been obtained. After her prelanding meal, she pats her ponderous abdomen and groans. "With the contest being tomorrow morning and my getting used to keeping my tummy well fed." She smiles as Mick hugs her monstrous bosom. "I hope I can wait till then." Mick smiles as he steps back. "Maybe I should wait till then so you'll really be hungry?" he jokes. Jaleka tries to grab him, but is almost knocked off balance by her weighty breasts. "My belly needs to be empty by then," she whispers with a sly smile. "And if other parts of me are empty, I'll be that much hungrier." <13> Mick laughs and then silences himself by stuffing her swollen nipple and as much of her bloated areolae into his mouth as he can. He sucks deeply and lessens the load of milk in one of her breasts before he does the same to the other. "I'll drink as much as I can before we go to the arena," he promises as he licks his lips. Jaleka pulls him into her spongy flesh. "And tomorrow night, I might be fatter than you're ready for." Mick nuzzles his face into her pillowy breast. "The fatter you are," he mumbles, "The more of you I'll have to enjoy." He looks up from her cushiony flesh. "And remember I've found a planet with one third the gravity you're used to." He smiles as he nuzzles deeply into her giganticly bloated bosom. 'Then at these two contests,' she thinks to herself. 'I'm going to set records no one will believe.' She reaches back with both hands and pats her magnificent abdomen. When the warning bell sounds, They separate and prepare for landing. A moment after they land, they hear the outer door open. Mick jumps to his feet. "Remember what I said," he whispers hurriedly. The door opens and a different Trazakan stands in the doorway. "I am to keep you here until the contest, escort you there and bring you back," his voice has the mechanical sound of a cheap translator. Mick stands up and steps toward the door. Motioning to the guard, they step outside and the door slides shut. A few moments later it opens and Mick enters. He sits down on the bench and strokes her puffy upper arm. "I told him I convinced you I wanted you to get as fat as you can. I said my reason was if you won both contests and gained a tremendous amount of weight, maybe they'd send me back to Earth." Mick grins, "I know he bought it because he promised I could." He wraps one of his arms over her wide back, "and we both know they can't take a chance on that." Jaleka lies down. "I better get some sleep before the contest," she whispers. Mick snuggles into her soft belly. "And I need my rest so I can be at my best to encourage you." Within minutes, they are both sleeping soundly. Mick wakes first and gently brushes her fur. Jaleka sighs in contentment and struggles to her feet. "I want you to look your best," Mick explains. "There's no reason the champion of all eaters shouldn't be the best looking one." Jaleka grins as her stomach growls loudly. "I hope my stomach can wait until the contest begins." She laughs and her velvety fur appears to flow on her extra fleshy body. <14> Mick continues to brush until her coat shines. "Now I better make sure all parts of you have room," he jokes as he attempt to heft one of her ponderous breasts. "Just remember," she kids him. "By tomorrow, they'll be much bigger and softer." His only reply is sucking harder and her milk flows through her plump teat and down his throat. They are both ready when the Trazakan opens the door. Without a word, she heavily waddles out of the ship and boards a sturdy transport. The arena is near the spaceport and they arrive quickly. The Trazakan acts as if they were only together on the transport as he walks toward the spectator's gate. Mick and Jaleka enter through the wide contestant entrance and are met by one of the judges. After she is weighed, they are lead to a waiting area. "The contest will begin in one tenth of a time period," the judge informs them as he leaves. Mick smiles as he smooths a few rough looking areas with his hand. "I've never been to one of these," he says nervously. Jaleka giggles and her soft flesh jiggles. "I'm the one who should be nervous." She smiles, "Just pay attention to making me hungry and forget about anything else." As if in agreement, her stomach rumbles hollowly. "I don't think your tummy likes waiting," he jokes. They both turn as the door automatically opens and something like fanfare music can be heard. Jaleka smiles and exaggerates the heaviness of her waddle. "Any one who recognizes me, won't expect that I can expand much more." She fakes losing her balance and almost knocks Mick over. He resists laughing as they enter the arena and are lead to their place. "All beings in attendance," the large, cat-like creature roars, and Mick hears him through his translator. "We are overjoyed with the beings that have come to find who can hold the most of our thick, rich, Porcein soup. With one gallon weighing eighteen tarres, I can guarantee that those who reach the fourth round will waddle out of here with more fat than most of you would want to think about. We have thirty beings ready to demonstrate their ability to expand." The lights focus on the contenders and the elevated, slightly steaming soup containers. "Each vat contains ten gallons. The first twenty to finish will be allowed to continue." Attendants take a hose from each vat and hand them to the respective contestants. Mick strokes Jaleka's fur as they wait for the starting signal. "I see all are ready," the announcer roars. "Begin," he bellows as he pushes a button on his panel. <15> Mick watches the level indicator descend as Jaleka gulps the soup into her cavernous stomach. He smiles as he deeply massages her growing abdomen and feel the soup pouring in. Two other beings finish before her but it is several minutes before any one else does. Jaleka watches the monitor in front of her as the last half of the competitors struggle to finish. "I doubt any of them will finish the second round," she whispers to Mick. He smiles and continues massaging her mammoth belly which rolls because of the soup flowing inside. Finally, the twentieth contestant finishes. "Let's congratulate those who have finished the first round," the announcer roars, and the onlookers respond. Mick glances around and sees several Trazakans striking their claws in appreciation of her continuing. "I know," Jaleka whispers. "But remember that they're paying for me to be in these contests and we're going to escape afterward." Mick controls his laughter. "And you'll be carrying a unbelievable wealth of fat by then." He continues to caress her as the second round is explained. "In the second round," the announcer bellows. "The contestants will have soup ladled into them by their trainers or an attendant." As he speaks, the vats are wheeled away and a bench with a smaller vat is positioned as each one requests it to be. "To continue onto the third round, they must finish it in one standard time unit." He looks around and waits until all are ready. "Begin," he roars and the clocks around the arena start. Mick and Jaleka quickly develop a rhythm and the level indicator quickly drops. They finish shortly after half the period and are second to a hex-legged Gringa, who's abdomen is already touching the floor. When he mentions this to Jaleka, she giggles. "He's not the only one who'll need help getting out of here." Mick jumps off the bench and begins massaging her soup swollen belly. As he works downward, he smiles as he sees a few inches between her sagging stomach and the floor. "You aren't there yet," he jokes. She smiles, enjoying his loving caresses as she watches those still trying to finish. "I know his species," she whispers. "I doubt he'll finish the third round. Many of the bets are made on how long an individual lasts." "I wonder how many bet on you to win?" he jokes, nudging deep into her expanded side. As the period ends, fifteen lights indicate those who will continue. "Beings gathered here," The announcer bellows. "We have fifteen bloated contestants who have survived. The most who ever continued at this point was eleven. You are witnessing history happening before you." He pauses, his long tail twitching as the audience demonstrates their respect. "The third round," he begins as the vats are refilled. "Is the same as the last one. Except," he says in a stage whisper. "There are five more gallons sloshing inside each of them than last time." He stand erect and looks over the participants. "Begin!" He roars. <16> Mick and Jaleka resume the feeding pace and finish in the same time as before. The crowd cheers as they finish first. Jaleka looks at the monitor and smiles, "If they're impressed with me finishing this fast." She says with a giggle. Mick resumes fondling her new massiveness. "What are you planning to do?" He whispers. She turns and grins, her heavy, ponderous breasts roll heavily as she does. He smiles back and continues to massage her humongous abdomen. "What ever you do, your belly is already on the floor." She relaxes as others finish and the time period ends. "Beings in attendance," the announcer bellows. "Only three have been unable to complete their amount of soup. We have twelve who will continue onto the fourth and last round." As he speaks, the benches and vats are removed. "We have had to attach extra vats to our two hundred gallon reservoir. These vats are filled with twenty gallons of soup for each." The attendants begin moving the competitors with antigrav units. "the hoses are connected to a single valve. Each hose is monitored and the volume will be displayed on your monitors. If one of them desires to admit defeat, their attendant will shut off their supply. The winner is the one who has consumed the most when the vat is empty. Their monitors are positioned so they are only able to see how much they themselves have consumed." Mick accepts a hose and places it in Jaleka's mouth. She smiles as she sucks a length of it down her throat. "I can breath around it," she mumbles. "This way I'm not slowed down by having to swallow." Mick smiles and begins, firmly, yet lovingly, fondling and stroking her soon to be expanding belly. "All are ready to prove who is the best of this historical contest." The announcer comments in an awe filled voice. "For the fourth and final time. Begin!" He pushes the final button and the soup is heard flooding down the twelve hoses. All of the competitors, except Jaleka, begin gulping ravenously. The audience is some what quiet as the soup flows. One by one, the competitors admit they are unable to continue. By the end of the second period, thirty gallons have poured into Jaleka. Mick can see her abdomen fluctuate as the soup continues to stretch her cavernous digestive system. Before the third time period ends, only Jaleka and two others continue gulping the soup. Mick stands and whispers. "You've taken forty gallons already. How much do you think you'll need to win?" She smiles with the hose pulsing in her mouth and he resumes caressing and massaging her amazingly expanded and surging belly. The soup continues to flow into the three remaining contestants through the fourth period. Mick looks at the monitor and is shocked. He scrambles to his feet and leans into her spongy flesh. "Sixty seven gallons," he quietly gasps. "You really mean to make an unbeatable record." <17> She reaches over and squeezes his hand. He smiles and gives a slight squeeze in understanding before he resumes his loving caresses of her expanding abdomen. One of the others quits and almost collapses, except it's abdomen is already heavily on the floor. By the end of the fifth period. the silence of the observers can be felt. Mick looks at the monitor. 'Eighty four gallons,' he thinks to himself. 'I know she won't be too wide for the hatchway after this contest. But after the next one?' He smiles as he continues his affectionate fondling of her unbelievably swollen belly. Less than halfway through the sixth period, a tone indicates that there are only ten gallons left. Mick smiles as he feels Jaleka trying to gulp down as much of the remaining soup as she can. Before the end of the period, a gong sounds and the contest is over. Mick gently pulls the tube out of her throat and she give a quiet burp. "If that doesn't break the record," she whispers. Suddenly, the crowd breaks out of it's shock and cheers loudly. The announcer makes several attempts to speak, but finally joins them in their ovation. "Beings of all planets," he finally roars over the crowd and they quiet down. "We have just witnessed the making of an eating record that I feel none may ever break. The first nine to quit consumed an average of ten gallons each. Third place consumed 18 before he almost collapsed." He pauses as a few cheer. "Second place gulped 29 gallons." Again he pauses as friends applaud. "And the winner and record holder, Jaleka Hashun. One hundred and three gallons. A total of one hundred and twenty three gallons, or two thousand two hundred and thirty four tarres of the most delicious," he pauses as the cheering increases in volume. "And most flesh creating soup ever made." He gives in to the deafening volume of the applause. Attendants use anti-grav units to levitate her onto a hovering pad and slowly move her around the arena. She smiles and waves her fleshy arms. When she reaches back and pats her soup bloated belly, the crowd goes wild. After several circuits of the arena, she is floated to the exit and Mick is given the pad's control unit. A large transport is waiting at the gate and a Trazakan motions for them to enter. Mick lowers the pad to the floor of the transport. "They know you are her trainer," one of the Trazakans informs him. "I will show you where to collect the prize money." He escorts Mick while the apparent leader approaches Jaleka. "Why did you push yourself to make a record that may be unbeatable?" He asks. Jaleka is almost in her digestive trance as she answers. "Mick told me that he is to be my mate. None of the Drillaxans I knew, like how fat I got, even though I would lose it. He loves my size and wants me to get as huge as I can." <18> The Trazakan flicks his tongue, "We were going to wait until you reached our planet before we modified him. If you promise to do your best to set a record at the milk and cake contest, we'll modify him now." Jaleka controls her shock when he tells her of the next contest. "As monumental as I'm going to get," she comments after hesitating. "You should make his reproductive organs able to grow as I do." The Trazakan touches his com-unit and gives instructions for Mick to be physically modified. "He will join you on the ship." Jaleka nods as she drifts the rest of the way into her trance. Once there, the Trazakan leader floats her into the ship and into her room. "Since you are doing more than we could have wished for, we will leave you alone." He leaves, closing the cargo door as he does. Two time units later, Mick arrives. He quietly enters her room and gently massages her heavily expanded abdomen. She is deep in her digestion trance and fails to notice his actions. He smiles as he carefully covers her and lays down beside her bloated belly. Mick wakes as he feels the drive systems begin warming up. He goes to the bridge and observes the launch sequence. Smiling, he makes a few minor adjustments. Small enough that no one will notice, but enough to assure him that he can take control of the ship when the time comes. Once they are in orbit, he returns to Jaleka. Her abdomen has diminished slightly, and the increased size of her bounteous breasts and her mountainous rump reveal where the some of the new fat has been stored. When he studies her appearance closer, he can tell that her skeleton has grown wider. The food processor light is flashing and he removes more food than he did for the meal before the contest. "They know her stomach is much bigger," he thinks to himself. "And they want her to keep it that way." When he has all the food on the bench and the table, he strokes Jaleka's billowing body. "I wonder how long your trance will last," he whispers to her. Her ears twitch as he kisses her puffy cheek. "I think I've got most of that delicious soup digested." She whispers as her eye lids flutter open. "But I don't think I'm ready for another meal." She smiles as she glances from the food to Mick. "How are you feeling?" She asks in a seductive voice. Mick smiles as he nudges his body into her fleshy side. He moves slightly from side to side, causing her velvety fur to ripple. "You're feeling nice and soft," he whispers. Jaleka's eyes widen as she feels a firm bulge growing between them. It begins at his crotch and slowly lengthens until it almost reaches his chest. "And you're feeling nice and hard," she responds huskily. <19> He kisses her swollen lips as she shifts her massiveness toward him. "They didn't tell me how long it will take until I'm big enough to please you," he jokes as nuzzles one of her more mammoth breasts. "But they did say that I'll grow as much as you do." Jaleka laughs and her spongy flesh responds in waves of motion over her entire body, causing Mick's expanded cock to become even harder against her jiggling flesh. "And I've got a lot more growing to do." She slides her plump hand between them and feels the round bulge through his shirt. "If you've grown this much in fifteen time units," she grins mischievously. "I hope another part of me is as elastic as my tummy." She moves her hand down and wiggles it under the edge of his shirt. Her eyes grow wide again as her pudgy fingers fail to encircle his warm rod. As she starts to move her hand upward, Mick eases away enough to pull his shirt over his head and tosses it away. He reaches out and strokes her thick, flabby torso with one hand while his other begins to explore how much her humongous bosom has inflated. Jaleka grins in excitement as she caresses his throbbing tool between her soft hand and her cushiony fur. "The bigger I get," she whispers. "The more of you I'll want in me." She grabs him as well as she can and pushes the head into her extra soft flesh and moves it around. Mick is close to losing control and finally steps back. "I don't want to waste any," he jokes. "Maybe," he comments as he strokes her rolling abdomen. "After you get all this food inside, I'll give you something to wash it down." Jaleka smiles and reaches out to the table. "If you put it where I can reach it on my own." She flutters her long lashes, "You can have some of my milk to get your cream sacks nice and tight." Mick laughs as he moves the table until it bumps into her incredibly bloated jug. As he moves food from the bench to the table, she begins to slowly eat. "When my milk starts flowing," she jokes. "I'll start packing this away as fast as I can." Mick finishes rearranging the food and then begins fondling and stroking her monstrously expanded bosom. "I hope these are filling out with fat," he mumbles as he licks her swollen areolae. "Other wise, you'll have to be careful not to drown me." Jaleka struggles to swallow a large mouthful of fruit as she laughs. "I wouldn't want to hurt my trainer. But I want as much of your white nectar as you can make." She stuffs another fruit in her mouth. <20> Mick smiles and sucks as much of her breast into his mouth as he can. He begins sucking and kneading her wonderfully soft flesh as her milk flows. After several minutes, he stops and gives her other jiggling jug the same loving attention. He finally stops and deeply massages and pokes her humongously distended belly while she finishes her feast. "If they're planning to give me meals like that," she gasps with a burp. "I'd get so huge that my breasts might weigh as much as my whole body does now." She glances at Mick. "Speaking of which, I'd like to feel how full of cream you are." Mick grins and stands against her cushiony side. He closes his eyes in ecstasy as her warm hand begins encouraging his soft shaft toward rigidness. As it reaches it's full size and stiffness, he loosens his belt. Her hand follows it downward, until she reaches his warm, cum filled sacks. "I think I've found what you've been using some of my milk for," she jokes as he drops his pants and steps out of them. She releases him and laughs as he steps back. "I think the only way," she jokes as she leans forward. She squirms as her erect nipples touch the floor. Mick moves in front of her and strokes her massive breasts. She grabs his heavy rod and gently pulls him close. She holds the firm head close to her mouth, extends her wide tongue and rests his throbbing shaft on it. For a moment he stands still, then he takes a slow step forward. As he reaches her mouth, she opens her jaws and he slides in. Her lips close enough to excite him and prevent him from escaping her hot, wet mouth. He continue to ease his maleness into her mouth and then down her throat. As his swollen balls bump her chins, she loosens her jaws more and sucks them in. Mick almost loses control as he feels all of him engulfed in her hungry mouth. She begins to suck and he feels his blood being pulled into her. He leans back in amazement as he feel himself growing down her throat. "Here it comes!" he almost yells after a few minutes, as her gulping takes him beyond his limits. Jaleka gulps down his white fluid as she squeezes his balls dry with her tongue. He surges after he is drained dry and finally steps back. She smiles as she tries to straighten up. "I guess my muscles haven't caught up with their weight," she laughs. Mick grins widely as he struggle with the massiveness of her ponderous bosom. "If they keep growing like this," he jokes as she finally straightens up. "They'll be so huge they'll rest on the floor with out you leaning over." They both laugh and Jaleka's flesh jiggles heavily. "My skeleton, muscles and other organs are growing and strengthening to handle this weight." She closes her eyes and whispers. "If I consume as much as I can at the next contest..." Mick gently fondles her mammothly heavy bosom. "The bigger you get," he replies and nuzzles her billowing flesh. "The bigger I'll get." <21> Jaleka opens her eyes slightly. "I think you could use a nap," she whispers as she pats her wide, cushiony back. Mick smiles and climbs on, sinking into to her loving softness. "I think you're going to put every one in shock," he whisper as he snuggles in, "with the amount you'll eat at the next contest." Jaleka grins as she feels his cock growing in the furrow of her bloated back, and whispers. "I will if you're going to add your special cream to my training diet." She thinks for a moment, "The next contest, is cakes and a special milk. I don't think there's anything special about the cakes, but I've heard stories about the milk." Mick snuggles in her fleshiness. "What sort of stories?" he asks as he sinks in. She closes her eyes, "It doesn't weigh as much as the soup, but it is so dense in nutrients and calories, I'll gain more for each gallon than I did with the soup." Mick smiles, "Those Trazakans are really going to be mad when we don't reach their home world." He closes his eyes and they both drift into a restful sleep. When they wake, Mick rolls off her wide back. "That's the best nap I've ever had," he jokes as he prods her fleshy belly. Jaleka smiles and forces herself up. "I've got all that food digested and distributed enough that my belly isn't on the ground any more." She takes a few heavy steps and opens the food processor. "And the computer wants it back on the ground," she says giggling. Mick moves the food onto the table as she begins eating. "They better get you a larger anti-grav unit before the contest," he jokes as he places the last tray on the table. Jaleka mumbles with her mouth full of food. He smiles and begins fondling and stroking her bounteous breasts. "I can't live on milk alone," he comments as he begins eating from the assortment of foods. What he eats wouldn't have dented the amount before she started, but it only takes her a few minutes to finish after he does. "We should think about anything we might need on the planet," Jaleka comments as she swallows the last of her feast. Mick walks over to a console and she waddles after him. "There's a good size library in the computer. They told me this ship has everything you'll need and it will be unloaded and set up when we arrive at the compound." He turns in his chair and smiles. "But I can get it set up when we arrive at our compound." Jaleka smiles mischievously. She moves forward, until her massive mammeries are all that Mick can see. "I hope you can get the compound set up before I'm too wide to get out of here." Mick reaches out with both hands and gently teases her nipples until they are swollen stiff. "I'm going to make sure we land where there's plenty of level ground and a lake." He stands, his body nestled between her huge breasts and his hands hefting her puffy areolae. "Because I bet you're going to love floating." <22> Jaleka laughs and her bouncing boobs almost knock him off balance. "I might get so fat that the lake will over flow it's banks when I get in." She waddles back a few feet and they study what books are in the computer and what supplies they have until the food processor signals another meal. For several days, they continue cataloging supplies and are pleased that they have everything they can think of. Ten time units, before landing for the final contest, Jaleka is gulping down a large meal of nutritious foods. "If I was in my trance for seventeen time units last time," she says between bites. "You better expect me to be in a trance for at least a day after this contest." Mick smiles as he strokes the mammoth breast he had just nursed from. "I'll just rest on your expanding back and listen to your incredible stomach turn the food into more of you." Jaleka laughs and Mick fondles her rolling flesh as he moves beside her. "I hope part of you grows well while you're on me." Mick smiles as he leans into her massive softness. "The bigger and softer you get," he whispers as her velvety fur covered flesh ripples. "The bigger and harder I'll get." He nuzzles her bloated arm as his growing penis begins to swell between then. When it finally achieves it's full size, it's bloated head is halfway up his chest. "Now you can have your final desert before the contest," he jokes as he steps back. She reaches out and holds the red apple sized head in her pudgy hand. "I was hoping you'd caress my clitoris with it, instead of my tonsils." She smiles as she waddles to the bench, still holding him in her hand. "But you promised to do that as a reward for my setting unbreakable records at the contest." Mick laughs as she pushes his heavy cock into her spongy breast. He slowly moves around her fat bloated breast, rubbing the firm head of his huge cock into her softness. When he is in front of her, he moves the head onto her bulging areolae and nudges her stiffening nipple. She groans in ecstasy as he climbs onto the bench. "I hope you're going to be thirsty," she whispers excitedly. "Because I can feel my milk on the edge of letting down right now." She carefully waddles a few steps towards him. Her magnificent bosom surrounding him as his weighty rod of flesh touches her puffy lips. She slowly moves forward, allowing the hot head to push her lips apart. She leans forward as it reaches the back of her mouth and it forces it's way into her throat, nudging her tonsils as it does. Mick groans in excitement as his cum bloated balls bump against her multiple chins. Her wide tongue reaches out and tries to wrap around them. He grins as she tries to pull them into her mouth, but they have expanded to make more white nectar until her mouth is unable to open wide enough for them. <23> He begins to rock back and forth. Only moving several inches, but quickly bringing her to a highly excited condition and himself to the point of no return. He moves in and out of her moist mouth and hot gripping throat faster as he reaches and passes the edge. Finally he explodes, his hot fluids gush down her esophagus and into her incredible stomach. She groans and squirms, her massive breasts billowing around him. Finally, his cum bloated sacks are empty and his love shaft shrinks within her mouth. "With encouragement like that," she gasps. "Compared to this contest, I'm going to make the last one look like a snack." Mick gets off the bench and licks one of her overly excited nipples. A large drop of milk appears and he clamps his mouth over it as a steady flow begins. After several minutes he quits sucking, but it takes another minute before the flow stops. "I hope I can hold enough of the other one," he says with a smile. "I'm making them as fat as I can," she jokes as he begins on the other one. "This extra milk is just something extra." She smiles in contentment as he sucks and then begins massaging her monumental abdomen. "Why don't you get some sleep," he asks as he continues fondling her blubbery belly. Jaleka smiles and lowers her humongous body to the floor. "Just remember that, after the contest, I'll really appreciate as much of this as you can give me." She closes her eyes and relaxes to his touch. Mick smiles and leans into her cushiony rump. "Then maybe I better get some sleep." He jumps onto her velvety soft back and sinks into her warm fur. He listens to her steady breathing, feeling her body move gently as she does. Within minutes, they are both deeply asleep. Mick wakes as the tone warns that the ship is preparing to land. He rolls off her and her spongy flesh quivers as he does. She moves slightly, but doesn't wake. He runs to the bridge and monitors the engines as they land. Within minutes after landing. He is opening the loading hatch for a Trazakan. "How is our fat, contessst winner?" The Trazakan asks, his tongue flicking out. "She's doing fine," Mick reports. "The others of your race agreed to leave her in my care." The Trazakan hisses, "I have been told of how you feel about her. Sssinccce your care will make her fatter and more contented." He looks as a heavy transport arrives. "Ssshe isss expected at the ssstadium in one time unit." He turns and climbs into a one being vehicle. Mick returns to Jaleka. "We have to leave for the contest in one time unit." <24> Jaleka grins and smacks her rubbery lips. "And I'm already hungrier than last time." She relaxes as he gets a brush and works her silky fur until it shines. As the time approaches, they leave the ship and board the transport. The driver looks at Jaleka is amazement. "I hope I have time to file a bet for you to win," he says as they arrive at the stadium. Jaleka smiles and heavily waddles inside. A spindly attendant guides them to the waiting area. A creature with a upper body and face something like a dolphin and the tentacles of a squid looks at them from a mobile aquarium. He sticks his head over the edge and speaks is a surprisingly clear voice. "I've never seen one of your species at this contest." He studies her for a moment. "And I've never heard of one with as much flesh. "May I ask who you are?" "My name is Jaleka," she answers quietly. "Are you one of the contestants?" His laugh is a combination of whistles. "No my dear competitor. My true name is unpronounceable to you so you may call me whistler. My farm is the one supplying the milk." Jaleka's eyes light up. "I have only heard rumors about this milk I am to drink. Can you tell me which species produces it and why it said to be so fattening?" Whistler's tentacles stir the water. "I though you would have known," he says with a frown. "Are you being forced to compete?" Jaleka tries to keep a positive expression. "I'd prefer to say that I'm doing it for my species." Whistler nods, "Now I recognize your name. You set incredible records of consumption at the All Species Pie Eating contest and the rich soup contest. That explains your well fattened condition." He laughs for a moment, "I hope you expect to fill out much more with this contest." Jaleka nudges Mick, "We both hope I do, and I might even set new records here." Whistler's grin widens. "I know other beings who enjoy an expansive partner. Now back to what you'll eat in the contest. You will have one cake for each ten gallons. The cakes weigh about 10 tarres each and are made of ingredients to promote your thirst." Jaleka smiles, "you seem to be saving the information on your milk until I ask." Whistler ducks his head under water for a moment before emerging again. "Excuse me, I need to keep my skin wet. I brought some information on my herd to be distributed with the competitor's descriptions." He motions to a stack of plastic coated sheets beside his tank. Mick picks up a set and shows them to Jaleka. As they look at the forms, Whistler continues. <25> "The ancestors of my cows came from earth. My species has excellent knowledge of genetic manipulation and has increased their milk production many, many times more than would be possible through normal breeding techniques." He grabs a container with one of his tentacles, pours some white liquid into a cup and offers it to Mick. "She's going to drink gallons of it and I thought you might like to have a taste." Mick thanks him as he takes it. He raises it to his lips and takes a sip. The extreme richness of it hits him and he slowly sips as Whistler continues. "My race loves milk as rich as possible," he continues. "We tried modifying several species native to our planet and had some success. When I received a report on the sea life of earth, I knew that the largest ones could be adapted and that their milk would be rich beyond belief. Because they live in water, The size their udders could be enlarged to, was not limited as in land mammals." Mick looks at the brochure and is not surprised that the cows are whales. They are right whales and are obviously extra- well fed. But what rivets his attention is the unbelievably huge size of their udders. He studies the several views. "Her udder must weigh almost a fourth of her entire weight," he exclaims. Whistler laughs, "You're right, and on the last page are photos of one I took extra care with, who's udder is almost one third her weight. They swim very little and are fed a special feed mixture through a tube. The cow closes her mouth around the pipe and the mixture is pumped into her. The harder she squeezes the pipe, the faster the food flows. You've noted how fat they are?" He continues as Mick nods. "I've found that the fatter cows produce richer milk. The demand for extremely rich milk more than pays for the extra feed costs needed to keep them fat." Jaleka grins, "After I eat each cake, is that how I'll be fed?" Whistler grins, "The cake will be on a table and your trainer," he smiles at Mick. "Will feed it to you as you want it. There will be a pipe just like the ones my cows use, except much smaller. Mick can adjust the maximum rate of flow and you can control how much is pumped into you, or if you want to stop and have some cake." Jaleka has been studying the pictures while he was talking. "How much do you think each gallon will make me gain?" She asks hopefully. Whistler's expression is difficult to recognize, but it is probably a cross of shock and surprise. "Are you competing in the contest to eat more than any one else, or are you planning to eat as much as you can?" Jaleka grins, "let's just say that I'm going to be the biggest and fattest Drillaxan ever. If I could live in water, I'd probably try and get as hefty as your biggest cow." <26> Whistler grins until his smile almost splits his head. "I've just found my prefect mate recently and she has the same attitude. She's just getting started and I let her nurse directly from my prize cow. She doesn't have the magical stomach you do, or she'd be figuring how long it will take her to outweigh any of my cows." He pauses as Jaleka blushes. "After the weight you gain from today's contest, you won't be able to move without an anti- grav unit. Unless," he makes a high pitch whistle that almost cuts through their heads. "A friend of mine is in the next room," he explains. The door opens and a large cat-like creature enters. "Jaleka Hashun!" He roars. "I saw you destroy all records at the last contest. I am Groloo," he says in a growl. Jaleka smiles and Mick extends his hand. "I'm Mick from Earth." Groloo puts his paw in Mick's hand. "I've read about some of your customs. I know many ways of greeting." He looks at Whistler. "So my wet friend. Even though I thank you for allowing me to meet Hashun. There's something else floating around your synapsis." Whistler grins, "I told them about my mate and I think they'd like to hear about yours." Groloo yawns, which turns into an open grin. "My mate doesn't dream of becoming as fat as his," he smiles as he looks at Jaleka. "But she might get near to your size." He stands proud and continues. "My race has no problems if one of us wants to become immensely fat. The only problem, as you know, is getting too big to move." He steps back and studies her critically. "Have you chosen not to use magic?" He says frowning. "You know of magic that can help me move?" She asks in surprise. He roars in laughter. "I forgot that your race doesn't believe in using magic and has probably kept its secret from you." Mick smiles, "Some of my race believes in it, but I've never seen them accomplish much with it." Groloo laughs, "They've never found the secret. He nudges Jaleka's bulging abdomen and smiles as his shoulder sinks in. "With a negate gravity spell, You'll feel even softer than you do now." He remains against her for a moment before stepping away. "You may not know of magic, but your ability to consume incredible amounts of food at one time, is because your digestive system has natural magic." Jaleka smiles, "Is there a way I can tell how huge I might get?" He laughs, "I wouldn't want to know if I were you." He pauses as he thinks. "I can put your mind in touch with your magical abilities. It might help you eat even more at this contest." She smiles, "What do I have to do?" she asks. <27> Groloo stands beside her and leans into her spongy flesh. After a several minutes, he steps back. "Now think of your stomach," he whispers. She closes her eyes for a moment. "I can feel how empty it is and it's almost ready to start shrinking." She thinks for a moment longer before opening her eyes in surprise. "I can actually talk to it and I've told it to prepare for another contest." She smiles, "when I did, I could feel it relax and get ready to stretch." Groloo step to Mick, "Would you like me to awaken your magic?" Mick smiles, "I've always wondered what type of magic I could do." "Put your arms over me," Groloo commands. "The more in contact we are, the better." Mick does as asked and they remain unmoving for a while. Finally Mick stands. He keeps his eyes closed for several minutes. Groloo smiles, "He has access to as much magic as I have. It will take him time to become comfortable with them." Mick opens his eyes and grins. "It will take me some time," he steps over to Jaleka and rubs her bloated belly. "But then I'll be able to make you feel really good." Groloo growls quietly, "I sensed that there is something evil influencing your actions." Mick looks at Jaleka and she nods. "I was taken from Earth by Trazakans and she has been told to compete in this and the previous contests. Then they plan to take us to their homeworld and use her to breed a race of fat centaurs." Groloo growls deeply, "I know of the ones who are foolish enough to do something like this. We could do something with the ones here, this will allow you to leave without them being on board." Mick frowns, "I can take control of the ship and there's a planet we can reach. But I hadn't thought of them being onboard." Groloo smiles, "I've never trusted their kind." He steps to a display and accesses the betting system. After a few entries, he faces them. "I know the ones who have bet on you. These are the ones I would have suspected being involved. I will take them and I may visit you on KH752." Mick looks at him in surprise and then grins. "You learned it's name when we were linked." Groloo nods. Jaleka looks at his quizzically. "What are you going to do with the Trazakans?" Groloo pauses for a moment. "They were planning to fatten you so you'd give them a race of food animals. My mate is fattening up and it will be ironic that their flesh will help her." He smiles in anticipation. Jaleka thinks for a moment before she smiles. "It's too bad I can't fatten them for her," she giggles. <28> Groloo grins, "My Rolune knows how to put flesh on any creature." His grin widens, "Her magic can reach into others and control them from the inside. They'll be watching themselves get fat and then," he smacks his lips. "They'll add weight to my mate." The warning tone interrupts their laughter. "Now it's time to see how much my magical belly can hold," Jaleka laughs as she steps on the wide anti-grav pad. "By the size of this," she jokes. "They must really expect me to eat." She laughs as Mick guides her pad. "I better get my bet made before the contest starts," Groloo comments as the door opens. "Make one for me," Whistler laughs as his water tank follows Jaleka and Mick toward the arena. They enter the arena and are guided to their position. Part of the spectator area is a large aquarium, except that those inside are looking out. Whistler's tank floats up a ramp. When he reaches the top, he turns and allows it to settle. A spotlight illuminates what may as well be described as a large fishbowl, suspended above them. The being within is the same species as Whistler. He begins speaking in his language and their translators switch on. "Beings of the water, land and air. I welcome you to a contest that will test the digestive strength of those forty beings before us. After the contest is over, they will test their own strength in trying to move more fat than they expected to gain." He pauses as several of his species whistle in approval and amusement. "Beside each contestant is a table," he continues. "The cake is a special one, very dry and guaranteed to make them thirsty. The cakes weight ten tarres. Each contestant is given one at the beginning of the contest and another one after they have allowed ten gallons to be pumped into them and so on. The tube in front of them is pressure sensitive. The tighter they squeeze it, the faster the milk will flow. Even though a gallon of this milk weighs twelve tarres, it will promote another few tarres of flesh to be gained. After four time units, the number of contestants will be reduced to one half. Those who have the most milk sloshing inside their bodies, and becoming fatter as we observe, will continue." "The second part of the competition will last twelve time units. They are allowed to take rests," the announcer flashes his flukes and a slight shower of water splashes out of his bowl. "But that will give the others more time to have the rich milk pumped into their expanding bellies. The monitors will display how much each one has consumed during the entire contest and how much in the past time unit." He points his body straight down at the arena. "I see all are ready. You may begin now." He says almost calmly. <29> Mick hands a piece of cake, that weighs almost two pounds, to Jaleka and she gulps it down rapidly. "I've told my stomach to get ready to grow and stretch as much as it can," she whispers before putting the tube in her mouth. Mick watches the indicators in amazement as more than three gallons flow into her before she stops. "Now that my throat is moist," she giggles as Mich hands her another piece. She wolfs it down and continues until she has finished the cake. "I plan to eat each cake at once and then have the ten gallons of this deliciously rich milk pumped into me." She grabs the tube with her mouth and the indicators move. Two others are given a second cake before Jaleka finishes her first ten gallons. "I could have finished first," she comments between pieces. "But I'm not going to worry about it until half the competition is eliminated." She chows down on another large piece. Mick smiles as he holds her next piece. "I hope every one is paying attention to you." He steps closer and she smiles as his firm rod nudges into her soft flesh. "Because I know I'm going to be bigger," he whispers. "By the time this contest is over. I might be equal to a stallion of your species." She gulps down the rest of her piece and takes the next one. "But you're going to have to keep growing to make me feel full of you," she whispers with a giggle. Finishing the cake, she returns to the milk and has the second ten gallons sloshing in her tremendous tummy in less time than the first. Only one other is ahead of her and she smiles when she realizes this. "I'll be in first place before the elimination time." She tears large bites of the cake and swallows them quickly. When the four time unit signal sounds, seven contestants have already quit, and the ones eliminated almost seem relieved. "Observers and contestants," the announcer calls. "At this time, the previous record was forty two gallons. Jaleka Hashun is now carrying fifty eight gallons, an average of more than fourteen gallons per time unit." He pauses as a cheer from various members of the crowd responds. "From this point on, their rate of milk flow will decrease. But they will continue to increase." His whistles of laughter are echoed by others. Jaleka finishes the next two gallons and Mick hands her pieces of her sixth cake. "I know you're going to expand much more before you begin to feel tight," he whispers as he massages her mammoth bosom. "But I'm feeling tight enough to burst." He leans into her velvety bloated fur and she smiles as his heavy shaft throbs within the groove it forms in her warm blubber. <30> "Just think of how much more of me there'll be by the end and I'm sure you'll find some way to withstand the pressure." She gulps down another piece, "Besides," she mumbles with her mouth full. "If it stays that tight for the rest of the contest. It'll be even bigger." She gulps down the last of the cake in a swallow that stretches her throat. Mick stares in amazement as he watches the bulge in her throat move slowly down and disappear where her bulbous breasts meet her fleshy chest. "Ahh," she breathes before taking the tube in her mouth. Mick smiles as he deeply massages her swelling abdomen. He pushes against her massively ballooning belly and listens to the milk sloshing inside. Moving up to her billowing bosom, he whispers. "You've going to let that sweet milk be forced into you until your tonsils are awash." She grins as he continues. "So I'm going to have to find another way for me to pump my sweetness inside you." He continues fondling and kneading her ponderously quivering abdomen. He works his way back to the disappearing line where her belly and hips meet. He prods the silky softness of her mountainous rump with one hand while he encourages her tummy with the other and the long, turgid bulge in his pants. Jaleka watches her flow indicator and adjusts her mouth's grip so that she maintains a flow rate faster than before. By the end of the sixth time unit, there are another thirty one gallons and two cakes swelling her incredibly expansive digestive system. Two competitors have resigned and she watches as several others have stopped to rest. "I think my competition is giving up," she comments as she starts her tenth cake. Mick laughs. "When they look at the indicators and see you haven't slowed down." He hands her another piece. She grins, "Before Groloo put me in touch with my belly," She gulps down a fourth of the cake, "I hoped to handle maybe ten gallons per time unit." She takes another piece and it quickly follows the first. "But now that I can talk to my tummy, I'm almost up to fifteen gallons per time unit." Mick looks at her in controlled surprise as she eats the next piece. "You can't be thinking of averaging fifteen gallon per time..." She takes the last piece. "Your rubbing against me," she whispers. "Makes me think of how good I'll feel with you inside me." She takes several large bites, leaving almost a tarre sized piece. "And the more I eat, I bet the tighter you get." She takes the piece and stuffs it into her mouth, her cheeks puffing out like an overly ambitious squirrel. She forces the tube into her already full mouth, and uses the pressure to force the cake down her throat. <31> Mick smiles and adjusts his painfully stiff cock as he watches the incredible bulge move her chins and then disappear into her fleshy chest. He grins as he hears the milk surging after it. "If she drinks that much milk," he thinks while caressing her bounteous body. "I hope we can get her into the ship." He leans into her ponderous belly and resumes massaging. As he moves around to her other side, he keeps his front toward her. She grins as she looks between her humongous boobs and sees his massive pole making a round ridge in his pants and most of the way up his shirt. He begins fondling her other side and she feels his growing rod nudging deep into her spongy flesh. "They said the bigger I get, the bigger he'll get," she thinks to herself. Glancing at the monitor, she smiles. "So I'm going to average at least fifteen gallons." She squeezes the pipe tighter and feels the rich milk gush into her mouth. She almost groans in extasy as her tonsils are pummeled by the flood. By the end of the eighth time unit, 124 gallons have been pumped into her. As she finishes 130, Mick feeds her the cake. "Second place has only made 84 gallons," he informs her. "At the rate you're having it pour into you. You'll beat second and third place combined." Jaleka gulps a large piece down, "and maybe fourth." She grins before shoving the rest of the cake down her expanded throat. "Since this is my last contest," she comments, followed by a long burp. "I want to make a record that every planet will know of." She wraps her flesh swollen lips around the pipe and squeezes. Mick smiles and resumes massaging and encouraging her. After a few minutes, he leans into her flabby side, nudges her monumental breast and whispers. "As full as my balls felt at the four unit point." He rubs his stallion sized cock against her side and it's bulbous head nudges deep into her spongy jug. "They're even tighter and swelling bigger to hold all the sweet nectar I'm going to fill your womb with." Jaleka grins in contentment as he finally admits his desires to her. She feels the milk flowing down her throat and imagines it's his cum. In almost sexual excitement, she squeezes the pipe harder. As her stomach warns her it can't handle the milk this fast, she tells it to digest it as fast as possible. She tells her body that, since this new fat is made from rich milk, her breasts should get as much as they can hold. <32> "Beings," the announcer calls out. "After ten time units, only 12 competitors remain. What is most surprising is, While all but one has reduced it's rate of flow by more than half, Jaleka Hashun has slightly increased hers. One hundred and fifty six gallons, more than fifteen per time unit, have flowed into her and are, even as I speak, adding more soft flesh to her corpulent form. The record for this contest is one hundred and fifty eight." He pauses as sounds of surprise echo from the audience. "As we watch she is surpassing it with almost six time units to go. And she shows no sign of slowing. Beings! Jaleka Hashun is now setting a new record with every gallon that flows into her." Jaleka releases the pipe as she finishes one hundred and sixty gallons. "These cakes sure make me thirsty," she jokes as she chows into the half cake Mick hands her. "Do you think you'll be able to keep a fifteen gallon average?" He asks. She stuffs the rest of the half cake into her large mouth and he hands her the second half. "With your encouragement," she giggles. "I'm sure I will." She quickly chews and gulps the last of it down and clamps her extra full lips onto the pipe. Mick smiles as he pats her ponderously swollen abdomen. "I don't want you to blame me if you can't do it." He stands and leans into her bulging belly and then back. His ponderously rigid cock, making a furrow into her milk and fat bloated abdomen. He leans deeply, throwing his arms over her expansive back and pulling himself deeper into her spongy flesh. "My balls are bigger than any stallion of your race," he whispers to her. "And you're going to feel even fuller when I flood your depths." He forces himself into her flesh a few times before he resumes massaging her expanding belly. Jaleka grins as she thinks of how his stallion sized, or larger, cock will feel inside her. She imagines the hose is his cock and squeezes it even harder. The milk flushes in faster and she feels a deep, almost sexual excitement. The audience stares in amazement as they watch the rate of flow indicator rise. By the end of the twelfth time unit, her average rate is over sixteen gallons. As she finishes the two hundredth gallon, the announcer breaks the hush. "Jaleka Hashun now has two hundred gallons of rich milk inside her." He laughs, "I should say that she has drank two hundred gallons. Many of those gallons have now become soft flesh, billowing under her velvety fur. If she were to stop now, I doubt that any will best this record." In response to this statement, Jaleka stuffs the rest of the cake into her mouth, grabs the pipe with her lips and the gushing milk washes it down. It only takes a moment for every one to realize she has increased the flow. "All who are here!" The announcer gasps. "After more than twelve hours into the contest, Jaleka Hashun has broken the rate of flow record." Every one stares as the milk continues to flow until ten more gallons are sloshing within her bloated belly. <33> By the end of that time unit, she has raised the present flow per time unit to twenty eight gallons. Mick hands her the cake, nudging the bloated head of his painfully swollen cock into her heavy bosom. "I'm going to explode before I get all the way in you." He grins as she frowns at him. He pushes his fluid filled balls into her rolling side. "But there's plenty in these to go again and again." She smiles and gulps the cake down. "And they're going to get even bigger," she whispers before returning to the milk pipe. In the next time unit she takes in twenty seven gallons. during the fifteenth, she equals it. As she finishes gallon two hundred eighty. She takes the entire cake from Mick. "This is the last time unit," she mumbles with her cheeks bulging. "And I'm going to really push myself." As she finish the cake, Mick leans into her cushiony side. "If you get really full," he whispers with a grin. "I'll have to really push to get in you." Jaleka grins and squeezes the pipe for maximum flow. Her cheeks bulge out as the milk pumps into her mouth. She moves forward slightly and it gushes straight down her throat. She stops three times for cakes. Forcing them into her throat and stuffing her cheeks with the heavy pastry. Then using the milk to wash it down, like a flood clearing a riverbed. As the time runs out, she finishes her three hundred and twentieth gallon and finally stops. The stadium is silent, as her numbers flash on the monitors. Finally, the announcer finds his voice. "Three hundred and twenty gallons, and average of twenty gallons per time unit, with a maximum per time unit of forty four gallons. My fellow beings, the champion of all time, Jaleka Hashun." The applause and cheers thunder for several minutes. Mick guides her anti-grav pad around the arena and then through the door they had entered through. Groloo is waiting for them. "I can't believe you could hold that much," he says in shock. Jaleka grins, her exhaustion can easily be seen. "You put me in touch with my digestive system. And, since this is my last contest, I wanted to do my best." She nods as he hesitates. Groloo smiles and stands beside her. He leans his entire body into her fat and milk expanded belly. "I know my Rolune won't be plump compared to you," he growls contently. "But some of her flesh will be from the ones who have threatened you." He steps back as he realizes how exhausted she is. "Take her to your ship," he advises. "My friends will take your captors to my mate." He smiles, "Then they'll learn how it is to be a meat animal." Mick forces an understanding smile. "Since you know where we're going, I'd like you and Rolune to visit some time." He glances at Jaleka's almost sleeping form. "I know she'd like to see how well fleshed Rolune gets." <34> Groloo growls in agreement, "We'll see you soon. Now you better go before she is completely asleep." He whispers to Mick, "Once in space, you can put the negate gravity spell on her. At her original weight for all this flesh, she'll look and feel like she's floating." He stands aside as Mick guides her pad onto a transport. Once at the spaceport, he has some trouble getting her widened belly through the entry hatch, but once inside, there is sufficient room. He climbs to the bridge and is cleared for orbit. After two orbits, they leave orbit for their new home. Mick rejoins Jaleka. "I don't know if you can hear me in your trance," he asks her. "Wiggle an ear or something if you can." Out of the corner of his eye, he catches a glimpse of her tail moving. "Are you ready for me?" He asks expectively. Her tail swishes and then remains high. Mick smiles as he quickly sheds his clothes. He moves the bench so he will be at the right height. "If I held back any longer," he jokes. "I'd be closer to exploding than you are. He climbs onto the bench and nudges the bloated head of his cock against her flesh and blood swollen lips. He moves it around, groaning in extasy from the stimulation. He stops with his massive head against her lips. He groans in pleasure as he begins to push. For a moment, he worries that he's too big. Suddenly her vulva parts and his hot and heavy shaft plunges into her soft moist depths. His hands sink several inches into her spongy rump before he can stop. "Ooh," he murmurs in excitement. "All your flesh surging around me is so wonderfully." He moves within her very slowly. Even though Jaleka is in a trance. Part of her is in rapture as she feels him within her fat swollen belly. Small groans of pleasure escape between her tired lips Mick tries to control himself, "All your eating has made me so hot." He gasps and suddenly begins forging deeply into her. "I just can't wait." He steps forward and back, his cum bloated balls pressing into her soft yielding flesh each time. In a long groan, he shoves as deep as he can, grabbing her bounteous rump, his hands and arms sinking in. His body making love to her billowing fat as his incredibly heavy rod pumps some of his over supply of white nectar into her. She groans as an orgasm of unguessed magnitude hits. It seems to flow from deep inside where his seed splashes against her cervix, then it expands through out her humongously distended digestive system. Even her intestines squirm in euphoria. As his thunderous surges lessen and finally stop, Mick remains deep in her rolling rump. Finally his cock shrinks back and is retracted into the sheath growing between his legs. He walks around her enlarged belly, fondling and poking her as he does. <35> He squeezes and strokes her amazingly bloated breasts and runs his tongue over her puffed out and bumpy areolae. He licks her engorged nipple, feeling it grow larger and fatter than ever. "Even your nipples are getting fat," he jokes as he squeezes the other one. He moves his mouth to the tip and slowly works his lips down it's spongy length. He squeezes it and fondles the breast with both hands. In a matter of seconds, her delicious liquor is flowing down, reviving him and making his love shaft peak out from it's sheath. When he begins nursing from her other one, his rod bumps into her softness. He reaches down and presses it against the underside of her flesh bloated udder as he continues to drink. He stops and works his way around her other side. His stiffened shaft nudging deeply into her warm, yielding flesh as he pokes her ballooning body. "This time," He speaks with assurance. "I'm going to last until you're lost in pleasure." He grins as he reaches her engorged vulva. "I think I'm larger than a stallion." He gently pushes and she opens for him. He feels her flab engulfed muscles pulling him in. "And you want all I can give you." He slams into her, her ponderous flesh makes heavy waves as he moves most of the way out and then shoves all the way in. She quickly orgasms and her entire body jiggles with her excitement. As the next one approaches. She knows her stomach is digesting the milk faster than ever. She can actually feel her enormous breasts becoming more bounteous and the rest of her heavy body expanding with love encouraged fat. She groans as she feels her clitoris being caressed by his love shaft. Her mind screams in pleasure as she feels it fill and then expand with fat. His rod actually denting it and it's nerves howl in unabashed pleasure. As the orgasms become one long burst of delirium, She imagines herself a centaur version of a whale cow. Her velvety fur floats on her ocean of billowing fat. Each one of her monumental breasts weighing more than she does now. After uncounted ecstasies, Mick climaxes. His fluids swelling her already flooded womb and gushing into her uterus. She tries to squeeze her breasts, imagining she feels her areolae becoming as large as breasts themselves. Mick pumps into her until he feels his cumsack shrink and then almost pull inside, out. He goes around and leans into her hot spongy flesh. "If it's like this now," he whispers as he climbs onto and sinks into her billowing warmth. "What will it be like when we both finish growing." He quickly falls asleep, his limp cock laying on him and on her furry back. Their thoughts somehow merge and he dreams of how much jiggling fat she is packing inside her expansive body from the milk. <36> Mick drifts from a dream of floating in a sea of warmth and love, and realizes he is resting deep in her fleshy back. He strokes her expansive body. Smiling, gently squeezes her flabby fur and is impressed how soft she is becoming. He listens to her digestive system hard at work, converting the hundreds of gallons of whale milk into more fat. "She said her trance might last a day or more," he thinks to himself. "And this is the most comfortable place I can think of." He looks at the monitor and watches the display on ship's status and course. "In a few days," he thinks as he drifts back to sleep. "We'll be home." Late in the day, Jaleka wakes. "I wonder how big I am," she thinks with her eyes closed. She shifts her weight and feels her massive amounts of blubber roll and jiggle. "So you're awake," Mick asks from her back. He rolls off, causing her fur covered fat to billow. He moves in front of her, caressing her even more, mammoth mammeries. "I can't believe how much these have grown!" He exclaims. Jaleka smiles, her eyes are still closed. "I'm not going to open my eyes until you've made me enjoy how much flesh I've filled out with." Mick smiles and squeezes her bulging areolae. He licks her plump nipple as it swells. "Even your nipples are fat," he whispers as he stuffs it in his mouth. She relaxes in extreme contentment as her milk flows. She visualizes her large nipple being squeezed by his lips, her milk pouring through. As he begins nursing from her other one, she instructs her stomach that there are no more contests. She tells it to begin shrinking to a reasonable weight gain size. As Mick drinks, his cock head comes out of it's sheath. By the time he finishes, the firm, swollen head is nuzzling her bulging areolae. He rubs it's heavy length into her soft fur as he moves around to her mountainous rump. Jaleka is already anticipating and her warm pelt quivers on her massive amount of fat. Mick climbs onto the bench. He positions his ponderous cock, rubbing the firm, heavy head against her wet lips. "You've filled out more than I thought possible in a day." He says excitedly as he begins to push. Her vulva begins to open and he gently pushes his throbbing head inside. As the lips smack shut behind his bloated head, he stops and moves back and forth a few inches. "I think what I'm feeling is a clit that is huge with blood and fat." Jaleka groans in pleasure and her internal fat billows around his hefty cock. Mick smiles as he pushes deeper into her warm moist fleshiness in a series of in and out motions. "That felt so good," he gasps. "The rest of my love rod is jealous it wasn't in." <37> She laughs, "Then push in as far as you can. I want to feel those cum bloated balls of yours against my soft rump." Mick smiles and pushes into her as deep as he can. He wraps his arms around her mammoth rump and squeezes, pulling himself as deep into her fur covered flab as he can. He grins and makes his over stallion sized penis surge against her plump clit. She almost screams in ecstacy and her entire body jiggles. Her soft rump billows against his huge cumsack and her warm inner fat quivers around his shaft. As he begins moving, her body is rocked in waves of pure sexual pleasure and the shockwave excite Mick to the edge. "My love shaft is bigger than last night," he groans as he tries to control the impending flood. His body takes control and his hot juices surge into her fleshy interior, filling her with his liquid love. As he begins to shrink, Jaleka opens her eyes and stares in shock and pleasure. "What do you think of my expansive breasts?" She asks. Mick finally comes out of her, his limp cock hanging several inches out of his growing sheath. "They can't get too big for me," he laughs as he fondles her massive belly. "And the only worry I have for how much you're filling out, is how much I'm going to grow." She reaches out and pulls him into her velvety fur. "I'll try and control how much that part of me grows so you won't have to get so big you have trouble walking," she whispers. " Mick smiles and begins moving her food from the food processor to her table. Early on the third day, they achieve orbit of KH752. They study the previous survey reports for most of the day. "When we land," Mick reminds her. "We won't have much fuel to maneuver, so we have to decide where before we break orbit." By supper, they have reduced the prospective sites to four. She consumes all that the food processor has prepared for her. "They were using the contests to get me in condition to get even fatter," she jokes when finishing half of it. "But now I'm getting fat for only the two of us." Mick nuzzles her ponderous bosom. "Groloo taught me how to put a negate gravity spell so you'll only weigh your original weight." He mouths her plump nipple and it grows. "No matter how much you gain." She gulps the food faster as her milk begins to flow. He finishes with both bloated breasts before she is done. He stands beside her humongous abdomen, reaches with his arms as far as he can, and hugs her deeply. As she continues eating, she feels a strangeness. As if she's getting bigger and fatter, yet almost floating. When she finishes, she relaxes to the feeling. <38> After almost a full time unit, Mick steps back. "How do you feel?" He asks weakly. Jaleka shifts her weight and her flesh flows more than ever. "It's like I'm floating," she laughs. "I can feel all my mass, but not my weight." Mick grins, "I need some sleep before I'll have enough strength to do anything." He slowly climbs onto her silky soft, expansive back and collapses into her softness. Jaleka closes her eyes and smiles. "Now that my immense obesity feels as if I'm supported by water." She thinks. She shifts her flesh engulfed hooves and her massive flesh surges. "I might become a centaur whale cow." They are soon both asleep. Early in the morning, Mick wakes. He rolls over and feels her softness against his chest and growing shaft of flesh. As he feels her breathe beneath him, His rod becomes longer with each breath. He begins to move in counter time to her and he is soon pushing his ponderous cock through the fat created groove of her back. Jaleka eyes open as she realizes what he is doing. "How about one last time while we're in space?" She asks coyly. Mick smiles and begins working himself up her rump. Instead of thrusting forward, he pulls himself backward. As his feet reach her tail, she switches it to one side. He finally slides over her ponderous rump and stands on the bench. His mast of flesh sticking up over her massive hills of fat. "I'm full of that special juice and you're going to get all I can give you." He steps back and bumps his ever growing head against her wet vulva. She is so excited that her juices are already flowing fully. As soon as her lips suck his prize apple sized head in, he slowly walks his massive shaft in. He braces his feet and pushes his body into her soft yielding flesh. He feel his rounded end bump against her cervix. He keeps forcing himself into her padding and rotates his hips, pushing her fat rump around. The excitement of her flesh having almost no weight pulls him to the edge and he explodes. Her cervix flashes open and a large amount of his seed thick soup gushes inside. His cockhead plugs the entrance until his sack is drained. As the flow stops, her gates slam shut. "I hope you're ready for some of my milk." She laughs. "Because that will make me feel even better. Mick smiles and lovingly fondles each humongous breast as he nurses. "I better get to the bridge," he whispers as he massages her blubbery equine shoulder. She smiles and he leaves. Once strapped into the pilot chair, he accesses the nav computer and sets the grav drive to land. He grins as the ship begins it's decent. He watches as the surface of the planet rolls beneath them. <39> As their planned landing site approaches he keys the intercom. "Our new home is coming up. Hang on to something in case I have to come down fast, our fuel is getting low." He takes the controls and guides the cargo ship toward a clearing near a village marked as friendly. The low fuel warning buzzer sounds as he rotates the ship to fit the long axis of the field. With a minor bump, they set down. He waits a minute, in case the ground is not firm, before switching off the engines. "This is your captain. We've arrived home on planet KH752 near the Kreechen village." He switches all systems to minimum and joins Jaleka. He enters and takes two translators from his desk. "I've programmed these with the language the survey team translated." He hands her the control to her anti grav pad. "I'll go out first. There's no reason to expect trouble," he comments as he gets a stun blaster from his desk. "Groloo gave me this." They go to the main hatch and she settles next to the control. Looking out the porthole, he nods and she opens it. He steps outside and gives their sign of greeting. The apparent leader steps forward on his four legs. He clasps his lower hands and spreads his upper arms wide. "I am Weezete. We greet you as one of our own." His voice comes through the translator. "We have seen lean time since any of you have visited." Mick puts his hands together and then spreads them. "If you will have us as friends, we would like to stay. My mate and I were captives of a hostile tribe. When we escaped, this was the best place we could find." Weezete extends all four arms, "though some of our lands have been taken by other tribes, we welcome you." He grasps each of Mick's arms in two of his. "We are thankful for your friendship." Mick responds. "Maybe we can help you reclaim your lands." "The beings who came before, left supplies we have no use for." Weezete says with a wide grin. "May I greet your mate?" Mick smiles as he leads them into the ship. "I should warn you, she is a different species and carries a lot of flesh." "Our healer was very fat before we lost our best grain field." Weezete comments as they enter. In shock and then admiration, he stares at Jaleka. "Even though our food supply is low. We will do all we can to prevent her from losing what she has worked so hard to gain." They leave Jaleka, go outside and are joined by several others. Three of them begin designing a tent like structure so that they can live outside the ship. Mick, Weezete and several others discuss the lands they have lost and what can be done. With the help of survey charts, Mick shows them where they can stop the other tribes with little trouble and several areas that could easily be planted. "We have supplies on board that should last us at least two seasons." <40> Weezete smiles, "I was shown the machine that makes food. If your problem is food for the machines, the last group set up a machine to pull food from the ground. The storage bins are full and the machine resting." Mick smiles, "If that is so. We may be able to use other equipment from the ship." A plump female approaches. Weezete introduces her as Kreth. "She is our healer I told you about." She steps forward and rubs her plump shoulder against Mick. "I was told about Jaleka, I offer myself to take care of her while you help my tribe." Weezete bows and Mick leads her into the ship. "Your leader thought it will be best if she remains out of sight until we can protect your lands from other tribes," He comments. She stops and strokes her furry side. "They told me she is very fat." She bends and touches the long udder under her belly. "Before we lost the best field, I was filling out and I hoped my udder might one day touch the ground." She laughs when she sees Mick's expression. "When I was fatter, my nipples were almost pointing sideways. I have heard that if my belly would have reached the ground, my nipples would be on the sides of my bloated udder." Mick smiles, "I have been told that there is food for the ship's machines. While you take care of Jaleka, I'm sure she'll enjoy helping you fill out until your udder rests heavily on the ground." They enter Jaleka's room and Kreth stands in amazement. Jaleka grins, "You get back and help the tribe with defenses, we have much to talk about." After Mick leaves, Jaleka learns about tribal customs and ways. The healers are always females and the fatter they are, the more powerful their milk. It is believed that their milk can cure many diseases and help heal injuries. Jaleka instructs her how to use the food processor. "It won't be able to feed your tribe," she explains. "But it will keep me gaining and fill your body with fat until you'll need a floating pad like mine." Kreth grins with her mouth full. She swallows before trying to speak. "I know spells that will allow you to float just above the ground with out your pad." Jaleka swallows her mouthful, "It looks as though we can help each other." They finish the meal and then a desert that has Kreth groaning because of the amount of food she has eaten. Kreth agrees to stay with her and knows her tribe will agree as she fattens beyond what she had weighed. Jaleka smiles, "By the time we finish fattening you out, maybe your legs will be lost in your belly." They both laugh at this. <41> For many days, Mick works with the tribe on ways to protect their fields. They move the fuel to the ship and restart the fuel processing station. They slowly begin refilling the tanks. Mick uses the ships manufacturing systems to construct the stun projectors. He teaches some of the tribe how to set up stun shields and they begin protecting their present fields. Before the season is finished, they have cleared the land he suggested. The hostile tribe attempts a raid, but it is stopped by the stun projectors. Weezete tells them that, if they attack again, their tribe will be broken. From then on, there are no attacks. As the tribe prepares for the harvest feast, Jaleka and Kreth begin creating extra food with the processor. At sunset, the day before the feast, Mick enters the ship. His exhaustion is only partially concealed by his excitement. "The leaders of the local tribes have decided to meet. They have finally decided that they must work together. There have been attacks from a roaming tribe. After a recent attack, a wounded victim heard them talk about two other groups joining them." He collapses in his chair. "I have to decide how much help I can give the other tribes." Kreth waddles up beside him. "I understand your fears." She gives him a wide smile. "But tomorrow is the feast of harvest. Let's not think of those problems until the next day. Instead," she takes his hand and places it firmly into her bloated belly. "Feel how much I've filled out." She continues talking while he explores her new softness. "My tribe was worrying when they could not feed me enough. I may not have regained all I lost. But by the next harvest feast," she grins at Jaleka. "I hope to need the magic I've taught her." Mick looks quizzically at Jaleka. His eyes open in surprise as she floats upward until her massive abdomen is well off the ground. She lowers herself down, "I can't do it for long, but I can move around with out my pad." She floats toward Mick as he stands up, Kreth grins and waddles out of the room toward her own. "After all that work," Jaleka jokes. "I bet you're thirsty." He finally smiles, "And what do you think I should drink?" He spreads his arms wide and opens his mouth as she approaches. As her fleshy nipple enters, he smacks his lips around it's fullness and lovingly grips her ponderous jug with both arms. She smiles as he sucks deeply, her warm milk flowing into him. When he stops to drink from her other one, he takes his time. Fondling her mammoth boob, feeling it's mass and softness with both hands while his mouth excites the spongy flesh around her fat teat. He nurses from it and then leans into her bloated boob. "The only problem with your milk," he whispers as he adjusts his pants. "Is now I have too much in me." He grins as his growing rod comes out of his pants and makes a deep furrow in her silky softness. <42> Jaleka laughs and her billowing causes his heavy cock to expand almost painfully fast. "I think I'm thirsty enough to drink you dry." She smiles as she levitates a rather surprised Mick off the ground. "Did I forget to say I can move things beside myself?" She giggles and Mick's expression changes to one of enchantment as he watches her bounteous bosom quiver. She reaches her tongue out and laps his large cock head. Shaping her wide tongue into a trough, she levitates him forward. As his head reaches her lips, she works him in slowly. He grins as he bumps her tonsils. "I forgot you had something to excite in here too." She resists laughing and begins to suck him into her. As he bumps the back of her throat, she grips him tight with her lips. She floats him up, until he is above her up tilted head. Slowly she lowers him down. His incredibly large cock head, forging a way for the hefty shaft that follows it down. Finally his cum bloated balls are being stroked by her wide tongue. She begins to float him up and down. Her distended throat, squeezing him to the upper limits of excitement. In amazement, bordering on stupification, she begins to slowly rotate him. His larger than ever love rod, twisting in the depths of her throat. His cum sack swells larger than ever as his extasy builds. With a long groan of pleasure, his hot cream pumps out of his sack, his ureatha bulges with each surge. He feels his head swell until her throat is painfully tight, but it intensifies both of their orgasms. Finally the last of his juices is sucked out and she gently raises him up, griping his shrinking cock head with her lips for a moment. She smiles as his feet touch the ground. "When my boobs got too big for me to lean far enough over," she burps loudly. "I didn't think we'd be able to do that again." Mick moves slowly to her side, fondling her billowing fur as he does. "I missed it too." He leans deeply into her fat and kisses her blubbery lips. "Now I don't think you can ever get too fat." She laughs and her humongous belly and breast surge like the ocean in a rough storm. "Now that you've told me that." She wraps her flab bloated arm around him and pulls him deep into her softness. "I'm going to do what I've dreamed of." She puts her big lips over his mouth and forces her large tongue down his throat. Mick grins, because of his control over his body and grips it with his throat and lips. She flexes it around for almost a minute, before he releases her. "I don't know what you've dreamed of becoming," he jokes after catching his breath. "But I'm sure going to find out." He climbs onto the bench, and then jumps onto her expansive back. She laughs as he wiggles around and her velvety fur billows on her massively fat body. In true love and contentment, they drift to sleep. <43> The next morning, Mick begins preparing breakfast until Jaleka reminds him of the feast. "I had Kreth set up a program to make our portion of the feast." Mick smiles as he punches in the codes. As he removes the dishes, Kreth knocks and Jaleka opens the door. "Are you ready to show them how well you're filling out?" she asks. Kreth giggles, "And I'm ready to show them how much I can be fed. I should tell you that every member of the tribe has prepared something for me." She pats her plump belly, "I won't be allowed to leave until it's all inside." She watches Mick for a moment, "I'll send a few of them to help with the food." Mick smiles, "Since Jaleka can move herself," he puts more food on the anti grav pad. "We can get everything there on our own." Kreth smiles, "I'll see you shortly." She turns and walks as quickly as her plumpness allows. As Mick puts the last of the food on the pad, Jaleka floats off the floor and moves through the door, her bounteous flesh billowing as she does. Mick smiles and controls his excitement. He follows her with the pad and they shortly arrive at the feast. Mick is surprised at the amount of baskets piled high with grain. Weezete takes him aside. "The tribe wouldn't want this feast if they knew how little food we have," he whispers. "I told those who needed to know, to put wood in the bottom so it will appear that we have had a good harvest." Mick forces his smile to remain. "And tomorrow, you'll have to ration the food for everyone to be able to survive." He nods in agreement. "We can make it. If we can form a treaty with the other tribes, maybe they will loan us food." Mick shakes his head slightly. "If they know you are low on food, they may turn on you. I don't want your tribe to count on us, but I will supply you with enough grain so that only we and those who need to, will know." Weezete grabs his arms in gratitude. "I have already seen how much you have helped Kreth." They turn and walk back to the feast. The food and drinks are piled high on the table. Mick watches the tribe members taking turns feeding Kreth. She is eating rapidly and Mick grins as her actions remind him of the contests. From then, until sunset, the feast continues. Several of the tribe seem intent on keeping Jaleka well supplied. She levitates pieces and eats them, taking her time so that she doesn't eat much more than Kreth. At sunset, the feasting slows as the musicians fill the woods with rich sounds from their instruments. It is late into the night before Weezete calls an end to the feast. <44> Mick helps Kreth slowly waddle back to the ship. "Before you came," she groans as he helps her into her room. "I never thought I'd gain any of the weight I lost." She burps long and loud. "And now I'm stuffed with more food than I thought I'd ever see again." She burps again as she lays down. Mick smiles as he strokes her food swollen abdomen. "And your belly will be on the ground before the next harvest feast." He quietly leaves and closes the door behind him. He returns to his and Jaleka's room. She is almost asleep, but levitates him onto her soft back. "I'm too tired tonight," she whispers. "But tomorrow morning..." Mick snuggles into her fur covered blubber. Her digestive sounds are a lullaby and he is rocked to sleep by her breathing. Mick chooses not to attend the conference of tribe leaders. Every evening, Weezete comes and tells them what was discussed. In four days, they have arranged patrols to watch for the roaming tribe. Several days later, one of the tribe members is injured working on a small dam. He is carried to Kreth's room and she asks Mick to help. The three of them are left alone as she examines him. "His name is Lureek. Both of his left arms are broken," she informs him. "I can hold them in position if you can strap sticks to hold them in place." Mick agrees and finds sticks of the right size. He ties them in place as she holds the injured Lureek. His face is in agony but he resists screaming. Once his limbs are secured, Mick supports his head as Kreth moves beside him. She adjusts her position until he is able to nurse comfortably. When he stops, Mick helps him lay down and then accompanies Kreth to lunch. For twenty days Mick helps support Lureek as he nurses several times a day. Because of her producing milk, Kreth's weight gain slows, but doesn't stop, thanks to Jaleka's food suggestions. On the twenty first day, after he nurses, Kreth has Mick remove the bindings. Lureek flexes his arms and smiles. "The bigger I get," Kreth jokes to Mick after Lureek leaves. "The faster I can repair injuries like that." Mick laughs and they join Jaleka for a feast. They insist that Kreth eat until she is almost painfully full. A few hours later, as they relax in their tent beside the ship, Weezete rushes in. "The scouts have found a wandering tribe," he gasps for breath. "He believes they are headed this way." Mick thinks for a moment, "Our stun projectors will stop them from us." He sits in concentration for several minutes. He looks at Jaleka, "The wandering tribes are a threat to all the local ones. If I help, these mostly peaceful farmers will not have to learn the art of war." He turns to Weezete. "Have the ones I've trained and the scout come to me." Weezete nods in understanding and runs back to the village. <45> Mick strokes Jaleka's ponderous belly. "When I heard of the attacks, I knew this would happen. Tribes with no land of their own, must constantly raid others." She reaches out and pulls him into her blubbery side. "I'll be waiting," she grins. "And I'll have lots of milk for you." Kreth nudges her fat filled body against his back. "And I'm going to stuff myself as much as I can so I'll be able to heal the wounded." Mick strokes her soft back. "I hope all we will suffer is wounded." He goes into the ship. The Kreechens and the scout are waiting as he emerges. He adjusts his small backpack, "Let's be on our way." The scout leads them is a quick walk and they disappear into the woods. At nightfall, they have found the marauders and have their plan of attack worked out. During the first part of the night, they grab the guards. They then begin with those who are sleeping on the edge of the group. One them awakens and sees what is happening. He gives a shout of alarm and grabs his crude sword. As the others stumble half awake, the Kreechens run for the woods. They step past the traps they have prepared and run through a clearing. The marauders give chase, which becomes a moving chaos as the traps capture several of them. They reach the clearing and stop as they observe their prey, standing on the other side. "Return to your home land," one of the Kreechen shouts to them. The marauders laugh and then charge. Before they have covered ten feet, Mick jumps from behind the others and fires stun guns from both hands. The attackers scream as they drop in agony. When they are all wreathing in pain. Mick addresses them. "You will return to your home land and never trouble these people again." He adjusts the guns and fires at a dead tree, it bursts into flame. He walks back into the woods and the Kreechens follow him. They hide so they can observe the attackers recover and leave. Following them back to their camp, Mick listens to the weak arguments and the final agreement that going home and farming is better than having their bodies and spirits being destroyed in flame. The former marauders pack their gear and begin their journey home. Mick asks the scout and one other to follow them. They fill their packs with supplies from the others and leave. "We've done well," Mick comments as they prepare to sleep. "Tomorrow we'll return home." They keep one on alert and the night passes with out incident. The next day, they return to the village. Mick stops at the ship while the others go to tell everyone about their success. Mick reminds them that none are to know what he did. They agree and run toward the village as Mick is joined by Jaleka and Kreth. <46> "With all she's been stuffing me with," Kreth jokes. "My udder is ready to burst." Her grin changes as she sees the pain in Mick's face. Jaleka looks at him with concern. "Did something go wrong?" She asks. Mick shakes his head, "It was the best way to send the marauders home," he answers. "I just would have preferred that your tribe mates wouldn't have learned how to fight." Jaleka forces a smiles as she looks at Kreth. "How well does your healing milk work on those who are wounded inside?" Kreth catches her idea immediately, "I've got more than enough to find out." Mick finally smiles weakly. "I guess I am wounded." They all go inside and Jaleka prepares food for her and Kreth as Mick lays down. "Your udder does look like it's very full," he jokes as he fondles her bloated milk sack. She squirms in pleasure, "I hope my milk can heal you. You've helped my tribe and the others nearby." She watches Jaleka preparing food. "And gotten me fatter than I though I'd ever be." Jaleka laughs, her fleshy body billowing wildly. "And I'm going to get you as huge as you can dream of," she promises as she works. Mick begins working on one of her nipples with his mouth and it swells rapidly. He begins to suck and milk gushes from her tightly swollen udder. He switches to each of her other five nipples, drinking from the last two while she eats. Afterward, he tells them what happened and they convince him that what he did, was the best choice. Jaleka levitates him onto her incredibly soft back and he sinks deep into her furry sponginess. Kreth goes to her room as he sleeps, nestled in Jaleka's loving flesh. The next morning after breakfast, he nurses from Jaleka's milk swollen breasts. He spends the rest of the morning caressing her silky fur, floating on her billowing fat and exciting her flesh and blood engorged love tunnel. After the three of them have lunch, Mick examines the cargo bay and is pleased that most of what the ship carried is construction equipment. The afternoon and evening is spent designing a building for them to live in. "It's a good thing we have this equipment," Jaleka mumbles with her mouth full of cake. She swallows it, "because at the rate I'm filling out." She shifts her ponderous body and her flesh jiggles for a while. "I don't think I'll be able to get through the cargo hatch much longer." Mick laughs as he studies the computer drawing spread out before them. "That's why I'm designing it with only one room." He walks to where they plan to build and paces off the dimensions. Jaleka levitates herself to the middle of the outline and smiles. "And if I get too big for this?" she asks seductively. <47> Mick laughs and jumps against her bloated belly, sinking deeply into her warm, silky coat. "I designed it wide enough for Whistler's prize whale cow." He nuzzles deeper into her yielding tummy. "And if you get fatter than that, I'll have to build a bigger place." His face is buried in her puffy side so that he doesn't see the wide grin she is unable to suppress. She regains her composure as he steps back and they spend the rest of the evening studying the designs and discussing how to proceed with the work. In the morning, Mick rolls out a compact tractor and begins digging a trench for the foundation. Several of the Kreechen join him. "We helped the last group with their building and will be glad to help you," one of them explains. Mick graciously accepts and the work goes faster than he could have hoped for. Jaleka and Kreth prepare lunch and supper for all of them. After they eat, they relax around the fire, discussing the day's work and what their plans are for tomorrow. "Did you hurt yourself?" Kreth asks as one of them painfully stretches. "I haven't worked that hard in one day and I have a few muscles that are sore," he explains. She smiles as she waddles to him. "Since I'm going to be living with them, and all my new flesh is because of their food." She turns sideways, "I offer my milk to heal your sore muscles. He hesitates before he kneels down to nurse. "My offer is for all of you." She turns her head and winks at Jaleka, who smiles in understanding. "I bet you're as sore as they are," she tells Mick with a laugh. Mick laughs, "I can wait until every one else has had their fill." The first six finish one at a time and the others take their places at her quivering teats. By the time Mick begins, her long udder is noticeably deflated but she still has enough for him. After he finishes, he thanks the workers and they promise to return at first light. "I'll have breakfast ready," Jaleka calls out as they leave. Mick and Kreth gather the eating utensils and they join Jaleka inside the ship. They are all tired and Kreth waddles to her room. Jaleka grins as she levitates Mick onto her cushiony back. "I hope you don't plan to work this hard every day," she whispers. Mick grins and plays with a heavy roll of her fat. "I think two days of work followed by one of rest," he crawls forward on her billowing back. He nuzzles her fat neck, reaches around her puffy shoulders and tries to fondle her monumental breasts. "And recreation will keep us going." Jaleka sighs in contentment. "And after we move in," she whispers. "I might see how well I can fill out without having to worry about getting too big for this place." <48> Mick eases back and is quickly asleep. Jaleka meditates for a while. When she does sleep, she dreams of endless feast and Kreth getting as fat as she is now, while her humongous obesity puts the whale cows to shame. For many days the work continues. The building framework and exterior is finished faster than Mick had thought and they begin working on the interior. Several of the females help make the inside more cheerful while Mick begins moving some equipment from the ship. When they finish, the entertainment system, food processor, power unit and a few other devices from the ship are functioning in one corner. The rest of the room is covered with thick blankets and the walls are painted in bright, cheerful designs. Two days later, they throw a house warming party. When every one is there, Kreth proudly waddles in. Her udder had grown because of the workers nursing two of every three days. And now, it bulges with fat from the last several days of gorging under Jaleka's guidance. Every one cheers as they realize how much stronger her magical milk will be. They treat her as they had at the harvest feast and she eats until she is groaning. Finally Weezete calls for every one's attention. "My tribe," he begins. "A few moons ago, we faced hardships few thought would end." He motions toward Kreth. "Our healer was losing her flesh and we saw no way to restore it." He turns to Mick and Jaleka, "then our new friends came. They were escaping from others who meant them wrong." He looks at every one gathered. "We gave them a home and they," he motions to the gorged Kreth. "Have given more fat to Kreth than we could have in a year and have made our enemies our friends." They all cheer for many minutes. Mick stands, "We thank you for being our friends and hope we can help each other for many years." He looks at Jaleka and then Kreth, "and I know both of our fattening females will continue expanding until they are more massive than we could have dreamed of them becoming." The cheering resumes and, after several minutes, dies out. The tribe returns to their village while Mick proceeds to clear up the remains of the party. Jaleka smiles as she levitates the stacked plates to the recycler. Kreth begins to stand and then lies down on her side. Her food bloated abdomen and swollen udder bulging out almost to her feet. "A few more feasts like that," she gasps. "And my udder will be touching the ground." "And with my gorging as an example for you to follow," Jaleka laughs. "Your legs will be engulfed down to your knees." She settles on her sleeping rugs and Mick begins stroking and caressing her mammoth belly. "And when do you think you'll finally stop filling out?" Mick jokes. <49> Jaleka turns her head and her fleshy jowls jiggle. "I don't know if I ever will. Of course," she blinks her long lashes. "The more contented you make me feel..." She smiles as he begins moving toward her massive rump. He adjusts his waistband and the large head of his growing shaft pushes out. As he rubs it against her silky soft fur, it expands even faster. By the time he is standing between the two fat bloated hills of her rump, it has swollen to an amazing size. He grins as he steps back and the huge, heavy head moves downward. She swishes her tail to one side. She is so ready that her vulva is almost dripping with her moisture. ""I know it's getting so big, you're having trouble controlling it," she whispers huskily. "So I'm making that part of me move back as my mountainous rump fattens." Mick smiles as he rubs the hot mass over her vertical lips, nudging them partway open and then backing off. "You also don't want me to get too big for your hungry mouth." As he finishes speaking, his head nudges part way in. Before she can answer, he takes a long step forward. The bloated head collides with her fat and blood gorged clit and she almost screams in pleasure. He slowly moves all the way in. Until the swollen end of his hard rod bumps her cervix. And then steps back until it rubs her plump clit. She groans in indescribable pleasure as he continues for many minutes. "With encouragement like this," she whispers between gasps of ecstacy. "I'll get as big as the sum of your dreams and mine." She groans deeper as he pushes as deep as he can. He feels his balls expand as they prepare to explode. He pushes his love rod's head against her inner gate. It suddenly opens and the bloated mass and a few inches of the heavy shaft forges it's way into her depths. The gates close firmly, yet comfortably and he feels the first surge beginning. As his climaxes begin, his urethra bulges as each pulse travels the length of his massive love shaft. The pulse is stalled for a moment until her passion gates open wide. He pumps more than a quart of his liquid love into her womb before his cum sack finally empties. As he shrinks, her doorway closes tight. He almost stumbles around to her side, his cock retreating into his sheath. She smiles and levitates him onto her expansive back. He sinks into her softness and quickly falls asleep, with almost a foot of his satisfied cock remaining out of his sheath. <50> For more than a month, Jaleka and Kreth continue in a food filled bliss. They both become visually fatter and some of the villagers visit almost every day. As Kreth's ponderous udder bloats with fat, she offers her milk to the children who visit. "Having the children nurse," she explains to the elders, "makes me that much hungrier." She smiles as her teats begin to stiffen and one of them unconsciencously licks his lips. "But I have more milk than they can drink. If you'd like to remember what it was like," She giggles as two of them go to their knees and begin sucking from her heavy teats. When she closes her eyes in pleasure, her other four nipples are quickly pouring milk into others. Her udder surges and jiggles as they, and the ones who waited, renew their strength with her magical milk. When the last one stops, her tremendous udder hangs with it's slackness. "Don't worry about how empty I look," she laughs. "Before I go to sleep, Jaleka will make sure I'm full of food. By morning," she takes a few steps and her dangling udder shakes. "I'll be full and tight with milk." The elders thank her and Jaleka. They agree to allow a few to drink from Kreth each day to encourage her appetite. After they leave, Jaleka begins preparing food and Mick feeds Kreth by hand until she insists she is stuffed to her limit. He helps her to her sleeping area and rejoins Jaleka. "She's filling out better than any of them could have hoped," he whispers as he fondles the bulge of fat where the last inch of her upper leg has yet to be engulfed in her monumental belly. "If it wasn't for the negate gravity," he grins as he strokes the underside of one of her humongous breasts. "These would be on the ground." Jaleka grins, "And they're going to get a lot bigger now." She shifts her weight and they billow and roll heavily. Mick moves around and nuzzles his face between both of her massive milk machines. He mouths his way to one of her fat nipples and drinks deeply. When he finishes with both, he massages her bloated abdomen. "I hope you like it getting even rounder," Jaleka whispers. "Because some of it is because of you." He cuddles into her silky softness. "All I'm doing is making you happy and content.." "And filled me with so much of your sweet cream," she whispers, "that it's growing deep in my warm interior." Mick steps back and studies her fur covered, massive sphere of flesh. He smiles and hugs her as well as his arms and her humongous belly allows. "I wondered why your love gates hadn't opened for me recently." She levitates him onto her flabby body. "If my womb is as elastic as my tummy, I might let it stay in for a few extra months." Mick snuggles into her fat swollen, pregnant abdomen and they drift to sleep. <51> The fields grow thick with a harvest richer than any can remember. At the next harvest feast, there are twice as many baskets and a huge pile of grain, waiting for baskets to be woven. Every one stands and cheers as Kreth levitates herself into the village clearing. She settles by a table, almost collapsing from the food piled on it, until her udder rests heavily on ground. Jaleka's enormously pregnant and fat swollen belly spreads out as she relaxes at her table. Only her huge hooves can be seen under the swell of her enormous bulging abdomen. When she adjusts her flab engulfed legs, the entire fur covered surface of her ponderous body quivers. Her humongous breasts are so huge that the lower side is resting heavily on the ground. Kreth smiles as the tribe members prepare to feed her. "You know that having some of you nurse makes me hungry." She smiles as several of them suppress their laughter. "So after each of you feed me, I want to feed you." She opens her mouth and her gorging and nursing begins. Jaleka smiles as Mick nudges her silky soft shoulder. "And if she doesn't give you enough, I need to find out if I can produce enough for the big foal growing inside me. With my ponderously fat bosom resting on the ground, my plump nipples are at just the right height." Mick feeds her, occasionally grabbing a few bites for himself. Most of the tribe drink from her ponderously bloated jugs. After a few hours, the tribe members become lethargic from the food and milk from both of them. Weezete asks the tribe storyteller to entertain them. With the musicians setting the mood, he tells of the hard times before and after their land was stolen. Then the music and story becomes lighter as Mick and Jaleka arrive, finishing with an adlib of this feast. As he finishes, the last of the tribe stops nursing from Kreth. She smiles, "I'm stuffed with as much food as my swollen belly can hold. And I've been able to produce milk as fast as you can drink it." Jaleka laughs and pats her billowing bosom. "Maybe if I hadn't had them nurse from me, you'd be dry as a desert." They all laugh at this. The feast is over and the trio returns to their home. Kreth lies down on her mat. "It feels funny with my udder not extra full." Jaleka giggles, "When I foal, I'll let you share the nursing duties." They all laugh and Mick climbs onto her spacious, bloated with fat and swollen with foal, body. He snuggles deep into her flesh and they drift into food induced sleep. <52> Almost a month later, A panel light signals there is a communication transmitted with Mick's codes. "I'll give you a call on the intercom when I find out who it is." He runs into the ship and the females wait." "It's Groloo," Mick's voice comes over the intercom. "They're almost in orbit and should be landing in a few hours." They wait as he talks with Groloo's ship. "I'm going to stay on the bridge to guide them in," he finally informs them. "And he says he has a surprise on board." Kreth gives a wondering glance. "You told me that Groloo helped you escape, but what surprise can he be bringing you?" Jaleka laughs and her expansive flesh quivers. "He said his mate was plumping up. But when she sees us, she'll see what really fat beings look like." She begins preparing a scrumptious meal for them, while Kreth fixes up their home. They hear the sound of a space craft hissing through the sky. They go outside and watch the aggressive looking craft land beside theirs. Mick comes out and waits beside them. The hatch opens and Groloo comes out. "Mick, Jaleka.." his voice falters as he realizes how humongous she has become. "I knew she would have gained some flesh," he finally says with a respectful growl. He turns, "Rolune, on the way here I joked how full you were becoming." He laughs with a roar. "I now bend to your desires." A extremely well fleshed, female of Groloo's species waddles out of the ship. She stops and her eyes almost bulge from her head as her flesh billows gently. "I have seen the holo films of your contests," she struggles to speak. "As we approached orbit, I asked what he'd do if I got as big as you." Her voice becoming stronger as she speaks. Jaleka grins and motions with her fat, almost flipper like arm. "Come inside and we'll do what we can to help you." She turns and the three females waddle into their home. As they pass the doorway, Groloo steps silently beside Mick. "I've kept my ears open for news of the Trazakans doing anything suspicious. A few days after you left, there were reports of a food company losing a ship. This company catered to their ruling class. I let it be known Jaleka had been onboard." He smiles and purrs deeply. "Later I learned the company had lost all of their beings in control and that it was for sale." He smiles at Mick, "I guess they thought she had been taken somewhere else to be sold." They both laugh about this, "What did the Drillax government say about her being kidnapped?" Groloo grins, exposing his impressive teeth. "They lodged a formal protest with the interstellar courts and it looks bad for the Trazakans. I think they will be limited to their trade and all ships will be searched upon landing and before launch." Mick's expression changes to one of curiosity. "How many did you capture?" <53> Groloo quietly roars in amusement as he leads them into the house. "I'll let Rolune tell you about them." They enter and watch Jaleka feeding her. Jaleka has prepared bite sized morsels of rich food and levitates them to Rolune, who gulps them down. As she begins to slow down, Jaleka pauses. "Are you getting full?" Rolune grins, "If I had something to wash it down, I'd be well filled." Kreth grins, "Since you don't have Jaleka's magic stomach, let's see if my milk can get your belly in condition for some real weight." She levitates herself until one of her teats is level with Rolune's mouth. Rolune gently takes the bloated nipple in her mouth and sucks deeply. As she drinks the one section dry and switches to the next, Kreth offers her other side to Groloo and Mick. Mick grins, "Her milk has healing properties. The fatter she is, the stronger her magic." They both begin drinking and stop without draining her. Rolune continues nursing until she has emptied two other sections. "My belly should feel ready to explode," she jokes as she takes a few unsteady steps. "But it only feels well stuffed." Kreth grins, "My magical milk is adapting your digestive system to hold all you ate and drank." "If I let the two of you stuff me," Rolune asks. "And I nurse several times a day. Will my stomach keep growing and get fatter and fatter?" They look at each other and control their laughter. "If that's a request," Jaleka replies with a devious grin. "We'll feed you as many times a day as you want, and once in the middle of the night." Groloo grins as he fakes his shock about their promise. "If you get too fat," he warns Rolune. "You might not be able to get on board the ship." Rolune grins, "It's going to take a long time before my body fills out that much. Although," she takes a few steps and her heavily bloated belly rolls with the motion. "I may need the levitation spell in a few months." Groloo smiles as he rubs his body against her fat and food expanded one. "Mick asked about the Trazakans and I said you'd tell what happened to them." He chuckles and growls as she smiles. Rolune begins, "Groloo got them in a conversation about the contest and several of our friends convinced them to come to our compound. He told them that he had some one in training for the next contest and wanted their advice." She carefully lays down on a pile of rugs. "When an inhabitant of the planet you're on asks something, you generally should oblige them." She grins and relaxes. "When they came into the courtyard, I closed the gates and Groloo told them what he knew of their kidnapping Jaleka and their plans for her." <54> Groloo laughs, "You should have heard the offers they made. The best one was to bring Jaleka and prepare a feast for us." He grins, "The expression on their faces when we told them they will be invited for dinner, as soon as Rolune gets them in condition." Rolune grins, "We put them in our guest quarters and sealed the doors. I was surprised how quickly they accepted what I intended to do. I knew they might be planning something, but also that they'd cut each other's throat to live a few days longer. I weighed each of them and told them to eat as much as they could. I told them the one who gains the least will be the first invited to dinner." She laughs and her belly jiggles. "We almost laughed when they rushed to the food processors and began eating like they wouldn't stop until they couldn't move. They began gaining flesh rapidly and I waited until the lightest of them looked delicious." She runs her tongue over her sharp teeth. "I gorged on each one and waited as long as I could before I had the next one. "By the time I was ready for the last one to meet my stomach, he was twice his starting weight." She grins, "A lot of my soft flesh is a gift from your former captors." Jaleka laughs and her velvety fur rolls on her massive body. "They started fattening me, and then they fattened you." She smiles, "I can't think of a more fitting punishment." Rolune grins, "I stuffed their bellies, and then all of them stuffed mine." She closes her eyes and relaxes. "And now you're stuffing me," she whispers as her gorged condition puts her to sleep. The next morning, Groloo wakes and observes that Rolune is already being fed. "I hope I can handle how big she gets," he jokes. Mick joins him for their breakfast. "I don't think you have anything to worry about. Your true love for each other makes this almost a game." Jaleka grins, "And I'm carrying the prize of our game." She returns to feeding Rolune and stuffing herself. Groloo looks at Mick in curiosity and he smiles. "I guess she's going to make me say that she's carrying our foal." He continues as Groloo and Rolune stare in surprise. "The Trazakans adapted me and she's planning to carry the foal a long time." The eyes now shift to Jaleka. "You know how well I can control my digestive system." She grins, "When I knew I was in foal, I found out I can also control my womb." She levitates a large slice of sweet bread to Rolune and she eats it out of reflex. It takes a few minutes for their surprise to sink in, then Groloo pounces on Mick. "I knew there was something different about her." <55> Rolune stops eating. "So when do you think you're going to foal?" Jaleka pats her rolling belly. "I'm going to keep her inside until we're good and ready." She grins, "I'll be due in another month or so, but I might wait a year or more." Rolune smiles as Kreth levitates toward her. "By the time we leave, I'm going to look pregnant." She opens her mouth and sucks strongly from Kreth's swollen udder. Kreth smiles as Rolune begins to slow on her fourth nipple. "Let's see you handle five of mine by tonight." Rolune increases her sucking and drains that section and begins on the next. Jaleka floats over and bumps her monumental belly against Rolune. "Just keep drinking and eating," she encourages her. "And maybe you'll get as fat as I am now." Rolune sucks with renewed vigor and manages to drink Kreth's fifth section dry. As Kreth moves her other nipple in front of her, Rolune steps back. "Jaleka has stuffed me and you have pumped more milk into me than ever before." She carefully lowers her bloated belly onto a mat and lays down on her side. "But before we leave, I'm going to be thirsty when your udder is so empty the sides can touch." Kreth grins, "If you can give my udder that much exercise. It'll expand so much after you leave, that my feet might be off the ground." Rolune responds with a long burp and drifts to sleep. Jaleka prepares food for herself and Kreth and the two of them gorge until they are as full as Rolune and join her in sleep. Groloo shows Mick his ship. "I'm filing permission to set a research station on this planet," he comments as Mick studies the engines. "Then I'll be in control of who can land here." Mick continues his observations, "How long do you think it will take?" He growls slightly. "We should be back before the next Harvest Feast." He smiles as Mick turns in surprise. "I've done enough for my race and they will be glad to give me the station as a place to retire. I'm not old enough for normal retirement, but the rulers are trying to get the warriors out of the public's view." He glances toward the hatch. "I just hope she can control her appetite until we get back." Mick throws his arm over Groloo's muscular shoulders. "If she gets too big for this ship, give me a call." He grins as Groloo looks at him in wonder. "I've got the ship refueled and the engines are in top shape." Groloo gives a toothy grin. "If your ship shows up at any space port, you'll have to explain where you've been." He starts through the hatch. "A cargo ship will bring supplies for the station and the hatch will be big enough for Jaleka." They tour the rest of the ship, before returning to the females. <56> For almost a month, Jaleka and Kreth continue to feed Rolune to her limits. Her body swells with flesh and she enjoys waddling and watching her silky fur billow on her fat. A few days before they leave, she waddles over to Groloo with a wide, confident smile. "I think I'm passed the point of no return." She turns as quickly as her hefty belly will allow and slaps him with her tail. He grabs her tail with a quick motion of his paw. He nuzzles it from her plushy rump to it's round tip. "You're tail is getting fat," he exclaims in surprise. She smiles, "I should explain to the rest of you," she begins while he continues fondling her soft tail. "Our race accepts it if some one decides to get fat. There is actually a elite organization for those who have gained weight so fast that the body stores fat in the tail." She shudders in excitement as Groloo works his way along her velvety flank. "It's also means that I can get as fat as I want to and my body will adapt as I blimp out." As Groloo begins nuzzling her back, Mick grins to Jaleka. "I think the three of us should see what's happening outside." They quietly leave the two excited Rrrowlings to themselves. They relax, watching the stream flow gently in the valley. "What do you think of Lureek?" Mick asks Kreth. She grins and indicates she knows they are being watched. "He's shown a lot of interest with my getting fatter. If it wasn't that he hasn't expressed interest in me," she almost laughs. "I'd think we'd be linked by now." They continue watching the river, all knowing that Lureek is squirming in the nearby brush, not sure what to do next. Groloo nuzzles her soft shoulder. "You really intend to become immense?" He whispers after the others leave. Rolune smiles and rolls onto her wide back. "Just imagine how much fun you'll have as my belly gets bigger and softer." She wiggles and her mammoth tummy almost sloshes as his eyes bulge out. "In a few more months," he whispers as he rubs himself against her silky fur. "I'll have to put the negate gravity spell on you." She turns her head and smiles, "You look like it might help you." Groloo grins as he flexes his hard, heavy cock and it thumps against his abdomen. "I think you'd rather support it when it's this heavy." He moves slowly as his balls fill with cum. She smiles in anticipation as he stands over her tail. "What are you going to think when my tail is bigger than that big rod of yours?" <57> He smiles as he bumps the bloated head against her neither lips. "I'll be thinking that you're fatter than I ever thought you could get." His hot shaft pushes her vulva open and he slowly moves it's hard length into her moist softness. "And that you're gaining weight every day." He bottoms out and begins long, slow strokes within her love tunnel. She quickly is groaning and wiggling in ecstacy, her jiggling flesh brings him to the brink and his cum sack squeezes as he collapses into her quivering fur. For several minutes they remain locked in a sensual embrace. Finally they separate and join the others. "This place does make me feel at peace," Groloo comments as he scans the valley. "I'm looking forward to living here." Mick looks at him for a moment. "We'll be glad when you return, but I think our home will be too small for three massive mamas." Groloo roars with laughter. "I've already made a list of supplies I'll need. I've ordered a standard building that's more than twice the dimensions of yours for us, and I can easily order a larger one for Jaleka and you." Kreth grins, "If that means this one is mine, I've got a lot of fattening to do." They all laugh at this and talk of what items Groloo should bring to make their females happy and content. On the morning of their departure, Jaleka and Kreth take special care in pushing as much food and milk in Rolune as she can hold. She grins as she sucks the final section of Kreth's immense udder dry. "I told you I'd be able to do that before we left." she whispers with a groan. "Although my belly is fuller than ever." Kreth smiles and pats Rolune's incredibly round abdomen. "And we expect to see a lot more of you when you return." Groloo interrupts them. "I hate to break up the party," he apologizes. "But we have to break orbit before the flight window closes." Rolune forces herself up. "I hope I can walk that far," she jokes. Mick steps to her side. "I'm sure we can help." Groloo smiles as he balances her other side and they assist her into the ship. After a few minutes, Mick comes out and stands beside them as Groloo's ship lifts off and heads back into space. As they return to their home, Mick pauses. "I asked Weezete to have the villagers give us time alone while they were here. I better tell him they're gone and what Groloo said about his moving here." He walks quickly toward the village as the females enter and begin a morning snack. <58> Mick arrives at the village and Weezete greets him. "I hope your friends are well," he comments as they enter his hut. For almost an hour, Mick tells him about their visitors and their plans to return. Weezete frowns slightly, "I am glad friends of yours are to be given control of others exploring our planet." Mick looks at him for a moment. "But there's something else on your mind." Weezete nods, "With only you and Jaleka as a couple, it didn't bother Kreth too often." He frowns. "But with another couple to remind her." Mick grins, "I think there's one of your tribe that is interested in her." Weezete looks at him in surprise. "I had no idea. Who is he and why haven't I been told?" Mick laughs, "I think he's afraid to admit it to himself. We've seen him watching her when she's outside. He's remained well hidden, but he keeps using the same places to watch from." Weezete grins, "So what are we going to do about it? If he doesn't want to admit it to himself?" Mick stands and smiles, "I think I'll go ask him a few questions about Kreechen females." He goes outside and finds Lureek working on a plow. "I saw your visitors leave this morning," he comments nervously as Mick approaches. Mick smiles and sits down on a stump. "Actually, I'd like to ask you a few questions about the females of your tribe." Lureek was starting to sit down and almost falls as Mick speaks. "How did you know?" he stutters. "I always remained out of sight and.." Mick smiles and stops his rambling. "Don't worry about your stealth skills failing. Your mistake was watching from the same few hiding spots." He adjusts his position, "Now to how you feel about her." Lureek closes his eyes. "I always found her attractive. Before she began gaining weight, we often talked and I did my best to get extra food to her when our supplies ran low. When you arrived, I was overjoyed that she would get fat." He opens his eyes and Mick can see the sincerity in them. "I just don't know how to tell her." Mick smiles as he stands and helps Lureek to his feet. "Come up and have lunch with us." As they enter, Jaleka has the tables filled and Kreth is munching on a fruit. "I'm glad to see we have company," Jaleka comments as she settles in front of the table. Kreth grins, "We've been fattening Rolune since she arrived." She pats the table beside her and Lureek cautiously moves beside her. "So now it's our turn to be fed." <59> As they begin eating, Lureek can't believe he is feeding her. As they continue, he gives into his and her desires and begins holding food in front of her as she chews and gulps everything he offers. Finally she refuses, "I can't eat another bite," she giggles. "Unless you lessen the pressure inside me." He stares at her in shock, which changes to lust. He smiles, drops to the floor, clamps his lips around one of her swollen nipples and drinks for many minutes from her full udder. After he finishes, he feeds her a large desert. Once full, she pulls him into her spongy flesh. "And you spent all that time watching me fill out," she whispers. "When you could have been enjoying my softness." He leans into her bloated body and relaxes to her breathing. She drifts to sleep and he joins her. Lureek quickly adjusts to his new, (and extremely pleasant) duties. For many months, into and through the growing season, Kreth gains flesh and the healing properties of her milk improve. By the middle of the growing season, her milk makes minor injuries heal over night and broken limbs are strong as new within a week. She still nurses the young ones and they achieve adult size rapidly. The tribe has always controlled their size and continues to do so, even with the fields promising to produce more than last year. Two months before the harvest, Weezete and several of the elders meet with the foursome. "None of us could be more pleased," Weezete begins. "What you have taught us has more than doubled our crops. We've told the nearby tribes and their fields are also rich with food." He smiles as he looks toward Kreth. "And our healer is as heavy as any in our legends." Kreth grins and pulls Lureek into her jiggling softness. "And he can tell you that I'm going to gain a lot more before he is satisfied." Lureek drops down behind her, but not before every one can see his embarrassment. Weezete smiles at Jaleka, "And are you becoming satisfied?" he jokes. She laugh, causing her bloated massiveness to surge and billow. "I'm satisfied when ever I'm full." She gives a sly wink. "But every time I'm full, I gain more fat and my tummy seem to hold a little bit more." The elders laugh. "For the help you've given us," one of the gasps, "you can keep growing until you touch all four walls and we have to tear this place down." Mick fakes a look of shock. "When Groloo and Rolune return, they promised to bring a larger house for them and an even more expansive one for us." <60> Weezete smiles at Kreth, "Then you'll have plenty of room to fill out." For a few hours, they discuss if, and how much to allow the tribe to increase. They finally decide that, since none have died from injuries, to keep the birth rate the same. Before they leave, Kreth offers her milk to them. "I know that my milk is helping every one stay in good health," she jokes as they begin drinking. "And the more my ponderous udder is nursed from, the better my appetite is and the bigger I'll get." When the last of them is full, they thank her and leave. "If you want more each day to drink your rich nectar," Weezete asks as he stops at the door, "just tell me. I'm sure we can find enough volunteers." He laughs and leaves. Lureek begins preparing their evening meal. "Since you said it's up to me to decide how much you're going to gain." He smiles and carries several heavily ladened platters to her table. "I'm going to stuff you until all you want to do is sleep." She takes a large piece of sweetened bread. "There's something else I want you to do before I go to sleep." She stuffs it in her mouth and gorges on the treats he hands her. Jaleka looks at Mick and smiles. "We can take a chance of her catching up with me." Mick quickly walks to the food processor and begins entering codes. "It's a good think we told Groloo to bring a few extra processors," he jokes as he begins feeding her. The males continue feeding their females for more than an hour. Kreth gives up first and floats to her area. Lureek smiles as he pulls the curtains around them. Jaleka gulps her food with renewed vigor as excited breathing comes from behind the curtains. She forces down a final bite as Mick nurses from her overly ponderous bosom. "It's a good thing I'm modifying my growth," she jokes as he allows his heavy rod to escape before it bursts from his pants. "Or that hefty shaft of yours would need a negate gravity spell." Mick smiles as he pushes his growing hard flesh against her immensely soft breast. "I know you'd rather feel it's weight bouncing inside you, than have it floating around." He moves along her fat bloated side. "Your legs are disappearing into your ponderously expanded belly." He pushes the huge head of his cock into the indescribably softness of her mountainous rump. Jaleka laughs and her bounteous blubber bounces against his iron hard cock. "My fat's engulfing more than just my legs." She shifts herself and her humongous rump surges as his huge, stiff rod begins moving toward her wet lips. "Our foal has been in me for several extra months and I've got so much belly, you can't even tell I'm pregnant." Mick teasingly moves his hot head against her puffy lips. "Are you sure it's not just an accumulating of all the hot cream I've pumped into you." <61> She squirms in excitement as her vulva opens and his pulsing head forces it's way in. "Ahhh, when you do that," she gasps as he plays with her obese clit with the flare of his huge head. "I just want to eat until I can't swallow another bite." She groans and moves, her blubber billowing around his massive love rod. "And get fatter and fatter, until what you're playing with is so fat you'll have to force your way past it. Ahh," she continues to moan in ecstacy as he works his way deeper. "If it gets that fat," Mick gasps, "you'll want to start eating as soon as I nudge your entrance and not stop until I'm out." "MMMM, What's so bad about that?" She whispers, "I want to get huge as, Ahhh," she loses herself in a long violent orgasm. Mick continue to move in as deep as he can and then slowly pull back until the edge of his cock head is stopped by her cunt muscles. He grabs her bouncing hips, sinking his arms deep into her furry sponginess as he climaxes. His urethra bulges almost painfully as his juices pulse from his tight balls and gush into her warm, moist interior. When he's drained, he remains snug between her massive rump and his exhausted cock slowly retracts into it's large sheath. He steps back and she levitates him onto her expansive back. There is only deep, tired breathing heard for several hours. The day before the next Harvest Feast, Jaleka and Kreth prepare large amounts of pastries and candies. They each eat as they fill baskets with the delicacies. Mick and Lureek are helping several of the villagers set up tables outside their home. "I can't believe," Lureek jokes. "That last year I was too nervous to nurse from her." Mick slaps him on the back. "And now you have her milk several times a day." The others ignore the unsaid obvious as they complete preparing the clearing for tomorrow's feast. Shortly before dawn, Kreth wakes. She had wanted to and wakes Lureek. "Are you ready to get my appetite excited?" He smiles and nuzzles her incredibly swollen udder. "As soon as I have something to get me going." He licks one of her teats and it virtually springs to full erectness. He clamps his lips on the round, plump tube and begins sucking. She smiles and concentrates, her milk gushes through her big teat. Lureek does his best to handle it and his cheeks bloat with each surge. She stops pushing and he stands with white droplets on his face. "Now it's my turns to pump white richness into you." He laughs as he caresses her billowing back. "I hope my milk is making your cum sack ready to burst," she giggles. <62> Her flesh is quivering as he mounts her ponderously plump rump. His cock has been rock hard and ready since she started pumping milk into him. The round slab of his pulsing cock head pushes against the round opening of her hot tunnel. He steadily increases pressure until her quad lips open in a spasm. His long hard shaft plunges deep until the surging head hits her limits, at the same time his bloated bag is cushioned by her plump rump. With strokes that almost pulls her griping lips inside out, she keeps the huge slab of a head inside and actually begins each stroke by using muscles, common only to their species, to pull his love rod in. After a few minutes, His cum sack swells to it's limit, and then the area where his testicles emerge begins to distend. The entire area around the base of his cock expands as his inner reservoir fills until it can't hold any more and the pressure builds. Kreth is moaning and squirming in excitement. She locks her muscles tight and pulls him in until the juice swollen area is tight against her firm, fleshy muscles. Lureek gasps in uncontrolled ecstacy as his internal pressure reaches past his limits and his cock forces her muscles to open more as it expands. His hot cream pumps into her under such pressure that her muscles are the only thing keeping him from being propelled out of her. He can feel his gushing cock drowning in his own fluids. Finally his vast amount of cum is sloshing inside her. As his cock begins to shrink, it triggers her deep inner muscles to suck the fertile lake from her storage uterus into her true womb. As it floods over her second clitoris, her entire body quivers with incredible exhilaration and he grips her billowing fat in extended enjoyment. As the last of his liquid gift pours over it, she bounces and her milk bloated udder sloshes violently. Lureek is smiling as he caresses her extra well fleshed abdomen. "I hope that makes you hungry," he jokes. Kreth grins as she floats off the rugs. "I hope I can control myself until then," she giggles. As he pulls back their curtains, they see that Mick and Jaleka are already outside. They hear the villagers approaching. Jaleka grins from her table piled high with foods and motions toward the other similarly prepared table. "Now that our males have peaked our appetites." She turns and Mick begins feeding her. Kreth sets down before her table, her ponderously swollen udder surges with gallons of magical milk. "I'm hungry enough to have everything here poured into me and then ask for desert." <63> Lureek smiles and begins feeding her. As the feast proceeds, the villagers take turns stuffing her and Jaleka to their limits and enough to stretch their incredibly huge digestive systems. Her abdomen and udder completely engulfs her legs so that her feet can only be seen by one who is nursing. There is nothing to drink except their milk and the villagers consider it a challenge to try and drink them dry. Jaleka laughs as some one mentions seeing Kreth's feet as he drinks. "My hooves have been covered by massive amounts of fat for months." She shifts her enormity and her ponderously spongy breasts mash their softness into the faces of the two nursing from them. The musicians and the story teller take turns entertaining those gathered for the feast. Shortly past sundown, Weezete calls for a final cheer, "Kreth has filled out with more fat than in any legend and our story teller is writing one about her, Jaleka and their males. The two of them have eaten more than all of us combined and we have failed to drink them dry." He pauses until the laughter subsides. "Our harvest is great and we have much to share with other tribes." He turns to the four and lowers himself to the ground in gratitude. Lureek responds and Mick bows in response. Mick grins, "We again thank you for accepting us into your tribe." Weezete smiles, "We thank you for making Kreth a legend among healers." He turns and leads the others to their homes. Jaleka and Kreth float into their home and the males follow. Lureek pulls the curtains around him and Kreth. Mick massages Jaleka surging abdomen. "I think she's feeling how stuffed you are," he whispers. He watches her mammoth belly bounce and jiggle with the foal's motions. Jaleka smiles and closes her eyes. "I'd love to feel you in me too, but they stuffed so much into me that I just don't have room." Mick undresses and nuzzles her huge, bloated belly. "Are you too stuffed for me to sleep on you?" He jokes. She levitates him and gently lowers him into her vast, soft back. "I'll never be that full," she whispers as she falls into a deep, food enhanced sleep. Mick relaxes, gently feeling her magnificent softness. "I don't know how much you're hoping to gain," he thinks to himself. "But I'm going to love every pound." He drifts into a wonderful sleep. <64> Several days into the planting season, the communication light flashes. Mick rolls off Jaleka's wide, ponderous back. "It could be Groloo," he calls as he heads into the ship. Several minutes later, he returns. "They've studied the survey maps and think an area nearer the river will be best." Lureek looks down hill, "How are we going to move our house?" He turns and looks toward the fields. "The tribe is working on planting the fields and they'll be busy until the harvest." Mick smiles, "I'm certain he's made plans for that." He looks into the sky, scanning as a quiet whistling is noticed. For a few minutes, nothing is seen. Finally a small flicker of light draws their attention. The silver spark grows in size, until Groloo's ship is hovering over the place he launched from almost a year ago. The ship lands softly and the door open seconds afterward. "Mick, Jaleka," Groloo roars as he jogs out. He bumps Mick and rubs against Jaleka's massive belly in greeting. "Where your cub?" He asks as he looks around. Jaleka laughs, her fur appearing to float on her sloshing fat. "You just greeted her," she jokes. Groloo jumps back in shock and studies her bloated abdomen. "You mean you're carrying a second one..." He looks into her laughing eyes. "You're still carrying the same one!" She smiles, "She's going to be a big healthy baby when I finally let her out." She looks toward his ship. "Where's Rolune?" Groloo roars in amusement. "She's onboard the cargo ship. Before we left the planet, there was no way she'd get through that hatch." He pulls a map out of his pouch and spreads it on the table. They all gather round as he indicates a small area above the flood plain. "We won't have to cut down too many trees," he begins. He spreads out a map showing only the area of interest. "I've marked where our houses can be built," he grins at Kreth and Lureek. "We'll build ours first and then move yours. Then we'll put an awning so that the area between them can be covered when it rains." For many minutes, every one studies the layout. "I think you've done a great job," Mick finally comments. He looks at Lureek. "Why don't we go check it out and see what has to be cleared for the cargo ship to land?" Groloo turns and bounds down the hillside. Mick follows in a steady jog while Lureek walks after them. Once at the site, they begin marking the landing site. As Mick begins cutting a few trees down, Groloo and Lureek pound stakes to show where their homes are to be built. Several hours later, Jaleka and Kreth arrive. A large amount of food is on Jaleka's back and she levitates it onto a tarp Kreth has brought. "We figured it would be best to bring supper to you, than have you come up and then back down." <65> Groloo stretches his tired muscles. "We got the trees cut and sectioned. Another few time units and it'll be cleared enough for the cargo ship to land in the morning." Kreth grins, "I think the workers need some of my healing milk to keep them going." She glances at Lureek, who was almost starting on one of her swollen teats. Groloo growls in anticipation. "This should give me strength enough to get this work done." He grins as he realizes he is the only one not sucking magical milk and dives at her massively swollen udder. For many minutes, all that is heard is the males hungrily nursing and the females eating. After their thirsts are satisfied, they begin eating the feast. Mick finishes first and feeds Jaleka while the others finish their meal. Groloo stands and growls. "We've only another time unit before the sun sets." He jumps toward the felled trees and begins rolling a log section away. Mick joins him with a smile. "The big moon will crest the horizon soon and we'll have enough light to finish. Lureek joins them and they work into the night. When they finish, they trudge up to their home and ships. Groloo smiles before entering his. "I'll call Rolune and have her tell the crew to land at first light." Mick grins, "She really couldn't get through this hatch." He clicks his tongue. "And with Jaleka and Kreth as examples..." Groloo yawns, or silently roars. "She'll be the heaviest Rrrowling ever." Mick slips up beside him and whispers. "Do you think the three of us can control the heaviest females of three different species?" Groloo nudges him, almost knocking him down. "We never had control of them to start with," he whispers. "We knew they were going to be billowing monuments of gluttony and couldn't resist what they offered." He goes into his ship while Mick returns to Jaleka. He sheds his clothes and she levitates him onto her cushiony back. Within seconds, he is deeply asleep. Shortly before dawn, Mick wakes and goes outside. Looking toward the new clearing, he sees Groloo already there. Before he can get there, the cargo ship, approaches and prepares to land. He stands by Groloo as it carefully settles, filling more than half of the clearing. The cargo hatch lowers, forming a ramp to the interior. Rolune slowly waddles down it, smiling widely as she sees the surprise on Mick's face. "Kreth's milk did more than I could have hoped," she exclaims as she reaches the ground and stops. Groloo rubs his length against her billowing form. "And she's been telling me how she wants to surprise them." <66> Mick glances up hill and smiles, "I think they already know," he comments as he sees them silhouetted against the clear sky. He turns as a tracked vehicle rolls out, pulling a trailer of building materials. "Let's save surprises until we get our stuff unloaded," Groloo insists. "There's gear for two other places and the captain wants to leave as soon as possible." He directs the driver where to leave the materials for the two buildings and Rolune takes care of directing the equipment and their personal items. In four time units, Everything is unloaded and they bid safe voyage to the crew. The ship quietly lifts off and disappears into the sky. The others had joined them, but choose it would be best to watch. "Rolune," Jaleka finally exclaims. "It looks like you've filled out some." She smiles as she waddles toward them. "Filled out and down," she jokes as her sagging abdomen brushes the grass. "I've already had a negate gravity spell and I'm going to need levitation soon." She frowns at Groloo as she finishes speaking. He grins back. "I told her not until we got here." He steps beside her, nudging himself deep into her billowing fur. Mick explains to Lureek and Kreth, this is how they invoke abilities. Kreth smiles. "I think she looks thirsty." She floats in front of Rolune who grabs one of her swollen teats with her strong lips. They both smile as Kreth's milk gushes in to Rolune. Four sections are drained dry before Groloo steps back. "Don't I get any?" he jokes. Kreth grins as she positions herself so that both of them are able to suck her last two sections dry. "Now that the two of you aren't thirsty," Mick jokes. "Shouldn't we get started on one of the buildings. The weather system on my ship is predicting some heavy rain in a week." Groloo stands proud, his thick, silky mane blowing in the gentle breeze. "If no one objects," He roars with laughter as every one stands at attention. He quickly organizes the work load. Jaleka and Kreth, experienced with their levitation abilities, move building materials into more organized stacks. Rolune improves her ability by sorting the equipment so it can be covered if needed. Lureek and Mick return to their house and prepare lunch. While they eat, Mick suggests that they bring Groloo's ship down. He agrees, "We'll get the gear for the pad moved by supper and I'll fly her down before sunset." Several of the villagers visit them during the day and make a few trips to carry rugs and tables from their house. After supper, Groloo brings his ship down and Mick uses several tarps to form a make shift area for them to sleep under. <67> For almost a week, they work steadily on the first building. They move the food processor out of Groloo's ship so the females can use it. When the walls and roof are up, Groloo and Mick begin on the larger one, while Lureek and the females move everything inside and work on the interior. The walls of the larger one are up and the roof started, when the first rain begins. Mick frowns as he watches the first drops fall. "Do we stop now, or continue as long as we can?" Groloo grins, "It's a warm rain. We can finish the roof in two days." Mick laughs as he adjusts a roof beam. "And I'm sure Jaleka and Rolune will appreciate it." They laugh and joke wile the rain soaks them. By late the next day, they finish installing the roof beams and begin with the sheating. It takes them another two days and then one more to seal it from the weather. The first building has been completely finished while they were working outside. As the doors close to the inclement weather, Mick collapses against Jaleka's mountainous belly. "We'll pour the floor tomorrow," he whispers. Jaleka looks at the exhausted Groloo, resting against Rolune's bloated abdomen. "I think the two of you deserve several days of rest and our loving care." Groloo nuzzles his face deep into Rolune's soft fur. "She's right. We have everything under cover, this house is finished." He buries his face into her blubber. Jaleka floats Mick onto her incredibly plump back. "And we won't let you argue with us." For the next several days, the rain continues and the rest and relaxation is enforced. Finally, the rain stops and they pour the floor of the large house. As the floor dries, they begin disassembling the house on the bluff and storing it in Mick's ship. When they finish, Mick flies it down to the landing pad they've prepared. "Now all we have to do is get this set up and we'll be finished." They unload the ship and work on assembling the house. Jaleka, Kreth and Rolune, move materials as asked and work on the interior of the largest house. Finally, the house is rebuilt and each couple is moved in. They begin preparing a feast and invite the villagers. The tables are piled with so much food that Mick braces a couple of them. Weezete greets Groloo, "We are grateful that friends of Mick and Jaleka have be chosen as guardians of our planet." He smiles at Rolune, "Now our story teller has three females of wondrous size to put into stories." Groloo growls in happiness. "As long as the three of them don't become so fat that this planet gets off balanced." <68> Every one laughs at this and the villagers begin feeding the females. Rolune is the first one to give up. "They got more practice with being stuffed by a whole village," she groans. "But I plan to last longer at the harvest feast." Kreth gives up next, "Even with every one nursing from me." She floats up and the slackness of her udder is easily observed. Every one is taking turns feeding her when Jaleka finally surrenders. "If it wasn't for my big baby," she grins. "I could hold a lot more." The villagers thank them for their help and protection and then leave. The females float into their homes, accompanied by their males. Rolune carefully lays down on her side, her incredibly expanded abdomen, rolling to her feet. "I've eaten more than I even had before." Groloo smiles as he strokes her bloated belly, "It's becoming more flesh to fill you out." He strokes her round hip and then caresses her fat tail. "And this is going to be bigger than I ever dreamed." He lays down against her gorged belly and they drift to sleep. Lureek kneels down beside Kreth. He nuzzles her udder and begins to nurse from what looks like the fullest section. She grins, "Are you trying to make me hungry, or seeing how far you can go?" She jokes. He finishes sucking before he answers. "I know you're too full to hold me." She floats her heavy body against him. "Just ask me that in the morning." She whispers huskily. Jaleka carefully lowers her massively bloated body onto her sleeping pad. "I was going to wait until just before the harvest feast to foal." she whispers with a groan. Mick climbs onto her spongy back. "Keep her inside as long as you want," he mumbles into her silky fur. "I know you're using your pregnancy hormones to make your body grow more." She shift her ponderous body, gently rocking him. "Maybe then I'll tell you a secret." He smiles, "Are you carrying more than one foal?" He relaxes to the gentle rolling of her body and the lullaby of her gorged digestive system working on her feast. For a month, they work on making their compound as homelike as possible. The females take joy in eating several huge meals a day and they all continue to expand with fat. Groloo fondles Rolune's ponderous belly as she lays on her side. "The more you fill out," he whispers, "the more amazed I am that you aren't approaching your limit." She grins and her fat tail strokes his thigh. "Am I getting too much of a big cat for you?" <69> He pushes deep into her spongy tummy. "If you get so fat that I disappear into your softness," he smiles as he fondles her satiny, round tail. Rolune grins as she starts to rock her massive body. Groloo roars quietly in excitement as he shoves her onto her wide back. "You're going to make me work, instead of levitating yourself." She laughs and her bloated tummy billows as he watches. "I want to make sure you're enough of a cat to handle me." He grins as his shaft pokes out of his sheath and bumps onto her overly pudgy belly. "I think this is what you really want to make sure there's enough of." He moves around and straddles her fat tail. As he begins to push into her, her tail strokes his hind legs as he works deep into her inner recesses. Her fat, furry member begins to fondle his growing sack and the retainer muscles release, allowing it to drop down and begin filling. His strokes become long and slow. He bottoms out and tries to force his final inches in, his bloating balls expanding with cum, bouncing against her cushiony rump. When he pulls back, his heavy head pushes against her excited fold of sensitive flesh. She groans in unabashed pleasure as he concentrates on enticing her. "It's no wonder I'm getting so fat so fast," she gasps. "With you knowing just what pushes me beyond, my appetite for food is pushed beyond, along with the rest of me." Groloo grins and gives an extra special push that has her howling in ecstacy. "That should make you ready for lunch and dinner," he growls as if giving an order. He resumes his long strokes as his cum sack expands and the pressure inside builds. With a roar of pleasure, he explodes into her, filling her womb with his liquid love. She remains in bliss with him lying on her ponderous tummy. "If you prepare my lunch," she grins as he fondles her jiggling fur. "I'll see if I can satisfy my hunger for food." She levitates up and almost dumps him on the floor. "Just for that," he quietly roars, "I'm going to stuff food into your big stomach until it can't stretch any more." She floats to the table and relaxes on her jiggling belly. "I can feel your juices sloshing inside," she grins as she picks up a large piece of meat. "And now I'm going to let you keep your promise." Groloo smiles as he brings another platter loaded with foods. "I made you feel full a few moments ago." He puts the food down and holds a large roll in front of her chewing mouth. "And now I'm going to make the rest of you feel ready to burst." Rolune gulps down her mouthful. "Then I'll need a nap to be ready for supper." She allows him to shove the entire roll in her mouth and struggles to chew. "It's a good thing their harvests are bountiful," he comments as he adds another platter to the ones on the table. "Because they'll need it to fill the three of you at the next feast." <70> Rolune gulps and it bulges her throat as it slides down. She continues to open her mouth and he stuffs an incredible amount and assortment into her. Finally she gives up. "One more mouthful," she groans. "and I won't be able to eat 'til morning." Groloo smiles as he strokes her food bloated belly. "Once you get a good nap," he whispers in her ear, "you'll be hungry." He continues massaging her for several minutes after she drifts to sleep. About a month before the harvest feast, Jaleka decides it's time. "If I keep her in much longer," She tells Mick. "I don't know if I'll be able to stretch enough." Mick grins as he deeply strokes her enormously swollen abdomen. "What do you want me to do to help?" She smiles, "I'm already starting to loosen up everything." She shifts her position and her entire fur covered surface, surges. "If you and some one else nurse from me." Mick smiles, "Lureek gets more than enough from Kreth," he jokes as he runs out. Within two minutes he returns with Groloo. Groloo smiles as Mick starts nursing. "Rolune will take over when we're full." He tongues her large nipple to erectness and begins sucking deeply. Her enormous body continues to bounce and quiver as she relaxes her muscles and opens her birth canal. "I'm getting close," she groans. Mick steps back, "Let me know when you really need.." He doesn't finish as Rolune nudges him out of the way. "Make room for some one who can really do some serious drinking." She growls before she takes Jaleka's hard wet nipple in her mouth and sucks strongly. Jaleka groans and Mick strokes her rolling belly. "Here she comes," Jaleka yells as the sound of a flood alerts every one. Tens of gallons of water slosh out of her open vagina. Mick stands behind her, ready to help. He touches the fully haired head and almost jumps away as Jaleka pushes. The entire head and upper shoulders bulge through her opening. He supports it and is almost knocked over as the rest of her upright torso is shoved out. "I know I can stretch more!" She screams as the lower shoulders are jammed inside. After several more strong contractions, the shoulders slide out. Mick is struggling to support the foal and is grateful when Kreth assists with her using levitation. Her lower abdomen takes several contractions to push out and the hips and hind legs slide out in a long, less intense one. Mick begins drying her while Kreth levitates her to Jaleka's ponderous jugs. <71> Instinctively, she clamps her lips around the firm nipple and happily sucks warm mother's milk. Kreth carefully lowers her to her feet until she is standing and nursing on her own. They name her Luna, because at birth she was almost as tall as a normal yearling, but as wide as a full grown brood mare. Her legs were very strong, yet somewhat short when compared to her wide, deep abdomen. She matured quickly, as if catching up for the extra time spent in Jaleka's expansive womb. "It's a good thing I've been making my shoulders and hips wider as I've gained weight," Jaleka comments as she watches Luna practice walking. "Because if I hadn't, she'd still be in me." The next morning, while Luna is nursing from Jaleka's incredibly obese bosom, Mick begins fondling her massive belly. He slowly works his way around her mountainously soft hip until he is caressing her amazingly ponderous rump. "I hope you've tightened up enough from giving birth," he jokes as he rubs the huge pulsing head of his cock into her spongy flesh. Jaleka giggles, and her billowing flesh excites him toward his limits of control. "I can either grip your heavy log or open enough for you to climb in." Mick grins as he begins to nuge her vulva. "And how am I supposed to breath once I'm in?" She turns her head, but he is unaware because of her twins hills of fur covered flesh. "I've been preparing my vacant womb for you. Groloo told me that some females of his race are able to expand their bodies and wombs enough to hold a full grown adult. Since he knew I would be able to do this after Luana was born, he taught me how to fill my uterous with a fluid that will enable you to absorb air through your skin. Now," She giggles and her fur seems to flow on her bounteous flesh, "are you ready for your entire body to experience what only part of you has been able to?" <72> Mick pushes his surging shaft up between her cheeks, until his hands stroke her fat and blood swollen lips. He gently slips his fingers in, "I'm not sure you can open enough..." His voice faulters as his hands begin to gently pull her open. With little resistance, his hands open her wider and wider. As she easily stretches more than he would have thought possible, he pauses. He moves his feet back until his pulsing cockhead bounces within her incredibly open lips. He adjust his stance, until his head is almost halfway in. "I hope Groloo taught you well." He takes a deep breath and then eases his head in, his hands pulling her open even more as his shoulder begin to forge their way in. He puts his arms to his sides and uses his feet to push his torso in. Her cervix is wide open, throbing in readiness as his head slides comfortably in. As his hands slip past her fat lips, he uses them to help pull himself further in. His feet leave the floor as his bloated balls rub against her obese clit. In a unbelievable jolt of escacy, her entire reproductive system, sucks him in. He tries to slow himself from her voracious sexual gulp. However, the only thing his feet grip is her overly excited clit, and he is swallowed the rest of the way in. For a moment, he fears that he will drown inside his mountainous lover. But he begins to feel that he is getting air, just as she told him. Smiling, he begins to roll and bounce within her prodigious womb. He rubs his, throbing to it's limits, cock head against the interior of her warm, silky, spongy uterous. The luscious total embrace of her satiny softness makes his balls swell painfully tight as he struggle to restrain his eruption. Finally, he is unable to resist the prodigious amount within them and expodes within her. For almost an hour, he relaxes and bounces within her. When he begins to nudge his way out, she opens for him and he slides out of her as easily as a large part of him always has. Within a week, Luna is able to drink her dry and Mick reduces his drinking to an occasional sip several times a day. Kreth offers her milk and Luna's belly is often sloshing as she walks. Jaleka increases the size of her meals and snacks to keep up with the ten's of gallons she produces for Luna. As the Harvest feast approaches, Luna begins to eat foods and is as intelligent as a two year old. As she switches from nursing to regular food, Jaleka continues eating what she did while nursing. "Now that I've had a foal," she explains. "I've shut down my ability to get pregnant. Now my goal is to get as huge as my dream." Mick grins as he caresses her incredibly ponderous abdomen. "Do I know what your dream is?" She opens her mouth wide and forces in a huge roll. "I'll let you keep guessing," she mumbles while she chews. <73> The day before the feast, the villagers set up tables in the clearing around their homes. The air is filled with the delicious smell of food being prepared. Groloo, Mick and Jaleka use the three food processors to prepare a huge assortment of foods from each of their planets. As the dawn's light hits the hills west of the river basin, the feast begins. They have invited the two closest tribes and they join the local members in eating and feeding the three expanding females. Luna stays beside Jaleka and obeys her orders that she doesn't have her mother's magical stomach. Her magical abilities won't become apparent until she matures. As the sun passes it's zenith, Rolune finally insists on taking a rest. "If I let you force any more food into my over stuffed stomach." She forces a smile as Groloo nuzzles her heavily packed abdomen. "I won't want to look at food for a week." She bats her long lashes, "But after a nap, I'll be ready for more." Those around her laugh and Groloo fondles and strokes the silky fur, stretched by her magnificent belly. Before Rolune wakes, Kreth calls an end to nursing from her. "I haven't felt my udder this empty for a long time," she exclaims. "But by sundown," she takes a large bite of the cake held before her, "I'll have it full and ready to be emptied." Jaleka forces a laugh, causing her humongously swollen body to jiggle and roll sluggishly. "They've already drank me dry once," she exclaims as she pushes her pudgy hands into the bounteous flesh of her mammoth mammeries. "But they're going to have to try harder to feed me more than my tummy can handle." She opens her mouth wide and gulps down handfuls of cut fruits, sweetened breads and candies. Mick smiles as he deeply kneads her humongous abdomen. "I hope you don't plan to keep eating like this." She grins and shifts so that her monstrous belly almost knocks him over. "Maybe I'll have you rig a way for the food processor to pour feed into me while I'm asleep." Mick continues to massage her enormously expanded body, wondering if she's really joking. The villagers take her challenge seriously and stand waiting to pour delicacies between her fat, smacking lips. She gulps pound after pound of fattening and nutritious food down her expanded throat and into her huge, receptive stomach. She concentrates on her digestive system working as fast as it can. Even with this advantage over her feeders, her huge stomach fills and begins to once more stretch with her enormous feast. Rolune wakes and forces a smile, "I think I've got enough room for some more. Urrp." Kreth groans, "Even with my udder being drank dry. Burp, I'm going to need a break." Lureek continues to caress her as the villagers waiting to feed her, take their presents to the now hungry Rolune. <74> Jaleka smiles as she forces a large, peach-like fruit down her expansive throat. The ones waiting to feed her, stare in admiration as it bulges her throat to new dimensions and then disappears in the spongy flesh above her enormous breasts. "Feed me as much as you can!" She says defiantly. "I'm going to keep gulping down all the treats you can push into my hungry mouth until the large moon rises." She opens her mouth wide and several gallons of juice is poured into her. The members of all three villages work together in an attempt to push her beyond her limits. They form an organized line and almost double the rate they have been feeding her. Mick concentrates to keep himself from becoming excited as he listens to her stretching intestines struggle to handle the massive amounts of food she is allowing to be poured into her. The small moon rises shortly before the sun sets. Kreth wakes and a group of the feeders begin to challenge her digestive limits. Rolune is almost in a trance as she chews and swallows each piece put into her mouth. The light of the large moon finally crests the ridge and every one cheers for Jaleka's ability to consume all that she has. She smiles and levitates the largest peach-like fruit. "I'm grateful for all the food you've forced into me today." She waits as they cheer again. "With the pounds of fat I'm gaining right now," again they yell and she waits. "I'm closer to my dream." She opens her mouth wide and the fruit bumps her plump lips as her mouth engulfs it. She tips her head back and the incredible bulge of it sliding down her throat puts every one in silence. As the bulge disappears, she tips her head back down and opens her mouth wide. A soft splash is heard as the fruit descends into her vat-like stomach. She closes her mouth and slaps her fat, flipper-like arms against her ponderous breasts. The silence is broken by thunderous applause for her gastronomical performance. Finally, the tribe leaders call an end to the celebration and the exhausted villagers leave. Rolune groans as she begins to levitate. "If this feast stretches my belly as much as I think it has." She grins at Groloo, "I'll be the fattest Rrrowling in a few months." Kreth forces a grin as she floats, "I'm already fatter than any legend and I'm not about to stop." Jaleka slowly levitates herself up. Mick smiles as her amazingly stretched belly sags lower than ever. "You've ate more today than at any of the contests," He whispers. She carefully lowers her humongously expanded abdomen onto the padded mat he had prepared. "I wanted to see how much I can hold," she groans quietly. "And I know my dream size is possible." <75> Mick groans and grabs his swelling pants. "I've kept myself under control all day," he whispers as he pulls them off. His incredible cock expanding faster and harder than ever. "I hope you have room for me," he gasps as it's shiny skin begins to stretch. "Because watching you swallow those fruits has told it you'll need it bigger than it was." Jaleka actually smiles, "If you want to keep it from growing too much." She smiles and levitates him. She moves him so that his shaft, now more than twice the length of a stallion and twice as thick, is dragged between her soft, unbelievably massive breasts. She licks every inch of painfully throbbing skin as he slowly rises. The head, as large as the final fruit she swallowed, but only the outside yielding to her probing tongue, reaches her mouth. "After all I've been fed." She jokes as she wraps her strong, wide tongue around his surging slab of cock head. "I want my desert that's making your huge cum sack painfully full." "If you wait much longer," Mick groans. "I won't be able to last very long." She opens her mouth wide and slowly works her fleshy lips around his painfully pulsating cock head. As the massive head reaches her throat, she groans in anticipation as it forces her tonsils against the back of her pliable throat. Slowly, inch by tightly swollen inch, the bulbous doom of his iron like rod, plows it's way down toward her over worked stomach. He almost loses control as he squeezes deeper than he ever has. For a moment he worries that he'll reach her digestive juices. "Ahhh, if you keep playing with them," he groans as her wide, flexible tongue begins lapping his stretched-to-their- limits balls. She covers them with her saliva and starts to work her lower lip and jaw around them. Mick's eyes open in a combination of terror and awe. "If you get both of those in your mouth... uunngghhh." He loses himself in a long groan as she lowers him further and his bloated cum sack is sucked into her incredible mouth. She closes her lips around the base of his monument of flesh. As she groans in ecstacy, his love rod is vibrated by her trying to vocalize her excitement. She begins to suck and his head swells. It might explode, but her deep gullet, limits it's expansion. His testes are another subject. They expand until they fill her incredible mouth. "Please, ahhhh." Mick's face is a mixture of extreme ecstacy and the agony of restraining the inevitable. "If you suck any more, uurrgh. You'll pull all of me in. oooohh." If her mouth wasn't stretched with his larger than ever cock, her smile would be stretched from ear to ear. She starts gulping and the muscular waves try to pull his hard and heavy cock deeper into her gripping gullet. <76> "I can't," he screams as he surrenders to the growing flood he has kept under control. His urethra expands to it's limit as the torrent gushes down his throat engulfed cock and pours into her heavily gorged stomach. He groans and squirms as more than a gallon of his white hot love juice is rapidly pumped into her ravenous belly. Finally, the final drops splash into her caldron like stomach and his exhausted shaft begins to retract. She raises him up and lowers him in front of her ponderous bosom. "Now that I've had the richest desert I could ever ask for.." Mick deeply fondles her warm pliable flesh and sucks almost violently on her huge nipple. After many minutes, he changes to her other immense mammary. Jaleka squirms in pleasure as he grips and squashes her silky, fat packed, breast. "How big do you think I'm dreaming of getting?" She whispers between gasps of pleasure. He teases the teat he has finished nursing from and a few drips of milk appear. "I don't think you can ever get too fat." He starts to snuggle his body between her spongy hills of breast flesh. "But I think you've been looking at the brochures on the whale cows." She laughs and her humongous belly and monstrous bosom surges like the ocean in a rough storm. "Now that you've told me I can't get too fat." She levitates him onto her rolling jugs and pulls him deep into her softness. "I'm going to do what I've dreamed of." She moves him closer until she puts her big lips over his mouth and forces her large tongue down his throat. Mick plays with the underside of her's with his own. Because of his control over his body, he gulps and her muscular slab of meat is pulled into his throat. She flexes it around for almost a minute, before he releases her. "I think I know what you've dreamed of becoming," he jokes after catching his breath. "But I still want you to tell me." Jaleka laughs and lowers him onto her jiggling back. "I had Rolune bring every thing about the whale cows she could lay her paws on." She yawns and smacks her tired lips. "I just hope you really meant I couldn't get too fat." Mick nuzzles into her wonderful softness. Over a foot of his exhausted cock has remained out of his sheath and he wonders how much larger it might become as she continues to gorge to her dream size. "I knew that was your dream," he whispers as he drifts toward sleep, "after the second harvest feast. "And I hope I can keep you contented enough to pack on the tons as fast as you want." He wiggles into her expansive softness and her velvety fur billows around and almost over him. She smiles as the first touch of sleep brushes her. "Each one of my monumental breasts is going to be bigger than I am now." They drift into a mutual dream of endless feasts and fattening for her and an unending supply of cum filling her womb until it is larger than just before she foaled. <77> For many years, their lives are filled with fattening and love, both emotional and physical. Luna's abilities develop as she matures. Her skeleton has become amazingly wide, but only as tall as an average Drillaxan, her legs have the strength to carry many times her weight. She has become close to one of the Kreechen farmers and her magical ability manifests itself in growing plants. The fields she works in yields more than three times what the others do. Jaleka congratulates her and she replies, "I'm glad my magic is helping your dream." When she becomes one with Chert, they build a home in the clearing where Mick and Jaleka had first lived. Kreth is almost a sphere of billowing fat. Her massive udder weighs more than Jaleka did when she arrived and her teats appear constantly erect because of her fat filling every cell. Rolune is an amazing mass of silky, fur covered obesity. Her legs, even her feet were covered by her expansive abdomen long ago. Her tail is almost a foot in diameter, bloated with spongy fat and soft creases appear when ever she moves it. When she lays down, her plump head rests on her flesh swollen breast that bulges more than two feet beyond her plump nose. Jaleka has finally reached her dream size and still continues to gain massive amount of flesh. Her equine body has filled out and up so much that only her pudgy hands stick out of her ponderous, flab swollen furiness. Her fingers have becoming engulfed with fat so that only the tips are still exposed. Her humongous breasts have grown so rich with billowing fat, that each one is approaching the size of Whistler's prize cow's udder. When Mick lays on her expansive back, he sinks in so deeply that, he is engulfed by her velvety fur and silky soft, loving blubber. Kreechen Rrrowling- Groloo, Rolune Jaleka Hashun, Home planet: Drillax, Species: centaur, Weight: 1200 tares, Previous victories: Last two all species pie eating contests. Trazakan transport-kidnappers Jaleka Hashun, Home planet: Drillax, Species: centaur, Weight: 1200 tares, Previous victories: Last two all species pie eating contests.